#yandere Rohan Kishibe
Not a request, but i feel that rohan is the most terrifying yandere. I read what you wrote about him not using heaven's door to force romantic affections, but that doesn't mean he won't possibly write something like "darling will stay with me forever. But keep their personality and emotions" or something. He can easily make it to where we could NEVER escape.
Oh absolutely no doubt he wouldn’t hesitate to write that in your pages. Immediately restricting your capability to run away is something out of a horror movie. Even worse you probably wouldn’t be able to talk about it to anyone else, the further the restrictions written, the realization you really have no way to leave or fight back. That’s a big blow to your mental state and there’s no real reason to actually do anything with your personality.
Rohan is already bad enough in canon, being Yandere just takes it to a whole new level. The way he sees it, you’re free to do whatever you like but not without him being aware of it. Stifle? Smothering? He sees no such thing, he finds most of the people you interact with an annoyance. Especially if they try to cater to you romantically. As the mangaka sees it, he’s doing you a favor of pruning the undesirables. Even if that means literally everyone falls under this definition except himself.
But hey at least you can still have your opinions on the type of sweets you like right? That’s gotta count for something .
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princelylove · 6 months
i am slowly getting more and more annoyed with mr zeppeli himself i ate my fingers as i read your response to my ask AJAJHSUSH. thank you so much your highness i am burning my whole house rn.
actually, which yanderes do you think would be the most ANNOYING. like, not violent or anything but just plain annoying. the kind of people that make you wanna tear your hair out or commit a slow and painful murder.
(inspired heavily by narancia because i have a feeling he would be the most annoying little shit to deal with)
-🌸 anon
What an adorable thing you are. Don’t bite too hard, it’ll hinder your ability to compliment me. 
Oh, God. Most annoying to me, personally? Not in any order in particular, I feel as if this one would change depending on my mood:
Bruno hovers too much, and he tends to both infantilize and put a lot of responsibility on his darling. He expects his darling to parent Narancia but won’t let them handle a knife by themself. I’m doing a character study on him right now, so that’s all I’ll say, but just know that he is God’s punishment for whatever you did in a past life to deserve him.
Narancia is annoying- he’s a young guy who never got taught how to deep clean, spends his free time on his pull up bar, expects you to cook for him since he’s literally never been tasked with it, whines when you try to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of your six hours minimum long cuddling session, doesn’t know how to properly take care of an entire human being so just throws junk food at you and hopes you don’t starve, the list goes on. He loves you, he really does, he just doesn’t know what he’s doing. For someone as prissy as myself, I would die the first day. He doesn’t understand why I put those rollers in my hair- he just watched me straighten it, doesn’t that cancel out??? That’s stupid, oh, and another thing, what’s the point of owning five different versions of the same color of nail polish? It’s all red! Just have one, that isn’t crazy expensive! On top of Narancia being the worst roommate ever- he’s very irritable, and doesn’t really have a problem pulling a knife on you to get what he wants. He’s not as quick to snap as people think, but that doesn’t mean he won’t. Show signs of liking something more than him and he’ll maul it. 
It’s hard to set Cioccolata and Secco away from each other, they’re basically inseparable, but Cioccolata is capable of using logic, and Secco is not. If you’re on the ground in pain, obviously you’re going to have a hard time answering the little puppy’s questions. Secco doesn’t understand why you won’t play with him- he’s shoving his toy right in front of you, are you blind?? Play! With! Him! Throw it, play tug of war, SOMETHING, COME ON. There’s an interesting dynamic depending on who exactly you’re intended for- Cioccolata, Secco, or both. Let’s just talk about Secco alone, since Cioccolata isn’t annoying, he’s just a bit too affectionate sometimes. Secco’s forgetful, rude, jumps to conclusions, and you don’t even know what he looks like since he’s always wearing that bitch suit-esque thing. He nudges you to throw his toy- he probably thinks of you as human rather than another dog, and doesn’t understand why you aren’t behaving like Cioccolata does. If you were Cioccolata’s darling alone, or a shared darling, he’d probably think of you as another dog. But he was here first, so he’s got dibs on the good dog bed, AND cioccolata’s lap. As if you’d want that. Secco begs and begs and begs for you to give him as much attention as you possibly can- and somehow, you’re never doing it right. It’s like talking to a child who has surpassed the ‘Why?’ stage and has moved on to greater conquests- annoying you so badly that you ask Cioccolata if it’s fine to have a sip of his ‘not for dogs’ drink. Or two. Or three. Or the entire bottle. 
Rohan doesn’t ever shut the fuck up. He quite literally always has something to say, despite wanting to “observe.” He read an article this morning, let’s go visit the place it mentioned even though it’s a three hour train ride and supposed to rain for the rest of the week. He always wants to go explore- even when he promised that you could both stay home today and do something you want to do. It doesn’t make sense to Rohan- why wouldn’t you want to go see what the world has to offer? Probably because this is the fourth temple he’s wanted to visit this week and you don’t feel like going up two hundred stairs. (If his darling cannot walk, he makes sure it’s accessible beforehand. You’re not getting out of coming with him.) Rohan’s big on healthy living, and he feels a sense of superiority for eating right, and working out very consistently. He wants his darling to be perfectly well as well- how can he push you to your limits if you’re not at your best? You’d probably sleep better if he stopped talking for three hours past his initial ‘goodnight.’ 
Hazamada… is… he’s certainly a character! The literal only reason why he isn’t forcing himself upon his darling is because he’s too much of a coward- and that’s not my interpretation, that’s canon. His hobbies include bullying kittens and small animals, not showering, collecting manga, stalking idols, and tennis! Isn’t that nice, he does sports, he’s only a basement dweller half of the time. It isn’t even somewhat attractive when he tries to get it on with his darling, he’s like a dog humping your leg. He’s the type to call you a stupid bitch because you politely suggested he should wear deodorant before he hits on you. He’s canonically an exhibitionist- imagine sitting in class and looking over to check the clock and he’s just staring back at you while adjusting his pants. I’d switch schools. 
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kujojotarolover · 2 years
Also o for Rohan please
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cw: Yandere Themes, Allusions to Stalking, Mentions of Stalking, Obsessive Thoughts / Nature, Angst, Dire Situations, Torture, Graphic Descriptions / Thoughts, Brainwashing and / or Memory Wiping Allusion, Thoughts / Mentions of Death, General Dark Themes not Suitable for Immature Audiences. Reader-Insert, Gender Neutral. Uncomfortable scenarios included, read at you own discretion! 18+ ONLY!
author's note: Totally not inspired by House of Wax or anything, nah. This is my first ficlet involving Kishibe Rohan, I hope that you enjoy this delusion man and this creepy fic! These "Yandere Prompts Flower Language" were written and coined by @/nanasparadise . That original post can be located here. I do not condone unhealthy behavior in any sense! This is not a good situation! I hope you enjoy this!
PROMPT: Orchid (love, beauty): "My, you're breathtaking. Your beauty needs to be cherished."
word count: Approximately 1.8k
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Swish, swish. Swish. 
Everything dimmed and blurred in a flurry haze. Bright light like you’ve never known before shone and rushed like a hurricane, circling and widening and engulfing. You quickly tried to shut your eyes from the blinding hues, but something pulled uncomfortably against your face. Your mind scrambled. 
Why couldn’t you blink? 
Your pupils whizzed in frantic dashes, desperately trying to escape the maddening light that started to dull more and more and more and… wait. Hey, yeah. This… you’re standing in a room. It’s not a room you’ve ever seen before and that worries you, but you can finally pick up the faintest edges and outlines of details now. You want to squint, but the pressure from earlier comes back fast so you just settle for letting your eyes slowly adjust. 
Swish, swish, swishswishswish. 
There it is again. That noise: the sound that had brought you forth into this waking world. Your brain can’t quite comprehend what it's hearing, but it distinctly reminds you of the strokes of a paintbrush. Which, funnily enough, only brings more questions than answers. So, you turn your head. 
You… turn your head. 
Panic emerges from your chest in a rupture as you start straining your muscles. Why can’t you move your head? It feels like it’s pinned in place, pinioned by that weight from earlier that kept you from closing your eyes and that petrifies you. This doesn’t make any sense, none of it does. Your head is whorling in nasty waves and you start to struggle. 
A rattling, like cracked porcelain. Muffled panting, the sound of terror huffing against something solid. You breathe. You try to breathe in but your lungs refuse to expand very far—held down, immobile. You think you’re hyperventilating now, shaking in place like a ball filled with too much kinetic energy and you feel like you’re going to explode with madness. 
Then, a voice. 
“Oh, you're waking up now, are you?” A deep siiiiigh. “Well, I suppose I did only write ‘until Kishibe Rohan finishes painting the initial coat’, didn’t I?” 
A lackadaisical, nasally voice rhetorically questions himself before the swish swish swish begins once more. You don’t recognize the voice. Or, no, you do. The tone and intonation tickle the furthest reaches of your mind and you wrack your brain to call it forth. The name, think of the name. Kishibe Rohan. Why does that sound familiar? You feel something twinge. Yes, you do know him. 
“That doesn’t matter now, of course,” Rohan comments, “just stop panicking. The clay may be dry, but you’ll be irreparable if you accidentally tear any of it off at this stage.” 
What… What in the hell did he just say? 
“It will also bring you unbelievable amounts of pain,” Rohan pauses. Something clacks against wood. He had set his brush down. “But to see you in such agony and in such disarray would cause me more misery than you’d ever imagine.” 
Rohan picks up something—another paintbrush, probably—and leans in close. 
Your dry eyes have finally cleared and the image before you is flawless. 
The room looks unique, for sure, with a triangular bookshelf pressed against the side wall and the artisan desk not too far ahead. There’s also various prints framed and hung around the extra space of the room. The floors are hardwood, the walls are flamingo pink, the room’s trimmings are mauve, and the blinds are a rich royal blue. Everything is dimmer than you’d originally expected, but you notice a singular curtain is drawn up to allow beaming sunlight to gleam across your face. Nothing looks familiar, you’ve never been here before; so, the only logical conclusion is that this is Kishibe Rohan’s office. 
Another hopeful scan of the room births nothing of use to you. There’s a flame that withers inside, you can feel a flicker of hope diminish in your chest. What will help you escape? Another fretful glance. What can get clay off of your body? 
But your eyes can’t take in the details quick enough before a dark shadow looms before your eyes and you’re forced to focus on that instead. 
Kishibe Rohan.
He looks as eccentric and as fashionable as he did the very first time you laid your eyes upon him. That lusciously vivid sacramento green hair of his swoops over his forehead and stays tucked away by the lime eggshell headband he dons. Intense emerald orbs pierce through you, awash with such emotions that you feel a queer turn in your stomach that make your body involuntarily hitch. Rohan’s expression is tense, but focused. He calmly watches your eyes meet his and the corner of his lips quirk upward. 
“Good, my little muse,” Rohan’s eyes close briefly as he sighs again and starts to titter. “Though the clay is much too solid for much to shift it out of place, I’m sure the heat of it and the nature of the substance has caused it to permanently iron itself to your flesh.” 
Your heart thunders against your ribcage. 
“Moving it or grinding against it could possibly disrupt it and, well, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what will happen after that,” Rohan’s sudden humor is once again lost as he lifts his arm back up and brings the paintbrush towards your face. 
But you can’t even care about that! What the hell else were you supposed to think about? You’re permanently trapped in this clay prison and moving will flay you alive! And you want to freak out even more. Want to flail, kick, scream, throw a damn tantrum to break free—but it’s futile. It’s so absolutely futile and that’s why you feel like your world is suddenly swinging around you like a merry-go-round. Streaking, and slurring, and swimming, and you pant. you pant. you pant. 
You feel painful tears sting against the rims of your eyes. The sclera are so desiccated, so aired out from being held open for this long that tears feel like stabbing needles prickling the very organs. Your head reels noisily. 
The paintbrush dabs against the clay of your cheekbone as Rohan finetunes the precise details. You can’t focus. You feel so absolutely lost, you’re so helpless, fuck fuck fuck—is this how you’re going to die? Standing, posed, in this crazy man’s home covered in model clay as you slowly starve and dehydrate to the point of no return? Tortured by a man that you met by chance… once? 
That’s when you really became flighty. Your head thumped loudly, right behind your sinuses, and you felt so so full. You’d only met this stranger once! All because of a mishap at a local art store. Fuck, you can’t even clearly remember the memory—that’s how long ago this happened! You think you ended up helping him out, there was a miscommunication. You can’t recall. You’re teetering on the edge of passing out and going numb from how heavily you’re breathing against warm, damp clay. Your appendages are tingling and you feel like you’re floating on clouds. Why is he doing this? What did you do to deserve this? 
Rohan’s paintbrush feathers over the bridge of your nose and he releases a pleased hum. 
“Absolutely stunning,” Rohan’s free hand comes up to cradle your jaw, but he stops and jerks back. “Not quite yet. I would hate to tarnish my hard work, especially after all of the trouble I went through to get you here.” 
The memories before this very moment feel fuzzy. They’re like minnows, swaying along with the currents of a stream and constantly going. On and on and on and on and on. You see them fade and disappear, they wink out and more minnow follow their ilk. You cast your line out in distress, the hook glimmery in the light of your conscience, and watch it dip into the water. It gets sucked along and the line screeches as it’s pulled into nothingness. 
“Buuut this was very much worth it,” Rohan states. “I’ve been following you for so long, watching you and studying you to make sure you’re really what I believed you to be the first time I happened upon you.” 
Oh, Gods, you just want to sob. You want to start weeping and curl up into a tiny ball, but you’re frozen solid and you’re forced to listen to Rohan’s words. You’re forced to listen to the ramblings of a man long gone. 
“You’re so pure, so unlike other people, so kind,” Rohan seems to shudder and you want to just collapse under his loving stare. “When you first gazed at me with those beautiful eyes, I fell deeply in love with you. It felt like my heart was going to burst when you departed from me, but… don’t worry, I made sure to keep you within my sights.” 
Swish, swish, swiiish. 
“I followed you, every day, every waking moment that I possibly could,” Rohan admits. He then withdraws the paintbrush, dips the end into a swatch of color, and continues detailing. “You were filled with this admirable justice, this sense of innocence and purity. Of truth, of precision. Your honesty, your soul… everything about you was like a flame and I was consumed like oxygen into the laps.” 
Everything and nothing makes sense. You would shake your head, would avert your face away from Rohan’s lecherous eyes, and try to plug your ears to mute this insanity. But you can just be his little statue. Listening. 
“And after a while… watching you from afar started to bore me, honestly.” Rohan huffs, as if he were absolutely bothered by the notion and then turns his stare over his shoulder. “So I waited and waited and waited. There was much to think about, you know. As an artist, I had to make sure this wasn’t sloppy. I had to be positive that you were the one, that nothing would tarnish you. I… I needed to immortalize you.” 
Your eyes gape in horror at Rohan as he drags another long sweep of the paintbrush across your cheeks before arching back. 
Rohan scrutinizes your face thoughtfully, romantically, and an excitedly giddy grin smears across his lips. 
“My, you’re breathtaking.” Rohan shivers, his eyes widening with something wild as he drops his brush to the palette and laces his fingers together. “Your beauty needs to be cherished.”
It feels like the floor is opening up, is dropping you in, and you’re flushing away. You're going so fast, so soon, so terribly. And you just look into Rohan’s eyes, disbelieving, and you feel like your heart 
“My own personal Astraea, that’s what I’ve made you, my muse.”
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spicyicetea · 3 months
Side note from the current Yandere JJBAx reader I’m working on but still JJBA related. I’m currently watching part 4 and I just love everyone.
So here are my opinions on them and some relationship headcannons
Not all characters have relationship stuff-
I love how Jotaro is still himself but just… feels slightly baby girled. I also love how the first thing we properly see of him in part 4 is him 1- pitying a turtle 2-sucker punching Josuke moments later. With that being said, he’d totally be smitten for you. I may joke on how others are simps, this is my number one simp choice.
You probably didn’t obsess over him like the girls when he was younger but actually talk to him like a person, not just a set of hot muscles. He does like it when you talk about his hot muscles though ok… play your cards right and he might let you touch, but don’t tease him or he’ll back away. But, once you’re official, I feel like he’d quite like witty banter and teasing from his partner, as long as it’s clear you’re joking. No joke, probably fell for you after you mentioned a random fish/ocean creature fact.
“Huh? Oh you’re reading about starfish? I like starfish, even though they’re not actually a fish.”
“Marry me-“ “huh, what did you-“ “good grief, I said nothing…” 10/10 on my way to marry him as we speak.
Josuke, I wasn’t sure if I’d like him at first but he is my baby no.2. He’s such a sweetheart, so dependable. Just his reaction any time his friends are in danger is just perfect. Plus I love his mom. The way he’d defend your honour like he defends his hair. Anyone say anything out of pocket about you and they’re dealing with your very powerful boy. Totally brags to you about how he’s Jotaro’s uncle and that Jotaro asks for his help on missions soooo often. But then later asks Jotaro for date ideas and advice because he’s older. My man is a romantic at heart you can’t lie to me. 10/10 would make dinner for him and baby him.
Although Koichi isn’t my type personally, he’s such a cutie patootie. He’s so sweet and genuine that I imagine he’d just be a darling to eat lunch with and talk about your favourite shows or manga. 10/10, would walk with you too and from school.
Okuyasu… he is my baby. He’s stupid, strong and has a heart of gold despite looking like a delinquent… you guys can’t lie to me that is definition of a Himbo. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t drag you out on every little adventure he could with him and the others. He’d have you wearing his jacket when it’s cold and if you already have one he’d insist his is warmer and then wear yours so you can have his. Dinner dates at Tonio’s. Yeah 10/10 he might be a menace sometimes but he’d fight for you. Use your scary dog privilege wisely.
Speaking of Tonio… only slutty men know how to cook. (/J) 10/10 I love him, underrated husband.
Rohan is a self centred jerk… I’m going to aggressively make out with him and you can’t stop me. 10/10 (sorry I’ve only seen like 2 episodes with him so I don’t have much commentary)
I’ve only just gotten to the episode where we see him pulling up to his house after nearly hitting Koichi so I can’t really report on Kira yet… but a man who carries an arm around… yeah smash- 10/10 psychotic asshole.
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thornybubbles · 6 months
The Cat Came Back (Followup) The Morioh Gang reactions
Note: This is a follow up piece to “The Cat Came Back” in which the Reader finds themselves in the possession of the Stand, Killer Queen and asks Josuke for help. The following is just showing how the other characters would react. So headcanons I guess… You can find the original story this is based on here: 
Josuke: You already saw his initial reaction when you told him about your unwanted Stand, but there was a lot that Josuke left unsaid, mostly because he didn’t want you to see just how disturbed he really was. He can’t even imagine what you must be going through. This whole situation is horrific and… well… bizarre. It was bad enough that you were targeted and held hostage by Kira during the final confrontation, but now you’re stuck with Kira’s Stand as your own. He still doesn’t understand how something like that could even happen. How does a living person end up with a dead man’s Stand? It’s even more confusing if you consider how Reimi said that Kira died. If both user and Stand were torn apart by ghostly arms, then how is the Stand still active? And why, WHY, WHY, is it acting as your Stand now? Josuke never wanted you to get involved in the crazy, dangerous world of Stand users, but you are now and he can’t help but blame himself. If he had never become friends with you, then maybe you wouldn’t have run into Kira that day and this wouldn’t be happening to you now. He really, really hopes that Jotaro and the Speedwagon Foundation can help you with this, because this is one thing he knows he can’t fix. Just like with the death of his grandfather, he feels helpless and frustrated. But to you, he’s a beacon of calm acceptance. He’ll never let you see how shook up he is because you don’t need that right now. 
Okuyasu: He takes it pretty badly. He finds the whole situation to be freaky and incredibly unfair. Expect a lot of angry crying from him in the beginning. 
“Whaaaaat??!!” he shouts. “What the hell is this?! How does something like that even happen?! Can’t that creepy hand-humping bastard go haunt someone else?!” 
He insists that Josuke could probably fix it if he used Crazy Diamond to bring you back to a state before you became a Stand user, but Josuke explains that his powers don’t work like that. Okuyasu is so desperate that he even suggests, to everyone’s horror, that he could use The Hand to erase Killer Queen. That idea is very quickly shot down by Josuke. 
“Think about it, Okuyasu,” Josuke says. “If you erase a person’s Stand it’s like erasing their soul! Do you want to do that to our friend?” 
Okuyasu realizes his idea was awful, but dammit he wants to help okay? He feels helpless and frustrated that he can’t think of anything useful in this situation. He just wants the Stand to go away and leave you alone. He even goes so far as to ask you to summon Killer Queen just so he can say that to the Stand’s face. 
“Listen here you pink cat bastard!” he practically spits at the Stand. “You better fuck off and leave our friend alone or I’m gonna make your life a living hell!!!” 
Killer Queen merely stares Okuyasu down until the delinquent actually starts feeling a little nervous. Then the Stand has the nerve to give him a wry little smile and duck down to nuzzle his head against yours. Freaked out, you dismiss him and Okuyasu rages. It’s going to take a LOOOOOOOONG time for Okuyasu to come to terms with your new status as a Stand user. 
Koichi: Koichi is horrified, not just at the situation, but he is very worried for you. Like everyone else, he’s baffled at how you could end up with someone else’s Stand. Not only that, but Koichi is the first to notice that there’s something different about Killer Queen now that it’s attached to you. The Stand seems more lively and sentient with you than it did with Kira, even going so far as to mock others and show you unwanted affection. It was far, far more reserved with Kira. What did that mean exactly? Did it have to do with your personality having an effect on its behavior? He wants to offer you all the support and comfort that he can as your friend but he can’t ignore the creeping feeling of dread that comes over him when he’s in your presence now. He tries not to let it show, because the last thing he wants is for you to think he’s afraid of you. You have enough to worry about without having to consider if your friends fear you now. 
Koichi starts doing research on Stands and Stand users, hoping to find something he can use to help you. Maybe there’s a way to separate a user from their Stand without hurting them? Of course, he has considered your feelings on the matter. Would you want to be separated from Killer Queen? Koichi will never say this out loud, but he has a terrible fear that a little bit of Kira’s personality has remained within Killer Queen and that there may be a possibility that Kira’s violent tendencies will start to manifest within you. He really hopes that isn’t the case. He doesn’t want Kira somehow hurting anyone else from beyond the grave, least of all one of his closest friends. He doesn’t know what he’d do if you started turning violent…
Jotaro: As per usual, Jotaro’s reaction is minimal when he first finds out, but his eyes are filled with a myriad of emotions: anger, shock, horror, and exhaustion. Especially the last one. Jotaro is so very tired. It’s bad enough that he’s still having to deal with DIO’s evil influence on the world even after the blood-sucking asshole’s death, but now Kira’s Stand has fused itself with your soul and is acting as your Stand. What is it with villains and the need to cling to the living world even after their very deserved deaths? Jotaro is oddly reminded of that stupid old kid’s song he heard when he was very young: 
But the cat came back the very next day
The cat came back, they thought he was a goner
But the cat came back, it just couldn't stay away
That did seem to be the case with Kira. Though, Killer Queen wasn’t Kira’s Stand anymore so it technically wasn’t Kira anymore either. He couldn’t ignore that fact. Killer Queen was your Stand now. Like Koichi, he could sense a difference in the Stand now that it was yours. It seemed more sentient than it was with Kira and he wasn’t blind to the mocking smile the thing would give him and the others. That was worrying. That and how affectionate it seemed towards you. It very clearly recognized and accepted you as its new user. This sudden level of sentience it displayed was disturbing.
The whole thing annoyed him. Just like Koichi, he feared that some of Kira’s influence still lingered within Killer Queen and could have an effect on you. It didn’t help that you didn’t seem to have the best control over the Stand, due to the fact that it sometimes materialized when you didn’t want it to and how it hesitated when you tried to dismiss it. That settles it. He was going to train you on how to control Killer Queen before the thing decided to control you. From now on, you can expect to be dragged along whenever Jotaro is showing Josuke how to better control Crazy Diamond. He would work with the Speedwagon Foundation in order to better understand your condition and help you in any way he could. He made a silent vow to himself that he would not let Kira’s influence corrupt you. 
Rohan: Surprisingly, Rohan is the one to take the news the hardest, but he’s also the one to find something close to a solution to your problem. 
Next to Koichi, you’re one of the few people he puts any value in. When you reveal Killer Queen to him his first response is to recoil in fear (let’s not forget the multiple deaths he had to endure because of the Stand’s user). After that he gets angry. 
“If this is supposed to be a prank, it’s not funny! Did Josuke put you up to this? I never realized that low-life had such a demented sense of humor…” he says.
When you explain to him that it isn’t a prank and he realizes that Killer Queen has indeed become your Stand, he starts acting as if you just informed him that you had a terminal illness and only had a year to live. You watch as the poor man goes through all seven stages of grief in a matter of moments.
Denial: “This has to be a joke. I won’t believe that it’s true! Something like this is impossible! How can you have a dead man’s Stand!?” 
Anger: “How could you let something like this happen?! I know it’s not your fault, that’s not the point! Surely you could have done something to stop it?! And where was Josuke or that nitwit, Okuyasu?! Why didn’t they do something?! I’m not shouting, you’re shouting!!” 
Bargaining: “I’ll give you an autograph if you say that you’ve been messing with me this whole time! I won’t even get angry, I promise! What about one of my unpublished manuscripts? One of my figurines? You… you’re really not joking about this are you?” 
Depression: He goes over to his desk and just sits there staring out the window. You don’t get a response out of him but you notice the tears rolling down his face and you’re shocked. The “Great” Rohan Kishibe is actually shedding tears? And on your behalf? After a moment he wipes his face and starts talking to you as if nothing happened. 
Acceptance: “This isn’t ideal, but it isn’t the end of the world. You say that Jotaro’s been teaching you how to better control Killer Queen? That’s good. Now you won’t have to worry about it hurting anyone you don’t want it to.” 
At some point during the conversation, Rohan jumps up from his seat and grabs the sides of his head with disbelief. 
“I cannot believe I didn’t think of this.” he mutters. 
“Think of what?” you ask, hoping he has thought of some kind of solution to your problem. 
“We’ll use Heaven’s Door to prevent you from losing control over Killer Queen!” 
You stared at him, mouth open in surprise. How had no one considered that before now? 
“Give me your hand.” Rohan says and you oblige. 
Heaven’s Door manifests next to him and the little Stand touches the back of your hand. You stare at him amazed, having never seen him up until that moment. You are startled as the back of your hand flips open like a tiny book. You see writing on the inside of it, but don’t have time to read any of it before Rohan grabs a pen and jots something down in the margins of the page. It says, 
“I have complete and total control over my Stand, Killer Queen. It will never harm anyone that is not a threat to me or my loved ones.” 
Then Heaven’s Door flips the book closed and your hand returns to normal. 
“Now, that settles that!” Rohan says with a self satisfied grin. “Really I’m surprised you hadn’t come to me sooner…” 
While Rohan is congratulating himself, you take the time to lean up and give him a kiss of gratitude on his cheek. 
“You’re the best, Rohan!” you say, overflowing with relief and thankfulness. 
Rohan freezes mid-sentence, a stunned expression on his face. For a full minute he just stands there staring with his mouth open in shock and a hint of pink dusting his normally pale cheeks. At first you thought that you might have crossed a line and he’d start shouting at you, but he doesn’t. Then you start worrying if you’ve broken him. 
“Rohan?” You ask. 
This seems to snap the manga creator out of his stunned state. Without saying a word, he turns on his heel, marches over to his desk, plops down in the chair and starts scribbling away in a notebook. 
“....rapid heart beat….feelings of almost unbearable euphoria…” 
He stops to reach up and touch his face then immediately goes back to writing.
“...cheeks feel like they’re on fire….” 
You blink at him, not knowing what to say or do. You guess he’s gone into work mode. There’s not much you can do to break him out of that once his creative juices start flowing. You decide to leave and go tell the others the good news. 
“Okay, well. I guess I’ll go let Josuke and the others know. I’m sure they’ll be relieved.” you say. 
“Later, Rohan.” 
You start to leave when Rohan suddenly turns to you with a serious expression. 
“Before you go, I want it to be known here and now that if you tell anyone, especially Josuke, that I cried, I will never speak to you again.” 
Your lips twitch as you hold back a laugh. 
“You’re secret’s safe with me, Rohan-sensei.” you say.
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yanderememes · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering what type of darling Kakyoin or Rohan would like? Like personality wise ( a shy/timid darling or outspoken darling etc) hope that makes sense haha
It totally makes sense! Here ya go! ❤️
Kakyoin would like someone who is level headed
He'd like a darling who can see his pov and follow along with his reasoning and logic
Kakyoin would preferably like a darling who is introverted
He'd like someone who is caring and sweet, a darling who is motherly and nurturing (cuz he likes milfs lol)
A darling who is chill. Not overly hyper or indifferent to everything. Someone who knows when to relax but can be serious too when needed
He'd like a darling who is an intellectual but it's not mandatory. Regardless, darling better be ready to hear his random hobbies and facts he has to share
He'd love it if darling was a gamer like he is
Somewhat wants a clingy darling. He's been lonely his whole life so he'd like a darling who wants to stay by his side
Rohan would like a darling who isn't too emotional
Actually, he'd prefer if they weren't emotional at all. He doesn't want to deal with it
He'd like a darling who is authentic and true to themselves
Even if it's something he disagrees with, as long as you stay consistent with your beliefs and values, he finds that charming
Someone who isn't afraid to stand up for what they believe in
Rohan will like a darling who challenges him, just to spice things up in the relationship
A bit of a narcissist, he'd like a darling who will praise his work
A darling who is creative. Whether it be in problem solving or in the arts, he'll want to use you as inspiration for his manga
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mrcaesarino · 2 years
"meet the duwang gang!"
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351 notes · View notes
JoJo Masterlist
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* = Nsfw
° = Angst
× = Yandere
≈ = Family fic
© = Crack fic
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Robert Speedwagon
• If I Was Your Vampire
Dio Brando
• In Due Time°
• Shame on the Night*
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Joseph Joestar
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
Caesar Zeppeli
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
• Pillow Talk
• Coddling Santana and Wamuu (HCs)
• Pillarmen with a child "hostage" (HCs)
• Love Machine*
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• Them falling in love (HCs)
• Singing "Tequila" on karaoke night (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• One Shot, 2 Shot ©
• Bring on the Night*
• Feel Good Inc.
Mohammed Avdol
• Burnin' for You
Terence D'Arby
• Holding on to You*
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Josuke Higashikata
• Don't Stop Me Now
Rohan Kishibe
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
Akira Otoishi
• Pepper
Hayato Kawajiri
• A Little Bit Off Today ≈
Yoshikage Kira
• Beggin'*
• Modern Love*
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Guido Mista
• Looking for a Kiss*
La Squadra
• Japanese Mythology HCs
• Seducing La Squadra* (HCs)
• NSFW headcanons*
• No Rest for the Wicked AU HCs
• Him with your pet tortoise (HCs)
Diavolo / Vinegar Doppio
• Head Like a Hole, Ch. 1
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Weather Report
• Selkie out of Water, Ch. 1 || Ch. 2 || Ch. 3 || Ch. 4
• Dancing in the Moonlight
• Canned Heat
• Electric Love ×
• Dad Report ≈
• Dreams of a Samurai*
• Cold as Ice
• What's New Pussycat*
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Emporio Alnino
• Thank You (for sending me an angel) ≈
Narciso Anasui
• Dating HCs
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• Drive*
Enrico Pucci
• Fallen Angel*
• Lady in Red*
• My Light*
• Saints an' Sinners*
• Take Me to Church*
• That's Life
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o on their period (HCs)
Johngali A.
• White Room*
Thunder McQueen
• (You) Shook Me All Night Long*
D an G
Donatello Versace
• To Heal*
Perla Pucci
• General platonic HCs
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Gyro Zeppeli
• Hayloft*
• Hayloft II*
• Kickstart My Heart*
• Whole Lotta Love*
Diego Brando
• Moonage Daydream*
• Tell Him That His Lonesome Nights Are Over, Pt. 1 || Pt. 2*
Mountain Tim
• Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)*
Funny Valentine
• Cupid's Chokehold ×
• Oye Cómo Va*
• I Surrender*
• Twisted Nerve ch. 1
• Dating HCs*
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Josefumi Kujo
• Dating HCs (Ft. Kira)
Jobin Higashikata
• Hard Lovin' Man*
Aisho Dainenjiyama
• Keep On Loving You
• Can't Help Falling in Love
• Bad Case of Lovin' You
• Tooru HCs* (SFW and NSFW)
• Yan!Tooru HCs*
• Doctor play with Tooru* (HCs)
• Tooru x Nurse!reader*
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Paco Lovelantes
• Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy
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Overcome The Yandere Nightmare! (Josuke Higashikata X Reader, Giorno Giovanna X Reader)
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TW: Yandere behavior, Anxiety, Injury, Slight mentions of Blood
Josuke Higashikata
Josuke awoke in an inky void where not a speck of light was shown at all. He tried moving his arms and legs but found out that he could not move whatsoever. He nearly panicked, concluding that this had to be an enemy Stand User. But the question was: What kind of power was it?
Suddenly, a large mirror appeared right in front of him. Rejoicing that he could move, Josuke tried to make sense of what happened to him. Where was he, exactly? Why was he here, of all places? And, why was there a mirror in front of him? Peering into it, his reflection twisted in, like a funhouse mirror in one of those carnivals he'd been to.
"What the," Josuke muttered. "If this is a prank, it's not a funny one..."
His reflection changed into a scene. It was nighttime into the woods, where three people were standing around. He peered into the mirror, frowning. There was himself, holding a dirty shovel in one hand while holding a person by the other. Sitting on the ground, a few feet away, was Rohan Kishibe. Josuke's frown deepened, fear churning in him.
"Higashikata," Rohan held up his hands nervously. "L-Let's not get carried away now, shall we? I was only talking to [Y/N]..."
"Shut up, Kishibe," The other him growled and a spine-tingling chill rolled down in just how menacing he sounded. "This ends now."
"Josuke, stop," [Y/N] cried, tears streaming down their cheeks. "There is nothing between me and Rohan at all. I swear on it!"
"Oh really, babe," Other Josuke turned to them, sickeningly smiling. "If so, why does Rohan have a car packed with your stuff? Why were you talking to him for the past week or so behind my back?"
"You," [Y/N]'s eyes widened fearfully. "You went through my phone?"
The real Josuke gaped in horror. He'd never do that. Sure, Rohan was a jerk to be sure, but Josuke would never think of treating [Y/N] like... like this. He tried pounding on the glass to get their attention, proving he was the real Josuke. But it didn't seem to work.
"Babe, you're MINE," Other Josuke growled. "Whatever I say goes. And talking to Rohan especially isn't allowed."
Josuke bared his teeth. Who the heck did this other him think he was here? Not ever would he give that kind of rule! He was all about pure-love! He continued to punch the glass harder this time to try to warn [Y/N] to say that he would never do that to anyone he was dating but his screams fell on deaf ears. Suddenly, the scene changed and there was blood on the shovel. Lots of blood. Josuke's jaw dropped in fear.
Josuke felt his heart sink as he saw his other self turn to [Y/N] slowly, menacingly, as [Y/N] only sobbed in fear. His other self grabbed [Y/N] by the wrists roughly with an evil smirk on his face. He screamed and tried to break the mirror with his fists to save [Y/N] as fast as he can.
"[Y/N]," Josuke screamed. "[Y/N]! [Y/N]! [Y/N]!"
"Josuke, wake up!"
Josuke opened his eyes to blinding light, which then cleared to reveal his friends looking down at him worriedly. He panted and sat up, only to find himself on the rooftops of the school. For a moment, he sat in confused silence.
"Oi, Josuke," Okuyasu said. "Are you okay, man? That sounded like a horrible dream you were having."
"Y-Yeah," Josuke replied, nodding his head. "I'm fine, I promise."
"Hey, Josuke," Koichi asked. "Can I ask a question?"
"Who's [Y/N]? You kept saying their name over and over again."
"I..." Josuke spoke before frowning. That was weird. Why couldn't he remember who [Y/N] was? "I don't know who they are. But what I do know is that I want to see them happy as can be. That I promise."
Giorno Giovanna
He suddenly awoke in a dark void and immediately was on guard. He never liked the dark since it reminded him of those horrible nights in Japan, where he was an abandoned infant. He hummed thoughtfully as he ascertained his situation. It had to be an enemy Stand User but what type of Stand Power was this to put him in a dark void? Giorno's mind whirred with questions, some of them unpleasant.
Suddenly, a large, opulent mirror appeared right in front of him. As he furrowed his brows warily, he nevertheless stepped right in front of it. He was curious to see where this was going to lead. Peering into it, at first it looked like his normal reflection. Then, his reflection warped in a colorful haze, like he was peeking into a funhouse mirror.
It then settled into a room within the villa. It was dimly lit like that of a nighttime luxury hotel. But the atmosphere was tense and he heard a muffled cry. There was someone, someone on the bed. They curled in on themselves and he could hear faint clinking like those of chains. At this, his eyes narrowed, a flash of anger crackling.
"Who could be the monster who'd do something like this?"
Sure enough, his question was answered when the door opened with a blinding light. The person on the bed shivered fearfully, eyes shined with tears, as a larger figure entered the bedroom. Giorno squinted in speculation, dread building up in his gut. He had a feeling that he had knowledge of who these people were and he had a feeling that things were going to go wrong fast.
"Well, well, well, dolce mi. Are you able to speak to me again?"
Giorno felt his stomach turn to ice the minute he heard that voice for it was his voice. Indeed, there he was, cloaked in red. He felt a chilling shudder crawl down his spine again as he watched his other self give a bone-chilling smirk at the person on the bed.
"D-Don," They squeaked out. "D-Don G-Giovanna..."
"Ah, ah, ah," He tutted, gently grabbing them by the chin. "You call me GioGio, amore mi. That's the way it should be, [Y/N]."
Giorno's hands curled into fists angrily as he heard his other self say a monstrous thing like that. What's more was [Y/N]'s reaction. They just gave a defeated whimper as the other Giorno sat down next to them.
"Why so upset, tesoro/a mi," Giorno asked gently. "I can bring you the things you most desire, the things you want. As long as you are here."
"D-G-GioGio," [Y/N] stuttered out, a squeak to their words. "P-Please. Let me see my family and friends! I need them, too!"
Giorno froze. The other self was restricting their freedom and he had the audacity to ask why [Y/N] was so upset. This couldn't go on for a single minute! He had to get [Y/N] out of there immediately! He tried to call Gold Experience Requiem by his side, only to find nothing. He tried calling again to no avail. If this were the case, then he'd have to do things the old-fashioned way.
"[Y/N]," Giorno shouted, banging on the glass. "[Y/N]. it's me! I'm here and I won't let this monster hurt you or anyone else!" There was not a single reply. "What? They can't hear me?"
"The outside world will hurt you, you know," The other Giorno replied, voice soft. "It's better that you're with me where nobody else can hurt you." He frowned. "As for your family and friends, I've taken good care of them."
Giorno recoiled a little, knowing what that sentence meant. [Y/N] had now sobbed hysterically, which made his heart ache. Even though he was the Don of Passione, he still wanted to do good by the people his heart held dear. So, for the other Giorno to do something like this...
"GioGio," [Y/N] sobbed. "Giorno! Giorno!"
He awoke in a cold sweat to see Mista shaking his shoulder gently. He blinked his eyes and looked around the office. Ah right, it was a dream he was having. A horrible dream, but only a dream.
"Sorry, buddy, but a new recruit is here to see you." Mista grinned.
"Right," Giorno nodded, rubbing his eyes. "Who is the new recruit?"
Mista signaled the person to come into the office and when they did, Giorno was taken aback once more even if he kept a professional and composed front. The new recruit bowed down and gently grasped his hand, exuding a pleasant warmth that made him happy and fearful.
"What's your name?"
"My name's [Y/N]," [Y/N] replied brightly. "It's a pleasure to be in your ranks, Don Giovanna!"
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pandas-pandemonium · 9 months
started reading jjba part 9, went to check the yandere tags only to find it's completely dried up :')
The new part 9 characters would be Great as yans, but they range from 15-19 which is uhhh not so great for romantic yans. Maybe platonic tho I guess...
Jodio would be Such a painful brat to deal with as a platonic yan lmao, and Dragona too with their stands.
Rohan is also back, but the latest yandere fic I found for him is almost a year old... Have we truly exhausted all the yandere possibilities for a yandere kishibe rohan??
Anyways, I'm opening my inbox to any yandere jjba fans out there who are still looking for content to pop in with brainrots on all the different JoJo characters
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halaxia · 11 months
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。 request rules !
please refer to these before requesting anything as if the request doesn’t abide by these rules then i won’t be writing it, thank you!!!
please specify the gender pronouns you would like for me to use and if you would like nsfw to be afab reader or not—otherwise, i will write requests for a gender-neutral reader :)
not what you were looking for?
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— what i won’t write :
- rape, noncon, etc.
- incest
- male!reader
- any kinks including intense physical/mental harm
- eating disorders
- pregnancy/miscarriage
- yandere
— what i will write :
- pretty much anything else lol
- fem!reader, gn!reader, afab!reader
- suicidal themes (not overly graphic)
- fluff, angst, smut, dark content (as long as it abides by the rules above)
- alternate universes
thank you for reading :)
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— who i write for :
this list is changing often—if you don’t see a character here you would like to request, shoot me and ask and i’ll let you know if i’ll write them or not :) (bolded characters are who i enjoy writing the most)
attack on titan
╰┈➤ eren yeager, levi ackerman, jean kirschtein, connie springer, armin arlert, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, porco galliard.
╰┈➤ kurosaki ichigo, abarai renji, kuchki byakuya, hisagi shuhei, urahara keisuke, uryu ishida, shihoin yoruichi, aizen sosuke, ayasegawa yumichika, ichimaru gin, ukitake jushiro, hirako shinji, kira izuru, ulquiorra cifer, grimmjow jaegerjaquez.
bungo stray dogs
╰┈➤ dazai osamu, akutagawa ryunosuke, fukuzawa yukichi, nakajima atsushi, edogawa ranpo, nakahara chuuya.
chainsaw man
╰┈➤ hayakawa aki, denji, power, hirofumi yoshida.
demon slayer
╰┈➤ kamado tanjiro, uzui tengen, rengoku kyojuro, tomioka giyuu, iguru obanai.
final fantasy vii
╰┈➤ cloud strife, sephiroth
jojo’s bizarre adventure
╰┈➤ joseph joestar, caesar zepelli, kujo jotaro, kakyoin noriyaki, higashikata josuke, kishibe rohan, jolyne kujo.
jujutsu kaisen
╰┈➤ geto suguru, gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, itadori yuji, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuta, nanami kento, mahito, kamo choso, higuruma hiromi, shiu kong.
my hero academia
╰┈➤ dabi, shigaraki tomura, hawks, shoto aizawa, todoroki shoto.
obey me!
╰┈➤ lucifer, mammon, asmodeus, leviathan, beelzebub, belphegor, satan, barbatos, simeon, soloman.
one piece live action
╰┈➤ roronoa zoro, sanji, shanks, luffy
spy x family
╰┈➤ loid forger.
the disastrous life of saiki k
╰┈➤ saiki kusuo, kaido shun, kuboyasu aren.
tokyo ghoul
╰┈➤ kaneki ken, nagachika hideyoshi, nishio nishiki.
vinland saga
╰┈➤ thorfinn, canute.
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If the reader SOMEHOW have a plush version of themselves, who would buy and actually take care of it?
(ik its a stupid question since this is a yandere we're talking about... those who loves us to death, but i just want confirmation)
Oh plenty would buy it, now the taking care of it part would be pretty interesting. Also I feel some characters may bounce around from category to category.
There’s a lot of characters so I just made a small list, and put whatever I could think of at the moment.
Buys the plush and takes care of it very well
Yoshikage Kira (both DIU and Jojolion) - neither of them are huge on plushes but would absolutely buy one if it’s you. The plush is kept in pristine condition, not even a spec of dust or a single stain will appear on your plus. Honestly the way they take care of your plush its condition somehow actually improves.
Vanilla Ice (It’s in a shrine with various other things somewhere)
Other characters who’d take great care of plush Avdol, Kakyoin, Jotaro, Will A Zeppeli, Gyro (keeps it clean completely through the race), Speedwagon, Bruford, Caesar, Lisa Lisa, Yukako, Jobin Higashikata, Mitsuba Higashikata, Norisuke Higashikata, Rai Mamezuku, Mountain Tim, Weather Report, N’doul, Rohan Kishibe, Aya Tsuji, Mikitaka Hazekura, Kei Nijimura, Giorno Giovanna, Dragona Joestar, Usagi alohaoe, Wammu, Funny Valentine
Carries it around/ cuddles the plush (still takes decent care of it)
Yasuho Hirose, Gappy (Pt 8 Josuke), Anasui (obsessively cuddles the thing if you’re not near him), Karera Sakunami, Daiya Higashikata, Hato Higashikata, Polnareff, Joseph (pt 2) (he prefers to cuddle it while no one’s looking), Jolyne, Foo Fighters, Okuyasu Nijimura, Trish Una, Narancia Ghirga (not that he’s usually a fan of plushes, it’s an exception for you though!) Guido Mista, Scarlet Valentine, Josefumi Kujo
(Dubious Territory) Joshu (doesn’t carry his out in public but has two copies, it’s best not to pry into what he does privately with the cuddled copy, but it’s not dirty!)
Would rather have you than a plush : Dio (all parts), Kars, Diavolo (Doppio is the one that likely has the plush of you), Toru (thinks it’s cute that you have a plush but would rather hang with you, he might eventually buy one later).
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princelylove · 5 months
Dear Prince,
Since we've been talking about flowers, I'm not sure if you have already done something similar but I was wondering which yandere would be more the type to send you flowers to remind you of them in either a sweet or creepy manner? And what flower would represent them?
I think it's fairly obvious that roses represent both Dio and his son, excluding the other three, but let's talk about some non-obvious ones.
Rohan is fairly fond of sending you flowers, but he's more interested in drawing the ones you've actually seen together. It's not like he zones out on your little adventures, he drags his sketchbook all the way up whatever mountain you climb for a reason. He draws the petals, and part of the stem, and- oh no. It's just another drawing of you sitting next to it or inspecting it. He's started to hate his job for one reason, and one reason only: he can't draw only you. He can add you into the little extras in the back of his manga, though. You have your own wiki page with every extra content featuring you.
He's not particular about the flowers he draws with you, the only criteria is it has to relate to an experience the both of you shared. Part of me wants to make him an elitist when it comes to the symbolism and whatnot, which, he does lecture you quite a bit when he first finds you looking at it, but he'd rather not attach a book with your simple gift. You listened the first time he said it, didn't you?
Ironically, Johnny's pretty into wildlife. He did grow up on a ranch, or multiple ranches if you count his time in England (or if I'm remembering wrong), he probably brings you some every now and again. He gets you proper ones, like the pretty kinds they sell in town, but... he mainly brings you weeds that look like flowers. He knows better, but he brings them to you anyway.
Dandelions, daisies, simple looking things. He always says he thought of you when he saw it, but you can't help but notice it looks a little stepped on.
But if you're looking for a traditional, sends you flowers with a note type, Risotto's your man. He won't get near you himself for a very, very long time, but he slips and indulges every once in a while, as a treat. To be human is to err, or something.
He sends you lilies, for their meaning. He thinks you're so pure, so unstained, so nothing-like-him. Pink roses for affection, he's so very fond of you... It'd be rather romantic if he didn't attach such odd notes with them. Who puts "You shouldn't shower with that window open." on a bouquet????
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duskoon · 11 months
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Jojo Bizarre Adventures Masterlist + Character list:
• Anything related to JJBA and the characters I am willing to write for would be listed here. If there is any character not mentioned here, you can always request for them.(Including sentient / Automatic stands, like: Anubis. Or manga characters, but be warned for spoilers.)
• Characters in italicised bold means I am mostly invested in them, but that doesn’t mean I won’t write for the others. (R) stands for Romantic, and (P) stands for platonic.
• Minors are aged up to 18+. Also some characters like Josuke have 4suke, that refers to Josuke from part four. While 8suke, refers to Josuke from part eight. You can clearly *Ahem* see which parts are my favorites 😏.
Part 1: Phantom Blood:-
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• Jonathan Joestar (R & P)
• Erina Pendleton (R & P)
• Dio Brando (R only)
• Will. A. Zeppeli (R & P)
• Robert E. O. Speedwagon aka. Best wifey (R & P)
• Strazio (R & P)
• Bruford (R & P)
Part 2: Battle Tendency:-
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• Joseph Joestar (R & P)
• Ceaser Zeppeli (R & P)
• Lisa Lisa (R & P)
• Rudol von Stroheim (R & P)
• Suzi Q (R & P)
• Kars (R only)
• Esidisi (R & P)
• Wammu (R & P)
• Santana (R & P)
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders:-
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• Jotaro Cujoh* (R & P)
• Muhammad Avdol (R & P)
• Noriaki Kakyoin (R & P)
• Jean Pierre Polnareff (R & P)
• Iggy (P only)
• DIO (R only)
• Vanilla Ice (R & P)
• Hol Horse (R & P)
• Telence T. D'Arby (R & P)
• Daniel J. D'Arby (R & P)
• N'Doul (R & P)
• Mariah (R & P)
Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable:-
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• Josuke <4suke> Higashikata* (R & P)
• Koichi Hirose* (R & P)
• Okuyasu Nijimura* (R & P)
• Rohan Kishibe (R & P)
• Yukako Yamagishi (R only)
• Tonio Trussardi (R & P)
• Yoshikage Kira <4ira> (R only)
• Keicho Nijimura (R & P)
Part 5: Golden Wind:-
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• Giorno Giovanna* (R & P)
• Bruno Bucciarati (R & P)
• Leone Abbacchio (R & P)
• Guido Mista (R & P)
• Narancia Ghirga* (R & P)
• Pannacotta Fugo (R & P)
• Trish Una* (R & P)
• Diavolo / Vinegar Doppio (R only)
• Cioccolata (R only)
• Secco (R only)
• Squalo (R & P) ~ Yandere! Tiziano and Squalo with a foster child! Reader [W.I.P].
• Tizzano (R & P) ~ Yandere! Tiziano and Squalo with a foster child! Reader [W.I.P].
• Risotto Nero (R & P)
• Formaggio (R & P)
• Illuso (R & P)
• Prosciutto (R & P)
• Pesci (R & P)
• Melone (R & P)
• Ghiaccio (R & P)
• Sorbet (R & P)
• Gelato (R & P)
Part 6: Stone Ocean:-
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• Jolyne Cujoh (R & P)
• Ermes Costello (R & P)
• Emporio Alnino (P only)
• Foo Fighters (R & P)
• Weather Report (R & P)
• Narciso Anasui (R & P)
• Gwess (R & P)
• Enrico Pucci (R only)
• Donatello Versus (R & P)
• Rikiel (R & P)
• Ungalo (R & P)
• Johngalli A. (R & P)
• Sports Maxx (R & P)
• Thunder McQueen (R & P)
Part 7: Steel Ball Run:-
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• Johnny Joestar (R & P)
• Gyro Zeppeli (R & P)
• Lucy Steel* (R & P)
• Diego Brando (R & P)
• Hot Pants (R & P)
• Mountain Tim (R & P)
• Funny Valentine (R only)
• Scarlet Valentine (R only)
Part 8: Jojolion:-
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• Josuke <8suke, Gappy> Higashikata (R & P)
• Yasuho Hirose best girl (R & P)
• Rai Mamezuku (R & P)
• Jobin Higashikata (R & P)
• Joshu Higashikata (R & P)
• Kei Nijimura (R & P)
• Hato Higashikata (R & P)
• *Daiya Higashikata (R & P)
• Mitsuba Higashikata (R & P)
• Kaato Higashikata (R & P)
• Karera Sakunami (R & P)
• Yoshikage Kira <8ira> (R & P)
• Josefumi Cujoh (R & P)
• Toru (R only) - General Headcanons.
• Yotsuyu Yagiyama (R & P)
• Aisho Dainenjiyama (R & P) - General Headcanons [W.I.P].
• Wu Tomoki (R & P)
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• Jojo Bizarre Adventures rightfully belongs to Hirohiko Araki.
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iggysolosgoku · 5 months
Get to know me
Name: Johnny
Age: 18
Requests are open!
TikTok: Hxhandjjbafan
Favorite animes: Hunter x Hunter, Jojo's bizarre adventure, jujutsu kaisen,demon slayer and sailor moon
Favorite movies: Scott pilgrim vs the world, repo the genetic opera, scream, the whole Chucky franchise, five nights at Freddy's, the whole trolls franchise, nightmare before Christmas, and Edward scissorhands
Stuff I will write: Fluff, found family, platonic stuff, nsfw, sfw, LGBTQ, yandere, autistic reader, chubby reader,any character reader (ex: mitsuri reader), and poly
Stuff I won't write: incest, angst, age gap,any trolls character x reader cause that's just weird, and animal x reader
Animes and movies I write for: Hunter x Hunter, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, and Scott pilgrim vs the world
Characters from hunter x hunter I write for: Gon freeces (platonic ONLY), Killua Zoldyck (platonic ONLY), kurapika, leorio, Bisky, wing, illumi Zoldyck, the whole phantom troupe (minus bonolenov, kortopi, and Franklin I like them but not like that), Kite, and Knuckle bine
Characters from Scott pilgrim vs the world I write for: Scott pilgrim, Ramona Flowers, Kim Pine, Stephen Stills, Young Neil, Knives Chau (platonic ONLY), Julie Powers, Stacey Pilgrim, Lucas Lee, Roxie Richter, Gideon Graves, Katayangi Twins, Matthew Patel, Envy Adams, Todd Ingram, and Wallace wells (platonic for girls)
Characters from Jjba part 1 I write for: Jonathan Joestar, Robert E.O Speedwagon, Erina Pendolton, and Dio Brando
Characters from Jjba part 2 I write for: Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, Lisa Lisa, Suzi Q, Kars, Wammu, Esidisi, And Santanna
Characters from Jjba part 3 I write for: Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Joseph Joestar (platonic ONLY), Holly Kujo and Dio Brando
Characters from Jjba part 4 I write for: Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu nijimura, koichi hirose, Rohan kishibe, yukako yamagishi, toshikazu hazamada (I don't support his actions), Tonio trussaradi, Yoshikage Kira, Reimi Sugimoto, and Mikitaka hazekura
Characters from Jjba part 5 I write for: Giorno Giovanna, bruno bucciarati, Leone abbachio, Trish una, narancia ghirga, mista Guido, panncotta fugo, risotto Nero, melone, formaggio, illuso, prosciutto, pesci (platonic ONLY), diavolo, doppio vinegar, squala, tiziano, cioccolata, sorbet, gelato, and ghiaccio
Characters from Jjba part 6 I write for: Jolyne Kujo, ermes Costello, narsico anasui, weather report, foo fighters, and Enrico pucci
Characters from Jjba part 7 I write for: Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, hot pants, Diego Brando, and Lucy steel (platonic ONLY)
Characters for jjba part 8 I write for: I have not read part 8 yet
Characters from demon slayer I write for: Tanjiro Kamado, zenitsu agastuma, inosuke hashibira, nezuko Kamado (platonic ONLY), genya, and all the hashira
Characters from jujutsu kaisen I write for: Yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, maki zenin, toge inumaki, satoru gojo, nanami kento, kamo choso, and geto suguru
I will NOT write for: Hisoka Morrow
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yanderememes · 2 years
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Rohan stays an empath
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