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vixensbrainrotts · 6 months
Made of Yarn and Butterflies - Mitsuya Takashi
Content: Fluff
Tropes: Shy, younger reader
Summary: maybe you've had your timid eye on him for a while now...
Vixen's two cents: based off of very real first knitting experiences. seriously don't start with Mohair its a nightmare. anyway, I'm so happy to finally be writing for Mitsuya, I can't believe I haven't yet cause he's one of my fav's frrr. Yeah, also thanks so much to @anahryal for proofreading for me! also, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! now enjoy!
“Do you knit?” The stranger asks, breaking the nearly unbearable silence between you two. Well, he's not a stranger- he’s your girl-bests friend’s brother’s best friend, and since the two Shiba siblings were bickering about who-knows-what upstairs, they had left the two of you unattended.
You blink instead of answering the question, taking a moment to collect yourself from the daze he had snapped you out of. Slowly, the words materialized in your head, and the question he asked finally arrived in your brain.
Your brows furrow a little, and your head tilts to the side, confused. “Yeah, how did you know?” Your voice feels foreign to yourself when you hear it back, and you want to dig a hole and jump right into the depths because of the way he smiles at you.
He looks down at your hands, reaching across the table and looking into your eyes “May I?” You’re not sure what he’s asking for but you nod your head yes, and in response he takes both your hands in his.
His hands are warm and firm as they hold yours, and when he runs his thumbs over the sides of your fingers, your head spins a little. “Those marks on your index are a dead giveaway.” You look down to see what he’s talking about, and you want to pull your hands back when you realize he’s talking about the hearing blisters that sit on the sides of your pointer fingers.
In response, his grip on your hands tighten a little, and he looks up at you and smiles again. “Don’t. I understand how they came to be and I respect it. I can’t knit even if I tried my hardest, and believe me, I have.” you feel your face get warm as his rough hands cradle your own, and you look down to see where they meet.
It's silent again for a few moments, but it's not uncomfortable. This time he waits patiently for you to answer and you could thank the gods for him being so unbothered by your coy manner.
"What did you try to knit?" you asked, still not looking into his eyes, but you could tell that he was smiling at you again. "Ah, well, I thought that something with repetitive patterns would be easy, so I started with a sweater."
Your brows furrowed and you glanced up to look at him. "You started with a sweater?" He laughed at your rather offended tone, "Yeah, and that's not even the worst part! I used Mohair so I had no idea where any of my work started or ended, and I could forget counting rows because I couldn't tell the difference between one and the next!"
Your lips pulled up into a smile, picturing the ever-confident Mitsuya struggle against a ball of yarn and a pair of needles, and the more you pictured it, the funnier it got. Soon you were giggling aloud, laughing along with him as if there was nothing else in the world.
Once you both had calmed down, you noticed that whilst in the fit, his hands had separated from yours. Just as you were about to speak, your stomach got that all too familiar rouse again, and you felt yourself shrink away from he comfort you just found.
This doesn't mean anything.
He doesn't know you.
He doesn't care.
"Hey?" his voice was soft when he called out to you again, concerned. Your gaze snapped back to him, eyes meeting his and holding contact with the cool grey that looked your way.
"You were gonna say something?" his voice was lower, quieter this time, almost as if he was careful of scaring you off.
"I could teach you." you mumbled sheepishly, impressed by yourself for still holding eye contact with him. He shook his head a tiny bit and blinked. "What was that?"
You cursed your voice for getting stuck in your throat again and clicked your tongue quietly, annoyed at yourself. "I could teach you if you'd like?".
You looked away the moment you croaked your proposal, unwilling to face the inevitable rejection, and maybe even humiliation you would be exposed to.
what were you thinking? him? learn from you? come on now girl! why would he actually take you up on that, he's got plenty of girls to teach him in the home eco-club that probably knit way better than you, not to mention that you're like two years younger than he is, why would he take advice from someone younger than hi-
"I'd love that." his deep voice was accompanied by another one of his stunning smiles, and he looked at you with sincere eyes. "Really, I'd love that."
And just like that, the sinking feeling in your stomach dissipated, leaving a flurry of tiny little butterflies that felt all fluffy against your warm skin.
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mor-and-more · 5 months
I still think I'm not getting there with winding the yarns
And I'm trying to remember what I did the last time when I borrowed a winder because I ended up with quite firm cute cakes
Maybe I didn't put the yarn in the little spiral and just fully manually fed it?
Let's find out, I'm not running out of things to wind, after all!
My victims results today, so far: one 100g skein, and four 20g minis
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At least I know that my winder can make WIDE cakes! If I can figure out the height, I will be unstoppable
Also this lemony hand dyed yarn!!! It brought me so much joy!!!!
Can't wait to work with it now, hehehe :3c
Lemony one is for the crocheted Granny Hexagon cardigan, the minis I'm gonna have as backups for Sock Yarn Knit Sweaters (so that in case I'm a bit short while nearly done, I don't have to figure out what big skein to start)
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star--joy · 2 years
5 Times People Thought Percy and Vex were Dating...
And the one time they decided to prove them right.
Chapter One: Keyleth
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: None
Words: 2227
Originally posted: 12/8/22
Ao3 link: archiveofourown.org/works/43509219
“What about this one?” Keyleth asks once again, stepping into view and spinning to give her college dorm-mate a full view of her newest set of clothes.
Percy sighs, begrudgingly looking up from his textbook to observe whatever she’s thrown together this time. “It looks fine. Just like the last eight outfits have.”
She looks down at the knitted green sweater she’d carefully picked out, paired with the black jeans. “Just fine? Are you sure it’s not too casual? Or not casual enough? Fuck, maybe I should wear something brighter…”
“Listen. I am the last person you should be coming to for fashion advice. Besides, no one there will care if your style isn’t perfect,” he tells her.
Keyleth pulls her lip between her teeth, wiping some imaginary dust off her black leggings and trying to convince herself to listen to him. Percy would know more than she would. After all, they’re his friends she’s meeting.
“I really want them to like me, Percy.” The admission would be hard to force out with anyone else, but it’s strangely easy to be honest with her roommate and best friend. “I mean, you make them sound so cool when you talk about them! And I don’t want to be that, like, annoying friend who no one wants to invite to the party, but they have to, because—”
Percy shuts his laptop, placing it beside him on the couch. “Keyleth,” he says, effectively cutting off her rambling with that tone of his that is somehow both firm and soothing. “They going to love you more than they love me. I promise.”
“Now you’re just trying to make me feel better,” she objects, rubbing the soft yarn of her sweater between her fingers to calm some of her anxiety.
“I’m really not. You’re much easier to care about than me.”
That catches her attention. Keyleth narrows her eyes and jabs a finger at him. “Put a quarter in the Deprecation Jar.”
The Deprecation Jar is her most ingenious idea, which she had come up with after seeing how much her best friend talked bad about himself. Whenever the mason jar is filled, Keyleth will buy him a gift with the money.
Percy scoffs. “That wasn’t self-deprecating, it was just the truth.”
“And now it’s two quarters. Put ‘em in.”
Percy grumbles, but nevertheless searches his pockets for the coins and reluctantly places them in the jar, which sits proudly on the coffee table. He keeps the quarters specifically to appease her. “Seriously, Keyleth. They adopt strays easily, and you will fit right in, regardless of what sweater you wear.”
She looks in the mirror one last time. She trusts Percy. At least, the logical part of her does.
And yet…. there’s another part of her, the anxious, emotional part, that can’t help but insist she will be judged for her outfit, and personality, and everything else. That’s the part that remembers going through school as the victim of pranks and gossip, simply because she wasn’t able to blend in.
“The sweater brings out your eyes. For the record,” Percy says when the silence has been drawn out for too long. He’s good at recognising her nerves, and although he doesn’t always know how to calm her, it’s sweet that he tries.
In the moment, that little bit of validation is all she needs. Keyleth smiles. “Thanks, Percy. Let’s go.”
It’s only a few minutes of a walk from Percy and Keyleth’s dorm to that of Percy’s friends, but Keyleth manages to fit about an hour of nervous babbling into that time. She only stops when the door is in sight, propped open slightly to reveal a sliver of a cozy looking room.
“Keyleth?” Percy asks when her words drop mid-syllable. “Are you alright?”
Swallowing her anxiety is hard, but she does, because she really does want to meet all of the people he talks about constantly. “Yeah. Come on, I don’t want to be late.”
For a second, he goes to say something, but cuts himself off. “Very well. They really are good people, and I assure you that they will take you in.”
She nods, pushing forward and knocking softly on the open door before peeking inside.
The dorm isn’t as crowded as she’d feared it might be, with only six visible people lounging around. They’re engaged in scattered conversations with each other, laughing and rolling their eyes and behaving with a happy familiarity.
One of them looks up at her soft knocking. A beautiful woman with dark brown hair pulled into a french braid, wearing a t-shirt for a band Keyleth has never heard of. “Percy!” she calls out, standing from the couch and making her way over. “And you must be Keyleth, the mysterious roommate.”
Keyleth nods and smiles. Her fingers twitch by her side, unsure if she should reach out to shake hands or hug or just do nothing. “Oh, I’m not mysterious,” she says, shoving her fists into her pockets before she can panic and hold them out for an awkward fist-bump.
That may or may not have been what she did when she met Percy.
The woman gestures them inside. “Well, I’m Vex. Come in, make yourself at home. The pizza on the right is vegetarian.”
Any thanks for the dietary clarification are cut off by utter shock when Vex lifts herself onto her toes and presses a kiss to Percy’s cheek, one of her hands resting on his chest. “Glad you could make it, darling.”
“You’re just glad I brought Keyleth. Don’t pretend you haven’t been dying to meet her,” he replies, using a fond tone that’s foreign to Keyleth.
Vex rolls her eyes. “I can be glad for more than one reason.” And then she’s tugging on his arm to lead him to the couch so they can sit a bit closer than normal friends do.
Keyleth forces herself to stop staring before it becomes noticeable.
She hadn’t realised that Percy was dating anyone, and certainly not someone she’d be meeting tonight. It makes nerves peer out from the corner she’d tried to shove them in. Friends are one thing, but a girlfriend? What if Keyleth doesn’t make a good impression?
Her movements are robotic as she sits on one of the loveseats, hands folded neatly in her lap.
In the corner, a short woman with pale hair is surprisingly holding her own in a playful arm-wrestle with a man easily twice her size. A brunette clad in purple cheers them on. On the other side of the room, a man who must be Vex’s brother, too identical to be unrelated, converses with a flamboyantly dressed blonde man, each of them lightly grinning. Vex laughs at something Percy said, kicking him half-heartedly.
Keyleth swallows, the feeling of isolation quickly gripping her. It’s as if she’s in high school again, eating lunch in the fucking bathroom because it’s better than being surrounded by the kind of friendships she’ll never have.
No. No, she does have those kinds of friendships. Percy is her friend, and these people could be, too. She has to make an effort.
Taking a deep breath, she listens into Vex’s words.
“—come with me down to the shooting range, Percy. It would be fun.”
“You just want to show off.”
“Well, of course. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be fun.”
Now or never. Keyleth pushes down her fear and jumps into the conversation. “You like to shoot? Guns?”
Vex grins. “Bow and arrow, actually. I’m quite good.”
“Really? That’s so cool. I tried to go to some archery classes when I was young but I accidentally shot my teacher and he got really mad and I wasn’t allowed back.” Keyleth says in one breath.
“Well, I’d be happy to show you the ropes sometime, dear,” Vex offers.
Keyleth glances at Percy, unsure if the offer is genuine, or if it’s like when people say, ‘we should get coffee sometime’. She’d learned her lesson about the last one more than enough times.
“You were looking for something to do this saturday, right? Perhaps that would be a good time,” Percy offers, encouraging her with a smile.
Vex nods. “If you’d like to, I’d be happy to teach you.”
Keyleth’s hands itch to flap in the air with her happiness, but she forces them to still. Friends. She’s making friends! With Percy’s girlfriend! That’s good, right? “That would be so cool! Should I get a bow? Oh, I really don’t know what kind to get. Are there beginner bows? What about arrows?”
“Oh, for fucks sake, have you already indoctrinated the new girl?” asks the man who must be Vex’s brother, startling all of them with his sudden appearance as he slides into the seat besides his identical sister. If it weren’t for the differences in clothes and hair, they would be impossible to tell apart.
“Shove off, Vax,” Vex huffs, trying to force him off the couch by kicking his back. “We were having a very pleasant conversation, and I don’t want you to ruin it.”
He refuses to budge, settling himself firmly in his seat. “No can do, Stubby. I want to meet Percy’s new best friend.”
Keyleth giggles. Their familiarity with each other is amusing. She’d always wanted a sibling like that. “I’m Keyleth.” She offers a shy wave.
“I’m Vax. Settle a bet for me, would you? Who’s prettier, me or Vex? It’s me, right?”
“Don’t answer that,” Percy cuts in, saving her from a bout of panic, because they’re really so identical that they’re equally pretty, but would they be offended with that answer? “Either answer will give one of you an ego boost, and heaven knows that’s the last thing you need.”
“Perhaps you would be prettier if you didn’t dress so… emo,” Vex snarks, vaguely gesturing at her brother’s fully black outfit, and his smudged eyeliner.
Vax scoffs, even as he wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her into his side. “That contributes to the look, sister.”
“Oi, what’s going on over here?” asks yet another new person, this one the short, purple-clad brunette Keyleth had noticed earlier. He’s flanked by the rest of the people in the room. “Are we debating who looks best? Because we all know it’s me.”
“So you think you’re prettier than me?” Says the woman with pale hair tied in two buns, hands on her hips.
Scanlan laughs, but it’s nervous. “Ah. Well. We are… equally pretty?”
She snickers, then turns her attention to Keyleth. “I’m Pike. This is Scanlan, you can ignore him.” Scanlan gasps in offence, but she soldiers on without acknowledging it. “And this is Grog and Taryon.”
Grog is a giant of a man, but his grin is one of the friendliest Keyleth has ever seen. Taryon puffs out his chest and holds out a hand for her to shake. “A pleasure to meet you, Keyleth! Percy has spoken very highly about you, and any friend of his is a friend of mine.”
“Yeah, what he said,” Grog agrees, going for a fist bump.
“I’m Keyleth,” she says, giving both the hand shake and the fist bump. She can’t stop her giddy grin. For the first time in her life, she thinks she’ll get along with these people.
The get-together lasts until the sun is beginning to peek through the horizon and Keyleth is having trouble keeping her eyes open. Still, she regrets having to leave.
All of them had been so nice, and accepting, and just… amazing. The kind of friends she’d always dreamed of.
“You enjoyed yourself?” Percy asks on their walk home, tone knowing..
Keyleth doesn’t have the energy to berate him for being smug about it. “Mh hm. Your girlfriend is really nice. And the rest of them are, too,” she mumbles, tone slurring with her exhaustion.
It takes her a second to realise that, following her words, Percy had frozen in place, no longer walking with her back to their dorm. “Percy? You okay?” she asks, blinking to remove the sleep from her eyes.
Percy stares at her. Then: “Girlfriend?”
“Yeah, Vex. I mean, you were really cute together, and… um… you two are dating, right?”
He shakes his head. “No. We’re, uh, just friends.”
Keyleth goes stiff. Oh, no, had she really assumed like that? Shit, they just seemed so… cuddly! And romantic! And fuck, now she’s gone and offended him and screwed everything up and—
“Hey, no harm done,” Percy cuts in, noticing her hitched breathing. “Vex is… lovely, and I’m flattered you think she would, ah, court me, but… no, we’re not together.”
Is that a blush on his cheek? An octave jump to his tone? An avoidance of eye contact?
“…right,” Keyleth says, more than a little skeptical. They might not be together, but it’s clear that they like each other. “Sorry.”
He waves off her apology, ignorant to the way even she, the exhausted, autistic girl with no perception of social cues, can see how big of a crush he has. “It’s alright. Let’s just… get back home.”
If she weren’t so ready to fall into bed, she might try to pry more information out of him, but the door to their room is in sight and her exhaustion hits her anew.
Tomorrow, she’ll see if she can play matchmaker. Right now: sleep.
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shamera · 7 months
NaNo day 17 part 2
...I was tempted to leave this for tomorrow and say 'hey look how much i wrote!' but this is meant to be a marathon and i'm supposed to be honest about these things anyway.
so warning for injuries and a canon character death. and, uh, bugs. this is all shaping up to something, i promise. all of this and like the next two days' writing is like chapter 1 in my head. also names and actions are liable to be changed in edit for continuity and flow, but this is nano so i'm just speedwriting and not looking back.
Stopping here because I'm tired, need sleep, and this weekend is going to be really busy. To be continued!
Everything happened quickly. 
Wangfu was scouting ahead and coming back with a relieved expression when the floor (solid stone!) gave away underneath him unexpectedly, and he shouted in fear and confusion as he fell. Fang Duobing was after him immediately, falling to his knees to reach into the hole, attempting to grab him before he could slip away, but was too late to do so. 
“Wangfu!” He shouted alongside Li’er’s panicked scream, but the young man disappeared before his eyes into the darkness, prompting Fang Duobing to fumble his phone as he shone the light down into the hole, seeing rocks and darkness all the way down. “Wangfu!”
A cool hand rested against his wrist, and he glanced to see Li Lianhua’s bloodied sleeve as the man knelt next to him. 
“It’s not a direct drop.” He observed calmly, and pointed to the slant in the stone. “There’s a high chance he’ll be fine, but startled. We can go after him, although it would be the world’s worst slide. But with an already injured person…”
Fang Duobing bit the inside of his mouth in frustration. If they wanted to help Wangfu, then they’d have to split the party. If they didn’t split the party, then Wangfu would be left alone. 
“We have to go get him!” Li’er insisted from where she was also on her knees next to the hole, her own phone shining a weak light into the darkness. “Wangfu! Are you alright? Answer us!”
“I’ll go.” Fang Duobing insisted, already struggling to take off his suit jacket and searching for an anchor point. There was no point in going if he couldn’t bring Wangfu back with him, and that meant finding a way back up as well. He was going to take care of all of them, and that meant he had to get them all back in one group. He glanced over to his aunt. “Your jacket. Everyone’s, if you can spare it. If we can use it as a rope…”
He Xiaofeng was already slipping off her blazer, having the same thought. “It won’t be very long. I should go down.”
“Your arm is injured.” Fang Duobing rejected the idea. “If he needs help, how will you carry him up?”
“I’ll go,” Li Lianhua volunteered, but once more Fang Duobing rejected the idea, this time with a firm grip on his wrist before he could do anything. 
“I need you to help pull us up.” He looked at the others. “Everyone here who can do that will help. We can’t stay in one place for too long. If you hear something in the distance, just leave without us. I’ll catch up to everyone.”
“This is a stupid plan, Xiaobao,” His aunt told him, tone dark. She was pale under the dim light of the phones, the red of her lipstick unnaturally dark. “You can’t just—”
“It’s okay,” he insisted brightly. “I trained for this, remember? This is the kind of thing I need to be able to do if I want to join Baichuan Court.”
The others were also taking off their work blazers, but just as his aunt said, once the arms were tied together, the length of their makeshift rope wasn’t very long at all. Next to him, Li Lianhua had also pulled his sweater over his head, the pale knit a stark contrast to the rest of the clothes, the warm yarn frailer than the thick weave, and Fang Duobing found himself reluctant to take it, although he used it to tie around a rock, hoping it might receive the least amount of damage that way. 
“Climb down,” Li Lianhua told him, and Fang Duobing realised he had ever seen the man without his thick sweaters, the thin long-sleeved shirt looking strange to his eyes. “If it goes even lower than that, then just come back up. Don’t be stupid about this, Fang Duobing.”
“I won’t.” He promised, and heard his aunt huff behind him. He turned to her. “Nothing will happen.”
“It better not,” she grumbled back, although there was tremor to her shoulders and a tension that belied her nonchalance. Her eyes were just a tad too wide, a trait Fang Duobing recognised in himself when he was overwhelmingly anxious. “What am I going to tell my sister if you disappear?”
Fang Duobing didn’t know how to respond, so instead he took a hold of their makeshift rope, and jumped down into the hole. 
His feet hit stones almost immediately, and then his hip, and then it was just as Li Lianhua stated: the world’s worst slide. He lost a hold of the blazer sleeve he grabbed almost immediately, but the fall wasn’t as far as he feared. Even with the slant, he felt he had fallen perhaps five to seven meters, and was a great distance but not as bad as feared, even with the inevitable bruises all along his side from the jump. 
He wheezed as the ground evened out again, and then called out, “I’m okay!” 
A moment in the pitch blackness, and Fang Duobing pulled out his phone for a light again, frowning at the crack along his screen. At least it was still working properly. 
Examining where he ended up, he found that the walls here were smooth unlike in the upper area, and there wasn’t enough space for him to stand, the space circular in its design, with the ground underneath him giving way slightly with each step. It wasn’t stone, he realised. He rested a hand against the ceiling, and then slid it down alongside the wall, frowning at the texture. 
It felt like.. Clay. Smooth and malleable, although dry and firm. 
“Wangfu?” He called out cautiously, phone pointed in one direction and then the next. There were only two directions to go, since he had fallen from above into this tunnel, and looking at it now, it looked like the tunnel was dug previously and then covered over before it could be used much. 
Where he was standing, Fang Duobing realised with a shiver, was well worn. Used. 
This was definitely a path taken by the monsters in this dungeon. 
There was a skittering noise at the edge of his senses, and Fang Duobing whirled around to point the light in the direction of the sound, grabbing along the wall to brace himself. There was nothing in the light, and he turned again. 
There was no Wangfu, either. 
There were, however, indentations in the clay under him, where someone might have been dragged, and Fang Duobing followed it cautiously, heart rising to his throat as he pulled out a small wooden dagger from the back of his belt. It wasn’t a real weapon, but it was better than the nothing he had on him. The light from his phone was barely illuminating the darkness ahead of him, just far enough to see his hand through a thick fog, but the sounds of skittering were now growing closer than ever. 
“Wangfu?” He called out again, although this time quieter. 
There was no response, and no change in the sounds. 
A turn in the path of the tunnel, and Fang Duobing shone his light around the bend to see— 
Dozens of black forms, armoured, like pill bugs the size of cats if they had hundreds of legs like needles moving along the ground and with glowing eyes painted across their carapaces. Crawling over each other, over the walls, over the ceiling, atop each other like crowded rats, and
Atop a still form that was Wangfu, dripping blood and still twitching as one of the monsters carefully made itself at home within his torso, crawling right through— 
Fang Duobing doesn’t remember his yelling, doesn’t remembering charging in with only a wooden dagger, but there was sharp needle-like points of pain on his legs as the monsters turned from their prey to swarm toward him instead, even as he stabbed them as well as he could between the ridges of their carapaces, as he would take down one and then another and another, but they would each be replaced two to three more each time. His legs felt like fire with a sea of pinpricks, and they were starting to drop down onto his head as well, and he was— 
Yanked back violently by his shirt, and then a storm of fire blazed past him, singeing the edge of his ponytail as he was dragged backward amidst the deafening shrieks of the monsters as they burned. They burned, but Wangfu would burn with them, and Fang Duobing struggled against the grip, blood running down his legs from the needle holes in his pants, but the grip was stronger than he was. 
“Stop.” Li Lianhua’s voice broke him out of the haze of rage. “Use your brain a little, Fang Duobing!”
The tunnel wasn’t big enough for two people, yet Li Lianhua, who would normally hoist his own groceries on Fang Duobing to make him carry it, was pulling him back strongly enough to keep them both out of the spreading fire. As the smoke and heat spread, Fang Duobing realised it was starting to get hard to breathe. 
The haze through his mind broke entirely at that, and he turned against Li Lianahu’s surprising grip, this time dragging the other man along with him and he raced half hunched toward the hole they dropped down from, pushing him forward ahead of him to get him up, to safety away from the monsters and away from the spreading fire and smoke. 
Li Lianhua stumbled a moment, but followed Fang Duobing’s urging as they struggled back upward in the slide down, catching themselves against the sides and on rocks before they could slip downward again, all the way until Li Lianhua managed to catch the end of the rope of blazers, and pull himself up with Fang Duobing following along behind him. 
When they reached the main cavern again, the heat behind them was starting to get unbearable, and it was Li’er and Man’er’s young man who pulled them out by the arms, dragging them away from the hole as they coughed. 
“What happened?” He Xiaofeng demanded, but was interrupted as Li’er tearfully asked, “Where’s Wangfu?”
Fang Duobing could only look at her sadly once he regained his breath, and then shook his head slowly. 
Li Lianhua, collapsed next to him, was still coughing, although his coughs were luckily enough dry ones, even as Fang Duobing’s aunt knelt next to him in concern, a hand on his back as he tried to get his breathing under control. It was only after when He Xiaofeng stared over at her nephew and startled. 
“Xiaobao,” she breathed out and reached out to him. “You’re bleeding!”
He shook his head in response, the pain in his legs growing to a sharp throb that echoed his heartbeat. 
“A mild,” Li Lianhua said between coughs, “paralytic poison. He’ll— he’ll be fine after some time. He’s a Hunter.”
The unsaid part, Fang Duobing heard, was that Wangfu as a civilian never stood a chance. 
“But how was there a fire?” Man’er asked weakly from where she had been settled against a wall, her leg resting in front of her. “What poison? How did you get those wounds?”
“There were monsters down there.” Fang Duobing said, and then pushed himself into a sitting position. His legs ached with the movement, and he hissed. “A lot of them. Wangfu didn’t—”
“He’s down there?” Li’er asked tearfully. “But… he’ll burn!”
“He was already gone,” Li Lianhua told her. 
She shook her head, hands tight around the rope of blazers. Li’er dipped her head, and then cried quietly, shuddering sobs that shook her shoulders each second as the shadows from her hair hid her face from their view. 
Fang Duobing ducked his head, tears filling his own eyes upon the realisation of just how badly he messed up. He hadn’t managed to save Wangfu at all. He just injured himself when he needed to protect everyone, and now…
His aunt’s hand tightened his arm, and he looked up to see her determined gaze. 
“You tried,” she said quietly. “And that’s what mattered. You did your best, Xiaobao. You got Physician Li out of there as well. I’ll take care of the fights.”
He untensed his shoulders, and gave a slow nod. Then he slid his hand across the stone floor and tucked the wooden dagger back into his belt where the familiar weight of it brought comfort. He would think about all of this later, when they were safe again. 
Except Li Lianhua was still coughing, at a lesser rate now but still hunched over trying to catch his breath, and Fang Duobing reached out in alarm as the man curled up into his coughs. 
“I’m fine,” Li Lianhua tried to wave him off, but his voice was a wheeze. 
“Then can we get the crystals from the monsters below us?” The young man who carried Man’er asked hesitantly. “They’re… they’re dead, right? In the fire?”
There were indeed dozens of monsters from what Fang Duobing had seen, but the idea of going back into the burning tunnel was…
“You’re free to go into the fire,” his aunt snapped. “See if you can bring those crystals back!”
The man paled. “I didn’t mean…”
“Then don’t suggest that!” She said tersely. 
Li Lianhua raised a hand from where he was still curled over on the ground, revealing his singed sleeve and reddened skin. He gave another cough into his shirt, and then opened the hand to reveal a shine on his palm. He Xiaofeng gasped and reached for his hand immediately. 
“It’s not enough for everyone,” Li Lianhua rasped, but even Fang Duobing was moving over in amazement. Four tiny, purple shards of crystal no bigger than a tiny pearl each lay within his hands. “That’s how many I could grab before… well.”
Fang Duobing despaired at not doing the same himself, at being so focused on killing the monsters that he hadn’t reached into the flesh to grab at their means to escape. 
“Four,” his aunt marvelled and then stared hard at the group who was looking over with hope in their eyes. “One for Man’er. And Li’er, and Xiaobao and Physician Li. I’ll stay behind with…?”
The young man looked ready to protest, his face running a gamut of emotions before collapsing entirely in despair. “...Bei Yun.”
“I’ll stay with Yun’er.” He Xiaofeng declared. “We’ll be along right behind you.”
“No,” Fang Duobing insisted to his aunt. “I’ll stay. The others should go, they can’t fight.”
There was a nagging thought in his mind, and he stared over at each of the people in the darkness. 
“And just what do you think you’re going to do, injured like that?” His aunt demanded. “Look at yourself! Xiaobao, you look like you’ve been mauled!”
His legs certainly felt like they’d been mauled, but were also getting more numb by the second. If the pain faded, then he could certainly use his legs again. 
Li Lianhua pursed his lips, looking like he needed to stay something, yet ultimately stayed quiet. Instead, he handed the shards to a surprised He Xiaofeng with a smile, and then moved carefully closer to Fang Duobing, who had most of his weight supported on his arms despite already sitting down, bloodied legs in front of him. 
“You need to patch your wounds up,” Li Lianhua told him. “Even if the poison doesn’t affect you, you’ll bleed out if you just leave this.”
“It’s fine,” Fang Duobing tried to brush off lightly. “None of them are deep!”
“You don’t need deep cuts to bleed out,” Li Lianhua responded drily. “The others will figure out what to do with the return crystals. Hunters aren’t immune to blood loss.”
That was true. Hunters gifted with any sort of healing abilities were incredibly rare, and most could only heal themselves. Only the top sects in the world could afford to have a healer waiting at their base. Fang Duobing heard of two in Korea, one in Russia, and three more in the west. 
This meant that casualty rates for Hunters were high enough that his family refused to allow him to become one on paper. 
“We need to get the injured people out and move,” Bei Yun was saying nervously. “If I have to stay…”
“Just a minute,” Li Lianhua interrupted without looking back at the man. “There’s no guarantee that you’ll be safe immediately when you get out. Just because there will be no more monsters after you doesn’t mean you won’t land back in a collapsing building, or have panicked people trampling over you. Injuries need to be taken care of now where it’s safe. We have the crystals, you can leave any moment. If we’re hunted down, then you can escape even at the last second.”
To Fang Duobing, he said, “Your pants are a lost cause.”
Fang Duobing grimaced, flushing in embarrassment, but agreed. With dozens upon dozens of holes and nearly soaked in blood, there was definitely nothing that could be done with those pants anymore. “It doesn’t matter. We don’t have bandages anyway. Can’t I just… tie it up or something?”
“Just who do you take me for?” Li Lianhua asked and then shifted to reveal the shoulder bag he carried with him. “Am I a physician or not?”
With that, he rummaged through the canvas bag and pulled out two rolls of gauze, as well as a tiny bottle of antiseptic that Fang Duobing hadn’t realised he had with him. 
“I don’t know if I’ll have enough,” Li Lianhua admitted. “This wasn’t the type of situation I prepared for.”
“You didn’t reveal that with Man’er?” Fang Duobing asked with round eyes. 
“You already had the fabric. Why waste this when you already made bandages? If her injury ended up being the only thing that happens here, then we’d have been blessed by the gods.”
Thankfully, his bespoke leather shoes were enough to prevent most injuries, although his suit pants had to be ripped under the knee, much to Fang Duobing’s dismay and embarrassment. He stammered questions that Li Lianhua answered with amusement and looked away, his face so warm he felt he must have a fever. Even the spray of antiseptic was barely felt over the numbness below his skin, and the way Li Lianhua worked deftly to wrap his wounds up tightly. 
It barely took a minute or so, and Fang Duobing was able to stand once again afterward, albeit with a limp as his legs were a tingle of sensation that didn’t feel real. He frowned down at the white gauze over his skin, tempted to hit his own legs to see if he could feel it. 
“Don’t overdo it,” Li Lianhua told him, holding on to his elbow. “You have a natural immunity to things in dungeons, but that doesn’t mean they can’t debilitate you. 
Fang Duobing tapped his foot lightly against the ground and felt it was good enough to walk on. Now to see if the others made any progress on who was going to stay and who was leaving. 
Scanning the rest of the group over, it was easy to see that had come to no decision at all. 
Man’er sat against a wall with a crystal fragment in her hand, clutching it tightly as she stared at the others, while He Xiaofeng held the remaining three fragments, arguing with both Li’er and Bei Yun over something entirely insignificant. 
“We could all be home by now!” Li’er exclaimed, the tear tracks on her face clear of the grime that accumulated from the smoke earlier. She looked miserable and scared, with her torn dress and wrapped wrist, her normally professionally pinned braids around her head having dropped so now she looked like a young girl with pigtails playing at being an adult. 
“All?” He Xiaofeng argued back. “Who is this ‘all’ you’re referring to? You would really leave my nephew and Physician Li behind? Are you that kind of person?”
“Yes!” Li’er burst out in a sob. She raised her hands to cover her eyes miserably. “I’m not brave and I don’t know how to fight! If I stay, I’ll only get in people’s way! If I go, I can tell the sects where you are, describe this area…”
“And what are you going to say?” He Xiaofeng yelled. “They’re somewhere dark? A cave? Big, blank space in the middle of nowhere, perhaps? That will surely help them find us!”
At that, Li’er burst out into tears again, crying Wangfu’s name between her sobs and even He Xiaofeng looked startled and a little regretful of her words. Fang Duobing couldn’t help but feel terrible looking at her. He knew that she and Wangfu had joined the company together, worked as interns together and both celebrated when they got permanent positions at Tianji Hall. They chose to work in the same department, and he saw them daily. They were both happy, bright people whose personalities complimented each other. For Li’er, she just lost her best friend. 
If he had been— faster, more decisive, if he hadn’t waited for to tie their clothes together as a rope and just jumped down after him— 
Wangfu might have made it out alive. 
There was a moment of awkward silence between them before Li Lianhua interjected gently, “She’s right. It’s best for her to leave first. Dungeons are difficult at the best of times, and for people with years of training. Li’er has done her best, and pushing her more would only be detrimental. I can stay longer, I’m good at running away and hiding if something comes near.”
At those words, Fang Duobing gripped onto his wrist tightly, above the burnt skin where Li Lianhua snatched the crystals out from the fire, the burns which Li Lianhua hadn’t treated at all despite treating Fang Duobing’s wounds. 
“Physician Li…” Li’er wilted under the words, shoulders slumping into a miserable curve in the dim lighting. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologise,” Li Lianhua said even as he shook off Fang Duobing’s grip without looking in his direction. “I volunteered.”
He Xiaofeng’s previous anger faded to concern, her pout clearly visible even in the low light of the phones, and the slant of her mouth turned downward to a reluctant acceptance. She wrung her hands together and said, “Don’t worry, Physician Li. I’ll keep you safe.”
Fang Duobing had to interject at this point, “No, I’m staying. I’m a Hunter, and you and Li Lianhua are both injured—”
His speech was interrupted by pitched screeching echoing around them, creatures drawn to the noise of their argument and the scent of blood that followed them. The walls seemed to shake with the sounds, prompting both Li’er and Man’er to cover their ears and tuck their head down, the light of their phones shining wildly at the movement. 
He Xiaofeng moved immediately, tucking a shard of crystal into Li’er’s palm and urging her, “Take Man’er and go, now! We’ll figure the rest out later, but you go and keep her safe!”
Li’er gave her a grateful look and then raced over to Man’er, skidding down painfully on her knees before grabbing onto Man’er’s arm and then they were both gone in an instant as if they had never been there at all. 
Bei Yun stood stunned, spurred into action only when Li Lianhua grabbed at Fang Duobing’s elbow to urge him, “Go! Now!”
They ran aimlessly, and Bei Yun gasped out between steps, “If you’re all volunteering to stay, please let me go! I’m like Miss Li and I can’t be of any help, I’m no good at running or hiding either, if I stay, I’d just die! Please!” He reached forward to pull at He Xiaofeng’s shoulder, prompting her to give a painful gasp as the movement jerked on her injured arm and had her crashing down mid-step while running.
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
16: Twinkeyz // Alpha-Jerk
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Alpha-Jerk Twinkeyz 1979, Plurex
The Twinkeyz were a late ‘70s Sacramento garage rock band orbiting guitarist/singer/songwriter Donnie Jupiter. They cut a couple of singles in '77 and '78 and the Alpha-Jerk full-length in '79. The LP apparently suffered from mixing and mastering issues, and it disappeared virtually without a trace, taking the band with it. Jupiter would spend some time in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s playing bass in the even more obscure act Lizards, while also building a career in comics under his birthname Don Marquez. The Twinkeyz’ faint legend lingered though; their debut single “Aliens in Our Midst” is a regular on gay punk compilations, and they’re occasionally cited as a forerunner of queercore acts like Pansy Division.
The Twinkeyz were a B-movie Velvet Underground, laconic, witty rock and roll sweatered in primitive synth warbles and (to quote Scott Miller of Game Theory) “enough guitar effects to stun an elephant.” The lead guitarist (presumably Jupiter) is often the only one who seems more than minimally competent, and (although the songs on Alpha-Jerk were drawn from different sessions) the mix uniformly sounds like it’s thudding from a blown speaker. If the choice to self-produce robs Alpha-Jerk of a professional sheen, they also get to do a lot of stuff most producers wouldn’t allow. Nearly every track is studded with odd noises and found sounds, giving it a hand-made texture that suits the peculiarity of the music.
As with Suicide’s Alan Vega, the thing that makes Jupiter’s blunt songwriting distinctive is that it feels like an indoor kid’s idea of cool teenage music. “Strange Feeling” approximates then-current new wave pop, but the flatness of its affect seems to imply having feelings at all is the strange part; “Sweet Nothing” pulls the archetypally dumb garage move of ripping off the title (and nearly the melody) of a more well-known song, like they were trying to recreate “Oh! Sweet Nuthin’” from memory after dad broke their copy of Loaded over his knee. The lyrics about love, UFOs, psychic powers, and cartoons are obviously cute, but sometimes a sick sense of humour peeps through. Referring to weird psych as “bad drug” music in a well-worn cliché, but it’s the right description of “Alpha-Jerk,” a discordant dirge that could be about a kaiju or the Book of Revelations. The noises in the mix resemble the work of a crow leaving shiny bits and bobs on a tombstone.
It's all very good stuff for anyone with a taste for wimpy garage rock, but “Aliens in Our Midst” stands hips and knees over anything else here. The lyric cleverly mixes yarns about literal aliens with uncharacteristically direct anecdotes about queers and weirdos who “turn out okay” despite shitty circumstances, creating an anthem that is sentimental, bleakly funny, and ultimately hopeful in the exact ratio I adore. The campy call and response vocals in the chorus, Plan 9-ass guitar tone, subtly counterintuitive riff… it’s the stuff abductions are made of.
Sidebar: Cartuneland.com, the bizarre website of Donnie Jupiter (AKA Don Marquez)
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As noted, Jupiter/Marquez mostly switched to illustration after the collapse of the Twinkeyz, and he's still selling his art on eBay. His own site, Cartuneland.com, is bewildering and uncanny in the way webpages end up when a brand outsources its content management to an overseas SEO firm. Samples of his fantasy paperback-style art are interspersed with bland stock photography, and the structure of the site is clearly based on a corporate template—only Marquez isn’t advertising himself as a freelancer, and the site isn't connected to his eBay page. The contact and social links are variously empty or broken, and the links to his past comics direct to Wayback Machine-captures from an Angelfire-era version of the site the artist probably built himself.
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Strangest of all is the blog which, shockingly, has two posts this month alone—both of them about the Bodhran, an Irish hand drum. Of the six total posts on the blog as of this writing, two of them are interviews with Marquez. The others are ChatGPT-quality posts about general topics in music (e.g. “Connecting literature to art”; “What is a tin whistle?”) and a peculiar first-person story about learning to play the flute, all credited to someone named Rachel George. The idea was probably to pad out the blog with keyword-laden content to help the site become more visible to search engines, but to what end? Is Marquez really all that bent on becoming the most visible hit on “Don Marquez music” or “Bodhran for beginners”? You wouldn’t be able to tell from the interviews, which feature terse answers from the former Twinkey, such as:
Q: Many of your creations are based on classic horror and sci-fi films from the 1950s.
DM: I wasn’t trying to be retro.
Q: What’s missing from the current cinema that makes old films so memorable?
DM: Horror is a broad genre. Horror is a vast genre.
What we’re looking at here is most likely a Fiver contractor’s unfinished attempt to turn Jupiter’s website into a place to sell his original art, but as it stands it’s an oddly perfect web presence for a 73-year-old garage micro-legend and purveyor of swords ‘n’ tits fantasy. If anybody finds Question Mark’s Livejournal, please drop a link in the comments. And Donnie, if you're reading this, get in touch and I will fix your website for cheap!
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all54321 · 1 year
(I've been reading too much angst, so take fluff) -
Jade felt a bit silly for this, but, she often didn't know how to voice how much she cared for people. Being in the Hivemind helps, being able to communicate feelings rather than words. However there are moments she likes to show how she feels to people. How grateful she is for what they do.
She had been scared when she first was to join, and Mother Spore had been ever calm with her. She had been infected, it was slow spreading, her friend gave it to her. And the options were either let HEP lock her up to look 'for a cure' or go to the forest like the other were doing.
Gosh were both options terrifying. And sitting alone outside, she met Grian. Who saw her hands even when she tried to hide them, and listened to her talk about her fears. He reassured her that Father Spore, his lover, his boyfriend, was a kind person. He would accept her, and it wouldn't hurt at all.
Leading her to the mycelium territory and giving her comfort that she'd be okay. Jade never had a good mother figure in her life, and she guessed this was what it was like to have one. Mother Spore was caring, understanding, firm, and loving. Father Spore was silly, joking, protective, and soft. They felt like parents in a way, but the loving couple who clearly cared for one another.
So she spent her time on this gift, as a thank you in a way, the soft red threads coming together. It was oversized, but that was the point, she had remembered how the older sporelings talked about how Mother Spore's sweater pushed on his shrooms. And she folded it up neatly and caught Father and Mother Spore alone, and silently handed the gift to him.
Grian had been confused, but through the link he could tell what she mean as he opened it. And pulled out the oversized red sweater. The yarn was so soft, and it was well made. With little mushrooms embordered around the collar of the sweater. Jade rubbed her arm as his look of shock and happiness. Jade watched him put it on, and seemed the adore how it gave him sweater paws with the long sleeves, and how the collar of it could allow him to sink his face into it. She could feel his happiness, and she could feel Father's approval. He smiled at her with a nod. Ruffling her hair, she sent feelings of love and thanks back. Before leaving quickly to get back home and now feel embarrassed. Grian looked up at Scar, "Is this what it's like to have kids?" he asked Scar in awe, hands holding the collar and tracing the mushrooms on it. It fit so nicely, didn't push on his mushrooms, and was breathable yet warm. Scar laughed a bit, "They are adorable little shrooms, aren't they?" he joked. He loved how much they loved him and Grian. their little sporelings were so cute.
This is so sweet and soft and I love it.
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disastercg · 2 years
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* /        PLAYLIST ━   /   ♫ ─ 𝒃𝒐𝒚 𝒂𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒇𝒕  . 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒈 • 10 𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘀, 34 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘥, 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘶𝘱 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩.
exploring jack and all he is, 1 of a hundred step process. jack’s presence is comfortable like a tight hug, cozy blankets and the candle scents you love. overall it’s not a secret that his surface is soft, he goes deeper and stronger than he comes across on the surface. i’d like to explore that by starting first with this! what most people see except expanded a bit. the package is effortless, almost perfect but beneath the surface, he’s first and foremost, a person you can feel at ease with. he speaks slow, because he’s stupid and because he’s exhausted, he touches seldom except when it counts, and he smiles only for the purpose of making others smile. playlist: songs with a meaning to who jack is, that sound and feel like the person you might find just beyond the surface, when you’re first getting to know him. these are the easy entry into who jack is tracks. a look closer, but not inside. mostly songs with emotional centers and easy listening, much like the man himself.
hcs:  it’s general aesthetics, concepts, words and feelings that remind me of jack at a one-step-closer level. 
𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘫𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘷𝘪𝘣𝘦𝘴    (( 𝗮𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 + 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 +  𝐡𝐜 ))
 jack in a 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈
jeans you’ve worn in and feel most comfortable in.
gnawing on the inside of your cheek when you’re deep in thought or without thinking.
stop motion.
sunrise in the morning, sunrays waking you up with a kiss but you’re too tired to hear it.
popping of logs on a fire, kindling making sparks. the glow that becomes brighter when the wind blows.
holes in a sweater.
sluggish and slow speech patterns, deep, quiet, unhurried.
smudged glasses but too lazy to clean them.
a perfectly tuned instrument, greased, cleaned, in sync, making cleanly and exactly the sound you wanted.
leaning into someone taller than you.
gritted teeth.
firm, indisputable truths.
awkward, bubbling laughter that starts loud and gets quieter and quieter.
dedicating something to someone.
morning jogs. working out until your muscles are sore.
tripping over something you left lying on the ground that you told yourself you wouldn’t forget.
smiling at the sound of someone’s laugh.
writing too hard on paper so that the lead tip of your pencil breaks. the indentions it leaves on the next page like ghost prints.
the scent of seafoam, cool, salty, light, sandy. the way it melts between your fingers under the heat of your skin.
typing a message, staring at it too long until you second guess and erase to start over.
fresh ice water in your favorite cup.
the tender touches and hugs that come when you make up with someone after an argument. when someone wipes your tears and anger dissipates or gently pats your back.
silky, messy hair that’s always in your eyes.
collecting timepieces. “the right watch” for every new day. different ones for different moods.
slightly oversized clothes, comfortable and cozy clothes that you can sleep in.
taking a long pause, then starting all over again with a different approach.
burning the ends of yarn, thread, fabric, to keep it from unraveling.
the lethargic feeling in the morning, going through motions without using complex thought, all motions and no meaning.
coffee when it’s too hot to drink so you just breathe it in and wait patiently.
taking a breath so deep it hurts your chest.
liking a song so much you put it on repeat.
natural colors, warm earth tones and cool neutrals.
not knowing your own strength.
everything feeling just a bit more when it’s 3am. more inspired. more sad. more funny. more hungry.
desperately wanting to win. working up a sweat trying to be the last one standing.
holding the door for someone.
high quality fabrics, well made clothes.
rich and savory scents and linger, smelling food for another room or across a house and knowing it’ll be time to eat soon ♥.
having a lucky number.
sweaters, cardigans, hoodies and overcoats.
a half made bed, blankets and pillows fluffed quickly and thoughtlessly.
blankets wrapped around your legs and between your thighs.
jack in a 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅
i grew up loving the stars though they taught me to hate the night back of my mind, loving the dark always wanting to touch the moon
when the lights go down, and the stars come out i’ll be right here, i’ll be right here under stars girl, underwater, when you can’t breathe i’ll be here for you when it’s past three in the morning and you can’t sleep
:M (MIND)  ━  ALEX
how are you? I’m fine same answer today when are you going to give me a longer answer? i’m melting my frozen heart again and my mouth is coming out. i’m so :m
pullin’ up my sheets over my head even when the sun is bright locked up and i can’t get out ye i know it’s only her whose gonna set me free get me back up on my feet
if you are too good to be true and would it be alright if i pulled you closer how could i know one day i’d wake up feeling more but i had already reached the shore
please, stay by my side please, stay by my side if you stay like that, like that please wrap me again in the words of your belief in me
did i put you down it was an accident i swear where are you now? don’t go yet. you have to endure the pain that’s coming. don’t go
tell me why do i always hang onto something things that are about to collapse, days that have passed by if you love me, please tell me now please love me before it’s too late
after a tiring day it’s always your smile every time i’m with you i feel comfortable
mirror on the wall, can you tell me who i am? i think that i forgot, so remind me once again maybe i was going too fast babe, i’d give it all to go back
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sweatermakers · 11 days
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YS Sweater Manufacturer https://knittedsweater.net
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What Is A Sewing Pack — And What Is In One?
What Is A Sewing Pack — And What Is In One?
Ask shooting knitters for what massive explanation you should get limit with their strength and they'll all around reaction that it's excellent times. frabjous fibers
The urgent contraptions expected for twisting around will allow you to make hand custom fitted sews for yourself and people in your conventional presence. You can experience the delight in developing this single piece of you, to the ones you sew for. Various knitters have made their own "contraption chest" of sewing gadgets to pull around with them in a curving around unit so they can sew any spot they go.
A piece of the contraptions that can be found in sensibly Winding around Unit include:
� Sewing Needles � Yarn � Sew Catch � Line counter
Sewing requires two needles. You start by making a slip tie on one needle and "projecting on" how much oblige you need for the endeavor. The central join are made using the two needles, falling the yarn around one needle and drawing the wrapped yarn through circles on the other needle.
There are different sorts of needles, like straight sewing needles, which come in aluminum, wood or plastic. The plastic needles can become powerless if not used for a long time period. Straight bowing around needles show up in a level of different lengths and sizes. It is significant to have a level of needle checks so they can be changed to get the right strain for the endeavor being worked. Pick a length that will hold the join expected for the endeavor and that you feel open to working with. On the off chance that possible buy a rigid technique of needles with a case to keep them in, so you will dependably have nearby the right size expected for any undertaking.
Another kind of sewing needle is the round curving around needle. Evil needles are long, flexible needles with a point on each end. These underhanded needles are filling in pervasiveness since they kill wrinkles and the need to constantly turn your sewing close to the culmination of a part.
Turning yarn is a long settled length of interlocked strands. This yarn can be conveyed utilizing many made or overall typical fibers. Because of the packages in properties of yarns, the kind of commitment will fold up the sort of twisting around yarn. There are various kinds of sewing yarn open in the market like Fleece, Angora, Silk, Cashmere and Vicuna.
Ragg sewing yarn, is a thick yarn used offensive and two inspirations driving wool. It makes a cerebrum blowing warm sock in any event dazzling strip upgrading spread. Cobweb Shetland sewing yarn makes a hazardous Aran sweater yet is clearly fitting for a fortune wrap. Fleece yarn will drive a forebodingly delicate person to free for all of the, one more could seriously despise the energy of acrylics. Two or three standard strands will felt and become weatherproof; others are abandoned security. Most yarn is made of managed material. A utilization is a curved strand. In the event that the reshape is a firm one, the yarn will be fine; enduring momentarily that is too firm, the yarn "wrinkles." Expecting that the turn is free, the yarn is fragile, thick and less solid. buy hand hued strands
The "Sew Catch" has a score toward one side for supporting circles of yarn and drawing them through gets.
A fragment counter is used to count how much lines that have been sewn. A chamber with a numbered dial is pushed onto the needle and is advanced toward the zenith of each line. This is especially helpful while working long model repeats.
0 notes
customknitfactory · 23 days
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mysticanchorsweets · 2 months
What Is A Sewing Pack - And What Is In One?
Ask shooting knitters for what huge explanation you should get limit with their strength and they'll all around reaction that it's sensational times.
The central contraptions expected for turning will allow you to make hand custom fitted sews for yourself and people in your ordinary presence. You can experience the fulfillment in extending this lone piece of you, to the ones you sew for. Various knitters have made their own "contraption chest" of sewing gadgets to pull around with them in a turning around unit so they can sew any spot they go. buy knitting kits
A piece of the contraptions that should be visible as in really Twisting around Unit include:
? Sewing Needles
? Yarn
? Sew Catch
? Line counter
Sewing requires two needles. You start by making a slip tie on one needle and "projecting on" how much oblige you need for the endeavor. The central join are made using the two needles, falling the yarn around one needle and drawing the wrapped yarn through circles on the other needle.
There are different sorts of needles, like straight sewing needles, which come in aluminum, wood or plastic. The plastic needles can become frail if not used for a long time period. Straight reshaping around needles show up in a level of different lengths and sizes. It is useful to have a level of needle checks so they can be changed to get the right strain for the endeavor being worked. Pick a length that will hold the join expected for the endeavor and that you feel open to working with. If possible buy a full scale outline of needles with a case to keep them in, so you will unendingly have nearby the right size expected for any undertaking. buy units for winding around
Another kind of sewing needle is the round bowing around needle. Devilish needles are long, flexible needles with a point on each end. These circumlocutory needles are filling in unavoidability since they kill wrinkles and the need to ceaselessly turn your sewing close to the flawlessness of a section.
Twisting around yarn is a long settled length of interlocked fibers. This yarn can be conveyed utilizing many made or typical fibers. Because of the divisions in characteristics of yarns, the kind of commitment will fold up the sort of twisting around yarn. There are various kinds of sewing yarn open in the market like Fleece, Angora, Silk, Cashmere and Vicuna. purchase units for sewing
Ragg sewing yarn, is a thick yarn made utilizing one usage of terrible and two inspirations driving wool. It makes a cerebrum blowing warm sock in any event dazzling strip upgrading spread. Cobweb Shetland sewing yarn makes a hazardous Aran sweater yet is undeniably fitting for a fortune wrap. Fleece yarn will drive a forebodingly frail person to free for all of the, one more could disdain the energy of acrylics. Two or three typical strands will felt and become weatherproof; others are horrible security. Most yarn is made of overseen material. A use is a turned strand. If the reshape is a firm one, the yarn will be fine; enduring momentarily that is too firm, the yarn "wrinkles." Expecting that the turn is free, the yarn is delicate, thick and less solid.
The "Sew Catch" has a score toward one side for supporting circles of yarn and drawing them through gets.
A section counter is used to count how much lines that have been sewn. A chamber with a numbered dial is pushed onto the needle and is advanced toward the zenith of each line. This is especially valuable while working long model repeats.
0 notes
sweaterproducer · 2 months
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abigailjohn2023 · 3 months
What Is A Sewing Pack - And What Is In One?
Ask shooting knitters for what huge explanation you should get limit with their grit and they'll generally answer that it's wonderful times.
The fundamental contraptions expected for turning will allow you to make hand custom fitted sews for yourself and people in your standard presence. You can experience the thoroughly enjoy broadening this lone piece of you, to the ones you sew for. Various knitters have made their own "contraption chest" of sewing gadgets to pull around with them in a twisting around unit so they can sew any spot they go. buy sew packs
A piece of the contraptions that can be seen as in really Twisting around Unit include:
? Sewing Needles ? Yarn ? Sew Catch ? Line counter
Sewing requires two needles. You start by making a slip tie on one needle and "projecting on" how much oblige you need for the endeavor. The central join are made using the two needles, falling the yarn around one needle and drawing the wrapped yarn through circles on the other needle. purchase sewing units
There are different sorts of needles, like straight sewing needles, which come in aluminum, wood or plastic. The plastic needles can become feeble if not used for a really long time period. Straight contorting around needles show up in a level of different lengths and sizes. It is significant to have a level of needle checks so they can be changed to get the right strain for the endeavor being worked. Pick a length that will hold the join expected for the endeavor and that you feel open to working with. If possible buy a rigid plan of needles with a case to keep them in, so you will continually have nearby the right size expected for any undertaking. buy packs for winding around
Another kind of sewing needle is the round contorting around needle. Shrewd needles are long, flexible needles with a point on each end. These indirect needles are filling in unavoidability since they kill wrinkles and the need to persistently turn your sewing close to the flawlessness of a portion. buy hand dyed yarn
Twisting around yarn is a long settled length of interlocked fibers. This yarn can be conveyed utilizing many made or typical fibers. Because of the divisions in characteristics of yarns, the kind of commitment will fold up the sort of twisting around yarn. There are various kinds of sewing yarn open in the market like Fleece, Angora, Silk, Cashmere and Vicuna. buy join units
Ragg sewing yarn, is a thick yarn made involving one usage of disgraceful and two purposes behind downy. It makes a cerebrum blowing warm sock in any event dazzling strip redesiging spread. Cobweb Shetland sewing yarn makes a dangerous Aran sweater yet is clearly fitting for a fortune wrap. Wool yarn will drive a forebodingly weak person to free for all of the, one more could disdain the energy of acrylics. Two or three customary strands will felt and become weatherproof; others are awful security. Most yarn is made of controlled material. A utilization is a bent strand. If the reshape is a firm one, the yarn will be fine; enduring momentarily that is too firm, the yarn "wrinkles." Expecting that the turn is free, the yarn is sensitive, thick and less solid.
The "Sew Catch" has a score toward one side for supporting circles of yarn and drawing them through gets.
A portion counter is used to count how much lines that have been sewn. A chamber with a numbered dial is pushed onto the needle and is advanced toward the zenith of each line. This is especially valuable while working long model repeats
0 notes
3-cube · 3 months
Accepting Sustainability: Recycled Beanies’ Effect and Style
Fashion decisions are a major factor in determining our environmental effect in a time when sustainability is of the utmost importance. Recycled beanie is one such green accessory that is becoming more and more popular. A recycled beanie signifies more than just coziness—it’s a pledge to cut waste and support the circular fashion industry. We examine the relevance of recycled beanies in this blog post, as well as their materials, environmental impact, and seamless integration of style and sustainability.
The Environmental Effects of Recycled Beanies: 
The production of traditional textiles can be resource-intensive and detrimental to the environment. Conversely, recycled beanies support a circular economy by reusing materials that might have otherwise ended up in landfills. By doing this, the need for virgin materials is lessened, and the carbon impact of producing new textiles is also decreased. Customers can take an active role in reducing textile waste and conserving vital resources by selecting a recycled beanie.
Materials Used in Recycled Beanies: 
Recycled PET (rPET), which is made from plastic bottles, is one of the frequently used reclaimed materials used to create recycled beanies. These bottles go through a transformation process that yields a sturdy and sustainable yarn that is used to make beanies. Recycled cotton is another common material for beanies, and by recycling post-consumer textile waste, it supports the circular fashion philosophy. The mix of these materials produces beanies that are both high-quality and comfortable, while also being environmentally responsible.
Style Meets Sustainability: 
Recycled beanies effortlessly combine environmental responsibility with stylish patterns, dispelling the myth that sustainable fashion sacrifices style. Recycled beanies come in a variety of colors, patterns, and styles to suit a wide range of fashion tastes. These beanies, which come in a variety of designs and traditional neutral colors, boldly declare that fashion and sustainability can coexist. Recycled materials are becoming a common feature in fashion designs, encouraging consumers to make more ethical and environmentally friendly decisions without compromising elegance.
Tumblr media
Selecting Recycled Beanies for Your Winter Outfit:
Beanies and other warm items are a must as winter draws near. Choosing recycled beanies for your winter attire not only keeps you warm but also promotes sustainable living. Recycled beanies are perfect for a wide range of events, from informal get-togethers to outdoor excursions, thanks to their versatility. Every preference for a snug skull cap type or a sloppy fit can be satisfied by the variety of recycled beanie styles available.
Companies Setting the Standard: 
A number of creative fashion labels are promoting sustainable and recycled beanies. These companies use recycled materials into their supply chains and place a high value on openness, all the while upholding their high standards for design and craftsmanship. Customers who support these firms help to spread awareness of sustainable fashion and inspire others to do the same.
Upcycling and Recycling: 
If you’re creative, turning an old sweater into a beanie through DIY projects may be a fun and fulfilling experience. Several internet guides offer detailed instructions for converting worn-out clothing into fashionable and environmentally responsible accessories. This showcases the possibility of individual contributions to a sustainable fashion future, while also giving your outfit a personalized touch and cutting down on textile waste.
In conclusion, recycled beanies are a perfect example of how style and sustainability can coexist together. Customers may actively contribute to lessening the impact on the environment and advancing a circular fashion economy by selecting these environmentally friendly accessories. Recycled beanies are proof of the good improvements that people and brands can do together as the fashion industry moves forward toward a more sustainable future. Adorn yourself in recycled beanies to embrace their coziness, style, and environmentally aware vibe, and demonstrate that fashion can truly effect positive change.
Read More: Accepting Sustainability: Recycled Beanies’ Effect and Style
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