#yasmin biswas
thasmin13 · 2 years
Here's the 3rd chapter of my fanfic, sorry it took so long to finish writing, but better late than never, right?
"Huh, I haven't done that in a while." The Doctor claimed after she and Yaz had got their breath back. They lay back on the picnic blanket, Yaz's head resting on The Doctor's chest, the blonde playing with the human's brunette hair.
"That was the first time I have properly kissed someone, I mean, I had a crush on Danny Biswas when I was 13 and kissed him once but we could never have been a couple, he was too much of a jerk. Like most humans. Like most men." Yaz scoffed.
The Doctor continued to wrap the brunette's hair round her fingers. "Oi, I used to be a man!" She exclaimed.
Yaz smiled. A question that had been burning in the back of her mind ever since she met the timelord suddenly started to quickly crawl quickly up her throat. "How does that work, how were you a man, then a woman?"
"Do you remember I told you that I could regenerate?" Yaz nodded, listening closely. "Well, when a timelord regenerates, every cell in their body...changes. Reshapes, reforms, it changes in every way possible. Everything; including the timelord's gender, appearance, personality, everything. Even the accent. Before, I regenerated into this form, I was a grumpy scottish man."
Yaz laughed, "Really?!" She sat up, looking at the blonde short haired woman, trying and failing to picture a scottish man in replace of the blonde lying beside her. "Oh yeah, and now I'm the complete opposite; a woman with a huddersfield accent." The Doctor sighed. Yaz lay back down on the blonde's chest.
"I don't know, I think it's sexy..." Yaz tilted her head to look up at the blonde "...and quiet cute." Yaz smirked earning a light chuckle from the blonde's chest beneath her. "What do you mean "quiet" I think you mean "very cute"." The Doctor put on a tone as if she was a teacher correcting a student. She was so needy, it was so stupid and cute and perfect.
The Doctor smiled and reached her hand down so it was hoovering over the human's brown one. Yaz looked at it and smiled, holding on to it, never wanting to let go. Right there in that moment, holding her girlfriend's hand, her and The Docor's feelings finally free, Yasmin Khan thanked the stars and whoever was in charge up there. Maybe, if the stars where in the right place, and if it was in a good mood, the universe could be kind. She thought as she stared out at the starry red sky; this planet sure was beautiful. She lay there wondering how many other lucky couples had got to enjoy such a rare miracle.
And the rare miracle that Yaz had just been admiring had started to darken. Like dramatically darken. The redness of the sky above them had suddenly gotten several shades darken in seconds. Yaz sat up, letting go of The Doctor's hand, tilting her head back, inspecting the view, trying to work out if she had been imagaing it or not.
She turned back to The Doctor who had the same worried expression on her face as the human did. "I'm not imaging it, am I?" Yaz questioned quietly as she watched the blonde, hearing her brain tick away while it worked through all of the possible causes of the strange event.
"No." She replied soon after. "No, I don't think you are." She sat up matching the brunette.
Yaz watched The Doctor expectantly, waiting for an explanation to what was happening.
"Well, what are you thinking?" She rolled her eyes seeing that The Doctor had just ignored her and went back to watching the changing sky.
She then answered afew monets later, turning her body around so it faced Yaz, a playful smile on her face. "Well, I was thinking, we could see what is happening, I could use the sonic to scan the area for any potenial threats, or..." She moved her hand so it was playing with Yaz's." "We could stay here and make out, you know, we could just..."
Yaz smiled, finishing her sentence for her, "Ignore it." The Doctor smiled at her looking hopeful for a moment. Yaz hit her arm lightly. "Seriously, you're The Doctor, your job is to go arouind saving people and solving mysteries, like skies that suddenly change colour..." She tapper her on the nose, "It is not to flirt and make out with random humans!"
"It could be." The Doctor replied casually. Yaz laughed at the mischievious smile on her face. "But you're not a normal human, are you? You're amazing, smart, beautiful and I am so lucky to have met you. And might I just say, I love flirting and making out with you." The Doctor smiled, tapping Yaz on the nose just as the human had done to her. The Doctor looking directly into the brunette's dark brown eyes. Yaz could feel her cheeks blush as she smiled back gently, leaned in and kissed the alien again softly.
When they pulled apart, The Doctor looked at the human, her face softening into her usual goofy smile. "OK, OK, I know, we probably should go check it out." She admitted standing up.
She held her hand out for Yaz. It was just like that time on the ship when she had asked Yaz to come with her. At that time, her and Yaz had both went into the danger together, and this time was the exact same, bar the convienent absence of sea devils.
Yaz smiled and took her hand gratefully, letting The Doctor take her weight for afew seconds. She seen The Doctor's t-shirt, staring particularly at the rainbow, wondering if it had been a complete coincidence that The Doctor had chosen the rainbow t-shirt, afew years later dating a girl.
The Doctor tightened her grip on Yaz's hand as they stood up, both looking around at the scenery, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. For the first few minutes, it was fine, nothing else out of the ordinary happened.
The timelord took her sonic out and pointed the device in diiferent directions as it buzzed loudly. She took a good 5 minutes, walking off in a random direction for afew seconds, then repeating the action walking off in a different direction until she stopped, her eyesbrows frowned, the sonic held up to her face.
"What is it? Is something wrong?" The human beside her quizzed curiously. "No, nothing, but it's picking up small stray traces of a mix of atron and vortex energy."
Yaz looked at the blonde, hoping it was nothing to worry about. "From the TARDIS." She checked, keeping her voice calm. "No, it shouldn't be, I cloaked it's signal so no one could track us while we were here."
Great. Yaz took a deep breath, she wasn't going to panic, her police training and the time she had spent with The Doctor had taught her well. She stepped over to The Doctor. "So...not ours then?"
The Doctor breathed beside her. "Nope." They both were looking straight out, waiting for something to jump out, something to happen. "So, someone else was here, or is here, possibily one with a TARDIS?" She asked slowly like is was no big deal.
The Doctor gulped from beside her. "Yeah?" She replied, her voice higher than usual. Yaz turned her head to look at her. "Well..." The Doctor turned to face her, her eyes wide in wonder. "Guess we better check out what it is, huh?" Yaz smiled, the exact smile that only Yasmin Khan was capable of, the one that restored faith in a person, in an alien. The one that brought confident out of the shyest of people. The one that could brighten up anyone's day.
That's why The Doctor loved Yaz, because of the incredible person she was to eveyone she crossed paths with. She was perfect in every way, from her appearance to her enthuasm and positive attitude. The Doctor knew that she had been so lucky to meet the human, from her thousands of years of experience, she had learnt that there aren't enough Yaz's on Earth, even in the whole universe.
She had planned to tell Yaz all of this, why she loved her and what she thought of the human, and she had recently realised that Yaz must be confused becasue from their lasy conversation, The Doctor had said that they couldn't be together because of how "she knew sooner or later it'll hurt." Then afew hours later kissed her.
She atleast deserved to hear why she said what she said and how she wasn't scared anymore.
But, now was not the time, The Doctor could feel in her gut that something was wrong, either with the planet or on the planet and she was determined to find out what. The universe seemed to hear her thoughts because the planet started to shake violently.
Yaz and The Doctor gasped as the blades of grass shook beneath them. "Doctor...?" Yaz said, now acknowling the fact that something was definetly wrong. The Doctor remianed quiet, like she was waiting to hear something to prove her suspicions right.
And, as if on cue, the planet roared, louder than anything Yaz had ever heard. The Doctor grabbed Yaz by the arm, tugging her away from the dreadfull cry. "That bad?" Yaz shouted over the noise, the two of them now running full speed in the direction of the blue box.
They should've reached it by now, The Doctor thought, as her and Yaz ran, her hearts racing, slowly getting more and more worried that this situation they were currnently in the middle of was way more serious than some colour changing sky.
"We need to get out of here now!" She yelled deseperately. She heard Yaz gasp behind her, indicating that she had just realised the same thing about the dissaperence of the TARDIS. "Oh no." She gasped as she forced her legs to keep running, she had to keep up with the blonde ahead of her. Her heart beat loudly in her ears, her lungs screamed in protest. But she had to keep going.
Then it stopped. The roaring, the shaking, all of it. It just stopped. The Doctor slowed down and stopped, looking around, Yaz copying her. "Ah...." Yaz started, confussed. "I don't know." The Doctor replied, already sonicing the area. She shoke her head afew moments later. "There's still traces of atron and vortex energy. What ever happened..."
"...is still happening." Yaz finished her sentence for her, turning on the spot slowly, taking in everything, looking for something out of the ordinary, something that shouldn't be there. She squinted her eyes, and for a moment she thought she saw something afew meters away, it looked like bright green lights swirling around in a circle, just above the ground. Like the start of a tornado. But it dissapeared as quickly as it had appeared. "Ah, Doctor?" She asked, again forcing herself to remain calm.
Before the blonde, who was examining a piece of grass she had picked from the ground, could reply, the ground started to shake violently, an earth quake making the two of them lose balance and fall over.
But instead of them hitting the fresh, bright green grass that had been covering the planet when they arrived, they landed on a rough, scorched surface. The Doctor coughed as she inhaled the dust from the burnt ground, it tickling her throat.
When the vigorous shaking had stopped, the timelord looked around and gasped at the change of the scenery. "What?" Yaz questioned as she and The Doctor got up off of the ground. Taking out her sonic, The Doctor scanned the area.
"It's still the same planet, the sonics picking up the same amount of atron and vortex energy as before." She sighed, putting her sonic away, a concentrated frown on her face.
Yaz turned and looked around them. It was all the same burnt layout. The sky above that used to be a rainbow of changing colours was now a dark, stark sight. The whole planet just felt...dead. It felt and looked they gone back in time, or amybe even forward, to a time of a war that had took place here, a war of flame and fire, death and destruction.
The brunette returned her gaze back to The Doctor, whose eyes were darting about the place, taking it all in, her eys searching, scanning the view for clues and answers. She looked back at Yaz who had been watching her, "Somethings very wrong here, Yaz. I just don't know what." She sighed dissively and ran her hand through her hand.
"We need to get off this planet." She said, her sonic making another appearance. She smiled as she continued scanning, "So much for our date, huh?" Yaz grinned back at her, but couldn't help but still feel neverous; nervous, no, anxious, that something was going to happen, that something, or someone was gonna jump out and they'd be forced into another adventure. Why couldn't they just have a normal date? But of course, how could she expect such a thing, she knew that life with The Doctor was never going to be that easy, that fair, but she was OK with that, as long as she was with The Doctor, it would be okay.
Yaz continued to stare at the alien, who was bitting her tongue in concentration, her eyes brows frowned, her eyes slighly squinted, on the hunt for detail. Yaz may or may not have found it attractive or cute or anything like that. Nope, don't know what you're talking about.
The both of them, however, quickly got snapped out of what they were doing at the sound of a loud bang behind them. That's when they both looked at eachother, exchanging looks of worry and curiosity. And as if on cue, the both of them, perfectly in sync, spun around at the same time, their faces set, not knowing what to expect but the both of them feeling ready for anything.
And surely enough, what they saw next was the thing that the both of them had expected the very least out of everything that could've appeared out of thin air right behind them.
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bravadoseries · 4 years
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And when you start to feel the rush / a crimson headache, aching blush / and you surrender to the touch, you’ll know / I can put on a show, I can put on a show. / Don't you see what you're finding? This is heaven in hiding.
[TAGLIST: @daaeleira​ @emiliachrstine​ @ocfairygodmother​ @perfectlystiles​ @lizziesxltzmxn​ @marveloccommunity​ @chlobenet ask to be added!]
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Isn’t it kind of funny that both Clara and Yaz had boyfriends named Danny. Like did the show writers not realize this? Is Danny that common of a name in the UK?
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taiey · 5 years
RYAN: You just went right down in my estimation. YASMIN: All right. RYAN: Danny Biswas? He was punching well above his weight. YASMIN: Did you just accidentally pay me a compliment?
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I just kinda
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Yaz always struck me as, like, self-assured and optimistic and I’m not quite sure how to square that with this episode’s backstory. Help me?
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ysmnkhn-moved · 6 years
idk where that post is and i’m too lazy to look for it, but: 
basically, if yasmin develops a crush on your character, you’re in no way obligated to have them reciprocate it! she tends to heart eyes a lot, and honestly writing unrequited love could be really fun as well. 
this isn’t aimed at anybody in particular, i’ve just been spending the past few minutes thinking about how yaz would develop/act on crushes. we’ve only got a couple instances of it - in rosa, where yasmin tells ryan about the time she climbed through a boy’s window during secondary school; and in arachnids in the uk, when she gets very defensive and panicked when najia asks if she’s seeing the doctor. it’s a really stark contrast in my eyes, at least in terms of her confidence levels in the two instances, but that could be because the emotions about the doctor are still new, while danny biswas (spelling?) could have been a developed relationship that had been going on for a while, which is probably how i’m gonna explain it for my portrayal. 
tl;dr - unrequited love is cool and yasmin is the master of heart eyes so please don’t let it scare anybody away from interactions. also sarah looks way too into things sometimes, woop woop. 
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 500+ Bangladeshi faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Shushama Das (1930) Bangladeshi - singer.
Mahbuba Rahman (1935) Bangladeshi - singer.
Ferdausi Rahman / Ferdausi Begum (1941) Bangladeshi - singer.
Fauzia Yasmin (1942) Bangladeshi - singer.
Shabnam / Jharna Basak (1942) Bangladeshi - actress.
Dilara Zaman (1943) Bangladeshi - actress.
Ferdousi Mazumder (1943) Bangladeshi - actress.
Nasima Khan (1944) Bangladeshi - actress.
Alaka Das (1946) Bangladeshi - singer.
Laila Hasan (1946) Bangladeshi - choreographer, dancer and actress.
Sharmili Ahmed (1947) Bangladeshi - actress.
Anwara / Anwara Begum (1948) Bangladeshi - actress.
Kabori Sarwar (1950) Bangladeshi - actress.
Bibi Russell (1950) Bangladeshi - fashion designer and former international model.
Shahnaz Rahmatullah (1952) Bangladeshi - singer.
Runa Laila (1952) Bangladeshi - singer.
Shuchanda / Kohinoor Akhter (1952) Bangladeshi - actress.
Jayasree Kabir (1952) Bangladeshi - actress.
Shamim Azad (1952) Bangladeshi - bilingual poet, storyteller and writer.
Shaheen Samad (1952) Bangladeshi - singer.
Lucky Enam (1952) Bangladeshi - actress.
Bobita / Farida Akhter (1953) Bangladeshi - actress.
Dolly Johur (1953) Bangladeshi - actress.
Sabina Yasmin (1953) Bangladeshi - actress.
Khaleda Aktar Kolpona (1953) Bangladeshi - actress.
Shaban / Afroza Sultana Ratna (1953) Bangladeshi - actress.
Olivia Gomez (1953) Bangladeshi - actress.
Farida Parveen (1954) Bangladeshi - singer.
Nuton / Farhana Amin Ratna (1956) Bangladeshi - actress and dancer.
Shimul Yousuf (1957) Bangladeshi - actress, director and singer.
Sucharita (1958) Bangladeshi - actress.
Suborna Mustafa (1959) Bangladeshi - actress.
Kangalini Sufia (1958/1959) Bangladeshi - singer.
Lucy Rahman (1960’s) Bangladeshi - singer.
Ruby Hammer (1961) Bangladeshi - fashion and beauty makeup artist, columnist, co-founder of Ruby & Millie, and co-founder and Director of Scarlett & Crimson cosmetics brand.
Shakila Zafar (1962) Bangladeshi - singer.
Mita Haque (1962) Bangladeshi - actress.
Gouri Choudhury (1964) Bangladeshi - singer.
Anjana Sultana (1965) Bangladeshi - actress.
Baby Naznin (1965) Bangladeshi - singer.
Samina Chowdhury (1966) Bangladeshi - singer.
Munmun Ahmed (1966) Bangladeshi - actress and dancer.
Anima Roy (1966) Bangladeshi - singer.
Fahmida Nabi (1966) Bangladeshi - singer.
Afsana Mimi (1968) Bangladeshi - actress, model and director.
Tania Ahmed (1968) Bangladeshi - actress.
Leesa Gazi (1969) Bangladeshi - writer, playwright, theatre director and actress.
Kanak Chapa (1969) Bangladeshi - singer.
Shomi Kaiser (1969) Bangladeshi - actress and producer.
Badrunnesa Dalia (1970) Bangladeshi - singer, performer and music teacher.
Bipasha Hayat (1971) Bangladeshi - actress, model and painter.
Jaya Ahsan (1972) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Rowshanara Moni (1974) Bangladeshi - singer and actress.
Bonna Mirza (1975) Bangladeshi - actress.
Momtaz Begum (1974) Bangladeshi - singer and producer.
Akhi Alamgir (1975) Bangladeshi - singer.
Shapla Salique (1975) Bangladeshi - singer-songwriter and harmonium player.
Konnie Huq (1975) Bangladeshi (Bengali) - presenter and writer.
Sadia Islam Mou (1976) Bangladeshi - model and television actress.
Tinni (1977) Bangladeshi - actress and model.  
Tareen Jahan (1978) Bangladeshi - actress, model and singer.
Sonai Gazi (1978 or 1979) Bangladeshi - Miss World Bangladesh 2000.
Monica Yunus (1979) Bangladeshi / Russian - singer.
Rubayyat Jahan (1979) Bangladeshi - singer.
Anila Naz Chowdhury (1979) Bangladeshi - singer.
Mila Islam / Tashbiha Binte Shahid Mila (1979) Bangladeshi - singer.
Popy / Sadika Parvin Popy (1979) Bangladeshi - actress and model.  
Shabnur / Kazi Sharmin Nahid Nupur (1979) Bangladeshi - actress.
Srabonti Narmeen Ali (1979) Bangladeshi - singer and writer.
Tabassum Ferdous Shaon (1979) Bangladeshi - model and Miss World Bangladesh 2001.
Sumaiya Shimu (1980) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Naila Nayem (1981) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Meher Afroz Shaon (1981) Bangladeshi - actress, director and playback singer.
Afsana Ara Bindu (1982) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Chandni / Mehbooba Mahnoor Chandni (1982) Bangladeshi - model, actress and dancer.
Shila Ahmed (1982) Bangladeshi - actress.
Mumtaz Alia Akbari (1982) Bangladeshi - actress, model and television presenter.
Aupee Karim (1982) Bangladeshi - model.
Elita Karim (1982) Bangladeshi - journalist, singer, performer, anchor and voice artist.
Shama Rahman (1983) Bangladeshi - singer-songwriter, actress, sitarist, pianist, guitarist, ukulele player, and composer.
Tisha /  Nusrat Imrose Tisha (1983) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Srabosti Dutta Tinni (1983) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Nipun Akter / Nasrin Akter Nipun (1984) Bangladeshi - actress.
Purnima / Dilara Hanif Purnima (1984) Bangladeshi - actress.
Nadiya Hussain (1984) Bangladeshi - chef, author, and tv presenter.
Tanusree Chakraborty (1984) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Zakia Bari Momo (1984) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Rafiath Rashid Mithila (1984) Bangladeshi - singer, model, and actress.
Masuma Rahman Nabila (1985) Bangladeshi - presenter, model and actor.
Eniyah Rana (1985) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Thamina Kabir (1985) Bangladeshi - Mrs Bangladesh Universe 2013.
Kaniz Ali (1985) Bangladeshi - makeup artist and freelance beauty columnist.
Bree Ali (1985) Bangladeshi - actress.
Suzana Zafar (1986) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Badhon (1986) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Sohana Saba (1986) Bangladeshi - actress.
Ahona Rahman (1987) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Mozeza Ashraf Monalisa (1987) Bangladeshi - actress, model and dancer.
Sayani Datta (1987) Bangladeshi - model.
Bobby / Eamin Haque (1987) Bangladeshi - actress and producer.
Nazmun Munira Nancy (1987) Bangladeshi - singer.
Shimla (1988) Bangladeshi - actress.
Anika Kabir Shokh (1988) Bangladeshi - actress, dancer and model.
Syed Ruma (1988) Bangladeshi - model.
Airin Sultana (1988) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Sadia Jahan Prova (1988) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Dilruba Yasmeen Ruhee (1988) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Shefali Chowdhury (1988) Bangladeshi - actress.
Afshan Azad (1989) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Ridhima Ghosh (1989) Bangladeshi - actress.
Apu Biswas (1989) Bangladeshi - actress.
Rola (1990) Bangladeshi / Japanese, Russian - actress, singer, model, and tv personality.
Mahiya Mahi (1990) Bangladeshi - actress.
Urmila Srabonti Kar (1990) Bangladeshi - actress.
Sahara / Amrita Khan (1990) Bangladeshi - actress.
Jannatul Nayeem Avril (1990) Bangladeshi - model.
Sabnam Faria (1990) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Shiba Ali Khan (1991) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Salma Akhter / Moushumi Akhter Salma (1991) Bangladeshi - singer.
Palbasha Siddique (1991) Bangladeshi - singer-songwriter.
Megha Chakraborty (1991) Bangladeshi - actress.
Irin Afrose (1991) Bangladeshi - model, actress, and Instagrammer (irinafroseofficial).
Peya Jannatul / Jannatul Ferdoush Peya (1991) Bangladeshi - actress, model, Miss Indian Princess International Bangladesh 2013, Miss University Bangladesh 2011, and Miss World Bangladesh 2007.
Nabela Noor (1991) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Peya Bipasha / Azmeri Sultana Bipasha (1991) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Ari Afsar / Arianna Afsar (1991) Bangladeshi / German - actress and model.
Mashiat Rahman (1991) Bangladeshi - model.
Barsha / Afiea Nusrat Barsha (1991) Bangladeshi - actress.
Sarika Sabrin (1992) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Pori Moni (1992) Bangladeshi - actress.
Bidya Sinha Saha Mim (1992) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Ishika Khan (1992) Bangladeshi - actress.
Rumena Begum (1992) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Marjana Chowdhury (1993) Bangladeshi - model, actress, philanthropist and beauty queen.
Liza / Sania Sultana Liza (1993) Bangladeshi - singer.
Alisha Pradhan (1993) Bangladeshi - film actress, model, television presenter and entrepreneur.
Mahbuba Islam Rakhi (1993) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Zohra Etisha (1993) Bangladeshi - actress, model, Miss Intercontinental Bangladesh 2016, and Miss World Bangladesh 2014.
Saima Chowdhury (1993) Bangladeshi - youtuber and photographer.
Orchita Sporshia (1993) Bangladeshi - actress, model, and owner of Kochchop Films.
Tanha Jafrin (1994) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Safa Kabir (1994) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Fatema Islam (1994) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Prosun Azad / Azra Unjum Prosun (1995) Bangladeshi - model, film actress, director and producer.
Sunerah Binte Kamal (1995) Bangladeshi - model.
Nusrat Faria Mazhar (1995) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Sabila Nur (1995) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Margarita Mamun (1995) Bangladeshi / Russian - retired individual rhythmic gymnast.
Tishma (1996) Bangladeshi - rock music singer, musician, lyricist and music composer.
Porshi / Sabrina Porshi (1996) Bangladeshi - singer.
Nadia Afrin Mim (1996) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Sabina Hannan (1996) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Zarin Tasnim Naumi (1996) Bangladeshi - singer.
Falguni Rahman Jolly (1996) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Reema Islam (1996) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Lota / Lutfun Nahar Lata (1997) Bangladeshi - actress.
Reshma Islam (1997) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Raba Khan (1998) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Jessia Islam (1999) Bangladeshi - model and Miss Bangladesh 2017.
Nailah Jr (2001 or 2002) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Puja Cherry Roy (2004) Bangladeshi - actress.
Salma Islam (?) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Mahima Islam (?) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Shimul Zaman (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Maria Kibtia (?) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Shikhee D’iordna (?) Bangladeshi - musician.
Pari ZaaD / Parizaad Zaman (?) Bangladeshi - youtuber and fashion blogger.
Samapika Debnath (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Shaina Amin / Mahmuda Amin Shaina (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Bijori Barkatullah (?) Bangladeshi - actress and dancer.
Zerin Mou (?) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Tania Brishty (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Titan Chowdhury (?) Bangladeshi - model.
Shampa Reza (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
RJ Nilanjona (?) Bangladeshi - rapper and DJ.
Hosne Ara Putul (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Mousumi Nag (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Rumana Malik Munmun (?) Bangladeshi - model, actress, dancer, and television anchor.
Mukti (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Rakhi’s Beauty World (?) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Moushumi (?) Bangladeshi - actress and director.
Shova Shahriar (?) Bangladeshi - model and Miss University Bangladesh 2016.
Misty Jannat (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Makeover by Tabassu (?) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Moushumi Hamid (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Aparna Ghosh (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Bindiya (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Sharbari Dasgupta (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Hridi Haq (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Tahamina Akter Authoy (?) Bangladeshi - Miss University Bangladesh 2017.
Humaira Himu (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Ishrat Jahan Chaity (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Munjarin Abony (?) Bangladeshi - dancer and Miss University Bangladesh 2015.
Nowshin (?) Bangladeshi - actress and radio personality.
Sushoma Sarkar (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Achol / Achol Akhe (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Samroj Ajmi Alvi (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.  
Shabnom Bubly (?) Bangladeshi - actress and news anchor.
Champa / Gulshan Ara Akter Champa (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Naznin Hasan Chumki (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Jyotika Jyoti (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Rozina (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Tanjin Tisha (?) Bangladeshi - actress, model and TV presenter.
Anju Ghosh (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Sara Zaker (?) Bangladeshi - actor, director, business entrepreneur and social activist.
Aruna Biswas (?) Bangladeshi - actress and director.
Chitralekha Guho (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Tamalika Karmakar (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Rumana Khan (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Lucy Tripti Gomes (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Shormi Mala (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Farhana Mili (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Toma Mirza (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Monira Mithu (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Moutushi Biswas (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Shamima Nazneen (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Shabnam Parvin (?) Bangladeshi - actress, director, and producer.
Rokeya Prachy (?) Bangladeshi - actress and director.
Quazi Nawshaba Ahmed (?) Bangladeshi - actress and voice artist.
Nijhum Rubina (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Saberi Alam (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Shabnaz / Sabrina Tania (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Shanta Islam / Najma Haque(?) Bangladeshi - actress, anchor and director.
Suborna Shirin (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Kusum Sikder (?) Bangladeshi - actress, singer and model.
Amelia Maltepe (?) Bangladeshi - model. - Trans!
Chitra Sinha (?) Bangladeshi - actress, dancer and producer.
Richi Solaiman (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Tanvin Sweety (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Wahida Mollick Jolly (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Jyotsna Biswas (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Falguni Hamid (?) Bangladeshi - actress, playwright, director and producer.
Deepa Khandakar (?) Bangladeshi - actress.
Rumana Rashid Ishita (?) Bangladeshi - television actress, director, and writer.
Nadia Ahmed (?) Bangladeshi - actress and dancer.
Sabrin Saka Meem (?) Bangladeshi - actress and television news presenter.
Authi (?) Bangladeshi - actress and singer.
Samin Sababa (?) Bangladeshi - actress and model.
Anusheh Anadil (?) Bangladeshi - musician, artist, cultural activist, and entrepreneur.
Shusmita Anis (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Ferdous Ara (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Priyanka Gope (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Shaila Simi (?) Bangladeshi - writer, poet, and Miss World Bangladesh 1999.
Nina Hamid (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Rezwana Choudhury Bannya (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Iffat Ara Dewan (?) Bangladeshi - singer and painter.
Nashid Kamal (?) Bangladeshi - vocalist, writer and professor of demography.
Khilkhil Kazi (?) Bangladeshi - singer and organizer.
Uma Khan (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Fahmida Khatun (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Konal (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Kona / Dilshad Nahar Kona (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Kazi Krishnokoli Islam (?) Bangladeshi - singer and lyricist.
Lemis / Lihat Lemis (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Mehreen / Mehreen Mahmud (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Chandana Mazumdar (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Aditi Mohsin (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Mitali Mukherjee (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Anupama Mukti (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Rawshan Ara Mustafiz (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Shabnam Mustari (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Nodi / Moumita Tashrin Nodi (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Oyshee (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Rizia Parveen (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Sahana Bajpaie (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Papia Sarwar (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Shithi Saha (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Abida Sultana (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Fatema Tuz Zohra (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Chandrika Chevli (?) Bangladeshi - actress and broadcaster.
Mumtahana Elahi (?) Bangladeshi - Instagrammer (abayaholic).
Naziba Naushin (?) Bangladeshi - Instagrammer (naziba.naushin).
Mehzabin A. Aurna (?) Bangladeshi - Instagrammer (mehzalicious).
Zahra Mitu (?) Bangladeshi - model and Miss Supermodel International Bangladesh 2017.
Tania Rahman Tonni (?) Bangladeshi - Miss World Bangladesh 1998.
Rehnuma Dilruba Chitra (?) Bangladeshi - Miss World Bangladesh 1996.
Yasmin Bilkis Sathi (?) Bangladeshi - Miss World Bangladesh 1995.
Anika Taher (?) Bangladeshi - Miss World Bangladesh 1994.
F - Athletes:
Nilufar Yasmin (1975) Bangladeshi - jumper.
Beauty Nazmun Nahar (1984) Bangladeshi - track and field sprint athlete.
Foujia Huda (1985) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Shirin Akter (1994) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Amaresh Roy Chowdhury (1928) Bangladeshi - vocalist.
Iqbal Bahar Chowdhury (1930) Bangladeshi - news presenter, elocutionist and voice actor.
Masud Ali Khan (1931) Bangladeshi - actor.
Saidur Rahman Boyati (1931) Bangladeshi - singer.
Sunil Dhar (1933) Bangladeshi - musician.
Duke / Abdul Fakir (1935) Bangladeshi / Ethiopian - singer.
Momtazuddin Ahmed (1935) Bangladeshi - playwright-actor and educationist
Mustafa Zaman Abbasi (1936) Bangladeshi - musicologist.
Syed Hasan Imam (1935) Bangladeshi - actor, film director, television director.
Ashish Kumar Louho (1937)  Bangladeshi - actor, playwright, dialogue writer and story writer.
Pabitra Mohan Dey (1937) Bangladeshi - tabla player.
Mobarak Hossain Khan (1938) Bangladeshi - musicologist, musician, and writer.
Prabir Mitra (1940) Bangladeshi - actor.
Syed Abdul Hadi (1940) Bangladeshi - singer.
Ramendu Majumdar (1941) Bangladeshi - actor, stage director and theater producer.
Ataur Rahman (1941) Bangladeshi - actor.
ATM Shamsuzzaman (1941) Bangladeshi - actor, director and screen-playwright.
Amjad Hossain (1942) Bangladeshi - film director, actor, scriptwriter and lyricist.
Keramat Moula (1942) Bangladeshi - theater activist and art director.
Jamaluddin Hossain (1943) Bangladeshi - actor, director and theater activist.
Ahmed Sharif (1943) Bangladeshi - actor.
Enamul Haqu (1943) Bangladeshi - actor and academic.
Kari Amir Uddin Ahmed (1943) Bangladeshi - musician.
Jayanta Chattopadhyay (1944) Bangladeshi - actor and reciter.
Abul Hayat (1944) Bangladeshi - actor and writer.
Khurshid Alam (1944) Bangladeshi - singer.
Aly Zaker (1944) Bangladeshi - actor, businessman, director and writer.
Tele Samad (1945) Bangladeshi - actor.
Badal Roy (1945) Bangladeshi - tabla player, percussionist, and recording artist.
Ujjal / Ashraf Uddin Ahmed (1946) Bangladeshi - actor and director.
Farooque / Akbar Hossain (1948) Bangladeshi - actor.
Mamunur Rashid (1948) Bangladeshi - actor, director and scriptwriter.
Rathindranath Roy (1949) Bangladeshi - musician.
Gerry Bednob (1950) Indo-Trinidadian [Bangladeshi] - actor and comedian.
Abul Khair (1950) Bangladeshi - actor.
Syed Neaz Ahmad (1950’s) Bangladeshi - academic, writer, journalist, and critic.
Wasim / Mesbah Uddin Ahmed (1950) Bangladeshi - actor.
Alamgir / Alamgir Hossain (1950) Bangladeshi - actor and television host. .
Raisul Islam Asad / Raisul Islam Asad (1953) Bangladeshi - actor.
Tariq Anam Khan (1953) Bangladeshi - actor, director, writer and producer.
Subir Nandi (1953) Bangladeshi - musician.
Afzal Hossain (1954) Bangladeshi - actor, director, writer and painter.
Alamgir (1955) Bangladeshi - singer.
Sadek Bachchu (1955) Bangladeshi - singer.
Andrew Kishore (1955) Bangladeshi - singer.
Malay Bhowmick (1956) Bangladeshi - playwright, actor, director, and educationist.
Ilias Kanchan (1956) Bangladeshi - actor.
Ali Raj (1957) Bangladeshi - actor.
Ayub Bachchu (1958) Bangladeshi - musician.
Shahadat Hossain Khan (1958) Bangladeshi - musician.
Eenasul Fateh (1959) Bangladeshi - cultural practitioner, magician, and live artist.
Rez Kabir / Rezaul Kabir (1959) Bangladeshi - actor.
Masum Parvez Rubel (1960) Bangladeshi - film actor, fighting director, producer and director.
Alaur Rahman (1960) Bangladeshi - singer.
Fazlur Rahman Babu (1960) Bangladeshi - actor and singer.
Kafil Ahmed (1962) Bangladeshi - poet, singer and artist.
Salauddin Lavlu (1962) Bangladeshi - actor.
Chandan Sen (1963) Bangladeshi - actor, playwright, and director.
Kumar Bishwajit (1963) Bangladeshi - singer and composer.
Bapparaj (1963) Bangladeshi - actor, director and producer.
James / Faruq Mahfuz Anam (1964) Bangladeshi - singer, guitarist, and composer.
Ahmed Rubel (1965) Bangladeshi - actor.
Shahidul Alam Sachchu (1965) Bangladeshi - actor.
Kamal Ahmed (1965) Bangladeshi - singer.
Tauquir Ahmed (1965/1966) Bangladeshi -architect, actor and director.
Kamal Ahmed (1966) Bangladesh / Trinidadian - comedian and producer.
Azad Abul Kalam (1966) Bangladeshi - actor, director and writer.
Shuvro Dev (1966) Bangladeshi - musician.
Misha Sawdagor / Shahid Hasan Misha (1966)  Bangladeshi - actor.
Zahid Hasan (1967) Bangladeshi - singer.
Mahfuz Ahmed (1967) Bangladeshi - actor.
Menhaj Huda (1967) Bangladeshi - director and producer
Omar Sunny / Omar Sani (1969) Bangladeshi - actor.
Kishon Khan (1970) Bangladeshi - jazz pianist, composer, arranger and music producer.
Chanchal Chowdhury (1971) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Amit Hasan (1972) Bangladeshi - actor.
Mosharraf Karim (1972) Bangladeshi - actor.
Asif Akbar (1972) Bangladeshi - singer.
Monir Khan (1972) Bangladeshi - singer.
Riaz / Riaz Uddin Ahamed Siddique (1972) Bangladeshi - actor, producer, model, and television presenter.
Amin Khan (1972) Bangladeshi - actor.
Ferdous Ahmed (1973) Bangladeshi - actor.
Shakil Khan (1973) Bangladeshi - actor.
Sumon / Saidus Salehin Khaled (1973) Bangladeshi - bass player, singer, songwriter, composer, music producer.
Anisur Rahman Milon (1974) Bangladeshi - actor.
Bappa Mazumder (1974) Bangladeshi - lyricist and composer.
Tanzir Tuhin (1974) Bangladeshi - musician, singer-songwriter, actor, painter, and architect.
Ziaur Rahman Zia (1975) Bangladeshi - musician, composer, bassist, songwriter, and architect.
Pritom Ahmed (1976) Bangladeshi - singer, songwriter, and music composer.
Iresh Zaker (1976) Bangladeshi - actor.
Shahriar Nazim Joy (1978) Bangladeshi - actor, writer, and director.
Ananta Jalil / M.A. Jalil Anantal (1978) Bangladeshi - actor, director, producer, and businessman.
Tonmoy Tansen (1978) Bangladeshi - singer and film director.
Arnob / Shayan Chowdhury Arnob (1978) Bangladeshi - musician, singer and composer.
Habib Wahid (1979) Bangladeshi - composer, musician and singer.
Tahsan / Tahsan Khan / Tahsan Rahman Khan (1979) Bangladeshi - singer-songwriter, composer, actor, teacher, and model.
Shajal Noor (1980) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Apurba / Ziaul Faruq Apurba (1981) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Bappy Chowdhury (1982) Bangladeshi - actor.
Shishir Ahmed (1982) Bangladeshi  - guitarist, multi-instrumentalist and composer.
Aamer Rahman (1982) Bangladeshi - comedian.
Shuvo / dRockstar Shuvo / Moidul Islam Khan Shuvo (1982) Bangladeshi - singer-songwriter.
Topu / Rashed Uddin Ahmed Topu (1982) Bangladeshi - musician, singer-songwriter and composer.
Arifin Shuvo (1982) Bangladeshi - actor and television personality.
Nirab Hossain (1983) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Kazi Shuvo (1983) Bangladeshi - singer.
Arun Saha (1983) Bangladeshi - actor and musician.
Mamnun Hasan Emon (1983) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Asif Azim (1984) Bangladeshi - model.
Shakib Khan (1984) Bangladeshi - actor.
SP / Mumzy Stranger (1984) Bangladeshi - MC, singer, songwriter and record producer.
Symon / Symon Sadik (1985) Bangladeshi - actor.
Jan Uddin (1985) Bangladeshi - model.
Amaan Reza (1986) Bangladeshi - actor.
Fahim Faisal (1986) Bangladeshi - singer, composer and media personality.
Rahsaan Islam / Rahsaan Noor / Rahsaan Noor Islam (1986) Bangladeshi - actor and filmmaker.
Arfin Rumey (1987) Bangladeshi - singer, musician, composer, lyricist, music director and model.
Rakib Mosabbir (1988) Bangladeshi - singer-songwriter, musician and record producer.
Tawsif Mahbub (1988) Bangladeshi - actor.
Ron Mustafaa (1989) Bangladeshi - actor.
Anik Khan (1989) Bangladeshi - singer-songwriter, rapper, and director.
Rahat Hossain (1989) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Hridoy Khan (1990) Bangladeshi - singer, music composer, and actor.
Islah Abdur-Rahman (1991) Bangladeshi - director, actor and screenwriter.
Sanjoy / Sanjoy Deb (1991) Bangladeshi - musician, DJ, producer, and director.
Imran Mahmudul (1991) Bangladeshi - music composer and singer.
Shoumik Ahmed (1992) Bangladeshi - actor and singer.
Shouvik Ahmed (1992) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Nish / Nishat Monsur (1994) Bangladeshi - singer, songwriter, guitarist and pianist.
ICEY (1995) Bangladeshi - rapper, singer, and instagrammer (icey4u, dreamscouple, p.ropose, iceylit).
Tamim Mridha (1997) Bangladeshi - singer.
Tawhid Afridi (1997) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Ahnaf Nasif (1999) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Prottoy Heron (2001) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Fatin Arman Nahin (2002) Bangladeshi - youtuber.
Iftakar Chowdhury (?) Bangladeshi - actor and director.
Big Baby Gandhi / Nasif Allah (?) Bangladeshi - rapper.
Ellis Miah (?) Bangladeshi, Unspecified Caribbean - actor, singer-songwriter, DJ, composer, and producer.
Niloy Alamgir (?) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Hero Alom (?) Bangladeshi - actor, model and social media star.
Asif Imrose (?) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Afran Nisho (?) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Irfan Sazzad (?) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Adil Hossain Nobel (?) Bangladeshi - model.
Sumit Chakravarti (?) Bangladeshi, Indian - actor.
Lr Khan Simanto (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Ifte Amed (?) Bangladeshi - model.
Agun / Khan Asifur Rahman Agun (?) Bangladeshi - musician.
Saleh Ahmed (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Litu Anam (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Masum Aziz (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Fakhrul Hasan Boiragi (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Intekhab Dinar (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Azizul Hakim (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Rawnak Hasan (?) Bangladeshi - actor and playwright.
Ejajul Islam (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Helal Khan (?) Bangladeshi - actor and producer.  
Mir Sabbir (?) Bangladeshi - actor and director.  
Arman Parvez Murad (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Nayeem (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Nurul Islam Bablu (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Pijush Bandyopadhyay (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Ziaul Roshan (?) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Mishu Sabbir (?) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Sadman Sameer (?) Bangladeshi - actor and model.
Shahiduzzaman Selim (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Shahed Sharif Khan (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Afzal Sharif (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Danny Sidak (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Shatabdi Wadud (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Shams Sumon (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Taskeen Rahman (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Zayed Khan (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Titas Zia (?) Bangladeshi - actor.
Mujibur Rahman Dilu (?) Bangladeshi - television and stage actor, director, theater activist and playwright.
Minar Rahman (?) Bangladeshi - lyricist, composer, singer, actor and cartoonist.
Tony Dias (?) Bangladeshi - actor and director.
Hamin Ahmed (?) Bangladeshi - musician.
Shafin Ahmed (?) Bangladeshi - singer and composer. .
Rafiqul Alam (?) Bangladeshi - musician.  
Nolok Babu (?) Bangladeshi - singer.  
Partha Barua (?) Bangladeshi - musician and actor. .  
Balam (?) Bangladeshi - singer, guitarist, composer, performer and producer.
Tapan Chowdhury (?) Bangladeshi - musician.
Sajib Das (?) Bangladeshi - musician.
Motiul Haque Khan (?) Bangladeshi - musician.
Haider Hussain (?) Bangladeshi - singer-songwriter.
Iqbal Asif Jewel (?) Bangladeshi - singer, songwriter, guitarist, and producer.
Kaderi Kibria (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Kiran Chandra Roy (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Tapan Mahmud (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Pollob Vai (?) Bangladeshi - rapper.
Chandan Sinha (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
ZooEL / Zooel Morshed (?) Bangladeshi - audio engineer, music composer and singer.
Muhin (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Indra Mohan Rajbongshi (?) Bangladeshi - singer.
Sadi Mohammad (?) Bangladeshi - singer and composer.
Emon Saha (?) Bangladeshi - singer and musician.
Shahid / Syed Shahid (?) Bangladeshi - musician and composer.
Ferdous Wahid (?) Bangladeshi - singer and director.
Mujib Pardeshi (?) Bangladeshi - musician, film actor, and music director.
DJ Rahat / Rahat Hayat (?) Bangladeshi - DJ.
Russel Ali (?) Bangladeshi - musician.
S.I. Tutul / A B M Shahidul Islam (?) Bangladeshi - singer and musician.
Nayeem Faisal (?) Bangladeshi - Instagrammer (nayeem_faisal_).
Al Fahad Bari (?) Bangladeshi - Instagrammer (alfahadbari).
M - Athletes:
Saidur Rahman Dawn (1963) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Golam Ambia (1966) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Mohamed Shah Alam (1962) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Mohamed Shah Jalal (1966) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Shahanuddin Choudhury (1967) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Mohamed Hossain Milzer (1967) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Mohamed Mehdi Hasan (1971) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Mohamed Mahbub Alam (1972) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Bimal Tarafdar (1974) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Mohamed Abu Abdullah (1981) Bangladeshi - track and field sprint athlete.
Mohammad Shamsuddin (1983) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Syque Caesar / Quazi Syque Caesar (1990) Bangladeshi - gymnast.
Mohan Khan (1991) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Masbah Ahmmed (1995) Bangladeshi - sprinter.
Muhammad Ali (1996) Bangladeshi - boxer.
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newsoutbursts · 4 years
Assam Posts Another 8 COVID-19 Deaths - Pratidin Time
Assam Posts Another 8 COVID-19 Deaths – Pratidin Time
Assam continues to lose its people to the deadly virus of COVID-19.
The state lost another 8 lives today.
This was informed by Health Minister, Himanta Biswa Sarma on his Twitter handle.
Sarma tweeted, “Demise of 8 #COVID patients-Late Sabina Yasmin (38),S’sagar; Late Subarna Kr Gogoi (63),D’garh; Late Durgadhar Das (59),T’sukia; Late Harbinder Singh (49),K’rup M; Late Dipanjoli Kakati…
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bravadoseries · 4 years
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LADY LIBERTY: LEGACY (2013, dir. Leslye Headland & Jamie Babbit)
Following the events of The Avengers, Audrey Carter-Rogers (Jodie Comer) embarks on a dangerous mission in Rome chasing down stolen Chitauri technology and unearthing a secret from her own past.  Accompanied by veteran operatives Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) and Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner), along with DGSE agent Delphine Lamontagne (Sofia Boutella) and rookie Kate Bishop (Arden Cho), Carter-Rogers faces her history with the Winter Soldier (actor not disclosed) while carrying the burden of her parents’ legacy.  
LADY LIBERTY & THE ANGELS OF MERCY (2016, dir. Shannon Murphy)
On the run after Captain America: Civil War, Audrey Carter-Rogers (Jodie Comer) reunites with the members of the SHIELD team she used to manage—Lindsey Dubois (Janelle Monae), Caroline Carmichael (Katie Cassidy), Claudia Liau (Constance Wu), and Yasmin Biswas (Nikohl Boosheri)—as well as former SHIELD Agent Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp), and DGSE operative Delphine Lamontagne (Sofia Boutella) in order to locate and stop Dr. Johann Fennhoff (Zachary Qunito) in his mission to brainwash and weaponize young Gifteds.  
LADY LIBERTY: RESURRECTION (2018, dir. Shannon Murphy & Greta Gerwig)
After Avengers: Infinity War, Audrey Carter-Rogers (Jodie Comer) wakes up in space with Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), light years away from home. After discovering that Thanos (Jon Hamm) succeeded in wiping out half of all life in the Universe, Carter-Rogers teams up with Danvers, Thanos’ daughter Nebula (Karen Gillan), God of Mischief Loki (Tom Hiddleston), and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), to fight her way back to Earth.  
taglist: @emiliachrstine (request to be added here)
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bravadoseries · 6 years
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26 notes · View notes
bravadoseries · 4 years
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THE FALCON SEASON 2 (2016, dir. Barry Jenkins)
In season 2 of the hit Netflix series, Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) returns to New York—but this time, as a fugitive, not a hero.  Under the protection of Annie Esposito (Doja Cat) and her girlfriend Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), Sam  Wilson spends four months trying to balance life on the run, his feelings for Olivia Perales (Aimee Garcia), and the various encounters between the Esposito crime family and a corrupt NYPD.  
LADY LIBERTY & THE ANGELS OF MERCY (2017, dir. Shannon Murphy) 
On the run in Las Vegas after Captain America: Civil War, Audrey Carter-Rogers (Jodie Comer) reunites with the members of the SHIELD team she used to manage—Lindsey Dubois (Janelle Monae), Caroline Carmichael (Katie Cassidy), Claudia Liau (Constance Wu), and Yasmin Biswas (Nikohl Boosheri)—as well as former SHIELD Agent Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp), and DGSE operative Delphine Lamontagne (Sofia Boutella) in order to locate and stop Dr. Johann Fennhoff (Zachary Qunito) in his mission to brainwash and weaponize young Gifteds.  
THOR: RAGNAROK (2017, dir. Taika Waititi) 
In Asgard, Audrey Carter-Rogers (Jodie Comer) finds herself stranded but offered assistance by the God of Mischief Loki (Tom Hiddledton).  Meanwhile, imprisoned on the other side of the universe, the mighty Thor (Chris Hemsworth) finds himself in a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), his former ally and fellow Avenger. Thor's quest for survival leads him in a race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela (Cate Blanchett) from destroying his home world and the Asgardian civilization.
AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR (2018, dir. Joe and Anthony Russo)
Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk and the rest of the Avengers unite to battle their most powerful enemy yet—the evil Thanos. On a mission to collect all six Infinity Stones, Thanos (Jon Hamm) plans to use the artifacts to inflict his twisted will on reality. The fate of the planet and existence itself has never been more uncertain as everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment.
THE REAL HAWKEYE (2018, dir. Rob Thomas) 
In the wake of the snap, New York has seen a sharp rise in crime.  No longer an Avenger, Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) decides to return to life as a vigilante, with America Chavez (Tashi Rodriguez) at her side.  When the case of a missing cop turns into a conspiracy implicating the entire NYPD, Kate and America are led to confront none other than Mayor Alexander Brennan (Chris Pine).  
LADY LIBERTY: RESURRECTION (2019, dir. Shannon Murphy & Greta Gerwig) 
After Avengers: Infinity War, Audrey Carter-Rogers (Jodie Comer) wakes up in space with Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), light years away from home. After discovering that Thanos (Jon Hamm) succeeded in wiping out half of all life in the Universe, Carter-Rogers teams up with Danvers, Thanos’ daughter Nebula (Karen Gillan), God of Mischief Loki (Tom Hiddleston), and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), to fight her way back to Earth.  
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bravadoseries · 4 years
Great job on the Angels of Mercy edit! If I may ask, did you edit the faceclaims to look like comic characters or did you use existing comic characters?
hello! i used existing characters :)
audrey carter-rogers: emma frost
caroline carmichael: black canary/dinah lance
lindsey dubois: misty knight
claudia liau: cassandra cain
yasmin biswas: dust/sooraya qadir
delphine lamontagne: huntress/helena bertinelli
sharon carter: since she’s canon i just used actual sharon carter comic panels 
and then the last 2 panels were just birds of prey comic panels!  thank you for asking <3
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