#yay new blacklist tags /s
ratlingrun · 2 years
Alright folks please do not expect or pressure any members of the Try Guys company or their partners about this situation. The main four guys often referred to each other as brothers, so this is probably extremely hard on them. Especially do not harass Ariel in this. The best thing to do is just wait for her to say something, whenever that may be
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totaldramafan-lauri · 5 months
S-so....the first semifinal starts in a bit, and....a-after something that happened yesterday, I'm just gonna....ahem...
This is your last chance to blacklist my "escblogging" and "eurovision" tags (the latter is a new tag I made specifically for liveblogging so I can stay outta everyone's way). Seriously. If you don't wanna hear about it, blacklist it NOW. There is NO SHAME in doing so. The last thing I want is to make ANYONE uncomfortable. And, just like every year, I am not forcing anyone to read my crap. I'm not shoving my interests in people's faces, and those who don't like what I like are valid. I'm giving you an out.
*cough* .....O-OK...s-sorry about that.....so, moving on-
Hooooooly FRICK this semi is gonna hurt. It's gonna be a bloodbath....especially the first half! Geez! It's dumb to expect all of those to qualify, but....wh-who out of those is gonna lose? Cyprus? Serbia? One of those two, but....ugh, which one? XD
Highlights for me are Croatia, of course! My fav song this year! I'm SO gonna be singing along. I've memorized the lyrics at this point. XD It's gonna be a blast, I just know it.....! >.< And also Ireland! I'm expecting a good show from them! Lithuania and Ukraine, I also love, but I feel like they're both safe. Australia, however, I'm worried for.....A-a lot of my energy is gonna go towards rooting for them, but I'm not very optimistic right now......I'm expecting to lose them. But eh, in a semi this strong, losing only one of four favorites is pretty good.....Honestly, I'm more scared of the second semi, pffff....Th-this one should be MOSTLY smooth sailing. It's only Australia and Ireland that I'm stressing over.
Also, a cool first this year - auto-qualifiers performing in the semis! Today, it's Germany, Sweden, and the UK! Yay, I get to be in my Germany corner early! XD The UK should be fun. They've been staging really well the last couple years.
So.....y-yeah, overall, I'm hyped!
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londonspirit · 5 years
Annual SDCC PSA Post!
It’s that time of year again. Y’all know the deal by now. For those who are new: 
I’m gonna tag ALL SDCC posts with the #SDCC tag, also with either the studio (precisely: #Marvel cause they’ll be back this year YAY), the show(s) and /or the actor(s) (if it’s not too many). So mute/blacklist accordingly. 
So this year’s additional tags are: 
#SDCC  #SDCC 2019 #SanDiegoComicCon #SanDiegoComicCon2019  also #OneLastTime (for the LAST times for Supernatural and Arrow being there while still on air... *sobs in advance* That’s gonna be some emotional panels, I’m sure!!!) 
(And according to Zac he won’t be there AT ALL this year, which makes me even sadder than I already am cause it’s year 3 post NerdHQ which still hurts 😭 so that’s that.) 
So strap in, it’s gonna be a wild ride!!! 
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sephs-ghost · 7 years
extremely late celebration stuff cause im bored
sooo i havent hit my newest goal yet but i think i didnt to any celebration for the last two and since im very bored right now and i wanted to catch up on that now yay
whatcha gotta do
reblog this post
must be following me (this is for my followers after all, also counts if youre a new follower ofc)
send me one or two of the following:
⚡ for a harry potter aesthetic (format under the cut)
🏆 for a blograte (format under the cut)
description of yourself/link to about page & maybe selfie tag for a personal moodboard (might take a while, depending on how many i get, ill make a queue whose turn it is)
character/object/aesthetic/anything for a general aesthetic moodboard (plus description of the thing if youre not sure if i know it)(also might take a while)
your name for a name playlist (maybe also say what you usually listen to so i dont give you songs you dont like)
ill tag it with “late celeb” if you wanna blacklist
just let me know if something is unclear
hp aesthetic format:
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | hufflepuff | ravenclaw
blood status: pureblood | muggle-born | half-blood
pet: owl | cat | toad | something against the rules
hogwarts hangout: great hall | common room | courtyard | by the lake | forbidden forest | kitchens | library | dungeons | greenhouses
best core subject(s): transfiguration | charms | potions | history of magic | defence against the dark arts | astronomy | herbology
worst core subject: transfiguration | charms | potions | history of magic | defence against the dark arts | astronomy | herbology
electives: alchemy | arithmancy | care of magical creatures | divination | muggle studies | ancient runes | apparition
quidditch position: spectator | chaser | beater | keeper | seeker | commentator
extra curricular: head boy/girl | prefect | dumbledore’s army | frog choir | inquisitorial squad | gobstones club | potions club | duelling club | weasley’s wizard wheezes salesperson | SPEW member | slug club
your friends: 
a spell: 
blograte format:
url: dont get it/not my fandom | okay | pretty cool | amazing! | who did you kill for this??
domain: dont get it/not my fandom | okay | pretty cool | amazing! | who did you kill for this??
theme: not my thing | pretty | so beautiful! | absolutely perfect holy shit
mobile theme: not my thing | pretty | so beautiful! | so perfect wow!!
icon: dont get it/not my fandom | pretty | beautiful! | soooo amazing i love it
posts: not my thing | good posts | great posts! | i will reblog every single of your posts
overall: its okay | pretty | amazing | such a nice blog!! | i love you and your blog forever
following: no(t yet) | just followed! | yup | until the end of times wow ily
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super-rainbows · 7 years
Rainbow: okay 1: I’m glad to get to talk to you, lol. but 2: tumblr is bad. I’m not gonna say “delete this tumblr”, but like. seriously. 
Ethan: *shrugs* I’m following like a few thousand people (or more). It would take forever to unfollow everyone who posts discourse or anything.
Rainbow: yeah.
Ethan: Not to mention, I don’t want to unfollow someone who’s like 90% good posts but 10% upsetting things.
Rainbow: yeah, I know. it would be pretty impractical to unfollow everyone who’s ever transphobic/exclusionary/ableist/whatever. and that would be a little similar to the people who are like “if you ever reblog any post originally written by anyone who follows anyone who’s ever written/reblogged/liked a Bad Post then you are also Permanently Bad!!” etc. your death tumblr is like 99.9% fine though, lol. you should just make a completely positive blog or something.
Ethan: Yeah, I have considered it, but I don’t know if I could completely stick to the theme(s) or if I’d completely avoid anything upsetting.
Rainbow: most people tag “discourse” though, don’t they? so you could blacklist that or any variants?
Ethan: I’m pretty sure there’s a ton of variants. I only know of “acecourse” and “syscourse”, but there must be one for like every community or subculture.
Rainbow: well, a lot of them don’t get their own name, so it’s not “shipcourse”, it’s just “discourse” (I think), and not “transcourse”, just “discourse” or whatever. (there’s too many things that one could be, anyway) I guess just see what people tag things like that as? idk. anyway, are you okay?
Ethan: Yeah, I guess. Are you?
Rainbow: yeah, idk. I don’t like the weird feeling.
Ethan: Me neither. I think it’s at least partially due to being in America? As in, it’s new and different so it’s disconnecting me/us from reality. It was the same whenever my dad visited before.
Rainbow: yeah, that is likely it. I hope it wears off before we go back. I don’t want it to be like this never happened.
Ethan: It does kinda make adjusting to things easier. :P
Rainbow: yeah, but it’s annoying for fun things to have just effectively never happened. also, just, weird feeling. I don’t like it.
Ethan: I know. *shrugs* I can’t control it or anything. I am trying, but nothing makes a difference.
Rainbow: I know. don’t worry. anyway, didn’t you want to write things, or at least think about it? lol
Ethan: Yeah, I’ve been trying. :P
Rainbow: to like mentally get yourself to do it?
Ethan: Yeah. I’m getting closer.
Rainbow: lol. (I’m not laughing at you as such, I do think you’re doing great)
Ethan: Thanks. :P
Rainbow: do you think caffeine pills are actually making you feel more in reality, or just making you feel a familiar kind of fucked up? lol
Ethan: I have no idea. I kinda lean more towards the latter.
Rainbow: I feel bad for that robot in this movie. D:
Ethan: I think we’re meant to feel bad for him. I think he’s the one good robot, or something like that.
Rainbow: ^ 
Jamie: This movie is confusing. I just don’t know who’s good and who’s bad.
Ethan: I think it would be easier if we were properly paying attention.
Jamie: I mean it reminds me of every season of Digimon: “AI is Perfect and Rational and humans are Bad and Impure and so humans must be destroyed” but then the humans win because of emotions or something and because destroying humans is actually bad. :P
Rainbow: lol
Jamie: Just, if AI is “objectively better” then why is it bad to destroy humans? It’s only bad from the humans’ point of view because humans have the emotions thing. The point I’m making is that they present “AI destroying humanity and taking over the world” as the objectively good outcome and give evidence for that, but then they’re like “actually no” because humans don’t like that idea. It seems inconsistent.
Rainbow: lol
Ethan: We (the audience) are meant to assume that destroying humans is bad (regardless of evidence) because we are humans. That’s basically it, I’m pretty sure. In the same way as people are expected to want the main male character and main female character to end up together, or whatever. As in, that’s what people are “supposed to” think/want etc. Except “humanity shouldn’t be destroyed” makes more sense to expect people to automatically think than “the guy and his friend who���s a girl should end up together”. (Though I do like it when people end up together)
Rainbow: !!! let’s complain about that movie we watched last night!
Ethan: Yes!
Rainbow: like?? the one movie ever where the guy and his best friend (who are of compatible genders+orientations) don’t end up together in the end also just so happens to be the one movie ever where they’re gay? like seriously?
Ethan: Exactly! As you said, in a straight movie, the two main characters remaining friends instead of being together would be good to see, because the being together in the end thing has been done a million times already. But a movie with two gay main characters has barely been done ever at all, so it would make more sense to let them have the cliche ending thing since that hasn’t been done before. “Let’s just stay friends” stops seeming progressive and seems more like a cop-out.
Rainbow: yeah exactly. though to be fair I didn’t totally get what they were saying.
Ethan: I’m pretty sure it was “let’s stay friends”, as opposed to “we should stay friends but let’s be together anyway”, because they hugged as opposed to kissing. Even if it was the latter, it was too ambiguous, I think.
Rainbow: if it was the latter I think that would’ve been good since they’d be calling attention to the potential issues.
Jamie: The good robot is actually bad, isn’t it?! Is it? Oh, wait, what? Oh, there it is, there’s the speech, lol. “humans must be destroyed because they’re irrational”. Oh!!! He is bad! I think?
Rainbow: didn’t she reprogram him though?? so like that would be what caused him to become bad?
Ethan: I think that’s it. This would be much less confusing if we were properly paying attention. :P
Jamie: Wait what? Was he just pretending to be bad???
Ethan: Oh, yeah, he was! He pretended so that he could get them away from the actual bad robot.
Jamie: Oh, okay. How are they gonna kill the robot when she like... Is the building?
Rainbow: why did they program gender into robots?
Jamie: lol. I think it makes it easier for humans, idk. The other robot can do it! Yay!
Rainbow: why do they all just... conveniently turn red whenever they’re being evil?
Jamie: Didn’t the guy who programmed them know they’d do that eventually? So he probably did that in order to make it easier to defeat them.
Rainbow: self-destruct button. remotely-activated self-destruct.
Jamie: lol
Rainbow: I’m just saying.
Jamie: I think it was too late by the time he anticipated that? idk
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