cullenakingirog · 1 year
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Behold, the Hero of Ferelden.
Ugh it feels great to be this proud of my art so have Paraluman accidentally looking condescendingly at people
Interested in commissioning me? Click the source! 💗
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yourdragonageocs · 5 years
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This is my boi, Thatcher Lavellan from my all male play through :)
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cullenakingirog · 2 years
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A portrait of Benedicta Alejandra Hawke y Amell by Antivan painter, Guglielmo Benedetti as commissioned by Varric Tethras
So, we survived the Deep Roads. That’s already a big thing but you also bought out your ancestral home too which kinda makes you nobility again, right? Anyway to celebrate not dying in the Deep Roads and also as a housewarming gift, I decided to commission a portrait for you. It’s by this new popular painter from Antiva. Hang it somewhere good.
Always at your service,
Varric Tethras
I decided to shade the Benedicta portrait and NGL I’m much more satisfied with it now! It’s a wonder how shading was able to make it pop out a bit more. I also figured out how to do hair a lot better now without sacrificing my preferred shading style so another victory!
also yes Varric’s always in love with Hawke no matter the WS cause I said so
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cullenakingirog · 2 years
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Decided that I'll just keep giving Guita the love she deserves because she's a good sweet girl and just cause I really find her to be a fun OC to draw also that and I lowkey simped for Narra, her big sister during the drawing process.
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cullenakingirog · 2 years
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I’ve been wanting to introduce to you guys Dalisay’s big bro so here we are, the man who would burn down an entire circle tower for Isay and who would fight the whole of Haven if he thinks they are there to threaten Dalisay, Sinag!
i figured the piece I’d want to introduce him to you would involve something he and Dalisay grew up knowing all too well. Hiding from enemies. Even after Dalisay had escaped the Azarinas Circle of Magi compound with his help, Sinag never felt at ease so most of the time, since their house is among the closest to the outer border of Clan Bagwisan, Isay and Sinag would be watching the goings on outside their window. Dalisay with fear and worry, Sinag with this readiness to fight.
Hi I love protective sibling tropes in that they know they have each other’s backs.
also on another note, I will give myself a pat on the back for making Sinag v hot haha
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cullenakingirog · 2 years
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“You are my promise, I cannot imagine a world without you in it.”
“Likewise, Aking Tinadhana.”
I finally got to draw my Solasmancer and Solas and I decided they get a soft piece before any angst ever touches them. And it’s in an au where Solas says fuck it to his plan and just runs away with Guita back to Clan Marahuyo in Azarinas where he becomes her consort.
Interested in commissions? Check out the source link! <3
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cullenakingirog · 1 year
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The Son of the Beginning by Azarino painter Maria Alejandro Barbato y Salazar
I actually managed to finish Mahalina’s portrait a while back! by that i mean my grandmother’s wake because i can’t sleep  
I wanted to go for a rather kingly pose and vibe as a whole and to try and do some cloth rendering to show he’s wearing silk and gold fabric. Thanks to some help I learned how to do silk xicufvgdixf 
Anyway, in-verse, it took a while for Mahalina to agree to sitting for a portrait, but even then, he insisted he will only be painted by an Azarino painter. So they sought out one of the rising talents of the country and found Alejandro who was immediately hired by Josephine after seeing some study sketches.
Mahalina’s not the sort to make any poses that feels overmuch so he just settled for a reclined pose. Mahalina’s eyes are always glowing so Alejandro made a copy with his eyes glowing but it’s just given to Mahalina to keep.
Anyway, doing this portrait was a lot of fun and I actually wanna try and keep doing these!!
Interested in commissioning me? Click the source!
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cullenakingirog · 2 years
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If you tell me you love me Make sure you'll fight for me Be sure you'll wait for me Don't leave me in a corner in tears If you tell me you love me Make sure you'll fight for me Be sure you're ready To be here in the battle with me Don't give up on me If you tell me you love me
-If You Tell Me You Love Me, Moira dela Torre
I finally did another Alistair/Paraluman piece TwT Paraluman never really understood how attraction felt due to being in a Circle that would prohibit romantic relations with others so for a while she was trying to figure out what she was feeling whenever Alistair did little things to help her.
This is like when they were basically dancing around each other, trying to gauge how the other felt for them. Paraluman had started opening up to Alistair about growing up in a Circle and the friends she made there while Alistair is doing the same where he opens up about how he grew up under Eamon and Isolde’s care.
Paraluman tends to hold people’s hands and squeeze them a bit as her attempt to comfort them.
This is basically a “we could have kissed but we didn’t” scene
Interested in commissioning me? Click the source!
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cullenakingirog · 2 years
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Inquisitor Drawing Meme 1: Skyhold Outfit
Finally, we have Mahalina Kato Bagaoisan, First to Clan Bagaoisan, Son of Keeper Luwalhati, Father to Luningning and Kundiman, Inquisitor and local stressed team dad who acts with the regality of a king and is a walking Philippine Epic hero checklist (handsome, radiant and resplendent, stands tall and proud, beautiful to behold)
His tattoos are the mountains and the sun. The mountains mean journey in life, strength and sturdiness while the sun means life. He’s more of a scholar than a warrior but when push comes to shove he is capable of warfare to protect his family and his people. He’s also known to play the kolitong and also to help teach the young men of Clan Bagaoisan how to dance the Lawin-Lawin for their coming of age celebrations. He’s also a traditionalist. Like Dalisay and majority of Clan Bagaoisan, he has a glamour spell to hide his scars. 
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cullenakingirog · 2 years
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Inquisitor Drawing Meme 1: Skyhold Outfit
So I designed Dalisay's outfit with a lot of heavy references from Pre-Colonial Philippine outfits and it was fun to give her a lot of headpieces NGL. Dalisay’s vallaslin is different cause homebrew Dalish clan do be like that, she has the snakeskin which means safety, protection, health, shield and strength while the one on her forehead are people holding hands/family which means harmony and unity. These are what I imagine the Sylaise tattoo of her clan/people to be.
I've been wanting to do the Inquisitor drawing meme for awhile and since I have two leaders for the Inquisition, expect the second one, Mahalina, to come in soon!~
After Mahalina, I’m opening some OC portrait requests as commission samples cause I want to save some money because this country’s got me paranoid RIP
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yourdragonageocs · 4 years
About the Blog, How to Submit, Etc.
(Scroll past this pinned post to see regular postings!)
The blog updates every Wednesday with (3) three posts.
Your Dragon Age OCs is a blog dedicated to showing and appreciating your DA OCs in their various forms and mediums!
More about the blog, proper submission guide and rules, etc. under the cut!
Currently, this blog is run by Mod E. When referring to us, you can use Mod or they/them pronouns.
Submit via: Submissions button, @ tagging us, or tagging us in your tags!
Submissions get added to the queue and posted first, but we do not surpass 3 OC posts a day. If we take a break, we post when it starts and when normal blog activates will return. Submissions are always open, unless stated otherwise!
Submissions Rules:
1. You can submit as much as you like, but note that if you submit multiple things, they will be spread out and mixed with others to give the followers variety
2. You can submit screenshots of dollmakers/pic crew creators/commissions/ things of the like as long as the original artist/creator/website is credited or linked (either in the description or image)
3. Please limit NSFW and gore, they will be tagged as such, but please no explicit sex scenes or extremely bloody scenes (exceptions may apply and are ultimately up to the Mods’)
4. No stolen art! If it was discovered you used stolen art, you will be blacklisted!
5. Please be courteous of the length of your post. This is not to discourage your creativity or stop you from submitting, but just keep it in mind please! (it will be tagged long post)
6. We will not accept submissions that call out/hate on fellow fans or other blogs. This is not that type of blog
7. We will take any form of media, from pictures to photographs, to text to audio, to videos and animation
How to Submit:
1. Submit button. Here is a submission guide on how to submit through desktop and mobile applications: guide
2.  @ us in your post. Here is a @ guide: guide  (This should be functioning. Contact us if you did this and haven’t seen your post after a few blog posting days!) 
3. Tag us with #ydaoc , #yourdragonageocs , #ydaocs (We’re not sure if these work, but they should. Contact us if you did this and haven’t seen your post after a few blog posting days!)
4. Do not submit through Fan Mail. Tumblr does not alert us when this happens. (This is a dying feature, so it may not apply)
 How we find non-submitted posts:
We search the ‘dragon age oc’ ‘dragon age my’ ‘dragon age’ tagged recent posts to find non-submitted posts (sometimes we add other things when finding posts is difficult). We try to find posts with less notes to help spread their lovely OCs around.
When searching this way, we do not reblog fanfics. If you want your fanfic shown on the blog, please submit or tag us.
 Comments on Posts:
As of Oct. 2021, we no longer add comments to posts unless requested.
If we comment on your post and you want it removed, please contact us! We can either remove the comment from the post or remove the post from the blog, whichever you prefer.
Feel free to respond to our question and comments! If you do so in a reblog, we may reblog the post with your new comments and tag it #reply !
To make the blog easier to navigate (barring Tumblr’s tumblr-ness), we use the following tags so you can find what you’re looking for.
1. The races: dwarf, elf, qunari, human
2. The hero’s title: inquisitor (last name), hawke, warden (last name)
3. The OC’s name: ex. Jane Trevelyan, John Brosca, etc.
4. The game title: Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition
5. Companions: if their are companions present, ie. Alistair, we tag them as well
5. The original poster/submitter/creator/blog name
6. Text (if the post is all text or a message from us)
7. Submission (if it was submitted)
In theory, if you went to our blog, you could search for all dwarf OCs or all text posts referring to Treveylan Inquisitors.
1. If we ever, ever(!) get any information wrong on our posts, comments, tags, please let us know! We’ll fix it asap (ex. Misgendered OC, misspelled blog name, etc)
2. Likes are lovely and send a lot of love! But reblogs send more love and spreads the lovely OCs you see around! Spread the love!
3. I’m just a person who loves DA and seeing OCs, but also remember this blog is not my life. Mod E created it on a whim one December. So please, if we get anything wrong, miss a post, etc., please be kind. We’re all human and we all make mistakes 😊
 Thank you for being here with us (and getting to the bottom of this post!)! We hope to see your lovely OCs soon!
Mod E
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yourdragonageocs · 4 years
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Areida Hawke created by @daughter-of-the-prophet
YDAOCs: Awesome job! She’s lovely! It’s always great to see someone put the time and love in to recreate their Hawke! Great job!
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yourdragonageocs · 5 years
Happy New Year!
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We made it to 2020! It’s hard to believe that’s an actual year! We hope it’s a great one for us and you all!
Here’s what the mods’ wish for the New Year!
Mod E
1. I want to improve myself in different ways
2. I want to improve YDAOCs and follower interaction. Not sure how yet, but man, am I gonna!
3. I want new information on DA4!! 😩
Mod S
1. I want to actually finish my ‘canon’ DA2 playthrough!
2. I’m going to doing more physical paintings!
3. I also want some info on DA4, especially some concept art!
Again, Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see all the new OCs!
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yourdragonageocs · 5 years
Hey guys!
Mod E here!
Mod S and I are taking a break for the holidays! From December 23 to New Years Day the blog will be on break! We’ll continue blog functions January 2.
Submissions will still be open during this time, so feel free to submit! Just keep in mind that it won’t be seen until 2020! (But if it’s holiday themed we might make an exception ;) )
Happy Holidays from YDAOCs!
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yourdragonageocs · 6 years
YDAOCs is going on a short break!
We’ll return Sunday! Don’t forget submissions are open!!
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yourdragonageocs · 6 years
Your Dragon Age OCs is 1!
I didn’t even notice, but YDAOCs turned 1 as of yesterday! Yay! My little blog has grown so much within this past year!
Thank you all for joining us on this journey! Can’t wait to see how we grow!
-Mod E
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