#yea yea hubris will be my downfall whatever
Satisfied, Part 12
I’m going to start answering comments at the bottom but before the taglist now so you guys can get straight into the chapter (unless it’s really important like taking a break or something)
Also I’ve decided to move all the Wayne kids closer together in age. Damian’s 18, Tim is 21, Jason is 23, Dick is 25
She didn’t go to the coffee shop the next day. Partially because she wasn’t getting her overpriced coffee paid for (at least not without a lot of whining), but mostly because she wanted to do some research where people couldn’t see her.
She sighed as she flipped between all fifty of her tabs, resting her head on her hand. She could hear Tikki trying, and failing, to make her something to eat in the kitchen.
Who could the bat family be? They had to have a lot of influence and/or money to get as much information as they did. She flipped through the most wealthy people in Gotham and its surrounding area, but where was the cutoff? How was she to know that they weren’t middle class people who saved for expensive things?
And then there was the tiny case of the near-slipup on the rooftops. Nightwing was about to call Robin something. He wouldn’t have been saying ‘friend’, he wouldn’t have had to pause like that. What had he been about to say? She hoped it wasn’t ‘boyfriend’, they had what seemed to be a 10 year age gap. Her best assumption was they were going to say ‘brother’, which implied at least most of the bat family was related.
Her eyes found their way to the tab with a picture of Bruce Wayne. He was standing alone, his kids never had pictures taken of them out of respect for their privacy, but everyone knew of his penchant for adopting kids with dark hair and blue eyes.
Great. She’ll never know, then. How was she, a designer, supposed to get close to the Bruce Wayne?
On a completely unrelated note, the next day she stood outside of a gate with Tim. Her eyes locked on the weird symbol on the gate, trying to place where she’d seen it before, but her brain couldn’t seem to find it. Oh well, it was probably just one of the rich people she’d researched yesterday.
Tim placed his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “You can not let my dad adopt you.”
She gave a small eyeroll, pushing his hands off and smoothing out her dress. It had taken forever to get a dresscode out of Tim, because he insisted that ‘you could wear a burlap sack and my family would love you, just relax’, but he eventually just told her formal. Not helpful. There’s levels of formal, Tim. She had settled for a plain red dress with a black belt.
“I don’t think my parents would be all that excited if I traded them out after a few days here.”
He nodded. “That’s good. Use that.”
“Use tha--?”
The gates swung open.
Tim took a deep breath as if to steel his nerves. “At least Damian isn’t here. You get to meet the nicest of the family first.”
“Why isn’t he here?”
“He got out of it,” he shrugged.
They stepped inside. She stared up at the high walls. She pulled out her phone and took a picture in case she messed up with Tim’s family so bad that she wasn’t allowed back.
The moment she walked in someone pulled her into a hug. “Thank you!” He cried.
Marinette blinked and gave him a short pat on the back. “You’re... welcome?”
He pulled away and held out a hand to shake. “Sorry, I was just so excited to meet the person who got him to take a day off. I’m Dick.”
“You’re... you’re what?” She said, her eyebrows shooting into her hair.
Dick rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh, right, French. I’m Richard but, in America, that gets shortened to ‘Dick’.”
She blinked once, then just chose to accept it. “Nice to meet you, I’m Marinette.”
“How’d you do it?”
She gave a small shrug as they began walking to the dining room. “I don’t know. He just offered.”
Dick sent her a skeptical look, then looked at his brother as if to confirm.
“In my defense, she looked really stressed.”
“More stressed than you usually do?” Came a voice from above. She looked up to see yet another guy leaning over a railing to look at them.
Marinette raised her eyebrows. “I thought you guys were adopted, how do you all look exactly the same?”
The newest grinned. “Dad’s got a type.” He hopped the railing and landed next to them.
She narrowed her eyes slightly as she took a better look at all of them. Tim’s dodge could be put down as self-defense, but hopping a railing and landing without getting hurt?
She blinked as a hand was thrust in her face and gave a weak smile. “I’m Marinette, nice to meet you.”
Her brain was blaring alarms, trying desperately to tell her something, but it all came out as ‘AHDKFSFHDLKSNDG’, which wasn’t all that useful.
She shook his hand.
It wasn’t until she walked into the dining room and her eyes landed on the Bruce Wayne that she finally figured everything out. Her hands flew to her mouth as she stared at him in stunned silence.
Then she wheeled on Tim and pulled him down by the collar of his shirt. “You’ve been a Wayne this whole time? Why didn’t you tell me?”
He had the decency to look sheepish. “I didn’t want you to use me for my money.”
“Please, I knew you were rich from the get-go, it wouldn’t have mattered if you were ‘goes to Disney twice a year’ rich or ‘could buy Disney if you wanted’ rich. You should have at least warned me outside the gate!”
Bruce dropped something on the desk and Marinette squeaked quietly, letting go of her captive. It was a file of some sort. Crap, was this an interrogation or something? Was that a rich people thing? Do they do in-depth research on people that talk to their kids?
The man slid the file over and she opened it to see... adoption papers?
“Wow, you really weren’t kidding,” she mumbled as she flipped through them. She glanced up at Bruce. “How did you get these so fast?”
“I have them on me at all times at this point,” he explained.
She blinked a few times and then slowly closed the file. “I’m sorry, but I have parents already.”
Everyone (except Tim) seemed stunned. She heard Jason whisper: “Is that allowed?”
Despite the slight confusion, everyone took a seat at the table. There was quite a few seats, but she was amused to see all the kids opting to sit next to her.
Dick rested his head on his hands from his spot across the table. “So, what do you know about Ladybug?”
She did her best not to tense.
“Subtle,” said Jason sarcastically from her right. He turned back to her and gave an apologetic smile. “Sorry, ‘bout that. He’s been obsessed since she appeared, and most of his research has been a dead end. He’s grasping at straws.”
She forced a small laugh. “I’m too clutzy to ever be Ladybug, you can ask anyone.”
Dick groaned. “And I don’t suppose you know who it is?”
Jason, apparently eager to change the subject every two seconds, asked: “How’d you two meet?”
She glanced at Tim, who was shaking his head so fast she thought it’d pop off, then turned back to his brothers and father. “We met at the coffee shop. He spilled coffee on me.”
She heard Tim’s head hit the table as he groaned.
Jason was cackling. “Awwww, Tim is in a coffeeshop AU!”
Dick grinned. “Next you’ll tell me he offered you free drinks for life or something.”
“Well, actually,--.”
She couldn’t even finish, Jason was laughing so hard.
Bruce seemed less amused. “I would hope that he did, and for the shirt. too.”
She smirked and looked at Tim, who seemed to sense what she was going to do before she did it. He sent her a short look, a ‘don’t you dare’, before she spoke: “Actually, he revoked my coffee privileges.”
The poor kid sighed and closed his eyes. His father was glaring daggers at him, so, after a few seconds of him struggling, he finally gave in. “Fine, I’ll pay for coffee again.”
She cheered and gave Jason a high five.
Dick rolled his eyes. “You’re children.”
“Like you’re so much better!” Complained Jason. “You’re only two years older than me!”
Marinette rolled her eyes and reached out to poke Tim’s face until he finally looked over at her.
“He lives!” She cheered softly and he shook his head and sat up some, a smile playing across his lips.
Bruce chuckled and leaned back in his chair. He’d been watching the four for a little while. They seemed like they’d get along...
“Tim, have you invited her yet?”
Tim went red.
“I’ll take that as a no. Do you want to do it or should I?”
The kid took a deep breath to steel himself, then gently poked her shoulder for her attention. The moment she looked at him, though, he froze and couldn’t seem to get any words out.
Marinette’s head tipped to the side. “Um...?”
Bruce rolled his eyes. “I’d like to, on behalf of my son, invite you to the Wayne Gala.”
To everyone’s surprise, the girl didn’t smile, or thank him, or really react positively at all.
Marinette released a quiet sound, like a balloon deflating, as she slumped into her seat and covered her face in her hands. Tim rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.
“What’s wrong?” Came Dick’s voice.
“Six!” She cried.
“You have something against musicals?” Said Jason.
She lowered her hands just enough to glare at him. “I have to make six outfits in four months.”
“You don’t have --,” began Tim.
“I have to! Make! Six outfits! In four months!”
When Marinette is done with the gala outfits will I show you what they look like?
I’ll do you one better. I’m showing them now because it took a longgggg time and I KNOW I will forget if I wait until then.
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I tried to match their personalities with their posture and clothes. I kinda forgot Penny’s character though lol so now she’s kinda like Nathalie.
Also that took forever. If ya’ll want that again you gotta pay me. Christ.
Why is she making an outfit for Adrien if they aren’t friends?
They aren’t on bad terms, they just grew apart due to a difference in ideology. But, beyond that, she has her reasons. You’ll find out when Adrien comes by.
@thatonecroc @comet-kun @trippingovermyfeet​ @swiftie-miraculer13 @nickristus-dreamer @moongoddesskiana @i-am-ironic @indecisive-mess-named-me @thebooki3h​ @insane-fangirl-of-everything​ @deepestobservationwombat​ @theymakeupfairies​ @fatimaabbasrizvi​ @clumsy-owl-4178​ @fanofalittletoomuch​ @iamablinkmarvelarmy​ @nathleigh @lilkymilky @silvergold-swirl​ @dino-lovingreen-angel​ @thestressmademedoit​ @kissa-chan @ladybug-182 @alysrose-starchild @t1dwarrior-of-earth​​​
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