#god really gave me all the talent huh
woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
Summary: You move from Lyon to Barcelona
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You were pretty young when Lucy was at Lyon - rising through the youth academy at such a steady pace that she was a little upset that she left before you could make your debut.
You were talented, she knew that, but playing alongside you was something that she had been looking forward to.
It was a shame that she left for City the year that you debuted, shooting to the top of the best goalscorers of the season.
But it was all fine now, as you slipped out of her car in Barcelona and tugged your hood up.
"Oh, come on," She said jovially, an arm over your shoulder," Are you really teenage angsting this early in the morning?"
You gave her a look that was clearly modelled off of Alexia's. "Maybe if you didn't have Narla jumping on my bed to wake me up, I'd be happier with you!"
She laughed, keeping you by her side no matter how you tried to wiggle away. "I bought you breakfast!"
"You bought you breakfast," You reminded her," You let me take the pastries you don't like."
"I feed you, walk you-"
"I'm not Narla!"
"-Make sure you're healthy and this is the thanks I get? God, raising a teenager is hard work."
You rolled your eyes. "You're hardly raising me."
"Shhh." Lucy shoved your hood further onto your head, tugging it down to cover your eyes. "Don't break my heart."
You rolled your eyes and knocked your bag against hers as you slipped into the locker room. Thankfully, you had a respite from her, sandwiched between Patri and Pina's lockers.
You got dressed with mechanical efficiency, pulling on your shorts and training top and then your socks. As you sat to lace your boots, your mind wandered.
You had a few questions left on your Physics worksheet from last night that you needed to work on but that was it. If you could jot down some answers within an hour of getting home, you'd probably be allowed to head to the corner store and stock up on snacks.
You hummed to yourself, nodding before getting up.
Lucy threw her arm around you again as Aitana joined the pair of you. Aitana was usually stuck to Keira's side but with Keira doing media, she joined you and Lucy.
She looked over you critically as you sat down on the pitch, refusing to get up until everybody else appeared. "Your shoes aren't done up properly."
You look down at them, shrugging. "Huh, I guess so. I'll do them up later."
"Do it now," She urged," You'll forget later. Do them now."
You rolled your eyes. "No, I won't."
"Yes, you will. Just like last week when you forgot to zip up your jacket and I had to do it even though it was nearly freezing."
"My fingers were numb! That's not my fault!"
Aitana crossed her arms over her chest. "Do your laces."
You did as you were told but made sure to grumble so she knew you were doing it begrudgingly.
Lucy remained standing over you too, eyeing your boots up strangely. "I thought I told you to get new boots. These ones are practically falling apart."
You tried to defend yourself. "I've been busy!"
"Doing what? Playing video games all day?"
"No! Some-Sometimes I sleep..."
Lucy rolled her eyes. "We'll go boot shopping tonight."
"Do we have to?"
"You're no fun." You stood from the ground with your newly laced shoes and wandered away, not wanting to get nagged anymore. That was probably the reason you avoided Alexia and many of the other older members of the squad.
Although that idea didn't really go to plan when Frido sidled up to you.
You thought, for a moment, that she was going to lecture you but she just gave you one of her silly grins and passed you a packet of sweets.
You opened it quickly, pouring everything into your mouth all at once and disposing of the evidence as soon as you could. With the nagging mood all the older girls were in today, you didn't want to take any chances of them seeing you break your diet.
Frido winked at you and you grinned at her, keeping your little secret.
Though, not for long because Aitana noticed and snitched on you, leaving you standing in front of the older girls as they lectured you about healthy eating and fuelling your body properly.
You squirmed in Lucy's grip as she smeared sun cream all over your face. Or, well, she poured more sun cream than necessary into her hand and slapped all over your cheeks.
"Lucy!" You groaned as you tried to get away," Stop it! That's too much!"
"Too much?" She echoed with a laugh," I don't think it's enough at all."
She reached for the bottle and you shrieked, kicking it clear across the room. "I haven't even absorbed most of it!"
She winked at you. "Just make sure you don't get skin cancer."
You groaned and contemplated slamming your head against the brick walls - although with the amount of sun cream still on your skin it was more likely you would leave an imprint of your face.
"I won't get skin cancer," You insisted, a hair's breadth away from stamping your foot," And I don't need more sunscreen."
"Lucy," Keira, also being no help, laughed," Stop being annoying."
Lucy, still being annoying, gasped dramatically," Me? Annoying? Excuse me, I'm just trying to make sure the kid stays healthy. Renard will have my head if I return her with a single hair out of place."
"Hair that I'm going to tear out in frustration if you keep trying to drown me in sun cream."
Lucy rolled her eyes, swiping some of the excess off your face to rub into her own skin. "Alright, grumpy. Have it your way but if you end up all red and peeling, I expect you to take full responsibility."
"I'm not going to burn," You said dismissively, pulling up your socks.
"Uh-huh," Lucy said clearly not believing you," Sure, kiddo."
"I'm not!"
She gave you a look.
"I'm not."
She just continued to stare, face splitting into the widest, smuggest smirk you had ever seen when you let her rub more sun cream into your face, just to be safe.
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strawberrybuni · 3 months
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Pairings(separate): Satoru x reader, Suguru x reader, Kento x reader, Toji x reader, Choso x reader Summary: You had a bad accident that gave you amnesia, and you no longer remember him, and he just can't seem to move on Word Count: 4.1k CW: a LOT of angst, hurt no comfort :( A/N: I'd rather jump into a volcano than make choso cry tbh
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Satoru was someone who never bothered with dating. After all, he was such a busy man, he didn't really have time to even think about all that, yet he somehow managed to find time for you. The two of you were damn near inseparable, twin flames if you will.
You were a talented sorcerer, a grade 1 and always improving. He always took so much pride in your growth and how you strived to continue to get stronger alongside him. You two used to spend as much time together as possible, but now he's grateful if you even respond to one of his texts.
About a year ago, you two were on a mission, and a curse user caught you off guard, getting you bad with an attack. You had suffered some pretty intense injuries, it was a miracle you were even still alive. However, your injuries came with a permanent scar, amnesia.
Your memories were completely shot, either in bits and pieces, or just completely gone from your head altogether. Unfortunately for him, he was completely wiped from your brain. Even worse? Your attitude towards him took a complete 180. The fire of once being his twin flame now completely put out with zero chance of it being relit. He wasn't sure if you not remembering various events of your life altered your personality and the way you thought, but you practically hated him now.
Any time he tries to speak to you, he's met with glares, eye rolls, and half assed responses. It didn't stop him from talking to you, though. He would rather you be rude to him than never talk to him again.
Satoru is a man who never spoke on how things affected him or how they made him feel. No one knew how he reread your old text messages over and over again, or how he cries sometimes over the loss of you. No one knew how he lost countless hours of sleep just looking over your vids and pics that you two had taken when you were still together.
No one knew how he was dying on the inside.
“You gonna stay up here moping all day, or try talking to them?�� He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as Shoko came to stand beside him.
He had been in his usual spot watching you from above as you trained with the students. He had been lost in thought, fantasizing about how the training would’ve been going if things were as they used to be. 
“Nah, I already bothered them today. Maybe I will later though.” He responded with his usual grin, but she saw right through his facade.
They stood there in silence, just watching, the faint sound of laughter filling the air. To Satoru, it almost felt like the universe was laughing at him. First he loses his one and only best friend, and now he's being forced to lose his one true love. Love really is the worst curse of them all, huh?
“You can talk to me, you know,” Shoko finally spoke after a few moments, not wanting to see her friend suffering alone. “It's fine, there's nothing to talk about anyways.”
“But there is Satoru. You might think you have everyone fooled and thinking that you’re unbothered by what happened, but not me. You don't.. have to go through all this alone.”
He mulled over her words for a few moments before shrugging slightly, deciding to be somewhat honest. “I guess I just.. don't find any point in talking about it. They don't love me anymore, and that's that. All I can do is accept it and go forward. If I push too much, they'll end up hating me more than they already do.”
He didn't want to accept it, though. God what he’d give to have you by his side once again. There aren't any lengths he wouldn't go to just to have you remember him. To call him Toru again. To love him again.
“Well that's surprisingly mature of you.” she teased with a sympathetic smile, causing him to pout. “Heyyy! I can be mature!”
She laughed at his whine, then smiled softly as she rubbed his back. “Just know we're all worried about you, okay? If you ever need anything, I’m a text away.”
He nodded with a smile, not bothering to say anything as he watched her leave. His smile slowly faded once she was out of sight, his attention being on you once again. He brought a finger up to pull his blindfold down around his neck as he watched you, letting out a shaky sigh.
“I really do miss you, sweetheart.”
You were out and about with your friends, having a good day out in the nice weather. You had since recovered from the accident you were in, the same accident that gave you a nasty case of amnesia. You had lost a decent portion of your memories. Fortunately, you remembered most of your friends and they’ve all bee a great help in helping you readjust.
“So uh.. how’s it been between you and Suguru?” One of them asks out of the blue. Suguru, your boyfriend before your accident 6ish months ago who was no longer playing that role in your life. “I mean, there’s nothing really going on, we talk sometimes if that’s what you’re asking”
“Well I was just wondering because he’s kind of sort of..” Your friend trailed off, motioning discreetly in a direction to which your eyes followed. Your eyes made contact with his as you found him to be leaning against a wall not far from where you and your friends are, a frown instantly gracing your lips. “Give me a moment."
You got up, incredibly upset as you made your way over him. You had felt a lot of sympathy towards him given the circumstances. You couldn’t even imagine what it would be like for your lover to suddenly no longer remember you. So, you agreed to try and make a relationship work, but after a few months, you found you just aren't into him anymore. No matter what you did, you just couldn't find that love for him again. So, you broke it off and offered to just be friends, not for him to borderline stalk you.
“What the fuck Suguru? Why are you here?” You ask, since this isn’t exactly the first time he’s appeared ‘randomly’ where you happen to be. “I just happened to be in the area.”
“Bullshit. That’s your excuse every time I catch you lurking. I know I said we could be friends, but this is the opposite of how friends should act.”
Suguru frowned at your words. He hated when you referred to him as just some friend. He didn’t want to be your friend, he wanted his title as your boyfriend back. Yes he agreed to being friends, but that was only so he could continue to try and recapture your heart.
“Well apologies Y/N, I actually was in the area I just.. was curious about what you were up to and followed for a bit.”
“Do you not realize how weird that is? What if I’m on a date, then what?” His frown deepened at your response. “You’re already going on dates?”
“Oh my god I can’t keep having the same conversation with you.”
Time and time again, he would insert himself into your personal affairs as if he was still your boyfriend. He’d get pushy for answers, needing to know what you’re doing. He just misses when you’d give him those silly little updates on what’s going on throughout your day. All of your selfies, your audio messages. God he misses it all. He didn’t mean to act like a creep, but he couldn’t help himself.
“What I do in MY dating life is MY business. We are not a thing anymore Suguru, get that through your head.”
“How do you expect me to do that, huh? How do you expect me to be okay with watching you go out with some other dude, to let him know you like I knew you. For him to attempt to love you the way I loved you. You’re being unfair, no?"
“Honestly I'm being really fair. I have done nothing but try to make things work because you seemed like genuinely a nice guy. Unfortunately, it didn’t play out how we hoped it would. I set my boundaries in us just being friends and you’re the one continuing to push my boundaries again and again. So no Suguru, you’re the one being unfair.”
You were right, and he knew that, but he just can’t go on without you, and doing this almost made him feel apart.
“Look Suguru, because I’m so generous, I’ll give you one last fucking chance. Push my boundaries again and I’m blocking you. Got it?” You asked, to which he nodded. “Got it.”
He watched you return to your friends, hands in his pockets as he left. He had no intentions of stopping, he just was going to be smarter and sneakier about things. You’ll love him again one day, he has to keep believing that for the sake of his sanity. He just has to.
Your feet dragged against the carpeted floor as you made your way down the hallway to Kento’s apartment. It felt like it went on forever as the feeling of dread bubbled up in your chest at what you were about to do.
Bringing your hand up, you gently knock a few times, anxiously awaiting for him to open the door.
“Ah, Y/N, I didn’t expect to see you. It’s a pleasant surprise, I was actually in the midst of cooking if you’d like to come in.” Kento’s face was kind, eyes almost pleading for you to accept his offer. He missed you in ways you could never even begin to imagine, which is why it was making it so hard for you to go through with this.
“Thank you, but that's okay. I just um.. I came to return this to you.” You held out your hand, your engagement ring resting in your palm.
Kento felt his mouth run dry.
“What? Why.. why are you..” He tried to find the words to speak, his mind unable to comprehend what you're doing, thoughts going a mile a minute.
“I'm sorry Nanami, I really really am. I’ve been trying to find those feelings again, to feel what I felt before the accident, to remember you. I just.. it’s been months now and I just can't go on with this engagement, because at this rate I don’t know if I’ll ever feel that love for you again. I’m.. I'm sorry.”
You truly felt remorseful, he seemed like such a wonderful man, you can understand why you fell for him in the first place. But for some reason, you just weren't in love with him anymore. The love you once felt for him was long gone.
Ever since your accident, the two of you tried everything to get you to remember. Hell, he’d be fine with you falling in love with him all over again. He doesn't care, just as long as you two are together. 
You’re the love of his life, you’re the oxygen he breathes. Irreplaceable. No one could ever compare to you in his eyes, he just can't live without you. Your wedding was supposed to be in a few months, and what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life was slowly slipping through his fingers, and there was nothing he could do about it.
“No, no no, wait please Y/N. Can't we just try a little longer? I don't mean to be pushy but I feel like we were really getting somewhere and–” Please don't do this. “But we weren't, I was just forcing it because I didn't want to hurt you–”
“I just don't understand why we can't keep trying, we had so many plans together Y/N. Marriage, kids, a house in Malaysia.”
“And that sounds lovely but Nanami–”
“Stop calling me that.” The air around you two fell awkwardly silent. “Call me Ken.. please.. like you always have.” His voice was broken, defeated. He's dealt with so much loss in his life, he couldn't bear to lose you too.
His days have become so devoid of the color you once brought to his life. Before you, he was simply going through the motions of life because that's what he had to do. Now that he’s had you, he doesn't know what to do with himself anymore. He doesn’t want to go back to how it was before you.
“I’m sorry I just..” He sighed, a hand coming up to rub his face. He didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, he really didn't, but god he was so desperate to try and get you to change your mind. “You’re everything to me. Without you I just.. I'm a shell of a man. Things aren't the same without you by my side. Please can't we just keep trying for a little longer? We could have a breakthrough.”
You listened to his ramble, but you weren't budging. You didn't think it was healthy for him to keep holding onto something that just was no longer written in the stars.
“I can't anymore Kento, I don’t.. I don't want to do this anymore, I'm sorry. I think continuing to try is a lost cause, and only it's filling you with false hope.” He remained silent at your words, nodding in reluctant acceptance, knowing pushing the envelope wouldn't end in his favor.
“Alright.. may I request one last thing from you, before you go?” He asks, fighting back his tears and emotions. “Please, stay for dinner. Cooking for you was something that always bought me joy and.. I'd like to at least sit and eat with you one last time.”
You thought for a few moments before nodding, it was the least you could do. You'd give him this one last thing before you leave for good. 
Originally, Kento wasn't going to go back to sorcerer work, since he didn't want to risk his life and leave you alone, but after you had left and he thought it over again, he decided he would accept Gojo’s request for his assistance.
He had decided on his plan. Once this final mission in Shibuya is all said and done, he'd leave for Malaysia, and maybe, just maybe finally have a better life for himself there.
What could possibly go wrong?
Love was something Toji never thought he'd ever try again. He had no interest in commitment in the slightest. If it wasn't just a quick fuck or a dynamic that benefitted him in some way, he truly just couldn’t give a damn.
That was, until you appeared in his life. 
What started out as just a friends with benefits type relationship, it slowly morphed into the both of you desiring more from each other.
You both understood each other. You were both from tragic backgrounds and dark pasts, and you two accepted good with the bad from one another. You two were so happy and in love.
Until the accident.
You were a curse user like him, and went on missions the same way he did. However, one really bad impact to the head had you in the hospital for a good few months. You were in a coma, and everyday he prayed that you would wake up. Although, now he kind of wishes that you did.
When you had awoken, you had lost various memories, including him. You didn't remember meeting him, all the moments you two shared, when he finally started telling you he loved you, none of it. And it killed him, not that he’d ever say it aloud.
When he told you how he was your boyfriend, while yes you found him to be very attractive, you just didn't feel the same about him anymore. You were always a closed off guarded individual due to your trauma. Yet for some reason back then, you allowed him into your heart. This time, however, you had zero interest in that.
Toji felt so many things. He was angry, confused, and heartbroken. How could you not remember all the times you two shared? Why did you not even want to try? Why didn't you care?
All the self improvement you helped him with all went down the drain. He just didn't care about anything or anyone anymore. Losing his first wife was hard, it destroyed him. Now he's losing you, except you're not even actually gone. You're right there, before his eyes, and has to watch you continue to live your life without him. 
“Shiu! That stupid mission was a– oh, um, hi Toji.” You awkwardly greeted him as you entered the office, not expecting to see him during your visit to Shiu. The tension in the room grew thick as Shiu cleared his throat. “I'm uh, gonna go smoke this. I'll be right back.” That bastard.
An awkward silence hung in the air before Toji decided to break it. “So, you seein’ anyone?
“I don't really think that's–”
“It's just a harmless question, doll.” His tone is borderline condescending, you let it slide though. “I was, not anymore though.”
Toji bit back a laugh at that. He liked to believe that deep down in your subconscious, you needed him just the way you always have, and that you’d never find another person who’d make you feel as he did.
“Yeah? And why's that?” He pressed, wanting any indication that his theory had any basis in reality. “Why does even that matter? It’s none of your business.”
You shot him down. Any time you two bumped into each other, he always pulled this. He'd get far too nosy about your dating life and you were tired of it. You understand that you two were in love before and that it's hard for him, but he needed to let it go. You weren’t interested and that was that.
“Ya know, if you ever want–”
Toji frowned, irritation bubbling his chest from your immediate rejection. “I wasn't looking for a relationship doll, just a good fuck. You really think I wanna be bothered with you again? I barely wanted to even when we were together.” He spoke harshly, none of his words even being true.
He hated himself for the way he was treating you, but he just couldn't stop himself. Hurt people hurt people, after all.
“Just tell Shiu to call me. I'm leaving.” Before he could say anything, you were already out the door, refusing to take his attitude any longer.
Whatever, he was fine before without you anyway. He'll continue to tell himself that doesn't need you until he finally tricks his mind into believing it's true.
Loud knocks at your door awoke you from your sleep, having fallen asleep by mistake on the couch. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you reached for your phone to check the time. 
Nearly 2AM.
“Y/N?? A-Are you in there? Please I-I just wanna talk.” A once all too familiar voice sounded from the other side of the door, and you knew it was him. 
Choso, the man who apparently was your boyfriend before your accident.
A sigh left your lips, you already knew what this was about. You had blocked him on everything because you believed this would be beneficial to him. You felt this would help him move on, because that's simply what he was going to have to do. Yet he just wouldn't.
You reluctantly made your way to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it. He looked like a mess. His eyes were bloodshot, red and puffy from what you could only assume was from hours of crying. His stripe on his nose was dripping, as if his emotions were pouring from it. He truly looked pitiful.
“Choso..” You felt awful, you really did. You didn't mean to cause this man so much pain and turmoil, but you weren't going to fake being in love with him. That wouldn't make the situation any better.
“W-Why? Y-You– you blocked me? Why?” He stuttered out, once dried tears slowly beginning to wet his face once again as he started to cry, his breaths coming out shaky and broken.
You let him inside, worried about him having an anxiety attack and nosy neighbors being in your business.
“Choso I'm really going to need you to breathe–” The second the door is shut, he’s pulling you in for a tight hug, his body shaking as small cries leave him. “Choso–”
“I-I’m sorry, I-I’m sorry. I just need t-to touch you” You suppose you could give him this. “Okay but you're squeezing me too tight, you're going to hurt me if you don't loosen up.”
You two stood like that for a few moments. You offered comfort to the best of your ability, rubbing his back soothingly. You knew you needed to calm him down as much as possible for the news you were going to break to him. 
“I think.. we should sit and talk.” Your soft voice broke the silence. You gently removed yourself from his tight hold, guiding him to sit on the couch.
“I.. blocked you because I felt it’s for the best” You turned your head away from him, the sad puppy dog look in his eyes making you feel far too guilty. “I know before my accident we were together and in love but.. I need you to understand that I no longer feel that way. I don't remember you anymore–”
“B-But that doesn't mean you c-can’t remember one day, right? R-Right??” That was something you didn't have an answer for.
“I don’t–”
“B-But you remember everyone else, w-why not me? Why don't you r-remember me?” He begged for an answer, shaky hands coming to hold yours, squeezing them tight. “T-There has to be s-something we can do right? Maybe Shoko could d-do something, anything. We just need to–”
“Choso, please just stop.” You felt a pang in your heart as his shoulders slumped, but you had to throw the cold water in his face. “There is nothing that can be done. I'm sorry, I am. I wish for your sake that I could wake up with all my memories of you back but I just can't. I'm just.. not interested in you in that way anymore.” You slowly pulled your hands from his, resting yours in your lap as you continued. This really sucked. 
“I thought maybe we could be friends, and over time either my memories would return or I'd develop feelings for you again but.. I just don't feel that way towards you. And you're so.. clingy. The way you are is unhealthy Choso. You have to move on.”
His eyes went wide at your words, his world shattering before him as he rapidly shook his head. “No. No no no I-I don't want to do that. I can't do that p-please.”
“You're going to have to. I know I was your first love, but I promise you'll find someone else who will–”
“I-I don't want anyone else I-I want you. I don’t want to e-ever even think about m-my life without you p-please, I’ll do a-anything Y/N please.”
He was becoming hysterical again and you're far too exhausted to be able to properly calm him down. Besides, he'd just do what he's been doing for the last two months. He'll cry and cry until you feel guilty enough to change your mind. Not this time. 
“I'm sorry Choso, but I need you to leave. It’s over” You stood up from the couch, wanting to be done with this conversation. Giving him the cold shoulder was something you didn't necessarily want to do, but he was leaving you with no choice at this point.
As you approached your door to let him out,  you heard a thud from behind you followed by a hand grasping your ankle to prevent you from going any further. The sight before you as turned your head to look only worsened how you felt. 
He was on his knees, his head down, grasping your ankle in a final desperate plea. “P-Please… d-don’t do this to me..” 
It was your turn for your shoulders to slump, but your mind was already made as you whispered “Please, don't make me call Yuji..”
You felt his grip loosen at your words, before completely releasing your ankle. He slowly rose to his feet, his eyes trained on the floor, knowing if he looks at you, he’ll completely crumble and he wouldn’t be able to leave. He doesn’t say another word as he leaves, knowing there’s nothing he could say that would change your mind.
“Goodbye.. Choso.” You said for the last time before closing the door.
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whoahoney · 2 years
An Attempt at a One Night Stand
Eddie Munson x SingleMom!Reader
Part 2
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Summary: Reader is a single mother spending an evening at the Hideout with her friends when she meets the lead singer of a band called Corroded Coffin. He buys her a drink and makes her feel ways she hasn’t felt in a very very long time…
Content Warnings: AFAB/Fem!Reader, NSFW(Minors, DNI), Smut, use of alcohol & cigarettes, descriptions of depression, angst, descriptions of a romantic partner’s passing, fluff, female masturbation, nipple play, light choking, p in v sex, protected sex (WRAP IT), more plot than porn
A/N: My first published smut, don’t look at me. 😂🥲
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie Munson had it bad.
He met the prettiest girl in the world at a gig at the Hideout, the only person in the crowd that sang along with him the whole time. He knew he wanted to buy her a drink when she sang Ozzy into her empty bottle, pulling laughs from her friends while he eyes continued to flicker back to his.
Eddie loved her carefree nature about her, her energy magnetic. ‘I have to know this girl.’ He thought—her every movement fascinating him.
After some encouragement from his friends, he worked up the nerve to saunter up to her table, applying his own confident and easygoing facade the best he could. She was surrounded by an entourage of friends, all sets of eyes suddenly trained on him, halting all conversation.
Eddie glanced at each girl briefly before nodding to them, “Ladies,” then he looked at her again. Her eyes were glossed in wonder and inebriation at the boy who looked at her so intently.
“I, uh, I’m Eddie, and I couldn’t help but notice your show stopping performance tonight, and, uh, wanted to buy you a drink.” He smiled softly, his heart hammering away in his chest and sweat trickling down his temple.
She looked at each one of her friends, widening her eyes in excitement and nodding at the one on her left, a silent agreement. “I’d love that.” She stood, walking over to the bar ahead of him.
“I’m, Y/n, by the way.” She said as they settled into two seats. Eddie nodded, repeating her name inside, trying it on and getting used to the feeling it gave him. “Well, Y/n, what do you drink?” He asked, gesturing to the shelves of liquor behind the bar. Y/n’s eyes darted over the labels ahead of her, trying to focus on one at a time when she decided against whiskey.
“I’ll just have another beer.” She shrugged, thankful for the red lighting of the neon light she was seated next to. “No problem. Hey, Sal,” He called the bartender from across the room for service, ordering two bud lights and turning his attention back to her, leaning his chin on a ringed hand.
“You ever been here before?” He asked, raising his eyebrows. Y/n shook her head as their drinks were served. “What gave me away?” She shrugged, taking a sip.
“It’s rare a group of girls is sat up in here for a few hours.” He smiled, taking a drink himself.
“Are you implying that you’re here all the time?” She quirked an eyebrow inquisitively, her mouth gaping in sarcasm. Eddie looked like a fish out of water for a moment before she started giggling. “I’m just messing with you,” She pushed his shoulder playfully.
Eddie let out a relieved laugh, “Oh, god, sweetheart. I didn’t know what to do there. I swear I’m not here all the time, but I’m here a lot! As you can see I play music here, which I do pretty often...” He said with a shrug and tight smile.
“Well, I may have to come back if the talent is this nice every time, I really enjoyed the show—we all did.” She shrugged, looking to her lap to bite back a smile. “Thanks, y’know next time if you perform like you did in the crowd, I’ll have to pull you up on stage with me.” He chuckled, earning another blush from the girl across from him. “I bet you’re fun on car rides, huh?” He asked and nodded at her in understanding.
Y/n scoffed, “I mean, you could say that, I’ve had a lot of practice with car karaoke and all.” She giggled. “You had me smiling the whole time, I know performances like that take practice! It was perfect.” He said, like it was the simplest thing. Y/n sunk her teeth further into her lip to suppress another pathetic giggle.
“So what do you like, huh? What’s your story?” Eddie asked. Y/n took a swig and searched for the best way to share without sharing. “I.. work two jobs, during the day I'm a clerk at a book shop and most nights during the week I waitress at a grill.”
“I mean your hopes and dreams, babe, but also nice to know you’re a hardworkin’ woman, I respect that.” He said, raising his bottle to her before taking another drink. Y/n rolled her eyes and unsuccessfully repressed a smile. “I don’t really have any.”
“Dreams? C’mon, I know you can think big. If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?” He asked as if it were that simple.
“Uh, pfft... Damn. Hold on.” She nervously laughed as her mind blanked, no possibilities coming to the surface no matter how hard she tried. “Take your time, you got it.” He encouraged, nodding gently. Y/n looked ahead instead of at his distracting puppy dog eyes. “I don’t think my passion is gonna lie in a career, you know? I just wanna be able to find something that allows me to make enough money in order to get by and live a happy life and have good experiences with the people I love.”
Eddie wore a warm smile on his face as he scratched the bottom corner of his mouth, “You’re real cute, you know that?” He smiled, leaning forward to brush her hair away from her face.
Y/n avoided his eyes on her as they trailed down her profile; her lips, chin, neck and chest as she tilted the bottle back. When she finished she shrugged, “I’ve been told a time or two, what about you, huh? Did you know you’re real cute?” She flashed him a look and a smile, her words sending him into flattered laughter as he shook his head and drank again.
“I had a feeling I was real cute, but no one really tells me, sweetheart, so, thanks.” He winked and leaned in to get closer to her, reaching for her hand that rested on the bar beside them. “So, what’s your game, here, huh?” She asked as he played with her fingers, his eyes darting up to hers questioningly, “What do you mean?” He asked, unsure of the context of the question.
“I mean, are you trying to play the long game and take your time before you try to get in my pants or are you trying to take me out of here to fuck me in the back ally as soon as possible?” She asked bluntly with big sparkling doe eyes and then took a sip of her drink.
Eddie’s eyes widened, not in embarrassment, but because he didn’t know he came off that way, “Babe if I’m being honest, I didn’t even get this far in my head when I decided I needed to talk to you,” he said earnestly, leaning closer to her to talk over the other band now playing in the bar. “So, I guess to answer your question, I wanna play whatever game you’re playing, if that’s cool.” He shrugged easily, as though hiding his feelings wasn’t on his agenda.
Y/n sat back with her mouth gaping, running her eyes over his frame again like she’s just seeing him for the first time. “Ohh��” is all she could manage, shyness taking over briefly.
She was used to getting hit on in bars, the nights she made it out of the house during the month when she was able to leave Danny without problems. Love had been different since Adam passed. Y/n didn’t think love like that happened twice in the same lifetime—the most beautiful, head spinning love that embraced you and never wavered.
Adam and Y/n had been childhood friends, who soon grew into high school lovers. Adam and Y/n did everything together, truly two halves of a whole.
And when they got pregnant with Danny at the end of their junior year, they thought the curveball thrown their way would be the hardest it got, knowing they’d have each other for the rest of time.
Or until death.
When Adam was 18, he was involved in a car accident near the end of the pregnancy, passing at the scene. Y/n—17, pregnant, and practically widowed—swore off love, feeling as though letting another man into her life in Adam’s place was betrayal.
But that didn’t mean she wasn’t lonely. Sure, parenting alone isn’t for the weak, but she had her friends for emotional support, she didn’t need a man for that, and any fun thing she could think of doing either involved her son or her best friend. The more time went by, the more she convinced herself she could do it all alone.
So, over the last couple years, she settled for one night stands, sloppy goodnight kisses, handing out fake names and phone numbers like Halloween candy. But tonight was different.
Emotional intimacy of any kind was uncomfortable, the only man she was able to stay honest and open about her feelings with was one she’d known for a decade before she let him in her pants. Eddie had known her for two seconds and was upfront about his thoughts with so much ease it made her start setting up bricks.
“I-I, wasn’t expecting that answer.” She laughed awkwardly and took another sip, the bottle now over half gone. Eddie smirked and shook his head, his eyes never leaving her being for more than two seconds at a time.
“What was the answer you were expecting?” He asked. Y/n scanned around the room, landing on her friends who looked like they were having a wonderful time with Eddie’s friends who now occupied seats at their table. “I dunno, but no one’s ever been upfront about it, let alone put the ball in my court.” She said it like it was no big deal, but Eddie knew. He knew he got through to her. “Ugh, I hate basketball.” He smiled, trying to get her to relax again, he likes when she’s in control of the conversation. She mirrored his smile and rolled her eyes, the buzz of the current beer working over her head.
“So, uh, how’d you get into music?” She asked, steering the conversation another direction, which Eddie smiled at, knowing he was getting his shot. “I love that you asked that,” He blushed, a proud smile working its way onto his face, “When I moved in with my uncle around eleven or so years ago, he played a lot of Woody Guthrie, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, you know? The originals—the good stuff!” He emphasized; the passion evident by the gleam in his eyes and his movements, which she loved, “I got really into them, like, wore out the needle on the record player. I had that thing going all the time. Well, one day, I got home from a particularly shitty day at school, and there was an acoustic guitar on my bed.” He smiled nostalgically at the memory. “Wayne got me started and I’ve been in love with music ever since.” He shrugged.
Y/n nodded, her heart smiling at his ability to be soft, “That's such a sweet story, you and your uncle must be really close! That was so thoughtful of him.” She awed, Eddie blushed a deeper shade of red as he took a swig of his drink, nodding in agreement, “He’s great, honestly the best man I’ve ever known.” He chuckled nervously, looking at his hands and hating himself for the conversation turning this way so quickly. ‘Too much, dude, c’mon..’ he scolded himself.
“So do you still listen to Willie and Waylon or did you kick the old boys to the curb when you adopted Metallica and Ozzy into your repertoire?” She asked, which soothed his worries immediately. He chuckled and shook his head, “Oh, of course I still listen to them, I couldn’t abandon my roots like that!” He nudged her arm with his, his heart leaping when she joined in his laughter. “You listen to any old cowboy country?” He asked.
Y/n nodded, “I’m familiar with those old cowboys of yours. Except I’m more of a Johnny Cash fan.” She shrugged, taking him for a Willie Nelson enthusiast. “Let me guess, Folsom Prison Blues just really has a hold over you?” He teased, though he was right. “I can casually enjoy songs about prison and crime, alright?” She played into it.
Y/n liked Eddie, that was never a question, but was she afraid? No, but kind of intimidated? Yeah, that’s more like it. She shrugged off her denim jacket, leaving her in her tank top and showing off her tattoos.
“Nice ink, care to give me a tour?” He asked, nodding to her body, most definitely not looking at her tattoos but rather her chest and abdomen, wondering if there were more under the clothes.
She smiled, no guy ever taking the time to notice and ask, the most attention they ever got were ‘Ugh, tatted girls are my favorite’ or ‘do you have any tattoos in other places?’ Eddie may be the first guy to refer to her artwork respectfully. It made her want to show him more than she should.
She pointed to the art on her forearms, the sun on one side, the moon on the other, “These were my first and second,” she nodded, turned to show him the back of her bicep, where a bundle of flowers sat in a broken vase, “this is the third,” she pulled up the side of her shirt to show the bottom of an expansive art piece on her ribs, “fourth,”
Eddie watched on intently, trying to commit them all to memory. She turned to the wall, gathering her hair up in a ponytail to show the fifth tattoo on the back of her neck, “Number five may have hurt the most,” she mentioned as he took in the detail of the moth, slightly bummed when she turned back around. “And six through ten are unable to be shown at this time,” she giggled, picking her beer back up and tilting it back til it was empty.
Before Eddie answered, he turned to order her another, a smile rising to her cheeks at the gesture until she scolded herself, ‘Oh, two beers, what a dreamboat.’
Expecting some sleazy question about when he’d get to see the rest, she was surprised when all he asked was, “So how old were you when you got your first two?” Her eyebrows shot up. A real question?
“I was 16.” she nodded, his eyes widening, “Damn, who was your artist?? I couldn’t get anyone to tattoo me till I was 17, and even then it didn’t turn out right, I was so bummed.” He said strongly, his inflection making her laugh.
“He was my friend's brother,” she shrugged, “So does this mean you’re gonna give me a tattoo tour?” She couldn't resist through giggles. Eddie raised his eyebrows at her, “Oh, I thought you’d never ask, angel.” He said with a smile that could’ve been mistaken for devious, but really that was just Eddie.
He quickly shrugged off his vest and jacket like she had, holding out his arm and turning it slowly to point out his bats. Y/n felt heat rising in her stomach at the sound of him explaining the backstory behind them all, some of which he drew himself, others he found in fantasy novels or had them drawn up by his friend at the shop he frequents now that he isn’t a minor.
“And I love this little demon dude right here,” he said to the area by his collarbone, his hand holding his neckline open more than needed, the fleshy expanse of his chest looking delicious with cinnamon colored freckles sprinkled across it.
Y/n leaned forward to look at the detail of the crazy face it made, laughing easily and looking back up to Eddie; it definitely felt like him. “This one is my most recent, after my favorite Metallica song—“ he rolled up his sleeve to show the puppet master on his forearm,
“Master of Puppets?” She asked before he could say it, his head snapped up to her with a surprise grin, “Yeah, exactly! March of ‘86 I holed up in my room and just listened to it over and over again until I could work out the chords, then it felt like I worked my fingers to the bone trying to get it down. It was a challenge, but it was definitely a defining moment in my music journey, you know?” He nodded, sharing that sliver of himself without trouble. It made Y/n intrigued, yet jealous. She wanted to be able to do that without locking up.
“Wait, you learned it by ear? Amazing! You must be some sort of musical genius.” She said, fully meaning the sentiment, when Eddie scoffed and shook his head humorlessly. “That’s really sweet, thanks, but I’m far from a genius.” He averted his gaze, shyness creeping in.
Y/n cocked her head, sensing she struck a nerve of his, one she would be sure not to touch on again. “You think I’ll get to hear you play it sometime?” She said, brushing his sitting hand with her fingers, gathering some courage.
Eddie’s eyes lit up, “I’d love to play some Metallica for you.” He nodded eagerly. Y/n giggled and took another drink, the liquid courage catching up to her. “Are you gonna give me a private performance? Or should I come back when Corroded Coffin is playing next?” She said suggestively.
Eddie perked up at this, not sure if he’s hearing the implied meaning behind her words correctly. “Why not both? I mean, if the private performance goes well.” He chuckled nervously and sipped his new beer. Y/n looked at his hands, noticing his rings and how each one was different.
The chatter of the crowd around them and the music from the stage was a good excuse to keep leaning forward, thanking herself for wearing a low cut top. She held out her hand, Eddie cocked his head and eased his hand into hers tentatively. She immediately took to his rings, ogling them.
“Oh, I’m sure it’s gonna be great. I saw these fingered working up there earlier and couldn’t keep my eyes off them. These are pretty metal, I must say.” She looked the jewlery over with a quiet and heavy lidded smile. Eddie’s cheeks heated up at their closeness, noticing how she stroked his palm and wrist and stopped paying attention to his jewelry, holding her gaze on his lips.
“Uhm,” he swallowed hard, “W-Would you wanna maybe have that private performance.. now?”
Y/n’s eyes flickered with hope, “Where at, rockstar?” She bit her lip, looking him over and interlacing their fingers. “I—Depends on how long you’re willing to wait, Princess, you think you wanna come back to my place? Or are you more of a ‘right here right now’ kinda girl?” He said in her ear slowly, taking hold of her forearm and stroking it lovingly; mapping out every scar and freckle that lay there.
“Where do you prefer?” She said, shamelessly stroking the column of his neck with her thumb, which sent shivers down his spine. “Baby, I’ll take you anywhere I can get you.” He whispered, his breath fanning over her ear and cheek. Her chest began to heave in want while her eyes roamed his body beneath his clothing, wondering where else he had tattooed.
“Y’know, I have a very spacious van parked in the alley out back, if that’s your kinda thing, but I simply can’t wait another second to touch you.” He whispered nervously, hoping he wasn't ruining everything by crossing the unspoken line between them. Y/n’s eyes turned hungry as she nodded, “Can we do a shot first?” She asked, buzzed and still giddy enough she needed to calm down.
Eddie bit his lip, “I like the way you think, sweetheart, what do you want?” He turned to call Sal the bartender.
“Tequila!” She nudged his arm, looking at the jug on the shelf. “I didn’t take you for a tequila girl.” He smiled, grabbing a shaker from behind the bar and sprinkling himself some salt on the back of his hand as Sal poured them up, setting out limes before leaving.
“I’m not, usually,” she said while sprinkling the salt onto her hand, “Figured it’d be good for tonight—makes my clothes fall off.” She shrugged before licking up the strip of beer salt and throwing back the shot, picking up the lime wedge and sucking.
A moan of relief slipped out as the fresh citrus flooded her mouth. Eddie sat unmoving with his mouth gaping, hand still at the ready to take his shot. “Oh my god.” He breathed, taking the shot and matching her speed for courage.
Y/n hopped up as he set down his glass, sauntering through the door as he paid their tab and looked across the room to his buddies who sported amused and knowing looks as their friend stuck his tongue between his teeth in a victorious grin, slapping down a $10 tip on top of the total because he was feeling especially generous.
“Don’t get your hopes up, lover boy, we’ll still be here when you get back.” Her friend said pointedly, the rest of them sniggering along with Eddie’s friends. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He said incredulously, leaning his weight back on the door to meet his dream girl outside.
She stood under the lamppost smoking a cigarette, her jacket back around her shoulders, which made Eddie eager to take it off later. “Hey, there.” He smiled, shrugging on his own jacket, the leather cold before melting into warmth at the touch of his skin. “Hiya.” She giggled behind the cigarette.
Eddie allowed himself to act on his impulses and stepped closer to her until he had to look down, the end of her cigarette a few inches away from him before she removed it and turned away to blow the smoke— ‘What a sweetheart.’ He thought.
“Think I could have a hit off that?” He smiled, his eyes looking over her pretty face in the new lighting, her features so much clearer now. He couldn’t get over the shape of her lips, watching them stretch as she revealed the sweetest smile he’d ever seen.
Instead of answering, she stuck her cigarette between his smiling lips, holding onto his shoulder to steady herself. He hummed contently at her promptness and wrapped an arm around her waist, finding the sliver of flesh that rested above the top of her jeans until he grasped her wrist and moved her hand away to exhale to the side and then interlace her other hand in his.
Y/n watched on thoughtlessly as he brought the new hand up to his lips to kiss her finger tips one at a time, then her knuckles and wrist, before flipping her hand over and pressing a kiss to her palm, nipping at it with his teeth and wrapping the arm around his neck— bringing her giggling lips to his and pulling her into a tight embrace, lips working against one another eagerly while his hands cradled her neck and upper back tenderly. Y/n didn’t realize it until she felt the shift of gravity, but she figured out Eddie was leaning her backward, trying to dip her romantically in his almost drunken state after the shot. Her hair fell back, the world slowly turning upside down at his hands, his kiss melting any sense of care away.
‘So what the moon is on the bottom and the cars are on top? I could hold onto him forever.’
‘You’re saying that because you’re drunk and horny, get on with it.’
They pulled away when they were almost falling, both of them laughing breathlessly. Eddie pressed one more kiss to her forehead before taking her hand and gently tugging on her to follow, “C’mon, pretty girl, lemme show you what else I got.” He teased, admiring how deeply pink her neck and chest were burning.
They ran like giggly school children together around the building, as if they’d get caught and have their parents called. Eddie relished in the warmth her hand gave him— wondering how warm they were about to be pressed up against each other in the van.
He unlocked the doors, swinging one open and gesturing inside, “After you.” He bit his lip, worried that at any point she’d turn back. Instead, Y/n raised her eyebrows at him briefly, shooting him a coy smile before taking his hand and stepping up and in. Eddie licked his lips and swung the door shut behind him.
From the moment he turned around, she was on him, her arm snaking around his neck, her other pulling his waist to hers by his belt loop and bringing him in for another hungry kiss.
The quiet of the van amplified the sounds they made together, every moan, gasp, smack, and groan audible, though neither of them minded, if anything they loved it. His hands found her hair, gently stroking it like he’d been dying to since he saw her flipping it around during his set.
He trailed his hand down the side of her neck, his thumb tracing her jaw sent shivers down her spine. She broke the kiss, pausing in the space between them before they went further. His eyes opened to see her looking at his lips, only looking into his eyes when he smiled softly, “You still good? We don’t have to, you know. I’ve had a lot of fun with you tonight.” He said easily, no hint of pettiness in his tone.
Y/n smiled at his words, leaning into his hand more, “I’m having a great time too,” he exhaled slowly, relief evident on his face. “I was just wondering if I needed to climb you like a tree or lay you down, big boy.” She winked with a smile on her lips, laughing when he flopped down to the floor immediately.
“You really just had to open your mouth, didn’t you?” He looked at her with wide eyes in amusement. “I swear everything you say does something to me, baby.” He mumbled, too busy watching her settle her body on top of his lap and strip off her shirt, revealing her lace bra. “Holy shit.” He gasped, wrapping his hands around her revealed bodice to get a better look at her while she leaned forward onto his chest to stroke him with her fingernails through his shirt.
Eddie sat all the way up to pull her body closer to his, “Holy fucking shit, you’re beautiful.” He struggled to look her in the eye as he bounced back and forth between her soft torso and beautiful face. She looked down at him patiently, not used to the compliments, soaking it all up while she could.
“Eddie?” She whispered, stroking his hair and pulling him from his thoughts. “Yes?” He asked earnestly, gazing into her eyes as if he were ready to do anything she asked of him, which he was. She leaned over by his ear, balling his shirt up in her fists, “Can we take this off?” She snickered, pressing a kiss to his cheek, followed by his jaw and neck.
His heart began hammering again as she mouthed at the crook of his neck, thoughts evaporating from his head—including his ability to speak. He remembered he needed to answer only when she slid her hands up underneath the hem at his side, a jolt of electricity sent straight to his dick at the contact.
“Oh, yeah,” he said through her kisses, allowing her to raise it above his head and discard it to the side with hers, her reaction to the rest of his tattoos stroking his ego as she bit her lip and ran her hands across him. “I want you to do whatever you want, sweetheart.” He whispered against her before diving back in for more.
He fixed his hands to the meat at her hips, grinding her on his cock that strained against his jeans. He smirked at the pretty little sound she made when she started moving her hips on her own, rolling them in a way that drove Eddie wild. His hands flew to her chest, massaging the plush of her breasts that begged to be let out of their confines.
“Baby, can I get rid of this?” He asked helplessly, stroking the skin above the clasp at her back. Y/n smiled, her nose bumping his as she nodded and said, “I want you to do whatever you want, sweetheart.” She bit her lip as he smiled like a child on Christmas morning. He went about popping the hooks from the small hoops and sliding the straps off her arms at a nice pace, consciously trying to make sure he wasn’t going too fast to freak her out or make her think he was too eager.
Eddie had his fair share of one night stands, fond memories for his spank bank until the next came along, but none of them compared to this. This was something he’d think of forever.
“Jesus Christ.” He said softly, his eyes taking in the ethereal sight—the bounce of her freed breasts as they fell and soft skin just begging to be marked up and grabbed.
But the best part was the tattoo that sat underneath them. “It’s beautiful.” He breathed, taking her waist in his hands and examining her body like art, trying to find the rest of her tattoos and not bust his load at her perky nipples looking so excited to see him.
“You’re divine, really, baby, I’ve never seen anyone like you before…” He trailed off in wonder, grazing his fingers softly over the ink. She looked at him looking at her, dazed and confused by this stranger’s courtesy and gentleness that could only match—
She tilted his chin up towards hers to stop the thoughts from rolling in, never thinking about Adam during times like these— let alone comparing him, and pressed a soft and hungry kiss to his lips, licking into his mouth. Eddie bucked his hips and groaned at the feeling of both her bare tits against his chest and her tongue in his mouth.
He went to work rubbing her breasts, easing her into a heated pile of mush on top of him, trying to get her to relax further into his touch. “You gonna let me make you feel good, baby?” He asked, nipping at her bottom lip to make her cry out.
“Yes, please fuck me, Eddie.” She whined breathlessly, their thrusts becoming more intense along with their breathing. Eddie laid her down backwards, her legs still around his hips as he kneeled above her, admiring the way her tits bobbed when she fell against the plush blanket pallet he kept.
Her eyes gleamed as they bore into his. He smiled down at her, brushing his fingers around her hairline and stopping at her cheekbone to unbutton her pants, her heart feeling content like a purring cat. “You’ve got me so wet, Eddie.” She whispered, palming her left tit and grazing her fingers down her stomach as he worked at sliding her pants off.
Eddie couldn’t tear his eyes away from her touching herself the way she was, only ever seeing girls do it in magazines, he never thought he’d see one do it in real life. “I wanna watch you touch yourself,” He whispered, dropping her jeans next to her shirt and opening her legs slowly to encourage her.
Y/n didn’t answer, instead, she gave him a little smile and slid her hand into the front of her panties, sighing at the contact and writhing a little as she found exactly where she needed to touch. Eddie looked on in amazement, stroking himself over his jeans as he looked down at the angel laying in front of him. “You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” He mumbled and licked his lips at the wetness pooling in her panties and the bits of flesh he could make out around the straining fabric of the lavender cotton.
He sat there mesmerized at the way her fingers disappeared inside of her, the way she tweaked her clit in time with the thrusts of her wrist and the way she kept her eyes on him the whole time she did so, reminding him that even if he wasn’t touching her, he was the one making her feel good.
Eddie slowly stroked her hips where the elastic sat, tugging lightly at the band until she raised her ass off the floor so he could slip them off her legs and toss them to the growing pile. A thin sheen started to coat her skin, glittering in the dim light of the van. Eddie ran a light and tender hand up her leg and then rubbed encouraging circles on the inside of her thighs, aching to bury his face in her wetness and send her further into the abyss of pleasure.
Y/n rubbed herself gently, opening her eyes as Eddie’s hands came closer to her throbbing core. “Touch me, please…” she whined, looking at him as if she’s waited for his touch for years and then letting them fall shut. Eddie’s eyes widened, his cock desperately needing relief, her eye contact and plea just made it worse.
“I’m gonna take care of you, baby,” Eddie took off his boxers quickly, moaning in relief and stroking his dick as he eased on top of her, caging her in with his arms. She gasped when she opened her eyes again to see him naked and godly before her. “Is that okay?” He asked, pressing a soft kiss to her neck, sending her eyes rolling to the back of her head, “Yes, please… Oh, fuck…” she groaned, feeling his weight on top of her as he adjusted her thighs around him, stroking her hips and lower back lovingly. “God damn, you’re so fucking soft, baby, I can’t get enough of you.” He breathed into her, reaching for her breast and meeting her for a warm and wet kiss, complete with teeth tugging lips, tongues licking skin, and quiet and satisfied giggles slipping out every now and then.
They reveled in each other’s nakedness, the feeling of skin on skin lighting them on fire—their hands and lips roaming everywhere.
Eddie took care to latch his mouth onto her nipple as he worked the other one with his tender touch. Her hands stayed in his hair, the mess of it scattered around him as he moved, though she didn’t mind.
Y/n thought she was going to lose her mind before he touched her pussy, swollen and dripping for him when he ran a tentative finger through her folds, “You want me as bad as I want you, don’t you, baby?” He set a slow yet satisfying pace, bumping her clit with every movement as her hand slipped further into his curls, tightening her grip to Eddie’s delight.
With every pant that left her came an adorable little noise, only audible in the space between them as they moved against one another. Eddie smiled to himself, his ego loving all of the praise this girl gave him.
“If you want something you need to ask for it—wanna make you feel good.” He said in between messy kisses along her shoulder. “Eddie, I need you to fuck me.” She whispered to him urgently, pulling his face up to hers with desperation.
“Uh, y-you don’t want me to eat you? C’mon baby, don’t get shy on me now.” He stammered, having been so close to the honey pot he desperately thirsted for. “Uh-uh..” She said, gently shaking her head ‘no’ and taking his cock in her hand.
Her hand traced the length of his shaft, pulling an inhuman grunt from him, a smirk of satisfaction crossing her face as he thrust his hips involuntarily. “Just, uh, lemme..fuck, lemme—lemme get a condom,” he managed through her firm strokes.
Eddie grabbed the chain on his pants, yanking his wallet out of his pocket to retrieve a gold foil package inside. Y/n admired his waist, tracing the dragon that wrapped around the side of his torso as he worked the condom on, stroking himself a couple times before moving back over her, who took no hesitation in wrapping her legs back around him, a giddy smile on her face that matched his. ���C’mere, you pretty little thing.” He growled in her ear playfully while descending upon her, pressing his fingers into the plush of her thighs that enveloped him perfectly and kissing her giggling lips like they already belonged to him.
The laughter subsided as the kisses grew deeper and longer, when they pulled back and opened their eyes, they looked at each other like more than a couple strangers fucking in the back of a van for the first time— more like lovers who’d cross space and time to be together just for one night.
“You, uh, wanna put it in?” He asked, a blush dusting his cheeks as he hovered over her, stroking her bum and thigh as he waited. Y/n gently guided his member to her entrance while Eddie placed his other hand around her breast—poised to antagonize her nipple.
After the tip pressed against her, Eddie groaned as he sunk into her, his chest flattening onto hers until they could catch their breath. “You take me so well, baby, oh fuck,” He gasped next to her head, pushing some hair away from her ear and neck to dive down and nuzzle his face there.
“You fill me up so good, Eddie, oh my god.” She gasped as he propped himself up on his hands, gazing into her eyes as he started moving, her pussy gripping him so tight it’s hard for him to pull out and push back in. “Holy shit, do—is that good? Is that good for you?” He asked in quiet awe at the sensation they created together, in and out, in and out.
“Yeah— yeah, it is.” She said, fighting against the ecstasy she was slipping into to keep her eyes open. As Eddie worked his first few thrusts, he took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together like they had many times that night, though Y/n was expecting him to hold her wrists above her head like she’s used to, but no. Eddie rested their joined hands next to her head and smoothed her hair affectionately.
“You’re such a pretty girl, y’feel so good on my cock...” He said in awe as he picked up the pace and sent a jolt to her throbbing core when he pinched and rolled her nipple in his other hand. Y/n let out a groan at the feeling, the sound only encouraging Eddie to do what he’d been dreaming of since the moment she took off her jacket in the bar.
Eddie smirked at her anguish, the sparkle in his eye only confirming the mischief he emanated. “You want me to take my time with you?” He panted, slipping his hand in between them and finding her clit, spreading their wetness over it before slowly circling it, knowing exactly how desperate she was to cum.
“No-No, no…please, no. I n-need you to go faster Eddie, I don’t want you to stop til you cum—“ without hesitation, Eddie adjusted his grip on her leg and pressed down on her clit, enough to scratch that unbearable itch that antagonized her deep in her nerves. “Holy shit, Eddie! Oh my god, keep going, yes!” Her back arched off the floor, her chin jutted upwards exposing her neck, which Eddie took advantage of and served up heated kisses all around her throat as she cried out.
“ ‘m close, Eddie, you’re so good, so fucking good!” She mumbled her eyes heavy and eyebrows scrunched in distress, her hand roamed his body with reckless abandon, giving feather light touches across his neck and shoulders then sinking her nails down his back and grabbing his hip as he slammed into her hot cunt.
“Oh, baby,” he groaned, moving a hand from her chest to her throat while still holding her other hand tenderly next to them. “ ‘s this okay?” He whispered, keeping a light hold on her neck until she answered.
“Yeah..” She whispered pathetically, bringing her free hand on top of his and closing his grip around it the way she liked, just enough to get a little dizzy on top of the beer buzz, then moaning into his touch as she rocked against him the best she could while the sounds of skin slapping skin resounded between them. Eddie looked down at where they connected, unable to get enough of the sight of his cock burrowing inside of her.
“I want you to cum, baby, I wanna feel it—wanna feel you cum on my cock.”
“Lemme ride!” She insisted quietly like a secret. Eddie's eyes lit up at her enthusiasm and nodded before promptly rolling off of her, eager for her to be back in charge. He scooted himself against the back of the seat, “You want me here?” He asked as she crawled over to him. Eddie barely noticed his hands reaching out for her, but when he did she was already settling on his lap, his member standing between them as she laid a hand against his soft chest and used her other to stroke him. Eddie sighed as he circled his arms around her waist to pull her impossibly closer. “Yeah, baby, you’re perfect.” She whispered, though she didn’t mean to let it slip—the pet name or the word perfect. Eddie preened at the praise, desperate for her validation and affection.
She wasn’t usually one for pet names, or for praising her sexual partners. Up until now, sex felt transactional, and those things weren’t apart of the deal. But with Eddie the praises dropped from her lips effortlessly, and most times involuntarily.
Her hands found his hair, lightly raking her nails on his scalp which made him lean into her. Eddie felt like he hadn’t kissed her lips in years when she pressed hers to his in a thirsting kiss, chasing after his tongue with hers. They moaned into each other as she sat back down on his dick, not wasting any time in setting her quick pace.
Eddie's jaw dropped at the feeling, the warm, wet, silky tunnel that squeezed him so unmercifully he could hardly catch his breath, though he didn’t care because he was too busy bathing in her ecstasy. “Ohh, fuck me..” he groaned against her lips as she exclaimed in delight.
She pulled back from him, her hands holding his cheeks tenderly before dropping to his shoulders for more leverage. Eddie’s hands slithered down to her hips, focusing on the softness of her skin under his hands as he squeezed and squished. “Ohh, my god, angel.. I-I don’t know how much more I can take, I need you to cum, baby, can you? Can you come for me?” He pleaded softly and felt her tighten at his words, “Oh, you like it? You like it when I talk to you?” He tested, feeling her squeeze again and watching her bite her lip as she nodded, slowing her bounces to a roll, not wanting to leave this bubble of pure pleasure just yet.
Eddie moved his hands from her hips to her breasts, pinching both of her nipples in his fingers while he bucked his hips up against her. “Your body is so fun to play with, sweetheart.” He gazed into her sparkling eyes and then her mouth while waiting desperately for his kiss, moaned at the comment. “You think I’ll make you cum?” He asked, his low and gravelly tone masking his insecurity. Should she have finished by now? Maybe made more noises?
“Yeah, yeah—you’re doing so good!” She whispered eagerly before picking up her pace and kissing him passionately. They kissed until the sensation was too much, the electricity brewing within them lighting their cores on fire as they chased their orgasms together. Their noises were involuntary at this point, though listening to one another grunt and moan drove them further to the edge at a blinding speed.
“Eddie! Eddie, are you gonna cum with me?” She asked his lips desperately, now holding back from her climax til he could answer her. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, cum! Cum, baby, cum! Cum on my dick and I’ll cum for you.” He rambled like a madman, like an addict without a fix. He had no idea that this was just the first taste, that this was only the beginning.
His words wrapped her in a wonderful haze, everything was only Eddie. “Please, baby, let me make you cum. Let me take care of you.” He panted into her ear as he kissed and nibbled her neck just under it. “Oh, fuck!” She cried out, her core tensed before the white hot pleasure melted over her body, head to toe. “Eddie, I’m cumming! Cum with me, cum with me!” She pleaded, too busy basking in euphoria to feel pathetic. She grabbed at the back of his neck with both hands, engulfing his lips with hers.
Her sounds, her kiss, the walls of her pussy clenching around him—it was all too much. He cried out as his cock spasmed inside of her, rutting up into her roughly as he lived in her warmth and and rode out the rush that eventually faded right before she went limp on top of him.
They both fought to catch their breath, settling into one another in a new way. Y/n blinked hard, noticing how her arms and legs wrapped around him to keep close, and how he wrapped his arms around her waist for the same. The embrace was comforting, like a warm hug from someone you love after a long day—it felt like home.
She typically knew where to go from here, opting to throw her clothes back on and send the guy a ‘see you later!’ before going home and forgetting their name within a couple days. But with Eddie, she found herself reluctant to leave. Instead, she stayed in this little space for now; her lips grazing the soft pale skin of his shoulder, his heavy pants against hers. Her fingers buried in the back of his curls frizzy from the humidity they produced and tickling the side of her face, though it wasn’t unbearable. She felt like she could breathe deeper with his arms squeezing around her middle as if she were his teddy bear.
“God, you were amazing, angel.” He whispered to her with a smile, stroking the length of her back lovingly and curling his other fingers in her hair, trying to learn her body the way he craved. He wanted to remember exactly how it all felt—how she felt and made him feel.
She turned her head to look at him, lightly stroking the side of his face with her fingers and smiling softly, saddened at the prospect of leaving without any intention of seeing him again—though she wanted to deeply.
Y/n pulled him in for another kiss, this one much slower as she tried to memorize him. Her mind went warm and fuzzy as they set the passionate pace, each movement she made followed by ‘Last one… another one, just one more..’ until she felt Eddie adjust them to lay backwards and begin to roll on top of her, his cock hardening again already.
“Eddie,” She panted into him as he fixed his grip on her legs, pushing her knees back and pulling a sigh from her as he continued to kiss her swollen lips. “Eddie,” she groaned as he kissed her neck again, lightly tilting her chin back with his hand and making her melt into his touch.
“I’m not afraid to stay here with you all night, baby, just tell me what you want…” He whispered, stroking the side of her neck with his thumb as he spoke into her ear.
“I-I have to go, Eddie, I’m sorry.” She managed, pushing some hair away from his face. His eyes widened at her words, caught off guard. “Oh, I’m sorry! Was I keeping you?” He sat upright, grabbing her clothes for her and handing them over before picking up his own and stripping off the condom and tying it off to be dealt with later.
“No, no, you’re fine—great, even!” She scrambled to yank on her pants, ignoring the amused smirk that sat on Eddie’s face as he tugged his own black denim over his boxers and admired her as if he’d never had her before.
She threw on her bra and leaned over to adjust her breasts in the cups, pulling a soft gasp from Eddie—he had no idea watching a girl get dressed was just as fun as watching her get undressed. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she made eye contact with him, sending him a sly smile and wink as she prepared to tug her shirt over her head.
Eddie grabbed her shoes and set them in front of her, spotting his pack of cigarettes by the rest of his clothes and grabbing one out to light as she tied her laces. He noticed the windows were fogged and he smiled around the filter while he puffed.
Though he’d watched her dress, he turned one more time to make sure she was decent before opening up the back doors to the van, the cool night air drifting in and tickling the moisture that collected at their hairlines during the fun.
“So, uh, I-I had a really good time with you tonight.” He fumbled, quickly placing his cigarette back in his mouth after he’d spoken. Y/n smiled at his nervousness and nodded in agreement. “Me too, it’s uh, it’s been a while since it’s been that good for me—with another person, you know?” She said candidly, inwardly shocked she was able to muster up the confidence to share that.
Eddies eyes widened at the information, a hopeful leap in his chest told him that sex made her open up—made her feel close. He nodded in response, removing the cigarette and exhaling. “Y-Yeah, yeah, for sure. I, uh, don’t have many one night stands, but, uh, I can say for sure that it hasn’t been like that before.” He nodded, then realized he said one night stand. His face turned to hers quickly, the alarm apparent in his eyes.
She must’ve noticed his panic, leaning in to place a quick peck on his lips before nicking his cigarette and taking a drag. He chuckled softly as she hopped out of the back and stood in front of him between his legs, retrieving her jacket and shrugging it over her shoulders, fixing her hair in the process. He placed patient hands on her waist, letting her smoke as much as she wanted to if it meant she stayed with him longer.
“When can I see you again?” He asked hopefully.
Y/n giggled, handing him the cigarette back, which he accepted reluctantly. “That’s not very ‘one night stand’ of you, is it, Eddie?” She teased, testing if his big brown eyes deflated in hope a little, though really it looked like it took the air from him.
“How about…” she trailed off and averted her eyes to the ground, searching for a reason to see him again that isn’t more than what it can be. She shouldn’t even be entertaining the idea of seeing him again, let alone wishing she could stay the night. He felt so familiar.
Eddie searched for her gaze with his, successfully pulling her eyes back on him. “How about, I come see Corroded Coffin again? You said you play here often— how often?” She asked, putting her arms on his shoulders and grinning when his hands found her arms and rubbed them softly as he nodded. “We play again next friday.” He smiled.
She nodded at him thoughtfully, not fully present but stuck in the corner of her mind that told her she was being indulgent, that leaving Danny once a month to go out with her friends was selfish as it is, not to mention sleeping with strangers just to feel something, to feel reckless as safely as possible, to feel her age— was too much. She wasn’t supposed to do things people her age did, she was a mother, and she sure as hell wasn’t supposed to feel this with someone else, the way it only felt with—
“I’ll see you next Friday.” She nodded decidedly, turning on her heel and beginning her walk to the front of the building, though Eddie caught up quickly to catch her arm before she could get any further. “Wait, wait, wait, one more?” He asked, taking a hopeful lip waiting between his teeth as he held her close.
Y/n couldn’t help but giggle at him before taking his face in her hands and laying a deep kiss to his lips, relishing the butterflies that fluttered relentlessly in her stomach when his hands slipped around her body one last time, pulling back slowly and hesitating before disconnecting their bodies. Eddie quickly took her face in his, sprinkling kisses all over her face, “Thank you, sweet girl.” He said as she giggled.
“Lemme walk you inside?” He asked like a sweet freshman boy at the end of his first date. Y/n sighed, self hatred spreading through her mind like a disease as she nodded with a smile. Eddie grinned and darted back to the van to retrieve his shirt and pull it over his head on his way back, holding out an expectant hand for her that made her heart both flutter and sink, somehow.
The only noise between them on their walk was the crunch of gravel beneath their shoes and the sounds of the night in summertime. Eddie swung their hands between them, a smile tugging at his lips as he tried to stay forward facing.
He opened the door of the bar, looking her over once more and halting her to fix her jacket collar with a focused tongue between his lips before allowing her to continue and opening the door again.
Their groups were a little drunker than they left them, talking amongst themselves and producing boisterous laughter as they walked in. “Ohh ho, look who it is!” Gareth bellowed, pointing a finger at his friend who looked so proud under his blush.
Y/n’s friends looked at her hand intertwined with Eddie’s, sending her taunting looks that said ‘we are definitely talking about this later’ and bit back chuckles unsuccessfully. She looked at her best friend Stella, who took a nonchalant sip to cover her smirk while obviously averting eye contact.
“W-We gotta go, friends!” Y/n tapped her always watchless wrist, not wanting to keep her sitter waiting forever. The girls nodded in silent understanding, always aware of the curfew she kept for herself, and stood to collect their things and pay their tabs.
The members of Corroded Coffin looked at Eddie with sparkling and expectant eyes, ready to hear about the details as soon as the ladies left the premises. Eddie had recounted his sexcapades to his friends in the past, the storyteller in him going off on all the details—both educating them and giving them material for the spank bank.
But this time he wanted to hold onto it for himself—this girl was special and she made him feel special. Something about her essence was addicting, not to mention her face was the best one he’d ever seen.
“I’ll, uh, see you later, Eddie.” She mumbled to him, easing her hand out of his. “Looking forward to it.” He smiled softly, watching her go until the others were leaving out the doors. Sabrina hung behind and looked him over as if she were sizing him up, followed with a curt nod before disappearing out the doors.
Eddie let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as the boys applauded. “I must say, I am very impressed, my friend. I can’t believe you got her back to your van so fast, wow.” Gareth speculated drunkenly to Eddie’s annoyance.
“Don’t talk about her that way. That doesn’t mean anything, girls can do whatever they want, especially if it benefits me. I would’ve taken her back to my place if she hadn’t had some curfew to beat or something. Besides, she’s coming back next week.” He said, turning a chair around backwards and straddling it while picking up a beer from the table and taking a sip. “Whoa, you have another date?” Jeff gaped. “A curfew?” Gareth asked with disbelief.
Eddie rolled his eyes, “This wasn’t a date, we just met—and I don’t know if you’d even call it a date, it’ll probably just be a repeat of tonight, and so what Emerson, like your mom isn’t on your ass about being home by 2am even if you’re a big boy now.” Eddie jeered, Gareth rolling his eyes. “Alright, say she does come back and you guys go round two, then what?” Grant asked.
Eddie paused, pursing his lips for a moment as the boys leaned forward in anticipation. “I’m following her lead so… guess I’ll know next week.” He shrugged.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
On an excruciating car ride home, while receiving the third degree from her friends as they howled out mocking cries of ‘Eddie! Oh god, give it to me’ and ‘And you were holding HANDS! What was that all about??’ Y/n did her best to defend her time with Eddie without showing she liked it too much.
“H-He’s really sweet, alright?” Y/n shrugged their taunts off, turning her attention to the radio and puffing on her last cigarette of the night—cause she was trying to cut back. “Did you see the way he looked at her though??” Mollie shrieked from the back seat, her eyes wide in amazement. Stella laughed from the steering wheel, “Like a lovesick puppy!” She agreed. Y/n blushed and rolled her eyes, “Yeah, well, dudes do that sometimes.” She countered, mostly to convince herself.
“Okay, but— the way he didn’t wanna let go of your hand? C’mon. You’ve gotta give the poor guy a chance.” Mollie nudged her shoulder, earning a weak push back from Y/n who scoffed, “Well you’re about to be so pleased.” She smirked behind her cigarette as the whole car hushed, “Wait a damn minute, are you going out? Did he ask? Did you say yes?” Mollie freaked.
“Hey, hey, hey, slow down, Molls, I only told him we’d come back next Friday to listen to the band again.” She shrugged again, the silence already annoying.
“Oh, my GOD.” Stella exclaimed, “You do like him.” Stella argued, “Do not! Not like that.” Y/n shot back.
Everyone in the car collectively eyerolled and groaned, “How do you not? You don’t go to bars more than once a month and suddenly you wanna come back to this one next week just cause he’s, what, fun? You have plenty of fun, we all know it! And you should! But what’s so wrong with liking him? You’re allowed to love people, Y/n/n.” Stella urged while keeping her eyes on the road.
Y/n couldn’t look at any of her friends, either, unable to come up with another reason to see Eddie— one that didn’t involve her budding feelings for him, or at least the way he made her feel.
“C’mon, play pretend for a minute and tell me all the things about Eddie that made you fluttery inside.” Stella suggested, Kathy and Mollie nonchalantly leaning in to listen. Y/n sighed to the stars out the open car window, pausing before she chose to respond.
“…if I did like Eddie… it’d be because he talked to me, like actually talked to me.. It’d be because he didn’t make me feel like a piece of meat when he bought me the drink—it never felt like he expected anything in return…He never made me feel like sex was something I had to do, up until the last moment he was always asking as if I’d change my mind..
And when I told him I wanted to he told me he’d take me anywhere, to his house, to his car—if I asked him to get a motel room I bet he would. That guy makes me feel like he’d do anything I asked and it’s weird. No, not weird—scary. I can’t tell if it’s real or not, and if it is, isn’t that scarier? I’m not ready for that kind of commitment, and what if I hurt a good guy? Not to mention Danny. No 20 something year old dude is going to want someone else’s three year old boy hanging around—making me flake on dates, pitching fits when he is around, it’s just the facts. I’m not ready.” She cased.
Silence fell over the car as they pulled into Y/n’s driveway. “Y’know, you made some really good points, Y/n.” Stella said, putting the car in park. Mollie and Kathy looked at Stella in disbelief, “She did?”
“I mean, yeah, it’s every reason anyone ever decided against taking their chance on love. I just thought she’d have better reasons, or better yet; I thought she’d be braver than all of those things.” Stella shrugged, her words catching Y/n’s attention like rubbing alcohol on a scrape.
“I mean, c’mon, man, you did the whole ‘against-the-odds-teen-parent’ thing, and you’re rocking that shit, I might add.” She pointed at the young mother from across the console who blushed at the compliment and rolled her eyes trying to feign annoyance, though the girls knew how awful she was at handling praise.
“I never thought you’d be so afraid of love, man. Adam would want you to be happy, he’d want Danny to grow up with a good guy in his life!”
“Well, Adam’s not here.” Y/n bit back, the annoying prickly stinging at her eyes clouding her pride as she regretted her words. Stella hesitated before she reached out for her friend's shoulder. “I know. I know he isn’t,” Stella sighed, “But tell me I’m wrong, Y/n/n.”
Y/n looked at Stella and then Mollie and Kathy who sat patiently in the back and sighed, their eyes engaged on the conversation with quiet care. “I can’t.” She mumbled, unbuckling her seatbelt.
“Just think about it! You don’t have to have it all figured out yet.” She nodded encouragingly.
Y/n glanced at the front door and the porch light buzzed as moths darted all around it, mesmerized and unsatisfied. She stepped out of the vehicle and shut the door, leaning down to the open window. “Are we good to go for next Friday or am I going alone?” She asked, hoping she didn’t sound desperate.
The friends looked between each other and giggled, “We wouldn’t miss it. But you’re talking him into buying us a round before you ditch us, again!” Mollie jeered and stuck her tongue out. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and tapped the window sill twice, “I gotta get in there. I love you guys. Drive safe! Gimme a call when you’re home.” She looked at all of them pointedly and jogged up the steps to her house.
She slipped through the door quietly, hanging her keys on the hook and stepping through to the living room.
“Hey! How was it?” Robin Buckley chirped softly from the recliner, setting down the remote as she stood. “It was.. needed!” She smiled. “How’d Danny boy do?” She asked, nodding towards the toddler’s room. “Great, as usual. You gotta stop worrying,we have a whole routine now! We watched the ninja turtles, played some pirates, skipped out on bath time, cause—you know,” she rolled her eyes and shrugged, referring to Danny’s problems with the water, “We ordered pizza for dinner; when I asked him what kind he looked me dead in the eyes and said ‘I eat all the pizza.” She laughed, giving her best impression of Danny’s small voice.
Y/n grinned softly, “How was he with bedtime?” She scanned the living room and through the kitchen door, looking for any stray toys or food that needed to be picked up.
“We read Green Eggs and Ham-“
“Again?” Y/n asked exasperatedly, a smile of disbelief hung on her face. Robin chuckled as she moved to the door to grab her jacket. “Three times, actually, that boy needs all the proper voices, apparently.” Robin rolled her eyes and shrugged at the boy's antics.
“Ahh, of course the voices, how could I forget?” Y/n joked, recalling all the nights Danny insists on turning back to the pages that weren’t properly read. “Someday I’ll get them right, you watch!” Robin insisted as she quietly unhooked her keys from beside the door, opening the large black door slowly.
“Wait, Robin!” She called fumbling for her purse to hand the sitter a few bills.
“Uh-uh. Nope. Nice try though! I don’t want money to watch my nephew, I’m just glad you guys finally moved closer so I can spend more time with you guys!” She said, with a genuine smile. Y/n sighed and looked at her with her head cocked, knowing that Robin shared Adam’s stubbornness, always doing for others without wanting anything in return—both a best friend to everyone around them.
“You’re too much alike.” Y/n scoffed, shoving the bills in her purse, making a mental note to slip it in her backpack or jacket sometime when she wasn't looking. Robin smiled bitterly, thinking of her late cousin—who was more like a brother. Adam spent a lot of time growing up staying at his Aunt Ginger’s house, growing close with Robin as the years passed.
When Y/n and Adam hit high school and made their love official, Robin quickly became one of Y/n’s closest friends. From the moment Danny was placed in Robin’s arms, she made a promise to herself and to her cousin that she would help his little boy live the happiest life as much as she could contribute.
“I’m happy to help! Really, don’t ever hesitate to call. He’s my best friend! Except for maybe Steve, but Danny’s way better to talk to,” Robin jokes, stepping out onto the porch when an idea hits her, “Maybe next time you can drop Danny at mine and moms for a sleepover and you can bring someone home for once.” She nodded encouragingly, yet another person in Y/n’s life vying for her to give love another chance.
Y/n scoffed and went to close the door with an eye roll when Robin stuck her boot in the door. “Y/n, I’m serious. Think about it, that’s all I’m saying.” She shrugged one shoulder and looked at the ground briefly. Y/n sighed, “Why would I wanna bring some rando home with me—Where my kid lives?”
Robin’s eyes grew heavy with good intentions, “I don’t mean a rando, Y/n! Would it be so bad to try? I know you said you will when you’re ready but—“
“And I will let you know when that day comes, Robs, I promise. And I’ll keep your offer in mind. I know Danny would love to see Gigi and eat monkey bread all evening.” She chuckled and rolled her eyes in feigned annoyance, sending Robin a smile.
Robin nodded, a content smile on her lips as she turned to leave but abruptly stopped and turned back,“I have to ask.. any luck tonight?” She asked mischievously. Y/n gaped and turned red, embarrassed at the amount of people involved in the details of her sex life.
“Wh-Robin! I-Why—how?”
“Oh my god, you so did. I thought you looked slightly disheveled when you walked in! Anyone I’d know?” She asked eagerly, as Y/n turned her by the shoulders out the door. “I hope not, see you later Robin, let me know when you get home, loveyoubyee!” She flipped on the porch light and shut and locked the door as Robin howled with laughter from the porch. “I’ll remember this, Y/n/n!”
Y/n kicked off her shoes, taking in the quietness of the house at night—her sanctuary. She walked to her bedroom, pausing to stick her head inside her son's room, his sleeping head just visible over the mound of blankets he insisted on having with him at night. She moved inside stealthily and moved the blankets further away from his face, her mom heart still cautious after two years of peaceful nights.
She continued to her room at the end of the hall, unbuttoning her pants and kicking them off by the door on her way to her bathroom at the other side of the closet. Carefully rubbing the ruined mascara around her eye, she turned on the water to shower.
As she sat down against the tub and stripped her shirt off, her time with Eddie flashed through her mind—remembering how his hands felt around her waist when she last took off her clothes; warm and rough.
The way his voice sounded when his breath panted against hers; warm and rough.
The way his kiss felt working against hers; warm and rough. She could almost feel their tongues in tandem; sometimes visible between them, others tucked away inside each other’s mouths like a home. She missed the way he tasted.
The way his eyes bore into hers like she was all he ever wished for, so intently. So warm and rough.
She shook the thoughts from her head, guilt shrouding her like the world's heaviest quilt. Crying often occurred after sex, though it was typically short lived because she was able to talk herself through it, assuring herself that she wasn’t betraying him, or trying to replace what they had. But this time felt different.
It started off as a sigh, though another deep breath was needed, which turned into quiet sobs. ‘Breathe deeply, don’t hyperventilate.’ She reminded herself, trying to switch off her brain for a minute and let herself cry.
‘He made me feel like he used to.’
‘He made me feel like I was doing everything right while I felt I was doing something so wrong.’
‘I am a single woman doing single woman things, it shouldn’t be this hard.’
‘Even if I gave him a chance he wouldn’t want someone else’s kid.’
‘No one gets serious with a single mom.’
‘He looked at me like I was everything to him.’
‘It all came so easily; the conversation, the sex, it was like magic.’
‘It’s too good to be true is what it is.’
As the thoughts rolled deeper and deeper, she wiped her face and picked herself up off the floor and into the shower. As soon as the steam cleared her senses, she could properly smell her hair; the smokey scent of the bar along with.. Eddie’s cologne.
Her tears halted, picking up a large chunk of her hair and bringing it to her nose to revel in him one more time before she had to wash him away. She tried to focus on the sounds around her and the feeling of the cold soap hitting her hands before working it in her palms and scrubbing her hair, but the safe warm feelings Eddie brought her lingered.
After accepting the calls from Stella and Robin, confirming their safety, Y/n peeled back the covers of her too big bed and slipped inside, positioning her pillows around herself to throw a leg and arm over.
She wondered what it would’ve been like for him to throw a blanket over the two of them, settle into his chest, plant kisses there and trace his beautiful face, holding him exactly like this, kissing him some more, asking him more questions about his life..
But of course, those weren’t possibilities because toddlers come before boys, always. But it didn’t mean she couldn’t think about it.
And think about it she did, until she couldn’t hold her eyes open anymore, drifting off to dream about his curly hair fanned out around him on her pillow, his hands intertwined with hers, and his smiling cheeks accepting her doting kisses.
Part 2?
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sspextkr · 6 months
more of Sejanus corrupting innocent Coriolanus, please! *begs on my knees* You are so talented.
aw thank you <3 and of course!! loving this dynamic tbh it's so interesting
sooo let's say this is a sequel to my previous drabble.. the two have a weird friends with benefits situation that they kinda refuse to label because that'd just complicate things and they just wanna get their dicks wet.
coriolanus.. is fucking obsessed unfortunately. now he understands why his other male peers talk about sex so much. it does feel fucking incredible. sure, they're talking about fucking girls and his only experience is getting absolutely railed by his best friend.. but it's still sex, so...
they're back at sejanus' place for the night. sleepovers have gotten a lot more common between the two.. wonder why. sejanus' parents are out on some business trip, leaving the two boys alone.. you already see where i'm going with this.
they've already fucked once and are now just kinda lazily making out, tracing each others bodies. coriolanus is a very, very quick learner, they've come to find out. so, naturally, it comes up in conversation.
"i want you to ride me." sejanus blurted out. coriolanus pulled away from him, obviously caught off guard by the sudden request. "i think you'd be good at it.. based on everything else i've seen."
"i– that's, uh.." coriolanus laughed nervously, trying to ignore the ball of fire building up in his stomach. ".. i mean i can try.."
"i'd like for you to.." sejanus kissed his shoulder. "think you'd look so pretty on top of me.." another kiss. "so goddamn pretty." praise was a weak spot of coriolanus', something the brunette knew all too well and took advantage of whenever he could.
"mm.. fine.. but you're gonna have to show me how.." coriolanus sighed.
"always do." sejanus kissed the tip of his nose before laying back. carefully, he grabbed coriolanus by his waist and brought him on top of him. "still feeling ready from earlier?" coriolanus nodded.
"alright.. quite simple really.. first, we gotta get you down.." slowly, he guided his legs to the side. "then you just– ah, like that, yeah.." coriolanus sank down onto him with a breathy sigh, eyes already half lidded. "you're a fucking natural.."
"then.. comes the riding.. you need me to help or-?"
"no, no.. think i.. i should be able to do it.." coriolanus gave a tentative shift of his hips, groaning when he felt just how damn deep he had sejanus inside of him. he gave another shift.. then another..
his rhythm was a little uncalculated and clumsy, but it felt good.. that's all that mattered, right? he tried to focus on that, anyway.
and sejanus just had to open his big fat mouth. "look at you.. bouncing on me like a whore." he managed between grunts. "i've really ruined you, haven't i..?"
"you– you love to hear yourself talk, huh?" coriolanus shot back, earning a sharp thrust from the other. fair.
"don't act like you don't love it." sejanus dug his nails into coriolanus' thighs, leaving angry red marks in his pale skin. "you know i'm right.. turned you into a little whore, huh? just can't get enough of this.."
he'd never let sejanus get the satisfaction of hearing him say it, but.. he was right. he was hooked. coriolanus felt his legs begin to ache from all of the bouncing and reshifting, the pleasant ball of heat in his stomach beginning to extinguish. sejanus noticed too. "something wrong, baby?"
coriolanus shook his head no, sucking down a deep breath. ".. 'm fine."
"you don't look fine.. you're all red. need me to take over?"
".. you can if you want." was all he'd give him.
"only if you admit how much you love this."
touché. ".. and if i don't?"
"this is all you'll be getting, then."
coriolanus groaned. ".. fine. i love this. happy?"
sejanus grinned, giving another sharp thrust upwards of his hips, eliciting a whimper from the other. "what was that? i didn't hear you."
"sej-! shit– i love this-! that what you want?" he whined. thank god they were home alone.. his voice was at an embarrassing octave now.
"good boy. that wasn't so hard now, was it?"
and within seconds, sejanus had coriolanus laying on his stomach, face down with his back arched in just the right way to hit all of the right spots. it was nearly pitiful how easily coriolanus was reduced to a sobbing mess, begging just for the sake of it.
"getting dicked down by the district boy.. what would the others think?" sejanus taunted him when all was said and done.
"don't act like you don't love this." coriolanus shot right back.
dude i wrote this while listening to sex metal barbie by in this moment and holy fuckkk it was an experience. also sorry if the.. anatomical proportions, so to speak, are a little iffy? again i have no idea what im doing.. used other fics as reference lolol
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pinazee · 5 months
Psy vs. Psy
I genuinely think that if they were going to bring back any psych villian, Lindsay Leikin would pose the biggest threat. She knows Shawn isn’t psychic, she has adequate motivation to target him personally, and has the skills to prove he’s a fraud and do it slyly as she is also highly skilled in deductive reasoning (she did manage to get them to the counterfeiter to begin with so she has legitimate talent). She could even orchestrate it from prison. Maybe her parole was denied again so, like, what else is she going to do? Plus, she’s kind of nuts. Faking being a psychic with the FBI is a whole other level of bold compared to a local precinct, then she met a counterfeiter and was like yes please, more crime, then killed him when he tried to run, slept with Shawn that same night, then tried to take him hostage when she got caught. Its just a shame she wasn’t a bit more charismatic or eccentric. They had her play it as a very normal girl swept into a life of crime because of a guy (probably because she was a “love interest” for Shawn) when the receipts show she was an absolute lunatic (look at her face after they found the guy she killed. This bitch is smiling).
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Also, she just kinda gave up when she was caught. I wish she’d have been screaming “he’s a fraud!” as she was taken to the car or even had a heart to heart moment with Lou Diamond Phillips because she did betray him after all. Idk, i just wanted more. (But i think maybe the writers recognized this and thats how we get Declan later??)
Gus is basically siri at this point. Between the archeology, safes, online poker, the law, tennis players, space, comic books, of course pharmaceuticals, and now studies tender from all over the world- its a smaller list of what Gus doesn’t know. Gus clearly likes learning. I’m surprised he never thought of becoming a teacher or college professor, to try to pass that love of learning to the next generation. Though i guess we see he’s not that great with people surprisingly, considering he’s a successful salesman. (OH MY GOD WHAT IF THIS WHOLE TIME GUS ACTUALLY HAD LIVED UP TO HIS POTENTIAL AND BECAME AN INTERNATIONAL SPY. He knows all these things because of his job, psychs only been able to stay open because Gus can fund it from his spy job, joining psych was a good front but he was also lonely from never getting to be himself. I kid, i kid, but its a fun idea for me haha)
No fucking way shawn doesn’t know what a drill is. Henry definitely would have beat that kind of man stuff into him. The military time too. I just felt the need to point this out. its like the show itself is dissing my boy and i have to defend him lol
I love when Gus is proud and smarmy over shawns talent. Look at his face here. My boy about to prove you wrong.
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And do you think Shawn is actually afraid of competition or do you think he learned at an early age from his father that he didn’t have value unless he was the best? Huh Henry, huh???(Weekend warriors “you don’t want to be a loser” comes to mind)
Henry trying some reverse psychology here. I can’t tell if its because Henry is actually concerned for Shawns safety like he said he wasn’t in the previous episode, or if he’s still taking it personally that Shawns using the gifts he “gave” him to be psychic. Probably both. We know he was really bothered by his motorcycle accident, so i wonder if he’s been kind of spiraling, and adding up all the crazy situations he’s been in. (Which, i don’t think Shawn tells him about. i think Gus calls him like a weekly report haha) I think the fact that shawns cases are becoming more dangerous he suddenly doesn’t like the idea of him being a detective, well a detective this way at least, because i think in his mind he’d be safer if he was an actual cop where he had a partner with a gun, and back up, and rules, and training. I mean we know he wouldn’t be, (look at what happens to Lassie and Juliet)
I just wanted to gif this because it’s one of my fave jokes in the episode!
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Mildred to the rescue! Im not entirely sure how this worked but it did and thats what matters haha
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*Appropriate reaction is appropriate*
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lostfirefly · 4 months
Sharing horizons that are new to us, watchin' the signs along the way, talkin' it over, just the two of us, workin' together day to day
This fic wasn't even planned. But 6 months ago, Catherine and Buggy met each other. They annoyed and bantered with each other, but as often happens, a good girl fell in love with a not-so-good boy. They stayed together and kept their "banter vibes" to this day. Thank you guys for coming into my life. You are helping me a lot! Love you with all my heart! And go on a date! English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Masterlist is here.
Description: Catherine and Buggy are celebrating six months since they first met.
Warning: Fun, fluff, swearing, lots of love, inappropriate jokes. Reference to Jeff's interview with grapes.
WC: 4000
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @emmiebugz-blog, @mydearlybeloathed
The title is taken from “We've Only Just Begun” The Carpenters.
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“Stop attacking me, clown!!” Catherine tried to fight Buggy off.
“But why?” He tried to kiss her neck. “I want you!” 
“First of all, put your pants on and put away your little Buggy, for god's sake!!” She buried herself under the blanket. “Second, you're punished!”
“For what??” Buggy lifted the blanket.
“Fuck off!” Catherine pulled it down. “Do you remember what you did to me on the couch yesterday?” 
“Oh, believe me, I remember!” He giggled idiotically. “That was amazing, right?”
Catherine crawled out from under the blanket and hit Buggy in the shoulder. “What got into you?! I was in pyjama and was reading a book when you attacked me after coming home from rehearsal.”
“I couldn't resist, you were so sexy with the book.”  Realizing there would be no continuation, Buggy leaned his back against the headboard and put his pants on. “But you didn't complain.” 
“Because I didn't have time to understand anything, asshole!” Catherine immediately nestled into his armpit. “Thank God you don't go to libraries. I would be concerned about the staff there.” 
“Sarcasm, huh?” Buggy scowled. 
“Poorly concealed contempt, pervert. And hey! Have you forgotten what day it is today? 
“I remember, cotton candy.” Buggy took Catherine's hand and kissed it. “You reminded me of this all evening yesterday. Today marks six months since you gave in to my charm and immediately fell in love with me.”
“There was no charm, Buggy!!” Catherine rolled her eyes. “You pissed me off and wanted to leave me in the desert!!”
“But I didn’t leave you! How many times are you going to remind me of this?” 
“Every single day for the rest of my life.” Catherine looked at Buggy: “How did you even come up with this?! Didn't you feel sorry for me?”
“Are you gonna stay with me for the rest of your life??” He made a surprised face. “Fuck, no! I hoped that I, as a sex god, would torture you and you would tired of the best sex in your life and finally run away from me.”
“I knew that phrase would get stuck in your head, pervert!” Catherine slapped his head. 
“I could not forget the highest praise of my talent, baby.” Buggy smiled proudly. “Back to your question. I wanted to leave you in the desert because you irritated me. You were always unhappy with everything.” He started imitating her voice. “Oh, I was told you're the coolest guy in this town. Oh, you're just a drunken piece of shit. Oh, no, a grown man who painted himself to look like a clown. Oh, no, you took us somewhere. Oh, don't tell me what to do.”
“Do I irritate you now?” Catherine took a strand of his hair.
“No, now you just piss me off every single day.” Buggy kissed her on the top of her head. 
“I can easily say the same about you, jerk.” Catherine exhaled. “I'm sorry, I offended you at the bar, didn't I? But I was really worried about my sister and you acted like an asshole. I didn't know you were really good.”
“Meh!” Buggy shrugged. “This is how people often react to me. It's ok.”
“It’s not okay, Buggy!” Catherine took his hand. “I will kill anyone who says such disgusting things about you. No one can hurt my clown. And by the way, I have a gift for you!!” She jumped out of bed and ran off into the living room. “I don't know if you'll like it or not, but I wanted to do it. You can hide it far away and never take it out.” Catherine ran back holding something square wrapped in gift paper. “Happy six months since we first met, my blue-haired love. Open up!” She clenched her fists and squealed softly.
“What's this?” Buggy looked at her surprised, starting to remove the package, pulled out a brown book and opened it. “A photo album?”
“Yes!! Look!” Catherine began to turn the pages. “This has pictures of you and me in it. Sorry, I know you don't like this, but I wanted to collect some moments in one place. Look! That's you and me on a walk when you stole ice cream for me for the first time. You were nagging me because of this photo for three hours afterwards. This is happy me when you took me to the movies for the first time. And this is unhappy you because you had to take me to the movies. Oh, I love this one. This is you on our adventure when you were fixing the car. See? Damn! You are so hot!” 
“Where are these pictures from?” Buggy pointed his fingers at two photos. 
“Oh, I secretly took this one during our first adventure.” Catherine blushed. 
“But this's me! Why did you take pictures of me?” Buggy said in a slightly irritated voice. “Catherine, you know I don't like it!”
“I know, I know! I’m sorry!” Catherine stroked his hair. “I remember I threw things into the car, got out some whiskey and saw you. I don't know.. You sat alone by the fire and thought about something and I couldn't resist. I wanted to send you this picture later, to be honest. And this picture was sent to me by my sister. Honestly, I didn't even know she took it. That's when you took us home and we were chatting sitting on the couch. See? Your hand is on my shoulder. You hugged me that evening. At that moment I already knew that I loved you. My sister thought she was making fun of me by showing it to me. But I liked this photo so much, and I decided to add it here. You look so calm and sweet in this picture. That's because you were sitting with me, my love.” Catherine kissed Buggy on his cheek. 
“I’m not sweet, stop mocking me.” Buggy ran his fingers over the papers. “Hm, the pages look like they have maps drawn on them. And the cover looks like the book we used to compare coordinates. Fuck! It's cool!” 
“We met because of these maps and that Alabasta’s book. Oh, look, there's an inscription.” Catherine flipped the album to the first page.  
“I don't see any inscriptions. I see numbers and a lot of hearts. A lot, a lot, a lot of hearts.” 
“These are the coordinates of our bar, you fool.” Catherine pointed her fingers at the drawing. “I'll tell you more, these are the exact coordinates of the place where we met.”
“That's really impressive, cotton candy. Thanks!” Buggy scratched his head. “Fuck, I didn't get you anything. I didn't know I had to give gifts on dates like this.”
“Oh, my Buggy Bear. Don't worry. I just wanted to surprise you. Buy me flowers, ice cream and we're even.” Catherine kissed him on his cheek and started stroking his hair. “It's so weird. So much has happened in these six months. We've been on two adventures, we celebrated my birthday, you made me walk a tightrope.”
“No, no!” Buggy carefully put the album aside. “The weirdest thing about this whole story is that I'm lying under a blanket with hearts on it. Hearts aren't for a grown man.”
“Where did you find a grown man?” Catherine narrowed her eyes playfully. 
“I'm right here, cotton candy.” Buggy pointed his finger at himself. “I'm a grown man.”
Catherine kissed his nose. “Noooo, you're my silly clown. And thank you!”
“For what?”
Catherine hugged him. “Well, for not sending me home, for letting me into your life, even just a little bit. And you take me for walks. I know you don't like it, but you still go with me. Do we have plans for today? Maybe we can go for a walk? And then hang out at our bar?”
“Well, the bar is always a good idea. But first I want to have breakfast. Buggy the Clown is very hungry.” 
Buggy reluctantly got out of bed and trudged to the kitchen, Catherine ran after him to make his favorite pancakes. While she was cooking, she kept running to Buggy, hugging him and kissing him on the head, cheeks, nose, lips, listening to his endless grumbling. 
After the brekfast and quick shower, Catherine decided to get dressed for a walk and started rummaging through the closet for a long time. Buggy came into the bedroom with fresh makeup on his face, looked at Catherine standing near the closet and hugged her from behind. 
“What's wrong, Buggy?” Catherine started stroking his hands waiting for the answer, but he remained silent. “Oh, my little bear. Don't act like you love me. Better put on a t-shirt, jeans and take me for a walk, and then we'll get completely drunk, and then you'll ride me on your back.” Catherine had difficulty reaching the shelf because Buggy didn't let go of his hands. “Here. This black one is clean. Explain one thing to me, clown. Why do your stinky things still end up in the closet?"
He shrugged.
“Thank God you at least started washing more often.” Catherine laughed. 
Buggy quickly put on his t-shirt and returned his hands back to her waist.
“Please, let me go for five minutes, my Buggy the Octopus.” She reached her hand to his cheek and stroked it slightly. “I'm not going anywhere, promise. I need to get dressed.” 
Buggy reluctantly removed his hands, sat on the bed and watched Catherine quickly pull on jeans, black top, a light, off-the-shoulder oversized sweater over the top.
Catherine turned to Buggy and twirled. “Like it?” 
He nodded silently and exhaled. 
Catherine came closer and hugged him. “What's wrong, my little bear?”
“Nothing. Let's go for your stupid walk.”
Catherine kissed Buggy on the lips and dragged him outside. He grumbled the whole way, but stole a bouquet of yellow carnations and a chocolate ice cream for her. Buggy was still surprised that Catherine admired his abilities every time. He loved to see her happy face at that moment.
Catherine was talking like a crazy, while they walked to the bar through the winding streets of Cairo, which were filled with the aromas of freshly baked bread, spices and freshly brewed coffee. Catherine stopped near almost all the shops, to take a look at fabrics and figures. They reached the bar when Buggy was almost exhausted and went inside. 
“No! Look! Our place at the counter is taken by some tourists." Catherine pointed at the couple with her eyes and became upset. “Shit. Well, let's sit at another table.” She sat down at the closest table and took the menu. 
Buggy plopped down next to her and looked at her sad face. “Is there something wrong?”
Catherine placed her hands on the table. “I know you’ll say that's stupid but I really wanted to sit there.” 
Buggy glanced at the tourists then shifted his gaze to Catherine. More than anything in the world, he hated seeing her sad eyes. “Wait here.”
“What? Where are you going?” Catherine looked at him in surprise.
“There is no problem that Buggy the Clown and money in his pocket can't solve. Wait here.” He lightly slapped his palms on the table and walked towards the counter.
Catherine sadly watched Buggy, leaned on the counter and started talking to the bartender and the tourists. They were gesticulating wildly, looking at the bartender and Catherine, but as soon as Buggy took money out of his pocket, the tourists gathered their things and went to another table. 
“That's it, this problem solved, cotton candy.” Buggy came back to Catherine, extended his hand to her and escorted her to the bar. “So, are we there, where your coordinates indicate?”
“Yes!” She squealed quietly, smiled and hugged him. “Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!” Smack. Smack. Smack. “How did you do this?”
“Charmed them.” Buggy placed his hand on her back. 
“Oh yes, you can do that. You're my best!!” Catherine pecked him in his lips and squealed again. “Oh, wait, wait, you were sitting here.” Catherine sat Buggy down on a chair, hugged him from behind and kissed him on the cheek. “And I was sitting here.” She plopped down on the chair on the right side. 
Buggy couldn't help but laugh. Catherine's displays of joy at such trifles amused him terribly. Why, even after six months, she was with him? Buggy liked that she was with him. He liked the way she took care of him. She made sure he was always fed, she always made him sandwiches when he went to rehearsals. His clothes became cleaner, the house became more cozy, the bed always smelled nice now. He constantly grumbles that he doesn't like, but will never admit to her that he loves receiving cute messages from her throughout the day: “I cooked your favorite dish, I love you”, “I’m on a walk, I love you”, “It’s so great that you’re coming home, come quickly, I love you!” And although he didn't like it when men approached her, he still was afraid that someone else would take her, he was surprised every time that she stayed with him.
“Well. What does my cotton candy want?” Buggy sent his hand to grab the menu from the next table. 
Catherine ran her eyes over the pages. “Oh, let's get a beer like our first time? Also your cotton candy wants this red cherry cake, this chocolate cake, this yellow lemon cake.” 
Buggy laughed even louder, called the waiter over, and made an order. 
Catherine happily swung her legs and looked around. “It's so weird, huh? It seems like the place hasn't changed, but at the same time it's somehow different.” She stood up from the chair and wrapped her arms around his neck. “It's because of you, my flashy fool.” Smack. Smack. Smack. 
“Stop doing this, woman!!” Buggy made a face. “Drink your fucking beer.” He moved the bottle the bartender had set down. “So, what do we do now?”
The bartender supplied three pieces of cake and additionally supplied peanuts from the establishment.
Catherine took a sip and glanced at peanuts. “Oh, I know. Let's play! I'll ask a question, you answer it and if it's wrong, you toss the nut and catch it with your mouth. And if it’s correct you can ask me a question. It'll be our variation on “Never Have I Ever.”
“Hah, these games are for me! I did teach you a little entertainment after all, huh?” Buggy took a sip. 
“Go to hell! I've always known how to have fun.” Catherine ate a piece of cake. “Oh, fuck! So good!”
“I think I heard the same phrase yesterday.” He giggled.
“You're disgusting, you know that?” Catherine rubbed her hands. “Okay! Let's start! My.. My.. My favorite dish.” 
“Don't make me say the version “the naked clown at night.” Buggy took a sip and winked.
“Ew! No! Stop being an idiot for at least five minutes.” Catherine punched him in his shoulder.
“What's the fun in that?” Buggy ate a peanut. “Fine. Different sweets and pizza.”
“Yeees!” Catherine clapped her hands. 
“Sweets, pizza and naked clown.” He giggled again.
“Buggy!” Catherine pinched his arm. “Stop being such a pervert. Okay! Now you can ask me a question.”
“If I ask about the best sex, it will be unfair. I know that it is me.” Buggy took a sip with the most proud look he had ever had. “You know, your fucking ex-boyfriends have a lot to learn.”
“For god's sake, clown!!” Catherine rolled her eyes. “Are you gonna ask a question?” 
“Fine!” He scratched his cheek. “I know! You went to university. Exams and all that fucking shit. Have you never copied answers from others?”
Catherine shook her head. “At the university? No, never. Education is important. I taught myself.”
“Fuck, you lived such a boring life.” Buggy rolled his eyes and took a sip.
“I didn't finish.” Catherine ate another piece of cake. “But I once cheated at school. We had a chemistry test and I copied the test from my classmates. When the papers were checked, the cheating was revealed. We were then sent to the principal and as punishment we trimmed the bushes in the school yard for a whole month.”
“You are a dangerous woman, Catherine Mitchell. You cheated on a chemistry test. I'm so, so impressed.” Buggy started slowly clapping his hands.
“I hate you and your theatrics.” Catherine took a sip. “Okay! Next question. My favorite part of you. Hint, there are several of them.”
Buggy looked surprised. “I don't know. That I'm fun, sexy and can I do weird but hot things in bed?
“You have one thing on your mind, pervert.” Catherine squinted her eyes and reddened. “No! But I’ll accept it as an answer. Throw a peanut.” 
Buggy picked up a nut, tossed it up and caught it with his mouth, eliciting a wave of applause from Catherine. 
“You're so good at that! Just for your note, my silly clown, I love you all of course, but I adore your nose, it makes you unique, your eyes because they're so beautiful, your hands because they're strong and your chop chop thing.” Catherine ate a piece of cake. 
“I thought you loved my nose for another reason.” Buggy took a sip and chuckled.
“For what reason?” Catherine thought for a second and her eyes widened. “Oh, my God, Buggy. How can you think about such a vulgar thing when we are on a date?! You should be ashamed.” 
“Sorry, Cathie-pie. I'm just remembering where I was yesterday and your moans about it.” He started imitating her. “More Buggy, yes Bug~”
Catherine kicked him in the leg. “Shush! Don't you dare talk about it here. Manners! Let's keep playing.” She took a sip. “Okay! My favorite book.”
Buggy scratched his neck and shrugged. “I don't know. Something about cute dogs that wear stupid jumpsuits with hearts on them?”
Catherine shook her head. “No, it's “Treasure Island”. And I told you about that. Throw a peanut.”
Buggy took a nut, tossed it and caught it in his mouth.
“Yaaay!!” Catherine clapped her hands. “Okay, I'll let you ask a question. We have a six month anniversary today.” 
“Oh, princess. You're so fucking generous today.” Buggy snapped his fingers and took a sip. “Ha, I know! Has my Cathie-pie ever lied to the police?” He saw Catherine blush. “Fuck me!! My honest girl, who reproaches me for my lies, deceived the police herself?”
“I don't lie as much as you, idiot. It was one time. My driver license expired and I had to go renew it the next day. But my sister called and asked me to pick her up from the highway where her car had stalled. And when I was on my way to her, a cop pulled me over. And when he was about to write me a hu-u-uge fine, I burst into tears, told him some bullshit about dying fish and hamsters, and he let me go.” Catherine started eating another cake. “So yummy! Try it!” She broke off a piece of cake with a fork and put it in Buggy's mouth. “Tasty?” Catherine watched him nod. “My question again. The craziest thing I've ever done in my life.”
Buggy snapped his fingers and laughed. “I know that! Stayed with me.” 
“No, I jumped off that damn cliff.” Catherine ate a peanut. “Do your trick, clown.” 
Buggy tossed the nut and caught it again.
“Yaaay!!l” Catherine clapped and took a sip. “But I could accept that "stay with me" option too.” 
“Listen.. Can I ask a question?” Buggy cleared his throat. “I asked you this before but a lot of time has passed since then. Don't.. Don't you still regret staying with me?” 
“What?” Catherine rounded her eyes, came closer to him and hugged. “Of course not, my love. It's not easy to live with you, but I don't regret anything. I love how you take care of me and how you show your affection when no one is looking. You know, taking my hand, stroking my shoulders. It's so sweet. You're not as bad as you want to seem, but I won't tell anyone about it. I give you my Princess's Word.” Catherine zipped her mouth. “For everyone, you'll remain an evil and sullen clown, but at home you'll be my loving little bear.” She kissed him in his temple. “Oh, can I try to throw a nut, and you catch it.”
“Fine.” Buggy took some nuts and put them in her hand. “Here.”
“Ready?” Catherine watched as he nodded back. “One, two, three. Throw!”
“Fuck, Catherine!” Buggy covered his eye with his hand. 
“Oh my god, oh my god! I'm sorry! I’m so sorry!!” Catherine grabbed his head and began examining his face. “It's okay. I’m sorry! I'll be more careful.” Smack.
“Do me a favor.” Buggy grumbled and removed her hands. “Ok, I’m fine. Throw. But carefully, I still need my eyes.”
Catherine took aim again. “Ready? One, two, three. Throw!”
“Damn!! Are you fucking kidding me, woman??” Buggy covered his other eye. 
“Shit!! I'm sorry!!” Catherine began examining his other eye.
“What's wrong with you?” Buggy blinked his eyes a few times. “Can't you throw properly?”
“I'm so sorry! Good news! Everything is okay!” Smack. “Do you think out of the 15 million they're giving for you somewhere, they'll deduct the money for the two black eyes?”
“Catherine, I asked you not to bring that up.” Buggy said angrily and removed her hands.
“I'm sorry!” Smack. “Shit! We should have played with grapes.” Catherine chuckled and kissed him on his cheek. 
“No! I haven't eaten anything that looks like fucking grapes for a while now.” Buggy laughed. 
“What? Why? The thing you ate and made you chop chop man looked like grapes?” Catherine ate the peanut and sat in Buggy's lap. 
“What? No!" Buggy immediately wrapped his arm around her waist. 
“Why did you even eat that? If you were hungry, why didn't you go out and buy yourself something to eat? You can't just pick weird things off of trees and eat them, Buggy!” Catherine put a piece of cake in his mouth.
“I didn't pick it off of a fucking tree because I was hungry. It doesn't matter how I got it. I don't want to talk about why I ate it.” Buggy took a sip and became obviously a little angry.
“Don't be mad at me. I didn't want to offend you. I just like to know a little more about you. You talk not so much about your past.” Catherine stroked his shoulders. “Can I ask one question?” She watched him nod. “I asked you once, but you never answered. Do you have any regrets in your life? Do you regret that you ate that chop chop thing? But if you don't want to, don't answer.” 
“I don't know. Yeah, I guess. I regret it. Or maybe not. I don't know, Cathie-pie.” Buggy became visibly upset and felt she hugged him tightly.
“Did it even taste good?” Catherine laughed and stroked his head. 
“Little shit! It tasted okay.” Buggy took her hand and kissed it. “Fuck, I left you without a present.”
“Are you kidding me? We're at our place, at our bar. Just you and me. It's the best present ever. And don't forget I love your chop chop thing. And I'm glad that you are like this.” Catherine pecked him on his nose. 
“Stop doing this, woman!!” Buggy took a peanut and put it in his mouth. “Of course you love my abilities. They add an extra level to the best sex you've ever had.”
“God, you're unbelievable!” Catherine rolled her eyes. “I hate you so, so much, my Buggy Bear.”
“Meh, I hate you too, my cotton candy.” Buggy kissed her hand. “Well, shall we continue our evening?”
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Please Dom Samuel Laffery where hes degrading the reader and making them beg for his touch and juet teasing them to no end!! Also I absolutely love your fics, you’re so talented!! ❤️❤️❤️
Hiiii, nonnie, I'm so sorry but I got extremely lost in the sauce 🫠 The degradation part is very much in there and I'll see if the other things find a way into another fic for Sam, okay? 🫶🏻
Secular Temptations
Summary: Pepaw gets a blowie at the family function.
Pairing: Samuel Lafferty x fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1.1k
Content Warnings: Smut Under The Banner Of Heaven 18+!, Oral (M Receiving), Face Fucking, Breeding Kink, Semi-Public, Misogyny…So, So, So Much Misogyny, Plenty Of Humiliation And Degradation, Brother Sam Being Nothing But A Mean Fucker, He's Basically Talking Himself Hard, A Lot Of Cussing, Religious Delusions, Slapping That Basically Counts As Domestic Violence, Manhandling
A/N: He's so disgusting, I want him! 🤧
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milsthouqhts @roryculkinsgf @roryculkinsbf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl @blueberrypancakesworld
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You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Not just another Bloody Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
- Mary On A Cross By Ghost
Clutching your arm, his fingers threatening to not only bruise you but actually sprain the bone, Samuel dragged you with him into the guest room and threw the door behind him shut with a violently loud pang.
"What is your behavior all about, woman, huh?", He practically threw you against the wall, your back hitting it first, "Acting like a wanton whore for all of my family to see!"
"What are you talking about, Sam?" You stared at him with eyes wide open.
"What am I talking about? Are you serious right now!?" He took a step towards you and before you could even do so much as duck down or flinch, the full palm of his hand had struck your face in a stern smack.
It made you wince out as the pain spread through the entire side of your face, your cheek red and pulsing.
"I am talking about how you put yourself on display out there like a bitch in heat! How you parade around in that skimpy, little dress of yours, handing out the damned lemonade to my brothers and leaning down to oh so innocently pick flowers with your behind practically in my face!" Samuel was in such rage that the vein on his forehead started to pulse with every word he spat into your face.
"I was really just picking flowers, helping the kids.." You hardly dared to speak and got scolded for it immediately afterwards.
"You better shut up when your husband is talking to you! Do you understand!" He yelled right at you, the volume of his menacing voice making you cower.
As an answer you gave him a shaky nod of your head.
"Remember how it is written down in the holy Scriptures?", He raised his index finger in a taunting manner and started citing, "Mosiah 2:17: And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. You, as my wife, are to serve me!"
He redirected his finger to point at him.
"Come here.", Samuel demanded sharply, "I will make you shut up and remind you where your place in this is."
Immediately, you followed his order and took a step towards him.
"Fine and now kneel before your husband and serve me." With cold eyes, he followed your statue as you sank down to your knees, your cheeks now not only burning red with pain but also a sense of shame and guilt for misbehaving so much.
"Go on, woman!" His ruthless tone cut right through you.
Without breaking eye contact, you raised your hands to unbuckle his belt and to unbutton his pants before pulling the zipper down, his rock hard cock already straining against his shorts. A first few drops of pre-cum forming a wet spot on the fabric.
Although your knees already hurt from the unyielding, wooden floor, you couldn't help but notice how your mouth watered a little.
"There you go.." He commented as you pulled his shorts down at the waistband, allowing his cock to slap against his beige button-down.
Without any hesitation, you leaned in, lips opening up to swallow his entire length until you nearly gagged over the tip pushing against the roof of your mouth.
"Fuck…", Samuel groaned in a dragged out exahle, "That's an obedient wife."
You started to move your head, slowly, careful to not overstimulate yourself right away, giving your throat the chance to adapt to his cock filling you out like that. In gently paced bumps of your head you stroked your lips over his length over and over, the tip leaving and entering again with a lewd, wet squelch but it wasn't enough to him.
Getting gradually more impatient with you, Sam grabbed a good fistful of your hair and started thrusting his throbbing cock into your throat, face-fucking you unceremoniously. With every hard and reckless thrust you felt the need for a good gasp of air getting stronger, pulling and tearing at the inside of your lungs as the shallow inhales you took by nose weren't nearly sufficient enough.
"That's how you shall serve me.", He stated, his breaths turning raggedy, "As soon as I pumped my cum down your ungrateful whore throat and we are out of here I'm going to fuck you hard. Bend you over the kitchen counter and remind you who owns you. Maybe I'll finally fuck a child into that pathetically empty womb of yours. How would you like that, huh?"
You couldn't keep it together for much longer, the back of your throat already gagging and cramping around his girth.
"You should show yourself thankful for all that I've done for you. Got you out of the gutter, remember? Nearly ruined my reputation in the community for marrying a worldly woman out of pure generosity." His hips faltered more and more and you felt how his balls tightened up against your saliva smeared chin.
"Is everything alright, Samuel?", The clueless voice of his older brother Dan inquired through the door, "We're about to say Grace over dinner."
"We'll be right there!", Samuel answered, his voice hitching as the first salty ropes of his cum shot down your throat, "I was just having a much needed conversation with my wife about….about her table manners!"
"Okay, but don't take too long, yeah? Ron looks like he's about to devour all of us if we don't eat soon." You heard Dan chuckle and joke through the door before fading steps indicated that he was going downstairs again.
While you swallowed his load bit by bit, Samuel withdrew himself from your mouth with a moist plop before he tucked himself into his pants again.
"Maybe you should say Grace at the dinner table, no? Would suit you just fine."
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Love Is Love/ 1
Pairing- Hongjoong x Named Reader
Word count- 5.9k
Includes- Joong has to tell reader something and is worried, new experience, pussy eating, blow job, cum eating, riding, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes
Gif Credit- @hwanswerland
Masterlists- check out for more fics
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Hongjoong POV
'Just tell her', I tell myself, 'Get it over with. She won't judge you'
There's something I need to tell my best friend
Something I just figured out and I'm worried about how shell take it
Logically I know she'll be supportive and she'd never judge me but still the fear is there
"You ok Joong?", she asks, looking from the tv over to me
I nod, nervously tugging on the blanket on my bed
I finally have time to hang out with her and we agreed that she would sleep over
We've been watching movies but I couldn't tell you a fucking thing about them
She shuts off the TV, putting the remote on my nightstand, turning fully to me and giving me all her attention
"C'mon Joongie. I know you. I know something's wrong. You can't hide from me"
This I know
She has always known when something was wrong or off, ever since we were five
It's an unnerving talent she has
"Just tell me"
"Well there's nothing wrong exactly. Just something about.....my personal life"
Of which she knows everything too
She knows I'm gay and knows all about my boyfriend's and fuck buddies
And she keeps all my secrets
"Is it about you and Seonghwa?", she asks, smirking, "Trouble in paradise?"
"Oh my god we are not dating!", I exclaim, "We just fuck sometimes, that's it!"
"Yeah ok", she rolls her eyes
"I'm serious Jo. There's nothing romantic between me and Seonghwa. There never was. It was just sexual"
Seonghwa is bi and he wanted to fuck a few times
I was horny and gave in
But that's all it was
And nothing changed between us
Not as friends and not professionally
"We're just friends", I say firmly
"Well ok", she says, not sounding convinced, "Then what is it?"
I swallow hard
Here goes
"I just recently discovered...uh more like realized.....I'm...I'm... uh bisexual"
Her eyebrow raises as she takes in my words
She's always known me as just gay because that's all I thought I was
But the past year I'm finding I'm extremely attracted to girls too
Sexually and romantically
Other female idols, ATINYs, staff members
But the one girl I've fallen for is gorgeous and just perfect
So I figured out that yeah, I'm bi
"But if you're bi....", she trails off
And I see when she gets it
"Oh my god, you like a girl?", she squeals excitedly
I slowly nod
"Holy shit! So tell me about her! When are you going to ask her out? Do you need help? I'll help you! Oh my god!"
"You uh...you seem very....happy about this", I comment
She smiles, "Of course I'm happy Joongie. You like someone where you actually want to be with them. It doesn't matter if it's a guy or a girl but it is surprising it's a girl. You've only ever been with guys"
"Yeah", I agree, "I just...once I've noticed I'm attracted to girls, this girl...she just....I just noticed her and I can't stop thinking of her"
She smiles widely, "Tell me about her"
"Well uh she's really pretty. Like beautiful....and sexy"
"Uh huh", she grins, staring at me, her eyes as huge as saucers
"Her eyes are....fucking gorgeous. I swear I could stare into them all day. And her smile...fuck her smile"
"Best thing about her?", she smiles encouragingly
"Yeah", I nod, "Her body is so hot too. Big...huge...boobs that I want to squeeze. Cute ass I want to squeeze. Fuck just thinking about having her under me, moaning and screaming my name..."
"Damn", she says, shock on her face, "Are you sure you just don't want to fuck her?"
I shake my head, "No. I thought that at first but my...thoughts....daydreams aren't only about sex"
"Oh my god, what else do you day dream about?", she squeals, clapping
"Uh ahem...holding her hand", I say a little embarrassed, "Date things, like watching a movie, eating together. And uh...sleeping. With her. Cuddling. Holding her all night"
"Joongie!", she exclaims happily, "You're in love!"
"I don't uh know if it's that strong yet"
I know it definitely could be
I'm one hundred percent sure of that
"Ok well you're in serious feelings territory. This is so exciting!"
"Yeah it scares the shit out of me", I answer
"Why? You're an amazing guy, you have nothing to be scared about"
I'm glad she thinks that of me but as for the other part, I do have a lot to be scared about
"Jo, I've never been with a girl before. I...I don't know what to do. Uh sexually. And also not sexually. I don't know how to read a girl"
"It's not rocket science Joongie"
Yeah right
She's my best friend and she's fucking complicated
"Look Joongie, whoever it is, they'll be lucky to have you ok. And if they don't see that then they're not worth it. No matter who it is. Guy or girl", she says comfortingly, "And you just have to try and learn like you did with guys. Just explain that you've never been with a girl before"
"Isn't that unrealistic?"
I mean I'm 25
Most guys have had experience with girls by now
She rolls her eyes, "No Hongjoong. There's plenty of reasons why a guy hasn't been with a girl. Not all guys think they're gay then realize their bi Joongie. Maybe the guy is a virgin. Or they're focused on school or their career"
"I don't know. That sounds flimsy"
She snorts, "You're also an idol Joongie. That screams not much time for anything too. I'm guessing that's why the guys don't have girlfriends or boyfriends either"
She's right about that
There's no time for a relationship but I'm willing to make it work
"Yeah I guess"
She nods, "So who is this girl? Is she a stylist?"
"Make up artist?", she guesses
I shake my head, "No"
"Staff member?"
"What the fuck who is it? A friend of your brother's?"
"No", I answer, laughing when she gives me a glare
"One of the guys sisters or friends?"
"Do I even know her?"
"Yeah", I nod
"Who is it? I'm tired of guessing"
Here goes
"It's you"
She immediately snorts, "Right. Good one Joongie. Who is it really?"
I should have known she wouldn't believe me
I take her hand, slowly lacing our fingers, shocked at how right it feels
"It's you Jo", I say softly
It doesn't matter if she's a girl or a guy, it's her I want
The look of utter bewilderment on her face is adorable
I nod
"You're shitting me"
"Never", I answer, "I wouldn't joke about this"
She's silent and I know it's taking a while for it to sink in
"I can't stop thinking about you", I tell her, "I can't stop wanting to be around you. I have to literally restrain myself from kissing you, it's that bad"
Taking a huge risk, I lean closer to her
She doesn't move away and I take it as a good sign
Pressing my lips against hers, I immediately melt into her, her lips so soft against mine
I'm so fucking giddy when I feel her kiss me back, one of her arms sliding up my chest and wrapping around my neck
The kiss deepens, our tongues against each other and shivers run up my spine
Her kiss blows my mind, making me feel things I haven't felt before
And making me feel other things I haven't felt in a long time
The same lovey dovey feeling my first boyfriend gave me but more intense
When the kiss ends, I smile softly at her, moving some hair out of her face
"I want you Jo. So much. Would you wanna try with me?", I ask
"I haven't thought about it before Joongie. Me and you. Because you were all about guys. I can't tell you I have feelings for you like that"
My heart deflates
It sounds like I'm going to be rejected
"But I want to try with you Joongie", she says, smiling at me
My brain processes her words and I'm fucking ecstatic
She nods, "Yeah Joongie. I don't think I'll have a hard time falling for you. You're pretty amazing"
I beam at her even though my cheeks turn red from her words
"And hot", she adds
I laugh, "You're hot too jagi"
"Thanks", she giggles
"Are you....are you ok with me being bi?", I ask, knowing that some girls would have a problem with that
Hell, some guys would too
"Of course Joongie. I don't care about that. All that matters is that you're just mine"
I nod rapidly, "I am yours. I promise"
"I promise I'm yours"
I'm so fucking happy, it's ridiculous
Pulling her to me, I crash my lips to hers, kissing her earnestly
Her arms fly around my neck, her body as close to me as she can be
Deeping the kiss, I pull her in my lap, holding on to her tightly, letting all the feelings for her wash over me
I move my hands down her body, gripping her ass
She moans softly and goddamn that sound turns me on
I can't stop touching her, my hands roaming all over, getting to know her body
Being brave, I wrap my hands around her big boobs and squeeze, groaning in her mouth, my dick getting so hard
Her boobs are amazing
So squishy
So soft
So fucking big
Moving my tongue against hers, I slip my hands under her PJ shirt, her skin trembling against my fingertips
Fuck, I like that a lot
I slowly push her shirt up, taking it off, throwing it somewhere in the room
Leaning to her, I press kiss after kiss to her neck, her collarbone, her chest, loving the small whimpers she's making
I want to take her bra off but I don't know how
I've never done this before
I move my fingers on her bra strap, trying to feel how to take it off
"Wait", she says, stopping me
What did I do?
Did I do something wrong?
I probably did
"Joongie, we don't have to", she says, cupping my cheeks, "Don't rush anything ok?"
I shake my head, "I'm not jagi"
She bites her lip, hesitantly
Maybe she doesn't want me like that yet
I'd be disappointed but I would never force her
"Are you ok baby?", I ask, keeping my arms around her waist
"I just...will it work? Will you..uh..get hard? I don't want you to get upset if it doesn't work"
I understand what she's saying
And I get it
She's unsure if she'd turn me on because she's a girl
I understand that it'll take time for her to get used to me being bi, me being attracted and wanting girls
Well, I may be attracted to other girls but I want only one girl
I kinda threw a lot at her and I'm not upset
Grabbing her ass again, I push her down on my hard on as I press up into her
"It'll work baby"
Her cheeks turn so red as she feels me and it's so fucking cute
"You turn me on jagi. So much, you have no idea. I want to be with you so much. In more ways than one", I assure her, "But if you want to wait, we'll wait, baby. I'm perfectly happy kissing you"
Her cheeks turn pink again, her smile getting shy
"I want you too Joongie. I just don't want you to think we're moving too fast"
I shake my head, "We're not baby. I've known you my whole life Jo. Everything we'll do is at our pace"
"Ok", she nods, a genuine smile on her face, my heart beating so fast seeing it directed at me
"Fuck jagi, you're smile baby", I whisper, softly touching her face, "Best thing about you"
She laughs, the sound so musical, "Well you do know how to woo someone"
I smile, nodding, "I'm the best"
"Yeah you are", she agrees, her lips against mine in a sweet kiss
Sliding my hands back to her bra, I tug on it, "Can you show me how to get this thing off?
She laughs, nodding, "I'll turn around so you can see it Joong. You can figure out how to get it off"
That sounds like a good idea
She turns around and I lean closer to her bras strap, seeing the hooks that's attaching it together
Taking a side in each hand, I try to maneuver it to get it open
It's not coming off and it takes me a few tries before I get it open
I'm so gonna have to practice
She takes the bra off, throwing it on the floor, then turns around
And I proceed to choke on air
Jesus Christ, she's perfect
Those fucking boobs, those tattoos on her sides, her pretty stomach, her delicate neck, fuck me
I'm just lost in staring at her that I don't notice her trying to take my pj shirt off until she whines my name
"Sorry jagi", I say, helping her get my shirt off
"Jesus Christ Joongie", she murmurs, her hands running from my stomach to my chest, "So fucking hot"
I can't believe she thinks that about me
It's crazy
My brain shuts off when her lips press against my neck, kissing me, her small hands around me, roaming my back slowly
"Fuck baby", I moan, feeling her smirk against my skin
She presses kisses against this one spot on my neck, murmuring, "Fuck, I love this beauty mark baby"
I feel a huge smile burst in my face hearing her call me baby
God I fucking love it
Lifting her face to mine, I crash my lips to hers, gently pushing her down on my bed
She pulls me with her, turning into me as I lay next to her
Trailing kisses down her neck, I latch on to her nipple, sucking on her as I grope her ass
"Fuck baby", she moans, her hand moving in the back of my hair
She tugs lightly, turning me on even more
Holy shit, I had no idea I was into hair pulling but apparently I am
Moving my hand to her waistband, I hesitate, not knowing what to do
"Jagi...can...can you help me?", I ask shyly, "Can you show me how to make you feel good?"
She smiles softly, nodding, "Yeah Joongie"
"Ok", I smile back
I know I need to get her PJ pants off so I sit up pulling them down and off
My gaze lands on this tiny see through thing she calls underwear, my mind stalling
It looks so good on her, so fucking sexy
"You can take them off Joongie"
I snap back to the present, nodding, "Ok baby"
I slowly pull them down, my eyes on her body as I do it
Once her panties are off, I look at my girlfriend naked in my bed
And have a heart attack
She's stunning
Just perfect
I run my hands from her ankles to her thighs, slowly opening her legs
I've never seen a pussy in real life before
On porn sure but that's through a screen
Lowering my gaze, I whimper, "Oh fuck" as I look at her
So small, so fucking wet, so pretty
Goddamn, I just want to shove my cock in there and fuck her brains out
"Is uh.....are you....uh...?"
"Horny?", I finish for her
She bites her lip, nodding
"You have no fucking idea how much"
As it is my cock is straining against my pants and I'm pretty sure I'm leaking cum all in them
But I want to learn how to please her first before I get inside her
"Can...can I touch?", I ask
She nods, my hand immediately shooting out and running along her slit
"Oh god, so wet", I murmur
My fingers brush against her clit and she moans softly, her body tensing
"Feels good there?", I ask, watching her nod
Moving my fingers there, I rub her clit, watching her
"Is this good?"
Her hand moves down, her fingers over mine, moving mine in a circular motion
"Like that Joongie. Faster"
"Ok baby"
I follow her directions, watching her pussy get wetter and drip on my bed
"Can I taste you?", I find myself asking
"Yes", she agrees
I lay down on my stomach, face to face with her dripping pussy and it's even more pretty up close
"What do I do?"
"Just lick for now"
Ok then
Moving my tongue by her hole, I press against her and lick up slowly, getting a taste
She moans just as I do
She tastes fucking good, oh my god
What the hell?
Running my tongue up and down her pussy, I push my face into her more, wanting more of her in my mouth
Her loud shouts indicate that I'm doing a good job
At least I think I am
I swirl my tongue around, getting more and more juice in my mouth and swallowing
How she tastes this good I don't know but fuck, I know I'm going to want to be down here all the time
Sliding my tongue up, I roll it over her clit, her hips immediately snapping in my face, her moan louder than before
"There Joongie. Please", she whines
Ok then
Lapping at her clit, I notice it throbbing and that each throb sends pleasure into my body
I don't know how I feel this bliss from eating her out but I'm not questioning it
I keep licking, her clit so soft against my tongue
"Joongie", she moans, her hand moving into my hair, tugging on the strands
I groan into her cunt, loving the hair pulling
"What do you need babygirl? Tell me and I'll do whatever you want"
"Suck baby"
Suck what?
I mean I know how to give a blow job, I'm good at them but that's when there's a dick in my mouth
And obviously she doesn't have one
"Where jagi?"
"Where you're licking"
Where I'm licking?
I lick her clit again, asking, "There?"
"Yes, fuck yes "
Huh, I guess I could suck on her clit
It's swollen enough for me to do it
Wrapping my mouth around her clit, I suck once
And I'm immediately addicted
She screams as I suck faster, loving the way her bump throbs against my lips, loving how it feels in my mouth
How good it is to completely slurp on
I go hard, not wanting to let go of her for a second
Her hips move into my mouth, fucking my face and I fucking love it
Her back arches, her hand fisting my hair as she screams, "I'm gonna cum! Joongie, I'm gonna cum"
I suck as fast as I can hearing that
I want to make her cum so badly
The next suck had her screaming, her legs shaking around my head, her hand holding my face to her cunt as her orgasms
"Hongjoong! Hongjoong!", she cries, sending shivers down my spine
I didn't know how much I'd love hearing her scream my name
God, it's everything
All the while I don't stop sucking on her, helping her through her orgasm
When she lets go of my hair, I know she's done
Letting her clit go, I look down at her hole, surprised to see cream leaking from it
Without thinking, I press my tongue to her hole, licking up the cream
"Oh my fucking god", I groan as her sweet taste punches me in the face, "Fuck jagi, you're cum tastes so fucking good. Jesus Christ"
"I- really?", she asks, just as I start licking up more
"Yeah", I agree, making sure I get everything, "Fucking so sweet baby. Gotta be the best cum I ever tasted"
"You're shitting me", she says, gaping at me when I look up at her
I shake my head, pressing a kiss to her inner thigh, "No jagi. I told you, I wouldn't lie to you about anything"
"Ok", she says, her entire face, neck and chest blushing
Sliding up next to her, I ask, "Was it ok? Did uh...did you like it? Did I do it right?"
Eating a pussy is vastly different from sucking a dick and I'm so worried I completely failed even though she came
"It was perfect baby", she assures me, surprising me
"Are...are you sure?", I ask
"Yeah", she smiles, "Are you sure that was the first time you ever ate pussy? Because your fucking tongue baby. You're mouth. Fuck"
Now it's my turn to blush, glad I'm good at something when it comes to a girl
I move my gaze to hers when I feel her hand on my cheek
"Kiss me Joongie"
Pulling her to me, I crash my lips against hers, reveling in the way her kiss feels
God, it's everything, sending chills up my spine and making my head spin
All that from her kiss
As I kiss her, she pushes me down on the bed, her hands pulling my PJ pants down, making me so fucking excited
I lift my ass up so she can pull the pants and boxers off
"Oh my god Joongie", she gapes, her eyes on my dick
"What baby?", I ask, slightly panicked, "Is...is it not good? Is there something wrong-"
"No Hongjoong, of course not", she tells me, her hand wrapping around my dick, softly stroking me
Pleasure seeps in my body, making me stifle a moan
"You just have the biggest dick I've ever seen"
Yeah I've been told that before
And it's always a surprise for the other guy
I guess it's because I'm short for a guy and kinda small looking that guys were shocked when they saw how big my cock is
"Is...it's ok?", I ask again, wanting to make sure I'm what she wants
"More than ok Joongie. You're perfect baby"
I can't believe she's using that word to describe me
To describe her yeah, but me?
I'm thrown out of my thoughts when I feel her tongue press against my slit
I immediately look at her, watching her lick the cum leaking from my head
"Fuck jagi", I whimpers, my body tensing in pleasure
"Mmm yummy Joongie"
"Fuck", I repeat, my mind imploding when it realize she likes the way I taste
Holy shit
All thoughts leave my mind when her mouth wraps around my head, sucking softly
"Oh god", I groan, feeling her mouth move faster with every suck, slowly building up the pleasure
Her hand moves in time with her mouth, making everything even better
She moves down my dick more, choking sounds coming from her when I enter her throat
She switches from sucking to bobbing her head up and down and fuck she's amazing at blow jobs
It's gotta be one of the best ones I ever had
She stops moving, keeping me in her mouth, as she slides down, her tongue licking and swirling around my head like rapid fire, making me choke out from the pleasure
"I can't deepthroat you yet baby", she says, between licks
I stare at her in shock that she even wants to do that to me
"Your cock is enormous and I can't get it all in right now"
"Ddd...d...", I stammer, trying and failing to tell her not to worry about it
"I just need to practice", she continues, her eyes flitting to mine, "Gonna let me practice on your dick baby?"
I nod my head so fast, I feel like a bobble head doll, "Yes....oh fuck...yes"
She smiles around my cock and I swear I can cum right now
"Good baby"
She begins sucking my head again and I'm so close
But I don't want to cum in her mouth
I'm dying to feel what it's like inside her
So, with much difficulty, I croak out, "Stop jagi. Ppp..please"
Her eyes snap to mine, widening and immediately getting off me
"I'm sorry", she apologizes, "Did it hurt? Did it not feel good? Tell me what I did wrong and I'll fix it baby"
I shake my head, trying to calm myself down as well as feeling horrified that she'd think I didn't like it
"Nnn..no jagi. It was amazing baby"
She raises her eyebrow, a skeptical look on her face
"It was baby. I promise, it was so good", I assure her, "I only stopped because I want to...uh..."
I feel my face turn hot, all of a sudden shy about telling her what I want
"You want to what baby?", she asks, confused
"I want ah...to be...uh...inside. You", I get out
Understanding enters her face, "Oh. Ok. I get it"
"How uh...how should we...", I trail off
I don't know how good it'll be for her since it's my first time with a girl
I don't want it to suck for her
"How about I ride you this time?", she suggests, "Since it's your first time"
That sounds amazing
"Yeah jagi", I nod, relief entering my body, "Ok"
"Are you sure Joongie? We don't have to have sex if you don't want to", she asks, "I don't want you to feel like you have to"
I shake my head, "That's not what's happening baby. I want to. Like really want too"
"Ok", she answers, pushing me down gently
I lay down waiting for her to get on me, my cock straining and aching to be inside her
"If you're uncomfortable tell me", she insists, "If it doesn't feel good or you don't like it, tell me. I won't be upset ok?"
I nod, "Yeah ok jagi"
I doubt I'm not going to like it
I'm pretty sure it's gonna be incredible
"I promise", I assure her
She nods and I grab her hips, helping her climb on top of me
I hold my dick up for her, so fucking excited
It's kinda mind blowing that I'm excited to have sex with a girl
But that's because it with her
My head slips inside her, my breath increasing
She starts sliding down fast but I stop her
"What's wrong?", she panics
"Relax jagi", I tell her, "I just want you to go slow. I want to feel all of you"
I want the full experience
I've heard the guys talk about sex with a girl, how good it feels getting their dick inside their pussy
I want to know what that's like
Her eyes blink in surprise but she nods, "Ok baby"
Now she slides down slower, wiggling onto my cock and I can't help but moan, my eyes watching her hole take me
She feels so fucking good, so fucking tight, so fucking wet
And warm
I had no idea she'd feel warm like this
"Oh my god Joongie", she moans as she takes me inside her, "Fuck, big dick"
"Feels good jagi?", I ask shyly
She nods as she bottoms me out, her pussy pulsing around me, her hips moving in a circular motion, grinding against me
Christ, that's good
"How...how does it feel for you?", she asks
"Fucking amazing baby"
Her eyes widen, "Are you sure?"
I nod, "Yeah jagi. Jesus, you're so tight, feel so good wrapped around me. And your constant throbbing feels so good"
Her whole face and chest turn red as she smiles shyly
"Can I move?", she asks
"Please jagi"
Her small hands lean on my stomach, her pussy sliding up my cock
My mouth drops at how wet she left me but I don't have much time to think about it as she moves back down fast, bottoming me out in one move
"Shit", I groan
"Ok?", she checks in
I nod, "Please baby, fuck me"
She bounces on me, taking me inside her over and over and I'm thrown into unbelievable pleasure
She's so fucking tight around me and pushing through that tightness is so pleasurable
She rocks against me in between bounces, moaning loudly as I rub inside her
"Fuck Hongjoong", she cries, turning me on hearing my name
She moves faster, rocking and grinding on my cock every time she takes me in
Her pussy is holding my cock in a vice grip, throbbing wonderfully
I'm in so much bliss, I can't think
My eyes move all over her body, mesmerized by how she moves on me
Her big boobs are jiggling hard, beads of sweat running down between them and that sight fucking makes me so horny
Gripping her boobs, I squeeze over and over, listening to her whimpers
My gaze moves down to where she's fucking me, my mind blowing at how much cream is coming from her pussy
She completely coats my cock, it's so pretty
I've never experienced this before
I've heard the guys talk about fucking a creamy pussy but I didn't really know how that worked
Unless I used lube, there was nothing like that when fucking guys
Now I fucking know what they were talking about and I know why they loved it
I fucking get it now
She leans back, her hands on my thighs as she bounces rapidly
"Oh god Joongie", she yells, "So fucking good"
Her cunt is pulsing faster as she goes, getting more and more wet, giving me pleasure to the max
"Hongjoong!", she yells, "I'm gonna cum"
Yes, fuck yes
"I'm gonna cum on your cock! Oh god"
"Yes baby, cum for me", I urge her, excited beyond belief to feel it
"Hongjoong! Hongjoong! Oh god, Hongjoong!", she screams as she cums
Unbelievable bliss hits my body and I force my eyes open to watch her
She's fucking gorgeous when she cums
Her body is shaking, her head back, pleasure all over her sweaty face, calling my name over and over
I glance down at her cunt and am shocked at how creamy her cum is
The pleasure and watching her throws me over the edge and I scream, "I'm gonna cum!"
"Yes Hongjoong! Cum inside me", she whines
"Oh my fucking god, Joanne!", I shout, pulling her down my cock as pure ecstacy slams into my body, stars blasting in my vision as I cum inside her pulsing cunt
I can't speak, just make moans as an intense orgasm runs through me
She resumes bouncing on me, making the pleasure last longer
"Fuck, you're so fucking hot Joongie", she murmurs, her small hands on my chest, "So beautiful baby"
I hear her and if I wasn't in such bliss, I'd be blushing so hard
But I can do anything but hold her hips hard, moaning her name over and over
As I come back to my senses, I feel her lips pressing soft kisses all over my face
"Jagi", I whisper
"Mm baby"
Touching her face, I move her so her lips press against mine, kissing her
She immediately kisses me, deepening it as she moves off me, laying in my arms
I turn to her, tightening my arms around her, pulling her right against me
After the kiss, she snuggles into me and fuck holding her feels so right
Like she belongs in my arms
I love that feeling
"Was it good?", she asks
"Amazing", I answer, "Fuck the way you move baby. So fucking pretty. You felt so good jagi. So good"
"Oh good", she breathes in relief
"Was it good for you?", I ask
I didn't do much, just watched her bounce on my dick
"Incredible Joongie. You're so big and God, it felt amazing"
I smile softly, glad I was able to make her feel good
"I'm sorry I couldn't last longer", I tell her
I'm not sure how many orgasms she's used to when fucking but I couldn't hold it back
"Shush baby", she says, running her fingers in my hair, "It's fine baby. You never have to apologize for that ok? I want you to cum whenever you want when we're together ok?"
I nod, "Ok", relieved she's not disappointed about that
"Should we get dressed?"
Absolutely not
I love feeling her skin against mine and I want her against me for longer
"No jagi. We can stay like this"
She raises her eyebrow, "What if Seonghwa comes in?"
"I told him not to. He...he knows I was going to tell you how I feel about you and he agreed to stay out of the room for the night"
"Oh. Seonghwa knew?"
"Yeah. I needed someone to give me advice. He noticed I was nervous and acting differently and he asked me about it. He encouraged me to tell you"
She smiles, "Well I'm glad he did baby. And I'm glad we can stay naked together for the whole night"
"Me too", I grin, kissing her, loving the feeling of her lips against mine
After, she cuddles into me, leaning her head against my neck, "You're so comfy Joongie. Can we sleep baby?"
"Yeah baby", I agree, utterly excited, happy to have her here the entire night
Wrapping her in my arms, I kiss her cheek and holding her tightly, I close my eyes
Movement against my cheek wakes me up and I open my eyes groggily to see what's going
"Hi baby", she says, kissing my cheek
Last night comes roaring back and I realize who's next to me
A huge smile bursts on my face as I turn my body to her
"Hi jagi", I say softly, then press a soft kiss to her lips
This is officially my favorite way to wake up
She responds, her arms moving around my neck, pressing her body against mine
My arms stay around her, my one hand on her back, the other groping and squeezing her cute ass
"Hongjoong!", I hear, just as the door opens
I manage to pull the blanket over our lower halves just as San appears in the doorway
Her naked back and my chest are exposed as I keep tugging the blanket up
"Uh what the fuck is going on?", San gapes at me and her, "Are you....fucking Joanne?"
"What?", Wooyoung yells
Oh god
Wooyoung slams into the door as he slides into my room, his eyes widen when he sees us in the compromising position
"Are you naked? Is she naked?", Wooyoung exclaims
"Yes", I growl, "Get the fuck out"
"Did you really? With her? You know she's a girl right?", Wooyoung continues
"Obviously", I snap, "She's my girlfriend. Now go away!"
"I don't understand. You're gay!", San yells
"Did your dick work? How did you get hard?", Wooyoung questions
"Oh my god!", she roars, "He's bi! He's my boyfriend, I'm his girlfriend, yes we fucked, yes his dick works just fine! Get the fuck out! Now!"
"Girlfriend?", Wooyoung asks stupidly
"Bi?", San repeats
"Oh my god I'm gonna kill them", she mutters angrily
"Can you get the fuck out? I'll explain everything later alright? Leave us alone right now", I snarl
"Are you gonna fuck again?"
"Get out!"
"Fine. But I'm telling everyone", Wooyoung says
"Don't-", I start but Wooyoung leaves the room yelling, "Hey guys! Guess what Hongjoong is doing?"
San just shrugs then closes the door
"You're members are idiots", she mutters
I nod in agreement, "But you knew that already"
"Yeah", she sighs, "Should we go out there?"
We should but I really don't want to
I'm too comfortable with her
"Fuck em", I say, "For now anyway. I wanna stay with you"
She smiles brightly, "Good"
Then she pulls me right back to her, her lips melting against mine
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starsomens · 1 year
Noah x reader with scene 14 and dialogues 1 & 9 please? 🖤🥹 fluff to start but no harm in adding in some NSFW 😉
Note: I put a lil twist in it! I hope this is okay!
Wantings: slight smut! 80% implied 20% written smut! But not a full on smut! Maybe a part 2 even ????? Some angst to fluff with some smut!
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14: Embraces from behind where the other person nuzzles their nose into your neck; 1:"Stay with me tonight. please.", 9"you're absolutely perfect in my eyes."
The crowd roared in applause as you watch Noah close the show once again. That was it, the end of this tour and just like the others in the past, this was amazing as it was tiring. You were one of their staff and nothing more. The first thing you were ever told when finding bands to help on tour was
“Never get involved"
You had thought to yourself "this is a job, I'm not going to fall in love. That's silly" Now that is what you ha said at the start of this job. You tour with Bad Omens, male sure they're on time, things are in place, reservations are in order and of course helping with the band members as well. They were all so sweet and talented and honestly just a pleasure to work with.
Then there was Noah. Noah Sebastian, lead vocalist, song writer, producer of the band. He also holds the title of holding your heart captive. You never intended for it to go this way, you were trying to not get involved like they told you. At first it was just some glances that turned into conversations. Conversations would lead into the late night, where you scooch closer to one another. Hugs and handshakes lingered until one day it just snapped. Flirting became, soft touches, soft touches became caresses, caresses became kisses. Then it happened again...and again...and again...and again...and again. Until one day, during one his performances, he made eye contact with you during 'Bad Decisions' and you felt your heart sink into your stomach. Not in fear...no this feeling was scarier than fear...
"You can be all I got what the difference?" It was the way he looked at you when he said it. There was a gaze in his eyes as he breathed out the words. His eyes were deep and meaningful, like he was screaming something that couldn't be heard and it felt as though time had slowed down. "You and me and a lot of bad decisions. All I know..."
Bad decisions huh?
It was after about 7 months into your job thag you realized what it was that you wanted. You wanted Noah. You wanted to be with him and he's told you the same thing. He's offered for you to even keep your job if you wanted but, he wanted you to be his as much as you wanted him....but it couldn't be. So you made a very hard decision to leave. It would be better that way. So on the day you gave your 2 weeks notice you had asked Noah if you could stop by to talk with him. You had no idea how you'd tell him, let alone face him knowing you were going to leave.
So here you stood at his door waiting for him to answer. The setting sun blinging you as your palms were sweaty, your heart ached yet it drummed against your chest violently. You could hear Harper barking as he unlocked the door. He answered with a smile to which you had became accustomed to.
"Hey, come in. I'm really glad you stopped by today" he said enthusiastically, it was so out of his nature compared to who he was on stage. "How have you been?" he asked as he closed the door behind you
"I've been alright a little bus-" he cuts you off in a tight hug. Oh god, they way you could melt right there and then, so soft, warm and safe
“ listen I have something I really want to talk to you about.” he says, as he pulls away from you, resting his hands on your shoulders, giving him a slight squeeze. Some thing he would always do before he getting ready to go out on stage
"I do too Noah, let's sit down" you take his hand and lead him over to the sofa. After taking your seats his hand naturally lands on your knee, a habit he had grown into
"Look Noah I won't beat around the bush or lead you on and just come out with it...." you could see his face fall into a face of worry, his mind already jumping to conclusions. "...I'm not...going to be working with you...all anymore" you confess without even looking him the eye. You couldn't. If you looked at him now, you knew you wouldn't be able to walk away
"What? What do you mean? Did they fire you? They can't do that!"
"No they didn't I....I quit...." you tell him feeling your heart race and your palms sweat. You didn't want him to be upset or to panic
"You...you quit?" he seemed hurt from what you said "Was it....did I do something? Y/N, if I did I am so sorry I just wanted-"
"No, no it wasn't you Noah, I just...it's not...ugh" you take a deep breath and let it out "We are...very different Noah. You're this talented man in a band who is growing rapidly and with success you absolutely deserve and more" a tear finally falling from you eye as you verbally bring your thought into light "I'm just....someone who helps and I just don't fit in your world Noah. I'm just someone who you ran into. Not someone you could be with. I care about you and I love spending time with you and i....I...." you wanted to say it, it was killing you not to! But it just didn't come out
"Y/N...none of that is true" his spoke softly, his large hands cup your face. Holding you so gently, like you were made of glass, "None of it! Y/N I can't force you to work there but I want you to be with me. I want you to be mine, please..." he lowered his head to meet your eyes. His eyes pleading for you to understand what he was saying "Y/N, these past few months have been the best I have ever experienced and it's because of you. You are so much more than you say, so what if I'm in a band. I still care about you and want you in my life."
Your hands come up to hold his large hands "Noah I...I-I..." you sniff and shut your eyes "i have to go.." you say softly and stand from your spot quickly and make you way to the door
"Y/N, wait!" He stood up after you. He just couldn’t let you go. He felt like he found something he wasn’t supposed to lose. Just as your hand touch the door knob, he stopped you. His arms circling around you. Your back close to his chest and his head fell into your neck. He hold you tightly against him not planning on letting you get away.
Practically feel his heart beating against his chest. “ please don’t go not like this.” he said, breaking the silence. “ I feel so bad for you and I don’t want to lose it. After all this time I have feelings for you. I know we come from different place and you think we can’t be but we can! None of that matters…you matter to me…” your hands come to rest over his own arms hugging him back
“Noah I…..have feeling for you too….but I-“
“But nothing!” He cuts you off and turns you around “you absolutely perfect in my eyes. Perfect...in everyway” he rested his forehead on yours. His dark eyes staring into your E/C ones. His eyes flicker down to your lips and back to your eyes. His face inching closer to yours. His soft lips brush against yours
"Stay with me tonight...please.." he whispered against your lips
"noah..." you subconsciously call out to him before he crashes down on to your lips. It was different from all the pecks and make out sessions you had. This one was gentle, deep, passionate and full of what you could only know as love. His arm circles around you and pulls you closer into him. He pulls away from you, only enough to catch your breath
"will you stay with me..?" you knew he meant not just for the night. He meant tomorrow, and after that, and even more after that. You nod your head and boldly step forward to reconnect with his lips. You feet stumble together as you move through the house. running into walls, stopping to open doors, fumbling to get clothes off.
Gasps of air and pants filled the room. Your skin against his own, not remembering where you start and he ends. His kisses against your skin felt like fire, leaving marking in your skin forever. Your hands were tangled in his hair, tugging and pulling him closer to you. The weight of his body shifting on top of you, making you feel like nothing you’ve felt before. Was this love? Not just the sex, not just the sneaky kisses, but did you love Noah? For who he was, everything you’ve told him, everything he’s accomplished? Could you live him and could he love you?
“God…Y/N!” He moaned “fuck…Y/N I! Fuck! I love you! Shit I love you!” He moaned loud enough for the entire house to hear. Nothing could have prepared you for that or for
“I love you Noah! Ah!” For that. He falls next to you after hours of passionate sex. This was the first time you were intimate together in that way. It was so much more than you could imagine…it was otherworldly. Noah pulls you close to him and kisses the side of your head
“I hope you know I didn’t say that just because we were having sex”
“I uh…I meant it too..” you admit as you let yourself become vulnerable and let yourself be consumed by his embrace
“I really do love you Y/N. And I want this to be something beautiful and serious” he kissed your forehead again “I’m glad you stayed with me tonight”
You snuggle your face into his chest and smile to yourself
“Me too”
You in fact did stay that night. And the night after that one, and after that one, and after a few more and a few more.
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @cncohshit @vir-tual @tdopomymind @concretenoah @misspygmypie @noah-seb-omens
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mooodyblue · 2 years
hello darling!!! could I request 70s!caregiver!elvis x little!reader, where reader always gets sad when it’s time for Elvis to go perform. To distract her, he asks reader to color him the best picture while he’s gone, and he praises her giving him what she colored?
of course only write it if you feel like it!!! hope you are well <3
i loved this request sm!! hope you enjoy!
pretty picture | cg!70s!elvis x little!reader
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warnings: little space, age regression
wc: 750
masterlist | request | taglist | ko-fi
being elvis's baby, he has to bring you everywhere. he loved you and even considered you as his lucky charm. of course, that means he brings you along to all his shows. hearing elvis sing was always such an honor, but you missed him while he was on stage. so here you were, sitting on a couch in his dressing room, kicking your legs back and forth as elvis finished getting ready for his show. "d'ya really have to go out there?" you asked sadly.
elvis crouched down as much as his suit would let him, placing a hand on your knee. "you know i have to, baby. but you love hearin' me sing, don't ya?"
you nodded. "but you wont be here." you hated being away from elvis. rarely did you ever leave his side but anytime he had to go on stage or do an interview, there was a slight sadness in your heart just having to be in another room away from him. "i only like it when you sing to me."
he chuckled. "well, there's a whole lotta people who feel the same way. you get to hear me every day, maybe even more than anyone else. the people out there don't get to hear me sing often." vernon knocked on the door and gave him a five minute warning, causing you to whine slightly.
"don't want you to go."
"hmm." elvis stood up, "hold on, baby." suddenly, he left the room to go ask for something. he knew you struggled a little with him leaving to perform so he tried to come up with a solution to distract you for an hour. he returned with a coloring page and a small box of crayons. "let's try this." he placed everything on the table he usually did his makeup on, patting the chair for you to come sit. you got up and sat down, looking at the coloring page. "i want you to take your time and color somethin' real pretty. i wanna see this page full of pretty lil' colors."
your eyes lit up, kicking your feet excitedly. you were going to color the prettiest picture for elvis! "alright, i gotta go darlin'." he placed a kiss to the top of your scalp, "make me somethin' real nice. remember, stay here and who do you get when you're in trouble?"
"jerry." you responded, proudly.
"that's my good girl, such a good listener. see you in a bit. love you, baby." he gave you one last kiss and a final goodbye before leaving you to your coloring page. you found yourself sad again now that he was gone, but now you had a mission to fill the page with something pretty just for him. maybe he'd even put it on the fridge if he loved it enough. as the intro played and the screams got louder, you began to immerse yourself into your new activity.
you did as he said, not leaving the room, only having jerry check on you occasionally. you were so focused on coloring, you didn't even realize the show had ended until you heard commotion outside and elvis thanking everyone. you gasped at the sight of elvis opening the door, "daddy!" you jumped up and gave him tight hug. he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. "you sang really pretty today!"
he grinned, "did i? was thinkin' about my lil' baby backstage the whole time." he shut the door behind him and wiped off his face with a towel. "now, i believe you got somethin' for me?"
you ran over to the table and picked up the page, holding it proudly for elvis. elvis let out a gasp, "oh lord, would ya look at that!" he took the page from you, examining it closely. "you're so talented honey, my god! you did this all yourself, huh? i'm proud of ya darlin'" you nodded proudly. "what can't my baby girl do?" elvis loved it so much, he opened the door to hold it up to everyone backstage. "look at this! look at what my pretty girl colored, ain't this a beauty?" he shook his head in disbelief. "this should be in a museum."
you hid shyly behind elvis, finding yourself feel smaller at all the compliments. "thank you." you said quietly.
as they called elvis to leave the venue, he wrapped his arm around you, still carefully holding the colored page in his hand. "lets get ya back to the hotel. need to put this in safe keeping."
taglist: @butlersluvbot @arianatheangel-girl @steph-speaks @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s @flwrs4aust @imgayreal @kiankiwi-blog @father-of-2cats @ellie-24 @scarlettlight06 @prayerstopresley
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josefavomjaaga · 1 year
Soult on several French officers
This is taken from the book »Life of General Sir William Napier«, Volume 1. Soult, while in England for the coronation of Queen Victoria, talk to British historian Napier, who wants to know his opinion on several French officers. As usual, Soult is not very forthcoming, his statements are rather brief. There are longer ones on Hoche, on Napoleon and on Joseph Bonaparte, however, that I might post separately if there’s interest. Or you can just look them up yourself under the above link (page 505, bottom, ff, »Generals of the Revolution«). For once, it’s all in English. So, here are Soult’s verdicts on:
MARCEAU. "Marceau was clever and good, and of great promise, but he had little experience before he fell."
This general I had to look up: He died from his wounds in Austrian captivity in 1796.
MOREAU. "No great things."
JUNOT. Ditto.
GOUVION ST. CYR. "A clever man and a good officer, but deficient in enterprise and vigour."
MACDONALD. "Too regular, too methodical; an excellent man, but not a great general.”
NEY. "No extent of capacity: but he was unfortunate; he is dead."
VICTOR. "An old woman, quite incapable."
There are some funny scenes with this marshal that Brun de Villeret describes in his Cahiers. Apparently, Brun needed to go calm down Victor on several occasions.
JOURDAN. "Not capable of leading large armies."
MASSENA. "Excellent in great danger; negligent and of no goodness out of danger. Knew war well."
That’s a little less praise for Masséna than in his memoirs. But Soult is all around bragging a lot in this conversation, though it’s hard to tell how much of it may have been jokingly. (Then again – Soult and joking? Probably not.)
MARMONT. "Understands the theory of war perfectly. History will tell what he did with his knowledge." (This was accompanied with a sardonic smile.)
And of course refers to Marmont’s alleged betrayal of Napoleon in 1814.
REGNIER. "An excellent officer." (I denied this, and gave Soult the history of his operations at Sabugal.) Soult replied that he was considered to be a great officer in France; but if what I said could not be controverted as to fact, he was not a great officer, his reputation was unmerited. (The facts were correctly stated, but Regnier was certainly disaffected to Napoleon at the time; his unskilful conduct might have been intentional.)
DESAIX. "Clever, indefatigable, always improving his mind, full of information about his profession, a great soldier, a noble character in all points of view; perhaps not amongst the greatest of generals by nature, but likely to become so by study and practice, when he was killed."
KLEBER. "Knew him perfectly; colossal in body, colossal in mind. He was the god of war; Mars in human shape. He knew more than Hoche, more than Desaix; he was a greater general, but he was idle, indolent, he would not work."
"Old women - Catins. The Emperor knew them and their talents; they were fit for tools, machines, good for writing down his orders and making arrangements according to rule; he employed them for nothing else. Bah! they were very poor. I could do their work as well or better than they could, but the Emperor was too wise to employ a man of my character at a desk; he knew I could control and tame wild men, and he employed me to do so."
You could do Berthier’s and Clarke’s job easily, huh? Well, I could name one battle of Waterloo that says otherwise, Monsieur! (So does Napier, btw.)
I think between Berthier and Soult all bridges were burnt. And it really may have been not only from Soult’s side. I can quite imagine how somebody like Berthier, “l’homme de Versailles”, coming from a noble background and placing great value on politeness and good manners, would react to Soult.
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cannedcrow · 2 months
Arbitrary Darkness (Hermitcraft Monster Hunter AU) Part VI
A/N: Been a while, but I still harbour a deep love for all my fics and I've been writing again recently! Enjoy this chapter and expect more updates very soon! <3
Part IV - AO3
~ please rb if you enjoy! ….〆(・ω・。) ~
TWs: blood, violence and self injury referenced.
Grian awoke a few times from his unconsciousness. His brain pled at him to stand, get up and hide before he was found, and irony twisted a knife in his heart as he remembered Tango's bitter words: If you think you’re like them, then go - take off your cloak and gloves and wait for their gratitude. He was vaguely aware of the leaden weight of his limbs, new from the exhaustion that already weighed him down - Scar's venom was already trickling through his muscles, and he felt the deadly finality settle upon him with the rain. He didn't know how long it was before he blacked out again.
But he did awake again. He cracked stubborn eyelids and was greeted by a small, dingy apartment, rather like one that might be above a shop. It was, he reflected, rather like Grian's own apartment - rickety tables and shelves crammed to bursting with all manner of teacups, pots, bottles, metal instruments, books, quills and papers, all placed with madman's-deliberation. The bed he reposed in was a simple, relatively comfortable affair, warmed by the nearby hearth. He heard a scrape and looked to see a man with his back to him, working intently at a desk. He appeared to have blended in so well to the disarray that Grian had passed right over him - a hunched figure in stained clothing, dark hair sticking out at all angles. He suddenly moved to the pot on the fireplace to fill a syringe, and Grian saw what he’d been working at - a half-dissected strider egg, matte black and oblong.
But when the firelight caught the strangers face, panic flitted through him, though he didn’t immediately recognize him. The man was rather short and stocky, dressed in a badly stained shirt and trousers. His dark hair was tousled and split by a forelock of green.
Just as the man looked over at him, it clicked - the alchemist who’d made a horrific face at Grian from across the room at The Eighth Circle.
“Morning, sunshine,” he greeted dryly, “you look awful.”
Grian was frozen, trying to assess the situation. He wasn’t a monster, which was good, but on the other hand, he ran in the exact same circles and didn’t appear the most empathetic ally.
The man clearly sensed his wariness.
“Settle down lad, who do you think gave you an antidote? You’d have been found and strung up on a wall by now if it wasn’t for me. You’re welcome, by the way.”
Grian frowned. “Thank you. So how did you find me? Why?”
Joel shrugged. “Pity, I guess. Or curiousity. I tracked you home. Never seen anyone do something so unimaginably, extraordinarily stupid in my life - and I spend my time running around bastions sifting in lava for strider eggs.”
That certainly stung. It was true though, wasn’t it? Grian reflected. “Well, leave it to the only human to show a scrap of emotion,” he muttered.
Joel looked flabbergasted. “God, you’re even more of a moron than I thought. And for the record, I already think you’re the biggest moron I’ve ever met. You waltzed in there ready to have every one of them hanged, were treated with nothing but decency - as one of their own - then called them all monsters. Did you really not learn anything?"
Grian scowled, then faltered. "Guess I was asking for it huh?" he conceded begrudgingly, sitting up stiffly with a wince, "But don't pretend they're perfect, they set me up."
Joel stared at him for a moment before rolling his eyes, "That'll do for now I guess. Want summat to eat?"
Grian welcomed the change of topic, assenting eagerly.
Joel's cooking was awful, which evidenced that his talents were better spent on the morbid experiments that took up most of his time, but Grian welcomed it all the same, spooning chunks of mystery meat from a thick stew. Vaguely, he had a nasty suspicion that Joel wasn't particular about which pots he used for experiments versus cooking. Nor his ingredients, for that matter.
"I'll not impose on you any longer," he said decisively when they'd finished, standing and gritting down a wince of pain as he accidentally flexed his injured wing.
Joel eyed him sternly, "I don't think so. I want to keep an eye on you for a bit, and not just because of your injuries."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you've not put me in a very good spot to be honest. Or rather, I haven't, by not letting you bleed out in a stairwell. Curse my wonderful heart," he folded his arms. "Anyway, I don't trust you not to fuck up the good situation I have going."
"You're ... holding me hostage," Grian concluded.
Joel looked mildly offended, "Would you call it imprisonment for a doctor to order you bed rest?"
"You're not a doctor," Grian scoffed.
Joel eyed his dressings pointedly, "I'm as good a doctor as a monster like you will ever get."
Grian's feathers prickled in annoyance at the jab, which didn't go unnoticed by Joel, who smirked.
"Never seen anyone get so offended by being called what they are. Doc calls me a crooked alchemist; that's what I am. I call you a birdie, that's what you are, and you can't change it," He paused. "Not even with a knife."
Grian tensed in horror as Joel continued, "Yeah, I saw the scars."
He flushed, furious humiliation building at Joel's transgression into such a private part of his past.
For once though, Joel didn't look teasing, merely sympathetic - which was even more infuriating.
Joel turned away mercifully, "I've got business to attend to. Don't bother trying to leave; you won't be able to."
"Mumbo will come looking for me," he called defiantly after Joel.
"Ok," he heard the casual response from the hall, as though he'd just informed him that a guest was coming to tea.
Grian scowled as the door slammed, rubbing his wing joint without thinking.
Even Mumbo didn't know the steadily stoked, boiling pit of self-hatred that had driven Grian so many times in his youth to rid himself of his monstrous extremities, leaving his wings, tail and claws riddled with jagged scars from desperate attempts to brave the pain and end his distinction once and for all.
He'd failed miserably each time, of course, ending always in a wretched bloody heap of feathers and yet deeper misery. It was a scar that ran deeper than any of his physical ones - everything about his existence was a humiliation in that way. His species, his desperation to be human, his hatred for those like him, and then his career.
He clenched his hand, claws sinking into the mattress savagely.
As if it comes from nowhere, he thought savagely, as though I have no reason to feel the way I do. To hate them.
Grian spent the afternoon examining his surroundings, poking in drawers and noting ways out. Somehow, he didn't think Joel was planning to lead the monsters to him - why would he have saved him if he were only planning to throw him to the wolves? Joel didn't strike him as sadistic, whatever else he may be. He hadn't any real grasp on Joel, similar to Scar - though admittedly, he'd spoken less to Joel (this wasn't saying much, being that Scar had been toying with him). The two were deeply enigmatic - and deep down, he was fascinated by the savage, gregarious being that was Scar - though at least he could understand Joel's motives. He could tolerate and even hold level with Joel, while Scar was a beast through and through whom Grian wouldn't even trust to pass him a plate.
Then again, I felt the same about Tango. If one thing had made itself clear, it was that Grian couldn't longer trust his intuition.
He resolved to remain courteous with Joel, make himself less of a threat, go free, and root up the Eighth Circle from the outside.
A brusque "Oi!" serenaded Grian out of sleep in the early evening, signalling Joel's return. He sat up with a jolt and scowled upon seeing Joel taking off his cloak, humming something discordant as he divested himself of his array of pouches and layers.
"Shirt off, birdie," Joel instructed blithely, retrieving a jangling box from a cabinet.
"I - What?" Grian replied, lost.
"I need to change your dressings."
"Oh, right." Grian pulled his shirt over his head and examined the soaked bandage on his forearm. He hadn't even had a chance to see the injuries properly. He gritted his teeth as Joel slowly peeled the fabric away, revealing a jagged wound lined by neat black stitches.
"You're lucky Etho didn't rip your arm off," Joel commented, wiping antiseptic on the wound.
"He made a valiant effort," Grian hissed in pain, "So did Scar, for that matter."
Joel laughed, as though this were merely a fond anecdote, "I once got drunk with Scar and them and 'e bit me for a laugh," he tied off the bandage and began unwrapping the patch on Grian's shoulder.
"Yikes, yeah, look at that. Burns, huh? It'll hurt more on this one though," Grian looked down at the slightly neater bite wound on his trapezius, coloured like a bruise and leaking a foul purple discharge.
He grimaced in distaste, then yelped as Joel applied his various ointments again.
"Anyway," he continued conversationally, evidently unaware of Grian holding back tears, "Obviously I carry roughly 10 million different antidotes on me at all times so it was easily sorted and he bought me a 'sorry-for-nearly-paralysing-you-for-fun' drink. Great company, he is. You'll come to like him if you stop trying to kill him."
Grian fell into stunned silence. Joel was talking as though Grian was planning to ingratiate himself into the monstrous underbelly of the city the next day. Not to mention ... Like him? Scar? The bastard who'd lured Grian like a lamb to slaughter, baited, humiliated, and finally tried to kill him? Sure, Scar was handsome. So was Lucifer. Joel really must be a bit mad. He bit his tongue regardless as Joel wound bandages around his shoulder.
"So where'd you go?" he asked when Joel had finished tending the bite on his wing and began to work at another odd meal.
"Work, mate. We can't all laze around in bed all day," he teased, "Then I had a well-earned drink with the boys."
"At the Eighth Circle, you mean," Grian replied flatly.
"I have human friends too," Joel said reproachfully, "... But yeah. And no, don't get your feathers in a twist, I haven't sold you out. They reckon you bled out in a gutter. Toasted to it, actually ..." Joel's cheerful air dissipated rather suddenly, replaced by an expression of disgust as he went to search in one of his bags, finishing, "Don't blame them."
Caught off guard by Joel's odd turn, Grian simply asked "What?"
He withdrew a crinkled newspaper and tossed it at Grian, "That'll please you," He said bitterly, turning back to his task.
Grian unfolded the paper, wondering what he'd find. This copy of the New Hermiton Evening Gazette proclaimed proudly:
In the late hours of last night, residents of the quiet café district Seville Square were awoken by a commotion when a monster was sighted in the silent street. Mrs. Thatcher (72), the owner of the Flagstone Teahouse, reports she was letting her cat out when she sighted a beast skulking in the square. "It was huge, the size of a carthorse, with the face of a human," She tells reporter Clarence Ripley, "but with horns like a devil. Four legs, a tail and all! Most frightening thing I ever saw. And an evil face. I slammed my door and shouted an alarm. Don't know what happened then."
The Hermiton Police Department were called to the scene, but other residents took up the call in the meantime, cornering the beast with makeshift weapons. We spoke with one Mr. Crawley, one of those who took up the protection of the town. "Woke up as soon as old Mrs. Thatcher cried out, I did," He says, "Saw the monster out the window, grabbed a lantern and me fire poker and ran out sharpish. Few others there with me and we went for it. Thing tried to gore us plenty of times but we tore it up pretty good,"
For all their valiant efforts however, the group did not manage to kill the beast. "Naw, we got it on the ground for a bit and did our best. Then the thing reared up just as me neighbor Jon tried to slash it's neck. Fire in it's eyes, I tell ya, taller n' 3 men. Plunged down on us and drove a horn through a guy's neck - tossed 'im 20 feet. Them hooves hit hard, they do," (He grimly displays a gash on his shoulder.) "E' died. The man, I mean - didn't know 'im, but he bled out right there as we tried to save him. The thing charged off and some of us tried to chase it, but it vanished into the dark in a trail of blood." Hermiton Police arrived on the scene soon after, but rain had washed away the trail ...
Grian tossed the paper aside, feeling ill, and noticed then that Joel had been watching him, looking grim.
"Impulse," He offered flatly, though Grian already knew.
"Let me guess, he was sent to hunt me down?"
Joel flared, "He didn't know anything, idiot. He saw you appear covered in blood and run, and he followed out of worry for you. Guessing he didn't find you," He turned away again, "That bloodthirsty mob did though, and they did their very best to tear him apart."
Guilt was beginning to reach insistent hands around Grian's throat. "I - I'm sure he's killed his fair share of innocent people," he said bluntly, looking away.
Then a sharp blow to the head sent him reeling sideways on the bed. Joel stood over him, fists clenched, "He's a bloody bovaur. A bull-human. Do you know any cows that eat people?" he'd yet to see Joel so furious and cowered, "His job is to chuck out drunks and protect the others. He's probably killed far less innocents than you."
He glared down at Grian in disgust before striding away, rubbing his fist.
"He's ... alive then?" Grian murmured quietly.
"Somehow. Etho tracked him down in an alley bleeding out. They had to wait 'til everything quieted down a bit to get him home. It's a death sentence to be outside for most of them, but they stayed with him. He's a mess."
Silence descended like a funeral shroud as Grian dwelled and Joel continued his preparations.
"I'm sorry," He murmured finally, a nauseous sense of responsibility welling in him, "I really am."
"Yeah, me too."
Joel didn't seem inclined to say more, and their meal was spent in tense silence. He eventually poured them both a healthy measure of a cloudy lilac chorus fruit liquor of his own making before retreating to sit in front of the fire, scribbling distractedly on a ledger.
The next few days passed in relative calm as Grian and Joel fell into a comfortable rhythm. They spoke no more of Impulse, Scar, or the Eighth Circle. Joel was rarely in the house in the day, working in the shop downstairs, trading at the Eighth Circle, or off on his exploits - often returning at odd hours with hoards of peculiar items and new injuries. Clattering piles of ravager tusks, bolts of strider skins, guardian spines, and once, a large dripping bag that ended up being packed with slimy white ghast tentacles (accompanied by a severely burnt Joel, whom Grian had to play medic for under strict instruction).
Grian's wounds were healing relatively well, promising new scars for his array. He fell asleep most nights wrestling with his convictions about the monsters of New Hermiton, though he didn't tell Joel this. That evening, Grian was watching as Joel chopped and stewed one of the ghast tentacles, hoping against hope that this wasn't meant to be supper. The table dripped with the ghast's watery pink blood as Joel began to wipe his hands on a towel, looking satisfied.
"So, when are you gonna get out of my house, birdie?"
Grian continued staring absently at the fleshy lumps of ghast flesh, feeling rather ill. "Eh?"
"You gonna leave or what? Thought you had someone waiting for you," Joel continued casually.
Grian finally tore his gaze away, "What, you're letting me leave?"
"You're not a prisoner mate, I told you I ordered bed rest," Joel sounded rather offended, all things considered.
Grian blinked. "What's the catch?"
"Christ, Tango did a number on you. There's no catch. You seem fine, so off ya pop," Joel paused before saying generously, "If you like, anyway. Otherwise, I could always use a taste tester for my famous ghast sausages."
To Grian, this seemed a worse threat than anything he'd faced thus far. With nothing else to take (Joel, it transpired, had surreptitiously collected his cape and a few of his weapons from the Eighth Circle) Grian went through the usual ritual of snugly hiding his wings and tail, pulling on gloves before opening the door.
Joel followed with all the grace of a host escorting his guest to their departure.
"I - Thanks for everything," Grian said, only slightly grudgingly.
"My pleasure. Don't count on it again," Joel said pleasantly, before grasping Grian's forearm tightly, looking at him sternly.
"Listen and take my advice if you've learnt anything from what happened. Back off. If you want, I think you can even make amends with the Eighth Circle patrons, but if you ever threaten any one of them or me again, I'll watch as Tango and Scar tear you open and eat you alive, literally. They'll make it slow, and I won't intervene," He grinned savagely, "Harpy talons are valuable."
Grian pulled away as a chill twitched his skin and set his feathers prickling uncomfortably. He nodded stiffly, eyes lingering on Joel's before he spun around and strode up the street.
"Oh, Grian?" Joel called.
He turned briefly.
"Ghast tentacles make great jerky, too!"
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vividachromatic · 2 years
hi! could i request a x reader where komaeda kind of confidently confesses to reader and they start dating
(maybe reserve course reader too)?
Note: Soooo, you mean 'confidently', because they are a reserve course student, right? Because otherwise I could never imagine him confessing confident lol
But I actually think his attitude towards reserve course students is really fun to write lol. So I hope this turned out okay!!
Nagito Komaeda x !ReserveCourse Reader
You kinda felt out of place between all those ultimates... but you knew you shouldn't feel like this.
You were invited to a small pool party, hosted by Mahiru Koizumi. She's a really good friend of you. She invited almost her whole class and... they were all really kind!
You were glad, because you hated the stigma regarding the reserve course. All the ultimates you've met until now, have been nice and didn't care about you not having a talent.
Well, almost all of them at least.
You decided not to participate in the weird bet the pink haired guy and the big guy had... something about 'who can drink the most cola and still walk a straight line'
They probably weren't aware that there weren't any drugs in cola... not anymore.
You grimaced. You wanted to sit somewhere calmer.
Thank god, there was someone at the very back, who looked out of place as well. You haven't met him yet, but he looked decent. He had wavy, white hair, and looked really thin. He was the only one with no one sitting near him.
So you easily decided to sit next to that guy. He looked surprised when you sat next to him. "I'm sorry... I can move seats, if you want to..?"
What? "Uhm... no. Why? Do I smell or something?"
"Ah, no no! Of course not! I just didn't expect someone to want to sit next to me by choice."
Did that guy just really hate human contact or did he just have a really shit self-esteem?
"Don't sweat it! That guy's always like that. A real weirdo." The pink haired guy - Kazuichi - said.
"Haha..." that guy chuckled. "Yes, that's true. I'm neither talented or well liked. You'll probably save yourself some time, if you don't start talking to someone like me..."
He smiled bitterly. What did he mean, he wasn’t talented? If that's the case-
"Hey, don't worry! I don't have a talent either. I'm from the reserve course."
You didn't remember seeing him in the reserve course, but if Mahiru invited him, he must be nice.
But it seems like that may have been the wrong thing to say. Because his smile quickly faded. "The Reserve Course, huh?"
"Uh... yeah." you answered hesitantly now. Why did he seem so weird about it?
"You should have said so from the beginning." He sighed.
Hm? What did he mean? But before you could ask, a little guy came strolling to us, with a pot in his hand. "Here comes the Ultimate Chef's famous stew! Ordered by Miss Mahiru Koizumi herself!" He winked at her. She smiled akwardly back.
When he gave everyone a bowl, you quickly forgot about your conversation with that other guy.
He was actually pretty nice. You probably were just sensitive about that topic and wrongly judged his attitude.
He always talked last and immediately stopped talking, when someone else said something.
He also went on a weird ramble about hope and how he doesn't even deserve to be in the presence of everyone.
Hiyoko rolled her eyes and told him to shut up. He did.
And he only started talking again, when someone asked for his opinion.
You felt bad about his self-esteem. He seemed to take this 'not having talent' thing way more serious than you.
At one point, they decided to play a game - some kind of scavenger hunt, that tested their abilities - and needed to split the teams, they were in.
"I think we should just randomly assign the teams... that way there will be no bias!" The white haired guy - Nagito - said.
"Hmmm... I think it'd be better to split the teams equally, based on our strengths" you said. Most people seemed to agree and nodded to you. Nagito slowly turned his head to you.
"...I'm sorry. Did you say something?" He asked coldly. But from his look it was obvious, that he wasn't asking, because he didn't understand you. He was asking to taunt you. His eyes changed, they didn't look like the same eyes, that looked at the ultimates just a second before.
But everyone seemed to ignore him and get along with your idea.
"Whooo, you're so smart Y/N!!!" Ibuki cheered.
The teams eventually split so you were in a team with Sonia, Fuyuhiko and Nagito.
Fortunately, all of them seemed to be pretty capable. You and Nagito did most of the mental work and Fuyuhiko and Sonia the physical.
At one point you and Nagito had different opinions on a riddle. And Nagito's ended up being right.
...of course he would be cocky about it again.
"We wouldn’t have wasted so much of the ultimate's precious time, if you would have just listend to me from the begining Y/N..."
You didn't want to fight and he did have a point, so you simply answered "Yeah, I'm sorry."
"It's alright, I forgive you. It just seems like you temporarily forgot your place. Below me."
You tried to take a deep breath.
'Don't hit him, don't hit him...'
"It is not Y/N's fault! They gave a valuable input to this riddle, that I could not!" Sonia declared, softly.
"Yeah, you're acting different, Nagito. Can't you just go back, to being a different kind of weirdo again?" Fuyuhiko spoke sharply.
So it looks like he didn't normally behave like that... why did he towards you then? Did he hate you? Did you do something?
It wasn't because you're from the reserve course, right? He said he didn't have a talent either...
"Haha, I know what you're thinking right now." He let out a carefree chuckle, as he looked at you.
"I think you misunderstood something... See, even trash like me has an Ultimate talent." He smiled sadly.
What? Then why did he-? What was wrong with that guy?
"I just don't get your attitude. Why do you even dislike me so much? Because I don't have an ultimate talent?" You asked him with an irritated expression.
"Hm? Dislike? I don't dislike you. I actually think, I quite like you." Nagito answered with a shrug.
... What the hell was he saying now? Was he trying to taunt you again?
"But it's only because you at least don't seem to be dumb, so don't get your hopes up too much, alright?" He gave you a closed-eyed smile.
After that evening you wished to never hear from that guy again.
But sadly, you weren't so lucky.
When you visited the classroom to see Mahiru, he always stared at you from the back of the room.
"What's up with him? Is he thinking about how to murder me?" You asked Mahiru. You were seriously weirded out by his dislike towards you.
You knew, you didn't need his approval, but it hurt...
He was not only smart, you also really liked him in some way. If it weren't for his attitude... why can't he just treat you like the others?
"Awww... don't be so harsh. He just has a crush on you."
You deadpanned her. But she laughed. "Really! You know, all he talks about is Y/N this and Y/N that... and it's kinda weird, because nobody else is starting those conversations. He just randomly starts to talk about you."
...what? "Are you sure he doesn’t just talk about how much he hates me?" You asked her kinda annoyed.
"Mhm. He's always talking about the pictures you're drawing. He says, they are way too beautiful to not be given an Ultimate title. He also randomly talks about how he likes your voice, or how situations would resolve much quicker, if you were there."
Now you were more than just a little speechless. She was just pranking you, right? There is no way... he was so rude to you!
You decided to not think too much about someone like him anymore and decided to head home.
But someone stopped you.
Your favorite person!
It was Nagito Komaeda.
You quickly looked around, if there were enough witnesseses. He surely wouldn't kill you in a public place, right?
"Y/N. I... wanted to ask you something."
He looked unsure, so you decided not to push it. "What is it?"
"I want you to go out with me... please."
What? You didn't respond to him and just stared at him for another couple of minutes.
He sighed and looked on the ground.
"See... I don't know why either. I know you don't matter at all. But somehow... I can't stop thinking about you."
The 'I know you don't matter' part didn't really help, but you were still confused. Why the sudden change? If he thinks you're below him?
"I also know, that I can be difficult. I've been told by several people. So, I hope you can see past that, because... I think I really like you."
"Nagito..." you softly shook your head. You didn't want to reject him. And in all honesty, you liked him as well, but...
"Okay. I'll date you." You decided.
You supposed you could work things out with him. He seemed to suffer because of his world view himself... So maybe you could help him through that.
You still sincerely believed, that he was a good person.
Hopefully this will end well...
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Meet Me In the Woods Tonight
This is part of a collaborative project - the writing circle by @azrielshadowssing . Part 1 has been done by @foundress0fnothing and was so wonderfully written. If you haven’t read it already you have to check it out as soon as possible, it was amazing and I really hope I did the storyline justice. A big thank you to @autumndreaming7 for beta-reading this story💛
Part 2:
Eris was sure the spymaster was staring holes into his back when he strutted ahead, over the rusty pine needle carpet beneath him. The weathered trees surrounding them were large, brushed the sky and made the temperature in the forest feel comfortably cool. 
“You know Moreno, you can have a little trust in me.”
Eris could perfectly hear the snort that left his colleague — Azriel Moreno, head of the IT department of VelTech. 
Biting down on his own lip, Eris stopped himself from grinning. God, did he love to annoy his co-worker. For two reasons actually: one was that Azriel Moreno was too much of a brooding person and Eris really wanted to crack through the surface to see what was lurking behind this stoic expression and the cold demeanor. And secondly, Azriel Moreno was damn hot and definitely the most attractive man he had ever seen and god, did he love to tease him.
“I don’t know you, so I don’t trust you,” Azriel answerd matter-of-factly.
Well, that somehow hurt a little, Eris concluded. His thumbs pressed into the map he held in his hands and he stopped, glimpsing at Azriel over his shoulder. “Bummer,” Eris muttered. “Seems like you really weren’t paying attention during team building.”
Azriel slid his hands into the pockets of his pants when he finally met Eris’ gaze. “And you were paying attention because you care or to pass the silly exercise? Short term memory to show off, huh?”
A cold chuckle left Eris at that. “Saved in my long term memory.” He paused for a moment. “You like computers, you have two half-brothers and you have definitely broken more than two bones.”
His brows laying in furrows, Azriel stepped over the pinecones scattered across the path and he walked up to Eris. “You are speaking in riddles.” “No, I am showing you that I paid attention in order to remember things about my colleagues. Other than you I care about what people said during this icebreaker game.”
Eris could practically see how awareness dawned on his colleague, more than earlier during the exercise. For a moment his eyes widened, his lips —god, those plump and perfect lips— parted and Azriel looked stunned. 
“So am I correct?” Eris pushed. He knew he was right, had done enough research on all his co-workers. He was the company’s lawyer, he had to know things. 
“You are,” Azriel grumbled. “You are right.” 
Eris tried to hold his gaze for a little longer but suddenly Moreno looked past him, up a tree and the corner of his mouth curled up.
A warm tingling sensation filled Eris’s chest at that — that damn smile would be his end. That smile was barely there but Eris assumed that it could already light up this rather dark forest. 
It was only when he caught himself that Eris as well looked up to where his partner was looking and—
“Flag,” Eris repeated, his own astonishment just as acute as Azriel’s. 
“Who knew this would be so easy?” Azriel flashed Eris an incredulous look and gave his head a tiny little shake. 
The lawyer smiled brightly. “I told you that you should trust me.”
The head of IT brushed his hand through the air and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “You did nothing, Eris, you just walked straight ahead and we stopped.”
“Maybe we are just a good team and incredibly talented?” 
There was a smirk on Eris’ lips and he loved the sound of ‘we are a team’. 
Even Azriel’s mask broke a little at that and the most adorable snicker left the man. Eris’ heart made a tiny happy skip at that noise and he knew he would love to hear this more often. 
“You are taller, try to reach up and grab it,” Azriel suggested. The two men looked around them, making sure they were really alone and the flag would not be stolen from them. 
Eris watched as Azriel narrowed his eyes at the distance, but they were truly alone. 
Idiots, the lawyer thought, the first flag was so easy to catch but apparently all the others walked in the completely wrong direction. Azriel should really have more trust in him, Eris concluded, but had to admit that finding this first flag was pure luck. 
“Good, I’ll do it.” He liked it that Azriel had obviously been examining him as well. How else would he know that Eris was just a little taller? That made some male pride appear in him, knowing that the head of IT might also be a little attracted and that—
Fuck, did his cheeks just warm? God, that was not good. 
Eris quickly turned his back to Az, nearing the large tree, the flag dangling from one of the branches a little higher up. With narrowed eyes, Eris glanced upwards, looking at the sun covered by branches, tree tops and leaves, and he thought to himself what a lovely day it was.
He took the map in one hand, went onto his tip toes and stretched out to his full length, reaching upwards. His fingers brushed the flag, but it slipped.
“Try again!” Azriel pushed and Eris liked how eager he was. Azriel's sudden determination was attractive and surprising. Where did that come from? 
He reached even further upwards, catching the flag between his middle and index finger, and pulled on it until it was free and he proudly held it in his hand. 
Lowering himself to the ground and looking over his shoulder, he shamelessly caught the head of IT staring at him. Azriel’s lips where slightly parted, eyes darkened, fixed on Eris’ midriff where the shirt had slipped upwards. 
Internally the lawyer thanked himself that he had dragged himself to the gym four days a week and that for the past six months– these abs could definitely be shown off and he loved that Azriel apparently appreciated them.
“Take a picture, it lasts longer,” Eris drawled, drawing Azriel’s attention back to his…mouth. Did Azriel just look at his mouth? Or was he mistaken? Maybe it had been wishful thinking as now Azriel was staring — glowering— straight into his eyes.
“Don’t blabber and rather focus on the map. Where do we have to head next?” “So you do trust me now?” Eris said, smiling brightly. “With the map and leading the way?”
Azriel waved his hand through the air and stalked forward. “Whatever. Just keep going.”
His question why he was so eager and trusted him all of a sudden, Azriel masterfully ignored. And Eris also did not question further, his eyes trained on the map, coordinating the way they would be heading. 
He knew exactly where to go next, but he chose to go a longer route. He just wanted to…he actually did not know what he wanted and why he had chosen the longer route. Maybe spend more time with Az?
He did not really care about winning for the first time in his life. There was now a new priority and that somehow scared him. Especially since he had no idea if Azriel even liked men. Yes, he caught him looking but still…
The second flag was once again surprisingly easy to find and Eris really questioned if Helion should have put more effort into it. This was silly? How was it so easy for them to find the flags - the second one had just been dangling in a bush. 
But he soon got his answer when they started looking for the third. 
The sun moved over their head, signaling them that a lot of time had already passed and so it was time for a little break. They had taken two water bottles along with them and slouched down against trees, taking five minutes to rest a little. 
“Are you and your half-brothers close?” Eris questioned out of the blue, hoping he could make some conversation. He himself had a half brother, Lucien. They had not always had the best relationship but now they were close, very close, just like normal brothers. Lucien was over ten years younger than Eris and so they hadn’t really grown up together - that didn’t matter anymore, they shared similar interests now. 
Azriel’s head lolled back and he just looked at Eris for a long moment, then unscrewed his bottle and took a sip. “No.”
His answer left no room for further questions. It was so cold, so tight, that Eris’ heart squeezed and he felt sympathy for the broody male. 
The lawyer inclined his head slowly and also sipped from his bottle. “Anything you would like to know, Moreno?”
Azriel slowly shook his head and closed his eyes for a moment, relaxing against the tree. 
That landed a little blow to Eris’ heart and he gathered that he might have mistaken Azriel’s former signs. It seemed like the IT male truly had no interest in him. 
Eris himself closed his eyes and leaned back against the tree, listening to the chirping birds around him. 
“Are you married?” 
For a moment, Eris’ blood ran cold, surprise over the sudden question and the topic of it causing him to be caught in a stupor. When he blinked his eyes open, Azriel was already looking at him, his face as stoic as usual. But something —something like fear— flickered in the man’s eyes and Eris wondered where that might come from. 
“I am not, no,” Eris said and added, “I am not in a relationship.”
It seemed like some kind of happiness filled Azriel, his eyes softened a little and the corners of his mouth tipped up the tiniest bit. But Eris could be mistaken again. The head of IT dipped his chin and then brushed his hands down his thighs. “I think we should carry on. We want to win after all, don’t we?” “We do?” “Haven’t you already pointed out that you noticed how eager I am to win?”His tone was on the edge of sly, almost feisty, his eyes sparkling. 
So Azriel was actually paying attention to what Eris said? The lawyer slowly got up, the gleeful smile returning to his face. “I did, but I just wanted to have a confirmation for my observation.”
“Well, you have just received your confirmation. Let’s go!”
And so they kept walking, suddenly so much less distance between them. If Eris only moved his hand a little it would brush Azriel’s and that thought made all rational thoughts vanish from his mind and his heart skip one or the other happy beat. Damn, was he truly falling for Azriel Moreno?  Yeah, he definitely was. 
What was it about this man? Of course, Eris thought, Azriel was very easy on the eyes. He was an extremely good-looking man, there was no doubt about that. But there was more to him – the way he smiled (the few times he did), the way he observed and assessed things, how attractive he looked when he focused on something. When he focused on something with those stunning hazel eyes. They often reminded him of heated honey which again reminded him of Autumn, his favourite season. 
But Eris was not only attracted to Azrie’s looks. There was also more to Azriel’s character, Eris gathered. He somehow knew that Azriel had a soft, warm heart beneath his icy cold demeanor. Eris all of sudden wanted nothing more than to break through this shell and find out what lies beneath it. 
“Why did you ask if I was married?” Azriel lifted one shoulder and shrugged. “Just curious.”
“You could have asked anything.” “Maybe I did not want to know everything. Maybe I just wanted to know that,” Azriel said matter-of-factly, his lips pressed in a thin line when he looked at Eris. 
And there his heart went skipping another beat and Eris had to hold back from chuckling, still a little snicker escaped him and his skin warmed. 
“You only joined the company about two years ago,” Eris pondered and gave Azriel a sideway glance. 
“I worked as a freelancer before. It got too much and Rhysand offered me a job.”
That was the longest Azriel had ever spoken in one answer and Eris liked this — liked that the broody man somehow seemed to get more comfortable. 
“Makes sense.” “It does.” 
Eris smiled to himself, his eyes moving back to the map in his hands. “We should be there in a few steps.”
“And we are not the only ones who are on the right path, I think.” Azriel pointed forward and Eris follows ed the direction of his finger. Still in the distance but getting closer were Rhysand and Feyre, practically running through the woods and this was when also Azriel and Eris — no conversation needed between the two partners— start running. Eris set out for the target, Azriel in tow, following Eris blindly. 
They tried to go unseen by Feyre and Rhys, and it seemed to work. Rhys and Feyre must have made a wrong turn somewhere. 
Cool air wheezed in and out of both their lungs while the dashed over the pine needles covered ground, through the bushes and trees, shielding their faces with their hands. 
They both panted heavily when they came to a stop in front of probably the largest tree and—
“Idiot,” Azriel breathed through gritted teeth, bending over, his hands braced on his thighs, and staring up at the flag that seemed to be around five metres high in the air. Eris followed his gaze, his own hands braced on his hips, his chest heaving with deep inhales. “That is fucking high.”
“It is,” Azriel said and gave his head a little shake. “I gather there is no ladder anywhere nearby?”
“Well, Sherlock, I don't think so either.” And now it was Azriel who smirked, his eyes glowing when they met Eris’. “Are you Watson then?”
Chuckling, Eris gave Azriel the thumbs up. “Works for me. But now we need a plan.”
The lawyer looked around, listening for noises – the crunch of pine needles, the snap of a twig, anything that would signal that someone is close. Feyre and Rhysand were near and it would only be a matter of time for them to arrive. And then he had an idea. 
“I am hoisting you up, Moreno,” Eris suggested. “Or you hoist me up?”
“No.” Azriel’s stare was cold. 
“Then name a better plan?”
It seemed like Azriel’s brain was working on high speed, he fumbled with his fingers, looked up the tree, down to the base of it, then to the other trees, and finally at Eris. Az was looking him up and down, eyes slowly roaming over his body. Eris let him do so, enjoying it somehow, and then said, “When you are done checking out my fine body, tell me about your plan. Or are we going to stay here until Rhys and Feyre steal the flag right in front of our eyes?”
Azriel only glowerd for a moment.“Fuck it.” Azriel clasped his hands together. “Yeah, let’s go with your plan, but I am hoisting you up. I already said you are—“ “Hot and stunning? No, I don’t think you have mentioned that yet.” 
Azriel chuckled lowly. “You really have a silly remark for everything, huh?”
“For you, Moreno, always,” Eris cooed. “Now come here.”
Azriel did as he was told, his feet somehow moving of their own accord. “How am I supposed to lift you up?”
“Curl your arms around my waist and lift me?” 
Azriel raised a brow. 
“Or crouch down and let me climb onto…I don’t know? Your shoulders? Your back?”
“My shoulders?” “Yes, Moreno, you have strong shoulders and a broad back, I am sure you can carry me.”
And that— Did Azriel Moreno truly blush at this comment? He totally did but shrugged it off with a light chuckle and then moved into a crouching position in front of his colleague. 
One could definitely mistake the position they were in for something else. The lawyer found himself rooted to the ground for a hot second, his traitorous brain wandering to a dark place where Eris imagined them being in that sort of position in his office with Azriel–
Fucking hell!, Eris internally cursed himself and his hand formed a fist at his side. He definitely had to get a grip on himself - they after all wanted to win this. 
So Eris quickly walked behind Azriel, placed the map and his bottle on the ground and…hesitated.
He was going to touch him, would get closer to him than he possibly ever thought he might. This was odd. How would even he touch him now? Where? 
His hands slowly lowered to the crouched male in front of him, paused, then moved again, palms ever so softly touching Azriel’s shoulders when he reached him. He wondered how someone’s shoulders could be so solid and soft at the same time, and he curled his fingers around them, slowly nearing Azriel who smelled so blissfully sweet like cologne, a little woodsy like cedar, but also fresh like peppermint and just a tiny little bit musky, maybe from the sweat? Eris inhaled once and then climbed onto his colleague’s back and that was strange. 
Azriel’s body stiffened when Eris moved fully onto him and he braced his feet on the ground, slowly standing up with his colleague on his back.
Cocking his head, he tried to look back at Eris, “You alright?”
“Perfect,” Eris hummed, smiling brightly while practically every fiber in his body was on high alert, his skin tingling where it was in contact with Azriel’s. He suddenly felt the urge to brush his hand through Azriel’s silken strands and that was so…so out of place in that moment, so he fought the urge. 
Azriel moved them closer to the tree but it was useless, Eris could not reach it. Azriel tumbled slightly, moving backwards and forwards, trying to steady himself again. 
“Change of plan.” Azriel stepped away from the tree and crouched down again so Eris could climb down. “Let’s build a leg-up. I am hoisting you up that way.”
That could work, Eris thought, and Azriel’s plan was quite good. Well, it was quite good until Azriel first came face to face with Eris' groin and then Azriel’s face was pressed against Eris thigh. Azriel’s heels pressed into the ground, using all his strength and power to hold his colleague up, breathing in and out through his mouth. Eris could practically feel Azriel’s strength and god, that was once again incredibly attractive. 
Eris could not focus on a single thing but his strength…and his low, guttural sounds when breathing in and out. But he had to reach the flag — Azriel wanted to win this after all, so they had to win. What the hell? the lawyer thought to himself and internally smacked himself in the face. They wanted to win, he was not doing this just for Azriel, was he?
But he reached it, pulled on it and freed the flag. Azriel let him down and both men —typical male behaviour— released a victory shout. Eris lifted his hand and Azriel gave him a high-five, both of them grinning brightly and—
Was Azriel truly grinning? Eris couldn’t really believe his eyes, but he relished in the moment, devoured it, euphoria filling his chest — his whole body.
Azriel looked a little ruffled, his shirt had moved a little, revealing some of the stunning tattoos on his chest, his hair was ruffled, his cheeks a deep red. 
“Can you believe we got all four of them?”
“As I said we are the best team and very talented.”
“We really are,” Azriel hummed and clapped his hands. “And now?”
“Now we go back, show that we did it, celebrate our win and then—“ Eris grinned, his face glowing brighter than the sun herself. 
“And then?” Azriel chuckled and raised his brow. Amusement was etched into his features.
“Then you are allowed to kiss the winner.” Azriel’s lips parted, surprise spreading over his face. Chuckling lowly, he shook his head. “You are so full of shit, Vanserra.”
“So no kiss?”
azris taglist: @azrielsbabyg@lady-riel@moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt @brekkershadowsinger @ladyelain @banasheefan56
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sailorpurr · 19 days
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☆ Riley: Voice-Overs
About the Vision: “My Vision is Cryo. It is very useful on hot days at sea. But if the Gods asked my opinion, I would prefer Anemo. Then, with the blessing of Anemo Archon, our ship could sail even faster.” More about Riley: “Reading the constellations is important knowledge for any sailor. You will never get lost if your map is always above your head.” More about Riley II: “Believe it or not, as a child, I was afraid of swimming. It's even funny to be reminded of it now.” About Tartaglia: “Sparring with him was one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me. This man reminds me of the sea, whose waves are also calm, but sometimes they are really difficult to conquer. Did you know that if you freeze his blades, they become even more dangerous? No wonder I lost that duel. But it gave me the inspiration to improve my cryo abilities in a more creative way. I've learned a couple of new tricks since then, so hopefully I can last longer than 10 minutes in our new duel.” About Lisa: “Miss Lisa? Well, who doesn't know her? When I was a child, she recommended to me the legendary series about the adventures of the sailor Salty, and I read them until late into the night. Perhaps this gave me a little inspiration to become a sailor. This and the desire to see the world.” About Venti: “The music of this bard is very inspiring. When I come back to Mondstadt I like to go to the Angel's Share and enjoy his performance.” About Albedo: “Albedo, huh? I have heard about the talents of this alchemist, but I do not know him personally. But his assistant, Sucrose, is a kind soul, and I always bring her plants from all over the world.” About Sucrose: “I have five older sisters, but I consider Sucrose to be the sixth. She is a shy girl, but if you are patient with her, she will reveal her kind heart and sharp, inquisitive mind to you.” About Bennett: “This guy is always unlucky, but I consider myself lucky to know him.” About Thoma: “I had a friend when I was a kid, we used to be neighbors. We were inseparable, but one day he left to visit his father in Inazuma and we haven't seen each other since. I miss him, I hope he's okay.” ☆ Personal details Riley's Hobbies: “You're asking about my hobby? Well, I like to draw. People's smiles when I hand them their portrait is my greatest reward. Each person is beautiful in their own way. I like to notice people's kindness and portray their inner beauty with the help of my drawings.” Favourite drink: “It's wine. Why are you so surprised? I'm from Mondstadt, after all.” Favorite Food: “I love pies. I like the fact they’re easy to prepare and transport, and that they’re very tasty, of course.” Least Favorite Food: "I often get tired of seafood on long voyages.” Special dish "Smoked Meat Pie": "My mother always makes me this pie on those rare days when I come home."
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Thanks to @rayanaworks for the art ♥ Thanks to Venefica Vespera for the card design ♥
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lollytea · 10 months
I originally started following after the first trolls movie.
You haven't posted trolls in the while and maybe you don't keep up with the media at all.
but if you do, it would scratch an itch in my brain.
What do you think of Guy Diamond's son, Tiny Diamond? Like Jade vs Tiny Diamond is kind of a whiplash huh?
What do you think of branch's brothers????? I'm just so curious b/c ur headcanon content is very tasty to me.
Haha! All of my trolls brainrot has been effectively purged. The kind of things that I'm interested in have varied so far elsewhere that I really can't sink my teeth into this franchise the way I did when I was 19. Its a universe that doesn't really take itself all that seriously and functions on saccharine surrealism, which is fun to watch for an hour and a half, but I can't really get invested in it. Its just not what I vibe with anymore. And if I'm just not interested in staying long in the world the characters inhabit, I'm just not gonna think about it much.
But! I do watch the new trolls movies when they come out, mostly cuz I love Poppy and Branch and its always nice to see them again. I appreciate that they've remained three-dimensional characters throughout all three films, and their wide range of emotions are taken seriously, in spite of the overall goofy tone of the movies. And as I said, the world itself can be fun to sit in for an hour and a half.
Nobody needs to know my overall thoughts on trolls 3. But the short version is that I didn't really like it and will probably never watch it again. But there was a lot of talented designers, writers, animators etc. involved and I like to appreciate the bits of magic they brought to it.
Tiny Diamond is....certainly a bit. His character is just. Being a bit. It's not a bit I find all that funny (baby with a grown man voice), so I really don't feel anything about it. Except for Guy Diamond giving birth out of his head, like the King of the Gods, producing his noble daughter Athena. I feel a lot of indescribable emotions about that.
Diversity win! The trolls franchise has mpreg!
Anyway, point is, Tiny Diamond was the first of MANY characters that the sequel films fired at us. It's made it all feel....a bit crowded. There's just a lot of bitches to keep track of. And they dump all of them out in front of you in the span of one film that it's hard to get particularly attached to any of them.
I don't even have anything to say about Jade, except I was transparently more into the characters than the world when I was 18/19. Jade was an OC that existed (almost) solely in the Human AU. I didn't give a shit about troll Jade obviously. I didn't develop him all that well and have no real emotional attachment to him anymore, so I don't really feel anything about Tiny Diamond becoming his Canon counterpart. Tbh I think it gave me an interesting glance in the mirror. With Jade, I had strayed very very far from the trolls' goofy ridiculous vibe. The introduction of Tiny Diamond was a humbling experience agsbdjnk.
I quite like Branch's brothers! It's the kind of info that makes me wish they revealed Branch had brothers seven years ago when I was going absolutely insane about trolls. I love sibling relationships. I would have had so much fun with it. Like throwing new toys into a baby's playpen.
But unfortunately the info has dropped in 2023 and I am 25. Sad face.
But still, Branch's brothers are neat. I like that their designs are all distinct but they still have the family resemblance you'd expect of brothers. I like that John and Bruce are fat. I like that Clay is all gangly and peaky looking. I like that they're all well meaning but kinda unintentionally dickish for refusing to acknowledge Branch as anything but a baby. I like that Floyd was a very sweet nurturing big brother and Branch still has a soft spot for him twenty years later. I like that Floyd is a twink. Yippee.
I think Bruce is my favourite, mostly cuz I had the most fun during his segment of the film. I love the puppet land. I love his big puppet wife and puppet children.
To be honest, as soon as I finished watching the movie, I began losing memories of it at a rapid rate. This is just what I remember. Okay byeeee <33
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