#yeah I do actually think your country is “backwards” if it doesn’t guarantee the same freedoms and protections to all of its citizens!
feuilletoniste · 6 months
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I dislike the vibes of this post in its entirety but this part stuck out to me the most. This is a prime example of the “noble savage” mentality—the idea that homophobic and transphobic laws or mores cannot originate because all societies throughout all of history have been homophobic and transphobic (even the ones with higher levels of recognition of queer and trans people!), but that these bigotries were brought to people by white Western colonialism. Obviously that is not true—countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East have had discriminatory laws or practices for just as long as those in America or Europe—but it becomes a useful scapegoat to excuse the fact that Western countries have almost universally legalized homosexuality and marriage equality, as opposed to the rest of the world.
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hqprotectionsquad · 5 years
Studying (Tsukishima x Reader)
Title: Studying Ship: Tsukishima x Reader Word Count: 5,092 Summary: You are failing Calculus and your teacher recommends you to ask the only person in the class passing to tutor you. That person being Tsukishima Kei, the most unapproachable person ever. A/N: cross posted from my Wattpad!
There is no way you'll pass Calculus by the time you needed to take exams. Why did you even decide to take this class? It is an optional course because you are a second-year student, and yet you decided to torture yourself into enrolling in the difficult class.
There is only twelve students in the class, and nearly half of the students are failing and the other half are barely passing. Of course, the one exception to this ultimatum is Tsukishima Kei, the only other second-year in Suzuki-sensei's class. The brooding second-year squints and glares at anyone who came even ten feet within him. It is almost as if purple waves of gloominess surrounded the corner he sat in.
After class, Suzuki-sensei pulls you aside before you can exit the classroom. "(Y/N), can I speak to you?"
While you furrow your brows at him, you still comply, asking, "Yes, is something wrong?"
"Well, to be honest, your grades are not good. They are among the worst in the class."
"I know, I know," you say, running a hand through your hair. "I'll do better next test, I promise. Nothing to worry about then, sensei."
"But I want to make sure you are understanding the material correctly, so I'd like you to arrange a study session with Tsukishima," Suzuki-sensei proposes and your face nearly falls to the ground.
You begin to chuckle, but your teacher doesn't seem to feel the same way, so you straighten up. "Sensei, I don't know if you understand, but Tsukishima-san is hardly anyone's friend. He wouldn't agree, even if you gave him a million yen," you protest wholeheartedly.
"Why don't you just give it a try? If you have trouble approaching him and after you've tried, of course, let me know and I'll speak to him. You never know, you might just be surprised by what can happen." Suzuki-sensei sounds hopeful, but for what reason?
Damn him, Suzuki-sensei isn't taking no for an answer, you think to yourself. "Okay, I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee anything. Thank you for looking after me, sensei." You bow your body slightly forward to show respect. Not many teachers would go out of their way to arrange tutoring, or at least, arrange the initiation of tutoring.
"You're welcome, (Y/N). I suggest you go off now, try to find him before his practice begins." He shoos you off, flicking his hands into the direction of the door.
After another small bow, you head in the direction of the Karasuno volleyball gym, where the boys' volleyball team has played ever since Takeda-sensei became the faculty advisor for the group. You inch towards the covered area before the door and by now, you know it's better not to interrupt. Although your mind says no, your eyes can't help but to say yes. You're like a secret agent, peeking along the side of one of the doors, even though the other one is wide open.
"Kageyama!" A boy with a fiery set of locks yells and his cries bounce off the walls of the whole room. Up he goes, and you're actually nervous for him. The second boy pushes the ball up into the air and slam! The hand of the first boy knocks it down despite the people blocking him. The ball connects with the floor and is sent straight up into the air afterwards.
"All right!" The boy named Kageyama high-fives the redhead after their combination.
"Did you need something?" Someone's voice interrupts the focused aura. Their body disrupts your vision of the court.
"I-I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if Tsukishima was here and then I became amazed by all the playing." You shrink within yourself; the boy—no, that is a whole man—laughs and you can't help but to chuckle nervously along.
"You should have just come in. I wouldn't have noticed you otherwise." He motions a hand toward you and you make your way inside the gym, which looks much larger now that you're in it. "I'm Sawamura Daichi, one of the assistant coaches of the Karasuno volleyball team."
"It's nice to meet you Sawamura-san. My name is (Y/N) (L/N)." You tilt your head to the side. He has a familiar face, but you aren't sure if you recognized him from the team. "Didn't you play last year?"
"Yes, and now I'm in the university nearby, but when I have some free time, Coach Ukai uses me and Azumane-san to be extra authority, especially during the games."
"Ah..." You nod your head and lean back against the wooden paneling. You look at the scrimmage unfolding in silence, and Tsukishima plays every second of it until the bell blows for the teams to have a five minute break. The manager—Yachi, who is in the same class as you; unfortunately, she doesn't take Calculus though—passes out small towels and squirting water bottles.
You take this chance to approach Tsukishima, but again, the purple waves of gloominess surround him like a wall. You stutter-step backwards when someone jumps in front of you.
"Hi! I'm Hinata! Are you going to be one of our managers?" The redhead from before is now in your line of walking. He jumps out of his skin, noticing something you don't, at least right away. "Wait, you're taller than me! And you're, you're a girl!"
You rub the back of your neck, realizing that you see above his orange tips. You are just blessed to have taller parents, which is a little rare in the country of Japan, but aren't you glad for it? You are only an inch taller though. "Yeah, I am, but, er, I'm not going to be a manager. I just need to speak to Tsukishima."
That is one of the mistakes you made.
"Tsukishima!" Hinata screeches at the top of his lungs. It takes all the will of your being to not smack him because you don't know him like that. Is he a first-year? You haven't seen him around campus, though maybe that's because Karasuno is a large school and you mostly keep to your own class. Or maybe a talented primary student...
"Are you a primary student?" You ask.
That is your second mistake.
The whole team bursts into laughter and Hinata's face contorts into a series of frowns. "N-no! I'm a second-year! Like you! I'm just two classes below you!" He crosses his arms over his chest.
"I've never seen you before though..."
Suddenly, a dark presence creeps into your circle. You look up and shrink to Hinata's size.
"(Y/N)..." Tsukishima's voice lowers as he looks around in confusion.
You wave slightly, your hand retracting to your shoulder. You lead him to the side where no one can really see you. You are already bothering the team and preventing them from practice. "Uh, hi, Tsukishima." And so the word vomit commences and your stomach starts turning and at this point, you're saying whatever your mouth allows, "I don't really mean to interrupt you or anything, but Suzuki-sensei is asking if you could tutor me in Calculus since I'm," your voice drops to a whisper, "failing."
His whole composure changed. "Oh, are you now?" He cocks his eyebrow at you. This is the first time you've been close enough to even notice his eyes; they're golden-brown and a shine washes over them as the sunlight hits in the right place. You don't see that everyday. "Is he asking or are you asking?"
You mutter under your breath, "I'm asking."
"Sorry, I couldn't hear you." That smug shit-eating grin on his face is the most taunting thing you've ever seen. This is the most you've ever spoken to him and yet he acts as if you've been pals the whole time.
You roll your eyes and purse your lips into a thin line. You don't want to feed into his ego and that is never your intention. "Whatever. I'll talk to you later, you're busy now." You turn to leave and while your greatest fantasies overcame your brain, they never came to fruition. Nobody came after you, no one called your name.
So you keep going.
"Wait! (Y/N)!" Hinata calls after you. Of course, the kid that you offended comes after you but not the boy you actually needed to speak to. When he skids to a stop, just mere inches in front of you, he heaves a sigh while he presses his palms to his knees. Straightening up, he says, "Tsukki just doesn't understand. Sorry about him."
"It's okay, he's just dense. I just really need to talk to him about—"
"Oh, I get it!" Hinata jumps in place with a grin.
"You do?" You turn your head at the thought. Maybe he also needs help with his math homework.
"You want to confess to him!" The funny thing is that he says this without a lace of malice. Pure curiosity wipes over his face. He sure jumps to conclusions.
"I," you shake your head at the ground with a chuckle. You look back at him with a smile. "No, that's not it."
"Then what is it?" Hinata asks. He's a puppy, you think to yourself. Is he really in the same year as me?
You double-down for a boy you don't even know with a sigh. "I'm failing a class so I need him to tutor me."
His lips form an "o" as he bows from the waist. "Sorry for taking it out of context. Though, you know, Tsukki isn't really the best tutor to seek. Kageyama and I asked him for help last year and he, er, pooped?" Hinata shrugged his shoulders. "He pooped on us the whole time until we sought out Yachi-san."
"I see." You scratch your chin in thought, ignoring Hinata's substitution of words. "He's probably the only person I could ask for help, though. He's the only person in my class who is passing with an acceptable grade. At least that's what I assume, otherwise Suzuki-sensei wouldn't recommend him to me."
"I can talk to him for you!" Hinata speeds off back into the gym and you grab onto his wrist. His squirms in your grip.
"Hinata, please don't do that." After all, the boy with the golden eyes slithered his way into your heart at some point, despite his elusive nature. Perhaps you could take the time to confess to him, at some point.
"Okay, fine," he pouts with his bottom lip sticking out. "Would you like to stay for practice? Maybe you can become a manager after all, if Suzuki-sensei and Takeda-sensei allow for it. I miss having two managers. Our old one, Kiyoko-san, she was as tall as you..." While he steamrolls through, you nod and smile, even though you are not paying attention to him.
By the time you two are back, the team seems like they're in another game. "Hey, Hinata?" You tap his shoulder. "Are you guys just playing practice games?"
"For now, yeah! It's a good way to become better." Hinata bows to his coach for being gone for too long and before you know it, he introduces you to Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei. You bow to them and they offer for you to stand next to Yachi, who tells you more about the plays they are making.
"They all have little hand signals they've learned that they place behind their back to let the other players know what they expect to do," Yachi explains with a grin on her face. She looks elated that while she just became a manager last year, she is picking up the mechanics of the sport very well.
"I see." It feels like this nod has been wired into your brain, as it's one of hundreds of the day or week. "And how will they know which person will spike or attack?"
"That's what the practice is for: they'll figure out which combinations work out best! Between you and me," her voice lowers. "the team can get a little rough when Hinata and Kageyama are on separate sides of the court like they are for this set. They're both great, but they're even better together.
"I noticed that. And what about Tsukishima, what position does he play?"
"He's a middle blocker, like Hinata."
That statement shocks you. "But they're so drastically different in height!"
Yachi giggles at you. "You're right, (Y/N), but Hinata makes up for it in his jumps, for sure."
You grin, not knowing what else to say. Soon enough, the practice finishes with the students bowing to Takeda-sensei and Coach Ukai. For some reason, it doesn't surprise anybody that many of them stay after for more practice. After two hours of constant gameplay, they still want to work on their personal tricks? You silently commend them for that.
"(Y/N)," Tsukishima says as he sidles up right next to you, the sheen from his perspiration glistening on his forehead. "Can you wait for me so I can change and we can talk? I can bring you home."
Wow, this day is nothing short of surprises, but you manage to say, "Sure."
Hinata comes up to nudge you after Tsukishima heads off to the locker rooms. "I saw that, (Y/N)!"
"What?" The side of your eye makes contact with his and Hinata's face falls.
"You're just like him, oh my goodness. You two would be scary together."
You roll your eyes, showing off your toothy grin to ease the aura. "What were you going to say, Hinata?"
"I was going to say that I saw Tsukishima offer to bring you home and I've never seen him do that before with anyone. He usually walks with Yamaguchi-san before he goes off into his own direction." Hinata wiggles his eyebrows and teases, "You must be special then."
"Pfft, hardly," you comment. "Probably the opposite. Maybe he just wants to be nice because I stayed for the whole practice when I could have gone home." You attempt to rationalize the situation, but what Hinata's saying has some truth in it, you have to admit.
Not long after, Tsukishima guides you to leave as he arrives in his school uniform again with Somy headphones cradling his neck.
"You don't stay for more practice?" You ask, pointing back with your thumb toward the gym.
"Usually, I do." Tsukishima shrugs as you begin walking off the school campus. "Just not today."
"Er, why not?" You look up to him. He is half a foot taller than you, but it feels like a lot more. His gaze is even with some of the tree branches and you can bet that his long arms can reach even higher. "I live by Satō Park."
"I do too," he begins. "I didn't have a reason to stay today." So it isn't because he wanted to be kind and bring you home, but at least he was kind enough to bring you home.
After walking in silence, you bring up your Calculus problem. "Can I ask you to tutor me in your free time? Suzuki-sensei would like you to tutor me."
Tsukishima walks more, but he has a look of contemplation rather than seeming like he is purposefully ignoring you. "Why would he only ask you to be tutored, (Y/N)?" His question comes out all of a sudden.
"What do you mean?" Your eyebrows knit together. "He must have—"
"No one else approached me for tutoring, but I know I have the highest grade in the class. There's no doubt about that."
"Well, when you say it that way," you roll your eyes at his confidence. "I just don't understand why he would only ask me to ask you. It just doesn't make any sense."
"Eh, maybe it does in his head." Tsukishima rubs the back of his neck and looks off to the distance where the trees gather in one area. It seems like he was embarrassed by something? How odd, but you don't think too much of it. Looking back at you, not a single trace of emotion covers his face. "Anyway, I guess I can tutor you."
"Thank you!" You exclaim, stopping to squeeze your arms around him for a quick second before you realize what you were doing. "I'm sorry about that, Tsukishima-san. I didn't realize what I was doing."
He stands there, frozen. He glanced at your face and sizes you up from head to toe. "It's okay." He shoved his hands in his pockets and continued to move.
You need to rush forward to catch up with his darn long legs and when you do, you turn your head up at him. "Did I make you uncomfortable?"
"No," but Tsukishima has nothing else to say other than "Let me just bring you home."
You know that he doesn't want to speak anymore, but it really settles in when he places his headphones over his ears and you can even hear the music blasting despite the cushioning. So this is how it's going to end, you think. You'll just become his "student" and after you get better grades, he'll revert back to the menacing creature in the corner.
He brings you home, bowing to your mother after he apologizes for the fact you're home late, and placed his headphones back on his ears as if they never left that position.
"Who was he?" Your mother asks with a mischievous glint dancing across her eyes.
"Just a boy who'll help me with math."
Suzuki-sensei comes up to you early the next morning and wonders if you've spoken to Tsukishima about tutoring sessions.
"I have," you say and this brings a pleased smile to his face. "We'll start lessons soon," you keep talking to appease your teacher even though you and Tsukishima haven't decided anything yet.
"I'm glad to hear that, Ms. (L/N). Our next test will be next week on Wednesday. Hopefully I'll see an improvement!" Suzuki-sensei grins and sends you off on your way.
"Thank you," you skulk away without giving too much away. Is there much hope for even a passing grade in that class?
You find your way back to your seat and someone's already waiting there for you.
"Oh, Tsukishima, good morning." Your voice comes out as more of a whisper. "What are you doing here?"
He leans against the window, against the shining light, and you couldn't just not stare at him. He looks stunning in the sunlight. You wonder what he'd look like in the moonlight, how his features were probably even more accentuated then, probably.
"Let's set up a date for tutoring." He uses the word date, who uses that word for tutoring?!
"Uh, sure," you agree. "When's a good day for you? Suzuki-sensei told me our test will be on Wednesday of next week."
"If you can wait everyday after my practice, then we can do everyday." He seems eager even under his cool composure.
"I don't really think that's necessary." You find yourself laughing with a nervous edge. "I know I'm failing, but everyday is a lot. Plus, you could use that time to practice."
"If you're going to learn, you should at least learn all the way," Tsukishima debates with a look that screams isn't that obvious? It's a look that makes chills skip down your spine.
"Alright, then." You frown at the ground. "I'll watch your practices with Yachi-san then."
Tsukishima shrugs and nods, going back to his seat. Your gaze follows his every step, up until he matches your eyes when he slides into the chair. You drag your eyes to your bag, pulling things out to your desk. Jeez, only a day of fully speaking with him and he's already taking up every piece of my mind!
Each day goes by with you going to school, but life is a lot more livelier. For starters, Tsukishima actually speaks to you, even outside of tutoring. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima offer to have lunch with you on some days, although they just remain in the classroom until the lunch period is over.
At the end of practice on Monday, two days before the test, Tsukishima quickly gathers his things and heads off to the locker room without a word. Yamaguchi comes to your side and smiles. Now that you're noticing, his freckles are much more prominent the closer he comes toward you.
"Er, (Y/N)-san, I was wondering," he presses his fingers together and his smile disappears as he presses his lips into a line. "Would you be interested in becoming a manager for our team? You're here all the time, and since you don't do any other activity, I bet Yachi-san would appreciate your help."
"I want to," the words come from your mouth and even you're surprised to hear them. "I think it would be a great experience. I've enjoyed getting to know all of you even though I've only come to your practices a few times now."
Yamaguchi's worries dissipate. "That's, er, I'm glad to hear that," he finally says after finding the right words. "Tsukki will be happy to hear that."
"Oh, (Y/N), are you ready to go?" Tsukishima arrives with his bag in his hand and his headphones in its typical place.
"Yes." And so you and Tsukishima go in your merry way.
"What were you talking to Yamaguchi about?" For once, he actually pays attention to you and the fact that his golden gaze is on you flares your cheeks ever so slightly. You keep your eyes forward none the less.
"Yamaguchi suggested that I think about becoming a manager for the team if Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei allow for it. I already spend my time at your practice and Yachi-san has been teaching me a lot. Plus, I think Hinata wants to show me a few moves too." You look to what's ahead, the open road, an entire world of possibilities. "Of course, I can't do anything about it until I become academically stable."
"Right, of course." You can't help but to notice the slightest bit of discontent line his voice. "Well, let's do something about that then."
Tsukishima has been diligently training you on the formulas and problems that will appear on the next test. You have to admit, with the guided instruction, you no longer shy away when Tsukishima asks for an answer; you provide and justify. It gives you the most satisfying rush. You need to hope, however, that this confidence transcends to the actual exam because otherwise, you're screwed.
Each day, you have been alternating between your living rooms. Tsukishima's mother and brother are a spitting image of him, minus the glasses. His family is absolutely the kindest, which makes you wonder why he's so serious at school. He finds out that you're actually a quarter American, which contributes to your height as well as your excellent English skills. What he doesn't know is that your mom consistently asks why you two aren't dating after he takes his leave, whether that be from your house or from the doorstep after dropping you off.
"Mom!" You would gasp. "I've barely been talking to him for two weeks! He's been in my class but this really is the first time I've interacted with him."
"I see," your mom taps your nose. "Can't deny that your eyes give it all away. You don't have to even say anything to him. If he knows, then he'll be able to tell by your eyes."
What your mom said still shakes you to your core and it remains on repeat like a broken record in your head.
Tsukishima's touch on your shoulder brings you out of your thoughts and it's the first time you really stare into his eyes and his into yours. It's mesmerizing to say the least. You tear your eyes away and find something else to look at. "Did you listen to me, (Y/N)? I asked if you'd rather go to my house today. I remember you saying that your parents had an event going on."
"I completely forgot about that. Yeah, let's go to your house." You shake your head and allow Tsukishima to lead the way, but at this point, you could honestly lead your way there too.
At the door, Tsukishima's mom greeted you right away. "Ah, (Y/N)! Welcome!" She says as you take off your shoes. She is wearing an apron that looks very cute.
"Thank you for having me again, Tsukishima-san. I like your apron!" You compliment her and she appears ecstatic.
"Please call me Oba-san, (Y/N)!" Tsukishima's mom warmed up to you on the first day you came to study at their house and you always feel at home in their living space. "And thank you! Would you like to stay for dinner? I'm making curry tonight."
You would hate to turn down an invitation to eat, and you look to Tsukishima for some kind of answer but all he does is shrug. "It should be okay with my parents. I'll just let them know quickly." When you text your family group chat, all they do is respond with a thumbs-up emoji. "They said it's okay, Oba-san." The familiarity of the address sounds weird on your tongue but since his mom asked for her to call her that, you don't want to seem rude.
"(Y/N) and I are going to study now. Just let us know when dinner is." Tsukishima runs a hand through his hair and leads you to his room before his mom talks to you more.
"She's never usually like this. She wasn't even like this with my brother's girlfriends," Tsukishima sighs as he plops onto the ground.
"Why the change in setting?" You usually study in the living room, no matter whose house you go to. Your heart races as you step into the unknown; what will he say next? Is it something important?
"Oh, it's nothing," words rush out of his mouth. "Just, er, making sure that my mom doesn't bother us. Once she starts going, she won't stop. You already know."
"I get it. My mom only keeps to herself because I ask her to. She'd be like your mom too if I didn't say anything." You giggle as you pull out your notebook and set it to your right. "Let's start?"
"Before we start, I need to tell you something." Maybe this is the important thing!
"Yes?" You don't need a heart monitor to tell you that your heart is beating out of your chest.
Tsukishima rubs his hand over his lips and mutters something. His face blazes brighter than the sun.
"I couldn't hear you, Tsukishima."
"Damn it. It's fine. It's whatever, let's just start." Tsukishima takes his textbook out aggressively.
"No, it's not whatever. I just couldn't hear you, Tsukishima. I want to know what you were saying." For once in your life, you are firm in your stance, and no matter what he will say next, you try to steady your brain for it.
He shakes his head at the floor and keeps looking down. "I like you, (Y/N)," he whispers to the ground. It takes guts to admit something like that, especially for someone like him who is so hard inside.
"You, you do?" You decide to risk it and let your fingers run against his hand and the flecks in his eyes are visible once again. "I like you too. In that way."
Now it is his turn to repeat, "You do?" He cocks his head to the side. "Why?"
"What do you mean why? You're nice and kind to me. Ever since you walked me home after I stayed for your practice, I found myself tugging toward you," you brazenly admit. After all, since you've gotten the tough part out of the way, you might as well tell him how you feel all the way, right?
"Really?" Tsukishima still finds himself in disbelief and furrows his eyebrows. "That sounds impossible." He adjusts his glasses and shakes his head. He is so dense-headed for a person who is so intelligent.
"But it's true." You grin. "Was this why you wanted to study in your room instead?" You smirk at him and he looks so uneasy under your supervision.
"I mean, I guess." He shies away and he covers his mouth and turns the other way, but you can see his neck redden. How cute!
You sit there, not knowing what to do, and so you just smile. Maybe Suzuki-sensei had a point. You can always be surprised by anything. "Thanks for telling me, Tsukishima."
"You're welcome," he concludes after regaining his composure. "We could, we could, er..." He loses his train of thought. "We could make these study dates?"
"I'd like that a lot, actually. But we probably shouldn't tell our moms. They seem kind of obsessed. Sure as hell my mom is." You mumble the last sentence.
"What was the last thing you said?" He begins laughing and this is the first time you've seen him lower his guard fully.
"What, that our moms are obsessed?"
"No, not that. The last thing."
"Oh," you bow your head with your cheeks flaming up. "My mom asks why we haven't started dating because she can see it in my eyes that I like you."
"Wow." Tsukishima gapes but nothing comes out. He slides his glasses off and sets it off to the side delicately.
"Tsukishima, I really do like you a lot."
"Then, let me see it in your eyes." He scoots closer to you and your knees bump. His eyes contain so many emotions: doubt, confusion, even hope, and the slightest bit of lust sparkles within his pupils.
Impulsiveness mask your senses, but you still ask with a shy undertone. "Can I see it in your hands?" You outstretch your arms to match his fingers to yours. His hands are so large and the ends of your fingers reach the last notch of his knuckle. "I like your hands," you blurt out. Your face scrunches in the center from your embarrassment, but you still lace your fingers through the gaps nevertheless. This act is a refuge from real life, yet you know this isn't a dream because you can hear Oba-san yelling that it's time for dinner.
Tsukishima reluctantly pushes himself off the ground and offers a hand to you. To your surprise, he intertwines your fingers together while you stand side by side and again his eyes are on you. This time, you actually look back. "I like this," He adds softly before he pulls back. "Later."
Later can't come soon enough.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 years
Too Deep
Switch AU
Oh boy, this is a fairly long one. Not too long, but it all focuses on basically one of our boys: Jackie. After the last story, he has some things to deal with. How does someone adjust to regular life after everything that’s happened? Well, perhaps Jackie doesn’t deal with it in the best way, but he’s figuring it out. I had fun with this chapter, so I hope you guys have fun reading it!
More of this AU found here
Jackie woke up to sunlight coming through the window. The curtains were open, letting the sun brighten the room. He’d asked Rama to leave them open all the time, but they’d been a little concerned about people looking through the bedroom windows. The two of them agreed to keep them closed at night but open during the day. Jackie was a little worried about that at first, but it worked out. 
Glancing at the clock, Jackie noted that it was about 11:30 a.m. Well, he couldn’t just lie in bed all day. Yawning, he sat up and stretched, throwing away the covers and standing up. Quickly, he rummaged through the clothes in his drawer, pulling out some new ones. He pulled the curtains mostly-closed, then backed up into the corner to quickly get dressed. That involved taking off his red hoodie, changing clothes, then putting his hoodie back on. He instinctively started to finger-comb his hair before remembering that JJ had cut it for him a week ago. Which he was really grateful for, of course, even if it had taken a while to get used to the feel of short hair.
Taking a deep breath, Jackie grabbed his glasses, putting them on before opening the curtains again and leaving the room. Upon walking out into the hallway, he immediately picked up on the sound of voices. And froze. One of them he recognized as Rama’s, but the other was strange. It sounded female. Jackie shook his head, and took another deep breath. He headed towards the living room, poking his head through the doorway.
Rama was there, chatting with a blonde woman he vaguely recognized. They immediately noticed him, and smiled, waving him over. “Hey, Jackieboy. How’re you?” They gestured to the woman. “You remember Ms. Davidson, right?”
“Um, kind of?” Jackie said quietly. He didn’t know her name, but he sort of remembered her face. “Weren’t you...the one who brought me to the hospital?���
“That was me. And please, just call me Stacy.” Despite being on almost the other side of the room, Stacy held out her hand for a handshake. When Jackie didn’t move, she slowly lowered it. “I always wanted to check up on you after that first day, but I’ve been so busy. When I finally got the time, you’d been checked out. But I got your address from that lovely Dr. Green, and thought I’d pop in today. Your...spouse—” She glanced over at Rama to see if that was the right word to use, and they nodded. “—told me you were still asleep, and, well, we got to chatting. How are you feeling?”
Jackie couldn’t shake the feeling that this was a trap. Distorter’s tricks and illusions had never been this elaborate, but he still couldn’t get rid of the lingering doubt. After a too-long moment of silence, he decided on being nice, but not too enthusiastic. “Still dealing with everything, but better,” he said, trying to put some cheer in his voice. “At least I don’t need to use the cane as much anymore.”
Rama chuckled. “Is Marvin upset to lose a kindred spirit?”
“Ha, maybe a little. Well, I’d still need to use it to stand for too long.” Jackie took a few steps backwards. “Well, I’m...going to get breakfast, now.”
“Oh. Alright, Jackie,” Rama said. “But after you’re done, can I talk to you? Nothing bad, I promise.”
“Uh—sure.” Jackie gave them a tight smile. He backed up until he hit the other wall, then turned and hurried into the kitchen.
Deciding what he wanted was a task all on its own. He didn’t want anything too difficult to make, but he also didn’t want anything too plain to eat. After a moment’s consideration, he ended up taking out the box of Michelle’s favorite cereal—sugar was a strong taste, right?—and pouring it into a bowl. He went to the fridge to get some milk, but as soon as he opened the door and reached inside the cold—
Cold air, cold concrete, everything cold enough to cause constant shivers. He’d tried to curl up as best as he could, but there was nowhere to hide. The room was stark and bare and dark. How long had it been? Must’ve been a few hours, at least, but something told him it was more than that.
Eventually, the door opened. He heard it, though there was no shift in the light. He also heard the footsteps. A hand grabbed him by the hair, pulling his head upward. “Oh no, are you cold? Well, just think, it could be worse! Next time, you could get locked inside the refrigerator. Those things are big, once you’ve removed all the shelves.” He shook his head, the motion tearing at his hair, muttering words that were muffled by the cloth in his mouth—
Jackie managed to slam the fridge door closed. He stood with his hands pressed against the door for a while, feeling his heart suddenly pound rapidly in his chest. And he took a deep breath. On second thought, he didn’t need milk.
He sat in the dining room at the table and quickly ate through his cereal. Once done, he could still hear Rama in the living room chatting with the Stacy woman, so he pulled out his phone and got lost in a coloring app for a while.
Eventually, he heard the front door open and close, and then Rama knocked on the doorframe to announce their presence—something they hadn’t always done, but something he appreciated, since he was rather...jumpy lately. “Hey Jackieboy. You good? Did she...freak you out or something?”
Jackie smiled at them. “No, no. I just...wasn’t expecting someone to show up. She seems alright.”
“She’s nice, yeah.” Rama walked over and sat down at the table across from him. “I like her. She, um...might be coming over more. Just thought I’d tell you now.”
He blinked. “Oh?”
“Yeah, she was in the country for some personal business, but now she’s decided to take an extended vacation. I told her we should meet up, and we exchanged phone numbers, so...nothing’s guaranteed, but she might be coming over sometimes.” Rama paused. “Is that okay?”
“Why wouldn’t it be okay?” Jackie shrugged. “If you like her, I like her. Though I would...um, appreciate it if...if she does come over, if you’d tell me when she’ll arrive. Just so I can...prepare.” He thought about trying to laugh, but it was too much effort. “Has Michelle met her, yet?”
“No, but I’m sure they’ll get along. Stacy says she’s good with kids. Apparently doesn’t have any of her own, but she was an aunt.” Rama leaned back in their chair. “Speaking of Michelle, what are we going to do for her birthday?”
“I dunno, what does she want? Party? Presents, of course.”
Rama laughed. “Yeah, of course. We should talk about what to get her, her birthday’s only a month away.”
Jackie stared at them, then sat up straight. “Oh fuck, her birthday’s only a month away!” He hit his forehead. “God, I totally forgot! Well, no, a-actually, I didn’t...didn’t forget, I just—I haven’t been keeping track of time—well, no, I’ve been trying to, but it just—it just slips away—”
“Jackie, calm down, it’s fine,” Rama said.
He didn’t respond, too busy checking the calendar on his phone. “Shit, it’s the third, it is only a month—and it’s only a week until Anti’s birthday, I have to get him a gift too, but that’s not too hard, but Michelle has a whole party and—”
“Jackie, it’s fine.” Rama reached over and put their hand on top of his. “It’s not your fault. I can do most of the stuff this year, it’s not like I don’t have the free time.” They chuckled a bit.
“But you still have to write, because that’s your job and all, but I—”
“Take it easy, Jackieboy. You’re still...getting better, it’s not good to push yourself.” Rama squeezed his hand. “I’ll be right here if you need anything, and so will your friends.”
Jackie took a deep breath. “Thanks, Ramram. Is...is that what you wanted to talk to me about?”
Rama, who’d been giggling a bit at the nickname, suddenly turned serious. “Well, no. You see, this woman called the house phone this morning before Stacy showed up. She said she was some sort of detective.”
“...oh.” Jackie nodded. “What did she say her name was?”
“Um...Kikilolo...no, sorry, Kikelomo. She also said she’d been waiting for you to call her, but since you haven’t yet, she found the home number in the phone book and called to check on you. She, uh...” Rama hesitated. “...wanted to know if you would be up for...coming in. To talk about what happened.”
“Who still uses phone books?” Jackie muttered. “Well, detectives, I guess.” He didn’t acknowledge anything past that.
“Jackie...” Rama sighed. “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but...nevermind.”
“No, go ahead. Say what you were going to.”
“I just...think it would be a good idea if you told this detective about it,” Rama said slowly. “So she can help. What if...the same thing happens to someone else?”
Jackie looked down at the surface of the dining room table, tracing the whorls of the wood with his eyes. He took a deep breath. “That’s...a good point. Maybe I’ll...I’ll call her.”
“You sure?” Rama said.
“Yeah.” He nodded. “In fact, I’ll do that right now.”
He picked up his phone and stood up. Swaying for a moment, he turned and went into the living room, sitting down on the sofa. Rama followed him, watching as he dialed a number. He’d stared at the small card the detectives had given him in the hospital for so long, that he had the number memorized by now. Taking another deep breath, he listened to the ringing on the other end.
Three rings later, a voice on the other side picked up. “Hello?”
“H-hi, Detective Kikelomo?” Jackie said. “It—It’s Jackie Parker, remember me?”
“Ah, Dr. Parker, good to hear from you!” Kikelomo’s voice brightened. “I just spoke to your spouse this morning, I assume that’s why you’re calling?”
“Y...yeah, they said you wanted to talk to me? About...everything?” He glanced down, noticing his hand on his lap was shaking slightly.
“Well, if you’re up to it, we were thinking...”
Her voice trailed away. Or rather, Jackie stopped listening. He’d glanced down at his hand for a moment, curling his fingers into a fist to stop the shaking, and in the process his wrist had slipped out from under the sleeve of his hoodie. Twisted, raised scars covered them, running in a line—
“This is entirely your fault.” Though he still couldn’t describe the voice to save his life, it was far too familiar. Also familiar were the hands pulling and twisting his arms behind his back. He wanted to cry out, to struggle, but his captor was pressing down heavily on his mind, gray fog weighing down every thought and impulse. Though that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt when his arms and joints were pushed into a position they shouldn’t be in.
“I’m not taking this off. For a while, if ever,” the voice muttered. One hand held his arms in place, the other tightened the plastic zip-tie around his wrists. “Though if you behave and be nice, I’ll put your arms back into a less...stressful position.” The hands let go, and the fog lifted from his mind. Instantly, his arms jerked, and he cried out, muffled sounds of pain as he tried to settle back into something more comfortable. But it was impossible. His muscles were already shaking from the effort of the unnatural position. The plastic tie was digging into his wrist—as it would continue to, for months, rubbing and eventually cutting into his skin—
“—would you be up to that, Dr. Parker?” Kikelomo asked.
Jackie blinked furiously, shaking his hand so that the sleeve fell back down over his wrist. “Sorry, can you repeat that?”
“Tomorrow at eight a.m. At the station, if you’re comfortable with it, though I understand if you’re not.”
“No, I-I can be there. Eight in the morning, sharp.”
“Great. Me and Laurens will meet you there. See you tomorrow.” And she hung up.
Jackie dropped his phone—did not put it down, just opened his fingers and let it fall onto the couch cushions. He looked over at Rama, who waited. “So...guess I’ll be...going to the police station tomorrow.”
“At eight, I heard that part.” Rama nodded. “And you mean we’ll be going to the police station. The hospital still hasn’t cleared you for driving, remember?”
“Oh.” He’d almost forgotten about that. “Um, if you’re busy, I can call Jameson and ask him. Or take the train.”
“No, it’s fine, we have to drop Michelle off in the morning anyway, you can just come with me.” Rama smiled and nodded, as if it was settled. “Though if this is going to be, like, an appointment, you should probably get ready.”
“Um...yeah? Of course?” Jackie nodded. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, um...” Rama now looked a bit embarrassed. “I, um, noticed you’ve been wearing your hoodie a lot. And by that, I mean...all the time.”
Jackie folded his arms, feeling the fabric of the hoodie sleeves. “This is my favorite hoodie.”
“I know, but...well, you never wore it to sleep before,” Rama pointed out. “It...it needs to be washed. And while you’re doing that, you can, uh...wash yourself.”
Jackie suddenly laughed. “‘I’m washing me and my clothes,’ you mean?”
Rama couldn’t help but laugh too. “That’s a good one. Ah, rip Vine. But...well, seriously.” Their expression became serious again. “You, uh...haven’t really....I mean, maybe I haven’t seen it, but I haven’t noticed you, uh...” They stiffened, suddenly resolved. “Oh fuck it. Jackie, you haven’t taken a shower or a bath since you got home.”
Jackie had no response to that. For a moment he was frozen, staring at nothing, his shoulders hunched protectively. What was he supposed to say? To any of this? How was he supposed to tell them that he kept wearing the hoodie because he hadn’t had it...there, so if he wore it, he knew he was really back home? Let alone the whole situation with...He laughed nervously. “Are you saying I smell?”
“No. I mean, you do, but you actually smell like our cherry hand soap, nothing bad that I can pick up.” Rama shifted awkwardly. “But, uh...you might start smelling worse if this goes on any longer. By the way, I, uh, noticed we’ve been running out of hand soap real quickly.”
Well that was weird. It certainly wasn’t because he’d been using excessive amounts of their foamy hand soap to try and keep clean. Without water. No water, he didn’t ever want to see—Jackie took a deep breath. “Um...okay. I can...do that later tonight.”
“You sure?” Rama asked skeptically.
“Yeah. Definitely.” Jackie managed to pull off a smile.
“Okay...if you’re sure.” They headed towards the hall. “I’m going to go get some writing done.”
“Oh, I-I’ll come with you.” Jackie scrambled to his feet. “I’ll just—just get my laptop and headphones and—”
“And hang out in the room with me?” Rama raised an eyebrow, chuckling a bit. “The same thing you’ve been doing for the past two weeks?”
“Um...yeah, that, if it’s okay.” Jackie felt his face growing warm. “I won’t say anything or look at what you’re writing.”
“I know you won’t.” Rama gestured for him to follow them. “Well, c’mon.”
Jackie’s expression brightened a bit as he hurried after them.
Later that evening, well after Rama had picked Michelle up from school and after they’d all had dinner, Jackie found himself standing in the doorway to the bathroom, clutching the sides of the door frame. His eyes were fixed on the bathtub. He must’ve been standing there for five minutes straight, and he knew it was starting to get ridiculous. He took a deep breath, and promised himself he’d step inside. And he did. One step. And then he was frozen again.
Another deep breath. And he took another step.
Another deep breath. And he closed the door behind him.
A few more deep breaths. And he walked over to the side of the bathtub.
He stared down at it, rubbing his arms. He was still wearing his hoodie, but of course, he’d have to take it off, along with everything else, to take a shower or a bath. Right? Maybe if he just left it on—and maybe if he left the shower curtain open while—
No, no, that was ridiculous. He could do it the normal way. After a few more minutes of blank staring, trying to work himself up, he reached forward and turned the handle for the...should it be hot? Or cold? Well he’d turn both on, of course, but which first? Burning, searing hot water, or shocking, freezing cold water?
Another moment passed, another deep breath passed, before his hand quickly darted forward and turned on the cold water with a squeak of the handle. Water spurted out. He slowly reached out and put his hand in the stream—
—cold—freezing—gasping, thrashing—pouring down from above—he was smiling at him, always smiling, make it stop—gasping, gasping—please stop—please—stop—
Crying out, Jackie threw himself backwards, and next thing he knew, he was out of the bathroom altogether and running down the hall. He passed the doorway to the office and slowed down, burying his face in his hands. He tried to take deep breaths. Deep breaths, deep, calm, everything’s fine.
“Jackie?” Rama opened the office door. “Is everything alright?”
“Ah—!” Jackie spun around, eyes wide with alarm, but then he smiled shakily. “Yeah, I’m just—I forgot our washing machine was broken.”
“It’s not—”
“So I’m gonna just walk down to the laundromat and—and wash my hoodie there. I-I’ll be right back!” He hurriedly walked down the hallway, not turning around to look at Rama again. He was almost out the door before he remembered he needed money for a laundromat, so he turned back around, grabbed his wallet from the table it was sitting on in the living room, and then left, not noticing how he slammed the door behind him.
It was actually kind of...nice, to be in the laundromat. It wasn’t too far away from home, and it smelled clean, like detergent. Sure, the tiles of the floor were a little cold, but the music playing over the intercom was pleasant. And there were people there. An attendant at the front counter, and two other customers doing their washing. Jackie actually found himself relaxing a bit. While his hoodie was going through the cycle, he sat on top of the washing machine and checked his messages on his phone.
It looked like none of his friends had messaged him in the past few hours. They were probably busy. He knew Anti liked to start recording at around this time of day, and Schneep was probably at work. And Marvin wasn’t very good at texting at all, he preferred phone calls. Curious, Jackie sent a quick text to JJ. Hey, what’s up?
The reply was quick. Hello Jackie!! Not much rn, but I found a new spell that I could start testing soon :D
Oh, cool! What is it?
Animal transformation!! Very advanced, but I think I could handle it after some study. Will need someone else to supervise, tho, in case things go wrong. Do you want to come over?
It felt like Jackie’s heart froze. To your house? Like, now?
Well not now, like in a few days. I just thought you would be interested and would like to get out. But of course you don’t have to if you don’t want to.
In truth, Jackie hadn’t seen his friends in person in a while. It must’ve been at least a week and a half, probably more. He’d told them all that he needed space, and they were happy to accommodate. But really, he missed seeing them. Maybe he should go visit? Couldnt Marvin help you? he texted.
Well yes, he’s going to. But with this spell, it’s advised to have as many people watching as possible. Again, only if you want to, tho.
He considered the idea of leaving. Going out into the city didn’t seem so bad. Seeing friends. Going into another house—
The door was locked, which was about what he expected. The windows were boarded up from the outside, some of them with shattered glass that he didn’t dare step towards, not after what had happened with the broken mirror. He noticed a fireplace, and briefly considered ducking inside, but he was in no shape to climb up a chimney. So he settled on the door. The knob wouldn’t turn when he tried, the wood wouldn’t shudder when he kicked and pounded on it. Tears were streaking down his face. He screamed, asking, pleading for someone passing by on the street to hear or somehow see him, but nobody was coming, and then there was someone behind him—
Jackie shivered. No, JJ’s town house wasn’t the same thing as...there. But...Maybe another time, bud.
Alright, JJ replied. My door is always open, you know.
I know. Jackie paused, then sent another message. So anything else new? Maybe with Marvin? He could keep the conversation going. That wouldn’t be too difficult. Really, he just...wanted to think about anything else.
Eventually he was done washing his hoodie. Once it came out of the dryer, he immediately pulled it on. The warm cloth felt good, and it smelled like the slightly flowery detergent he’d borrowed from one of the other customers. It was nice to wear again, especially on the short walk back home.
But once he was back home...he found himself pausing outside of the doorway. It was almost like...he didn’t want to go in. But that was ridiculous. This was his house. It was a safe place. So...why didn’t he feel safe?
Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to open the front door and go inside. This was alright. He could do this.
The next morning, a loud noise started blaring in his ear. He bolted upright with a shriek, rolling over and falling off the side of the bed. It was a dark room—no no no no, it had all been a lie! He never went home, he was still there—but his hands were free, he had to get out of here while he could! He scrambled to his feet and bolted for the door, slamming against it. He felt for the knob, turning it. The door opened easily, and he fell onto the ground outside, surprised. That wasn’t right...also the hallway was lit up...
Jackie looked up, seeing Rama down the hall. They were still in their pajamas, but they’d shoved their red beanie onto their head. And they were looking at him, clearly concerned.
Realizing that he wasn’t where he’d thought he was, Jackie hurried to stand up. He laughed nervously. “Sorry about that. Guess I forgot I set the alarm...wow, it’s dark outside.”
“Well...it’s a little after six am in the fall, so that makes sense.” Rama walked over to him. “You...you doing okay, Jackieboy?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just forgot.” He laughed again.
“Okay.” Rama didn’t look convinced, but they moved on. “I’m guessing you set the alarm so that you could get ready for the thing you have with the detective today?”
“Yeah. I figured two hours would be enough time.” Jackie backed up. “Wow, the alarm is...still going. I’m gonna go turn that off.” He turned around and went back into the bedroom, closing the door on Rama.
He turned on the light switch, illuminating the small bedroom. How could he have mistaken here for there? This was exactly why he’d wanted the curtains open all the time. So he wouldn’t wake up and think he was back in that...other bedroom. He’d gotten into the habit of sleeping well into the daytime, so when he usually woke up, the sunlight would be shining through the glass and lighting up the room, showing that it wasn’t the same place. But now that it was early and dark outside...that was different.
Quickly, Jackie turned off the alarm on his phone and opened the curtains on one of the windows. See? He could see outside. The familiar view of the small backyard was comforting. Sighing, he went back out into the hallway.
Rama had moved into the kitchen, and they were now messing with the stove, making bacon. When they saw Jackie come in, they smiled. “Alright, you look good.”
“I doubt that,” Jackie muttered.
“Well, you’re right, you look like tired shit.”
Jackie gasped, mock-offended. “Rama, I thought you loved me!”
Rama laughed. “I’m just saying it like it is. Unless that was somehow very offensive in English, in which case I plead ignorance.”
Jackie rolled his eyes. “So...you’re making breakfast?”
“Yes,” Rama turned their attention back to the pan. “Do you want to take a shower while I do this? It’ll be a while.”
“Um...” Jackie felt like his feet were rooted to the spot. “Sure, I’ll...I’ll do that.” He took a deep breath, and stepped out of the kitchen.
Okay. He could take a quick shower. Just like...a ten minute shower. That wouldn’t be too bad. Just five minutes. He’ll set a timer on his phone. Maybe for five minutes, actually. 
Much sooner than he would’ve liked, he was back in the bathroom. Once again staring at the bathtub. Okay, starting with cold water hadn’t gone well yesterday. But he didn’t want to start with hot water, either. What if he turned both knobs at the same time? That might work. Jackie took another deep breath, and quickly grabbed both knobs with both hands and turned. Water gushed out of the spout.
Jackie laughed, a sound on the border between triumph and hysteria. Good, step one done. This time, he did not reach in to check the temperature. He’d turned both knobs at once, so that meant it would be fine! It would be fine...if he could just actually step into the tub.
Again, the thought occurred to him that he really, really didn’t want to take off his hoodie. But he would have to. Maybe he could...step inside and then take it off? Could that work?
He took several deep breaths. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, he swung his legs over the side. Splash. This was fine. The water was barely an inch deep. It was okay. Never mind the way his heartbeat had skyrocketed when he first felt the water.
Jackie managed to stand up, clutching the edge of the windowsill. He almost knocked over the bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and lotion sitting on the sill, but he managed to avoid that. Was the bathtub filling up? Well, of course it was, but would it keep filling up, or was the drain unplugged? He shook himself. It wouldn’t matter. He’d only be five minutes. Perfectly manageable.
Reaching over, he grabbed the shower curtains closed, making a familiar rattling sound. He froze.
“Looks like you need some help, then.”
“No.” Jackie squeezed his eyes shut. “No, no, no, this is fine, this is different. This is good. I have to do this. It’s fine.”
He took one more deep breath, and opened his eyes, keeping up the stream of reassurances. There was just one more step to get started. And then he’d...have to worry about everything else. Keeping one hand on the windowsill, he bent over and turned one last knob.
Water came pouring out of the shower head above.
—There was no getting away from this. The inside of the bathtub was slippery, and with his hands tied behind his back, he couldn’t get out. He tried to, of course. Kicking and thrashing sent water flying everywhere. Though it made no difference. He was already soaked through, his teeth chattering from the cold seeping into his bones. The spout was pouring more water into the tub, even though it was already overflowing. How long had he been in here before he’d woken up? It must’ve been a while.
He tried once more to climb out, but his legs slipped, and his head went under the water. Gasping, he pushed himself upright again, spluttering.
“No, no, don’t get up.” He didn’t know when Distorter had gotten there, but he was here now. He grabbed his hair—it was always the hair, always, always—and twisting the strands between his fingers, shoved his head under again. There was no time at all to get another solid breath in. Under the water again, and his lungs immediately began screaming. He tried to pull away, but the grip was too tight. He had to get out, he had to breathe—
“Dad?” Michelle opened the bathroom door. “Dad, are you okay?”
Jackie shrieked, and tried to spin around. But of course he slipped, falling against the shower curtain and instinctively grabbing it. The pole above was ripped free of its supports, and came tumbling down with Jackie. He collapsed on the edge of the bathtub, the shower rod knocking him on the head.
“Oh my god!” Michelle covered her mouth. “Dad, stay there, I’ll get Ren!” She turned and ran, leaving the door open.
Jackie blinked for a bit, head aching. He looked up. Water from the shower continued to rain down, landing on his face.
It was hot this time, and he was screaming. Steam was filling the small room, thick enough to choke on. He was on fire, burning, burning, burning. He couldn’t just stay here, he had to get out! Wiggling and thrashing, he probably would’ve found some way to throw himself out of the tub if Distorter hadn’t been there holding him down. One hand on the back of his head, tangled in his hair, the other one on his back, pushing him down. And Distorter was laughing.
“You were complaining so much about the other ones, I thought this would be an improvement! See, isn’t it nice that I listened? Friends listen to each other, and try to make each other happy. Aren’t you happy?”
He shook his head furiously. Tears were stinging his eyes, running down his face. The zip-tie was cutting into his wrists again, and the hot water was agony on the new cuts. He was saying something, but even he couldn’t figure out what it was, aside from some sort of jumble of words asking for it to stop, promising to do anything if this would just stop—
“Jackie, Jackie, look at me! Jackie, you have to look at me! Can you stand up?! Can you talk to me?! Say something! C’mon, Jackieboy!”
He felt something hit his face. Blinking, Jackie looked up at Rama’s worried face.
“Okay, good, you’re looking at me.” Relief flooded their features. “Can you say something? Anything?”
Anything? He couldn’t think of anything. Except... “Make it stop,” he mumbled, dazed. “Please. Please, I’ll...I’ll be good, I promise...”
Rama’s eyes widened. They looked over their shoulder. “Why don’t you go eat breakfast, mijita? We’ll be right there.” Tiny footsteps pattered away, and they turned back. “Jackie, what’s wrong? What do you want me to stop?”
He blinked, and glanced up at the water.
It was warm now, a bearable temperature. But there was something in the water, something grainy. Salt. He knew this meant something terrible, but he couldn’t figure out what, and even if he could, Distorter was pressing down hard on his mind again. He couldn’t move.
The mirror in the bathroom was broken. Shards littered the counter. He watched as Distorter picked up one of the larger pieces. His ever-present smile widened, and then he was back next to the bathtub. He grabbed his hair, pulling him close. “This is going to hurt. A lot. But it’s what you get for being like this.”
The shard of broken mirror dug into his cheek. He gasped. Then it sliced into the other. And Distorter let go. He dropped the mirror shard, and instead picked up a plastic bucket, like one a kid would bring to the beach. Smiling wider still, he used the bucket to scoop up some of the salty water. His hand still in Jackie’s hair, he tilted his head back, and poured.
Jackie screamed.
There was a squeaking sound, and gradually, Jackie realized the water had stopped. Rama appeared before him again, placing a hand on either side of his face. “Okay, it’s off. Is this good? Do you feel better now?”
“Hmmh.” Jackie nodded slowly. His eyes darted around the bathroom. This...this wasn’t the same room. This was...his. Back at home. He wasn’t...
He started to cry.
“Oh...oh, Jackieboy, it’s okay.” Rama pulled him close, not minding how he was soaking wet. They wrapped their arms around him. “It’s okay, you’re safe here. Nothing’s going to hurt you. Jackieboy. Mi corazón. You’re safe here.”
For a long, long moment, Jackie just let himself be held. But after a while of these reassurances, he shook his head. “I...I don’t feel it.”
“You don’t feel what?” Rama asked gently. “Safe?”
“Y-yeah...that.” Jackie squeezed his eyes shut. “I should be, I know, but everything here just reminds me of...there. And him.” He buried his head in Rama’s shirt. “I didn’t want to feel like I was drowning again...”
“I see...” Rama muttered. “Oh. Oh Jackieboy, I’m so sorry. I should’ve known. If I’d known how you felt, I wouldn’t have forced you to—”
“You didn’t know because I didn’t tell you,” Jackie interrupted. “I—I should be normal again by now, because I’m almost better from all the physical stuff, so I should be...better in other ways, too. But I-I still don’t want to grow my hair out again, and I said I would do that when...”
“No, no, Jackieboy.” Rama rubbed circles on his back. “This is going to take a long time to recover from. It was...an...ordeal, what happened to you, and it will not just go away. Especially not if you try to push yourself to go back to some kind of ‘normal.’ Things are not normal right now, and they might not ever be the old normal again. But that is okay. Do you understand?”
Jackie let out a sob. “I’m just...so tired. Of not feeling alright when I’m here.”
“I know, Jackieboy, I know.” Rama paused. “Maybe...you should talk to someone about this? Not those detectives, I think it’s clear now that you’re not ready for that. But a therapist? You know the hospital suggested that, but you never...said if you wanted that.”
“That...that might be a good idea,” Jackie agreed.
“So we’ll try that?”
“Yeah...we can try that.”
Rama pulled away. They smiled at him. “That’s great. Now...can we get out of the bathroom? Or at least the tub?”
“Oh. Yeah, that would be a good idea.” Jackie let Rama pull him up and help him step out of the bathtub. He winced as he saw the broken shower rod and curtain leaning against the wall. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine, we can afford a new one,” Rama dismissed. They brushed a few strands of wet hair out of Jackie’s face. “I have to go take Michelle to school, you know. Will you be okay home alone?”
After a moment of serious consideration, Jackie nodded. “I’ll just...hang out in the front room. And look out the window.”
“Alright, but you know you can always go sit outside or something if it bothers you.” Rama leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to Jackie’s forehead. “Now let’s get out of here.”
The next hour or so went by fairly easily. They had breakfast, Jackie changed out of his wet pajamas (though he ran the hoodie through the dryer real quick and put it back on), and Rama took Michelle to school. Jackie did indeed hang out in the front room the whole time, looking out the window and not looking back into the house. Soon, he saw the car pulling back in. Later than he would’ve expected, though. And his eyes widened when he saw someone else step out of the car as well as Rama and follow them inside the house.
“Jackie, are you okay?!” Schneep flung open the front door, immediately crossing the room to sit on the sofa next to Jackie. His eyes looked him over.
“I’m fine, uh, but what are you doing here?” Jackie asked, baffled.
“I thought you might want to see friends,” Rama explained, shutting the front door. “I also dropped by Anti’s, but he didn’t answer. Would’ve gone by the other two, also, but they live in the opposite direction.”
“They said you hit your head in the shower, are you okay?” Schneep repeated.
“Um, I am now.” Jackie had been quick to check out the injury, and aside from a bruise forming, he didn’t think it was too much of a problem.
“Good, good.” Schneep nodded. “They also said, ah...you...were not having a good time. Recently. Would you...like to talk about it?”
Jackie felt tears welling in his eyes again. “I...don’t know.”
“Alright, then we will not talk about it,” Schneep said. “But if you need a professional to talk to, I know a good therapist. His specialty is not in...this area, but I am sure he knows others who are. Or who...do. Whatever is the correct phrase.”
“Is is like, ‘others who has a specialty’?” Rama asked.
“Maybe it is ‘others whose specialty is,’” Schneep said. He nodded. “Yes, that sounds right.”
“English. The most confusing language,” Rama muttered.
“Oh, very true,” Schneep agreed.
Jackie laughed. Once. It faded away quickly as he looked around the room. “I don’t know, Volt, I just...feel like I have to get out of here.”
“Well, you can,” Schneep said. “What is the problem you are having?”
“I...it just...” Jackie waved vaguely at their surroundings. “It’s...a house.”
Rama frowned. “Well, there’s not much we can do about that. Except move.”
“I’m not asking to move, Ram,” Jackie said, tired.
“What if you stayed somewhere else for a while?” Schneep asked.
“Like where?”
“Well...” Schneep shrugged. “If you are worried about the ‘house’ part, then I live in an apartment. And it is very open, nothing like a house with rooms.” He waited for an answer. When Jackie didn’t give one, he hurried to add, “Only if you want to, of course, I am not going to make you—”
“It’s a good idea,” Jackie interrupted. “I’m just...a little worried about Michelle. I’ve been gone for so long...would she be okay with...?”
“Jackieboy,” Rama said. “She’s a strong girl. And smart, in an emotional way. I’m sure we could explain to her, and she’d understand.”
Jackie looked down at his hands, sitting in his lap. For a moment, he caught another glimpse of the mangled scars around his wrists. He quickly pulled his sleeves down over them. And looked up at the two others. “I think...this would be good, then. Only temporarily, of course.”
Rama smiled, and nodded. “Of course. When would you want to go?”
“I don’t...know. Volt, when would you want me to move in?”
“Whenever you are ready,” Schneep said. “We could even do it today, I have nothing going on.”
“Not today.” Jackie shook his head. “What about...tomorrow? In the morning?”
“That sounds good,” Schneep said.
“I’ll make a note of it,” Rama said, walking over to the other two and sitting on Jackie’s other side. “Hey...Jackieboy?”
“I love you.”
Schneep nodded. “And your friends do, too.”
Jackie blinked. And smiled. It was small, but it was real. “Thanks, guys. I love you too.”
It was nice to know that, whatever changed, however he felt, that would still be there.
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maxattack-powell · 7 years
The Freshman: 2-2 (NSFW)
The Freshman Book 2 - 2 Chapter 2: Welcome Back Party
Masterlist - go here for other chapters and related original fics
Disclaimer: The following are fics (adaptations from actual game chapters AND original works) to Choices: The Freshman and The Sophomore stories. It is a fictional adaptation. I do not work for Pixelberry Studios, the game developer or own the rights to the characters Chris Powell, Nicole or any other IN GAME character. All of the ORIGINAL characters, storylines and events were developed for my adaptation of The Freshman story.
Comments: I enjoyed playing Choices The Freshman… and then I found this awesome group of people and their works - I’ve loved it all, very much so. Deciding that I wanted more interaction than the options allowed, I’ve gone through the first book, chapter by chapter (omg painfully slow) to follow the story (95-99% I’d say) and add to it as I felt would benefit. Now I am doing the same to Book 2 as well.
Basically, I wanted to include certain things that weren’t really full fic worthy, adding more substance to the story. However, I did add some full size fic moments also… some are included in cannon chapters and some are their own full chapters in between. I wanted to see MC and Chris through their freshman year… with more angst, fluff, sweetness, real life and overall detail. So, if you like that pairing then you’ll be satisfied, otherwise sorry James & Kaitlyn fans lol. I even added some parts from Chris’s POV, so that we have a chance to see what he’s thinking, knowing what she experienced.
NSFW moments in THIS chapter - Mature Readers Only Please
Paring: MC x Chris
POV: ~MC~ or ~Chris~
Still reeling from Vasquez’s latest assignment, MC leaves the professor’s office and walks across the snowy quad with James. She glances over at him to see his attention focused on the snow underfoot, his brow furrowed with concentration.
“Penny for your thoughts?” She inwardly grimaces as she realizes she sounds just like her mother.
“You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind…” She gives him a small friendly smile.
James doesn't look up as he begins to speak. “Yeah.. I’m still trying to decide how I feel about all this. I’ve been working on this play for almost a year now…”
After a few more steps he slowly looks up and over to MC. “Rosethorne Park is my best work yet… a love letter to the Victorian Era with a winking nod to modernity.”
He looks away again and shrugs. “But I kind of thought it’d just sit on the shelf and never see the light of day, you know?”
“This should make you happy though… right?” MC asks quietly.
"That’s what I’m trying to figure out. This is an amazing opportunity, and I should be grateful.” He lets out a big sigh. “Getting an agent like Yasmin Udoka is next to impossible, especially when you're just starting out.”
MC senses that he's not entirely enthused with the idea. “Then what’s wrong? Are you worried the plays not good enough or something?”
James glances at her quickly before shaking his head and looking away once more. “That’s part of it…” He sighs, “But mostly I just feel guilty. The only reason I’ll even have a cast is because you have to get me one, or Vasquez will revoke your scholarship.”
He stops walking and turns to MC. “I’m benefitting hugely from your… situation. I mean, would you even be doing this if you didn't have to?” He looks at her crestfallen.
“Yeah, you're right. Vasquez is basically forcing me to help you…” She sees his shoulder fall a little. “...but I’m far from upset about it.” James looks down at her curiously.
“Honestly, I would - even if I didn't have to. I want to help you realize your dream. I hadn't really considered getting involved in Hartfeld’s theater scene… but I’ll try anything once.” MC gives James a reassuring smile. “And if it helps you land an agent… well, that's reason enough to get out of my comfort zone.”
James lets out a relieved chuckle. “Thanks, MC. I’m glad you have my back.”
She snorts. “Just don't expect me to sing a solo or anything. And it never hurts to give me a big role, okay?” She playfully nudges him with her elbow as they begin to walk again.
He lets out a hearty laugh. “Well, Rosenthorne Park isn't a musical, but now that you've said that… maybe I’ll write in a song for you.”
He laughs harder at her wide-eyed stare. “How's your opera? Think you can match the Queen of the Night's Aria?”
MC shakes her head and speeds up her pace. “I regret everything.”
As they come within sight of her dorm building, James strokes his chin thoughtfully as they slow to a standstill near the door. “Do you think all of your friends will want to audition? My play has a pretty big cast… I’m not sure they'd be enough.”
MC nods. “You know, I was thinking about that. We’re actually throwing a party at our suite tonight. I don't know if it's good host etiquette to try to recruit all your guests for a play, but I’ve never been that into the whole social graces thing.” She flashes him a shit-eating grin.
She cackles as he closes his eyes and almost chokes on his own laughter. “Besides… we need to hold auditions starting tomorrow. We don't exactly have a lot of options.”
He gives her a small smile and nods. “You make a good point.” Then he frowns, his brows furrowed with concern. “But there's one role that's going to be a little tougher to cast. Lord Rathbone, the villainous country bachelor.”
He sighs as he looks down in concentration as they stand there. “We’ll need a veteran of the stage. Someone who can really sell the performance and make audiences hate him.”
MC’s eyes go wide. “As far as I know, there aren't any acting prodigies on my guest list…”
James looks at her and pauses for a moment before speaking. “Mind if I add one? One of my prep school friends is a sophomore here at Hartfeld. I still remember his lago in our school’s performance of Othello. I’d never seen someone transform himself onstage like that... It was terrifying, in the best way possible.”
“So long as he doesn't make us call him ‘Lord’ throughout the whole production, I’m sold.” She gives him a wink.
He catches her humor and gives her a sincere laugh. “I can't guarantee he won't do that, but I’ll give him a call. I’ll come by your party later tonight… hopefully with our future Lord Rathbone in tow.”
“Sounds good. By the time you get there, I should have a whole cast of actors ready for you.” She pats his upper arm and starts towards the dorm doors.
“I owe you one, MC. Closer to fifteen or sixteen, really… like I said, it's a big cast.” He shakes his head.
She turns and walks backwards. “You can pay me back by putting on the best show ever.”
“Since when did you become so generous?” He flashes her a joking smile.
She gives him a mock shocked expression as she throws her arms out wide off her sides. “I’ve always been this way!”
James gives her another hearty laugh. “Don't let Professor Vasquez find out. His flawed protagonist is becoming a real Mary Sue.”
“Ouch… I think?” She scoff laughs at him.
He laughs again, this time clutching his side. “I’m pretty sure I meant it as a compliment.”
“Right. I’d love to stay and hear more of these so-called compliments, but I need to get inside. I’ve done absolutely nothing to help prepare for this party…” MC pauses as she reaches for the door behind her.
She waves at James and turns to go inside. Once she's reached their suite floor, she opens the door, finding her friends finishing up party preparations. Kaitlyn plugs in the last string of lights as MC walks through the door and looks around the room in awe. “Is there anything left for me to do?”
Kaitlyn laughs. “Just sit there and look pretty, I guess. When did you become such a slacker, MC?” She nudges MC with her shoulder as she passes.
MC suddenly feels bad as she frowns and scrambles for an excuse. “I’m not, I was just--”
Kaitlyn quickly cuts her off. “I know, I know. I’m just teasing you.”
She flounces out of the living room to put the finishing touches on her makeup while MC and Zack sit down to wait for the guests to arrive.
“What did Vasquez want this time, MC? Let’s see… Do you have to make out with everyone at the party? Shout fire in a crowded theater?” Zack playfully mocks the professor's past assignments as they turn to face each other on the sofa, each folding their legs under them and touching knees.
MC snort laughs at her sarcastic friend. “Not quite. He’s hoping to add a little drama to my life's story by making me help put on James’s play.”
Zack shakes his head. “A little on the nose, isn't it? Are you going to be James’s leading lady or what?”
MC shrugs. “I guess we’ll find out after auditions. You wouldn't happen to be interested in trying out, would you?” She wiggles her eyebrows at him.
He taps his chin with his finger. “Huh, let me think… my name up in lights, my adoring public hanging on my every word, and a guaranteed bouquet of roses?”
MC can't help but openly laugh at her exuberant best friend as he continues. “Nah, that's not something I’d be interested in at all.”
He flashes her an exaggerated grin. “Just kidding, I’m totally in. I’ll take any excuse to get up on stage and talk as loud as I want. But recruiting other people might not be so easy…”
She rolls her eyes at him as she leans forward slightly and playfully shoves him. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“Oh, sorry. You can do this! Blah, bah, blah, inspiration!!! Blah, blah, you're a star!” He tries again, this time with thick sarcasm.
He reaches over and squeezes her hand. “MC, you don't need me to tell you that you can do this. Just go out and do it!”
She shakes her head at him, this time with a grin across her lips. “You know what… you’re right! I’m going to go recruit the first person who walks through that door!”
Just then, the cracked door opens and in walks Edgar. “Hellooooo, party people!” His eyes fall to MC and he looks at her with some concern. “I stashed my scooter in the bush next to your dorm. Is that gonna be safe?”
Zack starts laughing under his breath where only MC can hear him. “Oh, I can't wait to see this.”
She shoots him a glare and shushes him quickly before she gets up to greet Edgar. “Uh, hey.. You’re one of Tyler's gaming buddies, right? Edward?”
Unphased by her mistake, Edgar corrects her. “Actually it’s Edgar. My mom named me after Edgar Allen Poe, her favorite author.”
MC quickly nods. “Oh, that’s… nice? Anyway, I think your scooter will be safe, but don't quote me on that…”
Edgar shrugs. “It’s okay. I installed a tracking chip just in case, so if it gets stolen I know where to look.”
“Oh, well that's awesome. So… Edgar. I could actually use a favor. I’m trying to get a cast together for a play.” MC shoots him a toothy grin.
He looks at her with surprise. “Oh, wow, I’ve never really tried acting before…”
“You’d be perfect because you're intelligent!” She looks at him hopefully.
“Intelligent? Me? I don't know if I’d go that far, but--”
She quickly cuts in. “Come on, you're a gamer, right? That requires strategy… quick thinking… and a good mind for memorization. If you can memorize a line and deliver it, you’re everything I’m looking for.”
“Well, I did commit the entire tech tree for Civilization V to memory. Want me to draw it for you?” He eagerly offers.
MC glances over to Zack, finding him crying with laughter from his spot on the sofa. She shoots him a another glare before turning her eyes back to Edgar.
“That won't be necessary. But what do you say? Will you join me on my quest to put on this play, or will you desert me in my hour of need?” She gives him her best heroine in distress look.
“I suppose my League of Legends team could spare me for a few nights… I’m in!” He flashes her a goofy smile.
“Awesome! You just made my night!” She gives him a high five before strutting triumphantly back to Zack.
He’s wiping the tears from his eyes as she joins him back on the sofa. “Damn, MC, you really know how to turn on the charm. You're more dangerous than you look.”
“Hey, it’s for a good cause!” She scoffs and tries to pinch him as he dodges her attack.
“Trust me, I’m not complaining. It was a privilege to watch you work your magic.” He gives her a quick worshiping bow.
A short while later, the suite is full of guests mingling in the living room, the kitchen, and even up on the roof. MC heads upstairs to check out the scene and spots Chris cracking open a beer on the corner of the roof.
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 He hears her approach and turns. “There’s my girl.” He wraps an arm around her, pulling her close.
“Hey, you. Why are you just standing over here by yourself?” She searches his eyes, remembering their earlier conversation.
“Ah, it’s nothing. I’m fine.” He says flatly.
“Chris… come on. I know you better than that. What’s going on?” She tugs on his belt loops with both hands, making him look up from the drink in his hand.
He sighs and looks out at the snow-blanketed Hartfeld campus. “I don't know, MC, I just…” He fully turns to face her, his voice going even lower as his face turns grim. “I mean, what am I even doing here?”
She knew she was picking up on something earlier, realizing this must be related. “At this party?” She raises an eyebrow, trying to understand his current statement and keep it light.
He sadly shakes his head. “At the school. Now that football season is over it’s like I’m just… treading water until next fall.”
MC immediately recalls the details of their conversation earlier about his hometown and how lucky he feels to have escaped it. With the help of football anyway, which he is now without the support of.
Chris continues, his eyes somber as he leans on the railing and looks down at his hands. “Last quarter I was the star quarterback. But now… I don't know who I am. You know?” He turns his head slightly to look into her eyes, his own full of deep sadness.
MC eliminates the space between them, reaching her right arm across his back, the other covering his left hand as he remains folded over the railing. She lowers her face next to his, pressing her cheek to his. “It sounds like you need something new to focus on.”
He takes a deep breath and stares out over the quad. “Yeah… a new focus. That sounds about right.”
She feels his body begin to relax as he continues. “The only question is… what?” He lets out a huff of air, jostling his bangs in the process.
She grins as she stands back up straight, rubbing his back with her right hand as she tugs at him with her left, getting him to stand and turn towards her. “You know what? I think I might have just the thing.”
He eyes her curiously, waiting for more information. “See, James has been working on this play, and--”
Suddenly, Darren and Logan rush over, with Madison and Becca trailing behind. Logan pulls Chris into a headlock while Darren claps him on the back.
“What’s up, rookie? Long time no see!” Darren pats Chris on the back a few times, clearly excited to see his friend.
Chris shakes his head and sighs with a smile. “What do I gotta do to lose that nickname, huh?”
“I’m thinking power hour. Anyone else thinking power hour?” Logan interjects.
“Ugh, god no. We had to get Kappa house professionally cleaned after the last time you suggested that, Logan…” Becca quickly shuts him down.
“Aw, I thought it was super fun!” Madison innocently supports his idea before her expression falls. “Although I did give up after minute five…”
Chris turns to MC and gives her the same look he gave her during their trip to L.A. when they were constantly interrupted by the same four friends.
MC gives his arm a firm squeeze, letting him know she understands and completely agrees. “Sorry, guys, but I was just in the middle of asking Chris something.”
“So go ahead and ask. You don't need my permission to speak. Unfortunately.” Becca scoffs at MC.
MC’s eyes narrow at Becca for a moment before it hits her, her face suddenly turning bright. “Actually, this is something you all might be interested in! James just finished writing an awesome play… and he needs actors! Anyone interested in starting a career in theater?”
Logan holds up his hand. “Whoa, whoa. Hold up. Aren’t plays for, you know, drama geeks? I’ve got a reputation to uphold!”
“Come on, Logan… This isn't high school. We’re in college now. There are no jocks or nerds...” MC purses her lips at the tall man.
Logan raises an eyebrow at Tyler’s group of friends, who are crowded around Edgar’s phone.
Tripp gasps. “Holy crap you caught a Togepi?! Goals!”
Logan turns back to MC, a huge grin on his face. “You sure about that, MC?”
Darren shakes his head and lets out a low chuckle. “C’mon, man, you know what she's trying to say. Couldn't hurt to get a little more cultured, right?”
“Hey, I drink German beer! That counts for something, right?” Logan seems proud of himself.
Becca glares at him. “Heineken is Dutch, genius.”
Logan’s mouth falls open as he looks at her in disbelief for a moment before he shrugs. “Okay. So maybe I could stand to expand my horizons…” He shoots MC a goofy grin. “All right, MC. I’m convinced. Let’s do this!”
“Awesome! Glad to hear it.” MC pats him on the shoulder and he winks at her.
“Sign me up, too. Sounds fun.” Darren gives her a solid warm smile.
“Thanks, Darren!” MC beams at him and gives him a quick hug.
She turns to Chris, seeing him with one of the widest warm smiles she's seen on his face. “Guess we’re doing this. Count me in, MC.”
He reaches over and grabs her hand, holding it firmly in his much larger one. “Acting might be just the new thing I’m looking for.” He raises her hand to his lips and softly kisses the back of it.
She blushes deeply at the bold PDA and grins at him. “You never know, right?”
Becca actually smiles, either missing his affectionate display to MC, or choosing to ignore it. “For once, MC actually has a bright idea. With your natural charisma, you’ll be a shoo-in for the male lead.”
She totally catches him off guard, his eyes previously looking at MC with soft affection, now giving her a very confused expression, before he swallows hard and turns to respond. “Oh… thanks, Becca...”
She continues to ignore the fact that he has MC’s hand in his as she continues. “Any time. I--” She stops and looks around quickly. “Wait a second. Something feels off. Where’d Madison go?”
Logan’s expression suddenly matches Becca’s frantic one. “She's usually no more than ten feet from you…”
They all look around and find her on the far side of the roof, talking to Tyler’s friend, Tripp.
Tripp grins at Madison. “Actually, I basically invented the sleeveless vest trend. I’ll tell you a little secret… This used to be a jacket.”
Madison’s mouth falls open. “And you just cut off the sleeves? Just like that?”
He gives her a confident nod. “Just like that. That's just how I roll, babe.”
She giggles. “It's soooo puffy! Can I touch it?”
He leans in close. “I thought you'd never ask.”
Logan's face contorts with multiple emotions at the same time. “What's Madison doing flirting with that dork?”
Darren leans over. “Easy, buddy. Since when do you care who Madison flirts with?”
Logan stammers, totally caught off guard by Darren's question and his own feelings. “I… I totally don't. You know me. Being single is basically my religion.” He scoffs weakly as he glares across the roof.
The conversation is interrupted by a burst of laughter across the way, causing everyone in their immediate group to turn and look.
Tripp is crying with laughter. “No way! I thought I was the only one on campus who still watched Saturday morning cartoons!”
Madison giggles. “I mean, I get up on Saturday and watch cartoons on Netflix… but it still counts, right?”
“It sure does! High-five!” He raises his hand up high for Madison to connect.
She laughs and jumps up to give him one. “Yay! I love high-fives!”
The small circle of friends turn to look at Logan, his face now clearly showing his upset. “I… I don't know what to do!”
MC steps close to him and tugs on his arm. “If you really feel that strongly about her, you should make a move. She at least deserves to know how you feel…” Logan turns to give her an anxious look as she gently pushes. “You might be pleasantly surprised.”
Chris moves up behind MC, wrapping his arms around her as he shoots Logan a reassuring smile and pulls her close, reinforcing her words with his actions.
Logan begins to nod enthusiastically as he glances across the roof. “You're right! I can't just stand here while Tripp steals the love of my life!”
MC’s mouth falls open slightly. “Uh, aren't you kind of exaggerating? I mean--”
Logan doesn't let her finish as he quickly turns from them all and heads across the roof, throwing up his hand. “Yo, Maddie! You want a drink?” He flashes her a big smile.
She makes a thoughtful face for a moment before she answers, turning her attention away from Tripp. “Not really… but I do want pizza bagels!”
Logan's face suddenly looks euphoric. “You know what? Those do sound good!” He grabs her hand and pulls her towards the stairs. “Let’s go see what Chris has in the freezer!”
“It’s a date!” Madison giggles as they take off.
MC frowns as she watches them disappear. “So… are they just gonna eat all of our pizza bagels?” She turns to Chris with a raised eyebrow. “Are we okay with that?”
Chris lets out a short laugh as he spins her to face him, wrapping his arms tighter around her waist. “Hey, I’m not about to stand in the way of young love.”
He ignores the bitter look Becca throws at them both before Darren wraps his arms around her shoulders and moves her towards the stairs to follow Logan and Madison down. Tripp and the others follow as well, now suddenly interested in the snacks available inside. MC turns her eyes back to his once everyone disappears. The very corner of his lips curl up as he looks back, his eyes moving from hers, down to her mouth. He licks his lips as she pulls her bottom lip in, playfully chewing on it, knowing she will get a reaction out of him.
He lets out a low growl and reaches up to cup her face, his thumb running across her bottom lip to free it. She smirks and pulls it back in, making his nose scrunch up with both humor and irritation. She’s doing it on purpose. He knows it. Chris lets out another low growl, but this time leans down slightly to stop her actions with his lips. It works as she opens her mouth when he asks, inciting a light moan from her throat, making him shift them both to increase the contact surface between their bodies.
He wraps his arms tightly around her back, lifting her slightly. She takes the hint and wraps her legs around him, making it easier for him to lift her completely. He runs his hands under her legs, right below her ass. He groans when she squeezes her legs around his waist, causing friction between their lower bodies. She breaks the connection between their lips and grins at him. He breathes raggedly a few times as he looks deep into her eyes. She pulls her bottom lip in again, this time without realizing it.
He hisses at her and kisses her with some force again, speaking between kisses. “Urgh… stop… it…”
She starts to laugh when she realizes what she did unintentionally. He joins in her laughter, kissing her while grinning and walking towards the stairs. He pauses at the top of the stairs, kissing her rapidly a few more times, making her giggle harder before he accepts that she knows not to mess with her lip. He slowly lowers her down, their bodies keeping direct contact as she slides a little down his warmth, their eyes never separating.
He leans to give her one more kiss, this time slow and hungry. Chris enjoys her taste, instantly re-familiarizing his senses with her flavor. He definitely missed this, and now he wants more.
She turns towards the stairs, her hips moving in such a seductive way. He wonders if its on purpose or if she's totally unaware what she's doing to him right now. Quickly he runs one hand through his hair before shifting to run his other down her lower back and under the curve of her ass, making her turn her head slightly to look over her shoulder at him. He laughs and shrugs, flashing her with an apologetic smile.
She grabs his hand and sticks it in her back jeans pocket, cocking her eyebrow at him playfully as they head down the stairs. Before they separate so she can recruit more actors for the play, Chris lightly squeezes her through the jeans then lets his hand slip out of the pocket. He doesn't look at her when she turns to him again, a sly smile on his lips as he heads toward Logan to see what damage has done in the kitchen.
Abbie flashes a huge grin as MC finishes her proposal. “Ooh, I’d love to help design set… and if you absolutely need me to do some acting, I guess I’d be down.”
MC lets out a sigh of relief. “Yay! Thanks, Abbie!” She reaches over and pulls her friend into a firm hug.
Standing next to Abbie during the conversation, Tyler steps in as well. “You’re gonna need lighting and sound all that, right? I’m basically a one-man tech crew! Put me in, coach!”
Chris gives him a high five from his spot next to MC, both laughing. Chris leans in and whispers into her ear, only for her to hear. “Best looking coach I’ve ever worked with…”
She snorts and playfully shoves him away, giving her space to breathe before she focuses on Tyler again. “You’re in! Welcome aboard, Tyler!”
MC winks at them and turns to search out more friends to recruit. She doesn't make it far tho, as a familiar pair of warm hands find her hips on both sides. She smiles without turning around, feeling him eliminate all space between them. The music changes to an upbeat, grind it out type of song. She feels him shift behind her, asking her to dance without any using any words. She runs her hands from his forearms to his hands, covering them with her own, accepting the offer. He leans in closer, bending his neck over her shoulder as he tucks his face into her neck. She can feel his breath against her neck as they move, her eyes closing as she pushes and pulls against him.
She swallows hard when he gently kisses on her neck, occasionally sucking on her skin but not hard enough to leave a mark. Just hard enough to tease her. Her eyes open slightly as she glances around, relaxing when she realizes that many others are doing the same around her, so they are just another pair of bodies in the crowd.
While MC is enjoying herself, she really wants to see those blue eyes that make her knees weak. She prys the firm grip he has on her hips lose and slowly spins, making sure not to lose the full body contact with him as she does. When she finishes her spin, her eyes look up into his. She finds them hooded and dark, almost predatory as she runs her hands up his chest. He tightens his grip on her and she runs her hands up and behind his neck, cocooning them into a small little bubble.
Chris wraps his arms around her back and waist before he ducks his head back into the crook of her neck. He continues to kiss and suck on her skin, now with increased activity because he’s hidden better than before. She tries not to obviously gasp at his touch.
She hears him whisper loud enough for her ears only through the loud music around them. “Is this party over yet....”
MC laughs and kisses him on the neck this time, making him groan at the contact. Hearing that makes her smile, knowing she wants the exact same thing. She's only been thinking about him like that since the championship game. Her body tingles as the memories fly through her mind. She decides that party or not, she's going to get this recruiting business over with so they can sneak off and finally get some time together, just the two of them.
She pulls back a little, making him stand straight again as well. His eyes are still hooded and dark a he looks into hers. She runs her hand through his hair and his eyes close as he enjoys himself. She does it a few more times while her other grips his bicep firmly.
When she stops and lowers her hand to his other arm he slowly opens his eyes, instantly focusing on her. They are more clear now, her actions having pulled him from his deeply lustful thoughts. He slowly smiles at her, knowing she has to leave him for a little while longer.
“I need a few more volunteers for the play. I promise to run away with you as soon as I get enough…” He smirks when she says ‘run away’.
“Alright…” He nods once and brushes some hair out of her face. “I’m here. If you want me...”
She doesn't miss it. His statement is a repeat of his previous admission during their trip. He said that specific phrase intentionally. She begins to bite her lower lip but sees his eyebrow arch slightly and stops with a light laugh. “Sorry…”
He winks at her and loosens his grip on her, letting her float out of his hands as he stands there staring after her with a lopsided smirk until she disappears into the crowd.
MC finds Tyler’s group of gaming friends who have congregated in a tight group near one of the windows. She runs through the idea with everyone, thanking Edgar again for his involvement, hoping to drum up more participants.
“A long as I don't have to be in any scenes with Tyler, I’m in.” Leila says curtly to MC.
MC gives her a knowing smile, somewhat apologetic to the way things had gone down between everyone during the last quarter. “Since he’ll mostly be operating the lights, I think I can guarantee you won't be.”
Tripp moves closer to MC, his expression beyond excitable. “You know the Trippinator is down! But be warned… my performances have been known to bring audiences to tears.”
MC can't help but laugh. “I’m almost certain that's not true, but I’m glad to have you anyway!” She pats him on the shoulder before moving on to another group.
She finds Madison nearby and heads over, noticing Logan hovering around her closely. She explains the situation to Madison, with the help of Logan who tries to encourage her to join him.
“I dunno. Can I play a tree? In all of the other plays I’ve done, I’ve always been a tree.” Madison looks at MC hopefully.
MC can't help but smile at her sweet friend. “Hmm… Sure, you're a tree!”
Madison squeals and jumps on MC, gripping her in a tight hug. “Yay! Thanks, MC! You're the best!”
MC clears her throat and pulls back to look at Madison. “We might want you to play some other roles between your tree scenes… like, human roles.”
Madison frowns a little as she contemplates MCs request. “Hmm… I guess that’s okay, depending on what tree I get to play.” She suddenly perks up. “Can I be an oak tree? I’ve already been a cherry blossom and a wisteria.”
MC grins and reaches out her hand. “Sure, oak it is.”
Madison takes her hand and shakes it. “Yay! Squirrels are going to live in me!”
MC tells them both thanks again and mingles around the room. Soon she spots Zack and Brandon hanging out on the other side and walks over to them.
Brandon spots her approach and gives her a warm smile. “Hey! I heard about the play! Got room for one more?”
MC gives him a huge smile. She knew she liked this guy. “Of course!”
Zack is practically vibrating next to him. “Oh, I can't wait to do a scene with you.”
Brandon leans towards him, hooking his arm around Zack’s waist, pulling him flush against him. “We can do a little scene later tonight if you’d like…”
Zack moves his face closer, his eyes locked on Brandon's, their noses less than an inch apart. “Careful. You're going to make MC blush.” He breathlessly replies, locking his arms around Brandon as well.
MC snorts with amusement.
Brandon grins, his eyes holding Zack’s. “So let her blush. Everyone knows I can't get enough of you.”
They both continue as if in their own world making MC playfully roll her eyes. “Are you sure you won't get sick of me if we do this play? We’re going to be spending a lot of time together on set…” Zack playfully brushes his nose against Brandon’s.
Brandon sucks in a quick breath and leans back, his expression torn. “Actually… we’d better do it now while we can.”
Zack and MC both pick up on his tone immediately. Zack quickly looks at MC, his previous joyus expression now replaced with a clouded one.
He turns back to Brandon, his brow creased with worry. “That sounds kind of ominous. Whats up?”
Brandon lets out a large sigh, turning his eyes away from Zack. “I’ve been trying to work up the courage to tell you this but…”
He looks up into Zack’s eyes. “I got into ‘Hartfeld in Peru’ for spring quarter…” He watches Zack’s face fall and swallows hard. “I applied for it before you and I got together. I’m sorry it took me this long to tell you.” His voice gets softer towards the end, almost a whisper.
MC grimaces at the awkward conversation, but she receives a look from Zack, pleading for her to stay. If one of her best friends needs her, she's going to be there, even if it’s more than uncomfortable.
Zack drops his arms from Brandon’s waist and steps back. “Wait… you're going to be gone for three months… surrounded by hot South American guys?”
Brandon looks away from Zack for a moment and lets out another huge sigh, his voice dropping lower. “Oh boy. I knew this would be a problem…”
MC sees the look on his face, knowing he wants to talk to Zack more privately, so she quickly bows out. The following conversation needs to be privat. “Uh… speaking of which, I need to keep recruiting for James's play, so…”
Zack doesn't argue with her as she quickly leaves them to talk things through, backpedaling across the room until she bumps into someone. She turns as two tiny but familiar hands grab her shoulders and spin her around.
Kaitlyn grins at her. “Careful there, stranger.”
MC has an internal sigh of relief. “Kaitlyn! I was hoping I’d bump into you! I was wondering if--”
Her friend quickly finishes her sentence for her. “You could convince me to try out for James’s play? Okay, I’m convinced.”
She almost laughs at MC’s stunned expression. “You're my best friend, MC. I’d do anything for you.”
MC doesn't speak as she pulls Kaitlyn in for a big tight hug. When she leans back she pulls back she can't help but smile. “Aw, Kaitlyn… you're the best.”
She smirks at MC. “Oh, I know. Don't worry.. I’m sure you'll find a way to pay me back eventually.”
Just then there's a knock on the door. Being so close, MC goes to open it and finds James standing beside a young man in a crisp suit.
James politely nods at her as he flashes her a smile. “Hey, MC. Allow me to introduce our Lord Rathbone…”
He turns and the younger man steps closer, leaning in to grasp her hand gently before kissing the back of it with a smile. “Sebastian Delacroix, at your service.”
MC grins at the unexpected contact. “Wow… I guess chivalry's not dead after all.”
He stands straight and gives her a pointed look. “I’d like to think there are still some men keeping it alive.”
MC grins to herself, her thoughts drifting to Chris and the many times he's been chivalrous to her. She quickly makes herself focus on the pair in front of her before she becomes too distracted with said thoughts.
“Good to know… but I hope you're not this polite as Lord Rathbone.” She flashes him a cocky smile.
His polite smile turns mischievous. “Quite the opposite. Playing the rogue is my specialty. In fact, sometimes I don't know whether I’m not more myself when I’m up there, acting the villain.”
His statement catches her off guard, making her feel somewhat uncomfortable suddenly. “That’s… terrifying.”
His eyes narrow as his eerie grin grows. “On the contrary, my dear, it’s acting.”
MC becomes even more concerned. “Riiiight…”
Sensing her unease, James quickly steps in. “Apologies, MC. Sebastian takes his craft very seriously.” He gives her a small shrug and accompanying smile. “And to be honest… his work speaks for itself.”
Sebastian gives them both a friendly smile. “Well, I’m certainly not all work and no play. I’ve brought a fifty-year-old bottle of scotch to share. Care to crack it open?”
MC is stunned again. “Um, sure, but I’m not sure we have the right glasses for it…” She's suddenly feeling very self conscious.
He gives her a curt nod and steps into the kitchen. “I’ll go see what I can turn up. Bye for now. I’ll catch up to you two later…” He disappears into the thick crowd.
MC exchanges a bewildered look with James. “What… just happened?”
James lets out a small chuckle. “Sebastian has that effect on people. He’s just from a different world, you know?”
She snort scoffs at him through a grin. “Yeah… your world. That guy was on a whole other level, though…”
“He’s a textbook narcissist with delusions of grandeur. But he’s also the best actor I’ve ever met.” James shakes his head as he looks in the last direction they saw Sebastian. “How's the rest of the cast looking?” He turns to her, his expression hopeful.
MC grabs both of his hands in her excitement. “Great! I’ve talked to pretty much everyone. I think you’ll have just enough actors to fit the bill.”
James shakes her hands with his. “Thanks, MC. I literally couldn't have done it without you… I had to sit and catch up with Sebastian for about an hour before I could broach the subject of the play.”
She drops his hands and gives a deep laugh. “I do not envy you. Now, this is a party, so if I were you I’d stop sulking and start having a good time.”
He smirks at her and nods. “Orders received.”
MC watches as James takes off in the direction of the kitchen, assuming he's looking for the refreshments. She smiles as her eyes drift over the suite, seeing so many happy familiar faces, and some not so familiar. The music is louder in the living room section of the suite, encouraging the guests to dance and have a good time.
She sees some of her friends in the center and heads over as Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You comes on. MC starts dancing her way over, slipping through the crowd as bodys shift and vibrate around her. She closes her eyes and begins to dance with the people next to her, everyone having a great time with the beat of the song.
‘I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body’
Someone comes up behind her, but her eyes are still closed so she thinks its Chris at first. As the seconds pass something doesn't feel right though, so she turns to see who it is. He’s a Hartfeld student, someone MC has seen around campus. She believes he is a sophomore though and they shared a class together last quarter. He flashes her a grin as he keeps pace with her, matching her movements as she shifts back and forth, up and down with the music.
‘And last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with your body’
MC can't help but smile back. She can't deny that he’s good looking. He’s taller than her, almost as tall as Chris, and he has shaggy dark brown, almost black colored hair framing his deep brown eyes. They are so dark that she can't help but be caught by them momentarily before she tears her eyes away. She feels her face flush, realizing this was not who she wanted to make her feel this way, but she couldn't stop the natural attraction he’s pulling from her.
Talking to Darren on the side of the living room, Chris’s eyes occasionally scan for the one person he wants to spend his time with. Eventually he spots her, thanks to his height advantage, near the front door talking to James. He sees another shorter young man with them. He figures it must be the guy MC was telling him about earlier, the one to play James’s notorious villain.
He doesn't miss when the sandy haired young man kisses the back of MC’s hand. His eyes narrow as he watches, trying to get a feel for this guy. Chris quickly realizes that he's just being polite. Overly polite, but innocently so. His shoulders relax a little, not realizing that his chest had tightened some as he watched their interaction.
He shakes his head and laughs lightly, amused by his own overreaction. He listens to Darren’s conversation with another one of their teammates for a moment before he looks back over to MC, finding her turning around as James heads towards the kitchen. His eyes stay on her, hoping that she will find his soon, so he can make his way to her again.
Just then the current Bruno Mars song ends and Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You comes on. He watches with amusement as MC starts dancing her way through the thick crowd, easily slipping through with her lean athletic frame as everyone moves to the song around her. He smiles as he sees her close her eyes and begins to dance with the people nearby, everyone having a great time with the beat of the song.
‘I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body’
He instantly freezes as a tall dark haired guy comes up behind her. Chris’s eyes shift to MC’s, but her eyes are still closed. He watches her continue to dance, wondering if she feels the guys presence yet, or if she thinks its him. ‘She has to think it's me… right?’
It doesn't take her long to open her eyes and spin around. The expression on her face lets him know that she did in fact think it was Chris, suprise crossing her features when she sees that it’s someone else. His brow creases as he wonders who this guy is, if he knows him, if she knows him, if he recognizes him at all. Chris thinks he looks familiar. Maybe. His lips flatten to a thin line as he turns his body to fully face the pair in the center of the room as he focuses.
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 The guy flashes MC a grin as he keeps pace with her, matching her movements as she shifts back and forth, up and down with the music. Chris’s eyes shift to hers and narrow slightly, wondering if she's going to chase him off or… something. Anything.
‘And last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with your body’
He frowns as he sees her smile back. Chris swears he sees her face flush a little. The hair on the back of his neck stands up as he watches. He swallows the lump in his throat and tells his rapidly beating heart to calm down. But it doesn't listen, and he can't think. He’s felt this before, when MC was spending a lot of time with James. When he took her to the Kappa dance and out to dinner, in that curve hugging dress. When he was distracting himself with… Becca. He sighs.
I'm in love with your body
I'm in love with your body
Chris frowns. He doesn't have the right to feel this… this, jealousy.
‘Ah yes, that's what it is. Jealousy.’ That’s exactly what he’s feeling and he hates it. But does he have the right to feel this way? He quickly thinks through everything they have discussed regarding the two of them. His mind hits a wall as he remembers her statement on the bus to nationals. ‘I’m single…’ he recalls her playfully telling Ethan as she shot him a particular look.
‘I'm in love with your body
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with the shape of you’
Chris is sure she chose him that next day. They spent the entire day with each other, most of it intimately too. His eyes narrow as he makes up his mind, hoping that MC won't become upset with him as he quickly cuts through the crowd, heading straight for her. It only takes seconds for him to slide up behind her as she still dances with the brunette man. He takes a deep breath, calming himself before he reacts unfavorably, keeping faith that he hasn't been misreading everything.
‘One week in we let the story begin
We're going out on our first date
You and me are thrifty, so go all you can eat
Fill up your bag and I fill up a plate’
MC is having fun but also feels anxious for some reason as she continues to dance with the deep brown eyes in front of her. She knows it's just innocent dancing, but she thinks she's picking up on a little more from him. She shakes her head and smiles, trying to continue dancing and not leading him on in any way if possible. The song doesn't make that very easy though, as the actual subject begs for physical interaction between them.
‘We talk for hours and hours about the sweet and the sour
And how your family is doing okay
Leave and get in a taxi, then kiss in the backseat
Tell the driver make the radio play, and I'm singing like’
Suddenly something changes. It’s like the pressure shifts around her as the air warms her from behind. It only takes a millisecond before she knows what's happening. She almost laughs, positive that someone in particular is close behind her now, making her heart beat faster than it has been with all the dancing.
Chris swallows as she turns to face him, waiting to see her face and gauge her reaction to his interruption. He ignores the man on the other side. To Chris, he doesn’t even exist.
‘Girl, you know I want your love
Your love was handmade for somebody like me
Come on now, follow my lead
I may be crazy, don't mind me’
Her eyes tell him everything he needs to know when she turns full circle and they lock onto his. He is an idiot.
‘Say, boy, let's not talk too much
Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead
Come, come on now, follow my lead’
MC’s eyebrow arches up slightly, questioning his sudden appearance. He’s still standing there, looking at her with a dopey smile, clearly embarrassed by his overreaction.
‘I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body’
Chris sees the dark haired man find another dance partner out of the corner of his eye, making him narrow his gaze as he stares into her hazel orbs.
‘And last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you’
She’s still looking at him questionably as she continues to dance, so he reaches out with one hand to firmly grasp her hip, feeling her rhythm so he can match up.
‘Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with your body’
She moves closer to him, straddling one of his legs as their bodies push and pull together. He wraps his other hand around her lower back, holding her against him as their bodies roll together.
I'm in love with your body
I'm in love with your body
I'm in love with your body
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with the shape of you’
Chris lowers his head slightly to brush his lips near her ear.
‘Come on, be my baby, come on
Come on, be my baby, come on….’
She shivers under his touch, making him smile into her neck as the song continues.
‘I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body’
Chris nips at her neck, right below her ear. He hears the resulting gasp, so he does it again.
‘Last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with your body’
He leans back up, running one hand around her neck and up into her hair, making her turn to look at him. They stare into each others eyes as they continue to move, neither daring to break the direct contact.
‘Come on, be my baby, come on
Come on, be my baby, come on
I'm in love with your body
Come on, be my baby, come on
Come on, be my baby, come on
I'm in love with your body’
‘Come on, be my baby, come on
Come on, be my baby, come on
I'm in love with your body’
Chris suddenly tilts her chin up slightly, covering her lips with his. Her eyes slam shut as they continue to roll together, this time with electricity starting with their joined lips.
‘Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with the shape of you’
Just as the song ends they pull apart, both sets of eyes closed for a moment as they collect themselves. When MC opens her eyes she sees his already on her. She tries not to laugh or even grin, knowing that he is obviously jealous and probably worried that she was just entertaining the idea of the handsome stranger. She knows she can't let him get away with this though, deciding to playfully question him instead.
“You jealous, captain?” MC watches as his shoulders soften as she runs her arms around his taut waist, her hands locking firmly behind his back.
He clears his throat as he glances around the room. She assumes he's looking for the dark haired man she was previously dancing with before he turns his gaze back to her, slowly answering in a low voice. “What if I say yes to your question, beautiful…”
She smirks at him, knowing she has him. “That's… good to know.”
He tilts his head, eyeing her suspiciously. “Are you… are you teasing me, MC?” A mischievous smile appears on his face.
She unlocks her arms from his waist as she starts taking a few steps backwards. “Me? No… I would never do that.”
MC grins at him briefly before spinning and cutting through the crowd to Kaitlyn. She had promised to help her clean up some and restock the kitchen a little earlier, so if she didn't show up soon, her bubbly best friend would surely come looking for her. She glances back to Chris one more time, seeing him chew on his tongue as he shakes his head at her. The look he's giving her makes her stomach flutter, knowing that he's going to make her pay for it later.
She can’t wait.
Later that night, as the party is winding down, MC heads up to the roof. She finds Brandon and Zack closely together as they hover near the side, talking in hushed tones.
Brandon waves at her as they make eye contact. “Hey, MC! Hope we didn't scare you away earlier.”
Zack gives her a playful look as he snorts. “Are you kidding? She bolted out of there like a scared antelope.”
She rolls her eyes at her friends playful jab at her decision to maintain their privacy. “I take it this means you guys sorted everything out?”
Zack’s happy edge falls from his expression. “Not exactly… I’m still super bummed that Brandon is ditching me next quarter.”
He turns his gaze to the man next to him, his expression turning more positive with each second. “But… it's all the more reason to enjoy the present, right?”
Brandon pulls him close, kissing him on the top of his head. “Right.”
Zack blushes and turns quickly to MC. “Speaking of which… you look like you’re looking for that special someone. Am I right?” He gives her a impish wink.
She smiles and she wrinkles her nose at her ‘all knowing’ best friend. “Yeah, I’m looking for Chris.”
Brandon casually points past them to the edge of the roof with his free hand. “I think I see your guy over there…”
MC waves to them both and heads over to the far side of the roof, past the sofas and firepit. The area is empty except for her favorite person, who is currently looking off into the distance.
She quietly slides up next to him, gently running her hand down his back starting at the nape of his neck. “I’ve been looking for you.”
He turns to face her, pulling her close to his chest with both hands, a deep warm smile on his lips. “You make it sound like I’ve been hiding.”
“I was just thinking… I haven't given you your Christmas present yet.” She tilts her head to the side.
His grin grows, flashing her with a perfect set of pearly white teeth. “Let me guess? Is it socks?”
She leans over and whispers in his ear. “It’s something for me to wear… and you to enjoy.”
He leans back, surprise written all over his face. “That’s a lot better than socks… Unless you're going to wear the socks. Wait. Will you be wearing just socks?”
MC laughs at him. “Let's go to my room.” She reaches for his hand, threading her fingers through his as she turns, heading for the stairs.
“I’ve been waiting for you to say that all night.” He quickly moves in step with her, gladly following her anywhere.
They cut through the less packed living space, the crowd slowly fading as the early morning hours approach. They silently enter the hall and duck into her mostly dark room. As Chris crosses the threshold, MC drops his hand and pushes the door too softly, quickly locking it before she turns to face Chris. He's standing right there, only inches from her as her back rests on the door.
He narrows his eyes at her slightly, placing one hand next to her and leaning on it as he shifts closer. MC knows he definitely hasn't forgotten about earlier. She quickly ducks under his arm and steps further into her room. He spins and takes a few steps towards her. His movements make her feel like a gazelle on the Serengeti while a large sleek lion tracks her every movement.
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 As he gets closer she takes a deep breath and places her hands flat on his chest, pushing him back towards her bed. His eyes shift from a predator hunting prey to questioning and curious. When the back of his legs bump into her bed, she pushes his chest one last time, making him sit down by default. She walks over to her duffle bag and pulls out a carefully wrapped box as he watches her every move.
She can tell that he almost can't contain his excitement. “Do I get to watch you put it on?”
MC looks at him and thinks about his request. “Mm, I think you should…” She bites her lip, watching him hold his breath. “Close your eyes.”
He flashes her a mock pout, obviously not too upset with the idea of being surprised when he gets to open his eyes. She pulls the large sash off of the box and walks over to him, his eyebrows rising as he searches her face. “What are you doing…”
She cocks an eyebrow and raises the sash to his eyes. “No peeking, Christopher…”
He starts laughing and closes his eyes. “Yeah, okay. I probably do need this.”
She gently wraps it around his head, covering his eyes and ties it around the back. She folds at the hip, inspecting the coverage as she playfully sticks her tongue out at him. When he doesn't react she stands back up and smiles. “You can’t see, right?”
He reaches up and fumbles as he locates her hips from her voice as she stands between his legs. “Uh…” He laughs. “Not at all… actually.” He sighs and shakes his head with a small frown.
“Good.” He hears the smirk in her voice as she steps out of his reach.
He pouts and lets his hands drop to his sides, trying to listen to everything he can as she moves around the small room. One by one, he can hear as she she starts dropping articles of clothing, each piece hitting the floor close by. He can hear her pull something out of the box he saw earlier and he grins. Chris doesn't miss the sound of the fabric sliding across her skin. He can feel his heart rate increase, making it harder to focus as he can only think of ripping the makeshift blindfold off and tackling her to the ground. Chris hears her shuffle suddenly, followed by a thud as he assumes she runs into the desk nearby.
 “MC..?!” He sits up straight and calls out, his hands instinctively shooting out as if he was going to catch her somehow.
She laughs. “Oh my god, I can't believe I just did that.”
“Did what?” His voice is full of concern as his brow furrows underneath the blindfold. He forces himself to stay seated though, telling himself that everything's fine since she's laughing. He forcefully blows out a breath of air and listens intently again.
“I should have tried this on more. I apparently need the practice... “ She snorts and grumbles to herself. “...losing my balance, are you freaking kidding me…”
Chris’s entire body relaxes and he lets out a hearty laugh. She shushes him and he hears her move closer to him again. He can tell when she steps back between his legs, her hands almost immediately running through his hair on both sides. He takes a deep breath and smiles, leaning into her touch as she slowly unties the sash. He blinks a few times, focusing in the dimly lit room at the vision in front of him.
He sucks in a quiet breath. “You’re… amazing.”
“So… what do you think? Red’s your favorite color, right?” She runs her hands down the sides of her sheer lace trimmed lingerie.
He just stares at her, jaw slack with shock and awe. “I think I’ve never been more turned on in my entire life.”
Chris slowly reaches out, his eyes looking up to hers for permission before he makes contact with his hands on her hips. He watches his hands as one runs across her flat stomach, the other running up her side, making her shift when he crosses a ticklish spot near her ribs. He remembers that spot from before, making the corner of his lips curl up slightly.
She grins down at him. “So… what are you going to do to me?”
His face turns dark and sultry. “I might start by tearing this lingerie off you with my teeth...” His eyes continue to explorer with his hands, making her gasp here and there as he re-familiarizes himself with her body.
“So impatient… this stuff was expensive, you know. You should let me wear it for a few minutes… get my money’s worth.” She hisses at him.
Chris shakes his head in disbelief as his eyes trail up and down her body. “You're going to drive me crazy, baby.” He groans.
Her eyes narrow seductively. “Good.”
MC takes a step closer, gently pointing into his chest. “Now here’s what you’re going to do.”
She climbs onto and straddles his lap. He closes his eyes tightly for a moment, taking a deep breath as he adjust to her close proximity. He's not going to let this end anytime soon if he can help it, so he takes a minute to calm his body. When he opens his eyes again she's looking at him wickedly. He knows he's in trouble now.
“You’re going to kiss me. Everywhere. Until I’m begging you to take this off of me.” She narrows her eyes at him, daring him to deny her this.
He can’t help himself as he lets out a relieved laugh. His hands find the soft skin of her waist, his eyes rising to lock onto hers. “I can do that.”
Before she can react, Chris quickly spins them both, holding her body to his as he gently lowers her back down to the bed. He hovers over her, his strong arms holding him up as he kisses her neck and nibbles on her ear.
MC gasps at the ticklish contact. “That feels… nice.”
She lets out a breathless moan. “Keep going…” Another gasp escapes as she tries to suck in her next breath.
In one swift move, Chris rolls her over onto her stomach. She clenches her eyes shut as he starts kissing her shoulders, lightly biting every so often as he moves to the sensitive area between her shoulder blades. She jerks under him occasionally, his mouth making her ticklish as he moves. He kisses her all the way down the arc of her back, sending shivers down her spine, making her toes curl. She grips her blanket tightly, her legs folding up behind her so that her toes point to the sky as she tries not to squirm on the bed.
“Ah...” Her mouth hangs open as she pants lightly, her eyes still shut tightly.
As Chris shifts on the bed she peers over her shoulder, finding him shirtless and rubbing her legs as he lowers them to lay flat on the bed again. He scoots further down on the bed, his large frame almost not able to fit on the available space as he leans back down to kiss her legs, working his way up from her ankles.
She giggles. “Hey, that kind of tickles…”
He doesn't respond verbally as his hot lips make their way to the back of her knees.
“Oh!” She gasps out as he moves further up. She closes her eyes and sighs. “I…” Another gasp. “...that feels amazing.”
She rolls back over so she can see him better, reaching up to cup the side of his face before he leans back down and starts kissing up her quivering stomach as he pushes the red fabric out of his way. She runs her hand through his hair and pulls his face up to hers, locking eyes with him, seeing her own smiling face reflected in his pupils. She swallows hard as they stare into each others souls.
“I want you...” She whispers.
He doesn't say a word as he wraps his arms around her, pulling her onto his lap as he sits up. She straddles his hips as he leans forward and starts an assault of small soft kisses on her collarbone. Once he's satisfied with the coverage, he moves his trail of kisses towards her ear. His hot breath makes her shiver from anticipation as he moves beneath her.
“Now I almost want to make you wait.” He whispers into her skin, his eyes closed as he feels without sight.
She closes her eyes as well, sucking in a quick breath as she grinds slightly against his jean covered bulge. “Don't even joke about that...”
He groans as he continues his attack on her neck, licking and sucking at her sensitive skin. “You're lucky I’m such a nice guy, beautiful…”
He smirks against her neck. “Can I take it off now?” He asks between kisses.
She nods without a word, sliding back slightly so she can reach his jeans button and zipper. Once she has it open he lifts himself with his arms as she tugs them down past his knees. He leans back against the wall and kicks them off the rest of the way. She starts running her hand over his trapped and very hard length while he runs his hands up her sides. He sucks in a sharp breath as she firmly grasps him through his deep green boxer briefs. She strokes him, enjoying the feel of him hot and hard in her hand as she’s never experienced this before. Watching him react to it was definitely a turn on.
She laughs lightly when she realizes he's in green and she's in red. “We’re all Christmasy… funny.”
He shakes his head and chuckles softly before his eyes slam shut again and a groan escapes as she grips his erection through his underwear again. “Ah, baby…”
Chris grips her hips tightly and moves her against him as he rocks up and into her. Her breath catches as she feels him press onto her sensitive area through the thin fabric of her lingerie. He reaches one hand down between her legs, rubbing her through the fabric.
“Fuck, you’re so wet…” He grinds out between clenched teeth.
She doesn't seem to hear him though as he tugs on her lingerie, pulling at it until he successfully removes the highly offensive thin red fabric. She reaches down and pulls his last bit of clothing off as well, letting them join everything else in a rumpled heap on the floor as they reposition themselves as they were before. She shifts to make herself more comfortable as she straddles his now naked hips. He flexes under her, his throbbing length pressing against her core as she gently rocks against him, her eyes fixed on his.
“I could look at you all night.” He smiles softly at her, running his fingers through her golden hair while his other hand grips her hip tightly.
“What's the fun in that?” She wraps her arms around his muscled back, pulling him away from the wall and close to her chest.
Chris leans in, burrowing his face into the crook of her neck and breathing deeply as she runs her hands down his back.
“You’re so… warm.” He breathes against her, mumbling as he runs one hand down her side, brushing the side of her breast as he slowly runs lower.
MC rubs her cheek against his temple, nuzzling his ear as she runs her hand through his hair. “You don't know the half of it.” She whispers.
She shifts, positioning herself over his extremely hard length. He quickly grips her hips, not allowing her to go too fast and hurt herself. He locks his eyes on hers as she lowers herself slowly, watching his expression change as she gradually pauses to move back up before fully lowering herself all the way down, wrapping her true warmth around him. She softly moans, fully enveloping him as he completely fills her. His brows come together as his eyes slam shut in pleasure, his mouth falling open from the blissful moment.
“I… ohhhh….” He gasps out.
MC’s eyes are closed as well as she lets out a deep breath of air before he stills her completely for a moment so she can adjust. His hands are gripping her hips tightly, almost painfully. She slowly opens her eyes to find his just slits as he looks at her from a place of pure pleasure.
She smiles at him and whispers. “Told you…”
His brow creases deeper as he reaches behind her, his hands rubbing up her back as he leans forward, his lips connecting with her chest. He closes his eyes as he blindly kisses across and down her breasts, sucking gently as he lifts her lightly, rocking beneath her. She moves with him as they go slow at first, enjoying running their hands over each other as they find a complementary leisurely pace.
She feels the warmth of Chris’s body against hers as he pumps up into her, making her gasp when he goes deeper occasionally. His hands fall down to grip her ass as he picks up the speed a little. He watches as her head falls back, her mouth open as he thrusts harder into her a few times. Leaning forward, he attaches to her neck, sucking hard at the junction where her shoulders begin.
When she lets out a deep moan he suddenly holds her tightly to his chest before he shifts on the bed, flipping her onto her back while he remains inside of her somehow. Her eyes pop open at the abrupt change in position, finding him now over her, looking deep into her eyes. She tries to smile but he continues to thrust into her, now deeper and quicker than before. Her smile melts into a concentrated frown of sorts, as she begins to pant and moan in time with his thrusts.
He smirks slightly when he sees her lose her composure. “That’s it, baby…”
She reaches behind him, clawing at his muscular back as she wraps her legs around his waist. He groans at her shift, now able to slide in even deeper. Lowering his head to her chest he presses his lips to her collarbone in between breaths.
“Oh my god, Chris…” She gasps out as he speeds up and finds the spot that makes her cry out. He feels her body tighten as his own begins to tingle with the friction as she wraps her legs tighter around him.
He leans up and smiles through his gasps. “Yes, MC… ah, like… that...” He slides one hand down her leg to grip her hip where it meets her thigh tightly, increasing his speed even more.
Chris feels her getting close so he lifts his head to look into her eyes, one hand cupping her face as he searches her face.
“Hey beautiful...” He says in a breath of air before he leans down, crushing his lips into hers.
He speeds up, pushing her over the edge as he continues to kiss her, swallowing her cries of pleasure as she clenches tightly around him, making him fall off the ledge right behind her.
“Holy shit… MC!” He grunts as he pumps a few more times as he finds his release.
He stops himself from fully collapsing on top of her, only lowering his forehead to her shoulder, not wanting to crush her with his weight, his body propped above her by a framework of muscular arms. She’s still breathing heavily as she runs her hands down his back in a soothing pattern, waiting for him to catch his breath as well.
He lifts his head up to look into her eyes, his own full of concern. “That was uh… a little more adventurous than last time…” He laughs lightly before shifting and pulling out.
She sucks in a quick breath when he does, making him look at her again, his brows pulling together as his eyes shift back to hers quickly. “Are you okay?”
MC smiles and grabs his face with both hands, pulling him up slightly before she kisses him deeply, answering without a word. His eyes slide shut as he submits, letting her respond with actions instead. He sighs when she pulls away, shifting them both to lay on their sides next to each other. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her towards him, tucking her smaller spoon into his larger one before reaching down to drag the covers up over them both.
“That was beyond what I could have imagined tonight…” He softly kisses her neck as he snuggles close.
She laughs softly as she threads her fingers with his, pulling his arm up to her chest and holding it like a teddy bear. “Agreed.”
He grins into her neck when she kisses the knuckles on his hand. It only takes seconds before they both fall into a deep sleep, still closely tucked into each other under her plush covers.
The next morning, MC wakes to see Chris smiling over at her in the dim morning light. “Well… that was a pretty nice way to start winter quarter.” He grins.
She shakes her head as a flush creeps up her neck, making her laugh and pull the covers higher to hide. “Oh, yeah...”
He finishes getting dressed and leans over to her while she’s still wrapped up in bed. He kisses her softly on the forehead, then her exposed shoulder before he reaches up to move a strand of hair from her face.
“I’ll see you later at the auditions, okay? I really need to workout and go for a run… my energy level is through the roof right now.” He laughs at her blushing cheeks and leans over once more, giving her a soft kiss on the lips this time.
She barely hides her grin under the edge of her covers as she watches him pause at the door and nods. “I’ll see you there...”
He winks at her and quietly slips out of her room with a final endearing look. Once she hears the door click, she flips the covers back and heads to her closet to choose her clothes for the day. She pulls out a pair of black leggings and a long patterned off-white shirt. She pairs it with a big wide necklace and an open loose tan button up, loving the layered look.
She wraps her towel around herself and peaks out into the hall. According to his open door, Chris had quickly changed and took off to the team gym. Everyone else seems to still be asleep, so the bathroom is hers. She takes her time this morning, enjoying the warm water as it runs over her body. Her mind keeps running through last night, making her stomach flip a little as she wishes Chris was back from his run to give her a repeat performance.
MC shakes her head and laughs at herself before focusing on washing her hair and getting ready for the day. “That was a pretty nice way to start the quarter…” She agrees, mumbling to herself before closing her eyes and ducking under the shower stream.
As the time for auditions nears, MC arrives at the Hartfeld Theater. She hasn't seen Chris since he took off this morning, making her a little anxious at the idea of seeing him again now, in such a public setting. She would have liked to see him at home for even a minute before having to face him with others around. Basically, she doesn't trust her own body around him at the moment. The vibrations from last night are still bouncing around her body. She takes a deep breath as she moves closer, forcing herself to be calm.
“I hope people actually show up…” She mumbles under her breath to herself.
When she enters the building she finds two dozen people sitting inside and ready to start the auditions. She smiles, thankful that they all came when they said they would.
James notices her and immediately walks over, a huge smile on his face. “Take a look, MC. I’ve got a whole cast of actors… all thanks to you.”
Logan perks up from his spot in the crowd, clearly excited and ready to get the show on the road. “Yo! When do auditions start? You’ve got to cast me as ‘Footman 2.’ I was born for that part!”
Tripp stands and looks at Logan and then towards James and MC. “That’s the part I’m reading for!”
Madison giggles from her seat in between them both. “I get to be an oak tree!”
Edgar speaks up as well, to no one in general though. “I’ve got the entire script memorized already!”
Chris walks over to MC and flashes her a sexy smile. She swallows hard. “I assume you’re reading for the part of Lady Darling, right, MC?”
He leans in close to her, making her body heat up instantly from his proximity. “It sounds like we might be sharing an onstage kiss...”
Becca sneers as she passes them both. “That’s assuming she gets the part.”
MC quickly tears her eyes from Chris’s to land on Becca’s. “Becca? What are you doing here?”
She flashes MC a salty smile. “Trying out for the play, of course!” She narrows her eyes as she sneers at MC. “With me as your competition, you've got no chance of getting this role.”
MC’s face scrunches up like it did on the first day she met Becca, shooting her a glare right back. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see…”
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darkblueiguess · 4 years
Yusif Jones I couldn’t agree wirh you more and I know my Aunt Debbie would back you on this one 100% ...Sarah honey ...I know your friends may believe in certain policies.. but these policies damn sure were not the you were raised ... Trump is not about hate .. he is about Love and If you would do the real research on him and the real research on Biden .. I guarantee you .. you would be a Trump supporter ... 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #StopTheSteal #theraceisover #TrumpLandSlide
Are we talking about how we were all raised? You know there are people who pick up books and newspapers to develop a mind of their own? Angie, honey. This scared, pathetic, orange, corrupt little fool you call your president; spreads hate, has it out for black and hispanic Americans, denies science and experts, and encourages violence. He has collected several sexual assault accusations. You’re all steamed up about a joke of a silver spooned mouthed daddy’s boy who has abused his power and has pushed this country into a state of decay. Police brutality, ripping migrant families apart, millions of cases of covid due to his sheer ignorance and pure disbelief for science and experts. Overfilled ICU units where your son couldn’t get his stomach pumped for overdosing if he needed to. Trump is a cruel, racist, chauvinistic, homophobic piece of trash filled with lies and so are the people who kneel before him. He won’t hold himself accountable for any amount of the mess he has made. No, my mother and I didn’t agree when it came to red and blue. My mother has told me time and time again how proud she is of me for having my own thoughts, opinions and ideas. Trump and his failure to sincerely run the nation goes far beyond politics. It’s a BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS issue and to him, you and your family are just a poot in the wind. I’m sure MY mother would agree. I don’t know who your friends are and what they tell you to believe. I do know that everything you post needs a fact check before being deemed false. If you turn off fox entertainment for once and pull from more than one biased source, I’m pretty sure you’d be as terrified of trump as we all are. Or maybe you’re made of stone. I don’t know. I do know Biden’s son would be proud of him. Trump is a hateful, dirty old bitch who slanders the dead, just as you did. Notice how I didn’t mention anything about YOUR dead mother?
You are such a puppet. So hot and sweaty over a fascist. You sound like every trump defender ever. ‘Prove it, show me, I’ll wait.’ You’re a big girl with plenty of time. I’m not doing the dirty work, look it up yourself. Take the blind fold off and look LITERALLY ANYWHERE. You’re so unwilling to perceive anything going on around you because you’re so star struck by an orange turd anyway. You wouldn’t know the truth if it was banging at your door. If you paid attention to something other than fox and proud boys Instagram then maybe you wouldn’t be as backwards as your amoral tv show host. A healthy conversation doesn’t include slandering my dead mother, telling me I’m brain washed then claiming you just want a word with me. Tell me.. are you used to using the term liberal as a slur? Do you tell everyone who doesn’t agree with you that you feel sorry for them? I couldn’t give a shit less whether you’re nice to me at my place of work or not. Do you think me disagreeing with you is mean? Do you wanna lock me up? Indict me? Thank god that I will never see things the way you do. It’s about time someone rocked your little world and let you in on what your swine of a ‘leader’ is really all about. My great grandmother was an immigrant from Mexico. To trump, she was ‘illegal’. There is no ‘our family’. There is no inner circle that you could try to include me in to make it seem like we were ever ‘in this together’. Yeah, I’d say we have very different views. You’re face down in a pile of lies and you’re eating it up. You show your face on here just to express your obsession with a misogynistic, child rapist, bankrupt twit that has our nation in ruins. Quite frankly Angelina, I’m appalled by your choice of president. Nice to finally hear from you. Worry about your own children, we got this.
I keep seeing Trump is a racist on this post yet all of my friends who are actually African American do not think this way. Have you researched the Platinum Plan?
Also, you say Trump is responsible for 200k deaths, yet when he was faced with this virus and he started making changes the democrats were saying he was overreacting. Nancy Pelosi was LIVE is China at the exact same time saying “come on down to China”! There story changes when they need it to fit whatever agenda they have at the moment.
**go back and look at the timeline**
Turn OFF the mainstream media, they have an agenda as well! They are truly lying to you.
I am proud to be an American and I love my Flag and my family.
I am not a rich white girl who has had everything handed to her. I am a single Mother of 2 beautiful little children and I have been able to do more for me and my children in the last 2 years than I ever have before and I do thank Trump for a lot of that.
Trumps America, where healthcare care and basic human amenities for black Americans is considered an unheard of gratuity. A luxury. It’s a shame. And so close to Election Day too. I’m sure there’s no hidden agenda there. When trump was made aware of the virus, he remained in denial to this day. Forcing the economy to stay open at an attempt to stay afloat in hopes of locking in that second term for his own selfish motive. I said there are millions of covid cases. No one in this post dropped the number of deaths from covid, but at least you know that number. How’s that for a leader? As long as it doesn’t directly affect you, you’re content with whatever that walking pork chop does and says. Talk about privilege. It’s very ironic and classy of you to mention your 2 black friends as ammunition to try to convince me that trump isn’t racist. He changes the rules as he goes, whining and crying all the way down.
0 notes
catarinaelibeth · 7 years
The New Luthors
Lena finds out that Kara is an alien she gets her to help her open up a orphanage that caters specifically to alien children… Which is how they end up practically adopting a dozen alien kids within a year.
“Kara, hi!” Lena stands and meets Kara by the couch in her office, greeting the older woman with a hug. “Thank you for coming.”
They sit together on the couch. “Of course, Lena.” Kara smiles brightly. “You sounded a little anxious on the phone. Is everything okay?”
“Ah, yes.” Lena clears her throat. “Everything is fine. I just,” she pauses to take a deep breath, “wanted your input on something.” She wrings her fingers together in her lap.
Tilting her head, Kara leans her side against the back of the couch to fully face Lena. “You can ask me anything.”
Lena takes a deep breath before looking back up at Kara from where her eyes were intently watching her own hands. “After I read your article, the one about the attacks on alien refugees, I started thinking about… some things.” She pauses to organize her thoughts. “I bought an old building downtown several months ago. I-I had been running through several ideas for it, but… I kept finding myself thinking about you and some of the things you’ve taught me.”
Kara raises her eyebrows in question. Lena speaks before Kara can say anything.
“We were both orphans once.” Lena swallows heavily. “I-I know what’s it’s like to have to start new somewhere, feeling uncertain about how to act around a new family. We were both lucky to have not ended up in the system, but… Kara, I have tried imagining what it must have been like for you.” Her eyes bear into Kara’s. “I know we have had our fair share of discussions on aliens coming to Earth, but I meant it when I told you I don’t think ‘alien’ doesn’t inherently mean evil.” She turns to look out the window across the office. “Not every human child is lucky enough to find a new family after losing one. The odds of an alien orphan suddenly alone in a new world finding a new family must be incredibly low.” Lena continues to look out the window.
Maintaining the silence, Kara watches Lena for a moment. “Lena, I -”
“I want to turn it into an alien orphanage.”
“What?” Kara’s eyes widen in complete surprise.
Slowly, Lena turns back to look at Kara. “The building. I want it to be an orphanage… for alien children.”
Kara can only stare open-mouthed at Lena. “Wait… really?”
Lena nods. “What do you think?”
“I… I think it’s a fantastic idea, Lena.” She throws her arms around Lena.
Letting out a relieved laugh, Lena reciprocates the eager hug that pushes her backward on the couch. Her back hits the armrest. “I’m glad you think so.”
Kara pulls back, but keeps her hands on Lena’s shoulders. “Lena, do you have any idea how much good this is going to do? How many lives you are going to change?” She’s absolutely beaming at her friend. “However I can help… I’m all yours!”
Lena’s eyes are brighter than Kara has ever seen them. “Do you think we can make this work?”
“Absolutely! We can do anything… together.” Kara’s smile turns a little shy.
Biting her lip, Lena looks down a moment before looking right back into Kara’s eyes. “Together?”
Kara nods. “Together.” Her eyes move down briefly when Lena licks her lips. Lena’s heart rate quickens when their eyes lock again. “I… I never noticed before.” Lena gives Kara a questioning glance. “One of your eyes is almost blue.”
That breaks the tension.
Lena lets out a breathless chuckle. “I guess we’ve never been this close before.”
Humming thoughtfully, Kara slowly moves her hands down Lena’s arms from where they were on her shoulders. “I guess not.” She bites her own lip. “So where do we start?”
“Kara, I told you… I want you standing next to me. Not Supergirl.” Lena sets her pen down on the table they are standing next to.
“But who would have an interest in seeing Kara Danvers at the groundbreaking ceremony for the first alien orphanage in the country?”
“I would.” Lena’s tone is so genuine that the breath is taken from Kara’s lungs. She places a hand on top of one of the hands Kara has resting on the table. “This has become as much of your project as it is mine.”
“But -”
“This wouldn’t be happening if it weren’t for you.” She squeezes Kara’s hand. “You, Kara Danvers, inspire me. You inspired this.” She points to the designs on the table. “Nobody deserves to be there more than you.” She smiles adoringly. “Supergirl can make an appearance at the gala if she wants.”
“Are you sure?”
“Okay. So what’s next on the list?” Kara turns her attention back to the table.
Lena continues to look at Kara’s profile. She squeezes Kara’s hand again, waiting to speak until Kara looks at her with a raised eyebrow. “It’s getting late. I did promise you dinner.”
“I didn’t come over to help for the food, Lena.” Kara’s voice is earnest.
With a smile, Lena releases Kara’s hand. “Still… I’m sure you’re hungry. We’ve been at this for hours, and I can’t be responsible for you going hungry.” She winks at Kara before walking toward the kitchen. “I have some homemade potstickers ready to be fried.”
Kara gasps before catching up with Lena. “You’ve had potstickers this whole time and haven’t told me?”
Lena chuckles. “Us Luthors are fantastic at keeping secrets.”
Laughing, Kara rests her forearms on the kitchen island. “Is that so?” She grins at Lena. “Any other secrets you are keeping from me?”
Lena smirks over her shoulder while she begins cooking. “What’s it to you?”
“Well…” Kara slides her fingers along the countertop as she walks around the kitchen island to get to the same side as Lena. “As a Super, it is my job to uncover any plots you may be up to.”
While the dumplings are simmering, Lena turns to face Kara. They lean back against opposite counters, facing each other. A silent moment passes as they watch each other. “And how exactly do you intend to unmask my secrets, Supergirl?”
Kara purses her lips. “I have my ways.”
“I’m sure you do.” Lena’s voice drops an octave, and she quirks an eyebrow.
With a nervous chuckle, Kara’s gaze turns to her feet as she adjusts her glasses, effectively breaking the growing tension. Lena turns back to the stove, allowing Kara a moment to collect herself. “Lena?” Kara’s voice is softer than it was a moment ago.
“Mmhmm?” Lena hums in question, keeping her focus on the cooking. When Kara doesn’t say anything after a minute, Lena turns around again.
Kara fidgets under her gaze for a moment. “Do you…” She shakes her head. “Anything I can help with?” She gestures toward the stove.
“How about you find something for us to watch?” Lena smiles at her.
Nodding, Kara fixes her glasses again. “I can do that.”
Lena watches Kara retreat to the living room before turning back to the stove with a sigh.
“Hey, Lena!” Kara says with a bright smile. “So… you know that gala coming up? The one we’re both already going to? Um, for the orphanage. Yeah, that one. Well, I know you’re going, and I’m going. Obviously. But, I was wondering if maybe you would like to go together with me like on a date, as my date, as each other’s dates?” Her voice becomes higher pitched as she speaks, and she winces at the utter word vomit. “That…” She sighs. “That wasn’t great, was it?”
Sucking her lips between her teeth, Alex shakes her head slowly. Her eyebrows are nearly to her hairline. “Um.”
Kara begins pacing across the kitchen from Alex. They are on opposite sides of Alex’s kitchen island. She bites at her thumbnail as she paces.
Alex takes a sip of her beer and slowly sets it down on the counter top. She watches her little sister. “Okay.” She stands from her stool. “Wanna come sit with me?” Kara continues pacing as Alex walks to the couch. “Kar?” She pats the back of the couch when Kara finally looks at her. “Sit with me.” Her voice is soft, but there’s no question to it. She levels a glare at Kara until she begins walking toward the couch. When Kara gets close, she grabs her hand and tugs them both to sit on the couch.  “Okay.” She pats Kara’s leg in encouragement.
“Is it even worth practicing?” Kara’s head flops onto the back of the couch.
“What do you mean?”
Kara groans. “Even if I get it perfect with you, there’s no guarantee that I won’t get nervous once I’m actually talking to Lena.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being nervous.”
“Except for the fact that I’ve been trying to ask since the groundbreaking ceremony.”
Alex grins with a small shrug. “At least you have two more weeks.”
Kara groans again.
“Lena!” Kara smiles brightly when she opens the door to admit her best friend. “Hi.” She steps back to wave Lena into the apartment.
“Is everything okay?” Lena walks into the apartment with an amused smile, noting the difference in behavior in Kara. She sets her purse down on the counter top and turns to face Kara.
“Yup! Everything is fine.” Kara walks to the opposite side of the kitchen island from Lena.
“Are you sure? When you called, you sounded very… anxious.” Lena’s gaze turns suspicious as she sits on the stool across from Kara.
“Yes, I, uh, wanted to talk to you about the gala.” She touches the corner of her glasses.
“Are you- If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to. Or if you’d rather have Sup -”
“No!” Lena’s eyes widen at the sudden outburst from Kara. “Um, no. I do want to go. Of course, I do.” She takes a deep breath. “I just… I don’t want to go by myself.”
Lena’s eyebrows furrow together. “Kara, you’re welcome to invite along anyone you would like to.”
Kara shakes her head slowly, looking down at her hands for a moment. “I don’t want to invite anyone else.” Her voice is soft, and Lena only looks more confused.
“Kara, what -”
“I don’t want to invite someone because the person I want to go with is already going.” She meets Lena’s eyes unflinchingly, hoping to see comprehension on the younger woman’s face. “Lena, I- I want to go with you… If you’ll have me.”
Lena’s expression begins to look hopeful. “Kara… What are you trying to say?”
“I’m trying to ask you…” She reaches a hand across the counter to touch Lena’s hands that are nervously fidgeting together. “Lena, would you like to go to the gala together… as a date… with me?”
They both stop breathing for a moment, sucking in breaths at the question. Lena’s eyes soften. “Yes,” she breathes out with a smile forming on her lips.
Kara begins breathing again as she smiles in return. “Yes?” There’s so much hope in her voice.
“Miss Kara! Miss Kara!” A young girl runs up to Kara after she walks into one of the playrooms at the orphanage.
“Hey, Lily!” Kara bends down to bring the girl into a hug. “What are you up to today?” She smiles brightly at the girl when they pull back from the hug.
“Miss M’gann is coming for a lesson today!” Lily bounces on her toes, clapping her hands.
“That’s so great!” Kara beams and ruffles the girl’s hair. “Your English is amazing, Lily!”
“Thank you, Miss Kara.” She smiles shyly up at Kara. “Miss M’gann said she’s going to teach me about…” She scrunches her eyebrows in thought. “Um, what do you call the other beings like dogs and the ones with the long necks?”
“Animals?” Kara says with a smile to ensure the girl won’t feel self-conscious.
“Yes! Animals! We are going to learn about different animals here.” Her excitement is contagious.
“That’s so exciting!” Kara picks the girl up, bouncing her a little before letting her relax against her hip. “There are a lot of really cool animals on this planet!” She carries her over to one of the tables. They sit down next to each other.
“Do you want to color with me?”
“Sure!” Kara gets a piece of paper from the center of the table for each of them.
After a few minutes of coloring, Lily speaks again. “Is Miss Lena going to come today?” She doesn’t look up from her coloring. “You two are always together.”
Kara smiles fondly, watching the girl color. “She had to do something, but she will be here later.”
“Oh. Okay.” The girl smiles at her before continuing her coloring.
“You like Miss Lena, huh?”
That gets the girl’s attention. “Yes! She’s so funny! And she shows us exploding things!”
“Exploding things?” Kara’s eyebrows shoot up.
“Yup!” Lily goes back to her coloring, leaving Kara without a further explanation. Kara chuckles before going back to her picture.
Several other children join their table by the time Lena comes.
“Miss Lena!” Kara turns her head when she hears children calling out her girlfriend’s name, finding her walking into the room with a bright smile. Kara completely melts at the sight.
After the children greet Lena, Kara finally has room to get to her girlfriend. They both smile into the brief kiss. “Hi, love.”
Lena smiles at Kara. “Hi, yourself.”
“Did you finish your secret project?” Kara pouts slightly at Lena, letting her know she still wants to know what Lena was doing.
“Mmhmm. I did.” She kisses Kara’s pout before walking past her toward the table Kara recently vacated. “Hi, Lily. What are you doing?”
Lily looks ecstatic to see Lena. “I’m drawing a picture for you!”
“For me?” Lena is genuinely surprised. Kara sits next to her girlfriend, placing a hand on Lena’s thigh.
Nodding, Lily slides the finished picture toward her. “It’s you and Miss Kara and the home.” In the picture, two figures are holding hands and standing in front of a building. There are smaller figures spread out around the picture, playing or doing other various activities.
“This is beautiful.” Lena sounds almost breathless. If Lily notices the wetness to Lena’s eyes, she doesn’t comment on it. “Thank you.” She passes the picture to Kara to let her see before pulling the young alien into a hug. Lily wraps her arms around Lena’s neck. Kara watches with an adoring smile.
“You like it?” Lily asks when she sits back from the hug.
“I love it,” Lena stage whispers. “Do you want to see what I made?” Lily excitedly nods.
“What?” Kara looks at Lena in question, but only received a wink from her girlfriend.
“Come on,” Lena says as she grabs Lily’s hand. Kara follows them out of the room. An announcement is made over the intercom for a show starting in the auditorium.
“Lena, what did you do?”
Looking over her shoulder, Lena just smirks at Kara.
“You’re not going to tell me, are you?”
Lena leads them to seats in the middle of the front row. After the seats fill around them, Lily hops out of her chair and runs down the aisle. “Where is she going?” Kara asks Lena.
Without a word, Lena turns toward Kara and kisses her on the lips. “Show’s about to start,” she whispers as the lights dim.
Shaking her head in amusement, Kara gets comfortable. The curtain opens on the stage to reveal a large, red circle hanging in the backdrop. “Lena, what -”
“Shh.” Lena gets close to Kara’s ear. “Just watch.”
Several of the older resident children walk out onto stage. They begin acting out one of Kara’s favorite stories from Krypton. Lena smiles when she feels Kara’s fingers interlace with hers, and Kara shifts closer to her. Kara is in complete awe throughout the show.
A loud gasp escapes Kara when Alex walks out on stage. Lena squeezes her hand, but they both continue watching the show. J’onn, M’gann, Kal-El, Lois, Lucy, Mon-El, and Maggie all have small parts in the play. Toward the end, Winn comes out to sing a rendition of one of Kara’s favorite songs in mixed English and Kryptonese. The actors silently act out the end of the story while Winn sings. Lena silently hands Kara tissues.
When Winn gets to the second chorus of the song, all of the actors go back out on the stage to sing along with him. Lily comes onto the stage, wearing a red cape with the House of El crest on the back. She stands in the center, and Alex and Winn each put a hand on one of her shoulders. After a few lines, Alex and Winn walk down the steps from the center of the stage, walking right up to Kara and Lena. Winn grabs Kara’s hand, and Alex grabs Lena’s. They tug the couple on the stage. Kara is smiling through the tears in her eyes.
Kara and Lena sing the final chorus in English with everyone on stage. Lena puts her hands on Lily’s shoulders - the young alien standing in front of her. When the song ends, everyone cheers in the audience. All of the children on the stage split to the sides, leaving the adults in the center with Lily. The adults form a half circle around Kara and Lena, who taps Lily on the shoulder. The girl stands behind Lena with a giant smile. Kara looks around in confusion, but Lena grabs her hand to get her attention.
“Kara Danvers.”
Everyone goes silent. Even Kara’s sensitive ears can’t pick up anything with all of the held breaths in the auditorium. She focuses on her girlfriend.
Lena bites her lip, meeting her girlfriend’s eyes. “Kara… You are my best friend.” Kara’s eyes go wide, and her breathing quickens. Lena smiles. “This place,” she gestures with her free hand, “would not have happened without you.”
Kara wants to make a retort about is being Lena’s idea, but she can’t formulate any words over the pounding of her heart.
“We make a pretty great team.” Her smiles turns adoring. “I can’t wait to see what else we can accomplish… if you’ll have me.”
Opening her mouth to reassure Lena, Kara begins to speak. Before any sounds can formulate, she loses control of her jaw when Lena elegantly falls to one knee. Her right hand comes up to cover her gaping mouth, completely understanding why that move is a cliche.
Their eyes never break contact. “Kara Danvers,” Lena takes a deep breath, “will you marry me?”
Kara’s nodding slowly with her hand still covering her mouth, still unable to find words or believe this is actually happening. She takes a deep breath as she lowers her right hand to cover her heart. “Yes.” It’s said on an exhale.
“Yes?” Lena’s hopeful voice is betraying her nerves.
“Of course, Lena!” Kara is happier than she’s probably ever been.
Lily taps on Lena’s shoulder, handing her a small box. “Thank you, Lily.” Without looking away from Kara’s eyes, Lena takes the ring from the box and slides it on Kara’s finger.
Kara doesn’t even take the time to look at the ring. She pulls Lena onto her feet and into a kiss filled with all of her love for her new fiancee. Cheering breaks out all around them, and their family comes closer to share in the moment. “I love you so much,” Kara whispers when she rests her forehead against Lena’s.
“I love you, too.”
Kara is admiring the pictures James took at the engagement last week. “These are perfect, James.”
James looks at her with a charming smile. “Thanks, Kara. Let’s be honest, though. There’s no way pictures of that day could have been taken and not turned out perfect.”
Her eyes slide to the ring on her left hand. “Yeah,” she whispers more to herself than to James.
“So what did you want to talk about?” James moves the conversation to less heavy subjects.
Kara smiles gratefully. “We had this idea for the orphanage.”
“I’m listening.”
With Winn designing the website, and James taking photographs of the orphans, their idea takes off beautifully.
Without the threat of Cadmus anymore for several years, J’onn and Alex believes it’s safe for Kara and Lena to publicize the website for the orphanage. Although, the fiancees would have gone forward with the website with or without the “all clear.” The website is to not only publicize the existence of an alien orphanage, but it also offers a network for those willing or looking to adopt. Within the first few months of its publication, 15 adoptions are processed, nearly a million dollars are made, and news of two more alien orphanages in the works gets out.
“She’s so adorable in her little Supergirl shirt,” Kara gushes at the picture on her laptop.
“Can you imagine how she would react if she knew that she talks to Supergirl almost every day?” Lena’s chin is resting on Kara’s shoulder as they sit on their couch.
“I can’t believe there haven’t been any people interested in visiting with her yet. It’s been three months since the website went live.” Kara hears Lena suck in a sharp breath, and she tries to look down at Lena’s face. She narrows her eyes in suspicion when Lena remains still and silent. “Lena.” There’s no reaction from her fiancee. “Lena,” she says a little louder. “What do you know that I don’t?”
Lena taps her fingers on Kara’s thigh. “I did something.”
Slowly, Kara turns her body toward Lena, forcing Lena to remove her chin from Kara’s shoulder. Kara and Lena stare at each other for what feels like an endless moment in a silent battle of wits.
Finally, Lena sighs. “She’s not actually on the website.”
“But I’ve seen -”
“She can only be seen from any of our devices or ISPNs.”
“What? Why? When? How?” Kara is blinking in complete shock.
Lena’s eyes fall to her lap, where she busies herself with fidgeting with her fingers. “I couldn’t see her go,” she whispers without looking up from her hands.
“Lena, wh -”
“I’ve fallen in love with that little girl, Kara.” She finally meets Kara’s eyes.
A soft smile spreads on Kara’s face. “So have I, Lena.”
“This is all so amazing.” Lily asks with wide eyes as she slowly walks around the room, her fingers running over the various pieces of furniture as she walks by them.
Lena is pressed against Kara’s side as they stand in the doorway of the room. Kara’s arm is wrapped over Lena’s shoulders. “What do you think?” Kara asks.
Lily looks over her shoulder at Lena and Kara in confusion. “Me?”
Patting Kara’s stomach, Lena walks toward Lily in the center of the room. She kneels down to get to Lily’s head level. “Yes, you.” She smiles and takes both of Lily’s hands. “Do you like it?”
“Yes, but why are you showing me this?”
Kara comes to join them. “We want you to come live with us. If you want to, this will be your room.”
It takes a long, tense moment before comprehension dawns on the child. Her entire face brightens, and she bounces a little on her toes. “Really?” Her eyes are full of hope, but there’s some apprehension.
Lena knows that look… intimately. It’s the same look she has had with Kara so many times. “Yes, really.” Lena’s smile shows her dimples. “We want to adopt you, honey.”
“You…” Her eyes fly back and forth between the two women. “Me?” She points to her own chest.
“Yes, you.” Kara’s smile is warm and loving. Without warning, Lily lunges at both women, flinging her arms around their necks. “Is that a yes?” Kara laughs as she hugs her fiancee and Lily to her.
Lily sits back to smile at both women with tears streaming down her face. “Yes!”
All three of them smile even wider as they let the tears flow freely. Kara picks them both up, twirling them around in her arms.
“Can I help Uncle James take pictures?”
Kara and Lena turn their attention from the wedding plans on the coffee table in front of them to Lily coloring on the floor. “At the wedding?” Kara asks.
Lily smiles up at her mothers. “Yes.”
Turning back to Lena, Kara sees her fiancee shrug slightly. Lena smiles down at their daughter. “We’ll ask him if he doesn’t mind an assistant.” Lily beams and returns to her coloring.
The mothers exchange a look before Kara turns back to Lily while Lena closes the book they were going through. “Hey, Lily.”
“Yes?” Lily turns her attention back to the women on the couch.
“Come sit with us for a minute.” Kara pats the space on the couch between her and Lena.
To Kara’s and Lena’s delight, Lily is eager to meet the little boy they want to add to their family. She insists on helping decorate his room before they bring him home the next week.
“This itches.” Elcxar tugs at the collar and bow tie around his neck.
Smiling softly, Lena kneels down to adjust the offending material. “Is that better?”
He smiles crookedly and nods. “Thanks, Mommy.”
Lena’s breath gets stuck in her throat, but Elcxar doesn’t notice since he’s focused on his reflection. Her smile brings her dimples out completely. “You’re welcome.”
Kara and Lily come out of the changing room. While Lily joins her little brother at the mirror, Kara walks up to Lena to pull her into her arms. “Hey, love,” Kara whispers.
“He called me Mommy,” Lena whispers back.
“I heard.” Kara kisses Lena’s cheek as she pulls back from the hug and turns to the children giggling in front of the mirror. “What do we think?” She smiles at Lily and Elcxar as they turn to face their moms with large grins.
Lena wraps her arm around Kara’s waist. “I think they’re ready for a wedding.” She kisses Kara’s cheek. “Now it’s our turn.”
There’s no response.
“Kar?” Alex stands to walk over to her sister’s side. She meets Kara’s eyes in the mirror.
Taking in a deep breath, Kara allows a wistful smile to overtake her face. “This… This is it.” She looks at the dress in her reflection. “This one,” she whispers.
“It’s perfect, Kara.” Alex smiles lovingly at her sister.
“Mama! Mama!” Kara and Alex look over their shoulders toward the source of the voices that broke the sisterly moment.
“Woah! Hold up, munchkins!” Alex squats down to catch Jayme and Elena in her arms before they could jump at their mother and her soon-to-be wedding gown. “Let Mama take her dress off first.” She laughs at the youthful protests from her nieces.
Kara laughs at the sight before her. “So what do you think, girls?” She holds her arms out from her sides and twirls around in her dress.
“So pretty! Mommy’s gonna love it!” Elena’s nose crinkles with her smile.
“Where is Mommy?” Jayme’s pointed ears move as she speaks.
Alex ruffles Jayme’s hair. “Your mom is with Aunt Maggie trying on dresses, too.” She leans closer to stage whisper to the girls. “They want to keep their dresses a surprise for each other.” She winks before looking over her shoulder at Kara.
“That’s right!” Kara smiles at her daughters. “So… who’s hungry?”
“Mama is!” Jayme raises her hand and jumps on the balls of her feet.
Alex throws her head back in laughter and has to stand to keep from falling. Elena joins in on her laughter, and Kara playfully crosses her arms with a glare. Alex pats her sister’s shoulder. “Two-year-olds don’t lie.” She winks at Kara, who rolls her eyes in response.
“I’m going to take this off. Figure out where they want to eat.” Kara shakes her head as she walks back to the changing room. Alex’s and the girls’ laughter hit her ears as she leaves.
The newlyweds return from their honeymoon to a surprise welcome home party at their penthouse. The penthouse has extended to the top three floors of the building in the past six months to allow them more space, so each child can have their own room.
“And who’s this?” Lena smiles at the teenage girl trailing behind Maggie.
Maggie steps to the side, gesturing for the girl to step forward. “This is Mithe.” She smiles encouragingly at the alien girl. “She’s been spending some time with me, shadowing me, you could say.”
“Is that so?” Lena asks the girl with a smile.
She nods, but doesn’t speak. Maggie nudges her gently with a smile. “I- I want to be a detective, too.”
“Well,” Lena holds out her hand for Mithe to shake, “it’s nice to meet you, Mithe. I’m Lena.” She throws a slight wink at Maggie. “You’ve found the perfect role model here, if you want to be a detective.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Mithe’s voice is shy, but she smiles at Lena.
“I have to go find Alex.” Maggie pats Mithe’s shoulder. She smirks at Lena, who shakes her head in amusement.
“Hopefully, you can learn to be more subtle than her,” Lena tells Mithe. The girl giggles a little, but she seems surprised by the sound that comes out of her own mouth. Lena smiles softly with a tilt of her head. “How long have you been shadowing Maggie?”
“Um.” She shuffles on her feet. “A few days. She, uh, found me.”
“That’s lucky.” Lena looks away at something for a moment. “Are you hungry?”
The girl raises her eyebrows in mild surprise. “Um, yes.”
“Wondering how I knew that?” Lena asks as she begins walking and waves at Mithe to follow her.
“I thought you were human.”
Laughing, Lena looks at her over her shoulder. “Don’t worry. I am.” She leads them to the patio, where the food is. “I can’t read minds, but I know a hungry Kryptonian when I see one.”
Mithe freezes in utter shock, staring at Lena as they stand next to a table of food. Her mouth hangs open, but she’s unable to grasp onto any words.
“If you’re wondering if anyone else knows, I don’t think so.” She begins pouring herself a drink. “Help yourself.” She gestures toward the food on the table. When Mithe doesn’t move, Lena sets her drink down before facing the girl. “Two things.” Her lips quirk slightly. “Your name. Mithen was one of Krypton’s moons, the one that wasn’t exploded by Jax-Ur.” Mithe tenses, but Lena chooses not to comment. “I knew before hearing your name, though.” She holds up her watch. “See this? It’s made from a mineral that magnetizes Kryptonian matter. I adapted it to notify me as opposed to magnetizing.” She holds her wrist out for Mithe to see.
After a moment, Mithe breaks eye contact to look at the watch. It’s flashing. She swallows the lump in her throat before speaking. “Are you going to turn me in?”
Lena’s smile turns sympathetic. “You don’t have anything to worry about.” She purses her lips. “How long have you been on Earth?”
“Two years.” She fidgets with her hands, eyebrows furrowing together as if she’s in pain. “But, um, I guess I’m from the future.”
“Are your parents from the Phantom Zone?” Lena’s tone holds no malice, only curiosity.
Mithe nods. “They, um, escaped before the prison ended up here. I was born on a planet they took over. Superman sent them through a black hole while my mother was pregnant with me. They ended up separated. My mother landed on Rokyn shortly after Kandor was enlarged. All she cared about was finding her way back to… him. When she was able to make a tear in space, she sent me through it with a tracking device.”
“How old were you?”
“12.” She takes a deep breath. “I ended up in the Fort Rozz of this time. There were people in suspended animation there, but I was alone. My mother gave me something to use if I ended up in there. It would allow us to use the portal.” She looks down to hide the tears. “I broke the tracker and used the portal. I didn’t even care where it took me.” She meets Lena’s eyes again. “I ended up outside of National City.”
Lena became more and more shocked as Mithe spoke. “Have you been out there, on your own, since then?”
Mithe shrugs. “I’ve done alright. I jumped around between a few alien refugee hideouts.”
“Are you staying at the home now?”
“No.” Mithe looks down at her feet. “Well, not exactly. I go there to help sometimes. It can get a little overwhelming.”
“Do you ever use your powers?”
She shakes her head. “I don’t know how Supergirl does it. I can’t even begin to imagine having enough control over my emotions like that.”
“Perhaps she can help you with that.”
The fact that Lena knows Supergirl doesn’t seem to surprise Mithe. “Detective Sawyer told me you would say something like that.” She smiles in relief.
“In the meantime… my wife and I would be happy to allow you to stay here. As you can see, we have plenty of room, and the sounds of the city don’t really reach us up here.”
Mithe looks skeptical. “I basically just told you that I have powers I don’t have control of and that both of my parents were criminals that fought against Superman… You’d really let the child of super villains into your house, around your family?”
Lena surprises Mithe by laughing. Mithe looks startled, but Kara walks up before Lena can catch her breath to offer an explanation. “Hi.” She smiles at Mithe. “I’m Kara.” She shakes the girl’s hand. “You’ve come to the right family.” With a wink at Lena, she releases Mithe’s hand.
“Hello?” Lena cradles her cell phone between her ear and shoulder as she types on her laptop.
“Um, hey, Lena.” Mithe’s voice sounds in Lena’s ear.
“What’s wrong?” Lena focuses her attention on the worried tone of voice.
Mithe sighs. “Koriand’r ran away again.”
It’s Lena’s turn to sigh. “Where are you?”
“The home. I called you right after I found out.”
“Okay, I’ll call K -”
“No.” Mithe hesitates. “I can go find her.”
“Mithe -”
“I can do this. She trusts me.” She sounds so determined. “She’s my age. I under -”
“We are… Wait. What did you say?”
Lena lets out a breath. “Go find her.”
“Okay, I’ll find her!”
“And, Mithe?”
“Take her home.”
“Yes, of course. Miss M’gann -”
“No. Take her home, Mithe. I’ll meet you there.”
“Oh.” Understanding fills Mithe’s tone. “Okay.”
The call ends. “I love you, kid,” she whispers with a smirk.
“Where’s the terror trio?” Lena asks as she sits beside Kara on the couch in their main living room.
Kara snorts out a laugh, wrapping an arm around Lena’s shoulders. “Do they know you call them that?”
“They’ve embraced it.” Lena laughs. “Ever since Jupiter introduced Toni to us, those three have been inseparable… and insufferable.”
“Loren Jupiter is just jealous that he’s only a millionaire, and you’re a billionaire.”
Lena’s head falls against the back of the couch as she laughs. “Oh, so are you saying Antonia only agreed to stay with us because of our money?” Lena teases.
Kara chuckles, kissing Lena on the lips. “Toni Monetti couldn’t care less about the Luthor money. She’s here because of Mithe.”
Lena groans. “You noticed that too, huh?”
“Ha. Yeah. I don’t think Mithe has though. She’s been too obsessed with all of the training Alex has been giving them. Kory has gotten really good at staff fighting.”
“Is that where they are now?”
“No, actually. Kon-El stopped by earlier, asking them to hang out. They flew off a couple of hours before you got home.”
Kara shrugs. “They’re all 18. Well, Kon-El is 20, but still… they aren’t exactly kids, Lee.”
“Connor has been spending a lot of time with them lately.” Lena purses her lips.
“Do you think they’re up to something?”
Kara shrugs. “As long as there’s nothing on the news showing up about them… I’m good.”
Lena shakes her head in amusement. “So…” she drags out the word as she runs her fingers down Kara’s thigh. “All the little ones are playing at the home…” She straddles Kara’s lap. “The superheroes in training are off probably in some isolated desert…” She slides her hands down Kara’s arms. “All of our children, adopted or honorary, won’t be home for at least a few hours.” She kisses Kara’s forehead. “Nothing is going on at L-Corp.” She kisses Kara’s cheek. “The city isn’t under any threats.” She kisses the other cheek. “It’s a calm Saturday in National City.” She kisses Kara’s nose. “And we have the house all to ourselves.” She finally kisses Kara’s lips.
“Hmm,” Kara hums against her lips. “All to ourselves, huh?”
Nodding, Lena hums in affirmation. “That’s right.”
Kara smirks. In the blink of an eye, she has Lena on her back on the couch, hovering over her. “I like the way you think, Mrs. Luthor.”
“Is that so, Mrs. Luthor?” Lena locks eyes with her wife.
“Very much so.” Kara’s words hit Lena’s lips. Lena stretches up to catch Kara’s lips, but Kara moves out of reach with a smirk. “Want me to show you?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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