#yeah I had this whole tag paragraph planned out but like -- I literally cannot remember it LMAO
Soulsborne!Frozen AU: Great Knight Annatorias, the Abyss Walker
This is @jabs-wocks and @daughterofhel’s fault but I’m also @-ing myself because apparently I don’t need much encouragement to write stories sometimes so…
Before getting started, this entire 3.5k (yes, that's the correct number) brain-on-fire, sleep depriving idea, was inspired by two pieces by @azaffranist and one by twitter user @agongbushou. I highly recommend checking the linked art out before reading, since I reference them at times directly.
Okay Soulsborne!Frozen au, Anna is Knight Artorias, legendary fighter, sent to the Abyss to seek and destroy the Darkness of the world itself.
No pressure or anything.
Anna is a brave hearted woman, shoulder to shoulder with those who fought and killed nigh immortal dragons. Her kind pluck such foul creatures from the sky with arrows larger than trees, with lightning more forked than a hurricane, and slay enemies with the kindness of silver and gold-tipped daggers.
Her own mighty broadsword swings over her left shoulder with ease, a smile on her lips as she walks. The Age of Fire is upon them, but there is fear in the hearts of the gods, and to save those who would, without help, succumb to the evil inside of them Great Knight Anna will stop at nothing.
There are monsters to kill, perverted and misguided souls, each one more disturbing and profane than the last, as each is born from the Abyss itself, a dark, treacherous place where no mortal would dare tread. The city of Oolacile is threatened, sinking slowly into Darkness as an ancient, promethean man eats it from the inside out.
But Anna holds courage in her heart, and should she need a reminder of strength or solace, she need only look to her right and Elsa, her direwolf companion, is next to her, ice-blue eyes speaking more than a voice ever could. Her pure white fur makes the Darkness shrink, her frost-like Light magic a boon in the most murky corridor. Elsa has a nose for danger, and can conjure crystals to warn of dangerous earth, poisoned water, a new rash of weather over the mountains, or the lurking threat of fire. Her pelt is soft and warm, and in the mountains where they camp she’s as cozy as a bonfire, her fluffy tail wrapped around Anna’s middle as the Knight snoozes against her side.
With such skill and determination, and pureness of heart, Anna is more than well equipped to fight the Darkness, especially when Elsa is with her every step of the way.
The Abyss calls itself Manus and it is a nightmare.
For the first time, Anna is overwhelmed. She is battered against the walls of this cave, she is clawed and crushed and flogged with fists of pure Darkness. Her ears ring with primal screams. Elsa’s magic is no more effective than her teeth, and Anna watches as her companion lunges at the Manus’ middle, watches how the Darkness warps impossibly, sees a hand of incredible size form above Elsa’s unprotected back. Anna moves.
She does not feel her arm shatter (that pain will come later) but she hears it, cracking and shredding and splintering, heedless of muscle and skin.
The shield’s magic forces Manus back, screeching into the Dark. A brief respite.
Elsa pants hard, the concussive force of the hit rattling already exhausted bones, empty of energy and magic. Anna knows Elsa will not survive another blow. She is still young, a pup, and deserves to grow, large and strong. A pelt, a life, as bright as Elsa’s should not be swallowed by the Dark.
Anna speaks the runes and the shield ignites with Light, protecting Elsa from the Abyss forever, but also protecting Elsa from following Anna as she hefts her greatsword in her off hand and limps back towards the sound of Manus’ roars. She closes her ears to Elsa’s pitiful cries.
The Dark would not claim another victim.
But it does.
Whatever thou art, stay away.
Soon I will be consumed by ‘Them’, by the Dark.
All of you… forgive me. For I have availed you nothing.
Hundreds of years later Elsa’s ears pick up the sound of an interloper in the graveyard. She rouses herself, shaking rainwater from her coat. The snowflake mark on her brow has dulled, no longer lively purple but a morose kind of brown, the color of bloodied earth long dry.
Elsa is tired. Thieves keep coming to steal what is most precious to her. Could they not see the weapons of their fellows littered on the ground? Monuments to greed, pillars of failure each one of them, a blade planted vertically in the dirt next to small, unmarked headstones. Don’t they see? They seek an object that will only kill them, the wicked artifact that allowed Anna to walk into the Abyss unharmed, only for claws of black to tear her asunder. The cursed item that allowed Anna’s fate.
No one should have the power to throw themselves so willingly onto Death’s sword.
As the thief approaches Anna’s enormous headstone, reaches their hand out to touch Anna’s greatsword, Elsa makes her presence known. She is a formidable sight: a fully grown Great Wolf, she towers, mountainous, over this puny looter. Anger shoots through Elsa, igniting her limbs as she leaps down and tears Anna’s weapon from the dirt. Again. To stop one so desperate to kill themselves. Again.
Elsa howls at the moon, anguish and guilt and fury clashing within her.
Let Anna rest, her work is done. Do not walk in her footsteps, as there lies only suffering.
She repositions the sword in her mouth and swings, long and sweeping as she has seen Anna do many times before.
Blood stains the rocky headstones in crimson arcs.
Elsa awakes yet again and everything has changed.
It is dark, unnaturally so. There is no graveyard, there are no trees, no whisper of wind through her coat. She is flat on her back and there is a strange man in a wheelchair to her right, telling her things. Yharnam? An Outsider? He mentions blood and suddenly Elsa’s nose is filled with it, cloying and pressing against her. How had she not noticed it before?
How also had she not noticed she was strapped to a bed?
He begins his so-called transfusion and Elsa sees that her feet do not end in paws and her tail is missing. Her teeth are no longer sharp as she tests them with her tongue and her muzzle does not like to growl but to grumble, too short to carry the sound forward.
But she does not have time to contemplate this as her vision blurs and she falls backwards into the dark once more.
A Beast of blood emerges from the floor but Elsa feels no kinship with it. The Beast is twisted and wrong, and as it reaches out to touch her it bursts into flame, screaming. Perhaps her Light magic still works here… or perhaps Anna’s shield is still bound to her, after all this time. For surely that creature is borne of the Abyss.
So too must these small pygmy-like wretches crawling up her stomach and chest. Fear jolts through Elsa’s heart as these pale things are not deflected by magic and instead reach her head and cover her eyes. A voice whispers in her mind.
“Ah… you’ve found a hunter…”
The Hunter’s Dream is serene and soft compared to the Night eating Yharnam alive. Here there are flowers, a pleasant breeze that does not carry wails, and though there are graves it seems a peaceful place of rest for all, not just the dead.
And this is where Elsa finds her.
Anna. Her Knight, her long lost friend, lying against the garden wall. Her eyes are closed, peaceful in sleep. Elsa approaches with great joy but… something is wrong.
Anna… doesn’t smell like Anna. Elsa presses her nose against the woman’s cheek, just to be sure, but is chastised by the man inside a house at the top of the steps, the one who must have brought her here. Elsa remembers a piercing pain in her chest followed by a long dark like a heavy blanket, deep and inevitable. Perhaps she died the night of the thief, and this world is simply the next one. Anna, or perhaps not-Anna, has not stirred in the slightest to Elsa’s presence, and with another beckoning of the old man, Elsa realizes this is a mystery to be put aside for the moment. Besides, Anna is peaceful in this state, and… she was not peaceful the last time Elsa saw her. Maybe this is where she has been sleeping all along, as Elsa watched over her grave in the other world.
Elsa slowly gets used to walking on two legs, though she always misses her tail, expecting it on the back of her calves every other step. She is both taller and shorter than she feels she should be but the little pygmies do not laugh when she misses her target because of this. In fact they are friendly, bringing her trinkets at times. She understands them a little, as they too are non-verbal. Human language still eludes her, though Elsa realizes she has now, the ability to speak it, as clearly and easily as she used to speak to Anna with just her movements. No one seems to mind her silence, and in turn she feels no need to break it.
Except for the Doll.
That’s what the man calls her, the not-Anna. Now awake, she is kind and gentle, and while her warmth kindles familiarity in Elsa’s soul, it is not enough like the bonfire of a spirit Knight Anna always possessed. Though she shares Anna’s face, her voice is thinner, like a creek through reeds, shallow like music from another room. If this is what her Anna has been reduced to, then Elsa will care for her as she always has, her silent companion. But it is the only time Elsa wishes she could speak, align her muzzle and teeth and tongue in the right order for speech. But she, the Doll… Anna… this woman, seems to read Elsa’s eyes well enough, and always wishes her wellness and luck in her hunts.
The Yharnam Elsa now stalks may be new, but it is not unfamiliar. There are monsters here too, but they are not undead but Beasts, sick like the Darkness made humans sick. The town conjures a feeling of familiar unease, it is like Oolacile being consumed all over again. Elsa has been given a strange blade: a cane-sword, they called it a trick weapon. It has a different kind of grace than Anna’s greatsword, but Elsa can admire its stinging, erratic bite as it curls around shields and tears flesh with the same ease as her old jaw.
Elsa resigns herself to the Doll, this copy of Anna, a pale comparison but not an unkind one. Until the day she learns of Lady Anna, an Old Hunter, experienced slayer, and roaming ghost of Yharnam. The man tells Elsa that Lady Anna wishes to exterminate Beasts so that people can live in peace, forever, and she is as ruthless as she is discerning, relentless in her quest. Even the Doll has nothing but admiration in her too-soft voice for this person.
Elsa needs to meet this her, and sets out immediately. She sounds… very much like Great Knight Anna: firmly set in her beliefs and desire for goodness and peace in her grisly work, but Elsa swallows the glass-like shards of hope rising in her throat. Disappointment would be its own kind if dying.
She finds her in the Clock Tower. The likeness is uncanny, but if the Doll was an enthusiastic replacement, this body was a carbon copy. The swallowed glass gets lodged, stabbing into Elsa’s heart, but still, she dared not hope. This person, Lady Anna, was so… still. Knight Anna was never still, so much boundless energy, so much eagerness, the will to do good, to make safe haven, sometimes even robbed her of sleep. The woman sitting in a lonesome chair is not like that at all, she is calm, collected.
Perhaps she is dead.
Indeed, Lady Anna is covered in blood and Elsa does not see her chest breathe, not even an inch. Tentatively she reaches out a hand. Oh, now this would be cruel indeed - to find her Knight only for her to be dead and bloodless and empty of everything once again.
The vice-like grip around her wrist shocks Elsa from her thoughts.
“A corpse… should be left well alone.” A corpse, a corpse!? But Lady Anna is so very alive and her voice--
But quickly Elsa realizes she’s fighting for her life. There’s so much noise and movement and blood, so much blood it reeks. Lady Anna’s swings seem to come from nowhere, fire igniting in the wake of every slash and it’s dazzling and swift and uncanny… and yet.
Her stance may be foreign but her prowess is not, she directs her weapons with grace and skill, and the blades dance towards Elsa’s throat with a precision borne from battle hardened assurance.
Just like a knight. Just like Anna with her greatsword.
Suddenly Lady Anna is upon her, grabbing Elsa’s collar and pulling, clutching Elsa to her chest. It’s rough and unfriendly but Elsa knows deep down this is new and startling for both of them. Anna’s breathing is ragged despite her absolute dominance over the battlefield, her voice shaking with some burdening magnitude.
“I know you,” Lady Anna whispers in her ear.
And Elsa, having not made a sound this entire time except in exhaustion or pain, gets her too short tongue working and too small teeth out of the way to say, “And I know you. You are Lady Anna, protector of Yharnam, slayer of the Darkness that lurks in the hearts of men to make them Beasts, and you have done well to make a name for yourself here. But all of that I know only because I found myself here, in a Dream. When I was young, and Awake, I knew you as Great Knight Anna, warrior against the Darkness itself, and you held in your powerful grip a sword as tall as you so that you could always slay something larger than yourself. It flashed as brightly as your smile until it could no more. And the last I saw you was when I had no shared language to warn you, no voice to scream in grief as your arm shattered and yielded to profane horror. Despite your broken body you used your only able limb to shield me against death itself, magical and eternal. But it kept me from you, and you walked back into the Dark where I could not follow and then there was the most terrible quiet. I saw someone go in afterwards, and only then did I hear your voice again, but as it was never meant to be: broken and hollow and defeated. Dark.”
Lady Anna’s hand shakes, her other poised over Elsa’s heart. It could drive right through her chest, seek the Beast in Elsa’s blood and rip it out. But perhaps it was there before the infusion, one of kindred spirit instead of illness and madness. Anna releases her hold without warning and Elsa’s knees hit the ground hard.
“I… have felt a loneliness for so long,” Lady Anna says, almost to herself. “I have searched for years, every nook and cranny, guided by nothing but some deep knowledge of a phantom ‘other’ by my side, etched so deeply it could be in my very own blood. But this presence, this… twin soul, has never showed itself.” She looks at her swords. “They did not used to split, it was one weapon, until I could not stomach the void anymore. I threw it away, and fashioned these. They… somehow I knew I needed two. There were supposed to be two. Two… of… us.”
Elsa goes to answer but the words tangle in her mouth, gargled and guttural and rough. Speech flees from her again, focus gone, and Elsa clutches her throat, gasping. Lady Anna twitches, hands tightening on her weapons.
Anna’s voice holds the tension of a tripwire. “You--... She... I gave someone a name once. My closest friend. She had unique Light magic: small diamonds, blue, beautiful.” Her eyes flashed with her steel. “Show me. Tell me her name, or be not Hunter but Beast.”
And Elsa does.
The Clock Tower fills with floating diamonds, glittering and bright, etched with symbols of safety and protection and Light. They move and spin, arranging themselves into a shape, not a Yharnam rune but an older one, one only Anna would know. Elsa’s name in the language of the Age of Fire.
Anna drops her swords, clattering to the floor and embraces Elsa with arms so fierce and desperate that Elsa cannot breathe, until Anna’s shoulders slump and hitch with sobs and now Elsa holds Anna with tired, grateful hands.
“I thought…,” Anna manages, trembling in Elsa’s grasp, “I thought it was a Dream. All that before… really happened.” Anna clutches at Elsa’s clothes, like burying fingers in thick fur, “I have missed you every moment of my death, including all the seconds from when I Awoke without you, until now.”
Elsa wipes Anna’s tears away, clumsy in her joy but her eyes say everything her stubborn tongue won’t, and it is just like before, when she knows Anna understands her completely.
“In my defense,” Anna sniffs, regaining a bit of control, “I thought you’d be taller. And well, you were a wolf the last time we met.”
Elsa can’t help but smile at that, lending Anna an arm as they stand. The smile turns into quite the wolfish grin indeed when they realize at the same time that Elsa is in fact, an inch or so taller than Anna.
“You really did grow up without me, didn’t you?” Anna says wistfully, as though to chastise for leaving her behind.
Elsa makes a huffing sound that they both know is laughter and presses her forehead against Anna’s.
Finally. Her Knight. Her Lady.
Her home.
This time, neither will face the Darkness alone.
Alternate Endings, courtesy of questions asked by @daughterofhel (who patiently let me tell the ENTIRE story of Artorias and Sif AND the Good Hunter and the Doll and Lady Maria to contextualize this… entire… thing)
-Lady Maria!Anna is not immune to Beast blood like in canon and after joining up with Sif!Elsa actually succumbs to the plague and goes feral. Their roles are now reversed, Elsa is the badass Hunter with a Beast companion. They still know each other well enough to communicate but are ostracized from the other Hunters because Elsa refuses to kill Anna
-Because Elsa was a creature in her past life, the Beast blood takes hold very naturally, and it does not change her personality or sense of self. Lady Anna reclaims her greatsword trick weapon and travels Yharnam with Elsa by her side, now a were-beast. The magical snowflake on her forehead comes back and her fur is the same white/white-blonde as when she was a Great Wolf
-Lady Anna actually DOES rip Elsa’s heart out of her chest like that killer parry (for female Hunters only!), realizing seconds too late she has killed her life long friend who crossed time and space to find her. Distraught, Lady Anna consumes Elsa’s heart, drawing upon her vampiric, Vileblood ancestry to bond Elsa’s soul to hers. Other Hunters begin to hear rumors of a unique Beast stalking Yharnam, slaying it’s own kin and leaving behind oceans of blood. It has patchy red and white fur, a greatsword strapped to it’s back, and two different colored eyes: one green, one blue. Some even claim that it speaks to itself, though broken and twisted, and it will leave a trail of blue-glowing diamonds in areas safe to return to, lighting up the dark.
Players who fight this Beast are startled to learn that the heat-up phase is actually the Beast transforming into a much smaller, very human figure who begins to wield the trick weapon on its back with swift, deadly, and ferocious attacks. The figure will sometimes scale walls and launch attacks from above, the air along the cut of the weapon’s blade igniting into flame and leaving explosive blue crystals behind. Upon the boss’s defeat the player gets double the amount of Blood Echos they expect and as the person collapses a white soul emerges to entwine around a red one, dissipating into the ether together
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wroteasongabouther · 6 years
fratboy!harry - part 20
i wrote out like three different paragraphs here to apologize for not uploading fratboy!harry in so long, but really i can’t apologize enough... sometimes you knew find inspiration in other idea/writings and some pieces get left behind ya know. thankfully i won’t ever completely leave behind fratboy!harry, he’s my first love tbh :)) regardless, hope you guys liked it!
fratboy!harry tag >> story page
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“Music?” You question, your eyebrows pulled tight together as you lay back in bed and watch Harry walking around his room.
“Yeah, is that so hard to believe?” He chuckles, but you can heard the hint of annoyance in his voice. You shake your head and sit up cross legged on the bed now, picking at the blanket to distract yourself from his narrowed eyes. You notice Harry shake his head a bit before disappearing into his bathroom once more.
“I just, i just didn’t take you as a music major,” you say louder in order for him to hear from further away. “I mean, what about computer sciences? Are you just dropping that after all these years?”
“M’not dropping anything, Y/N,” he states, “I’ve already got all the credits for my major this year, just decided to fill my time with something I’ve been interested in for a while now,”
Never had Harry ever really mentioned being interested in music. Sure he loved music and had a large collection of it. And you’d notice him humming along or tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, but nothing like what music majors would focus on. Did he play any instruments? Did he want to like produce music? Your so deep in thought that you don’t even notice when Harry walks back into the room, leaning on the mattress so he could capture your unprepared lips in his. You blink quick a couple times, then it registers and you kiss him back.
“Just trust me, little bird,” Harry smiles, face still mere inches away from yours, “I’m gonna be the next big thing,” he adds jokingly.
You chuckle and push his shoulder gently. Of course he retaliates your playfulness by tackling you completely, your back flat against the mattress again as he lays on top of you. Full on laughter comes from the both of you and for a moment you’re in your own head again. But this time you’re thinking of how good things have gotten between you two after such a frightening fight. That week of not talking, another fight upon your return to Arizona and then the few days before all was forgiven - that was the absolute worst. You couldn’t imagine life without Harry now. You loved him.
“So pretty,” Harry mumbles against your cheek before pressing a kiss to your skin. There goes the flutter in your stomach again.
“Okay, okay,” you sigh and gently push away Harry as he begins to kiss your neck. He pulls back and furrows his brows. “I’ve got class in like an hour, I cannot be late on the first day,” you tell him with a stern face.
Harry pouts. You just shake your head yet again and smile at him. Another ten minutes or so of kissing and then he’s driving you onto campus. As you walk through campus alone you find yourself passing the arts building, you’re pretty sure you’ve never even been inside and now your boyfriend wanted to be there every day? It was just a bit weird that’s all. You sigh and pull open the doors to the building your class was in. 
The best part about your class was the fact you shared it with one of your best friends. Thomas had saved you a seat near the middle of the class, giving you a smile and asking how you were before your professor got the class going. 
“How are things with Harry?” Thomas asks about half way through the class.
“Answering a question with a question doesn’t sell yourself you know,”
“Yeah, I know,” you sigh and jot down a few notes in your notebook. “Things just aren’t the same and we’re trying to get back there,” you add with a shrug.
Thomas puckers his lips as though he’s in thought. You simply turn your head to the side, resting your chin in your hand while resting your arm on the table and look at him. He’s one of your best friends and you’ll always value his opinion. It’s been clear since you and Harry started dating that Thomas wasn’t the biggest fan of your relationship - which made his opinion right now even more interesting to hear.
“I don’t know,” Thomas shrug, “just give him a couple more days and he’ll probably forget all about it, us guys are kinda just like that. The moment things are good again, all the bad shit just goes away,” he explains. You give him a smile, his bit of advice warmed your heart.
“I hope you’re right,” you say.
“Well I always am so,” Thomas jokes, which causes you to chuckle and shove him. That’s when your professor raises his voice, meaning to catch anyone attention who wasn’t listening and thankfully it wasn’t just you two. And then you’re back into learning mode, this semester was going to either be super easy with Thomas helping you out or the worst as he distracts you.
Thomas was right - of course. After another few days everything was feeling good between you and Harry. There was still this small piece of you that wanted to open up to him about Luke and your dark past, but things were too good now to bring it all up again. You and Kate are walking across campus after an afternoon spent in the library studying and quizzing each other for the quiz you two had in your class Monday. And with today before Friday, you two had cut the long hours of cramming to hurry to the dorms.
“I think I need a nap before tonight,” you yawn while Kate holds open the lobby door for you.
“Yeah, I’m definitely drinking red bulls tonight to keep up,” she says, “I’m a little surprised there’s no theme,” she adds while you make your way towards her room first. You shrug and shuffle your books in your arms to grab your buzzing phone from your pocket.
“Harry wanted to, but I convinced him a raging college party would be good enough for his birthday celebration,” you explain.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they held a party next weekend with some Valentine’s Day theme honestly,” Kate jokes.
You roll your eyes, “they did last year, Quinn told me and I questioned Harry all about it. It was like one of those green yellow red parties or something,”
“I think I remember hearing about that actually,” she says.
“I’ll meet you in a bit,” you wave as she gets to her room and you get towards yours in order to get yourself together for tonight’s party.
Harry’s birthday was tomorrow, but him and the boys decided on throwing the big party tonight instead. But Harry still had big plans tomorrow too. Some frat house tradition of getting day drunk and playing golf you believe. While you planned to stay inside and study your ass off again - there was no way you were going to fail this quiz just cause it was your boyfriends birthday.
Tonight was about Harry, so you dressed in a cropped black hoodie and jeans while keeping your hair in a sort of messy pony tail and touching up your makeup to finish getting ready. There was no need to be that girlfriend who wanted to outshine her boyfriend on his birthday. Plus that really wasn’t just who you were in the slightest but. You’ve literally wore sweatpants while the guys threw a party before. Jess shows up about half way through you getting ready, out of breath from running home from class while the sun starts to set. Kate and Liv arrive soon after all dolled up with a bottle of wine to pass around till Jess is ready to go too.
“God I’m getting flashbacks,” you grumble in the backseat of the Uber. Jess turns to you from where she sits in the front seat and smiles.
“First party of the year, the one that we dragged you to and it changed your whole life?” She questions in a taunting voice.
“Yeah, that one,” you reply, fighting off a smile while narrowing your eyes at her.
“You’re welcome,” she sings before turning back around to face the front.
“I really wouldn’t have guessed that would be how that party turned out, I mean Harry literally had to like carry you out of the house,” Liv exclaims.
“And now he carries me to his bedroom,” you shrug.
All the girls scream and laugh at your words while you sit there and smirk. Suppose your kinda glad the universe worked how it did or whatever. You really do believe Harry’s that guy who’s going to change your whole world - as if he hasn’t already. You’ve fallen in love with him this year and it was all because of that night you bitched and complained while the girls took you to some frat party.
When you all arrive and walk into the frat house it’s already pretty packed. You don’t have a doubt in your mind that word spread about Harry Styles’s birthday party and this one would be one for the books. You and the girls walk together to the kitchen, earning stares as you get through the house - suppose you girls were known for being around the frat guys at these things now. Another thing you would’ve never guessed when you first walked into this house all those months ago.
You spot Harry playing a game of beer pong. A smile is on your lips as you tuck yourself into his side and kiss his cheek as he waits for his partner to take the first shot. Then he takes his and sinks it, earning a cheer from people watching of course.
Harry turns and holds you in his arms, “ma good luck charm s’ere,” he muses. It’s obvious to you that he’s already pretty buzzed. You roll your eyes at him and simply chuckle at how cheesy he is.
“I’m going to get a drink, chat and stuff,” you tell him. Harry only nods and smiles before kissing your lips.
After you’ve reached up on your tip goes and pour yourself a drink, you stand around with the girls and a few of the guys too and just talk about anything really. Then about an hour or maybe two - you’ve had about double that in drinks already - you’re sitting on the arm of the couch in the living room and grinning like an idiot. Harry and the boys are singing at the top of their lungs to, you’d never guess it, but it’s that old 500 miles song your dad used to listen to. God it’s hilarious.
“And I would walk 500 miles!” Harry shouts and dances around with the crowd that’s formed. Then he’s wobbling over towards you, causing you to reach out and grab his arms before he falls on his face.
“You’re pretty drunk,” you comment with a smile as Harry stands close to you.
He meets your eyes, his squinting but there’s no missing the drunk glassy look in his. “Proper pissed, yeah,” he nods, his accent in full glory - that’s how you know he’s really drunk and you freaking loved it.
Then he’s smashing him lips onto your so fast you nearly knock teeth. Give it a second and you two are full on making out in a crowded room of people. The feeling of his fingertips on your skin, his tongue clashing with yours, it sobers you up a little honestly. You finally lean back and meet his gaze, he’s got a smirk on his lips and a look in his eyes that only sends a chill down your spine. It’s then that you see Brandon waving his arms at you just over Harry’s shoulder as he stood by the kitchen doorway.
“I’ll be right back,” you tell Harry and peck his lips, “need a drink,” you add for good measure. And then you run off before he can stop you or tag along.
The boys thought it was best if you held the cake out on the back patio for Harry to blow out his candles and all that. The thought of being the actually centre of attention gave you butterflies, but you agreed. Suppose it was their way of thinking it wouldn’t start a food fight. So you teetered on your feet with the cake in both your hands while one of the guys cut off the music and ushered Harry and everyone outside.
“Happy Birthday to you,” you start out the singing and are soon drowned out by everyone else as Harry walks towards you.
He’s looking around at the crowd of people, some you assumed he had no idea who they were, before he meets your gaze and stops in front of you. He grins as the singing comes to an end and everyone cheers. Harry blows out the few candles before leaning forwards and kissing you. Queue more cheers. 
You lean back, blushing, and pluck off the candles slowly as the music starts up again. “So what did you wish for?” you ask. 
“No need for a wish, got it all already,” he smiles. 
“You’re so damn cheesy,” you chuckle while scooping up a chunk of the cake and mushing it onto his cheek. Harry’s mouth gaps open in shock while the people still around you gasp, cheer, and laugh at the scene before them. There’s a mischievous look in Harry’s eyes, and you barely have time to run off the porch before Harry has the cake in his hands and starts chasing after you. 
Harry’s arm wraps around your waist while you let out a screech, turing into a dramatic gasp as a handful of cake is dragged down your face. You turn around in Harry’s arms and look at his face, illuminated by the lights on the back porch, cake and frosting on his cheek and love in his eyes - or maybe it was your buzz and the excitement playing tricks on you. Could Harry be in love with you? As you think this, Harry leans forward and you think he’s about to kiss you but instead he licks the frosting off your face. 
“Ew,” you say and wiggle out of his arms. But then you grab the cake from him and shove the entire thing in his face. That’s when you realize some people are still watching you two, oo’s and ah’s coming from the small crowd. 
“Shit, Harry, she got you good,” Eddy says loudly as you start jogging away from Harry - you needed to get away from him before he got his payback again. 
As you step up on the porch again, standing just slightly behind Eddy for protection, Harry wipes the cake from his eyes and down his face before shaking the pieces off his hands and lifting on hand up to give you the finger. You just let out a laugh and pucker your lips at him. 
“Happy Birthday baby,” you sing before turning on your heels and walking into the kitchen. 
“What the hell happened out there?” Kate chuckles as you reach the sink and open the drawer beside it to grab a clean washcloth before wetting it. 
“Cake fight,” you shrug and smile. After you wipe your face off, you rinse the cloth again and walk over to where Harry had just enter the house in a hit of laughter with Eddy and some other guys. 
“You’re evil when ya wanna be, huh?” Harry questions, raising a brow while giving you a smirk. 
You return the smirk and shrug a shoulder, “maybe,” you say. Then you wipe his face free of cake while the other boys start to set up a game of beer pong. After you get just about all the cake off, you lean forward and lick off some frosting just by his mouth - then kissing him afterwards. 
The kissing only stops because someone calls out Harry’s name, so with one last kiss Harry gets back to his friends and you get back to yours. At some point later you end up sitting on the kitchen counter, while Harry is standing between your legs slouched back enough for you to wrap an arm around him loosely. The nights turns into early morning and you kiss Harry’s cheek before getting him to turn around and help you off the counter gently. 
“You can stay up,” you yawn. 
“Yeah?” Harry questions, hands on your waist as he pushes you back against the counter. As you look up into his eyes and see the dark lustful look in them you know he has a better idea than letting you go to bed alone. And as you follow him hand in hand to his bedroom, you’re suddenly not tired anymore.
You’re both panting, laying on your backs while staring up at the ceiling after yet another orgasm ripples through the both of you. 
Harry’s birthday party had gone on through till daylight. After some damn good sex, Harry had gone back out and partied with his frat brothers. And for some reason he thought five hours of sleep was enough for him before he woke you up with his hard on pressed against your bum. And now, two rounds later, it’s almost 11 in the morning and the day had to get going. 
“This has probably been the best birthday already,” Harry hums as he turns on his side and throws an arm over you. 
“And the day’s still young,” you smile.
“Too bad I have actually responsibilities today,” he sighs. 
“Your professor understands it’s a Saturday and that it’s your birthday right?”
“Yup, he’s old and could care less it seems,” he states before a yawn escapes his mouth.
You pout and snuggle closer to Harry, “to be fair, I have to cram study anyways,” you exclaim. 
“So dinner? I can pick up something on my way home and then the best birthday will continue,” Harry suggests and presses a kiss to your forehead before he sits up and stretches. 
“How are you not hungover?” you question, following his suit and getting up from bed now too. 
Harry leads the way to the bathroom and starts a shower for you two. It’s innocent, just a normal shower shared between you two getting clean before your day starts. Well, your day consisted of sitting around and studying but whatever. 
“I just drank water after I left you last night,” he exclaims. 
“Wow, a changed man?” you tease him after turning off the water and grabbing the towel he hands you. 
Harry just rolls his eyes as you both head into his closet. Of course after you get dressed, you and Harry make out on his bed for a while before he’s running late and has to rush out of the house in order to get to his meeting in time. That’s when you get your plan into gear and text Jess. 
Victoria’s Secret bag under my bed behind a stack of textbooks!!
Jess arrives only 30 minutes later with the bag in hand, letting herself into Harry’s room to see you in a mess upon his bed with your studying notes and such. Jess sighs and sets down the bag beside you before taking a seat on the end of the bed. 
“Eddy saw me in the foyer and thought the bag was for him from me,” she exclaims. You chuckle and shake your head while setting your notebook down in front of you. “So show me what you got!” she smiles and waves her hand at the bag. 
“It’s just a little something,” you blush and pulling the lingerie from the bag. 
It was black lace, completely lace, with some floral detailing around the bust and it flares out like a babydoll style. It’s simple but sexy and you got a black thong to match too. Jess raises a brow and smirks.
“It’s definitely little, that’s for sure,” she teases. 
“Okay, enough from you,” you say jokingly and put the lingerie back into the bag. 
“I should get going now, I have a bunch of homework too,” she sighs. 
“Yeah I feel you, I work tomorrow so today’s really the only time I have to study,” you explain with a matching sigh. 
“Well, enjoy your night and fuck him good,” 
You grab a pillow from behind you and throw it at Jess as she gets up and runs out of the room. Then you’re left to study the rest of the day away. It’s about two hours later when Harry texts you. Reading over it, you frown at your screen and bring the blanket closer to your chest as a chill runs through your body - this lace lingerie really wasn’t a whole lot of material.
Things are dragging along here, sorry babe.. Order something in and I’ll be back as soon as I can okay?
okay :)
You had added the smiley face in order to not make him feel too upset about leaving you at his house longer than planned. You know he would rather be here with you in this sexy lingerie he has no idea about than with his weird old professor. So you just lay back in the bed and set up your phone with Netflix playing. Suppose you’d waste time watching Brooklyn Nine Nine till your boyfriend came home and surprise him with this new lingerie you bought for him.
“Baby,” you hear Harry’s voice cooing you, “hey, little bird, wake up,” he continues in a soft sweet tone. You let out a small whimper while stretching out across the bed. You hear Harry chuckle softly while he runs a hand up and down your arm. Then as goosebumps rise on your skin, you remember why you’d laying in bed to begin with. 
“I’m up, I’m up,” you say frantically while sitting upright. You look down and fix the lingerie you had bought last week to surprise Harry with tonight. Suppose he’s still surprised though. 
Harry lets out another chuckle as you glance back to where he stood beside the bed. A pout immediately forms on your lips as you realize how badly you had messed this up. The one birthday present you knew he’d like, and you had managed to fall asleep before he could get it. You close your eyes and lean back into the headboard. 
“Just give me like, one minute and I’ll be fully awake and ready to give you your present,” you mumble out while tucking your legs up towards your body. 
“No, no,” Harry sighs and you hear him move around a bit. Sounds of his belt coming off, followed by a small grunt as he struggles to remove his jeans - you peek through one eye and see him stumble around the bed it’s obvious he must be a bit tipsy at least. A part of you wants to question where he’s been, getting drunk while you feel asleep alone in his bed waiting up for him. But it’s his birthday and you’re just too tired to start arguing right now. “We don’t need to have sex, it’s fine, we always have sex,” he exclaims as he pulls at the blankets and covers you both up. 
“We do,” you nod, a yawn surprising you as it escapes your lips. “But tonight was going to be birthday sex,” you pout again. 
Harry chuckles, “baby, we had sex this morning,” he states. 
“I know, but I bought this whole get up and like got into it and everything for you,” you continue to explain with the pout on your lips. Harry grunts again as he pulls your body down so your head rests on the pillow right beside him. You smile as you look at his face - eyes closed and a lopsided smile on his lips. 
“Y’can wear it some other time,” he suggests. 
“Okay, fine,” you sigh. 
You snuggle into him, he brings his arms around you and holds you close as his breathing evens out. A few moments pass in silence. You’re focused on his heartbeat and the sound of someone walking in the room above you. Biting down on your bottom lip, you feel Harry toying with the string of your panties. 
“Are you sure you don’t wanna?” you ask, propping yourself up on Harry’s chest to look at his face. He smiles as you yawn again. All that homework today really did kill you. 
Harry takes a moment to respond as his eyes hold onto yours. They soften as you lay your chin down on your hands linked together on his chest. Harry chews on the inside of his lip, you can tell by the way his bottom lip screw up a little bit. You loved the way he looked while so lazily gazing into your eyes. As your lips curl up into a smile, you blink away your sleepy daze and are about to lean forward to kiss Harry when he breathes out three little words. 
“I love you,” he says softly. 
Your eyes widen while your lips part, your body had chills that you really couldn’t even explain it. He had really just said that, aloud, to you. Wow. Then in your state of shock, you see Harry’s facial expression drop. You’ve taken too long stuck in your own head that you scared the damn guy. So you lift your head up again, bringing one hand to touch his fluffy hair that touches by his shoulders.
“I love you too,” you smile.
Harry leans forward to meet you half way and kiss you. It’s just as amazing as any other kiss between you two but this one has the three words attached to them this time. He loved you. You smile as the kiss breaks and you stare into his eyes again. 
“M’sorry I wasn’t here earlier,” he mumbles before yawning. 
“It’s okay, you can tell me all about your meeting with your professor tomorrow, now I’m tired,” you say and snuggle back into his side.
“Yeah,” Harry sighs and his breathing evens out as you shut your eyes. “I love you,” Harry says again and in your half asleep state you smile. 
“I love you too,” you repeat. 
It wasn’t even your birthday, and this was most definitely the most birthday ever.
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