#yeah I'm talking about ambrosia diner
happy-lemon · 2 years
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Ciaran: That was a good time.
Fable: My dad likes you, but I'm not sure what happened with Anna.
Ciaran: Given that her boat was upset by the kraken and she died one of the worst ways possible, it makes sense. Especially when the reaper who harvested her soul was at the same party.
Fable: She didn't know it was you, did she?
Ciaran: No, but me just being a reaper at all had to be triggering for her. We probably should have told her I'm a dishwasher at the diner or something.
Fable: When she came back, she never wanted to talk about what happened.
Ciaran: Her death was traumatic, so that makes sense. I had no idea your dad brought her back.
Fable: Yeah, my dad fished and cooked for months until he was able to catch a deathfish and make ambrosia. I love Anna, but I never understood the intensity of his feelings for her when he's a genius and she's...well, she's just...not. Now I know that love doesn't always make sense. I mean, I didn't wake up one morning and think, "You know, maybe I'll fall in love with a grim reaper today."
Ciaran: Glad you did, though.
Fable: Yeah, me too.
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escape-from-arcadia · 2 years
Okay but the concept that I can just make something in my sketchbook and post it here and some people will actually seem to like it? Especially the fact the stuff in my sketchbook was something from my brain?? You know how wack my brain is???
Bonkers my dude.
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