#yeah hello it's me the person who draws the same characters over and over
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[shakes desk] aah. AAH. ART TIME. I double checked my refs so everything Should look right.
Rabbit was banished, and Wolfy left JJ around when he locked down the factory- but!! After getting transformed into a cat monster, JJ's kind of been having a better time? His former friends want to help even though they don't recognize him- augh- TwT
Rabbit and Wolfy are uh... looking for new prey let's say? Salem's not in too deep yet, and Pavel's great with contracts, but let's see where it goes. Muah hah ha.
[ID: A partially colored digital drawing over a grey background.
At the top-middle of the image Rabbit and Wolfy stand back to back, each are holding a round magic crystal with swirls drawn in white. Rabbit's wearing his usual robes with a star shaped badge over his heart, he has antelope-like horns, and a long fluffy tail. He has fur markings that look like browline glasses. Salem's standing by Rabbit and reaching for his crystal with his left hand. He's wearing a jacket with stitch lines by his shoulder and back, and is using a cane. His eyes are closed.
Wolfy's wearing his usual suit and tie, he has short deer-like antlers, and he has a similar tail. He has fur markings that look like round glasses. Pavel's standing by Wolfy and reaching for his crystal with his right hand. He's wearing his usual suit and tie. His eyes are closed, and the scars over his eyes and on his hands are drawn in white.
In the center of the drawing, JJ is falling downward and his legs overlap with Rabbit and Wolfy a bit. He's drawn like a human with bat like wings, a cat tail, claws, and four horns- two come from his forehead, the other two curl from the back of his head to his jaw. He also has a crooked halo with rays of light coming from it. He has shoulder length dark hair, and his face is obscured by shadow. He's wearing a white suit and black bow tie, and black and white striped armbands, with a matching waist sash. A round spiked crystal hovers over his chest, it's colored with green, blue, purple, and gold. Matching colored wisps of smoke come from the crystal.
Six hands drawn in red reach up from the bottom of the drawing to catch JJ- Caedem's gloved left hand with claws and two rings on the middle and ring fingers, Jer's left hand with Lichtenberg-figure-scars, Delta's right hand with part of his sweater sleeve visible, and Rev's right hand with long claws. The last two hands are a bit offscreen. /End ID]
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @velinxi​
Hello! I’m Xiao Tong Kong, better known as “Velinxi.” I’m the creator of the webcomic Countdown to Countdown and have been doing freelance artwork since I was a teenager. I love telling stories with my illustrations! Tumblr was where I first got my start as an artist, specifically a small fandom artist as a hobby… and now I’m somehow here! When I’m not trying my best to stay awake in front of my tablets, I’m usually cooking, gaming, or sleeping. Sometimes all three, in my dreams.
Check out our interview with Velinxi below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
Yeah! I’ve basically been on track to become an artist since I was a child. I went to a middle school with an emphasis on arts and a high school specializing in it. I went to SVA briefly for computer arts but dropped out to pursue freelance and webcomics after my first year.
Over the years as an artist, what or who were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
My biggest inspirations growing up were Yuumei and Shilin Huang, two titans on DeviantArt back in the day. They still inspire me today, but the list of inspirations has grown exponentially over the years, including artists, movies, entire art movements, etc.
What was your thought process behind the creation of your webcomic, Countdown to Countdown?
Well, Countdown to Countdown started as a passion project back when I was 15, in high school, and pretty depressed. I just wanted to draw whatever story I thought was cool, inspired by my favorite media at the time. There was a very loose beginning and outline, but I was truly just writing as I drew the story. That’s why I had to stop the comic in 2018 and restart from scratch the year after. Now, the story has a set story and a clear outline. It still has similar roots, characters, and themes of neglect, abuse, and escape—but I think the story is a lot easier to follow now. It’s got an artstyle I can actually keep up with in the long run. The origin of why CTC exists also remains the same: I simply wanted to make a story I wanted to read for myself. Which happens to be about two dumb boys with superpowers navigating a hostile world that wants them dead or caged—together.
Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
Oh, all the time. It’s part of the process. Personally, though—I just have to draw through it. Every month on my Patreon, I have my patrons vote on a theme I have to draw by the end of the month, and I try my best to make it as interesting as possible. I draw quite a few—tens even, of doodles or compositions for each of these themes to try to make something that tells a story while still being aesthetically pleasing and clear. I think pushing myself like this helps with art block, really. I also do remember to take breaks and simply consume other media I like! It gets the inspiration juices flowing.
Advice you would give to an aspiring creator?
If you do one—your first webcomic should be a short, fun, messy thing. It’s not often you can get it right the first time, but you’ll certainly learn a lot through sheer experience. This goes for a lot of things in art, to be honest.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
3D Animation. I briefly learned it at SVA, and I think that’s enough of that tech for me. I accept that there are some things that are truly beautiful if done right, and I am too simple and lazy for it.
What is your goal for the rest of this year?
Get Countdown to Countdown book 2 finished! And live HAHA
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@yuumei-art on Tumblr, still! They’ve been a huge inspiration for digital artists and storytellers online for years. I have no doubt that many digital artists of my generation have been influenced by them, and they’re still here, making beautiful art and stories. It’s a thing to behold.
Thanks for stopping by, Velinxi! If you haven’t seen her Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here. You can also follow her for more amazing art over at her Tumblr, @velinxi!
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abnerkrill · 9 months
Nik! Did you watch Rebel Moon? How was it?
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Yes hello this is my 4 star review of rebel moon on letterboxd.
But first: a professional, somewhat critical review of rebel moon that engages with the film well, especially regarding anti-colonial themes, and isn't just knee-jerk regurgitated Snyder haterism:
And now more of my thoughts: [edit: Oh No, He Went And Talked For 3 Hours About It, Thanks For Coming To My TedTalk:)
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No one has a better knack at putting together a cast list SO ATTRACTIVE TO THE BISEXUALS. read it and weep, boys. (Jena Malone is there too but really just for 1 set piece)
...Jena Malone's one (1) scene set piece features her as an alien spider woman with legitimate grievances against the Empire who now wants to kill kids because all her kids were killed. Like, so valid, girl. Also, did I say Jena Malone as an alien spider-woman? And this is just one scene.
Look, if that pitch doesn't hook you, this film may not be for you, and that's okay, but by GOD my people are the people who hear "Jena Malone alien spider woman" and perk up. I love you, freaks.
The cinematography is ace and always will be under Snyder's direction. music by Tom Holkenborg SLAPS. Costuming and design overall is super super strong. (People on this hellsite are always complaining about inadequate, boring as hell sci-fi design and you get RM and you don't appreciate it for what it is. WAKE UP.)
Costume showcase! Second from the right in this photo showing off those sweet sweet sci-fi costume designs is my beloved non-binary they/them revolutionary Milius. CANONICALLY non-binary, let me add. Imagine SW doing that lmaoooooooooooo D*ve Filoni would fuckin keel over and die
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Kora! Our tragic female protagonist of color who's over 40, with a dark edgy sexy background. [KIDNAPPED AS A CHILD!! DEAD FAMILY!!! DEAD LOVER!!!!!!! SHE FAILED TO PROTECT HER WARD FROM ASSASSINATION!!!!! SHE IS THE MOST WANTED WOMAN IN THE UNIVERSE!!]
Bitches on tumblr LOVE taking failmen with sad backstories from media and blorbifying them, but the second it's a woman? please. If this was a man people would be writing the filthiest x reader smut you've seen since Mandalorian S1 came out. If this was a man you'd already have seen 20,000 fan drawings of her with her muscles and tits OUT. God where's my Kora fanart.
I personally have no problems with the plot of this movie (part 1 of 2) being "we must collect warriors to fight the evil empire." That's kinda fantasy story 101 and I still love new, varied interpretations of that plot.
If there's not much interconnecting plot because Kora's just gathering fighters, it's kinda like... that's the point, babes, they'll actually get to it in part 2. We're just at the "forming the team" stage. I revel in that part of a fantasy film and I always want it to be longer, so this film is like catnip to me.
Uh, yeah, this is getting long. More under the cut.
Entertainment professional nitpick time! I've seen someone say RM would be better as a TV show to introduce a new character each episode. And I truly don't think that fixes any of the problems this person has with the film, while introducing way more problems. (Who the fuck would go in on an original concept TV show where each episode introduces a new hero. You could not sell that pitch to a studio, ever, and viewers would instantly check out if they didn't like the introduced character of the week, and the same complaints would be made: it’s just a new character intro blah blah blah. This wouldn’t fix anything! It would very much make it worse!)
Me, like every day, through gritted teeth: that's... not... how... tv... works...
Like be realistic for a hot second with me. Television is not "long movie"—it is a different medium with different rules. Yes, the past decade has blurred many lines between TV and film, but they're still different mediums, and when people blur them ("it's a 10-hour movie!") the results often suck ass, because you either lack episodic structure or you lack feature structure. Snyder is a feature filmmaker who has never worked in TV. Whenever features people jump into TV, it's a whole other learning curve! They're usually terrible at it! You want Snyder to have to learn a new medium? You want him to learn 5/6-act TV structure from scratch? You want him to (horrified gasp) lead a writers room? Those are not his strengths, baby. Let him play in his space opera sandbox.
And I'm not done! You want the casting team to have to deal with the headache of getting feature film actors to star in a TV show? (Pay cuts! Longer commitments! TV production timelines!) You want to do that to me, personally, and fuck up the TV landscape some more by going, "Oh, we can basically just make a Longer Feature Film in TV"? Fuck off with that. TV has different production realities and different basic story structures. A [long] film [with two parts] is still a film, in structure and production practicalities.
Truly, Tumblr media studies brains (derogatory) at it again.
To each their own, but again, I think RM's structure is fun because it gives me more of the goodies (badass, varied character intros) for the price of one (2-hour film.) Like... that's the good stuff, that's often the most exhilarating part of a film for me. And contrary to popular belief, it's not intro to intro without rising tension or stakes. It builds tension as it goes because new facets of resistance against the Motherworld are explored in each character's intro scene. New ways they fight back, new worlds on which they fight back. And a ticking time bomb of the King's Gaze (king's gays lol) catching up.
Here, have a trailer bc Tumblr's mad at me for too much text in one block.
...I like the RM characters. I want to spend time with them and see what other zany shenanigans Snyder will have them do. (Alien bar fights! Taming a space gryphon! Lightsaber battle!) I like the side-quest-y, exploratory, space opera sandbox playground nature. It's fun, and like, again, if you don't perk up at the concept of collecting cool characters like action figures, this film may just not be for you.
To me it's a polycule. Like, the most messed up polycule in the whole galaxy, but it's a polycule.
Speaking of: THE CHARACTERS ROCK. Yeah, we're missing some significant character development because Netflix truncated Snyder's 4-hr, R-rated film into a 2-hr PG-13 version (likely to be able to release the 4-hr cut later, drum up new press, and get more eyeballs on the movie in total in a few months.) That's... not really Snyder's fault [even though he claims he's in on the plan... some part of me thinks it was Netflix's idea and not his. Stinks of studio meddling.] And it's not indicative of the quality of the actual film, which I currently see as more of an abridged version of the R-rated film that's gonna come out and fill up some of these story holes.
If people are judging the film for not being the 4-hour version, and then decide not to see the 4-hour version, that's their call, but it's kinda shitty to act like the 2-hr version is all there is. Like it probably wasn't Snyder's call to do a 2-hr cut! He's said that the 4-hr one is a whole different movie. I betcha the common criticisms (not enough character development, just jumps from character intro to character intro without interconnection, lack of structure) will be helped, if not outright solved, by the longer cut.
I think people are also happy to take a Part 1 of a movie if it's, say, Dune, and the source material has another part, so Part 1 is allowed to be fucking boring, whereas people don't give that kind of allowance to original sci-fi movies, WHICH IS A REASON WE DON'T GET ORIGINAL SCI-FI. If you're painting with as huge and cosmic a palette as space opera Rebel Moon, the 4-8 hours total across the 2 four-hour parts is kinda bare minimum for an epic. So... patience is a virtue? Let part 1 have elements of IT'S KIND OF A PROLOGUE?
What's that saying? If you want the rewards of space opera worldbuilding with an ensemble cast, you must submit to the mortifying ordeal of 2 hours of setup. Geez. Enjoy the wacky exposition or get out of the space opera genre.
Yeah, that leads me to the point of people who don't enjoy space opera are getting mad at RM for fulfilling the promises of the genre. You might truly be happier elsewhere. The whole thing is over-the-top, huge-scale MELODRAMA and I thrive on melodrama. If it's too cheesy for you, don't come to space operas!!!!!!!
On that note, people have said RM is too tropey and too Star Wars-y. But like I said. If you don't love the tropes get out of the genre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you aren't here for bloodier/hornier Star Wars get out of RM!!!!
Another big idea I would be remiss to skip over. RM is an explicitly, deliberately anti-colonial, anti-imperial text—far, far more so than any other mainstream sci-fi currently being released. Well-intentioned liberals love to tout Star Trek/Star Wars as progressive media but they really hedge and defang all their political commentary, especially in their 21st century franchise form—think the SW sequels/shows straight up woobifying K*lo Ren in realtime and the Trek shows that (while fun!) are really often just nostalgia bait.
RM is pretty fucking radical. Its theme basically is Kill Nazis—or in expanded form, something along the lines of "The empire will eat up everything of value in the universe unless it is met with unified armed resistance built on solidarity."
And just look at RM's casting. We're not colorblind here; we're very color-conscious. (That's a rant for another day, but I've really started to despise colorblind casting for its extremely well-intentioned-liberal "we're all the same" mentality. It just winds up erasing.) Anyway: RM features the explicitly American-English-Afrikaans empire vs. the Algerian Amazigh protagonist, Black freedom fighters, Japanese revolutionary... and like. Snyder's always gonna be into Vikings so obviously we have Space Vikings too, whatever. Look at me, I can criticize Snyder too! The Poor Sad Space Vikings are not the strongest part of the film!
...Anyway of course the empire vs. revolution is absolutely kind of Star Wars-y since RM is highkey Snyder's Star Wars, but it goes so much further than SW dreamed (or, perhaps, nightmared). SW's rebels/resistance continually get defanged because they're kind of foundationally space magic/singular hero's quest deals, and modern SW with the exception of Rogue One/Andor is just politically, socially stupid. In contrast, RM is about forming a coalition, without something like the Force to help you out. I could write an essay on the ways RM starts in the same place Star Wars starts but takes its politics so much more seriously, so much further.
While I'd argue "good politics" and "artistic quality" rarely correlate, RM is explicitly and doggedly a text about the colonial empire that exploits, enslaves, abuses, and seeks to utterly control marginalized people groups in its quest for domination—and god, I would LOVE to see a resurgence in very fanged, very angry political sci-fi.
One more aside. Snyder has been rightfully criticized for his earlier works basking in fascist-adjacent, hypermasculine aesthetics; 300 is notably super duper racist in how it depicts savage/monstrous Persians vs. Beautifully Good White Spartans Defending Their Culture. (more on "300 Bad" stored up in my brain if anyone wants THAT rant.) To Snyder's credit, none of his films since 300 have really done that—parts of Batman v Superman and his cut of Justice League purposefully poke fun at it. The hypermasculinity is kinda still there, but it's subsumed in the service of melodrama and mythic-flavored cinema, and it's kinda a staple of the action genre anyway, and if you're gonna criticize Snyder without criticizing EVERY ACTION MOVIE EVER, that's just more regurgitated Snyder haterism.
No one is doing mythic action like Snyder these days. No one has the balls and the command of melodrama & operatic visuals. And it comes clearly from Snyder's background in art & art history because all his shots are jam-packed with symbolism and meaning and allusion. So criticize the film for its weaknesses if you like but geez, if I see another post railing about the lack of CRAFT in RM, I will start biting. ALMOST NO BLOCKBUSTER HAS THIS LEVEL OF CRAFT. It's okay that you don't understand visual storytelling, babygirl, but please don't accuse Snyder of lacking craft.
Sorry, you've triggered Cinema Defense Mechanisms in me, I'm gonna have to sit down for a while after this.
I have more takes. Takes hot enough to fuel the King's Gaze (king's gays lol.) But I'll end with a funny observation: I transed my gender (cheers, shouts, hoorays) just about the time I was getting ready to watch Rebel Moon, and in one shocking, epiphanic moment I turned to my partner and went "Of COURSE I'm a man. I like Zack Snyder." So........... do with that what you will.
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trashybasket · 6 days
Cozy embrace🎃☕
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Since nobody is using this gif in the realm of him needing to be held I will so I present my first fic on here!! (This will be about Cillian because I haven't finished peaky blinders yet and don't want to butcher his character!)
It was a late fall afternoon chilly but not quite cold Cillian was on his way home after shooting he had been away for months leaving his girlfriend at home to roam by herself once he'd arrived outside their beautiful home he'd realized y/n had decorated the outside while he was away he'd remembered her saying over the phone how she wanted to decorate but wanted to do the inside of the home with him so it seemed she'd kept her word he smiled and laughed slightly at the thought of his adorable girlfriend getting frustrated trying to reach to put up the higher decorations he shook his head and began opening the door getting smacked in the face with the smell of their favorite fall candle burning walking in setting down his bags in search of y/n oh how he'd missed her missed holding her and being held God how he missed how her arms would hold him so close to her it made him feel safe like nothing else even mattered but it also allowed great view of her boobs which he loved but that's not what was important right now what was important was the stunning woman laying on his couch in their shared home with nothing but a cozy sweater he's pretty sure she stole from him and blanket covering her legs all the while reading a book listening to music in her own little world he walked over to her after kicking off his shoes immediately going to give her a kiss on the head and say hello "Oh my gosh your home! I missed you so much!" Y/n brimming with excitement to finally see that handsome face of his in person after all this time giving him a peck on the lips holding his face in her hands Cillian's facial expression gave it away that he wasn't to energized and didn't want to talk looking at his sad tired blue eyes and seeing sleep trying to take hold she said "You must be pretty tired huh? I'm assuming shooting was very taxing this time around?" "Yeah it was a lot to handle I mean it was great but there were so many interviews then workouts and reshoot after reshoot because we couldn't get the scenes just right... I just missed you a lot sweetheart I couldn't wait too come home and be with you even if it's only for a week till they need me again I just wanted to be home with you" Cillian said crouching down to hold onto her looking into her beautiful eyes he could get lost in there so full of adoration for him so filled with the warmth of her love for him he loved it so much Y/n spoke breaking his concentration "well get up here love and we can just hold each other and chat or just lay here whatever you prefer my love" she said grabbing his hand rubbing her fingers over his knuckles soothingly giving trailing kisses all the way to his jaw she loved him loved being able to care for him how he cared for her without it being awkward no tension of any kind just love and warmth in the safety of their shared home so when he silently stared climbing on the couch to lay on top of her and rest his head on what he called the best pillows ever and she wrapped her arms around him one on his back drawing shapes into it soothingly and the other hidden in his hair he looked up at her somehow saying everything yet nothing at the same time "I love you Y/n" "I love you too Cilly" he smiled softly shoving his face back into her sweater "But we are decorating this house tomorrow it's so... Bland" He laughed into her chest allowing her to feel every small giggle "Whatever you say sweetheart as long as it's with you I don't care" This time she's the one who smiled feeling content with life closing her eyes along with her boyfriend to just enjoy each others presence
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h-didanart · 3 months
I should like, actually do an introduction for this but ehh, we ball
Hello everyone and welcome to a little thing that I accidentally hyped myself into doing despite the fact I have like three other things I could be doing instead—
in honor of Pride month I decided to draw a little something of a thing I have. I call it the Be gay, Do crime collection. In the first drawing it’s the character with their flag(s) or flag color palette, in the second it’s them doing crime. (Some of these guys are a lot more dangerous//less silly than others)
Who these characters are and why them specifically… needs a lot of context actually, uhm— so! I’m technically in multiple fandoms and across them and the many aus I’ve made I realized that I tended to gravitate towards an oddly specific type of character, and the more I analyzed that character type the more I realized it was even more oddly specific. So the joke with this void, au, place, thing I have is that all the people there are literally the same guy. There are around nine members of this little club, and more than twelve honorary members but those guys aren’t as relevant. Yeah :D
And who better to introduce this thing of mine than one of the original three members, True Main Character. Yes he has an actual name, no I won’t mention it, his story is in a weird limbo between au and og story, I don’t want to give people from that fandom false hopes.
Anyways— True Main character.
He’s a cool guy, tho very anxious (sometimes), very much an outside person, is very sleep deprived (tho I forgot his eye bags, sorry), loves trying all types of food, can be very unhinged however, and extremely sarcastic, he’s a bit of an ass. Still, he’s generally a good person, or at least not a bad one, I’m pretty sure he’s in the greyer areas of the morality spectrum
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…. He’s also a wanted criminal. I am not joking. He staged a coup against the government, took over the country for like two months, disappeared, reappeared, kept pestering the government into actually taking accountability for all the systemic issues and kinda succeeded, on top of just casually breaking into the King’s castle to raid the pantry or steal some of the thousands of supplies they have laying around as decoration, some shoplifting, and stealing the magic relic that controlled the day-night cycle and weather that one time. He technically has other ‘Evil’ presentations, but I wanted to draw the one I don’t draw a lot so!
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You get the Gameshow Host. He’s probably taunting the heroes with some stupid questions while magical bombs and lasers are falling on them, as is his usual.
Hope you enjoyed the introduction to this silly little thing, and welcome everyone… to the Redhead and Traumatized Club
(I told you it was an oddly specific character type, I’ll get ref sheets and intros for everyone if you guys want me to)
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theoutsanityshoppe · 4 months
Hello! I have a fun story about how I found your blog! I have this OC that I really really love a lot, so I got myself a custom crochet doll of him off of etsy with some christmas money. And while i was searching for which artist to go with, i came across one who was using your little fire-headed detective guy as an example and i thought it was a really cute little design! i can't remember if i did end up going with that artist or a different one but his design really stuck out in my mind because i thought it was so neat. flash forward a bit and i see a commission advertising post from cubesona, who was using that same character as an example and i'm like "oh shit it's this guy again!". and because it was tax return season i got myself that cubesona commission of the same OC i'd gotten the doll of as a little treat for myself. and then we come to recently when i saw cubesona posting the drawing of my boy on his tumblr, and of course i went looking through the tags to see what people were saying about him. and i saw you had called him pretty and it made me really happy! so i go check the post and lo and behold i see the same little firey guy in your header! and i'm like "oh shit! it's all come full circle!!" so uh yeah neither of us knew it but i've kinda been following you for a little bit it seems alsdkjf
This is the single greatest story I could have heard this morning I FREAKING LOVE THIS.
I am suuuuuuuuuuper curious now if you went with the same etsy artist cuz I LOVE her stuff - I actually have two OC's by her and I plan on getting more later! That one, the crochet of Flint, was also the first doll I ever got of him! [I have four now hahahah I keep doing the same as you and every time I have a little extra saved money left over from things I use it to treat my self with more things of my boy] Otherwise that is just CRAZY that it went full circle like that!! I'm glad I have him in my header too since I post all my art to a secondary art blog ahhaha and yes!! your OC IS pretty!!! I loved his design and I absolutely want to know more about him! The one thing I wish cubesona did differently was put actual links/tags to us instead of just typing out our usernames cuz idk if that means the person is on tumblr, on twitter, on some other site... and I don't wanna search haha XD And also!! Thank you for the compliments on Flint~!!! It makes me very happy to hear he pops out to people when they see him adkfgjag I'm extremely proud of his design. ;v; I would be lying too if I said I wasn't saving screencaps of artist who use their art of my boy in their commission examples because it makes me INSANELY proud as an artist ksfdjgakjdfg
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Fragments - episodes 12-14 author notes
Hi hello and welcome to yet another ramble about Fragments C: I’m doing these regularly because there’s so much I wanna say about my idiots, and I like looking back and appreciating the work I’ve done.
You can find similar breakdown posts on older episodes in my pinned!
I haven’t commented on any of the ShB episodes yet, so here we go. Chapter 2 is estimated to last for over a year real-time, it correlates to the msq events up to Amity. The name honestly I’m not too proud of, I didn’t wanna spend too much brain juice on it :’> But the cover.....
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Obligatory ShB spoiler warning!
- Investigating each other. They’ve become completely new people since ARR.
- Despite what he thinks of himself, our lord and savior Crystal Exarch has the ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ grandeur ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆.
- Vivi’s self-image is similar, he doesn’t see himself as anything grand no it’s not a height joke but Exarch rapidly grows in his eyes as he learns about him.
- He sports an outfit I once doodled and found cute, I’m just being cheeky about his newfound obsession.
- He also appears fragile to Exarch, who’s literally seen a world where he died being this young. Exarch wants to protect him, to say the least.
- Vivi’s perceived helplessness and lack of agency in ShB, although it’s nothing he hasn’t already been through in his other WoL misadventures.
- The Light, of course the wicked white surrounding them.
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Episode 12 I’m proud of writing-wise, but not art-wise. Turns out the Ocular is a bigger bitch to draw/paint than I’d anticipated, and, although I’ve mostly figured it out by now (having just released episode 16 for patrons), the colors and light in the episode 12 will forever stick out like a sore thumb to me, probably until I find the time to redraw it. Same goes for the Scions, learning to draw a whole bunch of new characters over a week (roughly, an episode takes 7~14 days to complete), well, I should’ve taken a bigger break and practiced some more.
I’d even apply the ugly word “crunch” to this episode. But ah, the best page wasn’t crunched, hell started breaking loose a bit later. Yeah I don’t work in order, usually I do the most important frames first.
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A bit of a sidetrack: even though I sometimes find myself wanting for more time between episodes, I don’t think I can afford making the releases even more sparse, current 2-week cycle ensures that this story WILL reach its finale in some distant 2028 if not later, I’m not kidding, it might take even longer and I’ve only been working on the script for a year. The broad strokes are complete, but I indulge in adding more sweet nonsense here and there. Or sometimes a raw af dialogue pops up in my head and MUST be included in some chapter. In other words, help, this behemoth keeps growing.
Personally I’m loyal to my fandoms, and not in a rush to finish the comic, but my mmo experience bangs on that nothing lasts forever: I don’t know where the xiv community would be in 5+ years from now, and I need A LOT of people supporting me, allowing me to work on this full time. So I’d rather keep a steady pace while it’s still possible.
As I get more xp in painting backgrounds and learn all the ShB character designs, it should become easier for me. Currently I’m fumbling through a new field, so please bear with me :’D
Back to the main topic: I came up with and scrapped at least 2 ideas of the transition between ARR and ShB, the timeskip was always planned, but Vivi needed some more introduction still. Current iteration of Exarch “interviewing” the Scions seems the most fun and creative to me.
Also, tea parties with Urianger and Feo Ul :> They’re his only two friends in my hc, Urianger he purposely revealed himself to, and Feo Ul, merely being a soul in a sparkly shell, can see Exarch’s soul as well, hoods are useless. All while they’re somewhat reliable, truly the paragon of pixies who wouldn’t randomly spill his secrets (probably).
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Vivi’s a mirror. Every single one of us is, to some degree. We react and adapt to the way the others treat us, and so does Vivi. Unintentionally, of course. It’s a natural “passive trait”. All the Scions except Urianger (for the same reason he managed to trick the pixies, he’s just a special smartass) see their reflections in Vivi, direct or warped.
Y’shtola is basically this:
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Can’t promise equal amounts of screentime for all the Scions, but the twins and Thancred are the closest to Vivi, you’ll definitely see more of them.
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He’s 26 now, which is still rather young by the elezen standards, and he’s way too tired (tm) probably like most WoLs at this point in time.
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Maybe not of life itself, but he’s definitely sick of the Source and all its inhabitants. For all he cares, this place can go to hells.
His state just so happens to be perfect for the isekai love story that awaits him. How did he get there? I know, you’ll have to stick around until I deem it appropriate to drop some flashback episodes. I’m leery of loredumping too early on: firstly, you current readers will get more invested over time, therefore have more fun learning about him at a later point; secondly, I’m personally not a fan of tragic backstories right in yo face, before the main story gets a chance to breathe. And, mind you, Vivi’s past isn’t even THAT tragic, just, well.. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes \o/
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In this episode I wanted to show his practical approach to things. He may possess an Echo, Blessing, soul stone and whatnot else, but gotta stick a good ol’ dagger in a boot just in case. He’s a doubter, just a tiny bit paranoid.
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Also he has The Chair (tm) where he dumps clothes on. His room in the Rising Stones looks vague for now because we indeed don’t return there for years in real time, I don’t need to spend my energy on designing this room in detail just yet.
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Most items don’t hold any special meaning, he simply prepares for a journey into the unknown. Well, there’s the journal he dumps his cringy thoughts in, and doodles sometimes. The trinket he holds here is a Princess Ai easter egg:
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I talked about Vivi’s character influences and inspirations here if you haven’t seen yet C:
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Exarch’s glorious meltdown does a good job averting eyes from Feo Ul being right there in the beginning of the episode 14, but yeah they’re present not for no reason :>
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Mentally he’s still in the msq cutscene.
Gotta mention that there’s no amnesia, insanity, or other sad brain fuckery ever in this comic. Vivi’s head’s made of dense and sturdy stuff x’D
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Just a meme I made because I had to :>
There isn’t much Deep Meaning in this episode, the visuals speak for themselves, and I’m DAMN PROUD of them.
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We don’t see Exarch in this moment ingame, so I took my creative liberty to illustrate the range of emotions he goes through in like 5 minutes before finally rushing out to meet his hero in person, forgetting that he can teleport at will (yet another hc of mine) anywhere in the Tower’s vicinity, and doing so on foot.
That’s it for now, thank you for reading this and enjoying Fragments C:
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sen-no-kotowari · 1 year
PGR Noan Character Profile
Good day and I'm back with some good news! The formatting plug-in I use is back to normal so everything should look the same like before. Aside from that, I will be posting back-to-back character profiles over the next few days and the first one up the bater is Noan's! You can learn more about Noan under the cut down below!
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Voice Line Data
Motion Voice Lines
Lobby Voice 1
Noan: I passed nearby the Arts Association while walking around the other day. If there comes a time when peace will be upon us and an Arts Association is built on Earth, would people who love to draw be able to feed themselves? ...I see. That'd be wonderful.
Lobby Voice 2
Noan: What do you think of having a war memorial on the plaza? ...Huh? What do I think about it? I believe the people in this era making the most of their lives are just as awe-inspiring. Perhaps it's because I've seen too many death that I strongly believe more than ever living in itself is...incredible.
Lobby Voice 3
Noan: (Paints something) ........Hm? Oh, I've been painting a picture with the paintbrush you left. It's nothing fancy, just a simple drawing of a sunflower. If I told you I drew this while thinking of you, would you believe me?
Raise Affection Level
Noan: If I tell you that I want to become closer to you... what will you do?
Repetitive Taps
Noan: What's wrong? No need to be frantic. I'll be right by your side.
Noan: Welcome back, Commander. I've been waiting for you.
Online for a Long Time
Noan: Wait a second, let me check your eyes. ...Hrm, now open your mouth. What time did you sleep yesterday? ...(Sigh) Really now...
Noan: I don't know if you're asleep or you're working hard... Well, maybe it's not so bad, getting to see your back like this.
Noan: Wha—! Are you okay?! Did you trip?
Offline for a Long Time
Noan: Showing up just now, did you oversleep? Were you having a dream of a calm and harmonious world? If that was a blissful dream, then you should've dreamed a little while longer. Don't worry, I'll continue to wait for you here 'til you show up.
Introduction and Formation
Structure Acquired
Noan: Hello there, Commander. Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name's Noan, that is my real name. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Level Up
Noan: I have to spare no effort if I want to grow as a person.
Noan: Thank you. Does this mean you've acknowledged me?
Model Improvement
Noan: Looks like the things I can do for others have increased yet again. Thank you.
Skill Upgrade
Noan: I'll continue to hone these skills until the day I put them to rest.
Noan: This weapon... Hmmm, what should I call it?
Add in Team
Noan: Perhaps I should be grateful to you, who put your faith in me.
Assign as Captain
Noan: You're making me the captain? Yeah, I think I can do it. Leave it to me.
Mission Accomplished
Noan: Okay, mission complete. Do we have anything else to do?
Daily Small Talks
Voice Line 1
Noan: Ever since I left City Number 075, I've been staying at Oblivion's base. I wonder if Watanabe's doing well. I'd like to go meet up with him if there's a chance.
Voice Line 2
Noan: Lee sometimes has this resolute look in his eyes... It's as if he had already made peace. Recently, he— ...Nevermind, forget I said anything. It seems like it's something he wishes to keep to himself.
Voice Line 3
Noan: How have I been lately? Maybe I'll tell you a little secret of mine. I'm actually a super Eden-class ambassador. Since both my conversational skills and presentation skills are perfect, I was able to make friends in Eden and also fit in right away.
Voice Line 4
Noan: My past? You've seen plenty of vagabonds who lost their hometown, right? I'm also a part of those vagabonds. There's nothing special about it.
Voice Line 5
Noan: I've heard from Commander Simon that you were an alumnus who graduated as the top student of FOS Military Academy, right? What kind of things do they teach during class in school? ...Most of the schools on Earth were closed down. It makes you wonder—how many people born in this era were able to receive proper education in their life?
Voice Line 6
Noan: I passed nearby the Arts Association while walking around the other day. If there comes a time when peace will be upon us and an Arts Association is built on Earth, would people who love to draw be able to feed themselves? ...I see. That'd be wonderful.
Voice Line 7
Noan: Ah, that's right. I'm done reading the books you've told me about. Do you have other books you can recommend to me? I want to try reading a variety of books more. The library's just around the corner plus I also have a wonderful guide who'll give me a tour.
Voice Line 8
Noan: The starry sky isn't the only thing that shines in the darkness. Even if the small glowing lights around us aren't as bright as the North Star, they emit a faint light with everything they have.
Voice Line 9
Noan: Everyone used to admire stories about heroes saving the world when they were little, right? But when they grew up, they knew that those are just fictional stories, nothing more—no matter how much you do your best, you can't change the world around you alone. That's why... I'm glad that we both could do our very best here.
Voice Line 10
Noan: I don't regret rejecting the offer of becoming an Ascendant, even if it meant I'd accept how ordinary I am. I would be betraying my heart if I did. Don't worry. I already made up my mind from the moment I told you the name "Noan," no matter what may happen.
Voice Line 11
Noan: You always devote yourself to either listening to other people's worries or what they feel deep down, just like the gentle protagonists from the stories I've read... But why don't you try asking someone for some advice once in a while? I fear you might break someday if you always keep your worries to yourself.
Voice Line 12
Noan: What do you think of having a war memorial on the plaza? ...Huh? What do I think about it? I believe the people in this era making the most of their lives are just as awe-inspiring. Perhaps it's because I've seen too many death that I strongly believe more than ever living in itself is...incredible.
Voice Line 13
Noan: I look forward to the day this world overcomes the harsh winter and welcomes the tender spring... If you also share the same sentiment as I do, shall we make a promise to each other? Of course, I'd want you to be included in that future.
Voice Line 14
Noan: (Paints something) ........Hm? Oh, I've been painting a picture with the paintbrush you left. It's nothing fancy, just a simple drawing of a sunflower. If I told you I drew this while thinking of you, would you believe me?
Voice Line 15
Noan: I don't regret the things I've done in the past. I've used the grief I experienced as a catalyst to move forward without ever denying myself. ...For a brighter tomorrow free from strife, I shall give everything I have head-on so that we won't lose any more people we hold dear.
Raise Affection Level
Voice Line 1
Noan: (Chuckle) You sure have a lot of friends.
Voice Line 2
Noan: It'd be a waste to gift that to me. How about giving it to someone more worthy than me?
Voice Line 3
Noan: I'm happy enough that you're standing in front of me without your guard up.
Voice Line 4
Noan: Thank you... Are you just this kind to anyone you've met?
Voice Line 5
Noan: What are your hobbies? Ehehe, getting to know each other is the first important step in becoming friends.
Voice Line 6
Noan: Should I draw a picture for you in return as thanks? I'm kidding. This present you gave me is far more valuable than any of my drawings.
Voice Line 7
Noan: Despite the countless despair and spite this world has, you still make sure to treat others kindly. You truly are amazing.
Voice Line 8
Noan: I'm fine with any notebook and pen. I feel like it'd be wasteful if I use such a good quality paintbrush for this.
Voice Line 9
Noan: Are we... friends already? Ah, I want to be your friend, your comrade. And from here on out, I wish to stay by your side... That's what I feel.
Voice Line 10
Noan: I don't have much to give back to you in return, but... Please don't hesitate to tell me if there's something I can do for you.
Voice Line 11
Noan: Can I... come meet you again tomorrow?
Voice Line 12
Noan: Thank you so much... truly. It's not just the presents you've given me. I'm thankful for you and the words you said to me back then.
Voice Line 13
Noan: We're still amidst the harsh winter... But whenever you're with me, it feels like it becomes less cold than before.
Voice Line 14
Noan: If I tell you that I want to become closer to you... what will you do?
Voice Line 15
Noan: It's enough for me that we're aiming for the same goal and being able to fight alongside you, but that doesn't mean I'll stop longing for you... (Chuckle) Commander?
Voice Line 16
Noan: Can I take it that you're okay being this close to each other, Commander...?
Voice Line 1
Noan: Your sleepiness is also making me feel sleepy, hrm... Even though I already don't need to sleep anymore...
Voice Line 2
Noan: It's been pretty quiet, but are you busy with something else?
Voice Line 3
Noan: I don't know if you're asleep or you're working hard... Well, maybe it's not so bad, getting to see your back like this.
Voice Line 4
Noan: Are you asleep? I want to check up close if you're sleeping, but just in case I might wake you up... Yeah, I should stop here.
Voice Line 5
Noan: ♬~Our wishes will outlive us~♪ The light you shine is gentle as you are~♬[1]
Online for a Long Time
Voice Line 1
Noan: Having a lot of missions to deal with seems tough. Is there something I could help you with?
Voice Line 2
Noan: Oh-kay, let's confirm if you're still wide awake. What do you see on this ink blotch? ...It's some sort of abstract matter? Uhh-huh...
Voice Line 3
Noan: You're complaining that your neck hurts because you're always looking downwards. ...Come on, let's do some light stretches. Relax your muscles, and move around your head and shoulders.
Voice Line 4
Noan: Wait a second, let me check your eyes. ...Hrm, now open your mouth. What time did you sleep yesterday? ...(Sigh) Really now...
Voice Line 5
Noan: You've sacrificed your health just so you can finish all your work. I doubt you'd even listen to me, but... Why not rest even just for a few minutes?
Voice Line 1
Noan: Morning. Do we have a mission today?
Voice Line 2
Noan: Commander, here's the list of missions for today. If we're all set, let's head out.
Voice Line 3
Noan: Morning, Commander Simon told me to pass along this message to you when I met him in front of the training room. Let's get along, he said.
Voice Line 4
Noan: I've been thinking it's about time you arrive here. I guess we're connected telepathically then?
Voice Line 5
Noan: You're back, Commander. I did several missions while you weren't here the past few days, but I knew I'd think about such a thought... "If only you were here," that is.
Voice Line 6
Noan: Welcome back, Commander. I've been waiting for you.
Voice Line 7
Noan: Did you sleep well last night? Your ability to focus would recede when you're tired, plus the people who care for you would be worried. Hm? Of course, I would be. I'm also one of those people.
Voice Line 8
Noan: Welcome back, Commander. I've been thinking about you. Oh, well you're not wrong that you're in front of me right now. Even so, I just couldn't help myself.
Offline for a Long Time
Noan: Showing up just now, did you oversleep? Were you having a dream of a calm and harmonious world? If that was a blissful dream, then you should've dreamed a little while longer. Don't worry, I'll continue to wait for you here 'til you show up.
Voice Line 1
Noan: Wha—! Are you okay?! Did you trip?
Voice Line 2
Noan: Stop it, my glasses are about to fall down... Wha- wait... Don't take off my glasses...!
Voice Line 3
Noan: Even if you do that, a coin won't come out from me.
Repetitive Taps
Voice Line 1
Noan: Hm? What the- (Sigh)... I already said I'm not hiding anything. Wait, this isn't a body inspection?
Voice Line 2
Noan: W-wait— th-that tickles! Aha-...Gee, that was unexpectedly childish of you. It's fine, I'll let this slide since I saw your smile.
Voice Line 3
Noan: What's wrong? No need to be frantic. I'll be right by your side.
Activity Task Full
Noan: Our activity level's at max level, let's take a small break. If you have other plans you want to do, shall I tag along?
Battle Dialogues
Battle Start/Character Switch
Noan: I fight so the plights and suffering in our lifetime will be kept at bay.
Voice Line 1
Noan: Let's reassess what their sins are.
Voice Line 2
Noan: This is how the "best duo" pairs up.
Voice Line 3
Noan: Tear through the darkest night.
Ultimate Skill
Noan: Amidst the depths of winter will genuine springtide flourish!
Light Damage
Noan: I'm fine.
Heavy Damage
Noan: No... I mustn't fall here...
Noan: I'm sorry... for leaving you all alone...
Friend Support
Noan: I don't plan to make you suffer any longer.
Noan: Aim for a swift victory.
Battle End
Noan: It's over, let's go home now.
Structure Documentation
Document Detail 1
Noan's appearance has established the fact Ascendants can turn humans into Structures. He is currently under surveillance in Eden for associating with an Ascendant. Although he doesn't seem to be disgruntled by the constant surveillance, research, and cooperation with his examinations, most of the "people who know his situation" feels somewhat lonely since Noan acts courteously as if he's keeping them at arm's length.
Document Detail 2
Noan himself named his model "Sojourn." He took inspiration from the time a young boy had preached to him after he left the Azil—"the world around us is a sojourn and all the sorrow they've experienced will one day return to the earth." The world around us is a large place of dwelling. Yes, even this very body he has. He has begun his new journey to the final destination of his life.
Document Detail 3
After he had fitted one of his coatings, Noan was sorely unsure whether or not he'd dye his hair in a rainbow color. However, everyone in Barometz Platoon strongly opposed it and even received harsh criticism from Arts Association Chairman Allen, saying it was "an abstract expression." The white streak of hair strands offset by his raven-colored hair expresses his resolution.
Document Detail 4
Even though Noan could deftly master a weapon and can write in either his left or right hand, he isn't particularly good at handling heavy weapons. It's not because of how incompetent he is, but because he's proficient in keen and nimble combat. The blueprint for his Energy Blade is a gift he received from Rachel on his 17th birthday. The other blade he wields on his other hand is something he had been using ever since he joined the porter company. Until Noan obtained his Energy Blade, his weapons used to be a blade and a gun.
Document Detail 5
He is hardly proficient in long-range weapons. Even the accuracy of the gun Noan previously used wasn't high. When you'd think he missed the mark, he would actually hit the vital target by fluke. There was a time when the bullet Noan fired pierced 3 windows, hitting the billboard across the building, and it fell on the leader of a burglary group.
Document Detail 6
He was able to escape an Ascendant's interferences and hallucinations alone. According to later observations, it was acknowledged that the stability in his Sea of Consciousness allows him adaptability toward Specialized Models. The Science Council still hasn't concluded whether this characteristic was something Noan originally had or was the result of the Ascendant's interference.
Rumors and Secrets
Secret 1 Has read a considerable amount of manga in a stack room. Noan seems to be receptive to any work, possibly because there are also peculiar plots among those he'd read. He would thoroughly read a manga title until the end, especially titles recommended to him by his friends.
Secret 2 To secure some space in his bag, Noan left a manga with a pear blossom between its pages at City Number 075. It was the Gray Raven Team who found that manga when they had visited for a survey. Noan retrieved that manga after that, but he lost it when he was heavily injured in City Number 210.
Secret 3 Noan still occasionally dreams of his past up until now. With how he is now, however, he is distinctly self-aware that it's all a dream and immediately wakes up—because in that dream, there isn't a single scratch on the firefly in his hands.
Secret 4 Although Noan had learned countless skills to survive, the only exception to that is cooking—up until he became a Structure, cooking delicious food wasn't a necessity for him. Now so long as he has a recipe to follow, Noan could cook the dish to a certain extent. Since he frowns upon ingredients going to waste, he inattentively ate the scrap parts of the ingredients on one occasion.
Secret 5 Whenever Noan is at a loss for what to do, he would tell a joke with a serious look on his face and divert the subject matter. He would often make his facial expressions overly serious so the other person would take them seriously. Noan would most likely say "maybe I'll tell you a little secret of mine" whenever he would tell an outlandish joke in the beginning, but he'd immediately give an explanation for his actions if the other person does take it seriously. If he manages to get by each time, strictly speaking.
Secret 6 Noan was once praised by his colleagues in the porter company for being skilled at consoling people and he would usually be the person they rely on to take care of their hammered colleagues at their drinking parties. Although he doesn't drink alcoholic beverages himself, it doesn't mean he wouldn't help them out or ditch out on the people who need someone could lend an ear to them.
Secret 7 Noan isn't good at handling people who are crying—he also can't tell if the other person is actually crying or shedding crocodile tears. To appear calm in front of a crying person even though he's panicking internally, Noan will probably almost nod to every request he generally won't agree on.
Secret 8 He wants to be reincarnated as a seagull in his next life, yet he has never seen either the ocean or a seagull before he became a Structure.
Secret 9 Noan was infamous as a pigheaded person in Passenger Car N until he was 13 years old. Because he recurrently used to incite a reckless feud, he was referred to as a "prickly boy"[2] by the people in that car. The person in question, however, has neither seen a chestnut's burr nor a person getting stabbed by it so he never knew they were referring to him.
Secret 10 Even though he isn't particularly nit-picky when it comes to colors, Noan prefers shades of white that give off a pure and clean feel—it ranges from white fabric, white bird feathers, clear skies, a pristine piece of paper, and so on... But the only thing he hates among the pure white things is snow, especially an endless snowfield.
Secret 11 While he was easy to get along with and had hit off with many friends, Noan had very few close friends he cherished in all sincerity. He's somewhat dense when it comes to emotions and is constantly passive, as he never expressed his desires or his eagerness to someone he was just recently acquainted with—he's the type of person who'd like to know the other person well on top of closing the distance between them.
Secret 12 He would frankly express his emotions to close friends. When the other person shows an interesting reaction to his words, Noan will try to pull a prank using that word. Despite being aware that he still has a childish side, he doesn't plan on hiding this side of himself entirely from his close friends.
This is in reference to the Surviving Glimmer's main theme song.
This may possibly be a reference to the manga "Igakuri-kun" (Igakuri-kun: Young Judo Master) written by Fukui Eiichi.
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hammerhead-jpg · 1 month
I get in a mood sometimes
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When I say cringe culture is dead and I'm cringe but I'm free I mean it
Not just liking anime, kandi and scene fashion, I mean all of it
If you're gonna say that cringe culture is dead it also applies to the beginer artists with bad anatomy and proportions, the furries, even the fat MHA cosplayers lip syncing "this is my todoroki"
Because back in 2018 or so during the sans fan girl era I was too much of a smartass kid to enjoy it for the camp goodness it was and instead had to be all fangirlmania "heh...you can't kill people over the internet 🤓"
Like I'm not joking when I say that the stars had to align for the sans fan girl craze to happen. If we actually exist in a multiverse where there are an infinite amount of universes then this is either a canon event or it only happened in this universe and no else
Like how do you explain that around 2018 a bunch of girls ages 8-13 made videos on YouTube roleplaying as their usually furry oc/persona(?), usually with flipaclip or a movie maker slideshow, declaring that a character from the game Undertale is their boyfriend AND husband, and that said character is so heavily removed from his source and his own personality that he might not even be there and- get this -they would make videos roleplaying and drawing out the (sometimes kidnapping and) murder of other sans fangirls because they were stealing sans away from them? And the declared "bad" fangirls eventually grew up into normal people while the "good" fangirls turned out to be horrible weirdos???
I can't describe to you how much I wish it was still socially acceptable to create a killing video of a person you're having internet beef with. Like imagine you're like "why are you talking about the vega ba, aren't you a mineral?" And then you're tagged in a video of their persona kidnapping, torturing and killing you?? I mean you'd probably be disturbed and think it's some sort of death threat but they win the argument instantly!
(btw if you have no context of this I know "killing videos" might sound very troubling but I promise they were kinda badly made and silly and no one really took them seriously, like if you look them up you'll know what I mean I swear they didn't have the same vibe of someone telling you how they're gonna kill you in your Instagram dms I swear)
You might be saying "okay I get it mr hammerhead you're nostalgic but even if you look at it from the lense of fun camp random videos made by 8 year olds aren't that entertaining"
And you're right, most of them aren't really
But there was this one person.
And their channel is still up, but I don't want to say their username cuz I don't know if this would be considered good or bad rep?
Anyways this person started off like any other sans fangirl at the time
Flipaclip curcle tool lil drawings, "hello my name is ___ and sans is my boyfriend and well if you take him away... you're gonna have a bad time"
They made regular killing videos where their character would kill other sans fangirls
But overtime things changed
The production quality because better and the stories became elaborate
Now, they were only killing out of necessity
They felt ashamed at their past self for going onto murderous rampages, but now, they had to kill to protect themselves or the people they cared about
It had lore it had drama, it was literally nothing like I've ever seen before
And it had actual Undertale lore in it?? Like it wasn't just sans floating there aimlessly there were other characters from the game??
And guess what, one time, one of the people they made a killing video about incorporated the lore from that video into their oc story and they became friends?!?! Bro how cool is that???
And the person basically allows and even incourages people to make killing videos with their oc?? Honestly me too if you have beef with me man up and make a killing video about me I'm waiting
And yeah, it wasn't some masterpiece that rivals the classics but who would think that killing videos about sans fangirls could be this emersive??
Do you know how badly I wish I was a part of that during that time???
And then history repeated in 2021
You see, ever since watching my hero academia during the 2020 quarantine I was into making ocs for it
And it became a big thing for me too, I made so many of them, and I kept making new ones and then scrapping them because I wanted to make newer ones but didn't want to have a bijillion of them cuz I thought saying "yeah I have like 35 mha ocs" would be cringe
Like it was my big obsession before I got into redacted (besides like, the actual mha show, class1b and monoshin)
I kinda lost interest in them some time ago but I think mha ending and the new season kinda resparked that interest because I'm actually redesigning them right now and thinking about revisiting their stories!
But at that time, there was and still is a community of mha oc artists on Instagram.
I made a ton of memories in that community and I could talk about it for who knows how long but I'm not here to talk about it
The thing is, I judged "mary sue" type ocs so hard.
I wasn't a complete asshole don't worry, I knew not to go to their pages and send hate or even unwanted criticism towards them, and I wasn't the type to say that every character that had a strong power was a mary sue or that every character that has a sad backstory was a mary sue, I was approaching my bitterness from a writing perspective
And I don't think that was that bad. I just had a gripe with certain tropes and as long as I wasn't being hateful towards the people that displayed them then that's really not an issue.
The thing is: I love "Mary sue" ocs now
I can't help but look at my 2021 self like the comments on an old Solar Sands video about rewieving ocs
"hurk...erm... Am I the only one that has a STRAIGHT HETEROSEXUAL oc who is HUMAN, has ALIVE, LOVING parents and NATURALLY COLORED hair with NO scars, NO heterochromia and NO powers 🤓🤓🤓🤓"
Yes and you're extremely boring for it!
Like I can't help but find the "well written" MHA ocs kinda boring now. I want the "Mary sue" mha oc who has 50 different quirks, was adopted by aizawa and is in love with bakugo.
I never stopped to think that a "Mary Sue" oc is a product of a person prioritizing having fun and creating an oc that they find cool rather than worrying about if the constructive criticism youtube channel would think their oc is good enough!!
And yes, saying that I enjoy those ocs unironically and not just as fun camp wouldn't really be the whole truth, I'm not gonna "Mary Sue"-ify all my ocs now, but they still bring me joy in the way regular old mha ocs haven't in some time!!
But the thing is, there are barely any anymore!! The ones I knew either disappeared into thin air or redesigned their oc to be more "well written"
Just like making killing videos is no longer socially acceptable and that sans fangirl channel deleted most of their videos, there are no more fun "Mary sue" mha ocs and I was too worried about what was "not cringe" to enjoy them!!
In this essay I will
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vincentv90 · 2 months
Finding you again
A Borderlands self indulgent fanfic.
A rewrite is going to be necessary but enjoy nontheless!
That fucking voice, that god damn ear grating narcissist voice blaring over the intercoms. Handsome Jack. That fucking bastard. Even after 7 years, he haunts everyone.
Why me? I asked myself mentally. I helped him on Elpis, not knowing anything about him other than him being an employee at Hyperion. He was tracking enemies of a different corporation, who were tearing the place apart for the vault. If I knew what was coming in the near future I wouldn't of helped. None of this would be my fault.
As a vault hunter I've come across many interesting characters, fought so many people looking to backstab me, even fought monsters with the strength of a God. But this encounter changed me.
Even know, I wish I could've done something different. Know I found myself stuck in the Handsome Jackpot, Handsome Jack's casino. I wasn't even searching for it. My ship got dragged in by the place, and once entering, no one could leave. Especially since Jack was dead. My life was over, I thought, while pacing back and forth in one of the many casino area's that resided in the place. Slot machines whirring and playing the same music and audio messages playing over and over.
I sighed, walking out of the place to try to find any source of life that wasn't the Service bots milling around the place. Plenty of dead bodies, bloodstains and graffiti littered the place the more I walked. How long were people trapped when the casino first shut down?
Ignoring Handsome Jack's face plastered in gold as I walked further in, focusing more on the sounds of a struggle. Yelling and guns being fired were heard as I walked through a hallway into an open area.
Bandits were circling what looked like an employee maintenance area, banging on the door and yelling obsinities. I crouched down, fumbling for my echo device, switching frequencies to see if there was any signs of life.
"Hello?!?!? Is anyone there?" A voice asked, clearly panicked. "Please help me!!!!!!!" The voice continued, higher pitched. It sounded familiar.
I shook my head, clearing my thoughts as I grabbed my sniper rifle. Looking down the sights I held my breath before pulling the trigger, the bullet piercing through a bandits skull, body crumpling. His companions jumped back, guns drawed and itching to kill. I grabbed my smg before leaving the cover of the hallway and open fired on everyone else.
Minutes passed, before the final enemy fell. It was silent. I waited for a sign of life, not knowing if the person in the echo call was dead or not. A slight noise startled me, pulling out my pistol and aiming it at the door, not knowing if this was a trap or not.
A tall figure stepped out, hood obscuring their face, hands raised. "Don't shoot!" The figure shakily said, reaching up to pull the hood off. "I'm not Jack, please don't shoot"
The hood came down, and I froze. Similar features and the exact same eyes stared back at me. His hair, while a bit longer and more unkempt, still had the same style to Handsome Jack, but there was something familiar about him (and not the likeness to Jack).
"Timothy, is that you?" I blurted out, more and more in disbelief that he was still alive. The first Doppleganger Jack ever made, the one I had adventures on Elpis with.
He looked confused. "Have we met somewhere before?"
I took a deep breath, before taking off my hood and peeling my face covering off. As we made eye contact, he sharply inhaled.
"It can't be. (Y/N) it's you!" he said, in disbelief I was standing in front of him.
"Yeah, it's me" I said, slowly walking towards him until I could pull him in a hug. My eyes started glossing over, unshed tears threatening to fall. "I can't believe I finally found you" I choked out. His arms shakily wrapped around me, squeezing me tight.
"You don't know how happy I am to see you again" He shakily said, voice wavering with emotion. We embraced each other for a while before parting to look at each other again.
"I thought you died. When Handsome Jack died I thought I lost you too" I said, tears starting to fall. Timothy shook his head, starting to get emotional too.
"When he died we became trapped in this casino. Bastard didn't tell anyone that when he died this place would be on lockdown indefinitely." I just stared in shock. This whole time, after 7 years, he was trapped here against his will.
Whatever I was going to say next died on my tongue when new yells and screeches echoed in the hallway I came from.
"Come on, I know a safe place" Timothy grabbed my hand and pulled me into the opposite direction. We ducked and weaved through a couple open areas before ending at what I thought was just a dead end. Timothy leaned his face close to a wall, a beam of light scanning his eye, before a click sounded, part of the wall giving way to a secret room.
Stepping in, I realized this is where he was hiding out most of the time.
"It's not much but it's kind of home" He said sheepishly. I smiled, seeing his likeness throughout the room. I turned around and hugged him again.
"It's perfect, just like you" I said, enjoying his warmth and presence. I felt him return the hug. As long as I was with him, nothing else mattered.
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monstah-kitty-katz · 4 months
Got inspired by other people's introduction posts so might as well do one real quick.
So hello! I'm Sasha, you can also Call me by Blake, Yami or Lavender
I'm a 20 year old autistic nonbinary artist that loves to draw my hyperfixations and Special interests
I'm a casual Anime enjoyer, Splatoon enjoyer, and Mii enjoyer
I will post Occasional NSFW so minors be Alert and Aware I WILL HAVE WARNINGS DON'T WORRY!
I can be awkward sometimes so please be patient with me
I use emojis to express myself
I LOVE MAKING AND TALKING ABOUT HEADCANONS FOR CERTAIN MIIS I CAN BE EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT THEM SO UH YEAH! I also can be awkward sometimes so be patient with me or if I talk over you or spam sorry about that like I said I can be excited about certain things so please be patient with me ❤️🙏🏼
And ofc My Boundaries (copied from previously my pinned post)
• When it comes to how I portray some Mii's you have to remember that my interpretation of certain Mii's may not be the same, nothing is wrong with ur interpretation of the Mii characters (as long as you don't portray them as weird or problematic, in a sense that is very insensitive or in bad faith)
• Please no fighting over who's the best of whatever and please don't shove anyone's opinions down their throats please....
•keep in mind I WILL DO EVENTUALLY some OCCASIONAL NSFW or just suggestive art, so minors please be cautious if you do interact with my content, I don't want minors to be uncomfortable and I don't recommend following me, please go follow more SFW stuff. However I'm still not responsible for people engaging my content I even put it in my bio and I will ALWAYS put a warning to warn people ahead of time.
• any Hee-joon hate here will result into immediate blocking especially calling him a pedophile (LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE)
•How I portray some Mii characters you may or may not like, remember that im making them just as flawed as we are
•please don't force me to draw your favorite Mii, besides requests are not available at this time so draw them yourself will ya :))
•if you have beef with me then get the fuck out i dunno why ur here lmao 🤣🤣💀💀
•For the love of God please please please!!!! Be civil about my headcanons and what not I just want to share my creations and make the Mii community a better place, my goal is to clean up whatever mess there is and make the Mii community a better environment for everyone 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Edit: decided to fix some typos as well as adding more rules
• you can use my art for inspiration as long as you are not tracing it or claiming it as ur own
• Any hate comments about any other Mii or even me as a person will result in an instant blocking.
• you don't get to control what I post, I will even sometimes make art work that dives into sensitive topics so while yes I'll still have warnings it's still you're responsibility to manage your triggers and to know when to stop engaging content that's not suitable for you
I'm only here to make the Mii community a better place then it was before I know I can't really change how people feel but what I can do is ofc bring justice to certain Mii's and just overall be a positive member within the community 🩷🩷🩷💕💕💕
And ofc here are some stamps
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beastenraged · 2 years
Luxu is a character that was assigned to be a faceless observer of the narrative. Player is a faceless observer who forced themselves into the narrative.
How would you write the two meetings?
If they meet, it is outside the pages of history.
If they speak, their words go unrecorded.
Such a meeting would never be known by the statutes of what we call ‘canon,’ if it ever did occur in the first place. 
Luxu is not entirely sure what brings him here, to this place full of Light and sea. Destiny Islands, the locals call it, and it is a World that remains stable through the cycles of Light and Dark the rest of the Worlds involve themselves in. 
Much like Scala ad Caelum, actually. A place to remain the same, so history may take place. So the future can happen. 
“Hello. Market Day isn’t until next week.”
He turns to catch a figure moving towards, stumbling through the sands. Luxu calls them a ‘figure’ because there’s something...lacking about the blue cloak that covers every inch of skin. Lacking in gender, at least, man or woman. 
Or even the thought of something in between those binaries so many people demand. Much like Luxu himself, actually, no matter how he uses ‘he/him’ for his own convenience. (Or the convenience of others...?)
The truth, as always, is far more complicated. 
“I’m not here for whatever you sell here.”
The figure pauses. “Oh?”
“No.” What possesses him to say what he does next...could it be Darkness itself? “I’m here from outside this World.”
“Oh. Oh. Which one? Are you from...?” The figure hesitates. So different from every sure movement they’ve made so far, even the ones that have almost got them tumbled over onto the beach shells. 
“Before? Are you a Dandelion?”
Luxu can’t help the jerk at hearing that from this stranger. A Dandelion? As far as he knows, no other made it out past the Union Leaders he observed. None were awake to run. Excepting...
“You’re that kid. The extra. The one who wasn’t supposed to be a Dandelion.”
The figure’s stance hardens, shoulders stiffening up. “...you must be Luxu.”
Luxu. Luxu. How do they know that name. 
“You know what, I didn’t think the Foretellers went around babbling about little old me to their kids,” Luxu remarks, as casual as he can fake it. 
The figure hesitates. “No. They didn’t. But. I asked. And you aren’t any of the others, I saw happened to them and the Foretellers...so you must be Luxu.”
Luxu claps. “Excellent reasoning! What’s your name?”
“My name? Oh. It’s ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛.”
Nothing but static. Just like-
The figure laughs, a little. “Yeah, I can’t tell anyone my name now. I guess it’s the price for...what I did.”
They fake a casual shrug, mimicking Luxu’s own gesture from earlier. “Nothing to worry about, I don’t really talk to people much these days. So what are you doing here, Luxu?”
“Just taking a look at this place for myself. So...what did you think about becoming a Dandelion?” Luxu asks, genuinely curious. He never got a chance to talk to any of the Union Leaders about this, outside of Brain, and Brain always refused to say anything about that time in the dataworld. 
So what answer will this stranger provide?
“You know, the Dandelions plan was an awful one,” the figure says. Looking out to the horizon, not meeting Luxu’s eyes. “We should have stayed and helped each other, not been...pitted against each other. I did what I did to save Ephemer and everyone else...but it was wrong. Whoever came with that...”
A gloved hand pulled into a tight fist. 
“They were wrong. I hate them, for what they did to everyone. Isn’t that awful?”
This nobody can’t say that about the Master’s plan. The Master that Luxu has sacrificed everything and everyone for. 
(He’ll make this hurt.)
“Your friends are gone,” Luxu draws out, relishing every flinch the stinging message nets him. “They are gone and you will never see them again. You’re going to die before they will, don’t you know? And you won’t see them...” 
Because Dark things don’t get to move on. And this person before is full of Dark. 
(Just like Luxu himself.)
The figure stands still. As still as the fixed positions of the stars in the skies. 
"You can't bring them back."
Luxu pauses in his step. Of course he can't bring them back, that's what the plan is for-
"You'll have changed and they won't have. You can't bring back what you had," the other repeats.
He turns just enough to meet a yellowish eye staring at him, from under that blue hood. 
“Just what you said, about my friends being gone? Yours are, too. You just don’t know it yet.”
Luxu can’t speak, he can’t even move- as those damning words continue. 
“I got a chance to grow up beyond ‘a role.’ But you?” Those yellow tinted eyes hold the worst emotion of all, as they look at him: understanding. “You’ve never had that chance.”
“I...” Luxu swallows. He doesn’t need to breathe, he’s never had to before. But something about this place, this person, leaves his useless lungs struggling to be filled. 
“No offense, but I hope we never meet again.”
“...that sounds like a good idea,” Luxu makes out. 
The figure looks out to the sea. When they look back, Luxu is gone. Just them. Them and...
“Baba, baba! Look, I found a starfish!” The patter of small feet, bright silver eyes excited. A pink starfish held up, over a small white-haired head. 
They chuckle at their child’s enthusiasm. “Very nice, Xehanort. But don’t forget to put it back in the sea, okay?”
Xehanort nods solemnly, every inch of his six years. “I won’t. I promise, I’ll put every starfish back!”
“I know you will. I know.”
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mintywolf · 2 years
A Long Road Home Author Notes - Page 1
Hello! Going forward I’m going to be attaching author notes here on my personal blog for anyone interested in hearing me ramble about this. :)
For Page 1.
If you’ve been following me for a while you probably know me best from Guardian, my last big comic. (For those who don’t, it’s a graphic novel about Lulu from Final Fantasy X. You can read it here: @guardian-comic) Since finishing work on that in early 2020 I’ve been struggling to get a new project started. I’d had a number of other original and fan projects backburnered but found I had a hard time caring about them. (Or honestly, much of anything, after the plague malaise took over. A lot of things, on both a global and personal scale, happened in 2020 that made art just Hard in a way that it hadn’t been before, a feeling I’ve seen shared by a lot of creatives at the time.)
Then CR Campaign 3 started and I don’t know what it is exactly about Laudna and Imogen but these characters and their relationship have my entire heart. I have not hyperfixated this hard on something in years. As with Guardian the impulse to express all the heart emojis bursting out of the depths of my being in the form of an unwieldy graphic novel came out of nowhere, and the beginnings of it came in a dream. (Although as also with Guardian, the pages that I dreamt for it never actually made it into the comic, haha.) I woke up that morning feeling in my soul that it was Time. 
Fortunately I have the benefit of 10 years of experience this time so rather than just diving headlong into another opus I spent several months planning, outlining, writing the script, and working on character designs. I’ve thought before that if I’d known exactly how big Guardian was going to be at the outset I never would have been able to get started. This time I know. And friends . . . it is another behemoth. D: A few times, watching the script steadily balloon in size, I stopped to think what are you doing, this is insane, this could be a fic and take a fraction of the time, but I have no sense of artistic self-preservation. :D
I’m still scared! I know from having done it before that I can do it again, but it still feels very Big and I’m still working my way back up to the level of artistic productivity I had then. But I’m excited about it in a way I haven’t been about a creative project in a long, long time.
For a long time it didn’t have a title, it was just called “Southern Gothic Meet Cute Prequel Comic??” at the top of the script page. That got shortened to “Southern Gothic,” which fits it both as a ship and a genre, but I decided that was a little too cheeky since it is the ship name (one of them) and also not very indicative as a title. The meaning of the new one will I hope become evident as the story goes on. (I never did change the tumblr url though. It is what it is.)
Yeah so! Here we go. Here’s Imogen, with some curiously bare arms!
It’s implied that Flora is a white horse (when Imogen selects horses for the journey to the Heartmoor Chetney remarks that he thought she’d prefer a white horse, but she says she doesn’t want to replace Flora) and originally I intended to draw her that way but I ended up liking the palomino paint look. (Incidentally my first horse in Breath of the Wild looked like this so it’s kind of nostalgic for me. ;)) She’s still mostly white. She kind of disappears from the scene because it’s a dream. In the narration she always runs away before the storm hits.
I think I over-rendered the backgrounds, haha. But I just got all these cool grass and field brushes just for this! (Available here.) The quilt was also more intricate originally but I didn’t want to drive myself insane trying to keep the pattern the same every time we see it, so I simplified it a little. It’s still cute. Also a recurring staple of my art: cute jammies. :)
Her bedroom is in the attic, which we’ll get a more clear picture of later. I imagine she’d have moved up there to be as far away from the presence of other minds as possible.
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fantomette22 · 2 years
(Do not respond if it makes you uncomfy, reading is enough) I am late for the party but IMO it is really hypocritical when people say you can't ship ghrmria if traditionally mourning dolls were made for children and then turn around and ship mria with a woman who addresses her as her superior and is a victim of nasty experiments mria is covering up. Everyone only bothers with nuance instead of just letting people enjoy things when it is the ship they dislike.
Hello anon! Ah I know what post you read hehe (it resume really well the situation!) Thanks for the support as well ! Some people (one person in that case, can really be hypocrite yes).
I want to talk about this. I mean it's been a part of the harassment I got but you understand I don't wanna scream it out loud everything either. I don't wanna discuss some stuff publicly either so I will keep it to the essential. And well I hope I won't get bother bc of this again. (putting the rest undercut it's a big long sorry 😅)
Alright so I never actually show the ask in question I got. Only in dm to some mutuals & friends. Idk if I should share it publicly so if you want just ask me privately there's no problem I will show it. I got tons of other dumb things too but I won't share them publicly. I'm not playing that game. I'm not answering to hate with hate.
Basically, like you read before the person "ask me" more details on my view on their relationship if I think the Doll is a mourning doll (that parents made for their children) (see my essay/analysis I made a few months ago on the Doll. I will need to update it one day XD so this person might have read it). I mean yeah I think she's similar/have a similar purpose as a mourning doll but she's special. She's not your typically victorian child morning doll TM. Then, they wanted to know more about my different interprets, AUs etc
Love when people disagree bc they don’t like you but then agree with people they like who said the same thing as you… genuine evolution ? Hm…
For real I would love to talk about my many interpretations /stories about this 2 characters (with multiple interprets contradicting each others) but I want a genuine question from someone I know / someone I can put a name one. (even sending the ask on anon but telling in dm who is it is ok too! 👍)
Not someone hiding being anon and with vicious intend. Not someone who's stalking my blog (not a follower), previously (and after) fake approval of my ship content* and harassed me repetitiously for weeks if not months because I interact some times to times with someone they don't like.
*before that I got a "backhanded fake approval" over some drawings I did. Telling me "oh it's cute and all. You're doing it the right way" but then twisting it in a disgusting way with some awful sexist comments... trying to pass the fans of the pairing (and myself?) for bad people I guess? I did answer to it but call them out a bit too. It's on private now. I might have a link somewhere (because well I did spend some times writing cool ideas I want to keep for later)
At first I wasn't sure it was the same person (the fake approval, thoughts about the morning dolls and the harassing asks). But I had doubt so I never answer it. I'm glad I did because surprise ! IT WAS THE SAME PERSON all along ! (when I block ip address it was all deleted) Like wow harassing me, trolling me and trying to fake a genuine question before harassing me more? wow people are sure fascinating. (I really want do believe in you bud ! hope you become a better person !)
I took some precautions as well after all of this. That would be a shame to go private or disable anon ask for 1 bad behaved person. I hope it will be alright now and that I won't get bother anymore.
So about the other ship you mention... at first I was positive toward it but because of a few persons well I tend to be way neutral towards it now (and it's still the main thing in a minor AU of mine lol). Personally, I think, because of my view of Blood.borne world, the healing church, the research hall... that after the experiments began on her it doesn't really work/make sense for me anymore... But I won't go bother people who imagine/interpret a softer version just to be happy and have fun ! got for it guys!
But for real the wort ship experience I had so far was in Kingdom H/earts fandom XD (love this series too) imagined you follow smn cool (twi.tter) and they indirectly punch you? "oh I know the difference between who's a friend and not if you ship characters a&b or not" 💀 like wtf sure you prefer them being friends but don't insult people liking the paring ? specially when there's clues about it idk??
I feel it's more a problem of respecting other people (& their thoughts) than proving they're not canon/ accurate or not. it's not even analysis against facts it's just how I think your ideas (and you) sucks because it's my ideas are not the same.
It’s impossible to 100% agree with everyone about everything. But if it’s not hurting anyone/ dangerous ideas just minimum respect pls. That already hurt enough people throw history and still today (but well the internet..)
I would love to talk more about the characters I love really but all this is making me exhaust mentally. Even when people are nice and calm about it I'm still concerned smn is gonna understand things wrong and just decide to go bother instead of just ignoring it.
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lokislytherin · 2 years
hello again it’s me, the One who misses Jaeyeol LOL
thanks for answering my rant ask and i don’t mind if you rant back at me 😂 it feels good, like i’m not just talking to myself in my head but to a friend who feels the same way as i do.
like YES PTJ i love some of the new characters introduced like johan and samuel but with all these new characters added into the story, it’s like the old cast got thrown away (minus zack and vasco etc because they’re always in the mix for some reason, AND NOT JAY ahem i shall rein myself back for some semblance of sanity lol) and i’m like.. why so many characters man? UGH.
ALSO ALSO ALSO what’s with all these middle aged looking characters suddenly entering the scene with a [name] and [age] AND THEY DON’T EVEN LOOK THEIR AGE LIKE
new middle age looking man: blah blah
[name] [16] LIKE BITCH WHAT DO U MEAN THAT GUY’S 16??? HE LOOKS MORE LIKE A 40 TO ME LOL i feel like ptj just gave up making the characters look their age because these ppl definitely do not look 16, 17, etc. or did he even try in the first place? anyway
like this story just became all about gangs at the point where i stopped lol like what happened to his convenience store job (i guess he quit once he entered workers? maybe i missed that part), what happened to the mom visiting every so often (like wouldn’t she worry about her son when he disappeared god knows where?), what happened to attending school during the back end portion? WHERE ARE THE PARENTS/ADULTS? this is like tokyo revengers all over again 😂 idk.. i just wish that it didn’t have to be all about gangs? like i’m fine with the hostel and god dogs portion but after that it’s like i couldn’t give a shit anymore 🥲 and daniel doesn’t even seem like himself anymore 😭 i miss when all he had to care about was making friends, memories and letting his mom live a good life…
i wish ptj just kept it simple with a few gangs, having to keep the secret about having 2 bodies, why crystal has 2 bodies as well, normal school activities/relationships (i keep fantasising about a chapter with them playing some king’s card game where the person who draws the king card can do anything/order anyone to do anything they wanted for a turn like that Baka to Test episode, man that was hilarious LOL like if joy got picked as the king and she would probably have done something to daniel and jay had to step in HAHAHA oop my shipper is showing) and it would have still been a great series. now it feels all muddled 😩
yeah.. oh yes please let me join your prayers circle!!! PTJ U MUST BRING JAY BACK AND GIVE HIM THE ARC AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT HE DESERVES!!!!!!!!! I WILL NEVER REST UNTIL U DO!!!! 😤😤😤
good timezones anon who misses jay! i'm glad you find these convos fun hehe i only have one single friend who Gets lookism to talk to so this is really nice for me too
new characters: i think one of the reasons why characters like johan and samuel are so popular are bc they have a backstory that's actually fleshed out really well? like even jake and big deal they had like a redemption/backstory arc (personally i like jake more than samuel tho. i want to punch samuel but his tits would probably break my fists) and i think that's why they're liked more than new characters like, for example, ryuhei. personally i think ryuhei is decent looking but idgaf about him yk.
the age thing: YOU'RE SO RIGHT like no way samuel is 19?? no way that bitch is only one year older than me AT MOST. or maybe he's got the daddy energy coz he's tall, is The fanservice character at this point, and has muscles n big booba. still wanna punch him tho. the ogs being 16/17 international age i can believe, and the anime also made them look younger in a way? especially duke i miss that funky lil guy. i hope his music career is going well
all about gangs: i see what you mean but this is also Animanga Logic right. adults are kinda irrelevant if you're the overpowered protagonist but at the same time i get u honestly i feel like jay's own father has more plot relevance than him at this point 💀 jay vs h group arc WHERE. jay and crystal interaction WHERE. their parallel could be so interesting but i'm not getting into that today i'll like. explore it in a fic or something
plot: i think to us it feels like ptj kinda lost sight of the meaning of 'lookism' in relation to the plot, but i'm sure ptj knows where he's going with the plot, and i trust him to give us more good chapters. for now us jay hong stans are gonna have to make content to feed each other
welcome to the jay return arc prayer circle
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ptj if you won't give jay the backstory and character development arc he deserves i'll do it myself 😤 i'll catch up to canon and write that jay vs h group arc myself 😤
hope this helped!
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i will draw your ocs for free
yeah, you read that right! that's what i do on this blog: draw people's ocs. just send me an ask with your oc and ill draw them!
well, actually, it's a bit more complicated than that... read below to get the full details!
about / information
you've probably already gotten the gist of what this blog is about, but here's some specifics for you.
on this blog, i draw people's ocs that they send to me through the ask box, with the aim of giving oc artists the dopamine rush of receiving art of their beloved children!
i post all drawings i make on here and tag the creator of the oc
all drawings will be fully rendered unless specified (please tell me if you want the drawing to be flatcolor / sketched!)
everyone who submits an ask will have their oc drawn as long as the request abides by the rules below!!
types of drawings i offer:
icon / headshot
portrait / bust
chibi fullbody
sketch page
if you do not specify which type you would like, i will draw whichever i feel like! also, if you would like a sketch page, please specify how many drawings you would like on it! (upper limit for regular style character drawings is 4, upper limit for chibis is 3)
you may use any of the art i make of your ocs (with credit):
as an icon / header on any social media
as a reference of your character
for any personal use reasons (phone wallpaper, print it out and hang it in your room, post on social media, etc)
you may not use any of the art i make for commercial purposes!!
i will not show any examples as i am using this account as a way to experiment with my style and technique, and many of the drawings will most likely not look exactly like anything i show as an example. so you'll just have to trust me! (once i start posting art to this account you can use those as examples!)
rules for submission
obviously with offers like these come some ground rules, so let's go over them now!
to be eligible to submit a character, you must:
follow this blog!
reblog this post!
in your submission, you must include:
a fully colored reference of your character
the name of your oc and their pronouns
some things you can also do, but don't have to:
include how far down you'd like your character to be drawn (headshot, halfbody, fullbody, etc)
include a pose or expression you'd like your oc to have
submit multiple characters at a time (please specify if you'd like them to be drawn together or not; if so, include their relationship, height difference, and how you'd like them to be interacting)
ask for multiple drawings of the same character (they will be drawn and posted together)
include a background description if you want one
other guidelines and things to abide by:
i only draw humans/humanoids and flat-faced furries/anthros
i can draw all genders, body types, and skin colors
i can draw complex designs and backgrounds
im iffy on vehicles and complex machinery
i will not draw nsfw or discriminatory art
i will draw at most 5 characters in one image
there's no limit to the amount of submissions you can send / drawings you can request at a time
i will not draw canon characters / characters from media, this is specifically an oc art account for a reason! the point is to make oc artists happy by drawing their babies :) this does not apply to creatives who are making a piece of media with their characters (ex. webtoon/comic artists) feel free to submit!
the one behind the screen
about the moderator of this blog!
hello! i'm the perpetrator of this ordeal, and the one making all of the art. my name isn't very important, so you can just call me origin or ori if you'd like! i use he/they pronouns, please respect that. im a queer minor who likes to design characters and draw! i'm an avid oc haver and artist myself, and i know how great it feels to have your character drawn by someone else. so i started this blog to spread around some of that joy to other oc artists on tumblr! i hope you all enjoy the art that i make!
final notes
wow, you made it to the end of this post! thanks for sticking around and reading everything, i know that was a lot. here's some final notes:
even if you don't submit a character to be drawn, i encourage you to reblog this post anyway. i want this blog to reach as many oc artists as possible so i can draw lots and lots of characters!
please be patient with me. i will try to get all requests done quickly, but there is a possibility for your request to take many months to complete. please be mindful that i have a personal life and duties to attend to that may prevent me from drawing your character in a timely manner. thank you!
since these are free requests, i will not be accepting revisions. the final art will remain unchanged after it is posted.
anyone displaying excessively rude or inappropriate behavior will not have their request completed and will be blocked.
and that's all folks! thanks for reading, drink some water, and give me some characters to draw!!
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