#yeah idk if i came off like a weird dnf-only person but to be clear I welcome and chill with everyone
wildpeachfarm · 6 months
Writer here chiming in
And I sit here and really hope you're not one of these sorts of people cause you seem really cool
But the amount of disrespect multishippers get in this fandon is absurd. I love writing dnf, it's genuinely super enjoyable to me, but I also love writing dnn cause it's so fun to play around with dynamics and I swear some dnf shippers think I'm the scum of the earth for that
It really bothers me the treatment creatives as a whole get here. People are so picky about what they read because at one point there was so much to read
Especially nsfw authors and artists. There was a whole witch hunt taking place days before the most recent collapse and as a creative it was terrifying to see what main was doing to people who specifically cordoned themselves off
And holy shit the one author who like a week before who wrote a fic featuring a certain topic that was close to them and they were just getting harrased so hard
Oh yeah I didn't mean to discount any shit multishippers get, I just don't follow many multishipper writers/artists/etc. because its not something I often seek out. But everyone that i do see/follow thats a multishipper I make sure to support where I can and I'm definitely not one to turn a blind eye to people's harassment on the internet just because they prefer one ship over the other- I've been on the internet for too damn long to be doing that shit lol
I agree that any creatives in this fandom get shit no matter what because people feel entitled to art of any form and its disrespectful to everyone
And yes I was aware of the witchhunt and I knew many moots that were affected by it and its horrible that shit is even happening
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