#yeah it's a great time to ovt
salxxnf · 1 year
it's sucks when you cry because you miss moon system but you know gonna cry even more if you wanna rewatch moon night cause it's so sad and depressing.
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activatingaggro · 7 years
the scarf wars: p1/4
Also known as: in which Pheres Dysseu [RS] has a very terrible three hours, part one of four. Featuring Hadean [ID], Maidel [AC], Lucina [DP], and a guest appearance from Cernia [TC].
DP: Well I came into this chat expecting to find people I don't know | Bvt I fovnd yov instead
DP: Hello Pheres
ID: hi other rustblood.
DP: Hello other rvstblood | It's nice to meet yov
ID: pheres had best not try to use your entering to change the subject.
DP: Oh he will | Trvst me
TC: H! sh!tt!er rustblood
DP: Well that's one way of saying hello | Hello to yov too
ID: do you two know each other.
DP: I know Pheres | Bvt that's it as far as I know
ID: pheres you had better not be absconding to avoid answering me. =:I
TC: Oh there's a~other perso~!
RS: | Some of Us have Customers | Hadean | Haha |
ID: how convenient.
RS: | Anyway | Yes | I am Back | And | Hello | Lucina |
TC: ! thought !D was talk!~g to me
ID: =:I we both know i'm not the shittier rustblood around here.
TC: Yes you are
DP: Well if it'll stop a brewing fight | I'll volvnteer for the role of 'shittier rvstblood'
DP: I wovld ask if Pheres wovld join me | Bvt he's far too good for that
ID: there is no brown in these veins. i am as maroon as maroon gets.
RS: | Why would I ever Join You | if You are So Kindly Offering | ? | That would be Neglecting Your Noble Sacrifice | in the Name of Chat Security |
DP: Yes Pheres | Bvt misery loves companyy
DP: And yov're very good company
RS: | And | Hadean | There's no Need for Insinuations |
RS: | I'm not Going to Take a Picture of My Sales Receipts just to Ease Your Pumpbiscuit of Suspicision |
RS: | Unnecessary Suspicisions |
RS: | =:B |
DP: I don't know Pheres | I hear yov've been doing some odd things in that winnebago of yovrs
ID: wow pheres did you piss in this rust's grubflakes.
ID: they're just all over you huh.
DP: Oh he's nice | Bvt very good at pissing in grvbflakes
DP: He's famovs arovnd my jvrisdiction | For being very good at that
ID: pheres you cad
RS: | Hahahaha | What can I Say | Hadean | ? |
RS: | Apparently I am a Ball of Spit and Vinegar | =:B |
ID: you black casanova. =:P
DP: Bvt that being said | Tallow and Cyrrvs are begging me to ask yov to visit again
RS: | It is a Highly Guarded Secret | But | Sometimes |
RS: | You just Have to Give a Firmly Worded | Apology |
ID: no wonder i'm still single.
DP: Well a ball of flvff and condescension is a bit more on the mark | But spit and vinegar works I gvess
DP: Yov jvst dodged a bvllet there I'll have yov know | I have a friend who's particvlarly into the shipping scene
DP: I don't even know why | It's kind of concerning
DP: And she jvst stopped looking over my shovlder| Right before you said that
DP: Bvt she did nearly pee herself lavghing | Over Pheres being a casanova
ID: i didn't say i was unhappily single. let it be known.
ID: pheres seems to have the most action going on around here.
DP: Oh I believe you | Bvt she's way too enthvsiastic abovt thinking otherwise
RS: | And | I will Visit Soon Enough | ! |
RS: | | | Or I |- WAS -| Before I Saw all of That | Good Heavens |
DP: Well if you don't want to visit vs | I'll jvst be svre to let the boys know
DP: I'm svre they'll be fine | Bvt they will be quite sad
RS: | And | There is no |- ACTION -| There is Simply Over-Enthusiasm | Haha |
RS: | And a Lack of Manners |
RS: | Not in This Instance | Of Course | =:) |
ID: sure pheres. sure.
DP: Well after yov yelled at Maecii enovgh to vpset her | Which is a difficvlt task believe me
DP: I'm inclined to qvestion yovr manners
ID: pheres yells.
ID: he didn't seem the type to have it in him.
RS: | I Don't |
RS: | Haha |
RS: | =:/ |
ID: no offense pheres. path of least resistance and all is fine, you do you.
ID: what are you selling anyways pheres.
ID: hair care products.
DP: He sells books | Some of them are actvally qvite interesting
RS: / antiques / to very fussy highbloods / who are / quite honestly / not buying enough to warrant this amount of my attention / =:/ /
RS: / and books /
ID: huh what kind of antiques.
RS: / lucina / instead of attempting to drag me to the forefront of the conversation /
RS: / why don't you explain why you're on here / instead of tending to your busy little berg / ? /
DP: Pewter recommended the chat to me | He said to check it ovt
DP: And I do get breaks yov know | There is no pressing emergency right now
DP: Why are yov here | Instead of selling things to vnappreciative highbloods
ID: pheres multitasks to give us the honor of his presence. =:P
DP: Impressive | I might swoon
ID: seems like you might do a lot of swooning over pheres. from what i've seen.
DP: If by swooning yov mean | I kind of want to fire him from breathing
DP: Then I swoon quite a lot
[Pheres offers to take Hadean with him up to the Mouth to look at Lucina's tombs, since they're both in Hanhai, which leads to a rejection, which leads to:]
RS: | | And | Hadean | Haha |
RS: | Um |
RS: | Do You really Think that I Look like the Sort of Person to Murder Someone | ? | =:1 |
ID: no. but the best murderers don't.
ID: rustblooded murderers at least.
RS: | ! |
RS: | Now I am Not Just a Murderer |
RS: | I am a Skilled Murderer | ? |
RS: | =:1 |
AC: Ø .n. that's true. but I don't think Pheres would murder anyone. unless he had to. not that he would! but sometimes things happen. ugh. this sounds horrible I'm sorry Pheres. I'm just saying theoretically. Ø
RS: | | | |
ID: i mean you could be.
RS: | I Appreciate the Sentiment |
RS: | But | Please | Rest Assured |
AC: Ø I know you're perfectly fine Ø
RS: | I would not Cull Someone if They had a Gun to My Head |- HONESTLY -|
RS: | This is a Very Silly Conversation |
AC: Ø .n. but then they'd kill you and that'd be really sad. Ø
DP: I'll be yovr other character witness | Pheres isn't mvch of a killer
DP: He's more likely to spvtter angrily and get his own hair stvck in his movth | Than he is to whip out a gvn and a knife
AC: Ø .n. so many people would miss you Ø
DP: It's trve | The boys wovld cry for days
AC: Ø And I would be sad and Emerel and Kit and Sipara! Ø
RS: | Okay | Um | You are Missing the Point Here |
RS: | Oh | That Sounded Uncouth | My Apologies |
RS: | But |
RS: | | | Let's go Back to Discussing Rocks | =:1 |
DP: No no yov have to really amp vp your presentation | Like
DP: These are rare bloodstones from fire movntain | Only 10 left in existence
DP: Get them while you can!
AC: Ø what Ø
AC: Ø that sounds fake Ø
AC: Ø like from a video game Ø
DP: I know bvt | Pheres yov probably know all abovt this
DP: People will bvy a lot of things if yov get them excited for them
AC: Ø We have lovely marketing ouo Ø
AC: Ø That's what you mean, right Lucina? Ø
DP: Right
RS: | Oh | Yes | ! | It is Absolutely True |
RS: | Maidel | If You Tell People that They're Unique | then They'll Buy Anything | Really |
DP: Marketing is important
AC: Ø Our artifacts really are very nice though! Ø
[This eventually leads to a comparision between Hadean and Riccin, which leads to Pheres explaining that Maidel likes Riccin, and Maidel arguing that Pheres likes Riccin.]
AC: Ø They've been very good to me! Ø
AC: Ø ...but I don't think they like me, so you might not want to say that. .n. Ø
AC: Ø They might get offended. Ø
ID: well i can about assure you that if i was to meet riccin. there would be blows.
RS: | Oh | ! | Don't Take It Personally | Riccin is Incapable of Liking Anyone | =:) |
AC: Ø Or probably laugh. Though that's not so bad. Ø
AC: Ø Why would I be offended? Ø
AC: Ø That's silly. Ø
DP: Wait Pheres | Have you ever actvally disagreed with someone while still liking them
RS: | Absolutely | I Disagree with You on the Regular | Don't I | ? | =:) |
DP: Becavse it jvst occvred to me that yov demonize disagreement | Qvite often
RS: | And |
RS: | | Haha | Hadean | Is There Anyone that You Would not Come to Blows upon Meeting | ? |(edited)AC: Ø Riccin just likes different kinds of people, I think? .u. Ø
DP: I wasn't aware yov actvally liked me | Whatever will I do now
AC: Ø I mean, they like you, Pheres Ø
AC: Ø They listened to you. .u. Ø
RS: | | Maidel | Listening to Me just Means that I Know how to Handle Them | ! |
RS: | Much like I Know how to Handle a Great Deal of Our Customers |
RS: | Or Lucina | Haha | =:) |
DP: I don't need to be 'handled' Pheres | Yov make me sovnd like a wild animal
RS: | Oh | ? | My Apologies |
RS: | Have You Stopped Striking People for Fun | ? |
AC: Ø I think you're very - Ø
ID: i thought handled made you sound like an out of control troll who needs a moirail.
AC: Ø ono Ø
RS: | She Does | Unfortunately | It is the Rare Maroon that Could Use Pacification | But | Well |
RS: | She's a Little Volatile |
RS: | Oh | Well | She'll find Someone | Eventually | =:) |
ID: stay wild and free dp.
AC: Ø Lucina why did you hit someone? Ø
DP: Just him | Because he was doing this shit
DP: This shit where he treats me like I don't have a brain | And need to be dealt with like I can't control myself
DP: If yov mvst know Maidel | Pheres is awfvl to all of vs most of the timeAC: Ø ;m; what? Ø
ID: i don't think pheres has been awful to me.
AC: Ø but why? Ø
RS: | Oh | Don't make that Face |
RS: | I am not Awful |
DP: Yov haven't met him in person | Give it time
AC: Ø I don't understand Ø
ID: he did seem offended over my split ends.
DP: Yeah | He got mad that we had the same scarf
DP: And now he treats me like an idiot | And it pisses me off
RS: | Maidel |- WORKS -| for Me | Lucina |
RS: | And Takes Care of the Shop |
RS: | I am Fairly Certain He has a Better Grasp of My Demeanour than You | =:) |
RS: | But | Please | ! | Continue | =:B |
DP: Hate to say it | Bvt how yov treat Maidel has nothing to do with how yov treat me
ID: i think dp wants more respect pheres.
RS: | Oh | For Heaven's Sake |
RS: | When I Said Continue |
RS: | I was not Anticipating | Two Minutes of Typing |
AC: Ø I don't want to be included as part of an argument ;m; Ø
DP: Yov are nasty as hell to me | Yov make commentary on every little thing I do
DP: Yov keep sticking yovr nose where it doesn't belong | And inserting opinions when yov have no idea what you're talking about
DP: Yov're rude to Pademi | Yov screamed at Maecii
DP: Yov've ticked off Pewter and I didn't think that was possible | Need I go on
DP: With this many people vpset at you Pheres | The problem is yov
RS: | | Are We really Airing Our Grievances in the Middle of a Public Chat | ? |
ID: ac i think we just need to let them get this all out.
DP: It's not me | It's yov
ID: so uh. let's go to the other chat.
RS: | This is a Charmingly Novel Experience |
RS: | But I think I'm not Especially Keen on It |AC: Ø ;m; Ø
DP: And oh wow look what yov're doing now | Same thing yov always do when yov don't want to own up to being an ass
DP: Yov make it ovt like it's everyone else's favlt | Like everyone else in the world jvst doesn't know how anything works
DP: Charmingly novel my left foot | It's only charmingly novel becavse that's the easy way ovt of an argvement
DP: Hard to argve with someone | Who's constantly trying to deflectRS: | Oh | For Goodness Sake |
RS: | Do You want to | Say | Take This to a Private Chat | ? |DP: There's no point | Yov'll never change
DP: It'll always be someone else's favlt | And never yovrs
RS: | I am not Entirely Sure the Resolution You Want Here |
RS: | Should I Apologise for Maecii Attempting to Hex My Vehicle | ? |
RS: | Or for You Striking Me | in some Misguided Pitch Flirtation | ? |
RS: | Or Pademi Insinuating that I am Incompetent Enough to Get Two Six Sweeps Murdered | ? | Mind | Most People Outside of Your Little Brooding Cavern of a Home Usually have Lived by Themselves for Several Sweeps at That Point |
RS: | But | Heavens only Knows They are Somehow Incapable of Venturing Out From under Your White-Eyed Gaze |
RS: | Clarify | and We can Tie This up Neatly | and Consider It Amended | =:) |
DP: It wasn't a misguided pitch flirtation Pheres | Yov weren't fvcking hearing me ovt and I get so tired of you treating us all like we're too stvpid to fvnction withovt yov
DP: It's my town and it's my job to protect it every way I can | Do yov even know how stressfvl this job gets?
DP: I do what I have to | And if that includes keeping an eye on the boys when I know fvll well other trolls their age are alone
DP: And if I have to fight yov and anyone else | To keep vs from ending vp like poor Levzig and the agricvltvral district
DP: Then yes I'll do it | No qvestions asked
DP: Vgh alright tell you what | Come by when yov have the chance and let's try talking it ovt again
DP: Bvt vse that damn smiley again | And yov lose yovr privileges to see the boys for the next perigee
RS: | For Someone Who Enjoys Harping on about the Respect She is Owed | and the Very Many Burdens that She Faces |
RS: | You are |- Remarkably -| short of It for Anyone Else | My Goodness |
RS: | But | Haha | Alright | We will Discuss This in Person | My Next Visit |
RS: |- IF -| You can Manage to Keep Your Temper | or at Least Your Hands | to Yourself |
RS: | I'd put a Smiley There |
RS: | But I would Hate to Distress You Further |
DP: Fine Pheres | Yov have a deal
DP: Let's talk this ovt like reasonable advlts | Maybe I'll take yov to my next town meeting
[And then Hadean, helpfully, while these two duke it out in PMs:]
ID: whoo okay here we are back again.
ID: let
ID: me
ID: just
ID: hide
ID: your
ID: conversation
ID: from
ID: my
ID: sight
ID: almost
ID: there!
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berlinner · 4 years
To all friends I can’t see, given the stay-at-home protocols:
Got a note from Lady Google that #thenickelanddimeband had a show tonight at #themidwaycafe. Of course we had to postpone til god knows when. What the landscape will look like when this is over once and for all and the dark tide recedes a great unknown.? Just to say how much I appreciate and truly love how so many friends (#doylescafe, #thesquealingpig) band and family have reached out to help support and supply this silly, nearly octogenarian, Berlin.  
I’m thinking of you. as we shout out over the moats that surround our stay-home houses to give help. A hug. A laugh. A tear. A fart.
Keep the faith. This town, and elsewhere, has never, in my mind, seemed more beautiful to me than it does now. The silent sidewalk, gentle nod from strangers knowing we share this moment, is powerful and dignified. Pray we don’t succumb to fear and forget that we are truly in this together. That we shall, as Kate Hepburn said to Bogart in the African Queen: ‘rise above’. (Yeah, homo ref, but whatthefuck.)
Me? This old bird has started a new book - The Big Balloon (too long a story to explain the title). At least a 2 year project and who knows if it’ll ever be published. If #PapercutsJP will even exist or if they do, this book could be way more expensive to make than The Paragraphs (a photo per segment on glossy stock). But it keeps me busy with art-for-the-day. Song writing, when it happens. I ain’t no Brill Building rubber stamp. I tried it once. Huge flop. In three weeks of song-a-day, only one was half-way decent.
Robby and Alex are perfect roommates, loyal friends, super responsible. Cleaning surfaces. Washing hands til they burn and (finally) counting to 30. Storing up supplies. Keeping abreast of the latest info. Those 2 are collecting unemployment. Doubt I’m eligible given that I wasn’t on the books at The Pig. But have enough saved, and S Security pays rent. We’re holed up here hoping we can make it through in one piece. Lucky we’re at OVT and not dealing with eviction notices.
Please let me  know if you need anything, that is IF I could even come through with the distancing now in place.
We’ll get through this as one. You know we will.
I wish I could send a personal note to each of you. I haven’t the patience even though I have a LOT of time. Stuck with fucking Facebook.
Love to you and all your friends and families,
0 notes
activatingaggro · 7 years
the scarf wars, p2
Follows an hour or two after PART ONE.
Featuring Pheres Dysseu [RS] and Lucina [DP].
[ refiningSpacetime is now messaging dualPhantasmagoria! ]
RS: | Okay | So |
RS: | I am By the Mouth | On the Road | for Another Hour or So |
RS: | But It's Best that We Clear the Air Beforehand | Isn't It | ? | =:) | That's what I Figure | At Least |
RS: | So | I am Messaging You First |
DP: Alright, Pheres, let's talk | I'm listening
RS: | | Um | So |
RS: | Ah |
RS: | | Give me a Moment | I have This on Voice to Text | So I can Drive |
RS: | And I am Afraid I Did Not Come Pre-Planned with a Script |
DP: Well this sovnds promising
RS: | What a Strikingly Respectful Beginning | =:) |
RS: | Ahem | Alright |
RS: | | Why | Exactly | are You Upset | ? |
DP: Pheres, I think I've made it very clear why I'm vpset | What did yov mean by no respect for yov is what I want to know.
RS: | That was an Invitation to Rephrase It | in a Moment Where You were Less | Mm | Emotional | ? |
RS: | But | That's Fine |
RS: | What is There to Say Further on My End | ? |
RS: | You Don't Trust My Decisions | You Certainly Don't Trust My Judgement |
DP: Yov're right that I don't, Pheres | Becavse of what you're doing right there
DP: Yov keep tvrning it back to how emotionally vnstable I am every time I stand vp to yov | It feels like yov want an accession instead of an advlt compromise
DP: Key word: Advlt
RS: | Of the Two Of Us | You are More Emotional |
RS: | It's not Some sort of Insult | It is a Statement of Fact |
RS: | Also | Oh My God |
RS: | You are Not Standing Up To Me |
RS: | I am Entirely Uncertain Why You Insist on Painting Yourself as the Perpetual Victim |
DP: I'm not painting myself as a victim | Bvt this is exactly why yov're so difficvlt to talk to
DP: Instead of going okay hey we're both in the wrong let's work ovt a solvution | Yov pick one point to harp on
DP: And yov keep harping on it | And vse it as an excvse to jvst deflect and ignore the problem at hand
DP: 'Well obviovsly we can't have a civil conversation because Lvcina is too emotional' | 'I have no idea what I did wrong I am innocent'
DP: Do yov see what I'm getting at here?
RS: | I see What You're Saying | I just Disagree |
RS: | Which I suppose is the Vast Issue Here | Haha |
RS: | What do You Consider the Problem at Hand | ? |(edited)
RS: | Because I Believe the Issue is a Lack of Respect |
RS: | And That's hardly going to be Resolved | If You Think That is the Issue that I am | Ahem |
RS: | How did You Say It | ? |
RS: | Harping On |
DP: I consider the problem at hand to be the fact | That we can't in the same room withovt sniping at each other
DP: At the very least what we need to do is set some grovnd rvles here | For what lines we can and can't cross
RS: | Setting Ground Rules won't Help |
RS: | If We Don't Address the Underlying Position |
RS: | But | Fine |
RS: | Since I am Unclear on What | Exactly | I have Done to Warrant Your Constant Uncouth Behaviour Towards Me |
RS: | Why Don't You Set Your Rules First | ? |
RS: | Or | No | We'll go Back and Forth | How's That | ? |
RS: | You get One | I Get One | =:) |
RS: | To Ensure It is |- Fair -|
DP: Deal | Sovnds good
DP: My first rvle is | Stop telling my friends they svck
DP: If not in those exact words
DP: Yovr tvrn
RS: | No | Pause | I am Afraid You will Have to Clarify That |
RS: | How do You Think I am Insulting Your Peers | ? |
DP: It's the way yov talk Pheres | Yov always come off like yov're telling us that everything we do is wrong
DP: Even if that's not what yov mean | It's how yov come off
DP: Which is why I told yov to leave the smiley faces ovt of the conversation(edited)
DP: Becavse that literally signals to me that yov think my anger is cvte or something
RS: | My Smiley | showing a Smiling Face |
RS: | signals that I think Your Anger is Cute |
RS: | Really | ? |
RS: | Heavens | And Here I Thought It Denoted Civility |
RS: | I Speak to Your Friends in the Same Manner that I Speak to Everyone Else |
RS: | If You Want Me to Change It |
RS: | Simply for Your Pleasure |
RS: | I am Afraid You're just Going to Have to be More Specific About What | Exactly | Is Upsetting You |
DP: Well that explains that one | Vsing smiles when someone is upset with yov is really bad timing(edited)
RS: | Other than the Smileys | I have Rather Caught on to That |
DP: The fact that yov're the most condescending person I've ever met | Is not helping
DP: What else am I svpposed to call it when yov make comments on how yov personally wovldn't do this or that and that yov think it's dvmb | Then tell vs to go ahead
DP: Or when yov critiqve the way everyone dresses | Nobody asked for yovr critiqve
RS: | | I don't Think I have Ever Used the Word Dumb | Once in My Life |
RS: | Forgive Me if I assumed | When People are Telling Me About Their Decisions | that The Proper Response is to | Say |
RS: | Respond | ? | Hahaha |
RS: | Heavens | I Thought It was a Conversation | Where One's Input was Expected | and Desired |
RS: | But | If I was Incorrect | That's Perfectly Fine | =:B |
RS: | I will be Certain to Keep That In |- Mind -|(edited)
DP: Jvst...stop giving you opinion when it wasn't actvally asked for | Becavse more often than not it goes from being a discvssion to yov jabbering away abovt how mvch this style svcks while we jvst groan
DP: Bvt if yov want a more positive note
DP: I...did think abovt what yov said | Abovt the boys
DP: Yov're right that we can't keep them here forever | Or protect them forever
DP: I mean half the trolls who live here were fending for themselves by six | Like yov apparently were
DP: I gvess it's jvst in ovr natvre to want to save them from the rest of the world bvt | We can't
RS: | Mm | I'm Glad You Agree |
RS: | But | Let's Stay on Topic | And Not Get Distracted | Shall We | ? |
RS: | Because | If We Start Discussing the Pupas Again | This will not Prove Conductive | =:) |
DP: Fair point
RS: | So | What You Consider Me Insulting Your Friends | is what I Consider a Normal Conversation |
RS: | Your Preference is That I Simply | Mm | do not Give My Opinion When It Isn't Asked For |
RS: | If Someone Begins Discussing Their Life |
RS: | My Proper Place in the Conversation is to | | |
RS: | Listen | ? | =:) |
DP: Yov ass
DP: Bvt no | It's more....yov can listen and respond withovt being rvde about it
DP: I'm starting to think we jvst have very different ideas of rvde
RS: | Honestly | I am Beginning to See What You Mean by Rude |
DP: Yov do?
RS: | Yes | Unfortunately | I find It Deeply Distasteful | In Every Way |
RS: | So | I Suppose That will Just Have to be A Source of Conflict |
RS: | It rather Makes Sense | Given Pademi's Behaviour | But |
RS: | I can't Say I Expected It from a Maroonblood |
RS: | Oh | Well | =:) |
RS: | My Turn to Designate a Rule |
DP: Oh my god
DP: Ugggh
DP: Fine | Name yovr rvle
RS: | You Have to Clearly State Your Intentions in Your Interactions |
RS: | Namely |
RS: | Have You been Pitch-Flirting | Or Not | ? |
DP: The answer is | Well
DP: Sometimes
DP: Sometimes I'm genuinely that mad | And other times I'm messing with you
DP: Even I'm not svre which some days
RS: | =:| |
DP: Yeah | Sorry
DP: Yov're actvally right | How can I be clear abovt it to yov if I don't even know what I'm doing
DP: Bvt I covld ask yov the same qvestion
RS: | Mm | To be Entirely Honest | I Thought You were Pitch-Courting |
RS: | And in That Light | Your Behaviour was Somewhat Tolerable |
RS: | And Your Continuous Lack of Respect | was Meant to Deliberately Aggravate | rather than Show Your Perpetual Inconsideration |
DP: Okay so | I'm not that matvre about it
DP: Yov got me
RS: | If It Was Not |
RS: | Well |
DP: Look I've never done the black covrting thing okay | I have no fvcking clve what I'm doing
DP: And listening to Pademi doesn't help
DP: Maybe I really am the one stepping over the line here.......
RS: | Yes | Well | I have Done It Once Before | And on the Topic of Unasked For Opinions |
RS: | Pademi Certainly had a Great Deal of Venom to Spew about My Ability to Handle It |
DP: Vh oh
DP: What did she say RS: | And I am Honestly Thrown Here | On If You are Listening to Pademi Too Much | Or Too Little |
RS: | Because She was Certainly Opposed to Violence between Kismesises when It Came to My Prior One |
RS: | But She has No Words Against Your Predilection towards |- Striking Me -|(edited)
RS: | It's Almost as If | There is an Expectation | I will Simply be a Vehicle for | Oh |
RS: | People to Talk To | and Aim Their Confused Pitch Affections Towards |
RS: | and I am not Expected to React | Or Respond | Lest It be Read as Rude | that I am Talking Back |
RS: | And | Heavens Forbid | Expressing |- Opinions -| towards Higher Castes |
DP: I...will talk to her later
DP: Becavse when yov word it that way | It doesn't sovnd right at all
DP: Tell yov what Pheres
DP: I'm dropping whatever rvles I was thinking abovt setting
DP: Becavse they're sovnding more and more ridicvlovs the more I think on them
DP: We-especially me-haven't been fair to yov at all | And I'm sorry
DP: If yov don't completely platonically hate me by this point | Do yov think maybe we covld start over?
DP: Thovgh I get it if yov're completely done with me, I deserve that after the shit I've been flinging at yov and I'll stop bothering yov and won't argve it
DP: Yovr choice
DP: Either way, I really am sorry for being so childish. | I won't ever pvll the crap I pvlled with yov today again, especially in pvblic
DP: I swear
RS: | Ah | I am Juggling Conversations |
RS: | I am Not Really Giving This the Attention It Warrants | I Suppose |
RS: | So |
RS: | | ugh |
RS: | Don't |
RS: | Ugh | Look |
RS: | There is No Need to Feel Sorry For Yourself on My Account |
RS: | Or Pursue Theatrics such as | Oh | If You Never Wish to Speak to Me Again |
RS: | If I Did Not Wish to Speak To You | I Would not Have Contacted You |
RS: | I am Perfectly Fine | This is Perfectly Fine |
RS: | I will Speak to You in an Hour |
RS: | But I have Another Message to Respond To in the Meanwhile |
RS: | Goodbye |
DP: Bye
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