#yeah man VoG is a fucked up raid
ahungeringknife · 11 months
365: May 20
She was alone when she woke up. Above her was a ceiling made of glass and shattered realities. She blinked slowly to get her bearings, not knowing where she was for a moment. Where was she? Why was she on the floor on her back?
"Eyes up Guardian," Ghost said and appeared above her, floating and looking down at her.
Kass sat up so fast she almost smashed her visor into Ghost's eye as it all flooded back to her. The Vault. The Gatekeeper.
She looked around wildly and saw no one. Nothing. Not a single remaining Vex. Instead in front of her was the heaped remains of the Vex Mind Atheon and glass that reflected a thousand possibilities. But no friends. No Ghosts.
Scrambling to her feet she forced her breathing to remain calm. Ghost was still here. "Where are they?" she asked in a small voice.
"Atheon killed them-
"And their Ghosts?" she demanded so sharply and harshly Ghost flinched away. But she couldn't do it. She didn't want to do it. She didn't want to be alone.
"They're at the edges of the Vault," Ghost said softly. "So you didn't shatter them too."
The memory was fresh and looking back on it; terrifying. She didn't know she could do that. Just explode with Light like that. She remembered the force of it shredding her armor, ripping away the fresh Vex plating wrapped around her until she was a star of pure unfiltered Light. She'd heard the Vault crack and shatter and all of Atheon had cracked too. And it was dead. She'd killed it in ten thousand time lines all at once. The Time's Conflux was no more in every time line. Every reality where time worked like it did in this one had lost Atheon in that moment of fractured glass and screaming metal.
"I see," she said softly. "Did I die too?"
"No. You just... passed out."
She went over to Atheon's... corpse? It was a machine so it hadn't really been alive. Could something like that have a corpse? She supposed she also wasn't a thing that was alive and she very much could make corpses. So it stood to reason that Atheon also created a corpse. But its corpse was a tangle of metal and fractured glass that when Kass looked into each frantic sliver showed her a different reality, a different timeline. But she ignored that and was looking for his radiolaria capsule. She couldn't be sure, despite what she knew, that it was done until she found the source of it.
She found it, cracked in two like an egg spilling out radiolaria, and latched around it like the hand of a Vex was... a gun. It was burnished copper like some Vex and an insane construction. "What is this?" Kass asked, picking it up off Atheon.
Ghost came over and scanned it. His fins moved in what was a frown. "It belongs to you," he said in confusion. "My records show you've had one in your Vault since it was assigned to you."
"But I've never had this gun," she said softly looking it over. It fired some sort of energy ammunition and as she held it it... hummed.
"I know. I've never seen it before now either. But when I search for it it says it's been in your Vault. It isn't there now. But it was. Records, which appear to be logged by me, claim it to be a fusion rifle."
"Doesn't look like any I've seen," she said. No. The Vex mechanical machinations were so... strange but when she fit her hands around it they fit perfectly into the form and the form into her hands. It was like she'd always held it.
"No. There appear to be several revisions of these records, which again I put in here but have no memory of them. It's called the Vex Mythoclast," he said slowly, thoughtfully. The stats on the weapon appeared on her HUD. "Just from looking at it it looks like you renamed it fifty-six times before it ended up in your hands now."
"Huh. But if I've always had it why would I rename it?" Kass asked.
"No idea!"
Movement caught her eye and she spun, ready to fire this Mythoclast at whatever moved and see what it could do.
It was two Ghosts. Bird and Amelia. "Kassy?" Amelia asked from inside her spherical purple shell.
She lowered the gun. "You're safe!" she cried and the Ghosts rushed over to her. "Where are the others?" she asked and gently caressed Amelia's nervous shell.
"Around. We saw them hide so so did we."
"We saw you kill Atheon," Bird said, staring at her.
"Ah- yeah," she said weakly.
Another Ghost ran into her, thonking against her hood covered helmet. "Are you alright?" Mr. Grey asked frantically. She scanned Kass out of nervous habit.
"I'm fine," Kass said even as Cleo and Reggie slowly joined them. The Ghosts hovered around her like a constellation. "You're all fine?" she asked them.
"Yes," Reggie said as the rest bobbed in the air.
"What was that?" Cleo asked what they were all thinking.
Kass didn't say anything. She put the gun at her side. Silence stretched between her and the Ghosts. "Don't tell them," was all she said.
"Why not?" Bird asked.
She looked down thinking about this entire expedition down into this place. She couldn't see their faces but their voices had been enough. The shock, the awe, the way her friends just collapsed around her after they'd fought the Templar from her Light output to keep them charged up long enough to shatter it. Not like she'd been able to shoot it. The Aegis had clung to her arm the entire time since she had first touched it- Speaking of. Where was it? She looked around but didn't see the glowing shield of Light anywhere. And then in the maze where they'd been spotted by a Gorgon and even as they felt it starting to erase them from time she'd fired an unheard of number of Golden Gun shots into it's stupid eye and been left only winded after she'd torn it asunder. But she didn't miss the way they shied away when she ordered them around or the one time she'd snapped at them. They fell in line but were afraid. Afraid of this place where she felt no fear.
Afraid of her.
They'd all gone down before her. Blasted away from Atheon or dissolved out of time. She'd stayed up. They'd barely been able to scratch Atheon's silver coating but Kass had just... shattered him all by herself. She didn't want to think about what that looked like on the outside. She didn't want them to be afraid of her. They were her friends.
"I'm afraid," she said softly. "Of what they'll think."
The Ghosts looked between each other, talking between each other without speaking aloud. "It was amazing what you did," Cleo said.
"Never seen anything like it," Reggie agreed.
"But we understand you're scared too," Mr. Grey said. "It's okay to be scared. Just don't let it make you who you aren't." Kass nodded.
"We won't tell them," Bird assured her.
She relaxed her shoulders. "And can you bring them back?"
"Guardians can't be lost in time. They are always where we need them," Bird said. "But we need help."
"With... what?" Kass asked nervously. Did she have to go looking for them?
"Your Light," Cleo said nicely.
Kass let out a helpless little laugh. "I have plenty of that," and she held out her hand. Light poured out of her and she formed great fat motes on her palm. The Ghosts came over and each took a moment to absorb the Light from her, one mote per Ghost, before going a ways away and popping their shells open in Light. One by one in rapid succession each of her friends were transmatted and arranged back into existence just the way she'd seen them last.
"Kassy!" and she grunted when Grey was suddenly hugging her so tightly she could barely breathe. She hugged Grey back one handed, still holding the Vex Mythoclast.
"Is Atheon dead?" Kaley asked.
"Looks dead by that pile of scrap Kass is standing in," Rigel said his mechanical voice even more monotone than usual.
Grey slowly released her and signed, 'Okay?' She nodded.
"So... now what?" Nef asked.
"We climb back out," Kass said seriously.
"Yeah. Was afraid you'd say that," Nef sighed.
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