#yeah now Remember:tm: - you remembered? see ya ! and dips
a-s-h-f-l-a-m-e · 2 years
the pain is fresh as the first day
It won’t ever stop hurting, will it?
it will always be there - A reminder
a tornado. a tidal wave.
the cold shards dig deeper.
Fear, guilt, anger all wrapped up in one
... past life memories, cheriished? yes - and now, because of ...
- now Tainted? also yes
does it make me feel even Worse ? due to things that happened ? 100x
I do not want to think . to feel .I feel sick. and scared . theres a reason i run away . theres a reason i avoid thinking too deeply about it . theres a reason i dont want to be alone with my own fucking thougfts
i want to claw at my skin.
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