#yeah teenage ali looks like hiccup in httyd 2 lol
winterwrites23 · 2 years
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Here’s Scotland with Stonecleaver throughout the years. The Sword is his Mark that helps him greatly in fighting magical creatures or break curses. To summon the Sword, Scotland stomps his foot once and hold out a hand so his Mark shimmer into existence in his grasp.
It can act as a normal sword, but if it uses magic, the runes on the blade will flare and the sapphire gem will hum with each strike. As explained in this post, one of the abilities of the sword is to shrink/grow so it’s easier for the wielder to carry it.
How Scotland got his Mark: (warning: slash to the leg)
Scotland found his Mark as a young child (around 10 years old) when exploring a cave after hearing rumours of a hag hoarding stolen goods from several villages. Curious and a bit over-confident, he tried to sneak into the cave to banish the hag, but was caught in the middle of writing the sigils needed for the spell. The hag attacked him and in a wild panic, Scotland grabbed the first thing he saw from the pile of stolen goods: a short sword. However, the sword seemed to have a mind of its own because it tried to fight both the hag and Scotland, resulting in the boy getting a nasty gash on his leg. Incapacitated, Scotland scrambled back deeper into the dark cave with the sword still in hand.
But instead of being plunged into darkness, the sapphire gem on the handle of the sword and the runes on the blade started to glow, giving him enough light to navigate through the tunnel. However, it also attracted the hag’s attention, giving his position away. With nothing else to do, Scotland did the best thing he could think: he chucked the sword at her. By sheer dumb luck, it struck her arm, pinning her against the wall.
That was when he realized the sword did more than just randomly attack anyone and glow in the dark. No matter how hard she tried, the sword wouldn’t budge. It was like it was frozen in time and space. Scotland took that discovery as the chance to banish her for good. After the whole ordeal, he grabbed the sword and pulled. Surprisingly, he didn’t meet any resistance and it didn’t try to fight him off again. In fact, when he held it, it felt right, like it was meant to be in his hand.
The next day, he was shocked to find the Sword gone and for a time, he thought it was all a dream. It took a lot of trials and errors (mostly looking silly waving his hands around and calling out for the sword), but in the end, he managed to find a way to summon it. 
Since then, he trained for decades to get use to it and learn all its power. He’s usually the first one to jump into the fray when his family is in danger, especially if it’s a magical threat. He may be a paramedic in his spare time, but in the world of magic, he won’t hesitate to be on the offensive, knowing he has his brothers’ back to patch him up later. 
Ireland | Scotland | Wales | England
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