#yeah yeah old man yaoi or whatever LOOK AT THE SHIRT
finleycannotdraw · 1 year
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surprising absolutely nobody, I made a playlist
the chokehold these guys have on me is. stronger than the witcher season 3 coming out. how is everybody else doing cause I am going feral :)
ah well I’ll always have gay little detectives in their gay little neckties to solve my problems!
edit: click for better quality bc tumblr sucks <3
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
oh I'll give u a character alright: Izuki, Kiyoshi, Riko and Aomine <333 technically that's four, but what goes around comes around (I'll keep this circle of love goin forever buddy)
VICCCC ily my man <33 thank u!!! aight putting this under a cut bc it got long
Why I like them: izuki’s just overall so amazing! he inspires me to give my best in the stuff i do, and although it sounds a bit silly i try to be a person that he’d be proud of. his puns are hilarious and well-thought-out (as a person who loves words and word jokes, i’m naturally drawn to him lol). they’re also a way to take the heat off the team, he’s so hardworking and never views obstacles as obstacles, rather as hills he must climb to find newer skies. he’s also rather clever and employs his brains to great effect when his body fails him! izuki embodies the meaning of ‘eagle’ in the truest sense - waiting to strike when the time is right and not failing when it is.
Why I don’t: *sweats* can’t really think of a reason i don’t like izuki, at all??? i guess he can overwork himself a lot and tends to keep his true emotions hidden which could lead to misunderstandings between friends (although this is totally headcanon territory lol)... i also didn’t like the ableist comment he passed on hayama (“i’m just glad you weren’t smarter than me”). but i think he can (and will!) grow from that kind of stuff, he is that kind of person so yeah no particular reason for me to dislike him at all
Favorite episode (scene if movie): how dare you make me pick s3 e8 izuki vs kasamatsu, hands down. i know its like cliche or whatever but that moment just told me so much about izuki as a character? he’s willing to do what it takes to win, he’s adaptable and dependable and he doesn’t let shit get him down ever. it’s gorgeous
Favorite season/movie: s3, he got some fantastic moments in there!! although i will say i loved the spotlighting he got in s1 in the seihō match
Favorite line: “Fear isn't a bad thing. There are some things that can only be done by cowards.” this is first of all such a nice thing to say. ‘fear is not bad’ is just... so fucking wise? keep in mind that this boy is 17, i’ve met 30 year olds who are less mature. secondly it feels like izu’s speaking from experience?? like he has a lot to be scared of, i’m sure. particularly of falling behind and being a burden to his teammates. but it’s that ‘cowardice’ that drives him to practice so so hard. that visceral terror of weighing on seirin is what pushes izuki beyond his limits - which is why here he can empathise with furi’s fear, and knows how best to employ it.
Favorite outfit: look i hate last game w/ a passion but that lil tie/shirt/hoodie thing he had going? that was literally so cute. izuki in general has a p great fashion sense but his last game outfit takes the cake <3
OTP: hyuuizu oh my god i could talk for years about them but since this post is gonna be very long i’ll refrain. just. they are perfect they are fucking perfect
Brotp: kiyoizu!! kiyoshi is izuki’s biggest enabler and i love that for him <3
Head Canon: izuki can be very very passive aggressive when he’s angry at someone/sad and gets cold and withdrawn. it’s not fun to experience but tbh if you upset him you probably deserve it
Unpopular opinion: izuki should’ve been naturally better in canon. it’s not fair to shaft him and give the ‘trier’ thing off to himuro. that being said i am p happy with who he is as a person
A wish: i want to know how izuki felt after middle school! izuki’s and riko’s backstory focuses so much on hyuuga its dumb >:( he also would’ve been demoralised but he didn’t quit bball and i would like to know his thought process!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i. uh. i guess izu quitting basketball. because i genuinely cannot see that happening. it brings him so much joy, he should never stop cold turkey. i can imagine old man izuki hobbling about a court giving little kids pointers and making them laugh T-T
5 words to best describe them: “big brain caffeine-powered clown baby” 
My nickname for them: babyzuki/izu/shunshun
Why I like them: lots of reasons! kiyoshi is an admirable person. he’s strong, yet friendly and gentle, and he loves his team above all else, which i just find beautiful. i find his manipulative side also pretty cool, bc it shows off how multifaceted he is.
Why I don’t: this is more of a fandom reason but i really dislike how kiyoshi is always said to have had the greatest impact in hyuuga’s story. he badgered and manipulated hyuuga, and while some may argue hyuuga needed that push, it only worked bc hyuuga had had time to think about shit. he’d also been given space by riko and izuki (two integral parts of his life whom the fandom looooves to sideline for uwu kiyo//hyuu). 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): yousen match (can’t pick the episodes)! i loved the backstory we got for kiyo vs mura and i loved how kiyoshi was willing to smile and play but also refused to lose. he truly stole the show despite kagami being the one to finally take down murasakibara, it was gorgeous <3
Favorite season/movie: s2 for sure. kiyoshi wasn’t allowed to shine much after yousen imo - all the focus was on hyuuga kagami and kuroko, and to a lesser extent izuki. not complaining, but yeah
Favorite line: “Let’s go have some fun.” i know it’s kinda cliche but i do love how kiyoshi’s always thinking about playing a good game and enjoying basketball. he wants to play because he loves it and as someone who loves a sport as much as kiyoshi loves b-ball, that love is so poignant and tender
Favorite outfit: practice clothes! kiyoshi looks great in pink <3
OTP: kiyohana. hateshipping amirite ;)
Brotp: kiyohyuu! i love them as friends so so much <3
Head Canon: kiyoshi is half-iranian on his mother’s side and is muslim. i won’t say too much because i am not muslim myself, i need to do more research into this but i’ve had this headcanon for quite a while now!
Unpopular opinion: he should be bullied more for the fact that his canon power is having yaoi hands
A wish: kiyo finds something he loves as much as b-ball. he can’t canonically play at this level again, so if he found another sport/competition/anything, it’d be amazing
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: he should never become demoralised. kiyoshi at heart is a dreamer, so let him dream, let him look towards tomorrow with a smile always
5 words to best describe them: “useless dreamy dumbass cheerleader clown”
My nickname for them: kiyoyo, bc my feelings about him have yo-yoed a lot lmao
Why I like them: im a lesbian, next. /j i love her because she’s so tenacious and driven. yet she’s also kind and gentle, and never loses her humanity. she cares, and she cares hard. she’s so fucking smart too like... coaching a hs basketball team at 17 against players of NBA calibre and making them win? i could never. seirin without riko is nothing.
Why I don’t: i dont like the constant slapstick of her beating up her boys. also, i dislike how the narrative forces her to act ‘feminine’ and then has the boys think of it as nothing. like first of all if someone like her offered me a kiss i would so take 100, and secondly... why is a girl’s worth so tied to her femininity? it’s awful
Favorite episode (scene if movie): her sending in furi vs kaijō, early in s3. it was an exceedingly smart move that could have only come from her knowing her players’ strengths and weaknesses intimately, and being a brilliant coach. just amazing <3
Favorite season/movie: all of them! riko has some amazing moments each season, so i can’t really pick
Favorite line: “Humans grow. Don't act like you understand when you don't even realize that!” here, riko knows and knows well that she is in her element. momoi might have the data, but riko understands adaptability and knows how to predict stuff. in that way, one can draw parallels between takao vs izuki and momoi vs riko: takao and momoi are recon experts, whereas riko and izuki are strategists. momoi uses raw data; riko manipulates the data to her advantage
Favorite outfit: idk if this is exactly an outfit but her glasses are so cute oh my gosh. (i’d kill to see her in a leather jacket tho)
OTP: rikomomo!!! i’m 100% sure that momoi’s fixation w/riko’s boobs is just... repressed lesbian sentiments. also sports girlfriends gimme
Brotp: hyuuizuriko. i hc that hyuuizu were tgt since elementary school and riko joined them in middle school so... childhood friends feels!
Head Canon: riko knows how to shoot a gun. her father owns one so it makes sense
Unpopular opinion: riko does not need to have bigger boobs in fanart. please stop sexualising a 17 year old girl
A wish: white suit riko please
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: her ever leaving behind sports in any way shape or form. it’s her thing. in the same vein, she should never have to change herself or become more traditionally feminine to be ‘appealing’
5 words to best describe them: perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect
My nickname for them: ai/riri
Why I like them: aomine is just a pure, hurting young man that deserves help. he’s passionate, and his fire died down out of no fault of his own. that fire’s reignition through kagami is one of my favorite scenes <3
Why I don’t: he’s perverted as hell and i dislike that. it plays into the ‘brutish dark-skinned pervert’ stereotype which is yikes. also i thought we were done with pervs in anime
Favorite episode (scene if movie): s2 seirin v touou when kagami enters the zone!! aomine’s finally happy and it’s so amazing to watch <3
Favorite season/movie: s2, he finally got happiness and peace of mind
Favorite line: “You’re the best!” there’s just so much of pure joy in this line. he’s so so beside himself that he finally has someone he won’t destroy. kagami sees aomine the person, and that person is so happy, it’s beautiful
Favorite outfit: the leather jacket from the finale lmaooo he looked so cute
OTP: AOKAGA BABY i could write an essay tbh
Brotp: aomomo!! theyre such good friends and bi/lesbian solidarity too!
Head Canon: aomine cannot dance. he has stepped on kagami’s feet multiple times. he has also attempted to twerk when drunk. kuroko recorded the whole thing and uses it as blackmail in case the puppy eyes and “but aomine-kun you didn’t fist bump me back” don’t work
Unpopular opinion: more a fandom thing, but you all need to stop making aomine the aggressive/possessive top/‘seme’. it’s racist as fuck
A wish: aomine goes pro. it’ll be amazing for him, a huge challenge and kagami will be there too so its a win-win ;)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: he quits again/b-ball loses its allure. aomine at heart is someone who needs passion to drive him so i just want that passion to always burn bright within him
5 words to best describe them: “bastard baby needs a hug”
My nickname for them: dai-chan, momoi rubbed off on me
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written-in-sunshine · 5 years
The Party’s Crashing Us 01/02 - Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff - SFW
Title: The Party’s Crashing Us Author: Donnie Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Setting: Stark Tower (Another new one) Pairing: Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff, Implied Natasha Romanov/Wanda Maximoff Characters: Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, Thor Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Romance Rating: M Chapters: 1/2 Word Count: 2018 Type of Work: Two-Shot Status: Incomplete Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, AU - Canon Divergent, Fix-It Fic, Post-Age Of Ultron, Pietro’s Alive, Angst, Emotions, Sex in second chapter, Past Abuse, Past Trauma, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Deaf Character, More To Come Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. Summary: Clint had been living in a fog since that day in Sokovia. Natasha (and Tony) had just what he needed to clear up his mind. AN: So… I keep writing these two. Between angst and smut I just really need both, evidently, because it’s going to be sad, and then happy, and then maybe sad again. Who knows. xD At any rate, I’ll be working on this between chapters of Predating Predators, which is sort of how it started. I was going to focus on this fic, and then the idea kind of hit for the other fic and it ended up happening before this one was even finished. So, evidently, I just need to keep working on both of them. I'm going to get onto Predating Predators part two next, so don't worry. I hope you guys are as excited for these as I am! Chapter two will be purely NSFW, but this one is fine. Angsty, mostly, but not NSFW. Here we go!
MCU Fic Masterlist Chapter One: Pleasant Surprises ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Clint Barton had always been a fan of Tony Stark. 
Sure, they argued fairly often, and they really didn’t get along unless everyone else was present and there were booze and food and music playing quietly in the background… Okay, so Clint Barton had always been a fan of Tony Stark’s parties, and that couldn’t have been closer to the truth when Natasha strong-armed him out of bed for that evening’s celebrating. Whatever Tony was reveling, Clint had had no desire to have a part in it, but his old friend knew him well enough. She knew what he needed and assured him that this would be better than moping in his room sober before going home to Laura. He hadn’t been the same, not since they returned from Sokovia, and she seemed to be the only one with a full grasp of why. Steve chalked it up to losing someone he wanted to mentor, someone he had only just started to see as a friend. Tony stated that Clint had always been quiet unless he was getting drunk, so it was obvious that he just needed some booze in him. Thor and Wanda had kept their ideas mostly quiet, even if it seemed Thor could still chat off someone’s ear about it. His biggest priority was that neither Clint nor Wanda heard it.  Speaking of, he hadn’t heard much about Wanda, not in a week or so. He figured he was the last person she wanted to see; hell, he was the last person he wanted to see, which was why he’d gotten awfully scruffy since their return.  The party warranted a shave, apparently, if Natasha’s cherry lips curved in a smirk around the words, ‘I think you’ll want to look your best tonight.’ told him anything. At least he was present enough in some part of his mind that he didn’t have to walk out with bath tissue stuck to his face to cover anywhere that he’d messed up. A simple, black V-neck t-shirt clung to his torso, something Nat had left out for him on his bed, and a pair of jeans that were baggy in the places that mattered and tight in the ones that mattered more polished off his look.  Silent as ever, he entered the party not long after Natasha graced everyone with her presence. She kissed cheeks and hands alike, and Clint took a vague note that it seemed she was awfully close to Wanda. It seemed only natural; birds of a feather flocked together, after all. Of course, Natasha and Wanda would be friends. Before he found himself questioning anything further, he turned his entire body away and headed for the bar. Tonight was already going to push him into a bottle, apparently, because the second he got his hands on a beer, he was whisked away by Thor. “--I said ‘No, I don’t. I think--” “Thor--” Clint couldn’t have gotten his attention if he wanted to, not at this rate. He was going on and on so fast that he hardly wanted to pay attention. Fast wasn’t what he needed right now. When the barrage of words didn’t seem to stop, he simply plucked his hearing aids from his ears. The action went unnoticed, and he was thankful for that, simply nodding along whenever Thor looked to him. He offered a soft snort of a laugh every so often when it looked like the blond was incredibly excited, hoping that it was right but not exactly caring. Thor was good-natured enough, he wouldn’t be too hurt if he knew why Clint had wanted to spend his night alone. Footsteps vibrated behind him and he felt a familiar, delicate hand on his shoulder. It took just a second before she slid in front of him, tapping her ear for a second. Turning slightly away from Thor, who had already found someone else to jabber at, he pushed the aids back in and closed his eyes, mouth turning up at one corner and then the other as he readjusted to the sounds around him. Waiting patiently, Nat watched the grumpy look return to his face before he swallowed down the rest of the beer he’d apparently been chugging.  “Yeah?” He finally asked, when her waiting was starting to toy with his buzz. Usually, if she had something to say, she’d say it. Tonight, apparently, he was going to have to guess. “Got a surprise for you, Barton.” She teasingly punched his shoulder and he rose a brow at her instead. “You need to come see, though. I know Steve’s going to want to see you, uh… With your gift.” Confusion was written in the draw of his brow as he stepped forward, following her along like a mindless man with nothing better to do. Maybe that’s what he'd been for the last two weeks.  “You haven’t been yourself for over a month.” She informed, turning to look at him over her shoulder while they walked. Shock fluttered his eyelids and he glanced around to attempt to find the date. It didn’t quite work, but he didn’t exactly have it in him to ask JARVIS right now. In fact, he kind of wished he had another beer.  They rounded a corner and Wanda passed them, holding out a spare beer, the kind Clint liked. He took it with another crease in his brow and a soft grunt of acknowledgment, and she gave him a private, knowing smile. Coming from someone who had once been intent on getting in his head, he had to wonder just what she knew. If she knew anything at all. And if she did… Why was she smiling? Was it some sick enjoyment out of watching his own misery at the same loss she suffered? “Clint.” Natasha whistled and his head jerked to her, a soft, almost apologetic smile on her face, “Almost. Come on. I’m sure you aren’t the only one confused.”  This was a setup. He’d been the reason another teammate died and Nick Fury was trying to punish him if the Widow was giving him that look. Another corner, a set of stairs up to the terrace, and Clint was positive he was going to die. It only perpetuated the thought when the reason he’d climbed the stairs turned to look at him and it felt like a physical blow to the chest. In that same accent, maybe more tired than cocky, Pietro let a lazy smile work over his lips as he spoke. “What? Didn’t see this coming?”  As it turned out, it was Pietro who didn’t see something coming. And, maybe, everyone else in the room. Clint stalked across the floor and lifted the white-haired male from the couch. For a second, Wanda’s hands shimmered red but Natasha held up a hand to get her to wait. Wanda didn’t dare touch his mind, but Pietro’s faltering smile had her ready to chance it. When Clint all but yanked him into a tight embrace and made a choked sound, she lost her breath almost the same time that her brother did.  Pietro let out a shaky breath when he realized that, while he wasn’t entirely immobile, he was being clutched in a good way, and wrapped his arms around the other’s back, just under his armpits. With flat palms pressed to Clint’s shoulder blades, he gasped a little as the elder pressed his nose to his neck and inhaled deeply. All that it took was two words to topple Clint into a shaking, sobbing mess.  “You’re alive.”  At least his dear friend had the foresight to shoo everyone from the room and keep an eye on Tony in order to give them some semblance of privacy.  “I… I am.” When was the last time someone other than his sister had hugged him? He couldn’t remember a touch that didn’t leave him aching that was from someone else. Clint certainly had him reeling as he staggered a little closer to finish squeezing all the air out from between them.  “You’re alive.” Clint repeated, unashamed of the level of brokenness in his voice. His lips grazed the younger male’s forehead and the crown of his hair, and Pietro stilled entirely for a moment, holding his breath. He waited for a hundred things to happen and nothing really did, instead, he was oddly safe, oddly warm and his cheeks burned something awful. Above him, muttered words sounded almost like a prayer, and he didn’t bother asking what they meant. For the first time in a long time, someone other than Wanda was touching him, holding him, and he felt exhilarated.  Pietro Maximoff had never believed in soul mates, never once thought he would find anything that made him feel like he was the only person in the world for someone, but here he was, resting his head against Clint’s shoulder. He hummed absently to the beat of the song playing softly downstairs, and neither of them really knew who began it, but they began to rock together, slowly. It didn’t take long at all before Pietro’s eyes had drooped so low he figured it was better just to close them. Another beat passed and Clint’s lips parted, words dancing from his lips that made the speedster’s pulse jump in his chest. You keep your distance with a system of touch And gentle persuasion I'm lost in admiration, could I need you this much? Pietro could tell his cheeks were warm, and he nestled his face into the joint of Clint’s neck and shoulder. It felt too good to be held, to have those soft words sang so gently into his hair, and it was drawing him into a safe headspace. Without thinking, he leaned up suddenly and took in the other’s steely eyes with those shockingly blue ones. Smiling sweetly, disarmingly, he leaned in to press his lips to the elder’s, working the softest, glossiest mouth against Clint’s rough lips.  At first, the elder man was still and stiff, staring down at the other before finally letting his eyes slide closed. Hands slipping down to Pietro’s hips, following an unconscious suggestion from those too-quick hands, he leaned into him, bringing the other in close. Breath mingling as their foreheads pressed together, Pietro’s eyelids fluttered as he looked into Clint’s eyes. For a moment he held his breath, as if afraid that this would disappear if he let loose a harsh breath. It didn’t stop Clint from the ragged panting, his dark eyes searching the other’s emotionless face. Pietro was good at hiding himself if he truly needed to, and he must have felt an odd need. Biting his lip, Clint opened his mouth a second later to try and apologize, but he was silenced by another kiss. “Do not speak.” Pietro whispered into his mouth, letting his words be swallowed down, “We may not be permitted, but just for tonight.”  As much as he wanted to agree that it would be a one-time thing, Clint knew he wouldn’t be able to get the silver-haired speed demon out of his head. The almost crushing grip he had on the other’s thin hips was enough to tell him that. “What makes you think I wouldn’t--” But he had to stop that thought before it ran away from him, “Should we find a spare room?” Even if Pietro ended up backing out, at the very least he could hold him and remind himself that the kid wasn’t dead. “Da.” Pietro informed softly, his mind focused a little more on preparing for what was inevitable. The best he’d done in the past probably would remain in the top spot, as he’d found most men couldn’t exactly bring themselves to make it good for the pair of them. The tenseness in his back only had Clint’s hands smoothing down his back until he relaxed. Without warning, he lifted the speedster and held him like a princess against his chest, starting them for the highest point the Tower offered.  ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AN: Alright, there we have it! Chapter one is DONE! ; u; Chapter two will be pure smut so like, prepare yourselves. Probably some angst, too, to be honest, but we’ll have fun.
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spade-anon · 6 years
The Coffee Shop AU
TITLE; The Coffee Shop AU
PAIRING; Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson
SUMMARY; Within the last two hours of a cafe’s working day, the schedule was simple; wipe the tables; sweep the floors or any other messes; and count the cash made. Occasionally customers would still come in but not so much as in the earlier hours however that didn't mean there were non. On this particular day Alexander would be working on the cash register.
AUTHORS NOTE; personally Jamilton isn't my exact jam(ilton) (I'm funny I swear,,) but this was for a friend so I hope its okay??
TAG LIST; unavailable (hmu if you want to be added?)
Within the last two hours of a cafés working day, the schedule was simple; wipe the tables; clean up any messes, sweep the floor; count the money made that day. Occasionally there'd still be customers coming in but no so much at the end of the day, but it was still a possibility. On this particular day, Alexander would be working at the cash register, usually when counting the money you'd wait till you've only a few minutes of work left so he peacefully watched his surroundings. His coworker (and not to forget, friend), John Laurens, sweeping the café floor as he hummed along to the song currently playing on the radio. Alexander couldn't quite pin point what the song was but knew it must be something fairly modern or in the charts, a girl by the name of Maria organised the cafés music, her taste was... decent. It wasn't exactly Alexander preference but he could stand it just enough to work. He much preferred Fallout Boy, of course in a more casual way rather than a 'middle school emo' way. His thoughts seemed to be pulled away by the click of the front door, a little bell sounding after it; Lafayette. Alexander didn't know much of the man except his relationship with John. Lafayette would usually come in near the end of Johns shift and drive him home, from what Alexander had observed in the past, the two seemed to be dating but he couldn't be sure. Sure, they'd call each other babe, but many people do that in a platonic way nowadays, right? Another coworker of Alexander's looked up at the door, that worker was Hercules Mulligan, he wasn't the best at his job but currently needed it till he saved up enough to buy his own tailoring store. He also seemed to have a weird relationship with Lafayette, Hercules would watch the man and seem more skittish or nervous around him. Maybe they knew each other.
"Hey Alex! Can you lock up tonight?" John says, causing Alexander to set his concentration on him once again. It seemed to be that whenever Lafayette came, John left, that caused most of his shifts to end early. The reason that Alexanders attention seemed to keep shifting was most likely caused by his lack of sleep, he couldn't help it, as well as having a part time job he also attended college! One may simply joke that he's writing at night like he's running out of time!!
It took him a few seconds to process Johns question, "oh, yeah.. yeah I can do that."
At those words, a wide smile spread across Johns face, his smiles were always like that, they were contagious too. It was almost impossible to see John smile and not smile yourself. He throws the café keys in Alexanders direction, Alexander almost tripping to catch them, he then looks towards Hercules,
"You can finish sweeping for me, right? I know Washington will go ballistic if it isn't done.." ah yes, George Washington. George Washington owned the café alongside his wife, Martha Washington, the two had started the café a few years after they'd married.
Hercules chuckles lightly, "uh-huh.." he mumbles, he seemed to look towards Lafayette rather than John before looking back down, it was hard to tell, the two were stood together after all. Quickly after that, the two left, John had changed out of his work clothes and exited with Lafayette, the two hand in hand. Perhaps they were a couple...
Another thirty minutes went by, those were slow but after those, another click of the door and a bell went off. A man had entered, one Alexander couldn't really recognise. He was fairly tall and wore a magenta jumper over some sort of button up shirt, it seemed white in the cafés lighting. Alexander sighs, the café would be closing in less than an hour, why would someone come now!
"Hi, welcome to the Washington Café, how may I help you?" The enthusiasm and cheerful nature in Alexanders voice was clearly faked.
The man didn't pay much attention, looking up to the menu, "uh, I'll have a vanilla bean latte with soy milk." He seemed to say that smoothly, almost too smoothly... that was way to casual for someone ordering coffee! Or whatever the fuck a latte is, honestly Alexander doesn't know and just wants to go home.
"And the size would be?"
This time, the man actually look at Alexander, something must've amused him, he seemed to be holding in a laugh, "sh-short," he says airly, almost letting out his laugh. Was that a comment on Alexanders height? Sure, he wasn't the tallest but he also wasn't a midget!
"By that would you mean extra small, or small?" Maybe a slight annoyance was clear but it was easily overlooked.
The man smirks, "nah, I'll have a medium," Alexander hums and grabs a medium and a pen, "Thomas, by the way."
Alexander would say, 'oh no, I don't need your name, I was just going to draw a dick because that's what you are, a megacock!" except he didn't say that, he merely mumbled out the price and gave Hercules the cup to make the drink. As he watched the man go to sit down, Alexander couldn't help he feel this 'Thomas' was familiar. He had known a Thomas in high school but he wasn't really on good terms with that Thomas.
Alexander had braces in high school, that caused a little bit of bullying, he also happened to be on a debate team. The person who he had debated the most? Thomas Jefferson. Oh, he remembered that boy, he remembered him very well. The two were pretty much enemies yet still... had a peculiar relationship. An art cupboard type of relationship, come to think of it, it was wrong. Alexander had a girlfriend at the time, a happy-go-lucky girl by the name of Elizabeth Schulyer, more often referred to as Eliza. However, Thomas and Alexander also had a strange relationship in the way that one would bully the other, make them a target.
By the time Hercules had finished the latte for 'Thomas', Alexander had also finished counting today's money. Of course he'd be giving the beverage to the costumer, Hercules had made a quick escape, claiming walking to a table was far too much work! At this, Alexander couldn't help but roll his eyes, after delivering said drink, he went to change out of his work attire, 'Thomas' seemed sensible enough to be left alone for a few minutes, besides Alexander wouldn't be able to leave until Thomas had so it's not like it really mattered.
Grabbing a bottle of water, he notices the man was still drinking his latte, Hercules had already left so that left Alexander with no choice but to make conversation with Thomas. Yes, he could've said quiet but that would just be tense.
He sits across the table from Thomas.
"So what's your deal anyway?" That could be phrased better.
"Excuse me?" Thomas raises a brow confused by the conversation starter used.
"I mean, I assume you're Thomas Jefferson, you treat me like shit in high school then you come here and act like it's nothing!"
At this, Thomas breathes through his nose, "people change, Hamilton, I'd assume you of all people would know that. Besides, it isn't like a planned on running into you." He scoffs, sipping his coffee, "maybe you need more lessons on how life works."
Struggling to undo the bottle cap of his water, Alexander bitterly shoots out a, "oh, believe me, I got enough of those last time we met.."
Yes, perhaps that did sound like some kind of innuendo, but please be assure that in no way did the two ever hook up. Perhaps they had kissed a few times, but that was an experiment, nothing more!
"Anyway, how's that boyfriend of yours doing, James was it?" Alexander knew James and Thomas had never dated but it was simply to easy to reference towards it happening to not do so! Thomas grunts, leaving Alexander answerless, there's a minute of quite before he revived a reply,
"And I suppose you and Eliza are still doing well?"
Well, it seems Thomas knew how to pull some triggers too, Alexander and Eliza had broken up in their senior year after he'd been caught cheating on her under the school bleachers. This whole situation was almost too perfect, the two weren't hating per say but simply exchanging banter and surprisingly nothing had gotten physical, was this the so-called 'coffee shop AU' twelve year old 'yaoi lovers' absolutely loved to reference?
"So.. um.. you got hot over he years I suppose? Got over your acne at least." Alexander awkwardly taps the side of his bottle, it was hard to have a conversation without him complimenting someone.
"I could say the same for you, finally got rid of your braces," heh, those were a pain, especially since when he had them he was dating Eliza who also, coincidentally, happened to have braces too. Making out was terrifying, they had heard stories of people getting their braces tangled and didn't want the same to happen to them.
"Hm, maybe we should hang out again sometime.. I don't remember us to be too close but we're... adults now..." Alexander had to be rational, try not to add 'i mean, you drink soy now!' onto the end of his sentence.
"Maybe we should," with that Thomas stood up, "I'd give you my number but that just seems to easy~" although Thomas was turned away from Alexander, Alexander was able to tell that he was smirking. With that, Thomas had swiftly thrown his empty cup in the bin and left leaving Alexander still sat within the café, a water bottle in one hand and a slightly surprised look on his face. He had watched Thomas walk down the road and round the corner before placing his head in his hands, "what the fuck was that, Alex!" He questions to himself, shaking his head slightly. He probably would've reacted differently but his shift had ended by now and all he had to do was lock up, maybe once he arrived home he'd look Thomas up on Facebook. Would that be a stretch? Did Thomas even have Facebook, gosh, he didn't know but one thing Alexander did know was that he would make sure this wasn't his last meeting with Thomas!
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photonconductor · 7 years
i dont have an ao3 but shout out to my homeboys
once upon there was a gay on th e moon bc of a really lovng alternate au idea where elc turened BAD and klaus had a 1000 year nap and it'd take too long to fucking explain this so just roll with it ok. this gay--its elcrest btw hes also a Bad Boy now; he rly likes hot topic and thinks those t shirts with sarcastic sayings are actually rly funny but we all know they aren't--was feleing emo bc he couldn't see his bf xen o bc he betrayed him. so he stayed in his room whining abt how fgay he was until eve showed up
"hey whats wrong elc mother is here for u" even tho shes like 5000 years old and looks like shes 2 and also a rock (but im not rockist guys i promise). elc looked at her with his optics shining in the pale argentate light. good thing hes the seme here bc otherwise he'd start crying. in reality he rly wanted to fucking bone xeno bc obviously they had a lot of gay sex b4 they tried to kkill his mom once nad staring at rocks all day kinda sucks.
a;so burnign alive but hes kind of over that phase.
"im sad my bf left me for 1000 years can i pls go back to earth my raging hard on can't be satisfied bc rocks. my dicks not a jack hammer even tho im jacking it all the time (thats what guys do right bitch i dont know)" eve was so offended she put her hands on her giant rock self thats not just herself. its rly fucking complicated shut up u came here for the gay sex not instructibles on how physical forms manifest.
"we dont say ROCKS in this household young man!!!!"
"BUT MOOOMMMMM sorry i forgot to turn off my seme voice lemme adjust my mic it happens when my dick is hard" elcrest coughed twice "ok sounds good, BUT MOM I RLY NEED TO NUT. YOU KNOW NUT I'M SAYING... ITS ALL OR NUTTING BUT MOSTLY NUTTING IN XENO'S SWEET HOT BUNS"
"stop talking abt nuts u disgusting boy fine, god, if u leave me alone u gaylord"
and then eve punched him so hard in the dick that elcrest landed on earth in a giatn crater. how hes still alive is bc he still had some continues left like in mario even though this is a srpg game. once elc recovered he struck a pose and laughed evilly while twirling his mustache.
"finally...... I have RETURNED for xeno's hot man breasts! the world cannot stop me now!!" he cackly cackkled and quickly ripped off the fake mustache he put on just for this one scene. then elc went on a quest to find where klaus was and bc the author is too lazy to write any tansitional scenes.
elc found him chilling in his bed reading a book that was called Sweets and You: Do sweets make u inherantly Gay? elcrest made the PFFT noise. ofc they make u gay, fuckiing idiot book. he could write better than that author. in fact, elcrest was gonna do that when he got home bc obviously if this trash is published any shit elc wrote would be good.
NO! he had to focus! but he couldnt stop staring at xenos man boobs and felt his dick get hard again. elc got a nose bleed too bc thats what happens in anime right. i played persona 4 i know what im about
"damn u xeno." elc said thru his nosebleed and klaus looked up bc the author cant fucking rmemeber who is klaus and who is xeno and was surprised i remmebred his name but could not remember remember the 5th of novemember
"XENO IT IS I" since h e was caught red handed he just kickflipped through the window anyway. he did a sick flip then stood in the middle of klauses room. klaus made a gay gaspp
"alto! what are u doing hre!?" klaus said, bc in this AU that was his codename. elc wanted to be currently doing that but eve said no. fuck his mom. except please dont bc i know you sick fucks are thinking abt it.
"I HAVE COME TO BRING YOU BACK TO THE GAY SIDE, XENO WE HAVE COOKIES. bc i really miss that bammin slammin bootilicious sex we used 2 have and you are in fact bammin slammin bootilicious. also have u heard the word and gospel of our savior mother" elc said gayly
"dude no please stop preaching in my house im a changed man now" xeno pirouetted out of bed
"cmon man im ur seme u cant refuse we made like a yaoi blood oath u cant go back on ur word" elc pushed him back on thebed bc he'd have his ass yet anyway so no real use getting up. bc what is consent anyway hes Bad
"o shit really huh" klaus paused in thougt and bad elc laughed evilly. his plan was working!! all he had 2 do was the final touches! i mean besides touching xenos dick or whatever we're not yet. sorry u have to suffer for ten more paragraphs for sweat boy on boy. elc then turned around an produced a kitty keyboard from the recesses of his coat tails. xeno made the :O face and elc sat down bc playing while standing rly fuckin g sucks
"i wrote this for u on the moon so you'll be hypnotized by my sick beats" then he pulled the mic out of the keyboard and made a sick beatbox noise. No i dont know what the fuck it sounds like just google it. klaus blushued and made another gay gasp and elc made the >:3 face
then be started to play the piano keyboard. he was playing cruel angel thesis, their theme song that they had decided at 1am while xeno was drunk af.  it was their theme song despite none of them speaking fucking japanese but they just felt it in their SOULS. it was rly gay. elc was going so fucking hARD that his hard on was getting 40 hard ons. and thats four tens the hard ons. and its rad.
except the ebst part was it was all in meows so it spoke 2 klaus' furry soul.
klaus nyaed softly in surprise and suddenly all his memories of being xneo were restored!!! he gave into the desire that he craved in his soul and opened his big man arms bc for some reaon everyone thinks dudes are thirsty af. dont ask me why
"elc1!1 pls take me!! but be gentle my ass hasnt been ravaged in 1000 years (sick reference to hilda and altos magical wedding night by sorunort like, comment, subscribe for more sick referneces like this one)" xeno mewled like afucking furry and elc nodded once. xeno walked up to elc an touched his man boob sensually even tho xeno is like 60 feet taller than elc just imagine it ok
elc now has sunglasses just bc i think its a funny image
"xeno...... lets do it" elc said softly
"o h elc senpai......." xeno meowed
"and i'll keep my sunglasses on bc i hate the sun #moonlifeforever" and xeno gayzed into his emotion shields sensuallyier. then elc kissed him passionately and their tongues battled for dominance but we all know klaus is a fucking bottom bitch as stated in hilda and altos magical wedding night by sorunort paragraph 17 and 18 bc it was a dialogue.
then elc ripped off his clothes bc hes fucking JACKED and jACKED OFF and xeno gay gasped forlike the third time in this fic. elc was fuckign shredded. legends told of his abs but this time it was real. almost like the fact that shaved ice flavors dont actually exists the syrup is just food coloring.  his dong dangled in the breeze and xeno was turned tf on so he took off his clothes too bc hes not a god damn animal god whats wrong with u elc.
except elc didnt take off the sunglasses like he promised so those were still on dont worry readers i got you covered.
"get on ur knees dude and give me a wet willy but like on my dick" elc demanded
"wtf no"
"dude u cant say no its a smutfic"
"ok yeah i guess i kinda do like sucking dick or somethign"
"PREPARE TO EAT YOUR LAST DICK, XENO" elc cackcled and then xeno succed his dick like no tomorrow. elc practically creamed right there bc he couldnt get his rocks off on the moon for 1000 years (hahaha no im not gonna stop makign rock jokes). also xeno has no gagreflex bc he succed dick like a thousand times. once that was over elc just punched his dick in xenos hot cross buns and xeno meowed again
"why are u still a furry after 1000 years" elc asked but continued to Ravage The Promised Ass
"do u nyat like it erucu-kun???" xeno purred and elc shook his head
"no ur still banging its ok"
NUT THEN (i wanted to write but but i typoed and decided to keep it its funnier this way) xenos ass started 2 glow with a new holy light
"WHAT tHE FUCK" elc yelled
"my ass was actually the only way we could turn u good again! the more u fuck me the gooder u are!" and elc gasped gayily! no! his plan was working against him! he could alredy feel the goodness (haha get it bc fucking is hot i guess) turning him good! he had 2 pull out but found he couldnt. xeno was just too bammin slammin bootlicious
"HOW DARE YOU TRICK, I, ELCREST THE CONDICKTOR" he roared and xeno was tuned on again bc roaring is prolly a furry thign im not a furry im sorry
"it was for ur own good elc bc i love you!" xeno dokied so hard there were shoujo sparkles and even elc got shoujo sparkles. his azure optics glew like stella glow and u could almost see constellations in them. except there were sunglasses so u couldnt actually see it but the reader can. xneo was right. he was his tru  love..... not the Mother..... his mom was lame anyway all she did was talk to rocks
"xeno.............." elc said wiwstfully before bangin xeno harder. their bangin was so intense everyone could hear it in the kngihts barraks. it was so loud that even ana in her coma woke up for like a second to be like The Gays are At It Again. soon enough the banging was sucessful. elc glew in a beautiful magical girl ligtht and he was become good again. xeno shed a single tear but licked it away
"im cured! xeno ur ass did it! plus that was hot" elc smiled and im pretty sure xeno cried bc look at that man. hes so beautiful. please take the $2 from my purse. they embraced in a gay way. it was cute and xeno did a thumbs up and ana's face appeared at 20% opacity in the bg and she was also winking
"elc i am so glad u are back and i love u" then they made out. for a rly long time too bc theyre so fucking GAY good lord how could stella glow keep this under wraps. then they decidd they had to punch eve in the rock bc she was a dickw hile elc was being emo and stuff. BUT FIRST, xeno got porked lke 80 more times b4 then bc 1000 years does a lot do u.
the end remember to like, comment, subscribe for more fics like this one, seeya
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yaoimila · 7 years
The Dark Prince Yaoi Webcomic
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The Dark Prince Yaoi WEBCOMIC http://yaoimila.com
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Sexy Sweet Erotic Male/Male Romance
Race horse groom Geoff didn’t meet Zip-Dash’s billionaire owner Zach until the day they won the Derby. The gorgeous tech mogul’s vivid blue eyes couldn’t stay off Geoff, and the second they’re alone his hands have the same problem.
Geoff rebuffs him so gently that Zach’s confused. He senses his desires are reciprocated, but something holds Geoff back. Unwilling to give up, he offers him a promotion to become his personal valet. To his surprise the burly stable worker accepts.
A touching, sensual, stand-alone, story with a guaranteed HEA by the author of UnPrison!
Read it on all your computers or devices! Click your country to grab it:  Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon Australia, Amazon Canada, Amazon France, Amazon Italy, Amazon Spain, Amazon Brazil, Amazon Mexico, Amazon Netherlands, Amazon Japan, or Amazon India.
Excerpt ~
Geoff watched the billionaire who owned his race horse approach the winner’s circle.  With his tuxedo, elegantly styled black hair, and cat-who-ate-the-canary smile he was pretty much what Geoff expected.  Well, not exactly.  Why was he so young?  He had to be in his late 30s the same as Geoff.  He was actually good-looking too, with dark hair and grey eyes so bright they veered toward looking like novelty contacts.  
Geoff handed him Zip-Dash’s reins and moved to get out of the picture a photographer was waiting to take. The billionaire—what was his name? Jack?  No, something hipper.  Zach. Zach grabbed his large shoulder before he could make his escape.
“Hey, great work with him,” Zach said, shining artificially white teeth in a smile.
“Thank you, sir.”  He said what he felt was expected, without embellishing.  Sure, he could have mentioned it was a miracle Zip-Dash won the Derby when he was overcoming a sprain from the week prior, but guys like Zach didn’t give a shit about Geoff’s world.  The fact that he was meeting the horse’s owner for the first time after being his groom for three years was proof of that.
Zach kept his hand on his shoulder for longer than what was appropriate.  His fist gave Geoff’s shoulder three quick squeezes.  An impressed look flitted across the young billionaire’s face.
“Oo, musclely.”  He met Geoff’s eyes with a devious brow. “Rawr!”
Geoff gave a stilted laugh and pulled himself away from the shorter man.  Once out of the circle flashbulbs popped as Zach posed with his horse and trophy.
Geoff realized his heart was racing.  What the fuck was that?  Did Zach know he was gay and was teasing him?  Or was he just hit on?
No.  No way.  Guys like Zach were neck deep in bimbos twenty-four-seven.  He didn’t strike Geoff as gay, just cocky and smug.  He was probably just paying a compliment to his muscular physique by way of a harmless jibe.  
Whatever. Geoff crossed his arms.  Get your pictures, fawn over your trophy, and let me get Zip-Dash in his trailer. The poor boy probably needed a rub-down after how the jockey drove him.  It was the Derby, and to be expected, but he was the one who had to pick up the pieces.
When the last flashbulb popped Geoff returned to claim the horse from Zach.  To his surprise, the spry billionaire focused on him.
“So where’s he headed now?”
“Oh, uh, I need to get him into his trailer and take him back to the stable.”
“Nice!”  Zach’s exuberant face had a bit of a cult-leader quality.  “Can I tag along?  I’d love to see where he lives.”
Geoff grunted.  “This is just a holding stable.  Zip-Dash lives in the farm in Connecticut.”  Which you’d know if you actually gave a damn.
“Oh, right.  But I still want to have a look.  Do you mind?
Geoff felt his left eye twitching.  “That’d be fine, but you’ll need to take a look around on your own.  I have to get him out of his gear, give him a rub down, get him his supplements …”
Zach’s hand was on him again, this time rubbing the side of his arm.  “Yeah, you do a great job with him.  That’s how he was able to pull off this big win.  Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Warm tingles went through his flesh where Zach was caressing him.  What the fuck?  Could this guy legitimately be hitting on him?  Nah—he was probably just eccentric.
Someone came to congratulate Zach, giving Geoff a chance to walk Zip-Dash to the trailer lot on the far side of the track.  Cameras followed him until he was around the loop, then finally, he was away from the roaring crowds.  Zip-Dash entered the trailer obediently, as he always did.  He hooked his harness to bay inside and climbed back out.  The screeching wheels of a car caught his attention.
The Ashton Martin convertible had to belong to one of the owners.  Geoff’s brow furrowed when he saw Zach smiling at him past the dashboard. He pulled up beside his truck.
“Trying to ditch me, huh?” Zach said, with his bright white smile steadfast.
Geoff felt a thump in his stomach.  Shit! No matter how much disdain he had for these spoiled rich fucks he had to keep in line.  He could have him fired with a wave of his hand.
“No, sir.  I was—”
“Call me Zach.  Zach Hamilton.”  He extended a hand clad in an ostentatious driving glove.
He took his hand and shook. “Geoff Stancion.”
“What a grip!  You’re like a he-man or something.”
“So how far’s the stable?”
Geoff took a breath to settle his nerves.  “Ten minutes. Twenty if we don’t beat the traffic out of here.”
“Well let’s go them.” Zach revved his engine.  There was a glimmer in his bright eyes that made Geoff pause.
“Right.  You’ll follow?”
He realized Zach’s focus had drifted to the six-pack of abs protruding from his tight uniform.  “You got it.”
Geoff made himself walk fast to the driver’s seat.  The ride gave him a chance to think again, and where his mind went to pissed him off. This guy was an over-entitled prick. If he was hitting on him it was probably because he figured he’d get a nice blow-job from a gay guy.  The Zach Hamilton’s of the world were used to walking all over his kind.  His politics were probably the usual, ‘fuck social programs so I can get a tax break’ bullshit.  It made him bristle in his seat to think of it.  
For three years he’d treated Zach’s horse better than a lot of parents treat their kids.  Not once did he ever see the guy whose signature stamp was on his pay checks. How’d he even get so rich at that age?  Probably the new generation of old money.  
Geoff had a job to do, one he took seriously.  He wasn’t any rich boy’s plaything.
The stable was filled with other Derby competitors.  Geoff struggled to park with enough room to get Zip-Dash off the trailer.  Zach parked in the visitor parking, which surprised Geoff.  He figured he wouldn’t care if his car took up a space another groom needed.
By the time he got Zip-Dash out of the trailer the smiling man was beside him again.
“Nice place.  Very green.”
Geoff led Zip-Dash toward the corrals.  “Go ahead and look around.  There’s so many people here I doubt anyone will notice you.”
“I’ll stick with you.”
Oh for fuck’s sake.
He got to stall 16 and saw it filled with someone else’s horse.  “Damn it.  I reserved this stall.”
Zach tsked.  “How inconsiderate.”
He continued down and around the stable.  A tenant stall was open, but filled with six inches of manure.  There was nothing else free.  
Geoff groaned and tied Zip-Dash to a rail.  “I have to muck this.  You probably just want to get out of here.  I’m sure the stink isn’t what you’re used to.”
“Are you kidding?  This is like a grown-up field trip.”
Geoff ignored him and grabbed a wheelbarrow with a shovel.
“I’ll go have a look around.”
He put his first shovel-full in the barrow.  “You do that.”
With the pest gone, Geoff focused on his work.  It’s not that he minded hard work, but this wasn’t his job.  The Derby was always a clusterfuck, and his only assistant had been deported.
Ten minutes into it he took off his shirt.  There was more manure layered below the fresh stuff.  It made him sick to think someone had a horse in there.  Tenants were usually responsible for mucking their own stalls and naturally didn’t.  Why have an animal as magnificent as a horse if you weren’t going to take care of it?
After half an hour of clearing the dirt floor, he felt someone was watching him.  He glanced back to see Zach absorbing his sweat-sheened muscular back with glistening eyes. The billionaire wasn’t smiling now.  His lips were parted and his beautifully sculpted face was flushed.
Geoff dumped his last shovel-full into the barrow.  “You had a look around?”
“Yeah.  The view’s much better here, though.”
Geoff’s brows pulled in. “I don’t know how to take you.”
He smiled and slunk his warm body against Geoff’s bare torso.   His brow rose.
“How about you just take me?” He dove in for a sudden kiss.
Zach’s body was a pile of hard muscle against him.  His mouth was hot, seeking a deep kiss from the start.  Slender arms coiled around Geoff’s shoulders, brushing the sensitive places of his neck.  Geoff hovered an arm over his back with an urge to crush the smaller man against him. Entitled prick or not, he was sexy package of man.
Geoff forced his mouth to break away.  The severing of their electric chemistry made his chest ache.
“You need to cut the shit,” he said, ignoring how his cock fought against the seam of his pants. “Something like this might be called sexual harassment.”
Zach backed away from him. “If that’s how you see it then I apologize.”
“I don’t know what I see right now.”
Zach eyed his gleaming pectoral.  “I know what I see.”
“There you go again.”
He wet his lips. “Look, Joe Harker told me you were gay, and you’re absolutely luscious.  I thought we might be able to have some fun.  If you’re not into it, no problem.  I’ll get out of your hair.”
His frankness disarmed Geoff. “No, it’s fine.  Another time, another place…”  Another person.  “And maybe we could hook up.  Right now, though, I have a horse to get settled and a thirteen hour drive to prepare for tomorrow.”  
Zach’s smile returned. “Right.  Wishful thinking.  Looking at you, I just couldn’t resist.”
Geoff returned a tepid smile. “Don’t worry about it.”  
He untied Zip-Dash from the rail and brought him into the stall.  Zach lingered by the door.
“What do you plan on doing now that Zip-Dash is headed off to the stud farm?”
Geoff froze.  He looked back at him with his eyes bulged.  Zach reflected his shock.
“Oh, shit.  Joe didn’t tell you?”
“What are you talking about? Zip’s got another year worth of races left in him.”
Zach undid his collar button. “Well sure, but he just won the Derby.  What’s the point?”
Geoff turned up a hand. “The purses.”
Zach made an uncomfortable smile.  “I don’t need the purses.  I was after the trophy.  Now that I’ve got it I’m done with horse racing.”
Geoff put his forehead in his hand.  “Jesus.”
“I can’t believe Joe didn’t tell you.  I told him if Zip-Dash wins we’re done.”
“No one thought Zip was going to win this thing.  He was 50 to 1.  He had a sprain.”  Of course Joe didn’t tell him.  His boss didn’t want to jinx things.
“You have other horses, right?”
Geoff spun on him. “No.  I had other horses, but then the big-shot who owned Zip-Dash pulled me off them saying he wanted a groom who was solely dedicated to his horse.”
Zach looked away.  “Oh, right.”
He began to undo Zip’s bridle.  His mind raced.  What would he do after this paycheck?  How the hell would he make the rent?
“If you don’t have anything else going on, you could always work for me.”
Geoff eyed him.  “Doing what?”
His bright smile returned. “Be my groom.”
Geoff fumed while bundling Zip-Dash’s gear.
“What I mean is, you could be my personal valet.”
“What you mean is I could be your fuck-toy.”
Zach gave an askew grin. “Your words.”
“Not interested.”  He opened a canister of oil and began to rub it into Zip’s haunch.  “People aren’t commodities you can buy and sell.”
“No, seriously, I actually do need a valet—particularly someone who might be able to protect me if I’m accosted.  I’m sure the pay would be quadruple what you make as a—”
“I’m not interested!”
Zach’s lips parted. Geoff watched him from the corner of his eye while working the oil into the horse.  He’d probably never been denied something he wanted before.  Geoff couldn’t help but feel satisfied.
He turned.  “I’ll leave you to you work.”  The slender man disappeared from Geoff’s view.
Now he had a pang of regret. The man’s voice was etched with humbled grief.  What did he expect though?  
Geoff wasn’t anyone’s whore.  
Read it on all your computers or devices! Click your country to grab it:  Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon Australia, Amazon Canada, Amazon France, Amazon Italy, Amazon Spain, Amazon Brazil, Amazon Mexico, Amazon Netherlands, Amazon Japan, or Amazon India.
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writteninsunshine · 4 years
It’s In The Water, Baby - Tseng/Reno - NSFW
Title: It’s In The Water, Baby Author: Donnie Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Remake Setting: Tseng’s Office, Reno and Rude’s office Pairing: Tseng/Reno Characters: Tseng, Reno, Rude Genre: Romance Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 4315 Type of Work: One-Shot Status: Complete Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Dom!Tseng, Sub!Reno, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Aftercare, Massages, Finger Sucking, Oral Fixation, Reno Is Super Talkative, Tseng Has His Own Office, Safeword Discussion, Reno’s Uncut Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. Summary: Reno knew from the second he heard that tone that he was in for a good time. AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have Twitter and Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD I can PM it to people who want it on FFN, for everyone else, it’s here: discord.gg/FyaWw25 This is based on an image that my friend Butteredbandits drew, and it got away from me so badly. I didn’t expect it to just explode like this but I guess I had to put all my thirst for Tseng somewhere. I just really needed to get this out of my system, I think. Who knows what will happen next. xD I’m probably going to try something else, I have no idea what will take my attention. I’m half thinking about rewriting an old Tseng/Rufus fic I was working on in high school. We’ll see, though. I hope you guys enjoy this!
Art is by my friend Butteredbandits!
Final Fantasy VII Fic Masterlist It’s In The Water Baby ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ “Reno.” Tseng’s voice was cut from dark stone as it fizzled in over the speaker on his desk. Looking up, the redhead pursed his lips, waiting for the orders that didn’t come. Rude nudged him with his foot, raising his eyebrows and jerking his head down.
“Answer him.” Rude mouthed, and Reno, in all of his slow glory, dumbly stared at the speaker for a second longer before opening his mouth to speak. “Hit the button.” Rude reminded gently, sighing softly and shaking his head. Something told Reno that this wasn’t the first time he’d done something like this, but he couldn’t remember ever having this much confusion when Tseng used the intercom system to speak to him. “Uh… Sir?” Reno finally drawled, sounding just as confused as he felt, finger on the button to respond. Just the tone to the man’s voice had been enough to start his heart up like a kick drum and he wasn’t quite thinking clearly. Tseng always had that one tone he used whenever his punishments weren’t going to be counted as on Company Time. “I need you to come to my office. You should already be on your way.” “Yes, Sir.” Reno nodded, taking his finger off the intercom button slowly, sitting pensive and still until the speaker crackled and went silent. “What did you do this time?” Rude asked, chuckling despite his exasperation, “Sounds like he wants your head.” Or like he wants head. Reno thought distractedly, flashing his usual smile. “Nah, man, I don’t know. I guess it could be anything. He’s kind of cool about the office supply thing, so it’s probably something I actually did.” Reno’s smile didn’t meet his eyes and Rude frowned, leaning back in his office chair and crossing his arms. “Do you need a bodyguard?” Tseng was ruthless, after all, and if Reno had really messed up that badly a witness that would make a scene might be fortuitous to him. Reno simply softened his eyes, held up a hand and shook his head. “I’m a big boy, Rude, I can take my punishment.” The question was if he’d be able to walk afterward or not. Sometimes Tseng got more than a little excited and even Reno couldn’t reel him in. Not that he wanted to, most of the time. Whatever Tseng could dish out, he could usually take, and the man cared enough not to push Reno’s admittedly lackluster amount of boundaries. “If you’re sure.” Rude sounded more concerned than anything, letting his partner hop up from his chair and leave without further pressing. If Reno needed help, he knew he could call on him. In the hallway, Reno closed the door to his and Rude’s office with a quiet click and leaned on it for a minute, closing his eyes and thinking. If he was in actual trouble, Tseng wouldn’t have used that voice. That was just something that they had agreed on when this all started. His heart lunged against his chest like an animal desperate to escape, and Reno couldn’t quite be bothered to calm it. Whatever was about to come to him was probably the fault of someone else taking Tseng’s precious patience and cutting it shorter. Whoever it was, Reno would probably have to thank them later. Sauntering up to the sliding glass doors, Reno swiped his keycard only to grin around his ‘knock knock’ as he entered the room. Tseng’s hand flew over the documents he was working on, and those amber eyes didn’t even lift to acknowledge him, Whatever he was doing, he made Reno know without a shadow of a doubt that it was more important than him. The redhead strolled into the office, gulping slightly as he took to standing stock still with his hands clasped behind his back. It took a solid ten minutes, and four thoroughly signed reports, before Tseng finally sighed, gently placing his pen in the stand beside him. Tilting his head, he looked up his nose at the other, assessing Reno’s posture, attitude, and the adjustment it would need. The flitting of those ember eyes about his person felt like a physical press, and Reno didn’t realize just how long he’d been holding his breath until he let it out through his nose. “You took your sweet time getting to my office, didn’t you?” Tseng finally asked, gathering his reports and placing them in his outbox. Both elbows rested on his desk, and he tented his hands, resting his lips against them for a moment. He considered the obedient way Reno had simply been standing, legs slightly spread, hands clasped behind his back, and shoulders squared. The Turk almost looked professional, if it weren’t for the state of undress he was always in. Chuckling shortly through his nose, Tseng shook his head, hiding his slight smile behind his hands. “I, uh--” Reno gulped, “Just had to make sure Rude didn’t think I was gonna die.” How much longer was this going to be necessary? Reno had the attention span and energy of a child sometimes, and standing still for so long was making his fingers itch for something, anything, to do. “Mm, I see.” Tseng nodded slowly, eyes falling back to the desk as he shuffled some more papers, setting them in the inbox on the right side of his desk. “Approach, hands on the desk, legs apart.” The order was issued in that same demanding tone that told Reno that a single thing done out of order would get him reprimanded at best and corporal punishment at worst. “Keep your clothes on, for now.” “Yes, Sir.” Restraining his gait to something acceptable, Reno took a few shaky steps forward, placing his hands on the desk when he stopped. Spreading his legs just far enough to give Tseng enough space to work, he bowed his back and kept his ass up in the air. The appraisal was something he knew that other man liked, and it felt good to put himself on display like this. In what had seemed like the blink of an eye, Tseng had gone from sitting behind his desk to wrapping both hands around Reno’s waist. A shaky breath rattled out of Reno’s lips as they parted for him. He kept his eyes on the now vacant chair before him with more difficulty than he’d like to admit to. Those gloved hands dug into the suit jacket just above his ribs, and Reno fought to keep his breathing even. “Do you know what I need from you?” Tseng asked, molding to Reno’s back as he whispered in his ear. A gentle kiss was pressed to the skin just behind it, and Tseng let his mouth hover just above the other’s neck, a tease, promise and threat all at once. “Some R&R, right?” Reno’s salacious grin could be heard in his words, the thickness in his voice betraying his obvious arousal. Perhaps Tseng hadn’t been quite prepared for him to give an actual answer before he nipped the silver ring in Reno’s earlobe and tugged it just to the point of almost being too much. It wouldn’t be the first time that Reno had answered a rhetorical question and gotten punished for it. Suddenly, a pair of gloved fingers pressed against his lips, pulling the lower one down to rub at his teeth. “Open,” Tseng demanded in a hiss, finally slotting his hips against Reno’s rump roughly enough to make Reno’s knees buckle. Somehow, he managed to stay on his feet as he opened up his mouth to oblige, “Suck.” Doing so dutifully, Reno slurped around the soft, warm leather, swiping his tongue between Tseng’s fingers. Panting hard through his nose already, Reno whimpered softly as a drip of saliva trailed down his chin, closing his lips tight around the base of Tseng’s fingers. Reno’s eyelids fluttered, a sharp whine leaving him the second that Tseng’s other hand slipped up under his arm and cupped his chest. Knocking his barely compliant shirt out of the way in order to roll the other’s left nipple, Tseng paused only when Reno’s hips jerked and he gasped in pain. With a sloppy, wet trail, Tseng carefully pulled his fingers back, dropping his dry hand and letting the wet glove gently rub the offended, pebbled nub. As much as this was a power play, his partners’ pleasure did more for his mood and arousal than their pain. Reno deserved the consideration that maybe he’d gone a bit too far. “Do you remember your safe word?” Tseng whispered into the nape of Reno’s neck, rubbing his nose into the soft hair there. The razor’s edge to his tone had dulled considerably, a soft breeze compared to a wailing gale. “Yeah--” Reno gasped, still catching his breath, “I don’t need it, though, we’re good.” “Reno--” “Promise!” Giving a pathetically breathy chuckle and needy smile over his shoulder, he nodded emphatically, “I’m good. Still felt really good.” If Tseng didn’t know better, he’d say that Reno was still drooling, and it had his amber eyes rolling. “If you are certain.” Tseng kissed that spot behind his ear again before popping Reno on the ass with the back of his hand. “I want your pants around your thighs.” “Y-Yes, Sir.” At the very least, the slow, deliberate grind Tseng left him with before backing up was a good indicator that he hadn’t completely flagged during that little sidestep. Deciding it would just be easier to flop down onto Tseng’s desk, Reno let his arms buckle and drop him, and Tseng frowned when his coffee attempted to slosh out of his mug. “Reno.” Tseng admonished, watching as the redhead reached back to pull his pants down, wiggling his ass playfully. The bare skin of Tseng’s left hand made contact with his right asscheek, making Reno keen and stand up on his tip-toes to present himself better. “Stop being a brat.” “I thought you liked brats--” Another slap to his rump had Reno giving a low moan, and his tongue lolled out of his mouth. “I do, they happen to be a bit of a weak spot for me.” The familiar weight of Tseng’s chest pressing into his back had Reno giving a soft, fluttering moan, “Which is probably why I couldn’t stop seeing you if I wanted to.” “I’m sure you could--” Reno’s words were interrupted by those gloved fingers once more, and he gagged a little as his ass was slapped once more. “Shhh, your mouth has much more important things to do than run,” Tseng whispered, nipping at Reno’s earring and pulling a small, well-loved bottle of lube from his coat pocket. Setting it aside, he eased his free hand to Reno’s hip, helping to hold him in place as he ground forward, another simple tease for what was to come. With the hand not currently stuffing Reno’s mouth with three gloved fingers, Tseng held Reno’s hips at just the right angle to rub his suddenly nude prick between the other’s cheeks a few times. The slide was drier than he’d hoped, but there was no way that he would let that continue. He may have enjoyed having Reno at his beck and call, but that didn’t mean he was going to do something to hurt the smaller man on purpose. As much pain as Reno could take, this wasn’t meant to be grueling. The bottle of lube found its way back into his hand and he popped the cap audibly, leaning back over Reno to kiss and mouth at his neck. Taking his hand back from the other’s mouth, he squirted a copious amount of lube onto his bare fingers and slid them between those pert cheeks. Reno gasped, watching the bottle be set back down by his head, that glove returning to pry at his parted lips. It kept Reno’s mouth busy while he worked because there were just times when Tseng liked to keep his wits about him. Reno’s constant chatter when he was getting filled could grow tedious and distracting. Rolling his hips against Reno’s ass cheek, Tseng pressed two slick fingers to Reno’s hole and delighted in the quiver that earned him. Swirling his fingers, the elder man worked him open easily enough, taking his time despite the whining urges from Reno’s lips. A line of saliva hit his desk, and Tseng figured he’d clean it up later, loving the way Reno praised and protested his every move with each choked moan. It wasn’t hard to figure out that he was ready to speed this up, and it was Tseng’s job to make sure that he was living in the moment. Reno had always had a hard time with that. Forced to accept every crook of those wonderful, slim fingers, Reno’s eyes rolled as he gagged himself on Tseng’s gloved hand, pushing his hips up as though that would help show off his desperate need. “Patience, Reno.” Tseng nearly purred in his ear, kissing along the shell of it before mouthing at the thick ring in the lobe, “You’ll get what you deserve shortly, I promise.” Reno’s only response was a keening whine as Tseng abused his prostate for a few seconds, pushing and prodding it before a third finger surprised him. A howl of a moan left Reno and he pushed his hips up more, standing on his tippy toes again as he swallowed around the tips of Tseng’s fingers. After a few more minutes of teasing Reno breathless and brainless, Tseng finally removed his fingers and slicked up his cock. Reno struggled with pinpointing exactly when Tseng had pulled himself from his slacks, but he was thankful when he felt the blunt head of the other’s dick pressed against his hole. He gave a crooning moan to let the other know he was ready, turning to look over his shoulder with a pleading look in his blue eyes. With a slow push, Tseng buried himself to the hilt, pleased by Reno’s sob of pleasure. He could already tell the redhead wouldn’t last long like this, already tense to keep from bucking back against him. Reno never could keep a handle on himself, not when he was so close to getting what he wanted. Even Tseng knew that keeping him on a knife’s edge of an orgasm wouldn’t be easy this way, the younger man was a ticking time bomb at the best of times. Slowly pulling back to the head, Tseng took his time on the reentry, loving the way that Reno’s mouth bobbed double time on his fingers to try and bait him into going faster. Always ready to use his mouth, be it to talk or for other things, Reno entertained him greatly when it came to how he did his best to plead around his fingers. “You’re fine, you’re alright,” Tseng whispered, taking hold of Reno’s hip and rolling his own languidly. “Do you need me, Fox?” “Yeth!” Reno managed through his mouthful, giving a diminutive buck of his hips that left Tseng grunting softly. “So needy, aren’t we? You’d think you’ve been waiting for a year for this.” Tseng tutted, shaking his head as his hips snapped suddenly and Reno shrieked in pleasure, tongue lolling from his lips. The pace picked up, rough and harsh as Tseng gave in to Reno’s panted demands. It felt too good to have those tight walls clamping around him, pulsing in need. Desperation had taken hold of Reno already, and Tseng knew that edging him much longer would leave him useless. “Yessss, please, please--” Reno’s urgent tone as Tseng removed his fingers from his lips told the elder turk he was close. He always liked to ramble when he was teetering on that edge, and Tseng didn’t exactly hate it, “Oooh, fuck, need you so bad. Wanna come, want you to come in me, please, Sir, please-- Oooh, fuck, thank you, thank you!” Tseng grunted behind him, picking up the pace and also Reno’s hips to get a better angle. The man was lithe and thin enough that he nearly weighed nothing in Tseng’s grip. Reno happily crooned as every thrust slammed directly into his prostate, leaving his eyes rolling back in pleasure. “Oooh, fuck yessss, gonna come, can’t-- C-Can’t hold on, Sir, ca-can I come? Please, please let me come--” Reno’s voice cracked and he nearly howled, dropping his head to the desk and letting himself be jerked against it. It wouldn’t be long, now, and if the other didn’t let him come he’d probably end up with a spanking, too. Tseng reached beneath them with one hand, balancing Reno on the desk with his other one, and rolled his hips languidly, slowing down his pace. Stroking the redhead in time to his thrusts, he gave a soft, breathless chuckle, eyelids heavy as he watched him. “Go ahead and come, Brat.” Back to whispering in Reno’s ear, his thrusts suddenly turned punishing again and that was all Reno could take. His hips jerked and he gave a stunted shout, tailing off in a delirious moan as he shot his load against Tseng’s desk. The clamping of those tight walls around him had Tseng undone in four more thrusts, giving an animalistic groan as his head fell back. The room fell into silence save for the ragged panting of both men, and Tseng let Reno sink back against his desk, laying overtop him for a few seconds as he collected himself. He nuzzled into the nape of his neck, nudging aside his sweat-damp hair to kiss along the freckles there absently. It always felt so good to finally fill up the mouthy redhead and he couldn’t help but pet his sides and ass with both hands, feather-light. Finally, Tseng gathered Reno up in his arms and held him under his thighs and against his chest. Taking him to the couch to the left, he laid him out on his stomach. He pulled out slowly and had to take pause to watch the cum leaking from him. Gently rubbing his rump, he leaned down to spread kisses along the other’s spine, nuzzling into him. “You’re beautiful,” Tseng muttered, kissing him softly on the neck and turning his head to take his plump lips in a tender kiss. Reno, blissed out and sated, returned the kiss lazily, nuzzling their noses together. “How does your back feel?” “I just feel good.” Reno purred, eyelids fluttering, “Should I take my clothes off the rest of the way?” “Yes, I want to give you a massage. You did so well. Strip, and I’ll be right back.” Tseng told him, leaving him with a gentle, lingering pat along his jawline. Adjusting himself back into his pants, Tseng left him to strip, striding to the back of his office and opening a small cupboard. Taking a few bottles of water and a basin he kept for just such an occasion and a soft cloth out, he paused to see what else he might need. Bringing the first of his items over as Reno stepped out of his pants and laid back down, Tseng went back to the spot he kept these things, carrying back an empty basin, as well. “Mmm, gonna clean me up?” Reno asked, looking up at him through his eyelashes. “My desk, and then you. I don’t need that to dry and give us away.” Tseng chuckled softly, strolling over to his desk with another rag and wiping at Reno’s mess. He couldn’t help himself, swiping his finger through it and having a little taste, leaving Reno moaning softly as he watched. With the desk cleaned up, he stalked back to Reno like a wildcat, all rolling shoulders and feline grace, adjusting him to sit at the edge of the couch. “Mmmm, fuck… I’m gonna get all hot again.” Reno muttered, spreading his legs over the empty basin. “You always do,” Tseng replied tenderly, looking up at him with those suddenly gentle red eyes. Removing his right glove slowly, he observed the way Reno ate up every slow pull at his fingertips, licking his lips. Once those slim, bare hands reached for his thighs, the redhead gave a soft, whimpering moan and let Tseng spread his legs further. Gently fingering Reno, he began to pull his cum out in delicate, slow movements. His fingers dug deep and Reno gasped, eyes rolling back and mouth dropping open as he pushed his hips closer to the other’s hand. Thighs shaking a little bit, he let his head fall back and hang on his neck, his whole body going limp. Hips jerking a little as Tseng’s fingers glanced off his prostate, Reno’s cock twitched and he whined, wriggling for the other while he continued to clean him out. “You really like getting me going, don’tcha?” Reno asked softly, eyelids sliding closed as he soaked in the feeling. After a moment, he felt a cool, wet rag against his thighs, rubbing over his well-abused cavity a few times to help clean him up that much more. Reno shuddered, pushing his hips up more, and Tseng chuckled. “You truly are very easy to get going, aren’t you? It isn’t my fault that you are so tactile.” Tseng purred, finally drawing the soft, wet cloth over Reno’s balls, gently rolling them in his hands. “Or that you’re a sex addict.” “I’m n-not a sex addict, it’s okay to l-like sex.” Reno gasped, rolling his hips up into the other’s hand. After a moment of massaging his balls, Tseng finally moved up to stroke Reno’s prick, eliciting a gasp and sob of pleasure. Stroking him tenderly, slowly, Tseng watched Reno’s fluttering eyelids intently, sucking his lips into his mouth for a moment. Before Reno knew what was happening, Tseng had taken the head into his mouth, and he let out a garbled moan. Both hands flew to the elder man’s hair and tugged a little, getting a return moan as Tseng kept the movements of his hand and the rag steady as he sucked lightly at the crown. Maybe he didn’t have the same tricks for fellatio that Reno did, but he could get the other man off just as well. Tongue laving over the head, he pushed it up underneath the foreskin, leaving Reno panting out constant moans and praise. “Holy shit-- Oooh, yes, fuck, j-just like-- Fuck, just like that~” Reno keened, eyes rolling back again as he pushed his hips forward. Tseng kept his rhythm, and never went down more than halfway, leaving the silky cloth to do the work at the base. Having already had one rather explosive orgasm, Reno wasn’t going to last very long like this, but that was the point. Already pliant and happy, the redhead crooned and moaned for him, crying out here and there at a particularly good twist of Tseng’s wrist. His eyelashes dusted his cheeks and his head hung back again, mouth open and tongue hanging out as though that might help him greedily suck up more air. What was he going to do but give Tseng what he wanted? “Sh-shit, Sir, please, g-gonna-- Gotta come, please, please can I--?” He rambled, his words half unintelligible as he jerked against his spot. Tseng’s free hand reached up to hold his hips in place, and all he gave was a hum of approval. That was all it took for Reno to give a stuttered cry of pleasure as he finally felt his balls draw up tight and his body went stiff. Vision going black, he came hard, giving Tseng a mouthful. Panting hard and slumping back against the couch, he shuddered and quaked, wanting to wiggle away from the other’s insistent sucking. Once he was milked for all he was work, Tseng pulled back, wiping him off with the cloth and depositing it in the basin of water. “Feel a little better, Fox?” Tseng asked, watching the rise and fall of Reno’s chest with an appreciative stare. Reno just gave a lazy thumbs up, too blissed out to even get out any words. “Lay on your stomach, I still want to rub your back. You deserve that much.” It took Reno a solid three minutes to shift and scoot until he was on his back, laying out for the other and closing his eyes. Tseng rose to his feet, moving to straddle the other’s thighs, settling on them. Reno could feel his erection in his pants, but at this point he didn’t quite think he could do anything about it. Work had been rough that day and this was just what he needed to fall asleep. From seemingly nowhere, Tseng produced an unscented lotion, squirting it into his hands and warming it before his hands started on the other’s shoulders. Reno gave an appreciative, tired moan and turned his head to the side, pulling his hair over his shoulder with a few lazy tugs. Tseng continued to move down his back, relaxing every tense muscle until Reno was jelly on the couch, half asleep and happy. Once he was sure the younger Turk was going to rest, he smiled softly, leaning down to kiss at the large birthmark above his left shoulder blade. Reno snored quietly, and Tseng just chuckled, rising from the couch and giving himself a squeeze through his pants; Both a promise for later and a method of control. A blanket was fetched from behind the couch and he covered the sleeping Turk, gathering his things for washing later. Now, at least, he could get some work done, with most of the tension melted from his shoulders. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AN: And there we have it, the fic is done! This one wasn’t supposed to be so long but I couldn’t help myself, it’s now the longest FFVIIR fic I have written! I really enjoyed this one, though, even if it got away from me. I hope you guys enjoyed it!
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awwishfulthinking · 6 years
Houshin Engi 100 Questions!
There are SPOILERS!
I did this seven years ago (my god...) but I’m re-doing this because I can.
1. What is your name? My online nickname is Ariana. 2. When did you get into Houshin Engi? Around when I started university. So around 8 or 9 years ago.
3. Did you read it in Weekly Jump magazine? Or the tankoubons? Or both? I read the scanlations by SnoopyCool. 4. Do you own all 23 volumes? Sadly, no. But I hope I have the space/money to obtain them someday. (They’re actually on sale for a good price at Book Off, I just don’t have the space atm) 5. Do you own Houshin Taizen? No. 6. Do you have the special Houshin Taizen that came with Akamaru Jump? I wish. But no, I do not. 7.Do you want a Houshin Taizen 2 to come out? Yes! 8. Did you watch the anime? I’ve watched the 1990s anime all the way through at least once; I’m currently watching the remake it’s not great 9. Did you tape record it? I burned all the subbed episodes of the 1990s anime on five dvds... Felt bad about it and recently bought a complete series, official DVD set. I’ll likely buy the complete series DVD set for the remake as well because I love HE that much even though the anime remake is kind of. Eh. 10. Give your honest opinion on the last episode. To be honest the second half of the old 1990s anime has been nearly completely wiped from my memory. I don’t know how I feel about the remake’s last ep as it hasn’t aired yet, but I’m praying it provides some decent closure. 11. Do you own mp3s of the opening and ending songs? Yes.
12. Do you buy the soundtrack albums? No. I really should, shouldn’t I... 13. If you answered ‘yes’ to #12, what is your favourIte track? N/A 14. What Houshin Engi merchandise do you own? Unofficial merch: Like 12 doujins. Official Merch: A bunch of acrylic keychains, and hopefully that Taikoubou prize figure, the nendoroid, and the mini plush doll.
15. Have you ever bought any of the Senkaiden games? I have the Senkaiden ni II game for wonderswan (downloaded). 16. If you answered ‘yes’ to #15, which ones have you bought? refer to answer above 18. Could you name all the characters in Houshin Engi? I don’t think I’d ever be able to remember everyone’s names. 19. Favourite male character(s)? Taikoubou, Taiitsu, Gyokutei, Tenka. And far too many others but those are my usual top faves. 20. Favourite female character(s)? Yuukyou, Sengyoku, Ryuukitsu Koshuu, and Ko Kibi! (This answer hasn’t changed at all in the past 7 years lol) 21. Which is your favourite Taikoubou outfit? I used to like his post-Chou Koumei arc outfit, but now I think I prefer his original outfit slightly more. The post-Chou Koumei outfit seems a little... too much to me now. The gloves on that outfit really annoy me for some reason. 22. Your opinion on Youzen’s outfit during the fight against Jyoka? It’s fitting. 23. Your opinion on Fugen’s shoulder-revealing shirt? how does it stay on??? 24. Have you ever imitated Dakki’s speech pattern? Nah, I don’t really like faux-cutesy speech patterns. 25. If you could transform like Youzen, who would you turn into and what would you do? I honestly don’t know... lol 26. Which act/chapter is your favourite? The Chou Koumei battleship arc still remains one of my favorite arcs to this day. 27. Which anime episode is your favourite? For the 1990s anime: The one where Taikoubou fights Raishinshi using the drunken fist technique. For the remake: Episode 10... it’s painful but it’s probably the best episode of the remake so far. 28. Which volume cover is your favourite? Of the fancy tankoubons, the last two volumes. 29. Which title — be it volume title, chapter title, or episode title — is your favourite? I don’t pay attention to them enough lol... 30. Have you ever cried while reading Houshin Engi? No, but some parts of the manga did make me feel emotionally drained. 31. Do you still buy the calendars? I kind of want one but eh, I can live without them. 32. If you answered ‘yes’ to #31, do you keep the old ones up? refer to answer above 33. What is your favourite quote, and who said it? “Let’s go flying to the land of rainbows on my ferrari!” —Doukouson. (my answer still hasn’t changed lol) 34. Do you have a favourite romantic pairing? Ko Hiko x Kashi. (He loved her so much...) 35. Say anything you want about that favourite pairing? Out of the (very few) confirmed romantic pairings in HE, I just love that Ko Hiko is portrayed as a man who loves his wife that deeply (and that she loved him that deeply as well). 36. Why are you into that pairing? refer to answer above 37. Have you thought of a perfect song for that pairing? What song, and by whom? I’m not really the type to think up pairing songs... 38. Which houshined character do you want resurrected? *slams fists on table* All the Juunisen members and also Tenka.
39. Which character made you think “I’m glad s/he wasn’t houshined!”? Taiitsu. And Bukichi. 40. Which of the Konron 12 would you like to be scouted by? Taiitsu would definitely be the most “fun” to have as a teacher. Fugen or Kuryuson (Dokouson’s master) would also be good because they both seem pretty nice and laid-back. Also Gyokutei because he’d be a good teacher (I can’t believe I initially forgot about him orz) 41. What are your reasons? refer to answer above 42. Suupuushan, Kokutenko, Kokukirin. Who would you want to ride? Suupuu! He would be the best conversational partner.
43. Do you have any friends who like Houshin Engi? Thank god for the HE discord group. 44. Who’s your favourite Jyuttenkun? Kinkouseiba! Her design is A+ 45. Did you like “Ennui Academy”? It was good as a gag; but honestly, if this was an actual manga series and not just a three-page gag it’d probably be kind of insufferable. 46. What’s your favourite non-romantic pairing? Bukichi and Suupu’s friendship in the latter part of the series is adorable. 47. Which do you like better; the Dakki Sisters or the Beautiful Sisters (Venus and Co.)? The Beautiful Sisters! 48. Do you want Roushi’s suit? Sure. It seems useful. 49. Name one paopei you want. I’d love to have a mini-version of the Zansanken (Gyokutei’s sword) if only to chop up ingredients quickly. Also, Youzen’s Koutenken because... how could you turn down a fluffy, giant white dog that you can pet and also use to attack people with if necessary? 50. What would you use it for? refer to answer above 
  51. Who is the strongest character, in your opinion? Fukki. 52. What is your reason? He freaking beat up Jyoka, who was the strongest being in the HE universe. Do I need to state any other reason? 53. Which character makes you go, “I’ll never forgive him/her!!”? Outenkun 54. What colour do you like on Taikoubou’s hair? Black. 55. Name a master-disciple combo you like. Gyokutei and Youzen. 58. Which is your favourite splash page? The one of Fukki under the waterfall. 59. Taikoubou + Outenkun = Fukki. Did you easily accept this fact? I was spoiled but yeah. Sure. 60. Did the entrance of Fukki affect your opinion on Houshin Engi? No, although tbh I’m still ambivalent about Fukki’s entire existence. 61. Do you think of Taikoubou, Fukki, and Outenkun as three seperate people? Yes. 62. Where on Taikoubou’s body do you think Outenkun’s paopei’s mark appeared? I know this question was asked for all the perverted minds out there. I’m just gonna say it was probably on his hand. 63. Who would you want to be houshined by? I would rather not die if I could, thanks. 64. Who would do you want to houshin? Ryogaku; he’s the one that deserved it the most. 65. Which of Dakki’s many outfits is your favourite? It’s been 7 years and I still like her retro-space outfit (reference to Space Channel 5) outfit the most. 66. Is Venus scary? Only if you get on her bad side. 67. Which paopei made you go, “That’s terrible!!”? Rikukonhan. I think it’s pretty much unanimous. 68. What is the colour of Chibi Youzen’s horns? Gray. (I think that’s what they are in the anime?) 69. What cup size is Dakki? C. Any bigger would be kind of ridiculous. 70. Who’s your favourite Colourful Trio sennin? Taiitsu! 71. Your opinion on the brand new sennin world? It’s fitting for Taikoubou’s ideal of what a senin world would be (no interference in the human world) 72. What is Fukki’s hair colour in act 201? White. 73. Ask yourself a question concerning Houshin Engi. What does this question even mean 74. Your response to that question? ???? 75. In your opinion, is Nentou in love with his half sister? Probably 76. Did the Sennin World War leave a deep mark on your heart? The page where Taikoubou cries has still got to be the most hard-hitting two page spread I have ever seen in my life. 77. Do you own any Houshin Engi doujinshis? Yeah, I have about a dozen because I have a serious problem 78. Kichiku, hentai, yaoi, shounen-ai, general. Which doujinshi genre do you have the most of? I have the most shounen ai doujins, but I really prefer gag doujins. 79. Do you make Houshin Engi doujins? I wish I could, but sadly I can’t draw. 80. If you answered ‘yes’ to #79, do you make doujins about couples? refer to answer above 81. If you answered ‘yes’ to #79, the amount of Houshin Engi doujinshi circles is decreasing, but do you intend to continue yours? refer to answer above 82. Who’s the easiest character to draw? Taikoubou’s alien form (lol) 83. Who’s the hardest character to draw? As much as I like Taikoubou, he looks like an absolute pain to draw. I like his outfit design, but it is kind of a mess. 84. Have you ever done Houshin Engi cosplay? No, because everyone’s outfits are so complicated it looks like it’d be hard.
85. If you answered ‘yes’ to #84, who have you cosplayed? refer to answer above 86. Does your website mainly have Houshin Engi in it? I don’t have a personal website lmao 87. Is there a Houshin Engi fan you can’t forgive? Who and why? ...no comment. 88. What is Hanyoutai Youzen’s colour scheme? whatever it was in the remake 89. If Nataku were to give you a ride, where would you want to go? let’s be real he’d probably kill me before I even had the chance to do that.
90. Which of Choukei’s outfits is the best? His Jyoka arc outfit is nice.
91. Say anything about the most memorable scene in Houshin Engi. ouch my feelings 92. What do you think of the ending to Houshin Engi? Probably one of the more satisfying endings out there for a series. 93. Have you imagined what happens after the series’ end? It’s pretty much like what happens in the Senkaiden Ni II game I guess. 94. If you answered ‘yes’ to #93, give more detail. http://s2he-game.livejournal.com/ (angry that my walkthrough pictures no longer work thanks photobucket) 95. Have you read Parallel World Houshin Engi? Yes 96. Do you own “Dramatic Irony”? No. 97. The series has ended, but is your love for the series still going strong? My obsession with the series definitely comes and goes... but I think this is a series I will always be a fan of no matter how old I get. 98. Do you really think Fukki has nothing left to do in the end? let the lazy bum be lazy. He deserves the retirement. 99. Say anything you want about Fujiryuu. I don’t always understand your character design choices but I love your story-telling. 100. Any last words? please let there be new HE content forever thanks
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