#yeahh this got really long again and i don't know how
hamiltonaf · 2 years
Party Aftermath | Mason Mount
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Warning: Angst but more fluff
A/N: Slowly trying to get into writing more for football players - been writing for F1 drivers for quite a long time, so I have a nice balance between the 2 now. Hope you guys enjoy and do let me know your thoughts .xx
The first stop of the summer break was Ibiza. All of his mates were onboard with the idea of going to Ibiza first, some of their girlfriends even tagged along. The first few days I was more than happy to enjoy letting loose and partying with Mason and his friends, I actually deserved it for all the sacrifices I made for my studies during the year.
By the 3rd day of partying I just didn't have it in me...I would much prefer chilling at the beach, but right now that wasn't on the agenda until everyone is burned out. Tonight happens to be even bigger than the previous ones because Martin Garrix is performing. As exciting as it sounds, I was mentally and physically exhausted from being on my feet 24/7, sleep deprivation and dehydration.
With everyone's sleeping pattern being off, we happened to wake up in the evening. I guess it works in everyone else’s favour because that means to get ready to go for the next party. Luckily Mason and I had a room to ourselves, and weren’t sharing a villa so it was nice and peaceful when I got up before him. I had a nice soothing shower and got comfy in a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt. I sat crisscrossed on the lounge couch and browsed through my laptop for something to binge.
"Good morninggg" he greeted as he walked out of the room in a pair of denim shorts and a towel around his neck. "Oh good morning ! Slept well ?" I asked as I turned to look at him. "Like a baby" he laughed. "I could tell" I added and laughed back. "Aren't you coming tonight ?" He asked as he sat next to me on the couch and peeked at my laptop screen. He could tell that something is up.
"Yeahh...Uhm, I don't think I'm gonna go out tonight" I said hesitantly. "Why what's wrong ?" He asked concerned as he placed his head on my shoulder, already dampening my shirt with his wet hair. "Nothing just..I'm really drained and don't have the energy to go out again tonight" I pouted. "Okay then, suits you" he said casually and got up to walk back to the room. Is he annoyed ? "What do you mean by that ?" I asked, more specifically at the tone he said it and followed him into the room. "You came to Ibiza of all places to 'relax', a bit of a party pooper don’t you think ?" he mocked. Is he being serious right now ?
"Am I hearing correctly that you're mocking me for being burned out and I'm not allowed to recover ?" I raised a brow as I crossed my arms over my chest. "You’re not the only one that’s burned out, look at the rest of us, we’re just dealing with it." he said as he sat at the edge of the bed and leaned back. "Mason, you already know that it's not in my nature to go out partying. This is all new to me and I'm not used to this life" I reasoned. "Yeah well I'm not forcing you either, it's just that the boys and their girlfriends will be there. I'm going to look a bit dumb if my girlfriend isn't there so.." he shrugged. Oh my days.
“Are you being serious right now ? Since when do you care what other people think ? And how can you even compare me to other peoples girlfriends ? I- I'm so done with this conversation, it's like I'm talking to a wall right now…You're totally ignoring where I'm coming from. Enjoy your stupid party" I said with a fake smile before making my way back to the lounge. "(Y/N) !" he yelled for me but I chose to ignore him.
After some time it was slowly getting darker by the minute as the sun was setting. Mason finally stepped foot out of the room fully dressed, he threw on a black t-shirt and sneakers to pair with his denim shorts. I started watching a new series and was so engrossed in it that I purposely didn't see Mason standing in front of me. It was much longer than he would've liked for me to be caught by his attention but oh well. He cleared his throat as an indication for me to look at him. Me being petty, I continued watching my series. "I'm leaving. If you need anything then message Dec, he'll be sober tonight" he said softly. After no reply back from me, he rolled his eyes. “Did you even hear a word that I just said ?” He asked annoyed. I shut my laptop and looked at him “No Mason, I’m totally ignoring every word you said like you did to me earlier.” He remained silent for about a minute before shaking his head and making his way out.
As much as I tried to push the thought of Mason away, I didn’t succeed. I wasn’t even paying attention the the series at this point. Out of curiosity I went onto Instagram and the first story that popped up was Declan’s. It was a video of Mason taking shots, how lovely that I will have to deal with him when he’s drunk and hungover. It low-key hurt to watch the video, it just showed that he really didn’t care. I sighed and looked at the time, it was already 11:30pm and I felt so stiff from sitting down for so many hours. My eyes were feeling heavy and at this point I couldn’t be bothered to walk to the bedroom so I passed out on the couch.
Sound asleep until 2:15 am, there was a loud banging on our door. What a rude awakening. I hurried to the door to see Declan trying his best to hold up Mason with one arm whilst he was half knocked out. "I believe this is yours" he half laughed. "You woke me up from my deep sleep for a drunk Mason ?" I said annoyed. "I didn't have much of a choice, he wouldn’t stop asking where you were. Besides...he's not even that drunk" he stifled. "You're saying that and he's literally passed out" I raised a brow. "He's honestly exhausted from dancing and screaming. He had about like 3 shots" he said as he was starting to struggle holding him up. "You sure there wasn’t more after that instagram story of yours cut off ?" I stifled a laugh. "Oh I'm sure, I was with him the whole time. Now can you take him, I'm dying here" he said as Mason was almost about to fall.
"You want me to get a bottle of water to wake him up ? I’ll casually just chuck it at his face" I suggested. "You're honestly crazy" he said as he shook his head and laughed. "Oii, wake up. Here's (Y/N)" he tapped his face. He slowly gained consciousness and fluttered his eyes to look at me. "Wow you're pretty" Mason said in awe as he looked at me and stumbled to walk inside. "I'll take my leave. Good luck and let me know if you need anything !" Declan yelled as he was leaving. "Sure. Thanks for babysitting Dec !" I yelled and shut the door. I turned around to see Mason almost lose his balance and fall. "Room. Now" I said as I pointed to the open room door for him. He looked at me like a lost puppy for a second, with a pout he stumbled his way to the room. He looked like a toddler.
I grabbed a bottle of water and a pain killer before making my way to the room. He sat at the edge of the bed waiting eagerly for me. "Take this and drink the whole bottle" I said as I handed him the water and tablet. He looked confused for a second but obliged. After he was done, I threw away the empty bottle and thought it's time he should just sleep. I started by pulling at his t-shirt but he quickly pushed my hands away. What the hell. "Hey you're pretty and all but I have a girlfriend !" He said in disgust. I covered my hand over my mouth to hide my laugh. "Mason, I am your girlfriend" I said as I pressed my lips together. "Ohh. How did I get so lucky ?" He said as he stared at me whilst I continued to remove his t-shirt. I couldn't help but smile to myself. “I love seeing you smile” he said softly when I took off his t-shirt and folded it aside. He’s such a softie when he’s drunk.
He kicked off his shoes and got under the covers. Me being a neat freak, I placed his shoes aside with the others and turned around to find him sleeping. Just as I was about to go to the lounge to tidy up the place and switch the lights off, Mason called for me. "(Y/N) ! Come to bed" he whined.
Well so much for thinking he's sleeping. I quickly tidied up and yet again he called my name. Once I got under the covers, my back faced him when suddenly his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer towards him. "I'm sorry for earlier. I feel that I don't see you as much because you're studying so I just want to make every moment we have together count. I was selfish" he muffled softly against my neck. After a moment of silence he whined, “Babe” before I turned around in his grip to face him. "It's okay, likewise I want to spend as much time with you as possible. Just know that some days we can stay in and still have fun. We don't always have to go out" I softly said back.
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romsabombs · 3 months
malevolent 43 was insane so here are my notes. my live reactions while listening. enjoy :)
god i feel so sick already
okayyyy voices
is it kayne watching
oh god this again
hes way more dramatic this time i think
omg queen!!! indeed queen💅💖
i have no idea whats going on
ohhh dang
im so nervous and scared and afraid
yorrick lore episode?? :3
ohhh yeahh he was the prince's skull
omg yes talk to eachother!!! bond!
omg hastur he-who-is-not-to-be-named lord of carcosa thats the thing kayne said
yesss you tell him girl!! they broke into YOUR house‼️
ohhh erm what😶
"i am the king in yellow" SHE DOESNT CARE JOHN
ermmmmmm erm erm uhh
i have no idea how to describe kingqueen relationship rn
"you are no god i have witnessed" "no. but i am a god" such good lines
she should read oscars note lol
LORE LORE LORE yess tell us about this world queen🎀
"and yet you moan on a table beneath my knife👹" okayyy shes vicious💅
"my transition" okay🤨🏳️‍⚧️
yo i have no idea what's going on
she said i know what u are🤨
👹LIES👹 girl we're having a moment
"you gained humanity as a prisoner" okayyy true hmmm..
gosh this is heavy
bestiary mentioned :))
her ass is NOT listening
i have no idea how to picture this scene in my head
ohh she was hurt by humans☹️ because her ass is a witch
two sides of the same coin
YOUR MOTHER? omg a name
arthur is straight up dead and we're doing the traumadumping hour
😀☹️😞 :( :( oh darling
mother darkness is my drag name
okay shes got a point tho🫡
oh!! :3
ermmm third wheeling over here
yorrick finally does something good (shuts the fuck up)
death for the undying⛓️💔
hell brings about the truth in people🔥🔥🔥 these lines go hard
im sure you did😒😒
can you believe this episode is 52 minutes long
imagine arthur laying on the floor family guy pose while all this emotional stuff is happening
"our" :3333
even the witch knows hes a child
"silent to all but those who can hear🗣️🗣️🗣️"
"i am not forgotten. not by him" :((
i remember you my king!! 🤓🥰
larson mansion arc throwback
"i saved him" erm you're the reason he went crazy in the first place
FUCK YOU👹 does she even know that word
john finally gets therapy not clickbait
ok shut up john my headphones are dying
ok we're back
"i tried to kill a man who i felt was in my way" 💀💀
okay now arthur is the child
dont go to the dark side pookie🙏
bro this shit is none of her business stay out of it
ermm 😶 come on johnn🙏
arthur said i can fix him and then did!!
RAHHHH👹👹👹 hes so sigma
yo what the hell is happening
this witch sure loves stabbing arthur
TRUEEE we r in her home!!
his ass is not really gone come on
do true loves kiss or whatever or like shed a tear and it'll land on him and he'll be alive again because magic
"🤢JOHN🤢" okayy rude🙄
mm yeah true why did you leave
😀john stay with us🙏🗣️ pretty pls
i miss arthurs voice its really nice
FRIEND MENTIONED like from s1 :3
HIS ASS ISNT GONE what would the show be without him bruh
jesus christ
🫣🫣 ermm 😶
man arthurs only purpose is to be a vessel huh :( :(
isn't john like bound to this body
what a mess :/ how will we fix this
girl u barely know him why do u care
"ignorant false morals" 😒girl
i wanna know what she thinks about the trolley problem
maybe don't listen to her she just murdered your boyfriend twice. thrice
shut up🙄 dont piss me off you killed my boy
ohh arthur i miss him already
erm john!!!! dont say allat😀
GOD DAMN IT we got so far man
hail to the king🗣️🗣️🗣️
ok now shes worshipping him😒
:( he says arthurs name so coldly. absolutely no emotion in his voice☹️
ugh hes back to his kiy voice
im gonna kill myself actually
"think of the object you desire to find" imagine a rosetoy just appears
this is awesome actually
faroes song goes hard
ohhh hes back :3
yorrick is so cutiepatootie
oh wait is he okay😨
insane episode
aye we cant save arthur without another deal with the devil i think
where's kayne when you need him
john this speech is embarrassing you're not an alpha wolf
john non binary arc🙏
"i choose you. to be a part of you" ☹️ pokemon reference for a sec
yorrick embodiment of sillyness
yeah doll him up before reviving him
"your love for your friend" yorrick is so third wheeling
oh he feels human :3 i feel so sigma
cant we just let arthur stay dead let bro rest in peace he's been through enough
yeah i guess that musta hurt huh
yo is his ass okay😀😀
arthur is in Pain Painnn
ima have dreams about this one
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mwagneto · 3 months
I’m a bit afraid of the upcoming two-parter finale of Doctor Who, mainly because of the circulating TV show theory and a horrifying thought I had the other day concerning this theory. … What if this theory is partly true, and the entirety of season 1 was indeed a TV show, and therefore not real maybe. Which would be the worst possible outcome I think, given that people in general hate the “it was all just a dream”/ “it didn’t really happen”-trope. But if we take this outcome into consideration I was wondering, when did the “TV show” / the “performance” start? Since when is it all fake so to speak? Because one could argue that the ending Fourteen got, is way too happy. He got his own TARDIS by very ridiculous/ implausible means. He got his own family. Everyone is happy. It is the “and they lived happily ever after”- ending you only see in fairy tales or very sappy TV shows. So my horrifying thought was, what if the “performance” started right after they defeated the Toymaker and Fourteen’s happy ending isn’t real at all!?
YEAHH i thought about that too, especially since i saw someone mention that "maybe the 'show' started in wby" in a post i'll never find
i think it is a logical conclusion to jump to since that IS 100% where the turning point was, the superstition is invoked, the salt is thrown, bam. the entire universe tilts on its axis. but i realllly really don't think that's the case?
i'll put the rest under the cut coz it got too long + i tried adding paragraphs to make it more readable so sorry if it feels janky
ok so admittedly my reasons for thinking whatever is going on now is definitely post 14 ending is because, like you and the above mentioned post says, anything major starting in wby would make the giggle a part of the whole thing and undo 14s happy ending + make 14 at least somewhat part of the story which. is definitely not something they'd do. or i sure hope they won't!
like rtd said 14 was never coming back and like yeah showrunners lie but i think even he knows how much bringing 14 back for a main show appearance would suck ASSSS like while i don't think having 14 bigenerate really stole 15's thunder the way ppl are saying (and i get why those people are mad too, i disagree but i understand), having 14 come back in any way whatsoever would just be really bad both because
he already got his happy ending, he got a beautiful last scene, his and by extension 10's story got an incredible sendoff that i still can't fully talk about coz of how crazy it is but like. you get it. and to have him just... come back after that would be really weird? like?? yknow??? that's him done. bringing him back at all would kinda.. not just cheapen it but make the finality of his happiness feel like it's not that secure or peaceful after all. and
having 14, the guy created specifically to bring in more viewers after everyone gave up during 13 era almost leading to the show getting cancelled, a guy whose MAIN REASON for existing is because they knew he'd be incredibly popular, be relevant to 15's story would just. be bad. like again i don't think the bigeneration itself was disrespectful to 15 or stole anything from him but that is IT. 14 cannot come back again, he did his job (nostalgiabaiting audiences + bringing people back in + letting rtd have a beautiful little playground sesh with his old era) and it slapped but he got his time and his ending and i think slash hope rtd knows this and won't do anything to mess with it.
okay sorry that got so fkin long i didnt mean to. ANYWAY. ONTO THE ACTUAL THEORY geez..
SO. wrt the season/episodes being part of a tv show and my general view on tv show theory: like. yeah like you said people generally dislike the ohh it was all a dream twist, and the longer the stretch of time that turns out to have not been real gets, the more annoying the twist is, which i'm 100% sure rtd as a showrunning veteran is very very aware of, so i really don't think they'll do anything as insane as having the ENTIRE thing turn out to have not been real
like i thinnnnnnnnk if it is a tv show then everything we've seen will have been real as in like. it wasn't just the doctor trapped in goo forced to experience fictional people that don't exist and have no consequence once he wakes up
i also think if the tv show theory IS true in some way, then the doctor is definitely aware of it at least to some degree, hell half the evidence we have for it literally comes from things he himself does (and that applies in a broader sense too, even if it's not a tv show or something, he still seems at least partially aware of Something, especially in the devil's chord (which also directly ties into the giggle and references a lot of things) although hints and little moments have steadily declined since then, that was definitely the peak of the theorisable moments era)
so like, tldr of everything i said so far: i dont think 14 is coming back and i don't think they'll make the entire season turn out to have been fake, but im basing both of these solely on the fact that these choices would be really really really bad and i don't think they should happen
as for what i think IS going on: i feel like i can't fully be objective because i really want the tv show hints to go somewhere so i feel like a lot of me believing it comes from wanting to believe it and not actual evidence, but yeah i think it definitely ties into tv in some way
again i don't think they'll be like ohh the entire thing was fiction and none of these people were real so none of it meant anything, i think if it really is some weird non-reality then they'll still do it in a way that makes the real world relevant
but like, as demonstrated above, when it comes to overarching plots i think i'm generally better at predicting what WON'T happen than what will, like idk i can guess the murderer 1 minute into any detective thing but when it comes to guessing stories i can get kinda lost. like idk i notice all the hints and then some but without an obvious thing to point to that ties it all together i can never really make up the larger story of what's going down (unlike with, say, murder mysteries, where you already know all the suspects at the beginning) yknow ?? i hope that makes sense 😭
that and i always feel like making up specific theories means whatever i think will happen definitely WON'T happen so yeah basically i have no idea what is actually going on but i really really love speculating, and i'm not really afraid of any of the negative outcomes you and a lot of other people mentioned, like yea it IS possible and it would be really bad but i don't think they'd do it exactly because it would be really bad. but we'll see i guess...
for now i'm not worried and pretty excited and very very hopeful coz i LOOOOOVE how intricately built this whole season is like oh my goddd yessss hints mysteries secrets foreshadowing haha YESSSSSS HAHAAAAA!!!
one thing tho. that i forgot to consider for this whole essay until i was already typing the ending. is that the whole thing starting in wby with the salt seems likely but hopefully isn't the case HOWEVER. susan twist literally appears in wby well before the salt thing .. which is definitely something to keep in mind. what does it mean? i don't know ❤️ i think whatever her deal is isn't related or at least is only vaguely related to the whole superstition/fantasy thing BUT if it is a tv show and she plays a part in the tv show theory then her being in the episode where the entire genre of the show changed is rly interesting
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sskk-manifesto · 1 year
yeahh atsushi's internal monologue and plea always felt like a eye of the storm moment to me, absolute silence, except for the plea for "somebody anybody... please fight with me". it could have stood well enough on its own, just atsushi calling out in the darkness, the music was not needed
EXACTLY exactly!! It's a moment of complete solitude, and that can only translate with low and slow music / complete silence tbh.
(Following a line of thought I ended up rambling a bit about some things I haven't had the chance to bring up so far, it's quite negative on occasions so leaving it under the cut / feel freee to ignore)
I don't knowwwww like why are they compressing the episodes so badly to the point in three (3) episodes they never had time to roll the ending credits. I don't get it. In my very humble opinion: chapters 84-87 should have taken one episode and half (again. The sskk / Fitzgerald fight has the same length and that's the anime screentime it got). And it actually works perfectly, because chapter 87 *needs* to be a cliffhanger at the end of the episode, so they could have easily arrenged the episodes like: all the previous episodes events (chapters 78-83) should have taken two episodes and half, then the remaining half together with the entirety of episode four would have adapted chapters 84-87. As in season 4, the amount of events adapted isn't really the issue (they're almost adapting on panel by panel basis) as much as it is the restless pace that leaves you trying to catch your breath. By making the events adapted so far take 4 episodes they could have easily spaced everything better, include some things that were overlooked (I feel like leaving out Fukuchi's motives was a big loss... Like as an anime only, why is he even doing what he's doing? I know some people have speculated it's for political reasons and I understand the argument, but then again even if they wanted to include it, how could they possibly make it fit)- not to mention, well, maybe have enough time to show the ending and not make it overlap with scenes that have a completely different atmosphere.
I don't know why they're cutting things so short. The pace was a problem with season 4 too, but now in addition to that there was also a massive and evident quality drop to the animation which... Eh. Episode 3 had whole scenes of just static frames which are extremely awkward to see, and a thousand times more so in a supposedly action centered episode. From the very beginning: if one was bitter enough to bring together all the time they spent on the same Akutagawa / Dazai on opposite sides frame in the first flashback sequence they'd get 36 seconds, which is just unacceptable.
I don't get it. Wouldn't it make more sense to make as many episodes / seasons as possible as to have more dvds to sell AND to keep the fans engaged with the franchise for as long as possible? It's not like the manga updates super quickly so they were in a rush to catch up or something. But that can only lead me to one consideration: what was the reason of having two seasons come out in the same year? From my very limited perspective, applying a little common sense, here's a very simplified way to describe how I'd guess things should work: anime company releases a season. The anime season gets the fans invested, so anime company can sell them merch for a while- and that's why you can attest an abundance of merch release simultaneus and following the anime airing. After some time passes, the audience will start losing interest: that's when anime company releases a new season, and the cycle starts over. If anime company releases the seasons with such a small time frame between them, aren't them losing profit? This way anime company basically ends up losing all the potential profit of the first wave of interest that comes after the season that released first. And it's reasonable to guess that, given the unusual amount of it, bsd profits /a lot/ from selling merch, so I don't get it. (And that is neglecting, in a way that is reprehensible on its own, mentioning the negative ethical consequences that releasing one season right after the other has, especially in relation of overworking animators. I was hoping the execution of season 5 was assigned to a new animators team who worked on it in parallel to season 4 but, given the evident drop in quality and overall how unpolished the new season is, I'm afraid one can't afford the luxury to believe that anymore).
Tl;dr: Capitalism ruined the Atsushi “I’m all alone someone come rescue me” scene, which should have had either silence or a gloomy background music, but instead got the ending song because they just don't have space to fit things. I really can't seem to understand why they'd rush the anime release because it doesn't make sense to me from any point you see it. Also justice for chapters 84-87
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tubatudiaries · 2 years
You and i discovered the sky at 5:53~
Genre:- fluff with slight smut
Beomgyu x f!reader
TW:- praise kink, usage of nicknames like <princess> , <babe> , fingering, nipple play. please let me know if I missed out anything
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You and beomgyu had exchanged phone numbers so you were talking to each other on a daily basis. It was as if without his text your day felt incomplete. Even though you were completely unaware, beomgyu felt the same.
It was only now that you felt blood rushing into your cheeks whenever you met him when you guys hung out. Every small action of his like buying ice cream for you, going shopping together and having a movie night made your heart flutter. Did you fall in love with your best friend that you've known for 6 months? Is this really love or..?
Alone in your home, absorbed in your thoughts whether you loved him in a best friend way or a lover way, thinking about it felt like a math equation which seems impossible to be solved without help from teachers. Therefore you decided to call up your teacher aka your friend Yunjin to solve the impossible equation aka your feelings.
"Heyyy y/n long time no see "
"Seugmin in the buildingggggg~"
You both laughed having the same broken humor.
"What's up gurl, all okay? You usually don't call at this hour "
She was right, you did not think about your actions , it was 11pm and she could've been sleeping . You felt really bad for calling her up really late.
"You're right, I'm sorry Yunjin , you should sleep it's not right to disturb you right now"
" Whoa, whoa y/n calm down it's okay I wasn't sleeping I was completing my assignments you can talk to me about anything you have "
" Yeahh.....sooooooo , it's not about me, my friend made a new male best friend, they are hanging out for around 6 months, but now every little action makes her heart flutter and she blushes really hard around him. She is confused whether she's in love with him or she loves him in a best friend way"
"Are you done with your bullshit" .You got confused as soon as Yunjin said
"Yunjin...... "
"Tell me his name, and stop with this hypothetical situation when you are talking about yourself "
"Hehe, you know me too well, by the wayyyy his name is ..... Please don't tell anyone okay? "
"That's kinda sus tho, but okay"
"Beomgyu". As soon as you said that you could hear your bestie gasping so hard and she suddenly started screaming.
You felt your eardrums might explode because she yelled so loudly you're pretty sure someone must've heard her.
"YAHHH, YUNJIN KEEP IT DOWN WILL YOU?! I had my reasons, we met by accident and he told me to not tell anyone about our friendship, he's an idol please understand his position "
"Sorry for overreacting, you're right. How about you tell me how you guys met! "
"Okay! "
You told her the entire encounter, all she was responding to was "awww", " My hearteu" , "stop pressing my hEaRt button please"
"You both are adorable :3 Movie nights! That's like a whole date in itself , I'm jealous but at the same time happy for you"
"You are saying as if me and beomgyu are together, please decipher my feelings queen Yunjin"
"Okay so my girl hear me out.... YOU ARE LITERALLY IN LOVE WITH HIM . The way you talk about him is so evident. Oh shit , it's 1:30 gotta sleep I can hear my mom coming upstairs since the lights are on, love ya! Byee! "
"Byee! Love you too! "
You started blushing and kicking your feet, choi beomgyu your bias is your crush, not everyone has this privilege but you do . But again, what if you get rejected and it ruins your friendship leading to never meeting ever again?
You were once again caught up with your thoughts and you didn't realized when you slept.
The next day , you woke up and saw the time, it was 8:30am , this is the time you should've left your house for your uni.
"Oh shit, I'm late, this can't be happening:<"
You got ready and just then got a notification
*𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺! 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘣𝘦𝘰𝘮𝘨𝘺𝘶 𝘢𝘵 3!*
A sigh left your mouth, your sleep was ruined because you thought today was monday, but seeing beomgyu's name made your heart do somersaults. You forgot about the fact you had ruined your sleep, you went straight back to getting ready even though it was just 9 in the morning. You were determined to look you best today because you had decided to confess your feelings because YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE (YOLO~)
you rummaged through your wardrobe and found a pretty corset floral dress , and you took out earings and necklace and painted your nails.
You tried on the outfit and felt pretty. The thought of beomgyu made you smile like a fool.
IT WAS 3PM , the wait was over!
Beomgyu came to pick you up and his jaw dropped when he saw you coming down the stairs smiling, you were looking like an angel who had descended from heaven. Whereas you were mesmerized by his beauty he looked so ethereal even though he was wearing only a simple white button up shirt paired with a light wash jeans, he truly was the epitome of beauty. He opened the door of the car and you sat in the passenger seat .
You both vibed in the car to TXT's music and many other artists. You were unaware where you both were going , so you asked him
"Beomie where are we off to today? "
He grinned and replied " Just wait y/nnah you'll see"
The way he was gripping the steering wheel made him look so hot while his expression made him look like an angel.
As soon as the car stopped, you were thrilled to see that he chose amusement park for today's hang out session.
" Beomgyu this is amazing! Thank you for bringing us here I love you"
You said that without thinking anything, you both stared at each other and suddenly looked away,
" Haha, I'm glad you liked it " He said to break the silence.
You both were having so much fun but because of your dress you were facing some problems, beomgyu noticed that you felt uncomfortable and took you to the ferris wheel so that you can enjoy and relax.
You were looking outside , the sky was looking beautiful, the clouds scattered so beautiful you couldn't stop looking at it and didn't notice that beomgyu was staring at you with eyes filled with only love and affection, he adored you as much as you did but was afraid to confess and ruin the chance of being with you. To him you were his everything, his blanket in winters, his sunshine sunshine in rain , his oxygen, you were just too important for him to loose over a confession.
Just when you reached the top of the ferris wheel, you heard a mechanical noise and the ferris wheel moved slightly then stopped. The worker shouted that they will fix it right now, something went wrong. You both looked at each other and it well like forever. Suddenly you remember the surprise you bought for him.
"Beomgyu, show me your hand"
She showed his hand you kept a tiny envelope and closed his hand
"Please only open it when you reach home okay?"
"Okay :)"
"Umm... Beomgyu, I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time".
" Go on y/nnah I'm listening"
His soft smile made your heart flutter, you were thinking about both of you , the beautiful moments you've spent together. You sat up straight and held both of his hands. He was taken aback by your action , even though you couldn't see completely, our cutie beomgyu melted when you held his hand and was blushing hard.
"Beomgyu, you're my amazing friend, we've spent so much quality time together including today, we both have made so many memories together , you take care of me so much, the way you look at me, whenever you help me out and flash that smile my heart crumples , I want to make more memories with you and be with you, take care of you, look after you, hear you out whenever you don't feel good, I want to look at your face forever, I want to look at you and call you mine, I want to be yours, Choi Beomgyu I love you, you drive me crazy, you make my heart flutter and do somersaults, you truly are only one of your kind, you make me the happiest person I am, you are my sunshine, the one who lights my day"
Beomgyu was immensely touched by your confession, that tears started to fall from his eyes , he never felt so loved , he knows moas love him a lot but to be loved in this way, he always longed for such intimacy, he truly felt he chose the right person to spend the rest of his love, you, someone who loves him like this .
His voice was breaking as he was saying
"y-y/nnah , I truly love you, I love you more than myself, ever since I might you, never was there a day where I felt unhappy, you've always been my motivation and my driving force to always go on even when things become hard, you're texts always gave me energy to not give up. I too have always thought about us spending time together and making more memories being more than just friends, but I was always afraid of losing you, you mean a lot to me, you are my everything it felt too hard to risk it all, but now i feel relieved that I don't need to worry no more, I love you y/n"
And just after saying this he lips went crashing onto yours, you kissed him back and both of you smiled through the kiss while also shedding tears. It all felt too unreal . You both broke the kiss while foreheads touching and hugging each other and smiling while looking at each other. The sky was adorning hues of pink and blue and it reminded you both of Taylor's Lovers album, indeed the sky was celebrating this new relationship . You looked at time, it was 5:53 ,
The blue hour.
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘺 𝘢𝘵 5:53 ~
It was getting late so you both sat in the car to go to your respective houses. Beomgyu stopped the car in front of your house. Just when you were about to get out of the car, he held your hand and turned you around , holding your jawline with one hand and waist with the other he passionately kissed you one last time. When he lets you go, he could see that you were as red as a tomato (even though he hates tomatoes, but you are just completely different, extremely cute:))
But this was not the end of your hangout session. He too got out of the car and stood behind you , when you turned the key and opened the door without waiting for you , he took both of you inside while kissing you again.
He's beomgyu, he always is in need of love and now that you too are officially couples he wanted to fulfill his heart's desire.
Beomgyu's kisses went from slow to passionate and you were moaning in between the kisses. He started kissing your jawline trailing off to your collarbones and before he could move any further down , he looked up to you for consent to take things to the next level. The tension was rising, you nodded and you could see his lusty eyes. A smirk spreaded across his face, he took you to the couch and without wasting time he took off your top, then your bra to reveal your tits. "Babe you are so gorgeous" , and he hungrily attacked your tits , sucking on your nipples while holding the other breast in his hand while the other hand was busy playing with the hem of your skirt. He bit your nipple and you moaned "aah b-beomgyu i need you p-please".
Beomgyu lifted to look at your pretty face begging him to drive you crazy. " My princess is so pretty, begging me to ruin you, I'll give you what you want princess " . He took off his shirt and unbuckled his belt and took off his pants and his boxers revealing his pre-cum on them.
You were drooling at the sight of his toned body and you gasp loudly at his sheer size . The sight of naked beomgyu turned you on.
"Eyes here princess" blood rushed to your cheeks and you made eye contact with beomgyu who's ego was on another altitude thanks to you drooling for him ̶i̶t'̶s ̶b̶e̶o̶m̶g̶y̶u ̶l̶i̶k̶e ̶w̶h̶o ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n'̶t .
"So obedient and pretty for me" He teased your wet entrance by circling his slender fingers around it and then pushed his cold digits in you. He had a smirk on his face, he knew what he was doing and his effect on you because you bit your lips and started panting.
you try and ride his fingers, but he just lets you attempt to jerk him off though your hand is much too small for all of him. he grunts, bucking every now and then. your thighs squeeze round him, trying to close in, walls starting to spasm, and he suddenly pulls out, a string of your slick forming. beomgyu just brings his digits and the strong of wetness up to his mouth, sucking and licking loudly the remnants of yourself. as if wanting to share the fruit of your wetness, he brings his mouth down to yours, fingers shoving themselves, too, to give you a proper taste of yourself. you taste the metallic of your blood, too, and it makes your head spin even further.
“you sure you want this, baby? it’s okay if you change your mind…” he offers through heavy breaths, but you nod so eagerly, cutting him off. “please, fill me with your big cock, beomie. i don’t know how much longer i can take without you being inside me!” you sound so pathetic, but judging by the throaty groan of his, he doesn’t seem to mind. seems like he likes it. Beomgyu surprises you when he throws himself over you, feeling your entire body witburying his face into the soft of your breasts, inhaling. his body is rock hard, unfeeling, but you whine and pull him off to try and get a look at his abdomen. beomgyu only laughs, sitting up but letting you look. as you check him out, biting your lip, you fail to see beomgyu aligning himself to your sopping opening. it’s when you feel his fat tip slap against your cunt innumerable you come back to reality, squirming and moaning before he smacks the side of your ass at your petulance with a growl.
he finally quits his teasing and starts inching in, slowly, to which you cry out, bouts of silence from your soundless screams in between your sweet, pathetic cries as your pussy stretches. “c’mon, talk to me, doll. tell me if it’s too much,” he grits his teeth, no longer moving, letting you try and cope with the stretch for a few moments. you struggle to breathe but nod to reassure that he isn’t hurting you. “just slowly, gyu. y-you’re so… big!” only his tip is inside you but he can feel your walls so hot and juicy pulsating around him, it takes everything not to come right there. he looks down and moans loudly; your pussy is stretched wide and throbs so much as his shaft twitches in response.
“fuck me, gyu!” you sob, legs wrapping around his waist. “you feel too good!” he growls some more, pulling out some more to thrust a little deeper. “that’s my line, baby…! pussy so perfect for me, fuck, could do this all day!” your cries get louder at his words, walls getting tighter around his cock that gets deeper and deeper in you.
“i-i… mmm… ‘m so close, beomie!” you moan out, legs squeezing around his waist. beomgyu throws his face into your neck, teething along your collarbones and gouging them deeper along your tits. the stings of pain hardly faze you, warmth of your blood running down your chest. “f—fuck! me, too, yn, me too. just hold on a little longer, please…” he groans, sniffing, wounding, licking, all at once.
“are you gonna come for me, baby? go ahead, when you’re ready, my love.” as soon as he says it, you gasp, walls clamping down, hips spasming rapidly on his big cock. beomgyu goes even harder if at all possible, thrusts getting slower but tip hitting your cervix dead on until you reach your high, a very long cry erupting from your sore throat. beomgyu feels your pussy tighten up but flood around him, unable to help but milk himself deep inside you. his teeth dig in, gouging and grazing pointedly, you’re so dizzy and weak, but so satisfied, still moaning, mouth hung open .
you try and sit up, but it’s too much ultimately, so you opt to staying half sitting up and half laying down, eyelids heavy.
You both hug each other and beomgyu looks at you lovely "y/n i love you " Surprised with the sudden confession, you shyly said it back "me too beomgyu, I love you "
"Let's clean you up babe , you did so good today, thank you for doing this on the first day our relationship , it was really quick but I couldn't control you smell so good " He said sheepishly.
You giggled and squished his cheeks "I'm glad babe you loved it, I love you gyu"
He carried you in bridal style to the bathroom and cleaned you and himself up.
You both changed into fresh clothes and cuddled the rest of the night.
You both stopped kissing to catch your breathes. Beomgyu looked at you with love filled eyes "y/n you are extremely precious, I love you"
His sudden confession made you blush "gyu I love you too" .
It was pretty late you suggested beomgyu to stay the night over at your place. You both changed into fresh and comfy clothes.
You had changed before him and decided to set up the bed so that you two could cuddle, just the very thought of you cuddling with beomgyu gave you butterflies in your stomach. Just then you felt beomgyu holding your waist from behind and hiding in the crook of your neck and whispering " Babe , are you doing all this for us", you looked back at him, him smiling boosts your dopamine, "yes gyu , all for us "
You both got into bed and cuddled. Just then you realised you both had forgotten about the envelope . "Beomie did you open the envelope I gave you", " No babe not yet , should I? "He replied concerned and curious.
" No it's okay babe , we're all comfy , you can open it tomorrow "
"I'm getting curious now what was in it? " He gave you those puppy eyes and pouty face
"Aww don't look at me like that, you're too cuteeee. Okay so there was a paper ring in it and a teeny-tiny letter "
Gyu was extremely touched by your efforts , he wanted to see that ring and letter right now but he didn't wanted to leave your side.
"Babe you are so adorable, first thing in the morning is to read that letter"
Next morning~
Beomgyu woke up before you and as soon as he woke up , he kissed your forehead and tucked your hair behind your ear. You looked like Aphrodite to him, so ethereal while sleeping. He caressed your cheeks and then went to check for your envelope in his clothes which were tossed on a chair in a different room.
The excitedly opened the envelope and found the pink paper ring with a heart in the centre and a letter which read " Gyu, words will not do justice to describe my love for you, so i made this paper ring for you so that whenever you would look at it you would be reminded of us and my love for you, which is deeper than the Pacific Ocean . Gyu remember I don't care whatever might happen between us regardless I would lie for you , I would die for you ~ your y/n"
"Beomgyu hyung what is that in your hand " Kai asked beomgyu ,
Beomgyu looked at his hand and looked up to look at kai " It's my driving force , it's my everything " And he walked smiling while leaving a confused kai.
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coral-island-player · 7 months
ranking the dateable characters + my opinions + characters I wish were romanceable
Hi, keep in mind this is all just my opinions and you don't have to agree with it! I thought this might be fun to write. There are some spoilers ahead. Sorry for my bad English - it's not my first language. Feel free to write what you think in the comments. Very long post under the cut.
28. Ben. Don't get me wrong, he's great, and the only reason he's last is because I'm ranking them based on how much I would want to date them. He's a great friend and a cool guy. I just think he's not attractive to me, and I don't think he would like living at my farm, being vegan and all. Like, I think he enjoys his current lifestyle and doesn't want to change it. He's cool, though :) I like his story arc.
27. Mark. Now, I know he's the most popular bachelor but I just dislike him. He's mean to you from the start, used to be a bully (claims he's changed, but when you join b.o.s. he's just the same to you), and doesn't really change his demeanor to you. I get the appeal of the "mean to everyone but you"/"bad boy"/"tough on the outside, sweet on the outside" but it's just not for me. Yeah it's sweet how he likes animals but it's not enough for me. Besides, he's supposed to be a monster hunter, yet claims he doesn't go into the caverns?? Then what does he do?? He claims to be tough but when it comes down to it, the player character is stronger and actually fights monsters regularly. And is a nice person while doing so...
26. Scott. That's a character that is really cool in theory. A guy passionate about artifacts, who works with you on the museum? Super cool. But I just don't like him. He flirts with a lot of characters, which isn't something I look for in a partner, he's irresponsible, I just don't like that. Besides, he claims that he sometimes donates to the museum. What do you donate, huh Scott? Last time I checked, all the things at the museum are from me. He spends one day a week at the cavern, yet never brings anything back. Probably because he only goes to levels 1 and 2. Seriously? Look I'm not a hater but come on.
25. Semeru. Now I don't know a lot about the guy, so he might move up. But so far, he seems similar to Mark - rude and beloved by the fans. Except at least he has a valid reason to distrust the player character. He doesn't have to be an douche about it though... He might get better with time though, and in that case I think he might move several spots. But so far, I really don't like him.
24. Pablo. Again, not a fan of guys who flirt with basically everyone. I like him more than Scott, because at least he doesn't take credit for my hard work. And he's really nice to talk to. He'd be higher on the list if it wasn't for something that can be revealed through rare dialogue. I won't spoil what it is, but it made me dislike him quite a bit. Besides, he's way more recognised than his brother, which sucks.
23. Luke. He's kind of arrogant. He looks down on the player, because he's rich, or at least that's the vibe I got from him. It's neat that he wants to be successful outside of his parents' achievements, and that he has a dog, but that's not enough. I especially don't like how in one cutscene, he basically tells you to clean up his shop because his dad is coming, and not that I have a problem with him asking me for help, but the way he does that. Yeahh, nope. He has a cute dog, though.
22. Yuri. Again, I know she's popular. And I have nothing against her, really. She's really cool, just I don't find anything about her interesting enough to want to date her. Besides, she has a dialogue when she says she doesn't want commitment, and I don't want to make her do something she doesn't want to, you know? Same as with Ben, better as a friend. Her story made me tear up a little
21. Chaem. Again, she's mean. Though I don't see it as the same like Mark and Semeru, she seems more blunt and honest, and doesn't insult you or anything. Like, I don't think her intention is to be mean, she's just honest about when she doesn't want to talk. She's also a bit arrogant but honestly I don't mind that. Still, she's not a character I want to date that much.
20. Zarah. She's ok. I like how she's adventurous. I don't like how she's kinda rude in one of her events, though, even if she does apologise. Besides, she's allergic to cats and doesn't like them. I really like cats. I don't think that would work out well. She's cool, though. Not much I have to say about her, really.
19. Theo. Honestly, I'm just neutral about him. He's ok. I respect him for being so good at fishing, it's really hard, and playing music is always really cool. I haven't finished his story arc, but it's really sad so far. I like how friendly and positive he is.
18. Kenny. He's just Ken(ny). In all seriousness, he's ok. I like how he's sweet and says really wise things. I originally liked him more, but I like other characters more. I don't think he'd be happy on the farm, being vegan and my character making huge money from eggs and milk. I might do a save when I make a character named Barbie and romance him.
17. Leah. She's mean. Honestly, she's only this high because she reminds me if Haley from Stardew Valley. But unlike Haley, she doesn't have as clear of a redemption arc. I still think she's ok, even pretty good. I like her style, all her outfits are really nice, which is something not all characters can say. Her story is good
16. Raj. Now we're getting to characters that I might romance. I think I will make 28 saves, but these are characters I have more of a positive opinion on. So, Raj is really cool. I like their coffee shop, and their style. I enjoy conversations with them, it's clear they are very passionate about their job which is always good to see! Also, I really appreciate that they're a non-binary character, I don't often see non binary characters in games, especially as romance options. That doesn't influence my opinion on Raj, but I wanted to mention that.
15. Noah. He's a really sweet guy. I really really like him. He's caring, gentle, kind, I can tell he's very good at taking care of others. I like some other characters better, but Noah is great as well. Not much I have to say about him, to be honest.
14. Charles. Unpopular opinion but he's great. I have no idea why so many people hate on him. Sure, he might not be very attractive (though that's subjective. I think he's pretty good looking, compared to some other characters), but he's sweet and friendly. He cares about people, I just like him.
13. Aaliyah. Also very underrated. I see people don't really talk about her, and sometimes outright say she's bland, but I think she's great. I noticed she compliments the player a lot, which is sweet. She's also hardworking and ambitious, which are some great traits to have. I like that about her. So, you can't really say she has no personality. While it is kind of obvious she was added later on, she's still great.
12. Wakuu. Now we get to my favourites (yeah I have 12 favourites. Don't blame me, there are just so many awesome characters!). Wakuu is popular but this time I can agree with the general opinion. I like his story and I think it's great how smart he is. He's just really sweet when you get to know him. I honestly don't have much to say, because for the most of me playing he couldn't speak to me, and now that he can I rarely see him, but when I do, it's great.
11. Rafael. Again, the general opinion is something I agree with here. Rafael is a huge sweetheart and I adore him. He's just so sweet and kind to his friends. I feel really bad for him for always being in his brother's shadow - seriously, the way their parents are is messed up :( Like they misspelled his name (how do you even do that?! wtf), they forgot his birthday and then sent Pablo's favourite gift, joked that he's adopted... At least us fans can appreciate him. Also I just wanted to say it's super cute how he's a great uncle to Valentina (and dare I say, raises her more than Antonio - I never see him with her but I often see her with Rafael).
10. Suki. She's so amazing and I love her personality. She'd be much higher if it wasn't for her heart events - the player is barely involved in them, plus there's Antonio's events that can trigger when she's with you that I won't spoil, but it's weird in that case. Yeah... I still think she's great - she's a very confident and strong, yet kind person.
9. Surya. My favourite guy in the game. I think he's adorable, how he's so passionate about science and the environment. Especially since it's something that the player also likes. I think he's an amazing partner.
8. Millie. I love books, just like her, so that's one thing. And I think she's incredibly sweet and smart. And I love her nicknames! They're so sweet and funny.
7. Macy. She was hard to rank - before I actually started playing, I thought she was the one I'd like the most. However, I find her storyline a bit lacking in substance, and 90% of what she talks about is the sunlight. I get it, but I want to know more about her. She's really cute, though.
6. Nina. She's a character we meet a bit later, and at first I didn't like her that much, but she's grown on me. She's a great character and I really like her. Kind of similar to Luke but doesn't look down on anyone.
5. Princess Miranjani. I can't wait for the update when I can find out more about her and romance her! She's really great, I love how she stood up in the player's defense and she's just as curious about humans as I am about merfolk. I think romancing her would be really great.
4. Denali. It was veery close there with Miranjani, but I think I like Denali a bit more so far - maybe because Miranjani seems more interested in the fact that you are a human than who you are? I still adore them both, and I really like how Denali stands up for the player to Semeru.
3. Lily. She's amazing. I like when she talks about bonsai - I always thought they were really cool. I think it's so sweet how she's a bit shy and introverted but gets closer to the player.
2. Alice. I romanced her on one of my save files and I have no regrets. She's very sweet and adorable, I also like how she's interested in the supernatural things (I wish I could tell her all about the giants, merfolk and the godess. Well, I wish I could tell that to many characters but especially Alice). I like her story arc. She says many sweet things when dating and married. Though she did say recently "I feel like we're driven apart" for some reason? Even though I give her plenty of gifts. I don't know. Anyone knows what that might be about? I'm not playing on the save rn (I got some more saves planned, I have this challenge where I make characters and focus on one skill, this one being farming), but I'd appreciate if someone told me what I'm doing wrong
Eva. She's literally so sweet and kind and pretty, and she's my favourite love interest in the game. I'm aiming to romance her in one of my current saves. I don't really have one precise reason why she's my favourite. I just think she's great.
Bonus: characters I wish were romanceable (maybe in a future dlc?)
• Karen. Look... I can fix her (or she could make me worse). All I'm saying is this could be a great enemies to lovers arc. Or we could be on her side from the start
• Raina. I just think she deserves a better life than working at Pufferfish. I know she's a good person.
• Derek. I mean, why make such an attractive character if he's not going to be romanceable?
•I think the above 3 could be a part of DLC or a big update where you can join Pufferfish (kinda like Joja route in sdv). Perhaps in between the event where you talk to Mayor Connor and the event at the museum (and the diving event, and the dream) you get approached by Karen who asks you to join them and thrive (sorry) and you have the choice to agree and thus not get any of the museum, giants and merfolk events (instead of the merfolk being romanceable you have these 3 Pufferfish workers being romanceable), maybe you get some benefits but also the game guilt trips you, the town stays polluted and maybe even gets worse, and the townsfolk often complain, and it's made clear that you picked the morally wrong choice and you miss out on some of the game features, but you get some benefits too, but are they really worth it? I just think that currently I don't feel like the player saving the town feels like they are a good person, because there was no choice. If there was a choice, it'd feel more good to pick the good path, you know?
• Agung. Please.
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fand0mswithbunny · 1 year
the second golden bolt tournament premiere review/analysis 🔩
Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and gentlethems to the first of many Battlebots episode reviews and analysis. I was going to do a liveblog but I feel asleep not even half way through and I finished the episode earlier today. If you haven't seen the new episode I highly suggest you do, there's a lot of things that went down and its just a good premiere and episode, but if you haven't you might wanna scroll. (also this is going to be a long one who prepare your nuts people YES I MEANT WHAT I SAID.)
First of, I wanna start with the changes with this show and the differences between this season and the last one. The most notable one is the removal of the matchup with the gatekeeper from the last season. I thought they were going to reveal it in the end or make it so that the final competitor standing does not know who they're fighting until near the end, but no! They don't even mention it beforehand at all in the episode and the last bot standing instantly goes to the finals. Idk why they removed it, I THOUGHT THEY WERENT BUT I GUESS NOT?? Based on the little clips they showed at the start they showed Will Bales, and I thought this was because Hypershock was going to be a gatekeeper for this season but IDK THEY REMOVED IT?? I do kinda miss that aspect of the show because its what made it more interesting for sure but it did really caught me off-guard with it. Maybe Hypershock will be in one of the brackets? Or maybe they just won't compete at all. Idk, its just something I thought was worth mentioning because I couldn't really find it being discussed anywhere. Also I love Kenny's Key and their.... interesting connotations. Aside from that there's no big changes, so let's get to the fights themselves! SHREDDIT BRO! vs Skorpios - Wow. Whoever predicted Shreddit Bro was going to come out like Minotaur on this one should be given an gold medal WHAT AN OPENING FIGHT. Idk what Evan Arias did to the robot before this but they're looking like a beast out there. The Bro™ was so dominant and all over Skorpios the full fight, if you showed this fight to someone who's never seen the show they'll think its some top tier contender for the title. NO ITS JUST SHREDDIT BRO AND THEY JUST CAME OUT OF NOWHERE- also I just realized Zach look kinda as his bot was being counted out UEUEUEUEUE I WANNA GIVE HIM A HUG :( YOU TRIED YOUR BEST PRODUCERS JUST REALLY FUCKED THEM OVER BY GIVING THEM A DRUM </3333333 Overall great opener, really good start for Shreddit Bro.
Rotator vs Terrortops - Idk if I have much to say about this fight as much as the last one, but Terrortops didn't do too bad here, they survived a while against Rotator which is not easy. But yeah, this was Rotator's fight to win and its pretty satisfying seeing them be so dominant again.
Switchback vs Kraken - WOAH YOU GUYS IT WENT TO THE JUDGES HOW SHOCKING! Yeahh Kraken got pretty beaten here, I realized these two are pretty similar in design but Switchback just kept delivering the hits. I don't have anything else to say except good performance from Switchback and this is Matt Spurk's TENTH loss in a row since Rusty jabbed Kraken's face out. Like that is just brutal. SOMEONE GIVE THIS MAN A HUG AND A GOOD OPPONENT PLS </333
Valkyrie vs Ominous - I'm starting to see a pattern here that all the winners had something to prove and has mostly really improved since last season. I thought Ominous would've held on a bit better because of that big plow but yk. yeah. This fight was honestly the best they've performed in a while until the next fights, like I think something simultaneously clicked for all the winning teams in the pits and they decided to POP TF OFF- and honestly?? good for them. good for them.
(okay that took a while to write but its okay. just. 3. more. fights.)
SHREDDIT BRO! vs Switchback - Okay if Minotaur and Shreddit Bro doesn't happen in season 8 I'm rioting. BUT ALSO Switchback, yk in the first 5 seconds WASNT DOING BAD and then he lost the chain. At that point The Bro™ the starting chewing away at him like he was Minotaur. SERIOUSLY HOW? BUT ALSO IM REALLY IMPRESSED. Like I love how this episode was just full of twists and turns and the fandom were collectively shocked at how out of nowhere their wins and dominance are. LIKE THAT LAST HIT WAS INSANE and usually Switchback's pretty durable and bulky. I think if they can figure out a way to protect the wheels, maybe some armor, and get their weapon to not hit the floor, they can be a force to be recon with. (also ik what I described is basically Minotaur but listen let Evan cook okay.) This was the fight I started becoming a Broliever one would say. I believe in the bro that brolieves in me. ooh yeah gottem. (im not mentally stable someone help)
Rotator vs Valkyrie - We all knew producers were going to hype up this rematch and it did not disappoint. Both robots held up really well against each other but Rotator's plow was a really good choice. I do think that Rotator would've had a chance if they'd boxrush them, but otherwise Valkyrie was winning this. Credits to Lucy for staying aggressive and if there were more time I think the plow and side armor would've been completely ripped out. I do prefer the first fight but this fight was still really good.
Okay. That was a lot of fights. But lets take a break and get on with the AWARDS!! First off, the Excellence in Sportsmanship went to Rory Mangles of Monsoon. I didn't know who he was at first but when I was looking through Reddit and seeing the stories, yeah, this guy deserves it. What an absolute chad. This did get me thinking, with this award and the Founder's Award, it got me thinking that these awards can now be awarded to an individual person and not just a full team which is really cool. Now onto the Most Destructive which NOT ONLY DIDNT GO TO SHITTIDE BUT WENT TO MY BOY HUUUUUUGE!! WOOOOOOOO YEAHHH BABY!! THATS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR, THATS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT!!!!!!!! ahem Okay seriously I thought it was either going to Shittide or Copperhead 100% and I understand why ppl would be surprised at this BUT I AM NOT COMPLAINING WE TAKE THIS W. EAT SHIT ETHAN. Onto the Grant Imahara: Best Design Award goes to RIPperoni and honestly I didn't see it going anyother way, maybe except Horizon but theyre design wasn't performing well, so RIPperoni was really the only pick. And finally, the Founder's Award which goes to Martin Mason! HONESTLY REALLY DESERVED he is the spirit of the sport and overall he just seems like such a great guy. Good for him. Good for him. Now, with all that aside, its time for the finals.
SHREDDIT BRO! vs Valkyrie - Coming into this fight I wanted The Bro™ to win because of their story, but Valkyrie really did good by breaking their drum, but Evan did amazing trying to adapt and get Valkyrie to break their spinner. Just shows that even when Evan is being this cool guy character he's really smart and tactical. I'm so excited for what's to come from this bot and congrats to Evan. Good for him. Good for him.
This episode was a really good start to the season and next weeks episode is a really stacked lineup. I personally think Black Dragon, and MadCatter or Whiplash are my picks for the finals but I'm personally rooting for my boy REESE EWERT FROM FUSION LETS GOOO REESE FUCK THEM UP!! As for SHREDDIT BRO!, I think they lose against Sawblaze, a pretty good chance against Tantrum, and 50/50 against End Game. THINK ABOUT IT we live in a timeline where SHREDDIT BRO has a good chance at beating the former champions. LET THAT SINK IN THE DOOR. I do kinda think the pacing was kinda off this episode but overall this is a really good start to the season, a solid 8/10 episode for me.
ok now im going to sit down time to rest. good night tristate area.
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melissa-titanium · 11 months
jade harley for the ask game :33 ermm also terezi perhaps
OMG. ON IT BOSS!!!!!!!!!
favorite thing about them LITERALLY SO HARD. whats not to love!!!!! i liked her at first because she reminded me a lot of marcy (hehehe) but shes just!!! so . sweet. she loves her friends so much SO MUCH and i wish i was that cool . smile :)
least favorite thing about them ill say this again. whats not to love?? i think the closest thing to Disliking anything about her is. how she got thrown into obscurity towards the end of the comic. how her arc wasn't quite completed... but i guess everyone shared that issue x0 .. though with her character? like .herself? nuh uh! shes so awesome i love jade
favorite line not really a Line but her entire convo with jadesprite. yeahh girl LET IT OUT!!! YEAHHH!!!!!!! also her convos with callie were very sweet x)
brOTP i don't really know if this counts. but her and bec! i know that's like.. her guardian. but i just wish they had more OnScreen is that the right word time together. they're lovely.
OTP i dont think alot about shipping when i think of jade! but i'd have to say davejade, they're lovely. :)
nOTP pretty hard to pick, uh... I don't take shipping seriously enough to hate any particular ship with her!
random headcanon i have one hundred and one visual headcanons about her i could actually go on and on forever. there's some thin extra awesomesauce to me about how simple her god tier design is in canon because yeah baybee i can EXPAND on that !!! give her long trails of white ear fluff that looks like hair, strange doggy lips. perhaps fluffy arms! my MOST thought about headcanon is definitely my weird sprite-visualizing stuff. i talk about it alot, (or atleast did!) but i havent drawn it in a while so here's a little doodle.
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unpopular opinion alot of my opinions are amongst the popular but... i think jade would be pretty short! pre godtier. i think post godtier she'd gain a foot or so because bec is definitely a wolf and wolves are huge. i used to think she would be tall too, but floralmarsupial's character designs changed my thoughts on that. they're super cool you should check them out if you havent seen them.
song i associate with them bugbear chloe moriondo and roman holiday. both from different lyricstucks i saw with her in them so i always think of her when i see them, i'm bad at assigning stuff on my own so i cant think of anything myself.
favorite picture of them
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YAY!!!!!! this panel is so pretty :)))
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pxlution · 5 months
tagged by the amazing @formulanni :DD
Who is your favorite driver?: it's Charlie, sue me. There's just something about this man that intrigues me too much, something so tragic, so poetic, etc. etc.
Do you have other favorite drivers?: Yuki and Lewis 100%!!!!! I generally like most drivers though if their vibes aren't too abysmal.
Who is your least favorite driver: this is not the best time to admit this mayhaps but since a season or so ago, I've begun to like Lando less and less? Something shifted in his vibes last year even though I used to like him idk 🤷‍♀️ I apologize ok!! I respect it if you stan him still. (the same applies to danny ric but to a lesser degree)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well? Hm, I think it's a bit of both but stanning Charles is soo interconnected to stanning Ferrari imo, as for Lewis and Yuki I think that's more because it's them (tho VCARB is my fav mid table team still)
If you like teams what teams do you pull for?: forza ferrari babyyy (and again there's some VCARB love there, and yes, i am a masochist)
How long have you been into F1?: I'm a fairly new fan! I think it's been around 2-3 years no since I started watching? I wasn't super into it at first (a friend basically forced me to start watching lmao) but after a good couple of months, I was obsessed
What got you into F1?: one of my best friends watched dts, became obsessed, forced me to watch races with him and just yapped about f1, then forced me to watch dts, after which i also became obsessed
Do you enjoy fic/rpf?: yeahh,, i actually,,, kinda write it too,,, but noone is supposed to know this haha
How do you view new fans: i'm one of them so hey hahah i hope the older fans don't hate us too much
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: red bull so i can ruin them and give everyone else a chance /j if i'm being a little more serious it's probably one of the mid table teams like VCARB or Alpine bc i am delusional and i am convinced that i can somehow make them win something
Are your friends and family into F1?: aside from friends i've found through f1, not really? my family isn't really into sports, maybe they'll watch football at most and i have one (1) friend who's properly into f1 (the same one who got me into it) and he gives me all the memes and updates basically
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: YES!! PLEASE I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS ESP ON TUMBLR SO JUST YAP AT ME PLEASE I BEG!!!!!! I'm not as active here but I am fairly active on insta so you can yap at me there too!!
I don't really know who to tag ngl (see previous answer) but feel free to do this if you see it! maybe we will find similarities :D
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tojikai · 1 year
i'm sorry if i don't sound like i'm making sense but what the fuckk this was really a rollercoaster of a chapter like oh my god it's so good 😭😭
this chapter got me thinking like why are there holes in my toji x yn ship LMAOOFJJ but then it wasn't surprising bc him mentioning his wife for no reason every time is actually.... on brand? idk like, suddenly he doesn't seem like a good person on the long run for yn ://
especially when satoru's out there actually making an effort to fix himself and not expect anything out of it even with how he badly seems to want to be rewarded for it.. (i'm still rolling over in my tears over the toji dada thing like the version of that in this chaper is just... 😭) and i actually commend him for that. and him having the courage to stand up and threaten his mother with a restraining order was actually a big step.
so with the direction this story is going, i dont think i'm ashamed to say that i'm actually rooting for satoru now JDKFKSKS like he's trying to earn yn back in a way that makes up for all his wrongs so i hope he gets rewarded for it somehow, even if it's not with yn...
not with naomi tho. she's not a reward. somehow she's a bigger cursed energy than rika and sukuna combined >:(
bruh i initially had some sympathy for her bc she seemed clueless about all the stuff that's going on. and reading along the interaction with mrs. oompa loompa, i still actually have some of that left... until the "i'm better for him not her" bs came along...
she really annoyed me this chapter bro like she will babytrap satoru without his consent bc she wants to be there for him as a better woman for her??? make it make sense luv...
(literally i was screaming AWW HELL NOO NAOMI throughout that shit 😭 i hope satoru wakes up and gets hollow purpled out that fuckin house !)
anyway,,, thank you for blessing us again with this another banger of chapter, kai !! you delivered once again !! it's really SO good <33
i hope yn gets the happiest ending with yui, hopefully satoru, and.... MEGUMI ! literally the mvp of this fic. the star. the main man. srsly, he doesn't ever misses to slay !! like that part where he immediately side-eyed satoru the moment he heard yui call toji dada 💀 little man also deserves a happy ending !
okay i rambled for too long, thank you again and have a great day ahead kai !!
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naomi being a curse bigger than rika and sukuna HRJSKSKSKSKS and yeahh, gumi understands things, he's a toddler, doesnt talk much but he knows what's happening around him like who is who. he's a bit older than yui so yeah. as for satoru, it's not even trying to earn back yn anymore, but rather making up to her. he left it up to the heavens or fate if she'll be back w him but he's not forcing her or anything. he just want to make up for all the things that he did before💔
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
🌻 its cruel of anyone to push someone away from their own culture just cuz they dont fit the "standards" or whatever other shit 💔 ohhh u dont know the language— stfu first of all learning a language is hard. im bilingual and its hard for ME to learn any other language. i had german and spanish in school and i simply could not learn any of them and same goes for any other language i tried to learn on my own!! i learned nothing in the end even tho ive been learning english since first primary, meaning i already should have some experience in learning a new language. but i dont. and second of all no one should ever demand proof from anyone that they are a part of this culture or whatever like!!
it’s not only annoying but also fucked up that people have the sheer audacity to set stupid requirements for OTHER PEOPLE'S identity. one's identity can be so hard and sensitive of a topic and having someone try to police u in this matter, try to tell u that no sorry u dont know the language/culture so u cant call urself that— i genuinely have no respect for people who act like this
and third of all idk man if someone came to me and said "hi i want to learn more about poland and the culture because i have polish family" (because suurprise!! im polish too!!!!) id be more than happy to tell them everything i know. even if i might not be the best knowledge source AHAJSJDKDK they dont know polish? or anything abt poland?? they just learned their family is polish??? it simply doesnt matter this person wants to learn more about themselves and im more than happy to cheer on them and hope that theyll learn everything they want. and that theyll never feel excluded out of something they deserve to have place in
this got a little long but as u can tell i got very passionate about this topic 😭😭😭 it annoys me so hard how unhuman some people can be
SOO TRUE it's so invalidating ESPECIALLYYYYY when it's always other latino or hispanic people telling me. bro please. i am doing my best here 🙏🙏
i tried for years to learn spanish and it NEVER clicked in my brain. i know basic spanish and basic french (i had to take a foreign language class a few years back so i took french 1) that's it. Please. learning a language takes so much practice and patience and the issue with learning spanish is that my pronounciation will inherently be more "white" because erm. yeahh. english is the only language i've ever spoken fluently. and for some reason, there are many native spanish speakers think it's funny to make fun of mispronounciations? so now i'm scared to practice because of that. 🫶 it's not cute or funny and it's never been in intended an affectionate way. but i am also mentally ill and neurodivergent so that probably doesn't help AJKSFBJSLSHNFM idk man but it is NOT "all in good fun" it's EMBARRASSING!!!!!
IT'S GENUINELY SO FRUSTRATING why should i have to prove my ancestry to you? like. first of all that's really none of your business and second of all i literally do not have to prove anything?!?!?!?! no-one does?!?!?!?! no-one is somehow any less of their heritage simply because they don't know much about it. literally. it is so upsetting why can we not just let people live peacefully fr.
SOOO REALL i need to ask about it again because my maternal family is generally very open about this kind of thing, and it's easy to communicate with them because there is no language barrier between us. i would love to know more about myself. because my culture is something i deserve to have a part in, you know? it's literally in my blood. it is something i always was and always will be, and i feel like i have a right to want to learn about it.
nooo it's okay!!!! i completely get it. i feel like it's becoming very common for people to be less and less human. and it makes sense, given... you know. politics and everything lately. not to be political /lh but there is just a little too much hate being spread and i dislike that so much. many people have forgotten how to be kind and it's just???? very sad and upsetting.
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wklwllp · 12 days
having a lot of fun drawing now !! i realized something about me today that is i can't study for more than 2 hours wich pissed me off a little bit because i will never have all this free time again in my life and i still fantasize about the studying for super long hours, but i also think that's good in some perspective ?? idk. i still have a lot of fun .
stopped learning gesture for a while and got into loomis books to learn how to draw heads, which i am loving it SO MUCH, never thought he was such s good teacher !? it helped me a lot and i already did a lot of heads that made me satisfied and really motivated me to keep going, looove. i wanted to draw heads for a long time and finally getting into it.
will be 20 in 5 days and not happy .. will do nothing to celebrate this day, i don't feel so good. instead i will buy a lot of art supplies! that i am the most excited, i will finally learn watercolors !!! painting !!! can't belieeeeve i wait for this day since 2021, since i decided to be an artist. painting in digital pissed me off, i just know i will have more fun on traditional medium because i have done it before and never really cared, hell yeahh
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Meadow's Diary!
Entry #1 - First Day in Namulia!
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It was like waking up from a very long sleep. In what felt like seconds I somehow existed. I looked around, and all I could see was grey. I was inside a grey machine with some weird spikes. I felt so empty.
I don't remember what came before that. I guess I'm not supposed to, but something I remember very well was that empty feeling. I couldn’t recognize a single thing that was around me. It felt overwhelming. If it wasn't for Stasis showing up, I probably would just stay there forever without moving..
Oh yeah! Stasis, Stasis saved my life that day. I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for him. I would probably be really scared and overwhelmed, not that nuls showing up helped. I still felt really overwhelmed.
I remember the first thing nul said. "You okay there, kiddo? Welcome to Namulia… I guess," or something like that, maybe I don’t actually remember what nul said.
Those words stuck to me like glue on a piece of paper, or like dust to my feathers, ugh. Stasis guided me through the whole process of being a Namu. I felt so empty during all that. I couldn't think much, my mind sounded so empty. I didn't know where I was.
Yeahh... The process. After talking to me and explaining what a Namu was, Nul took me to a room and talked about me. Nul told me my name "Meadow" and explained how the Respawn Machine worked. It sure was an experience.
After all that, nul took me to do an "Immunity test." Nul never told me that immunity tests involve syringes! I don't feel very proud of freaking out, but it was my first time experiencing pain. It wasn't fun. Nul used those tests to determine my immunity and blood colour. Nul told me I was a gold blood. It sounded important, but then I discovered it wasn't. No blood colour is more or less rare than the others. Nul also said my immunity was blood loss, so I guess my human lost their precious blood.
What even are humans anyway? Stasis told me that they live on the planet that we see far away in the sky, but I never saw one in person. Nul also told me that Central Namulia sent a Namu to visit them, nuls name is Jimmy or something like that I don’t know. I don’t really care about Central Namulia.
Oh yeah... I got sidetracked again... Where was I?
My first day, yeah... Continuing... Stasis, after nul finished the tests, took me outside. I remember seeing a lot of snow first. I didn't think it was supposed to be cold, but to be honest, I still don't feel cold. It was quite empty. I remember seeing Marie and Sunny there, nuls had a cake for me, and a small card saying, "Welcome to Namulia." Sunny told me that cakes are a human tradition and that he's glad to teach me about human culture. I don't know. I think humans are lame. They don’t have feathers, that's really lame, but I accepted his request because I didn't want to seem rude. Guess I'm getting ahead of myself.
Back to my first day. I didn't really know what eating felt like, so Stasis suggested keeping the cake for later. I didn't know Marie and Sunny properly back then, but nuls always gave me a welcoming aura.
After that, things were way calmer. Stasis took me to nuls house and said that I could stay until nuls found a house for me. Which was never, to this day I live with nul. Mostly because Northern Namulia is a bit empty. Nuls told me that nuls wouldn't even give me a house because the people in Northern Namulia thought that it would be better for me to stay with nul. I don't mind, Nul is a good roommate.
I remember going to bed for the first time, It felt so comfortable. Putting my blanket on me and slowly drifting away was a very special experience.
So… This was my first day... Not much happened, but it was still really fun. I have a lot to tell about my first days here in Namulia, but I guess that's to be left for another day. I'm running out of time, and class is ending. Meadow out.
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angebaby · 4 months
Intoject Ask Game
1. What's your name and source?
Ange, and I'm Angel Dust
2. What type of introject are you? (Fictive, factive, etc.)
3. How connected do you feel to your source?
i guess id say very connected
4. Do you have any exomemories? What's your favourite one?
my memories are vague and hard to talk abt and describe. but im thinki g abt times i had w cherri.
5. What do you think of your source's fandom?
I enjoy it mainly for all the great art and smut!!!
6. Do you have any sourcemates in your system?
well i dont rly know if we share the same canon, but we have an Alastor <3 do also have a Husk but I don't know him v well yet
7. Have you ever met any sourcemates outside your system?
yea! again not sure abt canons but, yea!!!
8. Have you ever posted/sent a sourcecall anywhere? Did it help you find sourcemates?
no havent felt the need to,, yet
9. What do you think are your biggest differences from/similarities to your source?
im a transfem dyke so yea that DOES change things but i didnt look different (or want to look different, i liked how i looked!) and i mean im not necessarily 100% exclusive to women but i prefer em fer sure (and i love women with weird and fucked up genders <3) OH another thing i guess I MUCH prefer topping. I mean 4 my job i just did what i had to do but I rly love being a dom top (there are instnaces/w certain ppl id prefer subbbing tho)
10. Do you like being compared to your source?
yea I do as long as ppl arent weird abt me being a real person
11. What's your favourite thing about your source?
hmmm. I guess I like. i dunno! the songs are fun
12. What's your least favourite thing about your source?
well one thing i dont like is that its so short lol. ik theres gonna be more seasons but. snot enough!
13. Any funny exomemories?
hmmm nothing coming to mind. damn i wanna think more abt memories....
14. Does your appearance differ from your source's appearance?
i dont think so
15. What other role, if any, do you have in the system?
I honestly dont know shit abt that
16. If you could go back to the life you had in your exomemories/source, would you?
UM NO. as much as I miss ppl, I'm ok not being in hell
17. Does this universe differ at all from the one in your exomemories/source?
umm yeahh lolll. cuz like, i do t ely have any memories as a living person, only rly remember hell
18. What's your favourite clothing item/accessory that the system owns?
we got some fun pink heart glasses! in general we need more fun clothes tho i dont like our stuff
19. Do you have any merch of your source?
Angel poster signed by blake roman!! we cant rly hang it up but its tucked away in onuv our sketchbooks
20. Do you ever get homesick? If yes, what do you do to deal with it?
I do. not really for any of the places, but I miss the ppl...I dunno what I do. just wallow? well I am in a fictive and kin server and I can talk about it there with other ppl who understand ao that. Helps
21. What songs remind you of your source?
I think keshas album gag order, like the WHOLE ALBUM reminds me of it.
22. What activities/things remind you of your source?
ummm flirtingg and having sex
23. Do you like engaging with your source/content about it?
I do, most of the time! I like rewatching the show, even ep 4. actually, I specifically like rewatching the first half of ep 4 the most. comforting, somehow??
when it comes to other hazbin stuff outside of the show, I honestly dont know as much about it. we didnt follow the pilot or any of the stuff before the show. but i do wanna start dipping my toes into that stuff, to see what still holds true fer me
24. Have you ever created content related to your source? (Art, fanfiction, etc.)
we've been drawin a bit! haven't posted most of it but DO plan on posting stuff on our twitter. I actually started a valangel piece today.
25. How do you feel about doubles?
I actually LOVE doubles, cuz I feel like they Get it, yknow?
26. Talk about anything you want, relevant to rhe rest of the questions or not!
i wish i has more memories but everythin is way 2 vague,,, but. um! oh well!
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ffsg0jo · 4 months
Hii it's the anon who asked about JJK and a hijabi reader and I just read your piece on Gojo and omg MashaAllah it might be one of THE BEST pieces I read!! 🥹🥹
I don't even know where to start!! I was giggling and kicking my feet the whole time! MashaAllah your ideas were so original and creative and you wrote them so nicely and you nailed Gojo's character personality!!
For example it was so creative to talk abt how he would mistake us for doing a cosplay cause of similar experiences he had whilst living in Japan!
Here are other stuff that I just thought were👩‍🍳💋 (sorry it might be long :'))
- the abayas being expensive was too relatable and him buying a whole wardrobe is just soo him!! I loved that part!
- Gojo sweating in a tank top like an immigrant dad was not something I thought I could imagine but here we are. And I love it!!! Also the breezy abaya in summer was so relatable again :)))
The quick fire headcanons were amazing, especially:
- the terrorist jokes, he 100% makes them lmao
- stepping on our abayas on purpose like a child is soo him, especially if he didn't want us to go anywhere or something 😭
- and him having extra pins on his uniform just for us 🥹🥹🥹. I'm usually that friend and having someone else do that for me is justttt 🥰🥰.
Overall, just thank you so so much for taking up my ask, I sent it so quickly after reading your Ramadan work, I even forgot to check if you were taking any requests 😭.
I can't wait to read more!! Also not sure if you write for him, but I was wondering if you could include Sukuna to your list of characters for this? No pressure though!! :)
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- ⭐
i've been saving this ask in my ask box for so so long just because i wanted to keep it forever and ever and now i'm scared tumblr's going to delete it by accident. i hope you don't mind me responding to this really really late but i keep coming back to this ask every couple of days because it's just so sweet and i love you so so much.
you genuinely flatter me tooooo much. you're a writer's dream reader fr thank you so much for your kind words and i'm so glad you liked it so much.
i think representation in media is incredibly important and i havent seen that many muslim reader fics so i try to write as many as i can. they don't get a lot of engagement tbh but even if one person reads it and feels seen that's enough for me !!!
stop it you ask is making me giggle again for like the 100th time. every time i read it i feel so giddy and happy. honestly that's the biggets compliment ever. i feel like the way i write characters is a little ooc sometimes but you're so sweet to say that. i really really appreciate and i hope you like sukuna's one (when i eventually get round to finishing it and posting it).
also abayas are too expensive nowadays i could cry seeing some of the prices so now i wear a mixture of farasha abayas and long modest dresses that arent form fitting because they tend to be a lot cheaper.
ughh yes i love you for being that friends. backbone of our society for real !!!
honestly please feel free to send in any more requests you have, they can be literally about anything and i'd be more than happy to do it.
icl i was halfway through megumi's and i started wring sukuna's and nanami's but then i got caught up in writing other things that i suddenly got inspiration for. and the way i write is i have to focus on one thing at a time but i will hopefully post them soon inshaAllah. i was thinking of splitting sukuna into two parts as well, like true form heian era sukuna and a modern era sukuna too. but yeahh inshaAllah soon !!!
im so sorry to keep you waiting for a response and i hope you don't hate me ;-; i really really wanted to keep this ask forever but it's fine i have a screenshot of it anyways hehehehehe so i can read it back time to time.
i appreciate you sending an ask in so so much and genuinely you've made so many of my days by sending this in. thank you so so much and i hope you have a wonderful day inshaAllah. also wa iyakki my love and sukuna looks so good lmaooo. that's brother suleiman fr fr
wishing you the very very best and i hope you're taking care and staying safe inshaAllah <333
also here's a picture of mufti abdul ghaffur
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twinhood-2dot0 · 1 year
ramblings of an insane sleep deprived person
I wrote a very long post that took more than 2 weeks so ig i took a break :P. And I also don't know what to write. Like, I have a lot I wanna talk about, but, like, one thing I wanted to talk about is an anime I finished a few weeks ago that I became enamored with and probably the second best work of fiction I've ever read, named Chainsaw Man (yeah I know, doesn't sound like something you'd call peak fiction but it subverts all expectations.) but, like, i don't wanna ruin the experience? Idk if you'll ever be able to read/watch it, since it has like, lot of gore... i think? i think I've gone past the point of recognizing how disturbing something is. Idk, didn't feel especially gory to me, but then again, I've read attack on titan and the walking dead and watched a ton of especially gory stuff. wow, how far I've come. anyways, its an awesome story with very well written characters and well, death. if you're writing something, if you kill everyone, I'll fall in love with it. but that's not it tho, the deaths themselves are soooo well executed. I got spoiled on one death and that did not at all take away from the impact from actually reading it. Yeah, I actually spoiled something, I did not expect it to be this good, so I was more lenient. Uhhh what else... yeahh not much im really bored pls send help.
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