#yeet the object
amynchan · 1 year
Guys, do you ever throw stuff at yourself to catch it, just to burn the bit of hype energy?
Like, toss something small from one hand to another, toss your phone to somewhere nearby, spit out your keys when you need them? that kinda thing?
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stellavesperis · 28 days
“Insufferable.” Well I’m glad Círdan agrees about Daeron.
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lovinglapislazuli · 1 year
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Here's a bunch of assorted memes with the new funny Canadian teens, my beloveds
All the memes in question are under the cut
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mallywarez · 4 months
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i like these guys a normal amount i think
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skythealmighty · 10 months
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hi flatlanders. i object charactered them. can you imagine a square suddenly becoming three dee. hed be all "HOLY SHIT?!" meanwhile a sphere nearly died lmfao. this is so self indulgent but i lirerally could care less
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keykidpilipili · 7 months
Retrospectively it's really funny that dream drop wasn't Sora having adventures during the Big Year Nap while everyone else was experiencing 358/2 Days drama.
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Optimus is sharing his misery via snark. Which Blitzwing is taking as encouragement to keep going. The lecture includes diagrams of what purple prose in prewar smut actualy means. I imagine Shockwave is using wide band broadcast of the recording as propaganda and psychological attack. Maybe have it blare on every screen and comm for a few hours on loop before Longarm Prime can get it taken down. Because this is clearly being recorded.
Oh Starscream is very much treating this like class discussion. Mentions important acts and positions or at least ones he feels are important for any idiot to know. But the worst is when he winks at Blitzwing over the Autobot's helms and starts listing random items. "Now now lord Starscream zat is too advanced for ze little autobots." Niether Blitzwing nor Starscream know how you would use those items to interface but "ze mech with the chin seems to be having ideas."
The poor Jet twins are so confused, and Sari is just comparing notes like oh your smutty novels sound like earth smutty novels. Down to the same crappy sword and spear metaphors.
Ratchet: Sari you are to young be reading those sorts of novels!"
Sari: What?! I bypassed the parental controls years ago. There's so much worse on the internet than bodice rippers.
Optimus: We are not having this conversation!
Oh no
Oh no Oppy you have merely encouraged the tankjet
sHOCKWAVE NO (Shockwave yes)
Starscream you lovely menace, you're doing this on purpose
oh sentinel :)
Sfgfdd sari honey sari honey sari honey...
Ratty's just done with this shit, has been done with it. He's right, but he's so done with this situation.
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randompolykin · 20 days
"just be yourself"
"honey, if i could just poof and im a chair (phyically or whatever) i would be long gone from here, chilling in an old lady's house."
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bestagons · 3 months
There almost definitely is going to be merch for whatever is “…next??” But if they could make it be something other than tshirts and stickers so i can actually buy it please and thanks
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homobrainjuice · 1 year
THE silly
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essektheylyss · 2 years
super duolingo two week trial more like latin course speedrun
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lilacs-stash · 7 months
Why did I give Suitcase the perfect trinket from Nickel in S2
^ is having the worst time coming up with a post show one
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sunset-synthetica · 2 years
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took me longer than i expected because uni, but i’ve finished part 3 of that regeneration-except-the-doctor-is-an-extradimensional-insectoid-timesquid-who-literally-moults-off-their-old-body fic! this one’s much less painful than last time, there’s no battles for their companions’ lives or nightmarish political needle-threading, just waking up nice and safe in the tardis with their friends just outside, the walls covered in moulting acid, unit on high alert, everyone on the verge of panic because they exploded into a big ol’ squid... nothing to worry about
today’s deleted scene: there was originally a bit in the doctor’s conversation with sarah jane where she mentioned that when they were flailing through the unit hallways they didn’t seem to know where they were going and they kept bashing into walls and they wouldn’t stop screaming, and it was... honestly about as terrifying as discovering they were secretly an eldritch abomination this whole time. the doctor managed to reassure her through a mix of white lies and sincere thanks, and then they hugged. it didn’t really fit the direction i ended up taking the scene, though - resolved it a bit too neatly - so i cut it. they probably do have a conversation to that effect later in the tardis though
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mallywarez · 2 months
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tryin to think of some designs for her :3
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gregdotorg · 1 year
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Primary Information has published a facsimile of the exhibition/auction catalogue for In The Name of The Place, a surreptitious, 2-year project by the GALA Committee, organized by Mel Chin and Helen Nagge, to insert artwork as props into Melrose Place. The project culminated in a real-world museum exhibition which itself was worked into the show, and the whole thing was only announced after it was all over. I'm sure Aaron Spelling was amused, and now we can finally get to enjoy the slim volume in facsimile edition. Highly recommended as a book.
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