#yellow red sparks
its-stimsca · 6 months
can you maybe do an overstimulation board? :>
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This is absolutely top ten requests I’ve gotten really enjoyed making this LMAO /gen
💥 😭 💥 / 😭 💥 😭 / 💥 😭 💥
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mechaseraph · 6 months
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I did started this yesterday, but first art of 2024 I guess? Messing around with style also, for something more of...kinda crayons vibe?
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small-spark-of-light · 8 months
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day 23 was to pick a color palette and stick to those colors(with some blending allowed)
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digi-lov · 1 year
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Gaia Force ST1-16 Alternative Art by Shin Sasaki Shadow Wing ST1-13 Alternative Art by shosuke Cocytus Breath ST2-16 Alternative Art by Ishibashi Yosuke Hammer Spark ST2-13 Alternative Art by Naochika Morishita Horn Buster BT1-108 Alternative Art by As'Maria Flower Cannon BT1-110 Alternative Art by Teppei Tadokoro Heaven's Gate ST3-13 Alternative Art by Takase Heaven's Charm ST3-14 Alternative Art by NAKAMURA 8 from PB-01: Tamer's Evolution Box
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knightmareaceblue · 9 months
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I had an idea for an animation vs. DnD type thing. Don't know if I'm going to do anything with it, but I liked the concept and characters I came up with for it, so I decided to draw them.
Some notes:
-TSC is the DM, and thus doesn't have a character. Green's character Limerick, however, has a twin sister in his backstory, so with Green's permission Second designed her to look like them. It looks like the two have matching headbands, but actually Limerick is just wearing Melody's. :(
-As a DM, Second is very good at weaving together a world and story, and successfully ties everyone's backstories in with the main plot. They are also, however, a bit controlling and easily annoyed. Red and Purple often get things thrown at them by Second for going too off track or just being plain stupid.
-Blue's character Azure (neutral good) is technically the party leader, having been the one to gather the party and issue the main quest. They are not, however, very good at keeping the party on track. Especially Spark and Amethyst.
-Limerick is a true neutral bard that got double classed as a fighter when the sticks realized they didn't have a lot of physical fighters in their party. He's also the most stand-offish member of the group.
-Yellow's character Spark was originally going to be a chaotic evil character, but some pouting and pleading from Red and Blue caused them to relent and change to chaotic neutral. They were a little annoyed about this, but whatever.
-All of the characters' backstories take a little influence from their actual lives. Red's druid/ranger Carmine (chaotic good), however, is the one where it's most obvious, having spent much of their childhood being possessed by a forest god before breaking free, fighting them, and then the two coming to a truce and the forest god training Carmine in the art of the druid. It may look like he's wearing fur pants, but they're actually made of leaves.
-When being handed a character sheet for a rouge, Purple demanded to know why everyone assumed they'd pick that class. Red, who had been sent to get them, responded, "Well, what else would you be?" Purple couldn't respond and just huffily filled out the character sheet. Their character Amethyst is a chaotic neutral.
-MT was a last minute edition to the game, having been guilt-tripped/emotionally manipulated by Purple into joining. His barbarian Bronze seems like a chaotic neutral, but they're actually lawful neutral: They just follow barbarian law instead of the law of the country. TSC is the only one aware of this, and silently finds it hilarious.
Some Shenanigans:
-Each party member has their own motive to join Azure's quest to save the world: Bronze because of honour and also this kid's stupid and will get themselves killed if they let them go alone, Carmine because the world-ending quest has put the forest and the forest god in danger and he wants to save them, Amethyst for the promise of safety and security afterwords, Spark because research for her magical weapons, and Limerick because Azure agreed to help him with a personal matter in exchange.
-Limerick originally didn't start out with a cape. Upon realizing every other character had a cape however (Yellow tried to argue that Spark's poncho thing didn't count, but Green said it counted in spirit), they decided Limerick had to have one too. TSC said that since character creation is over, they'd have to buy a cape at the nearby town. This caused Green to get annoyed and reject every cape they 'found' in the shops. It went on like this for a while until TSC got bored and turned it into an insane side quest, complete with a vampire mafia. Limerick staked the boss vampire and stole their cape.
-Bronze is a hunter; Carmine is a vegan. They get into quite a few arguments because of this and more than once Carmine would sabotage Bronze's hunts and get them into trouble with whatever the highest level monster in the area was. Consequentially, Bronze is a little better at stealth than your average barbarian.
-Purple has a bad habit of taking inter-party conflict too personally, and at some points gets legitimately upset. They repeated have to be reminded that it's just a game, and occasionally Second will call timeout for them to cool off.
-Every weapon except Limerick's lute has a magical gem on it to enhance it's abilities. Spark has stolen the gem off every weapon except Amethyst's Golden Moon Dagger (which they can never pass the check to steal) at least once for their magical experiments.
-The most loyal, trustworthy, and responsible member of the party is Bronze. Everyone but Purple finds this surprising. The second most is Azure, but they're incredibly naive and keep getting the party into trouble by trying to help people.
-Yellow wants their character to betray the party at some point, and then have a redemption arc. Second is the only one who knows about this, and they're all for it.
-Green is convinced the campaign will have a happy ending, because 'Sec is a sucker.' He isn't wrong.
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talos-stims · 1 year
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hand forged damascus sickle out of rusted ball bearings | source
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Superhero/Abnormal Spark Au Cover
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took a long time to finish this ;w;
I'm still writing the rest of the Fanfic and in the process of doing the character designs too!
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octastims · 4 months
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Ibu (@h0ped3lusion's Worldless oc) stimboard with moths and fire! I hope you like it!
🦋 🔥 🦋
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🦋 🔥 🦋
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the-terrible-theys · 1 year
hmmmm thinking abt. miles and niles each buying a pair of shoes in the same style but different colors. then swapping a shoe each so they can be matchingly mismatched.
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Hello and welcome to my Dhmis au ask blog!
This blog is about asking the unfinished sketches of your fav Dhmis characters (- Warren) hence the name 'Dont Hug Me I'm Unfinished'
I'm making this blog with my friend (Who is making an Amino page) and will only be able to do 2-3 asks per day.
Please do not ask for anything sexual, you will be blocked.
Theses are the characters you can ask so far:
Red Guy
Yellow Guy
Finn (Coffin)
Brian (Briefcase)
Bella (Special one)
Lilly and Todney
These are the only characters at the moment might add more later.
We also do ships and these are the ones we will do:
DigitalTime (Tony x Colin)
DeadEndJob (Finn x Brian)
CreativeSpark (Paige x Electracy)
FluffyBird (Red Guy x Duck)
Lilly x Bella
Thats all at the moment. Below you will see the line up for the characters so far:
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I will turn on the asks when we finish the character designs. Thanks for checking us out! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
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Not a poll, but it's about time I revealed these..! Some older pictures of our running pinball machines! Pinbot and Comet.
Comet has been in my family for a long time, I even have baby pictures with it. I used to drag a chair into our kitchen and stand on it so I could play. It's gotten a nice cleanup and repair since sitting in our shed for years. It means so much to me and I would never give it up on my life.
Pinbot is our newest addition. We went to Las Vegas last year and visited the Pinball Emporium (we'd went last time, but this was our first visit to the new location). While I was there, my brother ecstatically came up to us and asked, "Want to see the pinball equivalent of drugs?"
Oh hell yeah. We fell in love with Pinbot and couldn't stop playing it the entire time we were there. We found a listing for one months later and just HAD to get it. It's gotten needed repairs since then.
We also have a Sharpshooter II out of commission at the moment, and sold our Zizzle Pirates of the Carribean 2 machine. When I was little, we also had a KISS pinball, but it was sold for good reasons.
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prismstonearchives · 9 months
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スパークスターフレア - Spark Star Flare
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small-spark-of-light · 10 months
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i have too much free time and wanted to experiment. i used no sketch
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X X X | X X X | X X X
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neon-zoologist · 1 year
oh if anyone has any suggestions for fairly simple creatures to try sewing, I would love to hear them :)
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 years
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bunch of drawings i slowly made in one canvas. + writing bc if i dont comment on every drawing i will die. and you wont stop me
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