shymaru · 5 months
As much as he didn't wish to leave the backroom he was beginning to get thirsty so he carefully made his way out into the hall to find a drink, squeaking as he promptly walked right into someone. He was quick to apologize though, even if he did slip into Japanese at first.
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"A-ah! *M-my apologies!* I-I... I-I mean... I-I'm terribly sorry..."
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ghosts-of-gotham · 5 months
When Jack met Zelda
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"Oh, hello! Press don't usually come to see me back here. Do you want an interview? I go on in 15, so gotta be quick!"
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mercsandmonsters · 6 months
The Singer and The Creeper (Closed rp)
Tagged: @yellowskinnedwackyman Disclaimer: This thread contains mental health, violence, and gore, among other things of that nature. This thread will be tagged accordingly. Viewer discretion is advised.
Journey was a Latin woman in her mid-20s, working her way up the entertainment industry ladder. Tonight, she had a gig at a theater in Gotham. She was going to perform a concert. She would sing songs from hit Broadway musicals, Disney movies, and some Elvis Presley and Selena songs. She invited the big names in Gotham like Bruce Wayne and reporter Jack Ryder. Everything was going swimmingly. She had just finished rehearsal an hour ago, and was in her dressing room, getting into her costume for her first song, when two of the Joker's goons, disguised as bodyguards knocked on her door.
"Who is it?" The young woman called out.
"Security, Miss. Journey," One of the goons answered, "We need to speak with you about tonight's guest list."
"Just a minute," She responded, "I'm getting dressed."
The goons barged into her room. This got a scream from Journey. She was dressed as Christine Daaé from Act One of the hit musical, The Phantom of the Opera. She wanted to scream for help but froze. Just then, the Joker walked into the room.
"Well, Miss Journey, you have a beautiful voice. I heard your sitzprobe. Simply magnificent! Unfortunately, this will be your final curtain call."
Before she could find the courage to say anything, Journey was sprayed with some sort of knock-out gas.
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positivelybeastly · 2 months
*sees the hassle for his shorts* I know how you feel!
"Honestly, people like to act as though I'm somehow naked, just because I happen to wear a tad less than most others - most others, notably, not having a thick layer of fur to contend with."
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"I overheat. I chafe. People could do with being more understanding."
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daedaluscried · 3 months
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" What... the fuck... Why do you look like that? "
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dimxndsareforever · 6 months
Daaaamn Marsha, your hair is rockin'!!
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"Thank you, Creed darling. Is is just because it is green like yours? Or do you want me in a different color for your pleasure?"
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wonderlandcarpenter · 7 months
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“So, Creeper...” She relaxed into her seat, “What’s your deal, anyway?” @yellowskinnedwackyman
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goddamnmuses · 1 month
@yellowskinnedwackyman liked for a starter from Wade
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"Having jaundice must really suck."
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brucieboy297 · 9 months
Buy you a ginger beer, Bruce? This year hasn't been kind to either of us.
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"Thanks, Creed. Been a tough year, yeah. Been to multiple universes and met a lot of me's. Had a killer robot try and kill me and now my own mind is trying to get rid of me..."
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wandawillkill312 · 3 months
Breaking News!
A new Lantern Corps is on the rise:
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twcfaces · 3 months
*hides a cleaver behind his back* Wait, carve out the good side or the bad side?
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"Ha! Good question - why don't we flip for it? Harvey hasn't exactly been paying rent anyway."
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ghosts-of-gotham · 6 months
A news report plays: Gotham's own Creeper is returning home after an abroad adventure with The Captain. The Yellow-Skinned Wacky Man and The Big Red Cheese recently foiled a plot by Carl Sands, the Shadow Theif who had The World Fiduciary Council held hostage on a train. Whether these two will team up again remains to be seen.
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Belldonna was relaxing in her home when she heard the radio. She had been wondering where Creeper had gotten too recently and hearing about his adventure made her want to see him again. Since their little wrestling adventure, she wanted to maybe see if he wanted a date to become friends. Maybe even unmask. Besides, he did want to shine her suit.
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She suited up and drove on her Widow cycle to a spot he liked to meet. A wall with his face on. She awaited for him on the roof. She felt cold as the wind blew but knew if Creeper was out there, he could not refuse a shiny woman in a latex suit. Least of all her.
"Come on, Creeper. It's rude to keep a woman waiting." She said aloud. "Time to stop playing around."
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thissquirrelgirl · 5 months
Txt: To answer your question as snacks, I can definitely chow down on some pretzels, party mix or maybe some Resse's Peices.
Text: Or I could put pretzels and Reese's Pieces into the party mix. The best of both (or all three) worlds.
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cetacian · 5 months
How come whenever Bruce dies, everyone goes nuts..But when I died, nobody batted a damn eye?!
"I wasn't aware you had died." She paused. "I guess it's the symbolism thing. Maybe you need to work on your P.R.?"
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daedaluscried · 6 months
" ... No, I'm not crying about Pluto. " She wiped away her eyes, tears collecting on the backs of her hands, " I... It's stupid to cry about Pluto. "
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hxuse-of-muses · 8 months
{♚}—; Crash once again had managed to gather a good collection of Wumpa fruits, and this time he had no accidents bringing them together.
So now, he was simply relaxing under a tree while enjoying his favorite fruits, taking it easy for the day especially since it looked like there was no trouble going on today.
Although after a good while, he thought he heard something nearby in the bushes, so he looked in the direction of the sound while sitting up a bit, curiously wondering what that could be.
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