#yeo wool
drama--universe · 4 months
Just perfect
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Requested by @creepypastacrazier93: Warmly greet!🫰 I feel like Hwarang hasn't been here for a long time! So we can go back in time again, right? Yeo Wool x female reader (female or GN, up to you): The reader has feelings for Yeo Wool but is afraid of losing him as a friend if he doesn't feel the same way about her. In addition, he has many admirers and can have whoever he wants. So the reader tries on make-up to make her look more beautiful, but it doesn't work and she has it smeared and destroyed. Yeo Wool finds her and wants to know the reason because he knows his friend doesn't wear makeup. Again, I'll leave the rest up to you, but as I always say, something cuuuute!❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Kim Yeo-Wool x gn!reader
Word Count: 1.0k words Warnings: insecurity (not really, but just to be sure), anxiety
Your fingers drummer against the wood beneath them, scratching ever so often as you tried to ignore the anxious feeling in your stomach. It felt like everyone was staring at you, whispering nasty things about you and laughing. Maybe it was your outfit, unlike the usual muted colors that you wore and now bright and vibrant, or maybe it was the makeup. It felt slightly heavy on your face, maybe you had done it too heavily but you wouldn't know since you never really used any except for the basic lip tint that your maid forced you to wear. It wasn't the first time people stared, even on the way here people would stare and whisper. One disadvantage of being friends with Yeo-Wool, everyone would also know you and thus everyone realized that you were looking different due to the makeup. No said something to your face, so you hoped that it was positive whispers and looks. Then again, you knew how cruel people could be and thus it could also be negative...
Your anxiety lessened as a familiar figure stepped into view, sitting across from you and giving you a bright smile. Unfortunately, that smile dropped immediately as he saw you. Yeo-Wool, unlike most men, knew a lot of things about makeup. He dabbled in the area himself, sometimes wearing it himself or helping other people do their own. He liked the ability to make others feel pretty, he found it fun to do. However, when he saw the makeup on you it was easy to see that it didn't fit you too much. You looked girly, not that that was bad, but it was too much. The layers were easy to see and not even fully matching, the lip tint was very vibrant and the eyeliner was too big to look natural. In other words, it was a small disaster that made Yeo-Wool wonder why you would even do something like this. You never cared for looks much, preferring to let your own beaty shine without any help of products.
"Oh, dear. Who let you out like this?" Yeo-Wool spoke and you froze before looking down, trying to hide yourself from view as you tried to ignore the tears welling up in your eyes. Yeo-Wool didn't bother to say anything else and instead got up again, guiding you outside and to a secluded place. He sat you down before pulling some wipes from his pocket, slowly raising it up to your face. Wiping away some of the makeup along with the tears, he shushed you at the same time as a way of comfort. Soon, most of the makeup was removed and your face was left bare but still stained in tears.
"What is going on?" Yeo-Wool paused, looking at you with great care as he waited for an answer. You sniffed again before mumbling the answer, way too quiet for Yeo-Wool to hear and thus he asked you to repeat what you said. So you did.
"I wanted to look prettier..." You whispered and Yeo-Wool leaned back slightly, shaking his head and lifting your gaze to him. "You don't need makeup for that, darling. You know that." He speaks and you sniffed again, soon dropping your gaze once again as your grip tightened on his sleeve. Just like the tears, your feelings started pouring out of your mouth as you sobbed.
"I wanted you to look at me! I want you to like me back or tell me if I should move on. I don't... I don't want to hurt." You sobbed out as you leaned forward, not wanting to see the expression from the man in front of you as you confessed your feelings to him. Silence took over, minus the soft sniffles from you of course, as Yeo-Wool processed the confession.
"Oh, darling. You don't need to change yourself for that. You are perfect just the way you are and I can see that very clearly." He said and you looked back up at him, a bit confused at what he was saying. It was almost comical looking as the realization hit you, finally getting what he was saying. Your eyes widened as you let go of his sleeve and pointing at yourself before pointing at him. Yeo-Wool just smiled before leaning forward and planting a kiss on your forehead before standing up straight and pulling you with him.
"Let's get you cleaned up decently." Yeo-Wool said and pulling you through the streets while holding your hand in his. You could only smile brightly at the action, following him closely until you reached his house. It was quite funny as you raced to his room past all maids and officials, you think you might have ran past his father at one point but you both decided to ignore that. The door was quickly slammed shut as you entered, unlocking your hands and turning to face each other before bursting into laughter. Like you usually did, you settled on his bed while Yeo-Wool focused on finding something to remove the residue of makeup on your face. When he did, he was quick to sit besides you and carefully wiped your face. It took a few seconds before he stopped and threw the towel somewhere else.
"Now, back to our previous subject." He spoke as he cupped your face, softly placing a kiss on your nose again before moving to your cheek and then your lips. You just sat frozen as your brain tried to process what was happening. When your brain finally caught up, you could only gasp before hiding your face in your hands. You couldn't help the stupid giggle that escaped you as you tried to regain your composure. Yeo-Wool pulled your hands away and lifted your gaze up, giving you a wicked smile.
"Now, no need to be shy."
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Yeo Wool sometimes missed being Hwarang. The structure of it was great for him. He had a strict schedule, whereas now, he never knows when he’ll have a client at his matchmaking service. Today he’s off, thankfully. He’s walking around, enjoying the beautiful day. He is thankful for the fan he still has from being Hwarang. He waves it dramatically. “Ahh, it’s gorgeous but so hot today, am I right?” He says to the random person he sees.”
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coreofgold · 1 year
@youllalwaysbemyporcelain​ for Yeo Wool
Han Seong beamed as he hopped off the stage at the karoke tent.  “That was fun !  I liked doing that.”  The first time Han Seong sang in public. . .and in front of Yeo Wool because he’d hide it 
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Yeo Wool: Hello, 911 emergency. There's a handsome guy in my house... Wait a second, cancel that. It's only me
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katierosefun · 2 years
Have you watched Luther, which Less than Evil is based on? if you have, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on how they compare!
ohhh i've actually never watched luther, although i've always wanted to! i might have to watch luther after less than evil--i've heard a few mixed reviews from hardcore luther fans (from the way i've seen on tumblr, luther fans either adore less than evil or they absolutely despise it, so i'm curious about where i might eventually lie, seeing that i've seen less than evil first).
i will say, though, that way back in the day, i was really intrigued by this one alice and luther fanvideo from an editor who i mostly watched doctor who and sherlock and merlin edits from. (because haha, can't forget my roots as a generic 2012/2013 tumblr fangirl.)
(but also: i've been spoiled for the end of less than evil, so. i'm already steeling myself for what i might expect from both less than evil and luther.)
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mvsicinthedvrk · 2 years
renn faire starter for loid & yeo wool // @youllalwaysbemyporcelain​
It’s a double-edged sword, this kind of public event. It’s an opportunity to rub elbows and make new connections with people in the city, especially since he’s only just arrived and had to start from scratch, but on the other hand-- he’s only been here twenty minutes and he’s already stressed about not being able to make good use of his time. And if he doesn’t make good use of his time, then what’s the point in being at this faire at all? He raises a hand to flag the attention of someone nearby. “Do you know if any of the stalls here have water?” he asks as politely as possible. If he’s going to be stressed, he might as well be stressed and hydrated.
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the-autistic-vulcan · 2 months
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he's so pretty and for what
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kdramaxoxo · 9 months
hihi!! i wanna ask for a list of dramas with a lead whos cold, mysterious, haunted by a troubled past, secretive, prolly has a vocabulary of like 10 words. but is super soft on the inside, like they push ppl away cus theyre afraid of hurting them or being abandoned or smthn like that. ik this is hyper specific so sryyy if its hard to answer, but all my fave characters fit this bill so wanted to kno if u have any kdrama that can give me this high (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ thxxx!! ♡
p.s. it doesnt have to b exxxactly this but if it fits a few of the categories, ill be happi! ♡♡
We LOVE mysterious haunted trauma babies over here so thank you for this ask. (also this might be one of my favorite lists ever??)
K-Dramas leads with cold personalities/mysterious past, secretive trauma pups...morally grey a plus
The Smile has left your eyes - Kim Moo-Young Aside from this k-drama being a masterpiece that’ll leave you a pile of tears, Seo in Guk as Kim Moo-Young is the perfect example of a morally grey character you will fall in love with. He’s involved in a murder plot line, uses women to get what he wants and is clearly hiding something. You’ll try to resist being interested in him sure, but you’ll fail.
Beyond Evil - both leads This is a passionate unrequited romance crime drama about two detectives that are paired up to solve a crime in a small town. Everyone is really messed up and that's what makes this drama super good! Scary, haunted and super well written.
Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 - Lee Rang Lee Rang is one of my favorite trauma pup blorbo from my shows! This drama is the second season of the fantasy drama Tale of the Nine Tailed. I recommend you watch both but season two was my favorite because it focused on Lee Rang. You will LOVE HIM! MUST PROTEC.
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Alice The Final Weapon - Gyeo Wool Finally a GIRL with a traumatic past and the boy who loves her!! Actually everyone in this drama is messed up and dealing with horrific things. It's a very short and creative little drama and despite the gore, I really fell for the mains! They are blorbo from my shows!
See You In My 19th Life (both leads) This drama featuring a woman who can remember her past lives was one of my favorites this year! Both leads are tackling the trauma of the FL's death and there is a lot of healing that has to happen. Shin Hye Sun is a goddess!
The Eighth Sense - Jae Won A queer kdrama about two leads that meet surfing and fall in love. This drama is my favorite "bl" k-drama ever and the lead definitely has a traumatic past he's in therapy for. I highly recommend this one!
Flower of Evil - Hyun Soo: A psychological thriller centered around a jewelry maker who is running from his past, and his cop wife (power couple alert!)  who doesn’t know his original identity. The chemistry of the couple is amazing and all of the characters are nuanced and interesting. I was on the edge of my seat, AND sobbing! Also, I finally understand Lee Jun Ki stans, he was SO GOOD in this! A total trauma pup you won't believe it.
Doom at Your Service: Doom A girl is diagnosed with cancer and a morally grey god grants her wish to live 100 more days the way she wants to live. While I didn't LOVE this drama, the romance is amazing - that KISS! Doom is the perfect damaged god with a chip on his shoulder.
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Hello Monster - Lee Hyun and His Brother Jung Sun-Ho Featuring two brothers who have a murderous backstory, both are morally grey. Sure one is definitely “worse” than the other when it comes to being a murder baby but let’s face it - they both have their problems (sorry, didn’t want to post any spoilers so that’s all I can say about that!)
The Crowned Clown: Ha-seon The King The contrast between the good guy and the bad guy in this historical drama are so interesting to watch because one brilliant actor (Yeo Jin Goo) plays the same character. The king is insane and a murderer. He’s terrible in every way with literally no way to be redeemed but you’ll still feel for him…just watch.
My Liberation Notes - Mr. Gu This slice of life takes place mostly in a small town where siblings who really don't want to be there, live. Mr. Gu is renting one of the buildings and he's extremely burdened and and keeps to himself. I personally didn't ship him with the lead but he's definitely the type you're asking for!
Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Wang Soo Scarlet heart will destroy you, but you’ll also find yourself deeply empathetic to (and totally in love with) the most toxic of princes: Wang Soo. Cast out by his relatives, and treated like an animal he’s deeply wounded and despite knowing in your heart that he’s done terrible things, you’ll find yourself making excuses for him and imagining him as your boyfriend (wait…can you ignore that last sentence?)
Summer Strike - Both leads This slice of life has a quiet and thoughtful male lead who is traumatized by the murder of his sibling. I was a little disappointed in the ending but overall the show's mains were so soft and lovely.
Just Between Lovers - Both leads but. Kang Doo! I'm sure you knew I'd put this on the list but kang doo is my favorite trauma baby of all time. Slice of Life romance between poor pups just trying to live! The OTP is one of my favorite couples EVER and even as the years go on, very few couples have matched their love in my opinion. There’s a lot of comfort/healing themes with for me is just *chef’s kiss.* Lee Junho became my bias wrecker because of that drama.
Psycho But It’s Okay - Everyone A gorgeous k-drama using fairytale narrations as a backdrop, features two brothers who lost their mother, and a beautiful & famous author who grew up in a traumatic and abusive household. Everyone is very closed off and holding onto intense pain, but the three come together to help one another move on and find happiness. Gorgeous angsty and melodramatic romance.
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Thirty But Seventeen - Woo Jin Precious puppies with past trauma! The main has basically stopped living his life because of his past. Don’t be turned off by the shows description as it turned out to be one of the best surprises of 2018 for me. The leads are lovely and everyone relies and supports one another - it’s so sweet.
Come and Hug Me - Do Jin This thriller is not for the faint of heart but the main theme is healing. Two friends are torn apart when the boy’s dad kills the girls entire family. Later in life, they find one another and walk on the path to healing while still being tormented by their past. It also focuses on the trauma and manipulation the killer has on the whole family, making the show beautiful, terrifying and heartbreaking at the same time. 
Goblin: Grim Reaper Most of you have watched this drama but I’ll try hard not to spoil it. The Grim Reaper is such a hilarious character in the current time line but in order to be a Grim Reaper, you have to have done something “bad” to become one. His pain is deep and cutting and you’ll want to protect him.
It’s Okay that’s love: Jang Jae-yeol This is one of those cold male leads that you’ll just end up liking even though he’s kinda the worst in that “Pickup Artist” type of way? I had this show listed in my top 10 but then I recently watched it again and realized I’ve made progress in my “don’t like jerks who display jerk behavior” because he’s kinda an ass. You’ll soften for him when the plot moves along for sure, but he’s aggressive and says really sexist things sometimes (as does most of the male characters honestly - i really need to remove this from my top 10)…
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최종병기 앨리스 - Alice, the Final Weapon - Whump List - 🇰��
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Whumpee: 서여름 (Seo Yeo Reum) played by 송건희 (Song Geon Hui)
Synopsis: Yeo Reum spends most of his life feeling nothing at all. Having experienced extreme trauma in the past, Yeo Reum is only able to feel alive when he’s in pain. He offers himself up to gang members and school bullies, to be beaten until they can’t anymore. Then he meets Gyeo Wool who turns his perspective inside out. (MDL)
Genre: School, Cop/Crime, Romance
Watch On: Viki, KissAsian, DramaCool
⛔️ Please be aware that this drama is rated R, therefore containing coarse language, heavy and sometimes graphic violence as well as other more mature topics.⛔️
⚠️WARNING: This drama is very heavily centered around s**cide and things surrounding it. Proceed with caution!⚠️
1.01 : talking about his traumatic past ::: someone asked if he offered to be beaten instead of someone else, someone raises his shirt to reveal a big bruise on his stomach ::: nightmare, turning, sweating, wakes up crying out ::: asking to be beaten, hit in the face multiple times, bruised and bloody face :short cut: beaten, weak, collapsed, helped back up ::: bruised and bloody face, weak ::: hit on the back of the head, collapsed, passed out, taken ::: beaten, saved, choked until he passed out ::: woke up in an alley, bloody, bruised, (flashbacks: beaten), stumbling, groaning, putting his hand on his head before pulling it away to see blood
1.02 : tried to move but went stiff and in pain (semi comical) ::: (flashbacks: stumbling, hand dripping blood, concern for him, crying, looked after, beaten
1.03 : fought, knocked out (semi comical) ::: admitting to someone that he wanted to die ::: trying to stab his hand, friends stopped him, crying, shaking ::: in a depressed state, concern for him ::: hit on the back of the head, concern for him, beaten (brief)
1.04 : concern for him, beaten, kicked repeatedly, picked up, manhandled, beaten, punched, blood coming from his mouth, severely beaten, fell from a rooftop, passed out ::: in the hospital, thrown to the ground, choked ::: anxious ::: plant thrown at him, saved
1.05 : concerned for someone, hit multiple times, beaten, choked, fought ::: on the run ::: glassy eyes, emotional ::: still has bruises on his face and neck
1.06 : on the run, ambushed, chased, fought, at gunpoint, put into the trunk of a car, kidnapped ::: in a car wreck, in pain, taken, concern for him ::: unconscious in the trunk of a car, restrained with zip ties ::: held captive, restrained (metal cuffs) in a chair, unconscious, waking up, barely conscious ::: still held captive, restrained (metal cuffs) in a chair, barely conscious, panicking, struggling
1.07 : still held captive, restrained (metal cuffs) in a chair ::: father figure found out he was taken ::: tortured: electrocuted, screaming in pain ::: heavy breathing, weak, electrocuted, shaking, heavy breathing, defiant, heavy breathing, barely conscious, hallucinating, gagged, scared, nearly killed, shaking, gagged, concerned for someone, punched, desperate, struggling in his restraints, saved, grieving, holding a gun to his head, sobbing
1.08 : concerned for someone, held while he cried, burying his head in her shoulder ::: shot, collapsed, concern for him, unconscious, woke up, crying, helped to stand, helped to walk, stumbling ::: in the passenger seat of a car, losing consciousness
최종병기 앨리스 directly translates to Ultimate Weapon Alice.
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yeommijeong · 2 years
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[Who are you?] Right now? During the exam?
Han Gyeo Wool & Seo Yeo Reum Episode 2, Ultimate Weapon Alice/Alice, the Final Weapon (2022)
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whumpily-ever-after · 2 years
Alice, the Final Weapon Whump List
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Summary (from mdl): "Gyeo Wool might look like just another normal high school student but in reality, she harbors a dark secret: she’s actually a trained killer. Posing as a transfer student to hide her true identity, Gyeo Wool does her best to blend in, but it’s not easy. Especially not after she meets Yeo Reum. Unlike his classmates, Yeo Reum spends most of his life feeling nothing at all. Having experienced extreme trauma in the past, Yeo Reum is only able to feel alive when he’s in pain. Accepting pain as his only connection to a “normal” life, Yeo Reum has no problem getting involved in Gyeo Wool’s life, especially not once he realizes there’s something very different about her. Though neither expected to be involved in each other’s lives, Gyeo Wool and Yeo Reum have no choice but to stay together after a criminal organization begins to hunt them down. Will this unlikely duo prove victorious in an increasingly deadly game of cat and mouse?"
This show is...different. Every character is a little bit crazy and it is dark (literally and figuratively). However, it is a quick watch; 8 episodes at about 30 minutes each.
Warning: This show deals with themes of s*icide and self-harm. If you have issues with these, I suggest you skip this one.
Spoilers ahead...
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Whumpee: Yeo Reum played by Song Geon Hee
Note: Bold text goes with the screenshots
Episode 1: He can’t sleep because he believes he killed his mother (didn’t stop her from dying), bruises on his stomach, (flashback) slapped by a bully, punched, falls against a wall, takes (seeks out) a beating, say pain can block out other pain, bruised and bloody face, takes another beating (not shown), (present) hit on the back of the head, falls to the ground, unconscious, dragged, beaten, dazed, saved, strangled into unconsciousness, wakes up in an alley, gasps in pain from his head wound
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Episode 2: Falls to the ground in pain, dragged to the nurse’s office, (flashback) stumbling down the street with blood dripping down his hand (from a self-inflicted injury, not shown), concern for him, crying, bandage on his wrist
Episode 3: Knocked out, holding the back of his head, friends stop him from hurting himself, tears, hit over the back of the head with a pot, falls to his knees, grunting in pain
Episode 4: (Picks up where the previous episode left off) hit over the head with a second pot, concern for him, curled up on the ground, kicked repeatedly, takes a beating, bloody mouth, concerned for someone, grabbed by the shirt, kicked off the roof of a building, strangled
Episode 5: Punched in the chest, slides down a wall, flipped onto a desk, in a chokehold, on the run
Episode 6: Chased, falls, grabbing his shoulder, at gunpoint, lightly manhandled, put into a trunk, almost rescued, concern for him, yelling to be let out, hands zip-tied behind his back, unconscious, cuffed to a chair, concerned for someone
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Episode 7: Still cuffed to a chair, electrocuted, breathing heavy, passes out, gagged, nearly has a drill taken to his eye, scared, concerned for his dad, struggling against his restraints, tears, punched in the face, rescued, dad dies in his arms, puts a gun to his head, vows to keep living
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Episode 8: Crying, shot in the chest, falls to the ground, helped to stand and walk, sleeping on girlfriend’s shoulder
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drama--universe · 1 year
Please trust me
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Requested by @creepypastalover93: I warmly greet!🧡 I see the requests are open again! Can I have a Hwarang request? I feel like they haven't been here for a long time… Request for Yeo Wool: Where the reader belongs to the more beautiful women and therefore many men are interested in her. But the reader rejects them all and wishes that she was not one of the more beautiful women, because she wanted the man to like her for her nature, the way she is and not only for her beauty, and her partner then bragged to others that he had a beautiful partner. This made her unhappy, so she began to avoid men…and to avoid being recognized, she wore a scarf over her face. But Yeo Wool always recognized her…ALWAYS. Sensing her distress and fear of the men around her, he decided to find out why. Because he believed that when the reader saw such a handsome man like him, she would be charmed by him, but the opposite was true. He becomes interested in a reader, so he tries to befriend her so that she won't be afraid of him and will start to trust him…and maybe something more will come of it later? I'll leave it up to you darling!🧡Just something cute please, I've been having bad days lately...😢😢😢
Pairing: Kim Yeo-Wool x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.2k words
Warnings: anxiety
A/N okay, just a quick thing. I wanted to write true to the history of when Hwarang takes place, however I decided not to a bit later. Reason for that is because of the face covering stuff. In the Joseon Dynasty (10th century), noble woman covered their faces with sseugaechima, which is basically a skirt that they wore on their head (you might see some historic dramas do this). I found this a bit awkward, so I chose to not do this and instead just use a sort of veil that covers the lower part of the face. Sorry for the history thingy :/
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Ignoring the whispers and stares, you tried to exit the tavern quickly. 5 months with him, thinking he actually cared for you. No, of course he only cared for your looks. He didn't care for your feelings, passions or anything of the sorts. You were just glad that your friend told you, telling you about the comments that fell from your ex-partners lips and this led to you breaking up with him. It hurt, spending so much time with someone who never actually cared.
Only a day later, men started to approach you and ask for your hand. Almost like you hadn't just broken up, all saying the same thing as well. They told you that they were enamored by your beauty and that they couldn't help but want to spend time to get to know you. You expected all of them to be the same as your ex, which was clear to you when they start a sentence with 'your beauty' every single time they tried talking to you.
So from then on, you wore a veil to cover your face and styled your hair differently. Somehow it worked, people never recognizing you and thus leaving you alone. It was peaceful for once.
What you didn't realize is that someone did recognize, which was Yeo-Wool. He recognized you by your eyes, they were unique to him and in his opinion the most beautiful about you. It was cliché, but he always liked them. They showed all of your emotions, the pain or the excitement you felt at that moment. So even with a face covering, your eyes remained the same.
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"May I join you?" A voice pulled you out of your thoughts and when you looked up, a man entered your vision and you could only sigh softly. Yeo-Wool stood opposite of you, a gentle smile on his face. Normally you wouldn't think anything of it, but anxiety build up inside of you nonetheless. Your hands started shaking lightly, not enough for others to notice it but enough for Yeo-Wool to. So he remained at a distance, making sure that you noticed that he did. You did, but your hands kept shaking lightly as your eyes moved to your cup. Your anxiety lessened a bit, however.
"What were you doing?" He asked, his fan coming up to cover the front of his face and you noticed the painting on the front. A tree, painted in shaky lines that indicated that it wasn't done by a professional and yet it looked beautiful. Maybe he did it himself or maybe one of his friends did. Yeo-Wool could see the fascination in your eyes and could only smile a bit more behind his fan. His question was long forgotten as he kept an eye on you, but that soon stopped when he saw you visibly flinch away from the person that came your way. Yeo-Wool wanted to ask if you were alright, but you were already leaving the tavern.
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"It's not that safe so late out here." Yeo-Wool walked closer to you and you sighed softly again. In this week, Yeo-Wool had approached you around five or six times already. At this point, your anxiety didn't react to him anymore as he always remained at a distance and he never made you feel uncomfortable. It was nice to talk to him at this point, but you were still on your guard. Almost like he sensed it, Yeo-Wool soon stood beside you and sat down next to you.
"Why is a lady out this late, if I may ask?" He spoke, voice gentle and almost silent. You wondered if you should answer, your eyes remaining on the stars in the sky.
"The sky." You answered simply and Yeo-Wool was in awe of your voice, a sweet melody to his ears, as he glanced upwards. The sky was a dark blue, millions of stars shining brightly and a full moon lighting up everything below. Indeed very pretty to look at.
"Do you think true love exists?" You suddenly spoke up again and Yeo-Wool looked at you, surprised that you were looking back at him this time. Registering the question, Yeo-Wool could only shrug.
"It depends how you view it. I believe in finding someone you want to spend your life with, build a family with. I don't know if that necessarily means true love." He answered and he meant it. His family loved each other, but it was clear that it was also a political marriage in a way. His mother was barely home and his father didn't enjoy spending time at home either. Yeo-Wool was raised by the staff that worked at his house and maybe sometimes his mother.
"But it's not the only kind of true love. Friends can also have love for each other and I believe that that kind of love is more true. Different, but the same in the end." Yeo-Wool continued and you couldn't help but gawk at him. You didn't expect Yeo-Wool to ever think or talk about such stuff, believing him to be more of an arrogant noble like all the rest. One that didn't care for the people surrounding him, yet here he was calling it true love.
"If you trust me, I hope we can be friends like that some day." He spoke one final time before getting up and leaving.
This time you were the flustered one.
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Yeo-Wool didn't think you'd ever approach him first, yet you stood beside him. Your eyes were trained on his arm, trying to figure out what the bandage was for and wanting to help a bit. He couldn't help but smile, not used to you caring.
"I had an accident during sword training. Don't worry, Ah-ro fixed me up already." He explained and you looked up before softly nodding. You knew Ah-ro, she was good at her job and probably did a good job with healing it. So you took your eyes off of his arm and instead moved to the road ahead of you. Other Hwarangs covered the market place, all interested in different stalls that held their own unique stuff. Yeo-Wool stood with the jewels and fans, like usual.
"You should be more careful, what if you get an ugly scar?" You commented and Yeo-Wool chuckled. "Then you'll have to take care of me." He teased as he started walking away again.
"I never agreed to that!" You replied and he turned around to smile at you again before joining his other friends. You only shook your head.
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"Out here again?" "Shouldn't you be in the Hwarang house?" You replied as Yeo-Wool stepped closer to you, sitting down next to you like last time and his eyes immediatley went to the sky.
"Are we friends?" You asked and Yeo-Wool nodded at you, replying with an 'of course'. Shockingly, you only lowered your head before raising your hands to your veil. Untying the knots, you pulled the mask down and looked at him. He didn't react in shock or anything, just a gentle smile your way before looking back at the sky. Silence fills the air, but neither of you minded. It was comforting in a way and you both enjoyed it as you looked at the sky.
You weren't over your anxieties just yet, but Yeo-Wool was there for you and would help you through.
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Yeo Wool wanted to take Han Seong on a date. He knew he loved the stars, so he’d told Han Seong to be ready right before it got dark. He walks to the spot he hears him. “Han Seong? You ready?”
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coreofgold · 2 years
@youllalwaysbemyporcelain​ for Yeo Wool 
Is Han Seong doing the performance he learned from Hwarang ?  Yes he is.  Does he care ? Nope !  It’s ancient, it’s part of this in theory and it’s fun !  The crowd seems to love it at least.  He looked up and saw one person who loved it so when his performance ended and everyone was dispersing, he jumped off the stage and hugged Yeo Wool.  It might bring flashbacks because he’s in his Hwarang outfit but oh well.  “Woolie !  You came” 
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kdramafeeds · 1 year
Fight My Way’s OST
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Ambiguous - Seo Eun Kwang, Im Hyun Shik, & Yook Sung Jae
At Namilba - L.a.V
Dumbhead - Arie Band
Error, Ae Ra Error - Uhm Ki Yup 
Fight My Way - HerCheck  
Good Morning - Kassy 
I Miss U - Cha Yeo Wool 
Kko Dong Man - Uhm Ki Yup
Lean On Me - Julie 
Night is Gone, Again - Ryu Ji Hyun 
Speak Out - Uhm Ki Yup
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katierosefun · 2 years
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i think tae seok should actually date detective chae i think tae seok’s life would be a lot simpler if he dated detective chae
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