#yeri graduation
nekomeng · 10 months
K-Pop Manips
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Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Mark and Yeri graduating from Padjadjaran University.
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promise-you-doie · 2 months
Coming Home | J. Jaehyun TEASER
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After hitting a dead end in your job search, you reluctantly return home to stay with your mom. However, fate has other plans as you unexpectedly cross paths with an old flame. Sparks fly as you navigate the complexities of past feelings and present circumstances, reigniting a passionate connection that refuses to be ignored.
Jaehyun x reader (Exes to lovers)
Fluff, Angst, Suggestive.
As a little girl life seemed so easy, you expected that by the time you entered your 20’s you would have graduated and walked right into your new career. If little girl you could see adult you right now she’d run away from you screaming and crying. 
You had 300 dollars, a coupon for a free medium two-topping pizza from that pizza place you order from too often, and a (useless) tech degree to your name. No one wants to hire you, you’ve ruined your credit during your college years and you just decided to end your three-year relationship. 
With all the odds turned against you, there was only one thing you could do; go back to your hometown to stay with your mom just until you got back on your feet. 
Leaving Los Angeles was already gut-wrenching but landing in Connecticut ripped away any dignity you had left. The air smelled the same as when you left, and the people hadn’t changed a bit. 
You wanted to drop down to your knees and bawl when the realization set in that this was where you were going to be for the next few months of your life. However you still had at least an ounce of dignity left in you, so you grabbed your luggage and collected your emotions to walk towards the pickup section and wait for your mom. 
Blinking back tears, you inhaled a deep breath and pulled out your phone. Waiting patiently as your phone searched for service in the area. When the service finally sets in, your phone blows up with 70 different alerts. Two calls from your best friend, Yeri, and three text messages from her telling you to have a safe trip and to keep your head up. 
Six missed calls from your ex boyfriend, and seven text messages from him begging you to talk to him. 
 51 emails from the various job search sites that you signed up with, and one singular text message from your mom. 
Mom: Hey! I won’t be able to make it. But don’t worry, I’ll have Jaehyun come pick you up. Can’t wait to see you! 
As if on cue, a familiar black 2015 Toyota Corolla pulls up right in front of you, and none other than Jung Jaehyun gets out of the car. 
“This has to be a joke.” You breathe, your shoulders raising as you do so. 
He smirks the second he lays eyes on you, “Wow you haven’t aged a bit.” 
You wished you could say the same about him, he’d grown a lot more mature since you last saw him. He wasn’t the 18-year-old boy you were once head over heels for. He was way taller, he grew his hair out and you could tell that he started using the gym. 
“Why are you here?” you look up at him with folded arms. 
He doesn’t take you seriously, he never did. “Sorry I’m late.” he chuckles and takes your suitcase from beside you to load it in the back of his car. 
Once he finishes his first task, he walks back around to open the door for you. Gesturing to the passenger seat with both arms and a smile that you wished you could hate. 
“I’m not getting in the car, Jaehyun.” You remain in your spot, arms still folded over your chest. 
“No?” he asks condescendingly.
 You repeat, “No.” firm on your feet. 
“Well I guess, I’ll see you there then.” You watch him close the door and walk to the driver's side, all without sparing you a single look. He starts the car and drives away, leaving you with two options. 
You could chase after him and embarrass yourself, or you could remain stubborn and just call an Uber. 
You choose to chase the car after realizing that the phone that you would use to call an Uber was sitting in the back of his trunk.  
He watched you run after him from his rearview mirror, he slowed down but refused to stop until you were banging on the side of the window begging him to stop. He got a thrill out of this, and you could tell. 
“Did you change your mind?” He teases.
Physically Jaehyun was a completely different person, he grew up well you’ll admit that. But personality-wise? He hadn’t changed at all. He was still the same sarcastic asshole you met in high school. 
You mutter “I don’t have my phone.” as you slide into the passenger seat. You subtly look around, taking notice that the car still smelled the same way you remembered it was just cleaner now. Sooner or later your eyes dart to the back seat, and Jaehyun chuckles when you do. 
“So what’s L. A like?” He asks suddenly, one hand on the steering wheel and the other draped over his thigh. 
“It’s fun and different. My boyfriend helped to introduce me to a lot of new things.” You purposely mention your (ex) boyfriend just to see his reaction. 
To your dismay, his reaction is as simple as none. He only asks “How’s long-distance gonna work out for you? It didn’t seem to work with us.” 
“We’ll do fine.” 
The car falls quiet for a few moments before he starts up a new conversation. 
“I’m glad you're back.” The statement seemed taunting even if you knew that’s not how he meant it. You always dreamed of moving away to a big city where no one knew who you were, and now that you're back home it just felt like you were a failure. 
“I’m not staying for long.” you gaze out of the window. 
“Since you’re back in town we should hang out sometime.” He suggests, sneaking glances at you. 
“I didn’t come back to see you.” 
“Suit yourself, but remember I'm always just a phone call away.”
Read here
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nczennie · 1 year
why won't you love me.
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Pairing: Reader x Jaehyun AU: Exes! but it's complicated Genre: Angst, Smut (18+ only) Preview: You shake your head at him before speaking, voice coming out as a quiet whisper, eyes watering as you look at him, "Why won't you love me?"Jaehyun abruptly stands from his seat, slamming his hand against the counter which makes you jump, "Don't!", he's nearly yelling, "Just stop, why would you-how dare you even say that to me!" Words: 5.9k *Warnings under cut
Warnings: Toxic relationship, reader is very lonely and uses sex to cope, mentions of food and eating, mentions of having children, cussing, Smut scenes (oral m. receiving, throat fucking, protected penetrative sex, fingering, unprotected penetrative sex, talk of breeding).
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You let out a shaky breath as you set down your glass of wine, staring at the white envelope in front of you. To be fair, you knew it was coming, but that didn't make opening it any easier for you. That's why you were currently on your second glass still working up the courage to look at it's contents. Finally chugging down the last sip, you set your determined gaze on the paper, taking it in your hands. You tear it open carefully, as to not rip it too badly, before taking the small card out. Save the Date it reads in large gold font. You swallow thickly as you take in the appearance of the card, the wedding date set for 9 months from now, and the beautiful picture of Irene, one of your best friends, smiling brightly next to her financé.
Running your hands over the card, you recall getting all the others like this. Joy's, just after college, followed by Wendy and Seulgi some years later. You never really worried until last year when even the youngest of your friend group, Yeri, announced her wedding. And now Irene, the Irene who spent years swearing marriage wasn't for her and wouldn't be in her future, yet you held her announcement in your hands.
You don't even notice you're crying until the tears drop onto the table. Groaning in frustration at your emotions, you move to the kitchen to grab a box of tissues and another bottle of wine. It's hard, to feel like your life is passing by and you're stuck in one place, especially when everyone around you is moving past you as well. You never thought you were one to care about getting married, brushing off the concept of it especially when you first graduated college. But now you find yourself here all these years later, sitting alone in your apartment, no partner, no pet, no nothing whereas your friends were all getting married, buying houses, even Joy caring for her children. You sniffle as your open you second bottle of wine, pouring another glass and trying to think of all of the events of your life that may have led to this moment.
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Jaehyun groans as he reaches to turn off his alarm clock. He's been working at his office job for years yet waking up this early is something he has never gotten used to. He takes his time getting out of the warmth of his sheets and makes his way to the bathroom, stopping along the way to grab his phone he left charging on his dresser. Picking it up, he feels confused and a bit worried when he finds there was three missed calls from you at 2:00am. He swallows as he moves to his messages, noticing you texted him merely an hour ago.
I miss you. It reads and he stares at it wondering if you had woken up early or if you stayed awake all night apparently calling and missing him. He lets out a groan, running a hand over his face before moving to reply to you. Dinner tonight at mine? 7pm. He clicks send before throwing his phone on the bed, moving to shower where he can question and regret his decision to invite you over once again.
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You and Jaehyun met when you were early on in university. One of the many parties hosted by your mutual friends, you notice him standing alone in the kitchen and you're so taken aback by how handsome he was that you make your way over to him without much thought. Only a couple of months later and he was your boyfriend. To this day he was the best boyfriend you've ever had, the most caring, attentive, supportive man you've ever met. The two of you dated for 4 years, by far your longest relationship. It dwindled apart in the end because of the reality of life after college. Entering the real world gave insight to the differences in views you both had. Jaehyun wanted to take it slow, travel before eventually settling down but you were opposite. You grew up different than Jaehyun, where his parents both had successful jobs, your single mom worked two jobs just to feed you both. Whereas Jaehyun wanted to spend money traveling and relaxing straight after graduation, you knew that reality couldn't include you. You had loans and bills to pay that would require you to start working right away.
This reality is what led to the downfall of your relationship. There was no fighting or arguing, just the sad realization that the end had come. You accepted it quickly, you loved Jaehyun, truly, but you had come to terms with the fact that he would not be apart of your future.
Except that he was. The thing about having mutual friends is that you can't get rid of each other. Every birthday, celebration, holiday, gettogether, you would see each other. It was slightly awkward at first but once you both got used to the fact you would constantly be in each other's life, it was as if you were friends again. It was only a couple years ago that you both started to sleep with each other again. It was a messy night, at a summer bbq where Joy announced to everyone she was pregnant. Everyone celebrated with loads of drinks, minus the mother-to-be, and you even went a step further to celebrate by going home with your ex boyfriend.
You never mentioned it to anyone, keeping it your secret. Even as sleeping with him becomes more regular. You wouldn't compare your situation to that of a friends with benefits, it wasn't that often and you only saw each other during friends gatherings or the rare event you did go by his house. Even pursuing relationships with others but even when they failed, Jaehyun was always there as if you could rely on him to wait for you just in case.
The thing with Jaehyun is that he is comfortable and familiar. You had loved him so much during your time together that even having him now gives you a glimpse at the past. The past where you were loved, where you weren't so lonely.
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"Are those snowdrops?", you smile as you take off your coat, taking in the small potted flowers that rest on the table near the entryway. Jaehyun hums, locking the door behind you before turning to take in the flowers as well, "Yeah, they were a gift for my anniversary at the office". He chuckles a bit before walking further into the apartment, rolling up the sleeves of his collared white shirt, clearly not having changed since coming home from work. You follow him into the kitchen, taking in the two plates of food set and ready on the island. Jaehyun moves to grab a couple of wine glasses, bringing them to the counter to pour a glass for you both. "I hope you don't mind pasta," he says, concentrated on serving. "Not at all, it looks delicious". He nods his head back towards the fridge behind him, "Do you mind grabbing the parmesan?" Moving to the fridge you freeze for a moment when you see Irene's announcement held to the fridge with a magnet. You gulp, opening the door and getting the cheese, "You got Irene's save the date too?"
He looks at you as he moves to sit, "Yeah, crazy right? Who would've thought she would be settling down." You take your seat beside him, humming in agreement. You both make small talk while you enjoy the food, talking about work, asking about each other families, catching up as you had not been alone with him in months. "So," he speaks, leaning back while using a napkin to clean his face. "Getting drunk on a weeknight huh? What's up with that?" You grimace, playing around with the leftover food on your plate, "Yeah, yeah. You don't need to make me feel more pathetic than I already do". He chuckles, "What? I just meant it's unlike you. Did something happen?"
No, you want to say, nothing as happened. Nothing at all, while everyone around you has something going on, you have nothing. "Was just having a rough day," You murmur instead, eyes automatically moving to the announcement on the fridge in front of you. You can see out of the corner of your eyes he turns to look at the paper too, so you make an excuse before he can bring it up, "Excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom". You make your way down the hallway and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you with a shaky breath. You wash your hands, staring at yourself in the mirror with annoyance, you came here to forget the feeling that overwhelmed you last night, not relive it all over again.
With a deep breath you make your way back in the kitchen, seeing Jaehyun standing over the sink washing his hands after clearing the dishes. You step forward with a purpose, coming up behind him and wrapping your hands around his waist. He jumps a little, but move to turn the water off, drying his hands before turning to face you, leaning back against the counter as you trap him against it. "You alright?" he asks softly and you give him the best smile you could, nodding before reaching up to put your hands around his neck. You play with the hair on the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to you, "Just want you," you mutter. "Are you sure?" he asks, and you nod without a second thought, "Positive".
He studies you for a moment before giving in, leaning forward to capture your lips with his own. His hands finally moving to hold you waist as you deepen the kiss, your tongue working its way into his mouth. You enjoy the feeling of his lips for some time longer before realizing you were still able to think. You didn't want to think, you only wanted to forget. You break your lips from his, moving to press slow lingering kisses against his jaw before moving to his neck. You know Jaehyun like the back of your hand so you move automatically to the spot just below his ear. Your teeth graze the spot lightly before you run your tongue over it, earning a quiet grown from the man. "Don't leave any marks," he mumbles and you have to agree no matter how tempting it was. You both are adults now and having hickies was no longer the same as when you were in college.
You let your lips wander along his neck a little longer before you drop to your knees in front of him, hands coming to undo his dress slacks. "Here?" he asks you, uncertain of getting a blowjob next to the sink. You pause, already taking in the ache of your knees from the hard tile. "Okay, maybe we can move to your bedroom". You both chuckle as he helps you up and walks you to his room. He takes matters into his own hands, removing his pants and underwear before sitting on the edge of the bed, hands coming up to unbutton his shirt as you move to your knees in front of him. You take him into your hand, he was only slightly hard from your kitchen escapades so you take your time running your hand over him to help him grow.
You look up at him as he finishes removing his shirt, tossing it on the bed behind him before he looks down to you. Upon having his attention solely on you, you meet his eyes moving your mouth downwards. Letting your tongue run over the head of his cock, your mouth comes to close over it as you hum around him. Your hand still works to get him as hard as possible and Jaehyun's own hand comes to tangle in your hair, soft sounds leaving his lips as you begin to take him further into the warmth of your mouth. Working steadily, you make yourself comfortable taking in as much of his length as you can without completely choking. It's easier when you hear the words of encouragement he gives you, taking the final push and lodging all of him in your throat as the shaky exhales of your nose hits against his pelvis. After sleeping with Jaehyun for years now, you know this is what he likes. His cock stuffing your mouth for as long as possible, so you did your best even now to appease him. Not long after your eyes begin to water and you close them in an attempt to focus on your breathing and ignore the sputtering of your throat around him.
"Look at me," he says gruffly, hand grasping your hair harshly to get your attention. Your scalp stings but you open your eyes nonetheless, barely seeing Jaehyun through your tears. He moans though, "That's my good girl," before moving your head off of him to finally catch your breath. You take deep breaths while you can, your hand moving once again over him, easier now that it's covered with your spit. Jaehyun uses his grip on your hair to make you face him, hurridley kissing you before running his tongue over yours. "Are you gunna let me fuck your throat?" he whispers against your lips and you whine in reply, nodding your head as best you could with his grip still tight in your hair.
Jaehyun stands from the bed, removing your hand from his cock and replacing it with his own. He jerks it a few times and he repositions you, your hands coming to grasp the back of his thighs to hold yourself steady and to tell him when you've had enough if need be. "There you go," He mutters out from above you as your eagarily take him into your mouth once again. His movements start off slow, getting you used to the intrusion again before he picks up his pace, head of his cock repeatedly hitting the back of your throat.
You close your eyes and focus on the feeling. Hearing Jaehyun's moan's above you, you welcome the stinging and lightness of your brain as you love the feeling of him using you. Of being useful for someone.
He finally pulls out, just barely, causing his cock to rest on your cheek as you turn to catch your breath. Jaehyun releases your hair, hand running over your head to sooth you. He kneels to match your height, moving to kiss you again now that your breathing was less erratic. "I want you to fuck me," You say almost breathlessly. He hums against your lips, helping you up so you both can move atop his bed. He lays you back against his pillows, still hungrily kissing you, hands running down your thighs, but you move to grasp them. "I want you now," you state. He pauses looking at your eyes, "Just like this?" He asks, not used to not preparing you beforehand. You nod, giving him a smile of encouragement, "Wanna feel you now," you say moving to kiss him. He enjoys your kisses for another moment before moving to grab a condom from his nightstand.
You watch in silence as he puts it on himself, your hand moving downwards to slightly rub against your slit as you take him in. You're craving the stretch of him, the burn much like before that lingers in your throat and was so good that it made you forget how to think.
"You sure?" He asks once again as he settles over you, left arm settled on the bed beside you as his right hand takes a hold of his cock as he moves it along your folds. "Positive", you say already breathless from anticipation. Jaehyun pushes inside of you, moving as slow as possible but you encourage him to fill you up completely. Your eyes roll back into your head at the feeling of his cock stretching you, your hands coming to grasp onto his shoulders. Jaehyun's breath deepens as he groans, moving forwards to place kisses along your jaw. He stills once he's in you fully, but you shake your head slightly, "Keep going,". His face stays put near your neck but his hips begin to move slowly, drawing a moan out of you.
You let yourself drown in the pleasure of Jaehyun that night. You hold him close to you the whole time, your chests presses together and he fucks you into his bed. Your arms around his back so you can feel him completely, so you can feel him everywhere. Even as you both cum you grip tightly onto him as your body trembles.
When you finally do release him from your arms, he moves to clean you up, pressing kisses into your forehead. Once you can move, you excuse yourself to the bathroom where you clean up even more and try to hide the fact that you're crying. You feel slightly better so you move to join him in his bed once again, tucking yourself under the blankets as you rest on your back. You close your eyes and take a deep breath but you can sense Jaehyun is looking at you. "You okay?" he finally breaks the silence. Perhaps he heard you in the bathroom, or maybe the redness around your eyes gave it away. Or maybe, he felt your desperation as you held him closely to you that night.
You lay silently for awhile before you answer him, "It's so hard to be lonely".
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Jaehyun clearly remembers the party that took place early on in his University days. He was having a bad day, having just got a failing grade on a test so he mostly stuck to himself in the kitchen. He was surprised when you approached him, at first not really in the mood to make conversation but you were persistent and eventually he brightened.
He didn't know at the time how much he would come to love you. Only months later he had spent time making a playlist perfect for you before presenting it to you over your favorite meal and asking you to officially be his girlfriend. He still thinks those were the best 4 years of his life. You two were perfect for each other, loving and supportive, always there for one another. Jaehyun loved you with everything he was so when you both finally graduated he wasn't nervous, but excited about what was to come for your relationship.
He knew he has always been a dreamer whereas you were more set thinking about the present reality. That's why you were already applying to jobs before you graduated when he was planning up destinations he wanted to visit with you. Jaehyun realized it was really over for you both when he couldn't convince you to travel with him. Your whole friend group planned 2 weeks going across Europe to celebrate but you had already accepted a job. He tried his hardest to convince you to come along, traveling would be good for you, having just finished with a stressful degree you deserve some time off. But you refused, already stressed about the expenses of being an adult. He couldn't fault you, knowing the reality of money as a new graduate was daunting, but he truly hoped to spend some more time with you before entering the real world himself. It hurt more than anything to let you go. Jaehyun was a dreamer. In the years that you spent together, Jaehyun only dreamt of countless more. He dreamt of a big wedding, a small cozy house, a daughter that looked just like you. These were the things Jaehyun wanted more than anything. So it pained him to realize you might not be apart of his future at all. Except that you were. It hurt to let you go, but having to continuously see you afterwards may have hurt him even more. He knew it would be inevitable since your circles are intertwined, but having to see you when he was still painfully in love with you was harder than he thought it would be.
He still tried though, traveling when he could, working hard at his job, testing the waters with new people. Then came the fateful bbq where he had somehow let you convince him to go home with you. It was easy honestly, he loved you so much there wasn't much he wouldn't do for you. But when he let it slip to a couple of his closest friends that you were casually sleeping together from time to time, they gave him worried looks. They warned him it wasn't the best idea when he clearly loved you but you were no longer on the same page. They told him it would only hurt him in the end. And it does, it does hurt him every time you reach out and he knows he's just some kind of last resort, only when you're feeling extra lonely.
But the thing with you is that you're comfortable and familiar. Though you're both grown, you're still that girl he fell in love with in University. The one he dreamed of marrying and having kids with. Jaehyun is a dreamer and he dreams that there is still a reality where this future will come true. That he will continue to answer your calls until you're his again because he still loves you the same way he did when you were together.
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It was a hot Spring day and Irene's backyard was crowded with her friends. Now that the weather was better she and her fiancé are throwing a small party to celebrate their engagement. Jaehyun stood under the porch, seeking shelter from the burning sun, the cold beer bottle in his hand helping to keep him cool. He stares at you across the way, legs dipped in the pool as you sit besides Joy, holding her daughter in your lap.
His heart aches in moments like these, wishing more than anything that you both were married yourselves and you had a daughter of your own to look after. He takes a longer swig of his drink when he notices Johnny come up beside him. He ignores his friend in favor of his small daughter he was holding, cheeks rosy from the heat and large smile on her face as she sees her favorite uncle. "Hi, baby," he coos to her automatically handing Johnny his drink so he can take the baby into his own arms. He hoists her above his head as she giggles, bringing her back down to place a kiss on her red cheek before settling her safely on his hip.
"Whatcha doing over here all on your own?" Johnny asks as he grabs a drink for himself from the ice chest. Jaehyun hums, attention still mostly on the baby, "Just trying to stay cool". Johnny takes a sip from his drink, "That's good, I thought you were pining over your ex girlfriend for a second". Jaehyun sends his friend a glare before rolling his eyes. "You seeing her again?" he asks and Jaehyun clears his throat, never one to lie to his friends. "Yeah". "Seeing each other or sleeping with each other?" He asks again and Jaehyun huffs, "It doesn't matter. But we've been seeing each other more than usual".
Johnny stomach turns at the hopefulness in Jaehyun's voice, he sighs, "You can't keep doing this yourself Jaehyun". But Jaehyun only starts to tickle the baby's stomach, smiling at her small laughter. "I'm not doing anything". He says plainly, and now Johnny rolls his eyes. "You're holding on to an old relationship when you need to move on. It's not fair she treats you like this, stringing you along only when she wants to have a good time. You don't deserve that, you deserve to move on and find proper, healthy relationship".
Jaehyun doesn't expect Johnny to say such things on a afternoon surrounded by their friends but it sends cold feeling through him. He merely turns to the baby to place a kiss on her soft hair, "Okay Snowdrop, go back with your daddy for now, Uncle Jae has to use the bathroom". He slips Johnny back his daughter before silently heading inside. It hurts to hear those words from his friend, but he thinks it hurts worse because he knows he's right.
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Johnny's words stuck with Jaehyun throughout the rest of the week. He was used to these warnings, usually brushing them off to keep his hope for you, but there was something different about this time around. He's already seen you a couple times since Irene's party. In the past this would delight him, give him something to hold onto, but he knows the reality of your situation now. He noticed the way you looked at that announcement that night, the fact that your best friend was getting married is what drove you to him. He hadn't been naive in the past, knowing you only came to him because you were lonely, but for some reason it feels much worse now.
Instead of a hookup call every couple of months, you've been in constant contact with him since you had got drunk and called him. Jaehyun stomach turns when he figures you might be wanting more that just a hookup. You should be happy, he tells himself, this is what you always wanted, get her back. But for once his rational side is stronger realizing the timing of it all, you truly don't want him, you just don't want to be alone.
You were over for dinner once again but Jaehyun was on edge the whole time. The conversation was light and he seemed dazed. "Are you alright?" You ask him as you load the dishwasher for him, sparing him a glance as he twirls the wine around in his glass. He hums sending a nod, looking up at you as you dry your hand on a towel. You send him a small smile, "So I was thinking, my work trip next month is at some fancy resort just outside the city. It's all inclusive, spa, pool, amazing restaurants. And I can have a plus one".
Jaehyun closes his eyes and huffs, "Don't start this shit". He looks at you in time to see your shocked expression, "Excuse me?" you let you, moving to grab the counter. "Don't start acting like we're together," he says your name firmly, "We haven't been together in years. You haven't wanted me in years, don't start acting like you do now". He chugs down the rest of his drink. He can see from your face you're hurt, but he doesn't understand how you could be. You seem to gather yourself before speaking again, "That was the past, Jaehyun. This is now, I thought you knew when I reached out it was for something more. I told you I missed you". He rolls his eyes, thankful he was able to be strong. Perhaps if Johnny hadn't said those words to him this past weekend he would've already agreed to your trip, moving to look at this fancy hotel online, enjoying you before you decided you weren't lonely enough to resort to him anymore.
He says your name softly, "I know that's not true. You don't miss me, you miss having someone to have around". You avert your gaze, maybe ashamed he called you out. "I'm tired of this, I'm tired of being your fucking backup plan". You shake your head at him before speaking, voice coming out as a quiet whisper, eyes watering as you look at him, "Why won't you love me?"
Jaehyun abruptly stands from his seat, slamming his hand against the counter which makes you jump, "Don't!", he's nearly yelling, "Just stop, why would you-how dare you even say that to me!" A couple of tears have made their way down your face but Jaehyun only sees red, "You have no right to say that to me, not when I'm the only one who has shown love in all the years we've known each other". He can tell from your face the sadness is leaving your body as you become angry, "That is not true!" "Since we broke up-" he states but you cut him off, "You don't know anything about how I feel, how I felt for you all this time".
Jaehyun knows it was wrong of him to claim you didn't love him all the years you were together, you were nothing but a loving and caring girlfriend. But the anger get the best of him, especially knowing you haven't truly loved him in years. At least, not the same love he felt for you.
He takes deep breaths, trying to stop himself from speaking anymore. Not wanting to say anything worse while he's so angry, he merely watches as you stand across from him looking sad. Looking sad and beautiful and like his girlfriend he fell in love with.
Anger clouds Jaehyun's head, or possibly his love for you. He takes two steps to reach you before grabbing your face in his hands, pausing for a moment to see if you pull away from him. When you don't, he slams his lips against yours. You kiss him back, both of you sharing your frustrations through your lips. You move to grab onto his shirt to pull him closer to you, his hips slamming against yours, your back pushing almost painfully into the counter. Jaehyun roughly bites on your lips, causing you to whimper but he uses the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You both kiss rushed and messily, hands running along each other's bodies as if you were in a hurry.
Jaehyun uses his knee to push between your legs, making you spread your legs wider. One of his hands makes its way down your body, stopping to grab your thigh roughly before his fingers soothingly run up under your dress, reaching to touch you through your panties. You groan into his mouth as he pushes against your clit, running up and down the cloth a few times before he decides it was enough.
He slips the material to the side to access your wetness, fingers touching you as his tongue still roams your mouth eagerly. He pushes his middle finger into your hole, knowing you were ready for him, yet the tightness he feels still causes a groan to leave his mouth. Jaehyun works a second finger into you, both of them moving against your walls quickly but still hitting all the right spots. Your mouth falls open as you grip his forearm, he can feel your nails digging into his arm and it only urges him to go faster. He moves his mouth to messily kiss along your jaw and down your neck, roughly biting into the soft skin every now and again. "Please, Jaehyun," you call out in a mixture of a whine and a moan causing his heart to pound firmly against his chest.
"C'mon, baby," he huskily says into your ear. His fingers are moving faster and he curls them in order to make your feel the best, his palm just at the right angle to rub against you. "There you go, cum for me" he says as he feels you tightening around him, your head thrown back in pleasure. He slows his pace but keeps moving his fingers inside of you, watching your face until your eyebrows furrow and attempt to stop his hand from moving. He pulls his fingers out, resting them on your thigh before he moves his mouth over to kiss you again. His lips are much slower against your own now. The two of you continue to kiss with this pace, just slow, almost passionate as you move against each other. In the end he can't hold out any longer, so he moves to undo his pants, taking his hard cock out of its confines.
He rubs himself in his hand a few times, the logical part of his brain reminding him he should be smart and run to the bedroom to get a condom really quick. But his brain is still clouded and not using a condom only tempted him. You don't move to object either as he lifts one of your legs up over his hip, pulling your panties to the side once again, before lining up his cock with your entrance. He rubs his tip against you, looking into your eyes to see if you want him to stop, breathing heavily when you merely nod your head to get him to continue. At your encouragement he slowly pushed himself inside of you, both of you emitting sounds of pleasure at the intrusion.
Jaehyun goes back to kissing you as he waits for your to be comfortable around him, enjoying the feeling of your hand running up his arm. When he finally moves it seems like he can't stop, his thrusts becoming faster as he feels your warmth around him without a barrier.
His mind only becomes more clouded as he has you like this, nothing in between you both. He can see your wetness coating his bare cock as he glances down to see where you meet. "Looks so good," he grumbles, "Feels even better". He says it quietly as if he isn't sure if he's telling you or himself. He picks up the pace, hand gripping your thigh tighter, "Can't believe you're letting me fuck you raw like this, huh,". He pushes his forehead against your own but you can barely keep your eyes open at the pleasure.
"Maybe I should fuck a baby into you, what do you think?" He mumbles against your lips and you whine his name in return. Jaehyun knows he shouldn't be saying stuff like this, especially now after fighting over your so-called relationship. Not when it's such a touchy subject for you both. But his head is so filled with desire, desire for you, desire for something more in life with you, that these things are slipping freely past his lips.
"Mm, that's right. Let me cum inside you, baby. I'll fill you up so nicely". His mouth is lose at this point, words tumbling off his lips he knows he will regret later. "Please, Jaehyun," you moan back to him, "Please cum inside". "Shit," he curses as you encourage him, hips knocking into yours as he reaches his end. Spilling his warmth deep inside of you, he feels amazing now, ears ringing and hands roaming your body. He kisses you before he can think too much, before he comes to his senses and realize what he has done. For now he will just bask in the afterglow.
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The both of you are now settled onto his couch. A large blanket covers the two of you as you have cleaned up and now lay watching a random movie he found on t.v. You're head is against his chest as he plays with your hair and you feel so tired. Physically and mentally. Tired of holding onto Jaehyun and relying on him as your only source of comfort. He doesn't deserve that and frankly neither do you. Yet neither of you can seem to stop.
"Why do we keep holding onto each other?" you whisper out to him, breaking the long silence between you both.
"You hold onto me because I make you feel less lonely," he speaks back, hand roaming down your arm to play with your fingers, "And I hold onto you because I'm in love with you".
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Copyright © 2023 by nczennie. All rights reserved.
🌼 All feedback is appreciated and welcomed 🌼
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lavenderbexlatte · 8 months
day 8: seduction
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nct 1.6k words female reader insert Reader x Na Jaemin suggestive/SFW
🖤 warnings: a reader with no game, jaemin turned out a little mean but in a sexy way just trust the process🖤
kinktober masterlist
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"Oh, you're gonna lose that bet."
You look at Giselle, taking in her unamused face under the weird half-lighting in the corner of the library. She has one side of her over-ear headphones slid off, her phone open in her hand to her messages.
"How d'you figure?"
She raises a brow. "What exactly did Yeri bet you?"
Yeri snitched about the bet. Of course she did.
"That I couldn't seduce one of the guys who always use that study room by the time the library closes." You point across the library floor, to the row of doors along one wall.
"Yeah. At about 12 midnight, you're gonna owe her..."
"A week of meals," you supply helpfully.
Giselle sighs.
"You're doubting my game?" you ask.
"No, I just know-"
"You should be on my side about this, what the hell?"
"Have you ever spoken to any of them?"
The guys who use that study room are a bunch of loud, beautiful performing-arts types. Their hair changes color on the regular, but it's always shitty, like they exclusively do it at home in the bathroom. Usually, you can hear them clear through the walls, but since this floor is almost always empty (hence why you yourself study here), they don't get in trouble. They also seem to know the tall bespectacled student staff who runs the front desk, so you suppose that helps.
"No," you say.
"Then why do you think you'd suddenly be able to pull one?" she asks.
You're resolute. "Don't doubt my game!"
"I'm pretty sure at least two of them are dating each other," Giselle says.
"That's not my fault."
The side-eye is strong. "Sure. But don't blame me when you're starving to death because all of your meal swipes are going to Yeri."
Giselle snaps her headphones back on, and ignores you like she'd been doing all evening.
You have two hours to seduce one of the guys.
Might as well start.
You're thinking maybe the mop-haired one who always wears the Warriors jersey. He's cute, and he's got something desperate about him. Like maybe just the attention would be enough to seal the deal. And if not him, there's the skinny jeans guy who's always hanging around Mark and Jaehyun from the graduate music department.
But when you get to the study room and peer in the tiny window, there's only one guy inside.
It's one of them. But it's the most enigmatic one.
A generic, soft, handsome face, unassuming in a big sweatshirt. You remember seeing him in a tank top earlier in the fall, though, before it got cold, and you know he's got some shoulders and arms under that heavy fabric. You'd watched him for just a little bit too long, that day.
He's not the one you were going to pick, but he might just be the one you secretly wanted most.
You're just kind of staring, and after a moment, he looks up. Suddenly, as if you'd thrown something at him. He furrows a thick brow.
Sheepish, you point, asking wordlessly if you can come in. He nods, still a picture of confusion.
"Hi," you say, as you close the thick wooden door behind you.
These rooms aren't quite soundproof, but they are meant to at least partially muffle the noise from group projects and stuff.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
It's an odd question.
"Nothing," you say. "Um. I just wanted to...say hi."
He tilts his head to one side curiously, kind of puppylike. "Why today?"
You're thoroughly caught off-guard. "I'm sorry?"
"I see you here every day. Why today?"
"Less embarrassing when you're alone," you say, and though that is not the reason, it is true.
He nods once, firm. "Okay."
"What's your name?" you ask.
Jaemin is exceptionally off-putting. Usually, you have game. You weren't lying to Giselle about that. But this dude...you already don't understand him at all.
You tell him your name, too, and he just nods.
He's off-putting, but you might as well get started. You've met college guys before. Usually, the bare minimum of concerted attention is enough to catch their interest. They're easy like that, always desperate for some ass. You smile.
"You're really handsome, Jaemin."
He nods again. "I know."
Most of his attention is still on the textbook open in front of him.
"You know," you repeat.
"Yeah. I own a mirror."
He should be infuriating, what with the things he's saying, but he's speaking so matter-of-factly. Not arrogant, just assured. Rather than making you want to leave, his bizarre manner is making you want to pull up a seat.
"Do you mind?" you ask, gesturing to one of the seats across from him.
Another nod. "Doesn't look like you have anything to study, though."
"That's okay," you say. "What's that?"
"Obviously. For what?"
He's pre-med. Of course he is.
Slowly, so slowly, Jaemin closes the book. He looks across the table at you, gaze even. "What do you actually want?"
He doesn't even seem annoyed, but still, you wilt. "Do you want me to be honest?"
"My friend bet me that I couldn't seduce-"
"Seduce?" he interrupts. "That was you seducing?"
Jaemin smiles. It's incredibly charming, flawless teeth and matching eyesmile, the kind of big childish smile that changes his whole face.
You shrug, helpless. "I mean, kinda."
"No offense, but were you even trying?"
It's hard not to be offended. You scoff. You stand up again, and take a few steps backward toward the door.
"I was trying," you say.
"That's worse, then."
He stands up too. He's taller than he looks seated and slouching. He tilts his head again, looking at you curiously. You could probably duck out right now and then just hope that he never talks to you again, but then he asks you the most ridiculous question.
"Do you want me to show you what it's supposed to be like?"
Your stomach drops. "What?"
Jaemin's smile is so bright and empty, but he has terrifyingly intelligent eyes. Like he's putting on a show, and he knows that it's working.
"Do you need me to show you how to seduce someone?" he asks.
"I...I mean..."
"It's an offer," he says lightly. "You can say no."
You'd be fucking insane to say no.
"Sure. Yeah."
"Yeah." You swallow your nerves. "How do you seduce someone, then?"
His smile drops into a pout. "Easy. Someone just has to want you."
Jaemin has his hands in his jeans pockets as he wanders around the big wooden table toward you. He's slouching again, shapeless in terrycloth, but suddenly, visions of his bare arms fill your mind. He stops short just in front of you, making you look upward to meet his eyes. His tongue pokes out between his teeth, daring.
"I think it's already working," he comments.
He leans down a little, forcing you to bend backward to keep a respectable distance between the two of you.
"Do you want me?" he asks.
Skilled, measured, his gaze drops from your face, down your chest, down and down, and snaps back up to your face. You can tell this is formulaic for him, that he really is just showing you the method to his charisma. But you can't help how it's making you feel.
The bloom of butterflies in your stomach from the close attention, the buzzing under your skin as he checks you out so openly. He's gorgeous. He smells pretty. And he's so close to you.
"You can tell the truth," he adds.
You realize you're still bending your spine awkwardly, so you duck away from him, seeking refuge against the table edge, behind his turned back.
He laughs, full and a little shrill. "Come on, now."
The table is solid against the back of your legs as you catch your breath. Jaemin does turn around, though, and he laughs again at whatever expression he finds on your face.
"Oh, you want me," he says.
"I didn't say that," you answer.
Jaemin's smile twists, just a little, taking on an edge of the cold intelligence in his eyes. "Then tell me you don't."
He gets closer, again.
He walks right up to you. Nearly chest to chest. One of his hands is gentle on your side, a little bit of persuasion, until you're sitting on the tabletop. It makes you a good head shorter than him, perched as you are. Jaemin nudges in to stand between your spread knees.
He's not touching anywhere he shouldn't be, not saying anything. He's just looking at you.
It's good that he's not touching you, and good that you're wearing pants today, too, because you can feel yourself fucking throbbing at his careless attention.
"Tell me you don't want me," Jaemin repeats.
He's playing chicken with you, now, as he leans in close again. His eyes are so brown. The ends of his hair are absolutely fried.
His face is inches from yours when you break.
"I want you."
That tongue pokes back out between his teeth. He's way too pleased. "I knew it."
It occurs to you, then, that as much as he accused you of not doing anything to seduce him, he didn't have to do a goddamn thing to seduce you.
You shiver.
"Tell me," Jaemin says. "What were you going to do with me, once you seduced me?"
"I mean..." You blink at him. "I mean...I just...nothing, I guess."
He taps you on the tip of your nose with one pointer finger. It's fond in a way that sends the butterflies into a frenzy.
"Then that's what I'll do with you," he decides.
Like a switch flipping, Jaemin's smile turns bright and sunny again. He pivots on the spot, and goes to open the door again. He gestures you out.
Dumbfounded, you obey, weak legs taking you right out into the library again.
"Try again next time," he tells you, cheerful.
The door shuts.
Giselle is never going to let you live that down.
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rosiehrs · 1 year
YOU DON'T KNOW MY NAME – yena's charity work.
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Y/N - imyn, womenl0v3r ['02] third-year student. walking example of pure delusion. literally so gay. public nuisance. social butterfly of the group (people find her funny). gaeul and her as a pair lead to world destruction. has irene's post notifications on!
KAZUHA - kazmura ['03] second-year student. youngest of the group and so done with everyone's shit. tries her best to stay supportive of her friends and their stupid decisions. hates interacting with people (except these five girls).
AERI - uchinaeri ['00] fourth-year student. rich, but allows yena's spoiling. students find her intimidating. often laughs at yena and yn for no reason. finds her friends very questionable. knows yeri (irene's friend) but hasn't told yn.
GAEUL - kiimgaeul ['02] third-year student. hates school and is very vocal about it. her and yn are the ultimate pair (never leave them alone together). never feeds into yns delusions. athlete of the group. 'BRO SHUT THE FUCK UP'
YURI - joyuuri ['01] fourth-year student. yena's girlfriend. mum of the group. part of the student council. basically the group's cheerleader. supportive of everyone, but very protective. keeps her friends in check.
YENA - yenzchoi ['99] already graduated. only one with a stable job, basically pays for the whole group's necessities. yuri's girlfriend (doesn't shut up about it). always so confused about whats happening.
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masterlist | millennials + yeri
tag list (open!) @winieter @silantryoo @luvjanexx @perfectsunlight @pandamiswifey @jeindall777 @sontzuyu @jimanie @sapphicmemos @slowlydifferentbluebird @jjuncidio @awkwardtoafault @gfriendsapple @cwpiqwon @nasyu-kookies @justme-idle @mightymyo @writingficsblog @archerheejin @yoontoonwhs @jenscx @captivq @ddeulgiheree
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oreharuuu · 1 year
To be One (1)
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Summary: Trying out the demo game for Yeri's new game was something you thought would be an exciting experience. You didn't think the first time you played the game would be so creepy.
Warnings: none
A/N: oop new series :) i wanted to focus more on the other series but it's too much of a good idea to pass on soooo
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The feeling of boredness is seeping through your body. Glancing around at people around you having fun, you curse yourself for not having the skill to socialize with a lot of people.
You were invited by your childhood friend, Joy, to come to her annual party that she holds in her massive house every month. She told you it's because she's already used to having big parties like these for her friends, but you know deep down it's because she's lonely at home. So you never blamed her.
Plus her parties are actually fun and exciting. It's just you're not extroverted enough to initiate conversations first. Awkwardly smiling at old high school classmates, you tried to move away from the ever growing dance area near you.
Walking to the kitchen to grab another drink, you noticed the rest of your friends talking to each other, so you decided to talk with them instead of just standing at the party like an idiot.
"Hey, (name)! Where have you been?" Wendy smiled as she hugs you, Seulgi joining too before patting your back.
"Meh, not doing much. Just wanted to grab a drink before I saw you guys."
The three of you talked, catching up on what's going on with your life because it seems like everyone parted ways after graduating college, too busy with their own lives.
Wendy became a vocal teacher, teaching at a highly prestigious arts Academy with Seulgi joining her a few months later. Seulgi teaches dance, so you know the both of them liked their jobs but were too busy with the clashing schedules. Irene became a financial analyst, so of course she's working hard at her job that neither of your friends think that she joined this party. Wendy updated you that Joy is still doing modeling but she decided to take a break before continuing, wanting to relax for a bit.
"How's Yeri? Is she here?"
Wendy pursed her lips as Seulgi shook her head. "Honestly I don't know. A few people said that she's here, but I haven't seen her."
"I want to meet her," You pouted. "I heard she's developing a new game after the success of the first one. I've played it before and it was awesome!"
Yeri worked as a game developer. She worked at a relatively small company before they went successful with their first game. At first you didn't know what it's about, something called an 'Otome' game. But after playing it for a few days you were hooked. Maybe because you're a sucker for handsome men and the interesting storyline that made you played the game nonstop to earn many of the endings and achievements.
"I've played it too! Honestly Jisung's route was so exciting!" Seulgi squealed before you joined her as well.
"What?! I thought you agreed with me that Chan's route was better," Wendy gasped as she hits Seulgi on the arm. Seulgi and Wendy decided to debate on which boy is better, making you smile in amusement before deciding that the debate was going far too long. Excusing yourself you walked around the massive house, waving at Joy as she talks with people before going outside.
Not a lot of people were there, so you sat down on one of the chairs before exhaling loudly. Mindlessly scrolling through your phone, you didn't notice a figure walking right towards you before scaring you by grabbing your shoulders. Screaming, you flailed around before seeing Yeri laughing obnoxiously.
"You bitch! You scared me!"
"And I'll do it again if you'll have the same reaction," Yeri smiled as she wiped some tears away. You playfully stuck out your tongue before she sits down next to you, stretching her arms out wide before huffing.
"Why you lookin so stressed out? It's a party," You reminded her as she groaned loudly. "I do know that this is a party, but I had to accept a work call. So there goes my enthusiasm and now I'm just too lazy to go back into the mood."
"Work? Oh! About the upcoming game right?"
"Yup," She popped the 'P' as she grabs her phone. "It's already at phase three, which is pretty good. But it's still far from our target because we want the game to release in a few months."
You smiled as you peeked from her shoulder too see the concept plan. "Ooo, sounds exciting!"
"It is," She nodded. "But it's been kicking our asses. I don't know why but one of the lead developers just vanished all of sudden without any clues, like what the fuck? That's why we're panicking on what to do with the game."
You frowned before sipping your drink. Vanished? That just sounds unprofessional. "What do you by vanished?"
Yeri shrugged. "Don't know. His name is Johnny, good guy. But a few weeks ago he vanished without a trace. We thought he's been kidnapped or whatever but the police said that his belongings were all in his apartment. No suspicious activities whatsoever. It's like he...vanished from the face of the earth."
"Creepy," You shivered when a gust of wind hits you, reminding you of your thin clothes you wore because of Joy's persistence. "Well did any of you notice something weird in his behavior?"
Yeri frowned, humming as she tapped her finger on her knee. "I guess?" She started. "Before he's gone, he started acting weird. Saying the game was 'self aware' about our reality and it's alive all of a sudden. We just chalked it up as a joke, but it's weird thinking about it now."
You whistled. "Damn, that's actually scary. Imagine if the game actually came to life though, like that one Gravity Falls episode."
"Not scary to me, I'll gladly take Soos place for a hot babe to fall in love with me," Yeri snorted as you laughed. You both talked again about random topics, making you reminiscence about the time where all of you were just struggling college students trying to graduate. You remembered how all of you liked to stay at Irene's dorm, having sleepovers and working through assignments together even though you all have different majors.
Both of you fell into a comfortable silence, basking in each other's presence as you sip your drink while Yeri chewed her gum.
"Hey, (name)? You liked the first game that we released right?"
You huffed a laugh. "Not just me. Wendy and Seulgi were fighting about it before I walked away. But yeah, I really liked the game."
Yeri cleared her throat before clapping her hands together. "So! What if...I offered you to play our game?"
"It's only an idea, but the team wanted another perspective of the demo game. Since Johnny decided to disappear," Yeri rolled her eyes. "What if I offered you to play it? We're at phase 3 so the game would still be a bit glitchy, but we're happy to accept—"
"Are you kidding me?!" You cut Yeri off, squealing in delight as you shook her body. "Why would I want to decline this offer? I would be so crazy!"
"Yes you would," Yeri snorted as she laughs.
"I'll be happy to play it! I'll give you guys some opinions about it too!"
"Great!" Yeri exclaimed before texting one of her coworkers. "But...don't spill any of this to Wendy or Seulgi. They'll kill me."
"Like they'll only kill you, they'll kill me too!"
Thankfully, your work schedule was very flexible. Your company didn't need you exclusively on place at all times, so you can work at home where you're comfortable.
Already preparing drinks and snacks, you punched the desk in excitement as Yeri sent you the demo game through email. You downloaded the game before thanking Yeri through text, deciding to eat first as the game loads. When an unfamiliar tune started to play from your computer, you ran back to your room to find the game already at the starting page.
The game, 'Hala Academy', was basically an otome game like the previous one. Yeri did tell you that this game is more different in concept than the other one, so you're really curious on what she meant by that.
You clicked the start button, making yourself comfortable as you read through the short exposition text. Basically your a new transfer student at Hala Academy and you're trying to graduate the academy while falling in love with the many love interest on the game. Yeri told you that the system's more complicated than the other one, because essentially you still have to maintain good grades and your basic needs while juggling the storyline.
Unfortunately you can't customize your character yet because it's still in development, but your sadness soon brushed away with excitement as you started the game.
At first glance, it's all very polished. Yeri and her team did work on this game at the same time they're working on the previous ones. So you're really impressed by her work ethics.
Slapping your cheeks a few times, you clicked away as you read through text after text at the bottom so you know the basic storyline. You gasped when a boy appeared on the screen, jaw slack as you notice how good the art was.
Blonde hair, gorgeous eyes, a birthmark on the side of his eye; you described the man as angelic. You notice the bottom text appearing, hurrying to read it as you bit your lips.
"Hello there, you must be lost. A new student perhaps?"
You gasped again before squealing in shock when a deep voice spoke through your speaker. You didn't know they had voiceover! You held your face between your hand as you laughed out loud. The game just started and you're down this bad? You're royally fucked.
You quickly chose one of the options before waiting for a response.
"Ah, I was right then. My name is Yeosang, nice to meet you."
You clicked away whilst reading the text, eyes going back and forth between the text and the boy in front of you.
"Sadly I'm not your guide for the school tour today. But I can gladly escort you to the admin office so you could get your schedule there."
"Don't mind if I do," You smiled as you agreed with his offer. You noticed a heart appearing at the top of his head, the percentage of it slowly increasing.
Damn, this is more fun than the other ones.
Soon the scene changed where you assume the office is, Yeosang still on your screen.
"This is the office. The lady working here is great, but don't worry about her scary face. She's a softie."
Yeosang's face changed into a soft smile making you smile as well. A sudden ring made you jump in your seat before noticing it's the school bell. You noticed how fast his face changed from a happy smile to a sad one.
"Ah, I have to go to class. Oh! I forgot to ask your name, how rude of me. It's nice to meet you...?"
A box popped up asking your name. You hesitated, deciding to use your nickname you usually use for games or your real name. You decided to use your real name since it's only a demo, so you'll probably delete this one before downloading the finished one.
"(Name), what a beautiful name for a beautiful lady."
Your eyebrows raise in shock at how Yeosang said your name. Can they even do that? Usually they give some space before continuing with their line. But whatever, it's worth it anyway with his voice.
"It's nice to meet you, (name). I hope we'll have classes together."
"I hope so too," You mumbled as you clicked away, Yeosang disappearing from the screen as a lady popped up. Turns out it's a small tutorial before you actually play the game, making you hum in excitement as you played through the short tutorial.
Before you knew it, you went to classes. The work you did in class turns out was a small mini game, each classes holds a different game so you're not that bored. It's challenging enough and every time you win, you acquired different things.
"Okay, right now I have one letter. About twenty coins? And...a plushie?" You cocked your head, hovering above the items to find any description but you found none. So you texted Yeri, asking the purpose of these items.
Turns out the coins you could spend on different outfits for the boys, which is mind blowing. As for the plushie and letter, it's for maximizing your relationship percentage.
Closing the inventory, or your bag perse, you clicked away before another boy popped up. Your eyed widen at how broad his shoulder were, noticing the contrast between his body and face. His body looks muscular yet his face looks cute with cat-like eyes and a dimple.
"Hi there! You must be the new student. It's not common for the academy to accept students at this time. But don't worry about that! I'm Choi San, you can call me San."
"Cute," You mumbled softly, not noticing how San's character glitched a little when you said that. You picked one of the choices as you 'talked' with San.
"Oh yeah, our academy is very prestigious. That's why a lot of people are talking about you, especially someone entering with a scholarship."
"Yeosang? Yeah, I know him. He's my friend! He told us about you in class. I didn't believe him when he told us how beautiful you were, but now...I'll say your more than beautiful."
"My friends? Well...we're not always together. But! We do eat together if we can, if you want you could join us! It'll be so fun."
Just from these short interaction, San is a very interesting character. You noticed how he tends to ramble on and on, his voice talking first instead of the text like Yeosang did. Maybe it's a glitch?
When an option appeared where you could see your dorm, you didn't realize how San's character will follow you as the scene changed into your room.
"Ah! This is your dorm. Don't worry, we all start with the plain room. The academy will let you decorate so go wild!"
The tutorial popped up and you clicked on it, screen fading into black before the game showed you how to decorate the rooms and such. When the tutorial finished, you frown in confusion when you noticed how San was still there. But now...his face looked worried instead of the smile he wore.
You also noticed how another boy was beside him, with fiery red hair and a mole underneath his eye. Squinting your eyes you noticed how his face looked worried as well, before it changed into a smile.
"Ah! We were so worried when you disappeared on us like that!"
San opened his mouth before pausing. You noticed the game also paused, making you discover one of the first glitches you'll probably encounter. Before you knew it, a loading icon appeared before it's gone in a second, leaving your screen empty without any characters.
Only your room.
"What? Did the game crash?" You frowned. Clicking the exit button, you're more confused when the game played through like before, as if nothing's wrong. You decided to ignore the previous encounter and continue to play.
A lot of characters appeared, but you assume they're just for the plot to play out. Your so called enemy, Hwayoung, appeared and mocked you before leaving. It made you laugh at how lame her bullying was compared to the K-Dramas you've watched. It's only then you notice how it's already night in the game, making you go back to your dorm room.
But when you click the room icon, nothing happened. Clicking it numerous times didn't help as well so you closed the small tab containing the shortcuts for the game.
You screamed in fright when you noticed a pair of eyes looking at you closely before the game glitched out. You exhaled when the game returned back to normal, noticing a figure in front of you.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you at this time, I was just walking to my room."
You sighed heavily as you brushed a few hairs away from your face, haphazardly clicking on an option that popped up whilst trying to calm your heart.
"You must be the new student. My name is Yunho, sorry again for the scare."
You frowned when you noticed how his eyes seemed familiar from the ones that stared at you. But only the eyes appeared, not the character. Was it even Yunho?
You clicked away to talk with Yunho, trying to ignore the growing uneasiness. The glitches in the game are so creepy that you had to report back to Yeri about it. Maybe tomorrow or when you compile enough evidence to report back to her.
Yunho seems nice, almost like a golden retriever. You giggle a bit when he tells a joke, noticing how his character flushed with red on his cheeks.
"Aww, so cute. I didn't know they could do that."
"Thank you."
Your smile dropped when you heard a response back from him. Did you hear that right? You shook your head, looking back at Yunho closely. Noticing how now his smile is tense, almost forced. Before you could click, his character glitches out in an instant, making you stare at the dark corridor of the school. As if Yunho never appeared.
Clicking back to your dorm, you sighed when the day finally changes to the second day. You hesitated to click on the exit game button, but decided you had enough for today. The game drifts to black before the cutesy theme song played and the starting screen was showed.
Turning off your computer, you shivered when you remembered back at the creepy glitches. Typing the problems on your phone, you decided to play tomorrow to collect enough evidence to show Yeri.
You just hope things are not as glitchy as the first time you played it. God you can't get that eyes out of your mind as you worked through the project.
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vitamindropp · 2 months
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beomgyu as your (soon to be) boyfriend^^ PT.2
notes: not proofread!! warning curse words!
after last night’s conversation beomgyu couldn’t bring himself to face you after he fumbled the bag that bad, but he had to (he couldn’t afford to miss anymore days)
this man has never been more stressed, hell he wasn’t even this nervous for exams
when he walks in he spots you straight away and all his worries are forgotten when he sees you smiling at him and waving at him (WAHHH)
for the whole class you guys were talking and working and getting to know each other and before you both knew it 2 weeks had already passed just like that
you both went back to your normal lives and were more focused on graduation
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flash forward one month later you are enjoying your summer, no stress about homework, just relaxing at home watching all the shoujos and dramas you wanted to
on the other hand beomgyu is going through STRAIGHT HELL. his friends decided to randomly show up and have a sleepover (do college guys have sleepovers? chat lmk anyways) and have been flaming him non stop on how he didn’t make a move before school ended, he couldn’t even defend himself because he knew they were right.
yeonjun decided to mention that he saw you at the mall with another man (he didn’t he just wanted to mess with beomgyu)
the rest of the guys knew what yeonjun was trying to do so they had to back him up and start lying out of their asses
beomgyu knew he had no right to be mad but he just couldn’t help it
yeonjun knew he wouldn’t make a move if he didn’t lie so he suggested that beomgyu should message you
“But if she’s hanging out with some guy and going to the ma- SHUT UP TEXT HER ALREADY”
he decided he can’t lose without a fight so he was about to text you until yeonjun snatched his phone and BOOKED IT to the restroom and locked himself in, beomgyu was banging on the door so hard that if he had done it a tad bit harder the door wouldve come crashing down
mid way through the live action NANA movie you get a text
beomie: hey i was wondering if you were free so we could hang out sometime?
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eagerly you texted back
ten minutes of pointless knocking later yeonjun finally leaves the restroom and hands the phone to beomgyu
instead of cursing his friend out first he had to make sure he didn’t send you no bullshit so he went to the messages
him: hey i was wondering if you were free so we could hang out sometime?
you: OMG OFC what would we even do though?
him: do you like aquariums??
him: SHUT UP ME TOO anyways tmrw at 10AM if you’re free then?
you: im free tomorrow i’ll see you there!
him:so it’s a date?
you: if you want it to be🤨
beomgyu was going through so many emotions he had a date. A DATE. WITH YOU???? if this was a dream he wanted to go into a coma.
he was cheesing too hard to even nag at yeonjun for snatching his phone
all his friends helped him plan an appropriate outfit and agreed to meet him tomorrow before the date
before you even agreed to the date you had to give a rundown to your friends yeri, chaewon, winter, and ji-heon in the gc real quick
and you guys facetimed for hours deciding what you were going to wear how to do your hair and makeup and etc.
at 1AM you ended up falling asleep and you were so nervous, well actually nervous was an understatement, you were about to shit your pants
more notes: tysm for reading<33
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espresseo-cafe · 6 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.4
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 5.6k
a/n: another weekly update on your coffee! got carried away with the word count 👀🤎 note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
your hand sheepishly scratched the back of your neck out of nervousness as yoohyeon complimented you, still feeling awkward about this. out of all people, yoohyeon had to pick you as one of her muses for her final project: your junior yeri, yoohyeon’s boyfriend minhyun, and sana from language studies, and four others from several departments whom you’ve only met at lunch earlier today.
“y’know, i might just as well perform your thesis.” you said as you turn from side to side to check one of the beautiful gowns she made, running your hand on the material that she used. she may be a workaholic, but she knew when to get things done. who would’ve known she would be able to design something so pleasing to the eyes.
the gown was a tube type; a bit loose yet flowy, boosting up your busts a little, and a slit down your left thigh. the colour would be a favourite: diamond silver with hints of very pale pink on the top and blue that the slid down to the bottom. lastly, intricate details of jewelry, lace, and flowers lined on it almost all over.
what made you awkward and uncomfortable to be wearing it was the fact that it was almost see through- so much that you felt like your body could be seen but not quite. it was confusing to explain it that you asked yeri to wear it instead at one point.
“bestie be careful with the deets! it’s my best work yet!” yoohyeon held your hand playfully but stopped when she saw your face pout. “hey y/n, what’s wrong?”
yeri and sana looked back to check on you as well. you looked up before making eye contact with yoohyeon, your eye twitched so evidently with nervousness that she knew she had to scram. you lifted your hands and pinched her cheeks, saying in gritted teeth. “i can’t go out in this tonight! i’m too exposed.”
yoohyeon squealed and yet let out a giggle, holding your slightly shaking wrists to stop you from squeezing her cheeks. “y/n, you look so, so beautiful. i wish you could see it because you are.” she turned to yeri and sana. “right, girls?”
sana hugged you from the back. “yes she is. you know even though i don’t stay here at the dorms anymore i know for a fact that you- y/n, have the best face without makeup. what much more if you actually wore some?”
you pulled a face so ugly that yeri messed up your hair, laughing. “yeah y/n.. except, just don’t do that.”
they swung you to the vanity and brought out a makeup palette and curler to get going. “i wonder just how many hearts will be swayed tonight.” yoohyeon grinned and you just held your breath hoping you could get through the night in one piece.
johnny stood by the backstage of the university outdoor hall, peeking out from the side to see people filling up the seats and bleachers. the lights slightly dimmed while the main focus was the walkway.
“three out of three.” he told himself. that was the number of times he was asked to model for the clothes his seniors made before they graduated. he was glad he didn’t have to do it this year, taeyong taking his place instead.
also he wouldn’t call it a blunder to model years before, but rather flattering because at least he had another image he could be besides being called a fathe-
his phone rang, disrupting his circle of thoughts. “yeah?”
“dude where are you?” jungwoo shouted from the other line, making johnny squeeze his face a little at the volume. “you’re needed by seulgi noona for the photography, she says you got the main camera.”
“yup i’ll be right there.” he said when he put his phone in his pocket, feeling a tiny tug from his jeans. “hey little buddy. sorry.. was i long?”
youngmin just patted his cheeks and smiled when johnny picked him up, who gave him blows of raspberries before meeting the others. he had to bring him along because his parents were back in america for his aunt’s birthday and no one was there to look after him.
“aww our little youngminnie bean is here for the night. auntie seulgi will be watching you while your dad goes for his rounds to take photos.” seulgi carried the almost two year old. “aw he really looks like you, john. same lips.”
johnny just laughed and his heart melted when youngmin’s lips started to quiver. “i’ll be back, okay? don’t give auntie here a hard time.”
“aren’t we going to have fun?” she patted the baby’s bum to stop him from crying, shaking the little toy rattle for him to play with while johnny took his leave. her attention swifted when she heard familiar voices of her juniors. “ah yoohyeon! how’s the preparations going?”
“superb, my last model finally didn’t chicken out.” she giggled, turning her head to youngmin. “is this.. ? johnny’s son? he’s grown so big now.”
“yeah he told me to keep an eye on him for a bit.” seulgi combed his hair back while she shortly carressed his cheeks, “so yeah, uh, your last model is y/n?”
yoohyeon nodded and it made her smile, “yes and she’s stunning.”
“great. she’s perfect for the design you whipped up.” her expression changed before looking around. “how is she though? she coping up well lately?”
“i can’t really say, she’ll open up when she’s ready.”
backstage, you stood beside sana and she noticed you were having the nervous jitters, she held your hand and squeezed them. “you’ll be fine. we’re queued to be the last ones out.”
“that is why i’m nervous, yoohyeon had to be the top student.” you faked cry and sana just poked your nose. “.. but thank you.”
outside at the seating area, kun, johnny, and mark lee sat together, the younger one writing notes for the article that the newspaper club would be featuring by the end of the month. johnny was the assigned photographer, former runway model. and kun being known as an all rounder, was in charge of the music being played but left it to the juniors so he was just sitting pretty.
“you think jungwoo would do good for his thesis? i’m kinda nervous on what he’d put out.” kun joked, making johnny laugh as he set the camera ready.
“trust me i think taeyong would save his ass from failing, i just don’t know how he managed to be at the dean’s list despite his grades, and retaking quizzes.” johnny said, taking some sample shots before turning to mark. “hey kid, mind if you swap places with me? i’ll be closer to the stage.” pointing to the camera he was holding.
“sure.” mark took his belongings, “wait- you’re johnny suh. the one with the ki-“ he paused when kun gestured the younger one stop the convo, knowing well that johnny didn’t want any attention for not being the one on the runway. “sorry.”
johnny raised his brow and smiled as he sat down, finding the younger one quite amusing. freshman, probably. his arm accidentally elbowed the person to his left, and muttered a ‘sorry’. his eyes met with the guy so familiar he wished he didn’t ask for a swap.
choi seungcheol just nodded, accepting his apology. johnny for sure didn’t want his mood to be ruined just by his batchmate’s presence, because in the first place, there was nothing going on between you and the guy. but johnny felt he was being challenged, and decided to just let the night pass and finish the work he was required to do.
the lights dimmed down, indicating the fashion show was about to start. he looked through the viewfinder taking snapshots of student models. jungwoo’s models and designs were showcased first, making yuta and johnny chuckle that they teased him for not having higher grades. the younger one rebutted that he only went first because people found out taeyong was modelling.
other works came out and being so indulged with fashion himself, johnny actually found the clothes on the runway quite boring though applauses were heard on each outfit shown said differently. well, it wasn’t up to his standards. the people who walked weren’t even walking right.
“when will something actually get your attention?” kun whispered to him, noticing him lowkey sighing quite a few times.
johnny just shrugged, not so sure himself.
“the final designs of the fashion show will be out in a bit! please welcome kim yoohyeon and her models!” the crowd cheered at the mention of her name, making sana, yeri, and yourself flick your heads at her. she only waved and gave you all a thumbs up.
you coughed and kind of panicked. you were the last one out but questioned why you were this nervous. you had these habits when you did so, not knowing until yoohyeon pointed them out. your neck slightly tilted, breathing short airs in and out, and your fingers crumble themselves into a fist. it was slow but enough to know you were entering anxiety.
however tonight was no exception for you to flop. yoohyeon had her reason to why she chose you for her final design. so you firmly decided to just suck it up and do your best because if anything, the last thing you want to do is to disappoint your best friend. she helped you so much during the darkest time of your life. and by golly, she still was.
with the thought of that, you were so proud of her nonetheless. she was one of the first people in your year to be graduating first since she skipped a year due to her talent. even flying to paris for an exchange programme.
yoohyeon cued for you to stand by, she gave you a smile that made you want to tear up. you smiled back and gave her flying kiss.
it was a minute interval, you had to wait for minhyun to come back and wait a little more before you go out. people were anticipating, knowing there should be eight models in total. and when you finally went out on the runway, johnny found himself mesmerised by you, almost forgetting to take a photo.
he wasn’t the only one in starstruck. he knew that the person to his left was also attentive to you, and in his peripheral vision, seungcheol’s mouth was left agape.
so johnny’s shaky brown orb found itself looking through the viewfinder once again. even though he wasn’t snapping a photo, he felt like he could see you clearer than anyone else in the room. and with that, he felt like he had an upperhand to the other guy.
you were a natural and he knew that might’ve been your first time modelling given the fact you were so nervous.
again he questioned himself just how could someone be so attractive. but, just like he noticed back at the dean’s camp last week, he noticed your eyes were tired despite being really stunning, beautiful.
the lights dimmed slowly and you almost slipped out a curse because it was something yoohyeon never told you about this segment of your walk. you looked around in relief that it wasn’t all dark. like something out of a fairytale, your gown started to light up from your chest downwards.
it was rare to see lights on the style of your dress, only seeing it on ball gowns and that made everyone gasp and clap louder. and because the gown was a pink and blue hue, the light made a combination of a very light lilac at the middle. the gems and sequins made it sparkle and that made you smile.
you felt like a princess and started to spin a little, even though it wasn’t required. but this was a chance that needed to be taken.
johnny smirked and took more photos, this was a first in the university, a gown lit up made by a graduate student.
“looks like we have a winning thesis.” mark wrote notes on his notepad, he elbowed his senior. “johnny sunbaenim, is okay for you to take good ones? we need a photo to feature for the university article, please.”
johnny let out a sniffle, “alright, order the sunbae to do things.”
“sorry, i didn’t mean-”
“since the hoobae said so, i will do it. he asked nicely.” mark hearing that made him feel at ease, one of the first people to not see him as a let down for being to be a writer/ author.
“y-yeah, thank you.”
once yoohyeon came out and walked one last time along with you and the others, confetti blasted from the ceiling, letting everyone know the show’s over. you walked backstage and had yourself changed, though makeup was still on, yoohyeon appeared and hugged you ever so tightly.
“sorry for not telling you about the surprise.” she cupped your cheek, “i know how the dark frightens you still but know that i’m always here for you. besides your whole concept is a reflection of our friendship.” her voice softened almost to a whisper. “you were with me in my darkest of times, like you’re the light.. ah i don’t want to tear up.”
you eyes welled a little, knowing that this thesis was something she would bring with her before she leaves for paris to continue her studies and internship next month. “likewise for me sis, you’re still looking out for me, and i’m still the same y/n.”
“don’t be, healing takes time. you know that. i’m older than you so i can tell you off whenever i want.” she hugged you and tried to change the topic by taking a lot of selfies and portraits before you both actually cry.
johnny was standing by the opened door and the curtain that was between you and him, not meaning to eavesdrop but he had to collect his backpack. healing? is she hurt? he shook his head and knocked.
“sorry, i need to collect a few things.” johnny pressed his lips to a small awkward smile, “hi, uh. you both did amazing tonight.”
“johnny! hi, long time no see.” yoohyeon gave him a side hug, “thank you-“ she looked at you and johnny’s flushed expressions. it was silent and something clicked in her that brough her into a smirk. something happened here, y/n, you obvious one.
your eyes looked elsewhere but to johnny, however that would be rude for you not to even talk to him. it had been a week since you both actually talked. “thanks, johnny. how are you?”
“busy with my classes among other things.” johnny scratched the back of his head. “listen, at the camp i forgot ask for your number. just wondering, when would be okay for you to hang out?”
yoohyeon nudged you because you weren’t answering, “y/n.. stop just staring at him. you’re making him wait.”
yeri stood by in front of this exchange, giggling as she took her items with her. “oh what is this? high school? you know there’s a carnival-”
jungwoo covered her mouth, not wanting her to ruin it for johnny, “anyway johnny hyung, we’ll see you back at the apartment!“
yoohyeon saw that as her way out knowing that she had forgotten plans after, “ah y/n, minhyun told me to meet him at the mall, i’ll see you at home, ok?”
you nodded at the commotion, the once noisy room became quiet in an instant. you smirked at johnny, “sorry i was in trance. um, anyway hi. so.. what’s this thing about a carnival?”
johnny laughed awkwardly, “y-yeah it’s the prize we won as champions at the dean’s listers camp last week. i got two tickets so i was wondering if you’d like to come with me.”
“hm carnival, i haven’t been there for so long. when do you want to go?”
“last day’s tomorrow and i got no one to go with.”
this time you laughed awkwardly, “so i guess i have to say yes?”
“that’s pretty much the plan.”
you crossed your arms, curling your tongue in your mouth, “sneaky, smooth.. but it’s giving the last minute guy.”
johnny laughed, his eye dimples showing. what you said was unexpected. “maybe because i save the best for last?” referring to the fashion show tonight, referring to you.
your heart thumped, which was unneccessary at this point. but this is johnny, the guy who had your mind occupied for the past week. “okay, i’ll see you tomorrow before lunch at the train station?”
“sure thing.”
“great. i’ll take my leave then, it’s nice seeing you. i know we’ve been busy after the camp. have a good night, johnny.” you waved, and johnny hitched a breath at the sight of you.
ah her phone number.
“y/n!” he covered his mouth because of his accidental loud voice. “uh, can i have your phone number?”
“calm down big guy, afraid to lose me?” you teased him but your heart was still beating repeatedly, giving him your phone number then leaving to rest for the night.
johnny held his chest, his heart hadn’t felt this a long while. he felt like a little boy who finally had a play date that seulgi caught him smiling like an idiot.
“hey dorkface, you finally can use your carnival tickets. good on you, for bringing y/n.”
she handed him youngmin, who already fast asleep and stretched. johnny licked his lips, trying to bring up something about you that he had heard earlier. “seulgi, you know y/n, right?”
seulgi looked at him while she tidied up her own belongings. “yeah, we had the same minors last year. what about her?”
johnny hesitated to ask further but he couldn’t help but be curious. “is she okay? i noticed that she looks tired often behind all that smiley aura she usually shows.”
he didn’t receive an answer immediately, seulgi had to think about it. though she knew it was something serious just about vaguely, she wasn’t in any position to share anything. “i can’t really speak for her because it’s personal. i don’t know the full details but if you want to know you need to gain her trust. that’s all i can say.”
“alright, thank you.” he slung his backpack behind his shoulder as he carried the already sleeping youngmin, shaking him a little. “also for this.”
he for sure want to get to know you more.
seungcheol looked at his phone, lip biting at the group photo of the crimson commanders at the camp. his smile was evident when you and him stood next to each other, arms crossed while laughing at other players.
jeonghan rolled his eyes and nudged joshua to take a look at their friend, the latter one laughed while chewing and talking, “dude stop smiling like that, it’s creepy.”
“yeah dude, you’re such a simp for her lately.” jeonghan shook his head, “are you sure she’s the one you’ve been looking for all this time?”
“oh yeah definitely, she’s the one.” seungcheol sat up from his bed, stretching his arms before they become numb. “do you think she remembers?”
joshua raised his brow, “you mean that night?”
jeonghan’s eyes widened, “don’t tell me you’re gonna tell her what happened. i don’t think she even knows or remembers anything about you.”
“that’s why it wasn’t a coincidence that i ran into her at the dean’s camp. we were meant to meet again.” seungcheol clicked on his phone once more, “and she might be the one i was matched with here on love click.”
“desperate guy called for desperate measures. you really are a creep, cheol.” jeonghan threw a basketball at him. “isn’t that app under construction at the moment? whoever created that sucks.”
“you’re just jealous because you weren’t matched with anyone, and that you got friendzoned by sowon.” joshua teased him, earning him a glare from the blonde haired guy.
“guys, i’ll make her remember. she can’t escape from this. though i do have an obstacle.” he tossed the ball back to jeonghan, “you know that guy johnny? from psychology? or was it medicine?”
“the one with the baby?” jeonghan spun the ball on his finger, “yeah he was in my biology class in year one. dude sure knows how to multi-task.”
“what about johnny?” joshua continued to eat, but still listening to the conversation.
seungcheol’s brows furrowed a little, “i don’t like the vibe i get from him for some reason. feels like he’s just going to be using her.” his friends questioned him how he was so sure about it and he just shrugged, “heard the guy has anger issues though, can’t seem to control his fits.”
“and where did you hear that from?” jeonghan threw the ball to joshua, who at this point nearly dropped his bottle of water.
“minji noona. she’s my maternal cousin.”
the day was sunny and bright, but not too much that it made your skin burn from the heat. the clouds got your back from covering the sun rays from peeking. today was exceptionally something you looked forward to, yoohyeon joking that it would be your first date ever.
and you were so nevous, but..
.. you wouldn’t call it a date though..would you? because as you looked at yourself at the reflection from a nearby shop window, you were all dolled up.
a floral dress in white, paired with your favourite sneakers. your hair done in a half do, slightly styled, and just a very light make up. “this should be fine, right?”your phone rung to see johnny’s caller ID appearing on your screen. immediately answering. “hello?”
johnny could feel his cheeks heat up, your voice made him nervous for today. his first hangout with you. he felt like he was going out for the first time. “hi, y/n. i’ll be there soon, did you wait long?”
you stayed silent for a bit, he sounded really nice over the phone. deep and raspy. “um not really, i just arrived like two minutes ago.”
liar, you arrived half an hour ago.
johnny chuckled, sighing a relief. “phew, that’s good. i had to do other things so i was afraid i’ll miss our meetup time.” you heard a little shuffle, “i’m about to exit and headed for the landmark clock tower.”
“okay, see you.”
you looked at your shoes, lips pressing into a line. the guy you were matched with in loveclick only sent you a message or two in a week, just sending stickers. you thought maybe he just wasn’t interested at all. so you didn’t bother to message him back.
in all honesty, you were happy right now. someone asking you out in all the years you’ve even existed. even though you did say you’d change for the better, no one really ever went out of your way to ask you out.
so johnny being the first one to do so made it all special.
“y/n!” you heard him calling your name, seeing his figure approaching closer under the bright sun that you needed to place your hand to see clearly.
your slightly squinted eyes became relaxed when johnny was already in front of you, carrying a toddler whom you recognised. “hey y/n, sorry i had to bring this little guy with me. meet suh youngmin, a year and 11 months.”
he had a son.
“h-hi, guys.” you kept staring at the little boy.
johnny noticed your confusion and amazement at the situation. “was it a jumpscare that i brought a baby? hope it didn’t ruin our date.”
you shook your head, “no. no, i’m completely fine with it. hi there, youngmin.”
youngmin looked at you while he had his dummy on, suddenly shrieking into a smile and almost dropping his dummy that johnny caught it in time despite him carrying the toddler in one arm. “whoa hey, easy there bud. why are you hyper all of a sudden? you weren’t like this on the train.”
his little arms stretched out to you, wanting you to carry him instead. so you did, and the little babe wrapped his arms around your neck. “i guess you like me, huh?”
johnny chucked, “y-yeah, oddly. he rarely goes to anyone for the first time. usually it takes three or more meetings.”
you smiled and patted youngmin’s back. “well i’m honoured, youngmin. shall we go to the ticket kiosk?” you walked ahead because youngmin was already pointing at the balloons.
johnny shielded his eyes, the noontime sun rays glaring at him. once his vision was adjusted and he jogged up just behind you, he had to stop in his tracks when the scene in front of him was something familiar, all too familiar.
then he realised you were the silhouette he encountered ages ago at kahi’s son’s party. his heart beated like crazy once again, maybe that’s why youngmin knew you in an instant.
“johnny?” you called him when you gave the admission bands, “let’s go have lunch first.” you smiled and held youngmin’s hand, “i’m kinda hungry.”
johnny was brushed out of his deep thoughts, “yeah, let’s eat. youngmin likes lasagna. are you okay with it?” your eyes lit up and he honestly thought it was adorable.
“no way, i was craving for lasagna!” you jumped a little and youngmin let out a bubbly giggle. “we’re best friends now. aren’t we, youngmin?” youngmin just put his hands on your cheeks, speaking gibberish under his dummy.
the carnival was packed with a lot of people, slowly filling the place with unbridled joy and laughter. you didn’t remember how long it was since you last went here. probably when you were five? it was when everything was still in place, when everything was still peaceful. it felt warm to witness the busy movement, colourful scenery, and full of.. families.
your attention was broken by youngmin who handed you a cutlery. you let out a gasp that he held a knife.
“oh. give it to me.” you said firmly, “you’re not too big yet to handle big people things.”
johnny was impressed how you handled youngmin. you sounded firm but gentle, your tone not heavy nor scary. just alright for the kid’s liking. “you’re pretty good at this, y/n.”
you shortly looked at him then back to youngmin, giving him a kid spoon to play with instead. “really? i’m still struggling and nervous sometimes. but i get by. i take ECE, you know?”
“ahh,” johnny crossed his arms, “early childhood education? no wonder.”
“i must’ve forgot to mention. did i pass the vibe check?” you teased.
“oh yeah definitely, on youngmin’s book.” johnny chuckled, “he really likes you.”
“maybe because i already ran into this little bear.” you poked youngmin’s nose. “at kahi’s son’s party. i’m the godmother.”
“that’s no coincidence.” johnny sat forward, his hands interlocking. “noah’s my godson as well, shame we didn’t run into each other after all this time.”
“shame you left youngmin all alone under the dessert table.” you remembered, giggling softly when johnny’s ware ears slowly turned red. “i wondered who the responsible father was.”
“my fault, teacher y/n.” he playfully raised his arms in defeat. “but not my fault that i was surrounded by a lot of mothers and other ladies’ attentions. say, why weren’t you part of the circle?”
you smirked, this guy.. “maybe because youngmin here caught my attention the most.”
“that i can’t compete with.” johnny smiled, “he’s irresistible.”
“exactly.” you pointed at him as your order was being called by the staff. “oh there goes our order, i’ll go pick it up.”
johnny watched your back when you went to get the food tray. his heart warmed up once again today. talking with you was easy, it was like conversing with an old friend. one of the reasons why he wanted to hang out with you wasn’t because his friends pushed him to. it wasn’t because he wanted to jump into a new relationship straight away.
it was because of youngmin. he needed a mother figure, a role that his ex-girlfriend couldn’t keep and maintain. it had been so long since youngmin had interacted with someone so closely who was like a mother.
not that he expected you to be one, but you were such a natural. and seeing how youngmin opened himself up so relaxed and early with you felt like an elephant was lifted off of his shoulders.
“do you like auntie y/n? you seem to like her a lot little one, and you just met her recently.” he patted youngmin’s head as he drank water and he couldn’t keep himself from blushing on what the young one said after.
johnny coughed, grabbing a piece of tissue just below his cutlery. earning startled yet amused looks from other customers, he bowed his head in apology in return.
“here’s our lasagna, sides. and drinks.” you said brightly, and the scene in front of you made your heart warm: johnny coughing and youngmin giggling on the side. “seemed like youngmin said a funny joke that made you cough on your water.”
“oh you bet he did.” johnny wiped his mouth clean.
you sat down, grinning as you passed their food to them, “care to share?”
as if on cue, youngmin was about to blurt out ‘mama’ when johnny covered his mouth with a dummy. “that’s classified.”
you feigned a gasp, “jokes aren’t secrets, youngmin. what has your dad been teaching you?”
“let’s just eat, okay?” johnny held his cutlery, trying to change subject when youngmin held his hands together. for a toddler, this one knew table manners? and it shocked you that it made you giggle.
johnny chuckled, “alright alright, we have to say grace. my mom’s been teaching him that.”
you nodded and went with the flow, finding this whole thing very wholesome, “okay.”
the day pretty much went by quickly, playing several games and riding kid friendly rides. you’ve been staring at one certain ride since the beginning but was too shy in asking johnny because he brought youngmin along.
but johnny was sharp, he knew what you wanted and decided to take the ride with you because you did help him with minding youngmin almost the whole day. so he stopped by the kiddie pool where parents leave their kids to the staff for a bit.
“you sure leaving him there will be fine?” you asked, holding your sling pouch as you and johnny walked to the queue.
“he’ll be fine. i know one of the lady staff.” johnny reassured you, fixing his hair.
yeri took a peek from behind the column, seeing you and johnny talking very casually. “we’ll be fine, won’t we, youngmin?”
“you really had to tag me along?” taeyong dragged himself next to her, with two kids hugging his legs and one called him a prince while at it.
“well i need a second witness. in case no one believes us that those two actually went for a date.” yeri’s eye smile never leaving, so excited that her ship was starting to sail.
“yeah and made youngmin as their chaperone.” taeyong shook his head. “poor little guy.”
johnny didn’t know how long he was staring at you until you turned around and asked him to hold your bottle of water as you tied your shoelaces. he wasn’t sure how to act when it was just you and him, but he certainly didn’t want this to be any more awkward than it already was.
as you finally stood up, you dusted your dress when the person in front almost bumped into you- they had been messing around for a while now. johnny being the observant one, was quick to avoid the clash from happening by placing himself in between.
so now you found yourself leaning on johnny’s stomach, one of his hands holding your back and the other holding your forearm, this seemed familiar. “watch it.” he said sternly to the person in front. he turned to you after, “you okay?”
you hummed “mhm” and nodded quickly in response but all in your mind was:
abs, abs, abs, abs, abs..
the picture from the dodgeball game at the dean’s camp came running back to you and you felt yourself heating up.
johnny’s eyes squinted and placed his palm on your forehead.
shoot my forehead’s sweaty.
“you sure? you’re heating up.”
“i’m fine!” you flicked your head back and fake laughed to hide your embarrassment. “i’m really okay.”
johnny pulled an ‘i don’t think so grin’ but just let you off the hook ‘cause you did look fine. “okay then, teacher y/n said so.”
you held your chest and sighed, you would’ve been busted if you weren’t careful. but johnny was so cool back there that you couldn’t help but smile.
dummy he’s not your boyfriend, you thought.
after the ride was done and went to pick up youngmin at the kiddie pool, you decided to call it a day as the sun was starting to set into orange. dusk was approaching and it was better for you guys to be home by evening. johnny agreed and walked with you towards the exit.
you patted youngmin’s back as johnny carried the tired toddler. you carried the boy’s bag and johnny felt embarrassed that he needed to rely on you a lot today. he was relaxed when you told him it was alright.
when he took another glimpse of you, you were staring elsewhere and he felt you slightly shake, hand holding on his shirt. your eyes trembled a bit in fear and johnny’s brows furrowed, wondering what got you all shaken up until you mumbled.
“m-mom… d-dad…?”
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc @kyeomooniee @geysuuuuh
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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Title: Switched!! (M)
Genre: Class President! Jin, College! Reader, strangers to lovers, Bts are witches, magic, switched bodies, romance, comedy, fluff, smut, and angst
Summary: There was a rumor through the school of Bangtan that there were seven witches in the school but L/N Y/N thought that was stupid. Being in her final year of school, she could finally leave the rumor behind her and move forward with her life with her best friend, Yeri. Meeting the class president by running into him wasn’t the plan but what most definitely wasn’t the plan was switching bodies with him. Now, what's going on in this school? 
Warnings: Explicit language, Y/N is kinda dumb and selfish in this, Jin just wants love, angst, and smut
Rumors are the cruel versions of the truth, at least that’s what L/N Y/N thought. All her school life she's heard about this rumor, the seven witches of Seoul. A very specific number but that was the rumor. She’s heard that they brainwash you to get what they want or they steal from you by using “magic”. It just sounded like a scam artist using their power on the locals. Even now in college, she’s still hearing this but it was much more relevant on the campus. Clubs were looking into the “witches” and it doesn’t help that her best friend, Kim Yeri, was the president of one of the clubs. 
“Yah! Y/N, stop sulking in the corner and help staple these papers together!” 
“I’m not sulking, I was just reading something on my phone.” 
Y/N got up from her chair and walked towards Yeri who was checking things off of a list. Y/N tilted her head at the papers and looked back at Yeri with an amused look, “You're going camping this weekend? You?”
Yeri pouted and rolled her eyes at her friend, “Yes, there was a sighting in the forest and the club is taking a field trip there.” 
“Make sure you pack extra hair ties, you always lose them.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I was wondering-”
“The answer is no.”
Yeri sighed and looked up at the ceiling. She looked back at Y/N with a pout, “Please. It could be fun, being around nature.”
“I love you and I have accepted your passion for the “witches” but I won’t be participating in those activities that involve them.” 
“What if I told you that Johnny was going to be there...” 
Y/N stopped in her tracks and slowly turned towards Yeri, “Why would he bet there? He doesn't even believe in the rumor.”
“I have my ways. So, are you coming?” 
“I guess...” 
In another classroom, the student council sat there discussing things that weren’t school-related but something else related. Kim Seokjin, the class president, stood in front of everyone with his arms crossed staring at the six men in the room, “What did I say about going to the forest?” 
Park Jimin, the commissioner of public relations, groaned and leaned back in his chair, “Me and Tae were just messing around. Never let us have fun.” 
“That’s because people are curious and they will investigate.” Kim Namjoon, the vice president, shook his head at the younger member. 
“Hyung, we didn’t even do anything.” 
“Taehyung, you literally made a flower garden in the infertile soil. It’s going to raise questions.” 
Kim Taehyung, the secretary, looked at Min Yoongi, treasurer, with a frown, “It was just flowers...” 
“Guys, we need to be more careful. I don’t want to move to another school. I want to finish here.” 
“Kook, it's going to be fine.” 
Jung Hoseok, the treasurer, rubbed the back of the youngest member, Jeon Jungkook, commissioner of athletics. Jin rolled his eyes and clapped his eyes making everyone quiet. They looked at him as if they were getting scolded by their father, “No more forest. I’m about to graduate which means I can’t watch you guys as much.”
“You can still watch us at home, so what’s the problem?” 
Jin shook his head and gave Jimin a pointed look, “I don’t trust you guys here.”
“But Yoongi-hyung can watch us.”
“If he isn’t lazy. Guys, just follow the rules. I made the rules for a reason, just listen to me. Please.” 
“Sorry, hyung.”
Jin sighed and let a smile appear, “Now, let’s talk about the fundraiser.” 
After being here at Bangtan University, you would think Y/N would know more people. She only knew Yeri and a few other students but she wouldn’t count them as friends. She can’t see herself hanging out with them outside of projects and she didn’t want to give them the title of acquaintances, it felt too close still. The one person she knew and wanted to be more of was Johnny Suh. Johnny was everything she wasn’t. He was extroverted, popular, funny, and most of all he was hot. 
She met Johnny when they had a project in history class, she was expecting to do all the work but Johnny changed her mind. He actually taught her some things about the subject and she was smitten by him. He would always make his way to her and ask her how she was doing or even drop off a sandwich because he knew she forgot to eat sometimes. She liked him but she would never do anything because she was more reserved. Even with the camping trip a week ago, she didn’t dare to talk to him about dating. So instead, she stuck with Yeri. 
Y/N walked into her class and her eyebrow raised when she saw one of the student council members sitting at the desk with a girl in front of him. It was clear they were making out and she interrupted them. She let out a small cough and bowed her head, “Sorry.” with that, she ran out with her face feeling hot. Jimin was a known playboy but she thought the classroom would be off-limits for him. 
She walked into the lunch court and she felt a small tap on her shoulders. She turned her head and she swore she felt her face get hotter. Johnny was close to her face giving her a small smile, “Good morning, Y/N. I was looking for you.”
“O-Oh? Why?” 
He let out a small chuckle and took a sandwich from his bag. He placed the sandwich in her small hands and smiled at her, “Yeri told me you were going to class early and I just knew that meant you didn’t eat breakfast.” 
A small smile appeared as she shyly glanced down at the floor, “You know me too well...” 
“I just want to take care of you...you're not in class though. Did something happen?” 
She let out a sigh and looked at him with an annoyed look, “Park Jimin happened.” 
“Oh? He was fucking in the classroom?” 
She scoffed at this and shook her head, “Not yet. I just wanted to get my laptop set up for class.” 
He let out a small laugh and wrapped his arm over her shoulders, bringing her into him, “Looks like we can spend time together.” 
“Yo-You want to spend time with me?” 
“Of course I do, let’s go to the corner.” 
The corner was the center of everything. Where couples went on dates or students wanted fresh air. The corner was also where people watched the student council speak. Even though Y/N has been here for four years, she has never been to one of the speeches. She just didn’t see a point to it but that was going to change today. 
It was a sunny day, not a cloud to be seen. It was the kind of day when people would have to take allergy medicine. Y/N glanced up at Johnny who was talking about his recent art class and how he had to draw someone’s dick. He was just so handsome to her and it made her happy that he could easily talk to her (she wished she could do the same). They stopped walking when they saw the student council with a microphone. 
“Neh, Johnny, who is that?” 
Johnny glanced at the stage and then back at Y/N, “That’s Kim Seokjin, the president. Jeez, Y/N, you don’t even know the president. You're about to graduate, you should know him.” 
“I just don’t pay attention...”
She looked up at him and he stood there in a white dress shirt and loose black tie around his neck. His hair was puffy but it shaped his head perfectly and she wondered how soft the black strands were. She watched him adjust the stand and she saw the veins on his hands appear making her heart beat a little faster (which was weird). He let out a small cough and moved his plump lips, “I am Seokjin, your class president. I would like to tell you guys about a fundraiser we are going to have for the soccer team.”
She looked around the small crowd and noticed that it was mostly girls looking at him. It clicked that this was the reason why everyone was at the corner, it was for him or the other members. She rolled her eyes at the girls and looked at Johnny, “Do you want to eat at the benches?” 
“I am hungry, doesn’t your class start in thirty mins though?” 
“I have some nuts to snack on, I just want to sit down...and catch up. Is that okay with you?” 
Johnny smiled and nodded his head. He wrapped his arm over her shoulders again and started walking away from the crowd. Before they left the corner, she glanced over her shoulders to look at Seokjin one final time. 
After his speech, he bowed to the students and turned towards Taehyung with an annoyed look, “Where was Jimin?” 
“He’s on campus.” 
Jin sighed and looked at Jungkook who was avoiding eye contact, “Jungkook, where was Jimin?”
“I-I don’t know what you're talking about...” 
“You know-”
“I’m here!” 
Jin turned around and saw Jimin, just by his appearance his eyes twitched. His shirt was inside out, his hair was messy and he had lipstick stains on the side of his neck. Jin shook his head and looked down at the ground, “Where were you?” 
“I-I was coming here.”
“Oh really because you don’t look like it.” 
Jimin looked down at himself and looked back at him, “Don’t judge a book by its cover...I didn’t get laid.” 
Jungkook let out a loud laugh and pointed toward him, “Loser!” 
“Shut the fuck up, someone barged in and it kinda killed the vibe.” 
Jin looked at Jimin with a curious look, “Who was it?” 
“I think it was L/N Y/N, I don’t know I was too busy with Soojin.” 
“Y/N...” Jin turned his head towards the crowd and looked through everyone. He frowned and looked back at his members, I guess she left...
Y/N sat with Johnny and looked up at the sky with a small smile. Johnny glanced at her and smiled at her, “You look content.” 
“I feel it...it’s a nice day. The sun feels warm and the winds aren’t too cold the perfect weather.” 
“Oh, very poetic, Ms. L/N.”
She rolled her eyes and tossed some almonds into her mouth, “It’s just the truth...How was English this morning?” 
“The same. Yeri was trying to convince the teacher about the seven witches thing. It killed time, so I had no complaints.” 
She laughed at this and shook her head, “That sounds like her...what can you tell me about Seokjin?”
Johnny took a sip of his water and glanced at her, “He’s the same age as you and he's the class president. Other than that, I don't know anything else about him, why?” 
“I don’t know...I’m curious about him.” I’m not sure why though...
Johnny shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the ground. She glanced at him with a worried look, she's never seen him nervous before. He let out a deep sigh and looked at her, “Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me.” 
Her eyes widened and for a second her mind malfunctioned. Johnny, the guy who she had a crush on for two years, is asking her out. She blinked her eyes and covered her mouth, “Holy shit, it's happening.” 
She shook her head and smiled at him, “You want to go out with me?” 
“Of course I do. I really like you and I want to get to know you more.” 
She felt her face getting hot and she nodded her head, “That sounds fun. When do you want to go on the date?” 
Johnny gave her a wide smile and nodded his head, “I was thinking this Friday. We can go to that new cafe down the street, Cherry Bomb.” 
“Yeri said they have good lemonade...I’m excited.” 
Johnny rubbed the back of his neck and looked at his watch, “Your class is about to start, I’ll walk you.”
“Yo-You don’t have to...you're already taking me on a date. I don’t want to bother you more.” 
Johnny rolled his eyes as he stood up with his bag on his back, “Shut up let’s go.” 
She smiled and gathered her things as she stood up. She started walking away but this caused Johnny to roll his eyes. He quickly walked up to her side and intertwined their fingers together. She glanced down at their connected hands and smiled to herself. They continued to walk towards the building but her eyes landed on Seokjin who was scolding Jimin. For some reason, she wondered about the class president. Who was Seokjin truly? 
Y/N was in study hall typing away for her upcoming physics exam. It’s been a week since she saw Seokjin at the corner and for some reason, she's been seeing him everywhere. She never really paid attention but apparently, they shared three classes. There was something about him that drew her in and it annoyed her. She couldn’t figure out why she was so infatuated with him. As far as she knew, they never interacted with each other. Not even with class projects. It was annoying because she finally landed a date with Johnny but here she was thinking about someone she has never met. 
She let out a frustrated sigh and closed her laptop with annoyance, “Why am I thinking of him? This is so weird.” She gathered all her things and walked away from the library each step she took, she felt the frustration leave her body. Maybe all she needed was a small walk. It was probably stress, it has been a busy exam week. 
She walked into Yeri’s club and she froze in her spot. The guy who she was thinking about was standing there talking to Yeri with no problem. The way the sun highlighted his features made her feel weak to her knees. She shook her head and set her things on the table causing Yeri to look at her with a smile, “Ah, Y/N!”
“Hey, Yeri.” She glanced at Jin and gave him a small smile, “Hello, class president.” 
Jin swallowed some spit and gave her an awkward smile, “H-Hey.” 
Yeri glanced between the two and shrugged her shoulders. She looked at Y/N and clapped her hands, “I was just talking to Jin about the fundraiser. He wants us to take part in it.” 
Y/N raised her eyebrow and looked at Jin, “Oh? What would we do?” 
Jin felt his hands get wet with nerves and wiped his hands on his jeans, “I-I was thinking about doing a booth. So many people believe in the seven witches that I thought it would be fun to incorporate it with the soccer fundraiser.” 
“That sounds fun. How do witches connect with soccer?” 
“I-I just know this club is super popular, I just thought it would be a good collaboration.” 
Y/N nodded her head and looked at Yeri, “That’s good news for you Yeri. Just tell me what to do and I’ll help.” 
Yeri let out an excited squeal and clapped her hands, “I can’t believe I'm working with the class president! All the girls will be jealous of me.”
Y/N let out a small laugh and glanced at Jin. She tilted her head and squinted her eyes. She could’ve sworn that she saw sparkles in his eyes but it could’ve been the sun's glare. Jin looked at her and their eyes connected. He felt like his soul was ripped out of him at her curiosity and he knew she had no idea what was going on. He let out a small cough and bowed at them, “I have to go. Thank you for collabing with me.” 
“Of course class president! I’ll see you this Wednesday!”   
Jin nodded his head and waved at the two girls. He quickly made his way out of the class and ran straight to the student council room. He slammed the door closed and leaned against the door with sweat coming down his face. 
“Hyung, are you okay?”
Jin looked to see all his members looking at him with worried looks. He swallowed his spit and looked at them with a scared look, “I-I...I’m pretty sure that Y/N is my soulmate.” 
“L/N Y/N, Yeri’s friend?” 
Jin looked at Jungkook and nodded his head, “I kinda knew it was someone in my classes because I felt sick but I didn’t think it would be her.” 
“What’s wrong with Y/N?” 
“Nothing...it’s just we’re so opposite. She's so quiet and barely talks to anyone...What if she hates me?” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes at this and sat on the couch, “You won’t know unless you try. Just be careful because you don’t know what the side effect is with her yet.” 
“Thanks for the confidence.” 
“Noona is really nice. She helped me with my English assignment for tutoring. You just have to break her shell.” 
Jin smiled to himself and nodded his head, “We are working together for the fundraiser.”
“See, it's perfect! Now don’t be a pussy and talk to her.” 
“Yah! Jimin, I still need to punish you for not showing up for the speech!” 
Y/N sat next to Yeri and let the couch swallow her, “You had a good study session?” 
Y/N sighed and shook her head, “Not really...I had things on my mind.”
“Is it the date this Friday?” 
“Yeah...and something else.”
Yeri raised her eyebrow and turned her body towards her, “Is something else going on? Tell me~.”
Y/N sighed and glanced at her before looking back at the ceiling, “I’ve been thinking about Jin...I don’t know why but there’s something about him that caught my eye.”
“Like romantic? You finally have a date with Johnny. It could be your brain playing games on you because you're nervous for Johnny. You know, your brain wants you to fail before you start.” 
Y/N nodded her head and looked at Yeri, “Yeah, that could be it. Johnny wants to take me to the park afterward.”
“Oh, tell me more.” 
Y/N found herself back in the library the next day reading more folktales for her literature class. The subject was the myth of the seven witches. She wasn’t shocked when the professor said this because she was Yeri’s mother. Like mother, like daughter. She pulled a book out of the shelves and started reading the book, “...The seven witches are known throughout the land as the healers of humanity. Saving those who are in need regardless of what it is. For generations, they will continue this until they find their soulmates. Once they find their soulmates then the witch can’t function right. Which is very dangerous. The seven witches have different side effects, the one that is known is switching bodies...” 
Y/N closed the book and grabbed another book heading to the checkout station. She placed her books on the dark wood as she took out her student ID, “Hello, Mrs. Conner. I would like to check these two books out.” 
She looked up from her wallet to see Jin looking back at her with a surprised look. She smiled at him and looked behind him, “Is Mrs. Conner not here?” 
“Sh-She’s in a meeting.” 
Y/N nodded her head and handed her student ID to him. Jin felt sweat form on his neck as he gently took the card out of her hand. He scanned her ID and then her books. He tilted his head at the book choices and looked up at her with a smile, “Your reading about the seven witches?” 
“For a project.”
“Do you believe in the seven witches?”
Y/N let out a small laugh and shook her head, “Not really. I think it's a scam...but if you believe in it then don’t let my opinion alter your views.” 
Jin let out a small laugh and scanned the books, “I believe in them...I think it's...fun to believe in it.” 
“Yeah, Yeri’s been believing that since we were kids. Her mom takes her to the shrine with the seven witches statue in Busan every summer.”
“What about the shrine in Anyang?”
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and put her ID back in her wallet, “I’ve been there once. It’s nice and peaceful but I only go for the scenery.” 
“Do your parents believe in the seven witches?”
Y/N scoffed at this and nodded her head, “My mom has these stones for them and my dad does the prayer thing to them. I just watch on the sidelines.”
“You know the seven witches are different each generation.” 
“That makes sense...can I take my books?” 
Jin nodded his head and slid the books towards him, “Enjoy the books...before you go. Do you want to pick a coffee with me right now?” 
Y/N glanced down at the books and picked them up. She looked at him with a confused look, “Sure...” 
Jin smiled to himself and moved away from the desk. He grabbed his jacket from the coat hanger with a wide smile on his face. He walked towards her with his hands in his pocket, “What kind of coffee do you like?” 
“I like iced americano...that's it.” 
“I like my coffee sweet if I’m being honest. White chocolate mocha is super good.” 
Y/N nodded her head and glanced down at her shoes, “Yeri likes that too...” 
“I like dipping my bread in the mocha. It's super good. You should try it.” 
“Jin...why do you want to hang out with me?” 
Jin raised his eyebrow at her, “Do you not want me to hang out with you?”
“That’s not what I meant...it’s just...we're so different.” 
“Opposites attract.”
“But we never spoke to each other. I know we're working together on this fundraiser but you don’t have to hang out with me.”
He rolled his eyes and opened the door (thank god there was a cafe in the library), “I just want to hang out with you. I know Yeri because she's the president of her club and we had meetings. I know you but I don’t know you.” 
She nodded her head and looked at the menu, “It’s weird. You're easy for me to talk to.”
“Is that a good thing?” 
“I haven’t decided yet.” 
Y/N said her order and went to take out her phone to pay but Jin beat her. She looked at Jin and frowned at this, “Why did you do that?” 
“You can pay for me next time.”
“Next time?” 
Jin didn’t say anything and ordered his drink. Jin is so weird but enduring I guess... They walked to a table towards the back as they waited in silence. She glanced down at her phone and started reading an article as Jin just sat there with nervousness. What do you say to your soulmate that doesn’t know that they're the soulmate? It's a complicated situation and Google can’t help him figure it out. He opened his mouth but it was quickly cut off when he heard someone say Y/N’s name. She looked up and a smile appeared on her face, “Johnny.”
He glanced at the man who was now at their table and felt his heart drop at the look they shared, “Hey, why didn’t you tell me you were at the library?”
“I just needed two books. Jin invited me to the cafe.”
Johnny glanced at Jin (with a small glare that only Jin saw), “That’s nice of the class president. Y/N, are we still up for that date?”
“Unless you change it then yes.” 
“Alright, I’ll see you later. Bye, president.” 
Jin watched him leave and his chest felt heavy. He looked at Y/N with a small (fake) smile, “Are you with Johnny?”
She let out a small laugh and shook her head, “No.” 
“You seem happy with him.”
“I guess. We should get our drinks.”
Jin let out an awkward cough and nodded his head, “Yeah.” This whole soulmate thing just got more complicated.
“Class president, where do you want me to put these papers?” 
Jin glanced up at Y/N and let out a nervous laugh, “What is it?”
Y/N glanced down at the papers and then back at him, “It’s just...posters. Yeri just handed them to me so I wasn’t sure what they were.”
Jin nodded his head and stood up from his desk. He walked towards her and glanced down at the posters trying his best to ignore her eyes, “I’ll look at them and sign them off.” 
“Okay, class president.” 
“Please call me, Jin.” 
Y/N nodded her head and glanced at the window with a frown, “It's so windy...hopefully the winds don’t blow off the posters.” 
“Don't worry, I have it under control.” 
It's been a week since Y/N’s meeting with Jin at the cafe which means it's been a week since Johnny’s date. The date was everything she wanted and something was missing. She didn’t know what it was but it could be the nerves. When she left Jin that day at the cafe, for some reason it hurt her heart to see his sad face but she continued to walk away. 
“Y/N, are you okay?”
She looked up from her lemonade drink and nodded her head, “Yeah, why?” 
Johnny shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his drink, “You seemed distracted. I was just worried.” 
She shook her head, “I’m just nervous that's all.” 
“Ohhh, I make you nervous?” 
“Shut up.” 
She gave him a smile and went to walk out but her foot got caught in the rug (the day before Hoseok and Namjoon were trying to sew something. Everything was going well until Namjoon accidentally cut the rug). In a matter of seconds, she felt something hard against her back. She closed her eyes waiting for impact but when she opened them she was standing up. She was really confused and looked down to see herself in her arms, “What the fuck?”
Jin opened his eyes and looked up to see his face, “Oh, shit.”
Y/N quickly dropped Jin and looked down at her hands with wide eyes. She rushed to look at herself in the mirror and her mouth dropped. There she was in Jin’s body. She let out a small scream but it was soon covered with Jin’s (her own) hand. She pushed him off and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, “What the fuck is going on? Oh my god, am I drunk? I don’t drink though...What the fuck is going on!?”
“Calm down...I-I...fuck.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down. I’m in someone else's body.”
Jin sighed and went to his table ignoring her distress. He pushed some paper away and opened a fancy red book. He read away and his eyes widened at the words “...The one side effect of soulmates is body switching. This is the only one that is known throughout the community. The only way to switch back is a kiss on the lips. The body switching will continue until both soulmates accept each other.”  
“Jin!? Stop ignoring me!” Jin sighed and walked towards her ignoring her confusion. He leaned forward and placed her lips against his own. He watched her eyes widen and then slowly close as he did the same. When they moved away, Y/N looked down to see herself in her own body but that didn’t stop the questions, “Jin, what the fuck just happened?” 
“We switched bodies.” 
“I fucking got that! Why did we switch!?” 
He rubbed the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh, “What if I told you I was part of the seven witches?” 
Y/N blinked her eyes and let out a small laugh but when she saw his serious look she stopped. She blinked her eyes again and then all of a sudden she fell to the ground. Jin's eyes widened at this and cursed under his breath, “Oh shit she fainted.” 
He picked her up (with his sleeves covering his hands so they wouldn't touch) and placed her on his couch and rubbed his forehead roughly, “Fuck...she already has a boyfriend. I can’t just come into her life and change it, I’m not a homewrecker. I’m not Jimin.” 
He walked towards his mini-fridge and took out a water bottle. He placed it on the coffee table and sighed to himself, “Why does this happen to me? What did I do?” 
Y/N let out a small sigh and opened her eyes slowly. She turned her head to see the water bottle and glared at it. She quickly shot up and glared at Jin, “YOU’RE A FCUKING WITCH!” 
Jin jumped at the sudden loudness from her and was actually shocked that she could be that loud, “Don’t yell that so loud!” 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Let me be quiet about this. You know switching bodies is fucking normal.” 
“Y/N, I’m sorry-”
“We just fucking switched bodies I-I...Whose the other witches?” 
Jin looked at her with a confused look, “What?” 
“Don’t what me! Who are the other witches?” 
“The other student council members...”
Y/N stared at him and let out a sarcastic laugh, “Of course, they are...why am I not shocked by this? Is that why Jimin fucks so many people because he uses his magic?” 
“What? No, he’s just a whore.” 
They stared at each other and the tension between them was awkward but also sexual. Jin knew why it was sexual but he wasn’t going to act on that. Y/N pointed at Jin with a wide smile, “We can switch bodies...I want us to switch bodies tonight.” 
Confusion was painted on Jin’s face and he titled his head, “What?” 
“I have a date with Johnny tonight and you’re more extroverted...I need you to be extroverted for this date because I was so awkward on the first date.” 
“You want me to go on a date with Johnny!?” You’re my fucking soulmate!!! 
“I think that’s fair...I don’t know okay damn. I just want a good date with him!” 
My fucking soulmate wants me to go on a date with someone who already hates me...nice, “What do I get out of it?” 
“I mean...you get kisses from me. That’s good?” 
“Are you asking me if it's good or are you asking yourself?” 
Jin let out a deep chuckle making Y/N swallow her spit at how hot it sounded, “Your kisses are a good prize. Fine, I’ll do it.” 
Before Y/N could say anything, Yeri barged in with papers in her hands. Yeri glanced between the two with a raised eyebrow, “Did you guys fuck?” 
Yeri shrugged her shoulders and placed the papers on Jin’s desk, “The aura just feels like when someone just got fucked.” 
Y/N glanced at Jin and she didn’t miss Jin looking her up and down. She shook her head and bowed at Jin, “Bye, president.” 
Y/N grabbed Yeri’s wrist and quickly made their way out of the room with her face feeling hot. What did I do to deserve this? 
“What did I do to deserve this?” Jin plopped down into his chair and stared at the poster. Yeri wanted to find your soulmate booth and Jin smirked at it. An idea popped into his head. 
“Wait, so you're going on a date for your soulmate?” 
Jin sighed and nodded his head towards Yoongi, “Yes I am...”
“You know how stupid that sounds, right hyung?”
Jin glared at Jungkook through the mirror and sighed, “Aren’t you guys supposed to support me through this difficult time?” 
“No, it's our job to make things hard for you.”
“Thanks, Taehyung.” 
It was time for the date and Jin was already dreading it. He just wanted to help his soulmate but fucking hell. Going on a date with another person isn’t what he wanted. He turned around and put on his jean jacket with a frown, “I’ll be going.” 
“Good luck, hyung.” 
“You need it!” 
Jin rolled his eyes at his members and left the house with a weight on his shoulders. He always thought finding his soulmate would be the happiest moment of his life. His parents always told him that finding his soulmate would be life-changing and they were right. He can’t believe that Y/N was infatuated with someone else and he was such a fool that he would do anything for his soulmate. He just wanted to feel love and even though this is wrong, he was still going to do it to feel something at least. 
He knocked on the door and Y/N opened it. His mouth dropped at the sight. She was wearing a floral deep v-neck blouse that had bell sleeves and a bow in the back, she had a white mini skirt on with white knee socks underneath with black mary janes. Her hair was just a simple braid and her makeup was soft, she looked beautiful, “Jin did you hear me?” 
He shook his head and smiled at her, “What was that sorry?” 
“I said, did you want a drink and you can come in?”
He nodded his head and walked into the door. He took off his shoes as they headed into her small living room. It was a very neat living room with everything in its place and everything was clean. Y/N sat on the couch with Jin sitting next to her, “What drink do you want?” 
“Oh, water is good.” 
Y/N nodded and got up from the couch with a smile on her face. He watched her leave the couch and he couldn’t help himself from looking at her bare thighs. The knee socks hugged her legs perfectly and he hated how distracted he was with her. She was someone else's, he needed to remember that.  
She handed him the water looking at the ground with an awkward look, “Th-Thanks for doing this. I appreciate it.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem.” It’s a big problem.
“Do I just touch you?”
“Physical touch…that’s it.” 
She gently placed her hand on top of his and his touch sent an electric shock through her body. She ignored it because it could be magic.  When she opened her eyes, she was taller. She glanced to her left and saw her body. It worked again, “Thank you again, Jin.”
“Yeah…where’s the date?”
“It’s at Simon Says.”
He can afford that? “That sounds like a good date.” 
“Johnny said it took him months to get it.”
“I’m glad he got it for you. I should get going.”
Y/N nodded her head and stood up with a smile. She gave him a quick hug, “Thank you for doing this. I appreciate it.” 
“Anything for you Y/N.” 
Jin left her apartment with a dark cloud over his head. He couldn’t explain this feeling, heading to your soulmate's date. It’s a weird feeling and it hurts if anything. With each step he took, he felt his heart breaking. The only thing he wanted was for Y/N to be happy and if he had to do this then so be it.
Y/N felt like shit. It’s been two weeks since the body switched and she fell ill. Every time she switched with Jin, she felt sick. On top of things, she was spending more time with Jin for the fundraiser and she felt her heart beat faster. It was so confusing because she really liked Johnny and it’s been two years of having her crush. Dating Johnny was the only thing she wanted but now she’s rethinking everything. Jin changed her thoughts and she didn’t know if she liked this. 
“Y/N did you hear me?”
She looked up and the person that was on her mind was staring at her with a raised eyebrow, “I’m sorry what?”
“I said, are you excited for the soulmate booth?”
She glanced at the booth and let a small smile appear, “I guess…I feel indifferent.”
“How’s your seven witches project?”
“Oh, I haven’t been doing it. She extended it so it’s due at the end of the month.”
Jin frowned at this and nodded his head, “So you haven’t been doing any research on it?”
“I had a chemistry project. You just want me to learn more about you.”
He let out an awkward laugh (something Y/N didn’t pick up), “Yeah…”
“I don’t understand this soulmate thing.”
Jin smiled and picked up one of the rocks, “The seven witches created this spell that when soulmates grab the same rock, it lights up to this pink color.”
“Oh they like rocks like penguins then?”
“I guess.”
She glanced at the rocks and then back at Jin, “Have you found your soulmate?”
“Yeah, I have.”
For some reason, Y/N's heart broke at this. She had Johnny so she couldn’t focus on Jin, “O-Oh really. That’s good. I’m happy for you. What’s she like?” 
Jin let out a small laugh and smiled softly, “She's shy but at times she isn’t. She’s super smart and helps everyone who needs it. She’s also beautiful, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”
Her lips formed a tight smile and nodded her head, “I’m happy for you…When is the booth opening again?”
“Tomorrow night. I’ll see you there?”
“Of course, I’ll be there, Jin.”
He gave her a quick smile and left to go look at the booth. She frowned at this when she saw a shift in his demeanor. Something was wrong with him and she felt she was at fault but she didn’t know why. She felt a heated look on her and she turned to see Namjoon glaring at her. She looked around to see if he was glaring at someone else but now it was towards her. She frowned and let out a nervous laugh, “Is everything okay, Namjoon?”
“How long?”
“How long what?”
Namjoon sighed and glanced at Jin before glaring back at her, “How long are you going to keep this up with Jin?” 
“Well the fundraiser is-”
“That’s not what I meant, Y/N.” 
She looked at him with a confused look, “Namjoon, I’m so confused...” 
“You have a textbook, use it.” 
She watched him leave and she stood there confused. The textbook? What does that have anything to do with this? She brought out her thoughts when she felt a touch on her shoulders. She turned around and saw Johnny smiling at her, “I bought you doughnuts.” 
She smiled at this and took the bag out of his hand, “Thanks...Are you coming to the soulmate booth tomorrow?” 
“No, I have a test online during that time. I was wondering if tonight we could go on a date.” 
She glanced at Jin but shook her head, "I don't need Jin, I can do this myself, “Yeah, I’ll go.” 
Johnny smiled and intertwined their fingers together. As they walked off, she glanced over her shoulder to see Jin talking to Jimin with a small smile on his face. She wanted to run to him and hug him but she couldn’t. She realized at that moment she had feelings for Jin and she was basically leading Johnny on. They went to the corner and sat at the bench together as she frowned to herself. 
Johnny saw the frowned and looked at her, “Is something wrong?” 
“Yeah...Johnny I-”
“You like Jin?”
She looked at Johnny with wide eyes and nodded her head with shame, “Ho-How did you know?” 
Johnny smiled at her and took a bite of his doughnut, “I kinda figured.” 
“I’m sorry...I did really like you...Oh god, I’m a horrible person.” 
“Look, no hard feelings. I just need some time away from you to heal. I just want you to be happy Y/N.”
She looked at Johnny with a frown and gave him a quick hug, “I’m sorry...” 
“Go get him.” 
Y/N gave Johnny a quick kiss on the cheek and left, leaving Johnny there. He sighed to himself and leaned back into the wooden bench. He took another bite of his doughnut and felt someone sitting next to him. He turned his head and smiled, “What are you doing here?” 
“I wanted to check on you.” 
He let out a small laugh and glanced down to see her holding a rock, “Why do you have a rock, Yeri?” 
She let out a small laugh, “Just take it...it will be good for you, trust me.” 
Y/N ran back to the booth and looked around to see that everyone was gone. She frowned at this and took her phone out. She clicked on the icon and sent a text, Where are you? 
I went back to my dorm. I’m tired...make sure you read the textbook
She bit her lip and sighed. Whatever Jin wanted to tell her, it was in the textbook. She ran towards her apartment and tried her best to avoid everyone to get there faster. She ran into her bedroom and grabbed the textbook that was on her desk. She opened her textbook and her mouth dropped, “Jin’s my soulmate...” 
“Welcome to the soulmate booth! Let the seven witches find your soulmate this evening!” 
Jin sighed to himself and he watched everyone go up the booth, everyone but that person he wanted. He leaned back in his chair and felt a hand on his shoulder, “Hyung it's okay.” 
“Hoseok it's not okay...I should’ve told her.”
“Hyung, it’s not your fault. The whole situation is messed up.” 
Jin sighed and nodded his head, “Yeah it is.” 
Yeri overheard the conversation and glanced at them with their curious eyes, “Who's your lucky girl?” 
“Do I know them?”
Jin sighed and nodded his head, “Yeah, you do.” 
“Oh! Is it Y/N?”
“Go do your job, Yeri!” 
Jin stood up and was about to leave when he heard his name getting yelled out in the crowd. He turned around and saw Y/N panting. He raised his eyebrow and made his way towards her, “Y/N, are you okay?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Tell you-”
“Grab a rock with me, Jin.” 
He was about to walk away but Y/N forced his hand open. She dropped a rock into his hand and grabbed another rock just to have pink light shining against her skin. She glanced at the rock and then back at him, “I’m your soulmate Jin...why didn’t you tell me?”
“You had someone else...I didn’t want to take advantage of you.” 
“I liked you for a while but I just thought of myself liking you as a friend. The more I thought about it the more I realized I liked you Jin. Please give me a chance...please.” 
He blinked his eyes and leaned forward placing a quick kiss on her lips. When he pulled away he gave her a smile, “Of course I would give you a chance...I would give us a chance everyday for the rest of my life.” 
On the other side of the booth, Johnny held the rock with an uninterested look, “It’s a rock, that's it.” 
“Are you sure about that?” 
He glanced up and saw Yeri grabbing a rock and he watched his rock lit up, “No way...” 
“Yes way.” 
Jin tugged at Y/N’s shirt, their faces centimeters away from each other, “Ji-Jin...”
His eyes slightly glaring at her threateningly, “What does the shrine do for the witches?” 
“So the witches can hear their prayers and help them.” 
Jin let her go and she let out a small cough, “Your boyfriend is part of the seven witches and you can’t even remember anything.” 
“Jin, I told you I’m not good at remembering these things...just two months ago I didn’t believe in it.” 
Y/N’s project was due next week and she was having trouble making her powerpoint. She couldn’t tell what information to use about the seven witches and Jin was insulted by this. This is how she found herself getting harassed by her boyfriend alone in the council office. 
“Jin, aren’t you being harsh with me? I’m just going off by the text!” 
“You don’t need the text when you have me. Y/N, what’s the main power that witches have?” 
There was an awkward silence that fell upon the both of them. Jin waited for the answer and sighed when he knew he wasn’t going to get one, “Healing. Every answer you get wrong, you have to take off a piece of clothing.” 
“Eh!! But Jin!”
“Now, Y/N.”
She sighed and kicked her shoes off. She rolled off her thigh-highs down her leg giving Jin a full view of her bare legs. She balled up her stockings up and put them into her shoes, “Jin, I’m still reading the books-”
“Again, you have me for the source material. You have pretty legs.” 
By the end of the questions, Y/N was left in her shirt ( and her underwear) as she stared at Jin with a red face, “is the door locked?”
“Do you want it unlocked?”
Jin let out a small laugh and leaned forward placing a quick kiss on her lips making her smile. He leaned back onto the couches as Y/N sat still in front of him. He sighed and gave her a gentle smile, “I’ll give you an easy one. What's one of the side effects of a soulmate?” 
“You can’t control your magic.”
Jin stared at her with his jaw dropped, “Take it off.”
“That’s right though Jin!” 
Slowly hesitatingly, she started to unbutton her shirt. Her shirt slid down her arms revealing the matching bra to her underwear. Her face was red as Jin tried his best to hide his red face, “Get up, Y/N.”
“Do it.” 
She slowly stood up from the couch and looked at him with a confused look. In one swift movement, Jin pinned her onto the coffee table on top of her papers, “Jin!?” 
He didn’t say anything and leaned forward pressing his lips onto her. Her eyes widened at the soft touch but her eyes slowly closed when she felt her heart melted into it. Jin pressed harder and she felt his tongue playing with hers making her accidentally let out a moan. He nested his head on her shoulders and placed kisses against her neck. He pulled down her bra and he leaned in sucking on her nipple. His tongue twirling around making her squirm, “It’s okay to moan, Y/N.” 
He switched to her other breast giving it the same treatment. She tried her best to keep in her moan but she couldn’t hold it anymore, “That was a good moan.” 
He stood up but got on his knees, spreading her legs apart so that he was in between them. He slowly pulled off her underwear. Just then, she felt his tongue insert itself and she let out a loud moan. She tried to push him away but this caused him to take out his tongue and started to spread her folds with his fingers, licking every part, “Do-Don’t do that or I’ll-” 
She felt the sensation take over her and she closed her eyes tightly, “J-Jin!” 
He removed himself and licked his lips, “I love it when you cum at foreplay.” 
He stood up and threw his top off along with the rest of the clothing except for his student council tie because he knew it was one of your kinks. He climbed back on top of her and the tip of his length teased her entrance. He leaned down and kissed her and he fell into her arms as she embraced him. She felt his kisses go along her neck and she let out a small laugh at the touches. The more he kissed, the deeper his tip played with her, “You want this don’t you?” 
“I-I wouldn’t say that...” He slid her bra off and let out a chuckle at her answer. He cupped her face and brought her in for another kiss, “You’re so cute.” Without warning, he slammed his whole length into her making her moan so loud that she knew the whole building heard it. 
“Th-This is what you get for not knowing anything about the witches.”
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Amazing Company Getaway- Jeong Yunho (정 윤호) x female reader (Y/N)x Choi San (최 산)
smut 🔞
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Author's note: This is my another Yunho and San one-shot fanfiction. I hope you will like it my beloved readers ❤❤❤
No. of words: 15k
Y/N is a college graduating student and she has friends named Yeri and Wooyoung.  Two days before their graduation they went to a bar but Y/N isn't much of a big drinker. So at that time, Y/N just had a few drinks and stopped. But then Yeri and Wooyoung noticed someone who kept eyeing Y/N.
“Y/N, a handsome man is looking at you,” Yeri said, which made Y/N just chuckle.
“I don’t believe you, girl!” Y/N said.
“Yeri is telling the truth he kept looking at you,” Wooyoung said.
“I really don’t believe the two of you. Anyways, let’s just not mind someone else, shall we?” Y/N said.
“Fine! Let’s just enjoy tonight,” Yeri said. At that time, Wooyoung and Yeri had an idea but Y/N knew nothing about what her friends would do.  Then there was a time, Y/N went to the restroom and when she came back, she saw that her friends were already gone and she tried to contact them but they didn’t answer the call.
“Shit! Why did they leave me here?” Y/N thought as she sighed then when she was still standing near the counter of the bar, someone tapped her shoulder which made her slightly surprised and as she turned around, she already got attracted to the guy and…
“He’s so handsome!” Y/N thought as gulped and blushed madly.
"I am sorry to bother you, miss. Don't worry, I won't do anything bad to you. By the way, I am Yunho," the man said as he smiled, which made Y/N relieved.
"Nice to meet you, Yunho! I am Y/N. By any chance, did you see my friends?" Y/N asked.
"To be honest, that's the reason why I approached you because they left and suddenly told me that I should be the one who will drive you home," Yunho said which made Y/N surprised.
"What? Why?" Y/N asked.
"I don't know but don't worry, trust me I will surely drive you home," Yunho said.
"Are you not that drunk to drive me home?" Y/N asked.
"Nope! I didn't drink alcohol tonight because I told my friends that I will drive. So, there's no need to worry, Y/N," Yunho said as he smiled which made Y/N blush madly.
"Damn! I think I am lucky tonight that I met this hot and handsome man," Y/N thought.
"Okay! I'll trust you, Yunho," Y/N said as she smiled back. They left the bar and while Yunho was driving...
"I guess you are already working, right?" Y/N asked.
"Yup! I am a manager in a company. What about you? Are you also working already?" Yunho asked.
"Nope! But after two days, I will be graduating from college," Y/N said, which made Yunho slightly surprised.
"Oh! Congrats! So, I think our age gap is not that big, right?" Yunho asked.
"Thanks! Anyways, may I know how old you are?" Y/N asked.
"I am 24 years old, what about you?" Yunho asked.
"I am 21 years old," Y/N said.
"Oh! That's great that there is only a 3-year gap," Yunho said as he smiled.
"Why? Is there a problem?" Y/n asked.
"It's nothing, it's just I want you to be comfortable with me," Yunho said.
"Oh okay! But we can be friends, right?" Y/N asked.
"Of course!" Yunho said as he smiled and Y/N just smiled back at him. As they arrived at her place...
"Can you stay for a while?" Y/N asked which made Yunho surprised.
"Are you sure? You mean, I will go with you inside your apartment?" Yunho asked.
"Yup! It's okay! Since you became my friend. I can make you some coffee or have some drinks," Y/N said as she smiled.
"Okay! If that's what you want. Let's go," Yunho said. As they went inside her apartment, they went to the kitchen and Yunho sat.
"So, do you want some coffee or just water or other drinks?" Y/N asked.
"Just some water, please and we can just talk," Yunho said, then Y/N smiled and nodded and when she got some water for him, he sat beside him.
"I thought you are living with your friends because you are still in college but you are already independent," Yunho said.
"Yup! But my friends hang out here every time we finish our deadlines at the university," Y/N said.
"I see. do you still have to go to the university tomorrow?" Yunho asked.
"Nope! We are just already preparing for the graduation and we just finished the rehearsal practice for the ceremony yesterday. That's why we decided to celebrate and hang out in a bar," Y/N said.
Oh! Okay! Anyways, I have to go because it's getting late and I am glad I had a chance to talk to you, Y/N," Yunho said as he smiled but Y/N gulped and suddenly bit her lips unconsciously.
"Yunho," Y/N said.
"Yes, Y/N?" Yunho said as he looked into her eyes.
"To be honest, I don't want you to leave me alone here," Y/N said which made Yunho smirked at her, and as Y/N saw it, she blushed madly and her legs were getting weak.
"Shit! How can I resist this hot and handsome man in front of me and I think he is getting what I meant," Y/N thought.
Then her thoughts were cut-off when Yunho suddenly went closer to her and lifted her chin.
"Don't want me to leave you? Why, babe?" Yunho asked in a low voice, which made Y/N blush and her body heated up because of the way his voice changed.
" I don't know why but I just want you to stay here with me," Y/N said as she gulped.
"Are you really sure, babe? I think we had the same thing in mind, right? If I do this," Yunho said as he suddenly kissed her lips passionately and Y/N just responded to his kiss that made Yunho pull her to him closely so that he would deepen the kiss then after a few minutes of making out...
"So, I was right! Let me make you feel good tonight, babe. You want that?" Yunho asked as he stared at her with lustful eyes.
"Y-yes Yunho. But I will tell you I am a virgin," Y/N said, which made her shy and Yunho was slightly surprised.
"Oh! But are you sure that you want me to take your virginity?" Yunho asked.
"Yes! How could I resist you? Even though we just met I am already attracted to you and..." Y/N was cut off when Yunho suddenly carried her in a  bridal style and while they were going to her room, Yunho kissed her lips.
As they reached her bedroom, Yunho lay her down on the bed gently and hovered above her then started to remove his shirt which made Y/N surprised and gulped when Yunho was already shirtless.
"Someone is loving the view, huh? We are just starting, babe. Can I help you remove your clothes?" Yunho asked which made Y/N blush and gulped at his question.
"O-okay! But I think I will get shy when I am totally naked," Y/N said as she couldn't look at him but Yunho lifted her face.
"Y/N, you are beautiful and I will prove that to you tonight, okay? Trust me," Yunho said as he kissed her lips quickly. Then Y/N sat and Yunho helped her remove all of her clothes. After all her clothes were taken off and was about to cover her body, Yunho suddenly held her hand above her head and…
"Y/N, I told you earlier you don't need to be insecure. You are beautiful and sexy," Yunho said as he started to kiss her lips and went to her neck he licked and sucked it which became a hickey which made Y/N softly moan his name. Then his lips went to her breasts as he licked them delicately and sucked them which made Y/N slightly arch her back.
"So sensitive, babe!" Yunho said as he smirked. As he continued to leave some kisses on every inch of her body, his lips went to her clit and without a warning, he licked her clit at a fast pace which made Y/N moan loudly his name and slightly arched her back.
"Shit! More, Yunho!" Y/N said as she slightly pushed his head more onto her clit which made Yunho smirk and decided to pull her thighs closer to his face and sucked it.
"Fuck! Yes like that, Yunho!" Y/N said as she threw her head back and continued to moan his name.
"You are so loud for me, babe!" Yunho said, as he continued to eat her out wildly, without a warning Y/N cum, then Yunho sucked all of her juices that made a slurping sound in the room which made Y/N go crazy.
"Your taste is so delicate, babe," Yunho said as he wiped the corner of his lips and smirked at her which made Y/N gulp at the sight of him.
"Fuck! That was hot!" Y/N thought, but then her thoughts were cut off when he was about to get a condom.
"Yunho! No need," Y/N said, which made Yunho confused.
"What do you mean, no need? No need to use a condom?" Yunho asked, then Y/N nodded which made Yunho surprised.
"Are you sure? You are taking birth control pills?" Yunho asked.
"Yes! So don't worry, okay?" Y/N said as she smiled, then Yunho bit his lips.
"Shit! That will feel so good, babe!" Yunho said as he suddenly removed his boxer shorts which made Y/N surprised and Yunho slightly smirked at her reaction and hovered above her.
"Don't worry, babe! This will fit you and I will make you feel so good," Yunho said as he stared at her eyes full of lust and love and Y/N just nodded.
"Are you ready for me, babe?" Yunho asked.
"Yes! I am ready, Yunho," Y/N said, then Yunho kissed her lips with hunger, and without a warning he inserted his cock inch by inch which made Y/N moan into the kiss. But as Yunho stopped kissing her...
"Is it painful, babe?" Yunho asked.
"Y-yes, but don't worry I can bear it," Y/N said. Then Yunho decided to kiss her neck and sucked her breasts to distract her from the pain but as Yunho continued to give her some kisses...
"Yunho, you can move already," Y/N said.
"You sure, babe?" Yunho asked.
"Yes! Make it faster," Y/N said, then Yunho started to thrust his cock to her core at a fast pace.
"Shit! You feel so good and tight, babe!" Yunho said.
"More please, Yunho!" Y/N said.
"I will give what you want," Yunho said as he suddenly lifted one of her legs on his shoulder and thrust his cock into her harder and deeper which made Y/N scream his name.
"Fuck! You really take my cock so well, babe!" Yunho said. Then he decided to put her legs down and made Y/N wrap her legs around his waist and thrust his cock into her deeper.
"Shit! Right there, Yunho!" Y/N said as her hands raked on his bare back.
"Damn, babe! Feel so good deeper to you. I can't get enough of you," Yunho said as he licked her ear which made Y/N moan more. As Yunho continued to ram his cock into her deeper...
"Yunho! I will cum!" Y/N said.
"Cum with me, babe!" Yunho said. Then after a few thrusts, both of them cum. Yunho collapsed on top of her which made Y/N slightly laugh and decided to hug his body.
"Babe, I have to get up, you might be suffocated if I will be crushing you like this," Yunho said and Y/N just laughed and let go of him.
When Yunho stood up, he decided to get some tissue and wiped her clean, threw the tissue in the trash bin, and went back to lie down beside her on the bed.
"Y/N, tomorrow I will be leaving early, okay? I have some things to do," Yunho said.
"It's okay! I understand, Yunho. You think we are still going to see each other after what we did tonight?" Y/N asked.
"Of course, babe! But if I am busy I won't be able to meet you," Yunho said.
"Okay! I didn't expect I would just give in to you but I think you are just very attractive," Y/N said.
"You are also very attractive. I am glad your friends made me drive you home and we got the chance to talk," Yunho said as he winked at her which made Y/N blush.
"Just had the chance to talk and then, had sex? Is that what you mean?" Y/N said, which made Yunho laugh.
"That's also already given. Anyways, let's sleep now, okay?" Yunho said as he smiled.
"Okay! Good night, Yunho!" Y/N said.
"Good night, Y/N!" Yunho said as he kissed her lips quickly and he hugged her closely to him as they slept.
Before Yunho left Y/N, he put his clothes on and kissed her forehead which made her wake up and...
"Y/N, I have to go. By the way, this is my mobile no. You can save it later. You need to sleep more," Yunho said.
"Okay! Thanks, Yunho! I love you!" Y/N said as she smiled.
"I love you too, babe!  Just contact me if you want to meet me, okay?” Yunho said as he kissed her lips quickly then Y/N nodded.
"Okay! Take care!" Y/N said as she smiled.
'You too, babe! Take care! I'll get going," Yunho said and left her in the room.
"Shit! I didn't expect that I would just give up my virginity to someone before I graduate," Y/N said to herself, then she just went to sleep again to rest.
After an hour of sleeping in her room, Y/N woke up again to have breakfast and when she went to the kitchen, Yeri was already in the dining room and she was shocked.
"Yeri! You're here already? I thought you would meet your other friends? Also, are you the one who cooked breakfast?" Y/N asked which made Yeri smirked.
"No! I am not the one who cooked breakfast. To be honest, when I came inside I suddenly saw a note on the table," Yeri said as she gave the note to her and it said...
"Good morning, babe! I hope you had a good sleep! I cooked food for you before I completely left you.  Don't forget to contact me if you have time to meet me again! - Yunho"
"So, I guess Yunho is the name of the guy who drove you home, huh? Also, the one who gave you hickeys on your neck," Yeri said, which made Y/N surprised, and went to the bathroom to check herself in the mirror.
"Shit! This is so embarrassing!"Y/N thought and gulped. Then she just went back to the dining room.
"Anyways, just join me to have breakfast now," Y/N said, then Yeri smiled and nodded.
"So, it means he is already your boyfriend?" Yeri asked.
"I think so," Y/N said.
"Why is your answer like that? Did he already tell you “I love you” to you?" Yeri asked.
"Yes! But I am still not sure if he is really serious because I am also not sure if we will meet again," Y/N said.
"Girl! You already have his mobile number and you can contact him," Yeri said.
"I know but he is already working in a company and he might be busy when I contact him," Y/N said.
"Oh! I understand. But we made the right decision to make him drive you home, right?" Yeri said as she smiled which made Y/N chuckle.
"I think I was just really attracted to him. That's why I suddenly gave up my virginity to him last night," Y/N said.
"After our graduation, are you going to ask him where he was working and you will try to apply to that company?"Yeri asked.
"Nope! I don't have any plans to do that," Y/N said.
"Why? Don't you want to be with him?" Yeri asked.
"It's not that I don't want to be with him, I just don't want to, okay?" Y/N said.
"Okay! Okay! I understand, Y/N. But you'll try to contact him after our graduation, right?" Yeri asked.
"Yes! I'll try to contact him," Y/N said as she smiled.
Y/N already graduated and started to find a job with her friends. At that time, they agreed to apply to one company and fortunately, all of them were hired and they were in one department. While they are having lunch break...
"Y/N, are you still in contact with Yunho?" Yeri asked.
"Nope! To be honest, I am not contacting him," Y/N said which made Wooyoung confused and Yeri was surprised.
"Who is Yunho?" Wooyoung asked.
"He was the guy in the bar who kept looking at Y/N and we let him drive home. Remember?" Yeri asked.
"Oh! I remember it now! Why are you not contacting him?" Wooyoung asked.
"Yeah! Also, I think Yunho was now wondering why aren't you contacting him at all after what you two did that night. By any chance did he also call you?" Yeri asked
"Wait! What? They had sex?" Wooyoung asked in a low voice which made Y/N blush madly.
"Yes, we are, Wooyoung! As far as I remember he called me twice or thrice then he didn't call me anymore. But I know he is just very busy and I don't want him to disturb him at work because he is a manager of a department," Y/N said.
"Oh! I see. I hope you two will be able to find time to meet again," Yeri said.
"I hope so. But I won't deny that I am disappointed he didn't call me anymore," Y/N said.
"We understand, Y/N. You might not know, he can be working with us in the same company," Yeri said, which made Wooyoung slightly laugh.
"I think that is impossible. Also, we don't see him here in the building," Y/N said which made her friends slightly laugh. After they had lunch, their manager named Jongho gathered them in a conference room.
"Are there any problems, Mr. Jongho?" Yeri asked.
"No! Don't worry there is no problem. I just wanted to announce that the company will have a company getaway and in that company getaway, the sister companies will be joining us. Also, for us to get to know the other employees in those companies, we will be teamed up by the organizer on that day and you will also become roommates with them in the hotel accommodation," Jongho said.
"That would be a great experience. We will get to know other employees from the sister companies," Wooyoung said.
"You are right, Wooyoung. I also think that would be fun," Jongho said as he smiled at them.
"You know, Mr. Jongho. I think we already know why Wooyoung said that because he will search for a girlfriend," Yeri said which made Y/N and Jongho laugh and Wooyoung rolled his eyes.
"So what? Anyways, I just feel that it will be an enjoyable company getaway for us," Wooyoung said.
"We agree with you, Wooyoung," Y/N said.
"Anyways, that's all for this quick meeting. We should go back to work now," Jongho said, then Y/N and her friends nodded and went back to their working stations.
"I am so excited about the company getaway and we will meet the employees of the sister companies," Yeri said.
"Me too! I suddenly got curious about who will be our teammates in the getaway and I hope we can get along with them," Y/N said.
"I can feel that we are going to enjoy the getaway with them," Wooyoung said as he smiled and all of them agreed.
As for Yunho who is working with his friend named Mingi...
"Bro, are you excited for the company getaway?" Mingi asked.
“Of course! Because we will also meet other employees of the sister companies," Yunho said as he smiled.
"By the way, are you still in contact with Y/N?" Mingi asked.
"I still have her phone number but she didn't call me or send me a message to me anymore," Yunho said as he sighed.
"Why don't you just do the move?" Mingi asked.
"I wanted to but she might be busy that's why she didn't contact me anymore and I bet she is now working in a company," Yunho said which made Mingi chuckle.
"I bet you two are just waiting for each other to send a message or call first," Mingi said as he slightly laughed.
"I think so. Anyways, let's go back to work," Yunho said, then Mingi went back to his department. As for Y/N, who is busy at work, Yeri suddenly sent a message to her.
Yeri: Sis! I think you will see him again!
Y/N: Why?
Yeri: To be honest, I just saw the employees' names of the sister companies and I saw Yunho's name.
Y/N: Girl! Many people have names of "Yunho" out there, but can you send me the full name?
Yeri: It's Jeong Yunho and he is a manager of the Accounting department.
When Y/N saw the name and the position...
"OMG! Is this really him? Or maybe not?" Y/N thought.
Y/N: I don't think he is Jeong Yunho that I know.
Yeri: Are you sure? What if he is?
Y/N: Well, I will be happy about it especially if he will be our teammate.
Yeri: I bet you really missed him, huh?
Y/N: I won't deny that  I missed him so much.
Yeri: I really hope that he is the Yunho that you know. I will be very happy if you two meet again and clear things up between the two of you.
Y/N: You are right! We really have to talk about a lot of things including not contacting each other anymore.
Yeri: Anyways, I have to go back to work, I just really wanted to tell you about that.
Y/N: Okay!
It's already the day where Y/N is going to the company getaway with her friends and as they arrived at the company building, they were instructed to go to their assigned buses. At that time, they went to a hotel resort and as they arrived, they were instructed to go to the lobby. While Y/N, Wooyoung, and Yeri were waiting, Y/N saw someone and was surprised.
"Yeri!" Y/N said as she whispered to Yeri.
"Why?" Yeri asked, then Wooyoung also noticed them.
"You were right! I'll be seeing Yunho again," Y/N said.
"What? Did you see him?" Yeri asked.
"Yes! He's right there," Y/N said as she slightly pointed where Yunho was.
"OMG! Girl! I hope you will be teammates with him!" Yeri said.
"It looks like someone will get his boyfriend back," Wooyoung said as he smirked, which made Yeri slightly laugh.
"Stop teasing me, Wooyoung! Also, he never became my boyfriend," Y/N said.
"I don't think so, Y/N. You told me that you two said "I love you" to each other that night and there's no way that he didn't become your boyfriend at that moment," Yeri said.
"If he really considered me as his girlfriend we could have more communication after that night and after I graduated," Y/N said as she sighed.
"Well, if Yunho will be on our team, it means that you two can clear things now," Wooyoung said.
"I know. I had so many questions that I wanted to ask him," Y/N said.
"I bet that everything will be fine between the two of you during this getaway," Yeri said as she smiled.
As for Yunho and Mingi, they are also waiting in the lobby area, Yunho also saw Y/N.
"Bro! I can't believe she's here!" Yunho said.
"Who are you referring to?" Mingi asked.
"It's Y/N! She's here," Yunho said, which made Mingi smirk.
"Hoping you two become teammates," Mingi said.
"I hope so. I bet we will talk about so many things since it's been a long time since I haven't contacted her," Yunho said.
"Yup! Also, I bet that she was also disappointed that you didn't contact her for a long time too," Mingi said, which made Yunho sigh.
"I know. She might think that it was just a hook-up at that time," Yunho said.
"I hope you two will clear things during this getaway," Mingi said.
"I can feel that everything will be alright between me and Y/N," Yunho said as he smiled. Then at that time, The organizer and host of the event named San announced something and that is...
"Good morning everybody! I am going to announce who will be your teammates and your roommates. So please listen carefully. The first team consists of Wooyoung, Yeri, Y/N, Yunho, and Mingi," San said, which surprised Y/N and her friends.
"OMG, Y/N! This is really the sign!" Yeri said.
"Be quiet, Yeri!" Y/N said which made her friends laugh and at that time, when Mingi and Yunho joined their group, Y/N and Yunho just smiled at each other but didn't talk to each other.
"By the way, this is the list of who are your roommates," San said as he gave a paper to them. As they checked out their roommates, Y/N was shocked because...
"Shit! Just me and Yunho only in the room?" Y/N thought and gulped.
"Well, I guess we should get going to our rooms and prepare for the activity later," Yeri said.
"I agree! By the way, I am Mingi and I am a manager of the Marketing department. Nice to meet you, guys!" Mingi said as he smiled at them.
"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Mingi, I am Yeri," Yeri said as she smiled back.
"Just drop the formalities, Yeri. All of you can just call me, Mingi," Mingi said.
"Okay! I am Wooyoung and this is our friend, Y/N," Wooyoung said.
Nice to meet you Wooyoung and Y/N," Mingi said.
"Nice to meet you too, Mingi! Also, it's been a while, Yunho," Y/N said. which made Yunho smile.
"Yeah! It's been a while, Y/N," Yunho said.
"Anyways, let's just go to the room and arrange our things," Yeri said, then all of them agreed. At that time, Y/N let Yunho help him carry her bags, and while they are arranging their things...
"Y/N, can we talk?" Yunho asked.
"Yes! We really should talk and clear things about what happened after that night," Y/N said.
"Y/N, I am sorry if I hadn't contacted you for a long time, I was busy and I also think you are busy and I don't want to bother you. You might think that was only a hook-up but it's not and as I tell you that I love you, I really mean it," Yunho said as he couldn't look at her which made Y/N surprised.
"Are you really serious?" Y/N asked.
"Yes! I am serious about my feelings for you and that night is not a one-night stand only..." Yunho was suddenly cut-off because Y/N kissed his lips and Yunho wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close to him and started to deepen the kiss but while they were still kissing someone suddenly pressed the doorbell of their room.
"Sorry! I think we should just continue this later. Don't you think, babe?" Yunho asked as he smirked which made Y/N blush madly.
"O-okay! Let's go, they are probably already waiting for us," Y/N said, as they went outside their room.
"Did we interrupt something?" Mingi asked, which made their friends laugh.
"No! Anyways, let's go to the beach area," Yunho said, then while they were going to the beach area, Yunho put his hands around her waist which made their friends smirked.
"Well, someone is already possessive, huh?" Mingi said, which made Wooyoung and Yeri slightly laugh.
"So what? Is there any problem?" Yunho asked.
"No! Anyways, it means you two are already in a relationship?" Wooyoung asked.
"Yes! Also, we already cleared things up," Y/N said.
"I am glad you two are already okay and became in a relationship. Yunho, we will trust you that you won't hurt her, okay?" Yeri said.
"Of course, I won't do that. Also, I will protect her during this company getaway," Yunho said as he smiled which made Y/N also smile. As they gathered around the beach area and saw San, the host and organizer of their event, many girls including Y/N and Yeri's eyes couldn't stop looking at him.
"Damn! Our host is very hot!" Yeri said.
"You are right!" Y/N said which made Yunho jealous and he suddenly leaned onto her and...
"Y/N, don't make me punish you later or perhaps you want him to join us in the next few days before we leave this resort?" Yunho asked, which made Y/N shiver down her spine and gulp.
"Stop that. Yunho!" Y/N said, which made Yunho slightly laugh.
"Babe, we just became officially in a relationship and yet you are already drooling with another man," Yunho said which made Y/N sigh.
"Fine! I am sorry! But you know that I love you more than him, right?" Y/N said.
“Okay, babe! I am sorry I admit I just got jealous," Yunho said, then her friends noticed them.
"Someone's already having a quarrel?" Wooyoung asked, which made their friends slightly laugh.
"Shut up, Wooyoung!" Y/N said, which made Wooyoung and their friends laugh again. At that time, they played the games that San prepared for them, Yunho’s team kept winning which made the other teams envy them and as the games finished,  San announced that they can have their free time and decided to approach them.
“Congrats to your team, Mr. Yunho! You really have good teamwork!” San said as he smiled.
"Yup! By the way, you want to join us today to hang out?" Yunho asked which surprised San.
“Really? Are you sure?” San asked.
“Yes! It would be fun if San would join us, right, Y/N?” Yunho asked as he looked at her and smiled which made Y/N gulp and just nodded and their friends agreed too.
“Gosh! What is Yunho planning right now?” Y/N thought.
“Okay! So, what are we going to do now?” San asked.
“Let’s have fun first in the pool, is that alright?” Yeri asked.
“Sure! No problem! We can also play games in the pool,” Wooyoung said.
"That would be fun. Let's go!" Mingi said. Y/N, Yunho, and their friends were already in the pool. As for San, he removed his shirt first before going into the pool which made Yeri and Y/N gulp and blush but Yunho noticed Y/N.
“Y/N, babe. I am watching you and I am serious. If you keep looking at him like that, I will really invite him to join us in our session,” Yunho said as he slightly leaned onto Y/N which made her shiver again because of his words.
"Fuck! So this is what he's planning? He is befriending San and making me drool over him and suggesting having a threesome with him during this company getaway? Oh gosh! He is unbelievable! " Y/N thought.
“Yunho, don’t make the others hear what you told me earlier, please!” Y/N said.
“Don’t worry! I won’t tell the others what I told you earlier,” Yunho said as he winked at her and Y/N just tried to smile back at him.
“Let’s play Tag here in the pool. You should have partners,” San said.
“Why? I thought you said that we will play tag,” Yeri asked.
"This is a different kind of playing Tag. The person who will be in front of their partner will be the protector and tagger and as for the person who will be tagged is the one on the back. So, the person on the back should follow their protector's moves in what direction they are heading for them not to be tagged by the other team. Is that clear guys?" San said.
“Yes! But if our team won, what would we get?” Yunho asked.
“You will have another day to spend here in this beautiful resort,” San said, which surprised them.
“What? How? Also, we are supposed to leave this resort together with our colleagues, right?” Y/N asked.
“I know but since this resort is also owned by Kang Yeosang, I am a friend of his.
he also told me that it will be for free,” San said.
“Wow! But why are you only going to give that prize to us only?” Mingi asked.
“Yeah! Why? That is supposed to be the prize for the other games that we should play including our colleagues, right?” Yeri asked.
“To be honest, he told me that I can give that prize for the other games but since there are enough prizes for the other activities, I can give that extended stay here at night to others. So I suddenly thought that it would be good if I would give this as a prize now. Sounds good right?” San said as he smiled at them.
“Yup! Thanks, San!” Yunho said.
"No problem, Yunho! Okay, guys! Get your partners and you should be all in position," San said. At that time, Yunho and Y/N, Mingi, and Yeri were partners. As for Wooyoung, he just decided to watch them and cheer for Yeri and Mingi.
“San! By the way, can the person at my back hold me on the waist so that she won’t be tagged?” Yunho asked, which made Y/N slightly surprised.
“Yes! It’s okay!” San said, which made Yunho smile.
“Y/N, hold onto my waist and just follow my move, okay?” Yunho said.
“Okay! We will definitely win because you are very competitive,” Y/N said, which made Yunho laugh.
"I know and also, I want to spend the time with you here alone or do you also want him to be included in our extended stay here?" Yunho said as he was referring to San.
“Stop that, Yunho! Anyways, let’s get into the game,” Y/N said as she wrapped her hand around his waist and she blushed madly as she felt Yunho’s abs.
“Okay, guys! I think you are all set, let the games begin!” San said. Y/N tried hard to hold onto Yunho so that she wouldn't be tagged by Mingi. The game turns out that Yunho and Y/N won which made Yeri envy them.
“Congrats Yunho and Y/N! I will tell Yeosang about the extended stay for the two of you,” San said.
“Thanks, San!” Yunho said as he smiled.
“No problem! Also, I noticed that you kept winning games including right now, I envy you. By the way, is Y/N your girlfriend?” San asked.
“Yes! She is my girlfriend. She’s beautiful, right?” Yunho asked.
“Yes! You are lucky to have her,” San said as he tried to smile at her which made Y/N blush madly.
“Why does Yunho have to ask San like that?” Y/N thought.
“I think Yeri and Mingi should buy some snacks since they are the ones who lose the game,” Wooyoung said.
“Wooyoung, you should also join them by buying us some snacks because you cheered for them,” Y/N said which made them laugh.
“That’s unfair! I didn’t even join in playing the game!” Wooyoung said as he pouted.
“Let’s go Wooyoung! We really appreciate that you cheered for us during the game but you really should join us to buy them some snacks,” Yeri said.
"She's right! Since you became our supporter during the game," Mingi said, which made Wooyoung sigh.
“Fine! Let’s go! Since we are in the same team and room,” Wooyoung said which made them laugh and the three of them went to the cafe’. As for San, Yunho, and Y/N, they went to a beach canopy that had beach chairs on it and relaxed on each chair while they were waiting for their friends…
“When are you going to tell Mr. Yeosang about the extended stay?” Yunho asked which made San smirk.
“I will tell him later when I am already in my room don’t worry and I know you want to spend time with Y/N alone,” San said.
“Of course! But I have another idea,” Yunho said.
“What is that?” San asked.
“I’ll let you know before the company getaway ends,” Yunho said.
“Yunho is making me crazy about what ideas he has on his mind!” Y/N thought.
“Okay! I’ll wait for you to tell me that. I am glad I became friends with all of you,” San said.
“We are also happy that we became friends with you, San,” Y/N said.
“Thanks, Y/N and Yunho!” San said as he smiled at them.
"No problem! Starting now, we can hang out every time we have free time," Yunho said, then San nodded.
“By the way, tonight we will have some party and there will be some drinks but if you two aren’t that fond of joining parties that have alcoholic drinks it’s okay if you don’t want to attend later,” San said.
“What do you think, Y/N?” Yunho asked.
"I may not be a party goer but I will attend later and I will just take a few drinks and will go back to the room because I don't want myself to get drunk," Y/N said.
“That’s okay, Y/N! Don’t worry, just tell me later if you want to go back to the room and rest already,” Yunho said, then Y/N nodded.
“Okay, great! We can tell Mingi and the others about it,” San said. After a few minutes, Yeri, Mingi, and Wooyoung came back with snacks and drinks.
“Sorry, there are so many customers in the cafe’,” Wooyoung said.
“It’s alright! By the way, I told Y/N and Yunho that there will be a party tonight with alcoholic drinks but if you don’t want to attend later it’s okay,” San said.
“I will definitely go later with these two,” Yeri said as she smiled.
“Of course! Since we don’t want to miss the events or activities of this company getaway,” Mingi said.
"Also, we are here to have fun," Wooyoung said and all of them agreed. After they ate their snacks and relaxed under the beach canopy, all of them went back to their rooms and decided to wash up. But as for Yunho and Y/N, as soon as they went inside the bathroom, Yunho started to kiss Y/N hungrily and she responded to his kiss. But they decided to stop and remove their clothes and went inside and opened the shower. Yunho trapped Y/N and kissed her neck, bit it, and made some hickeys on it.
"I missed you so much, babe!" Yunho said.
"Me too, Yunho! I missed you so much," Y/N said. Then Yunho's lips went to her breasts and he sucked it and massaged the other one which made Y/N moan his name softly. After he gave attention to her breasts, he kissed every inch of her and as he reached between her legs, he slightly spread her legs wide and he dived into her pussy, and started to eat her out as he licked it at a fast pace.
"Fuck! Yunho, don't stop!" Y/N said as she caressed Yunho's hair which made him smirk at Y/N. Then Yunho suddenly sucked her pussy which made Y/N almost scream his name and without a warning, she cum Yunho sucked all of her juices that made a slurping sound in the bathroom. After that, Yunho stood up and…
“Jump and wrap your legs around me babe,” Yunho said, Y/N obeyed him.
“Are you ready, babe? Also, you are still on a pill, right?” Yunho asked.
“Yes! I am ready and still on a pill,” Y/N said.
“Great! I love you so much, Y/N,” Yunho said.
"I love you so much, Yunho!" Y/N said. Then at that time, Yunho inserted his cock into her core.
“Fuck! You are still so tight, babe!” Yunho said as he started to thrust his cock to her core at a fast pace which made Y/N moan his name loudly and her nails are raking on Yunho’s back.
"More please, Yunho!" Y/N said, which made Yunho smirk.
"Don't worry babe I will make you scream my name," Yunho said as he licked her earlobe which made her shiver down her spine. Then Yunho decided to make his thrusts harder and deeper.
“Fuck, yes right there, Yunho!” Y/N said.
“Shit! You are taking me so well, babe!” Yunho said. As he continued to ram his cock to her, without a warning  Y/N cum then followed by Yunho.
“Fuck babe! That really felt so good,” Yunho said against Y/N’s ear.
“I know, Yunho! That was amazing,” Y/N said.
“Are you up for round 2 in the bed?” Yunho asked.
“Nope! I am really tired. We can just rest for an hour,” Y/N said.
"Okay, babe! I'll just help you to dry up and put some clothes on, I bet your legs are weak right now," Yunho said as both of them laughed.
“You are right! I won’t be able to stand up properly at this moment,” Y/N said. After that, Yunho and Y/N went to rest for a while in the bedroom. As for San, who is also in his room, he decided to call Yeosang.
Yeosang: Oh! Hey, San! Why did you call?
San: This is about the extended stay here in the resort that you want to give as a prize.
Yeosang: Oh okay! Who are those winners?
San: To be honest, I didn’t use this prize for the other activities of the company getaway. 
Yeosang: Oh I see. But how did you select the person to have this extended stay?
San: I became friends with Group 1, they are Yunho, Y/N, Yeri, Wooyoung, and Mingi. Then we played a game in the pool and I suddenly thought that I could just give that as a prize.
Yeosang: Oh! Okay! So, who were the winners?
San: It's Yunho and Y/N.
Yeosang: Okay! I'll tell one of my front office staff here about the extended stay. 
San: Thanks! By any chance, do you see them in their office?
Yeosang: I only see Ms. Y/N, together with her friends Ms. Yeri and Mr. Wooyoung. But as for Yunho and Mingi, I only got to see them when I visited and held a meeting in one of the sister companies where both of them worked as managers of the accounting and marketing department.
San: Oh I see! They were friendly and I became close friends with them.
Yeosang: That's good to hear that during this company getaway, you became friends with some of my employees of the company.
San: You are right! Anyways, I have to rest first since tonight we will have a party.
Yeosang: Okay! I know we will enjoy this company getaway.
San: Yes it is! I really have to rest now, bye!
Yeosang: Okay! Bye!
After San had a conversation with Yeosang, he also took a rest in his bedroom. As for Yunho and Y/N, while they were sleeping, someone suddenly called the telephone in the room and Yunho answered it.
“Yes?” Yunho asked.
“Good afternoon, I am Seonghwa from the front office department. I guess you are Mr. Yunho, right?” the receptionist asked.
“Yes. Why?” Yunho asked.
“I just want to inform you that you and Ms. Y/N will have a 5 days extension of stay here for free,” the receptionist said.
“Oh! Okay! Thanks for the information. But did you say 5 days?” Yunho asked.
“Yes! The owner told me earlier that you will have 5 days of extension of stay,” the receptionist said.
“Okay! Thanks!” Yunho said.
“Have a nice day, Mr, Yunho! Bye!” the receptionist said. At that time, Y/N woke up and…
“Who called the telephone?” Y/N asked.
“It’s a staff from the front office department, he told me that we will have a 5 days extension of stay,” Yunho said which made Y/N surprised.
“5 days? Are you serious? I thought it was only 1 day?” Y/N asked and Yunho laughed.
“I know! I think Mr. Yeosang is really just generous,” Yunho said as he smiled.
“I think so. Anyways, can we still sleep? I am still really sleepy,” Y/N said.
“Okay! We can just sleep another hour since there is nothing to do for now,” Yunho said as he smiled and kissed Y/N’s forehead, then both of them went to sleep again. 
It was already evening, Yunho, Y/N, Mingi, Yeri, and Wooyoung together with San went to the beach area where the party was being held. At that time, they were at a round table and Wooyoung, Mingi,  and Yeri decided to get them some drinks.
“San, are you good at drinking alcoholic drinks?” Yunho asked.
“Nope! I really have to control myself because I know I easily get drunk,” San said, which made Y/N and Yunho slightly laugh.
“What about you, Y/N?” San asked.
“I am also the same with you. I just already stop drinking when I already feel dizzy or tipsy because I don’t want to be that drunk,” Y/N said.
“That’s good to hear, Y/N. I think I won’t have any problem tonight,” Yunho said as he smiled.
"Yup! Don't worry," Y/N said as she smiled back. Then Yeri and their friends came back with the drinks, and also at that time, they played some games again where the loser had to drink one shot of the alcoholic drink. But Y/N decided not to play with them for another game because she already felt tipsy and their friends understood her and made her not play with them. The others continued to play but as for Yunho, he decided to stop also playing with them and decided to go to the bathroom first and as for Mingi, Yeri, and Wooyoung, they decided to dance with the others in the center of the beach area. But while San and Y/N are left on the table, San suddenly looks at Y/N which makes her worry.
“San? I think you should really sleep now and get some rest,” Y/N said.
“You know, Y/N. I am really sad that you are already taken because I like you,” San said as he was still looking at her which made Y/N gulp.
“This is not good. I know he is just saying that because he is already drunk,” Y/N thought but suddenly, San went closer to her and kissed her lips which made Y/N shocked and pushed him which made San fall on the ground and he realized what he did.
“Shit! I am sorry, Y/N! Anyways, I will just go now,” San said as he gulped and decided to leave Y/N alone.
“I hope Yunho didn’t witness that scenario earlier!” Y/N thought, then her thoughts were cut-off when Yunho came back and…
“Babe! Where are the others? Also, San, where is he?” Yunho asked.
“Yeri, Wooyoung, and Mingi were on the dance floor. As for San, he already went to his room,” Y/N said.
"Oh! I see. Let's go. We should go to sleep and rest now. I know the three of them will have fun until dawn," Yunho said, which made Y/N slightly laugh and both of them went to the room. While they are going to the room…
“I bet Y/N didn’t know that I witnessed what happened earlier,” Yunho thought as he slightly smirked. 
It was their third day of stay in the resort, Y/N tried to approach San many times but he kept avoiding her and Yunho noticed it, so he decided to talk to him.
“Why do you want to talk with me, Yunho?” San asked.
“I will get to the point. I saw that you kissed Y/N when you were drunk last night,” Yunho said, which made San’s eyes get wide.
“Shit! I am so sorry about that, Yunho! I was just really drunk and also, at that time, I realized I made the wrong move,” San said as he couldn’t look at him and became nervous about what Yunho might do to him.
“To be honest, I knew and felt that you already like Y/N,” Yunho said.
“I am really sorry, Yunho, for what I did. That’s why I am avoiding Y/N right now. I know Y/N tried to approach me to let me know that she forgave me for what I did but I am scared that if you knew what I did you would surely beat me up,” San said which made Yunho chuckle.
“I will admit that I got jealous and mad at you and I also can feel that she has feelings for you,” Yunho said.
"What? But you are her boyfriend and you saw that Y/N pushed me right? That's impossible. You know, if you are mad at me just punch me once, and don't worry, I will leave the two of you," San said, then Yunho laughed which made San get confused.
“I won’t do that to you, San. I am willing to share her with you. In other words, she can have both of us,” Yunho said, which made San shocked at his statement.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? I think Y/N won’t like that idea of yours, Yunho!” San said, which made Yunho smirk.
“Trust me, she will agree to this special love relationship,” Yunho said.
“I don’t believe you!” San said.
“You want to know? Let’s talk just the three of us later after lunch,” Yunho said, which made San sigh.
“Okay! Where are we going to talk about this?” San asked.
“Let’s meet in a beach canopy that is not crowded so that no one will hear about what we are going to talk about, okay? I’ll just send you a message,” Yunho said.
“Okay! I’ll have to arrange other activities for the other days,” San said.
"Okay! I'll go back to the cafe'. Probably, Y/N and our friends were waiting for me," Yunho said, then San nodded. After their conversation, Yunho went back to the cafe' and…
“Where’s San? Also, why did you take so long?” Y/N asked, which made Yunho slightly laugh.
“Sorry babe! San has to arrange for the activities and I just talked to him earlier,” Yunho said.
“Oh, I see. But did he also tell you that he is avoiding me?” Y/N asked which made their friends confused.
“Did something happen that we didn’t know?” Mingi asked.
“No! Everything’s alright no worries guys.  It’s not that he is avoiding you, he told me that he has many things to do that’s why he can’t talk to you at the moment,” Yunho said as he smiled.
“Oh okay! I thought he was avoiding me,” Y/N said.
“I thought something is happening between the three of you and Yunho is having a fight with San,” Yeri said which made Yunho laugh.
“No! We are on good terms guys. Don’t worry! I bet the three of you have a special relationship going on,” Yunho said as he smirked at them which made Yeri, Mingi, and Wooyoung blush.
“Fine! We will admit that we are having a special relationship,” Wooyoung said which made Y/N surprised but as for Yunho slightly laughed.
“Damn! Is that really possible?” Y/N asked.
"Yup! No worries, we cleared things up before we get into this special relationship," Yeri said.
“Wow! I didn’t expect you to agree to have 2 boyfriends,” Y/N said, which made them laugh.
“I know it's shocking, Y/N. But they are too attractive,” Yeri said as she blushed madly which made Mingi and Wooyoung smirk.
“You should try it, Y/N,” Yeri said as she winked, which made Y/N roll her eyes and her friends laughed.
“Shut up, Yeri!” Y/N said.
“Why can't we try it with San?” Yunho asked which made their friends and Y/N shocked.
“Stop with that joke, Yunho! Guys, don’t mind what he said, okay?” Y/N said, then her friends laughed again.
“We won’t be surprised if that will really happen,” Yeri said as she teased them.
“Just stop teasing us, Yeri!” Y/N said.
"Fine! I am going to stop," Yeri said. After they had lunch, Y/N, and Yunho went to a beach canopy and…
“Why did you make that joke earlier?” Y/N asked.
"You'll see. Here he comes," Yunho said, which made Y/N get confused and she suddenly saw that San was coming in their direction.
"Hi, Y/N!" San said as he tried to smile.
"San about what happened last night was..." Y/N suddenly realized what she was saying and...
"Oh shit! I forgot Yunho didn't see the scene last night!" Y/N thought which made Yunho smirked.
"Y/N, I saw what San did last night. I admit that I got mad and jealous last night but just decided to let it slide and thought of this kind of relationship and I trust San," Yunho said which made Y/N surprised.
"Are you sure? Also, wouldn't it be that weird?" Y/N asked.
"Yes! Do you agree, San?" Yunho asked which made San gulp.
"I think so. To be honest, I was really shocked by your idea and I know Y/N might not agree with this kind of relationship," San said.
"I understand San. So babe, what do you say? Are you going to agree with this kind of relationship? or you'll still think about it?" Yunho asked which made Y/N blush.
"Umm... I'll agree to this relationship. But are you really sure about this, Yunho?" Y/N asked which made San surprised at her answer.
"Yes! No worries, babe. I am okay with it," Yunho said as he winked at her which made Y/N blush madly.
"Wait! Are you really sure about your decision, Y/N?" San asked.
"Yes! I am sure of my decision," Y/N said as she smiled which made San gulp.
"You mean you really are accepting me as your boyfriend too?" San asked, then Y/N nodded which made San smile.
"So, San from now on, Y/N is ours," Yunho said as he smirked which made Y/N blush madly.
"You know, that's really weird to hear that," Y/N said, then Yunho and San laughed.
"You'll get used to it, babe," Yunho said as he winked.
"Also, we won't care if other people will notice our special relationship, baby," San said.
 "San is right! Like our friends, right? "Yunho said, which made Y/N laugh but San was surprised.
"What do you mean? Yeri, Mingi, and Wooyoung are also having this kind of relationship?" San asked.
"Yes. It's kinda shocking, right?" Y/N said.
"Yup! It means I should also have an extended stay here in this beach resort," San said.
"Oh gosh! I almost forgot I will have an extended stay here with Yunho and now, San will be included!" Y/N thought.
"Yup! Also, we will make Y/N happy during the extended vacation, right?" Yunho said.
"Of course! Or should we say we will make her both happy and tired at the same time," San said as he and Yunho smirked which made Y/N blush madly.
"Can you two stop? Also, someone might hear us," Y/N said, which made Yunho and San slightly laugh.
"Okay! Sorry babe," Yunho said as he smiled.
"Anyways, I'll just tell Yeosang that I want to have an extended stay here," San said.
"Sure! Go ahead. Just inform us," Yunho said as he smiled.
"I have to go first, baby.  I'll meet the two of you when I am done preparing for the other activities," San said as he kissed Y/N's lips quickly and smiled at her which made Y/N smile back.
"Okay! I love you, San," Y/N said.
"I love you too, Y/N!" San said as he winked at her and left them.
"So babe, somehow did you like my idea?" Yunho asked.
"Yes. But of course, I am still worried that this relationship might have problems since you two are my boyfriends and there might still be jealousy going on," Y/N said.
"I know, babe. But don't worry about us. We cleared things out and I really trust San even though we just met him during this company getaway," Yunho said as he held her hand as he slightly smiled at her.
"Okay! I'll trust the two of you," Y/N said.  After that, Y/N and Yunho went to meet their friends again in the beach area.
"Where's San?" Wooyoung asked.
"He is still busy, guys," Yunho said.
"Oh! Okay! To be honest, we saw you earlier," Mingi said, which made Y/N surprised and Yunho smirked.
"So it means the three of you had the same relationship set up with us? Because we saw that San kissed Y/N," Yeri said as she smirked which made Y/N get shy.
"Yup!  Y/N accepted it," Yunho said as he wrapped one of his arms around her waist.
"It means the three of you will enjoy the extended stay here in the resort, huh?" Wooyoung said as he smirked.
"Of course! we will surely also make Y/N happy during the extended stay," Yunho said.
But Yunho, are you sure about San? Since we just met him here in our company getaway," Yeri said.
"Yes, I am sure and I trust San. To be honest, something happened last night," Yunho said, which made Y/N gulp.
"What is that?" Mingi asked.
"Can we just not talk about that?" Y/N asked which made their friends become more curious.
"Babe, It's alright If I will share it with them besides San is already part of your life too," Yunho said which made Y/N sigh.
"Fine!" Y/N said, which made Yunho slightly laugh.
"To be honest, I just saw San kissed Y/N last night and at first, I was really angry but I decided to let it slide and decided to make it this kind of relationship," Yunho said which made their friends shocked.
"Really?" Yeri asked, which made Y/N nod.
"That happened when the three of you went to the dance floor and he was really drunk and, to be honest, I pushed him away from me because I knew that was a mistake. Anyways, everything is alright now," Y/N said, then all of them agreed.
As time went by, while they were having free time in the beach area, San and Yunho couldn't stop looking at Y/N who was wearing swimwear.
"Damn!  I can't believe she is already mine too, Yunho," San said, which made Yunho chuckle.
"You can have her alone tonight if you want to," Yunho said, which made San slightly surprised.
"Are you sure? But she's also yours," San said.
"I know. Besides, we still have an extended stay here," Yunho said.
" I think there's no fun with that if you just allow me to have her tonight," San said, which made Yunho slightly surprised.
"What do you mean? You want us to play a game or something?" Yunho asked, then San nodded, which made Yunho slightly laugh.
"San, there's no need to play games or make a bet for that, okay? If you still think that I will be jealous, I swear I am not since I trust you, okay? I'll tell her later," Yunho said.
"Okay! If you said so," San said, which made Yunho slightly laugh. Then Y/N approached them.
"What were you two talking about?" Y/N asked.
"Babe, you can stay the night with San tonight," Yunho said which made Y/N surprised.
"What? A-are you sure? What about you? You will be alone in the room," Y/N asked.
"It's okay! Don't worry in our extended stay the three of us will definitely be in one bedroom, okay?" Yunho said as he winked at her which made Y/N blush and gulp.
"O-okay!" Y/N said as she tried to smile at him and Yunho kissed her cheek which made their friends teased them and Y/N got shy.
"Oh gosh! Good luck to me later. I can't believe all of these things are happening to me on the third day of this company getaway. But I won't deny that this will be the hottest thing in my life that happened to me," Y/N thought. As Y/N and Yeri walked at the same time in the beach area and their boyfriends were behind them...
"So, you will be laid tonight by San, huh?" Yeri said as she smirked.
"Shut up, Yeri!" Y/N said, which made Yeri laugh.
"I don't believe he won't do anything to you and also, think that you are lucky to have him because as you can see, many girls' eyes are on San and all of them wanted to be fuck by him," Yeri said which made Y/N roll her eyes.
"Fine! Whatever you say!" Y/N said which made Yeri chuckle. As they checked out their boyfriends behind them, a girl approached  San and they saw that the girl was caressing his biceps but San was not amused as he shoved away the girl's hand. So, Y/N and Yeri decided to come closer to them and...
"Oh, there you are baby! Sorry miss, but I am already taken," San said as he wrapped his hands around Y/N's waist and Yunho decided to hold one of her hands which made Y/N blush madly.
"To be honest, we belong to her," Yunho said, which shocked the girl and...
"Wow! What a whore you are! You really outdid yourself girl getting the hottest guys in this beach resort," the girl said which made Y/N scoff and then, she suddenly pushed the girl hard, and then the girl fell onto the sand but thankfully before Y/N will do something to the girl, San, and Yunho held her hand and...
"Bitch! If you will not talk nicely, just shut the fuck up and leave us alone!" Y/N said with anger in her voice which made the girl run away. As the girl left, Y/N tried to calm down her nerves.
"Y/N, babe. Don't mind her, okay?" Yunho said as he caressed her shoulder to comfort her.
"Just relax, baby. Also, she shouldn't have said that to you. She was really rude," San said, which made Y/N sigh.
"I know! She got on my nerves when she called me a whore. I know we weren't in a normal relationship where everyone else will judge us but she didn't need to degrade me like that! I bet she's also a bitch," Y/N said, which made their friends slightly laugh.
"Calm down now, babe, okay? She is just really jealous because you already have us as your hottest boyfriends, right San?" Yunho said as he smirked.
"Of course! Also, I think that girl thought that we are just having some sexual relationship nothing else but that is not true. We truly love you not only outside but also inside," San said as he smiled which made Y/N smile at them.
"I am really lucky to have them," Y/N thought.
"Okay! love birds, let's go back first to our rooms and change clothes to have dinner at 6pm," Wooyoung said, then her friends went back to their rooms.
"I'll see the two of you again during dinner," San said as he kissed her lips.
"Okay! See you later, San!" Y/N said as she smiled. As Yunho and Y/N went back to their room...
"Are you now okay, babe?" Yunho asked.
"Yup! A little bit. I am hoping I won't ever see that girl again," Y/N said, which made Yunho slightly laugh.
"Just don't mind her, okay? Just always think of us that we love you, okay?" Yunho said as he cupped her face and Y/N smiled, then Yunho kissed her lips.
"Okay! Anyways, I'll just take a shower and change clothes," Y/N said.
"Can I just join you? I swear no sex right now. I'll just help you clean up," Yunho said as he smiled at her which made Y/N slightly laugh.
"Okay! Let's go," Y/N said. After they showered, they changed clothes and went to the beach area where the dinner was arranged and they went to get some food and joined their friends at one table.
"So San, are there any special missions or events? since it's the last night of this company getaway," Mingi asked.
"Unfortunately there are no other activities for this last night of your company getaway. So you can all do whatever you want after dinner," San said.
"Oh okay! Do you have a plan after dinner?" Wooyoung asked.
"To be honest, we don't have that in mind. What about the three of you?" Yunho asked.
"I think we'll just have a few drinks," Yeri said.
"Then what? Fuck each other?" Y/N asked as she smirked which made them laugh.
"Sis, getting bolder now, huh?" Yeri said, which made Y/N slightly laugh.
"Sorry about that, Yeri. Anyways, I think we can all just have a few drinks and go back to our rooms," Y/N said.
"I think that's a good idea baby," San said as he smiled.
"I also agree, babe," Yunho said as he smiled at Y/N. After their dinner, they went to the bar and as they had a few drinks, Y/N decided to stop as she felt already dizzy, then Yunho and San noticed her.
"Babe, are you already at your limit?"  Yunho asked.
"Yup! I'll stop drinking now," Y/N said.
"San, I know you are also at your limit already, you can take Y/N already in your room," Yunho said which made Y/N blush madly and San slightly surprised.
"Are you sure, Yunho? What about you? Aren't you going to your room also?" San asked.
"I'll stay here and will still hang out with them. Let's just meet tomorrow in the morning at the lobby so that we will be able to know if we already have an assigned room for us in our extended stay," Yunho said.
"Sure no problem! We will go now to my room," San said.
"Okay! See you tomorrow, babe! I love you!" Yunho said as he kissed her lips quickly.
"See you tomorrow, Yunho! I love you!" Y/N said as she smiled. Then, San and Y/N left Yunho in the bar. While they were in the elevator, Y/N couldn't stop looking at San.
"Gosh! He is just so fucking hot and he will definitely ruin me tonight," Y/N thought then San noticed and...
"Baby, don't stare at me like that. I might not be able to control myself right now to devour you," San said as he smirked which made Y/N gulp.
"Sorry, San. We can just wait until we reach your room," Y/N said as she blushed madly, then San nodded as he also suddenly spank her butt which made Y/N gasp and San slightly laughed at her reaction and just winked at her.
Then at that time, when they reached the floor, San held Y/N's hand and they ran to go to his room. Then as soon as they went inside his room and locked it, he pushed Y/N onto his bed and hovered above her, and kissed her lips passionately as he slightly bit her lower lip, which made Y/N gasp in the kiss and San successfully slipped his tongue into her mouth and explored her cavern. Y/N let San dominate the kiss and while he was busy kissing her, his hands went under her shirt and cupped her clothed breasts which made Y/N moaned into the kiss. 
Then suddenly they stopped kissing and they helped each other to remove their clothes and then, when they were already both naked.
"Damn! You are so fucking sexy, Y/N!" San said licking his lips which made Y/N get shy. Then suddenly San removed her hands from her chest and pushed her again on the bed and caressed her face.
"Y/N, don't be insecure, okay? I will prove tonight that you are beautiful to me. I love you, Y/N!"San said as he smiled.
"I love you too, San," Y/N said as she smiled back. Then San kissed again her lips passionately and then his lips went to her neck as he licked and bit a spot that became a hickey. After he gave attention to her neck, he sucked one of her breasts and then licked and bit her nipples which made Y/N moan his name and slightly arched her back.
"So responsive, baby! I like that," San said as he smirked as he continued to give attention to her breasts. Then San kissed every inch of her which made Y/N softly moan his name. As San reached between her legs he spread it widely which made Y/N blush madly and looked at San.
"You are already so wet for me, baby," San said and when Y/N was about to say something, San licked her clit which made Y/N lay down her head on the pillow and moaned. 
"Keep going please, San!" Y/N said, then San obeyed her and decided to pull her thighs closer to his face and licked her clit at a fast pace which made Y/N grip the sheets and moaned his name non-stop.
"Fuck! You are so good, San!" Y/N said which made San smirk and he suddenly sucked her clit, then Y/N almost screamed his name.
"That's it Y/N! I will definitely make you scream for more later," San said. As San continues to eat her out, Y/N cum in his mouth, and he sucks her juices. As San stood up, he wiped the corner of his lips and smirked at her.
"You are so fucking delicious baby," San said, then he hovered above her again and...
"Are you ready for me, Y/N?" San asked.
"Yes, I am!" Y/N said as she suddenly kissed his lips and while they were kissing, San inserted his cock to her core which made Y/N moan into the kiss. But as San already thrust his cock to her, they pulled out from the kiss and then, he wrapped her legs around his waist and started to thrust at a fast pace which made Y/N grip his biceps.
"Shit! More, San!" Y/N said.
"I'll give you more, baby!" San said as he smirked, then he suddenly put one of her legs on his shoulder and thrust his cock into her at a harder pace, and that made his cock go deeper to her core.
"Fuck yes, San! Right there!" Y/N said. 
"Fucking so good deeper to you baby! Also, you are very hot being a mess underneath me," San said. Then he decided to put her leg down and wrapped again her legs around his waist and hugged her body close to his body and continued to ram his cock to her core deeper which made Y/N rake her nails on San's broad back.
"Fuck, baby! I am going to cum," San said.
"Me too! Cum inside of me, San. I am on a pill," Y/N said, as San continued to thrust his cock into her, they cum at the same time and San's body was pressed against her, and Y/N decided to hug his body which made San slightly laugh.
"I love you so much, Y/N!" San said.
"I love you too much, San," Y/N said, then she let go of him and San kissed her lips again and pulled his cock out of her and laid beside her.
"How do you feel right now, baby?" San asked.
"I am kinda tired but that was amazing, San," Y/N said as she kissed his lips which made San smile.
"By any chance, you want another round?" San asked as he smirked which made Y/N blush madly.
"Why not?" Y/N said as she bit her lips.
"I thought you were tired, baby," San said.
"I think I am now also addicted to you not only to Yunho," Y/N said as she suddenly traced one of her fingers on his abs.
"I bet you wanted me to make you not walk until tomorrow, huh?" San said as he smirked.
"I don't care. I just want you so bad, San," Y/N said.
"So am I, baby!" San said. Then at that time, San made Y/N sit on his cock and decided to stand up which made Y/N confused.
"San, where are we going?" Y/N asked.
"I'll fuck you against the wall, baby. So, wrap your legs around my waist tightly so that you won't fall," San said, then Y/N gulped and nodded.  As San leaned Y/N's back on the wall...
"Be ready again for me, Y/N," San said as he licked Y/N's ear which made her shiver from her spine. Then at that time, San started to thrust his cock upwards at a fast pace and he also kissed her lips passionately while thrusting his cock into her but because of the pleasure that Y/N felt, they decided to stop kissing and made Y/N lean onto his shoulder and moan his name against his ear.
"Fuck! I love hearing your moans and you just feel so good, baby!" San said as he also sucked her neck which became a hickey again which made Y/N moan louder.
"Don't fucking stop, San!" Y/N said.
"My baby is so needy," San said as he smirked as he continued to thrust his cock to her core, without warning Y/N cum but suddenly San stopped and decided to make Y/N sit on the table while his cock was still inside of her.
"San, aren't we going to bed now?" Y/N asked as she pouted, then San shook his head and smirked which made Y/N surprised.
"I am not finished yet and you didn't cum with me," San said.
"Shit! I am sorry, San," Y/N said, then suddenly San placed a finger on her lips.
"It's okay, baby. Just let me finish and just enjoy this, okay?" San said, then Y/N just nodded.
"Good girl!" San said and then he kissed her lips hungrily and started to thrust his cock to her again at a fast pace. Then they decided to break the kiss and Y/N slightly laid on the table as she propped her elbow on the table and continued to moan his name. Then as they made eye contact, San's eyes are burning with desire and want as he continues to ram his cock into her,  but as for Y/N she couldn't hold the eye contact because of the overwhelming pleasure she feels and screamed his name and at that time, the room was filled of skin slapping sounds and their moans.
"You are so loud for me, baby! Making the others hear who is fucking you this good!" San said as he smirked and as he continued to thrust his cock into her...
"San! I'll cum again!" Y/N said.
"Cum with me, Y/N!" San said. After a few thrusts of his cock, both of them cum and San pulled out his cock to her and carried her to bed.
"Wait for a second, I'll just wipe off the table," San said, then Y/N nodded and waited for San to come back and lay down beside her. After a few seconds, San lay beside her.
"Good night, Y/N! I love you," San said as he kissed her lips quickly.
"Good night and I love you too, San!" Y/N said as she smiled, then San hugged her body closely to him as they slept.
Y/N and San met Yunho at the reception area. As soon as Yunho saw them he smirked.
"It seems you made our girl tired last night, huh?" Yunho said which made Y/N blush madly at his statement.
"Yup! But I bet she will be more tired if both of us will have her," San said as he also smirked.
"Can you two stop talking about that and we are in a public place, okay?" Y/N said, which made Yunho and San laugh.
"Oh! You're right babe! Sorry!" Yunho said.
"Sorry baby, we can't help it," San said.
"It's okay just don't talk about that topic publicly, okay?" Y/N said, then Yunho and San nodded. Then at that time, the receptionist approached them and...
"Good morning, the three of you are the ones who will have an extended stay here?" the receptionist asked.
"Yes! We are here to know about the new room assigned to us," San said.
"Oh okay! Mr. Yeosang told me that the three of you will stay in one room with a good view of the sea and have an indoor pool," the receptionist said, which surprised them.
"Really? Will he let us stay in an expensive room?" San asked, then the receptionist nodded.
"This is the keycard to the room. Have a nice extended vacation," the receptionist said and smiled at them.
"Thanks!" Yunho said as he smiled back and then, all of them left the Reception area.
"Let's get our things first in our room, then let's meet again here, okay?" San said, then Yunho and Y/N nodded and all of them went back to their rooms and got their things. Then, as they met each other in the reception area again, the receptionist gave them directions to their new room and went to the room.
"Damn! I didn't expect Mr. Yeosang to give us this accommodation and I bet this is really expensive," Y/N said as she smiled while looking at the beautiful scenery of the sea.
"Yup! It means no one will disturb us here because it's quite far from the noisy and crowded beach area," Yunho said.
"So guys, what do you want to do first?" San asked as he smiled at them.
"Let's use the indoor pool now," Y/N said.
"That will be fun!" Yunho said.
"Then. let's go!" San said as he smiled. Y/N went to the bathroom to change into her hot pink one-piece swimsuit. As she went out of the bathroom, Yunho and San looked at her up and down which made Y/N gulp and blush madly.
"Can you two stop looking at me like that? I am suddenly becoming conscious," Y/N said, which made San and Yunho slightly laugh.
"Sorry, babe! You are just so sexy," Yunho said.
"And of course, you are also smoking hot, baby!" San said as he bit his lips which made Y/N sigh.
"I know you two are planning to have me also in the pool," Y/N said which made Yunho and San smirked.
"You know us well, babe," Yunho said.
"Why baby? are you complaining?" San asked.
"It's not that I am complaining but I don't know if I will be able to handle the two of you," Y/N said as she couldn't look at them.
"Babe, don't worry we'll take it slow," Yunho said.
"Yunho is right. Also, if you think you weren't ready to have both of us at the same time. Yunho and I can make way for you individually," San said as he smiled.
"Wait, you mean while one of you waits for your turn you will watch?" Y/N asked.
"Yes, babe," Yunho said.
"Oh gosh! Anyways, I don't mind though," Y/N said.
"So, what's your decision?" San asked.
"Umm... I think I can try to have the both of you," Y/N said.
"Are you sure, baby?" San asked.
"We are just checking if you are really ready for us,” Yunho said.
"Yes! That's my final decision," Y/N said, which made San and Yunho smirk.
"Well, then shall we have some fun first in the pool before we get into the real deal?" San asked.
"That would be better than you two fucking me already as soon as we get in the pool. I also need to relax my body. Anyways, let's go now," Y/N said, which made Yunho and San laugh.
As they went to the private indoor pool,  the water of the pool was warm which made Y/N relax her body. As for Yunho and San who are looking at Y/N, they couldn't hide that they are already turned on seeing her body and they decided to go closer to her.
"Baby, I am sorry if I got you tired last night," San said, which made Y/N slightly laugh.
"It's okay, San. Besides, we enjoyed it last night," Y/N said.
"Well we will make you more tired since you chose to have us both now," Yunho said as he smirked and started to touch her pussy through the swimsuit which made Y/N gasp. As for San, he started to remove the straps of her swimsuit.
"Shit! These two hotties will be the death of me," Y/N thought. Then her thoughts were cut-off when her swimsuit was already gone and then you saw Yunho and San were stripping already and gulped at the sight of them.
"Our baby is loving to see us like this, huh?" San said.
"How can I not? Since you two are my hottest boyfriends, right?" Y/N said.
"That's what we like to hear babe," Yunho said as he smirked. Then at that time, they decided to go beside the pool and let Y/N lay on the sunbathing chair. Yunho spread her legs wide and as for San, he kissed Y/N's lips and her neck and sucked her tits hard which made Y/N moan. When Yunho started to eat her out, her moans got louder.
"Open your mouth for me, baby," San said and Y/N obeyed him, then San inserted his cock into her mouth and Y/N held his cock and started to suck his cock as she also swirled her tongue on it.
"Fuck, Y/N! That feels so good!" San said. As for Yunho, he slightly pulled her legs close to his mouth and sucked her core which made Y/N moan while she was sucking San's cock and it made him shiver. As San continued to thrust his cock into her mouth...
"Shit! I am going to cum baby! " San said, then after a few seconds, he cum and Y/N swallowed all of it which made her become a mess when San pulled his cock out from her mouth. 
"That's my girl," San said as he smirked and kissed her lips passionately, letting him taste himself from her tongue.
But at that time, Yunho was still sucking and licking her core which made Y/N lay her body completely on the chair and moan loudly.
"Fuck! Yunho! I am going to cum!" Y/N said.
"Let me taste you, babe," Yunho said, then after a few seconds, Y/N cum, and Yunho sucked all of her juices which made an erotic sound surrounding the indoor pool area. After Yunho ate her out...
"San, I'll take her behind," Yunho said.
"Sure! No problem," San said. 
"Babe, ass up for me," Yunho said, then Y/N obeyed him and then, he suddenly spanked her butt which made Y/N moan and at that time, San was underneath her.
"So baby, are you ready for us to take you at the same time?" San asked.
'Yes! Just fuck me the two of you until I can't walk," Y/N said.
"Be careful what you wish for, babe," Yunho said as he started to kiss her neck which made Y/N shiver through her spine and then San and Yunho inserted their cocks into her which made Y/N moan loudly.
"We'll let you adjust first for a second baby," Yunho said. Also, at that time, San decided to suck her tits which made Y/N moan non-stop.
"San and Yunho, you two can already move," Y/N said.
"Are you sure, babe?" Yunho asked.
"Yes! Please do it!" Y/N said, As soon as Y/N said it, Yunho and San started to thrust their cock into her at a fast pace which made Y/N scream because of the overwhelming pleasure she is feeling and as her legs were about to give up, Yunho held her tightly so that she won't collapse on top of San.
"Fuck! You feel so good, babe!" Yunho said as he sucked her neck.
"You take us so well, baby! Also, you feel so good!" San said as he and Yunho suddenly thrust their cocks at her at a hard pace which made Y/N scream.
"Right there! Don't stop, Yunho and San!" Y/N said.
"Damn! Our baby is so loud for us!" Yunho said as he was still thrusting his cock into her core wildly.  As Yunho and San continued to thrust their cocks to Y/N...
"Yunho and San! I will cum!" Y/N said.
"Cum with us, baby!" San said. After a few thrusts of their cocks, they all cum inside her and Y/N collapsed on top of San and Yunho pulled his cock out of her.
"Babe, are you okay?" Yunho asked.
"Yes! I am fine. I had a fucking amazing experience with the two of you. I love you San and Yunho," Y/N said while she was still on top of San's body.
"I love you too, Y/N," San said.
"I love you too, babe!" Yunho said as he also kissed her lips. Then at that time, San carried Y/N going back to their room and Yunho decided to go to the bathroom and ran warm water in the bathtub. After a few minutes, all of them were in the bathtub.
"How many days will we stay here again?" Y/N asked.
"5 days," San said.
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot. That’s really long but I liked that we will have a long vacation here with the two of you," Y/N said as she smiled at them
"Me too! At least we are free from stress from our work for 5 days," San said.
"You're right and we will make memories here with Y/N," Yunho said as he smiled.
"Of course! But to be honest, I didn't expect this would happen to me," Y/N said.
"I understand how you feel, Y/N. Since you two just met me here during the company getaway and you accepted me also as your boyfriend," San said.
"Well, that's because of me and I really think there will be no problems in this relationship if all of us will be honest with each other, right?" Yunho said.
"I agree, Yunho. No worries. I will just love the two of you," Y/N said as she smiled at them.
"That's what we really like to hear from you, baby," San said.
"Anyways, let's wash up and take a nap first since I am really tired," Y/N said which made San and Yunho laugh.
"Okay, babe! We will help you wash up," Yunho said.
"Are you sure that you two will just help me wash up? Because my legs are weak now and I don't want another round here," Y/N said.
"Okay! No worries, baby. No other rounds of sex," San said.
"Great! Let's just make it quick," Y/N said, then all of them wash up and at that time, it was Yunho's turn to carry her on and lay her on the bed, and then Yunho and San beside her.
"Sleep well, baby!" San said as he kissed her cheek.
"Yunho and San, Thanks for this amazing experience on this vacation," Y/N said as she smiled at them and kissed them on the lips one by one, then all of them went to sleep as they hugged Y/N's body.  After their vacation and going back to work, Yunho and Y/N always meet with San every weekend to have a date with Y/N and sometimes, the date ends up where they are both having a passionate night with Y/N either in San's place or in Yunho's place.
Thank you for reading my one-shot fanfiction for Yunho and San :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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wendyslegalwife · 4 months
Ooo could you write a comedy fic of reader getting into a relationship with either Yeri or Joy but Irene is Yeri or Joy’s stubborn and protective older sister so when reader meets Irene for the first time she has to pass a few of Irene’s challenges to prove herself that she’s truly worthy of being Yeri or Joy’s girlfriend
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Genre: Comedy, fluff
Warnings: protective baechu unnie (>_<)
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❦You've been dating yeri for about 6 months now eversince you both met at school you were a senior high school student meanwhile yeri had just graduated from junior highschool. After all those months yeri finally took the courage to introduce you to her older sister Irene.
Yeri had told you everything you needed to know about irene so you wouldn't worry about anything once the both of you met, but there was something you weren't aware of when you were about to meet irene. She was VERY protective of her little sister yeri so she would do everything what it takes to make you break up with yeri, irene sounds mean right? Well not until you finally met her. She was worst that you've thought.
Yeri held onto your hand taking a deep breath before knocking at the door of her home, the door had finally creaked open seeing irene with a happy smile on her face. "Hello! Yerimie how was s-" Before irene had finished her sentence she sees you holding yeri's hands. "Who is this girl?" Yeri bit her lower lip nervously, "Irene eonnie this is my girlfriend.. Her name is kim y/n". You let go of yeri's hands to bow down at irene as a sign of respect towards her. "Hello miss irene, my name is kim y/n I have heard a lot of amazing things about you from your little sister.. I hope we could get along" Irene rolled her eyes, "yerim come in, you y/n or whatever you are go in the living room with yeri."
Clearly irene didn't have a good feeling about you since she had no trust in you she decided to take it up a notch to really prove if you were really loyal and caring to her little sister, she hurriedly placed those tiny cameras in yeri's bedroom and kitchen just allover the house, but not in the bathroom ofcourse. That's too much if irene had put a camera in the bathroom, then she went into kitchen acted like as if nothing happened.
She was watching the both of you in her ipad seeing what you two would in the living room while she was in the kitchen, "Yah darling, I'm sorry if my eonnie seemed so mean she's just not fond of people being with me.." You smiled softly at yeri, "no no its okay I understand your sister could be like that she's just being protective of you." You held her hand and kissed it softly earning a blush from yeri. Meanwhile irene listened and watched in disgust, "ugh what even is this a kdrama?", she turned off her ipad and decided to prepare dinner.
But then a mischievous idea lit up in Irene's head she decided to add a bottle of hot sauce in yeri's kimchi while no sauce at all on y/n's kimchi, she called out for the two "girls dinner is ready, come here already yerim ah" and so you both did, you both entered the kitchen and sat together but irene hurriedly ran towards you "nah uh your sitting beside me y/n go sit over there yerim." Yeri pouted sadly, "but eon-" irene shushed yeri with her finger, "no buts just eat." Yeri couldn't do anything anyways so she just ate her food and so did you and irene, but then yeri felt her tongue burning hot.
"Ah!! Ahh!! Why is it so hot eonnie?? Did you put so much hot sauce on this.." Yeri fanned herself feeling her whole mouth burn, "no yeri I made it just the way you like it yerim, now if it's spicy go give go it to y/n" Irene smirked as she snickers quietly seeing what your reaction would be, "Oh sure I'll take that yeri" "b-but y/n its too spicy! How would you be able handle this..", you shook your head and gave yeri your glass of milk to ease the spicyness. "there now give me your kimchi and have mine, it's not super spicy." You then took her food and swapped it with yours which wasn't so spicy at all, you sat back down and took a huge bite of the kimchi meanwhile irene was already red from laughter of course she wouldn't out loud, she was silently laughing "oh my y/n isn't it so spicy? How nice of you to take my little sister's food, so nice of you y/n! I really thought you would throw away my preciously made food" Irene spoke in a mocking voice which made yeri disgusted, meanwhile you were just chill about the food. Irene wasn't fully aware you had a high spice tolerance, "oh no actually I love it, it's my favorite, spicy foods are my absolute favorite also I have a high tolerance when it comes to spicy food." You smiled softly at irene which annoyed the hell out of her, irene groaned in annoyance her plan failing miserably "but you were supposed to cry and go red!! I had added a whole bottle of hot sauce there!!".
Irene covered her mouth realizing that she had exposed herself yeri wasn't so happy about this, "Eonnie do you want to kill me and y/n?? You put a whole bottle of hot sauce in my food!!", Irene bit her lower lip nervously now feeling bad but not feeling bad for you but for yerim, " I-Im sorry! I thought if y/n would take it she would cry out and go red instead I didn't know she had a high spice tolerance!" You and yeri laughed silently giving each other a stare.
Irene got up annoyed knowing her plan backfired, she had to really take it up a notch by actually testing y/n if she's really loyal she went into her room and dressed up provocatively, yeri was washing the dishes while y/n was in the living room. Irene approaches y/n seductively, "hi y/n I'm sorry about awhile ago I got carried away.." Irene caressed your thigh but you quickly removed her hand feeling uncomfortable "uhm yes it's okay miss irene.." Irene looked at y/n seeing how y/n was avoiding her advances which she was impressed about. She then walked back into her bedroom dressing back into her previous clothing while thinking how else could she test you.
°==== Next day ====°
You were going to visit yeri but once you came to her home the only people you saw were irene and another girl, "hi miss irene is yeri here?" Irene shook her head, "no she isn't she's sick so she's with joy" you immediately felt the palms of your hand sweating feeling worried for yeri, "uhm may I atleast know where this joy person lives so I could visit yeri?" "She lives near your school, just a few blocke away her gate is yellow." You nodded, "Thank you so much miss, I'll get going now have a nice day".. Wendy looked at irene in disbelief "but yeri is literally here in your house? Also yeri won't go to joy unless she wants to have fun.." Irene groaned.
"Shush ! Just be quiet and let that girl go to joy! then let her find out yeri is actually perfectly fine." Wendy facepalms as she walks away going into yeri's bedroom, she knocks on the door before walking in "yerims may I come in?" Yeri lifted her head up as she heard a melodic voice, "yes come in wendy eonnie.." Wendy enters the room smiling at yeri, "What you reading?" "Just a romance book, hmm.. Where's y/n? I'm expecting her to come today.." Wendy leaned in yeri's ear and whispered, "your irene eonnie told y/n you were sick and that you were in joy eonnie's house.. Don't tell irene I told you she'll be mad" Yeri pouted annoyed which wendy found adorable, "don't worry sweetie y/n will comeback here for you.."
And so you did, after finding out that yeri wasn't in joy's house you immediately went back to yeri's house gladly the one who let you in was wendy and not irene. Otherwise you would be stuck outside because irene wouldn't let you in, you knocked on yeri's door but you didn't have to since yeri already had open the door of her room for you to enter, she immediately ran up to you and hugged you tight "hmm I really thought you weren't coming! Did irene eonnie fool you again?, I'm so sorry baby.." You smiled at your beautiful girl, "No it's fine I don't mind being a fool for your eonnie, all I care is that you are okay and not sick. Now here I got you ice cream gummy bears and a plush from the store, I know you've been wanting these love." Yeri almost teared up in joy being touched on how you remembered the things she wanted. "Oh my goodness you didn't have to y/n.. Thank you so much" Yeri smiled, she tip toed to plant a kiss onto your soft lips which you also gave back. "Come on lets cuddle together I'll put the ice cream in my mini fridge so I can eat it later.." You nodded at her before laying down as she nuzzled onto the crook of your neck.
You hummed a beautiful melody which was yeri's favorite. Your voice was so angelic and magical to her ears she would always tend to fall asleep in your arms everytime you sang or hummed to her. Irene then enters the room seeing that yeri had fallen asleep cuddled up close to you while you continued hum a beautiful tune, you weren't aware irene was just watching because you were to busy admiring the love of your life, then irene took the courage to walk towards you tapping your shoulder. "y/n can we talk?.." "Yes sure miss irene."
You got up quietly from bed and closed the door behind you, irene led you into the kitchen to have a serious conversation with you, "So uhmm.. I just wanted to say..uhm.. I'm very sorry that I have uh done some things to you yesterday I just wanted to test if you would give in or give up on yeri to prove you weren't as much as good as yeri had known of you.. But I was completely wrong your so sweet and loving to my little yerim and I couldn't thank you enough.." You didn't say anything and just hugged irene tight, her eyes widened in shock but she eventually gave in to your arms closing her eyes.. "Thank you miss irene, don't be sorry.. I'm totally okay with what you've done and of course I'd do anything for yeri. I'm totally sure about her.. And I actually might ask a favor from you." "What favor y/n? Anything.." You smiled happily pulling back from the hug, "I'm going to propose to yeri.. I know we've been only together for a few months but I'm already so sure about her.. So if I could have your blessing I would be more than thankful.." Irene smiled, "yes you have my blessing.. Please if you both decide to ever leave don't ever hurt my yerim, always take care of her no matter what.." Irene held your hands hoping that you would keep your word of loving yeri. "Yes I will miss irene," "Yah stop calling me that! Call me irene eonnie.." "Irene eonnie.. You have my word.."
After a week finally it was the time for you to propose to yeri, you immediately ran into the school gym to see yeri waiting for you. A game was going on so this was the perfect time for you and your whole class to surprise yeri, "Hi love sorry If I took long to get here just needed to get something," You signalled your friends for a go sign. "Yeri I have something for you.." You kneeled down infront of her taking out the ring from your pocket slowly opening it revealing a beautiful diamond ring. "My love.. We've been together for just months.. But I'm so sure that you will my one and only for life.. Will you marry me?" Yeri cried out in tears of joy covering her mouth in surprise, "Y-Yes!! I will marry you!!" You then wore the ring onto her ring finger and stood up to hug her tight.
Then your whole class popped the balloons and screamed out in joy and "congratulations!" Everyone was happy for the both of you that you even got yeri's eonnies involved in this plan, all of her eonnie's popped up from behind and smiled happily while seulgi was jumping up and down. "Yay group hug guys!!" All of you hugged happily, having a happy day for the both of you..
It's not really comedy im so sorry (Tʖ̯T) but I tried my best making it funny even though I'm literally so unfunny lolz 😂😂
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perfctvelvet · 2 years
Ice Cream Cake
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✰ Content: stepcest, sub!Yeri, bratty!Yeri, innocent kink, oral, use of sex toy (dildo).
"Please Y/n!? Please, please, please!?"
Those pink, pouty lips and soft eyes are hard to say no to. Yeri has her hands clasped together as if she's praying like a good girl, but she's begging for her favorite step-sister to get down on her knees and eat her pretty pussy.
Y/n had an exam to study for, one that was going to be tough. As her graduation date inched closer and closer, her little step-sister has gotten needier and would cling to her at every opportunity. It was a little overbearing to deal with at first, but quickly she learned to enjoy where her step-sister's desperation would lead her.
In the beginning of this tryst, Yeri was so eager to please. She would lick Y/n out for an hour; whining and whimpering as if *she was the one having her clit licked. Y/n liked watching her step-sister beg for a taste of her. Yeri hadn't had much experience prior to them deciding to do this a few months ago, but she was an eager learner. She loved fingering Y/n while sucking on her clit. The movements of her tongue were always sloppy and a bit unconcentrated, but Y/n always appreciated the effort.
Now that Y/n is much more busy with the Winter semester coming to an end, Yeri feels more neglected and it's causing her to act out. She'll talk loudly on the phone to her friend about how horny she is; almost like she didn't care who heard her. And, if she wasn't being direct enough, whenever Y/n would ask her to do something she would say no and cross her arms like a brat. Now Yeri was starting to be that annoying little step-sister. Y/n wanted to put her in her place, but she just didn't have the time for that now. Only a few more weeks and they're on break for a month until the next semester starts. Y/n is patient and she can wait that long, but not her cute little step-sister.
"Yeri, I told you no."
"But I'm so horny!"
Yeri was flailing her hands around, making the pink dildo in her right hand flop around. She looked absolutely ridiculous throwing a temper tantrum. Y/n bordered on finding it annoying and finding it hot. Yeri was wearing a big sweater that covered her ass, but Y/n suspected she was only wearing panties and not the shortest shorts on Earth. Her thighs, Y/n's weakness, looked so soft, but she had to focus on her final project.
"Why don't you get yourself off? You have a hand, a dildo, and that vibrator you keep in your drawer. You can do it yourself."
"I tried," she whined, "I can't do it myself because it's not the same…I need you."
Buttering Y/n up with compliments was not as powerful as Yeri thought. Y/n sighed and turned her head back to her laptop and began typing again. Yeri stood there feeling stupid. She wasn't going to back down that easily, however. What Yeri wants, Yeri gets.
Yeri walks out of Y/n's peripheral. She assumes that her step-sister is going to leave her room, but then she hears her bed squeak. She rolls her eyes and ignores the sound anyway. She knows that Yeri is going to do anything to get her attention.
"I guess I'll have to help myself," she sighs dramatically.
Y/n doesn't think much of it until she hears wet noises coming from behind her a mere 30 seconds later. No matter how much she tries to focus now, there is no way Y/n is going to be able to. Her mind is running wild picturing her little step-sister with her legs open and fucking herself with that pink dildo. Yeri lets out little squeaks as the tip of the toy hits her spongy sweet spot.
"Y/n," she whimpers her step-sister's name. Yeri was playing hard ball and Y/n didn't know what to do.
She sat there at her desk, not even typing, but she didn't want to come off as weak and give in. She didn't mind it when Yeri was being a good girl, but she can't fathom the idea of giving Yeri what she wants after being an annoying brat for the last few days. Yet temptation is stronger than her ego. She stands up and turns around, getting a full view of her step-sister's stuffed pussy.
"I need your help," is all she says. Y/n wants now to do nothing but that.
She gets on her knees and leans over the edge of the bed. Grabbing Yeri by the thighs, she pulls her closer towards the edge of the bed.
"Keep going Yeri, don't stop. This is what you wanted, right?" She encourages her when she sees Yeri start to slow down on her pumping. Did she think that Y/n was going to take over and do all the work for her? No, Y/n isn't going to give it to her that easily. She was already neglecting her school work to tend to her needy sister, so she's going to make her work for it. Yeri is disappointed at the fact that she has to keep fucking herself when she wants Y/n to do it. It feels so good, but sometimes she struggles to get up to the fast pace that Y/n is able to.
Y/n watches her pussy clench around the pink toy. A ring of white cream gathers at the base as it goes in and out of her puffy pussy. It's possibly the sexiest thing Y/n has ever seen. Her step-sister's nipples poke through her top, causing Y/n to slide her hand up the big sweatshirt and palm her bare tits. Yeri begins to cry out instead of the little whimpers she had been letting out. She looks too cute for Y/n to handle; too cute for Y/n to not do anything more than what she's doing now.
Y/n leans over and begins to lick her step-sister's clit. It's a little bit of a struggle since Yeri is still try to fuck herself with the dildo, but now her body is shaking too much. Y/n can't keep her still with one hand on her tit and the other on her thigh. Y/n really, *really didn't want to give her step-sister a reward, but she grabs the dildo from Yeri's grasp and begins to pump it into her. It's a little bit easier now, but Y/n still struggles to keep Yeri still. Her back arches off the bed as her step-sister spoils her pussy. Y/n's tongue is warm and wet against her clit and it makes her drip even more. Yeri's arousal begins to stick to Y/n's hand and she collects more and more every time her hand gets closer to her pussy.
Yeri is taking all 6 inches of the dildo. Its thickness makes her feel stretched out and completely full. It's all almost too much for her and she thinks that she can't handle it anymore. In a way this overwhelming pleasure feels like a sense of punishment for acting the way she did. Y/n starts sucking on her clit and it makes her cry out even louder. Yeri is the sweetest girl Y/n has had the privilege of having on her tongue.
Her body shakes as Y/n fucks her to completion. Her pussy get so wet and messy that the dildo slips out a few times before Y/n ultimately pulls it away to focus on licking her clit. Yeri's hand pushes at Y/n's forehead to get her away. It was too much pleasure and her body couldn't handle it anymore. "Okay, okay! That's enough!" For a good 30 seconds, Yeri doesn't believe that Y/n is going to listen to her. But, eventually Y/n pulled her tongue away from her.
Her sweet step-sister's pussy was pink and puffy from being overstimulated. Y/n enjoyed seeing her handy work and the tears staining Yeri's cheek. She guesses that it wasn't so bad to give them both what they wanted.
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mingkist · 1 year
profiles: the cooking club
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spoiler alert: none of the members of the cooking club actually are good cooks. yeri just needed a group name. dino likes to think that they’re called the cooking club since they’re always cooking up amazing art projects though!
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honorary member: jeong jaehyun, who not only graduated two years earlier than the others; but is the only person in their friend group with an established career in the entertainment industry.
also only joined twitter because of a certain someone but he liked his friends tweets so he stayed.
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Alright, here’s another prompt for a Mafia!Irene & Seulgi headcanon:
You’ve been best friends with Irene and Seulgi as far as you could remember. You’ve done everything together, from you sticking up for them when you were only kids to graduating high school with them.
But strange things have been going on between them. They’ve recently turned hostile towards one another. Even worse, you’ve occasionally caught them trying to start fights in public. You’ve also noticed how they seem to shoot you looks, only for them to become flustered when you look back at them.
And now strange black vehicles have begun to follow your every move. Unbeknownst to you, they are, in fact, the daughters of the heads of the two biggest mafia families in the city. And they seem to have fallen head over heels for you. But unfortunately, things seem to be heading towards a flashpoint between the two, with you caught in the middle of it.
Whatever shall you do? Will you attempt to reconcile their friendship, or will you reciprocate one of their feelings while leaving the other in heartbreak?
Also, I really liked your response on my last prompt, it was really well written! But hopefully you’ll also find this prompt to be somewhat interesting! Once again, please and thank you!
Red Velvet headcanon - Mafia AU - Reader being fight over by Mafia!Irene&Seulgi
Requests are open
Hello and oh my God! This prompt is so good written, probably you could be a writer yourself. Like if usually I tend to write introduction in my works, this time you made for me, so everyone look at the request if you're searching for an incipit. Also, thank you for your feedback on my last work, this is the fuel that that the writers need.
Mafia!Irene&Seulgi X Citizien!GN! Reader
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"How did I get into this?". This was the question that has tormented you the last few days. Days in which you choose to not see neither Irene nor Seulgi.
You saw them last time exactly a week ago and it didn't go well...to say the least. The tones has become far sharper and the personal attacks become more virulent.
And that really pissed you off. You were a chill person in general, but seeing your bestfriends attacking each other in this way made you angry. So you took your things and left them there.
Both tried to contact you by phone, but the answer was the same: no. In fact you need some time and space from them, 'cause you needed to think about the situation.
And honestly you needed some advices too, so instead of seeing with Irene and Seulgi, you decided to meet your other group of friends: Wendy, Joy and Yeri.
In fact the trio used to hang out with you three in highschool, even with them being younger.
You explained them the situation. They seemed thoughtful, they looked at each other nervously. "Did you really miss anything, Y/N?" asked Joy. "I'm clueless", you answered.
All three of them sighed. "Y/N, we need to tell you something...", Wendy started. What happened next was them explaining to you facts the were clear for everyone, but you.
Irene and Seulgi daughters of the the two biggest mafia family of the town? Both being in love with you? You felt like your brain was going to explode for the quantity of news.
But how could you not see all of that? The answer of Yeri was "Y/N, you're a really smart person, but I swear that sometimes you are really naïve.". "However, nowdays mafia is not anymore the gangster things you could see in The Godfather, now it's more comparable to politics", said Wendy as your excuse.
You returned home with more doubts than before. You have always seen Irene and Seulgi as your bestfriend, but now that you knew the truth...
Thinking at Irene as your girlfriend made you so happy. And what about Seulgi as your partner? You could feel the butteflies in your stomach.
And what about the mafia stuff? It was a scary world, but, as Wendy says, it was more an economy thing than other. And then now you were more reasoning with your heart rathen than with your brain.
You can't be in that limbo forever. You needed to take a decision. You thought about it all night long, but when you woke up the next day your mind, or better, your heart has made its choice. A life-changing choice.
Final One: "My only"
You gave her appointment for lunch at the fancy restaurant you always loved, The Red Flavor.
You were anxious, so you arrived there half an hour in advance. Luckily your table was already available, so at least you could wait for her sitten.
But was her the right choice? Now that only few minutes separated you from your choice, the doubts were coming back. Yet the same doubts were gone the moment you heard her voice: "Did I make you wait long, Y/N?".
Irene was standing next to you with her usual sweet smile and her eyes full of love. She was stunning and now that you know the full truth It was impossible looking at her without falling in love.
Irene sat in front of you. "So, Y/N, what did you need to tell me? You said in chat that it regarded the situation of me, you and...Seulgi". You took a long breath before starting to talk.
"Irene, I know everything. I mean, about your families...", Irene's heart skipped a beat. Like, that was not really a secret, both her and Seulgi never hid it, but you were so oblivious about it, that there was no reason to tell you and risk to ruin your relationship.
"...and about your feelings.", now Irene's heart completely stopped for few seconds. When you realized it? Were they too evident? And what did you think about it? These and other 100 thoughts were crowding her mind.
"I pass an entire day, thinking about what to do. I mean, I love both you and Seulgi, but one thing is loving as a bestfriend, and another is loving...like I love you".
Irene couldn't believe what she heard. She only dreamed about you saying this words. Her poor heart now was beating faster than that of a horse. She could feel the dopamine expanding in all her body.
Nearly crying, she took your hand and kissed your knuckles softly. "Oh my God, Y/N, it's the best day of my life, you're making me the happiest woman alive".
You smiled at her, enjoying the moment. All the lunch was great, the food tasted better than usual, the weather was great and happiness was palpable in the air.
After the restaurant, you two went for a walk in the park, and while sitting under a big tree, you decided to tell Irene the last part of your discourse.
"Irene, there is one more thing I need to tell you. I choose you, you're the person I love, but... i'm not giving up my friendship with Seulgi.".
She listened to carefully, then crossed her arms and started thinking. "Hmm...I think that's fair. I mean, before starting to fight with her, she was my bestfriend too, and I would like to have her back. Just promise that...you will be my only, ok?".
In response to that, you kissed her passionately. She was surprised, but she didn't back down. At the end of the kiss you said "Pabo-ya, I'm already your only and I will be forever.".
Final two: "Hear the Sea"
The appointment was "tonight at the Sea". That's what you said to Seulgi when you called her few hours ago. So at the nine p.m. you were waiting on the beach, near to the old pier.
The sky, full of stars, was beautiful. The place was far from the lights of the city, but it was not dark at all, because the moonlight was quite bright.
You were watching the lightouse in the distance. Its everlasting movement was almost hypnotic.
There were only you, the light and the sound of the Sea... plus the the heavy breathing of Seulgi, "Y/N, I'm not late, right?". You looked at her. Even breathless, she was beautiful.
"Are you mad at me, Y/N? Please, don't be". How could a person so soft being the daughter of a mafia boss? She's always been one of the most gentle person that you have met. It was the first reason you wanted be her friends when you were kids.
You chuckled. "I'm not, Seulgi, don't worry. You aren't even late.", reassured, she smiled and she ran to hug you.
You sat on the sand and Seulgi did the same. "So, there is a reason if I asked you to meet you alone, and that i-", you were interrupted by your bestfriend. "Y/N, i'm so sorry for the scene of the last time. I don't know what's happening to me".
You stared at her with a raised eyebrow, "Really? Because I think to know what's happening". She gulped, "w-what do you mean?". "I mean that I'm not stupid and I'm gonna make you and Irene start a mafia war because of me".
She was beginning to panic, she never saw you so serious. She was afraid to lose you. "Please, Y/N, don't do this to me". "No? Shouldn't I? I thought that you would like to know that I want you like my girlfriend", and that said, you did to leave.
But Seulgi practically tackled you on the sand again. You were straddled by her, her hands blocking your wrists. "What did you say, Y/N? Did you like me?
"No, Seulgi, I don't like you...I love you". No more words were needed. The exactly moment you finished talking, Seulgi kissed you. The kiss was incredible, she was kissing you like she needed that, probably for a long time.
The rest of the night you just cuddled on the beach like the rest of the world didn't exist.
But it actually does. And part of It was Irene. When she heard the news, first she was furious, then became heartbroken. She closed in her room for days.
But time heals the wound, so after months and she accepted the thing and slowly you two became friends again. Years later, on the day of your marriage with Seulgi, she was sitten at the weeding table and she was truly happy for you two.
Final three: "Happily ever after"
The first thing you after you woke up was calling both of them. You invited them to have dinner at your house that evening. To avoid other scenes, you warned that both would be there.
Probably knowning that has created a sense of competion between the two girl. In fact since their arrival, they have tried to look better in your eyes.
Seulgi, the first to arrive, came in a fancy new sportcar, while Irene one minute later arrived in a white limousine, longer than your building probably. You, that have never been a fan of garish things, just rolled your eyes.
You tried to create a chill atmosphere, but the girls were on the warpath. The more time passed, the more they became meaner.
Already during the appetizers they were making mean comments to each other, but it was during the main dish that the situation degenerated.
In fact a comment by Irene has unleashed hell, "What lack of class! Like father, like daughter in that dog-eat-dog family.". "Don't you dare, bitch, your family can only clean my family shoes", responded Seulgi.
Irene didn't take well Seulgi's sentence, so in fury she thrown the contents of his glass to her. Instinctively you put yourself in the trajectory and now you were drenched. That was the drop that broke the pot.
"ENOUGH! How come you can’t be at peace like you used to be? I'm tired of this situation", your intervention was followed by silence.
Since none of the two was gonna answer, you continued, "I understand that you have feelings for me,but drag your families into the story is too much. I only want to have my bestfriends back, is that too much to ask?".
Your words were like a bucket of fresh water for them. They were so focused in conquering your heart, that they forgot about your opinion and feelings. They were so ashamed.
Irene was the first to speak "Y/N, please forgive, I was the worst bestfriend ever. And Seulgi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."
"I'm the one who is sorry, Irene. And Y/N, I know that we exaggerated, but please don't break our friendship.", continued Seulgi.
The rest of the dinner was full of embarrassment and shame, but at least they understood their mistakes, so till the end your anger was gone.
From the very next day the situation seemed to return normal. Even the residual sparks over time have disappeared.
You were so happy. It was a miracle. A storybook ending. So as it's written in Fairy tales: you three were happily ever after...maybe.
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mymiese · 2 years
“ yah! stay still, ” she scolded, the bright smile that presented itself a stark contrast to her previous demand, “ i want to make sure i get your nose juuust right. ” after months of painting landscapes and still lives, the time had finally come for yeri to graduate to portraits, and she was nervous.
a basket of fruit wouldn’t take offense if its contents were disproportionate in size, but a person certainly might. with knit brows, her eyes flitted across the canvas in careful concentration in between brief glances at her present muse, who was sat just a few feet across from her. the only sound to break the otherwise resounding silence that filled the room was a lengthy exhale, entirely unaware that she had been holding her breath as she fussed with the delicate contrast between light and shadows. “ okay . . . you have to promise not to laugh when i show you, ” her voice rang out as a firm but lighthearted warning, peeking out from behind the large easel. it’s true what they say about being your own worst critic – if yeri hadn’t set the paintbrush down now, she may never have stopped.
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jihyolesbian · 1 year
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@yeri please donate this dress to me so i can wear it for graduation it’s way too expensive to buy please im a reveluv
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