#yersinia enterocolitica
inkintheinternet · 1 year
Food and the Immune System
By Arjuwan Lakkdawala 
Ink in the Internet
If you are a traveller you should be concerned with diseases that are prevalent in the country you are travelling to, or at least where you live. 
What I'm attempting to demonstrate in my series of articles about microorganisms, is the thin line we tread between our immunity and the ever evolving microorganisms that after Covid-19, proved how unprepared we are.
The idea is to learn about this possible disaster in the making so we can prevent it or at least be better prepared.
Climate and geology are factors which could contribute to particular viruses or bacteria thriving in certain locations. Animals and insects can be disease vectors. And travellers can be carriers of infectious diseases. What this means is that germs can travel the world. In this scenerio people more than animals can contribute to disease spread, and especially those who are asymptomatic or who are in the incubation stage before symptoms appear.
Because people don't undergo health screening like animals when travelling.
However, protection from diseases isn't only about wearing masks or hand sanitation. It has a lot to do with food consumption.
Many people don't have proper awareness about unhealthy ingredients in foods, or the ways in which food contamination can happen.
What we consume can effect the health of our immune system, which in turn effects how susceptible we become to infections or autoimmune diseases.
Generally bacteria can live in colder or hotter temperatures than humans.
But there are bacteria that can survive in extremely hot or cold temperatures, or highly acidic or salty conditions.
I think most people are not aware about how resistant bacteria can be. Or that viruses do not die but can only be destroyed.
One of the most tenacious forms of bacteria surving under extreme stress or heat is bacteria that can produce endospores.
"Endospores are dormant alternate life forms produced by the genus Bacillus, the genus Clostridium, and a number of other genera of bacteria, including Desulfotomaculum, Sporosarcina, Sporolactobacillus, Oscillospira, and Thermoactinomyces. 
Bacilus species." - Libre Texts Biology.
When those bacterium are under severe environmental attack they produce the endospore that preserves the cell's genetic material, as other parts of the bacteria perish. The endospore can survive till it gets environmental stimuli suitable for bacterial growth.
The re-entering of vegetative growth and cell division stage of the endospores is called germination.
Endospores are strongly resistant to boiling, antibiotics, many disinfectants, and low energy radiation, and do not get effected by drying.
Meat can be contaminated with endospores. 
Diseases that can be caused by endospores:  
"Infectious diseases such as anthrax, tetanus, gas gangrene, botulism, and pseudomembranous colitis are transmitted to humans by endospores." - Biology Libre Text.
However, do not confuse endospores with spores they are not the same. For example anthrax spores when inhaled cause severe health condition and can be fatal without immediate treatment.
Other ways in which food can get dangerously contaminated is by the chopping board. Use different boards to chop meat and vegetables/fruits. Because germs from the meat board can get transferred to fruits or vegetables that normally don't undergo cooking like meat.
When buying fruits or vegetable avoid those that have hole or punctures as germs can get into them through the openings.
Do not wash fruits or vegetables before storing in the fridge, the moisture can allow the growth of germs. Wash the fruits and vegetables before usage.
Another thing to be careful about is the water we drink. Dr. Kellog Schwab, director of the Johns Hopkins University Water Institute, says the moment we drink from a container we introduce microorganisms to that water. 
"Combined with the ambient temperature in your home or office, and sunlight streaming into your windows, those microorganisms could start to multiply pretty quickly." He said.
Water stored in plastic bottles should also be kept away from the odors of chemicals. Because plastic bottles are permeable. That means certains gases can go through them.
Water intoxication is also a danger many are not aware of.
This could like be why sports bottles have narrow mouths, so water can be consumed in a controlled manner.
There have been reports of people who died after accidently drinking too much water. This happens when more water is drunk than the kidneys can expel in time. The water dilutes the electrolytes in the blood, particularly sodium, and swelling happens in the cells including the brain.
While many health or exercise websites encourage to drink "plenty of water before and after exercise" I have never read on one the warning of how easily water intoxication can happen.
The other food warning doesn't really apply to me as a Muslim because I don't eat pork.
But it deserves a mention for others in the  world who unfortunately consume this animal.
Pig meat is similar to human meat. That is why it could be highly likely to cause autoimmune diseases, especially multiple sclerosis.
And the bacteria yersinia enterocolitica, which has many similarities to the bacteria yersinia pestis, which is related to yersinia pseudotuborcolusis and causes the bubonic black, is often found in pig meat.
In fact the contamination rate is high.
What happens each time people consume pork in regard to the immune system that it has to diffentiat that the meat is not its own human cells. This repitation in time can cause the immune system to not be able to tell it apart and hence start to attack its own cells.
In many countries MS was found to be as high as their consumption of pork, and as low as their consumption of pork. This signifying a correlation between pork and MS.
Processed foods and Ultra Processed foods are another unhealthy food problem. It is becoming very difficult to avoid these foods but not impossible. Ultra Processed foods can usually be told from the ingredients where it will read many more names that aren't normally understood as foods. This would be the things used to ultra process the food item.
Presently in the world the leading cause of death is heart disease followed by cancer.
One of the many examples of foods we consume with serious health risks is foods that have trans fat. 
"Trans fats in your food
Commercial baked goods, such as cakes, cookies and pies.
Microwave popcorn.
Frozen pizza.
Refrigerated dough, such as biscuits and rolls.
Fried foods, including french fries, doughnuts and fried chicken.
Nondairy coffee creamer.
Stick margarine." The Mayo Clinic
“Trans fat has no known benefit, and huge health risks that incur huge costs for health systems,” said WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Trans fat are highly associated with heart disease the leading cause of death worldwide.
Arjuwan Lakkdawala is an Author and Independent Journalist. Her Twitter and Instagram is @Spellrainia
Copyright ©️ Arjuwan Lakkdawala 2023
Springer Link - Foodborne Microbial Pathogens - Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pestis by Arun K. Bhunia
Hindawi - Journal of Pathogens - Rapid Detection and Identification of Yersinia pestis from Food Using Immunomagnetic Separation and Pyrosequencing
Kingsley K. Amoako,1Michael J. Shields,1Noriko Goji,1Chantal Paquet,2Matthew C. Thomas,1Timothy W. Janzen,1Cesar I. Bin Kingombe,3Arnold J. Kell,2and Kristen R. Hahn1
Academic Editor: Dike O. Ukuku
Advanced Naturopathic Medical Center - What is the problem with PORK?
By: Dr. Melina Roberts
Healthline - 4 Hidden Dangers of Pork - By Denise Minger 
Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America - The Many Health Risks of Processed Foods by Nick Fox
What happens if you drink too much water? -
Medically reviewed by Adrienne Seitz, MS, RD, LDN, Nutrition — By Arlene Semeco, MS, RD — Updated on Jan 4, 2023
Applied Microbiology International- Bacterial spore structures and their protective role in biocide resistance
M.J. Leggett, G. McDonnell, S.P. Denyer, P. Setlow, J.-Y. Maillard
First published: 10 May 2012
Science Direct - Endospores, Sporulation and Germination
Ernesto Abel-Santos, in Molecular Medical Microbiology (Second Edition), 2015
Time - You asked. Can water go Bad by Markham Heid
Science Direct - Biosafety and Health - Yersinia pestis, a problem of the past and a re-emerging threat
Author links open overlay panelJae-Llane Ditchburn, Ryan Hodgkins
Wired - Resistant Bacteria in Pork — And Problematic Pharmaceuticals Too by Maryn Mckenna
PMC - Osong Public Health and Research Perspective - Yersinia pestis antibiotic resistance: a systematic review
Chen Lei and Suresh Kumar
Science Direct - Earth Science Reviews - Geomicrobiology: its significance for geology
Author links open overlay panelHenry L. Ehrlich
Texas Cooperation Extension - The Texas A&M University System - Safe Handling of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - Peggy Van Laanen and Amanda Scott*
Bottledwater.org IBWA Bottled Water
Guide to Understanding Anthrax - CDC
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drugcarts · 1 year
Yersiniosis is generally described as an infection which can be result from bacteria named as Yersinia enterocolitica.
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cutecherrygirl · 11 months
3# you sneak love Notes into his luggage
Soft 🤍🖤
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Bang Chan
"Chan wait!" You exclaimed in excitement while running down the stairs, the hoodie in your arms baerly hanging hanging on your arms any longer by your fast movements. You almost had to slow down the steps to make sure you wouldn't collapse by the end of it. Chan looked up confused from checking his bag for stuff, wanting to make sure everything was in order. It would be ridiculous he had forgotten something important like his boarding pass or his passport for the matter. "What is going on?" He grinned at question and took a look at your breathless state the second you stood in front of him and almost threw the hoodie in his arms. "What is this?" He questioned confused. "You forgot this one!" You exclaimed. "Thank you I guess " he answered confused and threw it into his back with a curious expression on his face. He hadn't planned bromging it with him. "No dont you want to check the pockets!" He quivered an eyebrow at your request but did as told anyways, his hand finding the pocket and taking a notr from it. "Y/N what is this?" He asked confused and read the note " Out of all places I could be, I only want to be with you." "Its not the only one." You admitted, trying to hold back a smile. " Wait, you've filled up my luggage with love Notes?" The smile on his face grew even bigger when you nodded your head agreeing. " Now that I can't join you because of school I wanted to do something different instead. And I know you love letters rather than electronic stuff. So I really hope you enjoy it and find them all of course." "You are Honesty the most amazing person ever." He breathed and pressed his lips against your forehead caring, his stomach bobbling up with butterflies by your sweet gesture.
Lee know
A frustrated groan left Minho's lips as he leaned his head against the seat of his chair, his legs crowded against the seat in front of him and his lips partening as he tried to stay calm. The noise from the airplane was getting so annoying he could barely take it anymore. He was so used to this sound, hearing it at least ten time a month but this was horrible and it was far too much now. The earbuds that he always used for his Iphone clearly weren't helping like they always would. He could barely hear the music over the engines and even on the highest volume it couldn't block it out. Decididing to switch them out with another in his bag he leaned down go grab it by his feet and zipped it open. Roaming through the huge pile of stuff he had brought along curiosity hit his mind the second he touched something unfamiliar. Lifting up the paper he furrowed his eyebrows confused and took a look. "You grew on me the way Yersinia enterocolitica grows on spoiled bacon. " "What in the serious fuck, Y/N ?" He questioned to himself but with a huge smile on his lips. Moving his bag up tp his lap, he roamed through it, his eyes widening when he noticed the whole bottom of it filled with notes. "She didn't." He almost giggled to himself and shook his head but smiled brightly. Taking out a few ones to read them all inside his head but stopped when Hyunjin nudged his shoulder. "What's that? " He questioned confused but interested. "Just something to keep me going the next few months." Minho sighed with a huge smile embracing his face and placed one of them in his pocket, the noise from the airplane completely fainting out now.
The spund of short stack was loud in the small bunk area of the bus (im assuming they have bunks, idrk srry) while the boys were hurrying around to pack out their stuff from their luggage, Felix standing in his bunk while making weird dance moves in excitement. "Shouldn't you be packing out?" Changbin questioned while folding out his pants, looking over his shoulder to see the bleached haired boy shake his head head in disagreement. "This is the first day of our tour! Its gonna be a fucking blast!" "Whatever you say." Changbin chuckled whike shaking his head by Felix's excitement. Of course he was exited too. But it had been a rough morning. Saying goodbye was never something Binnie was found of. Reaching his hand down to grab clothes of the left side of his suitcase he lifted his eyebrow in confusion when he touched something harsh. Digging into the middle of it he pulled out a small jar of jam but it was empty and filled with different notes instead. " What's that?" Han chirped in interest. "I have no idea." Binnie mumbled and opened one of them. Attached to the jar was direction to the colors. Pink included memories, red included reasons to love and lilac was future dates. " Y/N must have put it into my suitcase when I was peeing or something." He mumbled and decided to take out a red one. "I want yoy to be happy and naked." "Well isn't that just...cute... And maybe a little bit erotic?" Han commented with a smile while reading over Changbin's shoulder. Rolling his eyes by the comment he hurried towards the back if the bus, wanting to read the rest of the notes. "Dont read the all at once Bin you need to keep them up for 5 months!"
Walking around the hotel room with exhausted limbs and tired face. Hyunjin trued his utter best to stay awake and not pass out on top of his bed. Silence was coulding over the room besides his tired hums and cars driving outside the roads from his hotel room, the lamp by his nightstand being the only one turned on to not disturb his weak eyes. His suitcase was placed on top of his bed with clothes scattered literally everywhere his purpose with trying to keep oraginzation not really keeping up. It had been a long day, too long according to Hyunjin but flying from Seoul to LA wasn't always as pleasent as it sounded. Grabbing the last two shirts in his suitcase he furrowed confused when a light pink note caught his attention. " Bet you didn't expect this one here :-)" he quivered an eyebrow confused and moved the T-shirt to see another one. " But I've left these all around your clothes. You probably didn't noticed because I hid them inside shirts and pants." He let go of the note to find the T-shirt scattered on the bed lifted it up to his eyes. "You are the best thing that happened to me." A hug smile broke on his face the second he relized what you had been doing while he headed to the studio yesterday morning. It made a warn feeling of butterflies erupt in his stomach and for once the feeling of home didnt seem that far away any longer. He literally had to hold in not to check every single piece of clothing for notes because in the end he knew that getting a suprise every single day was almost like having you here by his side.
I hope you like it 🤍
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icryyoumercy · 12 days
turns out, google refuses to give me data on the heat tolerance of yersinia pestis
it does provide data on the heat tolerance of the related yersinia enterocolitica, which can apparently be killed by 50-60° celsius for 2 minutes, if i correctly understand the paper i found, but still
i just want a very boring website that holds a searchable table of known bacteria and the conditions that are known to kill them, please
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smutmangapro · 1 month
Question 14 - Where may we be prepared to discover out probiotics?
You regarded, these are the prebiotic (ie dissolvable veggie fiber) found in our effectively keep up an important separating from nutrition that are the wellspring of the modification of our probiotic abdominal verdure.
Their prosperity in place needs on the off chance that we are to gain lengthy snack the place lengths to keep the growth of phytates.
These befuddling contaminants that are phytates, are phosphorus blends linked with particular metals, for occasion, press and keep its assistance by additional.
here and there it is in like way that could be available swinging to the usage supplementations lactic age groups (for the greater level known as probiotics).
To tenaciously impact the abdominal vegetation, it is key that the probiotic stresses have been properly selected and are produced in fulfilling infers every outlet (no under 10 billion).
For a tyke, the research examine that 15 to 1 month to treat. For a grown-up, 1 to 2 several weeks are suggested.
This type of supplements is prescribed if there should be a celebration of threatening to sullying directors, gastro-enteritis, awful tempered within problems or inconsistent diseases.
Note that supplements with whole technique probiotics will never be as effective as a real red alternation in consuming course of action: eat piles of verdant sustenances, absolutely traditional timetable.
Question 15 - Is it excellent 'ol designed that probiotics are also found in dust?
It's confusing, yet it's genuine, fresh can anticipate the bit of ensuring our probiotic gut pathogenic vegetation. Dirt contains 1 to 10 thousand lactic dangerous minimal lifestyle plots of land per g.
This vegetation is amazingly properly secured by operating up and pounded if dried dust. This bacterial structure expects rot germ negotiate in dust.
INRA Toulouse could illustrate that new fresh can shake in vitro 7 pathogens: Proteus mirabilis and vulgaris now and again accountable for bladder contaminations; Staphylococcus aureus in charge of improve damaging with risk of sepsis; the Yersinia enterocolitica.
Dust Cistus costs has immaculate results to see as colitis Crohn's pain. It licenses recovery of the key layer of abdominal tissues which are restored each A couple of times. The defrost in 12 time new fresh causes it to be lethargic. Resource is melt in the mouth area.
Thusly, the probiotic move cistus dust is higher than traditional probiotics as nutritional supplements: Bion Immuno especially Actimel. The last impact of Danone, all instigating effort depended on upon achievements statements, giving these matters a "thriving" varnish, concise of looking half nutrition, half treat. We should not be tricked by those degrees of development that are relied on to eat up and we implement more.
Your gut is the place to find a few kinds of harmful bacteria. These residing creatures can have negative successful results, yet a several of number of animal groupings are earnest. Some of them give among different fills that technique fibers, and antibacterial ingredients that strengthen the properly secured structure.
Striking minute lifestyle components to your successful
Probiotics are little residing creatures or fungus that creators add to their factors. They help residing creatures in your gut to play out their assignments all the more skillfully and they understand management when they have an over the top way of measuring perform.
Made milk factors are all the best vehicles of probiotics. In the company aspect, there are factors containing probiotics, which are individual "with bifidus", "with L. casei" or "with L. acidophilus" and are seen in the refrigerated situation of company sections.
Probiotics are on a to an outstanding level key level used as an element of the therapy and revultion of area of the inward areas recognized by:
taking antibodies harms;
taking certain arrangements;
radiation treatment;
defiling with C. difficile;
voyager's unit of the within areas.
A few stresses of probiotics, such as L. casei GG, S. boulardii, Enterococcus LAB SF68, slow up the variety and reality of scenes of confusing department of the courage in grown-ups and youngsters. As a admitted impact of complexities in stresses and estimates start, it is difficult to acknowledge which are incredible. There is not a pressure which has sways in every case. Every pressure has some showed explanations behind attention.
Business Probiotics affecting?
For that creators can make on the combining of the instances recognized with the material in probiotics, they should assurance that:
The factor contains a nice-looking variety of probiotic harmful bacteria to provide an effect all through sufficient time degree of settlement. The way of measuring probiotics per serving to be given on the combining.
The factor contains a probiotic stresses saw by Wellness North america. The name of the load must be recorded on the combining.
So when you see on the combining of organic yogurt as it contains probiotics, you can rest assured that the load used and the total existing provide slack.
Other than adding to sustenances, probiotics may other than be consumed as tablets.
Lactic dangerous residing creatures probiotic type does not for incomprehensive colonize your intestinal structure. You ought to regularly eat up created milk points to help however much as could properly be common from their inclinations.
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evoldir · 9 months
Fwd: Postdoc: InstitutPasteur.MicrobialPaleogenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: InstitutPasteur.MicrobialPaleogenomics > Date: 12 September 2023 at 05:42:28 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Post-Doctoral Researcher Position at the Institut Pasteur in Paris > > Joint position between the Yersinia & the Microbial Paleogenomics Units > > URL: https://ift.tt/P2OdNML > > Dive into the Fascinating World of Yersinia enterocolitica! > > Are you a passionate about genomics, evolution, and microbial > diversity? Are you interested to understand what makes some microbial > species harmful for humans and how pathogenicity emerges and evolves? > > Join our teams as a Post-Doctoral Researcher and be part of the > groundbreaking French ANR Project RETRACE: 'Retracing the global spread > of Yersinia enterocolitica & the evolution of pathogenicity within its > lineages, from a One Health perspective.' > > Project Overview: > > Yersinia enterocolitica, a complex bacterial species, is at the center > of our investigation. It's not only found in wild and farm animals but > also ranks as the third most common food-borne zoonosis in temperate > countries. Our mission? To explore the global spread of Y. enterocolitica > and trace the evolution of its pathogenicity within lineages. We're > tapping into the incredible Institut Pasteur historical collection, > housing over 37,000 specimens collected worldwide from 1932 to 2022. > > Your Role: > > As a key player in this project, you'll be selecting and sequencing > the genomes of 2,000 isolates from this extensive collection. With > your expertise in genomics analysis (bonus points for a microbiology > background), you'll dig deep into the data, using state-of-the-art > bioinformatics analyses to dissect Y. enterocolitica lineages from a > phylogenomic and pangenomic perspective. We aim to unravel associations > between niches, hosts, reservoirs, and geographic locations. Plus, > you'll work closely with a collaborative team, bridging the gap between > genomics and anthropology. > > Starting Date & Duration: > > The project kicks off on January 1st, 2024, with a duration of three > thrilling years. > > How to Apply: > > Ready to seize this unique opportunity? Send your CV and a motivation > letter with three references to: > > 📧 > [email protected] > > [email protected] > > [email protected] > > Join us in reshaping the future of > Yersinia enterocolitica research! Explore the past, influence the present, > and pave the way for a healthier tomorrow. Your journey starts here! > > #ResearchOpportunity #PostDoc #Genomics #Microbiology #Phylogenomics > #Pangenome #MicrobialGenomics #Bioinformatics #Yersinia > > Nicolás Rascovan
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belifii · 10 months
Fruits et légumes. Quelles sont les maladies que vous risquez si vous les lavez mal ? Intoxication alimentaire, insuffisance rénale, toxoplasmose, kystes dans le foie, asthme, infertilité et cancer … Fruits et légumes et les risques de maladies si vous les lavez mal Il existe des risques de maladies développées plus ou moins sur le long terme, qui peuvent apparaître si les légumes ou les fruits sont mal ou pas lavés. Les contaminations dues aux germes Sur certains de nos fruits et légumes se trouvent des germes provenant de l'intestin des animaux et des pathogènes comme les Salmonella, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, Listeria ou Shigella… Des noms qui ne vous disent peut-être rien, mais qui peuvent déclencher une intoxication plus ou moins sévère. Manger quelques salmonelles au cours d’un repas ne vous fait, normalement, pas courir le risque de tomber malade. Pour cela, il faut en ingérer des dizaines de milliers, ce qui peut provoquer une intoxication alimentaire. Crampes abdominales, nausées, vomissements, diarrhée, fièvre ou maux de tête seront alors au rendez-vous. Il s’agit de la maladie la plus courante qui peut être développée, ayant pour cause un fruit ou légume mal lavé. Mais il est possible d’en contracter d’autres. Certains germes peuvent avoir des conséquences bien plus violentes sur la santé. L’Escherichia coli peut provoquer une insuffisance rénale et le Clostridium botulinum peut conduire à une insuffisance respiratoire voire la paralysie. Toxoplasma gondii : dangereux pour les femmes enceintes Le nom « toxoplasma gondii » vous parle-t-il ? Il s’agit d’un parasite qui vit dans l’intestin des chats ou des rongeurs. Ce parasite peut se retrouver sur les fruits et légumes et causer des soucis de santé chez les personnes immunodéprimées ou chez les femmes enceintes qui n’ont jamais été en contact avec ce parasite, et qui n’ont donc aucun anticorps pour se défendre. La toxoplasmose congénitale (quand le fœtus est infecté par la mère durant la grossesse) a des conséquences très variables en fonction du stade de la grossesse. Le risque de transmission au fœtus est plus faible en début de grossesse et moins grave en fin de grossesse. Avant 16 semaines (très rare) la maladie peut entraîner une fausse couche, des retards psychomoteurs ou une atteinte neurologique. Entre 16 et 28 semaines, peuvent apparaître des lésions cérébrales. Après 28 semaines, peuvent être relevées des lésions oculaires (atteinte des pigments de la rétine pouvant entraîner une déformation de la rétine). Ver solitaire : il peut aussi être sur les fruits et légumes Un autre parasite comme le ténia du chien ou du renard dû à l'Echinococcus peut, suite à l'ingestion d'œufs éliminés par les fèces qui souillent les fruits ou légumes et que l'on mange, provoquer des kystes dans le foie. S’il se contracte généralement plus suite à la consommation de viande mal cuite, le « ver solitaire » peut également s’attraper en ingérant un légume ou un fruit qui aurait été souillé par un renard. Les symptômes de cette maladie sont : maux de ventre, pertes blanches au niveau des selles, diarrhée, constipation, maux de tête, perte d’appétit, éruption cutanée. Mieux vaut consulter votre médecin dès l’apparition des symptômes. Les contaminations dues aux pesticides Il n’est pas inhabituel d’entendre que, de plus en plus, il existe des traces trop importantes de résidus de pesticides, herbicides ou autres fongicides utilisés lors de la culture de nos fruits et légumes. Faute à l’agriculture intensive qui a recours de manière massive à ce genre de procédés. Certains médecins, associations de consommateurs ou même l’agence sanitaire européenne soupçonnent les pesticides d’avoir des effets néfastes sur la santé à long terme comme l’asthme, l'infertilité ou plusieurs cancers. Cholestérol, hypertension, troubles du sommeil : les maladies qui explosent à
Noël https://youtu.be/2GTCbDlossU Certains fruits et légumes sont plus contaminés que d’autres par les pesticides. Les fruits où l’on retrouve le plus de résidus de pesticide sont (par ordre décroissant) : les raisins, les clémentines, les cerises, les pamplemousses, les fraises, les pêches, les oranges, les pommes et les abricots. La liste est encore longue. Du côté des légumes, les plus « touchés » sont : les céleris branches, les herbes fraîches, les endives, les céleris raves, les laitues, les poivrons, les piments et les pommes de terre. Là encore, la liste est longue. A lire aussi  Bonne année 2021: meilleurs voeux, SMS, images, messages Facebook et WhatsApp à envoyer comme voeux de bonne année Cette liste a été établie suite à un rapport de Générations Futures issu des chiffres du ministère de l’Économie. L’étude a été menée sur 19 fruits et 33 légumes entre 2012 et 2016. Cette enquête a été effectuée d’après les données officielles récoltées par la Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (GDCCRF). L'avis de la nutritionniste Alexandra Retion : "Manger des fruits et légumes est essentiel dans notre alimentation pour rester en bonne santé. Ils vous apportent un florilège de vitamines, minéraux et de fibres chaque jour. Effectivement, les fruits et légumes peuvent être plus ou moins toxiques si certaines précautions ne sont pas prises. fruits et légumes frais Pour des populations à risque comme les femmes enceintes par exemple, il vaut mieux consommer des fruits et légumes chez soi, plutôt qu'à l'extérieur. Et donc, chez soi, de prendre la précaution de bien laver les fruits et légumes pour éviter les risques. Privilégier des fruits et légumes bio peut être également conseillé, pour limiter la consommation de pesticides". Laver efficacement ses fruits et légumes Tous les légumes ou les fruits que vous achetez, peu importe l’endroit, qu’ils soient issus de l’agriculture biologique ou non, ne sont pas systématiquement lavés. Dans le doute : procédez vous-même au lavage. Il est recommandé de procéder à un lavage à l’eau courante pour éliminer toutes traces de poussières, de terre, une partie des germes présents sur la surface et les résidus de pesticides. Il existe plusieurs méthodes pour un lavage efficace : À l’eau courante : la pression de l’eau chasse la terre, le sable, les vers et les insectes ; Le lavage dans plusieurs bains successifs : les légumes sont frottés et brassés soigneusement, puis transvasés d’un récipient d’eau froide et propre à l’autre sans être égouttés. Prenez les légumes dans vos mains pour les transporter d’un bac à l’autre. Les résidus indésirables restent alors dans le fond du bac. Automassage de Médecine Chinoise contre l'hypertension https://youtu.be/OjM5OPE-U4U Inutile de faire tremper trop longtemps vos fruits et légumes dans l’eau (excepté les pommes de terre). Un trempage longuet pourrait être contreproductif et entraîner une prolifération microbienne en plus d’une perte vitaminique et minérale. Au cas par cas : Pour la laitue ou les choux, choux-fleurs, enlevez les feuilles extérieures avant de les frotter légèrement sous l’eau courante pour déloger les particules de terre. Vous pouvez ajouter quelques gouttes de vinaigre à l’eau de lavage pour déloger limaces et moucherons des salades de votre jardin. En effet, l'acidité fait réagir les insectes (chenilles, pucerons) qui sortiront facilement du produit. Les fruits et légumes pour l’hydratation Les fruits et légumes ayant une surface ferme comme les melons, les pommes de terre ou les carottes, peuvent être brossés. Vous pouvez aussi les laver à l’eau tiède, si la terre séchée adhère fortement au produit. Les fruits crus utilisés pour les desserts ou à consommer en l'état doivent être soigneusement lavés à grande eau, égouttés et réservés dans des récipients sous papier film, au réfrigérateur à + 3 °C maximum sauf certains fruits exotiques comme les bananes qui sont rése
rvées à +12 °C. Il est à noter que même les fruits à « pelures » comme les clémentines doivent être lavés. En effet, les germes ou pesticides présents sur la peau peuvent rapidement se transférer à la chaire du fruit lors de l’épluchage. L'avis de la nutritionniste Alexandra Retion : "D'une manière générale, que les fruits et légumes soient bio ou pas, il est préférable de les laver pour diminuer les risques d'intoxication. Cela n'enlève en rien à leur qualité nutritionnelle".
0 notes
ka9oukeuktakal · 10 months
Fruits et légumes. Quelles sont les maladies que vous risquez si vous les lavez mal ? Intoxication alimentaire, insuffisance rénale, toxoplasmose, kystes dans le foie, asthme, infertilité et cancer … Fruits et légumes et les risques de maladies si vous les lavez mal Il existe des risques de maladies développées plus ou moins sur le long terme, qui peuvent apparaître si les légumes ou les fruits sont mal ou pas lavés. Les contaminations dues aux germes Sur certains de nos fruits et légumes se trouvent des germes provenant de l'intestin des animaux et des pathogènes comme les Salmonella, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, Listeria ou Shigella… Des noms qui ne vous disent peut-être rien, mais qui peuvent déclencher une intoxication plus ou moins sévère. Manger quelques salmonelles au cours d’un repas ne vous fait, normalement, pas courir le risque de tomber malade. Pour cela, il faut en ingérer des dizaines de milliers, ce qui peut provoquer une intoxication alimentaire. Crampes abdominales, nausées, vomissements, diarrhée, fièvre ou maux de tête seront alors au rendez-vous. Il s’agit de la maladie la plus courante qui peut être développée, ayant pour cause un fruit ou légume mal lavé. Mais il est possible d’en contracter d’autres. Certains germes peuvent avoir des conséquences bien plus violentes sur la santé. L’Escherichia coli peut provoquer une insuffisance rénale et le Clostridium botulinum peut conduire à une insuffisance respiratoire voire la paralysie. Toxoplasma gondii : dangereux pour les femmes enceintes Le nom « toxoplasma gondii » vous parle-t-il ? Il s’agit d’un parasite qui vit dans l’intestin des chats ou des rongeurs. Ce parasite peut se retrouver sur les fruits et légumes et causer des soucis de santé chez les personnes immunodéprimées ou chez les femmes enceintes qui n’ont jamais été en contact avec ce parasite, et qui n’ont donc aucun anticorps pour se défendre. La toxoplasmose congénitale (quand le fœtus est infecté par la mère durant la grossesse) a des conséquences très variables en fonction du stade de la grossesse. Le risque de transmission au fœtus est plus faible en début de grossesse et moins grave en fin de grossesse. Avant 16 semaines (très rare) la maladie peut entraîner une fausse couche, des retards psychomoteurs ou une atteinte neurologique. Entre 16 et 28 semaines, peuvent apparaître des lésions cérébrales. Après 28 semaines, peuvent être relevées des lésions oculaires (atteinte des pigments de la rétine pouvant entraîner une déformation de la rétine). Ver solitaire : il peut aussi être sur les fruits et légumes Un autre parasite comme le ténia du chien ou du renard dû à l'Echinococcus peut, suite à l'ingestion d'œufs éliminés par les fèces qui souillent les fruits ou légumes et que l'on mange, provoquer des kystes dans le foie. S’il se contracte généralement plus suite à la consommation de viande mal cuite, le « ver solitaire » peut également s’attraper en ingérant un légume ou un fruit qui aurait été souillé par un renard. Les symptômes de cette maladie sont : maux de ventre, pertes blanches au niveau des selles, diarrhée, constipation, maux de tête, perte d’appétit, éruption cutanée. Mieux vaut consulter votre médecin dès l’apparition des symptômes. Les contaminations dues aux pesticides Il n’est pas inhabituel d’entendre que, de plus en plus, il existe des traces trop importantes de résidus de pesticides, herbicides ou autres fongicides utilisés lors de la culture de nos fruits et légumes. Faute à l’agriculture intensive qui a recours de manière massive à ce genre de procédés. Certains médecins, associations de consommateurs ou même l’agence sanitaire européenne soupçonnent les pesticides d’avoir des effets néfastes sur la santé à long terme comme l’asthme, l'infertilité ou plusieurs cancers. Cholestérol, hypertension, troubles du sommeil : les maladies qui explosent à
Noël https://youtu.be/2GTCbDlossU Certains fruits et légumes sont plus contaminés que d’autres par les pesticides. Les fruits où l’on retrouve le plus de résidus de pesticide sont (par ordre décroissant) : les raisins, les clémentines, les cerises, les pamplemousses, les fraises, les pêches, les oranges, les pommes et les abricots. La liste est encore longue. Du côté des légumes, les plus « touchés » sont : les céleris branches, les herbes fraîches, les endives, les céleris raves, les laitues, les poivrons, les piments et les pommes de terre. Là encore, la liste est longue. A lire aussi  Bonne année 2021: meilleurs voeux, SMS, images, messages Facebook et WhatsApp à envoyer comme voeux de bonne année Cette liste a été établie suite à un rapport de Générations Futures issu des chiffres du ministère de l’Économie. L’étude a été menée sur 19 fruits et 33 légumes entre 2012 et 2016. Cette enquête a été effectuée d’après les données officielles récoltées par la Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (GDCCRF). L'avis de la nutritionniste Alexandra Retion : "Manger des fruits et légumes est essentiel dans notre alimentation pour rester en bonne santé. Ils vous apportent un florilège de vitamines, minéraux et de fibres chaque jour. Effectivement, les fruits et légumes peuvent être plus ou moins toxiques si certaines précautions ne sont pas prises. fruits et légumes frais Pour des populations à risque comme les femmes enceintes par exemple, il vaut mieux consommer des fruits et légumes chez soi, plutôt qu'à l'extérieur. Et donc, chez soi, de prendre la précaution de bien laver les fruits et légumes pour éviter les risques. Privilégier des fruits et légumes bio peut être également conseillé, pour limiter la consommation de pesticides". Laver efficacement ses fruits et légumes Tous les légumes ou les fruits que vous achetez, peu importe l’endroit, qu’ils soient issus de l’agriculture biologique ou non, ne sont pas systématiquement lavés. Dans le doute : procédez vous-même au lavage. Il est recommandé de procéder à un lavage à l’eau courante pour éliminer toutes traces de poussières, de terre, une partie des germes présents sur la surface et les résidus de pesticides. Il existe plusieurs méthodes pour un lavage efficace : À l’eau courante : la pression de l’eau chasse la terre, le sable, les vers et les insectes ; Le lavage dans plusieurs bains successifs : les légumes sont frottés et brassés soigneusement, puis transvasés d’un récipient d’eau froide et propre à l’autre sans être égouttés. Prenez les légumes dans vos mains pour les transporter d’un bac à l’autre. Les résidus indésirables restent alors dans le fond du bac. Automassage de Médecine Chinoise contre l'hypertension https://youtu.be/OjM5OPE-U4U Inutile de faire tremper trop longtemps vos fruits et légumes dans l’eau (excepté les pommes de terre). Un trempage longuet pourrait être contreproductif et entraîner une prolifération microbienne en plus d’une perte vitaminique et minérale. Au cas par cas : Pour la laitue ou les choux, choux-fleurs, enlevez les feuilles extérieures avant de les frotter légèrement sous l’eau courante pour déloger les particules de terre. Vous pouvez ajouter quelques gouttes de vinaigre à l’eau de lavage pour déloger limaces et moucherons des salades de votre jardin. En effet, l'acidité fait réagir les insectes (chenilles, pucerons) qui sortiront facilement du produit. Les fruits et légumes pour l’hydratation Les fruits et légumes ayant une surface ferme comme les melons, les pommes de terre ou les carottes, peuvent être brossés. Vous pouvez aussi les laver à l’eau tiède, si la terre séchée adhère fortement au produit. Les fruits crus utilisés pour les desserts ou à consommer en l'état doivent être soigneusement lavés à grande eau, égouttés et réservés dans des récipients sous papier film, au réfrigérateur à + 3 °C maximum sauf certains fruits exotiques comme les bananes qui sont rése
rvées à +12 °C. Il est à noter que même les fruits à « pelures » comme les clémentines doivent être lavés. En effet, les germes ou pesticides présents sur la peau peuvent rapidement se transférer à la chaire du fruit lors de l’épluchage. L'avis de la nutritionniste Alexandra Retion : "D'une manière générale, que les fruits et légumes soient bio ou pas, il est préférable de les laver pour diminuer les risques d'intoxication. Cela n'enlève en rien à leur qualité nutritionnelle".
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ainews · 10 months
Pork stir-fry is a favourite of many home cooks and is frequently tested for food safety reasons. This is due to the fact that pork can contain several types of harmful bacteria, such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, and Yersinia enterocolitica, if it isn't cooked properly. As such, it's important to make sure that pork stir fry is cooked long enough to destroy any potential bacteria.
In order to ensure food safety, pork stir-fry is frequently tested internally to evaluate the cooking process and determine the safety of the food. Food quality and safety testing allows for quality assurance protocols to be implemented, helping to ensure a safe product that is ready for consumption. This testing also helps to ensure that the proper cooking time and temperature is achieved to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
Many grocery stores and restaurants also conduct their own quality control tests, such as routine testing for pathogens and spoilage. This helps to ensure that customers are receiving the highest quality food possible, while also providing an additional layer of food safety assurance. This type of food safety testing helps to ensure that the pork stir-fry is safe for consumption, as it can provide an early warning system for any potential issues.
Finally, pork stir-fry may also be tested to evaluate its nutritional value, such as the amount of fat, cholesterol, and vitamins. Testing can also provide insight into the nutritional composition of pork stir-fry, which can help inform consumers on how the food can fit into a healthy diet.
Overall, Pork stir-fry is tested for food safety to ensure that it is safe for consumption. Testing is also used to evaluate the cooking process, quality control, and nutritional composition of the food in order to ensure it meets proper standards.
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nursingscience · 11 months
Medical Knowledge
1. Most common aortic branch involved in Takayasu arteritis : Left subclavian
2. Most common cause of respiratory distress in newborn : Transient tachypnea of the newborn
3. Most common location to see Asbestosis sequale : Posterior lower lobes.
4. Most common karyotype / chromosomal abnormality in USA : Down’s syndrome
5. Most common osseous lymphoma, primary and secondary : Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
6. Most common primary malignant orbital tumor in childhood : Rhabdomyosarcoma
7. Most common type of fluid collection in scrotum : Hydrocele
8. Most common type of liposarcoma to affect children : Myxoid liposarcoma
9. Most common abdominal emergency of early childhood : Intussusception.
10. Most common acetabular fracture : Posterior acetabulum.
11. Most common affected bowel segment in TB : Ileocecal area.
12. Most common affected joint in gout : First MTP.
13. Most common AIDS-related neoplasm : Kaposi Sarcoma
14. Most common allergic aspergillosis syndrome : Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
15. Most common anatomic variant of pancreas : Pancreas divisum
16. Most common anomalous course of RCA : Interarterial
17. Most common appearance of Legionella at the peak of the disease : Bilateral airspace consolidation.
18. Most common assoc. w/ Fx of great toe distal phalanx with physeal involvement :Osteomyelitis.
19. Most common associated anomaly with coarctation : Bicuspid valve.
20. Most common association of PAPVR : Sinus venosus type ASD.
21. Most common association with small left colon syndrome : Maternal DM
22. Most common bacterial cause of mesenteric adenitis : Yersinia enterocolitica.
23. Most common benign cardiac rhythm abnormality : PAC
24. Most common benign cartilage-containing tumor : Osteochondroma
25. Most common benign growth of the skeleton : Osteochondroma
26. Most common benign hepatic lesion : Hemangioma
27. Most common benign hepatic tumor during fist 6 mo. of life : Infantile Hemangioendothelioma
28. Most common benign intraconal tumor of the orbit in adults : Cavernous hemangiomas.
29. Most common benign masses caused by asbestos exposure : Atelectatic Asbestos Pseudotumor
30. Most common benign mesenchymal tumor of kidney : AML
31. Most common benign mucosal tumor of the esophagus : Papilloma
32. Most common benign nasopharyngeal tumor : Juvenile angiofibroma.
33. Most common benign orbital tumor in childhood : Dermoid Cyst of Orbit
34. Most common benign ovarian neoplasm in young and middle-aged women (<45 years) :Mature teratoma
35. Most common benign radiation-induced tumor of the musculoskeletal system : Osteochondroma
36. Most common benign rib lesion in an adult : Fibrous dysplasia.
37. Most common benign soft-tissue tumor of the foot : Plantar fibromatosis
38. Most common benign soft-tissue tumor of vascular origin : Hemangioma
39. Most common benign solid tumor in women of childbearing age : Fibroadenoma
40. Most common benign testicular mass : Simple cyst
41. Most common benign tumor of spleen : Hemangioma
42. Most common benign tumor of the larynx : Squamous papilloma
43. Most common benign tumor of the lung : Hamartoma
44. Most common benign tumor of the small bowel : GIST
45. Most common benign vascular gastric tumor : Glomus tumor of stomach.
46. Most common bilateral testicular tumor : Lymphoma
47. Most common biliary complication s/p lap. cholecystectomy : Bile duct leak from cystic duct stump.
48. Most common biliary complication s/p liver transplantation : Obstruction/stenosis at anastomosis.
49. Most common bladder neoplasm in children younger than 10 years : Rhabdomyosarcoma
50. Most common bone to develop an osteochondroma : Femur (tibia second most common)
51. Most common brain anomaly on prenatal sonograms : Isolated Mild Ventriculomegaly
52. Most common breast tumor under age 25 years : Fibroadenoma
53. Most common cardiac manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematous : Pericarditis
54. Most common cardiac tumor in children : Rhabdomyoma.
55. Most common cardiac valvular tumor : Papillary fibroelastoma
56. Most common carpal dislocation : Transscaphoid perilunate dislocation.
57. Most common causative organism of acute pyogenic meningitis in adults : Strep. pneumoniae
58. Most common causative organism of neonatal pyogenic meningitis : E. coli
59. Most common cause for failure of dialysis graft : Fibrointimal hyperplasia : venous outflow stenosis.
60. Most common cause for late failure in lung transplant patient : Bronchiolitis obliterans
61. Most common cause for pulmonary edema : Left-sided heart disease
62. Most common cause non iatrogenic cause of small bowel obstruction : Hernia
63. Most common cause of a large choroid plexus cyst : Trisomy 18.
64. Most common cause of a large pleural fluid collection in the newborn period : Chylothorax
65. Most common cause of acute renal failure in children requiring dialysis : HUS
66. Most common cause of acute testicular pain in postpubertal male : Acute epididymitis
67. Most common cause of acute testicular pain in prepubertal male : Torsion
68. Most common cause of AIDS cholangiopathy : Cryptosporidium
69. Most common cause of an echogenic renal mass in a 3-month-old : Mesoblastic nephroma.
70. Most common cause of an intraorbital mass lesion in adult : Pseudotumor of Orbit
71. Most common cause of AS in Western world : Degenerative disease
72. Most common cause of bilateral breast edema : CHF.
73. Most common cause of bilateral echogenic renal cortex : Chronic glomerulonephritis.
74. Most common cause of biliary obstruction : Choledocholithiasis
75. Most common cause of bleeding between menstrual cycles : Endometrial hyperplasia.
76. Most common cause of bronchopneumonia : Staphylococcal
77. Most common cause of cancer deaths in males and females : Bronchogenic Carcinoma
78. Most common cause of cause of infectious esophagitis : Candida Esophagitis
79. Most common cause of cavitary (necrotic) pneumonia in a child : Strep pneum.
80. Most common cause of Charcot joints : Diabetes mellitus
81. Most common cause of CHF in a child : ALCAPA / aberrant left coronary artery
82. Most common cause of CHF in a neonate : Hypoplastic Left Heart.
83. Most common cause of chronic hydronephrosis in renal transplant : UV anastomosis stricture.
84. Most common cause of colonic obstruction in adults : Malignancy
85. Most common cause of colonic obstruction in the infant : Meconium plug syndrome in CF patients
86. Most common cause of colovesical fistula : Diverticulitis
87. Most common cause of congenital CNS infection : CMV.
88. Most common cause of congenital duodenal obstruction : Duodenal atresia.
89. Most common cause of congenital sensorineural hearing loss : Giant vestibular aqueduct syndrome
90. Most common cause of cord ischemia : Thromboembolic disease
91. Most common cause of coronary artery aneurysm in USA : Atherosclerosis
92. Most common cause of coronary artery aneurysm Worldwide : Kawasaki
93. Most common cause of cyanosis in a child : Tetralogy of Fallot
94. Most common cause of cyanosis n newborn Transposition of great vessels
95. Most common cause of death in a severe pelvic fracture : Hemorrhage.
96. Most common cause of death in Ataxia –Telangiectasia : Respiratory failure.
97. Most common cause of death in Jeune syndrome : Respiratory failure
98. Most common cause of drop mets : Medulloblastoma
99. Most common cause of dwarfism : Achondroplasia
100. Most common cause of echogenic renal pyramids in children : Furosemide
101. Most common cause of ejaculatory duct obstruction : Mullerian duct cyst ?
102. Most common cause of endometriosis in girls <16 years of age : Obstructive müllerian duct anomalies
103. Most common cause of end-stage renal disease : Diabetic Nephropathy
104. Most common cause of epididymitis in males aged 15 to 35 years : Sexually transmitted diseases
105. Most common cause of esophageal rupture : Iatrogenic
106. Most common cause of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in patients <30 years of age : CF
107. Most common cause of facial hemipalsy : Bell palsy
108. Most common cause of false-positive V/Q scan for acute PE : Previous pulmonary embolism
109. Most common cause of fungal infection in AIDS patients : Cryptococcosis
110. Most common cause of gastrocolic fistula : Gastric ulcer.
111. Most common cause of heart failure in patients with COPD : Atherosclerotic heart disease
112. Most common cause of hemifacial spasticity is vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia.
113. Most common cause of hepatic calcifications : Infection
114. Most common cause of hydronephrosis in the newborn male : Ureteropelvic junction
115. Most common cause of hyperreflexive bladder : Spinal cord trauma
116. Most common cause of increased nuchal thickness : Downs syndrome
117. Most common cause of interstitial and airspace edema : CHF
118. Most common cause of intradiaphragmatic cyst :Extralobar sequestration
119. Most common cause of intraventricular hemorrhage :Disruption of the subependymal veins
120. Most common cause of intussusception in children >6 years : Lymphoma
121. Most common cause of large spherical pancreatic calcifications in children : Hereditary pancreatitis
122. Most common cause of left atrial dilatation : Mitral regurgitation.
123. Most common cause of leukokoria : Retinoblastoma.
124. Most common cause of liver metastasis : Colon.
125. Most common cause of lower extremity venous valve dysfunction : DVT.
126. Most common cause of lower GI bleeding : Diverticulosis.
127. Most common cause of malignancy of men in the world -- Bronchogenic Carcinoma
128. Most common cause of maternal peripartum death : Amniotic fluid embolism
129. Most common cause of membranous croup : Staph. Aureus.
130. Most common cause of microcolon: Meconium ileus.
131. Most common cause of mortality in ulcerative colitis : Toxic megacolon.
132. Most common cause of necrolytic migrating erythema : Glucagonoma
133. Most common cause of neonatal nasal obstruction : Choanal atresia.
134. Most common cause of Neonatal Pneumonia : Group B streptococcus.
135. Most common cause of neonatal respiratory distress in full term/postmature infants – Meconium aspiration
136. Most common cause of nephrocalcinosis in adults : Primary hyperparathyroidism
137. Most common cause of non-immune hydrops in USA : Cardiac anomaly
138. Most common cause of optic nerve enlargement : Optic nerve glioma
139. Most common cause of orbital calcifications : Retinoblastoma
140. Most common cause of orbital infection : Paranasal sinusitis
141. Most common cause of osteoblastic bone metastases in an adult female : Breast cancer
142. Most common cause of osteoblastic bone metastases in an adult male : Prostate cancer
143. Most common cause of osteolytic bone metastases in a child : Neuroblastoma
144. Most common cause of osteolytic bone metastases in an adult female : Breast cancer
145. Most common cause of osteolytic bone metastases in an adult male : Lung cancer
146. Most common cause of Osteomyelitis of spine : Penetrating direct trauma
147. Most common cause of pancreatic lipomatosis in children : CF
148. Most common cause of pleural eosinophilia : Air in the pleural space
149. Most common cause of pneumoperitoneum : Ruptured duodenal ulcer.
150. Most common cause of postpartum fever : Endometritis.
151. Most common cause of pseudomyxoma peritonei : Appendiceal mucinous adenocarcinoma
152. Most common cause of pseudoureterocele : Bladder tumor
153. Most common cause of pulmonary hypoplasia : Diaphragmatic hernia
154. Most common cause of pulmonary tumor embolus : Gastric carcinoma
155. Most common cause of recurrent hip disloc. s/p hip arthroplasty : Acetabular component malposition
156. Most common cause of reflux in child w/ non-duplicated collecting system: Short intramural ureter.
157. Most common cause of renal vein thrombosis in adults : Nephrotic syndrome
158. Most common cause of restrictive cardiomyopathy : Amyloid
159. Most common cause of round pneumonia in children : Streptococcus.
160. Most common cause of round pneumonia in children : Streptococcus
161. Most common cause of small bowel obstruction : Adhesions
162. Most common cause of squamous cell ca. in the renal pelvis : Chronic Infected stag horn calculus
163. Most common cause of stridor in neonate and young infant : Laryngomalacia
164. Most common cause of sudden cardiac death among young people Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
165. Most common cause of SVC syndrome : Bronchogenic carcinoma
166. Most common cause of testicular swelling : Hydrocele
167. Most common cause of the pulmonary-renal syndrome : Microscopic polyangitis.
168. Most common cause of the stripe sign on V/Q scan : COPD
169. Most common cause of thoracic outlet syndrome : Scalene anticus.
170. Most common cause of toxic mega colon : Pseudomembranous colitis.
171. Most common cause of tree in bud appearance on CT : Bronchiolitis
172. Most common cause of tricuspid stenosis : Rheumatic heart disease
173. Most common cause of unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis : Malignant invasion
174. Most common cause of unilateral nonperfused lung on V/Q scan : Bronchogenic carcinoma
175. Most common cause of unilateral pulmonary edema : Prolonged unilateral dependent positioning
176. Most common cause of urinary obstruction in boys : posterior urethral valves
177. Most common cause of valvular heart disease in the United States : Degenerative
178. Most common cause of vascular ring : Double arch.
179. Most common cause of vertebra plana in children : EG
180. Most common cause requiring bronchial artery embolization : CF
181. Most common cause worldwide for cholangiocarcinoma : Clonorchis sinensis infestation
182. Most common cerebellar neoplasm in children : Medulloblastoma
183. Most common cerebral mass lesion in AIDS : Toxoplasmosis
184. Most common chest radiograph finding seen in pts with an acute PE : Atelectasis
185. Most common chest x-ray abnormality in the ICU : Atelectasis
186. Most common child abuse facture : Diaphyseal fracture,
187. Most common collagen disorder for a pleural effusion : SLE
188. Most common colonic polyp : Hyperplastic polyp
189. Most common colonic site for lymphoma : Cecum
190. Most common complication of ERCP : Pancreatitis
191. Most common complication of popliteal artery aneurysm : Distal ischemia (thrombosis/embolism)
192. Most common complication with IVC filters : DVT.
193. Most common component of mixed germ cell tumors : Embryonal Cell Carcinoma
194. Most common congenital abnormality of GI tract : Meckel’s diverticulum
195. Most common congenital anomaly of CNS in live births : Myelomeningocele
196. Most common congenital defect of CNS : Anencephaly.
197. Most common congenital head and neck cyst in a child : Thornwaldt cyst
198. Most common congenital heart disease : Bicuspid aortic valve.
199. Most common congenital intracranial tumor : Epidermoid or inclusion cyst
200. Most common congenital lesion of bile ducts : Choledochal Cyst
201. Most common congenital skeletal dysplasia : Achondroplasia.
202. Most common congenital solid tumor in the newborn : Sacrococcygeal Teratoma (1:40K live births)
203. Most common cranial nerve affected by a pituitary macroadenoma : CN VI.
204. Most common cranial nerve to be affected with schwannoma : VIII
205. Most common craniofacial malformation : Facial Clefting
206. Most common crystalline arthropathy : CPPD
207. Most common CT finding in bowel ischemia : Bowel wall thickening.
208. Most common cyanotic congenital heart malformation beyond neonatal period : TOF
209. Most common cyst of the jaw : Radicular cyst = Periapical cyst
210. Most common cystic lesion of prostate : Cystic degeneration of BPH
211. Most common cystic tumor of pancreas : Mucinous cystic neoplasm
212. Most common diffuse breast disorder : Fibrocystic disease of breast.
213. Most common diffuse gray matter degenerative disease : Alzheimer’s
214. Most common dislocated auditory ossicle longitudinal temporal bone fracture : Incus
215. Most common dislocation in adult : Glenohumeral.
216. Most common dislocation in child : Elbow.
217. Most common epididymal neoplasm : Adenomatoid tumor
218. Most common estrogenic ovarian tumor : Granulosa Cell Tumor
219. Most common etiology for chronic temporal lobe epilepsy : Ganglioglioma
220. Most common etiology for multiple small gastric polyps : Hyperplastic polyps.
221. Most common etiology for osteomyelitis : Staphylococcus aureus.
222. Most common etiology of bilaterally enlarged, hyperechoic kidneys in newborn infant : ARPKD.
223. Most common etiology of mesenteric adenitis : Viral
224. Most common etiology of pneumomediastinum : Alveolar rupture.
225. Most common etiology of rickets : Vitamin D deficiency.
226. Most common extra-adrenal site of pheochromocytoma : Organ of Zuckerkandl.
227. Most common extraaxial neoplasm of CNS : Meningioma
228. Most common extragonadal site of primary germ cell tumors : Anterior mediastinum.
229. Most common extrapulmonary site of tuberculosis : Urinary tract
230. Most common fetal cardiac anomaly seen on 4 chamber view US : AV canal defect (aka ECD)
231. Most common fibromatosis in childhood : Infantile Myofibromatosis
232. Most common finding of a tubal pregnancy seen on US images Adnexal mass separate from ovary
233. Most common finding of contralateral kidney in MCKD : Reflux
234. Most common fluid collection seen in transplant patients : Lymphoceles.
235. Most common form of aortic stenosis : Valvular
236. Most common form of carpal instability : DISI
237. Most common form of emphysema in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency : Panlobular emphysema
238. Most common form of emphysema in nonsmokers : Panlobular emphysema
239. Most common form of emphysema in smokers : Centrilobular emphysema
240. Most common form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy : Asymmetric involvement of the interventricular septum
241. Most common form of skeletal dysplasia : Acquired skeletal dysplasia.
242. Most common form of systemic vasculitis in adults : Giant cell (temporal) arteritis
243. Most common fracture of forearm : Colles
244. Most common functional tumors of the ovary : Sex cord–stromal tumors
245. Most common fungal infection in AIDS : Cryptococcus.
246. Most common genitourinary organ affected by neurofibromas : Urinary bladder
247. Most common germ cell tumor associated with excessive hCG production :Choriocarcinoma.
248. Most common germ cell tumor associated with excessive hCG production after choriocarcinoma : Dysgerminoma.
249. Most common GI neoplasm : Adenoma
250. Most common GI tract location for primary extranodal lymphoma : Stomach, usually NHL type.
251. Most common glial tumor in adults : Ependymoma
252. Most common glial tumor in NF 1 : JPA.
253. Most common glial tumor with microcalcifications : Oligodendroglioma
254. Most common gynecologic neoplasm : Uterine Leiomyoma
255. Most common hereditary hypercoagulable condition : Factor V Leiden
256. Most common hereditary leukodystrophy : Metachromatic leukodystrophy
257. Most common histologic type of bronchogenic carcinoma associated with cavitation : Squamous
258. Most common histologic type of bronchogenic carcinoma associated with pancoast tumor : Squamous
259. Most common histologic type of bronchogenic carcinoma associated with pleural effusion : Adenocarcinoma
260. Most common histologic type of lung cancer associated with asbestosis exposure : BAC
261. Most common histologic type of primary cutaneous lymphoma :T-cell lymphoma
262. Most common ILD to be found in association with collagen vascular disease : NSIP
263. Most common indication for percutaneous vertebroplasty : Osteoporosis.
264. Most common infection to cause cerebellar hypoplasia & migration anomalies : CMV
265. Most common infratentorial neoplasm in an adult : Metastases
266. Most common inherited disease among Caucasian Americans : CF
267. Most common internal enhancement pattern in DCIS with non mass like enhancement : Clumped enhancement
268. Most common intracranial for site of teratomas : Pineal region.
269. Most common intracranial presentation of TB : Tuberculous meningitis.
270. Most common intramedullary spinal neoplasm in adults : Ependymoma of Spinal Cord
271. Most common intramedullary tumor in children : Astrocytoma
272. Most common intramedullary tumor of adults : Ependymoma.
273. Most common intraocular neoplasm in childhood : Retinoblastoma
274. Most common intraorbital tumors found in adults : Cavernous hemangiomas.
275. Most common intrathoracic fetal anomaly : Congenital diaphragmatic Hernia
276. Most common intrathoracic foregut cyst : Bronchogenic Cyst
277. Most common intrauterine CNS infection : CMV
278. Most common intravascular venous tumor : Leiomyosarcoma of IVC
279. Most common in-utero renal tumor : Mesoblastic nephroma.
280. Most common invasive gynecologic malignancy : Endometrial malignancy
281. Most common islet cell tumor in MEN 1 : Gastrinoma
282. Most common islet cell tumor of the pancreas : Insulinoma.
283. Most common joint involved in synovial osteochondromatosis : Knee
284. Most common lesion to cause expansion of paranasal sinus : Mucocele
285. Most common lethal bone dysplasia : Osteogenesis imperfecta type II ?
286. Most common liver tumor after metastases : Hemangioma
287. Most common lobe affected in bronchial atresia : Left upper lobe.
288. Most common location for a cephalhematoma : Parietal
289. Most common location for a gastric diverticulum : Posterior wall of the gastric fundus.
290. Most common location for a pilocytic astrocytoma : Cerebellum
291. Most common location for a solitary myeloma of the bone : Thoracolumbar spine
292. Most common location for a synovial sarcoma : Knee
293. Most common location for a Tarlov cyst : Posterior rootlets of S2 + S3
294. Most common location for abdominal sarcoid involvement : Stomach
295. Most common location for atelectatic asbestos pseudotumor : Posteromedial & -lateral basal region of lower lobes
296. Most common location for chordomas : Sacral spine.
297. Most common location for gallbladder perforation : Fundus
298. Most common location for Sclerosing Osteomyelitis of Garré (sterile Osteomyelitis) : Mandible
299. Most common location for typhlitis : Cecum.
300. Most common location for well-differentiated liposarcoma : Thigh
301. Most common location in biliary tree for cholangiocarcinoma : Upper third/perihilar region.
302. Most common location in the spine for an osteochondroma : Cervical (C2) followed by thoracic T8
303. Most common location of a meningioma in the spine : Thoracic spinal cord
304. Most common location of a periurethral diverticulum in a female : Posterolateral.
305. Most common location of an ectopic pregnancy : Ampullary region of the fallopian tube.
306. Most common location of benign and malignant masses in breast : Upper outer quadrant
307. Most common location of bronchogenic carcinoma : Right upper lobe
308. Most common location of coarctation : Postductal beyond the origin of the left subclavian artery.
309. Most common location of coronary calcifications : LAD.
310. Most common location of DAI : Frontotemporal gray–white matter junction.
311. Most common location of GIST : Stomach.
312. Most common location of GU obstruction in a neonatal male : Ureteropelvic junction.
313. Most common location of intracranial dissection : Vertebral arteries.
314. Most common location of intraorbital abscess : Subperiosteal space on medial wall.
315. Most common location of intraventricular meningioma : Atrium of the lateral ventricle.
316. Most common location of oligodendroglioma : Frontal lobe.
317. Most common location of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma : Temporal lobes.
318. Most common location of pulmonary sequestration : Posterior medial lower.
319. Most common location of PVNS : Knee.
320. Most common location of sarcoidosis in spinal cord : Cervical.
321. Most common location of the biliary embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma : CBD
322. Most common location of triquetral fracture is dorsal avulsion
323. Most common location to find a lithopedion : Adnexae
324. Most common location to see intravertebral vacuum phenomenon (Kümmell Disease) : Thoracolumbar junction
325. Most common lung infection in HIV: Bacterial pneumonia
326. Most common lung mass : Granuloma
327. Most common lysosomal storage disorder : Gaucher’s disease
328. Most common malformation associated with callosal agenesis : Dandy-Walker malformation.
329. Most common malignancy of childhood : Leukemia.
330. Most common malignancy of parotid gland in adult : Mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
331. Most common malignant abdominal neoplasm in children 1–8 years old : Wilms Tumor.
332. Most common malignant bone tumor in children : Ewings
333. Most common malignant cause of bilateral global renal enlargement : Lymphoma.
334. Most common malignant neoplasm of diaphragm : Fibrosarcoma.
335. Most common malignant neoplasm of the spleen : Lymphoma.
336. Most common malignant ovarian neoplasm : Serous adenocarcinoma.
337. Most common malignant ovarian neoplasm : Serous cystadenocarcinoma.
338. Most common malignant primary bone tumor in young adults + children : Osteosarcoma
339. Most common malignant radiation-induced tumor of the musculoskeletal system : MFH
340. Most common malignant sex cord–stromal tumor : Granulosa cell tumor
341. Most common malignant testicular neoplasm : Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors
342. Most common malignant tumor affecting ribs of children + adolescents : Ewings Sarcoma
343. Most common malignant tumor of the abdomen in patients with NF1 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
344. Most common malignant tumor of the duodenum : Adenocarcinoma.
345. Most common malignant tumor of the heart : Angiosarcoma
346. Most common malignant tumor of the small bowel : Carcinoid
347. Most common mammographic finding in DCIS : Microcalcifications
348. Most common mammographic finding in Infiltrating/Invasive Lobular Carcinoma : Architectural distortion.
349. Most common manifestation of asbestosis exposure : Pleural plaques
350. Most common manifestation of asbestos-related pleural disease : Pleural effusion
351. Most common manifestation of blunt chest trauma : Pulmonary contusion
352. Most common mass lesion of the cerebellopontine angle after acoustic schwannoma : Meningioma
353. Most common mediastinal germ cell tumor : Seminoma.
354. Most common mediastinal mass in a child between the ages of 6 & 12 years old : Lymphoma
355. Most common mediastinal neurogenic tumor : Schwannoma
356. Most common mesenchymal origin neoplasm of GI tract : GIST
357. Most common metabolic liver disease in children : Hepatic cirrhosis in homozygous alpha-1 Antitrypsin
358. Most common metastases to the spleen : Breast carcinoma
359. Most common metastasis to the heart : Melanoma
360. Most common metastatic cause of linitis plastica : Breast carcinoma
361. Most common metatarsal to have a stress fracture : Second metatarsal.
362. Most common missed type of breast cancer on mammography : Infiltrating/Invasive Lobular Carcinoma.
363. Most common mitral valve abnormality in the Western world : Non-rheumatic mitral valve disease.
364. Most common monodermal teratoma : Struma ovarii.
365. Most common motor neuron disease : ALS.
366. Most common MR imaging finding in DCIS : Non-masslike enhancement.
367. Most common mycotic pneumonia in an AIDS patient : Cryptococcus.
368. Most common natural outcome of the VSD : Spontaneous complete closure.
369. Most common neonatal cyanotic congenital heart malformation : TGV
370. Most common neonatal lesion of adrenal gland : Nontraumatic Adrenal Hemorrhage.
371. Most common neoplasm of conus medullaris : Myxopapillary Ependymoma of Spinal Cord.
372. Most common neoplasm of internal auditory canal / cerebellopontine angle : Vestibular Schwannoma.
373. Most common neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract in patients with NF1: Neurofibromas.
374. Most common nerve to be involved in tarsal tunnel syndrome : Posterior tibial nerve.
375. Most common nonepidemic meningoencephalitis in immunocompetent individuals in US : Herpes Encephalitis.
376. Most common nonepithelial malignant bladder tumor : Leiomyosarcoma.
377. Most common nonepithelial tumor in the colon : Lipoma.
378. Most common nonepithelial tumor of the bladder : Leiomyoma.
379. Most common nonglial primary tumors of the central nervous system : Meningiomas.
380. Most common nonlymphoproliferative primary malignant tumor of the spine in adults : Chordoma.
381. Most common nonlymphoproliferative primary malignant tumor of the spine in children : PNET.
382. Most common nontraumatic cause of acute limp in a child : Toxic synovitis.
383. Most common non-traumatic cause of facial nerve paralysis & hearing loss : CPA tumor.
384. Most common odontogenic mass : Odontoma= odontogenic hamartomatous malformation.
385. Most common of all alimentary tract duplications : Small Bowel Duplication Cyst.
386. Most common of cerebral vascular malformation : DVA.
387. Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS : Toxoplasmosis.
388. Most common organism involved in pancreatic abscess : E. Coli.
389. Most common organism of acute pyogenic meningitis in infants & children : N. meningitides.
390. Most common origin of cystic artery : Right hepatic artery.
391. Most common osteochondrodysplasia : Hereditary Multiple Exostoses
392. Most common ovarian neoplasm : Dermoid aka dermoid cyst = Mature cystic teratoma
393. Most common ovarian tumor-related morbidity : Bowel obstruction
394. Most common pancreatic abnormality in adult pt's with CF : Complete fatty replacement
395. Most common paraneoplastic disease associated with thymoma : Myasthenia gravis
396. Most common parasitic infection involving CNS in developing countries : Cysticercosis
397. Most common parotid disease in children : Mumps parotitis.
398. Most common pattern of bronchial arteries : Two left & one right bronchial artery
399. Most common pattern of enhancement at DE MR cardiac imaging : Patchy midwall enhancement with multiple
400. Most common pattern of hepatic involvement of secondary lymphoma : Diffuse infiltrative
401. Most common pattern of spread in Gallbladder Carcinoma : Direct spread.
402. Most common pediatric glioma : JPA
403. Most common pediatric tumor causing isosexual precocious puberty in a girl : Granulosa cell tumor
404. Most common phakomatoses : NF1
405. Most common pineal tumor : Pineal Germinoma
406. Most common predisposing cause to develop pneumothorax during percutaneous lung biopsy : COPD
407. Most common predisposing disorder of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax : COPD
408. Most common pregnancy-related mortality in the first trimester Ectopic pregnancy
409. Most common presentation for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis : Dyspnea
410. Most common presentation in stuck twin syndrome : Monochorionic diamniotic
411. Most common presentation of bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma (BAC) : Solitary pulmonary nodule.
412. Most common presentation of GIST on cross sectional imaging : Cystic areas of necrosis.
413. Most common presentation of mesoblastic nephroma : Palpable mass at birth.
414. Most common presentation of neurocysticercosis : Seizures.
415. Most common presenting symptom of Osler Weber Rendu : Hemoptysis.
416. Most common primary benign mesenteric tumor : Desmoid.
417. Most common primary brain tumor : GBM.
418. Most common primary cardiac tumors in adults : Myxomas.
419. Most common primary cerebellar mass in an adult : Hemangioblastoma
420. Most common primary demyelinating disease : MS
421. Most common primary female urethral malignancy : Squamous cell carcinoma
422. Most common primary hepatic neoplasm in infants & children <5 years old : Hepatoblastoma
423. Most common primary intraocular neoplasm in adult Caucasian : Uveal Melanoma
424. Most common primary lung tumor under age 16 : Bronchial Adenoma
425. Most common primary malignant rib tumor : Chondrosarcoma
426. Most common primary malignant sacral tumor : Sacrococcygeal Chordoma
427. Most common primary malignant soft-tissue tumor of late adult life : Soft-tissue MFH
428. Most common primary neoplasm of the spleen : Cavernous hemangioma
429. Most common primary neoplasms of the anterior superior mediastinum Thymomas.
430. Most common primary posterior mediastinal neoplasms :Neurogenic tumors
431. Most common primary tumor of the diaphragm : Lipoma
432. Most common radiation-induced CNS tumor : Meningioma
433. Most common reason for cardiac transplantation : Dilated cardiomyopathy
434. Most common recognized CNS manifestation of VHL disease : Hemangioblastoma of CNS
435. Most common relevant finding on cavogram for IVC filter placement : Circumaortic left renal vein.
436. Most common renal fusion anomaly : Horseshoe kidney
437. Most common renal mass in a 3 months old infant : Mesoblastic nephroma
438. Most common respiratory cause of cold agglutinin production : Mycoplasma pneumonia
439. Most common retinal infection in AIDS : Toxoplasmosis
440. Most common right cardiophrenic angle mass : Epicardial fat-pad/lipoma
441. Most common segment involved in tracheobronchial injury : Right lower lobe bronchus.
442. Most common sex cord-stromal cell tumor : Ovarian Fibroma
443. Most common sign of failing dialysis graft : Increased venous pressures
444. Most common sign of tuberous sclerosis : Myoclonic seizures
445. Most common single cause of breast lumps in females between 35 to 55 years of age : Breast cyst
446. Most common site for an intracardiac papillary fibroelastoma : Aortic valve.
447. Most common site for aneurysm in the chest : Descending thoracic aorta.
448. Most common site for cardiac myxoma : Left atrium
449. Most common site for intra cardiac thrombus formation : Atrial appendage.
450. Most common site for optic melanoma metastases : Liver.
451. Most common site for penetrating aortic ulcers : Descending thoracic aorta
452. Most common site of abdominal involvement in Hodgkins disease : Spleen
453. Most common site of aortic dissection : Prox. Desc. Thoracic aorta near ductus lig. attachment
454. Most common site of biliary tract injury caused by blunt abdominal trauma : Gallbladder
455. Most common site of monostotic fibrous dysplasia : Ribs
456. Most common site of rupture of sinus of Valsalva aneurysm : RV followed by RA.
457. Most common solid extracranial tumor of childhood : Neuroblastoma
458. Most common spermatic cord tumor : Lipoma
459. Most common spinal cord segment of lymphoma of spinal cord : Cervical
460. Most common spinal cord tumor : Ependymoma
461. Most common spinal location for cord astrocytoma : Thoracic
462. Most common spinal location for cord ependymoma : Cervical
463. Most common subcortical degenerative disease : Parkinson’s
464. Most common subglottic soft-tissue upper resp. tract obstructing mass in neonates : Subglottic Hemangioma
465. Most common submucosal tumor in colon : Lipoma
466. Most common subtype of NHL involving the esophagus : Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
467. Most common subtype of renal cell carcinoma : Clear cell adenocarcinomas
468. Most common suprasellar mass : Craniopharyngioma
469. Most common syndromic islet cell tumor : Insulinoma
470. Most common systemic allergic hypersensitivity-related acute small-vessel vasculitis in children : HSP
471. Most common systemic fungal infection in immunocompromised patients : Candidiasis Of Liver
472. Most common tarsal bone to get fractured : Calcaneus
473. Most common tarsal coalition : Talocalcaneal
474. Most common testicular tumor in a young boy : Yolk sac tumor
475. Most common tibial plateau fractures : Lateral tibial plateau (Schatzker classification type I–III)
476. Most common trigonal intraventricular mass in adulthood : Meningioma
477. Most common tumor of adenohypophysis : Pituitary Adenoma
478. Most common tumor of genitourinary tract : Metachronous TCC
479. Most common tumor of the appendix : Carcinoid
480. Most common tumor of the esophagus : Leiomyomas
481. Most common tumor of the minor salivary glands : Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
482. Most common type of abdominal wall hernia : Inguinal hernia
483. Most common type of ASD : Ostium secundum
484. Most common type of brain hernaition : anterior / uncal transtentorial
485. Most common type of brain herniation : Subfalcine herniation
486. Most common type of C2 fractures : Type 2
487. Most common type of cancer to arise from a thyroglossal duct cyst : Papillary carcinoma
488. Most common type of cardiomyopathy : Dilated cardiomyopathy
489. Most common type of choledochal cyst : fusiform dilatation of the extrahepatic duct Type 1c
490. Most common type of congenital internal hernia : Left paraduodenal hernia
491. Most common type of encephalocele in SE Asia: Sincipital Encephalocele
492. Most common type of encephalocele in US : Occipital Encephalocele
493. Most common type of endoleak in the abdominal aorta : Type II endoleak
494. Most common type of endoleak in the thoracic aorta : Type I endoleak
495. Most common type of fracture of the proximal 5th metatarsal bone : Peroneus brevis avulsion fracture.
496. Most common type of gallbladder inflammation : Chronic cholecystitis
497. Most common type of internal hernia : Postoperative, transmesenteric hernias.
498. Most common type of intrapulmonary involvement of Hodgkins disease : Bronchovascular form.
499. Most common type of liver abscess : Pyogenic Liver Abscess
500. Most common type of lymphoma involving the head and neck region : Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
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fruit-worm-papers · 1 year
Regulation and Functionality of a Holin/Endolysin Pair Involved in Killing of Galleria mellonella and Caenorhabditis elegans by Yersinia enterocolitica
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The Benefits of Soil Management Software
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Soil management software enables growers and agronomists to monitor soil moisture, crop growth, weather, and other factors that affect the performance of crops. It also allows the comparison of data from a range of sources and provides a consistent user interface.
Soils are complex systems that require extensive management in order to retain a healthy, productive state. Whether they are organic or nonorganic, soils have unique properties and therefore respond to different agricultural systems at https://soilflo.com/heavy-civil-contractor/ in very different ways.
In general, soils are influenced by agronomic practices including tillage (using plows or hand-pulls), cropping (using irrigated or rainfed crops), fertilization, and the use of chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. These practices have a profound effect on soil properties such as soil structure, texture, and the distribution of nutrients.
Optimal soil health is an important goal for both organic and nonorganic farms. It can be achieved through soil conservation, improved crop management and the application of agronomic techniques to improve the health and productivity of the soil.
Microbial communities are also affected by soil management. These relationships are often correlated with differences in pH and the activity of soil enzymes such as L-glutaminase and acid phosphatase.
To test the relationship between soil management system and microbial community composition, 16S rRNA sequences of microorganisms colonizing the soil rhizosphere of carrots were determined in conventionally-farmed soil and compared with the same data for organically-farmed soil. These metagenomic profiles showed that bacterial communities from both soils were similar, with a few exceptions. The most significant difference between the two systems was seen in the presence of the bacteria Yersinia enterocolitica, which is a major source of nutrients for plants.
Clustering analysis of the microbial profiles revealed that most samples clustered together, indicating a high degree of homogeneity between the earth moving software. However, the microbial community from K4 (organic) was more distinguishable from those from E1 and E2, which were more similar to each other than to the samples from the opposite system.
The relationship between microbial community composition and soil management system is complex and involves several factors, such as the activity of soil enzymes, fertilization strategy, and the use of chemicals. These factors influence microbial diversity and community structure, which is a crucial factor to consider in understanding the effects of soil management on crop yields and environmental quality. Learn more about software at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software.
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raschshort05 · 1 year
Role involving shear influx elastography from the evaluation of the treatment and analysis of supraspinatus tendinitis.
To guage the caliber of drinking water obtained from recharged aquifers, the particular groundwater recharge programs in Torreele, Australia, Sabadell, Italy, and also Nardo, Croatia, ended up researched for fecal-contamination indicators, microbe pathogens, and antibiotic resistance genes on the period of 1 year. Real-time quantitative PCR assays for Helicobacter pylori, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, human pathogens with long-time survival capability inside normal water, and for the opposition family genes ermB, mecA, blaSHV-5, ampC, tetO, as well as vanA have been designed as well as intended for normal water samples differing in pollutant articles. The opposition family genes along with pathogen amounts were identified from 5 or 6 trying points per renew technique. Throughout consuming along with cleansing drinking water, not one of the infections had been recognized. tetO and also ermB were found regularly throughout recycled drinking water coming from Sabadell as well as Nardo. mecA ended up being found just once within recycled normal water through Sabadell. These aquifer recharge programs shown different capacities with regard to elimination of waste contaminators and antibiotic weight genetics. Ultrafiltration as well as ro inside the Torreele seed proved to be very efficient boundaries for that avoidance of the two toxic types, whereas aquifer verse accompanied by Ultraviolet treatment and also chlorination at Sabadell along with the fractured and also permeable aquifer at Nardo sat simply partial limitations with regard to microbial pollutants.A potential interventional study associated with pulsatile intravenous blood insulin infusion therapy has shown lowering of still left ventricular muscle size and blunting of progression of suffering from diabetes nephropathy. All of us awaited in which enhancements throughout aim details could be associated with comparable development measurable by the self-administered Diabetes mellitus Affect Administration Size (DIMS). The actual DIMS has been used with basic and Twelve months regarding 20 individuals randomized for either regular insulin treatments for 3 to 4 injection therapy of blood insulin every day or insulin therapy with an additional day weekly of 3 4 pulses more than the 7 hour or so period. For normal versus pulsed iv blood insulin remedy, mean base line scores ended up similar for the 12 complete questions along with the groups of Seven concerns along with emotional articles as well as A few along with physical (neurologic) written content. Indicate research group ratings with Twelve months and also adjustments around 1 year just weren't drastically different for your Several queries together with psychological articles (S Is equal to .3143, .7574). Report recent results for the five concerns linked to neurologic position from 12 months and also modifications more than 12 months were significantly different involving people along with standard with pulsed the hormone insulin treatments (R Equates to .0144, Zero.0004). Pulsatile 4 insulin, whenever put into regular BMS-927711 clinical trial multiple-dose insulin remedy, was proven to improve summary understanding of neurologic incapacity upon repeated utilization of the abbreviated form of the actual DIMS. (D) Last year Elsevier Incorporated.
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perkinssteenberg · 2 years
The risk of Other-Cause Fatality rate On account of Long-Term Androgen Lack Remedy in Aging adults Individuals with Scientifically Localized Cancer of the prostate Helped by Radiotherapy-A Proof Research
Clean surgery prices ended up identified in histopathology. Your new puppy continued to be scientifically without any repeat 31 missouri postsurgically. Angioleiomyosarcomas are usually rare tumors received from the sleek muscle tissues involving circulation walls and so are included in the variety associated with perivascular wall membrane cancer, any subgroup of soft-tissue sarcomas.Track record: Exercise within humans augments your mobilization involving becoming more common hematopoietic progenitor cellular material (CD34(+)) in the bone marrow. We researched the result of irritation upon erythroid marrow task by mobilization associated with erythroid progenitor tissue (Airs) as well as soluble indicators regarding erythropoiesis. Methods: 15 wholesome players that participated in the ultra-distance base race participated in the study. Peripheral blood mononuclear tissue had been remote, ahead of (stage My spouse and i), towards the end BIBR 1532 concentration (stage II), and also at Forty-eight l post-race (stage 3). Styro had been discovered while burst open community building products (BFU-e) and colonies ended up scored at evening 18. Marker pens regarding swelling (C-reactive proteins, serum amyloid-A, interleukin-6, ferritin and S100B) and also bone tissue marrow action (erythropoietin, dissolvable transferrin receptor along with lipocalin-2) were considered. Results: An around three-fold loss of BFU-e amount has been witnessed in cycle 2. sTfR concentrations of mit ended up also diminished with stage 2 and also stayed lowered with phase III. Nevertheless, EPO and lipocalin-2 concentrations arrived at a maximum price from phase Two, which has a inclination to lower at period Three. Conclusions: These findings show that will exercise-induced swelling modulates bone fragments marrow homeostasis leading to a boost in leukocyte turnover along with a loss of erythroid compartment. It appears that lipocalin-2 is the main factor that will regulates the assembly along with mobilization of EPs. Clin Chem Research laboratory Scientif 2010;Forty-eight: 199-203.A new flavan-4-ol glycoside, abacopterin Okay (One particular), plus a new dihydrochalcone glycoside, abacopterin T (Two), have been singled out from your rhizomes regarding Abacopteris penangiana. Their houses ended up elucidated judging by different spectroscopic looks at along with chemical substance proofs. The story glucosylation routine of abacopterin E composed of a couple of 'glucose-fused' dioxepine band moieties is available for the first time within just all-natural flavonoids.The total amount in between regulatory along with inflamed defense responses is crucial to keep up colon homeostasis. Moreover, the nature with the inflammatory result needs to be designed for the cells to deliver correct protecting defense while conserving web host strength. TLR2 (Toll-like receptor Only two) can be a special TLR for the reason that it is often demonstrated to market regulation along with -inflammatory Capital t mobile or portable answers. Making use of Yersinia enterocolitica, we all demonstrate that dental an infection promotes To(L)17 health, while systemic disease stimulates To()A single defense. Moreover, induction of Capital t(L)Seventeen defenses in the course of oral contamination is dependent on TLR1 as well as comes from the combinatorial aftereffect of TLR2/TLR1-induced IL-6 along with IL-23 and the presence of TGF-beta within the intestinal atmosphere.
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infositely · 2 years
Campylobacter tops pathogen burden ranking in Denmark
Campylobacter tops pathogen burden ranking in Denmark
Campylobacter, Salmonella, and norovirus caused the highest burden of disease in Denmark in 2019, according to a study. Researchers ranked seven foodborne pathogens for their health and economic impact on Danish society in 2019. Work covered Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), Yersinia enterocolitica, Listeria monocytogenes, norovirus and hepatitis A. The team looked…
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sci-memes-yura15cbx · 4 years
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