#yes Dust is trans dont know if anyone caught that
gayundertaletrash · 1 year
Dustmare angst and fluff because I can. Bad Guys poly implied
-big old warning for Dust having hallucinations, not taking care of himself, slight suggestive themes. Nightmare being obsessive and Nightmare hypnotizing Dust.
Dust could feel it inside him... Under the top layer of bones, moving. He kept repeating it wasn't real, but it felt so real... He sobbed as he held his legs to his chest, desperately trying to pull his hood up even though he knew his hoodie was in the wash.
He wanted to rip off the top layer of bones and find the thing inside him. His chest felt tight and his soul pounding. His summoned ecto glinting softly... Nightmare said he liked his ecto and wanted Dust to have it always...
Dust started to pick at his thigh, digging his finger into one of the old brun marks, trying to rip away the ecto to get to what was inside him. He could hear his old, now dead, friends laughing at him.
"Dear, what are you doing?" He heard a ghostly whisper that cut through the rest. He snapped to look, only to see no one. When he looks back, there was his boss's teal eye, his clawed hands on Dust's thighs. Dust shook under the stare.
Nightmare smiled and leaned close. "Do you need some help my Dusty? I would love to help."
Dust shook but nodded, tears flowing. "...make it stop...." He got out, his stutter worse.
Nightmare nodded and cupped Dust's face. "...listen to my voice, give in, give me your mind dear."
Dust felt his mind give in. He couldn't think, only sit for Nightmare. He didn't feel it in his skin anymore as Nightmare picked him up.
Nightmare sat Dust on the bed, taking off his shirt then Dust's binder. He pulled off his own shirt to put on Dust then went to get the hoodie.
When he came back, Dust was still just there, not thinking. Nightmare put the hoodie on Dust, purring. He tipped Dust's face to him, running his hands up into Dust's hoodie and tracing each scar. He could map out all of their bodies with just his fingers. "Tired dear? Of course you are."
He didn't give Dust a choice as he laid back, pulling Dust down with him and rubbing his back. "Sleep." He ordered, humming. "Sleep, and when you wake, it will be all better and you can have your mind back."
Dust didn't think twice as he fell asleep in Nightmare's chest. He liked cuddling Nightmare in bed... Even if... It wasn't a bed... Even if it was a hallucination Nightmare made so Dust didn't mind being in Nightmare's realm of darkness, laying on Nightmare's chest who was glowing in the sea of black.
Dust felt comfortable, safe and cared for in Nightmare's grip.
Nightmare was his boss...
His king...
His god...
His lover...
His master...
His mind...
His body...
His soul...
His savor...
Dust was Nightmare's prized possession, as was Horror and Cross and Killer and Error...
And he was happy like that.
If there are any mistakes tell me, I love to hear what people have to say!
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That post about tme/tma was pretty funny to read as I have as a trans man experienced trans misogyny multiple times. I have a man’s name and dress in men’s clothes and multiple times people have thought I am a trans woman who I guess is mid social transition or smth? Idk man its weird. I think its valuable to talk about different experiences with transphobia within the trans/lgbt community and outside of it but i guess its easy to forget how varied the trans experience can be. Also why is there no term for the transphobia fuelled misogyny trans men face? As a trans man i feel like i can’t escape misogyny even from people who accent me as a man. Misogyny is also often the first punishment and slap in the face against me by transphobes. They rarely say anything about me being trans but just talking sexist shit?
see, thats another thing about transmisogyny that i think a lot of people forget. its not separate from misogyny and transphobia, it is the intersection of those two. so, if someone is both transphobic and misogynist, anybody who they think looks trans and they think looks like a woman is a potential target.
this actually includes, like, a lot of trans men, because 99% of these bigots dont actually care to learn a single thing about trans people. they often literally do not know enough about trans-ness to tell the difference between a trans man and a trans woman. they see someone who looks like theyre doing gender wrong, and they floor it, and anyone who doesnt conform enough can be caught in the crossfire.
additionally, trans men dont get to opt out of misogyny when they start transitioning. many trans men struggle to pass as men, because gender is a tricky thing. and if you dont pass as a man, or if you dont have your legal name changed, or if you dont have your gender marker changed, then anybody could still decide that youre a woman and treat you accordingly. trans men experience misogyny just as much as trans women do, and because they are also trans, they often fall victim to the same structures that cause transmisogyny.
trans men have actually tried a few times to coin words to describe these unique intersectional experiences, similar to the reason transmisogyny was coined, but everytime they have faced pushback from the community, and especially from trans women. transmisandry and transandrophobia are both words that trans men have tried to coin to describe their experiences, and theyve been so thoroughly ridiculed for it that ive seen trans women go around calling people "transandrophobia truthers." these words that trans men have tried to define for themselves have become jokes in the mouths of those who should be their allies.
this is another reason why i am so against tme/tma as labels. if we exclude trans men from being able to be victims of transmisogyny, but we also deny them the words they need to talk about their own unique intersectional experiences of oppression, then we are essentially saying we dont care about those experiences. we are silencing them the same way we have been silenced for years.
thats why im so gungho about trans unity. yes, our experiences are different, but the structures and the people oppressing us are the same. we are not enemies, and if we paint each other as enemies, if we try to silence each other, if we continue to squabble amongst ourselves and focus on what divides us instead of what brings us together...
we are doing the fascists' work for them, and our communities will crumble to dust.
i dont want to live in a world where im enemies with my trans masc brothers. i dont want to live in a world where finding common ground between us is seen as wrong. we have to stick together if we want to survive, but moreover, we have to stick together if we want to thrive. trans men, trans women, and every other flavor of trans people under the sun all enrich the queer experience. it is a beautiful, profound thing to reject ones nature and find belonging with the othered. to sully that beauty with the blood of our allies is to invite the end.
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