#yes I'm fully aware the quality is awful
prettyinsoulpunk · 10 months
In case anyone's in the mood to watch a really old video of FOB performing "Thriller" and their intro on the 2007 Honda Civic Tour in West Palm Beach, Florida (taken with an equally old digital camera) I've got you covered. 💜
Sorry the quality isn't very good, but I really miss hearing this song in concert, and this was the first time I ever saw it live. So I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and just thought I'd share. 🥺🥺🥺
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alleycatchitchat · 3 months
Okay, so I first started reading Amulet in 3rd grade and it made a huge impression on me. It's an old comfort series that holds a special place in my heart. I'm fully aware that the quality has recently taken a nosedive (I felt pretty good about the books up until Supernova -- that was garbage) but I still wanted to finally finish the series. I've heard the horror stories, my expectations are low, but I think I've emotionally distanced myself enough that I can handle whatever Kazu has to throw at me.
So I'm reading Waverider, and I'm jotting down my initial thoughts and reactions! And without further ado, here they are:
Surprise, surprise! Mr. Elf actually LOVES the shadow, he's totally brainwashed, what a plot twist (Or is it? Entirely possible that this has already been hinted/revealed and I just forgot). Anyway idk something about this seems a little flat, a little unnatural. The dialogue isn't exciting enough to support the scene. or something.
who's this yellow mustache guy
"I can power the ship" Ha! That is SUCH a raw line and it caught me by surprise. This is good Emily characterization, totally badass and totally nonchalant about it. First part of the novel I have strong feelings about
Woah Galiban
Hmm okay
So I actually think this is... huh. Mixed feelings. I actually feel like this makes sense for Galiban; he's a fanatic and motivated by convictions so strong that he can use them to justify almost any decision, even if it would otherwise be out of character. If that makes sense?
But Trellis. Sweetheart. WHAT are you doing. Okay I know you don't like the throne, and I know you have maybe some respect for Galiban, but WHY do you just roll over like that? NO resistance, NO critical thinking, and the fate of your people at stake? Kazu WHAT are you DOING
Wait I still kinda thought they were gonna dethrone him. Is Galiban king now? Why is that a good idea? Just because I understand his motivations doesn’t mean I think he’d be GOOD at the JOB. and what about Trellis?
I actually liked the dream sequence. Idk, just felt right, felt natural. Harkened back to other dream sequences but Emily’s not falling for it this time and she’s not angry, she’s not relying on her rage anymore, and she’s not afraid either, she’s just frustrated.
Yes, the soldiers are just kids. Your brother is a child soldier, Emily. YOU are a child soldier. Your friends are child soldiers. You’ve been literally fine with it this whole series, why is it only now a problem?
“Deagle Swift” wtf why are we introducing new characters in the friggin LAST BOOK
“This is my gift to you” “Find your center, find balance” “come back to us” Too poetic. I get that Emily is no longer an angry angsty ‘it’s not a phase mom’ emo teen on the inside anymore, but can we keep a little of her grouchiness? Just a tad? As a treat?
I officially hate Deagle Swift. What is he doing here
I actually like Ronin’s return. Sure, it’s random and out of the blue, but so is most of this book, and I’m a sucker for strong women leader characters
NO Ikol you’re not fucking friends with Emily Hayes I know it’s just a manipulation attempt but come ON no way is she gonna fall for that
Aw. I kind of liked Ikol’s death. It felt meaningful and maybe a little anticlimactic but in a good way.
What the fuuuuccckkkk. Leon. You should at least be a short redhead.
“We’re not cursed or anything. We’re just aliens.” Made me laugh out loud so shoutout to that line ig
Whoops false alarm Ikol’s not dead
I’m dying. Riva. What the hell. WEIRD. 
ENZO AND RICCCOOOOOOO WOOOOOO I loved Enzo’s transformation and I like Rico’s human form he’s so dorky <333
Woooow. Wooooooow. Kazu, do the words “Show, don’t tell” mean anything to you? Anything at all? What even was that ending. Okay. All right.
So overall, pretty much what I expected. I started reading with the expectation that it would be total garbage, but there were a few aspects of the story that I actually liked, so there’s that. It’s incredibly obvious that the ending was rushed. And I don’t like a lot of things about this. But I think I’m glad I read it.
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suzieb-fit · 4 months
Ok guys, here comes a bit of an essay. Yeah, from me, that's a bit scary. I rarely write one or two sentences, right?
Anyway, it's a serious subject for me (and for many other's, I'm more than fully aware).
Before I gave up refined carbs, and when I was still a believer of the whole ''reduce your fat'' nonsense, I had an ongoing issue with binge eating.
I was in good shape, yes, but it was a pretty never ending daily struggle to keep control of everything.
Then I took all of that junk away, before I then started down the lower carb/high fat superhighway. And it worked wonders for me.
Somewhere along the way, I developed my awful sleep problems. Totally unrelated, I'm pretty sure.
I have been reading a book about improving sleep quality. A few different things to try. Some of them obvious, and what most (or at least a lot of us here) already know. Dark, cool bedroom. No blue lights. Get natural light, especially sunrise and sunset. Even things like the cold water exposure (not for me, lol), no caffeine after certain times, and none right away in the morning. Etc....etc.
The one part that I am struggling with is the dietary advice. And yes, in general it makes complete sense. I get it. Plenty of fibre, pre and probiotics to improve the gut microbiome. I was totally on board. Started down that road yesterday. Upped my carbs (just more fruit and veg), and had to balance that out by reducing my fat intake.
I love fruit and veg. I was thrilled at the prospect, to be honest!
But today, on day two, I feel uncomfortable and I am fighting that binge triggering mode. It's like a different kind of fullness. And it's entirely psychological. I have noticed this before, when I was struggling with it regularly. When I start to feel too full, it makes me want to carry on. To eat more.
It's like my brain is telling me ''well, you're obviously a greedy hog, you may as well really go for it and keep going!!''. What's that about??
Hmm, anyway, that part of me is clearly still there, and I am not feeling good.
Fruit and veggies are fantastic. Eat 'em up. I would NEVER say anything negative about them at all. But for some reason they are messing me up. It's not the type of food, it's what this increase in carbs and lowering of fat seems to be doing to me personally. I ate fruit and veggies before, of course, but right now, it's the sheer volume that is causing this problem.
So I think I need to forgo this fibre drive. Or maybe I should just see it through for a week, see if it settles down?
I think I know what I will end up doing, but yeah, I'm just getting this nonsense out of my head, and showing another of those ''this is my full journey, it ain't all jumping up and down and having a fantastic day!!!'' moments, lol.
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pilvimarja · 2 years
How do you feel about Tom being really involved with scientology, which has been proven to be pretty awful and literally a cult? I think he's a great actor, like stupid good, but I have an issue with his personal life.
Ah, yes, the insane cult of lord Xenu aka the giant elephant in every TC fan's room. I imagine it's an aspect of his life that a lot of people would like to ignore and sweep under the rug, but I personally can't and don't want to. He's become pretty private about his personal life in the last two decades, but he is still the poster boy for Scientolog* and always will be.
I generally try to separate artist from the art and TC has been one of those ever-present entertainers in my life for decades whose movies I've always enjoyed watching, but I'm also fully aware of the controversial aspects of his personal life. There was a time when his name was synonymous with the words "couch" and "cult" in my mind.
I have a morbid fascination with cults, so I've read about and watched a few documentaries about Scientolog*, and in typical cult fashion, they are absolutely awful. I've also read a little about how TC first got converted at the age of 24(!) by his first wife who was born into the cult and whose father was good friends with the OG Xenu fanboy Hubbard. And if you know about TC's unhappy childhood and religious background, it becomes a little easier to understand why he may have found joining appealing. I also have no doubt that the cult took full advantage of his rising star, influence and money, but I don't want to sound like I'm saying TC is just a victim. He's obviously very committed and seems to genuinely believe everything Scientolog* represents since he hasn't left it in spite of all the damage it's done to his personal relationships and public image (and even if he wanted to leave, I think it would be impossible at this point, he's too far gone and too important to the cult). I hear he's actually the third most influential person in the cult these days.
So, to answer your question, I really hate that he's in a cult. It's something his fans have to acknowledge or ignore and I personally have made peace with it. I enjoy his work as an actor and think he's got plenty of admirable qualities to balance out the controversial side.
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