#yes hi we're back from the void (haha void get it-)
estellardreams · 1 month
Not Quite The Expected Outcome
(for @emthimofnight's sibling AU)
"I still don't get why we're going out like this." Void mumbled.
"Oh, come on! Can't we just have a fun day out?" Stellar said.
"I suppose..."
"I'm with her on this one. But I'm also confused because this is sorta out of the blue, honestly." Andromeda commented.
"I just thought... Maybe we could have some fun?"
"... You don't have a plan, do you?" Void said bluntly.
"Eh, haha. Nope!"
"Of course..."
"Come on! Try to have some faith in her, she's trying her best!" Polarity piped up.
"Maybe I would if she wasn't such a liability."
"Hey! It's only on the battlefield it goes that way!" Stellar said, immediately running back up to Void the moment he began to walk away.
And yet, no one seemed to notice that they were being watched...
"We all obviously know that I'm the most competent in my abilities, right?"
"Please don't start boasting now, it's not going to help matters at all." Andromeda said.
"But it's true. Also I'm the strongest by a long shot."
Stellar face palmed. "Void. Please don't bring down others to hype yourself up. Can't we all just be friends?"
"Just because we can, doesn't mean we will. The world isn't a perfect paradise, Stellar."
"I know that! I'm just trying to stay optimistic!"
"Your optimistic is grating."
"Oh ho ho! Who do we have here, hm? My fellow creations!" Eggman gloated, suddenly appearing from the shadows in his eggmobile.
"What do you want? You're interrupting our time here." Andromeda said.
"Yes yes, that's exactly the point."
"Go away or we'll force you." Void threatened.
"Ooh no! I'm so scared!" Eggman mocked before breaking out into laughter. He slammed on his eggmobile, a giant canon coming out from the inside, pointed directly at the kids.
"Badniks, attack! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he laughed, letting the canon shoot out badniks that unraveled and began to attack.
"Wanna try a combo attack to get rid of that canon?" Polarity offered.
"Ha! It's like you read my mind!" Stellar smiled.
Polarity grabbed her, spun her around before chucking her into the air. Stellar spun as her shoes activated their blades, slamming down on the canon and cleanly searing it off. She landed swiftly on the ground, dusting herself off.
"Heh. How's that for a combo attack?"
"That. Was. AMAZING! Our first time, too!" Polarity pulled her into an excited hug.
"Okay, I get you two are having fun but can we PLEASE focus here?! We're getting swarmed!" Andromeda yelled.
"And you're not helping!" Void said.
"I just got my quills groomed! I'm not ruining them!"
"Right. Right... On it."
"Oh no you DON'T!" Eggman suddenly fired a blast at the two, forcing them to dodge out of the way.
Stellar and Polarity immediately got out of the way too as they were being blasted at.
Polarity zoomed all over the place, weaving between the buildings and trees before coming up from behind Eggman, grabbing onto the Eggmobile and pulling himself up on it.
"Hello, rat!" the doctor sneered before blasting him with the new canon.
Polarity hit the ground, strange white glowing ropes tied around his body.
"H-Hold on, lemme help you- AH!" Stellar was suddenly struck as well, skidding a bit as she hit the ground, now tied up as well.
Eggman cracked a smile, whistling a little like he didn't hear her before blasting the two remaining hedgehogs again. The two kept trying to dodge as he kept blasting them.
Stellar forced herself to crawl over to Polarity, making sure he was okay. Thankfully, there didn't seem to be any injuries.
"How do we get out of these... Things?" he whispered.
"I'm not sure, but... They're strangely tiring?" Stellar whispered back.
"Yeah, I noticed that too. You don't think they're...-"
The two's attention was drawn over to Andromeda, who got caught by the ropes as well. Eggman let one of his gadgets levitate her up before throwing her with Stellar and Polarity off to the side.
"Void, get dad and papa! Right now!" Stellar urged.
"No! I can handle this myself!" Void summoned more of his power, chucking his blasts towards the Eggmobile, which blasted right back at him.
"That's... Not gonna work, is it?" Polarity mumbled.
Andromeda groaned a little. "It comes down to Void and Robotnik... Who's gonna win- Oh look."
Eggman finally managed to catch Void as well. He pulled all four siblings to the front of his eggmobile, levitating them up using his gadget. He stared down at the four of them gleefully.
"Alright, let's cut to the chase. What do you want from us?" Void asked bluntly.
"Oh, that's easy: Your demise."
Polarity seemed to freeze up while Andromeda huffed.
"Of course it is..."
Suddenly, a huge canon was pointed in the faces of the four.
"Do you think our dad's have realized we've been gone for too long...? They might be worried..." Polarity whispered, leaning over to Stellar a little.
"Then, uh... Try stalling for time."
"Yes, thank you for stating the obvious plan!" Andromeda said sarcastically.
"What?! It's a good plan!" Polarity shot back.
Stellar cleared her throat. "So, if you are gonna destroy us. How exactly? Because this doesn't seem very fitting for your standards."
"So glad you asked! You see, this is my chaos exterminator! It's made to eradicate chaos energy of whomever it blasts! It's also the reason it can generate those ropes keeping you four tied up and in my grasp. Chaos energy surpression is quite powerful, after all."
"Oh goddammit." Void wanted to face palm, but his hands were tied so he couldn't. But that explained so much as to how, the more blasts were near his location, the weaker his powers began to feel.
"And your standards?" Stellar raised an eye.
"If I can't have my prized weapons, no one can. Not even my nemesis can!" Eggman declared.
"Okay, cool.
You do know it's against the law to abandon a child like that, right? And that whoever takes in that child is the legal guardian as such you are no longer a certified parent?" Andromeda remarked.
"Ooh! She got you there!" Polarity said.
"Shut it! All of you! Say your goodbyes..." he began to charge up the canon.
Everyone's attention suddenly turned to... Sonic and Shadow, who had just arrived and looked... Very pissed off.
"Eggman! Stop trying this charade already and let our kids go!"
"And you better do it nicely. So put that canon down, or I'll show you how bad a canon to the face feels."
"Tch, as if you two can do any damage!" Eggman pointed his other canon towards them, hitting the launch button.
Nothing came out.
He frowned, checking it before groaning. "Did I seriously waste ALL of the power stored in here just to catch you?!"
"Tch, I would've been so close too..." Void grumbled.
"Well, no matter. Say your goodbyes, kiddos!" Eggman forced the larger canon to prepare fire in 3...
Sonic and Shadow immediately ran towards the eggmobile.
The two curled up and spindashed into it.
The two hedgehogs aimed for the canon next.
"Brace for it...!" Stellar said.
The canon fired, hitting the four and sending them crashing to the ground. Sonic and Shadow finally broke the canon off and sent Eggman flying out of the city.
They immediately landed and rushed towards the billow of smoke, waving it out of the way.
"Are you kids okay? Please be okay..."
The smoke finally cleared, revealing them to be just fine, albeit in a state of shock.
"Oh thank goodness!" Sonic breathed a sigh of relief.
Shadow knelt down to the four. "Are you four okay? Are you injured anywhere? We need to get you home right now."
The four stared. They blinked, stared down at themselves, then at each other.
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... Whoops.
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And that's the end! Yep, it's a body swap plot I came up with on a whim. For anyone wondering who's swapped with who:
Void -> Polarity Polarity -> Stellar Stellar -> Andromeda Andromeda -> Void
Or if a visual presentation is more helpful, here:
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Anyway, thanks for reading! (so sorry if the characters are OOC though. That wasn't intentional and I just tried my best.)
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swordsmans · 1 year
Do we know if one piece will be finished soon? Thinking of it's end makes me so anxious haha
short answer is yes, long answer is... "soon" is extremely relative when it comes to one piece (lol). so i personally would not worry too much!! ive been in and out of one piece since thriller bark was releasing real-time, and im like... trying not to think of the end. this series has been a part of my life for like... fifteen years or smth crazy. BUT i don't think it's going to come any time soon irl. here's why! (that's what im telling myself, at least)
as of last fall, the manga has officially entered the "final saga" starting with the egghead arc (official twitter announcement), which is basically macro-plot endgame for the whole series. for context, one piece is so huge it's broken up into "sagas" and "arcs", with each saga most often containing multiple arcs. this means that sagas can last literal years of real-life time. there's some debate about where to actually draw lines around sagas--for example: i have seen some people combine WCI and Wano into the "Emperor Saga" before, but i think it's commonly accepted that Zou/WCI/Reverie are one saga and Wano is it's own thing.
however, even in a world where the final saga is one large "arc" (unlikely, since we're already starting to move off egghead imo) think about how long Wano was on it's own. i fell off reading consistently around the the middle/end of WCI and didn't pick things back up for four years, and all i missed was a hefty chunk of Wano. one arc/saga. i'm not saying that every arc/saga is going to be as long as Wano (i think it's the longest to date), but think about how many moving pieces are still on the table and how it took years to address two emperors and the samurai (which was set up in Thriller Bark). we still have:
the remaining emperors, shanks and blackbeard (and buggy, tentatively, but i do think cross guild is going to be an ally because buggy/croc/mihawk all have histories as "temporary" straw hat allies and once you cross that threshold you're in it for life)
marines (absolute justice), e.g. akainu and his followers
the five elders and imu (seperate from AJ marines because they're clearly making their own moves)
marines (honorable justice/SWORD), although it looks like they've starting moving as of 1080
revolutionary army
what's left of the supernovas, because i highly doubt the other two monster captains have died at this point
saul and the ohara survivors + straw hat grand fleet (again, allies, so they might just appear out of nowhere or not take an active plot role outside of narration [re: saul] or battle [re: shgf]), but they still have to do something)
yes, i realize that these are all pieces that he's basically moving across the board from where they are now to where the final battle is going to take place, but considering the pace of one piece chapters that could take years alone. at a rate of 40-ish chapters a year, even if the final saga is 150 chapters like Wano, that's still a lot of irl time.
and that's not to mention the narrative elements oda has left to wrap up (although i will admit, now that he's started cutting narrative/worldbuilding and putting things in SBSs exclusively, i do think there will be a lot of unanswered/unsatisfyingly answered questions by the end--why senor pink got a flashback backstory and not zoro's family/the shimotsuki lineage is one of the top 5 most burning questions i am going to ask god when i die). explanations for lore and worldbuilding often cover multiple chapters, especially if it's in the form of a flashback. and we still have so much plot plot to get through when you consider joyboy/void century "plot A" and current timeline "plot B".
i firmly believe we're going to get an extended flash-back sequence of joyboy/void century events because that has been the backbone of one piece's plot since alabasta. so at some point we're going to have to break away from the "plot B"/current timeline to get the full picture of what's been driving the world since joyboy's era. i think that's going to be a whole ~thing~ that's even longer than oden's flashback sequence, which people were calling "oden's flashback arc" at the time (literally, it was like a mini arc because releases covered six months irl time). so setting aside everything that has to happen in the main plot, there's also (hopefully) going to be a huge unaccounted for chunk of backstory/narrative.
so my guess? five years, personally. anything less would leave a lot of unanswered questions or cut huge corners. unless it ends abruptly like bleach or naruto (please please please no), i think it will be longer than wano's 150 chapters, so when you take into account release schedules and filler five years feels like a good estimate. (you could even say six because the there's about a year delay between the manga/anime, and i almost count that as... one piece TWO! because it's like a whole different experience sometimes [see: spandam manga vs. anime; ace's expanded backstory; SH timeskip extended sequences; etc])
(and on a purely selfish note, in five years i'll have been into the series for two decades, and i think it would be extremely satisfying to cross that threshold lol)
ANYWAY YEAH i'm feeling totally normal about the thought of one piece ending and have put a completely normal amount of effort into convincing myself it'll still go on as long as i possible. hope this answers your question(???) i got a little off track there lol
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henrysglock · 1 year
If you all thing Stranger Things is bad...
Try out the book where a guy has his spiritual abilities/life force physically ripped out of him via a risky novel surgery so that he can save his brother. And then he gets thrown into a hellscape full of resentful shadow-spirits which he learns to wield to create a super powerful yet highly unstable psyche-altering bastardization of his old abilities.
All he wants is to be left alone, really, and he maybe commits a couple of highly gruesome massacre along the way. And maybe he feels responsible for the death of his family. And maybe his new abilities make him super emotionally volatile.
And maybe the people he's lashing out against were harming innocents who couldn't escape the abuse they were being subjected to. Everyone loves him for it when he's fighting their enemies, but they attack him once he turns it back on them because they're really no better. And people hate him because he's going against the social structures society, but also because his new technique is drawing power from the horrifying manipulation and desecration of souls.
He's just some guy, really, I promise he started out So Very Good, just a kid who was fucking around and finding out...but yes, he also has a single-handed kill count of like +5,000. He has a thing about music, music is super important to his abilities, and he has a whole monologue about how people are allowed to hurt him, but he's never allowed to fight back. And maybe he tries to save a bunch of prisoners only to end up getting them killed when things go sideways and he loses control due to outside influences.
And maybe he fall into his own rage and desire for revenge after that. And maybe that directly contributes to his death and subsequent status as The Worst Resentful Ghost (he's chilling in the void. it's 13 years of unending nightmare) up until his resurrection as part of a plan to take down The Bigger Bad. And yeah he's a product of his circumstances but also of choices made in anger based on warped moral compasses.
Also he's in love with his childhood boy-bestie, he has an adoptive child who he thought died as a result of his mental breakdown after years of using his psyche-altering powers, but he doesn't actually find out the kid is alive and well with his boy-bestie until the end and it's totally different from Stranger Thin--
Oh. Wait. Haha.
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It's not like he's talking to the guy who sent him into super-hell before brutally and horrifically murdering him here or someth--He is? [nervous laughter] I see. Well at least he doesn't remind us of anyone--
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[sobbing begins again] Stop that.
I mean it's not like we still have to confront the Mindflayer or anyth--We do? He's a different guy than Vecna? Meaning we're going to see Shadow Guy again?
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livikattt · 2 years
rereading hall of shame (and easter eggs)
"the" damwon guild (skull emoji)
scout "resets" on the rift. i'm 99% sure that was supposed to be "rests". haha funny reset joke though
"Even if the sensors somehow missed it, I would have." this kind of works in context but it sounds fucking goofy
"I hated the idea of being like Viper, screaming myself awake every night." but he doesnt,,,,,,,,, he doesnt sleep at,,,,,,,,,, [look. i hadn't figured out Viper's Deal back then.]
"even Viper has a tear trailing down his cheek" dude... viper rly was supposed to be this stoic ass motherfucker wasn't he... and now he just has Trauma lmfao crazy how the world works
"Scout does the math on his fingers. “I think that checks out.”" DUDE THATS LIKE 10 APHELIOSES (wait actually i think this was an intentional reference bc i did the calculation on how much of an aphelios that was)
keria picks up guma's call with his words slurred from sleep or something but then he later says he was still awake?? cant tell if this is a consistency thing
“It’s telling me that 2022 is our year,” no,,,,, no it is not,,,,,
noctum is not black. it's silvery blue. thank u aryasage for finding my clownery as usual. listen,,, it's a METAPHOR GUYS,,,,, YEAH,,, PLANNED
"I dropped out of high school, so give me a break." so did faker jojo you ain't special
"“Holy fuck,” Razork says the second he finishes. Danny’s heart skips a beat as he waits for him to finish. The jungler runs his hand through his hair again. “That’s exactly what I was thinking of.”" there's an alternate scene where he says "that's exactly not what i was thinking of" or something, the more u know
Humanoid's TF ult cooldown will become a bit of an aneurysm causer for me later down the line.
I was gonna do regional differences (with koreans saying "void wastes" and north americans saying "void wilds") but I forgot about that so
in giafbot, there's a line where the only thing on it is the letter i and a quotation mark. and a period. i hate it.
"his body wreathed in shadows as he flies through the halls" fucking coward say he's flying through the walls
how fast did they get the fucking statues for the tsm memorial? that shit takes time! unless they had them sitting around Just in Case???
when texting guma, oner capitalizes faker's name but not keria's, and that is OUT OF CHARACTER ASF. NO WAY HE CAPITALIZES FAKER
grounded guma is allowed to have zeus as a chaperone. imagine asking someone younger than you to chaperone you just to get food
guma: hates damwon for losing msi and worlds 2-3
also guma: does the same thing [PAIN]
"That was supposed to be me, Gumayusi finally manages to think above the noise." faker has to think this about keria getting skewered too!
"“What were you thinking?” He squawks," u fool. u absolute buffoon. u do not capitalize that h.
btw sboualh's on-crack summary style is incredible i love it (pats own back)
"despite being fired by someone who has a grand total of half an arm" this is projection
"(btw remember when i said it wasn't T1's year?? guma and keria heard me talking shit)" [PAIN]
the fact I did actual MATH to come up with guma's score... couldn't tell you what it was though
...so did I not have a consistent way of indicating people were talking through their communicators? k great I hate it
I fucking forgot that TSM and DIG headquarters are next to each other didn't I
spica and bjergsen were really about to break the summoner's code just to kill neo for disrespecting their bro
why are there weird spaces between italics and stuff I hate that
referring to spica as ming confused the shit out of me because yes that's his name but also like. rng ming exists. my brain nearly exploded on that reread.
the tone shift in chapter 2 of eticmealloyr kills me,,, we're doing this quiet night reflection and then BOOM IMPACT SHATTERING TACTICALS LEG
"But Biofrost spent way too long expecting to be a doctor to not at least learn a bit of healing magic." IS THIS A FUCKING ASIAN UPBRINGING JOKE I CANTTT
spica's interaction with bb is the same as meiko's with viper and im gonna die mad about that
I almost asked why the TSM squad had to walk out to the teleportation circle instead of driving before I remembered spica's tweets as he learned to drive...
spica's beliefs about death are very asian but idk if that makes sense in-universe
I say a whole army of Summoners attends perkz's wedding but i made the guest list and boy was that an exaggeration
...danny should not be fighting rn
why the fuck did I hyphenate mid-laner only once
does faker laugh at berserker being humble because he's used to having the cockiest ad carry in the world...
I like how I capitalize JackeyLove's name right but not Showmaker's. It's not happening. I do what I want. For example I capitalize BeryL properly because the man is a massive L
doublelift rly had to be SOOOO VAGUE
....showmaker's R cooldown is even shorter than humanoid's holy shit (then again he's a world champion so it's fine guys haha it's fiiiine)
"What's with this guy and answering questions with more questions." That should be a question mark... unless it's a bad haha funnie about purposefully NOT making it a question???
I'm pretty sure both meiko and spica have questioned viper's pronoun game with the same phrase. haha parallels guys! haha yeah!
when healing deft, keria tells him to stfu like twice in one minute
deokdam inviting viper to the festival sounds... sus.
I had to do it to make it seem serious, but it doesn't change the fact that ale types in complete sentences for the emergency alert
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ask-void-family · 4 years
What will you do if you see Utsuro?
“U t s u r o ...?”
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“You mean - Master Utsuro ?” Nikei began to laugh in a rather disturbing way, as if the mention of Utsuro had a special effect on him.
“Hahahaha - Master Utsuro -! When I will find Him, I ... I ! It’ll be ... the best day of my life, I finally ... finally ... yes ...”
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“I want this day to come ... my whole life ... I’ve-I’ve been - waiting for this ! He’s ... the only person who-who... ahhhhh ...”
"N-Nikei! Snap out of it, please..!" Iroha, despite her obvious shaking from both the strange effect that hearing the name 'Utsuro' had, as well as her own slight fear from seeing their leader like this, stepped closer to gently tug at his sleeve in an attempt to bring him back to reality.
"Y-You're not the only person who wants to meet Him..!"
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She pauses, before turning her gaze back to answer the ask properly, though still holding on to Nikei. "I.. I don't know.. I want that day to come as soon as possible too, b-but I haven't thought of.. how I'd thank Master Utsuro.."
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Nikei violently put his arm away so that Iroha stopped holding onto it, showing an expression full of disgust and envy, while saying the words “Back off !”. She in turn yelped and jumped back, clutching her sketchbook close and using it to cover the lower half of her face while she stared downwards, her feet nervously shuffling in place. A soft sniffle escaped her.
“Hmmm?” There’s the pitter patter that footsteps leave behind as the black-haired Mikado Sannoji peers into the room, carrying the tablet-computer that powered his Alter Ego tucked under his arm. “Mister Yomiuri? Miss Nijiue? Ah- if I’m not intruding, I heard quite... loud... laughter. Is everything alright?”
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After receiving no response, he started over to where the two were. “Is it an ask? Mister Yomiuri, you should- at the very least- tell me when we receive one that applies to me. I’ve relied on Mister Makunouchi and Miss Magorobi for the past ones....” Sigh. “Ah, well. Let bygones be bygones, I suppose. Now let me see.... just what exactly is it that has you both so--”
A sudden, loud BANG echoes through the room as Mikado slammed his fist against a nearby desk in surprise, eyes wide as he scans the name in front of him again and again and again and again and again-
“Aaah... Aah.... Haah...? Mmf.. Haaah... You... Hahah...! Utsuro... Master Utsuro!~ Haaah~”
He paused before clearing his throat, cheeks now red not in the weird, drooly, flustered state that he was in before but instead in embarrassment. 
“Aah... M-My apologies. I was simply... caught off guard is all...”
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“Haaah... ah... What ever shall I do...~? I think- yes, yes, thanking Him would be a start. Even simply seeing Him again would be enough... aah..!” 
“...If... I were to be honest. I don’t even care about His Fortune. Simply seeing Him again... aah- if I could meet Him again, my life would be... fulfilled..”
Mikado’s Alter Ego is strangely silent.
Meanwhile, Nikei briefly looked at the newcomer(s) then stormed out, leaving Iroha and Mikado with a loud door shutting noise - he probably would have broke the door if he was stronger.
“A-Ah! Nikei, wait-!” Iroha hurriedly wiped away her tears before turning to follow after. On her way out, she narrowly dodged bumping into Hajime, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge the other while she pitter pattered off.
“..Anyone care to explain what’s happened this time?” Hajime sighed, making his way over and scanning the ask. “Thank him, obviously. If there’s anything else I could do, I would, but as of now there isn’t anything I can think of that’d be enough to repay him for what he’s done.”
“You, on the other hand,” He sharply turns to Mikado. “Would it kill you to not bust a nut every time Master Utsuro’s name is mentioned? A little decency would be appreciated, especially in front of Him.”
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Those are some bold words from a guy who wears shorts like those, but that’s not the point.
“Haaah...-?!” The Mikado in question tensed, quickly snapping out of whatever flustered trance he had worked himself into to turn to the boxer. “Mister- Mister Makunouchi-! I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about...! Aaah..-”
Meanwhile, the clacking of boots can be heard as Emma opens the door, partially out of breath. Glancing around the room at the other two, she lets out a long s i g h. “What happened to cause Nikei to storm into his room and start screaming? Roha didn’t seem to want to explain-” The actress blinks for a minute, staring at the screen.
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Her normally calm demeanor shifts slightly as she pauses for dramatic effect. “If I were to see Master Utsuro again... I would thank him for everything... Do what I can, of course, to repay him for everything-” A sharp inhale as Emma pauses again.
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greekbros · 2 years
"greek-Bros": Dinner at a Friend's house
*Ares, Hermes and Dionysus go to valhalla because it's the only way that Ares can actually go inside because in an undisclosed events in the past he's banned from Valhalla and can only come in with a guest due to "Legal Reasons"*
Dionysus: Aw man, I can't wait to try some Valhallan mead.
Hermes: *knows something that Ares and Dionysus doesn't know*....mmmmhmm. Look guys, honestly, I'm not certain if it even matters. It's not like as if you'll actually get a chance to taste anything.
Dionysus: Geez Hermes, what's with the rancid vibes?
Hermes: ugh you'll see.
Dionysus: well regardless I hope they'll enjoy some wine
Ares: I honestly don't care what you guys are on about but I just want to discuss something with Tyr.
Dionysus: Is it about letting you back into that Devine Guide of War you got kicked out of?
Ares: Look I am HEAVILY against the idea of biological warfare....war should be.... PERSONAL.
Dionysus: whatever drama queen, didn't Enyo say you were kicked out because you wanted to start a cosmic level game of War Hammer?
Ares: A wasted opportunity.
Hermes: oh cool we're here.
*the three godlings are literally dwarfed by a ridiculously huge wooden door with an equally expansive wall*
Ares: neat. *punches the door as it's literally the only way to knock*
*several seconds pass and Tyr answers the door*
Tyr: ....ah... greetings Greek gods. What brings you here?
Dionysus: *showing the huge amphora* To party of course.
Hermes: ....so...ugh....we came 'just in time' right?
Tyr: ....no....and sadly yes.
Ares: wait 'yes' to the first or second question?
Tyr: No for battle. It is peace time.
Ares: aw.
Tyr: anyway... unfortunately....you must wait here....we shall get you shortly. *Quickly closes the door*
Dionysus:......ugh.....what just happened?
Hermes: *deep sigh, sits down and waits*
Ares: ....ugh...ok...it's probably not going to take too long.
*3hrs later*
Ares: *is currently hitting his head on the wall bored*
Dionysus: *sort of trying to get a little plant to grow but it just creates a bush* ...
Hermes: *hasn't moved*
Tyr: *opens the door* ok you may come in.
Ares: *stops* oh good I was getting tired.
Tyr: *with absolutely no waste of breath* and you wonder why you were banned from the guild.
Ares: why yah gotta go there dude?
Dionysus: oh finally! I'm getting peckish.
Tyr: ....hmmm.
Hermes: ....hmmm..
Dionysus: ugh..
Tyr: .....you didn't tell him?
Hermes: *deep sigh* no
Tyr: ....we just had dinner.
Ares: wut the da fuk man? You left our asses out here in the void and didn't let us in?
Tyr: No guests before or during dinner.
Ares and Dionysus: *completely undignified*
Hermes: yeah I kinda knew about this already, told you we should have left a little later.
Dionysus: holy shit bruh that's rude
Tyr: not as rude as coming unannounced and unexpected.
Hermes: ugh makes sense.
Dionysus: wow jeez ok dude but if yah did this with dad... he'd vaporize you or something....yah still welcome at my place tho.
Tyr: .....thank you for your.... invitation.
Ares: Bruh.
Hermes: that's the house r-
Odin: *strolls in slowly and in a low voice* Loki~magu~ why have you not invited your friends inside?
Tyr: *small bead of sweat*
Ares: ?
Dionysus: oh hello Mr.Odin sir, I brought gifts! *Shows his still full amphora*
Odin: ~ah und wonderful. Come in, the messhall is always full and open to guests.
Ares, Hermes, and Dionysus: *looks at tyr with confusion*
Loki: *changes into his real form* ....hehehehehe hehehe I can't wait to make THAT into a family tradition.
Hermes: haha *high fives Loki*
Dionysus and Ares: *wow such offended much hurt feelings*
Tyr: *walks up behind Odin* ....Ares I thought I told you to bring some of your half sister's wild venison.
Ares: yeah she said no.
Tyr: ...she still has not forgiven me for leading my hunting party through her forest?
Ares: oh my dude she's still pissed.
Odin: *gentle paps on Dionysus's shoulder* hohoho.
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atherix0 · 2 years
A glorious morning for me, Mumbo lover, to wake up, roll over, and see you posted a roughly 5k word chapter of Scarian. Mwah. I am choosing to believe. That got way too gay. This is scarian now.
SO FIRST OF ALL Grian waking up and realizing that A. He's in Scar's bedroom, B. Mumbo is in scar's bedroom, and C. His stomach is doing flips because he's looking down and seeing Mumbo in Scar bed and it likely smells like mumbo and scar together and his little bird brain -- god yes.
Going down, seeing Scar in the morning, as if he's his boyfriend who just woke up and is coming to give him a morning smooch is truly something. I cant believe the two of them decided it was Normal and Fine for a frumpy, sleepy Grian to just Appear. Mmm mm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmm. And that Scar made him pancakes and that Grian was just able to tear Scar away from his work and Scar isn't even putting up a fight at all oh my god. GRIAN CALLING SCAR PRETTY AND THE TWO OF THEM JUST SITTING WITH THAT. THIS IS GAY, GENTLEMEN. YOU ARE BEING BOYFRIENDS. I AM SHOUTING INTO A MEGAPHONE BUT LO, I AM A TINY FROG.
OH MY GOD THE ANTIQUE SHOP I can just. Picture. Oh to be a fly on the wall [I guess we all are tbf] watching the two of them talk about this ELVEN ENGAGEMENT JEWELRY AS IF THEY WERENT JUST THE GAYEST TWO BEINGS ALIVE IN THIS MAN'S HOUSE. Oh my god and for that to reveal so much of Grian on accident, for scar to rapidly realize so many things without either of them saying a fucking word. OOOO BOY they are gonna have to have a T A L K with this bird. I mean there's no way Scar is gonna talk to mumbo about it [unless,,,,,,] but my god do they need to have a Talk tm.
AND THEN THE WAY THAT BEAUTIFULLY TRANSITIONED TO "Well maybe you should give Mumbo some of your feathers" THE WAY THESE MEN DEFLECT DO THEY REALIZE THEY ARE BEING SO VERY GAY. oh my god scar is gonna have some of grian's feathers on day and he doesnt even realize it. oh my GOD I am SCREAMING down the BOATEM HOLE and into THE VOID.
Also the fact that Grian knows how to repair equipment. The fact that Grian has been shown to be a remarkable fighter when he's not panicking. The whole "I killed our gods" Grian pulled on Mumbo a while back only for Mumbo to be like "I dont think he's ready to talk about That so I'm not gonna bring it back up" AND NOW SCAR KNOWS WITHOUT KNOWS HE NOWS SO MUCH WITHOUT WORDS TO THAT KNOWLEDGE AND I AM MELTING. ASDFGHJKJHGFDSDFGHJHGFD GOD. G O D.
Oh man Mumbo Lover, you are about to get fed so well HA that chapter was absolutely 5k words of Scarian, no doubt <3 It got super gay
Bird brain just like <3 hhh but he just being like "haha this certainly doesn't mean anything we're fine it's cool we're okay <3" lmao
The entire time I was writing that scene I was just thinking about the people Scar was just speaking to seeing this unfamiliar man come out of the back of Scar's shop with messy hair and rumpled clothes at noon and was giggling the entire time because you KNOW they all think that is definitely his boyfriend, they're so Normal about it like it's not completely domestic-y like hjgfdjkk= Scar takes care of his guests <3 He probably made some for Mumbo too but Mumbo doesn't really think much about Human food, he just indulges every now and then lmao <3 Grian is a demanding little bird and Scar is too willing to let him have his way haha <3 LMAO THE GAY PANIC THEY BOTH HAD AT THAT MOMENT. Grian doubling down and trying to play it off as a joke and Scar taking that out but they both Know(TM). They know. They gay but oo boy-
I too love antiques so much and could spend every last dollar I have in an antique shop so. BUT YEAH LMAO I'm sure the fact that Grian is now in possession of Elven jewelry that giving basically means "I wish to court/marry you" is totally not gonna be significant in any way later down the line right? <3 Grian really said "I was taught how to fix metal things like weapons" and Scar, literal Elven prince who was born into a palace and was taught to MAKE things but never taught how to FIX things because he is a royal, went "um Birdie uh I'm about to flip your entire worldview with a single question" and just hjfdskj <3 They all need to Talk(TM), and oh boy don't they know it. Or at least Mumbo does hjkfdsljk Grian and Scar are both like "deflection and distraction is a healthy communication skill correct?"
THE DEFLECTIONS, THE "we'll unpack all that later at an undetermined point in time," THE GAY, AND YEAH HAHA I totally 100% intend for them all to have something that represents each of their cultures <3 I AM SCREAMING WITH YOU, and I'm the motherducker who's writing it <3
:) Gods they need to talk about it haha SCAR IS ONLY EVER OBSERVANT WHEN IT COMES TO OTHER PEOPLE'S INTERNAL STRUGGLE HE SAW GRIAN'S LIFE PERCEPTION SHATTER IN THREE SECONDS AND KNEW SOME SHIT WENT DOWN and now they need to talk to Mumbo because Holy Shit <3 Mumbo be like "I'll wait for Grian to be ready to talk about it" but if he waits then they'll never talk about it anf jhkfds-
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Phenomenon of the Immortal Sun: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 1
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Summary: It was time for Fleur Swan to become Fleur Hale/Whitlock. She has started to adjust to the lifestyle of a vegetarian vampire as well as her powers, which she seems to develop a new one once in a while. But what happens when something happens that none of the Cullens are prepared for.
"Nature will get her way Though you took her for a fool Walking on the lake Frozen under you."
Run Cried the Crawling by, Anges Obel
When Bella got home from Vegas with Edward at her side it was the most pissed off my dad had ever been at her. He knew she would throw out the "I'll move away." Card on him but he wasn't fazed by it anymore. She was married, and a adult... he couldn't stop her. It was satisfying to see dad finally stand up to her, letting go of the fear of losing her. Bella eventually developed a guilty look on her face while Edward tensed by her side. She decided that she would have her honeymoon after Jasper and I got married, since dad would know we would both be out of the house. It confused me since she would have to wait 5 months just to go on her honeymoon, it also delayed her changing into a vampire. Since they both agreed to do it on there honeymoon.
Regarding me however my eyes are still a dark red rose color, which completely puzzled the Cullens. It confused me as well...knowing that after a year of transformation my eyes should be golden by now. I had never drunken an once of human blood but, my eyes were just as red as they were when I first turned. My blood lust got a lot better and I was beginning to gain control of my powers. It turns out I am also a shape shifter in a sense... I can transform myself into anyone I wanted to be. Things seemed to have calmed down it was nice to have a moment of serenity.
I stood in my room which was now void of my items being out on display. They were instead all in boxes stacked up on top of each other. Dad helped me out earlier in the day, it was nice to spend so one-on-one time with him while I still lived here. Bella was packing up too, excited to finally leave the house and become a vampire. She wouldn't let dad help her out however and spent her time locked up in her room. Probably waiting for Edward to enter and talk with her. I just sat down on my bed looking at my surroundings when I heard Jasper enter through my window.
"I was waiting for you to show up." I said grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss.
"Mmm, hello to you too." Jasper said.
"You're not going to believe who accepted my RVSP'd to the wedding..."
"Who is it?"
"My mom, her new husband is coming with her too."
"I hope they won't cause any trouble." Jasper grumbled.
"Well... the last thing I said to her was when I moved back down here when I was 15...I told her that next time I see her would be at my wedding. I then told her that she would enjoy the the open bar and her speech for me would be her barfing all over the place. So umm... be prepared for that to happen." I explained trying to hold in a laugh at the face Jasper made.
"Damn love...you're brutal sometimes."
"Thank you... that is so sweet to say!"
"You better get down to our place... Alice and Rosalie are waiting for you so they can throw you a Bachelorette party."
"Yeah... they'll probably break the house trying to get to me." I said and then began to laugh.
"Have fun darlin." Jasper said softly.
"You too, if Emmett, Edward, and Dean got you a stripper I will murder all of them."
"Don't worry about that darlin, we're merely going out to the woods to hunt bears... maybe a few mountain lions. Besides Edward won't be there anyway"
"Oh fun...wait, Edward won't be there?"
"Yeah... it seems he still holds a grudge after I called him a boy before the battle."
"Only a boy would be offended by that." I said
"I better go love you." Jasper replied and pecked my cheek.
"Love you too." I did the same thing, pecking his cheek. He left a few seconds afterward leaving me alone. I pulled on pair of boots and ran downstairs.
"I'll see you later dad, Rose and Alice are throwing me a little party."
"Alright Petal, love you."
"Love you too!"
I arrived at the Cullen's house in record time, my tracking ability had improved greatly. I zoomed up to the door and before I could open it Rosalie, Esme, Bree, and Alice stood there with excited smiles on their faces.
"The party has arrived." I said jokingly.
They all laughed and ushered me into the lounge room.
Bree had been living with us ever since the end of the battle, she struggled to conform to the diet after living off of human blood so long and she couldn't leave the house much since she was presumed dead. But Jasper has been helping her out a lot.
"I can't wait to see what you did with the venue outside... can I take a look?"
"No, you may not, Rosalie and I all agreed that you shouldn't see it until tomorrow. It'll be great with the pictures."
"Okay okay... is the dress finished?"
"Yes, now that you can see." Rosalie said, dragging me down to her room. A large vanity was set up with hundreds of makeup products. I turned around and saw my dress... it was beautiful.
(I know the dresses aren't exactly the same but just pretend the one showing off the back of the dress has sleeves haha.)
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a"Oh my gosh Rose, you know my style so well."
"You're going to look beautiful tomorrow." Esme said, her gracious smile still on her face.
"Thank you guys so much... for everything."
"No problem Fleur, I can't wait for you to officially be a part of the family." Alice replied.
"So, how is everything back at home?" Rosalie said, already playing with my hair.
"It's tense...dad's pissed at Bella, Bella is pissed at dad. I still can't believe she actually eloped."
"Doesn't surprise me any... Bella's priorities have certainly changed." Alice grumbled.
"Yeah... not gonna lie though Alice they've always been like that, she just hid it from you guys pretty well."
"Yeah... I guess so." Alice said disappointment was on her face.
"Let's talk about something else...Fleur, did Jasper tell you where you two were going for your honeymoon?"
"No... he wants it to be a surprise, I can't wait to see where we're going."
"I'm sure it's going to be fun." Alice said, nudging me playfully.
"If I could blush right now, I would." I said.
Timeskip: The next day.
"Rosalie this is like we rehearsed it... smile and don't kill my mother." I reminded her.
"I'll try my best... Why does Bella have to be a bridesmaid again?" She said, brushing back my long black hair.
"Because I don't need my mother talking my ear off saying how selfish I am."
I saw Alice shake her head before going back to steaming my dress in the background.
"Fleur, Rosalie? Where are you guys?" I heard my dad call out.
"In here dad!" I called back.
"Renee get your butt up here your daughter is getting married. Get over this stupid grudge." I heard dad yell. Rosalie, Alice, and I all laughed.
"Aww, you look beautiful Petal." Dad said, smiling at me. I said Renee in the background she had a shocked look on her face.
"Thanks, Dad, you can thank Rosalie and Alice for all of this. Mom? You gonna come over? I'm not infected with anything you know."
She scoffed and walked up to me, we both gave each other fake smiles.
"Did you get plastic surgery? Your face looks... I don't know more sculpted." She said.
"No mother I just aged... the last time you saw me I was 15, I'm 20 now." I lied, everyone knew most vampires' facial features perfected when fully changed. But I couldn't exactly tell her that.
"Okay..." She said in a skeptical voice. I heard Rosalie growl behind me.
"Renee knock it off." Dad said he had a curt look on his face.
"Well since it's your wedding day we thought you needed something blue." Renee started, her face didn't look too happy.
"And something old, besides your mother." Dad joked, Rosalie and Alice let out a chuckle.
"Nice Charlie," Renee said rolling her eyes.
Dad then opened a jewelry box that had a hairpiece in it. I knew it was grandma swans.
"It was Grandma Swans, I added the Sapphires though, I thought it matched your ring pretty well. When the time comes around you can give it to your daughter." Dad said he handed it to Rosalie so she could put it in my hair.
"Aww thank you so much dad." I said I was lucky I didn't have my dress on yet so I could hug him.
"Should've saved this for Bella." Renee grumbled quitely.
"Oh no I forgot her veil, Rose could you come with me?" Alice asked.
Rosalie hesitated before answering.
"Sure..." They walked out a few seconds later.
"So... you stuck true to your guns. I didn't see you until your wedding day." Dad just looked at the two of us and walked out.
"How many men did you date before you got engaged to this one. I know how bored you can get." Renee said, implying I sleep around a lot.
"He's the first and only man I've dated." Renee's reflection was shocked in the mirror.
"Well... I knew my Bella would do that but... not, you." She said in a condescending voice.
"You have no idea what Bella has done."
"So who is he?" Renee said, ignoring my previous statement.
"His name is Jasper and he's an amazing, kind human being." I answered back, pride-filled my voice. I could suddenly feel Bella's presence behind the wall in the other room listening in on us.
"Sure... we all know women like you say that when the men have slept with you."
"You're childish insults do not bother me anymore mother."
"What childish insults? I'm stating facts." Renee said, acting innocent.
"Yeah, facts you convinced yourself are true."
"All I know is if my Bella wouldn't gotten married so young. So let's cut to the chase how far along are you?"
'I'm not pregnant Renee, I need to go help Rose and Alice find that veil." I got up to walk away when I got an idea.
"Oh by the way, Bella got married at nineteen in Vegas."
Renee just stood there in shock. I smiled in satisfaction.
"Enjoy the open bar!"
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venteamocha · 4 years
I've seen @nellplays talk about the @attollo game, and I've had it in my to-play list for SO LONG and I'm finally playing it and I decided to do a live post because I never have and I want to and I hope it will be fun to read.
Main review:
Very well written and beautifully descriptive. I could SMELL those locations and for some of them it was more pleasant than others.
Someone brought up that it was confusing a while back and the only thing I found confusing was some of the time shifts. For some reason I thought we were in the same time period when we got the candy and it went to the sibling, I thought we'd just left the shop and gone back and the trip had just been skipped, and then suddenly we were back in the shop and it was clarified that the sibling stuff was in the past. I'm adhd though, so attention is an issue and this could be a me thing?
My MC:
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And now the babbling!
An Iron FOREST!? That is BADASS!! Okay there are no other options. Do the trees bleed rust when it rains?? Do they rust??
THE MAYOR HAD IT BUILT?? On the one hand he did a cool thing but on the other this guy immediately made me think Anish Kapoor with his big metal bean.
Ah yeah mayor is fantasy Bezos and his Amazon doesn't deliver.
Take the road less travelled by, maybe I can get this guy killed the way I'd die if this were me.
WHAT.... is your name? WHAT... is your favourite color?
We're going to Wonderland!!
Chapter 1
"Naturally, your car had been working until you actually needed it." OH GOD WHAT A MOOD.
I never had a tire iron. I'm a clown. 🤡😆
"America's equivalent to the CAA" 😆 A fellow Canadian, eh???
The vantablack joke!! When will our hero Stewart Semple save us?
My super size drink is my ridiculous trenti drink from Starbucks with almost enough sugary caffeine and milk to drown an infant in.
T o u c h t h e s l i m e. What's the worst that can happen? You get a weird disease that makes your hand fall off? You'll have a great story to tell!
Ahh yes my purpose. My destiny. Eating slime off a fantasy 7/11 ice box. I hear it calling to me and the sound is like the screech of a sugar high toddler in a McDonalds.
Teenager: I've been stoned before but this person is on stuff I can only dream of. Minimum wage won't be enough for me to save them from themself.
Maltazers! Cryptocurrency! This fantasy 7/11 has it all!
I took it because I'm a bad person. Wait, no! I'm sticking it to the man!! Yeah!! Fuck 7/11 and their week old hot dogs!! This is why I crave ice box slime!!
"Indescribable fear of the rolling stones" JSDHDJS let this be about the band
I have some Canadian Tire money wedged in my purse 😔
All convenience stores are liminal spaces imo
If I get a sudden urge to lick this 7/11's toilet I will get very sick but I'll do it because I'm a monster.
"The hole releases its grip on you" I'm gonna have this phrase pop up in the depths of my brainmeats someday and it will make me twitch like a chihuahua
The insane void hole not only dropped me on a Florida beach, it also broke my phone? Man, fuck these eldritch abominations.
Back to the city before I really do get eaten by Cthulhu or something similar.
*You have acquired a knife and are now officially a thief*
Toto, we ain't in Kansas anymore.
Sysba 😳
Ice boxes are gonna be poor Quinn's (my mc) trauma, I can tell.
H-humans became angler fish... I...
Flock of birds?? My face when I'm reading all this: 😯
It's my seat now. I will live and die here.
Love the sexuality options!
"You're not into sex or romance and this man affirms your decision" Love this tea 😌
Sadly I'm attracted to trash and ice box slime so he has a chance with me.
Ah, I'm finally a real writer 😢
Ugh, I think I'm gonna end up playing Sylvester's route 😔
"They're from the outside" gave me some bad tingles 😯
Haha yeah I can't be harmed, I'm the mc! And also, uh, don't like death, especially my own.
I never get to eat the slime. I'm like a baby doing its best to eat some glue but my mom keeps yanking me away at the last minute.
We're going where?
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astronomoney · 3 years
This story was made by @tomatosamla and @le-green-lion and inspired by that one Oogway quote and the villain from spy kids 4 because why the fuck not
Summary: The Teen Titans of the future are sucked into the past where they run into their parents and must work together to get back to their own time
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: cursing, time travel, speedsters (they deserve their own warning)
Chapter One: A Twist in Time
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift! That is why it is called present.
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The day was as clear as Gotham could be. Batman and the Teen Titans were battling the villain known as Tick Tock, another Arkham wannabe that was kinda powerful in his own right, he was able to slow down time which definitely gave him advantage over the team, thankfully the speedster was able to do more damage than the rest (thank you superspeed).
"Damnit," Andromeda Kent cursed as time slowed once again. "I can't land any hits on this guy!"
"Just keep trying," Thomas Wayne shouted back. "He can't keep this up forever so we just need to outlast him! Kid Flash, go right!" He threw an exploding batarang at the villain and it moved in slow motion, drifting towards Pamela West who used her Super speed to give it an extra boost. Even with her help Tick Tock still had time to casually side step and avoid getting hit, luckily Nobody had planned for this and the batarang exploded next to the villains head.
He was thrown off balance and the effect of his powers disappeared giving Jaiden Pham a chance to use their powers. With the Green Lantern ring they tied up Tick tock so he couldn't slow the time. The Teen Titans walked over to him cautiously and Pam spoke up.
"Haha we stopped you! You really thought you'd get away with it butcha didn't cause we're here! The Teen Titans can stop anyone who threatens the innocent!" she rambled in true speedster fashion.
The villain laughed. "Do you really think you've defeated me? I'm offended. You must think of me as any old cheap bad guy without a backup plan. Well children, that was your first mistake." A swirling light came out of the ground underneath him, it stretched and began sucking things in. The heros were taken by surprise and none of them had time to react before they were sucked into the void.
Batman was the only person left on the road.
"KIDS!" screamed Damian as he saw his children fall into the portal, he reached out to grab them but they were already gone.
The Titans landed in a hard surface face first, Caipora was the first one to react, she tried attacking Tick Tock but he once again used his powers, she was able to land a hit thanks to her super abilities. Thomas once again began giving orders, until he saw his brother.
"Orphan! What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"I don't know. I was collecting intel and then I landed here!" he replied.
"Watch out!" screamed a guy in the... Robin costume?
"What the he-" said Kai, right before being pushed aside by none other than the Yara Flor herself, but she was younger...?
Tick Tock tried using his tricks once again, this time accelerating time (which none of them had seen before) in order to send Pam flying with too much speed for anyone's liking, Jai West was able to catch her in time.
"What is going on?" this time spoke Minh, Damian was... confused to say the very least, why was this kid dressed as him? Were these teenagers cosplaying or playing dress up? Those costumes looked like real hero stuff, so what the hell was going on?
Andromeda launched herself towards Tick Tock once more, the villain accelerated time again and Superboy came to catch her as the time warper slowed time once more. Damian started barking orders to all the heroes, he figured the abilities of those weird teenagers just by observing, maybe they would serve a purpose. Together the two teams tied Tick Tock once again, Damian touched his communicator in order to contact the batfam and take this dangerous villain to Arkham, in the meantime, they needed to talk.
Tick Tock laughed at their attempts to catch him before slowing time so much that they could barely move. "As fun as this is, I really must be going. I'm sure I'll see you all later." And with that he disappeared behind a corner leaving two generations of Titans behind, and one of those generations stranded.
Once the villain was far enough away his powers wore off and everyone was released from the time trap. Damian, kind of frustrated, went over to someone who was dressed like Nobody, first as he assumed that was the leader.
"Do you know that guy?"
"Yeah, an Arkham villain, before today we didn't think much of him, but now... I don't know."
"I don't know any Arkham villain with those abilities."
"Seriously? He's one of the popular ones."
Damian looked at him with just a brow raised, not much else in his face, Thomas eyes widened, he looked around and saw every other hero there, his sister gave him a confused look as he began to kinda panic.
"You're R-r-obin... the fifth Robin."
Damian moved his head in surprise, the other Titans started to figure out as well and they also started to panic.
"Yes, who are you?"
He didn't know if he should tell him, Thomas looked at his teammates and all of them nodded their heads, he took his mask off, Damian formulated a theory before the guy talked (they looked way too similar to him to be a coincidence), boy was his theory wrong.
"I'm your son."
Everyone of the present Titans froze at that, "What?"
"My name is Thomas Wayne, this is my brother-" he said signaling for his siblings to come over, "Jackson Wayne, and my sister... Minh Wayne." Damian was in shock, he kinda believed him because the similarities are way too many to ignore, still, he wouldn't totally believe them until he made some DNA tests.
Andromeda went over to Jon and Yara, "Mom... Dad-" she said, hugging them, they reacted kinda late, Jon totally believed her right that instant and hugged her back, Yara on the other hand wasn't quite sure.
Pam on the other, other hand didn't make any sentimentalism shit and just launched herself to her father, Jai didn't react right away, it took him a moment to process.
The Pham kids firstly went to Lian and then, smiling, Kai signaled his dad to come join them in the not so comfortable hug, Tai was shook, and drama completely ensued, because... well... he was not dating Lian... he was dating Mar'i.
"Wait a second, you're saying that you guys," Lian motioned towards the future Titans. "Are our," she pointed back at her team. "Kids? More specifically me and Tai have... kids?" She was definitely in shock as she looked over at Tai.
Mar'i stepped forward and spoke up. "That can't be right. I mean I'm dating Tai but if you guys are supposed to be their kids then," She paused as if trying to figure out how to word the question. "Then what happens to me?"
"YOU GUYS DATED?!?" Pam exclaimed before anyone else could say anything. "You never told me that!"
"KF, now's not the time." Thomas jumped in, he realized how confusing the situation was and he wasn't too sure what happened either but he did know they'd be better off talking about it somewhere more secure. He turned to Damian who still looked sceptical about everything. "You probably don't believe us and won't want to take us back to your base so why don't we head to a safe house. Is the one on Schapp avenue up yet?"
"We don't have any safe houses on Schapp avenue but I do know of a place nearby." He glanced at Jon, his eyes told the super to be alert. The Future Titans looked, acted, and had powers awfully similar to the Teen Titans but who's to say they weren't just trying to trick them. "It's on the corner of Camron and Murphy, are you familiar with that area?"
"Upper west side right?" Minh asked. "We know it but where we're from it's called the West River district."
"Interesting," Damian muttered. He looked around at the future Titans again before turning towards his bike. "Let's all meet there." With that he sped off, the Teen Titans followed shortly after most of them having some form of fast power. The Future Titans were left standing on the corner.
"Listen team, I don't know what's happening but we're clearly in the past and I don't think telling them everything about the future is the best idea." Thomas said in his signature Batman authority voice. "If they know what'll happen to them they might try to prevent some things and that won't go over well for anyone so be careful about what you say. Especially you KF."
"What? Why are you targeting me?" She asked with exaggerated offense.
"Because out of everyone on this team you're the most likely to tell them about some crazy important event that they definitely shouldn't know about," Jaiden laughed, pointing out how bad Pam was at keeping secrets.
She smacked their arm lightly. "That is so not fair."
"Also, Kai, I know you didn't do it on purpose but... come on man" Thomas continued.
"Everyone was doing it!"
"So they DID date, why didn't anyone tell m-"
"Just!" interrupted Jackson "let's get this over with, we will meet them there and then we will find a way to go back to our time and also to capture Tick Tock."
Andromeda interjected, "or... we can capture Tick Tock and wait for our parents to come for us."
"Either way, we should get going, knowing my dad he called grandpa Bruce to bring some DNA tests and uncle Tim will be there too, and knowing them they will bring the whole family and uncle Dick will be very impatient." said the team leader with his siblings nodding every word he said.
"In that case, wouldn't all of our families be called?" Asked Pam.
"I don't know, probably not." answered Jaiden.
Thomas and Jackson were carried there by Andy, because super strength, Kai was carried by Jaiden, because ring, and Mihn was carried by Pam, because speed. Maybe some drama would ensue, but they were sure of something, everything would work out.
"I don't remember uncle Jason ever being this strong worded with his kids, or us for that matter." said Mihn in a whisper to Kai who just nodded in shock.
"Little Wing, just... don't." Dick put a hand up before anything else could be said or done. "Ok, so... ummm, jeez, how do we start this?"
May we clarify that this conversation took place right after the DNA results returned, and they CONFIRMED that those kids were the Titans kids. Bruce went into shock, with Selina trying to calm him down (the main word being trying), Tim and Dick were surprised but said nothing, Jason... we already know, Clark was already playing with Jon and Andromeda, Roy almost fainted, Kori also started playing with Pam, and overall it was a very quiet moment for everyone... surprisingly.
"Soooo... who is your mom?" asked an Irey full of curiosity to her niece.
"Oh, she's-"
"Nope nope nope nope nope, you won't do that, nope." interrupted Jaiden.
Pam whined "But whyyyy?"
Andromeda puts a hand on her shoulder and says "Because, if anything in this world screams 'Temporal mayhem' it is speedsters."
"Ugh Andyyyy, that's no fun." Pam slumped.
"All right" says Irey, Andy lowers her hand and the next thing anyone knows is that Pam is almost on top of Irey screaming out loud "HER NAME IS RENATA AND SHE'S A CIVIL- ow, what was that for?" she said holding her head after Kai had used one of his arrows on her, barely touching her but making her stop.
"Why wouldn't I?"
Thomas just shook his head in disappointment for their behavior, and Dick came to ask him something, of course he wouldn't miss a chance to tease his little brother.
"So, who's your mom?"
"I definitely won't answer that one, thank you very much."
On the other side of the safe house (in the same room, just on the other side of it) Jason aproched Jackson.
"What's your name kid?"
"Wait what?!" asked Tim before anyone could say anything.
Mihn walked over to them, "Ummm, yeah, so?"
"You get along with Demon Spawn and you get along with Replacement, oh how great this day is."
"Jason, please stop, you're embarrassing me" complained Drake while Damian was giving them all his best ew face, Dick was kinda giving them a little smile, Jason was laughing his ass off and Bruce had a face that spelled regret for having so many children.
"Yeah, and my second name is Peter." Everyone froze at that, everything was silent until Dick, Tim and Damian, all at the same time started hysterically laughing
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