#dc characters
adhara2034 · 12 hours
Headcanon that the batfam has a Samsung smart refrigerator or whatever it's called, and it is used entirely for doing work while in the kitchen. There has been justice league meetings held on that motherfucker and nuclear threats disengaged.
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robinsleeping · 3 days
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Accidentally Tim coded
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willowgarden15 · 3 days
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Them... Matching hoods and masks 'cause why not ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭
Tap for better quality!
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girlkisser13 · 2 days
love tropes with the bat family
characters: bruce wayne, richard "dick" grayson, barbara gordon, jason todd, timothy "tim" drake, stephanie brown, cassandra cain, duke thomas, and damian wayne
bruce wayne
arranged marriage
• the marriage was arranged by his parents and your parents to merge the two most powerful families in gotham, providing both financial stability and social influence. bruce only went along with it because he wanted to honor his parents’ last wishes.
• initially, there's a distance between the two of you. he’s so consumed by his quest for justice and his role as batman, that he doesn’t really have the time to truly get to know you. meanwhile, you’re just trying to understand your role in his life.
• publicly, the two of maintain the appearance of the perfect, high-society couple, attending galas and charity events. behind closed doors, the two of you sleep in separate beds and barely talk to one another.
• alfred becomes a mentor and confidant to the both of you, helping your navigate your new life together and offering uncle iroh level advice.
• it isn’t until you get hurt, that he begins to realize the depth of his feelings for you.
• DEFINITELY says the, "who did this to you?" line.
• this marriage brings a new dynamic to his life. you have your own skills and resources and you become an integral part of his crime-fighting efforts.
• your presence in his life helps him heal emotionally, offering him a sense of family and home. this support strengthens him, making him a more balanced and effective hero.
• you both work towards a shared vision for gotham, combining your immense resources and influence to create lasting change, honoring the legacies of both your families.
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richard "dick" grayson
you fell first, he fell harder
• charming and attractive, it’s hard to not fall in love with dick grayson. he’ll flirt and send compliments someone’s way, effectively tampering with their feelings. it’s no surprise when you find yourself having romantic feelings for him.
• despite your best efforts to keep your feelings hidden, dick starts noticing the little things—how you laugh at his jokes a bit too eagerly, how your eyes linger on him a bit longer, and how you're always there to lend a hand.
• as you spend more time together, you can't help but be more obvious about your feelings. you find excuses to be near him, offer to help with his missions, and bring him coffee during late-night patrols.
• one day, during a particularly dangerous mission, you do something reckless to save him. that’s the final push he needs to confront and confess his feelings for you.
• he never noticed you. but now that he had, he couldn't un-notice you.
• once you found your way into his heart, it’s hard for him to let you go. more and more, he starts finding himself constantly wishing for you presence.
• he constantly tells you how much you mean to him and how he can't imagine his life without you.
• this man met you, fell in love with you, and has been falling ever since. <33
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barbara gordon
the korrasami trope (i didn’t know what else to call it)
• both of you had feelings for dick, but he ultimately chose you. after he made his decision, she began to act extremely cold towards you.
• despite this, you constantly went out of your way to ensure that she didn’t feel left out. you included her in activities and made an effort to show her that your relationship with dick didn’t have to affect your friendship with her.
• she becomes jealous when she sees you and dick together and for the longest time, she thought she was jealous of you because you were him. she soon realizes that she was actually jealous of HIM because he was with you.
• during the times when dick was busy with his duties as nightwing, the two of you would often find yourselves alone together. these moments of forced proximity brought you closer, and that’s when she started to develop feelings for you.
• you start to notice subtle changes in her behavior around you. she becomes more attentive, goes out of her way to spend time with you, and shows a genuine interest in your well-being.
• she struggles with her feelings for you, torn between her loyalty to dick because of their friendship and her growing love for you.
• girlie is down BAD for you. <33
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jason todd
enemies to lovers
• you hate jason, he hates you. just the thought of him irritates your whole being, shakes your bones in anger, his name leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
•this man will NEVER stop bothering you, he likes to see you stressed out and angry, but he lowkey thinks it’s cute that’s why he likes to piss you off.
• you intrigue him, when he started to bother you he was legit hating on you but as time flew by, he somehow liked your attention on him.
• being an annoying piece of shit= your attention.
• despite your differences and the fact that you and jason mixed like oil and water, on in the field, you guys grudgingly tolerated each other, working together to take out your enemies.
• the tension between the two of you is so thick that during mission briefs, bruce has to seat you guys across the room from each other, unless he wants to hear mumbled insults back and forth and glaring between you guys.
• the rest of the bat family teases the two of you relentlessly because they’re convinced that you guys are the perfect match for one another (they’re absolutely right).
• when he finally realizes that he has feelings for you, he tries to convince himself that he doesn’t in fact like you romantically but that he was just admiring your skills in the field.
• he actually finds himself looking out for you on missions, even though he won’t be upfront about it.
• he becomes somewhat awkward to be around, and the rest of the bat family immediately capitalize off this to bully him with it. but regardless, he finds himself drifting towards you a bit more, and picking up on some of your habits. as much as he hates to admit it, he wants to know more about you.
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timothy "tim" drake
friends to lovers
• tim heavily values trust and loyalty. as friends, you’ve always been someone he can rely on, whether it's sharing secrets or working through problems together.
• despite being one of his best friends, he isn't overly expressive with his emotions. he shows his affection through small, thoughtful gestures – bringing you coffee, remembering your favorite snacks, or staying up late to help you with something.
• he gradually comes to the realization that he has feelings for you. once it hits him, he begins to avoid you, trying to process everything.
• however, he starts to get like physically sick because he misses you so much. plus, you called him to ask if they'd done anything wrong and the pain in your voice was too much for him to bear.
• it was impossible to ignore the change in his behaviour. for one, he couldn't speak to you in person without his face turning blindingly red. plus, not only does he struggle to look you in the eye, but he is also CONSTANTLY stuttering around you.
• when you decide to confront him about it, he kind of just blurts out that he’s in love to you. much to his genuine surprise (but literally no one else's), you told him that they loved him too.
• sometimes, he feels like an idiot for not saying or doing something about it sooner. you frequently tease him for not having picked up on his own feelings sooner— but for once, he graciously accepts it.
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stephanie brown
fake dating
• after your ex breaks up with you, steph devises a plan to get back at them and make them jealous.
• the two of you were already best friends so it couldn’t be that hard. right? RIGHT?
• you’re both aware that damian doesn’t buy your little arrangement one bit. he just doesn’t believe that the two of you are dating because you’re such good friends. (and they were roommates!!!)
• steph has this raging pride when it comes to damian, so she’s made it her personal mission to convince him that you and her are actually dating.
• it takes a while for you two to get into the hang of it, but once you do, it’s like a regular routine.
• steph would definitely fall for you first. she’ll hide her feelings behind your little charade, until the fake dating stuff starts extending into the time you two share together when no one else is watching.
• she still gravitates towards you on the couch when everyone has left after dinner at your place, pressing kisses to your cheek when she leaves even though everyone else is already gone. there’s no need to continue acting like this but she does.
• the fake dating thing really starts hurting her because she thinks that you don’t really like her like that (you do) but its nice to pretend that you do in those moments, that it’s all real even though its not.
• everyone knows that steph has fallen for you (except for steph herself, and you because you refuse to believe it).
• like, come on, she’s your BEST FRIEND (side eye). the two of you are idiots in love.
• the moment she realizes she’s in love with you is on another one of those dates that you both know you don’t have to go on but still choose to have anyway (your ex is already clearly jealous).
• she’s been getting this small tugging feeling with you a lot over these past few months.
• now she finally realizes it’s because she’s in love with you. <33
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cassandra cain
childhood best friends to lovers
• growing up, you became adept at reading her body language and expressions, creating a deep, intuitive understanding between the two of you.
• as kids, you both trained together, pushing each other to become stronger and better. these sessions were filled with friendly competition, laughter, and mutual support.
• you two had a secret hideout where you would escape to whenever the world felt overwhelming. it was a place filled with memories, laughter, and dreams for the future.
• whenever she had nightmares or struggled with her past, you were always there to comfort her. your presence became a source of peace and security for her.
• you both shared a love for a watching old martial arts films and cooking together. these activities brought you even closer over the years.
• once she was settled into her new life with the bat family, she reconnected with you over lunch and there was a moment where it all clicked. her heart nearly gave out the moment she saw you walk through the cafe door and smiled at her.
• she was in love with you. she had been for a while now. but back then, she had taken your presence for granted. it was something she just expected to be there. but now? now it was different. now it made sense.
• it was a very natural progression from a friendship to a relationship. she felt safe with you, and she never had to worry about being misunderstood. after everything that she’s been through, you were the person who stood by her through all of it. <33
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duke thomas
brother’s best friend
• one thing about you and duke is that you can both take a secret to your grave.
• no one ever finds about him sneaking out of your brother’s room during their weekend sleepovers, to cuddle up to you on your bed.
• no one finds out about the secret dates you go on in the next town over, so that you don’t get caught.
• no one finds out about the secret phones you both use to contact each other.
• if you have to be in the same room together, he’s not even making any eye contact with you. it’s better to ignore each other in public.
• it would be WAY too obvious that the two of you are dating.
• when you guys are seven months into the relationship, cuddling on his bed, he asks "how long do you want to keep us a secret?"
• to which you reply "not any longer than you want to."
• so yeah, you can both keep a secret– until you decide you want to share it to the world.
• your brother is disgusted, but happy for you. emphasis on disgusted tho. <33
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damian wayne
academic rivals to lovers (except he’s been in love with you this whole time)
• damian has always admired you from afar. everything from your biting wit to your competitive spirit always made his heart flutter. falling in love with you was almost inevitable.
• sarcastic, creative remarks as comebacks to one another’s argument, teasing and joking words that lead to banters and bickering.
you: "are you reading?"
damian: "it’s amazing how you have eyes but never see the use of them."
• you don’t know if it’s due to your clashing beliefs and ideas that you two just can’t get along. or is it because he just refuses to do so? eitherway, he still irks you off in multiple ways. even when it’s just the sound of his breathing.
• the two of you compete against each other in terms of being the best among you, as such your relationship is treated as something simply born and made by a competition, an unnatural way to form a connection with another but that’s just how it is.
• the fact that you two work really well when it comes to projects and research is something that can’t be denied. even when there are countless arguments being shared because of differences in opinion, you two still end up getting the work done flawlessly.
• despite everything, there was never a time that you two have touched on a sensitive subject while arguing or have you two have said anything personal and mean that it crossed the line. it’s just some useless and close-to-nothing banters that always occur— becoming a part of your daily routine.
• and of course, the two of you don’t lose your sense of academic "rivalry" even when you two start dating.
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soupinaboot · 1 day
There's just something about a child growing taller then their parent that just hits different...
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lovesick-joey · 2 days
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Good Job.
"You really went on your own?"
Billy nodded his head vigorously, grinning like a fool even as Batman wiped away the blood off his temple. The older hero shook his head, his stern expression faltering slightly.
"..Get someone to accompany you next time." He grunts, ruffling Billy's hair. "I didn't know you can get hurt.."
Billy scoffs. "You? Don't know? That's impossible!" He exclaims, getting up from the stool he was sitting on. His height nearly towered over the Caped Crusader's. If only I was actually that tall. "But that's besides the point- I've got the whole thing covered! Put those scrawny robots into the spirit realm!"
Batman let out a faint sigh, taking a step back as Billy got back on his feet. "A warning would be nice. It's reckless for you to charge into battle without the others' permission. We haven't even made a plan yet.."
"You have to admit I did pretty good though!" Billy bounced, floating just above the ground. He punches the air. "I defeated all of them on my own! No plans from the rest of the League whatsoever."
As much as Batman disliked the idea of Billy—or anyone on the Justice League for that matter—pursuing a mission without a second opinion, he can't help but smile. He always had a soft spot for the boy, after all. He placed his hand on Billy's shoulder when the false adult returned to stand on solid ground. "You did. You did a good job."
Billy's expression softens, and Batman squeezed his shoulder. "Good job." The man repeated. Then, he looked over at the couches that were set up in the room they were in. Golden Condor sat stiffly, his unmoving eyes transfixed on the both of them, watching.
"Isn't that right, Condor? Don't you think he did a good job?"
Billy knew Batman made the wrong move. Why bother interacting with that jackass?
Golden Condor got up from the couch, but he didn't approach them. Instead, he glared at them from afar. It was mostly directed to Billy, though.
He never liked me, Billy thought. Well, guess what? I never liked you either.
"Don't praise him for doing something normal." Golden Condor spoke in that voice that would always make people grimace. He really needs to drink more water.
It was hard to notice, but Batman's shoulders tensed. "..Normal?" He uttered quizzically. Billy could imagine the look Batman was giving him under that cowl. "You think him going out to fight those robots alone, is normal?"
"It's normal to our standards." Golden Condor crossed his arms, his glare sharpening. "He should be expected to do it and punished if he doesn't."
What the hell, Billy thinks, feeling his heartbeat picking up pace. Batman stiffened. "Don't you dare speak of him that way." The Dark Knight walked over to the obnoxious man with an intimidating stride until the two were a few feet apart. Batman glared up at him. "He put himself in danger to save lives. He should be praised for his initiative, as reckless as it may be. Why can't you tell him he did a good job?"
Golden Condor huffs, looking at Billy, then back at Batman. "Because it's what everyone here does, Batman. It's nothing spectacular- nobody calls us good when we do the things we do. Why should it be any different with him?"
Billy couldn't believe it. Is Condor actually that stupid? It's even more embarrassing that this man is way older than him. A grown man is acting this way.
"And as if," The vigilante continued. "that child has the abilities of the Gods. I've said it before and I'll say it again; he should be expected to do it. He's not putting himself in danger because he's practically invincible."
"Superman has his kryptonite," Batman responded, his voice on edge. "and he's weak to magic. Diana also has her weaknesses and she's a demigod. Everyone on this team has weaknesses—it doesn't matter! You saw the blood on his head! It's still dangerous, Euge- Condor."
Golden Condor took one step closer, his haunting eyes ablaze with barely-concealed ire. "You're just coddling him," He said, his tone rising a little. "he's making you soft. It's pathetic."
Billy swallowed a lump in his throat. For the first time in his life, he was speechless. Batman's eyes narrowed. "I'm treating him with the kindness he deserves, unlike you," He said, jabbing a finger to Golden Condor's chest. The man in turn swatted his hand away. Batman's expression darkened. "you just hate him because he's a kid. I know how you are, Golden Condor."
The tension in the room was palpable. There was a brief intake of breath from Billy. They're going to argue again. They always do. Why does Batman have to go through this?
Golden Condor gritted his teeth. He was practically fuming. His aggression didn't deter Batman, as he continued to face him, his head held high and his chest puffed out.
"You're a fool!" Golden Condor spat at the shorter man's face. "If you keep this up then he's going to grow up thinking he's going to be given everything on a silver platter for doing jack-shit!"
"Just because you've never been praised doesn't mean you can't praise him!" Batman snapped back, unyielding. "Really, that's all that I want you to do; praise him! It's so simple and yet you have to make it difficult! I think he's severely lacking a parent figure who lets him know that he's appreciated—"
Billy's ears blocked out the sounds of their incoherent arguing—he could barely make out the words they were saying to each other. His feet were almost glued to the ground as he watched them, looking at their gestures and their moving mouths. It was a familiar sight with these two.
He could feel ringing in his ears, and Billy averted his eyes to the floor instead.
TGCS: Mr. Hermit
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dark-l-angel · 3 days
HIII!! I’m not sure if I’m doing this right, it’s my first request. I was wondering if you could write some fluff for Dick Grayson or Jason Todd? The rest can be up to you! Thank you so much have a good day!!!
Girl I'm in a pretty bad mood these days.. so i hope you don't mind that it got so sad.. i was actually crying while writing this.. i needed someone to do the same to me, hopefully my imagination can generate stuff like this.. i felt better ❤
I want to put my head into jason's pillows chest and cry until my tears fuel runs out where he'd caress my hair when his shirt is all wet bc of my sadness/stress/anxiety/exhaust tears , it will make him cry silently as hold you closer to his chest as if he was telling you that he's by your side never leaving u.. just like you kept by his side and loved him with all of his flaws Boi is flawless to me he might not be the type to talk, or have a way with words like dick, but his actions always talk louder and clearly make you believe that this man is literally going to do anything to make you happy again, even if that meant his happiness as a price his happiness is just being by ur side, believe me.. ❤
Something about dick holding you bridal style toward the shower after he finally managed to get u out of bed bc of your depression, he already got the tub ready for you all filled up with hot-warm water with bubbles on the sides, scented with your favorite shower gel *jasmine/strawberries/orchids.. and washing your body gently as he massages the sore stressed muscles while whispering sweet motivational stuff ab how much he loves u and how good you'll be doing today.. ect before wrapping you in a towel and taking u to the bedroom where he'd leave you wearing smth cozy while he goes to buy out dinner next to your favorite snacks.. movie night i guess?
Not what i expected but..
☆ I hope you like it ☆
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paintedimagery · 1 day
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Most ships and characters from DC are okay! If you are unsure message me and I'll let you know!
(No children with adults and no children doing adult activities)
Find out more on how to donate for a commission @dcufans4palestine
Gore is okay and slight NSFW is okay
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 days
It's annoying how both DC Comics and Hazbin Hotel both have a version of the Devil named "Lucifer Morningstar" even though Lucifer means Morningstar. The name is literally "Morningstar Morningstar".
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speedywithadhd · 2 days
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cruxxlecrinkles · 5 hours
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It’s an addiction guys I just love him so much
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adhara2034 · 4 hours
An idea that has been plaguing me head is one with Tim, Jason and Dick all in a warehouse after being kidnapped by the Joker.
Like, Jason and Dick are tied up and Joker has Tim strapped to a table about to electrocuted him to bring back JJ and he thinks it'll be funny to make Jason and Dick watch helplessly as Tim slowly loses his mind (again).
Imagine the pleading that they would do onky to be met with laughter and taunts from the Joker. Possible even punishing Tim for their pleads.
But idk though, I might just be mentally ill.
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c0nfettimilkshake · 2 days
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willowgarden15 · 2 days
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Dick and Jason height comparison in workout outfits (the gloves are a must)
*but Dick doesn't get to be 6 feet because I say so*
Artwork Based on:
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catstell · 3 days
<are you bumpin that?>
tw// flashing lights
he is brat.
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girlkisser13 · 23 hours
dating wally west would include
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• he ADORES making you laugh. he just loves hearing the sound of your laughter.
• whenever he makes a joke he always looks at you to see your reaction.
• you always make sure that you are stocked up on food. but sometimes, you hide your favorite foods so that he doesn’t eat them.
• wally loves to take you on thrilling dates where he runs you to different cities or countries in a matter of seconds. a quick lunch in paris or a sunset view from the top of the himalayas becomes a regular thing.
• he will literally travel anywhere and get you something to make you feel happy.
• his boundless energy means he’s always up for adventures and activities. he keeps you on your toes, whether it’s impromptu dance parties or late-night ice cream runs.
• as someone with a high metabolism, wally is a big foodie. he loves trying out new restaurants, food trucks, and cuisines with you. he’s always hungry, so snack dates are a must.
• despite his playful nature, wally is fiercely protective of you. he’s always quick to jump into action if you’re in any danger, using his speed to ensure you’re safe.
• he loves to tease and joke around with you. his sense of humor keeps things light and fun, and he knows how to make you laugh, even on your worst days.
• despite his laid-back demeanor, wally is quite the romantic. he often surprises you with flowers, handwritten notes, and sweet gestures that show how much he cares.
• wally is deeply emotional (surprisingly) and cares deeply about the people he loves. he’s not afraid to show vulnerability with you, sharing his fears and hopes.
• this man is CLINGY. he literally tries to climb and cling to you like a monkey, even if you are smaller than him (not that you’re complaining though).
• if you’re shorter than him, he places all of your things on higher shelves just so that you have to ask him for help, receiving lots of forehead kisses and giving him lots of cheek kisses mainly on your tiptoes.
• if you’re taller than him, him getting pouty if you put his things higher up, him having more reasons to be clingy and "surprising" you by jumping on your back for piggybacks.
• wally enjoys keeping fit and loves to include you in his training sessions. he’ll tailor workouts to your level, and you two often end up having fun races or friendly competitions.
• wally's a book nerd. he speed reads every single book he reads. he loves sharing his favorite books with you and will read them out loud at super-speed, making sure you both can enjoy stories together quickly.
• he has a knack for fixing things at lightning speed. he loves doing diy projects around the house with you, whether it’s building new furniture, fixing broken items, or redecorating.
• he’s a HUGE fan of movie marathons. given his super-speed, he can watch an entire season of a show in a few hours, but he’s more than happy to slow down and binge-watch your favorite series or movie franchise with you.
• you guys constantly engage in competitions, whether it’s video games, sports, or even who can eat the most. he loves the friendly rivalry and always lets you win sometimes.
• wally loves holidays and goes all out for celebrations. he’ll decorate, cook, and plan activities to make each holiday special, whether it’s halloween, christmas, or even lesser known holidays.
• his love for science often translates into fun experiments at home. he enjoys sharing his knowledge with you and conducting safe, fun experiments that sometimes lead to hilarious or fascinating results.
• wally’s ability to travel anywhere in seconds means you two create incredible memories from all around the world. You’ll have countless stories and souvenirs from the various places you’ve visited together.
• he loves to sing along to music. he often ropes you into singing duets with him. it doesn’t matter if you’re a great singer or not; the fun and joy of singing together is what counts.
• despite his love for food, wally isn’t the best cook. you two often have hilarious cooking sessions where you try to follow recipes, sometimes with comically disastrous results, but always with lots of laughter.
• he LOVES surprising you with spontaneous dates. one moment you’re at home, and the next, you’re at a concert, a carnival, or a beautiful scenic spot. his creativity keeps your relationship exciting and unpredictable.
• need to get somewhere in a hurry? wally’s got you covered. whether you’re running late for work or need a quick ride to a friend’s place, wally is always ready to zoom you to your destination.
• he’s your own personal chauffeur. <33
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