#yes i gave up on my previous blog instead of deciding to reclaim it
You can tell I've been mostly a dashboard-and-mobile exclusive kind of person in the last few years because seeing some themes was such a head trip
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uwua3 · 4 years
Hello! Sorry to spring another request at you so soon, but those jealousy headcanons you wrote for me have got me hooked! Would it be possible to write a redemption/forgiveness focused "part 2" to those 3 HCs but years later, showing that they've both grown as people and wind up with happy endings together? (And heal my bruised ego, j/k 😆) If you would rather not revisit those stories, I completely understand + will think of something else 😁 TY once more for your immaculate creations 🙌🙏
yes! this will be the pt. 2 set years later from the first jealousy hc~ i know everyone’s a sucker for happy endings so i’ll try my best! aLSO YOU KNOW WHAT’S FUNNY!!! i remember when i got sent this ask and i just wrote immaculate in one of my writings omg!!! we are Connected
summary: time heals and people move on, for better or for worse
author’s note: this was less redemption, but more for forgiveness. sometimes, you can’t forget what someone did but forgive them after becoming changed people. being the bigger person, moving on, and being the best version of yourself is the sweetest revenge possible + taichi’s was the longest, i am the most proud of his!
there are some situations where it’s best to leave a person out of your life if they hurt you more than anything ♡ don’t feel like you are missing a part of yourself without them, you’re more than someone’s s/o; you’re you!
word count: 4,042 (total) — 1,297 (kazunari), 868 (tenma), 1,877 (taichi)
music: i don’t want you back – aj mitchell (kazunari), you could have been the one – coasts (tenma), wish u the best – blackbear (taichi)
jealousy (pt.2)
🌻🎨 miyoshi kazunari
it kept raining, but kazunari refused to let that stop him anymore
kazunari stood drenched for so long but his umbrella was by his side this entire time (he covered himself and watched the stormy clouds part to reveal streams of the sun)
kazunari wanted to love himself first, and then maybe he could come back to loving you
so he attended therapy. learned how to openly commuicate his feelings without constantly seeking attention. made real friends with a theatre company named mankai. found passion in another art form: acting!
kazunari grew as a person, developing into his full identity and he finally knew who he was. kazunari stopped forming unhealthy attachments onto people who showed any form of interest on him and even had a few successful relationships because of his mindset
(all of them ended maturely, respectfully, and without any of the drama being a teen had. it felt nice to be an adult for once)
kazunari was content with his own body, for once. he practiced taking breaks and understood his own limits (not weaknesses, his therapist reminded him, just boundaries). kazunari even started posting online again, making enthusiatic blog posts that were genuine this time
kazunari stopped obsessively checking comments left on his selfies and just deleted any that were negative. but most times, he didn’t even see them because he was proud of how far he came. it could only go up from here
kazunari was happy!
but, you weren’t. you lost your best friend who eventually stopped sending random late–night texts. the one who always had an adventure up his sleeve and always made you laugh. where did he go?
it wasn’t until you spotted an advertisement that had his name in the bottom part of the cast. you didn’t even know kazunari was interested in drama, though he did have the flair for it
(you were too busy with your partner to even come to his water me! debut)
when you attended the summer troupe’s second opening night, you couldn’t recognize the man standing before you on stage
kazunari wasn’t that meek barista who shut down every time he made a mistake. now, when he flubbed the script, he simply did improv and didn’t let his mistake hold him back. he matured to be an accomplished young man with the talent to boot and all the charisma in the world
when kazunari’s sight glanced past you, he barely noticed your presence. he just nodded and spared no more attention towards you, focusing on the play and giving it his all
to you, kazunari was a stranger. to kazunari, you were just somebody he used to have good times with, that’s all
after that, you left and didn’t bother seeking contact with him again besides the occassional congratulations to be civil. he didn’t need you anymore, it was painfully obvious how happy he was now
(much happier than when he was best friends with you)
kazunari didn’t notice and put his energy into becoming someone he was proud of, gaining popularity online for his infectious happiness and wonderful, creative edits
kazunari stopped trying to love himself so you could love him. he did everything for him because he wanted to
after seeing you in the crowd, kazunari accepted you weren’t the same person he became best friends with and that was okay. he had 20 best friends who he shared a house with, what more could he ask for?
(even when he saw your long instagram post about your engagement, he liked it and left a happy comment. there was no jealousy over what could have been, just complimenting the ring without any hard feelings)
kazunari knew he would never see you again, that you were intimidated by his self–love. kazunari wasn’t too sad, just posted a group photo with the caption: “my best friends ✨”
kazunari moved on easily, knowing there was no point to get hung up if you were happy. who was he to get in the way of a happy relationship?
so when you sent him an e–mail asking him to be the best man at your wedding, it didn’t phase him as bad as he thought it would. maybe, just a little surprise. kazunari didn’t hesitate to request practice off and click to confirm his rsvp
(maybe, this could have been his last opportunty to be your best friend)
if it was possible to outdress the couple, he did. kazunari showed up to the wedding in his best suit, gladly chatting up the party
(he knew he looked good, and because of that, he didn’t flinch every time he was mistaken as the groom)
(he didn’t want to be, anyways)
kazunari met up with you in your dressing room, watching you pace as you had pre–marriage jitters. but you looked pretty, beautiful even, but you didn’t look like his bride. that didn’t hurt him, he just smiled and offered his arm
“you ready, best friend?” kazunari asked and the smile on your face reflected his: hollow, but somewhat sad. you both knew you guys weren’t close like before, the same people before. you two were almost unrecognizable, but the love as friends was still there
kazunari couldn’t deny you made his life better at some point, people just change and that was that. he couldn’t fault you for that
he couldn’t blame you for his fear of confessing his feelings, his avoidance of any type of serious relationship. that was on him, and he accepted that a long, long time ago
he was gonna walk the first love of his life down the aisle to another person, and kazunari smiled, knowing this was for the best
kazunari was happy the person you met all those years ago was your soulmate, you deserved that
as the double doors opened, you two gracefully walked down the aisle as he noticed the person at the end was crying tears of joy. they were so in love with you, and you had the same look on your face
kazunari didn’t even react like that, just smiled and gave you a thumbs up
this was definitely for the best
as the room stood for you, you glanced at kazunari and whispered something that had no effect on him whatsoever
“i liked you, before all of this.”
kazunari just looked forward, feeling the rain finally come to an end as a sunny, summer blue sky was shining with puffy white clouds
the rain was gone for good, and 19–year–old kazunari finally had his closure
“i did, too.” kazunari simply said and you didn’t react. it was clear, you both moved on
before giving you away, kazunari smiled, making some joke about being careful with his “daughter”
the room laughed, and he did, too (he meant it)
kazunari was happy for you as he watched you two exchange vows. maybe his past self would’ve selfishly wished that was him, object when the officiant asked, and steal you away
but kazunari knew you were happy
(best man kazunari stood up at the dining banquet to deliver his speech, holding the mic up to his mouth and he shared happy memories between the two of you)
(kazunari almost talked about how gorgeous you looked in golden hour back then, but stopped. that was a memory only his teen self should have, and instead made a toast)
(“for forgiveness, moving on, and best friends!”)
kazunari watched you have your first dance and looked outside. it was golden hour, and you were just as gorgeous as before
but, kazunari didn’t have to be your #1 anymore. because in his heart, he was his own #1, and that would never become a joke
the rain ended, and wouldn’t come back as long as he lived in the sun
🌻☀️ sumeragi tenma
you and tenma were cast in the same movie years after your public break–up
it was an easy job and guarenteed summer blockbuster for best lead actor, tenma
he was entering university now for acting, keeping a clean image as the media slowly forgot about his playboy past as he shifted his efforts to more time with his true friends and being a regular, casual teen
(even previous co–stars admitted his personality did a full 180 and it was refreshing to see the young actor turn over a new leaf)
tenma decided after you, he deserved real love that wasn’t fabricated by a company
he left his label with a rip to the contract, flipped them off with both his fingers, and became an independent star that rose to popularity due to his honest and brash interviews on the industry
he took on projects he loved and tenma’s parents slowly came to respect him as an actor, giving him the freedom to do whatever mattered to him
(tenma even started reclaiming back his missed childhood, lowering the expectations he forced upon himself and letting himself make mistakes. he started trying again and again, refusing to give up for the sake of his team)
tenma expanded his talents to both on screen and stage, and found himself becoming more of a team–player who was confident in his abilities to lead and be taken seriously
mankai taught him love wasn’t just romantic. he received love everyday from his close friends and pushed himself out of his comfort zone to express his feelings and appreciation without feeling uncomfortable
as a result, tenma was loved for who he was, not some idol image
tenma loved himself all because of his love for acting, and knew he wouldn’t have been able to do it if it wasn’t for you, weirdly enough
you were the breaking point. you set off the chain of events that let him take back his own life and pursue real, authentic things. tenma was still a kid at heart, but he grew up
the next time he saw you on set after providing food for the cast to practice showing apprecistion, he towered over you and had to look down
this time, it seemed like he was the one who ruffled your hair and treated you like his younger sibling
you hadn’t realized it, but tenma wasn’t the little kid you liked making fun of. now he was a strong, independent, opiniated firecracker who wasn’t afraid of telling it how it is
tenma wasn’t scared to tell you when you messed up, but this time, he offered advice. he was a natural leader who provided multiple effective solutions and was interested in working with the directors and producers to make the best possible cut
tenma wasn’t some egotistical, self–centered jock his company portrayed him out to be. he was a childish, fun–loving, aggressive firework who was unapologetic about his true self and put his entire self into acting
it was a particular scene that involved romance, and you had to act as a couple with tenma, having a practice read as you went through the lines
“i’m sorry, i loved you so much, it would have killed me if i didn’t say something.” tenma recited, emotionally looking into your eyes as he made his voice shake. it almost felt too authentic, and you cleared your throat, continuing the line
“i did too... but you,” you glanced up at him, and suddenly you realized tenma wasn’t that young brother you thought he was. you regretted ever treating him like some dumb kid, he had grown so much
“you were so young... i judged you too quickly and never let you have a chance. i’m sorry, tenma.”
tenma didn’t break character, but he just shook his head and put his hand out, knowing you didn’t follow the script
“it’s okay. it is what it is.”
you shook his hand, and you never realized how well his hand fit in yours
from that moment forward, you two had easy chemistry and became friends again. but as you began to see him as a man, he always reminded you that it was never going to work out even if he forgave you
he made it especially clear when you guys came back to that one arcade. its games never changing and it felt like you went back in time. when he caught you giving him the same look 16–year–old tenma gave you back then, he sighed and stared at you with firm determination
“i get it, i’m different now. but you gotta give up, don’t even think about it. i forgive you, but we’re friends. that’s all we’ll ever be.”
tenma was older now, and he was grateful for all you did for him, but he already had real love
he didn’t need fake love, especially from you
after playing games in the arcade, it was tenma this time who commented how fun it was and you could call him up any time for acting advice. he saw you as a younger sibling
you watched tenma grow up, but didn’t realize maybe you were the one who was still stuck in the past
🍁🛹 nanao taichi
taichi, grew up
he refused to ever let anyone hurt him the same way for the rest of his life. he couldn’t believe he was so desperate for love that it blinded his view on common sense. taichi never wanted to feel like he was used, kicked, and abandoned ever again
taichi never wanted to see you again, you didn’t deserve to see him after all this time
taichi began to build up his self–esteem, knowing whatever happened, wasn’t his fault anymore. he loved himself, he was the best you ever had and you left him for someone you ditched later that week
in a way, he won. taichi was happy, confident, and grew up to the best actor possible as he was surrounded by the mankai boys who supported him to be content with life
so taichi forced himself to stand taller, started looking people in the eye, and being direct with his boundaries. taichi learned more about what he could handle, and it was amazing to see how having self–respect meant people backed off, knowing he wasn’t a victim anymore
taichi learned his self worth and moved on, his love for himself was greater than anything he felt for you
(during times when he relapsed, sometimes he re–read the love letters he wrote you. you would leave them behind, not even opening them. they were so honest, so vulnerable, it physically hurt him to know he exposed his heart to the public like this)
(he’d read but at the end, he’d always laugh at his stupidity. you didn’t deserve to have such nice things like his heart)
taichi became even more extroverted, making countless friends as he realized making lasting relationships was meant to be double–sided and not just an one–way effort. as a result, he made contact with people who actually liked him and valued him as a friend
taichi put out good energy into life, and he got it back in the form of fun, friends, and his family
taichi liked making connections with people in theatre troupes on veludo way, always staying back to applaud at street acts and exchange contact information
one day, he came across a recently up and coming troupe that nearly fainted when they caught sight of the bright red hair that distinguished taichi
(amongst troupes, taichi was even better than god troupe. taichi was a resident star that was so nice that everyone loved him)
now, they were his closest friend group outside of the mankai boys and noticed their street act, rushing over to congratulate them
“you guys did amazing! i’m so proud!” taichi fake–sobbed, running over and throwing himself onto one of them with a tight hug as the group of friends released a tight laugh after the nervewrecking performance
“ah taichi~ you have to stop before i fall in love with you!” someone said, pushing taichi off jokingly as he pouted like a puppy.
taichi was older now, less naive and innocent to the dating game, his heart didn’t flutter like it would’ve before when he was 16
taichi just laughed it off, and it didn’t affect him like before. he didn’t fall in love, he learned to tell the difference between friendly affection and true love
(but sometimes, taichi closed himself off in a room, listening to the playlists he made for you on loop for hours. but in his moments of weakness, taichi listened and listened and listened. he scoffed, you never even liked the songs to begin with. he felt silly for wasting his favorites on you)
(slowly, eventually, the songs sounded less like you. he began to enjoy them on the radio and sang along freely, your existence blocked from his train of thought)
taichi added to the conversation, putting in funny jokes everyone laughed at and it felt nice to be involved in other groups. they didn’t ignore him, or try to take advantage of his obvious need to be popular
(it was funny how taichi naturally became popular the moment he loved himself, like being happy was all it took)
he wasn’t clinging for the validation anymore, taichi knew he was funny. he was worth it. he was the best version of himself possible
the topic changed to the troupe’s show being premiered this weekend. taichi gladly accepted the ticket, promising to come and cheer on the cast the loudest he could
(he knew they’d do the same when autumn troupe performed. in fact, they did. it was so cool to see all the troupes on veludo way band together and support creativity)
taichi received a promotional poster, thanking the group as he headed back to the dorms. taichi glanced down at the names, nearing the door before skidding to a stop
your name was in bold, big letters. taichi almost didn’t recognize it, he nearly repressed you in his memory
taichi thought back on the love letters he stayed awake to write, nearly falling asleep as he forced himself to share his feelings honestly. remembered how you didn’t even look at them, how it looked like you’d rather do anything than try to understand him
taichi heard the playlists in his ears all at once, his favorite songs being dedicated to you and you hated them
taichi nearly opened his notebook to pen a letter for you, was about to start shuffling through the playlist before he stopped
he read your name. said it aloud. but that was it, taichi just stuffed the poster in his bag as he strolled in after his first year of university
you didn’t deserve any space in his mind after what you did, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t come support his friends
taichi refused to ever let you have the privilege of controlling any aspect of his life anymore, he was going to that damn show and would yell as loud as possible
taichi knew he wasn’t coming for you, but for people who actually liked him
when taichi went inside, he smiled as his friends greeted him enthusiastically. he was so lucky to be who he was today
on saturday night, taichi was on the edge of his seat as the play reached its climax. your acting, he hated to admit it, was almost on par with his. you were dominating the stage and then some, your energy easily bouncing off your cast mates. it’s like you were born for the stage
16–year–old taichi would have been insecure over his own abilities, sunk into his seat and reconsidered everything he did. maybe would have thought he should practice more, get advice, fix who he was
but 19–year–old taichi was older, wiser, better. just because you were good, didn’t mean he wasn’t any good. in fact, taichi smiled contently, he was sure he was just a bit better
(just a little, and his ego actually believed it)
taichi jumped to his feet to applaud rambunctiously when the cast came out to have a bow, whooping as he swung his arms around to get his friends’ attention
they all turned and waved, sending comedic air kisses as you finally recognized him, your face paling and hands shaking as you didn’t do anything
taichi just smiled, waiting as the audience cleared out and he was let into backstage only to be embraced by the sweaty, hyped cast
“taichi~ you made it!” they cheered and taichi grinned, ruffling the younger actor’s hair as his heart soared due to being seen as a mentor to the rookies. he noticed the way they admired him, wanted to be like him
(and for once in his life, taichi liked being his own person, too)
“of course! anything for my friends!” taichi returned the hug, being the last person to pull away as he individually greeted everyone with just as much excitement. backstage buzz was real and got everyone in the best mood ever
except, you
when taichi reached you, your face was nervous. almost, fearful. you looked wary, ready to bolt at any moment he opened his mouth
(and taichi realized he had the power. he could’ve exposed you right then and there. tell everyone what a manipulative, toxic, evil person you were for breaking his heart. for cheating on him when he did nothing but be loyal to you. you were trash, the gum at the bottom of shoe, and he could easily destroy your career if he just told everyone. they would trust him, you’d be over)
(if he was 16, he would’ve ended you. he would’ve shared all the awful, terrible, low things you did and you wouldn’t be anything anymore. the revenge was almost too good, he would actually win)
but... the hurt that was in him before, the pain that would’ve pushed him to have the upper hand, it wasn’t there. he didn’t feel anything towards you except he was sorry you weren’t with him anymore
(he was the best you ever had, he knew that)
instead, taichi smiled even bigger. he pulled a boquet of flowers from behind his back, the flowers he remembered were your favorite
“hey! long time no see!” taichi quickly pulled you in for a hug, your rigid posture against his chest as you awkwardly put your hands around him. taichi realized it was the first time you actually hugged him back, but he didn’t feel anything
taichi pretended that you stepped on his foot, pulling away with a dramatic “ouch!” as you widened your eyes, about to profusely say sorry before he waved it off
“come on, you don’t have to apologize for what happened! i forgive you, you know. we’re good.” taichi pretended to be talking about the minor issue, gesturing to his shoe as he handed you the flowers. but you understood he meant much more than that, and your eyes were brimmed with tears
“hey~ don’t cry! it was just a little boo boo, nothing time won’t fix.” taichi sympathetically pat your shoulder, knowng you didn’t deserve it. you were the one who wasn’t worthy this time, even you couldn’t believe taichi forgived you for all you done
but one smile and you knew he wasn’t lying
(even after all this time, he couldn’t hide his emotions. his heart was on his sleeve, but it was protected. it recovered. it healed)
taichi stood tall. stared you in the eye. stopped trailing after you like a lost puppy. you stepped back as the crowd took him back, inviting him to the afterparty as he happily agreed, knowing he was the life of the party
taichi didn’t even look back at you, like he completely forgot all about you
taichi didn’t talk to you for the rest of the night, but when he did, he was always the bigger person, acting like nothing ever happened
he really moved on, and he felt so sorry for you he had to forgive you
(you had texted him later that night, wanting to meet up to talk. taichi opened the message, almost laughed, and closed his phone. he left you on read, he deleted your number again)
taichi was his own person now; he wasn’t in love with you anymore, he was in love with himself
and he was enjoying himself
taichi didn’t look back, not anymore
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the-desolated-quill · 5 years
A Brother To Dragons - Watchmen blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. if you haven’t read this comic yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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After Manhattan on Mars and Rorschach’s backstory of abuse and suffering, A Brother To Dragons feels almost quaint by comparison.
A Brother To Dragons focuses entirely on Dan and Laurie as their relationship slowly blossoms and they resume their superhero identities of Nite Owl and Silk Spectre. This could easily have just been simple filler considering nothing really happens other than setup for the next issue, but what Alan Moore does so brilliantly is take the opportunity to explore why someone would want to choose a life as a superhero in the first place.
Up until now, Dan and Laurie have mostly served as bit part players as Rorschach and Doctor Manhattan have been the ones driving most of the action. Now that both characters have been removed from play, we get to see Dan and Laurie at their lowest moment. Dan in particular has been gravely affected by the events of Watchmen. With the ‘mask killer’ lurking around and nuclear Armageddon virtually on his doorstep, Dan is left feeling powerless and frightened, to the point where he’s unable to have sex with Laurie due to impotency.
Oh yeah, Dan and Laurie go at it like rabbits in this issue. The romantic tension has been simmering for a while, but with Manhattan gone and Word War Three fast approaching, the two decide to just go for it. Or at least attempt to. I love how their first (failed) sex scene juxtaposes with Ozymandias’ acrobatic performance on TV. Adrian’s doing all these impressive flips and vaults while Dan can’t even get Laurie’s buttons undone. (It’s also very subtle foreshadowing for what’s to happen in the final issue. See, Dan has given up being a superhero and has lost his physique and libido, whereas Adrian is still physically active because, while he has unmasked himself to the public, in his mind he’s still a superhero).
But of course, like with previous issues of Watchmen, there’s a lot more going on underneath. What seems to be a case of impotency and Cold War paranoia is in fact a microcosm of what Watchmen has been about since the start. Power.
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A couple of people were surprised when I expressed a few blogs back that Doctor Manhattan was the only true superhero in my opinion. This led to a few messages in my inbox going ‘but... what about Nite Owl?!?!’ Now yes, Nite Owl is by far the nicest and most well adjusted of all the characters, but he’s not a hero. A Brother To Dragons proves that quite conclusively. A huge chunk of this chapter is dedicated to Dan reminiscing over how amazing his time as a superhero was. He takes Laurie round his basement, showing off his gadgets, his mech suits and his Owlship, waxing lyrical about how romantic and exciting being Nite Owl was, comparing his time with the Crime Busters to joining the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian legends. It’s very similar in tone to Hollis Mason’s story in the Under The Hood excerpt. Like the man he was inspired by, Dan didn’t become a superhero to help people. He did it in order to live out an escapist power fantasy. Dan may be a nice guy, but ‘nice’ doesn’t equate to ‘good.’ If he were truly a good person, he would have spent his dad’s money on various charities and/or find ways of helping and improving his community. Not dress up like a twat and beat people up. At the very least he could have put his foot down with Rorschach instead of rolling over and weakly going along with his bigoted views, but nope. That would have ruined the fantasy, wouldn’t it?
I’ve mentioned this before in At Midnight, All The Agents, but A Brother To Dragons highlights it in felt tip pen and giant neon lighting. Dan is a boring and somewhat pathetic individual. Without his costumed identity, he’s just an overweight, weak willed failure who wastes his life writing articles for ornithological magazines and sitting in his basement, crying into his cape over his own inadequacies. He needs Nite Owl. Being Nite Owl, Dan had a purpose. A reason for being. And most important of all, he had power.
The thing I find most clever about A Brother To Dragons is how Alan Moore uses sex as a metaphor for power. As Nite Owl, Dan was feared by criminals and lusted after by women. Most notably the Twilight Lady, whose picture Dan has kept. She may have been a quote/unquote ‘supervillain,’ but she expressed a sexual interest in Dan because of the power being Nite Owl gave him, and Dan clearly loved that. This is illustrated further by Dave Gibbons’ brilliant artwork, where we see Dan and Twilight Lady strip the skin off each other, revealing Nite Owl and Silk Spectre before a nuclear bomb obliterates them.
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It’s a great dream sequence that tells us everything we need to know about Dan’s character in just one page and no dialogue. Nite Owl represents an idealised version of Dan. The man Dan wishes he could be. A powerful, charismatic alpha male whom sexy women fawn over. But then that fantasy is shattered by the bomb. Something more powerful than him. Yes Dan is afraid of a possible nuclear holocaust and of the ‘mask killer,’ but it’s not death he fears. He’s actually more afraid of being powerless.
This is what prompts Dan and Laurie to don their costumes and save those people from the burning building. To clarify, they’re saving those people not because they genuinely want to help, but so that Dan can reclaim his power/boner. Just look at how they talk to the people once they’re saved. Laurie in particular is incredibly unsympathetic towards them. Again, it’s not about saving lives, it’s about finding power. And once the day is saved, the two immediately go to pound town and it’s depicted as the most amazing, spellbinding sex ever because of the power Dan has reclaimed for himself.
I also like the little touch of people commenting on how inappropriate Silk Spectre’s costume is for dealing with burning buildings. At this stage, Laurie is serving Dan’s fantasy, donning the heavily sexualised costume she hates but knows that he finds arousing. Which actually leads to a small complaint I have with A Brother To Dragons. Up until now, I’ve liked how Laurie has been handled in Watchmen, as well as how she’s being utilised to explore and criticise the often reductive role women play in comics for the male gaze, but this is where things start to go a tad wrong. I’ll go into more detail in a few issues time when we see her and Doctor Manhattan on Mars. For now, I’ll just say that I wish we could have gotten a bit more about Laurie and her motivations for wanting to become a superhero again. It’s been established that she’s attracted to powerful men, like Doctor Manhattan, and before consummating her relationship with Dan, she effectively moulds him into the powerful figure she’d be more inclined to find sexually appealing. However everything she does in this chapter and in the chapters to come are in service to the male characters rather than herself, which I find irritating because it undermines the powerful statement Silk Spectre could potentially make about female representation in comics. But as I said, we’ll discuss that in more detail in a future blog.
A Brother To Dragons serves as a nice break from the main action as it explores the paradoxical nature of superheroes. How their power and authority comes, ironically, from feelings of inadequacy and weakness. Owls may be a bird of prey, but Dan, the real Dan, is anything but the alpha predator.
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