#yes i got the short hair idea from mandy in saw 2. no i do not regret it
gaywormiez · 1 year
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i finished my clockwork design! her tgirl swag is immeasurable
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden's Gate: Kidnapped Chapter 15 - Winchester vs Seed
Word count: 3,365
Warnings: Smut right off the bat, swearing, angst, pregnancy annoucment, Paige threatening to put a poopy diaper in John's face, Paige giving John the lecture of his life!!!!! and its just a roller coast of emotions in this one. FORESHADOWING THE NEXT SERIES THAT TAKES PLACE A FEW YEARS EARLIER!!!!!!!.
The final 3 chapters are gonna long ones.
He has her pinned to the bed, lavishing her neck with love bites and kisses.
Kenny, who hasn’t gotten to pleasure his wife in months, finally gets to do that.
Her naked body underneath him, her legs wrapped around his waist. 
Paige has been waiting for this day for so long, Kenny’s body pressed against hers.
The day she was kidnapped, they were gonna conceive another baby that same night, but of course Eden’s Gate had to ruin it by taking her away. Fuck them. Fuck the Project. Fuck the Seeds. Fuck them all to Hell.
Kenny continues down her body, his mouth doing all the work, his thick beard tickling her skin, leaving kisses and bites all the way down her body.
“Kenny?” she moans, as he leaves kisses on her abdomen
He stops, and looks up at her, hovering over the lower half of her body.
She sits up, cupping his face and says softly. 
“I want you to impregnate me” 
He looks at her with disbelief, his eyes widened. 
“You serious?” he mutters. 
She nods her head, “Yes, like we were supposed to do months ago”.
A smile grows on his face, and he crashes his lips against hers, his hand getting tangled in her hair. 
He sits up, and takes off his shirt, Paige unbuttons his pants, he gets off the bed and takes them off along with his boxers. 
He climbs on the bed, aligns himself with Paige’s cunt, and shoves himself inside her without hesitation. 
She cries out in pleasure, wanting, waiting for so long for him to fuck her again.
He puts her legs over his shoulders, digging his fingers into her hips, and fucking her senseless without any thought of stopping or slowing down. 
Her moans bounce off the walls, as well as his grunting and the sound of their skin slapping together. 
She can feel his cock twitch inside her, he lets out a throaty whimper, as a sign that he’s getting close. 
She grips the sheets to the bed, and lets out a soft whimper.
She moves her hands up his arms, digging her nails into his muscular biceps.
His muscles tense up, as he’s fucking her the shit out of her. Sweat building up on his forehead, his hair sticking to his forehead. 
Paige lets out a pitchy whimper, Kenny knows that she’s close to cumming. 
“Let it out” he moans, as he’s still shoving himself into her tight cunt.
She arches her back, and cums all of his cock. 
Her body vibrates as she orgasms. Kenny’s not far behind, he’s very close.
“Ready honey?” his voice hoarse, his eyes filled with lust. 
“Yeah” she moans. 
He presses his forehead to hers, they look into each other's eyes, and he releases himself.
His hot seed flowing into her cunt, bathing her in his cum.
He rocks her hips as he continues to release himself into her, wanting to get her pregnant again.
He pulls out, and collapses next to her. Both breathing heavily but both completely satisfied.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to do that” he says, pulling her to cuddle with him.
“How do you think I feel?” she says, cuddling up to his chest. 
He chuckles, and pulls her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her. 
Placing a kiss on her head. 
A week has passed, well to be exact 9 days have passed, and Paige is starting to feel the early pregnancy symptoms she had when she was pregnant with Cristina.
She doesn’t have any pregnancy tests. 
So she puts Cristina in her carseat, her mom Mandy comes along, and they drive to a nearby drugstore for some pregnancy tests, and some stuff for dinner that evening.
Kate, Kenny, Nate, Mark, Martin, Cody and Adrian stay back to keep an eye, or several eyes on the house. 
They park the car, and walk to some drugstore in Falls End, Paige barely recognizes it, everything looks like it has changed in over the course of 2 months since she was kept prisoner at St. Francis. John Seed must’ve been threatening the owners of the businesses. 
Paige isn’t scared of him, if she saw him right there in Falls End, she’d punched him square in his face. 
Hell maybe she’ll put Cristina’s dirty shitty diaper in his face. Who knows!!. Sometimes the universe decides. 
She has Cristina in a Moby classic wrap baby carrier, Mandy who is a semi paranoid woman walks next to her with a pistol in her holster, and knife in her back pocket, armed and ready incase any peggie fucks want to die. 
They walk past the Spread Eagle bar, and Mary May from the corner of her eye sees Paige and Mandy walk by. She gets out from the behind the bar counter, and goes outside. 
“Paige?!” she says, in shock. 
They both turn around, “Hey Mary” Paige says.
“You’re-you’re alive!?!!!” she exclaims. 
“And well” she jokes.
She sees “Pride” on her chest.
“John got you!?” she says, motioning to her chest.
“Yeah the little fucker marked me. But he’ll get what's coming to him. Him, Joseph, Jacob and even Faith even though she didn’t do anything to me”
Mary crosses her arms over her chest “Yeah, John’s been reaping some of the businesses here. He got the apple farm up the road, he got Rae-Rae’s, a few other businesses and also Lamb of God church” she says.
“So he’s basically got almost every business in Holland Valley?” Mandy asks.
Mary nods her head, “Yep, all he needs now is the Falls End church, the gunshop, the auto shop, Rye’s aviation and my bar”. 
“Oh shit, it's a matter of time before he gets our place” Mandy says to Paige.
“And he won’t because I won’t let him take away my home” she replies to her. 
“Someone’s gotta stop him, and I believe you can do it Paige. Because everyone except you is scared of him, and your sister dated him” 
“Yeah, yeah he told me that during my torture session. I wanted to rip his fucking head off his shoulders” she says looking at the ground.
“Well it great seeing you again Mary, take care” Paige says,
“You too take care” she replies and she goes back into the bar.
Mandy, and Paige make it to the drugstore, and they see a couple of peggies hanging outside of it.
Paige rolls her eyes “Oooohh great, just what we needed” she says, annoyed.
“Just keep walking” Mandy instructs her. 
The peggie fucks see them approaching, and they just stare at them as they walk inside.
Normally Paige would be all over them but she brought her infant daughter with her, and didn’t want her to get caught in the crossfire. 
Paige goes into the aisle with the pregnancy tests, and grabs a couple of them. 
Mandy comes to her with a basket of chips, alcohol and a bunch of random snacks.
Paige looks down at the basket, and lets out a short laugh “Is this dinner?”. 
Mandy lets out a short laugh herself, “No this is just the essentials”. 
They shop for a little bit longer, pay for the stuff, and head back to the car.
As they’re walking back to the car, Paige has the urge to pee. Luckily they’re near the Spread Eagle, “Hold on I really need to use the bathroom” she says to her. 
She takes Cristina out of her wrap, and hands her to Mandy.
She grabs one of the pregnancy tests from the bag, and goes inside the bar.
Mandy waits outside with Cristina, and talks to her.
As she’s talking a few of the Cults truck drive by, and followed by a black SUV with tinted windows.
Paige does her business, she opens the pregnancy tests, and dips it in the urine infested toilet water.
She takes it out, setting it on the box that's on the counter and waits. 
She flushes the toilet and washes her hands. 
It takes a couple minutes for her to get the results, and it's the longest moments of her life!!! 
Finally after 2 minutes of waiting, she gets her results and SHE’S PREGNANT!!!!!!!.
Tears start to form in her eyes, she jumps excitedly in the somewhat dirty bathroom, and she goes outside to her mom. 
Mary sees tears in her eyes.
“Paige are you okay?” she asks, concerned.
She turns her head to face her “I’m fine, Just found out I’m pregnant” she says, holding the pregnancy test.
“Congratulations!!!” she says, excitedly.
Paige goes outside, and shows Mandy the test.
“You’re pregnant?!” she exclaims. 
She nods her head.
“Come on, let's go home, so I can tell the others” she says, and they go into the car.
They drive out of Falls End, down the road home.
When they pull into the driveway, Paige senses something isn’t quite right.
“Something doesn’t feel right” she says.
“It could be gas” Mandy says, “I had a lot of gas when I found out I was pregnant with Kate. But then it could’ve been all the Thai food I ate during that pregnancy”
They get out of the car, Paige wraps Cristina back in her wrap carrier. Mandy walks in front of her, she pulls out her gun, and slowly opens the door.
No one in the kitchen, or dining room.
When you enter the house the first room you enter in the dining room, and the kitchen to the left.
They hear shuffling coming from the living room, Mandy is the first one to enter, and sees Adrian, Martin and Cody tied up on the floor, somewhat bloody, shirtless, and struggling to release themselves.
“Shit” Mandy says, Paige walks in behind her and sees her friends tied up.
“What happened?!?!” she asks, panicking.
“It's the Cult they’re here!!!” Adrian exclaims, pointing his head to behind Paige and Mandy.
They turn around, and see some peggies holding Mark, Nate and Kenny hostage, they’re bloody, shirtless and it looks like they put up a fight against those Cultist fucks.
John Seed enters the room, and Paige’s mood changes from panic to pure raging hatred mixed with violence.
“Thought I wouldn’t get you?” he asks, with a smug cocky smile.
“And you thought it was a good idea to fuck with me? you asshole” she spits at him.
“Is that anyway to talk in front of your child?” he says, motioning to Cristina who is still in her wrap carrier. Paige notices John has a few scratches on his face
A couple of peggies grab them, and point their guns at them. John goes back into the other half of the living room, and brings Kate out who has duct tape over her mouth, a red handprint on her neck like she was choked, and her hands tied up.
“You little fucking shit” Paige yells at him, and is instantly, and aggressively pulled back by the peggie. Which makes Cristina cry, John rolls his eyes, and says “Will someone shut up that little beast!!!”.
That remark completely pissed off, and angered Kenny “You son of bitch” he mutters aggressively, and is pulled back by the peggie. 
The peggie that's holding Paige is about to grab Cristina out of her carrier, and she elbows him in the neck and he falls to the floor. 
She’s pretty sure she broke it with that hard, fast strike. 
“What the fuck do you want John?” she asks, trying to calm down Cristina.
“This” he says, looking around the house.”Your house, it's the 2nd biggest one in town, and of course mine being number 1”.
“Well you can’t have it. So why don’t you take your little merrymen, and get your lawyer ass off my property” she says, with rage.
2 more peggies come out from the other half of the living room, and they both grab Paige.
John approaches her, and says. “You see there is that Greed. You only care about yourself”.
Paige scoffs, and says. “Really? Is that what you think? I only care about myself?. Psssh no John, I care about my family, I care about my friends, but you know who I don't care about John? I don’t care about you, and your family. That does not make me greedy, or selfish, that means I’m selfless, don’t get those two words mixed up Johnny I know your small brain can’t handle that much. I care for my loved ones needs before my own. I care about my family’s business that my father, and his father, and father before him have worked so hard to keep together, and that is something you”ll never know about John”. She stops talking to catch her breath, and lets John take in everything that she said. 
She continues lecturing him “Hell Kate even told me that she told you everything about what my family does, she told me about the demon possessing you a few years ago when she was attending the University. By the way does Joseph know you had pre-marital sex with my sister? Because isn’t that a sin? You’re a hypocrite to own words John!!. But what do I know I’m just a nasty little sinner”. 
She can see the rage building in his eyes, the blue in his eyes are gone. 
Regardless she’s still not scared of him.
He smirks, turning his back to her, he grabs Kate’s arm, bringing her in front of Paige, while he stands next to her.
“It’s funny how you two are related. And yes I’m aware of your family business. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves they don’t exist!” 
Paige looks over at Mandy and rolls her eyes. 
“Then how do you explain Saleos and Merihem?!!!??” she asks.
He ignores her question, and continues his lecture to her
“Your family is filled with sinners. Didn't think I’d remember you Mandy, and after what Joseph did for you. After everything WE did for YOU. You betrayed us. You betrayed Joseph, and you betrayed God”
“God doesn’t give a fuck about you, or any of us!!” Paige yells at him. 
“YOU will not speak of him in that tone” John snaps at Paige.
He calms down a bit, and says while holding Kate’s throat. 
“Some of us had some sin to release, and I did my atonement”. 
He looks at Kate while still holding her throat. 
“And she did hers, whether or not I was in my correct mindset or not”
“Mindset? Or demonic possession?” Mandy says.
John ignores her question, and finishes with. 
“Jacob was very upset that you left, and he wanted me to bring you, and your friends and family to his place. You should know by now what that means”.
He tightens his grip around Kate’s arm, and takes towards the back door.
“But!!” he exclaims, turning back around. “I almost forgot the atonement” he says. 
The peggies turn Paige and Mandy around, and bring Kenny, Nate, Mark, Adrian, Cody and Martin in front of them, lining them up.
John goes through a bag on one of the chairs, and pulls out his tattoo needle. 
He stands in front of them with the needle in hand. All 6 men look at him with pure rage, and anger.
“So who wants to go first?” he asks. 
“Fuck off John” Paige yells at him from behind, but he ignores her remark.
“Kenneth, since your mouthy wife decided to try and tear me a new one. YOU should be the first one to go. Yes?” he says, pointing the needle at him.
“Fuck off, I ain’t saying shit” he snaps at him.
“Just like your wife. The Greed, I can see why you two married each other” he says chuckling. 
“Greed is definitely your sin” he adds.
“No, I ain’t giving in to you. Go fuck yourself” Kenny yells again.
John chuckles again “Why do you WINCHESTERS, make everything so difficult!!!!”.
“Because we’re the Winchesters not the Losechesters” Paige laughs flatly.
Kenny glares at her with “now's not the time honey” eyes, along with everyone else. Paige tries to figure out a plan to get John, and his merrymen out of her house.
Two peggies are holding her, one is holding her mom, three behind the guys and none are holding Kate. 
Paige stares at Kate as a way to get her attention, she looks over at Paige, and she automatically knows what she wants her to do.
"John?!!! John?!!?!" Kate mumbles, to get his attention away from the guys.
“Oooh what is it my dear?” he says, walking over to Kate. Now that she has him preoccupied. 
Paige looks over at Kenny, and he is already looking at her.
She points her eyes to the peggies behind them, and to the ones behind her and Mandy.
They have they’re way of communicating with their eyes, and she’s basically telling him. 
There’s 8 of us. and 6 of them, we kill the peggies, and have John as a hostage. 
Mandy sees their way of communicating, and already knew what they were planning.
All at the same time, they take down all 6 peggies.
Mandy elbows hers in the gut, and hits him with an elbow strike, Paige does the same with hers, and flips them over her shoulders while holding Cristina in her wrap. Stomping on their guts. Adrian, Kenny and Cody take out the other 3 in a similar fashion.
Leaving John defenseless.
Paige takes Cristina out of her wrap putting her in her playpen. 
John laughs nervously with his hands up. “This is the last thing you want to do. Killing me is not gonna be a good thing” he says.
“Oh don’t worry John we’re not gonna kill ya. We might have to convert you” Paige says, ���And maybe kill you. But who knows maybe we”ll have a change of heart” she adds. 
They tie John to a chair in the kitchen, he looks completely annoyed, and now he knows what it feels like to be tied up, and a hostage. 
Kate walks into the kitchen and sits next to him, and says.
“You knew, you had it coming John”
He looks at her, and mumbles “Are you gonna let them kill me Katie?” 
She responds “If you cooperate, we won’t have to kill you”. 
He groans through his gag. 
Kate tries to have a heart to heart conversation with him.
“You know deep down I still care about you. Your well being. Because I know how much in love you were with me, and I know you’re still in love with me”.
He looks over at her, she can see the rage in his eyes. But there’s also love there as well, and it's overpowering it.
“Don’t even deny it because I know you still love me. Because I understand the pain you went through, I opened up to you about my past and upbringing. I wanted to put that behind me but I couldn’t. Didn't you see how hesitant I was when we first started talking? I never knew a guy like you would fall in love some dumb 19-20 year old college student like me. That was the closest I’ll ever have to having a normal life, but I gotta live this life until I die. I was brought up saving people, killing evil sons of bitches, and I went insane when that demon douchebag got to you. It drove me crazy”.
Tears start to form in Kate’s eyes, John tries to hold back tears, he never realized how much Kate cared about him. 
Paige is standing in the hallway outside the kitchen, and heard everything she said to John.
“I actually saw you in my future, as my husband, as the father to my kids. I’ll admit there are times where I’m jealous of Paige and Kenny’s relationship because that is one of the biggest rules with having a life like mine. No close friendships unless its with actual hunters of the supernatural, and no relationships”
She removes to gag from his mouth, and he says.
“I really meant that much to you?”
She nods her head, and they sit there in the kitchen. Tears in their eyes.
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thelittlesttimelord · 5 years
The Littlest Timelord: Cracks in Time Chapter 8
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: Cracks in Time Chapter 8 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 8/? SUMMARY: A little girl escapes the Time War when the Timelord’s return in “End of Time Part 2″. The newly regenerated Doctor must now raise the little girl while trying to find out why cracks in time keep following them around.
[A/N - I had a hard deciding where to cut this chapter off.]
The Doctor and Elise landed on something squishy and nasty smelling. Amy landed next to them as the Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver.
Elise did the same and pressed the button. It made a buzzing noise just like the Doctor’s only the tip of his was green and hers was yellow.
The Doctor smiled seeing the tiny Timelord copy him. “High speed air cannon. Lousy way to travel”, he told Amy.
“Where are we?”
“Six hundred feet down, twenty miles laterally, puts us at the heart of the ship. I'd say Lancashire. What's this then, a cave? Can't be a cave. Looks like a cave”.
Amy flung some of the stuff at the Doctor. “It's a rubbish dump, and it's minging!”
“Yes, but only food refuse. Organic, coming through feeder tubes from all over the ship”.
“The floor's all squidgy, like a water bed”.
Elise noticed it too and bounced lightly.
“But feeding what, though?” the Doctor asked.
“It's sort of rubbery, feel it. Wet and slimy”, Amy told him.
There was a growl or a groan and the Doctor and Elise realized where they were.
Elise tugged on the Doctor’s jacket and pointed at her tongue.
“Right you are, Elise. Amy, it's not a floor, it's a… So…” the Doctor said.
“It's a what?” Amy asked.
“The next word is kind of a scary word. You probably want to take a moment, get yourself in a calm place. Go omm”.
“It's a tongue”.
“A tongue?”
“A tongue. A great big tongue”.
“This is a mouth. This whole place is a mouth? We're in a mouth?”
“Yes, yes, yes. But on the plus side, roomy”.
“How do we get out?”
The Doctor started scanning with his screwdriver. “How big is this beastie? It's gorgeous. Blimey, if this is just the mouth, I'd love to see the stomach”.
The creature grumbled.
“Though not right now”, the Doctor added.
“Doctor, how do we get out?” Amy asked him.
“Okay, it's being fed through surgically implanted feeder tubes, so the normal entrance is…closed for business”.
Behind them was a wall of large teeth.
“We could try, though”, Amy said.
“No, stop, don't move”, he told her as the floor started vibrating, “Too late. It's started”.
“What has?”
“Swallow reflex”. The Doctor pointed his sonic screwdriver at the mouth.
“What are you doing?” Amy asked him.
“I'm vibrating the chemo-receptors”.
“The eject button”.
“How does a mouth have an eject button?”
“Think about it!”
Elise’s eyes went wide as she noticed a wave of vomit coming towards them.
The Doctor grabbed her and held her close to his chest. “Right, then. This isn't going to be big on dignity. Geronimo!”
Amy screamed as it got closer to them.
They eventually landed in an overflow pipe.
Elise coughed as the Doctor set her down. She wobbled on her feet, the smell making her feel a bit dizzy.
He reached out and grabbed her to keep her from falling over. “Woah, easy there”.
Amy sat up next to her.
“There's nothing broken, there's no sign of concussion and yes, you are covered in sick”, the Doctor told her.
“Where are we?”
The Doctor started to sonic the controls next to the door. “Overspill pipe, at a guess”.
“Oh, God, it stinks”.
“Oh, that's not the pipe”.
Amy took a moment to sniff her nightie. “Phew. Can we get out?”
“One door, one door switch, one condition. We forget everything we saw. Look familiar?”
A Forget button lit up.
“That's the carrot. Ooo, here's the stick”.
Two Smiler booths lit up.
“There's a creature living in the heart of this ship. What's it doing there?” the Doctor asked.
The Smilers’ heads turned. They now had frowns on their faces.
“No, that's not going to work on me, so come on. Big old beast below decks, and everyone who protests gets shoved down its throat. That how it works?”
The heads turned again with scowls on their faces this time.
Elise grabbed the Doctor’s hand in fear. She did not like those machines.
“Oh, stop it”, the Doctor told them, “I'm not leaving and I'm not forgetting, and what are you fellows going to do about it? Stick out your tongues, huh?”
The booths opened up and the Smilers stepped out.
“Doctor?” Amy asked.
Liz 10 appeared behind them and shot the Smilers.
“Look who it is. You look a lot better without your mask”, the Doctor told her.
“You must be Amy. Liz. Liz 10”.
Amy shook her hand. “Hi”.
“Yuck. Lovely hair, Amy. Shame about the sick”.
The little girl Mandy entered the tunnel.
“You know Mandy, yeah? She's very brave”, Liz told them.
“How did you find us?” the Doctor asked her.
“Stuck my gizmo on you”. She tossed the Doctor a tracking device. “Been listening in. Nice moves on the hurl escape. So, what's the big fella doing here?”
“You're over sixteen, you've voted. Whatever this is, you've chosen to forget about it”.
“No. Never forgot, never voted, not technically a British subject”.
“Then who and what are you, and how do you know me?”
“You're a bit hard to miss, love. Mysterious stranger, M O consistent with higher alien intelligence, hair of an idiot”.
The Doctor tried to run a hand through his hair, forgetting that it was sticking to his scalp because of the sick. Elise patted his hand, telling him in her own way that she liked his hair.
“I've been brought up on the stories. My whole family was”, Liz told him.
“Your family?”
The Smilers started to move.
“They're repairing. Doesn't take them long. Let's move”. Liz led them through a basement as she explained how she knew the Doctor. “The Doctor. Old drinking buddy of Henry Twelve. Tea and scones with Liz Two. Vicky was a bit on the fence about you, weren't she? Knighted and exiled you on the same day. And so much for the Virgin Queen, you bad, bad boy”.
The Doctor looked down at Elise, who was oblivious to what Liz 10 was insinuating. “Liz Ten…”
“Liz Ten, yeah. Elizabeth the Tenth. And down!” She turned around and gave them just enough time to duck before she shot the Smilers again. “I'm the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule”.
They entered a corridor and the Doctor stopped to observe the tentacles banging on the bars.
“There's a high-speed Vator through there. Oh, yeah. There's these things. Any ideas?” Liz 10 asked.
“Doctor, I saw one of these up top. There was a hole in the road, like it had burst through like a root”, Amy told him.
“Exactly like a root. It's all one creature, the same one we were inside, reaching out. It must be growing through the mechanisms of the entire ship”.
“What, like an infestation? Someone's helping it. Feeding it. Feeding my subjects to it. Come on. Got to keep moving”, Liz 10 said walking off.
Mandy followed after her, leaving the Doctor, Elise, and Amy.
Elise’s eyes filled with tears as she watched the tentacles. She reached out to touch them, but her arm was too short. Did they know what they were doing to the poor creature? Why couldn’t they hear it?
“Doctor? Elise?” Amy asked.
“Oh, Amy. We should never have come here”. The Doctor gently pulled Elise away from the bars. “Come along, Elise”.
They followed Liz 10 to her state rooms, where they cleaned up.
There were glasses of water all over her floor.
“Why all the glasses?” the Doctor asked her.
“To remind me every single day that my government is up to something, and it's my duty to find out what”.
The Doctor picked up her mask. “A queen going undercover to investigate her own kingdom?”
“Secrets are being kept from me. I don't have a choice. Ten years I've been at this. My entire reign. And you've achieved more in one afternoon”.
“How old were you when you came to the throne?”
“Forty. Why?”
“What, you're fifty now?” Amy asked, “No way”.
“Yeah, they slowed my body clock. Keeps me looking like the stamps”, Liz 10 explained.
“And you always wear this in public?” the Doctor asked.
“Undercover's not easy when you're me. The autographs, the bunting”. “Air-balanced porcelain. Stays on by itself, because it's perfectly sculpted to your face”.
“Yeah? So what?”
“Oh, Liz. So everything”.
The door opened and a man entered, along with a group of people in black robes.
“What are you doing? How dare you come in here!” Liz 10 told them.
“Ma'am, you have expressed interest in the interior workings of Starship UK. You will come with us now”, the leader said.
“Why would I do that?”
The man’s head turned as he became a Scowler.
Elise jumped back and hid behind the Doctor.
“How can they be Smilers?” Amy asked.
“Half Smiler, half human”, the Doctor explained.
“Whatever you creatures are, I am still your queen. On whose authority is this done?” Liz 10 asked them.
“The highest authority, Ma'am”, the man said.
“I am the highest authority”.
“Yes, ma'am. You must go now, Ma'am”.
“The Tower, Ma'am”.
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ilikeoldchangke · 5 years
Destroying my sister in law’s reputation
This has to be one of the most horrible thing I have done in my life and I would surely go to hell for it.
The idea of doing something like this just hit me out of the blue one day many years back and it has been festering in my brain for the longest time. At first I just wondered if it can be done at all, then slowly as the thought takes root inside my head, it became an infatuation.
Back in 2009 when I was dating my wife, I was introduced to Mandy, her sister. I’ve had the hots for my girlfriend’s sister before but never in such intensity. Mandy really brought out the monster inside me.
My girlfriend Melody then was a hottie too with the figure and brains to match but there is just something about Mandy that attracts me to her.
She is not only the splitting image of her sister, there is this sweet and innocent side to her that makes you want to dote on and pamper her.
You know sometimes you hear people say hey, so and so look like the younger version of a celebrity. A little more cute, a little more sweet. Mandy is just like a younger version of my wife.
Seeing Mandy is like taking a trip back in time.
Even till this very day when I look at my sister in law, I would be reminded of the times I spent with my wife when she was younger.
Melody and Mandy have an age gap of 5 years.
When I got to know Melody as a colleague at work, Mandy was still a JC student.
Looking at her in her JC uniforms, I can picture my wife in that exact same age, dressed exactly in that manner coming home after a day in school. That pair of slim legs and her ankle socks that are barely visible as she walks along the road, cradling her bag in hand looking all innocent and sweet.
That image alone made me attempt to recreate the scene no less than 10 times with Melody.
I’m sure this is something many couples do.
Getting their partners to put on their old school uniforms and pretend they are back in school. As for me, I would pretend I’m the one dishing out disciplinary action to her.
In bed of course.
I could picture myself fucking a younger version of my wife whenever I think about Mandy.
I’m sure if given the chance, you would surely want to be able to do a younger, wilder version of your partner.
Mandy got hotter and prettier as with each passing year.
I literally watch her blossom form a sweet young thing into the hot girl she is today. She got a little taller.
Her breast got a little more full.
There’s more bounce in her buttocks when she walks.
Her lips looked more kissable.
Even the smallest action of her brushing her hair behind her ears would sometimes give me an erection.
Mandy has no lack of followers and fans on her social media sites. She’s not a attention seeking whore or anything but there are occasions she does a bit of modelling for some of her entrepreneur friends.
I shall not waste time by going into detail the kind of fantasies I have of Mandy.
Every conceivable thought and fetish that has to do with your girlfriend sister back then, I have imagined it in my head. I pictured it in my mind and wanked off countless times.
Living in the same household was a added bonus. I live together with my in laws in a Jumbo flat in Woodlands. It’s huge and there’s more than enough space for everyone. Me and my wife’s room is right beside Mandy’s.
We share the same bathroom.
Right by the entrance into the bathroom along the wide corridor sits 3 baskets.
Laundry baskets. One for each of us.
Each time I had to force myself not to look when I see Mandy come home from school or from work as she grew older. The bundle of semi wet clothes with her worn panty and bra entangled into the mix just join the rest of her worn stuff in the basket.
Just think of all the things I can do with Mandy’s clothes. Her lingerie, her sports attire, her socks and heels. It’s a candy shop for a horny adult with a fetish.
I have access to so many things. As long as no one is at home of course.
I had access to Mandy’s laptop as well. She’s not exactly savvy with IT stuff and to be honest, I think she knows her phone better than she knows her computer.
Isn’t this the way things are now with the young people these days ?
I know her login password and ID, I setup the WIFI for the family and I even helped to configure her access to the network printer at home. The best thing I did was help her configure her phone to upload and backup her photos onto the backup drive shared among the family.
Every photo, every selfie. Every wasapp image file and videos.
Once she’s connected to WIFI, it gets backup and I get access.
It’s like stalking on a whole new level.
My relationship with Mandy cannot be better. She looked up to me as a older brother of sort, which really amplified how bastard I am when I do something like this to her.
Through sheer manipulation and the power of association and materials from the internet, I was able to destroy her reputation, wreck her relationship and drove her to the brink of a mental breakdown.
I live by a simple motto.
If I want to do something, I go all the way and this is definitely something that I went all out in terms of the money, time and resources I spent but it was all well worth it in the end.
How far did I go you ask ?
Mandy took down all her social media profile, her boyfriend left her. She quit her job.
When she makes eye contact with another man along the street, she tells me the look haunts her.
It made her question whether they saw the scandal that was floating around the internet.
The fake scandal that I created.
One that her boyfriend and everyone around her believed.
Mandy would shut herself in her room most of the time. Right at her most vulnerable moment, I would be her light at the end of the tunnel.
To lend her a shoulder when I most needed it.
So how did I do it ?
By being the absolute bastard of course.
By absolute, I really meant downright despicable.
The length I went to shock even myself as I did it.
First I need to discredit her and for her boyfriend Yogi to find out about it. Not about the discrediting of course. I wanted Yogi to find out about the personality I created about Mandy.
To paint Mandy in a different light to the people around her.
I plan to do that with the internet.
As a well-behaved goody two shoe, there are things that you would never imagine someone like her doing. I want to create the impression that she is doing something behind everybody’s back.
I don’t need her to be in the picture explicitly doing what want.
I just needed to plan the idea in people’s head and it’s not hard to do that. Given that her boyfriend is also visits the popular sex forums online, it would be a matter of time before he chance upon the charade I created.
For a start, I plan to make use of her own wardrobe against her. Yes, her clothes. Imagine one day coming across the picture of a girl exposing her breast, or her legs wearing the same set of clothes your wife or girlfriend wore to work that day.
Would that not make your heart skip a beat immediately even though no face was shown ?
First, I would need to find someone to play the role of Mandy.
Now it’s impossible to find someone who looks like my sister in law to play the role, I don’t need someone to look like Mandy, I just need someone who feels like Mandy.
Let me explain.
My sister in law has average height and weight.
Not fat, not thin, not too tall.
Just nice.
At 1.6m and 46kg with a proportional body, it’s not hard to find a girl with these stats in Singapore. The challenge is finding someone who is willing to do what I want her to do.
I started by scouring freelance modelling website.
I dropped countless messages and mails but no one seemed interested. I even posted classified ads on free sites and forums, looking for girls of similar stats.
The excuse I gave was for a personal project and that I am willing to pay for a simple photoshoot. However, since I’m not a registered photographer with any portfolio to show for it, it’s natural to expect the lack of replies.
I offered a good deal for about an hour’s work, no hanky panky.
No touching of the model’s body and we will be doing the shoot in public spaces in day time. That should give some assurance to the girls that I’m really not interested din violating them physically.
No face shots. Just the body.
I only needed to use their body, or rather, images of it.
After a 2 months search, I finally got a hit.
The story here is simple.
She needed money for her school fees and chanced upon my ad. My instructions to her were simple.
Put on a set of clothes that I will be providing, and take some pictures, and I’m willing to pay her 200 for an hour’s work. It worked out easier than I expected.
We met up at a café, she asked for a 50% downpayment and I gave it to her.
I handed her the set of clothes I borrowed from my sister in law’s wardrobe.
Now, selecting the clothes is an art. There are so many, so which one do I choose ?
Well, I went through her photos and social media feeds, I found a few photos which I think Mandy looked pretty good.
She was wearing a short sleeveless white dress with black stripes. The hem of the skirt ends several inches above her knees such that as she walked, you would get this lively bounce that almost gave you a peak of her panty.
Instead of a cardigan, she had a faded denim long sleeve top she wore as a jacket. It’s loose, flowly and it covered up the good figure she has.
Shoes is a simple pair of sneakers that is plain light grey in colour.
I picked the same blue backpack she was using in that set of photos and stuffed all the clothes I borrowed into the bag.
These are the stuff I want Charmaine to wear.
Charmaine : The clothes are in here ?
James : yes… just a dress and a jacket of sort. The shoes I think…… let me see…
I took a glance of her feet and told her it might be a little tight but since we are just doing a quick shot, the discomfort should only be for a while.
Charmaine nodded and went into the ladies.
5 minutes later, she emerged in the same set of clothes Mandy wore in one of her Instagram photos.
I tried to picture Charmaine without her face and I tried hard to stop myself from nodding my head.
Looking at just her body, I think she can easily pass of as Mandy.
Charmaine  : like this ??
James : yes… looking good…
I appraised Charmaine’s body and I could tell she was a little uncomfortable.
Charmaine : errrr…. So what now ?
I smiled and told her to follow me.
Charmaine : Where are we going ??
James : relax…. Just across the road. … the HDB estate…
Charmaine : take the pictures there ??
James : Yes…. Don’t worry… just taking some pictures….
As we crossed the road to the housing estate , Charmaine looked nervous. She kept looking around the vicinity.
James : Don’t worry… it’s really just taking photos….
Charmaine : Do you mind if I ask why are you….. ermm… why are you…. Doing this ??
I gave her a reassuring smile and told her that I just wanted some photos for my collection.
James : and ermm… you know… I’m single…. And my friends sometimes tease me I got no girlfriend….
Charmaine : huh ?? ….
James : So… I just want to take some photos…. For my own collection…. And some shots to prove to them I am attached…. Not a gay or something….
Charmaine : oh…. Ermmmmmm… that is so weird….
James : haha… I’m paying you for it… don’t worry….
I could tell she still looked unconvinced but I don’t care.
I just needed her body for a while and hopefully if I can convince her how easy it is to earn this quick buck, I could continue using her body for the other parts of my plan.
James : Alright…. Over here….
Charmaine : here ??
James : Yes… let’s go up….
We entered the lift and I hit the highest floor.
We came out on the 16th floor and I took a quick look around.
It’s a weekday afternoon, most of the people are out at work. I gestured to the corridor and we went to the staircase at the end of it.
James : here is good.
Charmaine looked around and nodded at me nervously, staring intently at the phone I was holding in my hand.
James : relax….
Charmaine : What do I have to do ??
James : haha… not much…. Not much…. climb up the staircase…. Slowly…
I brought up my phone and took the first couple of shots before appraising it on the small LCD screen of a old phone of mine.
I smiled as I looked at the photo.
Just like Mandy……. Just like Mandy….
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1) Full story in PDF - 156 pages 24000 words font size 12
2) Photoshoot album purchase for this piece in pdf ( 73 pages )
3) Charmaine video ( from online references )
4) Mel video ( from online references )
5) Pictures of reference used ( from online reference ) ( 8 pages )
6) Mel school uniform pictures ( from online reference ) ( 9 pages )
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haroldstans-blog · 6 years
a tag my dudes
oi i was @shawnsmercy and @for-my-mind so thank you guys!
rules - answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people.
- what was your last...
1) drink - water
2) phone call - my friend annette
3) text message - asking a friend about the ap human geo homework hehe
4) song you listened to - sHe by zayn
5) time you cried - last night lmao
- have you ever...
6) dated someone twice? - plenty of times
7) kissed someone and regretted it? actually yeah it was pretty bad, we went for different kisses (yikes)
8) been cheated on? - nope
9) lost someone special? - yeah
10) been depressed? only mildly, now all i harbour is frustration and stress oops
11) gotten drunk and thrown up? - i mean i had like a shot and a half of straight vodka and that was my first and only time drinking alcohol and i was slightly buzzed and got a massive headache and my stomach was not handling it well and i did almost throw up but i didn’t! yeah, never again. dark times, dark times.
- fave colours
12) pale yellow/blue
13) iridescent
14) black, grey n white (you can never go wrong with ‘em!)
- in the last year have you...
15) made new friends? - actually yeah i have
16) fallen out of love? - yes ma’am
17) laughed until you cried? - it’s a daily thing
18) found out someone was talking about you? - yeah but it actually wasn’t in a bad way this time which makes me feel real good :)
19) met someone who changed you? - yeah
20) found out who your friends are?-  i mean i’ve been known who my friends are and the new friends i've made haven’t surprised me with anything crazy about them so i guess not
21) kissed someone on your facebook friends list? - oof people still use facebook?
22) how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? - i. don’t. use. that. shit.
24) do you want to change your name? - eh, nah
25) what did you do for your last birthday? - we hung out at the pool n ate n shit
26) what time did you wake up today? 7am. thanks school, you fucker
27) what were you doing at midnight last night? - homework oops
28) what is something you can’t wait for? - for these stupid stitches to dissolve, for school to be over, for my summer australia trip, and for the niall horan concert in september
29) what is your favourite animal? - doggos (its basic and i really don’t care)
30) what are you listening to rn? - there for you by troye sivan (my boiiii)
31) have you ever talked to a person named tom? - uh, i think so
32) something that’s getting on your nerves - how much i procrastinate and these fucking stitches
33) most visited website - probably youtube
34) hair colour - dark brown, yes, DARK brown
35) long or short hair? - eh it's kinda short-medium 
36) do you have a crush on someone? - a big fat one
37) what do you like about yourself? - that i can make people laugh or smile or feel good about themselves and i also like my curly hair and ability to do eyebrows (ayeee)
38) want any piercings? - no more for now
39) blood type - oof i’ve never been told what mine is
40) nicknames - mimi, mandy, panda (my mom and brother call me panda just to piss me off lol)
41) relationship status - single but crushing real hard
42) sign - gemini, bitch
43) pronouns - she/her i guess but whatever you want is fine with me tbh
44) fave tv show - probably the vampire diaries or drake and josh or zoey 101
45) tattoos - not of legal age yet but i have 11 tattoo ideas saved on my phone so far so best believe my fast ass will be seated in that parlour chair when i’m 18
46) right or left handed - i’m actually ambidexterous
47) ever had a surgery? - literally had one earlier today
48) piercings - i’ve got the standard ear lobe piercings and a helix in my right ear
49) sport - swimming yUh fuck land sports
50) vacation - aUsTrAlIa (ah that looks so weird)
51) trainers - converse or adidas
- more general
52) eating - my stomach actually just started growling probably because i ate fucking ice cream for dinner and a quick jell-o snack bc of this fucking mouth surgery
53) drinking - i lOve lemonade im a lemonade hoe but i only fuck with that good juicy lemonade not that watered down shit oh and i also really love iced coffee but water’s good too
54) i’m about to watch - my grades plummet and my school year be ruined bc im doing this instead of homework and its 2am and now im freaking out bc i didnt even realise it was 2am friCk
55) waiting for - this shit to heal so i can use my upper lip properly and eat
56) want - harry styles tickets i mean he’s literally coming to a venue about 20 minutes from my house ON MY BIRTHDAY but there are literally no good seats left at a price i can afford and for school to end *deep SIGH*
57) get married - ???
58) career - i’m currently looking into the tech industry and being a software engineer or web developer or lowkey an actress or an internet personality but lord knows what my indecisive gemini ass is gonna wanna be next year
59) hugs or kisses - hugs are more comfortable
60) lips or eyes - the eyes are where it’s at
61) taller or shorter - i’m not sure what this is asking but i’m average height ?? idk but i’m 5′4 and i prefer taller but if your short i still really really love you plus my crush is really short and she’s the cutest thing ever
62) older or younger - i’m just now realising the previous question was about preference which i did answer but i also added some unneccesary detail and now im too lazy to change it but not lazy to type an also unnecessary paragraph anyway i prefer my guys older and my girls can be either i really don’t mind
63) nice arms or stomach - i really don’t care you can have both, one, or neither but none of that really matters if your personality’s shit
64) hookups or relationships - relationships
65) troublemaker or hesitant - i’m kinda both sometimes i’m hesitant and overthink a situation and end up getting myself into trouble anyway it’s stupid and doesn’t make sense but it happens
66) kissed a stranger - heck no
67) drank hard liquor - ye buddy and it wasn’t good
68) turned someone down - yup
69) sex on first date - haha i see what you did there, number 69. but no i’m still a virgin wassup
70) broken someone’s heart - god i hope not but i think i have
71) had your heart broken - that’s its current condition
72) been arrested - nope
73) cried when someone died - i’d be concerned if i didn’t
74) fallen for a friend - it’s the current news
- do you believe in
75) yourself - i don’t know, do i?
76) miracles - i really don’t know, maybe?
77) love at first sight - eh yeah
78) sanata claus - is this some kind of joke
79) angels - harry styles wants me to believe otherwise and i mean when i look at her i definitely see what you mean mr. styles
80) eye colour - brown but i got green contacts to spice it up a bit (they’re prescription though bc i’m blind as fuck)
81) best friends’ name - bianca, kaylyn, allison, and ashadé
82) favourite movie - the outsiders, grease, dunkirk (i mean), everything, everything, and love simon (oh and the 1d this is us movie even though i never saw it but 1d’s in it so it’s automatically good also remember harry in dunkirk?)
83) favourite actor - HARRY STYLES (im biased oops), amandla stenberg, nick robinson, ralph macchio, tom holland, zendaya, ian somerhalder, and katherine langford (i literally just spewed a bunch of names from movies i love oh well)
84) favourite cartoon - tom and jerry bc im real like that, the amazing world of gumball, steven universe, and we bare bears
85) favourite teacher’s name - uh, what
i don’t know 20 people so ima just tag some people off the top of my head, sorry if you were already tagged: @illumilitt @shawnmcuddles @shawnssweatshirt @pattinsonshawn and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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mistyyygoode · 7 years
The Lonely Hearts Pt.2 (The Butchery)
After unpacking the rest of the house, Shelby felt like she needed to get out of the apartment. She changed from her yoga pants and a sports bra to a pink sweater that hung off one of her shoulders, and a pair of black skinny jeans with a pair of black ankle boot. As she grabbed her purse she saw the card Ally had given her a few days ago, and thought maybe she would stop by there after she looked at a few yoga studios.
She drove to the first yoga studio she looked up online that had four and a half stars and walked inside. She walked up to the front counter where a bleached blonde young woman sat.
"How can I help you?" she asked.
"I'm thinking about signing up."
"Okay," the woman said before looking through a stack of papers. "What's the best schedule for you?" she asked as she handed over a paper.
Shelby scanned the paper for a second. "I'm not exactly sure yet... I'm new to town and I still have to find a job."
"We have some openings... what's your background like?"
"I owned my own yoga studio in LA before moving here." She told the woman.
"Let me go get my boss."
Shelby nodded. She waited a few minutes before she young woman came back with a older, short, thin, brunette mixed with grey haired woman.
"Brandy says you owned your own place in LA, and you're looking for a job?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Come to my office, we can talk there."
Shelby followed the woman down a hall, on the way they passed four yoga rooms, each one was being used. When they reached the office, the woman took a seat behind her desk, and she sat across from her.
"I'm Elizabeth, by the way."
"It's lovely to meet you. I'm Shelby."
"Do you mind me asking why you left your studio?"
"I took a break for something else, and by the time I came back, my assistant was doing so well, I sold it over to her. I moved here for a new start."
"Okay," Elizabeth nodded before turning in her seat to grab a file of paper. "Well, here's an application. If you can, put the number for your old assistant or the studio, and I'll give them a call. I don't see why I couldn't hire you, so after you fill this out, I'll get back to you in a week."
"Okay, thank you."
The woman handed Shelby over a pen, and she started writing things down. She wrote down her maiden name instead of Miller since she was planning on changing it back as soon as she could. She wrote down the number of her assistant, and everything else that was needed before handing it back over.
"Alright, Miss... Darling, we'll get back to you within a week if not sooner."
"Okay, thank you so much." Shelby said as she stood up.
Elizabeth showed her out and shook her hand.
Shelby made her way back to her car, and put in the address for the butchery into her phone before making her way there. She looked at the building before walking inside. A host greeted her with a smile and walked her over to a booth near the kitchen with a menu.
As she scanned the menu, she had no idea what to get, there were so many things she thought sounded good, but she just couldn't make up her mind. She saw the kitchen door open up, and Ally walked out with a platter in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. She watched as the woman walked over to a table of woman, and set it down the wine. She saw Ally walking back her way, and their eyes met.
"Shelby, you finally made it!" the other woman smiled as she walked to her.
"Yeah," she smiled softly.
"I like the hair."
"Thanks, I thought I needed something new."
"Well, it suits you well." Ally grinned. "What are you getting?"
"I'm not sure yet. There's too many things to choose from. They all sound so good."
The other brunette took a seat across from her. "Well, I'd say the steak is the best, but a lot of people who come here say the burgers are the best. For sides, with the steak I think the potatoes and onions are a good choice, and for the burger the homemade fries are my favorite."
"They both sound incredible." Shelby said before biting her lip as she looked back down at the menu.
"Well, I could get you both, and you can try, and see what you like best."
"Really?" she asked as she looked back up.
"Why not?"
"Well, two meals is way too much... and kind of expensive."
"It'll be on the house, don't worry about it."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I am," Ally smiled. "I'll even get Ivy to prepare it."
"Is Ivy your top chef?"
"That and my wife."
Shelby wasn't sure why, but she felt her heart ache over the news that Ally was married. She was never really attracted to w women before, and she wasn't sure if what she felt for Ally was just one of those friend-crushes, but it sure did feel different for her.
"That would be nice," she smiled.
"Okay, I'll be right back." Ally said before getting up. She walked toward the kitchen, but turned back. "What do you want to drink?"
"Water is fine."
"I'll bring you some wine." She said before disappearing behind the kitchen's door.
Shelby shook her head as a small laugh fell from her lips. As she waited, she grabbed her phone just in time to get a text from her old assistant.
Amanda: Just letting you know, some woman named Elizabeth just called. She asked if you were a good person to work with.
Shelby: I'm hoping to get a job with her. What did you say?
Amanda: Well, of course I told her you were amazing when you were here. She asked what you were like as a boss, and I told her you were the best I ever had.
Shelby: Thank you so much, Mandy.
Amanda: You're welcome, good luck.
"Here you go," Shelby heard, and looked up to see a glass of red wine in front of her and Ally across from her again.
"Thank you." She said before taking the glass and taking a sip, humming at the flavor. "Mm, this is really good."
"We have custom wine here along with others. This is a personal favorite of mine."
"It's amazing."
"The burger should be out in a minute, and then the steak." Ally informed her.
"Okay," she nodded.
"So, what do you think of the town so far?"
"It seems great."
"Do you have a job here?"
"I just turned in an application at the yoga studio on Fannin."
"I've heard great things about that place."
"Google reviews seemed that way. It's the only placed I've looked at so far though."
"Well, if it doesn't work out we're always accepting."
"I wouldn't like being a waitress, but thank you."
"There's more than just waitressing. We have bartenders, chefs, and I need an assistant or I'll have to find a nanny for my son."
"You have a son?" Shelby asked with a small smile.
"Yes, his name is Ozymandias, but everyone calls him Oz or Ozzy."
"That's an eccentric name."
"I know, Ivy and I wanted something we knew no one else his age would have."
Shelby nodded, "That's understandable."
The kitchen door opened up, and a blonde haired woman walked out with a small platter with the burger and fries. She set it on the table while smiling.
"This is Ivy." Ally told Shelby. "This is Shelby, the woman I told you about."
"A new face in town is always great." Ivy smiled. "It's great to meet you."
"You too, thank you both so much for this."
"You're welcome," they said in unison.
"Alright, I've got to get back. See you later," the blonde said before pecking Ally's lips and walking back to the kitchen.
Shelby looked down at the food, and felt her stomach growl. She took a knife some the silverware set and cut the burger in half before taking a bite. She wiped her mouth after swallowing, "That's incredible," she said with a smile.
"Do you guys cut your own meat?"
"We do."
"Do you cook as well?" Shelby asked before taking another bite.
"No, that all Ivy. I stick to the books and the accounting. I can't stand the sight of blood so I hardly ever go into the kitchen unless it before prep." She explained.
"I know what you mean," the other brunette said. "I used to be a vegan."
"What happened?"
"After... recuperating at the hospital and a blood transfusion I was diagnosed with anemia, and I was told that I basically have to eat meat to replenish the iron I need because supplements aren't enough." She explained, and was shocked that she found it easy so to talk to Ally about these things, things she hadn't told anyone else.
"I'm so sorry. It must have been incredibly stressful to go through all of that."
"Yeah," she nodded before grabbing a few of the fries. "God, these are great too."
"They are," Ally nodded with a smile.
"I can't imagine anything else being better than this."
"Then the steak will blow your mind."
Not long after a waitress came over with the steak with potatoes and onions. Shelby took her first bite, and hummed again. "God, I don't think I'll be able to eat anywhere else." She laughed. "I'm sure you hear that a lot."
"We go, but I'm thrilled each time I hear it."
"I can't decide which is better."
"Either way, you can take what you can't finish home with you, and if you want a bottle of this wine I can get you one, it'll be on the house too."
"Thank you, but the wine is too much."
"Take is as a welcome to town."
"Okay," she nodded with a smile. "Thank you again."
"You're welcome. I know how hard it can be to relocate."
"You do?"
"Yes, about fourteen years ago, Ivy and I moved here from New York, and it was rough for the both of us."
"It was hard on Matt and me when we moved too, so I understand."
"Matt was your husband right?"
"Yeah... well, ex." She shrugged before eating more.
"You two got a divorce?" Ally asked. "Sorry... that's none of my business."
"It's okay," she said. "It was in the works before the second part of the show was filmed."
"You know, you don't seem like you did on there."
"It was highly edited... Sydney was an asshole, and made it seem as if we all hated each other, and after the police found everything his team made it just as he would have."
"They sure did make it seem that way. Audrey seemed the worst through."
"She wasn't... nice to say the least."
"Do you mind asking me if it was weird? I mean, having to see yourself played by someone else?"
"I don't mind. And it was, extremely weird."
"Has anyone else said anything?"
"No, you were one of the first people I've actually spoken to besides the movers. It's why I dyed my hair, and since I did that and changed my name no else has seem to realize."
"What did you change it to?"
"My maiden name, Darling."
"Shelby Darling," Ally said. "I like that."
Shelby loved the sounds of her name from the woman's lips. "Thanks," she smiled.
"Babe, you need to go pick up Oz!" Ivy yelled from the kitchen door.
Ally looked down at her watch. "Shit... sorry, I need to go."
"You're fine." The other brunette smiled.
"See you around?" she asked as she stood from the booth.
"Defiantly." Shelby smiled.
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vivicnism-blog · 7 years
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did i just see (EMILY RATAJKOWSKI) walking down sixth street ?! oh, wait, it’s just (VIVIAN KILINSKI), the (24) year old (CIS FEMALE) (STRIPPER) who has a reputation for being (EMPOWERING & HONEST) but (COLD & STUBBORN). let’s hope (SHE) prepared to take on the wild ride that is austin, texas. / (chloe, 18,she/her, cst)
*guess whos back by eminen plays* guess who’s back, back again, shady’s back, tell a friend.
alright i’ll stop. Anyways, it’s chloe, (i play my other bby elliot) with another gut-wrenching character. vivian is a revolution and gonna take austin by storm. jk she just wants to be left alone, but plot twist she’s problematic as heck !! we’ll get into that in a bit...
no one really calls her vivian unless ur sharon (and no one is sharon but sharon, so back tf up m8) everyone just calls her vi or viv or if ur her brothers, v-dizzle. 
born in pheonix, aizona, vi was born to stanley and amanda kilinski. mandy was a nice jewish girl from the bronx who had moved to arizona for college. stan was a straight up army man, discipline to the core. they were married and popped out four kids, then when vivian was 2, her mother filed for divorce and went back to new york. the kids stayed with dad tho! whether that was best or not, you can decide.
mom came around for like, holidays, and called on birthdays. they were so dramatically apart, though, it was difficult. their father was a well-payed realtor. mom, though, worked in a bakery as far as she remembers.
now, viv was rlly young when her parents split, so all she’s known is just having her dad around. it was tougher for her brothers though. ernest was the oldest, and he always took it hard. which causes an issue for later. u will see
dad loved the italian culture. since he was straight up polish, his parents having fled after the second war, he didn’t really get it until he was in his own house. The family took vacations every other year to florence, dad cooked weekly dinners of different italian cuisine. and always drank italian wine. so what did good old stan do ??
married an italian woman of course !
and in short, god bless sharon banchi.
vivian was about 7 when they were properly married. they’d met on one of their family vacations and did that whole long distance thing for a while. Sharon came from a vineyard and a family of money, so she’d visit yearly. Eventually she just moved in. she was beautiful, and younger than their father (not by much, but she had youthful skin and he was a single father of four, so he always looked older)
ernest and norman, the two oldest, hated her. always playing pranks and shunning her son marco (who just about the same age as vi-- they quickly became friends)
but fun fact daddy was in the army for years and took non of their shit !! discipline and respect was vvv important in the kilinski house !! 
anyways, boring fam shit over. sharon’s cool, marco’s a bro, vivian has a family finally. and it’s a high fucking testosterone house okay !!
she was !!! raised !!! to !! suppress !! feelings !!! bc crying’s not manly. real men don’t cry. vivian was raised to be a real man ok !!
*sidenote: the only time you’ll see our girl follow rules is in that house it’s all straight poster and ‘yes sir’s there. but fuck the rest of yall.
this is already getting so long i do apologize
but high school was kinda rough. u know, she was a babe, she was loud and rlly stood her ground. boys followed her and she was like ??? never ?? really ?? into it ??
but she kissed one in a movie theater sophomore year so people would stop talking
didn’t date anyone until people started whispering midway through junior year. She let joey truman fuck her at jessica abernathy’s winter party. it sucked. but at least they stopped calling her a d*ke
this is never something vivian really thought about. she never gave herself the option to explore the possibility of liking girls because it was so OUTRAGEOUS that she’d simply stop at the rapid heartbeats she got from kelly welch, the flyer on her cheer team. 
after high school, she was going to college at university of pheonix. just to mostly get her generals. she had no idea what she wanted to do, or what she liked. 
but her creepy brother’s friend could hook her up with a /real/ nice job. which, sounded terrible, but her dad was hounding her ass about getting a job and making money and had to move out by the end of the month so to stripping she went.
it’s real awful she hated it. but hey, it made really good money and her student loans went down. 
so she graduated with a bachelors in business and marketing. had no idea what to do with it. she was still stripping. and honestly, she didn’t want to have to start over, you know ? she had a nice fucking place and could afford real nice clothes and jewlery. when u make bank, it’s hard to give it up
the actual job sucked tho. with all the control and harassment and vi hatd her body most of the time and worked until her core felt like it was going to burn but her lady friens said her abs were sick so bonus, right ??
but oh no, then SHE came along
oh ya it’s one of /those/ plots
she was tall and beautiful and talked to vivian like a real human being and then also put her in her fucking place. she was an angel. a true grace of god. vivian was absolutely in love with her and this girl knew it. this girl took vivian by the strand of her hair and dragged her along for the best, gayest ride ever. sexually liberating, emotionally freeing, viv finally saw that she wasn’t a sexual and emotional void. like she could feel something for someone. 
so they had a huge fight, people were starting to find out. before it could get back to her dad or her brothers, vivian stomped on her heart and ran away
TO AUSTIN. WHERE SHE STILL STRIPS. bc she likes diamonds. and also kind of hates herself so getting that self loathing validation help her thrive. so she thinks.
and she’s still deep deep in the closet
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unromantically · 5 years
alright this is for roger lol  1. Last Beverage // water lmao 2. Last Phone Call // called my grandma to tell her happy birthday bc she’s 92 today!!  3. Last Text Message // a frowny face to roger :( 4. Last Song You Listened to // mumford and sons - the cave 5. Last Time You Cried // I lowkey teared up while reading my book lol

6. Dated Someone Twice // no 7. Been Cheated On // not that i am aware of :/// 8. Kissed Someone & Regretted It // kinda but not really  9. Lost Someone Special // yeah 10. Been Depressed // yeah, first year of high school 11. Been Drunk and Threw Up // ya I’m a regular uni student
 sky blue, naturey green, any purple (pretty much the same now) 
 15. Made a new friend // YAAAAAA <333  16. Fallen out of love // ya unfortunately  17. Laughed until you cried // yeah with my MESS squad when they came over :)  18. Met someone who changed you // yeah pretty much everyone I’ve met  19. Found out who your true friends are // i pretty much already know who they are (still relevant today minus a couple people who I’ve cut out of my life)  20. Found out someone was talking about you // good things yes, but bad things no (hopefully no one is talking shit about me)  21. Kissed anyone you follow/follows you // on ig sure but not tumblr 
 22. How many people do you know in real life that you follow/follows you on tumblr // honestly no idea who anyone is on tumblr anymore  24. Do you have any pets // starsky counts (still counts + bears)  25. Do you want to change your name // i mean, mandy is good enough (ya still the same answer) 26. What did you do for your last birthday // sashini planned a “surprise” party at henry’s and we were supposed to go to karaoke but ended up trying to go to the bar but sashini was way too drunk and had to be taken home lol  27. What time did you wake up today // like 7:30 because i’ve been sleeping badly lately 28. What were you doing at midnight last night // reading the first book of rangers apprentice again (which i finished this morning!!) 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for // ok I’m moving to france and pretty stoked about finding a good boxing gym so I can start boxing again!!!  30. Last time you saw your Mother // um like 5 mins ago? (still the same answer) 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life // nothing tbh, i think everything happens for a reason ACTUALLY NO, I WISH I HADN’T HEARD ANY SCARY ASS SHIT BC I HATE HORROR. (LOL STILL RELEVANT. my answer has not changed at all)  32. What are you listening to right now // mumford and sons 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? // my uncle is named tom (still got an uncle named tom lol) 34. What’s getting on your nerves right now // working as a waitress :’)) 35. Most visited webpage // idk prob like messenger or something but I have a lot of tabs open about teaching english online right now lol  36. Blood type // no idea 37. Nickname // more recent nicknames have been grandma (henry), mandeep (daniel), and mama  38. Relationship Status // it’s always complicated man 39. Zodiac sign // aquarius (honestly still think this is incredibly inaccurate) 40. Pronouns // she/her i guess   41. Elementary // svdp and sjs (i mean it’s not like i went back in time and changed schools lmao) 42. High School // pvi (reference above answer) 43. College // nova + gmu + MCGILL GRAD AYYYYYY 44. Hair color // dark brown (still haven’t dyed my hair yet) 45. Long or short // longer now 46. Height // 4'11 lmao (rip)  47. Do you have a crush on someone? // highkey the guy from bosnia was hot lmao 48. What do you like about yourself? // my personality i guess 50. Tattoos // unfortunately no :( wanted to get a flower in montreal 51. Righty or lefty // righty 52. First Surgery // i don’t think i’ve had one lmao (still relevant) 53. First piercing // whenever i got my ears pierced like 7th grade maybe? (still the same but I wanna get new piercings)  54. First best friend // emily (ya still the same answer, but first best friend in uni would prob be sashini) 55. First sport you joined // ice skating (first sport joined in uni was boxinggggg and then dboat) 56. First vacation // germany? i think? (ya still relevent but again, first vacation in uni was to taiwan) 58. First pair of trainers // is that like shoes or something? (ok in uni it’d be like my timbs that i finally just decided to buy)  RIGHT NOW:

59. Eating // i had salmon and zucchini for dinner 60. Drinking // drank water for dinner lmao 
61. I’m about to // play sims after i send this to roger 62. Listening to // still mumford and sons lmao 
63. Waiting for // aug when i move to france 
64. Want kids? // maybe idk (still relevant)  
65. Get Married? // maybe idk (also still relevant) 66. Career? // i want a flower shop (still the end goal but also still wanna work for the UN or something and go to the peace corps) 

 67. Lips or eyes //
 eyes 68. Hugs or kisses // i mean depends on who lol  69. Shorter or taller // taller, which isn’t that hard tbh since i’m short (oof) 70. Older or Younger // doesn’t really matter to me tbh depends on maturity  
71. Romantic or spontaneous // i’m pretty spontaneous so prob spontaneous 72. Nice stomach or nice arms // dad bods are cuddly too man 73. Sensitive or loud // i usually like quiet types bc i’m the loud one  
74. Hook-up or relationship // hook ups are dumb (STILL RELEVANT but also like neither lmao jokes on u)  75. Trouble maker or hesitant // hesitant i guess wtf (ok legit still don’t understand) 
 76. Kissed a stranger // ya lol  77. Drank hard liquor // yeah 78. Lost glasses/contacts // lmao so many times (ok but i’ve been pretty good about it recently) 79. Sex on first date // no (i meant still not really?? was that a first date???)  80. Broke someone’s heart // ya :(  81. Had your own heart broken // depends on what you count as heart broken lmao 82. Been arrested // i’m a good child. (YA STILL AM, but i’ve gotten tickets before)  83. Turned someone down // yeah lmfao 84. Cried when someone died // yeah 85. Fallen for a friend // yeah 
 86. Yourself // for the most part ya!!  87. Miracles // yeah i hope so  88. Love at first sight // nah, not really.  89. Heaven // yeah 90. Santa Claus // he’s ma main hoe. (still love u santa bb)  91. Kiss on the first date // ya  92. Angels // yeah i’m still a good christian girl
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suckitsurveys · 7 years
1. What was the last video message you received on your phone?: My niece singing me happy birthday. 2. Who did you last talk to in Facebook chat?: Mark. 3. Was your last birthday cake home made or store bought?: It was store bought but made in a local bakery. 4. When writing $ sign, do you draw one line through the S or two?: I draw two.
5. What did you get on the last test you took? If you’re not in school, how long ago was it since you took a test in school?: I have no idea.
6. Last time you went down a giant slide at a water park?: In September. 7. Do you feel bad for people your age who have never had a significant other?: No. not everyone wants one. 8. Do you like plasma televisions?: I don’t care. 9. Do you have A/C in your home?: A window unit. 10. When do you plan on moving out? If you’re already moved out, how old were you?: I moved out earlier this year. 11. First thing you do every morning?: Open my eyes.
12. One thing you miss about middle school?: Nothing.  13. Would you kiss someone you didn’t have feelings for?: No. 14. What do you think of guys wearing colored skinny jeans?: I don’t care? 15. Do you have any shirts signed by famous people?: Nope. 16. Where do you normally get your hair cut?: My cousin does it. 17. Who is the first person you have in your phone under “C” and how you you know each other?: My cousin Charlie.  18. What about “M”?: Mandy, some girl I went to high school with. 19. Would you trade last names with your best friend?: No. 20. When you have love life issues, who do you go to?: If we have an issue, Mark and I talk about it. 
21. What’s one thing your parents don’t know about you?: There’s not very much. 22. What would your dream engagement ring look like?: I didn’t really have a “dream” one. Mine is a vinage-looking ring with lots of details and three stones: one diamond, two sapphires. 23. If you post videos on YouTube, what are they normally of (ex. tutorials, comedy, etc.)?: The only ones I have on my YouTube are videos I made for a class like 4 years ago. 24. What do you wash your face with?: Clean and Clear. 25. What age did you start getting acne?: I have no idea. 26. Which of your co-workers gets into the most trouble at work?: No one gets in “trouble” really. 27. How long are your nails right now?: I just cut them super short. :( They were so long and pretty but I can’t get them done again until I get paid again so in fear of them breaking, I just cut them. 28. Do you type using home keys?: Nope. 29. What theme is your calendar?: I have a Bob’s Burgers 2018 one in our kitchen. It has September, October, November, and December of this year all on one page. We also have a calendar in our bedroom from some paint company that’s pictures of Chicago. 30. Last time you were at a funeral?: 2014, I believe 31. How do you get to school/work every day?: I drive to work everyday. 32. Would you ever get blonde highlights?: Eh. 33. Do you ever respond to people’s survey answers (ex. if someone writes “yeah, I love pizza” and you say “<– oh, me too!”)?: Not if it’s something like that. I’d just leave their answer in that case. If it’s a longer, detailed answer I don’t want to take credit for, I will do that. 34. Last person you saw wearing leopard print?: I don’t really notice those things. 35. Do you know anyone in Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts?: Yes. 36. What are the initials of the last person you kissed?: MAW. 37. Who is the last person you talked to on Facebook chat?: Mark. You asked this already. 38. Last type of pizza you had?: Red Baron pepperoni pizza. 39. Last time you wore a tie?: Middle school. 40. Did you ever believe that unicorns were real?: Nah. 41. What about mermaids?: No. 42. Do you like frosted animal crackers?: I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had frosted ones. 43. What’s the longest your hair has ever been?: Not sure. Probably to the middle of my back. 44. Will you go to your high school reunion?: Nope. 45. Do you prefer the white out that’s like a pen or like a brush?: I like the tape kind. 46. Last thing you can remember yourself painting a picture of?: Yikes, I have no idea.  47. How old is your oldest grandparent?: 92. 49. How old were you when you got your first pet?: 7. 50. Are you allowed to eat around your computer?: Yes, it’s my computer.
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