#yes i run a yuuri harem
niahana · 6 years
What is your favorite anime pairings outside of dn?
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Let’s start with yuri on ice and work from there ┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘
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kaichan24 · 3 years
Favorite Historical AUs part II
1. For He Had Eyes and Chose Me: Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
It is a truth that is universally acknowledged, and it is a burden that threatens to suffocate Victor every single day. But as duty calls and traditions demand to be fulfilled, a young man named Yuuri comes into Victor’s life like a breathtaking force – and with him, the potential to shake the kingdom to its core.
Never has Victor played a more dangerous game. Never has the price been so enchanting.
2. That Would Be Enough: The day the nomads arrive, Yuuri's life takes an unexpected turn.
For he has known Victor, or rather, of Victor, long before he had even first laid his eyes on him. He has known of his reputation, of his name, of his title, of his influence and power, just like everyone else. His knowledge had not made him any special, and it certainly has not prepared him for anything he faces now.
For what, truly, could it possibly be that the man that everyone calls the hokin sees in him?
3. Red Winter: 1905. The end of the Russo-Japanese War brings a stalemate and a treaty, one that gives Prince Yuuri as a bride to the Grand Duke of Imperial Russia.
Relocated to Russia, a bitterly cold, decadent palace, Yuuri struggles in a foreign court. Silently vowing to seize control of the Russian throne, he finds himself slowly falling for the handsome Grand Duke and the inhabitants of his new home.
But in the backdrop of Imperial Russia lies the hunger for change and the seeds of a revolution.
4. Lord Nikiforov takes a Mate: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1741048
5. Spirits Dancing in the Night: A respectable, middle-class omega, Yuuri can’t understand why the Crown is so insistent that he must marry Earl Victor Nikiforov, especially considering the Mayberry bloodline is haunted by secrets and intrigue so thick that Yuuri’s future husband can’t even show his face in public. Or the Victorian-light alpha/beta/omega AU (my first time writing a/b/o so be kind, please,) with aesthetic hints and lots of fantasy elements. https://archiveofourown.org/works/13507527/chapters/30979059
6. In Thine Own Heart: Lord Victor Nikiforov knows nothing about physical pleasures and is given time with a rent boy of his choice.
This is how Yuuri comes into Victor’s life, a rent boy from London’s most exclusive establishment, one of its best kept secrets.
A gift bestowed on Victor by his best friend for a limited time.
7. Wagerverse. https://archiveofourown.org/series/1942678
8.The Senator and His Concubine: https ://archiveofourown.org/series/1698856
9. Burn that page for me: Prince Victor Nikiforov never asked to be dragged to Leglein's Palace and to live under the same roof as his hated father, King Dmitry Nikiforov. Victor swore to stay away from the man and never touch any of his possessions. Everything is fated to change when Victor discovers that one of the King's possessions has large brown eyes with unfathomable depths and the grace of a dancer's movements. And that he is in grave danger. https://archiveofourown.org/works/27080512/chapters/66122071
10. pulses that beat double. Katsuki Yuuri traveled all the way from Japan to study medicine in London, but finds himself very short on funds. He's long had a fascination with the scandalous Baron Viktor Nikiforov, so he's shocked when the baron takes an interest in him. So shocked he runs away as quickly as possible. But Viktor Nikiforov is a persistent man when he sees something he wants. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12210117/chapters/27730044
11. We Can't... But What If We Did Anyway?: Victor is the attractive coachman for the young Lord Katsuki with an impossible crush on his master. He knows that his feelings can never be returned, that anything more is impossible... ...or is it?. https://archiveofourown.org/works/31146431
12. Let Love Rule: Sixty years ago a small altercation let to the death of the Omega Princess of Shidon. A war followed and when the dust sets the country of Levgrad was ordered to deliver one Omega to serve their live in the Emperor of Shidon's harem. Every year an Omega is delivered and every year the outcry against this practice grows. At the front is Prince Yuuri who is so far removed from inheriting the thrown he doesn't worry losing his chance. That is till his great-Grandfather and current Emperor calls him in for an interview over one of the many files he sent in to the counsel to review. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11213472
13. The Emperor's Deepest Desire: "How much are they paying for me?” “Fifty copper coins, 600 grains of millet, and even a silver coin…” Yuuri’s eyes widened. “That’s outrageous.” “That’s the Emperor,” Hiroko retorted with a laugh. “And if I say no?” Hiroko continued to laugh heartily. “No-one says no to Emperor Nikiforov, you know that, Yuuri.” Yes, she was right. Whatever Emperor Victor Nikiforov wanted, he got.
14. tattoo your name across my heart: “Your Excellency, may I present my son, Viktor Yakovitch Nikiforov, Prince of Rossi?”
Viktor took a robotic step forward and swept an equally robotic bow. It was only when he rose again that he saw the face of the man his father wanted him to marry.
It was not a face to make Viktor inclined to joy at the match. Handsome, to be sure; the man was almost preternaturally beautiful, round cheeks and a sweet chin and dark, dazzling eyes under arched brows. But those eyes were furrowed, narrowed, a shocking display of outright hostility at a betrothal meeting that set Viktor’s hackles up.
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