#yes i'm on the last floor. no i'm not looking forward to the emotional damage-
beanibon · 1 year
I really appreciate the self harm comfort fics you've written and I was wondering if you could do one with Wolfwood too.
Of course! I'd be happy to, gotta do the full circle of everyone's favourite trigun boys.
TW: self-harm, mentions of self-harm, reader going a little too deep, endless angst but when a relatively happy end
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Wolfwood x Selfharm!Reader
Wolfwood wasn't a stranger to pain or suffering, yes most injuries of his weren't self-inflicted, but it was the ideology behind it. Allowing people to shoot him, body filled with lead while he chugged down that awful vial of self-preservation. Perhaps he did hate himself, giving in to the pain piercing his flesh like tendrils from a thorn bush.
Yet nothing could compare to the agony of seeing your hunched form on the bathroom floor, skin sickly pale as your hand clutched at your wrist. It was as if Wolfwood was experiencing a nightmare, forced to watch his most cherished bleed out before his very eyes, frozen unable to save them. Only this wasn't a cruel, twisted dream and Nicholas surged forward, knees collapsing onto those hard tiles as he frantically grabbed hold of your weeping wrists.
Your voice choked out cracked vocal response, cheeks wet with tears as you shamefully watched your boyfriend examine the damage. The fear in his eyes had your heart sinking, worried the moment he realised it wasn't as deep as the blood made it look he would start angrily screaming.
Wolfwood's shoulders relaxed, reapplying pressure to stop the bleeding. Anger was the last thing he could feel, instead all that consumed the Undertaker was the suffocating weight of guilt. Guilt that he had turned a blind eye to your suffering, unaware that someone as bright as you could have their flame extinguished.
You startled at the gruff sob, finally looking to the man that hid every emotion under a cocky retort, taken aback by the way his shoulders shook with his cries.
"Why? Why didn't you come to me?" Wolfwood whispered, that familiar agony of helplessness rearing it's ugly head. "You know I'd never be angry with you, even if you and Vash do the most dumbest shit together." The remarked earned a sullen chuckle from you, quickly replaced with concern as Nicholas lurched forward, head buried into the crook of your neck.
His glasses were long discarded, your skin fully aware of the tears soaking it. Rough, strong arms encased you in a tight embrace, as if scared that if he'd open his eyes you too were a cruel mirage of this nightmare.
"I. . . I'm sorry," Your voice cracked, your own mind consumed with guilt. You had completely disregarded Wolfwood's feelings, forgetting he was the man that promised to always protect you, to keep you safe. Upon seeing you bloodied and white as a ghost, he probably thought he had failed you. "I'm so sorry Nico, please, please forgive me."
As the two cried on that bathroom floor, both wrapped around each other as fear caused them to believe the other would vanish. They sat there, weeping as one begged for forgiveness, while the other begged for them to stay.
Hours seemed to have passed before both of your tears had dried, though in reality it was only a mere forty minutes. Wolfwood stirred, repositioning himself so his rough, calloused hands could hold onto your face.
"Promise me angel, that you won't resort to dealing with such pain alone, promise me please." Wolfwood pleaded, forehead resting upon yours.
Soft hands held onto his as you leaned into his touch, sniffling as you hastily wiped your fresh tears away. "I promise, I promise I'll try, I really do Nico." Your voice sounded so strained, but you couldn't allow Wolfwood to watch you suffer any longer. Just seeing him collapsed onto you, crying for your sake all while pleading for you to remain by his side was enough to try. If not for your sake, for the man you loved dearly you would sacrifice the world for.
"That's all I ask, I don't want to lose you as I've lost myself. So please, come to me whenever you feel pained, I promise I'll make you feel better." Nicholas placed a kiss firmly to your forehead, before kissing your dried lips. A lasting promise that he would never leave you, even after seeing you at your lowest.
"Unfortunately for you sweetheart, your stuck with this sinner until God smites him for all the shit I've done." Nicholas smiled, the sweet sounds of your laughter already burning away the worry of losing you.
"Let's pray that day never comes," recovering from the pain and sorrow, eyes tiredly watching as Nicholas slowly began bandaging your fresh cuts, heart swelling with love. "I'd hate to lose you so soon, you're the reason I'm still kicking, so I guess in a way you're stuck with me too."
Nicholas chuckled, finishing cleaning and wrapping your wounds, hands holding yours firmly as he placed a kiss to each one.
"Guess I'm the luckiest guy around them."
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gyuphorias · 2 years
hello hello! Can i request "wait you think i'm cute?" with dino? thank you!!!
hehe yes yes ofc!!
send me a prompt and an idol!!
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when you'd first met lee chan a handful of years ago, you thought he was one of the most obnoxious people you'd ever had come into your life. he was ridiculously loud, nearly insufferable, and a complete mess — all the makings of a teenage boy, really.
though your initial opinion of him has never really changed (even at his big age of 23, he's still obnoxious and annoying), you've come to appreciate him a lot more. he's charismatic enough for the both of you, unafraid to speak his mind, funny enough to break any tension in any situation. you've seen firsthand how he cares for those he loves most, his passion for his craft, the attentiveness he pays the things he finds value in.
even now, as you sit against the back wall and he struggles to nail down the choreography he's working on, he keeps his breath even, his face straight, his emotions tempered. you can tell he's agitated (he's been working on this choreography for close to five hours now), but he's not letting it show outright. instead, he draws even breaths, shakes himself out, and starts a few measures before the place he messed up.
the fifth hour comes and goes, and you know that much more of this and he is really going to put himself down for the count. the last thing he wants (and needs) is to be bedridden for a few days because he pushed himself too hard tonight. you decide to cut the music, which you've been operating for him since seungkwan tapped out and called it a night a couple of hours ago, and chan looks back at you, his eyebrows raised.
"just take a break for a little bit," you say, voice echoing easily off the towering walls. "please? you're gonna hurt yourself, chan, and then you really won't be able to perfect this dance."
even from a handful of feet away, you can see the understanding that passes over your friend's face, the small smile and gentle eyes: he knows you're right because you're always right, more often than not keeping him from doing too much damage to himself when he gets like this.
he easily crosses the space between you, plopping unceremoniously on the hardwood floor beside you. he's sweating and his chest is heaving a little, but he doesn't seem too winded. he's certainly a proper athlete, his body keeping him in equilibrium, despite the fact that he's pushing himself to the limit; it's something you could never do, at least the way that he does it.
"have you been keeping track of the time?" he questions, reaching for his water bottle.
you nod, recounting the five hours to him. he's all but missed dinner with the twelve other guys and you have too, having opted to take seungkwan's place so he could attend to other things on his agenda for the evening. you can tell chan feels a little bad about it, but sitting here and working music for him for hours on end is far better than sitting in your apartment, completely bored out of your mind, which is what you tell him every time this happens.
he groans loudly, boyishly, and then he becomes top heavy, sliding against the wall and then leaning forward, allowing the momentum to land him face-up in your lap. his eyes are closed and his hair is hanging in sweaty strands over his forehead.
he looks almost peaceful, you think, looking down at him in your lap. cute, too. you're realizing that for the first time.
"wait... you think i'm cute?" he asks, eyes opening and blinking up at you.
you pause and go stiff, staring down at him. you said that out loud? this is absolutely not how you figured you coming to terms with the crush you had on him would go.
you want to start apologizing when you really take in chan's expression. he doesn't seem mad or anything, not putting distance between you and him. no, instead, he's staring back at you, keeping his head nestled in your lap and smiling brightly. you're stuttering over an answer that is only halfbaked and not at all coherent when he starts chuckling, his shoulders shaking.
"it's okay. i promise," he says, sitting up and turning his body entirely towards you. "i think you're cute too."
that just sends you into overdrive even further and you really think you're about to keel over and die from the whiplash of emotions you're experiencing: understanding, mortification, embarrassment. leave it to lee chan to make you feel like this, apparently.
he's still chuckling at you and in an attempt to get you jumpstarted again, he stands and reaches a hand out toward you. you take it, mouth still opening and closing lamely, your mind still struggling to catch up to the situation at hand. he pulls you to your feet and then grabs both of your things, taking it upon himself to carry your bag and wrap his jacket around your shoulders.
"let's go get dinner. my treat," he says, reaching his hand back out towards you.
you take it once again, nodding a little dumbly. "okay, sounds good."
and for months and years down the line, chan will never let you forget that you accidentally confessed the exact moment you realized you had feelings for him and went temporarily mute. but he's cute, so you let it slide.
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shesclearlya3 · 4 years
Aw~Imagine this! The reader came with Dandy when he buys the freakshow (them being his trusted loving friend) and defends him as the freaks are beating him up! (I'm sorry you feuled my Dandy fire and now I cannot be stopped!) ~signed yet again your Dandy loving anon~
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here you go, lovely
You knew that Dandy always had dreams of being in the limelight. Ever since you were kids, he insisted on daily performances with his puppets or acting out scenes with just the two of you when you were older. He always had a deep love for theatre and acting, which soon rubbed off on you.
He had been obsessed with the local Freak Show in Jupiter; he had taken you a few times, mainly to gawk at the conjoined Tattler sisters. You always thought it was cute, seeing how his eyes lit up throughout the show and his pure excitement after the fact. 
Dandy had all of the money a young adult could only dream of. While you both were close friends, you never expected that he would actually buy the show from Elsa Mars, a thin blonde who had her own dreams of being in Hollywood. While you were convinced it was to get close to the Tattler sisters, you didn't question it. Dandy seemed to be the happiest you had ever seen him. 
It was only days into his recent investment when you noticed that his fellow performers weren't as welcoming to him as they were to you.
As far as you could tell, most of them liked you. You were always kind, and you had a genuine interest in their daily lives as performers. You had some great conversations, and you started to learn the ins and outs of running a carnival. 
It was a muggy afternoon when you sat in the front row in front of the stage, quietly observing as Dandy attempted to practice his newest routine, Anything Goes. It was one of Dandy's favorite musicals, and he adored Cole Porter.
While you never had many criticisms of Dandy, you knew that not a whole lot of people would be flocking to see him perform. While Dandy looked like a motion picture dreamboat in your eyes, and in the eyes of many, you knew it was not enough to boost ticket sales. His singing voice was okay, nothing too spectacular, but there was something there. 
Dandy was growing increasingly frustrated as time ticked by, and you were becoming anxious as it seemed that the crew was always messing things up. They would start the music too early, interrupting Dandy's opening monologue, or the music would skip, or the lights weren't the correct shade or position Dandy wanted them to be. 
"No! No! No!"
Here we go-
"Turn it off!"
Here it comes-
"I told you a million trillion times, the blue light, is for Night and Day, blue symbolizes night! For Anything Goes, I need the MAGENTA light to accentuate my spirited rendition-" 
There it is
"I'm surrounded by amateurs." 
You stood up, listening as the crew mumbled to themselves, once again fearing a Dandy tantrum. Dandy rolled his eyes so hard you could see the whites of his eyes. He glanced down at you as you approached the stage, your hands behind your back. 
"I want y/n to be in charge, all of you are terrible at your job!" Dandy exclaimed, gesturing to your now red face as the other performers slowly started approaching from the tent entrance. "She understands my impeccable taste."
You wanted to ask him to leave you out of it, but his attention was quickly captured by Paul, who was leading the pack.
"Flipper boy! Did you hang the banner in clear view for all to see?" Dandy asked, stepping down from the stage, grabbing your arm and pulling you along. 
"Yes, sir, just as instructed," Paul responded.
"Good, good," Dandy said, "How many tickets have we sold?"
There was an awkward silence as the foursome in front of you looked at each other. Dandy was smiling, releasing his grip on you, yet you stayed close. Your presence always comforted him. 
"As of this time, none..." Paul said warily. "Quite yet."
The smile instantly wiped off Dandy's face as he stared at them in disbelief. "You haven't sold a single ticket?"
"We've only put the banner out half an hour ago!" Paul said, "The town just hasn't gotten wind of your new act." he said, his words striving to be encouraging and maybe even patronizing in the slightest. 
"Give it some time, Dandy," you whispered to him, giving him a gentle smile when he looked at you, "We'll be selling tickets in no time."
"I don't understand," Dandy said, almost ignoring your words completely. "You must have done something wrong." he accused, now glaring at Paul and the others, their faces also becoming void of any emotion. 
Paul tried to assure Dandy that it would be alright, his words similar to your own. You were about to pitch in again, but Dandy was mad.
"You think you're so smart. You don't know anything, you stupid freak."
"He's only trying to help," Eve said.
"Oh, shut up, you ugly cow!" Dandy responded, causing the girls to gasp in disbelief. You knew they were in for it now.
"Dandy, come on, stop-" you said, taking his hand, only for him to step forward, dropping your hand as if you caught the plague. You loved him, you understood him, but you wanted to avoid this argument at all costs.
"-I'm in charge here, and I say it's your fault. No one's coming to the show because you are boring. The town has had its fill of your mediocre oddities. You're done. You're yesterday's news." Dandy said to them, going on about his new ideas for their acts. 
"-Don't you touch her!" Paul shouted suddenly, and you saw him shove Dandy away from Penny. She stumbled back, watching them in fright. 
"This is my show! I'll do whatever I want!" Dandy retorted, getting right in Paul's face.
"Stop this!" you said, taking a few steps closer, but was knocked to the floor as Eve stepped forward, punching Dandy directly in the nose. He fell over and, in the process, knocked you on your ass. You lost your breath, hitting the hard dirt, and you winced as a tuft of dust rose in the air and causing you to choke. 
Penny had gasped, rushing forward to help you up, but the others held Dandy down as Paul spat in his face. 
You didn't want to do it, but you found yourself breaking from Penny's grasp, almost shoving her as you scrambled to your feet.
"Knock this shit off, all of you!" you said, glaring from Barbara all the way to Penny, who had just placed her foot on Dandy's hand. 
"y/n, I like you, but please keep your mouth shut!" Paul said, looking you up and down as you brushed the dirt from your clean clothes. "This doesn't concern you."
"Anything involving Dandy concerns me." you breathed, brushing your hair out of your face as the others stared at you. From below, Dandy was breathing heavily as blood slowly started trickling from his nose. You could feel his gaze burning into you. 
"With all due respect," Barbara pitched in, "You babying him only makes it worse. It's really weird."
You knelt down, cupping Dandy's cheek in your hand as you maneuvered his head around, checking for further damage. He was still fuming but allowed you to touch him, his eyes fluttering shut. You pushed their legs off him, telling them to back off, before helping Dandy to his feet.
"How I treat him doesn't concern you!" you glared. "It doesn't concern any of you."
"y/n-" Dandy began.
"No, I'm not going to just sit around while they beat on you!" you said.
"How does a nice girl like you end up with rubbish like him?" Paul asked, and the others nodded in agreement. "He is a rude, selfish, entitled child."
"He might be all of that to you," you said, standing your ground as they all looked at you with distaste. "But not to me. Dandy is different; he's different like all of you. That doesn't make him defective, or any less of a human than the rest of you here." 
The others watched quietly as you reached into your bag sitting on the chair, before pressing a handkerchief to Dandy's bleeding nose. He gave you a solemn look, holding it for you as you deduced that his nose wasn't broken, thankfully. 
"You say all of you want to be respected for things you cannot help. If you knew any of the shit Dandy went through growing up, or the things that were going on before he was even born - before he was even a thought to this world, then maybe you'd show a little shred of sympathy."
You realized you were tearing up during all of this. Dandy was becoming upset, seeing you distraught over him. 
"I treat him as I see him as someone who never had a chance at a normal life."
You gave them all one last glance, before gathering your stuff and grabbing Dandy's hand. He allowed it this time, holding you tightly as you led him out of the tent. You could feel their eyes follow you out. You could hear them start to talk amongst each other as you disappeared from sight.
"I love you, y/n," Dandy sniffled, wincing slightly at the pain in his nose.
"I love you too," you said, looking up at him with a small smile, “Don’t irritate it too much. We need to get you fixed up before curtain call.” 
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msladyrosa · 4 years
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I'm here to tell a story that my heart is screaming at me to tell.
This is me. I fucking hate myself, just as much as I fake loving me. I don't think I've ever been this contempt as I was in these photos. I'm awkward and I fake confidence by throwing sarcastic and snarky comments. My coping mechanism consists of lying and just hiding behind my fake me. I've created a confident, pretty and delusional front that isn't me, but it's just as real as the raw version. My raw is ugly and disgusting and I hate it. I hid it and for the love of the non existent God there is, I wish I didn't have the raw side. I write in my skin, because if I went back to cutting, then I would no longer have pretty skin that people can love. I love eating, but I don't do it, because of the fear of losing my 36,28,42 measurements. I'm suicidal, but heavens forgive if I make a joke about it in order to cope with my insane itch to make my skin purple. My arm hair is soft and the last time I shaved I was scared that someone might see the thin, white lines that are underneath. My body is sexy as fuck, but Heavens forgive me if I actually feel comfortable in it. Thoughts of "they'll be fine without me" or "it's better if I'm not here" are drowned by the words I told someone who was a suicidal as me, "killing yourself would not make the pain disappear, you're just passing it on to someone else". I'm such a fucking hypocrite, or is it just a twisted way of actual introspection? What is wrong with the way I walk funny because I'm dizzy for the lack of food is that people notice. Oh great deity in the sky, please allow them to notice, but forgive them is they dare to ask what's wrong. I look happy and relaxed in the photos, hell yes, but not I'm an anxious mess that's writing this in the middle of a mental breakdown. Parents are never the one's to blame, no forgive them for not validating their children's emotions and struggles. No, strict parenthood creates strong-willed, rightful and successful people that think of themselves as worthless, weak, pathetic excuses. Oh we lie, and we lie good. Ask actors if they had strict parents... You'll find none, why? Because strict parents will inforce you an internalized fear of failure outside of social norms and acting is "a waste of time" to their standards. Support doesn't come from the right sized bra, but it sure as fucking hell is welcoming to be held and somehow relived from a burden you didn't fucking asked for. I was so happy ya'll. I was in cloud nine. That day I had a date with a guy I like that I thought was way out of my league, I lied my way through his pseudo intellectual remarks and he believed it.
We know how to lie so good and so true that eventually you lose track of your actual motive to do it in the first place. Society wants you perky and pretty, fuck yeah they do. How do I get all perky and pretty when I only see disgusting, overdosed surroundings? It's easy to get worried when you finally realize somethings not right. It wasn't right to be kneeling at someone's feet screaming a nasty and raspy wail of pain. 10 years it took me to fucking do that and yet nothing really changed. Now I'm just looked at with pity and the quizzical look that can only mean "when is this one gonna blow up again?" Oh, honey, I won't, you're just worried that you're just realizing this now. It's easy to be outside and just stay that way.
I was so happy, all the time. I was forced to lie in order to move forward. You love me? Yeah, as long as you earn it. Are you proud? Sure, as long as you don't fail. Am I okay because I feel like this? Well, it's fine as long as you keep it in. It's beautiful. "As long as..." my reality had always been subjected to a condition, and clause, a fucking constant reminder that I have to earn my happiness. I have to earn my own idea of self worth that is diluted through your standards. I have to earn reassurance from the people I surround myself. I must assume the best case scenario but I can't be surprised when it's the worst outcome.
Having loved a mad human made me realize how flawed I am. I was happy. So, so happy I forgot I wasn't. I tortured myself through endless nights of doubt, starvation with a full kitchen. Sleepless nights contemplating self harm and then decided against it because I had work and the cute client at work would see how damaged I was. I tortured myself with the idea of loneliness in a see of people, only to realize I've been in that see long enough that I grew a tail and fins. I was plagued my guilt because I didn't love them, but when exactly did it go from happy to uttermost bullshit? I was so happy I forgot what sadness was.
I was so happy it started hurting. Hurting when I failed to do something. It was excruciating when I was not able to buy a car because I had noticed I had spent my money of pleasing those who swore they'd provide for me. I was in pain when I showered and instead of singing, I just blasted music loud enough so that nobody heard my hyperventilating bitch ass. I was in so much pain that I welcomed it as my way of happiness. I loved my pain, because I've had it my whole life.
I had it when I was in forth grade and in order to fit in I had to go a sneak around to kiss a boy, and I didn't want to. It was there when I was accused of fighting other girls, but in reality I was trying to establish my self worth, so I was punished. In fifth grade I loved a boy so much I had written beautiful words to describe how much I loved his smile, and so he said I was stalking him and he got scared; 2 months later I was in a shrinks chair talking about it; fast-forward to last night, that same boy explained to me how much he wanted to fuck me now that he had lost weight. Middle school was terrible. Seventh grade, I was constantly degrading myself because another pretty blonde chick was only my friend when she could laugh through me. I insulted a perfectly great teacher because she noticed my self destructive behavior. Eighth grade came and I was lost with a blonde boy. He was beautiful and I was not. He was friends with the girl that swore fielty to me and he chose someone else and because he chose the pretty pale skin on someone else, I settled for the kid that wantedto finger me in the bleachers during recess. Ninth grade came and I was failing classes, parents were strict and hurtful, but they aren't to blame for my shortcomings. That's when I found myself in the arms of the pretty blonde thing I had fallen for. The pretty girl had him in public, I could only have him when we snuck around and he would hold me and kiss me like holding on to his life line. I was letting him touch me, but my self hatred didn't know no boundaries so I suck to my knees and gave my first blowjob at the top of staircase wearing only a lazy purple bra and the school uniform and the shame I'll forever wear because I did it without wanting to, but because I was expected to.
I was so happy to be out of there, that I ended up sinking deeper into my lie. I was smart, new and vulnerable. That's how I met the wholesome boy I called my first boyfriend who was nice and respectful, but he was as ugly as they come. I was a queen to him, but he was looking more like the ogre on the fairy tale and there came my vanity, my ego, my selfishness. I was brutal and I couldn't care less. High school started with a bang with the boy I played with, and when he got to close to my actual raw person, I kicked him out with a bang and he cried. I just stood there not knowing how to react, so I just went on to the next person I could lead on and play. Junior year I knew was difficult, and a black boy with a nice boy and a promising basketball future came around, I once again craved approval and degraded myself to it. That's how I ended up sneaking around 10 minutes before my parents picked me up. In the second floor, I'd found myself again on my knees, and expected to give a blowjob in exchange for attention, and like before, I was hidden, and I expected to be I had tears in my eyes, but because of my shame. Senior year came in, and the black boy with the attractive body was replaced with another, but this one only had pretty eyes and the promise of spoiling me with his family's money. Once again, I said yes when he said he wanted me to be his girlfriend, at least this time I was not hidden, but I was back in the cycle and I ditched my best friend in a movie theater so that I would be in the backseat on a Dodge, sucking my pseudo boyfriend's dick with tears on my eyes, not becauseofhis size, but becausethe disgust towards myself. Like before, I was expected to do so, and so I did.
Heavens above forgive the religion to blame women for sin and lust, but instead punish us for the boys who couldn't keep their dicks to themselves. The end of senior year came, and I was relieved, but then I fell for the guy my parents liked. Humble background, similar interests, and a promise of stability. I was ditched because for him I was a whore and his friends told him so, I accepted the insults and insinuations.
I was so happy, I forgot the rest. College was great and a religious nut job, a platonic love, a semi smart dipshit with the complex of being over everyone in experience, a quiet mature man that treated me with decency, the suicidal broken guy who needed healing #1 and the suicidal broken guy who needed healing #2, later, here I am.
I was so happy in these pictures, I had no idea was contemplating my own disappearance. I write this with migrane, blue ink from a ballpoint in my thighs, with nostalgic memories of moments where my mind wasn't this crowded. I was so happy it hurt. I guess that my logic dictates that happiness is painful and that my pain can bring me joy, but fuck I was so happy.
I had everything. I was pretty, I was smart, I was important. I'm still all those things, but right this very second, I'm happy, and painful so. Heavens above forgive for I have sinned...
I dared to fail... I sinned
I dared to fall into lust... I sinned
I dared to judge... I sinned
I fucking dared to wake up every miserable day... I had sinned.
I dared to be painfully happy... I sinned
I lied... and so that's my greatest sin of all.
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Come Back Home (A Kim Taehyung Mafia AU) // Part Three
Too much angst going on.... let's give you guys a little hope, shall we?
Summary: You were dead. Or at least that's what Kim Taehyung thought. But love never dies. A myth, yes. And maybe that's why when he finds out that you are alive, he may have already lost you.
Pairing: Mafia!Taehyung×Reader
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"Where is she?!"
A female voice sounded through Taehyung's house, making him turn his head towards the source.
"We need you to sit first." Jin said, standing in front of her and preventing her from walking further into the house. She glared at him, placing her hands on her hips.
"You really think I'm gonna listen to any-"
"He. Said. Sit. Down." Taehyung clenched his jaw, glaring at her with much more intensity. His voice made her shiver as she hesitantly sat on the black couch in the huge living room. Taehyung smirked, enjoying the way she lost all her confidence in a minute.
With threatening steps, he himself sat in front of her, keeping his eyes fixed on her cowering figure. Yoona couldn't help but curse. She should have just brought her entire gang for back up. Just in case, Taehyung decided to kill her. But she was here for you. She was here for her best friend who she had lost months ago. If she needed to die for you, she would.
"I'm sure you already know that we found her." Yoongi said, leaning on the arm of one of the couches, his arms crossed across his chest. Yoona could sense the coldness that every single person in the room emitted. Nobody wanted her there.
"I hope you painfully killed that bastard." She said, feeling her blood boil on even thinking about Castillo. He deserved to burn in hell. Taehyung nodded with a smug look on his face. That expression was enough for Yoona to know that Castillo got the worst death possible.
"Now, the main reason why you're here." Hoseok said, glancing at Taehyung.
Taehyung sighed and closed his eyes, preparing himself for what he was about to say. He knew that Yoona was gonna enjoy this. She just wanted a reason to take you far from him.
"Castillo did too much damage. She….." he trailed off, feeling his chest tightening. He wished this wasn't true. He wished this was just a dream and he would wake up with you by his side.
Yoona leaned forward, raising her eyebrows as a sign for Taehyung to complete his sentence.
"...she lost her memories."
Yoona's breath hitched, her body shutting down as if someone had taken away her soul. The things that you must have gone through in order to lose your memories…..
She clenched her fists and stared at the floor, her eyes itching as tears formed in them. Suddenly, she was standing on her feet and rushing towards Taehyung. She gritted her teeth as she grabbed his collar and pulled him to stand up. Jungkook and Jin were already running to get her off him but Taehyung lifted his hand up to stop them.
He deserved this for letting you get hurt. He deserved much worse but this was pretty close. Letting a rival gang leader lift a hand on him? Pretty bad for him.
"It's all your fault!" Yoona screamed and slapped him. Not once. But twice. She grabbed his collar and shook him, screaming at him about how he didn't deserve you.
"You haven't loved anyone but yourself. You are selfish and heartless. I shouldn't have let her go with you. You don't love her. You never did!"
Taehyung's eyes shot up to her face as he gripped her hands tightly. That was the last straw. With anger lacing his eyes, he pushed her away, towering over her as she fell on the couch.
"Wrong. I haven't loved anyone as much as I love her. I always have and I always will. You don't get to come to my house and say shit to my face." He spat, glaring at her. His hands itched to choke her but he couldn't. He still needed her for you.
You stared at the scene unfolding in front of you, tears pricking your eyes. You already felt light headed and all this screaming was making it worse. You heard every single word since your best friend slapped the man who brought you to his house.
The one who wanted to hurt you.
You had also heard him. It was obvious that they were talking about you. But why? You didn't remember this man at all. So why did he keep saying he loved you?
"Yoona…" you whispered, not wanting to hear any more of this conversation. All heads in the room turned to you. Yoona's eyes widened as she ran towards you and hugged you. You slowly wrapped your arms around her as she cried into your shoulder. You placed your chin on her shoulder and let your eyes wander to him.
He was indeed a gorgeous man.
But he's bad. He wanted to hurt you.
He stared back at you with pain evident in his eyes. Did he really mean what he said? But that didn't matter. You didn't know him.
A part of you was screaming at you to run to him. It made you wonder if he really wanted to harm you. Because if he did then he would have already done something. Instead, he brought you to his house, got your wounds cleaned up and even respected your words when you asked him to go away. That didn't seem like a bad guy to you. You could see him clenching his fists, as if he was holding back.
"Are you okay?" Yoona pulled away and cupped your cheeks. You nodded and smiled softly before pouting.
"I wanna go home." You said, blinking rapidly to stop yourself from crying. Yoona chuckled and nodded before bringing you back into a hug. This time you buried your head in her neck, inhaling her scent. This was home to you.
"We'll go home. Wait for me in the room and I'll get you ready. Then we can leave." She said, making you nod as you backed away into the room. Your eyes met his as you closed the door, your heart picking up its pace. You frowned and placed a hand on your chest.
He's a bad guy.
Taehyung stood still, staring at the closed door, wishing for you to come back out and tell him that this is all a joke. And that you remembered him.
"You said she lost her memories. How did she know me?" Yoona asked, looking around at everyone. They all glanced at Taehyung before Jimin sighed, knowing that Taehyung wasn't gonna answer anything anymore.
"She lost all her memories related to... Taehyung. She remembers you so that's the only possible explanation." He explained, receiving a nod from Hoseok.
Just for a second, Yoona felt pity for Taehyung. It must be really painful to lose someone so quickly. But it disappeared just as it came, her mind displaying nothing but joy. If you really didn't remember Taehyung then she could do anything. She could make sure that you never remember him.
"I'll help you." She lied, watching in amusement as Taehyung's eyes lit up. She walked closer to him and gave him a look full of sympathy.
"She's my best friend. No matter how much I hate you, I can't take away the part of her that was happy. Unfortunately, it was with you." Yoona was surprised at how convincing she sounded. With a poker face, she left everyone to think about her words as she entered your room.
After a minute of silence, Jungkook spoke up.
"Do you seriously believe that?"
His eyes danced across the room, taking in everyone's face as he waited for a reply.
"Of course not. She thinks she's good at lying but she isn't. She couldn't even hide her satisfaction." Taehyung stated, moving to stand by the window. He was already tired and with every passing second, he could feel you slipping out of his fingers. This was the first time Kim Taehyung was gonna lose. And he was pretty sure that a lot of people would enjoy watching him break.
"We'll get through this, Tae. We all know she loves you. Someday she's gonna come back." Namjoon said, squeezing Taehyung's shoulder comfortingly. He was right. Taehyung knew that. Namjoon always managed to say the right things.
Taehyung leaned his head against the cool glass, closing his eyes and gathering himself. He had to say goodbye to you for a while. Just for a while.
Is that what you think?
He gritted his teeth and inhaled deeply, hating how a big part of him had already given up.
You held yoona's hand and followed her as she led you out of the room. You glanced down at the clothes you were wearing, still wondering how there was an entire closet full of women clothing and why Yoona had packed them all in a bag. You didn't know if they were your clothes but if they were….
How did they get here?
Your head hurt with the amount of questions you had. Everything was so suspicious and you were so lost.
You gulped on seeing seven men standing in the living room, all their eyes fixed on you as Yoona continued to drag you. You recognized one of them. He was the one who had treated your wounds. You hesitantly nodded at him with a broken smile. His aura was warm and you felt calm around him.
That was his name. That's what he had told you.
You could see the sad smiles on everyone's faces and it seemed as though your heart hurt. But one thing was out of place. The man who was the target of most of your questions, wasn't looking at you. He was just staring out the window with his back facing you. Just as you reached the door of the big house, you stopped. Yoona frowned and looked at you as you glanced at your clenched fist.
Your mind was a mess. You didn't know if you should do this or not. With a shaky breath, you let go of yoona's hand and turned towards the men in the room. Surprisingly, you weren't intimidated by any of them. They all seemed nice to you.
Giving nervous looks around the room, you slowly made your way towards the window, your heart beating faster with every step you took. You could tell he wasn't in a good mood. The way his body was slumped against the window made you think that he was upset. You stopped right behind him, feeling more nervous as everyone continued to stare at you.
You bit your lip harshly, reaching your hand out to place it on his shoulder. Hesitantly, he turned around, his breath hitching as he clearly wasn't expecting you.
Your heart started pounding in your chest on seeing him up close. He was really beautiful. His eyes looked into yours with emotions that you couldn't decipher. Averting your gaze to the floor, you stretched your closed fist towards him, waiting for him to take it.
Taehyung frowned and placed his palm beneath your fist, watching as you slowly opened it. A folded piece of paper fell on his palm making him look up at you. Your hand had briefly touched his and your eyes widened momentarily. For some reason, your cheeks became really warm and your heart felt as if it was gonna jump out of your chest. With all the courage you could muster, you looked up at him one last time before turning around and rushing towards Yoona, a soft smile gracing your lips as she led you out of the house.
Taehyung wanted to dance around with joy. He wasn't ready to watch you leave, which is why he had decided to not pay attention to you when you came out of the room. He could feel eyes on his back but he assumed it was the members. There was no way you would look at him. You were scared of him. Out of everyone, you were scared of him. When a hand tapped his shoulder, he again assumed it was one of the members. But it wasn't.
It was you.
His heart was gonna leap out when you handed him the paper. This was the most exciting thing that had happened since he found you. He quickly unfolded the paper after you left, his eyes lightening up when he read what you wrote. And for the first time in a while, he had hope. He smiled as he read the words again and again. He was gonna make you love him again. No matter what it took.
"I do not know who you are or what happened but I'm guessing it has something to do with me. If you aren't the person who wanted to kill me, then...I hope we meet again!" -Y/N Y/L/N
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Tell me if I missed anyone out! And tell me if you wanna be added!! Love ya~
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 89Xs1) "Dangerous But Sweet"
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Don can't find any of them anywhere for Check Out. No one is answering their doors or phones. Not even the responsible ones, like Ashleigh, Bullet or Benny.
Annoyed, he heads to Colson and Luna's suite. He HATES dealing with them, ever since they first met. Especially her.
The door is slightly ajar, concerning Don for a moment. Entering the room cautiously, he finds The Ten of Them sleeping on the floor. Curled up and splayed all over each other like little kids on the mattresses.
Rolling his eyes, he mutters "Fucking idiots." Before speaking loudly. "What the HELL is this shit? You better put these fucking beds back. I'm not explaining your fucking slumber party when the hotel charges the lable for damages."
The rude tone and words coming out of his mouth stirs them. Groggy, with monkeys beating drums inside their heads, they all wish he would just GOOO AWAAY.
Luna opens her eyes. Giving him a death stare.
"Will you EVER be cool, Don?" She asks him with a sigh.
"Will you ever NOT be a fucking bitch?" He fires back at her.
"YEOO." The bass in Colson's voice vibrates Luna's body as his head flies up from behind her. "Watch your FUCKING mouth, Motherfucker when talking to my girl." His tone is fierce in defense of Luna. "Matter of fact, get the FUCK out before you make me get the FUCK up." He warns before laying back into their warmth.
"Bye, Don." Luna states in a monotone voice.
"I don't know how either of you have a fucking career." He spits out.
The Ten of Them are irritable from their Trip last night. With NONE of them liking this DickHead at the moment. Brains still linked, his comment hits them all.
"BYE DON!!" The Ten shout in unison, none moving.
"Indigent Fucks." Is thrown over his shoulder as he storms out, slamming the door behind him.
Getting comfortable again, those that awoke go back to sleep. Fuck Don.
Colson is performing tonight at MidLand. Finally up and dressed, they're all there. Moving slowly, but they're there. Even before 2P at that. Hanging out back. Burning as they recount the night before. No one skates. They sit, stand or lean. The struggle is REAL.
Luna's starving. She needs cheeseburgers, pineapples and coffee in her life.
"Hook it up?" She asks The Boys.
Offering to Take Care of Them All to their Oh My God, Yes Please's.
Dressed simply in dark shades, her Yankees hat, ripped jeans and a black crop top, Luna pulls off Colson's jean jacket. She was cold earlier but is starting to warm up in the sun.
Slipping in between Colson's legs, she wraps her arms around his shoulders. They lean cheek to cheek for a minute. Breathing each other in. Last night being so intense, they can still feel the raw emotions.
"I'll be back. Text me what you guys want from McDonald's. Love you." She kisses his cheek lightly.
"Love you.... Don't forget we gotta pick Emma and Case up at 430P..." He reminds her to her nod of agreement.
Grabbing Sam and Ashleigh, they take a walk. Burning and sipping on water along the way.
The Boys take The Girls being gone as an opportunity to run a light rehearsal. Focusing on practicing the Sublime song Colson wants to cover tonight.
Luna's a bitch. Luna's a bitch who doesn't like to be ogled. Luna is a bitch who can't STAND creeps. Luna's an even BIGGER bitch when she's recovering from a drug binge and CATCHES someone acting creepy.
And thaaats's exactly what leads to what happens in the grocery store.
In the produce section, Luna's wandering around with Ashleigh looking for fresh cut pineapples. Sam's towards her left, in a cross aisle on her phone facing the wall.
Rounding the corner into another aisle, Sam now comes directly into Luna's eyesight. So is a man moving around weirdly in the same aisle as Luna and Ashleigh. He's facing towards Sam. Watching him as her and Ashleigh begin to walk passed, something makes Luna look down.
This pig, is standing in the aisle, behind his cart. He has his hand down his pants and is jerking off to an unknowing Sam.
It feels like slow motion as Luna sees what he's doing, life hitting fast forward once she fully realizes it.
Grabbing the back of the cart and shoving it into the man with all her might. Knocking him down backwards on to the ground, she then moves the cart. Stomping his hand in place on his dick with her right foot.
"What the fuck, Loons!?!" Sam comes rushing over.
"Bro. You see this shit." Luna points to his hand trapped in his pants. "He was fucking jerking off to YOU. RIGHT FUCKING HERE."
Sam's reaction is the EXACT same as Luna's. Word. For. Word.
She screams also. Bringing her knee up high, Sam starts to stomp down on the dude.
"You like jerking off to girls who don't know it? You fucking freak!" She continues to shout.
Luna joins in. Ashleigh standing back like the night in Chicago. Watching Sam and Luna stomp and kick the fuck out of A Jack Off Johnny of Kansas City.
"Let's see how much you like yanking it in the grocery store after that, Motherfucker." Sam spits on him before they leave him bloody and whimpering on the ground.
The two employees watching don't bother to aid the man or stop The Girls. His actions being unacceptable, they decide to leave him there.
Walking towards the door, Luna spies the fresh fruit she wants. Making their purchase, they leave the grocery store and head to McDonald's.
"Was he really whacken' off to her?" Ashleigh asks in uncomfortable disbelief.
"Yeah, dude." Luna says, disgusted.
She hates the world on a regular day. Today it's extra.
"I seen his fucking hand stuck down his pants, Ash." Sam says with a shudder.
"Why are men so gross..." Ashleigh complains.
Her low serotonin makes her sensitive to sadness. While Luna and Sam are both prone to anger and violence.
"Because there ain't enough women who ain't afraid to beat the fuck out of them when they act gross." Sam states angrily.
She's not wrong. 
"How do you guys know how to do that?" Ashleigh asks quietly.
"What?" Luna cocks her head towards her.
"Not be afraid of men and beat them up the way you do? I would never know how to do that." She says honestly.
"It's a NY thing." Luna blows her off.
Looking at Sam. Some words shouldn't be said. Just as some reasons never need to be relived.
Sitting on the back loading dock of the venue, The Ten of Them are reunited eating their fast food and fresh fruit. Having so many bags of burgers, fries, nuggets and pineapples. Ten different sodas and iced coffees, The Girls had to snag a shopping cart to get it all back in one piece.
The Ten of Them are all still pretty miserable. Luna offering up a Xanax to whomever needs. That would be 8 out of 10.
Sitting next to Colson as she munches on a double cheeseburger, Luna's legs are swinging wildly. She loves beef and cheese. Almost as much as she loves Colson.
"Is that blood on your shoe?" Colson asks her, confused and slightly concerned.
"Damn it. That Motherfucker." Luna growls as she lifts her leg to see the tiny splatters.
"WHAT Motherfucker?" Colson now demands.
His possessiveness amuses to Luna. Sucking her teeth and preparing for his reaction, Luna tells the Tale of A Jack Off Johnny of Kansas City.
"Why the fuck didn't you call me?" He insists once she's finished.
"Imagine that...." She says dryly.
Putting her pinky and thumb to her ear, like a phone. She bobbles her head and wiggles her straightened shoulders. Voice and body mimicking a 1950s housewife.
"Hiii Honey, would you mind coming down to the local grocer. I've got a sexual predator trapped here under my foot but still need you to come defend my honor for me. Please?"
She changes her tone as she shoots him a Look with a "Yeah. No."
"I fucking hate when she acts like this... Like she's fucking invincible... She better never...." He doesn't even want to finish the thought. Knowing that his brain is mush and his girlfriend is a psychotic bitch with no fear.
"You're fucking insane." Is all he says, shaking his head as he bites into his burger.
"And you're beautiful and I love you." Luna tells him, nipping any argument in the bud.
Once they've finished eating, Luna and Sam borrow Baze, their instruments and stage to rehearse. Luna doesn't have a name for the Ellen song, she just keeps calling it, IT.
Watching Luna from SideStage, Colson's phone rings. It's a number he doesn't know.
"Hello?" He answers.
"Hi. Colson? It's Francis, Luna's friend. We met at your house in LA for her Tea Party..." Frannie introduces herself.
"Oh! Hey! Yeah, what's up?" He asks, moving away from the stage.
"I hope you don't mind but I got your number off Sam to that maybe we could touch base about Luna's birthday?" Frannie asks, striking fear into Colson's heart.
"Oh FUCK... I forgot her birthdays coming up." He knows her birthday, he just sometimes doesn't know the actual date of the day he's living in. Many occasions sneak up on him. Ashleigh usually catching them first. Plus, his brain is more wonked out than usual.
"Uhhh... Yeah... What were you thinking?" He opens his apps to check the day of the week it falls on.
"Well, Paris and I always throw her a party out here... Or we used too. We didn't the last two years... So we wanna do that.... Is there a date? Because we were thinking the 19th, not knowing what you guys have planned with this and the wedding and all...." Frannie trails off.
"Fuuuuckkk... The wedding. We don't even know when we're doing that...." Frannie hitting Colson with layers of reality he can't deal with.
"Uhmmm... Shit man. We're on tour right now and haven't really talked about any dates or even her birthday. Fuck, I feel like an Asshole." Colson winces when he instinctively rubs the back of his head, forgetting his new ink.
"Okayyyy... How about we throw her the party on the 19th. You have my number now... If you think of anything just hit me up. Sound good?" She asks.
"Yeah. Thank you. I'm sorry I'm such an Asshole with all of this.... I've never had a serious girlfriend like this before...." He says sheepishly.
"Soooo... You think you should just jump right to wife in three months?" Frannie's trying not to sound sarcastic but she can't help it.
"YEAH. I do. And so does Luna, since she did say Yes." Colson begins to feel slightly defensive.
"I'm sorry." Frannie backs down. "Luna and I are really old friends and I just think it's quick. When do you guys get back to LA? We'll hang out. Before the party." She suggests an olive branch.
"Yeah, deff. And me too. We're done at the end up this month. Call Luna and set something up and I'll keep us and whoever free on the 19th." Colson agrees with an irritated sigh.
"You have people?" She asks.
"Yeah, is that a problem." He doesn't like having to deal with Luna's friend right now.
"No... Not at all. I just need a head count for the space size." She replies to his Oh.
Asking him to text her a list, he agrees. Apologizing again for being rude before they get off the phone. It's false. Not caring who's daughter she is, Colson decides he doesn't like Frances.
"If they don't have a date... Maybe it just won't happen." Frannie thinks after she hangs up. It's not that she doesn't like Colson, she doesn't know him. Just like she didn't know the guy she married six months after meeting him. Now she can't get her dad's guitar back or rid of him.
Once off the phone Colson immediately calls Ashley.
"Yellow!!!" She answers, cheerfully like her words.
"Hey Ash..." Colson sighs, relieved to hear a friendly voice.
"Sup Kells?" She asks, concerned.
"Francis just called me about Luna's birthday party?" He tells her in a confused tone.
"Her and P are doing that this year? Oooh!! That's gonna be so fun!! We haven't done it for the last couple... I wonder why she hasn't called me yet..." Ashley babbles as Colson listens emotionlessly. "What day is it? Kells! What day is it on?" Ashley snaps him back.
"Uhh... Friday the 19th....?" He answers, still lost in his conversation with Francis
"Ewww... I'm pretty sure I'm already.."
"ASH!" Colson cuts her off. "I'm freakin' out Dawg. I don't think Francis likes me. I know I don't like her. Luna's birthday is in less then a month. I have nothing planned. We're supposed to get married next month and we don't even have a date. FUCK, I don't even think Luna has one dress, let alone two!!" He spouts off.
"Whoa man, chillax.... It's gonna be alright." Ashley laughs at him. "First. Fran'll be fine, she's projecting her own shit right now. Second. Have you talked to Loons about any of this or are you just freaking out because of Frannie?" Ashley digs for the root.
"I'm just kinda freakin' out." He admits.
"Talk to Loons, Kells. She may already have something in mind. You don't know. Just make sure you keep the 19th open if you really don't wanna get on Frannie's bad side." Ashley teases him.
Colson sighs and thanks her. Really glad to have her as a friend.
"DAADDDYYY!!!!" Casie comes running up to Colson.
Emma trailing behind her, the two women greet each other warmly. Hugs and How Are Yous before Casie squeezes Luna's guts out.
"I can't breath, Dilla!!" Luna pretends like she's choking to Casie's laughter.
Colson giving her a piggyback ride out of the airport. Luna helping Emma with Casie's luggage as they chat with each other.
Sat together for a late lunch at Border's Cafe, Casie colors as the adults order food and drinks.
"How's the wedding planning going?" Is the first thing Emma asks Luna and Colson.
"What the fuuuuuuckkkk...." His brain groans.
"Ahhh... You might be able to help if you wouldn't mind. I need a planner for Cleveland. Nothing big. Just a little get together at the house after." Luna says to Emma.
"Yeah, I have a friend who owns a catering business." She suggests.
"That'd be perfect." Luna says graciously.
"When are you guys gonna do it?" Is the dreaded question.
"Monday, the 29th." Luna says nonchalantly.
Colson whips his head over to look at Luna.
"We have a date?" He asks with a mixture of shock, relief and a little bit of jealousy.
Luna's face lights up with excitement. Grinning, she leans over to kiss his cheek. "We doooo!!! And it's really freaking awesome!" She shines as she pulls out her phone. "Look... TownHall only marries on Mondays and Fridays. So.... Ash cleared your schedule from the 29th till here." Luna points to the Sunday of EstFest. Looking up into Colson's oceanic eyes, she gives him THAT One Look that made him fall so deeply in love with her. "Meaning.... We are having a seven day wedding celebration with the possibility of two of them being somewhere...." Lost in her enthusiasm, Luna suddenly remembers where they are. Changing her last word. "Awwwwwesome...." Followed by another Look.
"SEVEN DAYS?!" He exclaims. Looking at her like she just cured cancer. Forgetting the jealousy of not being included in picking the date. "Seriously?? Seven days? That's fucking SICK, Kitten. Where you wanna go?" He asks, pulling her in for a kiss on the cheek.
"We'll figure that out later..." She shrugs.
The server coming to set their food down. Refilling their drinks.
"Do you have a dress?" Emma asks.
She likes to watch the interaction between Colson and Luna. It gives her some insight to what kind of environment her daughter is exposed to when with them.
"I do..." Luna begins to speak.
Colson cuts her off.
"Yo. I legit was just freaking out on the phone with Ash over all of this. The date, your dresses, your birthday...." Colson rambles on in relief.
"My Ash...? About my birthday?" Luna questions him as they eat.
"Yeah... We haven't talked about that one either. Got any secret plans there too?" Colson has a little sass to his tone, last night still lingering.
"I haven't really thought about it... Come on, C... This month has been insane. I only figured out the dates with Ash yesterday when we were getting The Bus cleaned. I'm gotta head out Monday night for NY. I need to rehearse with this new bassist before Ellen. Which ironically worked out because, I can stop at a friend of mine's so she can fit me. I also gotta look at a brownstone in Brooklyn Heights while I'm there too. I tried to work our schedules together because I wanted you to check it out with me but you'll be in Idaho. So, I'm gonna meet back up with you in Anaheim probably. Shit is non-stop. You know this, Sugar." Luna explaining one day of her life next week. Emma tired just thinking about it.
"You need to see the Dr too." He reminds her.
"Motherfucker!!" Luna's mind bursts just as Emma opens her mouth.
"You okay, Luna? You sick?" She asks.
Casie's head pops up. Proving kids are always listening.
"Did the blueberries get you!??" She asks with wide eyes.
Luna can't help but laugh with Colson at Casie. Explaining to Emma her allergy and side stepping her with the explanation of an Annual Exam for work. It's not a full lie.
They enjoy the rest of their lunch. Emma choosing to catch a flight right black to Clevland. With hugs and kisses, she promises she'll see Casie in a week. Pecking Colson and Luna GoodBye with tight hugs. Reminding Luna that she'll send her the contact information for her friend as she gets into her uber.
"Wait!! Look what I got!!" Casie pulls off her school bag with excitement.
They're still standing on the sidewalk outside of Border's. Waiting for their own uber as Casie digs through her bag. Popping up once she's found what she was looking for. Proudly displaying two homemade, beaded bracelets.
"I made these for you. They're Love Bracelets. Because you're in loooove and I love YOU." She grins as she snakes her head at the two of them.
Casie makes both of their irritated souls lift with happiness. Cold hearts melt with adoration. Slipping hers on, Luna squats down to hug Casie.
"I love it, Dilla. I'll wear it everyday." She promises.
"Me too, Peanut!!" Colson scoops her up, attacking her with kisses.
"Daaaaad!!!! Stooop!!!" She laughs uncontrollably.
"Okay, okay..." He laughs, setting her down. "Here.."
He reaches for Luna's hand. Taking a picture of their gifts. He posts it to his Insta.
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"Peanut made us Love Bracelets. My kid is deff the coolest 😭🙏🏽💖 #estfest can't come fast enough. 😈🔐🐈"
Back at MidLand, everyone's BackStage. Alcohol still flows but they've moved smoking outback. Away from Casie.
Coming down the stairs, Luna catches Casie drumming on the wall. Snagging a quick picture of her favorite little human with her favorite tall human in the background.
"That's gonna be my family..." Luna's eyes well up as she thinks of them lovingly.
"Looney!!!" Casie calls for her once she sees her. "I'm goin on stage with Dad tonight!" She grins excitedly.
"Yeah?" Luna beams at her. "What are you gonna play?"
"What I Got." Casie responds proudly.
"THE GOODNIGHT SONG!!" Luna shakes a giggling Casie. "Make sure you don't fall asleep on stage!!" She teases the little girl.
"Looney... It's too loud to fall asleep on stage." She states as a matter of fact.
"You're right, Dilla. Silly me." Luna laughs as she shakes her head at herself.
The show is wild as always. The Boys making about a 90% recovery by time they hit the stage. Running through the same setlist as most of this leg of the tour. Casie sings all of her dad's songs SideStage with Luna, Ashleigh and Sam. The Girls still passing a bottle but skipping the joints.
Luna dips off to change before heading OnStage. Dressing in black leather pants and a sheer open back black long sleeved top. Her ass looks phenomenal. Colson can't keep his hands off her while they're OnStage together.
Holding her from behind by the waist as he sings the last line with her, he nuzzles into her neck. Sending electricity through her body as she brings her hand down his face delicately.
"Y'all know we're getten' married, right?" He grins at the crowd's explosion. "We're doin' it at EstFest... Three day fucking RAGER!!" He shouts to the room's wild screams.
"That's right..." Luna chimes in. "This year we're extending it until Sunday with two special surprise performances for you guys. It's gonna be FUCKING WILD!!!" Luna laughs.
"WHO'S COMEN' TO CELEBRATE WITH US!??" He shouts as his fans roar.
He turns to Luna. "You think they'll come?" He asks
"I think they'll come." She answers him before turning back to the audience. "You gonna miss a helluva party if you don't...." She teases before kissing Colson.
"See ya there!!" Luna shouts as she glides OffStage. Right into a tiny Casie.
"Looney, I'm hungry." She pouts.
"We better fix that before you have to perform, hunh? I think we've got Pizza Bites on The Bus, wanna check it out with me?" Luna asks to Casie's nod.
Checking their time with Ashleigh, they have 45mins. Luna takes the little girl's hand in hers as they head off on their mission.
"You're the best, Looney." Casie states as she munches on pizza rolls.
"Thanks Dill. You're pretty rad yourself, kiddo." Luna smiles at her.
"So, you and dad getting married means you'll be my Looney forever?" She asks.
"Yup. Forever and ever." Luna answers as her heart swells.
"I want a sister NOT a brother." Casie stresses her request.
"WHAT?" Luna asks her with a scrunched face.
"When people get married, they have a baby. I want a girl baby." She explains.
Casie is freaking Luna the fuck out. "Where the HELL is Colson when I fucking need him..." She thinks. Not knowing how to answer.
"Well...." Luna sighs. "I'm preeeetty sure you don't get to pick whether it's a boy or girl. And, how about we get married first and have fun with you. Then maybe a baby might come.... But they don't always."
"FUCK... You should've shut up 10secs ago, you fucking idiot." Luna mentally scolds herself.
"Why?" Casie asking the question Luna knew was coming.
Luna has no idea what to fucking say. How do you tell your 10yr old, soon-to-be step daughter, that she's the only kid you like. That idea of birth and pregnancy makes you want to jump off of a bridge.
"Uhhhhmmm...." Luna chooses science. "You know how my body gets mad at me with blueberries?"
Casie nods.
"Sometimes babies are like blueberries and they just don't agree with some people's bodies..." Luna is struggling hard.
"So you'll die?" Casie asks with terror.
"Oh FUCK my life...." Is all Luna can think.
"No... No... Case, no.... It's just, sometimes blueberries aren't for everyone and sometimes babies aren't for everyone too... Does that make sense?" Luna asks her, confusing her own self.
"I guess." Casie pops up.
Dropping her dish in the sink. She washes her hands.
"Ready?" She asks.
"Yes." Luna has never been more ready in her life.
With the venue dark, Colson's voice quiets the crowd.
"I brought my Queen out here tonight... Now, I'm gonna bring out my Princess. Come on, Case." He calls her out.
He starts on his acoustic.
🎼Early on the morning, Rising to the street,
Light me up that cigarette, As I strap shoes on my feet🎶
Grinning at Casie, nods at her. She comes in with him. Changing certain lyrics.
🎶I got a Dalmatian, I can still get by, I can play the guitar, Like a motherchucken riot🎶
They sing before Colson hits the guitar solo. Having sang this song together all her life, they hit the notes and lyrics flawlessly. Not missing one beat.
🎶Never start no static, I just get it off my chest, Never had to battle With no bulletproof vest, Take a small example, Take a tip from me, Take all of your money, Give it all to charity, Love is what I got, It's within my reach, And the Sublime style's still straight from Long Beach, It all comes back to you, You'll finally get what you deserve, Try and test that you're bound to get served, Love's what I got, Don't start a riot, You'll feel it, When the dance gets hot🎶
Luna goes wild from SideStage. Cheering them on. Colson looking over Casie's head to grin at her. Loving her more each moment that she doesn't drive him crazy.
"THANK YOU KANSAS CITY!!! YOU WERE FUCKING SICK!!!! GOODNIGHT!!! Colson shouts, ending the show.
Holding hands with Casie, he kisses her on the cheek before passing her to Ashleigh. Colson hasn't fucked Luna all day and is dying to climb inside of her.
"We'll be back." He calls over his shoulder as he takes Luna's hand.
"I'm gonna rip these fucking pants off you." Colson says in frustration with Luna's zipper in between kisses. Out comes the blade again.
"No! I love these pants!!" She stops him, peeling them off herself. "Can you handle the fucking shirt?" She asks turning around for him to unzip it.
Zippers down, they're both naked in less then 30secs. Colson gripping Luna up by the ass and setting her on the edge of a table. He pushes his large dick inside of her warm pussy as she wraps herself around him.
"How come ever time I fuck you it feels like the first time?" He moans out.
"Cuz this pussy was made for you, Lover." Luna purrs into his ear.
Thrusting her hips into him as he bounces her body off his dick. They fuck each fast with a fierce hunger.
"My dirty girl likes it rough, hunh." Colson pants as he pulls Luna's hair back.
Sinking his teeth into her neck, making her buck harder. Clawing his back as she begs Yes Please.
"Mhmm... Take this fucking dick." He demands.
Making her body quiver, Luna losses all control. Gripping him harder, Luna fucks another two orgasms out of herself before Colson drops his load inside of her.
"FUCK." They both breathe out, sweaty and sex stained. Like usual, they hold each other as Colson rests in his favorite place. Both beyond content in each other's arms.
"We gotta get Case..." Luna reminds him.
As they clean up and change, they burn a joint together. Colson jumping on her so fast in the dressing room they didn't even light an After Show Sex Joint.
Just as they're about to walk out, Colson puts his large hand against the door. Stopping her.
"Wait. We get married on Monday and don't have anything to do till EST on Friday?" He asks.
"Yeah..." Luna smiles out the answer.
"You figure out where you wanna go. We gonna have ourselves a proper mini honeymoon, baaaaaby." He says in a weird country accent.
"I fucking love you." Luna cheeses as she reaches up for another kiss. ---------------------------------------------------
Word Limit (1 of 2) To be continued.......
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
The Demon's Lair - Part 1
Rating: E overall T for this chapter
Main Pairing - Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch (be prepared they aren't monogamous quite yet)
Warnings: Mentioned Kidnapping, Murder, hints at symptoms of PTSD, Flogging,(super vague tho, )
Summary - Seth returns to The Lair after a month away on a mercenary mission to learn things aren't quite the way he left them.
Authors Note: I don't know what the fuck happened, I swore I was just gonna write a bunch of kinky smut. That was the plan but it grew a damn plot. A real one, not just a flimsy frame but a whole ass mansion. So I'm just gonna write a story and see where it takes me. Probably gonna come up with some sort of update schedule for this, Chase and Safe Haven.
Taglist: @askauradonprep @swifteforeverandalways @rxllynch @riottbliss @nothingbutmeworld @axelwolf8109 @biforbecky2belts @neversatisfiedgirl @superrezzy00 @nicolewoo
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Seth exited his town car in the dim Brooklyn alley stretching and cracking his neck, stiff after an 11-hour day behind his desk, followed by 7 hours passed out on his office couch "Pick you up at 3 like always Mr. Rollins?" his driver asked.
"Yes, thank you Joey" Seth responded, handing the man a hundred dollar bill, "Why don't you pick up Jamie and the two of you have a nice dinner on me while you wait?"
"I think he'll like that, thank you, Mr. Rollins, Sir" Joey replied before pulling off and leaving Seth at a blood-red door with black script reading The Demon's Lair.
Seth both loved and hated the Lair. In many ways, the kink club was the only place he felt like himself. Where he could drop the facade he wore in his professional life and even with his family to an extent, but he hated it too. He hated that even though he felt so at home there and had plenty of wonderful friends and sometimes lovers…nobody seemed to want to keep him.
Breaking out of his increasingly morose thoughts, Seth used his member's card to unlock the door to the Lair and slipped inside. He'd been in the Middle East for several weeks, meaning he'd been 'On' the entire time and was absolutely looking forward to taking off his mask and letting the real Seth out to play.
"Sethie!" The pink-haired girl at the front desk yelled in happiness "I missed you!"
"Sup, Livvy" Seth replied with an easy grin as all the tension seemed to drop off his shoulders as he mentally locked the corporate shark in its tank for the next 6 hours.
The hyperactive submissive had standing permission from her Domme to hug on Seth whenever she wanted so she dashed around the desk and practically tossed herself into the older man's arms. "Miss Ruby said you were in the bad place for the last month so all the hugs for you," she says quietly
"Thank you sweetie pie," Seth whispered in her ear. "I'm just glad to be back," He says louder letting go of her. "So what I miss, any dirt?" he asks as he strips off his suit jacket and tie and then rolls up his sleeve.
"So we finally met Master Balor's mysterious protege." She tells her friend as she takes his cuffs out of a locked case beneath the desk.
"He told me he had asked her to come here. Something about a bad break up." Seth replied, "What's she like?"
"Miss Rebecca is here tonight tending the bar since Devvie is back in school right now, she has a thicker accent then Master Balor's, bright orange hair and she's really pretty. " Liv continues
Seth easily buckles the black leather cuffs with their inlaid red hearts onto his wrists, brushing his thumb over the words worked into the leather "Who's around that might want to play with me?"
"Master Balor and Miss Violet are waiting for you. Miss Renee tattled on you, babe." Liv says with a smile "Naughty Sethie you were supposed to go home and sleep." She teases wagging a finger at him "Now you're in tro-uble" she sings
Seth huffed and muttered under his breath "Bossy fucking Doms." While he, Finn and Violet weren't a permanent triad, the two switches did take care of him, trying to make sure the workaholic took care of himself at least somewhat. And since the pair had quite literally kept Seth from drinking himself to death after his 3 tours in Afghanistan, he did try least try to listen to them. Not that it always happened but at least he TRIED.
Liv shook her head and giggled "Yeah, have fun with that. I've got the desk for another hour and then its Moxie's turn.
Seth walked into the club properly and looked to see who was around, heading over toward the fireplace when he caught a glimpse of his Personal Assistant sitting in a club chair, her two submissives sitting at her feet. Easily kneeling alongside Roman and Mox, he smirked up at her "You are a goddamn tattletale, Miss Renee."
Renee Moxley tapped her boss's nose with the riding crop in her left hand, "You were supposed to go back to the penthouse and sleep when you got back from Saudi Arabia. Instead, you spent 11 hours in the office, of course, I told them"
"Finn and Violet are waiting for you downstairs, you have a demon to contend with."
"Son of a bitch, really?" Seth's head dropped. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. He's THAT pissed at me?"
"You passed out in the office from exhaustion AGAIN." Roman told his best friend quietly "I had to pick your ass up off the floor and put you on the couch. Did you really think no one was gonna tell the only two people you MIGHT listen to?"
Renee gestured with the crop for Seth to stand up, "Go on, don't keep them waiting" the Domme told him sternly
Now knowing that he was in deep shit, Seth quickly headed to the stairs, only casting a distracted look at the orange-haired woman behind the bar talking to Master Orton and Ember Moon.
When Seth entered Finn and Violet's private dungeon he gulped audibly because sitting in the plush red and black throne like a chair with Violet on his lap wasn't his slightly goofy friend Finn, but King Balor in full on warpaint.
"Oh…look Mon Roi, it's a naughty kitten," The blue-haired woman dressed in a black and red corset, stockings and tall heeled boots said quietly
"Kneel, Little Prince," Balor orders "and explain why Lady Renee called to tell me you disobeyed one of the few things we ask of you"
"My Liege, I slept on the plane on the way home. By the time I arrived in New York my inbox was full, I figured I would work for a few hours and then go home, but I lost track of time and the next thing I knew Moxley was waking me saying you had requested my presence"
"Kitten, we are not your Masters, but you requested this arrangement to help you stay healthy and safe after last summer's incident," Violet says quietly "Yet you disobeyed. Lady Renee said that Roman had to pick you up off of your office floor because you passed out. She had your private doctor come and check you and you didn't even wake up. You aren't taking care of yourself"
Seth opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Balor "Not another word Little Prince, you know very well you've earned yourself quite the punishment"
'Well, fuck' Seth thought to himself as he knelt in front of the throne after having been stripped of his black dress shirt and his hands cuffed behind his back as Violet circled him holding a flogger, Balor still sitting there watching avidly.
"This was supposed to be your welcome home present." She sighed "But someone decided to be a bad little prince"
"I'm sorry my Queen" Seth mumbled "This last mission…it was a lot."
"You are supposed to tell us when you feel these urges to work yourself half to death. Especially after solo missions, was that not the agreement that was made after you almost….left us last year?" Balor says quietly, voice filled with emotion
Seth winced at the mention of last summer, It had been a workday much like today but instead of someone picking him up, he'd tried to drive himself home. Seth had fallen asleep at the wheel and the subsequent accident had nearly ended his life. Now Seth never drove himself after long days at work and he'd hired Joey and his husband Jamie to be his drivers.
"Do you know how scared we were? Renee called us and said you were on the floor, not moving" Violet told him "Are you injured from your mission other then the scrapes and bruises I see?"
"No your majesty" Seth answered quietly
"Then 20, Little Prince. 10 from each of us" then we'll go upstairs to the bar and you can meet Rebecca. You will be nice about showing her your ways. Or we'll end up right back down here. Understand?" Balor commanded
"Yes My Liege" Seth replied quietly
Seth barely heard the whistle of the flogger before the first blow hit his back.
His King and Queen didn't have to know that at least for this time he'd pushed himself on purpose, wanting to not think about what he'd had to do to get a young girl back to her family, He rarely took on mercenary missions himself anymore for this very reason. The damage the killing and violence took took on his mental health was terrible and he wasn't coping well but his mother…his mother had asked a favor for a friend of a friend who's daughter had been kidnapped.
So Seth went and a month later he'd returned. The girl alive, her captor and his people very much dead and he with more blood-soaked memories he'd prefer not to have.
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iraclemayrps · 5 years
! you know what i'm here forrrrrr
Who was the one to propose: 
Tariq. Duh. It sort of just…happens. For Ryan, anyways. For months, Tariq secretly stressed over how to do it. Part of him - the over the top person that he is, wanted an ‘all eyes on us’ kind of proposal. ‘Cause that’s what Ryan deserved. But the more he thought about it. The more he knew Ryan and what she’d want. He decided that a more lowkey proposal was the best way to go. So he did. He’d slipped the ring on her finger after she’d crashed hard from a double shift. The question in bold sharpie writing on one of her old bright pink note cards tapped on the bathroom mirror for her to see when she shuffled in. And the living room littered with her favorite flowers trailing from the bedroom, the table set with her now cold favorite meal and him chilling on the couch as if he hadn’t been waiting for hours for her to wake up.  
Who stressed more over wedding planning: 
Both. It’s the cultural clash that Tariq expected would happen after proposing to a good old, Southern Christian black girl. From the food to the music. To who’ll preside over their ceremony. “Should we just have a justice of the peace? I mean, it will be a interfaith marriage.” Tariq sighs and pulls Ryan into a silent hug. He is two seconds away from grabbing his fiancee and heading to the courthouse to marry her. Right the fuck now. Some of his uncles are asking if she’ll convert. Or if he will. His aunties are talking kids. And all Tariq wants - besides marrying the woman in his arms - is to take her somewhere quiet with nice ass weather so he can see her in as less clothing as possible. No wonder a few of his cousins laughed when they found out his fiancee was Christian. In the end, they work it out ‘cause failure was not a fucking option. But damn, if he isn’t looking forward to their honeymoon.
Who decorated the house:
It’s a weird mixture of both of their tastes. The integration of Ryan’s favorite colors with his (green and gold) is an interesting sight for Tariq. An argument - or several - originated from him learning not to use decorative pillows for anything other than aesthetics. “Pillows are used for sleeping, Nae.” “Not those, Tariq! You’ve smushed them. Do you know how much those cost?” And it’s not like Tariq didn’t know. He just assumed that as a grown man, he could sleep on any pillows in his house. …Apparently not all of them. “I’ll cash app you the money. Just.. damn.”
Who is more organized:
Ryan. Hands down. Not that Tariq isn’t organized. But Ryan likes things in their place. All the time. He knew that going into this. Them finally living together. And he thought that knew. Or that, at the very least, she’d tried to warn him. But…he’s… learning to keep his shoes are out of the way so she doesn’t trip in the dark of night as she trudges to bed exhausted. Or remember to put up reminders when he’s used the last of something. It’s not perfect but Tariq is learning.
Who initiates bedroom fun:
Tariq. But in his defense, have you seen his wife? He continues to give praise to Allah on that alone. Especially considering how they met. He’s been threatened with a ‘no-touching’ rule that has to go into effect when Ryan has important things to do. Like major reports to complete and things like that. But so far, Ryan hasn’t used it yet. She will though. One day. Until then, Tariq is more than willing to keep her distracted.
Who suggested kids first:
Verbally, between the two of them, it’s Ryan. Tariq shouldn’t find the anxious look she gives him, or the wringing of her hands and thinning of her lips, to be cute. But he does. His Ammi has been asking for a grandchild since a week after they returned from their honeymoon. Which, trust him. Tariq was trying. The idea of a unique, smaller version of them out and causing havoc in the world was something that Tariq couldn’t shake. “I’ve been waiting on you, Doc.” He laughs ‘cause it’s the truth. “Fuck yeah. Let’s do this.”
Who’s more dominant: 
Tariq. It’s not because he’s a man. But that Ryan has this unspoken thing about telling him what she wants aloud. He figured that out as he got to know Ryan. Not that she doesn’t have her moments. It’s weird but Tariq likes it. Which, dealing with him, appears to come easier and more regularly than before they met. Ryan’s not entirely demure - see how they met. It just has to coaxed out of her. Which is something Tariq doesn’t mind. At all. 
Who’s the cuddler:
Tariq. He’s a tactile communicator. He talks with his hands. He works with them. Like most people, he uses them often. But it’s just something about Ryan that makes him gravitate towards her. Like a ship steering towards a lighthouse near the coast. His hands have to touch some part of her. Most of the time. So cuddles are natural. He likes the feel of her near his side. Or front. And on his emotionally draining days, his back. Her fingers combing through his short hair as he listens to the beat of her heart. 
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity:
Cuddling aside? Ryan may or may not have gotten Tariq hooked on some trash tv show. One that, save to say, he does not watch without her. “Alright, alright. Explain this to me again?” They sat on the couch, Ryan curled against his side, as a earlier season of a Bravo reality tv show classic starts up. “Okay. So that’s Nene. She doesn’t like Kandi this season. That’s Kandi. Oh. And she’s not cool with Kim again - Nene, I mean - but they’ll probably make up in a few episodes. And then there’s Sheree…” Tariq will damned if he’s clowned for even knowing this. Let alone watching it. 
Who kills the spiders: 
Tariq is the go-to killer of all things creepy crawly. There’s this one instance of Ryan being unpleasantly surprised by a spider crawling along the shower wall. While she was in there. Ass naked. “Why’d you leave the window open, Ryan?” Tariq asked, in between chuckles. His sides hurting from laughing so hard. He’d thought a burglar was in there with her, from the scream he’d heard. “I got it. I got it. It’s dead now. Don’t worry.” Tariq almost slipped and fell from the water splatter on the floor left behind when Ryan hauled ass out of the shower to get to safety. “No, we’re not moving! You should’ve turned on the damn fan.”
Who falls asleep first:
They take turns. Mostly due to their erratic schedules. A first year doctor and a late-night hip hop radio personality? Of course sleep is the last thing on their minds. 
Who is louder?
Sexually? Ryan. Non-sexually? It depends. When it comes to the World Cup. Or football - see soccer - in general, Tariq is an obnoxiously loud fan. Anything that lets him proudly wear Pakistan’s colors is a guarantee for him “show out” as Ryan would say. On the flip side, she’s the same way about things she enjoys. So it depends on the season for both. Tariq is definitely louder when it comes to shit talking. He keeps trying to give Ryan pointers but “Who’s gonna stitch you up if I’m shit talking with you?”
Who is more experimental?
Both. Tariq isn’t afraid of try new things. But depending on the subject, Ryan can be more hesitant. “What do you mean, out here? Tariq. Have you lost your mind?” “Noori. It’s our honeymoon.” My light. It’s one of Tariq’s new nickname for Ryan. He’s been using it since they’ve got engaged. It’s becoming a favorite of his. “You’re telling me that you don’t wanna feel me under the stars? C’mon, nobody’s here.” They discover that mirrors are a great compromise. 
Do they fuck or make love?
Both. For someone who doesn’t drink, alcohol definitely plays a part in this. Tariq can tell the night he’ll have, depending on the number of drinks Ryan has. Nowhere is she like Amy from Brooklyn Nine Nine. But he’s learned the higher the number of drinks, the more likely fucking will happen over making love. Drinks aside - emotions are the other factor. If they’re in a stalemate as both of them can, and will be, stubborn as hell  - Tariq knows that the first few rounds of makeup sex can hardly be called that. Maybe a few things end up getting damaged or even broken. But in the end, his marriage is in tact. Which is all that matters.
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?
Tariq has. Not that he planned on it. But, in his defense, it’d been a minute and he missed his wife. Obviously. Ryan was at work. Or well, he thought. The shower - yes the same one that Ryan had the classic run in with the spider - was supposed to be a safe place. But sleepy doctors do not like walking into their marital home hearing moans greeting them in the night. Especially from their husband. Without her. “So you gonna stand there or…?” Tariq shot Ryan a challenging eyebrow, stepping back in open invitation for her to join. So it was all good.  
Who comes first?
Ryan. It wasn’t for lack of not trying. It’s just that… well, she married a man that makes sure that she comes before him. Literally. Not that she’s complaining.
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?
For a good, old born and raised in the church Southern Christian, Ryan is excellent at oral. Which was a top-notch surprise for Tariq when he finally learned this fact. However, Tariq certainly prefers to give as good as he gets. He has this smug quirk that he does in the days following. Tariq struts around their place shirtless afterwards, proudly displaying his supposed battle scars from his efforts. Despite saying otherwise, he knows Ryan loves it.
Who usually initiates things?
For the most part - Tariq. Ryan initiates calling Tariq out on his shit. Or when she needs her stubborn husband to gain an objective perspective. A busted lip and bruised knuckles on her husband is not what she expects to see when paged down to the ER from her rotation in the lab. “You can’t just fight everybody that says stupid shit.” “What?!” “You can’t. What if something happens to you? What am I supposed to do then? I didn’t marry you to become a fucking widow, Tariq.” With a heavy sigh and an apology on his bloody mouth, Tariq agrees to pick his battles next time. 
Who is more sensitive?
Ryan. Hands down. She has the emotional sensitivity on lock. Physically - “Stop that shit.” Tariq jerked, his body moving from Ryan’s reach instinctively. “Are you…” “Nah, what’re you doing? Get your hands-” The noise that left Tariq neared a pterodactyl screech. “You’re ticklish!” “No the fuck I’m not.” “Stop moving. Let me see.” She could barely get the words out, laughing around them. “Ryan get your fucking hands away from me.” “Oh my god, Mr. Big and Bad, is ticklish. I got your ass now.” “Ryan!”
Who has the most patience?
Both. In different ways. Tariq directs people to the near-saint like patience he says he used while “waiting on my wife to stop being another man’s fiancee.” To which, his voice may sound annoyed but the confident smirk Tariq wears while uttering it says something else. As a doctor, Ryan has patience in spades. It’s something that Tariq jokes about - still he likes that about her. She’s the calm to his ongoing storm. 
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