#yes i'm still alive
jimmyboltonart · 2 years
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Redrew an appledash drawing I liked, original by @/CalicoPikachu on twitter
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asetamago · 9 months
"There you are"
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bravagio · 2 years
For the requests thing, Sammy having a tea party with Baby Benders and Henry? I think that would be cute
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Very cute! Hoping that the prophet will continue to behave well.
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liskantope · 3 months
I've been feeling devastated about last week's disaster of a debate (among other political developments) and see it as evidence that Biden was never a fit candidate for reelection. And at this point I really don't think he has it in him to stick out a job like the presidency all the way until 2029. But I think a lot of people are really overreacting in terms of what kind or variety of weakness it exposed in Biden. I'm a little stunned by how many people -- not generally Republicans or anti-leftists or leftists who have a bias against Biden already, but moderate-left-ish types such as Scott Alexander and Kat Rosenfield -- who seem convinced of things like that the debate shockingly but obviously "proved" that Biden is completely senile, has a clinical level of dementia, is unfit to be president right at this moment (let alone for 4.5 more years), obviously isn't acting as president but must be sitting around dazed while others do the work for him, that the Biden team's insistence that Biden is fundamentally fit has now glaringly been exposed as a complete lie, etc.
One particular narrow range of skills was on display at the debate, and I'm not sure exactly what succinct term to use for it, but it was something like "smooth articulation ability", and it's something I think about a lot as a communicator in my own professional context. There have always been certain mental states I get into (often triggered by stress or sleep deprivation) where words and sentences don't come out as clearly, get caught up in the moment on the wrong beat and get sidetracked, and struggle to get wrapped up without becoming run-ons that lack in a conclusion, where I mumble and stammer easily, and where I have trouble recalling particular words and phrases on the fly, and these contrast dramatically with my moments where the opposite is the case. This especially affects my teaching: it used to fairly often be the case that I had "bad days" where I could tell right from the start of the 75-minute class period that I wasn't going to be able to form thoughts as well as on my "good days". With more experience I've gradually learned how to minimize the "bad days", but I'm still prone to it if I'm not careful. Yet, even at my worst moments of this, it says nothing about my knowledge of the topic I'm teaching about, nor about my fitness in general. It's a very narrow aspect of my mental abilities.
Now one could point out that a huge part of being a politician is being a absolute world-class "smooth articulator". And that's true, and Biden certainly was once, and clearly old age has eroded his ability at this. But it's kind of beside the point when someone is suggesting that stumbling a lot at a debate is evidence of having dementia and being too old for one's job, other than that our being accustomed to politicians being extremely skilled at articulation is obfuscating the fact that for a typical person (whether old and senile or not), having to express one's ideas on the fly in the style of a presidential debate is incredibly difficult. I believe the great majority of adult humans -- including those who are dismissing Biden now, including a lot of the very intelligent and generally articulate among us, including myself -- would probably not be able to do much better than Biden did at that debate if we were placed in his position, and it doesn't say much about our ability to make decisions in the role of US president or about our dementia status.
All that said, what matters most in a presidential debate is the vibes each candidate gives off, and Biden definitely gave off "doddering old man" vibes in just about the worst way possible, which will certainly make a lot of people not feel okay about voting for him, whether or not they've seriously reflected on his capability of performing the actual non-public tasks required of a president.
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smolpotatobun · 9 months
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some trigun doodles that I did out of boredom
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uservillanelle · 1 year
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JODIE COMER attends 77th Theatre World Awards at Circle in the Square Theatre, June 5th, 2023
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adoriels-tears-if · 7 months
I just saw that I no longer have access to Tumblr from my computer and of course I don't remember my password...
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This one's for everyone: I know all you mice love your rock, but are there any other kinds of music the four of you also listen to?
Vinnie: While nothing beats rock ('cept for scissors--) I like to indulge in a little heavy mental, the dub of step (Charley called it something like that--), and hard trance! Anything with a heavy beat I can just get fckin' lost in, y'know? I want my ribs rattling!
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Throttle: Ahh, well, if I had to pick? I'd say power metal. It's great to listen to when you're trying to save the world. And the guitar riffs? Nothing compares. When I want something lighter....Grunge...Charley...might have turned me on to Country recently. But you didn't hear that from me.
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Modo: I really enjoy listenin' to power ballads! Charley got me interested in them when she said they reminded her of me. Emotional but strong, is what she said...it was really sweet. When I'm out fishing, I like a nice lofi playlist. I keep the volume pretty low so I can enjoy the sounds of nature...or hear if Limburger is up to no good.
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Charley: If you couldn't tell by now, I listen to anything and everything! If it wasn't for me, the boys wouldn't have ANY musical variety in their lives! Still haven't gotten them to appreciate pure classical music but...I'm weaning them into it with metal versions of my favorites!
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savagecabbagedean · 26 days
Guys... to everyone here who was once a spn fan who went crazy on the 5th of November to everyone who rode the waves... I miss y'all soooo much 😭❤️
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doctornemesis · 2 months
I've been going through it health-wise for a while now, but it gave me some time to work on sporadic fics throughout different fandoms. Of course, my brain decided to cough up an idea so gripping it woke me up at an ungodly hour so I could type it into a draft email. And because my brain never listens to me, I forgot all about that for a week, but now! Now, I'm back on my KKIR bullshit. I think this one latched on because it's something I've always been interested in, but have really never done!
Which is a Yokai themed fic blended into their already existing world. I started doing some research, and now I'm in too deep to stop. Still slow as hell between school, work, and whatever is going on inside this body of mine, but it's nice to be passionate about something again. I'm not sure whether it'll be a one-shot or an actual series just yet, but knowing my longwinded ass, it'll be a minimum 20k.
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coldnerdnacho · 6 months
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ann-reese · 3 months
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I've been away for a while
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qluliss-rabbit · 7 months
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Ezekiel 25:17 moment
+ textless alt
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littleinkling64 · 1 year
listen I’ll be honest I’m pretty new to dc, but are you seriously telling me that warner bros saw the astronomical success of the Brooding Dark Hero Becomes Reluctant Adoptive Father Trope™ when Disney did it with the Mandalorian and HBO did it with The Last of Us, and they just. haven’t done anything to cash in. wheres the batfamily tv series and the movie and
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rhaenyraslaena · 5 months
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Duty is the Death of Love Chapter XI
Visitors in The Night
Available Here: ao3
“I support your choice in whoever you deem fit to represent you in Damascus.” Eulalia’s own words have descended into whispers that are merely for the hearing of the king before a gasp is soon to part her lips upon the feeling of the tightening of his fingers upon her arm – an indication that this is not merely concern for her safety but his words are to serve as a command as well.
“I forbid you from undertaking such a journey, Eulalia” The firmness within his voice is deepened with the heavy echoing of Baldwin’s mask though yet the words are merely within the hearing of Eulalia, her body now feeling the pressure of the grown intensity of his words – the very kind of protective ferocity that would have been a display all too open within the years of their adolescence.
“The journey to Damascus is far too uncertain, you could be struck down by an enemy that is Muslim or Christian.” Eulalia feels the waves of the intensity of the protectiveness that Baldwin conveys beyond the disguise of his mask – an ever existing reflection of those impassioned cries that had torn themselves from his lips upon the victories within battle.
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reina-os · 5 months
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those two girls
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