#penned by khadija
rhaenyraslaena · 1 year
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Duty is the Death of Love Chapter X
Dreams of Summer
Available Here: ao3
“It is not your fault that these men choose to be vile nor do you have the power to put them into their places.”
There exists very little certainty in Eulalia for her ability to soothe over the depths of the guilt that are burrowed deep within Baldwin –merely a teen with the entirety of a kingdom on his shoulders and the threat of a fatal illness that shadows each and every step.
“Two years. Two years and then you are able to take full power.” Her whispers are of gentle reassurance pressing against his skin, her fingers ever lightly pulling through the pale gold of his hair and with particular fondness for the curls that tease the tops of his shoulders.
“It will be much better when we are wed next year.” A mutter of admittance just beneath his breath and his glimmering azure bright eyes fluttering closed with the comfort of the stroking of his hair – a moment none too complicated, with only the two of them widen the gardens . . . But a moment of paradise. “I can wait for the age of my majority. . . But our marriage cannot arrive soon enough.”
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imaminoccultation · 2 years
Letter 8: The Case for the Prophecy of Women, Part II - The Creation of the Universe According to the Mahasi Imam
Peace be upon those who follow the right path.
This letter will be a little different. I’m readapting a narrative attributed to Imam Ja’afar as I’ve found it in Khalil Andani’s “Metaphysics of Muhammad,” a fantastic article you should check out if you’re interested in Hikma. 
Of course, as I have no business hiding, I am interested in how Hikma can make room for queer-positive interpretations of Islam, and I’m a huge fan of Christian literature and consider it holy scripture. So, this is my rendition of Imam Ja’afar’s narration of the creation of the universe and the lights of Muhammad and ‘Ali:
“God existed when nothing else existed. Then It created existence and place and created the Light of Lights from which all lights are illumined. It made this Light of Lights, from which all lights are illumined, flow forth from Its Light. This is the Light from which It created ‘Isa and Maryam. 
These two were the primordial Lights since nothing existed before them. These two Lights continued to flow through pure purified loins until they separated as two pure persons in Muhammad and Khadija.
Trillions of years before the creation of the universe, ‘Isa and Maryam were a light before God, a light formed from the principal trunk from which a resplendent ray went forth. God said: ‘Here is a light taken from my own light; its trunk is Prophecy and its branch is the Leadership (Imamate). Prophecy comes from ‘Isa, my Word and Spirit, and the Imamate from Maryam the Pure, who I have uniquely chosen among all people in creation. Without them I would not have created any of my creation.”
In the Hikma worldview, Allah’s first two creations and highest intermediaries are the Pen and the Guarded Tablet: the Universal Intellect and the Universal Soul, or the Word and the Holy Spirit, to put it in Christian terms. In this myth, ‘Isa is taken as a stand in for the Pen, which is generally referred to by Hikma philosophers as the Light of Muhammad: a Prophet is an earthly human mirror of this Light which perfectly reflects Allah’s qualities. They’re still bound by human limitations, but they’re blessed with a unique Intellect that qualifies them to receive wahy, Revelation. This is why they are charged with risaala: delivering the message of tawheed to humanity. I’m gonna be using the different names of 1) Pen/Light of Muhammad/Light of 'Isa/The Word/The Universal Intellect and 2) The Guarded Tablet/Ruh/Light of Maryam/Holy Spirit/The Universal Soul interchangeably: don’t lose track, now. Cause here’s where I’m gonna get creative.
As for Prophet Maryam, in this myth, she symbolizes the Guarded Tablet, which is mapped onto the idea of the Light of the Imamate among Shi’i Hikma thinkers. The Guarded Tablet, the Holy Spirit (Ruh), the Universal Soul, the Light of Maryam embodies perfect imperfection. As the second creation, which eternally proceeds from the created Word of Allah, the Guarded Tablet holds the same perfect potential as the Word, but has an added limitation: existence in time. Whereas the Word, like Allah, is naturally in its most perfect and ideal state, the Light of Maryam, while perfectly aware of the actions it must take to reach its potential, requires time to do so. In the Hikma worldview, everything that exists is a microcosm of this Light of Maryam: filled with perfect potential, bound by time. The Light of Maryam has perfect access to the Light of Muhammad and thus perfect knowledge of Allah’s tawheed, and, as the Holy Spirit, it grants all of creation this access to Allah through the intermediary of the Light of Muhammad, the Light of ‘Isa, the Word. The human Prophet Maryam, then, is the perfect human reflection of the Holy Spirit: of course, she's still bound by human limitations and therefore not God, before people start throwing Recitation quotes at me about not worshipping 'Isa and Maryam (I don't). This is also, I must stress, not incarnation: 'Isa and Maryam are manifestations, mazhars, of Allah's eternal Pen/The Light of Muhammad and the Guarded Tablet/The Holy Spirit. They manifest the qualities of these two exalted Spiritual beings in so much as a human can: hence why Prophet Jesus Christ is known as the Word of Allah and the Spirit of Allah and no other prophet. But we can dive deeper into these terms in another letter.
Prophet Adam is the first bearer of the Light of ‘Isa: God’s first nabi. Prophet Hawwa is the first bearer of the Light of Maryam: God’s first imam. Each bear perfect fitra: hence, their status as Prophets, and their qualification to be role models for all of mankind. Both passed the Prophecy, the Light of ‘Isa, and the Leadership, the Light of Maryam, onto whoever their perfect intellects deemed worthy successors, and whoever they trained by their hand to be ready to accept the responsibility of Prophethood.
Could it be that, after Khadija’s generally unnarrated death, she passed the Light of Leadership to her love, the Prophet Muhammad? Did she not guide him and teach him, stand by him, recognize his Prophecy, hold a knowledge of Christian literature and tawheed no one else had? Was she not the first to accept Muhammad’s Prophecy? Did she not guide him in Mecca? Did he not become a Leader, an Imam, of the community of Medina after her death? While his death concluded the Prophethood, and left the world with no bearers of the Light of ‘Isa, did he not pass on the Light of Leadership to Imam ‘Ali? Does the Light of Maryam, the Pure Slave of God, chosen among all women of her species, not still shine in the Imam of the Time, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi? Does he not continue to guide us all from his occultation via the power of the pure Holy Spirit?
You may very well just say: no. Don’t take anything I say on faith, do what your Intellect tells you. That’s what the Prophet would tell you to do. But I wanted to demonstrate how, in a Shi’i Hikma worldview, Prophetesses, who are basically unacknowledged in modern Islam, can have a unique role as leaders, mentors, teachers, as well as receivers of revelation, just like their male counterparts. That said, there are holes here: typically, there is only one Imam at a time, and the Imam is historically always a dude. I guess you could think of the preexistent lights as Risaala and Nubuwwa rather than Prophecy and Imamate, but getting into these weeds is not really the point. Raising the questions is.
I urge you to keep an open mind.
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lifeofresulullah · 4 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Assignment of the Duty of the Prophethood and First Muslims
First Revelation is Sent Down
The 16th night of the month of Ramadan had passed.
The 17th of Ramadan was a Monday night.
The mount of Nour and everything around it were covered with a deep and significant quietness to be able to hear and listen to what would be said soon. Maybe, out of respect to the ones who would speak and listen to.
It was past midnight and almost dawn. The exceptional time when nightingales sing and roses give out pleasant scents with all their beauties. The extraordinary time when those who mention the names of Allah are enthused and attain endless pleasure!
Gabriel (may Allah be pleased with him), the angel of divine revelation, took the shape of a most beautiful human being and was quite delighted. The environment smelled wonderful. The manifestations of fear and hope, and excitement and peace were intertwined.
Gabriel (may Allah be pleased with him) was very joyful because he would meet the last Prophet, the Prophet of the prophets and he would talk face to face with the Sultan of Lawlaka, who would deserve the title, “the Beloved of Allah” with his belief, worship, contemplation and struggle.
The expected moment finally came.
Gabriel (may Allah be pleased with him) appeared before the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in his human form, sending out divine radiance around in the dark night. He spoke to him in a loud but calming voice: “Read!”
The heart of the Master of the Universe was filled with wonder and fear. His heart shivered!
He answered: “I do not know how to read.”
Gabriel hugged him and held him tight; then, Gabriel released him, saying, “Read!”
The Master of the Universe gave the same answer, “I do not know how to read.”
Gabriel hugged him for the second time and held him tight; then, Gabriel released him, saying, “Read!”
The Master of the Universe said, “I do not know how to read. Tell me! What shall I read?”
Thereupon, the angel recited the first verses of the Surah of Al-Alaq from the beginning to the end, which, through Allah Almighty’s ordering, he was in charge of conveying to the Prophet (pbuh):
“Read in the name of your Lord Who created. He created man from a clot. Read: And your Lord is the Most Bounteous, Who taught (to write) with the pen, taught man what he knew not.” (Al-Alaq Surah, 96:1-5) 
The Master of the Universe (pbuh) was at the heights of excitement and amazement and recited what he heard word by word. The verses that came down became established both in his tongue and in his heart.
Gabriel, who fulfilled his task, disappeared suddenly.
“Cover Me!”
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) shook with awe and excitement at having received a Divine revelation, left the cave, and went straight towards Mecca.
He encountered many peculiarities on the road. The mountains, rocks, and trees greeted him by saying, “Assalamu Alaykum Ya Rasullulah” (May peace be with you, oh Messenger) and congratulated him on his exalted duty.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) arrived home. He had lost his breath in the face of the magnificence of this situation.
All he could say to his faithful wife, Hazrat Khadija Kubra, who anxiously greeted him was, “Cover me! Cover me!” 
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) who sought solitude at mount Hira was now in his home and was now alone with his thoughts.
He woke up a while later. Even if it was a very small amount, it was obvious that he had reached some level of comfort and peace. He narrated what had happened to Khadijah al-Kubra in detail and said,
“I am scared, O Khadijah! I am scared that I will be harmed!”
Those words of our Prophet definitely originated from his desire to feel safe regarding reaching the eternal happiness and honorable duty.
Hazrat Khadija possessed eminent capabilities as well as a level of understanding and discernment that qualified her to be the first wife of the most esteemed Prophet, whom she fully trusted. She affirmed the Master of the Universe’s (PBUH) wish about feeling safe with these words:
“There is no reason for you to feel any kind of fear or worry. Do not be sad, Allah will never embarrass a servant like you. I know that you always speak the truth. You perform duties that have been given to you and safeguard that which has been entrusted to you. You interact closely with your relatives. You treat your neighbors in a very kind and caring manner. You help the poor. You open your doors to strangers and entertain them as guests. You help the community during disasters and tribulations! Oh my Uncle’s Son, persevere. By Allah, I hope that you are this community’s prophet.” 
What did Waraqa say?
Doubtlessly, everything that had happened was not insignificant and did have some meaning.
It was up to Hazrat Khadija to learn by inquiring.
Whom could she go to? Who could understand these affairs? And whom could he trust in?
Hazrat Khadija thought for a long time and finally determined the person whom she would consult with: Her uncle’s son, Waraqa bin Nawfal.
Waraqa bin Nawfal was an elderly man and a Christian in the pure sense. His eyes could not see yet his heart was enlightened. He read the Bible and Torah and had learned many things from them both.
Without wasting time, Hazrat Khadija went to go see her uncle’s son with our Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Waraqa first listened to our Master (PBUH). As our Holy Prophet (PBUH) explained what had happened to him, Waraqa’s face was changing color. When our Master (PBUH) finished speaking, Waraqa exclaimed: “Quddus! Quddus! The angel that you saw is the Holy Spirit, Namus al-Akbar, that the Exalted Lord sent to Prophet Musa. You are this nation’s Prophet. Ah! If only I were younger so that I could be with you when you invited the community to the truth. And if only I could live long enough to be of help when the tribe expelled you from your homeland.” 
These expressions comforted both Hazrat Khadija and our Holy Prophet (PBUH) to some degree. However, there was one thing that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) did not understand: Why would the tribe expel him from his homeland?
Waraqa answered his question: “Yes, they are going to expel from you from here since whoever has received a revelation has been the recipient of hostility. If I am able to reach the day when you will invite the community to truth then I will help you in every way I can.” 
Waraqa bin Nawfal was speaking the truth - a reality that had to be exposed…
After this, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadija left Waraqa bin Nawfal’s home.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) faced an incident called “the Suspension of Revelation.” after a while. It was evident that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was greatly saddened and distressed by this break in the deliverance of revelation, an incident whose wisdom we cannot fully grasp and which has been more-or-so described in the following way: Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was so distressed that the earth was becoming too tight for him and he wanted to be saved from its restraint. During this time, either Jibril (Gabriel) or Israfil  appeared to our Holy Prophet (PBUH) for the purpose of consoling him. 
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was faced with sadness for an exact forty–day period. Since the world is a center that is composed of an indefinite number of Divine wisdoms, everything that takes place within it undoubtedly has a purpose. Sometimes it is possible or impossible to catch the purpose behind these kinds of circumstances with the tiny measuring scales in our minds. However, not knowing their Divine wisdoms and reasons is not by any means proof that they are without wisdom and reason. Above all, it is not possible for a duty like prophethood, in which everything has been specially programmed by the pen of wisdom, to be insignificant. For this reason, there were many wisdoms and reasons behind the delay in the deliverance of revelation. However, we are not aware of them. There are many scholars who interpret this situation in various ways. Here is a summary of some of these views:
1) Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) greatly panicked in face of the first revelation and the heaviness of the situation had jolted his soul. This incident occurred so that his soul could find some peace, be rested and prepared for the forthcoming revelations.
2) Our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) was being prepared for the burdens and tribulations that he was about to face.
3) The deliverance of revelation was delayed so that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) could long more deeply for the next revelation. 
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freedom-fighter · 9 months
The end of funwuls... T_T
To my dearest beloved wife as of this letter,
Please bear with me. Tonight is the 1st night of Rejab as I pen this letter as much as I want us to survive this ordeal together as a family. This would probably my last letter to you as your husband. I tried my best but it wasn’t enough. Allah knows best what is best for us and Aisha.
In our 5 years of marriage, I have always prayed Allah swt made us spouses as a blessing and not a trial for each other, mawaddah, sakinah and rahmah, 5x daily my lips uttered for you.
Just to let you know, not that it would be matter but if our roles were swopped, I’ll take some time to forgive, forget & let go to move on for the sake of Aisha and the state of the ad-dunya where we are living in the end of times. Of course this is said easier than done but fisabilillah. I love you for the sake of Allah despite my flaws and shortcomings. The case of grass is greener over the other side is but a fallacy imo. Nevertheless, I hope in time, I can forgive you and I pray that Aish gets a father who is better than me.
In retrospect, as much as I was a trial for you as a spouse, I hate to admit but to an extent, you were as well for me. I got plenty more to say but I guess you wouldn’t care and you would call BS. I honestly think you are making a huge mistake as we both know you tend to make impulsive decision, your purchases, investments etc etc confidently without sufficient groundwork or analysis.
Come to think about it, we never really had a proper conversation, why/or what happen because you already made up your mind/heart. On the same note, as much as you blame me for this marriage breaking down, I feel the same way towards you as marriage is a unit and not just a one sided affair. I felt neglected and taken for granted for many dark lonely nights.
Barakallahu Fiik for giving me honorable opportunity to be your husband and supporting me in your own ways, just like my own Khadija to our dear prophet. I wish you nothing but the best.
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i want to craft my words in poems for you like Ali (R.A) did for Fatima (R.A). i want to see the arches of your face curve the way his poems soothed her heart ease. I want to hold you in my arms and hush the aches of the contained vessels of your heart when they are in vain like Khadija (R.A) did for Rasul'Allah (ﷺ). I want to trace the ends of the bones like our Nabi (ﷺ) did for his beloved Aisha (R.A). I want to kiss the brim of your glass to remind you my growing love in these vessels as he (ﷺ) did for our mother Aisha (R.A). I want to sit and admire you when you're praying in the blues of nights like Hafsa (R.A) admired our Nabi (ﷺ).I want my ears to find ease in the echos of the recitation of your voice like the Ummah eagerly waited to listen to Muad Ibn Jabal (R.A). I want the brims of my heart to expand in awe of the hiqmah of knowledge you eloquently carry within the traces of your soul like Abu Bakr (R.A) held in his ever so beautiful words. I want to fall in love with Islam all over again everytime i gaze into your heavenly eyes. I want to admire your strive towards deen like the Tawakkul held by Musab Ib Umair (R.A) even when the sway of ocean shakes your core. I want to cherish the principals of honestly you'll carry within you like the transparency of Omar Ibn Al Khattab (R.A). I want the grounds of my house to be beautified with calling of Adhan in the hums of your voice just so as Bilal Ibn Rabah (R. A) used to voice the Adhan.
& so I'll for the day when each of these pleads are penned onto our Qadr's. & until the day comes when our souls will be in sync with these Dua's as I send to the heavens to be answered by His upmost Mercy.
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ramadhanseries · 1 year
Ramadan Day 20
🍁 Night of glory
As we approach the last 10 nights of Ramadan, Muslims wait in high anticipation of what can be translated as The Night of Glory (laylatul qadr).
It is a brilliant night that is described in the Qur’an in chapter 97, in the following way:
1. In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy
2. We sent [the Qur’an] down on the Night of Glory.
3. What will explain to you what that Night of Glory is?
4. The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months.
5. On that night the angels and the Spirit descend again and again with their Lord’s permission on every affair.
6. Peace it is until the rising of the dawn.
The Night of Glory is the night in which the Prophet Muhammad began receiving revelation from God through the archangel Gabriel while he was meditating in the Cave of Hira on top of the Mountain of Light near the outskirts of Mecca, according to Muslim belief.
It is that night in history when Muhammad went from being a simple man among his people to becoming the messenger of God. Not only did that night transform Muhammad the man into Muhammad the Prophet, but it also marked the beginning of the transformation of many parts of the world.
The first words that the Prophet received from God on that night, now some 1,448 years ago, are words that continue to inspire and guide more than 1.6 billion people worldwide.
Chapter 96 of the Qur’an contains these verses:
“Read! In the name of your Lord who created: He created the human being from a clinging form.
Read! Your Lord is the Most Bountiful One who taught by the pen, who taught the human being what he did not know”
Receiving these divine words shook the Prophet to his core as he experienced the unexpected power of the glorious night and the command of an outer force. Afraid and befuddled, the Prophet ran home to the warm embrace of his beloved wife, Khadijah, who covered his trembling body with a blanket and reassured his anxious soul.
Khadija suggested visiting her cousin, Waraqa ibn Nawfal, who was a Christian sage and scholar, to interpret the experience. Waraqa listened carefully to the Prophet’s experience and declared: “This was the same one [archangel Gabriel] who keeps the secrets, whom God had sent to Moses. I wish I were young and could live [to see the day] when your people will drive you out.”
The Prophet, startled and surprised, asked, “Will they [really] drive me out?” Waraqa nodded affirmatively and said, “Anyone who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility; and if I should remain alive till the day when you will be driven out then I will support you.”
So, the Night of Glory commemorates the advent of the Prophet, the beginning of the revelation of the Qur’an to Muhammad, and the centrality of God and knowledge in Islam.
But, as Chapter 97 of the Qur’an indicates, the Night of Glory continues to visit every year with great spiritual gifts. In this night, it is believed, the doors of forgiveness are opened to all who ask, the decree of God is reconsidered and determined for every human soul, and salvation is brought closer for anyone who seeks it. As such, it is a night full of praying, seeking and acting goodly.
One of the great mysteries is that no one knows for certain which night in the blessed nights of Ramadan the Night of Glory falls on. It is anticipated during the last 10 nights. And, some say that it falls on one of the odd nights of the last 10 nights. God knows best – our task is to seek it; God’s grace is to grant it!
ரமலான் நாள் 20
🍁 மகிமையின் இரவு
ரமழானின் கடைசி 10 இரவுகளை நாம் நெருங்கும்போது, ​​தி நைட் ஆஃப் க்ளோரி (லைலத்துல் கத்ர்) என்று மொழிபெயர்க்கப்படுவதை முஸ்லிம்கள் அதிக எதிர்பார்ப்புடன் காத்திருக்கிறார்கள்.
குர்ஆனில் 97வது அத்தியாயத்தில் கீழ்க்கண்டவாறு விவரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள ஒரு அற்புதமான இரவு இது:
1. இரக்கத்தின் இறைவன், இரக்கத்தை வழங்குபவர் கடவுளின் பெயரில்
2. நாம் [குர்ஆனை] மகிமையின் இரவில் இறக்கினோம்.
3. அந்த மகிமையின் இரவு என்ன என்பதை உங்களுக்கு எது விளக்குகிறது?
4. மகிமையின் இரவு ஆயிரம் மாதங்களை விடச் சிறந்தது.
5. அந்த இரவில் வானவர்களும் ஆவியும் ஒவ்வொரு காரியத்திலும் தங்கள் இறைவனின் அனுமதியுடன் மீண்டும் மீண்டும் இறங்குகிறார்கள்.
6. விடியற்காலம் வரை அமைதி.
முஸ்லீம் நம்பிக்கையின்படி, மக்காவின் புறநகரில் உள்ள ஒளி மலையின் உச்சியில் உள்ள ஹீரா குகையில் தியானம் செய்து கொண்டிருந்த போது, ​​முஹம்மது நபி அவர்கள் தூதர் கேப்ரியல் மூலம் கடவுளிடமிருந்து வெளிப்பாட்டைப் பெறத் தொடங்கிய இரவுதான் மகிமையின் இரவு.
முஹம்மது தனது மக்களிடையே ஒரு எளிய மனிதராக இருந்து கடவுளின் தூதராக மாறியது வரலாற்றில் அந்த இரவு. அந்த இரவு முஹம்மது என்ற மனிதனை முஹம்மது நபியாக மாற்றியது மட்டுமல்லாமல், உலகின் பல பகுதிகளின் மாற்றத்தின் தொடக்கத்தையும் குறித்தது.
சுமார் 1,448 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு, அந்த இரவில் நபிகள் நாயகம் கடவுளிடமிருந்து பெற்ற முதல் வார்த்தைகள், உலகெங்கிலும் உள்ள 1.6 பில்லியனுக்கும் அதிகமான மக்களை ஊக்குவிக்கும் மற்றும் வழிகாட்டும் வார்த்தைகள்.
குர்ஆனின் 96வது அத்தியாயம் இந்த வசனங்களைக் கொண்டுள்ளது:
"படி! படைத்த உமது இறைவனின் பெயரால்: அவன் மனிதனைப் பற்றிக்கொள்ளும் வடிவில் இருந்து படைத்தான்.
படி! எழுதுகோலால் கற்பித்த, மனிதனுக்குத் தெரியாததைக் கற்றுத் தந்த உன்னதமான உன்னதமானவன் உன் இறைவன்"
இந்த தெய்வீக வார்த்தைகளைப் பெற்ற நபிகள் நாயகத்தை அவரது மையத்தில் உலுக்கினார், அவர் மகிமையான இரவின் எதிர்பாராத சக்தியையும் வெளிப்புற சக்தியின் கட்டளையையும் அனுபவித்தார். பயந்து, குழப்பமடைந்து, நபிகள் நாயகம் தனது அன்பு மனைவி கதீஜாவின் அன்பான அரவணைப்பிற்கு வீட்டிற்கு ஓடினார், அவர் தனது நடுங்கும் உடலை ஒரு போர்வையால் மூடி, கவலைப்பட்ட ஆன்மாவை உறுதிப்படுத்தினார்.
கதீஜா தனது உறவினரான வராக்கா இப்னு நவ்பலைச் சந்திக்கச் சொன்னார்கள், அவர் ஒரு கிறிஸ்தவ முனிவரும் அறிஞருமான அனுபவத்தை விளக்கினார். வராக்கா நபியின் அனுபவத்தைக் கவனமாகக் கேட்டு, அறிவித்தார்: “இவர்தான் மோசேக்குக் கடவுள் அனுப்பிய இரகசியங்களைக் காக்கும் [பிரதான கேப்ரியல்]. நான் இளமையாக இருந்தேன், உங்கள் மக்கள் உங்களைத் துரத்தும் நாளைக் காண விரும்புகிறேன்.
திடுக்கிட்டு ஆச்சரியமடைந்த நபியவர்கள், “அவர்கள் என்னை வெளியேற்றுவார்களா?” என்று கேட்டார்கள். வாரக்கா உறுதியுடன் தலையசைத்து, “நீங்கள் கொண்டு வந்ததைப் போன்ற ஏதாவது ஒன்றைக் கொண்டு வந்தவர்கள் விரோதத்துடன் நடத்தப்பட்டனர்; நீங்கள் துரத்தப்படும் நாள் வரை நான் உயிருடன் இருந்தால், நான் உங்களுக்கு ஆதரவளிப்பேன்.
எனவே, மகிமையின் இரவு நபிகள் நாயகத்தின் வருகையையும், குர்ஆன் முஹம்மதுவுக்கு வெளிப்படுத்தப்பட்டதன் தொடக்கத்தையும், இஸ்லாத்தில் கடவுள் மற்றும் அறிவின் மையத்தையும் நினைவுகூருகிறது.
ஆனால், குர்ஆனின் 97வது அத்தியாயம் குறிப்பிடுவது போல், மகிமையின் இரவு ஒவ்வொரு ஆண்டும் சிறந்த ஆன்மீக பரிசுகளுடன் தொடர்ந்து வருகை தருகிறது. இந்த இரவில், கேட்கும் அனைவருக்கும் மன்னிப்பின் கதவுகள் திறக்கப்படுகின்றன என்று நம்பப்படுகிறது, கடவுளின் ஆணை மறுபரிசீலனை செய்யப்பட்டு ஒவ்வொரு மனித ஆன்மாவிற்கும் தீர்மானிக்கப்படுகிறது, மேலும் இரட்சிப்பைத் தேடும் எவருக்கும் நெருங்கி வருகிறது. அது போல, பிரார்த்தனை, தேடுதல் மற்றும் சிறப்பாக செயல்படும் ஒரு இரவு.
ரமழானின் ஆசீர்வதிக்கப்பட்ட இரவுகளில் எந்த இரவில் மகிமையின் இரவு விழுகிறது என்பது யாருக்கும் உறுதியாகத் தெரியாது என்பது மிகப்பெரிய மர்மங்களில் ஒன்றாகும். இது கடந்த 10 இரவுகளில் எதிர்பார்க்கப்படுகிறது. மேலும், இது கடந்த 10 இரவுகளின் ஒற்றைப்படை இரவுகளில் ஒன்றில் விழுகிறது என்று சிலர் கூறுகிறார்கள். கடவுளுக்கு நன்றாகத் தெரியும் - அதைத் தேடுவதே நமது பணி; இறைவனின் அருளே அதை வழங்க வேண்டும்!
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mengyan · 4 years
Omg hey! I’m so exited to read the Valentine’s Day collab!! I love love loooove your writing so much!! So anyway I wrote my first Carulia fanfic and I just wanted to ask you what you think of this small bit? If it’s bad please tell me-I wanna improve🥺
If you don’t wanna critique it I totally get it, it is kind of long.
Julia POV
Warm rays of sunshine brushed Julia’s freckled cheeks, making up for the bite of frost in the air. The sky was a cheerful blue today, reflecting her mood. She was sitting at a street corner, admiring the view of quaint little shops that resembled the cutesy designs of dollhouses.
Saturday morning chatter rung in her ears in soft, eloquent words of French that were so different from the English required for her job. A frenzy of Bonjour’s (hello/good morning) and Comment allez vous? (How are you doing?) could be heard from across the street.
It was good to be home, to have a day off to enjoy the beauty she had forgotten Poiters possessed. As an avid traveller, there was nowhere quite like the city. Nothing could match it’s charming, Romanesque buildings or tranquil solitude.
Julia smiled at nothing in particular, a flaky, warm croissant in one hand and a timeless romance novel in the other.
How long had it been since she had gotten to relax like this? To enjoy the nature of her city and not have to chase a certain red rogue across the globe? The very same red rogue she struggled to protect from her coworkers?
A sigh escaped her lips. Suddenly her mind wandered to someone she hadn’t wanted to think about: Carmen Sandiego. The thief never ceased to plague her thoughts lately. A warm blush tinted her cheeks as she recalled the kiss they had shared in Cairo, Egypt. There was a sort of thrill in knowing it was so, so wrong, and Julia hated the adrenaline rush it gave her.
Their last interaction had been a week ago, and it had been on an ACME mission rather than the late night visits the thief had begun to pay her. The absence of the red rogue pained her terribly. She missed Carmen. She missed everything about her from her cunning gray eyes to her knowing smile, the light rasp to her voice, and the feel of her lips. She had barely gotten to see the lady in red recently.
Would this be what a relationship with the woman would entail? Random visits sprinkled through the weeks while Carmen gallivanted around the globe and Julia had to pretend she wanted her behind bars? Would she be doomed to live with this uncertainty, this emptiness?
At her inner turmoil, the thief seemed to appear before her with her signature smirk, the curl of her lips forever ingrained in Julia’s memory. Hallucination-Carmen spoke, reciting the promise she had made her not too long ago. “We can have a normal relationship, Jules. We’ll be able to see each other everyday, go on dates, do all of that couple-y stuff. I promise.”
Julia had scoffed at that, of course. Maybe in another world where she wasn’t dating a thief, for goodness sakes. But still she wished there was some way the red rogue could fulfill her promise. Julia knew that what Carmen was doing was absolutely important but....she couldn’t help but be selfish and wish she had her to herself.
On top of that, though, there was the fear that whatever was happening between the two was nothing but physical on Carmen’s end, that this...fling...would be over in a heartbeat and the red rogue would once again disappear with Julia’s heart, only this time she wouldn’t return.
She didn’t want fo think about that.
Trying to take her mind off her worries, Julia reopened her book. The petite woman frowned, nibbling on the last of her pastry and lazily scanning the page for anything interesting. It was one of her favorites, yet she couldn’t bring herself to relax, to forget.
Sighing, she closed the book with a sense of finality, tucking it safely in her messenger bag. It was no use. Nothing could keep Julia’s attention from Carmen for long.
“Partir déjà?” Said Nadia, Julia’s friend and the cashier. The woman adjusted the side of her hijab before opening the cash register. “Habituellement, vous passez toute la matinée ici lorsque vous êtes absent.”
TRANSLATION: “Leaving Already?.....Usually you spend the entire morning here when you’re off.”
Julia smiled sadly. “Quelque chose me vient à l'esprit ces derniers temps, Je ne peux pas me détendre.”
TRANSLATION: “Something has been on my mind lately. I can’t relax.”
Nadia smirked knowingly. “Querelle d'amant?“
TRANSLATION: “Lover’s Quarrel?“
Julia felt her cheeks heat up. Nadia was one of the few people who even knew she was seeing someone, let alone the fact that that someone was a thief. “Entre autres, oui. Il s’agit plus de mon travail.“
TRANSLATION: “Among other things, yes. It’s more about my job.“
Nadia shook her head, making a tut sound. “Tu travailles trop dur.“ She inserted her credit card into the register, swiping twice before the transaction was complete. “Vous savez, les filles et moi allons au Buckingham Club ce soir. Tu devrais venir. Je parie que cela vous fera oublier ... quel est son nom? Carolyn?“
TRANSLATION: You work too hard....You know, the girls and I are hitting the Buckingham Club tonight. You should come. I bet that’ll take your mind off of...what’s her name? Carolyn?“
“Carmen.“ Julia corrected with a smile. “Et Je ne sais pas, pas ce soir. je n'en ai pas vraiment envie.”
TRANSLATION: “Carmen....I don’t know, not tonight. I don’t really feel like it.”
“ S'il vous plaît? Ce sera amusant!?” Nadia replied, making an exaggerated pouty face.
TRANSLATION: “Please? It’ll be fun!”
“Je ne devrais vraiment pas.....”
TRANSLATION: “I really shouldn’t...”
The cashier shook her head, pressing her lips into a thin line. “Oh, Julia, tu es toujours aussi ennuyeuse.”
TRANSLATION: “Oh, Julia, you’re always such a bore.”
Jules simply smiled in response, pushing the rim of her glasses up her nose. “Peut-être la prochaine fois, Nadia.”
TRANSLATION: “Maybe next time, Nadia.”
She said her goodbyes and left the small cafe, the little bell at the door signaling her departure. The cool, crisp air met Julia immediately, the frost already kissing her skin. She turned the corner, making a beeline for her apartment complex when suddenly, a certain beeping sound caught her attention.
A very familiar beeping sound.
She threw a discreet glance over her shoulder before darting into the nearest alleyway, ducking behind the nearest dumpster before removing her pen from her pocket.
Julia clicked the cap, tossing it to the ground as she wrinkled her nose at the stench.
“Agent Argent.“ Chief’s no-nonsense voice came as her hologram blossomed. “I have a new mi-“ She paused, taking in Julia’s location.
“Are you behind a dumpster, Agent?“
Julia felt her cheeks heat slightly “I was in public and had to be...creative...“ She replied curtly, breathing through her mouth.
“Right....anyhoo,“ Chief began again, adjusting her blazer. “I’ve got on assignment for you. I’m sorry to interupt your time off, but you’re the closest agent in proximity.“
Julia smiled sadly, scratching her wrist. “It’s alright, chief. I was feeling restless anyway.“
Chief cocked her head in mild concern. “I’m sorry to hear that, Argent. It’s nothing too serious, but we have reports of some meddling with the security systems at the Louvre. I need you to investigate.“
“Of course. Will Agent Zari or Devineaux be accompanying me?“ She asked, already picturing the splendor at the Louvre. Maybe a trip to the museum was just what she needed today.
“No. Zari and Devineaux are on a case in Santo Domingo.“ Chief said, beginning to pace the length of the alleyway.
“Khadija or Jonas, then?“ Julia replied, referencing two agents she’d been paired with in the past, albeit less frequently than Chase or Zari.
“You’ll be going it alone today. Intel indicates that Carmen Sandiego won’t be present. I trust you can handle a routine check up.”
“I’ll take care of it, chief.“ She answered, giving a small salute to her superior. Internally, Julia released a sigh of relief that she wouldn’t have to tail Carmen.
“Good. Transportation has already been arranged and the details should be on your phone.“ Chief said, crossing her arms. Almost simultaneously, her phone pinged with an encrypted email from ACME.
“Don’t disapoint me, Agent.“ With a terse nod, the hologram disappeared from before her.
Quickly, she darted home and changed into her ACME-issued suit before making her way to the train station. Paris was waiting, after all.
No matter how many times she frequented the city, Paris never ceased to amaze Julia with a million new places she hadn’t visited yet. The Louvre, however, was an outlier to the fact. It was Julia’s favorite spot to hit whenever she was in the area.
It had been One-Thirty when her train had pulled into the Paris Saint Lazare, a station settled on the right bank of the Seine and the one closest in proximity to her destination.
The Louvre lay before her in all its grandiose splendor, afternoon sunlight glinting off of the crystal pyramid and casting a rainbow into the burbling fountain before it. The Famed palace of the same name was set on either sides of it, the tasteful renaissance era architecture transporting her into another time.
Julia smiled. She knew every corner of the museum. Every nook and crany was immortalized in her mind from it’s renowned Petite Galerie to it’s extended Egyptian exhibit.
She removed her ACME card from her messenger bag, thumbing it’s side to allow her interpol credentials before going to speak with the security
As promised, a staff member was waiting for her once she got inside.
“Bonjour. Julia Argent, Interpol Britain?“ A tall, skinny man with hooded blue eyes and unkempt blonde hair stepped forward.
“Oui.“ She replied, flashing her badge. “Marcel Cardone?“
“Oui, correct.“ He answered in a thick French accent. “Thank you for coming.“ He said, gesturing for her to walk with him.
Julia smiled. “Bien sûr. J'ai été informé mes supérieurs de la mission. Pouvez-vous me dire quel semble être exactement le problème?“
TRANSLATION: “Of course. I was briefed by my superiors on the mission. Can you tell me what exactly seems to be the problem?“
Marcel spoke as he led her through the halls of the grand building. “Do not worry, I am fluent in English. I do not know the details but the head of security will inform you on the matter.“
“Sounds good,“ Julia said reverting back to English. Her guide stopped at a door with la sécurité (security) written in bold script.
“This is it, mademoiselle.“ Marcel said, opening the door and leading her to the back. Standing before her was another door. Probably to an office, Julia guessed. “Monsieur Toussaint? L'agent d'Interpol est arrivé.“
TRANSLATION: “Mr.Toussaint? The interpol agent has arrived.“
A tall, stocky man with brown skin glanced up, adjusting his glasses. “L'agent? Miss, le problème s'est corrigé juste avant votre arrivée.”
TRANSLATION: “The Agent? Miss, the issue corrected itself just before you arrived.”
“Il n'y a donc rien de mal avec la sécurité?” Julia asked, confused.
TRANSLATION: “So is there nothing wrong with the security?“
“Plus maintenant, non...” Mr.Toussaint answered, scrutinizing her.
TRANSLATION. “Not anymore, no.”
“Mais je suis venu tout ce chemin...” She answered, slightly disappointed.
TRANSLATION: “But I came all this way....”
The man scratched the side of his head in mild concern. “Nous sommes désolés, mademoiselle. Perhaps you would like a tour of the Louvre in compensation?”
TRANSLATION: “We are sorry, Miss. Perhaps you would like a tour of the Louvre in compensation?”
“No, it’s quite alright, thank you.” Julia murmured, tugging at the hem of sleeve.
“Please accept. Nous allons même le rendre gratuit!”
TRANSLATION: Please accept. We will even make it free!”
“If you insist.” Julia smiled awkwardly.
“Good.” Mr.Toussaint lifted the phone on his desk, dialing as he spoke. “Cheryl? Préparez-vous à faire une visite. Oui. Rencontrez-la près des statues.”
TRANSLATION. “Cheryl? Prepare to give a tour. Yes. Meet her by the statues.”
The balding man put the phone down, swiping through the many papers scattered on his desk. “Our tour guide, Cheryl, will meet you out by our Sculpture Department. Please enjoy your day.”
They exchanged goodbyes and thank-yous before Mr. Toussaint returned to the millions of files on his desk and Julia to the swarming museum crowds.
Deftly, Julia navigated the throngs of people, making her way to the modern sculpture exhibit. As promised a woman was waiting before the exhibit checking her watch.
Her dark red-brunette hair was pulled into a pony-tail, and a pair of green khakis and a blue blouse contrasting against her flawless brown skin. From the back of her head, Julia could see a thick pair of glasses settling at the rim of her nose.
She seemed familiar, so very familiar....
And then she spoke. “Enjoying the view, Jules?”
The light rasp, the sultry tone of voice...
The petite woman gasped. “Carmen?”
“Surprise.” The thief said with a smirk.
“What’re you doing here?!” Julia asked, confused. Was Carmen behind the security issue already being solved before she arrived?
“You must have mistaken me for someone else,” The Red Rogue grinned coyly, reaching over gracefully and slipping her fingers between Julia’s. “I’m just Cheryl Vasquez, foreign exchange student and Louvre Tour guide.”
“Of course.” Julia scoffed but played along. “And what would Cheryl Vasquez be doing touring the Louvre?”
“If you’re asking whether I’m here to stop VILE, then no. They aren’t trying to steal anything. I’m here of my own accord.” Carmen replied, her thumb tracing circles along Julia’s palm.
“So I suppose it’s just a coincidence that I was sent here on a mission?”
Carmen winked at her, her rouged lips relaxing into their signature grin. “Yep. A coincidence. Absolutely nothing more.”
A twitch of annoyance flared within Julia. Sometimes Carmen’s games could get tiring. “Well then, since you aren’t stealing anything, I’ll be on my way then.”
“What?” The thief said, for once taken aback.
“You heard me.” Julia began with a smirk, turning in the other direction. “Have a nice day, Miss Sandiego. The Louvre is quite the sight to see.”
“Not so fast, Jules.” Carmen grasped her wrists gently, pulling her in close. Julia blushed, her mouth mere inches from the thief’s. She parted her lips gently, her eyelids sinking lower. Her tongue flecked across the expanse of her bottom lips as she waited to meet the thief’s lips for the first time in more than a week.
“Huh?” Julia said in confusion as she felt the other woman’s heat move away from her own.
Carmen was no longer before her, lips moving closer. Instead she darted away from the smaller woman, a smug grin scrawled on her beautiful face. She waved Julia’s ACME gas gun in the air teasingly, throwing her a wink. “A theft in progress is occurring, agent. You’re lawfully required to follow.”
“Carmen!” Julia shouted in shock, not at all caring about the attention they were gaining from their fellow museum-go-ers. “Give it back!”
“Come and get me!” She called with a trickle of laughter, disappearing into the hordes of people.
Julia smiled despite her frustration and ran after her, for once not at all caring that her behavior was extremely unprofessional.
That was what Carmen did to her. She...freed her. Allowed Julia to relax, to sit still, to live in the moment.
Julia felt all the tension that had built up over the course of the week melt away as she pursued the chase and danced across the Louvre court yard.
She chased Carmen out of the museum, nearing the edge of the complex. “Aha!” Julia shouted, finally catching up to her lover and realizing a smile had formed on her lips.
“You’ve got me, alright,” Carmen smiled, lowering her lashes flirtatiously as her voice lowered teasingly. She slipped her arms around Julia’s waist being just tall enough that the shorter woman had to slightly look up to meet her eyes. “Now what’re you gonna do with me?”
Julia answered her with a kiss, feeling the thief’s bright red lipstick smear onto her mouth. The lady in red captured Julia’s lower lip with her teeth, chuckling at the ACME agent’s Yelp of surprise as she tugged. Every gasp that managed to escape her lips was swallowed by Carmen’s mouth as she pulled her closer with passion.
“Mhm, I’ve missed that.” Julia smiled. “I’ve missed you.”
“You aren’t the only one.” Carmen purred against her lips. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to come and see you...but...”
“It’s alright, Carmen. I understand.” Julia whispered, touching her forehead to the Latina’s and lacing her fingers through the thief’s. “Do you plan on telling me why you’re here, though?”
“Can’t I just pay a visit to my favorite ACME agent?” She teased, beginning to lead Julia out of the museum complex.
“At my apartment, yes. But here?”
“Okay fine....” The thief relented, turning away. Julia spotted a tiny tinge of a blush dusting her cheeks. Carmen? Blushing? “I....may or may not have had my team hack the museum security and leave a trace to VILE to get you sent here.”
“Carmen!” Julia hissed. “You could get caught! And for what? Just to see me? You can meet me at my apartment!”
“Hey, hey, what’s done is done, alright?” She said, her arms flying in front of her in attempt to calm her down. Then, she smiled. “Aww you were worried about me. That’s adorable.“
“Thats-Thats not!....Thats not the point!“ Julia tried to fight a blush but it was no use.
Carmen laughed, caressing Julia’s face and tilting her chin up to meet her eyes. “Hey. I know you mean well. I’ll be more careful from now on. Promise.“
“O...Okay.“ Julia murmured, the woman in red’s slate gray eyes catching her off guard.
“But...since you’re already here....we should make the most of it, no?“ Carmen smiled sweetly, for once with no tinge of smugness to it.
“Alright.“ Julia relented with a small grin. “So is this a....date?“
The latina winked, her teeth sliding over her bottom lip. “Do you want it to be?“
“No! I mean...I just thought...“
“Relax, I’m messing with you.“ Carmen said, taking Julia’s hands in hers. “The truth is...Jules...I wanted to prove that I’m serious about this. About us. You...mean a lot to me, and I want us to be about more than just random hookups.“
The petite woman felt herself smiling at the other’s words, and gave the red rogue’s hands a squeeze. “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that.“
Carmen returned her grin, running her thumb over Julia’s knuckles. “Explanations aside, are you ready for the greatest date in the world?“
Julia’s brow tugged upwards along with her lips. “The greatest, huh?“
Carmen threw her a flirty glance. “Hey, I don’t settle for second best.“
“I can see that. Alright then, Miss Sandiego.“ The shorter woman said coyly, “Show me what you got.“
ANON!! THIS IS SO AMAZING OH MY GOD?? for your first fic this is incredible and i absolutely love how you write them!! everything is so in character and carmen absolutely would create an entire heist just to meet up with jules 😭
i don’t have much to critique: just a few minor spelling errors here and there and some misplaced punctuation but that’s it, everything else is so good?? i’m serious this gave me so much serotonin omg,,, if you post it on ao3 let me know and i’ll be sure to leave kudos and a comment!! <3
and thank you so much for enjoying my writing, i can say the same for you :D
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Books Celebrating Black Cuisine in honor of Juneteenth
The Rise: Black Cooks and the Soul of American Food: A Cookbook by Marcus Samuelsson
In The Rise, chef, author, and television star Marcus Samuelsson gathers together an unforgettable feast of food, culture, and history to highlight the diverse deliciousness of Black cooking today. Driven by a desire to fight against bias, reclaim Black culinary traditions, and energize a new generation of cooks, Marcus shares his own journey alongside 150 recipes in honor of dozens of top chefs, writers, and activists—with stories exploring their creativity and influence. Black cooking has always been more than “soul food,” with flavors tracing to the African continent, to the Caribbean, all over the United States, and beyond.
Meals, Music, and Muses: Recipes from My African American Kitchen by Alexander Smalls
Iconic chef and world-renowned opera singer Alexander Smalls marries two of his greatest passions―food and music―in Meals, Music, and Muses. More than just a cookbook, Smalls takes readers on a delicious journey through the South to examine the food that has shaped the region. Each chapter is named for a type of music to help readers understand the spirit that animates these recipes. Filled with classic Southern recipes and twists on old favorites, this cookbook includes starters such as Hoppin’ John Cakes with Sweet Pepper Remoulade and Carolina Bourbon Barbecue Shrimp and Okra Skewers, and main dishes like Roast Quail in Bourbon Cream Sauce and Prime Rib Roast with Crawfish Onion Gravy. Complete with anecdotes of Smalls’s childhood in the Low Country and examinations of Southern musical tradition, Meals, Music, and Muses is a heritage cookbook in the tradition of Edna Lewis’s A Taste of Country Cooking.
In Bibi's Kitchen: The Recipes and Stories of Grandmothers from the Eight African Countries That Touch the Indian Ocean by Hawa Hassan, Julia Turshen
Grandmothers from eight eastern African countries welcome you into their kitchens to share flavorful recipes and stories of family, love, and tradition in this transporting cookbook-meets-travelogue. In this incredible volume, renowned food writer Julia Turshen and Somali chef Hawa Hassan present 75 recipes and stories gathered from bibis (or grandmothers) from eight African nations: South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar, Comoros, Tanzania, Kenya, Somalia, and Eritrea. Most notably, these eight countries are at the backbone of the spice trade, many of them exporters of things like pepper and vanilla. We meet women such as Ma Shara, who helps tourists "see the real Zanzibar" by teaching them how to make her famous Ajemi Bread with Carrots and Green Pepper; Ma Vicky, a real-life princess from Tanzania, who now lives in suburban New York and makes a mean Matoke (Stewed Plantains with Beans and Beef); and Somalia's Ashura Babu-Bi Ashura, widow to Abdulrahman Babu, the late Zanzibari Marxist and revolutionary leader, known for her Samaki Wa Kupaka (Coconut Fish Curry). Through Julia and Hawa's writing--and their own personal stories--the women, and the stories behind the recipes, come to life. With evocative photography shot on location by Khadija Farah, and food photography by Jennifer May, In Bibi's Kitchen uses food to teach us all about families, war, loss, migration, refuge, and sanctuary.
Soul Food Love: 100 Years of Cooking and Eating in One Black Family, with Recipes by Alice Randall
A mother-daughter duo reclaims and redefines soul food by mining the traditions of four generations of black women and creating 80 healthy recipes to help everyone live longer and stronger. In May 2012, bestselling author Alice Randall penned an op-ed in the New York Times titled “Black Women and Fat,” chronicling her quest to be “the last fat black woman” in her family. She turned to her daughter, Caroline Randall Williams, for help. Together they overhauled the way they cook and eat, translating recipes and traditions handed down by generations of black women into easy, affordable, and healthful—yet still indulgent—dishes, such as Peanut Chicken Stew, Red Bean and Brown Rice Creole Salad, Fiery Green Beans, and Sinless Sweet Potato Pie. Soul Food Love relates the authors’ fascinating family history (which mirrors that of much of black America in the twentieth century), explores the often fraught relationship African-American women have had with food, and forges a powerful new way forward that honors their cultural and culinary heritage. This is what the strong black kitchen looks like in the twenty-first century.
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Internal Oral Fragment Choices
Fragment 1 - The Handmaids Tale - Chapter 28 - Margaret Atwood
“They've frozen them, she said. Mine too. The collective's too. Any account with an F on it instead of an M. All they needed to do is push a few buttons. We're cut off. But I've got over two thousand dollars in the bank, I said, as if my own account was the only one that mattered. Women can't hold property anymore, she said. It's a new law. Turned on the TV today? No, I said. It's on there, she said. All over the place. She was not stunned, the way Iwas. In some strange way she was gleeful, as if this was what she'd been expecting for some time and now she'd been proven right. She even looked more energetic, more determined. Luke can use your Compucount for you, she said. They'll transfer your number to him, or that's what they say. Husband or male next of kin. But what about you? I said. She didn't have anyone. I'll go underground, she said. Some of the gays can take over our numbers and buy us things we need. But why? I said. Why did they? Ours is not to reason why, said Moira. They had to do it that way, the Compucounts and the jobs both at once. Can you picture the airports, otherwise? They don't want us going anywhere, you can bet on that. Iwent to pick my daughter up from school. I drove with exaggerated care. By the time Luke got home Iwas sitting at the kitchen table. She was drawing with felt pens at her own little table in the corner, where her paintings were taped up next to the refrigerator. Luke knelt beside me and put his arms around me. I heard, he said, on the car radio, driving home. Don't worry, I'm sure it's temporary. Did they say why? I said. He didn't answer that. We'll get through it, he said, hugging me. You don't know what it's like, I said. I feel as if somebody cut off my feet. Iwasn't crying. Also, I couldn't put my arms around him”
Fragment 2 - Why Afghanistan is Wtill the Worst Place in the World to Be a Woman - Lauren Bohn
“I am not alive, but I am not dead,” Khadija told me later that week, crying and gripping the hands of her sister, Aisha. “I tried running away and I failed.” Like the majority of Afghan women, Khadija was a victim of domestic abuse. For four years, she said, her husband beat her and told her that she’s ugly and dumb – “a nobody.”
“Women never have any choices,” Khadija said last December in the hospital, as tears streamed down her face, a barely recognizable charred patchwork of fresh scars. “If I did, I wouldn’t have married him. We’re all handcuffed in this country.”
Khadija’s decision to set herself on fire prompted her husband to be arrested on charges of domestic violence, an unusual situation in a country where abuse against women is rarely criminalized. But even while he was serving his prison sentence, Khadija felt more trapped than when she tried to take her own life. Her husband’s parents, who were looking after her son, issued Khadija an ultimatum: If she would tell the police that she lied—that her husband didn’t actually abuse her—and if she returned home, then she could see her son. If she refused, she would never see him again.
In a country racked by decades of war and a dearth of resources, Khadija’s story shows how women in Afghanistan are struggling to live with dignity. It also highlights how, in the face of little governmental support and dwindling international aid, women are stepping in to help one another.
“It hurts me to say this, but the situation is only getting worse,” said Jameela Naseri, a 31-year-old lawyer at Medica Afghanistan, an NGO established by German-based Medica Mondiale, defending women and girls in war and crisis zones throughout the world. Naseri oversees Khadija’s case, as well as the cases of dozens of other women who are seeking refuge or divorce from allegedly abusive husbands. In the face of what she calls “a war against women,” she is leading an informal but determined coalition of female psychologists, doctors and activists in Herat who take on cases like Khadija’s.
Source: https://time.com/5472411/afghanistan-women-justice-war/
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Khadija Ismayilova
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Khadija Ismayilova was born in 1976 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Ismayilova is known for her reporting on corruption and human rights abuses in her home country. She has exposed corruption going all the way to President Ilhan Aliyev’s family, and faced government retaliation as a result. Ismayilova was arrested in 2014 and sentenced to seven and a half years in prison on politically motivated charges. In 2015, she received the PEN Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award, and in 2016, she won the Guilermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize from UNESCO. Ismayilova was released from prison in May of 2016 after 537 days. 
(image source)
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ofshiraz · 4 years
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all hail zeynab shirazi, the persian poet who kind of tagged along!  her stats are here if you want them, and you can find the basics, her app and some plot ideas below!
need to knows.
unlike most of the characters we have here at crowns, zeynab isn’t actually a noble or royal. she has, however, been raised as part of the persian shah’s court since she was a teenager, as ward of the first consort, firouzeh, and playmate and later companion of shahzadeh khanoum khadija. 
she was taken in by the consort mainly because of her talent for poetry, which is her main contribution to the court’s prestige and what she occupies herself with generally. zeynab also has a keen interest in mysticism, which is very much visible in her writing, and is secretly practicing zoroastrianism, an ancient religion fairly common yet not official in persia - on paper, though, she’s muslim.
she’s recently had some major internal conflict going on with the persian court getting all ‘choose your side’-y between firouzeh and ghazala, but not only - not even a year ago she fully found out women are supposed to bleed monthly and she... doesn’t, so she’s quite worried and thinks something is wrong with her now. fun!!
zeynab’s kind of just the family weirdo, lurking in strange places and scaring the hell out of everyone. she might seem like an edgy recluse, but she’s a sweetheart deep down, i promise. she just likes sitting and thinking for hours a until someone yells in her face and she snaps out of it.
what current conflicts does your character face? the imperial court has continued becoming increasingly divided as of recent, between those standing by the shah’s first wife, the consort firouzeh, and others, favoring the newest addition to the royal household, the shahbanu ghazala. while it may not have been as outwardly visible as one would expect, given her calm, aloof demeanor, zeynab has been affected by these growing animosities as much as any other member of the family, which she may not be by blood, but has functionally been one for years now. of course, she has been undyingly loyal to firouzeh, the woman who took her in to live alongside the shah’s family in all the luxury they can provide, after her father, a rather wealthy merchant hailing from the delhi sultanate, who in his later years settled in persia after marrying a woman living in shiraz, had fallen ill during the plague and was dying, about to leave her alone with no means to practice her art or perhaps even survive. but after the shahzadeh, her closest friend, has turned to ghazala for guidance, zeynab finds herself torn between the woman she owes everything to and her closest companion in life.
expand on this character’s connections with two other roles. the persian shah’s first wife, the consort firouzeh, is the person without whom zeynab would not exist. if she was alive at all, which can be considered somewhat debatable, she would certainly not have grown up to be the woman she is now, and she’s fully aware of that fact. she loves and admires the consort as if she was her own mother, and is endlessly grateful for the life firouzeh chose to provide for her. but almost as important to zeynab as the consort herself is her daughter, the shahzadeh khanoum khadija, the single closest friend she has ever had in her lifetime. whenever she thinks of the world as lacking understanding of her person, khanoum is always exempt from this kind of opinion; zeynab considers their souls and minds to be connected, and would never do anything that could possibly harm her companion; which has brought her much distress as of recent with the growing internal conflict at court. 
personality. zeynab is considered strange and even somewhat eerie or disturbing by most of the persian court, and perhaps quite rightfully so. she doesn’t usually enjoy talking much, oftentimes favoring absent-minded glances and lurking quietly in corners over real interaction with others, causing many a scare for the other inhabitants of the shah’s household. however, when engaged in a civil conversation, she will act predominantly friendly, if still seeming a tad detached from the situation and real life in general. she considers herself an observer more than anything else, generally taking more interest in quietly drawing inspiration from the world around her than taking decisive action; however, there are certainly exceptions to this - she will act in defense of those she loves most, predominantly firouzeh and khanoum khadija, and has developed somewhat of an interest in diplomacy as of late, knowing that despite never having any actual hand in ruling the country, she needs to help strengthen diplomatic ties, secure alliances and gain influence amongst the europeans as much as everyone else in the royal court over the course of their stay in portugal.
poetry. the most important reason zeynab even lives as part of the shah’s household and has access to as much wealth and luxury as her heart can possibly desire, is her rather extraordinary talent as a poet, which she began to exhibit as quite a young girl. her father taught her to read and write, and she began creating her own writings by the early age of twelve. she has undergone some dramatic shifts in her favoured topics before the present day, beginning with mere depictions of the world around her, and currently settling on matters of the human soul, visions of the future and mystical concepts.
mysticism. the person who introduced zeynab to the concepts of mysticism and spirituality was her father, bringing with him the gods of his homeland in the delhi sultanate. while her own country, persia, was dominated by islam, which zeynab is also formally a follower of, about two years ago she found out about the existence of zoroastrianism, the religion of, as the muslims around her call it, fire worshippers, and the ancient faith captivated her in an instant; she has been secretly reading about it and practicing it while simultaneously hiding that fact from everyone else at court ever since. topics of spirituality often feature in her poems.
fellow artists. characters who also write poetry (which would be preferable, but it could potentially be other art forms as well) and are willing to discuss their craft! zeynab really wants to get to know the way europeans do their literature, and potentially mix some of that into her own works, so a partner who could share their art with her would be ideal! (open to any character who does art of any kind, preferably written)
guides. persia is a hell of a lot different from europe, and someone who could show zeynab how it all works would be much appreciated! i imagine it could blossom into a great friendship. (open to all european characters, preferably christian-european)
romances. it would be very interesting if the person zeynab took an interest in (preferably a mutual one) was someone high-ranking or even royal; she’s in a strange position where she has all the markers of status except actual status, so it would surely create a lot of ~drama~ and conflict! (preferably male characters).
dislikes. as mentioned already, zeynab isn’t technically a royal and a noble, or doesn’t even hold an official function of any kind, and yet she still is here in lisbon and represents the persian empire along with the other court members. that could probably rub some people the wrong way, and i’d love to explore how that goes! (open to all non-persians)
a father figure. while the consort firouzeh functions as a second mother of sorts to zeynab, at least in her eyes, she still has no one to at least try to make up for the tragic loss of her father. i’d love to see someone fill that missing spot and become something of a surrogate father to her! (male characters, 40+, preferably not persian)
fellow lovers of mysticism. our girl zeynab is big into superstitions and the spiritual side of life, and it would be great if she met someone who’s equally interested in all that, but maybe from a different cultural perspective? some great cultural exchange could happen there. (open to all non-persians)
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rhaenyraslaena · 5 months
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Duty is the Death of Love Chapter XI
Visitors in The Night
Available Here: ao3
“I support your choice in whoever you deem fit to represent you in Damascus.” Eulalia’s own words have descended into whispers that are merely for the hearing of the king before a gasp is soon to part her lips upon the feeling of the tightening of his fingers upon her arm – an indication that this is not merely concern for her safety but his words are to serve as a command as well.
“I forbid you from undertaking such a journey, Eulalia” The firmness within his voice is deepened with the heavy echoing of Baldwin’s mask though yet the words are merely within the hearing of Eulalia, her body now feeling the pressure of the grown intensity of his words – the very kind of protective ferocity that would have been a display all too open within the years of their adolescence.
“The journey to Damascus is far too uncertain, you could be struck down by an enemy that is Muslim or Christian.” Eulalia feels the waves of the intensity of the protectiveness that Baldwin conveys beyond the disguise of his mask – an ever existing reflection of those impassioned cries that had torn themselves from his lips upon the victories within battle.
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basicsofislam · 5 years
Maryam, or Mary, is the only woman mentioned by name in the Holy Qur’an. She is mentioned in twelve chapters of the Qur’an, a total of thirty-four times. But even more important than the number of times her name is used is the fact that she was mentioned in verses of the Qur’an from different periods of the revelation. Interestingly, she is mentioned by name only nineteen times in the New Testament.
Mary was given her name by her mother. Her name has been said to mean “the one who does not want, one who departs” or “the servant,” but the opinion that the name Mary means “one who worships” in the Aramaic language seems more suitable.
The guardianship of Zachariah
Mary’s honorable family upbringing, the fact that she was a chosen person, and her many outstanding virtues are emphasized frequently in both the Qur’an and hadith. However, the verses of the Qur’an alone are more than sufficient to explain her superiority as a woman. Firstly, she came from an honorable family, a father as noble as Imran and a mother so memorable and devoted that her prayers were accepted by God. Mary was the fruit of a devoted mother’s prayer and because of her oath she was entrusted to a holy sanctuary at a very young age.
When her father Imran died, Mary was still only a young girl and many asked for the honorable duty of her guardianship, but this duty was bestowed upon Prophet Zachariah in an event that was revealed in the Holy Qur’an: “(O Messenger:) that is of the tidings of the things of the unseen (the things that took place in the past and have remained hidden from people with all their truth), which We reveal to you, for you were not present with them when they drew lots with their pens about who should have charge of Mary; nor were you present with them when they were disputing (about the matter)” (Al Imran 3:44). The Qur’anic verse which describes how Mary’s sustenance comes to her is immediately followed by a supplication from Zachariah that clearly indicates that he was growing old and was slowly becoming incapable of looking after Mary adequately. This is the most likely reason for the weak reports claiming that the person who was blessed with her guardianship was a priest called Juraich or a member of her family called Joseph, but these reports have no authority, for God revealed in the Qur’an that Mary was living under the education and care of Zachariah.
Mary was blessed with sustenance from God
Zachariah made Mary a sanctuary in the temple so she could be more occupied with daily worship. During the period that Mary lived at the temple under the guidance of Zachariah, she was exceptionally blessed with sustenance from God. The Qur’an informs us that every time Zachariah went to see Mary, there would be lovely fruits in her room: “Whenever Zachariah went into her in the Sanctuary, he found her provided with food. ‘Mary,’ he asked, ‘how does this come to you?’ ‘From God,’ she answered. Truly God provides to whomever He wills without reckoning”(Al Imran 3:37). It is also known that after giving birth to baby Jesus, she was miraculously provided with the blessing of fresh dates and water. A similar event is reported for Fatima, the Prophet Muhammad’s daughter.
There is no information about Mary’s life before the angel came giving Mary the glad tidings of Jesus’s birth. But the books of Apocrypha (accounts rejected by the Church) convey the blessing of sustenance bestowed upon Mary. However, the Apocrypha gives some information about the earlier period of Mary’s life, including predictions as to where she was born and even estimations regarding the date of her birth. The Protoevangelium, one of the books of Apocrypha, contains some additional information that is not found in the canonical scriptures (those accepted by the Church).
The Sanctuary and sense of servitude
While she increased her worship with every day that passed, the period that Mary was under the care of Zachariah continued with God’s special protection and sustenance. This particular characteristic is mentioned in the Qur’an: “And (in due time came the moment) when the angels said: “Mary, God has chosen you and made you pure, and exalted you above all the women in the world. “Mary, be devoutly obedient to your Lord, prostrate and bow (in the Prayer and devotion to Him) with those who bow!”(Al Imran 3:42–43).
The words of the Creator’s purification of Mary-“God’s purification”-have been interpreted in various ways as referring to spiritual, moral, or physical purification. Some said that this means “purification from disbelief and sin,” while others claim this means “purification from menses following birth, all kinds of physical defect and contact with males,” and most scholars say the words “chosen above women of all nations” refers to all the women of her era, and though the physical actions of worship are stressed in this verse, more important is the fact that Mary abided by both the command of worship, “be devoutly obedient to your Lord, prostrate and bow (in the Prayer and devotion to Him) with those who bow!” and the spirit of worship deep in her soul: “And also Mary, the daughter of ‘Imran, who kept herself chaste (body and soul), so We breathed into it out of Our Spirit, and who affirmed the truth of the words of her Lord, and His Books; and she was of those devoutly obedient to God” (At-Tahrim 66:12).
The Qur’an also bears witness to Mary being a woman of “truth”13 in many verses.
Mary’s superiority to all women
The verse in the Qur’an about Mary being superior to all other women (Al Imran 3:42–43) has been referred to in most commentaries as well as various reports of hadith found in the Tisa Qutubi. About the many virtues of Mary, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
1. “The best of the women in the world is Mary (in her lifetime),14 and the best of the women in the world is Khadijah (in her lifetime).” (Bukhari, Muslim)
2. “Many among men attained perfection, but among women, none attained perfection except Mary the daughter of Imran, and Asiya the wife of Pharaoh; and the superiority of Aisha to other women is like the superiority of Tharid (an Arabic dish) to other meals.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
3. “There is no new-born except that (at the moment of birth) Satan disturbs him, so he begins to cry from Satan’s disturbance with the exception of the son of Mary and his mother.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
4. “Of all the women in the universe, four would suffice (as an example for others): Mary, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima.” (Tirmidhi, Ahmad b. Hanbal)
5. “The best of the women of Paradise are Khadijah, Fatima, Asiya and Mary.” (Ahmad b. Hanbal)
6. “Fatima is the leader of the women of Paradise after Mary.” (Tirmidhi, Ahmad b. Hanbal)
7. “The best women among the camel riders, are the women of Quraish.” (Another narrator said) The Prophet said, “The righteous among the women of Quraish are those who are kind to their young ones and who look after their husband’s property,” (Bukhari, Muslim) and this hadith is followed up in many cases by a report from Abu Hurairah who said, “Mary the daughter of Imran never rode a camel,” stressing the virtues of Mary. According to Imam Nawawi and Ibn Hajar, Abu Hurairah’s aim was not actually to stress the fact that Mary never rode a camel but was just an expression of his praise of Mary’s virtues, or another explanation of these words could be, “It does not mean that a woman who rides a camel is righteous because Mary was a righteous woman even though she never rode a camel.”
As we see from these hadith the interpreters and scholars have varying opinions on the order of arrangement of the superiority of these women, but the most interesting aspect of these hadith is that although the other names may change, Mary is the only person who is mentioned in all the given examples of these hadith, and this should be sufficient to show her unmatched excellence.
Mary’s being among those named by the Prophet
The narrations stated above have led some scholars to believe that there is a possibility of the existence of female prophets. There have been various opinions supporting the idea that female prophets may have been sent and asking whether Mary the mother of Jesus was a Prophet or not. The opinion of scholars who believe Mary may have been a Prophet is based on the fact that Mary’s name is mentioned in the Qur’an among the Prophets: “Those were some of the Prophets on whom God did bestow his grace of the posterity of Adam and of those whom We carried (in the Ark) with Noah and of the posterity of Abraham and Israel-of those we guided and chose”(Mary 19:58), and also on the angel bringing the revelation of tidings and the benevolence provided to Mary from the creator, and the fact that she was a chosen person above all women purified through the grace of God as a “woman of perfection,” and “leader in Paradise” all led these scholars to believe that Mary could possibly be a messenger. However, the general opinion accepted by most scholars is that women were not sent to the world as prophets.
There are some Christian theologians who claim that Mary was a prophet. The Christian opinion in general is that she was superior to other women and saints but not superior to Jesus. Mary has been widely praised in Christian literature for her obedience, patience, modesty, piety, faith, hope, compassion, dignity and many other virtues.
Mary: the monument of chastity
The Qur’an clearly explains in this verse how Mary conceived Jesus: And (remember) when the angels said: “Mary, God gives you the glad tidings of a Word from Him, to be called the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary” highly honored in the world and the Hereafter, and one of those near stationed to God. He will speak to people in the cradle and in manhood, and he is of the righteous. “Lord,” said Mary, “how shall I have a son seeing no mortal has ever touched me?” “That is how it is,” he (the Spirit who appeared before her) said, (quoting God): “God creates whatever He wills; when He decrees a thing, He does but say to it ‘Be!’ and it is.”(Al Imran 3:45–47)
The chapter Mary (19:16–33) of the Qur’an gives an extensive version of the conception, the birth and the events that followed the birth of baby Jesus. Furthermore, God the Almighty reveals how He located Mary and her son Jesus, whom He sent as an example to humans, in a prosperous place on high land with flowing streams and bestowed upon Jesus the divine benevolence He had bestowed upon his mother: “O Jesus son of Mary! O Jesus, son of Mary! Remember My favor upon you and upon your mother” (Al-Maeda 5:110).
There are various reports and comments specifically referring to Mary’s conception of Jesus and the miraculous birth in the interpretations and explanations of hadith which exceed the limits of this article. The embryologic phase of Mary’s pregnancy was just like any other pregnant woman: she conceived, the baby grew in her womb, and when the contractions began she made her way to the vicinity of the date tree behind a flowing stream and then gave birth. But how did the pregnancy and this embryological process actually begin? This question resembles a parcel holding the mysteries of this miraculous event.
So in brief, Mary was a true monument of chastity and, even though she was a virgin, conceived in a miraculous way. The fact that Mary guarded both her dignity and chastity is emphasized in the following verses of the Qur’an:
“And (mention) that blessed woman who set the best example in guarding her chastity. We breathed into her out of Our Spirit, and We made her and her son a miraculous sign (of Our Power and matchless way of doing things) for all the worlds.” (Al-Anbiya 21–91), “And also Mary, the daughter of Imran, who kept herself chaste (body and soul), so We breathed into it out of Our Spirit, and who affirmed the truth of the words of her Lord, and His Books; and she was of those devoutly obedient to God.” (At-Tahrim 66:12).
As a matter of fact, the Qur’an tells us that great disaster and punishment await those who speak unfavorably about Mary, for whatever they say against her chastity and dignity is slander, and their hearts are sealed to faith.
Mary’s death and burial
There is no account in the Qur’an or hadith of Mary’s death or burial, so details and information related to the topic are generally based on Christian sources or historical literature. Not included in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke), Mary’s attending the miracle of Cana (John 2:11) and the event of the crucifix (John 19:25–27) were only reported in the book of John; she prayed with Jesus and his disciples in the Acts (1:14) following his resurrection, but there is no mention of the remaining period of her life, her death, age, or appearance in any of the gospels.
It is estimated that Mary must have been around fifty years old at the time of Jesus’ passing and there are varying reports regarding her own death; some say she was fifty-six, while there are other reports of her being seventy or even seventy-two. The questions of where and how she died have been topics of discussion and dispute for centuries, but the fact that she carried on throughout her life in sincere devotion and worship of God is much more suitable for her general profile.
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lifeofresulullah · 1 year
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Assignment of the Duty of the Prophethood and First Muslims
First Revelation is Sent Down
The 16th night of the month of Ramadan had passed.
The 17th of Ramadan was a Monday night.
The mount of Nour and everything around it were covered with a deep and significant quietness to be able to hear and listen to what would be said soon. Maybe, out of respect to the ones who would speak and listen to.
It was past midnight and almost dawn. The exceptional time when nightingales sing and roses give out pleasant scents with all their beauties. The extraordinary time when those who mention the names of Allah are enthused and attain endless pleasure!
Gabriel (may Allah be pleased with him), the angel of divine revelation, took the shape of a most beautiful human being and was quite delighted. The environment smelled wonderful. The manifestations of fear and hope, and excitement and peace were intertwined.
Gabriel (may Allah be pleased with him) was very joyful because he would meet the last Prophet, the Prophet of the prophets and he would talk face to face with the Sultan of Lawlaka, who would deserve the title, “the Beloved of Allah” with his belief, worship, contemplation and struggle.
The expected moment finally came.
Gabriel (may Allah be pleased with him) appeared before the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in his human form, sending out divine radiance around in the dark night. He spoke to him in a loud but calming voice: “Read!”
The heart of the Master of the Universe was filled with wonder and fear. His heart shivered!
He answered: “I do not know how to read.”
Gabriel hugged him and held him tight; then, Gabriel released him, saying, “Read!”
The Master of the Universe gave the same answer, “I do not know how to read.”
Gabriel hugged him for the second time and held him tight; then, Gabriel released him, saying, “Read!”
The Master of the Universe said, “I do not know how to read. Tell me! What shall I read?”
Thereupon, the angel recited the first verses of the Surah of Al-Alaq from the beginning to the end, which, through Allah Almighty’s ordering, he was in charge of conveying to the Prophet (pbuh):
“Read in the name of your Lord Who created. He created man from a clot. Read: And your Lord is the Most Bounteous, Who taught (to write) with the pen, taught man what he knew not.” (Al-Alaq Surah, 96:1-5)
The Master of the Universe (pbuh) was at the heights of excitement and amazement and recited what he heard word by word. The verses that came down became established both in his tongue and in his heart.
Gabriel, who fulfilled his task, disappeared suddenly.
“Cover Me!”
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) shook with awe and excitement at having received a Divine revelation, left the cave, and went straight towards Mecca.
He encountered many peculiarities on the road. The mountains, rocks, and trees greeted him by saying, “Assalamu Alaykum Ya Rasullulah” (May peace be with you, oh Messenger) and congratulated him on his exalted duty.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) arrived home. He had lost his breath in the face of the magnificence of this situation.
All he could say to his faithful wife, Hazrat Khadija Kubra, who anxiously greeted him was, “Cover me! Cover me!”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) who sought solitude at mount Hira was now in his home and was now alone with his thoughts.
He woke up a while later. Even if it was a very small amount, it was obvious that he had reached some level of comfort and peace. He narrated what had happened to Khadijah al-Kubra in detail and said,
“I am scared, O Khadijah! I am scared that I will be harmed!”
Those words of our Prophet definitely originated from his desire to feel safe regarding reaching the eternal happiness and honorable duty.
Hazrat Khadija possessed eminent capabilities as well as a level of understanding and discernment that qualified her to be the first wife of the most esteemed Prophet, whom she fully trusted. She affirmed the Master of the Universe’s (PBUH) wish about feeling safe with these words:
“There is no reason for you to feel any kind of fear or worry. Do not be sad, Allah will never embarrass a servant like you. I know that you always speak the truth. You perform duties that have been given to you and safeguard that which has been entrusted to you. You interact closely with your relatives. You treat your neighbors in a very kind and caring manner. You help the poor. You open your doors to strangers and entertain them as guests. You help the community during disasters and tribulations! Oh my Uncle’s Son, persevere. By Allah, I hope that you are this community’s prophet.”
What did Waraqa say?
Doubtlessly, everything that had happened was not insignificant and did have some meaning.
It was up to Hazrat Khadija to learn by inquiring.
Whom could she go to? Who could understand these affairs? And whom could he trust in?
Hazrat Khadija thought for a long time and finally determined the person whom she would consult with: Her uncle’s son, Waraqa bin Nawfal.
Waraqa bin Nawfal was an elderly man and a Christian in the pure sense. His eyes could not see yet his heart was enlightened. He read the Bible and Torah and had learned many things from them both.
Without wasting time, Hazrat Khadija went to go see her uncle’s son with our Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Waraqa first listened to our Master (PBUH). As our Holy Prophet (PBUH) explained what had happened to him, Waraqa’s face was changing color. When our Master (PBUH) finished speaking, Waraqa exclaimed: “Quddus! Quddus! The angel that you saw is the Holy Spirit, Namus al-Akbar, that the Exalted Lord sent to Prophet Musa. You are this nation’s Prophet. Ah! If only I were younger so that I could be with you when you invited the community to the truth. And if only I could live long enough to be of help when the tribe expelled you from your homeland.”
These expressions comforted both Hazrat Khadija and our Holy Prophet (PBUH) to some degree. However, there was one thing that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) did not understand: Why would the tribe expel him from his homeland?
Waraqa answered his question: “Yes, they are going to expel from you from here since whoever has received a revelation has been the recipient of hostility. If I am able to reach the day when you will invite the community to truth then I will help you in every way I can.”
Waraqa bin Nawfal was speaking the truth - a reality that had to be exposed…
After this, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadija left Waraqa bin Nawfal’s home.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) faced an incident called “the Suspension of Revelation.” after a while. It was evident that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was greatly saddened and distressed by this break in the deliverance of revelation, an incident whose wisdom we cannot fully grasp and which has been more-or-so described in the following way: Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was so distressed that the earth was becoming too tight for him and he wanted to be saved from its restraint. During this time, either Jibril (Gabriel) or Israfil  appeared to our Holy Prophet (PBUH) for the purpose of consoling him.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was faced with sadness for an exact forty–day period. Since the world is a center that is composed of an indefinite number of Divine wisdoms, everything that takes place within it undoubtedly has a purpose. Sometimes it is possible or impossible to catch the purpose behind these kinds of circumstances with the tiny measuring scales in our minds. However, not knowing their Divine wisdoms and reasons is not by any means proof that they are without wisdom and reason. Above all, it is not possible for a duty like prophethood, in which everything has been specially programmed by the pen of wisdom, to be insignificant. For this reason, there were many wisdoms and reasons behind the delay in the deliverance of revelation. However, we are not aware of them. There are many scholars who interpret this situation in various ways. Here is a summary of some of these views:
1) Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) greatly panicked in face of the first revelation and the heaviness of the situation had jolted his soul. This incident occurred so that his soul could find some peace, be rested and prepared for the forthcoming revelations.
2) Our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) was being prepared for the burdens and tribulations that he was about to face.
3) The deliverance of revelation was delayed so that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) could long more deeply for the next revelation.
After a hiatus of forty days, revelations were continued to be sent down to our Holy Prophet (PBUH).
He explains its resumption as follows:
“One day, while walking, I suddenly heard a sound in the sky. When I raised my head and looked at the sky, I saw the angel who came to me (Jibril, Gabriel) seated on a throne that was in between the ground and the sky. I shuddered and collapsed to the ground. I returned to my home and said, “Cover me! Cover me!” Upon this, Allah the Exalted sent down this revelation:
“O thou wrapped up (in a mantle)! Arise and deliver thy warning! And thy Lord do thou magnify! And thy garments keep free from stain! And all abomination shun!” From then on, the revelations began to come and there were no interruptions in between.
The discomfort in our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) ceased when revelation was continued to be sent down; his inner realm reached peace and tranquility. By appointing our Holy Prophet (PBUH), who was adorned with perfection and moralistic beauties from head to toe, to prophethood, Allah elevated him to the position of being the most distinguished and eminent individual among human beings. Thus, an extant law of the universe meaning, “every species has a distinguished and superior constituent that is the pride and joy and source of admiration for its kind”, which also applies to the circle of humanity.
“One of the names of Allah among asma al-husna is the greatest; similarly, there needs to be a perfect man among Allah’s creatures; Allah gathered and assembled all kinds of perfection that had been dispersed in the Universe in him, and made him His pride and joy.
“That perfect entity had to be a living being since the most impeccable creation among every species in the universe is a living being. That being had to be a conscious being since a conscious being is the most glorious among every species. That entity that had no and will not have a replicate had to be a person since humans have the unlimited ability to advance among conscious beings.
“That human being had to be Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) since not a single historical account, from the beginning of Hazrat Adam till now, shows nor can show an individual who is similar to him; that remarkable individual has encompassed half of the Earth and one out of five types of people under his holy dominion, has continued to rule his dominion with his spiritual sultanate for 1350 years (now it has been 1,400 years), and has attained the authority of being the Ultimate Master.
“By uniting his friends and enemies, he attained the highest degree in good manners and challenged the entire world at the beginning of his prophethood. This individual, who has shown more than a 100 million people the Quran (whose declaration leaves everyone weak) at every given minute, was without a doubt the most distinguished being among all creatures; it cannot be anyone else other than him.
“He is both the seed and fruit of this universe.”
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wisdomrays · 4 years
MARY: Part 1
Maryam, or Mary, is the only woman mentioned by name in the Holy Qur’an. She is mentioned in twelve chapters of the Qur’an, a total of thirty-four times. But even more important than the number of times her name is used is the fact that she was mentioned in verses of the Qur’an from different periods of the revelation. Interestingly, she is mentioned by name only nineteen times in the New Testament.
Mary was given her name by her mother. Her name has been said to mean “the one who does not want, one who departs” or “the servant,” but the opinion that the name Mary means “one who worships” in the Aramaic language seems more suitable.
The guardianship of Zachariah
Mary’s honorable family upbringing, the fact that she was a chosen person, and her many outstanding virtues are emphasized frequently in both the Qur’an and hadith. However, the verses of the Qur’an alone are more than sufficient to explain her superiority as a woman. Firstly, she came from an honorable family, a father as noble as Imran and a mother so memorable and devoted that her prayers were accepted by God. Mary was the fruit of a devoted mother’s prayer and because of her oath she was entrusted to a holy sanctuary at a very young age.
When her father Imran died, Mary was still only a young girl and many asked for the honorable duty of her guardianship, but this duty was bestowed upon Prophet Zachariah in an event that was revealed in the Holy Qur’an: “(O Messenger:) that is of the tidings of the things of the unseen (the things that took place in the past and have remained hidden from people with all their truth), which We reveal to you, for you were not present with them when they drew lots with their pens about who should have charge of Mary; nor were you present with them when they were disputing (about the matter)” (Al Imran 3:44). The Qur’anic verse which describes how Mary’s sustenance comes to her is immediately followed by a supplication from Zachariah that clearly indicates that he was growing old and was slowly becoming incapable of looking after Mary adequately. This is the most likely reason for the weak reports claiming that the person who was blessed with her guardianship was a priest called Juraich or a member of her family called Joseph, but these reports have no authority, for God revealed in the Qur’an that Mary was living under the education and care of Zachariah.
Mary was blessed with sustenance from God
Zachariah made Mary a sanctuary in the temple so she could be more occupied with daily worship. During the period that Mary lived at the temple under the guidance of Zachariah, she was exceptionally blessed with sustenance from God. The Qur’an informs us that every time Zachariah went to see Mary, there would be lovely fruits in her room: “Whenever Zachariah went in to her in the Sanctuary, he found her provided with food. ‘Mary,’ he asked, ‘how does this come to you?’ ‘From God,’ she answered. Truly God provides to whomever He wills without reckoning”(Al Imran 3:37). It is also known that after giving birth to baby Jesus, she was miraculously provided with the blessing of fresh dates and water. A similar event is reported for Fatima, the Prophet Muhammad’s daughter.
There is no information about Mary’s life before the angel came giving Mary the glad tidings of Jesus’s birth. But the books of Apocrypha (accounts rejected by the Church) convey the blessing of sustenance bestowed upon Mary. However, the Apocrypha give some information about the earlier period of Mary’s life, including predictions as to where she was born and even estimations regarding the date of her birth. The Protoevangelium, one of the books of Apocrypha, contains some additional information which is not found in the canonical scriptures (those accepted by the Church).
The Sanctuary and sense of servitude
While she increased her worship with every day that passed, the period that Mary was under the care of Zachariah continued with God’s special protection and sustenance. This particular characteristic is mentioned in the Qur’an: “And (in due time came the moment) when the angels said: “Mary, God has chosen you and made you pure, and exalted you above all the women in the world. “Mary, be devoutly obedient to your Lord, prostrate and bow (in the Prayer and devotion to Him) with those who bow!”(Al Imran 3:42–43).
The words of the Creator’s purification of Mary-“God’s purification”-have been interpreted in various ways as referring to spiritual, moral, or physical purification. Some said that this means “purification from disbelief and sin,” while others claim this means “purification from menses following birth, all kinds of physical defect and contact with males,” and most scholars say the words “chosen above women of all nations” refers to all the women of her era, and though the physical actions of worship are stressed in this verse, more important is the fact that Mary abided by both the command of worship, “be devoutly obedient to your Lord, prostrate and bow (in the Prayer and devotion to Him) with those who bow!” and the spirit of worship deep in her soul: “And also Mary, the daughter of ‘Imran, who kept herself chaste (body and soul), so We breathed into it out of Our Spirit, and who affirmed the truth of the words of her Lord, and His Books; and she was of those devoutly obedient to God” (At-Tahrim 66:12).
The Qur’an also bears witness to Mary being a woman of “truth” in many verses.
Mary’s superiority to all women
The verse in the Qur’an about Mary being superior to all other women (Al Imran 3:42–43) has been referred to in most commentaries as well as various reports of hadith found in the Tisa Qutubi. About the many virtues of Mary, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
1. “The best of the women in the world is Mary (in her lifetime), and the best of the women in the world is Khadijah (in her lifetime).” (Bukhari, Muslim)
2. “Many among men attained perfection, but among women none attained perfection except Mary the daughter of Imran, and Asiya the wife of Pharaoh; and the superiority of Aisha to other women is like the superiority of Tharid (an Arabic dish) to other meals.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
3. “There is no new-born except that (at the moment of birth) Satan disturbs him, so he begins to cry from Satan’s disturbance with the exception of the son of Mary and his mother.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
4. “Of all the women in the universe, four would suffice (as an example for others): Mary, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima.” (Tirmidhi, Ahmad b. Hanbal)
5. “The best of the women of Paradise are Khadijah, Fatima, Asiya and Mary.” (Ahmad b. Hanbal)
6. “Fatima is the leader of the women of Paradise after Mary.” (Tirmidhi, Ahmad b. Hanbal)
7. “The best women among the camel riders, are the women of Quraish.” (Another narrator said) The Prophet said, “The righteous among the women of Quraish are those who are kind to their young ones and who look after their husband’s property,” (Bukhari, Muslim) and this hadith is followed up in many cases by a report from Abu Hurairah who said, “Mary the daughter of Imran never rode a camel,” stressing the virtues of Mary. According to Imam Nawawi and Ibn Hajar, Abu Hurairah’s aim was not actually to stress the fact that Mary never rode a camel but was just an expression of his praise of Mary’s virtues, or another explanation of these words could be, “It does not mean that a woman who rides a camel is righteous because Mary was a righteous woman even though she never rode a camel.”
As we see from these hadith the interpreters and scholars have varying opinions on the order of arrangement of the superiority of these women, but the most interesting aspect of these hadith is that although the other names may change, Mary is the only person who is mentioned in all the given examples of these hadith, and this should be sufficient to show her unmatched excellence.
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questionsonislam · 5 years
When did Muhammad (pbuh) become a nabi (prophet) and when a rasul (messenger)?
Nabi is an Arabic word derived from “naba”, which means news; so nabi means a person who was given prophethood and some divine decrees by Allah.
“Rasul” means a person who was sent by Allah to convey divine decrees to people.
In short, a “rasul” has a book and shariah (legal system), but a nabi is responsible for inviting people to the shariah of the antecedent messenger. Every rasul is a nabi but not every nabi is a rasul. After that explanation, it will be better to mention how revelation came to our Prophet (pbuh). The first revelation came to Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) as a true dream. Every dream that he saw came true in every detail. After that, he was made to like to be alone. Therefore, he sometimes went to the cave of Hira and started to worship there as in the religion of Hazrat Ibrahim (pbuh). Once, he went to the Cave of Hira to worship. On Allah’s command, Gabriel (Jibril) came and said to Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) “Read”. “Read in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created? Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood: Read! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful? He Who taught (the use of) the Pen? Taught man that which he knew not.” Thereupon, Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) got excited and went home; he said to his wife, Khadija, “Cover me with something, cover me.” He remained covered until his fear died away.
Thus, the first revelation came to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). He was forty years old then. After that revelation, the revelation ceased for a period of time. There are various narrations about the length of the period. It is at least fifteen days and at most three years.
Our Prophet (pbuh) says the following about the resumption of the revelation:
“One day, I heard a voice from the sky while I was walking. When I looked up, I saw the angel that came to me in Hira. He was sitting in a chair between the sky and earth. I was afraid a lot. I returned home. I said, “Cover me with something, cover me.” Then, Allah, the Almighty, sent the following verses: ‘O thou wrapped up (in a mantle)! Arise and deliver thy warning! And thy Lord do thou magnify! And thy garments keep free from stain! And all abomination shun!’
“After that, the revelation did not cease again.”
Our Prophet (pbuh) became a nabi not a rasul with the first revelation in Hira. Then, he had not been appointed with the duty of messengership. He became a rasul when the revelation resumed again after a period of cessation.
So, it is true that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) became nabi first and then a rasul. However it is not certain how much time passes between his prophethood and messengership. There are different narrations about it.
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