#yes it’s still stuck in my head I love old man yaoi
galaxirin · 1 year
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I haven’t done any comics in months so I decided to start practicing compositions again ft. Moon divorce
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absolutebl · 2 years
BL Best of 2022 - quick picks
Best KBL: Semantic Error
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Best Thai BL: Bad Buddy (remember for me this falls into 2022) 
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Best JBL: this was the hardest pick for me because Japan came back SWINGING this year. So... I cheated. 
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Best traditional live action yaoi? Minato’s Laundromat 
Best modern BL? Takara & Amagi 
Best for me, personally? Old Fashion Cupcake 
Best Taiwan BL: My Tooth Your Love although I really adored DNA Says Love You and About Youth, the one fudged the beginning and the other the end (both are still v HEA) so My Tooth was the most consistent. 
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Best director: Kato Ayaka (Old Fashion Cupcake) she did a fucking phenomenal job, and yes she had two killer actors to work with, but I am such a sucker for those long shots plus the sensual foods close ups? GIIRLLLLLLLL. Gah! 
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Best kiss: honestly we had so many good kisses this year I have multiple blog posts going on the subject. But I am handing it over to the one that stuck in my head the most, Billy & Seng’s up against that chain gate with the damn blue towel sticking out of his back pocket in Secret Crush On You. 
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The desperation was just insane. But I might have given it to OFC if they hadn’t already won the director category. And I flipping LOVE the Kissable Lips boys BTS smiley kiss from 304: 100% should have been on screen for us.
Best erotic moment: The shower neck make out kiss from side couple RainPayu in Oh! My Sunshine night. 
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Runner up: VegasPete and the “ass to waist ratio” kiss in their kinky chain scene. 
Best O scene: Oh the whole LITA special, they knew what they were doing. Doesn’t stop me being annoyed by the whole thing, tho. 
Best cuddles: I mean it should got to 12% because, well, ENDLESSLY spectacular cuddles from SantaEarth but for me it was Star in My Mind’s cuddle+glare. I love me a vicious little “mine” moment. 
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Best eye contact/soulmating/eyefucking: FirstKhao in The Eclipse although Japan did great work with THIRST this year (bit more one sided, that one). 
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Best cinematography: Cherry Blossoms After Winter, I know, I know, but you know how I feel about yaoi, nostalgia and cinematic storytelling. 
Best boohoo snot bubble I’m dazed and crying: Eternal Yesterday, every fucking episode, Choco Milk Shake (I hate you Strongberry, I love you Strongberry), To My Star 2 (I just hate you and you are not forgiven). 
Most beloved character: Shin MY PRECIOUS BEAN SPROUT 
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Best Pair: The Parks although I am also crazy about the To My Star and Kissable Lips boys. I really want more from all of them. Madness that it’s all Korea. 
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Best Ensemble: The Eclipse had a killer cast but I expect that from GMMTV. So for all it was a mess of a story Cutie Pie wins best casting from me. All 3 couples had such good chemistry. I don’t think any other multi-couple shows out of Thailand were that on point, not even KP. 
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Best siblings//family: My Ride, gotta hand it to the gay uncles and all the queer friends and the adopted son. Although DNA Says Love You was pretty darn great too. 
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Best Food: There were so many food ones this year (Ocean Likes Me, Old Fashion Cupcake, La Cuisine, but none were as good food-wise as Bite Me last year) so the one where I actually wanted to eat stuff the most? What Zabb Man. What can I say? I love sweets and ramen, but Thai food is my last best hope in life. 
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Best song: Eternal Yesterday’s OST Sunshower by Ayumu Imazu. I can’t believe Japan beat out Korea but I am sorry I just really fucking adore that song. I’m sucker for that raw slightly rough voice combined with Japan’s brusque style (and PINK hair). 
But Leo’s I still from Happy Ending Romance is a close fucking follow up, that boy is dripping slightly-evil honey even in falsetto, he’s a perennially ignored goddamn gift to Kpop. 
I do A LOT of best of lists, this is just the beginning. Also if you have a request of a top 10 of 2022 or any best of... name the tope lists, let me know in an RP or a comment. 
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
character asks bc other anon was a coward: blade
General opinion/How much I care about them: Ren Blade Yingxing my beloved beloathed depressed miserable angsty bastard aaaaaaa-
This man, oh my god. This edgy mess is somehow the second fastest blorbo to be coined as such in my blorbo-having history, and I think that alone says a lot. But even if not, he has his special little spot for being: 1) my first HSR fave, 2) my current main (the gameplay is ridiculously fun holy shit), and 3) the reason I downloaded the game at all (shoutout to Bronya, of course, but it was mainly Ren).
Also I really like the fact that he's genuinely batshit insane. An unapologetic menace to the galaxies. He can be so unhinged and evil sometimes, and that's a new flavor of fave in my collection. Did I mention the story doesn't try to redeem him at all? Because it's true! Extremely uncommon win on the hyv writers' part there; doubly so because they manage to balance this aspect with the subtle gap moe they love to give to all their stoic characters.
Yes. Ren is simultaneously edginess incarnate and a tired grandpa that sucks with words and doesn't know shit about technology. Oh and he keeps getting roped into Situations by his colleagues- and goes along with them all the time! The dude was literally asked to pose for a movie cover and he just. did that. No questions asked. Nothing.
I care about him a very normal amount. He's so neat and- oh my god I forgot to mention the aesthetic. Black/blue/red/gold is such a banger color scheme. He also has a spider lily motif and that looks very cool! And the pretty ribbon on the back of his coat is a 10/10 design choice. His only problem is that the game keeps forgetting to edit his silly beta design sneakers out of splash art, and that the washed out jeans clash hard with the coat. But otherwise? Perfection. I could (and did) stare at him for hours on end.
A ship I love: Kafblade is one of those pairs that you can read as romantic or platonic with equal efficacy and I love that for it. They're partners in crime! There's a great sense of trust and faith between them! They're each other's guardian and tether and the one who understands them best and they're such an awesome dynamic, good lord.
Honorable mention goes to jingren for the old man yaoi potential to take the relationship in a very (bitter)sweet or very sad way. There's something to be explored here and I wish canon could give it consideration someday.
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Stellaron Hunter agenda!!! They're so awesome individually and as a group, and the comedy is just lovely. You have Ren wrangling two terribly reckless women because in some way, by some miracle, he happens to be the braincell holder among the three. You have him trailing after Kafka on one of her shopping sprees with a whole bunch of bags and coats, you have him going to an arcade with Silver Wolf because she wanted to show him this brand new game she's been talking about nonstop for four days, and you have him in an impromptu shooting session with them both because they wanted to make silly movie covers and needed an extra actor.
They're one small hilarious family and I adore them so so much, you have no idea. Can't wait until Sam and Elio make an appearance in the story so I get more fuel for shenanigans.
The NOTP: None here sir, as long as the ship is normal it's fine by me.
My biggest headcanon about them: Ren is autistic and you will pry this hc from my cold, dead hands. He's stuck in his own head 80% of the time. He doesn't do conversation at all. Back when he was still Yingxing, he used to spend so much time at the forge when inspiration struck him, to the point of tuning out everything until his friends physically dragged him out to touch grass. He's an autistic nerd through and through, and even several thousand deaths can't take that from him.
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: One idea I've been curious about lately is what would happen in a roleswap scenario, where the Astral Express crew find Ren before the Stellaron Hunters do. He may not make for a great archivist, his state of mind may be less-than-stellar, but it's interesting to imagine the dynamics between him and the crew- and hey, who doesn't love taking sad guys out of situations for a change?
I'm filing this concept for later, just in case. Who knows? The writing ghost visits when I least expect it.
Something that makes me think of them: Everything these days The flute, the sound of wind blowing, red spider lilies, and -to the immense detriment of my composure in public- mentions of the word blade in any context ever. Why gee, thanks for permanently altering my brain chemistry.
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yellowcanna · 4 years
Star-crossed Lovers
"Have you heard of the story behind the Qixi festival?" Childe said mysteriously, waddling a finger at their little traveller friends. "It's about a pair of star-crossed lovers who can only meet once a year. It's a very old Liyue folktale, but I've heard rumours that this story was actually based on an adeptus and his lover. They are an Alpha and Omega pair that could only meet once a year.”
“An Alpha and Omega meeting only once a year?!” Paimon was horrified by the news. “Is that even possible?!”
“Adeptus…” Aether thought back to all the adepti he and Paimon had met so far. The face of one particular adeptus flashed across his mind. The Guardian Yaksha, Xiao. Like his element, he was the only adeptus that travelled around Liyue without a territory or home to call his own. “Do you know who?”
"Well now..." Childe's eyes flicked to the raven-haired man sitting beside him. "Who knows? It's just a rumour, after all."
Genre: Fluff, Omegaverse, light angst, hurt/comfort, separation, yaoi
Rating: M
Pairing: Cyno/Xiao, Childe/Zhongli
[Cyno is the Egyptian character in Act 3 from the Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview.]
Author: Canna / Yellow Canna
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Available on AO3!!
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“The Qixi Festival?” Paimon asked, floating next to Aether and staring at the Fatui Harbinger—or former Fatui now—sitting across the table. “What is that?”
“It’s a festival dedicated to a famous folktale in Liyue called The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl,” Childe explained. “It’s a story about two star-crossed lovers. They even got poems for it but I’m not good with poems so I can’t tell you much about that.”
“Through the varying shapes of the delicate clouds, the sad message of the shooting stars, a silent journey across the Milky Way.
One meeting of the Cowherd and Weaver amidst the golden autumn wind and jade-glistening dew, eclipses the countless meetings in the mundane world.
The feelings soft as water, the ecstatic moment unreal as a dream, how can one have the heart to go back on the bridge made of magpies?
If the two hearts are united forever, why do the two persons need to stay together—day after day, night after night?”
Zhongli recited the poem before bringing a cup to his lips and enjoyed the aroma of the finely brewed tea.
“The story is about a young cowherd by the name of Niulang. He is but an ordinary human who fell in love with a goddess name Zhinu.” Zhongli glanced over to the two outlanders. “They’ve met and fallen in love within the mortal world, but their love was forbidden by the goddess of Heaven and forced to part. Separated by the Milky Way, they can only meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month—"
"Which is August, by the way," Childe prompted helpfully.
"—through a bridge made of magpies to spend one night together.”
“That’s…that’s so sad!” Paimon sniffled. “Why celebrate something so sad?”
“Half a glass of water can be seen as half empty, yet it could also be seen as half full. It is but a matter of perspective,” the raven-haired man chuckled. “If you look at it from another way, today is a joyous day for the two lovers to finally meet, thus should be celebrated.”
“But you know, there have been rumours going around that The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl was based on a true story~” Childe said mysteriously, waddling a finger at their traveller friends. “They say that this is a story of an adeptus and his lover. They are an Alpha and Omega pair that could only meet once a year.”
“An Alpha and Omega meeting only once a year?!” Paimon was horrified by the news. “Is that even possible?!”
“Adeptus…” Aether thought back to all the adepti he and Paimon had met so far. The face of one particular adeptus flashed across his mind, but he shook it away. “Do you know who?”
“Who knows? It’s just a rumour.” Childe shrugged and leaned back in his chair. “Sure you’re not gonna stay for the festival? There’s plenty of good food at this time.”
“Weeeell—” Before Paimon could scream ‘yes’, Aether held out a hand over her and shook his head apologetically.
“Thank you, but we really can’t,” the blond politely declined. “We need to head to Inazuma as soon as possible.”
“Guess it can’t be helped then.” Childe wasn't surprised by the blond's rejection. He knew how desperate the boy was in searching for his sister. He rested his head against his palm and grinned at the two. “I guess this is goodbye, huh?”
Aether nodded before looking at the Snezhnayan worriedly. “Will you be alright?”
“Of course,” Childe laughed, finding it funny that the blond would worry for his well-being of all people. However, when he spoke the next words, his icy blue eyes darkened despite the smile never faltering on his lips. “They already got the Geo Archon’s Gnosis. They wouldn’t risk coming to Liyue again just for the head of a little traitor.”
“Aether, Paimon,” Zhongli spoke up, drawing the two travellers’ attention to him. “I ask for both of you to not mention what has transpired, as well as my identity, to anyone—especially the adepti.”
“Why? Wouldn’t they be happy to know you’re alive?" Paimon couldn't understand the archon's decision of keeping silent on the matter.
Zhongli didn't speak for a long time. He stared at the tea swirling in his cup before looking back up to meet their gazes.
"Please," was all he said. 
"Ok...we won't tell anyone," Aether promised.
Paimon looked like she had many things to say, but in the end, she kept her mouth shut and nodded as well. 
Zhongli smiled and brought his hands up, making a gesture that the two outlanders were now overly familiar with, for the people of Liyue always did this gesture whenever they showed their thanks.
"It will get a bit boring without you two around," Childe lamented. 
“Oh, we’ll come back!” Paimon chirped confidently.
“Be careful in Inazuma. The Archon of Electro does not take kindly to outlanders,” Zhongli cautioned.
“We will. Thank you for everything, Zhongli, Childe.”
Aether waved before he and Paimon left the Liuli Pavilion.
The two men watched them go. It was only after they couldn’t hear their footsteps anymore did Zhongli turned to his companion.
“Shall we dine then?" He waved a hand at the untouched feast laid before them. 
"Only if you get me some forks. These chopsticks are seriously hard to use." Childe laughed, trying to pick up his chopsticks only for one to drop onto his plate. "How are you feeling?" His question was seemingly nonchalant as he continued to play with the chopsticks, but Zhongli could hear the bitterness lingering in his tone. 
"I'm fine," he assured the Alpha. "The loss of Gnosis only means I cannot use my power. It does not affect me otherwise." 
"Hm..." Childe tried using the chopsticks again but this time both clattered back onto the table. "Aaah, I give up!" He threw his arms into the air dramatically before flopping towards the Geo Archon and rested his forehead against that stiff shoulder.
"You should have run when I told you to,” he mumbled quietly. “Now you're stuck with me." 
Zhongli reached one hand up and combed his fingers through the soft copper coloured hair. "Do you not want to stay with me?" 
Childe snorted and looked up to meet those golden eyes clear without any other intentions. Seriously, how this archon remained so pure and oblivious despite being so old was beyond him. 
"Nah, I'll stick around. Someone needs to keep an eye on you when you go out." 
Aether walked through the crowded street of Liyue harbour. He glanced around at the people setting up stalls and stands, preparing for the Qixi festival. Everywhere was rowdy with joy and happiness, so much that it almost made Aether wanted to stay. Almost.
“Let’s go, Paimon!” Aether grabbed Paimon who was drooling over some dumplings and dragged her away. After finally making it out of the packed city, he finally asked Paimon the question he didn’t dare to ask in front of Childe and Zhongli.
“Hey Paimon, is it bad for Alpha and Omega to be apart?”
“Of course!” Paimon shouted before remembering that this worldly outlander was clueless about the dynamics here since that didn’t exist in his original world.
“I told you how Alphas and Omegas are different than Betas, right?”
“Yeah…something about Omega could give birth regardless of gender?” Aether was still a little weirded out by that one. He wasn’t disgusted or anything, he just didn’t understand how that was possible.
“Yes, but when it comes to Alpha and Omega, once they found a partner, they’re bonded for life. They got this thing call a mating bite where they leave scars on each other’s necks—right over their scent glands!” Paimon pointed at her own neck. “I don’t know how it works, but I heard that it lets them connect on a…spiritual level? Basically, their partner means everything to them. Separating them is the same as taking a part of them away.”
“Is that so…?” Aether thought of his sister. He could relate to how it felt to have someone important ripped away from his side.
“Hey, Aether, look!”
“Hm?” Seeing Paimon pointing at the sky, he looked up and found that it wasn’t the sky she was pointing at, but Mt. Tianheng.
He put a hand over his eyes, protecting them from the bright sunlight and was able to make out the silhouette of a person standing at the very top.
“Is that…Xiao?”
As though hearing the call of his name, the adeptus above moved. In a few quick steps, the famed Conqueror of Demons ran down the mountain like a graceful mountain goat and landed before the two of them. Aether was certain that even if he jumped down without a glider, he still couldn’t beat the speed the adeptus displayed just now.
“I hear that you are departing Liyue,” Xiao said, his face unreadable as usual.
“Yes, we’re heading to Inazuma.” Aether nodded.
“The Archon of Electro does not welcome outlanders. Best to be on your guard.”
“You said the same thing as Zhongli,” Paimon giggled while Aether fought the urge to facepalm. 
"Paimon!" He hissed.
“Zhongli?” Although Xiao’s expression didn’t change, they could hear the question in his voice. Paimon froze when she realized she had just mentioned the archon right in front of the adeptus—one of the people Zhongli specifically told them not to tell.
“I-it's nothing! Just a...a friend!" Paimon stammered. She was starting to sweat bullets with Aether glancing nervously at Xiao. 
Fortunately for them, the adeptus was never the noisy type nor did he have any interest in other people's affairs—mortals especially.
"S-so!" Paimon shouted, trying to erase the previous conversation by raising her voice up ten notches. "What are you doing here?" 
“You offered your aid to Liyue in times of need,” Xiao replied neutrally. “It is only courteous for me to see you off. I will escort you to the outskirt of the city. Come.”
“Really?!” Paimon shouted in delight before shaking Aether by his arm. “With an adeptus opening a way for us, we’ll be out in no time!”
Aether nodded and hurried after Xiao.
As they walked, the blond couldn’t help but keep looking at the adeptus’ face. Xiao ignored the boy in the beginning, but eventually, he seemed to have enough of the other’s staring and finally turned to look at him.
“What is it?” He questioned apathetically.
“Ah, sorry!” Aether quickly shook his head. “It’s just…you seem happy today?”
That caught Xiao off guard. Although his face didn’t betray his feelings, his steps faltered for a split second before he collected himself.
The blond traveller briefly wondered if he said something he shouldn’t have. He just thought the adeptus might be in a good mood considering how much he was talking today.
“…Do I?” Aether wasn’t sure if that question was directed at him. In fact, he didn’t know if he was even supposed to hear it, considering how soft the adeptus’ voice was. Xiao was already looking away, eyes locked on the mountains in the distance.
“Eh? Really?” Paimon ogled Xiao, but couldn’t tell what part of the adeptus screamed happiness to her companion. “Oh, could it be because of the festival?”
“Festival?” Xiao thought back to the streets of Liyue harbour that had been rowdy all morning. “…Was that what they were doing?”
“You didn’t know about the Qixi Festival?” Aether asked. He thought for sure that Xiao would know, considering how long he had been living in Liyue for.
“You didn’t know about the story of The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl?!” Paimon gasped in bewilderment, as though she didn’t found out about this story just minutes ago.
“I have little interest in stories amongst the mortals,” Xiao stated plainly.
“Then I guess that rumour was fake after all,” Paimon grumbled, looking at Aether in disappointment.
“Well, it’s just rumour.” Aether shrugged before finally noticing something strange. They had been walking for a while now, but hadn’t come across a single monster.
No, not just that.
Now that he took a close look around the area, there wasn’t a single monster or enemy in sight!
“Where are all the monsters?” Aether couldn’t help but voice out his thought.
“Hey, you’re right!” Paimon spun around in the air. “I don’t see a single one around!”
“It is due to my Heat,” Xiao spoke up in front of them.
“H-Heat?!” Paimon squeaked, jaw nearly dropping onto the floor at what came out of the adeptus’ mouth. “Wait, you’re an Omega?!”
Aether’s eyes flew wide. An Omega?!
Then did that mean Xiao was capable of…
Aether’s eyes nearly dropped to Xiao’s stomach before he had to force his gaze back up. Thankfully, the adeptus was walking in front so he didn’t notice that small action of the traveller’s.
Aether knew about Heats and why Paimon looked so nervous. Once a year, fully grown Omegas will enter something called Heat, where they let out sweet pheromones to attract nearby Alphas and find potential partners.
After an Omega and Alpha bonded, the Omega’s Heat will then trigger the Alpha’s Rut. It was extremely dangerous to go near an Omega in Heat because that was when Alphas were most protective of their mates and will attack anyone that got too close, regardless of whatever reason they had.
But…if Xiao was in Heat, shouldn't there be Alphas around going crazy after his scent? And Omegas only enter Heat somewhere between February and March, right now was August.
Also, why would Xiao’s Heat scare monsters away? Was it because he was an adeptus?
Aether knew Xiao wouldn’t answer all of his questions, so he only asked the very last one. Xiao spared a glance at the golden-haired boy before turning his attention back to his path.
“The stronger an Omega’s pheromone is, the more attraction they will gain from Alphas. Monsters and demons could also be drawn by an Omega’s scent if their Heats are strong enough. Once mated, the Omega’s scent will be infused with their Alpha’s, changing into a smell that will be revolting to anyone that is not their mate.” Xiao stopped and turned around to face them. “This is as far as I can take you. Do not let your identities as outlanders be discovered in Inazuma.”
With that, the adeptus took off at a speed so fast that the two barely had the time to react before he was gone.
Aether and Paimon stood (float) there for a long moment before the adeptus’ parting words finally sunk into their brains.
“Wait…you don’t suppose he was saying that he’s…mated?!” Paimon shouted. “A-and his Heat! Isn’t it right on time for the Qixi festival?!”
“Then the story of The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl is actually…” Aether trailed off before the two of them shared a look.
“No way!” Paimon laughed.
“Yeah!” Aether agreed.
That was a dumb rumour after all.
As for why Xiao’s Heat was in August and not February or March...he was the Guardian Yaksha. Things must work differently for these higher beings.
Xiao stood on top of the mountain, Aureolin eyes scanning over the landscape before stopping towards a certain direction.
Alphas can always track their Omegas no matter where they are in the world. Although Xiao was an Omega, he was a yaksha as well as an adeptus, so his senses were naturally sharper than those of mortals. Even so, he could only feel the general direction of where his Alpha was.
His Alpha was aware he was on the move and was trailing after him, tracking him for half a day now. That man was getting closer as time passed, and along with it was Xiao’s increasing heartbeat.
It had been a whole year since they last met.
Before being mated, Xiao always preferred to pass his Heat high up in the mountains where monsters and people were scarce. However, his Alpha came from a nation without high mountains like Liyue. Although that person said it didn’t bother him, Xiao still wanted him to at least feel comfortable, so he never chose a place too far off the ground.
That was why this year, Xiao decided to spend his Heat in Jueyun Karst. It was the quietest place he could think of with fewer disturbances from mortals. He had already informed Moon Carver beforehand and the moment the adeptus heard the Conqueror of Demons would be coming to his territory to spend his Heat, he all but fled.
It wasn’t anything unusual. Before mating, other adepti would flee from him knowing how tempting his scent was. Now, they fled from him for the opposite reason. Xiao leaped off the cliff, dropping towards the ground at a rapid pace while summoning his spear into his hand.
With a thrust of his spear, the earth below him shook and the camp of monsters was annihilated in a split second. Without taking a break, he darted off towards the next area with monsters. While his scent naturally repelled these monsters, it would cause an issue if any of these monsters were to run amuck and get near the few humans dwelling here.
After swiftly dealing with all the monsters in the area, Xiao found a nice location up the waterfall with a small, deserted wooden house. The house looked like it hadn’t been used in years. The woods were falling apart, but not so much that he could see the inside.
Despite being an Omega, Xiao was never picky about where he spent his Heat. Or rather, he couldn’t afford to be picky. The purpose of an Omega’s Heat was to attract a partner and reproduce. As an adeptus, Xiao’s Heat could affect all living being miles away and draw them towards him.
It hadn’t started off like that.
In the beginning, his Heat was normal. It was still stronger than human Omegas, but Xiao was able to manage to deal with it on his own. Unfortunately as the years passed, his Heat became increasingly painful. The burn of the Heat would persist for days and the amount of pheromone his body release kept doubling.
His reluctance in finding a mate only made his body even more desperate.
The only one that he could ever consult with about his Heat was Rex Lapis who was the only other Omega he knew, yet the archon couldn’t find him any solution in solving his problem other than finding a mate. And so, every year around August, a bloodbath would always be shed. Demons and monsters would swarm towards him like ants towards their prey with Xiao at the center of it all, slaughtering anything that came to him.
Xiao let out a small sigh and stared at the pond before him.
He sat down on a piece of fallen log in front of the house and stared at the beautiful scenery. Despite being summer, the leaves in Jueyun Karst were always in the shade of autumn—just like Moon Carver.
Xiao loosened his collar, pulling them apart to reveal the scent glands on the base of his neck—one on each side. Both of his glands were marred with scars his Alpha left when he bit into them a thousand years ago. He rubbed his fingers absentmindedly over the jagged scar and began reminiscing the past.
The day they met was when Xiao’s Heat was at its worst. Having gone a thousand years without finding a mate, his body was finally breaking down.
Even without the countless demons surrounding him, he was dying.
His Heat had tortured his body for a whole month with no signs of going away. Every single one of his nerves was screaming in pain from the burning sensation coursing through his body. He didn’t even notice when a demon had raked its claws through the flesh on his back because he could no longer tell apart the pain.
His sight was starting to fail him, but that didn’t stop Xiao from piercing his spear through one demon and another. He might be dying, but he wasn’t going down without a fight. Even without his sight, he could rely on the rest of his senses to kill the demons.
And that was when he met him.
The man was not an adepti, but a human that gained immortally. He was a scholar travelling in Liyue to study the demons when he came across the battlefield littered with corpses of demons and monsters.
Xiao had little memories of how their encounter went. What he did remember was attacking the Alpha when he broke through the walls of demons and came towards him. Their spears met in a dangerous dance with whirlwinds of fire twirling around them.
The adeptus was fully prepared to meet his end, but when he woke up, the pain in his body was gone along with his Heat.
On his scent glands were two fresh bite marks, forever bounding him to an Alpha from another nation.
Xiao held no resentment towards the other Alpha for marking him because he knew that Alpha had done it to save him. In a way, that Alpha was also a victim because to complete the bond, the Alpha needed to let Xiao mark him as well. With his scent gland injected with the adeptus’ pheromone, he will start to experience Rut in August which only Xiao could sate.
Neither of them was the romantic type nor did they ever thought that one day they would have a mate. The two of them easily came to an arrangement for the Alpha to come to Liyue every year so they can spend their Rut and Heat together.
For the first couple of years, their relationship where purely on a physical level. Even now, Xiao didn’t know at what point did that changed. Words of love were never exchanged, but their relationship naturally shifted to that of lovers. Perhaps it was because they were similar that they understood one another without the need of words, or perhaps it was due to the bond established between them.
Whichever it was, Xiao was never more grateful.
The adeptus walked up to the house. With a wave of his hand, he sent a blast of wind into the old structure. He held back his power, but some shingles were still blown off from the force. He leaped back when a fume of dust blew out from the windows and doorway. He sent out a couple more blasts of wind until all the dust was blown out.
He walked into the house, looking around to find a table and a couple of chairs in the corner of the dining room. When he walked into the bedroom, he saw a bedframe weaved with bamboo. It was old and broken around the corner, but sturdy enough to support two people.
He ran his hand along the hard surface of the bamboo bed. It wasn’t the best, but this will do. Xiao lay down on the bed and closed his eyes. He was worn out. Running from Liyue Harbour to this place had taken some toll on his body, considering how much energy his body was already consuming to prepare for his Heat.
He bit the inside of his cheek when he felt tightness in his lower abdomen. Xiao stared at the wall of the small house. Although he could guess the general direction of his mate, he couldn’t tell how close or how far he was. He didn’t want to miss out on meeting his mate, but at the same time, he didn’t want his mate to see him so vulnerable.
In the end, exhaustion won and Xiao decided it should be fine if it was only a quick nap.
All he needed to do was to wake up before his mate arrives. It should have been easy, considering how he was a very light sleeper, but Xiao forgot to take into account how badly his body and mind missed his Alpha. He had forgotten how safe it felt knowing his Alpha by his side.
By the time he woke up, everything was pitch black around him.
Xiao took a deep breath and his lungs were filled with a comforting scent that only one person in this world has. He sat up and found a dark brown cloak draped over his body. He stared at the cloak, running his finger through the soft fabric before finding the familiar brown and blue animal ears decorations on the top of the hood. Behind him where his head was resting was a leather bag acting as a pillow for him.
Xiao brought the cloak up to his nose and took a small sniff. His Alpha’s scent was practically drenching the fabric, meaning the other must have been wearing this cloak not long ago. It was no wonder he didn’t wake up. With the Alpha’s scent wrapped around him like this, his body naturally deemed the surrounding safe and he ended up falling into a deeper slumber.
Xiao folded the cloak up and set it on the bed before walking out of the hunt. When he stepped outside, he was greeted by the backside of a person dressed in the same cloak as the one that was draped over him. The person had his hood pulled over his head with that pair of pointed ears sticking upward.  
“You should sleep a bit longer,” the man spoke in a euphonious voice that made Xiao trembled. The Alpha never once turned back to look at him. His sun-kissed hand came out of the large sleeve of his cloak, picking up a stick lying by his feet and began to rearrange the campfire woods, causing the flames to burn even brighter.
The yaksha walked up to the man and sat next to him on the log with inches of space separating them.
“You should have waked me up.”
“You seemed like you needed rest,” the Alpha replied, turning his head to reveal his snow-white hair and beautifully sculpted face. That single flame red eye gazed at the Omega before turning back to the campfire. “It’s not like you to travel before your Heat like this.”
Although it sounded like the Alpha was merely stating a fact, Xiao knew the other was concerned.
“I was seeing someone off,” he explained.
Though curious, Alpha didn’t ask or push the Omega for details. He picked up a ladle and stirred the thick soup in the pot. Xiao stared at the brown soup that would never exist in Liyue and could smell the aroma of lamb being cooked inside. He remembered this soup. His mate made it for him the last time they met and he quite enjoyed it. If his memory was correct, it was called Torly.
While Xiao preferred lighter food and vegetables over meat, the coming of Heat would always make him crave higher calorie food so his body could store up energy.
“Do you need assistance?”
“No, just sit there and rest.” The Alpha reached into the sleeve of his cloak and pulled out a small box.
Xiao immediately recognized the packaging and design of the small box. It was a takeout box from Wangshu inn.
“Eat that for now. I’ll be done soon.” He set the box onto the Omega’s lap before returning to the task at hand.
Xiao carefully opened the box and just as he expected, inside was Almond Tofu. He stared at the beautiful and glossy white pudding with the light aroma of almond drifting into his nose. The Omega could tell how carefully the Alpha was when transporting this from how the delicate dessert wasn't broken or deformed in any ways.
“Thank you.”
He picked up the small wooden spoon inside and scooped out a small piece of the pudding. He put it into his mouth, enjoying the silkiness of the texture melting around his tongue. He ate slowly while observing his Alpha work, unaware of how his eyes would soften whenever he gazed upon this man.
After another ten minutes or so, the Alpha was done. He finished wrapping up the wrap in his hand and handed it to Xiao.
“This is?” Xiao accepted the wrap, looking at it curiously.
“It’s called Shawarma.” The Alpha poured the thick soup into a bowl and set it in front of the Omega.
Xiao took a bite into the wrap. Like all food his Alpha made for him, it had an unusual taste that did not exist in Liyue, but was delicious nonetheless.
The two of them ate with the only sound around them being the crackling of fire and the burbling sound of waterfall. They ate enjoying the presence of each other and the serenity around them. Even though they were both taking their time, their dinner only lasted about half an hour before it came to an end.
Xiao was gazing at the stars, lost in his own mind when his Alpha suddenly called out his name.
The Omega turned his head and saw his Alpha holding something to him. Without questioning anything, he opened his mouth and allowed the Alpha to push the glistening round bun-like thing into his mouth. Xiao’s mouth was soon filled with overwhelming sweetness that made him hummed lightly.
The adeptus cared little for sweets and like all citizens of Liyue, he wasn’t good at handling anything overly sweet. The only exception was during his Heat, where sugar became something like comfort food to the Omega. He chewed on the dessert and realized it was some sort of bread. The entire thing was soaked in the sweet syrup which made Xiao wonder if the dough was cooked together with this syrup or was the syrup added in later. Distracted, Xiao didn’t notice his Alpha move until he felt fingers wrapping around his chin, turning his head around before a pair of lips pressed against his.
Xiao closed his eyes and leaned forward, parting his lips to allow their lips to better mold against one another. Their tongues were tangled in a dance with the Alpha stealing the remaining sweetness from his mouth.
“Cyno…” Xiao managed to call out his Alpha’s name before a hand slipped behind his head and his lips were sealed once more.
Xiao let out a small, muffled groan against the Alpha’s mouth. The restriction he put around his desire was slowly starting to crumble. He wrapped his arms around the Alpha’s neck while the Alpha’s other arm snaked around his waist.
The last distance between them was gone and their bodies slotted together perfectly as they kissed.
He missed him.
He missed him so much, but there was nothing they can do. They have responsibilities to their own nations so neither of them could risk leaving for too long. The distance between them also didn’t allow them to meet up frequently. The only time they could meet was during this time so they could spend their Heat and Rut together. They may have met a thousand years ago, but even mortal couples had spent more time together in a lifetime compared to the two immortals.
“Ah…!” Xiao’s head threw back when the Alpha dug his face into his neck, pushing aside his collar and bit down onto his scent gland. Xiao’s face instantly flared up in red. Despite not displaying it on his face, he was embarrassed upon realizing he had left his collar open.
Sumeru was a very open nation where Alphas and Omegas walk around showing off the scent glands on their necks—Xiao knew that much from how his mate dressed. However, in Liyue, scent glands were regarded the same as private parts. Going outside with their scent glands shown was the same as going outside stark naked. 
Cyno hummed, his voice sending vibration against the sensitive gland which in turn made the Omega’s body quiver.
Xiao hastily pulled away from Cyno and closed his collar, much to the Alpha’s amusement.
“You looked like you have something on your mind,” Cyno pointed out. It was an off-handed remark, but Xiao realized his mate must have taken notice to his change of mood and decided to lighten him up.
“It’s nothing,” Xiao was turning his head away when his chin was caught by the Alpha once more. His head was guided back, cobalt yellow eyes meeting orange-red one. The Alpha didn’t say anything and silently stared into Xiao’s eyes.
Xiao felt his throat constricted before he reached his hands up and carefully took hold of the Alpha’s face. He brushed that long white bang aside to reveal the other eye hidden underneath. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss upon the scarred eyelid.
“There have been many things happening lately,” Xiao sighed. He slipped out of the Alpha’s arms and returned to his seat next to him, but now the distance between them was gone. Their shoulders were touching and their bodies so close that they could feel each other’s body heat.
“I’ve heard about Rex Lapis on my way here.” Cyno stared at the scenery before them. “Do you believe that the God of Contracts has died?”
“I don’t know,” Xiao admitted quietly. Deep down, he believed that Rex Lapis was still alive. Killing an archon was no small feat but then again, it wasn’t impossible either. “I have never imagined a future without Rex Lapis, so such situation still feels surreal to me.”
“Then perhaps you’ve been taking your archon for granted.”
“Perhaps.” Xiao wasn’t angry by his mate’s blunt words. It was true. He had been taking the archon’s existence for granted.
They all had.
All of them assumed everything will remain the same year after years. With Rex Lapis around, the mortals of Liyue never truly paved their own path. They have always been following the path given to them by their archon.
“How long will you be staying?”
“I took a month off from the Academia.”
Xiao nodded. Taking away the travelling time, it will be eight days.
“…How’s your body?” The Alpha asked after a moment of silence.
“There is still a bit of time,” Xiao said after closing his eyes to check on the condition of his body. Even sitting here, he could feel his body heat steadily rising. His heartbeat had started to quicken too, though Xiao didn’t know if that was due to the heat or the presence of his mate.
“Come to think of it, there might be something that will interest you.”
“A traveller came to Liyue not long ago…” Xiao began retelling his story with the blond outlander from Mondstadt. Cyno listened as his mate told him everything—from their very first meeting at Wangshu Inn to the chaos that happened in Liyue then the Lantern Rite.
“So the person you were seeing off was this traveller?” Cyno inquired when Xiao finished.
The Omega nodded. “The boy is capable of using Geo, but I see no Vision on his body or those devices from Snezhnaya.”
Cyno frowned. No Vision or Delusion?
Could it be archon residue? No, if it was, Xiao would have known. 
“His scent was also strange.”
“How so?”
“I wasn’t certain before, but now that I’m close to my Heat, my senses had heightened. That boy did not have the scent of a Beta despite claiming to be one.” Xiao furrowed his brows slightly and recalled that smell. “It was an odd smell, one I’ve never smelled on anyone before.” 
“You’re saying he’s not any of the dynamic?” The first thing Cyno wanted to say was that it was impossible, yet as a scholar, there was no such thing as impossible.
Even amongst the archons, the ABO dynamic existed. It was how their world worked—like how trees grew from dirt and how all living beings needed water to survive. Never in Teyvat had there been a person not fitted into any of the three dynamics. But if his mate claimed that someone was not Alpha, Beta or Omega, then that was most likely the case.
“Fascinating.” This certainly piqued the Alpha’s interest.  
“He is searching for his younger sister. If he can safely leave Inazuma, then I’m sure he will head to Sumeru next.”
“If so, we will meet eventually.” Cyno reached out his hand and his long fingers brushed across the pale cheek of the Omega.
The Omega’s bright yellow eyes seemed to glow beneath the full moonlight when he looked back at his Alpha. Very slowly, he leaned his face towards the hand until the Alpha’s entire palm laid against the Omega’s pale cheek.
Cyno let out a small, inaudible breathe when he took in the sight of the beautiful Omega beneath the moonlight. His heart trembled like a string being harshly plucked. He leaned forward while his hand guided his Omega towards him until their foreheads eventually touched.
“Xiao, come with me to Sumeru.”
Xiao stiffened upon hearing what his mate had said. He stared at that flaming red eye that was staring back at him seriously.
“Cyno, you know that’s—”
“I do not know whether your archon is dead or alive, but one thing for certain is that the future of Liyue will be paved by humans. The demons you fought for thousands of years no longer dominate this land. From what I can see, the humans of this land are fully capable of exterminating demons in your place. The era of the adepti was over long ago, and so was your duty,” Cyno told him. “Now that the God of Contracts is gone, there is nothing binding you down. You’re free to go wherever you like, Xiao.”
“I…” Xiao shook his head and pulled away from his Alpha. There was a slight shakiness in his voice, showing just how much the other’s words were affecting him.
The adeptus didn’t know what to do. He admitted that he had wondered what the world outside looked like. He had been thinking about it ever since meeting Cyno but his responsibilities prevented him from ever thinking further.
For so long, slaying demons and vanquishing evil spirits had been his sole duty. It was the reason he existed. It was the only thing he could do to pay back Rex Lapis for everything the archon did for him.
To suddenly be told his job has ended was just…
Xiao let out a startled gasp when he was suddenly pulled towards the Alpha. His head was pushed into the Alpha’s neck and the comforting scent of the Alpha washed over him, calming him down.
“You don’t have to give me an answer now, Xiao.” Cyno muttered against the Omega’s ear and cradled him within his arms. “I will wait for however long it takes. Once you’re ready, I will come get you.”
Xiao didn’t respond. He wrapped his arms around the Alpha, fingers digging into the brown cloak and clutched onto him tightly. Cyno peppered kisses on the side of his mate’s face before his tender lips moved down the pale neck. When Xiao slowly relaxed under the Alpha’s ministrations, he started to respond with kisses of his own.
Soon, the two of them were inside the hunt with Cyno throwing his cloak over the old bed before setting Xiao on top. Xiao’s shirt was already gone with his mate kneeling between his legs, pushing him down until he was lying on his back. Through the gaps on the roof of the hunt, moonlight streamed in, hitting the Alpha and casting a faint outline around his body.
Xiao took his time admiring the handsomeness of this man. He stared at the unusual clothing exclusive to Sumeru that barely covered much of the Alpha’s body.
Cyno caressed Xiao’s cheek before he captured his lips in a deep and passionate kiss. Despite being a scholar who mostly stays within Sumeru Academia looking through books and doing experiments, Cyno was a warrior.
He was one of Sumeru’s strongest fighters and the most knowledgeable. It was only natural, for Cyno would never be able to mark Xiao amidst the battle with demons if he was weak. The Omega shivered when a palm covered in a layer of callus slid down the smooth skin of back, reaching lower and lower before slipping inside his pant.
Xiao pulled away from the kiss with a sharp gasp. His head fell back with the Alpha trailed his lips down his throat. He kissed and nibbled the tender skin before biting down on that sweet scent gland.
“Hah…!” Xiao wrapped his arms around the Alpha’s head, gloved fingers tangling into the fluffy white hair with small breathless moans escaping his lips. The Alpha’s nimble fingers slide between the creases of his buttocks and teased the sensitive opening there.
Xiao let out another small cry when the hand on his rear lifted him up with the Alpha grounding down on him at the same time. The delicious friction made Xiao clamp his legs together around the Alpha’s hips, his body trembling with pleasure coursing through every part of his veins.
“Cyno, please…” Xiao pleaded before his pants were stripped off his legs. A pair of hands grabbed him by the forearm, pulling him up until he was sitting in his mate’s lap.
Xiao wrapped his legs and arms around the man, letting out broken pants with the Alpha lightly sucking on his right nipple while his hand toyed with the other. Eventually, the stimulation became too much and he had to bring a hand up to stop the shameful sounds from escaping his mouth.
Cyno gave one last lick to the perky nipple before he reached up, prying Xiao’s hand away so he could steal a kiss from the petal-soft lips.
“Don’t hide from me, Xiao,” Cyno said seriously, pulling Xiao’s gloves off his hands to reveal the old scars hidden underneath. The Alpha intertwined their fingers and planted a kiss upon each of his knuckles in such a loving way that Xiao nearly melted.  
Hearing some sound, Xiao turned to see Cyno pulling out a familiar-looking vial from the leather bag lying on the edge of the bed. The Alpha popped it open and poured half of the content into his hand.
“Lift your hips,” The Alpha instructed and Xiao obeyed. He wrapped his arms around the man’s shoulder and lifted his hips into the air. He buried his face into the Alpha’s neck and waited with his heart pounding inside his ribcage.
It started with one finger, slick with warmed oil carefully sliding inside him before joined by another. Xaio’s arms around Cyno tightened, breathes becoming laboured as those fingers slowly worked him open.
Cyno was nuzzling his face against the Omega’s silky hair while his other hand caressed the yaksha’s thigh.  
“Cyno, it’s enough,” Xiao groaned, feeling his inside completely coated with the oil.
“You’re still tight.” Cyno frowned.
“It’s fine.” Xiao gritted his teeth when he felt the uncomfortable coil in his lower abdomen. “My Heat is coming. I want to feel you before my mind becomes hazy.”
Cyno didn’t argue anymore. He slipped his fingers out and dipped his head down to capture Xiao’s lips. As they kissed, Xiao heard the rustling clothes accompanied by the jingling sound of metal. And then, the adeptus felt the tip of his mate’s cock—slick with oil—pressed against his entrance.
The Alpha didn’t move anymore aside from placing small, encouraging kisses along his neck. Gentle hands rubbed along his hips and legs but did nothing to guide the Omega down onto his cock.
Xiao knew that Cyno was letting him take control, so he did. He slowly sank his body, eyes fluttering shut when the head of the thick cock slipped inside. It had been a whole year since he was last filled by his Alpha.
“Cyno, Cyno…” he called out to his mate with more and more of the cock pushing through his tight walls and filling his inside. He could feel everything—the size, the warmth, the texture of the appendage…it was torture.
“Xiao,” his Alpha panted against his neck, seeming to be trying very hard not to move by how hard he was gripping onto the Omega’s knees.
Xiao wanted more.
It wasn’t enough, so he paused to take a deep breath before slamming himself down the rest of the way. A cry tore out of his lips as the cock speared him open, pushing past the walls and kissing the deepest part inside his body. Cyno wasn’t doing any better. The sudden movement of his mate nearly made him see stars. He was panting for breaths with both hands gripping onto Xiao’s hips to hold him still.
When Xiao opened his eyes, thick droplets of tears began to fall from his eyes. They fell off his long lashes and dripped over the Alpha’s cheeks. When Cyno gazed up, his heart nearly shattered at the sight of the Omega’s expressionless face with large pearly tears falling from those beautiful eyes holding so much sadness and pain.
Cyno always loved the colour of the Omega’s eye, because it was the purest colour of yellow—ones even gold cannot produce. He leaned up and started to kiss the droplets away. He knew this wasn’t Xiao crying. It was merely his body’s reaction.
Separation for mated couples was painful, especially for Omegas. Xiao may be strong, but in the end, his body was still bounded by his dynamic. Omega needed constant care from their Alpha to feel safe, and Cyno was not able to give him that. Throughout all of the battles and nightmares the Omega had to endure, Cyno was never there for him. He had left Xiao alone in a land where even the people he protected feared him.
That was his failure as his Alpha.
“I’m sorry, Xiao,” Cyno whispered tenderly against Xiao’s lips. His words seemed to have brought Xiao back for the next moment, those beautiful eyes blinked and the tears stopped.
“Sorry, again I—” Xiao wasn’t able to finish before Cyno pressed their lips together. He wasn’t going to allow the Omega to apologize for something that wasn’t his fault. 
“Hold onto me,” Cyno spoke into his ear before he grabbed the Omega’s hips and started rocking into the heated body.
Xiao released a breathless cry and held onto Cyno, moving his hip to time with the man’s thrusts. Their movements were slow and unhurried. Right now, all they wanted was to take their time and feel each other.
When they finally came, they were wrapped up in each other’s arms, listening to the other’s breathing and feeling their heartbeats overlapping.
Xiao laid his head against the Alpha’s shoulder while the Alpha traced his fingers over the green tattoo on the left side of his hip and towards the inside of his thigh. It was a tattoo similar to the one on the yaksha’s right arm—one that only Cyno had the pleasure of seeing. While Cyno took in the sight of Xiao’s tattoo, Xiao was staring down at the clothes that were still on the Alpha’s body. Whenever they spend their Heat and Rut together, Cyno would never fully remove his clothes because they never know who might come and interrupt them.
Even though Xiao’s mated scent was repulsive to other Alphas, there would still be Alphas coming to target him.
It all came down to one simple reason—greed.
While Alpha and Omegas mate for life, they were still capable of being marked a second or third time. All they needed to do was to rip the Alpha’s or Omega’s scent gland out of their necks and with a strong enough healing magic, the scent gland will regenerate. Once the scent gland grew back, it will be clean without the marks of their mate. It was a very cruel process. Having their glands tore out and losing connections with their mate would make any Alpha or Omega lose their sanity.
Due to humans and gods living so close together, the people of Liyue held their archon and adepti in high regards. Even if they fear Xiao and steer away from him, they never dare thought of getting rid of him. People from other nations, however, were a different matter. They see the adepti of Liyue as a possible weapon if tamed properly. That was why being the only Omega amongst the adepti, Xiao became their prime target.
Omegas were always weak and powerless during their Heat so adepti or not, they naturally assumed Xiao to be the same. Whenever these people make their plans, not once did they take into account of Xiao’s Alpha. Once they learned that the Omega didn’t mate with another adeptus, they thought nothing more of the Alpha other than a nuisance needed to be removed.
In recent years, idiots like these were steadily growing—especially those from a certain nation…
Xiao was lying comfortably against his Alpha when he felt a rush of heat flowing throughout his body. An animalistic whine came out of his throat which was met by a dominating growl. The sound of his Alpha’s growl caused a gush of wetness to come out of his body. Xiao’s face burned as he closed his thighs tightly together, but that did little to stop the lubricant from flowing out of his body.
The sweet scent of his Heat flowed into the air, mixing with the dominating scent of his mate’s Rut.
Xiao’s scent glands started to itch. He wanted to scratch them, but his hands were caught by a pair of tanner ones. The world before his eyes spun and Xiao was pushed into the bed with his Alpha’s heated chest pressing down on his back. His hips were pulled up and with no warnings at all, Cyno thrust himself deep inside. Xiao screamed, eyes nearly rolling back at the pleasure of being filled. He clawed at the bamboo bed, the strength of his fingers starting to tear the material apart before his hands were grabbed and pinned down.
“Cyno!” Xiao mewled when the Alpha pulled out before slamming back inside.
“Xiao, you smell so good…” Cyno sighed, sucking and licking his ear before he buried his face into the Omega’s neck and started sucking on his scent gland.
Xiao was crying from the overstimulation.  He could feel the pheromones inside his glands being sucked away while his mate’s hips constantly rammed into him.
“Xiao, Xiao…!” Cyno called out his lover’s name over and over with each thrust of his hips.
It wasn’t enough.
He needed more.
More, more, more, more…
Until there was nothing of him left.
Cyno stared at the Omega sleeping peacefully in his arms.
He pressed a kiss on the Omega’s forehead, over the purple diamond marking before he slowly pulled himself out. A quiet moan escaped the yaksha’s lips, but other than that the Omega showed no signs of waking up.
Cyno rubbed his scent glands that were bruised from Xiao biting on them, releasing more of his scent so the adeptus can sleep better. He gazed up at the ceiling where the sunlight was spilling in from and shifted Xiao to the left so the sunlight wouldn’t hit his face.
Xiao needed rest—they both do. As much as the Omega’s scent was constantly tempting him, Cyno wasn’t some weak Alpha who would allow his desire to take over. He laid his head over his backpack and closed his eyes for some sleep as well. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to join the Omega in his dreams for the next moment, his eye snapped wide open.
Cyno shot up and moving together with him was Xiao. The Omega was staring towards the same direction where the Alpha sensed the intruders. Cyno hissed out a string of curses in a language that the Liyue adeptus wasn’t able to understand. Seeing the confusion swirling within those pure coloured eyes, Cyno shook his head and pushed the Omega back down.
“Go back to sleep, I’ll take care of them.” He wrapped the Omega’s naked body up in his cloak and climbed off the bed.
Although he didn’t show it, Cyno was livid. No Alpha liked having their time with their Omega interrupted—especially during Heat and Rut. Even more so when these people came intending to take his Omega away from him.
He pulled out his Anubis mask and put it on his head. In the span of this short moment, the house was already surrounded. A ball of flames gathered in his palm before the Alpha shot it upward, blasting a hole in the roof and leaped outside. When he landed on the loose pieces of shingles on the roof, he was greeted by the sight of the intruders.
Unsurprisingly, it was those Fatuis again.
Most of them were Alphas, but Cyno could easily pick out the Betas seeing as all the Alphas had to wear masks over their nose and mouths to filter out the scent of his mate. He held out his hand and his spear materialized in his palm.
“Insolent fools,” he huffed, eye turning cold with crimson flames swirling around his spear.
When Cyno returned, Xiao sitting on the corner of the bed with his back resting against the decaying wooden wall. He had put on Cyno’s cloak with his eyes closed—seemingly to be resting. The Alpha’s eye softened at the sight of his mate. The moment he got close, Xiao’s long lashes fluttered, parting to reveal those calm Aureolin eyes. Cyno put on his cloak to hide the unique Sumeruan clothes before stuffing his Omega’s clothes into his bag. After that, he went over to his mate, letting Xiao hold onto his bag while he carefully gather him up into his arms. 
“Sleep, I’ll wake you when I find a place,” he spoke in that soothing voice, walking outside and stepping over the burnt ground.
Xiao leaned his head against the Alpha’s shoulder and closed his eyes with the bag held tightly in his arms.
There were many old and abandoned structures around Liyue, so finding their next logging wasn’t much task. Cyno found a decent place around Qingyun Peak and the two of them spent the remainder of their Heat and Ruts there.
Eight days passed by in a blink of an eye.
During this time, the pair roamed around Qingyun Peak before they spent their last day on the floating isle above the mountains, known as the Dwelling in the Cloud. This was a very old place created by the Cloud Retainer. Xiao was certain the other adeptus wouldn't mind them using her place, considering how she hadn't left her domain for a long time now.
The air high above the cloud was thin, but neither of the immortals was bothered by it. They sat at the ledge and watched the night sky with the cloud below them. Even though they didn’t mind the cold, their bodies were still pressed against one another, sharing warmth.
The night went by with neither of them exchanging any words.
When Xiao woke to the morning light, he knew without needing to open his eyes that Cyno was gone. The body wrapped around his when they fell into slumber was gone without any lingering warmth left.
The yaksha sat up with the familiar brown coat sliding off his body much like when he first woke on the night of his mate’s arrival.
In the place where his mate laid were four white flowers growing from a single stem.
It was a Qingxin—Xiao’s favourite flower.
He caressed the soft white petals before bringing the flower to his nose and smelled the sweet floral scent mixed with the faint scent of his Alpha.
They never meet each other with hellos and never part with goodbyes. It was an unspoken rule between them, as though doing so would seem like they had never parted to begin with.
Xiao gazed out to the land before him, golden eyes filled with loneliness and lost. He stared at the sun rising out of the clouds, not because of the view, but because that was where his Alpha was.
“I will wait for however long it takes. Once you’re ready, I will come get you.” Cyno’s voice echoed within his head.
Xiao parted his lips, but his throat felt awfully dry. He clutched onto the flower and closed his eyes. He could feel tears starting to gather, but he refused to let any fall.
“Go out and see the world, Xiao.”
Xiao jumped up, sharp eyes scanning over the tiny island but didn’t find anything unusual or out of the place. He brought a hand to his right ear where the voice had whispered those words to him. It was a voice Xiao was familiar with, but it happened so fast that he didn’t know if it was a voice from an old, long-forgotten memory or reality. He looked down at the flower in his hand, then back at the sun.
Suddenly, he felt like the world before his eyes began to open up—like an invisible cage slowly dissolving away. Xiao took a small step back and felt himself stepped on something. When he looked down, he found that it was Cyno’s cloak. He picked up the cloak and gazed back to the distant sky.
The lost look on his face slowly melted away. He held the cloak close before his eyes fell to the statue of Rex Lapis below.
Leaping off the floating isle, he landed before the statue. He stared at the image of Rex Lapis—the one who had saved him and given him his current name.
“I’ll be back,” he promised, setting the Qingxin flower before it as an offering. Without another glance back, he turned and leaped off the mountain. He gripped the cloak tightly in his arms and ran down the steep slope, moving at a speed too quick for mortal eyes to follow.
Xiao had never run faster in his entire life. He went from mountain to mountains, chasing after that scent lingering within the air.
As he was nearing the border of Liyue, Xiao finally saw the cloaked figure walking through the valley, carrying nothing but a brown leather bag over his shoulder.
Cyno stopped. He glanced over his shoulder, orange-red eye wide in disbelieve when he saw the Omega running towards him. Kicking off the ground, Cyno closed the gap between them and caught the Omega within his arms.
“Xiao?” Xiao’s name fell from the Alpha’s lips in a hushed whisper, as though he couldn’t believe the Omega was here. He held onto the yaksha so tightly that ordinary people would find it painful, but Xiao was anything but ordinary.
The adeptus held onto his mate just as tightly. The tears he had been holding back finally fell from his eyes. For the first time in his life, Xiao laughed. It was a very quiet laugh, but the sound was more beautiful than anything the Alpha had ever heard.
For the first time as well, Cyno also laughed. The tears rolling down his face was no less than Xiao’s.
They didn’t need to exchange any words, for that there was never any need.
After a thousand years, they’ve finally caught each other in their arms. This time, neither of them have any intention of letting the other go.  
Back on Qingyun Peak, a gloved hand picked up the Qingxin flower left in front of the statue of the Geo Archon. The dark-haired man gazed out to the horizon with a gentle smile on his lips before he turned and blinked at the sight of large white flowers obstructing his view.
The flowers waved around in his vision, pulling back to reveal a smiling Childe holding onto a bouquet of Qingxin.
“For you, the fairest of them all.”
Zhongli looked around the statue and found all the Qingxin flowers that grew around here were plucked by the former Harbinger. He shook his head with a light smile and accepted the bouquet, adding the one in his hand to them.
“Thank you,” he thanked, already thinking of whether or not he got a vase for these flowers. If not, he will have to go find one.
A jade vase would certainly fit these flowers beautifully…
He will also need to get a painter to paint down the beauty of the flowers…
“Despite living so long, you adepti are all so interesting,” Childe snickered. “These flower suits you. Both you and that Xiao.”
“How so?” Zhongli lifted his eyes to meet those light blue eyes staring at him. The raven didn’t know why, but he felt his heart skipped a beat when he saw how intensely the Alpha was looking at him.
Childe walked forward and plucked a white petal off of the flower. He placed the petal against his lips and smirked at the oldest adeptus.
“In Liyue, Qingxin means Pure Heart, doesn’t it?”
The Snezhnayan leaned forward, pressing his lips firmly against the Omega’s. Zhongli’s entire body stiffened upon the contact. His golden eyes were slowly rounding while his grips over the flowers went slack, but not so much that he would drop them.
The kiss only lasted three short seconds before Childe pulled away with a laugh bubbling from his throat. Zhong stood there, his body as stiff as a rock with a white petal sticking on his bottom lip.
“Come to think of it, I haven’t told you my real name yet so listen closely, Morax.” He leaned towards the archon’s ear and whispered the name he had left behind ever since becoming a warrior. "My name is Ajax."
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aquanology · 4 years
BL recommendations pt.2
Yo so I'm back to spaming your notifications and no you cannot stop me even if you wanted to, so this was kind of stuck in my mind for a while and I wanted to make a second part where I can give more BL to everyone, keep in mind that this could help people who are too busy or too lazy to find a new BL and maybe you can find new ones that you didn't know about
Small Warning: so I will put a summary on the BL's that I will recommend and I will put my own opinion so if you don't need any of that you could just take the names of the BL that will be written in a different color and search still I will put the gener's down so there is no worries ;))
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Your wish is my command
Summary: Hi! My name is Cheon Chiwoo (27 years old). I have a crush on Danhwan, who I've been close to since I was a kid. Confession? I can't imagine such a thing in my situation. I was so anxious that something appeared in a secret package…”Hello! I'm here to grant your wish!”
Stats: still uploading with 37 chapters for the time being
Genre(s): Yaoi/smut/supernatural/webtoons
Author(s): Sagold
My opinion: so this is a really good manga (for some reason i Don't feel comfortable calling a manga) it was made by our beloved Sagold and of course it has a very good plot with a beautiful Artstyle so I really do recommend it.
Warning/spoiler: might get darker later on...all the more plot I suppose (?)
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The New Employe
P.s: This is not the cover of the Manhwa but its something like that the actual cover has a low quality so I wish you understand, and the summary I got was taken by a well known website that I can't say the name of...safety is good after all don't you think? (Its still is a similar cover to this when you search it on that one website)
29 years old - Gay. Job Hunting - Fail.
A man who has nothing that even small and medium businesses do not accept, 3 months ago, I officially got my master's degree from a famous university. Seunghyun officially went to work as an AR project intern.
Seunghyun in his 20s has experienced a terrible unrequited love, now he doesn't want to give his heart to anyone who works in the same field as him. But he was shaken by Kim Jongchan, a tough-looking head who was very affectionate.
Unexpected first love at the company, the first love battle in life, can Seunghyun pass safely?
Stats: still uploading there is 22 chapters for teh time being
Gener(s): yaoi / Romance / slice of life / webtoon
Author(s): Zec
My opinion: so this is a very chill story I've been watching it for a few months now and it really is good, its more neutral and so very cute I do think its worth reading and Moscaretos' other stories are goof too so go watch them.
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Nitta- Kun Chuuihou
Alternative name( English name): Nitta-Kun Alert
Summary: Two short stories about an unexpected situation that turns into something more for both parties involved
Stats: so it started recently and it's updating in a weekly base (thats what it looks like) and it has two chapters for now
Gener(s): Yaoi /delinquent / smut / Bdsm
Author(s): Ototo
My opinion: so this was so funny when I watched the first chapter yet it was surprising!! It's so interesting yet something or someone feels a little mysterious (maybe its just me) but I'm really looking forward to it!!
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Duke's Private Tutor
P.s: sorry the cover is low quality but I couldn't find the a good quality one...
Summary:Jace, an Academic Honours student, once had a very bright future! However, his life has gone downhill ever since he punched a noble classmate... When he finally manages to gets a chance to work as a private tutor... The duke is so handsome that he cannot concentrate!
Stats: its still uploading and has 27 chapters for the time being
Gener(s): Yaoi / comedy / Historical / webtoons
Author(s): Mepi
My opinion: Yes as you guessed its time to give you something that you will regret reading for your whole life- I'm joking so calm down this one is somewhat special I tried at first because I had nothing but oh boy its interesting as hell I pretty sure you guys would like it, it might look simple which it is ( in a good way)
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Fluffy love
P.s: so this is the cover on webtoon...if you don't have webtoon or Don't like to use it just search the name and you will find the same character in a different position and a different colths, still go support the Author on webtoon
Summary:There are delinquents in every school. Ashen is one of them. To make it worse, his father is a powerful politician, meaning he can get away with basically anything. To Sarith, who just wants to lead a peaceful school life, Ashen is someone that should be avoided at all costs. But what happens when they’re forced into situations together and Sarith sees a whole different side of Ashen - One which is cute and needs to be protected? Chubby Kind Seme x Cute Feisty Uke
Stats: from my research I have noticed that it uploads every week on webtoon sometimes one day before its a week but still its very convenient, it has four parts for the first chapter on webtoon (it counts differently in other websites) for the time being.
Gener(s): comedy / Shonen Ai / Yaoi
Explanation: so for those who doesn't know how Webtoon work i will faster explain, every chapter has parts and the parts are posted alone the parts numbers will depend on how many pages are there in one chapter so have a fun time waiting~~
Author(s): Papadamn
My opinion: This is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life!! I don't really want to know why in the hell you didn't see that but I will definitely recommend it, I mean it's cute fluffy unique and it looks promising so go watch it.
Yo so if you're wondering why I said yo again its because I take days to make this so I will put this small note here which I have been making this one for three days (less or more) and I ended the post on March 8th at 12AM which makes alot of sense when I talked about the stats and teh number of chapters anyways have fun searching for these BL's~~
P.S (just in case): if any of the information provided are wrong you can always contact me so I can fix anything that I might've made mistakes with.
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For the writer's ask game, All Odd numbers 😁 no need to answer all if too many. Just wanna hear ur ideas on somee 😁imiss your fanficssss
omg idk if i love you or hating for asking so many questions in one goXD Aww i’m still writing, just veeery slowly... and i’ve had a few very rough weeks (mostly bc of work) so i haven’t had much energy or motivation at all - trying to get back into it so i can write the whole weekend!
1.  Do you listen to music when you write?
Sometimes. It depends! Sometimes it helps get into the mood or avoid distraction, but sometimes the music makes me think of other plot ideas which is highly distracting *sweats* Lately, i’ve listened a lot to imagine dragons while writing!
3.  Computer or pen and paper?
computer. i have some notebooks with old stuff written down, barely readable. why did i write plotlines in pink?? can’t read it at all lol
5.  How much writing do you get done on an average day?
haha.. on average it’s like, nothing. but if i actually have time to write that day, it can be anything from 200 words to 4,000. usually i don’t get to more than 4K in one day for some reason (unless i switch fics to write on lol). maybe 1,000 words is a fairly accurate average!
7.  Standalone or series?
usually standalones. i’ve only written one sequel in my life and it’s not even finished (Missing pieces)
9.  Current WIP
The sun within me, Lessons in love, For You My Sun, Sugar Star are the ones waiting for new chapters. i’ve got a couple unpublished/unfinished WIPs in my folder... we’ll see if i manage to finish them at some point but i don’t really dare to describe them in case someone would actually want to read them
11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
hmm tough question. i grew up reading authors like David Eddings, Eoin Colfer, Tamora Pierce, i went down and checked my bookcase and those three are actually the ones still on display haha. of course i read books like harry potter and narnia etc. too. lots of fantasy basically - and lots and lots of horse books, but i don’t think you can tell in my writing lol. Ender’s game by Orson Scott Card is a favorite, as well as the hobbit and The name of the wind by Patrick Rothfuss. when i studied Finnish in university i had to branch out and read books i would never choose myself, and that really influenced me to broaden my perspective so to say. last book i read was probably Wayward son by Rainbow Rowell (i’m a sucker for sad gay vampires apparently). i also read a ton of murder mysteries like agatha christie when i was younger.
plus, all the manga i read - dragon ball and naruto and love hina and yaoi and god knows what
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
oh dear. i usually get an idea that goes sth like “wouldn’t it be hilarious if...” and then it spirals out of control. like, my first long fanfic, Results of a shitty day, was literally me saying “you know what? i want to write a long drama fic like all those other cool authors do” and there was no plan besides at all at first.
i tend to just write a first chapter and then have a general idea of what i want to explore - a certain character growing a certain way, or a certain trope, or just the one scene that won’t go away. For The sun within me, it was literally “hey what if i wrote naruto and sasuke in the road to ninja universe” and for Lessons in love it was “man i really want a fic where Yurio is Viktor’s son and they’re fanboys of Yuuri’s skating”, and me rambling to a friend in the car about it until i was forced to sit down and write it. i definitely make up the plot as i go. every time i decide the plot in advance i end up changing it anyway (yes, this happens even for oneshots sometimes). i love planning though - so much that i constantly re-plan the stories and plan the chapter while writing it too. 
15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
badly. i’m a procrastinator. usually i switch between stories, if that doesn’t work, i try to write sth new, usually that doesn’t work and i end up reading fics until i’m convinced i can never write as well as other people can. and then i just have to take a break until my brain goes ping! and i can write again.
17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
i think the only habit i have is getting easily distracted. *cough*
19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?
i’m constantly writing in my head - daydreaming if you want to call it that. typing is very difficult, but i’m usually motivated by the fact that there’s nothing better than to sit down after a long day and just enjoy a really good fic about your OTP, and since people enjoy my writing i can’t just quit and rob them of this. i can’t just enjoy fandom without paying back when i actually have the possibility to do so. it usually works!! also, when i type, the story takes shape in a way it doesn’t in my head, which is actually really cool so i read my own stuff now and then just to remind me of this. 
21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
23.  Favourite author
hmm i don’t have just one. or do they mean fanfic author? well i wouldn’t be able to choose either way!
25.  Favourite part of writing
when i manage to type a scene the way i pictured it in my head. and when i just write without a plan and things start to make sense!
27.  Favourite line/scene
actually, every single scene in The sun within me is my favorite lol
29.  Favourite villain
does Sasuke count? no? i’ll say Baz in the Carry On series
31.  Least favourite part of writing
the first sentence of a fic or chapter. getting started is the hardest!!
33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
i wrote a drabble with naruto and sasuke in the afterlife once. i don’t think i’ve actually killed anyone???
35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
the next chapter for Lessons in love is giving me a lot of trouble currently :(
37.  First sentence or your current WIP
This is the first sentence of chapter 16, Lessons in love: Their last full day in Hasetsu passes in a blur.
And this is the first sentence if a yoi smut fic i’ll post when i finally finish ch 16 for LiL:  The metro is always crowded at this time, and Yuuri hates it.
Don’t tell anyone i’m working on yet another smut fic for yoi.
Aaaand this is the first sentence of a sasnar fic i’m writing on when i’m too tired to actually write anything seriously:  Sasuke was surprised to find that he was not the only one to be summoned to the Hokage’s office.
I know it was an earlier question, but i actually have something like 17 WIPs in my WIP folder that are not posted in any part yet, of which most will probably never see the light of day. 
39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
hmm i don’t know
41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
i have much advice. but i don’t think any of it is very original. the most important thing - there’s no such thing as failure when you’re writing fanfic. write what you want and when you want, the only way to get better is to keep writing! i just re-read an old story to see if it was worth editing and copying over onto ao3, and realized i had used the word “pinkette” to describe sakura. we all start somewhere... and if you ever look back on old fics, focus on how much you enjoyed writing the fic, not if it’s good or not!!
43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
if they don’t, it’s generally because they’re right and i’m not. forcing them back into the outline only makes for awkward writing. i always go along with it to see where it goes - sometimes it ends up somewhere much better than planned, sometimes you realize you’ve made mistakes way back in the fic and now you’re stuck with the choice of changing the plot or going back to rewrite. 
45.  How much world building do you do?
i actually hate world building. and describing things like scenery and places and clothes. i’ve had to really force myself to work on it. but i also make sure that i only give the absolute necessary information and then slip in the rest in bits and pieces where it fits. but since i mostly write in already set worlds, it’s usually not that necessary. 
47.   Best way to procrastinate
look at fics and put them in my marked for later and then procrastinate reading them by working on WIPs that are not my published WIPs and then procrastinate those WIPs by finding new fics to read and then maybe re-read my own fics. oh, and scrolling through social media
(i don’t actually have a lot of time to procrastinate bc it’s usually work-take care of horse-shower and dinner-sleep)
49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
Phichit. so much fun!!!
Wow, that was a lot of questions and a lot of fun!! Sorry for the super long post you have to scroll by lol
Thank you for asking!!!
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eorzean-capitalist · 6 years
Memory Lane.
Someone actually went looking through my older stuff on AoE, spotted I had put up a story from an old FFN account I don’t use anymore.  Asked me if I was author in question and if not, they were going to report me for claiming another person’s work.  I pointed out that one of my ‘stage names’ was the same as the user name on the FFN account and I was, indeed, the author in question. They were actually... weirdly happy to locate me.  Asked if I ever intended to write more Naruto fanfic which... lol no.  God, that was forever ago.
This story is a product of its time.  Back then, I didn’t understand that ‘yaoi’ was bad.  But I did intrinsically know that if I wrote about gay men, I needed to make them people, not just their sexuality for gratification.  Thus, this story was born.
An Appropriate Time (originally posted in 2005)
He really wished Raidou would just get it over with and ask.
Not that Genma was entirely sure what Raidou wanted to ask him. He knew the question was there, right on the tip of his lover's tongue, just in the way he held him before they fell asleep at night, or when they finally stopped being mad at one another over some minor tiff and snuggled into one another's arms quietly. Sometimes, he was just sure that finally he'd get to hear whatever was on Raidou's mind. But silence would dominate and eventually Genma either forgot about it or fell asleep. They'd known each other for what felt like forever. Genma could still recall that August, when he was freshly turned ten and Raidou hovered close to twelve. Everything had been hot and humid for weeks at that point, the sun steaming the world. Ice cream melted in an instant and got all over your hands, sticky and sweet. Genma had a penchant for trouble. When he wasn't seeking it, it still found him instead. When he'd get into fights with local bullies, despite the heat, barely able to really defend himself against them. Too skinny, but he was always a scrapper. Raidou had a shiny cast to him, then. Full of ideals and righteous energy. He came from a good family and he and Genma had the same blonde hair, the same water color blue to their eyes. His smile was infectious and he encouraged Genma where others always discouraged and believed in him in ways most people simply didn't. A name did not make the man, he often said. Genma believed him. Believed in him. Felt nothing short of awe as Raidou defended him that August, and forever after. At some point, things changed. The idealism wore thin, or maybe Raidou's viewpoint changed after the mission that left him scarred. Genma only recently had been promoted, trailing a year behind Raidou in that regard. He'd been in the hospital for months, enduring surgery after surgery in an attempt to spare him so many scars. It failed, for the most part. He entered what Genma could only refer to as a black period. He snarled at everything, refused to go out with or without fresh bandages over the angry scars that covered half his face and flowed like flame down his throat and onto his chest. "You are still pretty," he said to Genma once, "You don't understand what it's like to go out into the world and make a child cry for seeing the hideousness of your scars." "I don't think they're so hideous," he replied, "You'll always be beautiful to me." They became lovers shortly thereafter, that day. Raidou took control and Genma submitted, hoping it might help his best friend forget the dream of the white picket fence, fair faced wife and children. He recalled it being uncomfortable and a bit painful that first time, but he kept that to himself. He wanted Raidou to love him, and loved him back just as strongly. It worked. Raidou slowly came out of his melancholy. He smiled more often, stretching the scars until it stopped hurting to do so. He went out into public again. They held hands when they thought no one was looking, stole kisses behind buildings, winked at one another knowingly, and made love in the evenings when no one else was around to disturb them. By then, Genma had afforded an apartment and Raidou was over so often he joked about them moving in together. It didn't happen for another two years. And after that there came one cat followed by another. They settled into a life together, missions to see to, house details, feeding the cats, going out drinking with friends. People knew what was going on between them, but no one ever called them on it and that was just fine. Maybe they could have lived happily ever after, if they lived anywhere but in the real world. Shinobi had a duty to Konoha, and more often than not, they were apart for longer and longer periods of time. Genma became a member of ANBU and Raidou had the esteemed position of the Hokage's bodyguard. On a particularly difficult mission, Genma was gone for weeks at a time and Raidou had obligations during the day. Eventually, Raidou began wondering, aloud, if maybe Genma might quit ANBU. To this, Genma countered that perhaps Raidou should not work so many hours at his post. They frowned at one another, silently staring, stubbornly digging their heels in. "I don't want my boyfriend coming home in a bodybag," he said, sharply. Genma cruelly replied, "I don't recall committing myself to you like that." And so came the misconception that Genma had no intention of ever being that committed to his lover. Raidou held onto that like a grudge, and used it as a barb whenever they got into an argument. Eventually Genma slipped into the part. Sometimes he wondered if maybe he and Raidou might break up completely, go their separate ways. While they skirted it a number of times, it never happened simply because they refused to say it, either of them. Most of their arguments were grounded in silence. Staring at each other before one of them walked away and slammed a door shut somewhere. Raidou always was the first to give in, approaching Genma from behind and sliding hands around his waist, kissing the back of his neck until his lover relented. It unnerved him a little bit. Genma had changed from the little puppy that trailed after Raidou, finding himself more and more in control and uncomfortable with it. Then came the mission that changed everything all over again. Genma found himself a prisoner with two other ANBU, to be tortured for information, repeatedly drugged and eventually addicted to it. He watched his teammates undergo the same agony, sometimes forced to take part in torturing them, and exchange expressions of forgiveness when they had to do the same to him. He wondered if all of them would go mad long before they died. Once rescued, Genma wasn't sure how to deal with the world anymore. He retreated into himself. Sometimes he registered Raidou's face, felt kisses pressed to his lips or his forehead, but those days afterwards were hazy and mostly spent in the hospital trying to get rid of the toxins in his system and control the withdrawal symptoms. When he was finally released into Raidou's care, he slept on the futon in the living room rather than the darkness of their bedroom. When he could sleep, at least. Most nights after that were wracked with nightmares, seeing the torment he endured over and over again in his head. Raidou put his job on hold during those first few months, staying home to keep an eye on Genma, holding him at night to help keep the nightmares at bay. He never asked what happened, and Genma never offered any tales. He kept all of it inside until finally he felt numb enough to face the world again. And they stopped talking about the things that were wrong with their relationship. Raidou returned to his post, Genma quit ANBU and went back to regular missions. They floated around one another like satellites drifting further and further out of orbit. Until the day Genma realized Raidou was staring at him. They hardly slept together anymore, becoming more like roommates than lovers. Raidou sometimes made noise about commitment and as he was expected to do, Genma refused the topic all together. Yet for all the temptation around him, all the opportunities to find someone else or sleep with another, Genma never actually tried. He could have, he knew, he'd established that he wasn't Raidou's, really. And Raidou simply wouldn't have anything to do with it. Too honorable, to idealistic. Too much in love with Genma or maybe they'd been together so long he wouldn't have known what to do with himself if they were apart. Twelve years was a long time. So he was looking at Genma again, reaching out to re-establish something. Rather than push him away, Genma pulled him back in. And that's when he wondered if Raidou would ever finally ask whatever question he'd been meaning to ask. "You know, it'd be nice if you'd just say it and get it over with," he said, sleepy and content, pillowed against his lover's chest with an arm around him. "Pardon?" Raidou replied. "Whatever it is you want to say to me or ask me, just do it. You keep staring at me when you think I'm not looking. It's been going on for months now and it's really driving me nuts. So what is it?" "Ah," Raidou sighed. His fingers trailed along the curve of Genma's spine before a splayed hand came to rest at the small of his back, near the tailbone. "Well, we've been together almost thirteen years, Genma." "Next August, yes." "I know... well, I know there's no real tradition for people like us and I know you don't want commitment but--" "Oh stop it, Raidou. If you're asking me to marry you the answer is yes." Raidou shut up, then, tensing. Genma's eyes opened, head tilting back to get a look at his lover's face, wondering if he'd just stuck his foot in his mouth again. Instead, he was greeted by the most radiant smile he'd ever seen, not since the two of them met on that hot and humid afternoon in the depths of summer. (The end.)
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rchanscandy · 7 years
rchanscandy’s webcomic recomendations!
I don’t normally do this but I’ve been reading a lot of really awesome webcomics and I wanted to tell y’all about them and stuff because damn I found some real gems this past month. I also need people to scream about them with so heres my list in no particular order under the cut! (the comics are hosted on either smackjeeves or tapastic or both)
Lazy Snow Leopard
An utterly lazy god, an anthropomorphic personification of the Snow Leopard, rests upon his favourite tree, when suddenly woken up by a thrown stone. The thrower turns out to be a young admirer of his former self. The youngster persuades the lazy god to begin a quest for fame, glory and world salvation. While the one concerned would have preferred to just lie down and go back to sleep.
Notes: This one has me dying of laughter, I love everything about it; the art, characters, just all of the yes
A street rat is given a second chance when he is dragged from the gutter and into a new life. Will he accept his position at the side of royalty, or fight every step of the way? -Rated M for sex (M/M, consensual), violence, nudity, language and dark themes.- Warnings: -References to child abuse and sexual abuse.-
Notes: The art and story is absolutely mesmerizing, I couldn’t stop thinking about this one after reading it for a long while. Can’t wait for more updates!
Novae is a historical romance with a touch of the paranormal and a dash of astronomy. It chronicles the adventures of Sulvain, a sweet tempered necromancer and Raziol, a passionate 17th century astronomer. A connection forms between them and their relationship blooms, but when the body of a fellow astronomer is found on the steps of the Academy of Sciences, their lives are entangled in ways they could never foresee.
Notes: There are not a lot of pages so far but I’m already in this for the long run. I’m a sucker for historical romances, especially gay ones and this is just beautifully executed. 
A story about being nice to birds and having safe gay sex.
Notes: The description pretty much sums it up xD. Such a good read and really intriguing characters, I enjoyed this a lot. (NSFW)
Mismatch tells of the bond between two rivals who slowly discover they have more in common than they think.
Notes: Only 5 pages in and I was immediately hooked. The art style is so cute and I absolutely love the premise! I can’t wait for more!
Grey Eyes
Mike Lawson finds himself on the strange world of Dwal. But now the ancient Gate won't let him back through. Mike must try to find his place in this strange new world, and perhaps find it to be better than the world he came from. A fantasy/romance with a touch of mystery. 18+ for adult language and situations.
Notes: The character designs and the art are so cool, hell everything about this is freaking cool and I need more!
Almost Touching
Wyatt's got a huge secret and Aiden is a nosy bitch who becomes intertwined in it. Though he doesn't seem to mind much... boyxboy
Notes: I got sucked in by the pretty art style and stuck around for the interesting story and lovely characters. (NSFW)
Avialae is a webcomic about a gross bird boy and his nerdy wannabe ornithologist boyfriend--I mean neighbor who helps him out during the painful and bloody process of growing wings. 
Notes: I just absolutely adore this one, it has really interesting characters, a unique premise, and just...birds man. (NSFW)
Rainbow Mansion
Watch the drama unfold as 14 contestants come together at the Rainbow Mansion in hopes of becoming the Rainbow Champion! Hearts will break, the tension will sizzle, and only one will have a chance at eternal glory. Or, like, at least a quip in the tabloids and a book deal? (M/M)
Notes: This is one of the best and most hilarious fucking comics I’ve read in a long time. I love the way it’s set up (a cheesy bad reality tv show) and the characters (all of them) are fucking fantastic not to mention the art is on point. (NSFW)
Yrkki sold drugs to a stranger guy. That wouldn't be nothing new for him, but this guy was a cop.
Notes: Beautiful art, beautiful men, and a story that keeps you on your toes, whats not to love? (NSFW)
Demon House
Tula is a student just trying to get through her senior year of college. Little does she know that her new rental is inhabited by demons. Juggling her social life and these new roommates should be no problem.
Notes: This comic is a blessing. I absolutely love all the characters and the art is so well done, not to mention the hilarity that ensues. Definitely one of those must-reads!
Demon of the Underground
Pogo is a big-mouthed but small-framed young thief who falls through a hole in the ground and finds himself in a brutal underground world where survival is based on strength and intimidation. His only hope for escape is his telekinetic ability - and the help of a stray ferret named Annie. Urban fantasy/paranormal/LGBTQ
Notes: I’ve been following this one for awhile. First off, the art is fantastic, and I’m in love with that in itself. Second the characters and story are so interesting and unique...I’m dying to know what happens next and discover more!
Boy meet boy and together search their origins
Notes: This story is so cute and the art is beautiful and I’m gonna cry I need more. (NSFW)
Markus is a reclusive witch living in the woods. He stumbles across a surprise one morning that changes his entire life. It's gay.
Notes: I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this comic. It’s so fucking cute, the characters are adorable, the art is adorable and well drawn, and every time it updates I get so freakin excited you have no idea ahhh just go read it!
No Way
NO WAY is a web comic, a story about fantasy world and Academy, where many creatures study together. But first and foremost this is a story about a vampire and an elf who were betrothed to each other and who now have to live and learn together. Yes, this is a story about the relationship between two guys, basically, although the other characters are there too. Also in the future in the comic are planned explicit scenes of a sexual nature, so there is a limit 18 + But, basically, it's still a romantic Comedy and fairy tale.
Notes: Everything about this, the characters and the art and the story are fucking phenomenal. It’s got some of my favorite character designs ever by far. Highly recommend this one, such a good read and a feast for the eyes! 
The God in the Field
The age-old story of Hades, Persephone, and a love that causes the seasons (with a yaoi twist.) Disclaimer/Content Warning: Anyone familiar with greek mythology will know that they are in for a ride. This comic will contain kidnapping, a coercive relationship with unequal power dynamics, and various other scenes from the underworld that Hades presides over. It will contain NSFW scenes and scenes rated 18+. Please be forewarned!
Notes: One of the most friggin beautiful art styles I’ve come across in a long time. I actually caved in and bought hard copies of this one it was so beautiful. I love everything about this gosh I can’t even put it into words.
Les Normaux
Les Normaux follows the lives of a bunch of supernatural beings living in Paris after a human wizard named Sebastien moved to the city. 
Notes: The premise and characters in this one are so unique and the art style is so cute. Actually everything in this is cute, and funny, and just a good time in general. Highly recommend this one.
Dakota and Kennedy are thrown together in a world ravaged by a single disease. Fast spreading and corrupting sanity, civilization was razed to the ground. For those fortunate to have immunity, life isn't easy. Avoiding the diseased is one thing, but without law and order those left take complete advantage of a world they can now build for themselves. Stranded together in the ghost of the country they once knew, Dakota and Kennedy fight through whatever obstacles lay in their path, seeking peace and quiet and maybe something to eat.
Notes: I really like the way the story is going, not to mention the art is hella nice. Highly recommend this one, especially if you like apocalyptic themes and such.
Wham, Bam!
Harvey is nothing. He's a nobody. Trapped in a small Texas town where nothing ever changes, doomed to waste away in the scrub brush and withering sun, he figures the best he can do is keep his head down and stay out of everyone else's way. After all, who would be crazy enough care about a deadbeat redneck like him? Then one day an old Dodge rumbles into the parking lot of the gas station where he works, and Harvey learns that some folks wear their crazy like it'll never go out of style. It's amazing how much your life can change in just four days. [WARNINGS: explicit content, strong language, depictions of violence, TW for homophobic attitudes/language (later on). 18+ only please.]
Notes: I am in love with this art and storyline. It’s so unique, I don’t think I’ve read anything quite like it. Not to mention that the title itself grabbed me in for the hook before anything else.  I can’t wait to see more!
Sometimes, home can be a person. A sheltered young mutant meets a soldier who's seen far too much for his short life. A process of learning and healing begins.
Notes: The art is so pretty, reminds me a lot of avatar the last airbender in terms of style. I’m super excited to see where this story goes as well, the characters are super interesting and really cute!
Hendrix and Julian
Hendrix and Julian are natural enemies- a cocky jock and the school's gay punching bag, but will all that change after one cold night alone in the gym cupboard? (NSFW)
Notes: I’m usually not a fan of the whole bullied falling for bully plot but I really really love how this story goes. Not to mention the nsfw scenes are really good and the art is just yesssss.  I highly recommend this one!
Nine young adults with different backgrounds all end up in the same area in Paris. What started off as another semester at art school takes a turn when the differences of the group's lives finally meet. A story of lgbt love, friendship and finding yourself. Warning for blood, violence, sexual content and drug use in the upcoming chapters.
Notes: The art style is cute, the characters are cute, the comic feels super relatable and down to earth and I just really love the whole thing overall. I always get so excited when it updates!
Countdown to Countdown
Iris is a young man with the gift to bring pieces of artwork into reality. 5 years into an apocalyptic outbreak, he's holed up in a lab that shelters "problem" children. Between his failed experiments, deteriorating mental stability, and being ridiculed by other members of the lab, he doesn't think life could get any worse. Life agrees to disagree.
Notes: This comic is so friggin beautiful. The story is hella interesting and the setup is like that of a video game which I think is really super creative and interesting to experience. The characters and the world they are in are really fun and interesting and just overall this is a really well done comic, I’m always excited for when it updates!
Charlie, a highly-strung, openly gay over-thinker, and Nick, a cheerful, soft-hearted rugby player, meet at a British all-boys grammar school. Friendship blooms quickly, but could there be something more...?
Notes: The title of this comic is the most accurate thing.  This comic has my heart stopping because of how dang cute this is. Seriously, there are parts of this that have me screaming on the floor.  The art style is so cute and airy and totally fits the mood of this comic and the characters are so adorkable and just...aughhh go read it seriously!
With Great Abandon
With Great Abandon is a queer romance set over the course of a year in London. It's the story of Harry and Russell's differences, similarities, and relationship. A hopeful and kind story. Also food and comics.
Notes: This comic made me cry (good tears).  The story is so down to earth and realistic, not to mention so cute.  Also the art and colors are just on point and I really appreciate this comic aesthetically. It just completed and I was very satisfied, you should definitely give it a read!
Age of the Grey
When the unseen war between heaven and hell finds itself bound to the plane of humans, several kids discover themselves caught in the middle. The almighty angels of heaven and the wicked demons of hell battle for their kingdoms, a revolution that could mean the end of humanity, and when god and the devil decide to take it into their own hands, only chaos can follow.
Notes: This is such a cool concept executed with such bold and expressive art. I love love love the characters and its so cool to see how the art continues to improve over the course of the story! Definitely recommend this!
Behind these Birchwood Walls
Adrian Pembroke's parents put their foot down after his teenaged mischief turns into a run in with the cops. He finds himself shipped off to Mercier Preparatory Academy, an elite boarding school. Miserable and feeling utterly out of place, Adrian soon lands himself into trouble as usual. He is rescued from his own antics by Acario Ambrose, the resident golden boy of Mercier. Appearances are deceiving, and Adrian learns a great deal more about both himself and his new friend than he ever bargained for.
Notes: I love this so much, it started out a bit slow but as soon as the story got going i was on the edge begging for updates. The art is amazing, I have no idea how this artist is able to be so consistent with their painting style throughout, its amazing! 
Ingress Adventuring Company
Saving the world is a pretty big deal, but what do you do once you’re done saving the world and no one needs you anymore? Do you become a magic professor? Do you study a convoluted thesis that no one understands? Maybe you relive the glory days by starting up a one-man adventuring party to gather mystical artifacts for people who may or may not pay you. Or, if you’re Toivo Kissa, you do all of those things.
Notes: I fell in love with the premise and art at first sight. It’s absolutely adorable and the main character is so precious I love him so much. I cannot wait to see where the shenanigans go. 
Alphor, a countryside apothecary, comes to the capital city for work, where he has a chance encounter with his estranged childhood friend, the wizard Selfrid. The same childhood friend who confessed his love for him ten years ago, before they separated. They resume their friendship, as though there was no confession, but such feelings can't be forgotten that easily; they are torn between the bitterness of a crushed first love and the comfort of a friendship they don't want to ruin again.
Notes: This comic is so damn pretty i can’t handle it. I love the setting and all the little world elements added into this comic. Definitely a bit of a slow burn if you’re into that but oh man will it be satisfying if the main ship finally sails. 
When Stephen, a quiet bookworm from Oregon, gets his admission letter from the University of Hawaii at Manoa he was anticipating some life changes. What he didn’t anticipate was meeting Alex, an upbeat and easygoing local who offers to be his guide around the island. After that, it’s love at first sight. Through ups and downs, they’ll bring out the best in each other in this story of love, growth, and self-acceptance.
Notes: If you want a sweet heartwarming story about 2 cinnamon buns falling in love with each other then this is the comic for you! Seriously, every little tiny moment in this comic just makes me scream because its too cute.
A cursed prince must rely on a witch to free him from an enchantment. But witchcraft is banned, and the two young men have little in common. As love blossoms between them, can they overcome their own prejudices, save their nation, and find a cure... before it's too late?
Notes: Everything about this comic i just love love love love. The story, the art, the characters, everything! It tugs at your heartstrings in ways you don’t even expect whilst dealing with a suspenseful situation. I’d gush forever about this one but I don’t have enough room.
Guard Dog
BL about people living in the post apocalyptic world where being infected by a zombie won't immediately turn you into one, but it can give you some troubles... and some extras
Notes: By the same creator as Handcuffs, which is also on this list, I knew when this came out I’d love it too. I was not wrong. Cute gay bois in the apocalypse, what more can you ask for? Definitely a must read!
The Sun Prince, the Saint, and the Changeling
When Tomas stumbles into unexpected feelings for his friend Matthias, he dreams about a fun, uncomplicated summer romance. Instead, he discovers that he doesn’t know his friend nearly as well as he thought he did, he knows himself even less, and when your family has connections to the Holy Roman Empire, nothing is ever simple. When summer comes, Tomas finds himself drawn into a mystery spanning two years and three hearts — one of which is his own. 
Notes: This is one of my all time favorite comics. I am a sucker for lgbt historical romances and everything about this comic from the story, to the art, to the world building is just so beautifully done. Cannot gush enough about this one to do it justice, just read it. 
Abel & a Dead Man
Jim lives an ordinary life until the day he's supposed to die. Abel is a Soul Collector who decides to let Jim live and asks him out instead.
Notes: Such a unique graphic art style combined with one of my favorite grim reaper x supposed to be dead person premises, I highly highly recommend checking this out.
Life Outside the Circle
The heartwarming tale of two men who find love in the Finnish countryside.
Notes: This comic is way too cute I cannot handle how cute it is everything about it just makes me scream because ahhhh it so CUTE!!! Just read it and you’ll understand what I mean.
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written-in-sunshine · 6 years
The Little Things - 001/030 - Tucker/Specs - SFWish
Title: The Little Things Author: Donnie Fandom: Insidious Setting: Various Pairing: Tucker/Specs Characters: Tucker, Specs, Elise Rainier, More To Come Genre: Romance/Humor/Horror/Hurt/Comfort Rating: M to be safe Chapters: 1/30 Word Count: 2791 Type of Work: One-Shot Collection, 30 Day Domesticity Challenge Status: Incomplete Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, Teasing, Fluff, Heavy Flirtation, Top!Tucker, Bottom!Specs, Lots of griping, AU - Canon Divergent, More to come Disclaimer: I don’t own anything! Summary: Even two ghost hunters can have their quiet moments of domesticity. AN: Alright, so I found this 30 Day Domesticity Prompt list and I thought I’d give it a try for my new obsession. I really enjoy writing for these guys, and these prompts are really nice? I hope you guys enjoy!
Insidious Fic Masterlist Chapter One: The Least You Could Do ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Feeding Tucker was probably one of the worst things about being with him. Ever since Elise had met her unfortunate end, and they had had to work without her, everything had sort of fallen to Specs. While he didn’t mind cleaning and cooking too much, taking care of things that Tucker couldn’t or wouldn’t do having always been something he was good at, he was frustrated. All he had asked, his one little stipulation, was that Tucker actually rinse his dishes when he put them in the sink. That way, when he loaded the dishwasher, Specs wouldn’t have to spend an hour and a half soaking ketchup stains and dried on cheese. 
Stomping into the living room and standing very pointedly in front of the fifth episode of Beetlejuice that his boyfriend was watching, he narrowed his eyes. “Tuck--” “Come on, man, you’re interrupting.” Tucker managed around the spoonful of Lucky Charms in his mouth. Specs shuddered slightly at the sight of crumbs falling to the floor he’d vacuumed only an hour ago. He cleared his throat, and Tucker finally did his best not to try and peer around the other, looking up at him. What greeted him was a very red-faced, frowny, glaring Steven in the pretty, frilly black and green apron he’d been given as a joke. It still astounded Tucker that he wore it, but he supposed it suited the other, at least. The idea, however, that he hadn’t done or said anything that would embarrass the other man lead him to believe that his nearly purple housemate was about to unleash the wrath of the Gods on him. It wouldn’t be the first time, naturally, but this time it looked like he was about to get a new, structurally superfluous asshole jammed somewhere into his body. “Uh…” He started, setting down his bowl and wiping at his beard, then his lips, “Something wrong, sweetheart?” Every time he knew he was in trouble, Tucker would do his best to weasel his way out. Pet names usually melted his little lover, but this time, it seemed, he was in too deep. “Yes,” The strain in Steven’s voice, the slightly higher octave, told Tucker that he was in for it, now, “There absolutely is. You,” Leveling a finger at the other’s eyes, his own narrowed a fraction more, “Promised me you’d start rinsing your damn dishes. You promised me that when you were done with your fucking Hot Pockets last night that you would clean the fucking plate.” Because Steven had forced him to start using them around the house around a year ago. “At least enough that it could go into the dishwasher without incident.” “And, uh, there was an incident, huh?” That much was obvious. Steven wasn’t usually the type to swear, which meant that there was definitely going to be some shit going down. Hell hath no fury like a Specs scorned, after all. “You better fucking believe there was an incident.” Glowering over the tops of his glasses, leaving Tucker and the world around him in a hazy blur, he placed both hands on his hips. Catching the implication of that, he crossed his arms over his chest, instead, with a loud huff and a roll of his eyes, averting his gaze. It wasn’t like he could see much, anyway, “Ham and cheese. Ham and fucking cheese, stuck to the plate like glue! And who has to clean up after you all the damn time, huh? It’s me. My fucking thirty-six year old toddler, going and leaving messes for me to clean up! All the time!”  If Tucker didn’t put an end to this, soon, there would never be one. Specs was good at holding grudges for about twenty minutes, but this one was waxing on the ‘fuming all night and possibly tomorrow’ side of the spectrum. That wasn’t exactly the kind of atmosphere amenable to finishing his Beetlejuice binge with a happy ending. Or any ending without him being gutted on the living room floor. “Babe, ba--” Despite his best attempt at civility, Specs was still speaking over him, and it finally had gotten on his nerves. With a heavy sigh and a frown, he stood up at the same time that he all but roared, “Babe! I get it, you’re pissed.” He took a careful step forward, as if knowing he was about to try and cage a rabid animal, “I don’t do enough around the house,” Throwing an unintentionally nervous glance around the place, he took another step, hands out with palms facing his lover, voice lowering, “And you’re sick of doing everything. I’m a slob.” The concession to his point was enough to make Steven blink, jaw hanging open and eyes narrowed in disbelief. Was Tucker Ackerman actuallyadmitting he could be wrong? This was a trap. Everything in him screamed to abort this mission, to just let him win, because there was something not right about this… But, at the same time, he couldn’t help himself, preening with a little smile at the compliment this admission was.  “You are a slob.” He nodded succinctly, smirking slightly, “But, I suppose, you’re my slob. So, what are you going to do about your disgusting dishes?” Hands sliding down to his hips again, he let them bunch up the apron slightly, the wrinkled fabric pinching in beneath the webbing of his thumb and forefinger. The sight alone was enough to have Tucker’s argument dead on his lips, throat and mouth dry, while he fumbled for a second to think of the most appropriate thing to say. “I’ll take care of it.” Tucker finally blurted, immediately regretting the decision when the other’s eyes lit up behind his glasses. Give a nerd an inch and he’d take a lightyear. “If you dry the dishes when I give them to you.” “We have a dis--” “I know. But if I’m doing it, I’m doing it  by hand, and you’re helping me. You get all the nit-picking done you want, and then you dry.” It seemed like a win-win; Specs could bitch and moan and carry on about how he needed to do better, do more, whatever, and Tucker could put in the extra effort and get out of dishes for another week or so. When the idea seemed to sink in and take hold, Tucker felt like he’d won; what he didn’t quite understand was that, likely, he hadn’t. He had simply delayed a swift death with a little bit of what he would have called filler if he were watching a movie. It was the part of the movie where the protagonist barely managed to escape death in order to go on some inane mission that had no real outcome except to put him back into mortal danger for a dumbass reason connected to the first. Raising his eyebrows, tipping his head and frowning seemed to be about all that Tucker got in reply, of course. He was being an idiot. They had a perfectly functioning dishwasher, and here Tucker was, considering doing dishes by hand. “Do you really think that’s a good reason?”  “Yeah, I do.” Finally wrapping the other up in his arms, Tucker smirked a little when he felt a little bit of give in the tense line of Steven’s spine. Even just a little bit of slack in the tightly corded muscle was enough to tell him that he had, indeed, at least begun the end of this war.  “Fine.” Holding up his hands in defeat, but also to push Tucker back away from him, he took one step closer to the TV stand before turning and walking to the kitchen. Letting Specs lead the way, the elder male enjoyed the view as he stepped foot in the kitchen, placing a hand on the other’s hip to ‘help’ pass him. They both knew exactly what he was up to, regardless of his feigned justification. Whatever he said could never really be trusted when it came to his reasons for touching Steven. Stepping up to the sink and staring into it, eyes on the three inches of steaming, soapy water no doubt hiding the mess his plate was, he sighed. Of course that would be how Specs would handle something like that. Neat and clean. Had he been the one to find and decide to handle this, Tucker would have just scraped a fork over it for a few minutes and scrubbed it a little and called it good. This meant he had to get his hands wet and soapy, and the supervision he’d invited in made it necessary that he not ‘call it good’ until it was impeccable. One of the biggest drawbacks to living with your rather obsessive boyfriend was that, occasionally, you were held to his standards at something. Half the reason he chose to wash by hand instead of using the dishwasher was because every time he tried, he just ‘didn’t do it right.’ If that happened, Specs bitched the rest of the night about how he’d had to come clean up another fuck-up; Tucker had to live with the fact that he wouldn’t be able to make him happy that night. It could really be ridiculous. But most of the time, that didn’t hamper his love for the little spaz. In all of his fire and fury, he was adorable. A crouching kitten with a scratch that stung. The thought brought a small smile to his lips, a quiet huff of a laugh out of him as he sunk his hand into the water that petered off with a pained hiss. “Would you like to share with the class what’s so funny, Mr. Ackerman?” Specs questioned with a quirk to his lips. “Oh my God, you sound like such a teacher like that.” Tucker groaned, rolling his eyes and letting his entire body follow the motion, “I was just thinking about you.”  “So you laughed.” Shooting a sharp glare at the other, he huffed loudly, the dish towel in his hands being wrung. Whether it was from anger or anxiety over the idea was up for interpretation, apparently. “I laughed because you make me happy. Is that such a bad thing?” “You usually laugh at my expense.” And Steven wasn’t entirely wrong, either. Tucker did have a bit of a habit of adding insult to injury on his lover’s part. Even the thought that had made him laugh was probably a little bit disparaging.  “Not always.” Tucker responded, guilt etched into both his voice and his features. It was obvious, now, that he’d probably end up on the couch tonight. “What were you thinking about?” Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Tucker figured the best option to keep an impassioned Specs from full on raging on him was to tell the truth. “You… As a, uh… Rabid… Kitten.” Once more entertained by the mental image that produced, he smiled slightly before clenching his jaw so tightly that his teeth ached. Maybe he even heard one chip. The look he received, even out of the corner of his eye, was enough to almost have him laughing again.  Instead of the beautifully disbelieving, almost hurt face his lover regarded him with, he focused on the dish he was supposed to be washing. After all, it would probably be a little bit better to do it if the water was draining and he was actually doing this. Pulling the plug and grabbing the brillo pad, he turned the faucet on to begin his work while Specs gathered himself. When he finally did, there was no doubt that Tucker would get it. “A rabid kitten, huh?” Specs ultimately turned his head away, mostly to hide his smile, though the shaking in his voice was indicative that he wanted to laugh, “Does that make you a big, dumb dog? You sure do drool a lot.” “Ouch.” Sardonic as ever, Tucker chuckled when the rag popped him in the side of his face. Having preyed on Specs’ insecurities, he supposed it was only fair to let him jump all over some of his. “And I don’t drool that much.” “You drool so much a Bulldog would be jealous. Especially when you come.” Okay, maybe that was a little too far, because Tucker finally turned his head to look at him, the draw of his brows and flat-lined lips reading ‘really?’ Specs quickly added, “Not that I don’t like it.” If he were honest with himself, he had a hard time hitting orgasm without an extra dollop of wetness on his exposed skin, be it saliva or lube. “You sure beg for it enough, don’t you.” It wasn’t even a question as Tucker turned his eyes back on the task at hand. The light above the sink buzzed softly as he rinsed the plate in his hand, carefully panning it under the water.  “...You missed a spot.” Specs found it insanely ridiculous just how red his face was right now. He’d been teasing Tucker for the last ten minutes, if not all day before that, and here he was with a little returned mockery of a sexual nature and he couldn’t take it. As he tapped the plate, he indicated the spot that needed to be worked over again.  “It’s mostly good.” “‘Mostly’ does not make ‘good’. Finish it and I’ll let you go.” No doubt Tucker was ready to get back to his marathon. Perhaps, if he behaved, Specs would join him. “Fine, fine.” With another heavy, dramatic, put-upon sigh, Tucker plunged the plate back under the water and aimed the steaming liquid onto the problem area. For extra brownie points, he put on a distressed face and cried, “Out, out damn spot!” It did, at least, earn a little chuckle from his boyfriend, who knocked their hips together playfully. “Don’t just use the water to get it off, soap and the sponge, please.” If he were honest, Specs had every intention of putting the plate through the dishwasher if only to make sure that it was sanitary. That didn’t mean that Tucker was going to let him, or that he was going to tell him, of course. “I know, mom.” As soon as the word left his lips, their eyes met and twin grimaces caught their features. “Yeah, that was weird.” “Weird doesn’t even cover it.” Specs agreed, shaking his head. “I’ll quit nagging for ten whole minutes if you never call me that again.” “Deal.”  With that, Tucker finished up the dish, rinsing it and presenting it for approval. A nod of acknowledgement was all he needed to hand the plate over, wash his hands and kill the water pouring from the faucet. Specs worked diligently to dry the plate with his freshly gathered rag, the first one still on the floor (he would have Tucker pick that up, later). Once he was ready to put it away, he felt the full weight of Tucker’s body pressing to his back. “Tuck?” He questioned, breathless, as the other man pinned him to the counter and leaned down to nip at his ear. Growling low in his chest, he smirked softly, smugness apparent in his voice. “Put it away, and I’ll make all of this worth it for you. We can even put on Paranormal Activity and you can ride me while we make fun of it.” Breathless and flustered, red as a cherry and just as sweet, Specs nodded slowly and stood up on his tiptoes, the drag of his body against Tucker’s sending a chill up his spine. With a little whine, he managed to set the plate on top of the rest of the stack without smashing them, the cabinet door quick to close. Turning despite the pressure keeping him against the counter, he wrapped his arms around the other’s neck. Kissing him deeply, tongues brushing and lips parted, Specs kept them together as long as Tucker would allow. A yelp left him as Tucker hefted him up by his ass cheeks, his thighs wrapping around the elder’s waist to keep him attached. Carrying Specs to the couch, he flopped on top of him, holding his body over him just enough to keep from crushing the smaller man, mouthing at his neck and jawline.  “Put on the movie.” Specs instructed, watching out of the corner of his eye as shaking hands reached for the remote.  Specs was definitely in for an interesting night. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AN: This was not meant to be this long. It was meant to be under 1k words, and it turned into a very, very long and drawn out thing. I do hope you guys enjoy it. I had a lot of fun with this! Prompt: Doing Dishes
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