#yes it's 4am what about it let me live the rain is so loud ok 😭😭
kindahoping4forever · 8 months
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Just chaos, dude
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terrorbirdzeband · 7 years
Well, it’s pretty funny to look at my LAST post from pretty much exactly two years ago. WHY exactly did I stop writing this blog? DID I FORGET MY PASSWORD???  Let’s go through the last post bit by bit and narcissistically see what has changed, shall we? This is obviously more for me than it is for you, poor reader. 
“Last night, I somehow got myself to sleep before 2 am (nearly impossible when you work nightshifts in a bar) and woke up just before 7am,” -2015
Last night, in the month of July, year 2017, I went to bed just before 4am (after a bar shift/talking to my boyfriend who called from Australia/buying cigs), dozing off to Orange is the New Black. I know I’m late to the game with this one. I just can’t usually enjoy a series unless I watch it from the beginning and once I do this ON NETFLIX, it is so addictive and pretty much ruins all my goals for the day. Although there are some exercises you can do while watching hours of Netflix AND you can eat while you watch shows. Yes, this is still multitasking...I woke up around 8:30am to the hellishly loud sound of construction across the street. I put headphones on and a pillow over my face, which sort of muffled the jackhammers or whatever they’re using to ruin my life and half “slept” til 11:30am :P
“I was still tired, but it was impossible to sleep anymore, so I sucked it up and made a coffee/Ritalin combo and got to work on my computer for a few hours in my room, so I wouldn’t wake up my temporary roommate, J.”
I no longer have this roommate, or any roommate. My boyfriend was living with me for the last year, but he went back to Australia because his poor friend passed away and also his Visa ran out at the exact same time. I’ve had one or two roommates between Jared and my boyfriend. But living alone the last little while, however temporary has been kind of fun! And I NEVER have to make coffee in my room. Also, I had about a week’s worth of Ritalin a while ago, but it ran out and I don’t think it’s the best idea to be on uppers all the time. Well, coffee and green tea is ok. But Ritalin is a bit excessive and will wear out my widdle heart. So I will not seek it out. 
"I also watched a bunch of Ted Talks” I still do this. Just the other day, when I had a massive hangover, I listened to 10 in a row.
“and solicited amazing bands for the booking agency I work for.”
I don’t book with this agency anymore because the person who ran it kept acting unprofessional (even more so than me, which is pretty difficult) and also stealing my clients. But I might start my own. Obviously, I’d have to think of a perfect name first. ;) 
“Have been feeling lately like I very much want to move to the UK. After all my years of hating rain, could it be that I finally miss it?”
I don’t miss rain, and I did go to the UK for a week or two last year. I still wouldn’t mind moving there, but the only country that would accept me at this age is Ireland, and I’d probably become a giant alcoholic with no job there. Also, I don’t want to move to the UK unless bf superstar would go with me. He already tried that, and found it extremely fun, but way too expensive. I STILL WANT TO MOVE TO THE UK BUT I GUESS I’LL JUST MOVE TO MELBOURNE. 
“Or is it rather that my hair is finally at a length it looks fine big and curly at?”
Oh, lucky 2 years ago me! My hair is never good anymore. My undercut is growing out because I can’t decide what to do with it, my roots are growing out and it’s super damaged and also at a weird length between short bob and long bob. 
“Woke up and biked to ballet, which I’m still not great at, but I really enjoy."
I quit ballet because it made me feel like a sweaty whale who couldn’t master the tricks and it made me dizzy and it was hard to keep up with the moves. BUT I really miss how it made me feel. Maybe I should go back. Sometimes I go to the gym or exercise along to youtube videos at home.
I’d say, all in all....2 years ago me had better hair, watched less “TV”, had less construction around her apartment, had slightly different travel plans (UK--->Australia), was way more SiNgLe, slightly healthier possibly, had more work to do and the same shitty sleeps but more drugs to cope with the shitty sleeps. I’m a bit jealous of her.  
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