#yes please influencers yes please right brain left brain yes please random weird high school club setting
match-your-steps · 5 months
the settings in wanopo songs go so incredibly hard
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rureikia · 4 years
Chapter 3
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  Kita wasn't watching me. He was with the handsome shop owner instead, either having a long conversation or helping around, proving what he said earlier to righteously be the truth. 
Currently now, the restaurant only had one group remaining, which was us. 
Though a while ago, I had this phase where I kept looking at my phone to check the time and I'm sure it was a way to hold down my desire to go home as soon as possible. That was until I saw that it only struck 10:00pm.
It was 10 at the time yet everyone was still lively and excited, all except... Me of course...
Well maybe If I ignored the feeling of dread due to Kita being in this same building, I would have actually enjoyed this event a bit more. 
That didn't mean I disliked it, don't get me wrong. I had some fun even though the people around were quite loud and more outgoing than I was, they were still kind enough to converse with whenever they could.
Thus, the goukon was better than I was apprehending. The members were interesting people with interesting pasts, there were jokes and laughter thrown back and forth, then there also the wide range food options this restaurant or shop had. And everything was unquestionably delicious so I ate a lot to the point I felt a little sick.
But it seemed what I loved the most was the drinks... Beer specifically.
Partially the reason why I drank more than my body is used to is because of the peer pressure and to fit with the social group. But the other reason is because I wanted to distract my thoughts off my ex-boyfriend walking around nearby.
I'm not sure why he stayed so late, by now it's already 12. I thought he could have went home to go rest, but  for some reason, he chose not to.
"Excuse me!!" One of the obnoxious guys loudly said to the shop owner, "Miya-san can we have some more drinks please?!"
"Oh my god." I muttered in English, clutching Sumiko's sleeve desperately.
She noticed my dreadful expression in a flash, so did Yuzuru. And thank goodness they both chose to do a good deed for the old pitiful me tonight.
"Haha actually you know? We've finished all our food, right? We should probably get ready to go home." Sumiko said, somehow not drunk as I was.
  At her suggestion, everyone except Yuzuru groans in unison, but fortunately chooses to agree nevertheless. 
  "Yes, I think we should better leave, it's already 12 and a lot of us are going to be busy with work tomorrow." Yuzuru added on.
"Hmm... Now that I think about it, it's true that I have to wake up early for work..." One of the women, said in disappointment, "I guess we should really all split then."
"Awhhh, I'll miss you guys it was so fun... Oh Yuzuru-san, (L/N)-san you guys better keep in contact! You two talked together in secret a lot tonight!! Definitely go something going on over there haha!" That same obnoxious dude exclaims, pointing at us like we were the stars of a show. And he was so damn loud about it the staff members or maybe even Kita probably heard him too.
Yuzuru makes a sheepish expression and turns to face me. But when I looked at him, he was distorted in my eyes to the point he appeared like a blob. That's how drunk I was.
Whilst my chin was still on the table, I accidently let out some untranslatable nonsense and heard everyone laugh in amusement.
We idled around for ten more minutes, sharing each other's contact information although I was too dead-face to do anything, hence why Sumiko had to hand out my number to them alternately.
It was most likely inevitable for me to turn into this state, but in all honesty I wasn't planning to get drunk today. 
I simply wanted to eat a lot and go home carrying the leftovers from here, maybe make some new friends too since this is still a goukon event. However, how come I turned into a soulless and alcohol-induced human despite all those plans? How come nothing goes the way I want it to...? I must be very unlucky or I must be very stupid then — not to mention that out of all the days, my ex-boyfriend decided to walk in this restaurant when I was here.
I was mentally ranting and it took another couple minutes for the others to chit-chats before they all finally paid for the meals and stood up. 
Well, everyone stood. Except me of course.
In fact, my spaced out mind was ever-lovingly busy wondering whether I had human legs that worked or not I began to struggle. 
Then there was also another part of me who was awestruck over not being able to figure out why my body had such a fuzzy sensation. And so I became so immersed in my mysteriously fuzzy feeling in my bloodstream to the point I was too fatigued to move. 
  Ah, just to make my life and everyone else's easier, my vision was also wildly all over the place.
For example, whenever I wanted to do something, I got distracted over the random, colorful shapes that were bouncing on and off the walls. And it felt like everything was a dream as I was surrounded by this a gooey surface that was melting...
I'm glad I wasn't the only person that was influenced from the drinks, but I was most certainly the one that was most affected. It was only Yuzuru that drank the least, not even managing to finish a single can of beer as I was feeding off what felt like a gallon.
"(L/N)? Are you alright? I'll get you to a taxi." Yuzuru says in concern with his hands on my shoulder to try to support me. However, another person stops him from doing anything more.
"Yuzuru-san, I'll take (Y/N), is it okay if you help the others?" Sumiko said quickly, putting her hand on my arms and pulling my head to her chest.
By the way, I wasn't doing anything here, I was more brain dead than the dead.
"A-Are you sure? I am happy to help (L/N) if you struggle." Yuzuru insists in a truly worried tone.
She was always like this, that Sumiko. Ever since high-school she would be highly suspicious over new people that come into direct contact with us, as if she knew something and wanted to protect our territory. That's why as a teenager, I made sure for her to be the one person to not let go of since she is practically my personal body guard.
  "No worries," Sumiko continued, putting me aside on the floor like I was some toy, "The others are staggering too so go help them."
"What about (Y/N)?"
"Hah?! Did you just call her by her first name?" 
Yuzuru gasps, the shakes his hands at her in flustering denial, "N-No that was unintentional!  I-I mean (L/N)-san!! It's because Sumiko-san said it so I said it without realizing!"
"Excuse me?! Did you just call me by first name now?!"
  The two were talking or fighting I don't know, but they forgot about me. Therefore I very stealthily crawled away to stand up by myself in an open space.
  "Hnng, my shoes..." I whimpered, aimlessly meandering to locate them.
  My stance was quite wobbly. 
I subsequently tripped over my own foot and stumbled forward into something. To be specific, I stumbled into someone.
  Without me even being spatially aware of my environment, I closed my eyes from the impact and latched my arms around the body. In return, he puts a hand on my back to help me stand still.
It took me less than a moment. I somehow recognised the shape, the height, the scent and most importantly, I recognised the way this guy held onto me, all of which gave me this unique sensation of nostalgia.
Something washed over and I couldn't resist nuzzling my face against this person's chest with a muffled giggle as if I was a young child again.
"I'll take her home." The guy that's holding my back said.
In shock, Yuzuru stammers, "H-Huh? I'm sorry for my rudeness, but... Who are you?"
Sumiko's mouth opened, with her eyes widening in stun the longer she watched us, "Woah wait you can't be serious – ......Kita-kun is that, you?"
"Huh, Kita-kun? Ayama-san do they know each other?" Yuzuru was in further inquisition, and my friend nods at him slowly in reply, that frozen expression of surprise still plastered her face.
Kita keeps hold of me, this time by effortlessly moving my lifeless corpse to the side of him so he can wrap an arm around my waist. 
"I'm her boyfriend." He bluntly said before Sumiko even managed to explain everything to Yuzuru, "So I'll take her home."
It was like they saw the grim reaper walk into the shop.
Everyone went eerily quiet when watching Kita grab my shoes, coat and bag without exchanging any words to the people he didn't know. And once he got all my stuff, we left the shop, no more complications needed.
I was quickly welcomed by the coldness of the concrete beneath my shoeless feet once we both walked out. And obviously, I was still very drunk so I couldn't think of any sentences to to describe my distress of him touching me like that. 
  Essentially, I leaned against Kita's torso very dazed and whined, very timidly.
  To that, I felt Kita stagger just a little bit as my whole body weight was chucked right beside him. And so I watched him without helping myself, whilst experiencing this light-headed sensation that confused the colorful shapes I was seeing to be real-life.
"(Y/N), put your stuff on." Kita said, dropping my shoes on the ground and yet holding on my waist in order to prevent me from falling flat on my face.
I then shoved my feet in my shoes with this tiresome twist, and heard him breathily laugh whilst I was doing so.
My sentences sounded sloppy, but I still succeeded to snap at him in sheer irritation, "What? Why you laugh mister?! Do I look funny to you?!"
"Yes, you wore your shoes the wrong way round." He replies, now helping me put my arms through the holes of my coat, "Hm. Okay, can you walk properly now?"
I made a really big 90 degree bow for a single nod, "Hngh...Yeah..."
"Don't fall." Kita said, hesitantly letting me go.
My body felt weird without his support, unusually unstable. So when I took a step forward I almost fell in an instant.
"Ah! Please help me sir!" I fixed myself back to my normal posture, raising my arms up like a child that wanted to lifted off the ground, "Carry me please!"
"You're heavy. I won't carry you." Kita rejected the request and hurted my heart. He then turned back to me, grasping onto my waist once more.
"Whyyyy...? Why can you not carry me?" I whined, weakly smacking his chest with my flimsy hands, "You used to always carry me on your back..."
He removed my hand and put it back down to my side, "Even back then you were heavy." He mocked.
"... No I was not."
"You were. You probably still are."
I went hushed. 
  Then fiddling with the sleeves of my coat I sincerely looked up and told Kita, "I was joking with you just now. But it was wrong to insult me like that."
  He ignored me though, which I thought was rather harsh but still handled my drowsy body with consideration.
There wasn't a single moment where Kita made any unnecessary attempts to touch me in places other than my sides, which was just to keep me standing. But even so, I managed to get embarrassed and feel abashed in the ears.
And while we were walking, there were several times where my shoe would plop off and he had to quickly go back to grab it so I could wear it again. Then there was another thing that happened where I started drooling on his arm, so he had to push my forehead away with his finger. 
It was as if the more we noiselessly walked, the more I experienced sadness in his presence. But only my heart spoke that, as my mind was unconscious about it and thought the alcohol was simply just getting into my system.
  Back when me and Kita were dating, there were memories where I had gotten drunk like this before. Though it was always rare, occurring during college nights mainly.
  Sometimes, when you grow into new-born adults, you will get curious over the additionally new environment. There will be times where you can't help but to explore things like certain drinks and certain relationships. 
In my case, it was only ever alcoholic beverages.
  I remember that I didn't really like the taste of beer by itself at first. So whenever I did give in to peer pressure and drank, I couldn't bring myself to finish it. At times, I'd put some soda or cola in it (not making it taste any better, only making it more diluted). Maybe I'd not drink at all and pretend I did by throwing it away or giving it to someone else.
So I was quite weak apparently, that's what the others would call me when they see my makeshift beverage or no beverage in my hands. And I felt more inferior than the rest due to all those teasing and cooing at people alike of me. Now that I think about it as a 24-year-old working woman, I believe I may have been around some rather unfitting people.
Ultimately I'd still try buckle myself up and drink, but have great difficulty attempting to swallow it down as it brought such a strange, burning sensation to the back of my throat. However I wasn't expecting how one drink with a bunch of classmates will suddenly turn into two, two will turn into three, three into four... So on...
Sumiko was the one person that always was with me in these events, and so when I did get drunk she would call Kita from my phone and he'd quickly come pick me up from whatever restaurant I was suffering in.
  Kita would carry me to my apartment on his back, whilst I'd drool on his shoulder like a toddler. Without him raising his voice too much, I would hear him scolding me about how irresponsible I am or maybe how my parents were gonna kill him if they ever found out. But I was so focused on hugging him from behind I half-heartedly let go of what he said only taking account of his caring warmth.
I'd then continue to splutter my drunken words in the most childlike way... All of a sudden, Kita would stop getting angry at me and would join in my strange conversation to keep me company until I sobered up.
"Do you know who I am?" He asks out the blue.
I smacked the roof of my mouth, tasting the alcohol stuck there, "Yeaaaaaah hahahaha..."
"Who am I then?"
Reaching out, I smothered my hand all over his face without him agreeing beforehand, just so I could feel him better. It keeps happening but Kita had to push my hand down with his own spare.
I carried on, "I know that you are Sumiko."
He shook his head, "I'm not."
"Oh then! I know who you are!!" I chirped enthusiastically,
"Ayama Sumiko."
We didn't have to go very far, my home was conveniently near. It only took a total twenty-five minutes of walking alongside my nonsensical blubber, so there was no transport necessary. Throughout the whole journey, I really was just staggering with Kita's aid. Plus, it was dark too, so I was also doing my best to keep my eyes wide open and not sleep, which all-in-all brought great difficulty.
  Once we arrived, I tried to stay calm.
I was drunk, yes. But I was definitely aware enough to suppress the strong surge deep inside my heart. It was urging me to talk to him longer, but I was holding down everything and deliberately ignored those voices.
  "Do you have your keys?" He asked.
I nodded.
  We were together outside the two story studio apartment building I  was resident in. To make things more simple, I lived in the bottom middle one too, therefore he doesn't need help me up any stairs and can just leave me be.
Maybe if I wasn't so alcohol-induced, I would have been somewhat surprised to know that Kita still remembered where I lived even though we broke up. But now him standing here with me, it didn't feel surprising, just felt drastically more solemn. 
After all, it has been three years since he stood by my door again.
  Kita checks at the door's number and back at my feeble form. Then he moves away and grasps onto my shoulders so he could physically turn me around to look at the door too, "This is where you live right?" 
"Yeah" I faintly said, about to fall asleep at any moment.
  I slouched back, squinting hard at whatever jiggly sight was in front of me for a good couple of seconds, until I could piece everything together.
"Oh that's my apartment. I live there." I pointed with hazed half-grin.
"Good." Kita said, "You can go home from here."
When his hands slid off my shoulders, for some reason I blurted something out in my abnormally drunken state.
"Hng, Kita wait..." I called out shyly.
"What is it?"
I threw on a sincere look, "You used to visit me so much, do you... remember?"
My ex-boyfriend stops in his tracks, barely a meter away from me.
And there was an itching silence lingering between our space,
"... I remember." Kita replied slowly.
I spoke again, practically a mutter, "Everyday. We saw each other, we ate, we walked, we talked, we did everything... And suddenly that had to stop..."
Right now, as mentioned constantly, I was drunk. 
I could see things currently as a blur, but can still feel emotions quite well, meaning what I just said hurt me with an immense prang in the stomach.
All my sentences are thoughts that would roll off my tongue with no filter. And for a second I sobered up by the absolute slightest, realizing what I told him might have been way too unrefined.
Subsequently, I began to contemplate whether to apologise or not.
Kita noticed me go soundless. So he put his hands back on my shoulders, forcing me gently to turn around and face him this time. He then moved those same hands back down on my waist, pulling in a mild manner. 
At that moment, he stared at me stoically as though he had made up a decision in his mind and I blinked at him sluggishly in return. All of a sudden, I put my two hands on his face. Each palm on each cheek – and it felt cold due to the wintery temperature we were walking in.
"(Y/N)–" He was taken aback from my actions but I heard his voice stay monotonous and unchanged afterwards.
  "(Y/N), what do you think you're do–"
  I didn't let him finish. I cut Kita off by squishing his cheeks and then laugh out loud like a stupid person.
"Shin-chan smile! I want to see your chubby cheeks again!"
But he doesn't listen to my request. Instead, Kita sighs and removes my two hands by the wrists – then carried on observing me with those dull doe eyes of his.
"(Y/N)." He said my name out in a deep tone.
"Are you drunk?"
Was I drunk? I asked myself in this very low state where I could see three Kita Shinsukes, one of them being purple.
I had reached out in an attempt to touch purple Kita, but ended up accidentally brushing past his ear instead.
So with that being my evidence, I guiltily looked off to the side, "Probably..."
"If I kiss you will you remember it?"
I made eye contact with him again, doing a big and exaggerated shrug, "Mm...Don't know..." 
He goes silent to think, building up tension for himself only as I was still partially lost in space. But after ten seconds of his heavy self-contemplation, finally, he proceeds speaking...
"If you remember... Call me."
In a delayed manner, Kita's hands pulled me even closer towards his torso, our gap closing up completely, whereas my own arms laid beside my sides with zero sense of movement.
He gazed at me extremely carefully, analysing every angle of my face as if he was checking to see whether I was truly his previous ex-girlfriend.
"(Y/N) when you're drunk, you're extra obedient." He exhales a sigh of relief with the most kind smile and my ears went flushed red.
  "You haven't changed one bit." Kita whispered, his hot breath tickling my skin. And his breathing only got even more vivid when he inched nearer to reach my level.
Very soon, my eyes automatically shut once he decided to kiss me on the lips.
To my surprise, it was much more affectionate and tender than what I can remember from the past. But that's probably because it has been a while since I received a kiss like this from him, therefore I may have also forgotten the feeling of being touch-starved of Kita.
Yet, I wasn't rejecting how he moved his lips against mine earnestly and longingly...
I didn't take note of how it was a rather long kiss either.
  ...If I had to describe what type of kiss we shared, it would be similar to drinking a cold bottle of water during a frustratingly hot summer night in one huge gulp, and one massive breath...
That's what it felt like. 
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Mom plays Keeper of the Sun and Moon
Chapter 1
“Snake woman lunges--OH FUCK NO! I guess I’ll distract this bitch.”
“‘Are you awake?’ Bitch, do I look awake?!”
“I distracted some fucking snake with light or something.”
“Uhhhh, what the fuck is my name? OK, the cat wants me to be named Clara, we’ll go with that.”
“’What am I??’ The fuck are you?!?!? That’s rude as shit. You better not be some fucking snake.”
(about Astrid) “Compel me? Oh, fuck you. Don’t turn your back, bitch.” 
“Maybe if I play dumb, they won’t scramble my brains. I ain’t cooperating, though.”
“You can’t go fuckin’ around not knowing about snake people.”
“What is this, the cool dad agent? Fuck you, too.”
“Well, no shit, I’m not from here! A snake tried to eat me, and now I’m in the middle of this magic shit, and you all suck at it! Even Agent Cool Dad.”
(about Astrid) “I don’t have time for this dramatic-ass bitch. Only got time for one dramatic-ass bitch in my life, and I’m it.”
(About Castella) “‘Leaving no room for argument,’ bitch, there is plenty room to keep you here--Oh, now you gonna charge me tuition, I don’t even fucking think so.”
“You want me to do PAPERWORK?!?! You are out of your goddamn mind, lady!”
(About Cressida) “Anyone who wants that much power doesn’t deserve it.”
“I don’t trust Astrid.”
“Cruel, 53%--YES!” *fist pump*
“What the fuck is Nephilim? I ain’t hangin’ out with no angelic-ass motherfuckers. ‘What species are you?’ This sounds like some racist-ass shit.”
(about Yakov) “Why the fuck are the two newbies here? You got the kid who just learned about this shit and the foreign kid here.”
Chapter 2
“I ain’t eating any tentacle casserole.”
“‘Astrid is indignant on your behalf...’ OK. OK, I guess I’m team Astrid. I’m not going to the meeting. We’re going to play hooky.”
(about Magi in general) “These trick-ass bitches.”
“Ha ha, told y’all bitches I was human.”
“I don’t want to know about these weird-ass bitches--wait, no, tell me about Yakov. A wraith, what the fuck? This guy has shit gossip.”
“Let’s go gothic.”
(about random man in yellow) “Aw, Jesus, it’s a moving fucking migraine.”
Her: I want the cat’s foot shit.
Me: The creepy shit.
Her: Oh, that’s the creepy shit?
“OH, here’s this bitch Cyrus again!”
*cackling* “Bitch, if I had illegal substances, I wouldn’t tell you.”
(about Leon) “Oh, who’s this dick?”
“Oh ho ho, team Astrid on this one. This guy’s a dick.”
(about Thalia) “Her teeth are sharp? Oh, fuck.”
“I guess so. Ignore shit ‘til it goes away.”
Chapter 3
Me: You straight up went from hating Astrid to pissing everyone off on her behalf.
Her: Whatev.
(about paperwork) “Ah, shit. I’m not filling this out.”
*tries to leave campus* “Ah, shit, that crazy old bat caught me?”
“I’m not interested in Yakov. Ghost boy is hella weird.” 
“Only people I like are Thalia and Astrid. And Yakov just a tiny bit.”
“Wait, wtf, did something just attack me again? Kick it in the face.”
“Now the fuckin’ police show up--spectators?? None of you motherfuckers helped a bunch of teenagers getting their asses kicked?”
(on train) “I’ll talk to Thalia. Leon’s a dick and Kol’s weird.”
(about Jaime) “That’s that mofo who showed up after the dogs attacked. Imma do some amateur sleuthing. (Me: he wears sunglasses, like, all the time) So he’s Cory Hart.”
Chapter 4
Me: Please don’t be mean to Kol. He’s an orphan.
Her: Ugh, fine, but this is the only time I let you influence my decision not to tell someone to fuck off. 
(about the professors) “Oh, god.”
(about Ebner) “Oh, this guy sounds like a dick.”
“I’m going to learn magic so I can fuck up those dogs.”
(about Cyrus) “I think he needs to take a shit and calm down.”
“Who the fuck is Altair? (”You’ve ticked him off, like, 3 times already.”) Have I?”
“Haha! I’m human, brand-new, and I have to help the supernatural with his homework!”
“Either be the ass-kicker or the kicked ass.”
Chapter 5
(about starbursts) “Magic disco balls.”
“We’re grouped by suite? Oh, we’re fucked already.”
*sadly* “I just killed a gnome? Why didn’t you tell me this could happen?”
*snorts* “Punch it. *pause* Oh, shit. I got hurt.”
(about Seraphina) “You aren’t allowed to apologize on my behalf. You are on notice to never apologize for my ass because I am not sorry.”
“Care to explain, Leon, you fuckin’ trick-ass bitch.”
(about book thief) “They killed that motherfucker for stealing their Sweet Valley High collection? Was it the vintage cover? Seems like overkill otherwise.”
Chapter 6
“Ahh, snakes!”
(about father) “’You’re late.’ Dude, that’s the first thing you say to me after I disappear mysteriously for months? Seriously? Dad, you’re a douchebag.”
(staying back from fair) “It’s sleuth time.”
“Does this keeper shit have anything to do with the name of the game?”
Chapter 8
“Prepare for the oral presentation, because even if I flunk the exam, I don’t want to look like a dumbass in front of the rest of the class.”
(about Leon) “I’m going to intervene because even if I don’t like him, I don’t want to see him get attacked by some asshole sneaking into his dreams.”
“Nothing’s secure if someone wants it...Except for me in this fucking school.”
“Good sleuthing means lying well.”
“Motherfucker. Another goddamn hellhound.”
Chapter 9
“Got a chocolate egg...fire truffles...and that’s it. LOL.”
(about Cressida) “What a trick-ass bitch.”
“Why would you give Seraphina something on fire on the anniversary of the day her family was killed by fire? How insensitive can you get?”
“Ah man, now I’m hungry.”
“Child murder is wrong. Everything else is relative.”
“Oh, good, Cressida left.”
(about ice skating) “Oh, Leon hates this so much. I’m so glad I made this choice.”
Me: You don’t want to enter the tournament?
Her: I draw pictures, Hannah.
(about Leon) “Aww, poor baby didn’t get what you wanted.”
(about Cyrus) “I think it’s him. He’s the weak link.”
“No way in hell am I going to wear an outfit from Leon.”
“Yeah, be downcast, Kol, you weirdo.”
“I’m just generally unpleasant to everyone.”
(about dragon made of shadows) “Oh, I’m definitely about to punch this in the face.”
Chapter 10
“Oh, Leon, I don’t think anyone in this group actually likes you. We literally had a group laugh at you and decided to make it a tradition.”
(about Jarrod and Thalia) “I’ve found my people.”
“Oh, good, we’re at a seedy motel.”
“My stats still say I’m not cruel. This is a personal failing.”
“Why can’t I see the door? (”It’s Ebner.”) Ah, this motherfucker.”
(about Cressida) “Why am I talking to this bitch? Oh, right, ‘cuz she has the gossip.”
(about Yakov and Seraphina) “Oh, they cut me. I will remember this shit.”
Chapter 11
“Did I get cruelty for the mouse? It was a school activity. Not like I dissected it.”
“Oh, great. Math.”
(upon seeing the name Alexa in the Constellation project) “Imma fuck them up.”
Her: Romantic pursuits?
Me: None of the guys like you anyway. 
Her: *cackling*
Chapter 12
“How does this shit not leak when I work at a media outlet? (”You’d have to leak it.”) And do you know what that would do for my career?”
(about Leon) “Don’t steal fries or pancakes, you’ll get fucked up.”
My brother: What do you teach at a magic college?
Me: Calculus.
Him: I guess you always need calculus. 
Mom: *disgusted face*
“Jaime tried to pull compulsion out on me.”
“I was adopted, what?!”
Her: If I’m half elemental, why don’t I have powers? I should have fucking powers!
Me: You chose not to have any.
Her: Oh, yeah, that’s right.
“We lost Kol. How did that happen? How did nobody notice--we’re walking through a dark scary forest, and nobody noticed this motherfucker just bounced?”
“Anti-magic cuffs? I’m human, bitches. Won’t work on me! Imma draw a picture!”
“Wait, I’m here to do a ritual? Fuck y’all.”
(Jaime dies) *shrugs* “Dude kinda deserved it.”
“Wait, is Kol dead for realsies? (”No.”) Oh, OK.”
Chapter 13
“Seraphina just has these powerful ass artifacts on her bed? Girl, I hope you invested in some good locks!”
(about more hellhounds) “Ohhh shit. Punching time.”
“What are my punching stats?”
“I’m like a test tube baby.”
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masonmccheers · 5 years
Mastin - Woking and Rolling
Who: Mason McCarthy & Austin Pillsbury-Shuester @psitsaustin
When: Sunday July 28th
Where: Wok and Roll
What: Mason and Austin have their first date and it’s stupidly cute
Mason had gone through his closet about ten times. It was probably silly of him to be so nervous, but this was his first college date and he wanted it to go well. He didn't really know if it would go anywhere, but Austin was so sweet and adorable. He certainly didn't want to scare him off this quickly. Finally deciding on an outfit, Mason gave his hair one last poof before he left to meet Austin. Thankfully the dorms weren't too far apart. He stepped into the Schuester dorms and spotted Austin waiting for him in the common room. "Hi!" he greeted with his usual cheerful bounce. "I gotta ask. Does it ever feel weird living in a building with your name on it?"
Austin had been ready for just a bit longer since his own nerves had taken over plenty of times and made him stop in the middle of whatever he was doing while getting ready. First date jitters were such a pain, but they were worth it because he remained eagle-eyed and was very careful when it came to making the best possible first impressions. All the same, it didn't exactly stop him from succumbing to stress eating and he was finishing up a carrot cake cupcake when Mason's voice got his attention. "Hey Mase," Austin greeted with a soft smile. He pretended to think over his answer for a bit then shrugged as he headed for the kitchen to put his plate in the sink. "Not really. If anything, it keeps me from getting homesick. Before we go though, would you like a cupcake? They're carrot cake flavored."
Mason eyed the plate curiously, his eyes widening a little with excitement at the offer. "Dessert before dinner? College just keeps getting better," he laughed. "By which I mean, yes, I would love one." He nodded along at Austin's explanation. "That makes sense though. The homesick thing. And it's gotta give you some oomph around here if your neighbors get on your nerves."
Austin gave a light chuckle as he grabbed another plate then placed a cupcake on it before he held it out to Mason and closed the container with his free hand. "Sometimes, you just gotta treat yourself," he responded. He shrugged once again followed by the so-so gesture as he added, "Depends on the person really. The upperclassmen are more likely to just stare at me blankly while fellow underclassmen are apologetic until they put the puzzle pieces together that my parents are big time donors and have a couple buildings named after them."
"That's what I always tell people! My sister mostly," Mason admitted before biting into the cupcake. "Mmm, that's so good! Did you make these? And, yeah, that makes sense. Sometimes I wanna make a stage name for myself just because casting directors will sometimes know my parents, which could be a good or a bad thing. But either way I'd rather make it on my own talent, you know?"
"Thank you very much and yes, I did," Austin rattled off in an easygoing tone. It was honestly amazing how at ease he felt right off the bat with Mason, just like he felt around family and close friends. But he nodded in understanding as he listened. "I totally get that. Basically making a name for yourself, but in a more literal sense. But something tells me that you'll definitely be able to make it on your own talent when the time comes."
"I'll add these to the list of reasons I'm very happy I met you," Mason giggled as he finished off his cupcake. He smiled sweetly at Austin, a soft pink blush on his cheeks. "Thanks. No matter what happens, I refuse to say I didn't put the effort in and try my hardest." He rinsed his plate off and set it in the sink with Austin's. "Shall we head out then?"
"And I'll add your sweetness to my list of reasons I'm very happy I met you," the Culinary Arts major answered as hints of pink spread across his own cheeks. "You're welcome and that's the spirit." Austin gave a nod of approval then held his hand out to Mason while he removed his car keys from a pocket with the other. "Your transportation awaits."
"That cupcake probably just made me even sweeter," Mason teased, his eyes sparkling as he smiled. He slid his hand into Austin's and followed along with him. It already felt so nice, just being together. Easy and comfortable. It was a really great feeling for Mason when he was usually thinking about ten different things at once. "Shucks, you're gonna make me feel like Cinderella."
Austin chuckled as he led the way out to his car then unlocked it and opened the passenger side door for Mason. "Just doing what I do best," he responded. "My family, friends, and dates get the best of the best from me. And you get a double whammy of that since you're both a friend and date." He found himself reluctantly letting go of Mason's hand so he could walk over to the driver's side and get in.
"That's a pretty great quality to have," Mason told him once Austin had gotten into the car as well. "Most everyone's so busy giving themselves the best nowadays. Not that I don't love a good day of self pampering once in awhile. But it's nice to find someone who cares so much about the other people in their lives."
"Of course self care is very important," Austin agreed as he started the drive toward Wok and Roll Japan. "But it's one of my favorite qualities about myself, wanting to do right by everybody. Feels like a rare find of a personality trait, like you said." There were honestly so many questions that he wanted to ask, some more outside the box first date ones, but he feared they would sound rehearsed unless he figured out the perfect segue. "Do you want to do a mini q and a session of sorts? Get to know each other a bit better?"
Mason's smile widened and he gave a couple little excited claps in front of himself. "Ooh, yes, please. I love games and I love getting to know people, especially you. So this sounds perfect for me," he laughed.
Austin honestly loved Mason's energy and gave a bright smile of his own, right before his cheeks painted themselves pink. "Me too. Alright, my first question for you is in your opinion, what is something everyone in the world should try at least once?"
"Ooh, deep." Mason's index fingers touched together at the tip and he pressed them to his lips as he considered an answer.  "I mean, the easy answer is chocolate chip cookies because they are a gift. But I guess my bigger answer is something that they're afraid of. Even something little. It gives you such a good feeling when you push past a fear. Okay, question. Who would you say has been the biggest influence in your life?"
"I agree wholeheartedly with both of those answers," Austin replied before he took a moment to think over his own answer. "That would honestly have to go to three people. My parents because they taught me the general life things that everybody should know before going off on their own. Then Jeff also gets that honor because without him, I probably wouldn't be getting out very much and even then, it goes beyond that." He lightly tapped his fingers against the steering wheel when he stopped at a red light then questioned, "Okay, are you a morning person or night owl?"
Even the little he knew about Austin's parents sounded so nice to him. It was more than he could say about his own, after all. "Jeff's a great guy. And an awesome dancer! It's always nice to have a friend like that." He looked over at Austin and blinked, "Yes?" he answered with a laugh. "I don't know how long it's gonna last, but there's just a lotta energy in my brain and it just seems to be on anytime I'm not asleep. What was your first kiss like?"
Austin nodded in agreement then gave a few chuckles at the first part of Mason's answer. "Honestly? That's totally understandable and relatable. Almost always something going on during the waking hours. But Jeff is both of those things, without a doubt. He's been my partner in crime since elementary school which is apparently pretty rare. Since friends tend to come and go during those years." When the next question hit his ears, he responded, "Believe it or not, it was also with Jeff. We were hanging out at this school dance and then next thing we know, we had a moment and smooched." As he finally pulled in the parking lot of Wok and Roll Japan, he inquired as he killed the engine and started to get out, "What's the strangest conversation you've ever had? Both phone and in person conversations count."
"Sounds like me and Madi. The partners in crime part, I mean. Not the... other part," Mason quickly added, not wanting to relive any of his high school bullying. "School dances are prime smooching spots though. I had a couple there myself." He shook his head as he stepped out of the car. "That's a tough one. I'm pretty weird, I have a lotta strange conversations. And Mads and I would talk about the most random things when we couldn't sleep at night. Aliens, why geese are such assholes, 100 duck sized elephants vs one elephant sized duck."
Austin's bright smile turned soft as he listened to Mason while locking the car once the doors were closed. He walked around in order to take the other's hand again as he replied, "You're right on the money about prime smooching spots. Think another popular one is behind the bleachers at football games, although I only heard stories." He chucked again at the weird conversation descriptions and added, "Think it's because small animals, like geese, only have so much space to store their anger. But late nights are the best time for wild conversations."
"See, I missed that 'cause I was always cheering during the football games. And I took my job very seriously. I still do," he told Austin, leaning into him ever so slightly. He waited until they got seated to continue the conversation. "That makes so much sense though! It's just like Tinkerbell! Okay, so what's one skill you've always wanted to master? Besides cooking and baking 'cause you've clearly already done that."
"And that's very admirable," Austin complimented before he took a quick glance at the menu then nodded in agreement at the comparison to Tinkerbell. "Wonder if any of the other Disney fairies share her temper. As for that skill, it will have to be confident public speaking. Like it is unbelievably easy to talk to family and friends, but it takes me forever to have that same level of calm with a group of people. I used to spend hours rehearsing presentations in high school and usually have to plan out phone calls in order to make appointments. How about you? Got any skills you'd like to get under your belt?"(edited)
"Most of her fairy friends seem pretty chill. Except maybe Vidia. But Tinkerbell chilled out in her movie too," Mason recalled. "I get that. Though I have to admit, I kinda like the attention. I'd really like to learn to play piano. I've always been more into the singing and dancing aspects of performing, but I'd like to get into the playing too." He looked at his menu curiously. "What do you recommend here?"
"Vidia is definitely a top contestant when it comes tempers," Austin agreed. He closed his menu once he'd made up his mind and carefully set it to the side while he listened to Mason. "Some people thrive off of attention and others don't, both of which are totally understandable. But learning to play the piano sounds really cool." He glanced over at Mason's menu then responded, "Crab rangoon for the appetizer then yakisoba with a side of gyōza for the entree."
Mason smiled at Austin's response, glad that did he didn't sound completely childish talking about Disney fairies. "Right. The whole introvert/extrovert thing. I've heard they can work very well together though. Just if you were wondering." He smirked as he took a sip of his water. "I don't know what those last two things are, but I'm very excited to find out."
Austin's cheeks lit up pink yet again and he mentally cursed himself for being so quick to blush as he took a swig of his own water. "I've heard the same thing. Fits right in with the opposites attract dynamic," he commented then brightened his smile as he filed through miscellaneous info. "Okay, so gyōza is the Japanese version of a Chinese dumpling. Wonton wrappers stuffed with pork and cabbage. Then yakisoba is a noodle stir-fry dish that incorporates ramen style wheat noodles with bite-sized pork and various finely chopped vegetables."
Mason giggled, finding that he really enjoyed making Austin blush like that. "Guess that could work out well for us." He listened intently as Austin explained the food to him, thoroughly impressed with the other boy's knowledge. "That all sounds delicious to me. I love me some noodles. What would you say is your favorite dish to make? Besides desserts."
"Indeed and happy to hear that." Austin took a moment to think about the various dishes he'd made over the years. "That would have to be baked breakfast nachos with a side of air fryer chicken wings. Made it for a relative's birthday one year and people couldn't get enough of it. Then it basically morphed into a sleepover staple with my friend group back home. Okay, describe your perfect day of relaxation. No classes, no prior plans, nothing of that sort to go off to."(edited)
Mason rested his elbows on the table and covered his cheeks with spread hands, his mouth hanging open as he started at Austin. He was about ready to drool and he wasn't entirely sure if it was because of the food description or the boy sitting across from him. Probably a combination. "Wow," he finally managed to get out. Dropping his hands, he considered the question. "I wish I was better at relaxation. If I go too long without something to do, my brain gets all buzzy.  But I used to hang out at the skate park a lot in high school, just board for awhile without anywhere to go. I guess that helps me zone out."
Austin hummed as he listened to Mason's answer then gave a light nod of understanding. "That's honestly a really cool answer though. Always wanted to try skateboarding. And I totally get the whole buzzy brain thing, but more for a different reason slash a different type of buzzing." The waitress soon approached and cut him off before he started to reveal just a tad too much information. "I'll have whatever my handsome date is having," he answered when she asked what he would like to order.
Mason smiled shyly before looking up at the waitress and ordered everything Austin had recommended. He handed the menus over to her and turned back to his date. "The brain's pretty mean sometimes, isn't it? Like people think ADHD's just about not being able to focuse and... well, that's definitely part of  it, but it does so much other dumb stuff and I just wish it would go away sometimes."
"You can say that again. My thing is more related to anxiety in the interest of being honest," Austin started and picked up one of the empty straw wrappers in order to fiddle with it. "Like most people think ADHD is one hundred percent not being able to focus, they think anxiety is fear. And like you said, while that's part of it, it doesn't encompass the whole deal. Your brain basically makes you second guess everything and you're constantly checking over your shoulder even though there's no danger present. It's basically the equivalent of having the Jaws theme song playing on repeat in your head."
Mason offered Austin an empathetic pout. "That doesn't sound fun at all. And it's like anyone who hasn't experienced it themselves-- they just don't get it. I get so frustrated with myself when I can't get something right and people are always telling me to quit overreacting, but I can't help it. My brain won't let me, you know?"
Austin gave a soft smile of gratitude as he nodded then paid attention to what Mason had to say. "Thank you and you're right on the money with the experience again. Don't get me wrong, it's great when people do their best to understand, but there are things that come up where you don't truly know until you go through it yourself. But I totally get what you're saying with that. Your brain kinda goes on the fritz while to an outsider, everything seems normal or like an overreaction or whatever at any given moment because all the trouble is in your mind."(edited)
Mason reached across the table and laid his hand over Austin's comfortably. "Well, our brain's may be unique in different ways, but I understand it as much as I can. And I can promise you won't be getting judgement from me."
"And I promise that you won't be getting any from me," Austin returned the sentiment as he lightly placed his other hand on top of Mason's. "I'll do my best to see things from your point of view whenever moments that call for it come up." Then he added, "On a more positive note, you really are an angel, Mason McCarthy."
"You have got to stop that or I'm gonna get a bigger head than I already have," Mason laughed. "Though that might help it grow into my hair." He flipped his head back dramatically so his hair bounced a little. "I'm gonna be honest, I was really nervous starting college. It's my first time away from home, even if it's only a couple hours. First time not having my sister right beside me. And I've been really fortunate to meet such great people, including you."
"In that case, maybe I should keep it up," Austin returned the joke with ease then nodded in an understanding manner once again. "Yet another relatable thing. College can take some time to get used to, especially the being away from loved ones factor. But there does seem to be a rather large influx of great people around here which hopefully helps make the switch easier. And you're on my list too." The waitress returned at that moment with their food and complimented, "You guys make such a handsome couple."(edited)
Mason stuck the tip of his tongue between his teeth playfully. "It seems I picked the right school to go to!" He reluctantly let go of Austin's hand just there was room for their plates as the waitress appeared. "Why thank you! I think so too."
Austin hummed in agreement then gave the waitress a thankful smile. "Thank you very much and I just so happen to agree with both of you," he answered. She parted with an 'Enjoy your food' before she went to go check on the other patrons while Austin got ready to dig in. "Here's a funny story. My grandma always says that if someone stops talking while eating, it must mean the food is so good, it stunned someone into silence. Shall we test that hypothesis?"
"It's gonna have to be pretty good. I don't stop talking often," Mason laughed. He'd learned to make a joke out of his hyper tendencies awhile ago in an attempt to cut other people off from making fun of him. He just did it first. "Here goes though." He took one of the rangoons and dipped it in sauce before taking a bite. His eyes widened slightly, but he kept quiet and just nodded.
Austin had to hold back a light chuckle, which only got easier when he followed Mason's lead. The crab rangoon was absolutely delicious and the sauce added a whole new flavor experience. He gave a thumbs up of approval as he finished his then joked, "Is it possible for people to ask food on a date? Because if so, we may need to talk about showing these crab rangoons a good time."
"Can't believe you're leaving me for a crab already," Mason teased, shaking his head dramatically. "I can't really say I blame you though. This is delicious. I would dump me for this."
"I honestly don't think I'd have it in me," Austin answered with a tiny laugh. "While these are delicious, they're not exactly the best conversationalists. Rather be able to talk to someone and get their take on an experience. Plus, there would be no hand holding or kissing or anything with a crab rangoon. Just staring at a piece of food which probably gets weird after awhile. Best to get lost in someone's eyes if you ask me."
Between the two of them, Mason was pretty sure they'd both spend the entire night a bright shade of red. "So... since we've already done all but of those things you listed, does that mean I can hope to experience the last one before the night's over?"
Austin gave a nod of confirmation before he remarked, "Let's eat first so we have some energy for that at least. Then we can continue getting to know each other and marking things off the list of first date experiences." With that, he started in on his plate of yakisoba, but not before he gave Mason a lighthearted smile while the brightness of the restaurant was nothing compared to the excited glint in his eyes.
"Energy is key," Mason agreed, managing to keep a straight face for abut ten seconds before he broke out into laughter again. He dove into his own dish, working carefully to eat in a semi-graceful manner. "So since Jeff's from Colorado and you've known each other for so long, I'm guessing you are too?"
"You would be correct on both notes," Austin replied with a soft laugh. "Lovely place to be and live, although sometimes the snow has a tendency to be obnoxious," he responded in between bites of food as well as sips of water. "How about you? Cool with telling me more about where you're from?"(edited)
"I know everybody goes there to ski. I've never been skiing myself, but I always thought it looked fun," Mason mused. "Oh, yeah. There's nothing too exciting about it. I grew up in Columbus. It's your pretty standard city. Mads and I went to a lot of camps all over the state though. Ohio's always been home, so I guess that's why I ended up still going to school here."
"Pretty much. Among other things, if you know what I mean," Austin chuckled as he picked up another crab rangoon. "But you're not alone when it comes to never going skiing. Maybe we could it out together sometime when winter rolls around." He listened politely while Mason talked about Columbus then remarked, "Still sounds pretty cool though and the attachment is understandable. Home state pride or however that should be phrased."
Mason's eyes widened a little, but his smile was just as bright as ever. He brought his fingers up to his lips to make sure none of his sip of water tried to escape. "I'd love to... try all sorts of new things with you," he replied as smoothly as he could manage. "I'd still like to travel more someday though. See more of the country, even other ones. And I dream of New York, of course. College just felt like such a big change on it's own, I thought I'd take smaller steps."
Austin gave his patented innocent as an angel smile, as soft and demure as possible when Mason caught the joke. "Then it sounds like we've got some fun times ahead. But that sounds like a really cool aspiration. College is definitely a major step, yet it can also be a stepping stone when it comes to achieving that dream. Some people travel thousands of miles in order to go to school and they see all new parts of the world along the one," he answered as his smile morphed back into a light, carefree one.(edited)
"You know, I'm starting to think as sweet as you are, you might just be a little naughty too. And I am more than okay with it." Mason took another bite and nodded along. "I think everyone expected me to go to school in New York what with my deep need to be on a stage. But Joie has an awesome theatre program too. And I know I'll get there someday. Do you have any ideas on where you wanna end up after school?"
Austin had to do everything in his power to keep himself from blushing at the new round of remarks then tipped an imaginary cowboy hat. "Nothing wrong with swerving away from expectations and indeed they do from what I've heard so far. And you've already got a major fan in me. Always happy to cheer you on at anytime. Then my hopes are along the lines of opening up my own restaurant and maybe a bakery as well. It'd be cool to be on a Food Network show like Chopped, but that's more of a bonus side dream."
"Oh, you should totally be on Chopped!" Mason replied with excitement. "I love that show. You'd be so awesome on it. But thank you," he added with a little more reserve. "Usually I'm the one who does all the cheering."
"You're quite welcome and thank you very much," Austin answered. He was grateful for the encouragement that came up, although Mason's seemed to hit in a different way. The words felt like they wrapped his heart in a warm hug, akin to the feeling he got when his family and other friends bolstered his confidence. "Always happy to return the favor. Plus I have no doubt in my mind that you'll get to New York. Got the makings of a great actor."
"You've never even seen me act," Mason pointed out with a laugh. "But I suppose I do have a natural drama about me." He sighed dramatically, but it quickly turned into another smile. He went back to his food and silently reminded himself that not every moment had to be filled with words. He didn't want to overwhelm Austin on their first night out after all.
"True, but you do have that natural dramatic air about you. And honestly, I can't possibly imagine any casting directors turning you down," Austin fired back and lightly pushed his plate to the side since he was somehow done already. "Then correct me if I'm wrong, but we might be in drama club together too?" He phrased it like a question just in case he was completely off. "If we are, that means I'll be seeing you in action sooner rather than later."
"I just hope you think that's a good thing," Mason laughed. He set his fork down and wiped his hands on the napkin in his lap. "Oh, yeah, I guess we are. I'm in a lotta clubs. It gets confusing." He shrugged innocently. "And I heard rumors we might be putting on a show sometime soon too."
"You're in luck because I do," Austin responded then hummed in an understanding way. "Imagine it's a bit like juggling in a way. Except instead of juggling fruit, you're juggling different clubs. But I've heard the same rumors and I'm honestly looking forward to hearing what the show might be. Kind hope it's something outside the box and not too mainstream, but still relevant in some way. If any of that makes sense."
"Oh! I can juggle!" Mason exclaimed with excitement. "Like actually. With fruit or balls or... whatever. And clubs apparently. There's so many great options to choose from show wise though. I don't know how big of a part I can get being a freshman, but I'll try my darnedest just like everything else I do."
"Wait, really?" Austin questioned while green eyes brightened with an equal amount of excitement once more. "I would love to see that sometime as long as it's not much trouble. But gotta agree with you once again on the great shows note. There are endless possibilities to consider. And either way, I look forward to seeing you work the stage."(edited)
Mason nodded with a proud smile. "Of course it's no trouble. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it, for me at least. It might have something to do with the good coordination though. But I'm happy to show off my skills anytime," he assured him. "Do you sing at all?"
Austin's mouth dropped into a perfect 'O' shape for a split second before he commented, "Yeah, I've heard good hand-eye coordination is key when it comes to juggling. But that sounds cool and I'm looking forward to seeing that too." At the question, he gave a small shrug as part of his answer. "A little bit. Not too much though. Mostly while in the kitchen and either as quietly as possible or at a normal volume while hoping it gets drowned out by the cacophony of kitchen utensils."
Mason giggled again and shook his head. "Why do I get the feeling you're just being modest? I guess I might get to find out when that show rolls around though." He sat back and took a deep breath. "Well, that was all super delicious, but I don't think I could eat another bite."
Austin gave a tiny shrug as he responded, "Guess you'll just have to stick around till the show and solve the mystery thing." Next up was a light hum of agreement before he joked, "You honestly might have to roll me back out to my car. If human beings could teleport then this honestly wouldn't be a problem."
"I don't plan on going anywhere," Mason assured him. "Now I'm picturing you as Violet from Willy Wonka and it's really amusing." He took care of the bill and got to his feet, holding his hand out for Austin. "Come on. We'll walk it off, handsome."
Austin happily accepted Mason's hand and started to lead the way to his car. "Honestly though, I imagine it's a pretty funny picture. I mean, it's not everyday someone eats the wrong thing then turns into a human blueberry. But you're in luck because guess who also doesn't plan on going anywhere, Mr. Handsome?"
Mason wrapped his arm around Austin's as he walked beside him. "Right? And they just rolled her right out of there. I love that movie. Although that tunnel scene scared the crap out of me when I was a kid," he recalled. He turned and smiled at Austin. "Hmm? Is it you?"
"You'd be correct and honestly, right there with you with that tunnel scene," Austin continued with a soft smile. "But no joke, I bet that if circumstances were different, then Violet would have ended up becoming the heiress to the factory. She has knowledge about candy, an incredible work ethic, and at least a couple other things going for her. But I can understand why Charlie got it in the end since the story does focus on him after all."
Mason rested his head gently against Austin's shoulder as he considered that possibility. "That... makes a lot of sense actually. The problem is she has zero impulse control, which is a problem I'm familiar with. It can make it difficult to run giant candy companies."
"Exactly, plus much like all the other kids aside from Charlie, she had an ulterior motive," Austin rattled off as he unlocked his car and moved to open the passenger door open for Mason again. "Gotta give the reward to the purest of heart. Otherwise there might have been a riot and to tell the truth, I would have joined it. He deserved that payoff in the end."
Mason was sort of reluctant to let go of Austin, but they weren't going to get anywhere without the car. He slid in and waited for Austin to join him on the other side. "If only it worked that way in the real world, right? It'd probably be a very different place."
Austin made quick work of sliding into the driver's seat because goodness gracious, his heart had already started aching whenever he was away from Mason. Just like it did when he was away from family and friends, but also in a different way. "Couldn't have said it better myself. Things would be so much better off if that were the case. Pure of heart with a good head on their shoulders."
"I could rule the world!" Mason declared dramatically, holding his hands out. "Although when I say it that way it doesn't sound very pure of heart." He laughed as he leaned his head back against the seat of the car.  "This night's been really awesome. And exactly what I needed."
"I believe that you'd be a very benevolent ruler though," Austin chuckled lightly as he held out a hand to Mason while the other one remained glued to the steering wheel in order to start the drive back to campus. "It definitely has been awesome to the max. A well-earned breath of fresh air and thank you very much for reaching out."
"I would share my cheer with everyone." Mason slid his fingers easily between Austin's as he watched him drive. "Thank you for not thinking I was a totally awkward weirdo and running for the hills."
"And that's just one of many reasons I think you're an angel," Austin responded as he carefully aimed to lift Mason's hand to his lips. "Hey, I should be thanking you for not doing that with me. I had an awesome time with you at the BBQ and was honestly hoping to either see you again sometime soon or hear from you again."
Mason felt his heartbeat quicken and he sighed in delight. "You know when cartoon characters see someone dreamy and their hearts beat all the way out of their chests? I think I'm turning into one of those," he declared. "Well, then I'm glad I managed to get your number outta Jeff."
Austin nodded because he was definitely experiencing the same potential transformation into a cartoon character. "I'm having a full 'Groovy' dream sequence moment like in one of those old Scooby Doo movies to be quite honest. Alien Invaders if my memory serves me correctly," he joked. "And thank goodness for Jeff in that case."
Mason let his head drop forward as he laughed. "We clearly need to have a cartoon movie night soon. And Jeff said he was going to talk me up, so if he says anything too embarrassing, you are required to tell me."
"I can get on board with that and I will be sure to keep you posted. If he says anything too embarrassing about me to you then please let me know," Austin responded. "He's a gem of a best friend, but at the same time, his mind works in mysterious ways that even I don't understand after years of friendship."
Mason chuckled, very familiar with that problem. "Well, I'm glad that I was cool enough to pass his test and achieve approved best friend dater status." They pulled back into the parking lots for the dorms and he sighed again. He really didn't want the night to be over yet.
"You are more than cool enough," Austin stated. He didn't want the night to be over either in all honesty. He ran through a list of options in the back of his mind before he inquired, "Do you want to come back to Schuester with me? We can watch Netflix together or something, keep getting to know each other?"
Mason perked up again at the offer, sitting up a little straighter in the car. "Yeah? I mean, of course. I'd love to. I would've invited you, but my roommate's probably there, so. Yes, I'd very much like to spend more time with you."
Austin's smile brightened which then morphed into an understanding one. "Sounds like a plan then and hey, I get that. Roommates can be interesting to say the very least, especially as you're trying to figure out one another's boundaries," he answered as he started to open his door. "But off we go?"
"Tell me about it. He's a little quiet, which is only a problem because I tend to ramble during awkward silences," Mason admitted, laughing as he undid his seatbelt and stepped out of the car. "But I wasn't quite ready to stay in a room by myself anyway."
"Hey, nothing wrong with that because I honestly do the same with awkward silence rambling," Austin chucked once he got the car locked again then walked over in order to hold his hand out to Mason. "Totally understandable. I had a roommate last year for the same reason," he added yet purposefully left out the part about all the arguments that had occurred in order to avoid dragging down the mood.
Mason hurried back to Austin's side and slid their hands together happily. "Well, I guess there won't be a lotta silence between us," he chuckled. "Except... maybe if our mouths are busy with other things." He gave Austin a playful smile before ducking down to hide against his shoulder.
That got both a laugh as well as a tomato red blush out of Austin and he just shook his head affectionately. "I do believe that we will continue to get along swimmingly," he remarked while he lead the way back to his dorm. "Shall we resume the getting to know each other game as well?"
When Mason giggled this time, it was a little more purposeful. He was definitely getting his kiss before the night was over. "Sure. We can do that. I don't remember whose turn it is."
Austin came to a halt in front of the door to his dorm room then responded, "Real quick though, there is something I want do to." He aimed to press a light kiss to Mason's cheek followed by another one to his lips. "I know that's technically done at the end of a date, but nothing wrong with rewriting the rules a little."
Mason's eyes slipped closed when Austin's lips met his own. As cheesy as it sounded, the kiss totally felt like one of those dream ones where your foot pops up and everything. His smile spread wise when Austin pulled back. "Rules are definitely made to be broken," he agreed.
"Glad we're in agreement," Austin replied then opened the door to his dorm room. "Welcome to Casa de Pillsbury-Schuester. Even though casa is Spanish for house instead of room, but there's a reason I took French instead of Spanish," he laughed before he picked up his laptop in order to pull up Netflix.
"Sala," Mason recalled. "Room is sala. But don't ask me to speak in Spanish cause I only remember random vocabulary words." He looked around and decided to take a seat on the edge of Austin's bed. He rested his hands on his knees and looked up at him with a dreamy smile.
Austin gave an appreciative smile before he shifted closer and aimed to lightly his head on Mason's shoulder while he scrolled through the Netflix options. "Same here with French. Could rattle off that vocab like there's no tomorrow, but mental conjugation is a nightmare. Now, what shall we watch?"
Mason let himself relax a little once Austin cuddled beside him. He leaned his own head over to rest against Austin. "Your hair is very soft. And... I'm sorry if that sounded creepy," he added with a scrunched up nose. "Friends is always a safe bet."
"Maybe just a little bit," Austin joked as he pulled up the first episode of Friends. "Couldn't agree more. That's honestly a major go-to. Breaking the Magician's Code is another one, Stranger Things, then Rules of Engagement. Which reminds me of my next question for you. What TV series do you keep going back to and rewatching?"
Mason brought a hand up to his face and hid behind it for a moment. "Someday I'm gonna get my mouth to stop saying things before my brain has a chance to figure them out." He shook his head slightly at himself. "I've never seen the Magician one, but I love the others. Parks and Rec is definitely a big one. The Office. All the classics."
"Well, until then and even after, I'm more than happy to listen to whatever you have to say." Austin nodded as he listened to Mason list off shows then switched to Breaking the Magician's Code. "I'll go back to Friends in a bit, but basically this magician is revealing the secrets behind well known magic tricks. Thing is though, he uses a mask to hide his identity so a narrator has to do all the walking through tricks. Although I'm pretty sure the magician does reveal who he is at some point in the series. All wise choices though in terms of other shows."
Mason smiled, letting out a little breath of relief. He really didn't wanna mess this up on the first date, not when he was having such a great time. "Wow. That's very brave of him. I can't imagine too many magicians are happy about that. I also, admittedly, spend a lotta time watching old musicals."
Austin gave a hum of agreement before he took a moment to think about the reactions he'd heard over the years. "Imagine that was the case, but I'll be sure to keep you posted. Since secrecy is one of the names of the game after all. Then musicals sound cool and old ones do too. Cool with listing a few?"
"Exactly. Unless it's actual magic which is... both cool and terrifying to think about," Mason chuckled. He ran his fingers lazily along Austin's palm and wrist. "Singing in the Rain is one of my faves. West Side Story, Music Man."
"You can say that again," Austin replied before he turned slightly in order to press a kiss to Mason's temple. "All of those sound really cool. I also think I saw a production of West Side Story one year with my drama class back in high school. Maybe we could save that as a date idea? Watching old and maybe some new musicals together?"
The kiss just made Mason lean in even more. He was sure he couldn't stop smiling no matter how hard he tried at this point. "Oh, it's so good. Something's Coming? Mind blowing. The forbidden romance. I'd love to watch some together. New or old. If it's a musical, I probably either already love it or will."
Austin made a quick note of the musicals date idea on his laptop before he went back to the page that displayed Friends. "Then that's what we shall do sometime in the near future. And West Side Story will be first on the list because it'd be cool to see that take on Something's Coming. Now, on to these hilarious misadventures." With that, he started the show and carefully perched his laptop on his nightstand before he moved to wrap an arm around Mason's shoulders.
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