#thank u minus (of wonderful☆opportunity)
match-your-steps · 5 months
the settings in wanopo songs go so incredibly hard
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xervn · 3 months
like a french girl 🎨
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part 3 - french girl | art major ellie x dance major reader
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summary: ellie had been struggling with finding the perfect model for her art final. that was until she saw you.
18+ MDNI | 3.8k words | slow burn(?), mutual pining, loser ellie, recreational drug use (weed)
a/n: this took so long because im an intp AND a taurus *makes excuses for myself* also tysm to everyone who commented on the last chapter ur amazing and ily ♥
Ellie’s in nothing but her underwear, legs criss-crossed on her navy comforter; holding a joint between her lips as she tunes the strings of her maple wood guitar. It’s a lazy Saturday, the one day out of seven where Ellie isn’t constantly tormented by homework and art projects.
These days are practically therapeutic for her. Being able to strum her fingers against the nylon strings and relish in the relaxing, skunky smell of cannabis can fix all of her problems. Minus one, of course: getting to know you better. 
For now, she’s at peace with doing nothing, that is until a loud ding goes off and the brightness of her phone flashbangs her otherwise dim-lit room. She scowls, exhaling a puff from her lungs as she reaches over for the device. Ellie has friends, but she’s no social butterfly. Her phone is usually dry, especially on weekends. Jesse is definitely with Dina, so unless it's serious; there’s no reason for her to be getting a text. 
Naturally, her scowl deepens when she reads that the number is unknown. 
???: hii
ellie: wrong number
She opts to toss her phone away, but the next message throws her off track. 
you: it’s — !
Ellie’s eyes widen at her screen like your name is a hypnotic spiral. She can feel her heart swelling well within her chest, and she’s left wondering if the weed she’s smoking is laced or if she somehow manifested you. Ellie quickly transfers her blunt in one hand and her phone in the other, straining her thumb trying to type as fast as she can to you. 
ellie: oh hdy! 
ellie: hey*
you: dina gave me ur number, i hope that’s okay 
ellie: yeah ofc it is :-)
ellie: i was planning on giving it to you
Ellie typed that half-lie slowly, weighing how true it really was as she pressed send. It was on her plan of things she’d like to do before dying, but even then she doesn’t think she would ever gain the courage. 
you: oh thank god
you: i thought i might be intruding 🙁
ellie: never, what’s up?
you: can i ask you something?
ellie: yes of course aks me anythign
ellie: ask* anything* shut sorry
ellie: SHIT
you: lmao are you okay??
ellie: yeah… forget about that, ask away
you: well i was wondering if you could help me study? im failing my anatomy class..
you: if u can’t it’s okay though!
A sheepish grin spreads across Ellie’s face, as she thinks about all the scenarios that could lead to. To think she’d finally have an excuse to see you after weeks of hoping, of praying for the opportunity. You asked her for help instead of taking other options, especially considering how much easier it would’ve been for you to. 
ellie: its no problem, id be glad to help :-)
you: really?? ur a lifesaver els, tysmm
you: when are you free?
ellie: Right now.
ellie: or whenever .
you: let’s meet at the library in 20?
Almost instantly, Ellie’s excitement warps into anxiety. She wasn’t particularly ready to see you and twenty minutes doesn’t seem like nearly enough time to get her shit together. She thought you’d ignore her impulsive desperation of “right now” and set plans for a later date, but, alas, you didn’t.
Ellie rubs her forehead with her blunt holding hand, trying to scratch the itch of her worries away with just her pinky and thumb. Despite her increasing knowledge of you over the past few weeks, she was still incredibly nervous to be around you. 
Ellie takes one final hit of her joint before snuffing it out in a doob tube on her nightstand. She sets her guitar against her bed and nearly falls off trying to get up in a rush, even though she has more than enough time to get ready. 
She stumbles around the room to put something on, settling with a gray hoodie and a pair of jeans. She attempts to keep her balance as she hastily shoves each leg through her pants; simultaneously eyeing around her room in an attempt to remember where exactly she put her anatomy textbooks. 
Ellie hears a familiar ding from her bed and she snaps towards it to pick up her phone, peering at the screen.
you: ellie?
Ellie curses under her breath, scolding herself for forgetting to text you back. She taps on the keyboard, quickly making sure she doesn’t manage another typo before hitting send.
ellie: sorry! yeah i’ll see you in twenty!
you: awesome :) 
You weren’t ready to see Ellie either, you figured, since it took you hours to actually text her. You made up far-fetched scenarios with the worst outcomes; the one where she immediately deletes your number tormented you for quite a while. Now you’re trudging across campus to meet her, internally at war with your mixed emotions. On one hand you get to hang out with a cute girl and on the other you’re hanging out with a really cute girl. Alone. Zero friends around. 
There’s a chance you two might not have anything to talk about. You guys are only mutual friends after all. Even if you guys somehow manage to start a conversation, what if she comes to not like you by the end of it, or vice versa? Not to mention the window incident you’re both hoping the other forgot. 
You hesitate in your steps as you reach the library doors. It’d only take a few seconds to spin around and walk back, but how could you leave her there? You thoughtlessly chew on your lip, eyes worriedly shifting around. 
You can’t recall any moment you’ve been so anxious about meeting up with a girl before. Not once, not even in a distant memory. You’ve always been the bolder one in your endeavors. The fact that Ellie is the only girl to make you feel this way has to mean something. You slowly pace in front of the doors in an attempt to dissipate your worries, nodding to your inner thoughts and ignoring the probable concerned stares in the distance. You’re the one who invited her, so you’re gonna stick it the fuck through. You couldn’t bail before testing the waters, you’d never forgive yourself.
So you barge into the building, letting the cool air hit your face from the swinging doors; granting you a waft of leather and drying ink. The building was decorated with freakishly tall dark wood bookshelves; so high, there were beige ladders in place to reach the top shelves. As expected, it was quiet, empty and definitely overfunded. Studying has never been your forte and you’ve never stepped in this building; save for a few dance history books. You wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case for everyone else. Thankfully, one pro definitely outweighs those cons. Ellie was going to help you study. Ellie is the reason you’re here at all.
You tidy up your outfit that you diligently put together and roam farther into the library, trying to hold down a smile that’s impossible to hold down. In fact, it completely takes over your face. You need to simmer down your giddiness before you start skipping around. You purse your lips and briefly steady your eyes on the dark, olive carpeted floor ahead of you. 
You head towards the front desk that’s just a sunken step away with the intention of asking for directions to the study hall. An older lady is sitting there, glowering with obvious annoyance definitely because of your loud entry. It’s been ages since you’ve been in the library— your failing grade proves that— and clearly you’ve forgotten all the rules with it.
A flash of guilt passes through you and you force an apologetic smile. She returns it with a grunt and you immediately redirect yourself further into the library; aimlessly in search for the study hall. 
You’ve been walking around for a solid five minutes and you swear you’ve passed the same fantasy section a million times now. It’d be smart to text Ellie and tell her you’ll be late, but your ego won’t let you. 
The looming large, ornate bookshelves certainly don’t make it any easier for you to navigate around.
The question of why the school spent so much money on all this occupies your mind as you venture further. You make a turn around a corner you’ve definitely made before, and you sigh at the familiarity of the area in front of you. 
You keep pressing forward anyway, hoping you can manage a new route this time around.
Before you can make another turn, you’re interrupted by drowned footsteps behind you blending into your own, followed by a tap on your shoulder. You flinch at the sudden touch, sharply turning around only to see Ellie looking at you with a downward smile. 
“Lost?” She sarcastically presumes, her viridescent eyes taking in your shocked yet relieved expression. 
You fiddle with the straps of your backpack between your fingers, shyly glancing around you. “No, I was just… looking for more textbooks.” You nod sagely at your own words, as if you’re trying to convince yourself too.
“Oh? Next to—“ The auburn-haired girl squints at the shelf behind you before adorning a wide grin, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?” 
Your brows raise and you follow her eyes onto the obviously fiction-filled bookcase. “Uh, yeah? I’ve got Professor Snape at four.” 
Ellie narrows her eyes at you in amused disbelief, trying not to laugh at your adorably dorky excuse.
Dramatically sighing in defeat, “Fuck, okay, you got me.” You say lowly, a bashful smile developing on your lips.  
“You passed the study hall five times. I counted.” Ellie goads.
You partially suppress your laugh, mindlessly giving her arm a light smack. “Oh, my god. Don’t tell me that!” 
She dotes on your laughter and your touch; whether it was intentional or not. Either way, she’s feeling good about herself now and her previous worries about this encounter floated away, and you could safely say the same. 
“It’s a good book though, we can go back and get it. No need to be shy about it.” Ellie quips.
With Ellie as your guide, the trip to the study hall was much easier than you made it out to be. You recognized the big glass windows you passed by often and when you stepped into it, you flushed with embarrassment. It was a direct contrast to the old-fashioned, mahogany colored library you’d been meandering around. 
Ellie really could’ve counted the times you walked by, and she really did. The first time, she thought you must’ve seen a friend and left to catch up with them. However, the second time around she realized you might be lost. 
She was going to text you and tell you to turn around, but she thought it was cute seeing you walk in circles, ignoring literally every sign in your way. By the fourth time, she could tell you thought you were in a time loop and she found it fucking hilarious. Someone like you, seemingly exceptional in everything but directions. The fifth time came and, of course, she decided she was being cruel and had to come help you herself. 
Ellie leads you to the desk where she’s set camp at, and the amount of books and paperwork makes you dizzy. “Jesus, Els. Are you teaching me the entire course?” 
She takes a seat before giving you an answer, “Well.. That depends on how bad you’re failing.” 
You take a seat across from her, setting your backpack on the floor before resting your forearms on the oak table. “My teacher said I was dumb as fuck and essentially called me a homophobic slur.” You’re exaggerating, obviously, but that was exactly what it felt like.
Ellie scoffs out a sound, unsure of whether to laugh or be offended for you. “Damn... It’s Bill, isn’t it? God, that guy is a fuckin’ prick.” She questions, clearly unsurprised by his actions.
You sit upright in your chair, relief shining through your words, “Yes! Is that his thing?” 
Ellie casually leans back, thinking back to when she was a student of his. “Oh, yeah. He’s a blunt guy, shitty filter,” She continues, and somehow you’re both meeting each other’s looks, “But he’s fair with his grades, n’ I know it doesn’t make it any better, but he has a husband. He’s just… old.. and grumpy.”
You try to consider that he is letting you retake a major grade. You guess you could appreciate that somewhat. “True... still, the comment was unprovoked. You must know him well though?” 
“Yeah, I took his class last year. We were at each other's throats about coursework n’ shit. Really hard to reason with that guy.” Ellie purposely leaves out the part where she was being unreasonable too, but only for the sake of storytelling, of course. “Then that summer, I saw him at a family gathering.” She finishes off with a dramatic shiver in disgust and you laugh at how endearing it was. 
“Anyways, his gaydar is somethin’ else. I can never tell.” She admits, carelessly waving a hand in the air. Ellie’s radar in particular is broken. Shattered, even. She can’t keep track of the amount of times she has stood in the shower, realizing a girl was flirting with her only days later. 
“Even with me?” 
“Even with you...” She speaks with artificial sadness and a slight sulk.
“Ouch… I’m wounded.” You fake a frown, slightly dropping your shoulders.
Ellie’s eyes fall to your nails; some suspiciously shorter than the others, and all painted in your favorite color. “But… that I know for sure, I can definitely tell.” Ellie comments.
 A swarm of butterflies suddenly parade your belly, and you shine a coy smile her way. “They’re not short because of that…” Your half-hearted attempt to defend yourself drips in the lightness of your voice.
Ellie briefly raises her eyebrows with a sly smile plastered on her face, folding her arms over her chest; which, unbeknownst to you, was to shield how hard her heart was thumping. She’s shocked she hasn’t turned into a pile of mush yet, probably thanks to her smoke session earlier.
“I’m serious! I keep my hands to myself.” You continue on, putting in a little effort in your voice for your defense this time. For the most part it is true, lately your mind has been on Ellie, and Ellie only. The thought of random flings didn't excite you, but she did. However, it wasn’t not true that you’ve had a fair share of hookups. You’re in an art school, how could you not? 
“C’mon, just yourself? I’m sure you've cared to share.” Ellie playfully pokes around you with her words; nonchalant and prone for a reaction. 
Your jaw slightly drops, making your head tilt to the side incredulously. “Wow. What makes you think that?”
Ellie unfolds her tattooed arm to rub her palm against the back of her neck, responding unexpectedly timid, “Hey, ‘m not blind. I know you’re popular.” 
You snicker at her explanation and shake your head. “They’re friends. You can be friends with girls even if you’re gay, Ellie.”
“Friends don’t touch you like that.” She notes with an uncharacteristically stern expression.
It surprises you for a second, but all it makes you wanna do is poke fun, tease her, and see where it’d go. “Like what?”
Ellie sighs, reluctantly explaining further, “Like they’ve touched you before.”
“Straight girls are touchy.” You shrug, purposefully ignoring what she tried to imply. 
The way you said it so matter-of-factly makes Ellie’s eyes roll. “You know I don’t mean it like– ugh, my judgment is usually fucked up, but that? That I can tell the difference with.” Ellie states with surety.
You narrow your gaze at her, a teasing grin forming on your lips. “What are you jealous or something?” 
“Of you or the girls?” 
“Oh, the girls were an option?” You playfully remark, but also with honest curiosity in how she’d answer. 
Ellie clears her throat and leans forward to place her textbooks into view, trying to hide the blush spreading across her features. She’s not doing a great job at it and you’d love to tease her some more, but you can settle with taking the win for now. 
Night crept up faster than you both anticipated, the ambient sounds of paper printing and carts rolling by were no longer prevalent. The only thing filling the room is the buzz of the light fixture above and the words you two exchange. The table is cluttered with Ellie’s open notes and some textbooks with neon page markers poking out the sides. It wasn’t organized by any means, but it was a mess you both found easy to work around. 
Surprisingly, Ellie is a great tutor. When she saw your paper, she didn’t make fun of you like you thought she would. Instead, she expressed how grating it is to remember all that crap and you shouldn’t give yourself a hard time over it. 
To help you memorize the muscles of the body, you guys settled on one area and made up silly rhymes for it. She tried to argue that brachiosaurus was perfect for brachialis even though it didn’t even rhyme. You even gave her the chance to pick a different one, but then she said brachyceratops with a mockingly straight face and you knew she couldn’t be trusted for the task anymore.
The air between you two wasn’t stuffy or silent like you feared it’d be. Ellie made you laugh, not in the breathy forced way you’ve unknowingly gotten used to making. 
She made sure you listened to her tips & tricks, made you review your mistakes so you wouldn’t repeat them again.
You hadn’t picked up your phone for anything other than to google things on the subject, and your ringer? Off. Your attention never strayed far from her. That made her undeniably nervous– sweaty, and hard for her to breathe normally, but she could  acknowledge how well she was doing.
Ellie’s head is dipped down to a paper you two were working on and you’re openly ogling, wondering how she’d look in a pair of glasses. Flipping through papers, tapping the back of a pen on her inviting lips. You tell yourself you snap back to reality before your mind strays any further. 
“If we keep this up, you’ll remember it all in no time” She encourages, eyes still glued on the paper. Secretly, she hopes it takes a little longer. Just a little.
“Thanks for helping me out, Els.” You say, face tilted into the palm of your hand. 
Ellie looks up from the paper to give you a smile, but she doesn’t hold her gaze for long. A millisecond later and her blush would have you thinking she had a sudden, terrible fever. 
“It’s no problem. It helps me out too.” Ellie points to the examples she sketched out for you with her pencil. She pauses before speaking again, trying to get rid of the sudden dryness in her mouth, “Can I ask you something?” 
Studying her expectantly, you lift your head off your hand. “Yeah?” 
Ellie fidgets with her pencil, trying to muster up courage. Her mouth feels dry trying to push out the words. “I’m also struggling with a class and uh,” she twirls her pencil in one hand, tucking a sliver of her hair behind her ear with the other, “I was wondering if you could be the model for my art final?” Her question came out whinier than she’d like it to, making her freckled-face wince. 
You can sense how nervous she is about asking, but you can’t place your finger on why she ever would be. This is the first time anyone has ever asked you something like this, so in your mind it’s nothing but exciting, especially coming from her. You can already imagine yourself sitting prettily still while Ellie studies you and paints long, fancy strokes on a yellow canvas. “Ellie, are you kidding? I’d love to.” 
Her lashes flutter in disbelief, “Really?”
“You’re helping me, so why not? It’s fair.”
“It’s kind of a weird thing to ask. I mean, we barely know each other.” Ellie murmurs, unaware that you have absolutely no idea what she’s on about. 
You lift a brow at her. “We will eventually, right? What’s weird about a portrait anyways?” 
“It’s not a portrait… Well, I guess it is–“ Ellie sighs into her palm, “I’m drawing you, but…” She cringes before she can finish her sentence. 
“A portrait in pencil? What am l missing?” You slowly question. 
“Think Titanic.” She grimaces as she waits for your reaction, trying not to bang her head on the table for picking Titanic of all movies. 
“Titanic? What does that have to do with…” Your voice trails off, quieting down so you can process what Ellie said. Think Titanic. It's hard for you to connect what the 1997 romance movie had to with this, but when it connected, it connected. The infamous drawing scene was memorable. You’re in awe, not quite sure how to react. 
“You don’t have to be fully… y’know..” Ellie insists. 
Your face is still unreadable, as if you're lost in thought, and it’s freaking her out. Too many what-ifs are going through her head, all of them gradually getting worse the longer you stay silent. She thinks she got too close to the sun when she had more than enough warmth. She's already preparing herself for rejection, worryingly scouting your face for a hint of revulsion; however, it never comes.
“Oh. Okay.” You calmly respond with a shrug, your face still unreadable; the only difference being a light smile. You could’ve thought about it longer, but you’re so flattered Ellie wants you to pose for her that you rather worry about it later. She wants to sketch your body onto paper. Yours. It sounds vulnerable and a little nerve wracking, but she’s your friend. A friend you have a crush on, sure, but you wouldn’t want to inconvenience her over it. Plus, you owe her now. Really, you’re purely being selfless. At least that’s what you’re telling yourself.
“Okay?” Ellie repeats to make sure she was hearing things right.
“Like I said, you’re doing this for me, so I’ll do it for you.” You reassure, gesturing around to the study session laid across the table. 
“Are you sure? You know I’ll still tutor you, even if you say no–”
“— Do you not want me to?” You pout your lips, hoping she hasn't changed her mind already.
“Are you shitting me? Of course I do. I just… didn’t expect you to say yes.” Ellie finally says, absolutely dumbfounded given her hand movements. 
You laugh melodically, “Didn’t think that far, huh?” 
“Nope.” She answers with a cute embarrassed smile, her blood rushing to her face. 
Your phone buzzes, probably a text or notification. You reach out and shove a few papers to the side to get to it before taking a look, only for your eyes to be drawn to the time. “Shit. It’s late. I think the library closes soon…” You murmur regretfully, feeling all too comfortable where you were.
Ellie presses her tongue against her cheek in annoyance, upset that time dared to pass by as fast as it did. “We should get going then, I guess.” She says dejectedly, not wanting to leave you just yet. 
You peep her suddenly gray aura and smile warmly towards her. “Can you walk me back to my dorms?”
She nods with subtle enthusiasm and pushes out of her seat, immediately packing all her belongings to join your side. “Yes! — I mean, sure. Yeah.”
The lamp post lights are warm and waning, complimenting the shadows on both your faces. You two walk down the dark flagstone path towards the housing area, chatting about nothing. It’s nice to be able to spend a little more time with her before the night is over. Unfortunately, you guys were drawing closer and closer to your dorm and the feeling of loss came as quick as it left. 
“Hey, Els?” 
She glanced at you and hummed in response, giving you the signal to continue. “I was wondering if you were gonna be at some party tomorrow? Apparently Dina’s co-hosting it.”
Ellie looks at you quizzically before looking off elsewhere to think. “Why the fuck would they party on a Sunday?”
You snort out a laugh before lifting and dropping your shoulders, “I don’t know, senioritis or something. Will you come though?”
“Mhm, I’ll be there.” She smiles as she speaks, loving how your face lit up by the end of it. Ellie isn’t too fond of parties, but for you? She can make an exception.
You cheer in a whisper tone and it makes Ellie smile harder, her features creasing in adoration. You two finally approach your dorm building. You walk up a step before turning to wave goodbye. She raises a palm in return and you flash her a smile that makes her heart leap before turning into the building.
If Ellie couldn’t tell before, she’s completely enamored by you. 
daily click to help palestine interested in auto-sending ceasefire emails to congress? visit this (ios)
a/n: fuck jk rowling but i rlly couldnt think of any other commonly known fantasy book :/
taglist: @bready101 @pascals-doll @macaroni676 @khai-le @pedropascalsbbg @seraphicsentences @starlight-savegery @snowy-vee @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @a-little-bit-of-everybody @elliesactualgirlfriend
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hi, can i request something about the players fighting for who get the managers birthday number like for example if the manager was born on 11th of July then the birthday number is 11 
Author: I hope u find this to ur liking and thank u for the request🩷 the date I took is honestly random, just pretend it's your birthday on February 4th
Warnings ⚠️: none in particular. Reader uses she/her. Requests are open!
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Hmmm I wonder who will get which jersey number." Bachira hummed to himself as the team was resting the their room. Nagi looked away from his phone and thought it over for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders.
"Whichever we get will be fine. The most important part is that we can play soon." The white haired boy said back. Chigiri was fast asleep on his futon and Isagi used the opportunity to cover him up with one of the blankets. Hiori nodded his head as Niko and Gagamaru were chatting with each other next to him.
"Besides, I am really excited to be able to play against a team like the U-20. It will just show how much we improved as players."
"Yeah, I can't wait for to see their defeated looks. That old man from the JFU will eat up his words in a few weeks."
"What do you mean, Baro?" Yukimiya asked, looking at the tall boy.
"Yeah? What did he even say?"
"How this is all a waste of money and that Ego-san will be out of job the moment Japan's star players defeat us. He said that we will be out of opportunities to play at the World Cup."
"Where did you hear that?" Rin blinked, getting a little heated by those words.
"I heard (Y/n) and Teieri-san talk about it a few days ago. (Y/n) sounded pretty upset at some points."
"Was she? Well imagine how upset that old geezer will be is 'accidentally' a ball was to hits him in the face." Reo said in a cold tone, looking between Isagi and Nagi, who seemed to get the message.
"Yeah, by accident... imagine how badly he will be hurt."
"So hurt that he might think twice on opening his mouth." Isagi and Nagi said, already agreeing on a plan with the purple-haired boy.
"Where are Karasu and Otoya anyways? It's close to our bedtime." Gagamaru suddenly spoke up, noticing the duo missing.
"They are still eating since they had to do some extra laps for joking and messing around." Kurona answered.
"And Aryu?"
"You know je stays behind for (Y/n) to braid his hair... Lucky bastard, I wish I had long hair." Isagi said, prompting the others to nod their heads.
"No way, it would look much better on me."
"Shut up Karasu, you don't have the grace to carry that number. I on the other hand..."
"You are both wrong, the number would look way better on me."
The rest of the group, minus Chigiri, looked at Karasu, Aryu and Otoya as they walked inside, wondering what they could be arguing about now.
"What happened?" Rin asked calmly.
"We were talking about our jersey numbers we will be receiving in a few days." Otoya answered, annoyed with his two friends.
"What a coincidence! I am not the only one who is curious." Bachira exclaimed.
"Well, I have been telling my wonderful friends..." Karasu said sarcastically as he pointed at Aryu and Otoya.
"That I should be the one to carry the number 4."
"And gave no justification on why."
"Neither did you, Aryu!"
"My looks are enough of a justification!"
"Wait! Why the number 4?" Niko wondered.
"Well, (Y/n)'s birthday is on February 4th, it would be so cute for me to wear her number." Otoya said calmly as the other two kept on arguing.
"You all are being stupid." Reo said.
"He is right... I should be the one with the number 4." Nagi added, earning a glare from his friend.
"Nagi you backstabber! That number is mine!"
"Hold up! I want the number 4!" Gagamaru suddenly added.
"Sorry to disappoint you, but goalkeepers usually get the number 1... I as a captain should get that privilege." Rin said, pointing at himself.
"No! Me, I am the ace of Blue Lock, and (Y/n) gets along way better with me!" Isagi protested as Baro sent them both a glare.
"I think I have more rights to that number than any of you, I am a way stronger player."
"Well, I am smarter. The number should be mine."
The room soon turned into a arguing mess and out of curiosity what it was about, Ego turned on one of his cameras. And boy did he regret that decision.
'I hate kids.' He rubbed his face.
During the whole ordeal Chigiri was asleep, too tired from the training.
A  few days passed and the team excitedly too the jerseys (Y/n) and Anri had brought them. The two looked on in confusion as their excited expressions turned into sour ones.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, you guys look like someone kicked a puppy. Are the uniforms bad?" Anri and (Y/n) wondered as the boys shook their heads, saying how it was nothing.
"It fits perfectly. The blue shade is nice too." The team looked at Chigiri, who had put his shirt already on, and it felt like a ton of ice fell on the room as they saw the number on his jersey.
'Why did he get the number 4?!'
'Not the princess beating me to it!'
'Blatant favoritism on Ego's part!'
The team thought, forcefully smiling at Chigiri, who was unaware of the fight from a few nights ago.
"They are weird today... well, weirder than usually." Anri whispered to (Y/n), who nodded her head in agreement.
"Maybe pre-game fever?"
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echantedtoon · 2 months
Until Death Do You Vow Ch11 Epilogue
(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Snaccpop Studios for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story.)
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The sights of the other cars and buildings going by met f/c eyes as you looked out the car window and stared at the beginning sunset. 
"So how was work today?", Taylor asked a moment after he started up driving again. 
You turned to your boyfriend and sighed tiredly. "It's fine. One of my coworkers got a broken leg from tripping over the stairs so I had to cover their shifts today. I swear all those little goblins just wanted to grab everything. I had to stop one from trying to climb on the horse statue from Greece."
Your job at the local museum was a good one but you hated school field trip days with a burning passion.  All the little imps running wild, barely listening, complaining about being bored, and trying to grab their little mits on everything they see was a lot for one person. No help from teachers who didn't seem to care as long as all of the kids stayed in one chaotic hoard. Thank God they didn't stay for more than three hours! You could've snapped and yelled at one of them-
Taylor groaned. "Ugh. Another reason why I am going to make sure that our kid doesn't end up like that."
Your brow rose. "Our kid huh?"
He shrugged without looking at you. "Still plenty of time for one. *ahem* "
You slowly shook your head yes with a sly smile. "Uh huh...Well we'll have to discuss that with Elias first and see what he thinks about becoming a second father."
"U-Um. Yeah. *Ahem* ..A-Anyways! I'm almost ready to publish my book." Taylor steered the conversation to something else really quick before turning on his blinker and turning to right onto another road. "My publisher said it looks good, but I need to get an idea for the cover. I know a really good artist and they can do it for a good price and I know what I want it to look like."
"Sounds like a plan. ...Hey. You didn't forget to close up the shop again did you?"
Taylor briefly shot you a cross between a pout and scowl. "Of course I didn't! Geez! I forget to lock the backdoor one time!"
It had been one year since you both graduated from Zephyr University. You'd taken to getting that job at the museum you've wanted. It was a good job, usually quiet but sometimes it can be stressful especially with tours of little kids of field trips. Taylor...well he didn't change much if at all. He was still the same. Still went at the most random times to do investigations. Still obsessed with documenting the paranormal but instead of running a club, he preferred to do so via updating a website by the same name as the old club. But his real day job was something that neither of you seemed to expect.
He ran a flower shop.
Gallagher And Potts's Bouquets and Flora. The name had taken forever to decide between the two men and usually consisted of Elias growing said flowers or however many flowers a specific person ordered, and Taylor just loading them up into his car and taking them over to the shop which was pretty close to the mansion just inside town. Taylor became fascinated by ecto-bontany and Elias was really happy one of his hobbies could be appreciated and flourish. The hardest part was renovating the old building you all bought for the shop. 
But he's been working on a larger side project that was paranormal investigating. Taylor had come up with the idea of writing the history behind the Gallagher curse in detail to clear up the legend once and for all..minus a couple details of course such as Elias actually being a real ghost. You both rather not have a floodgate of people coming to gawk at Elias like some carnival attraction. The collaboration AND Taylor's interest in Elias's flowers meant Elias and Taylor talking a whole lot more and well..Elias shared many intimate and personal life experiences in great detail about his life and family agreeing to want to clear up the entire legend. You guessed in turn that brought Taylor to open up about his own past. One thing lead to another, and you suddenly found the both of them falling for each other.
As for yourself it was also a new experience. Carefully but awkwardly going around a best friend who had feelings for you but eventually you both decided to try dating after a month of awkwardly dancing around the topic. And you both kept in touch with Elias so one thing also lead to another-
So here you three were. All in one big relationship with each other. It had its ups and downs but you can say you enjoyed this much more than the 'relationship' you had with Ian. Now all that heartache just seemed like a bad dream you barely thought of anymore.
Sunset came to the sky painting it pretty oranges, pinks, and yellows as the car kept driving along until you got to the edge of town and Taylor was turning into a nicely paved driveway added to the front of the mansion. Slowly coming to a stop, Taylor cut the engine and you both got out to go inside the now renovated mansion. Turns out there was a lot more than just the family jewels hidden away in the mansion. When you suggested getting the mirror fixed (thus it wouldn't be broken anymore and that would mean no more curse because of there being no more broken mirror), both men seemed all for it ..But you and Taylor could barely afford anything, Elias couldn't part with his family's jewels, and you wouldn't ask him to do Elias had agreed to spare with enough of the rest of the hidden fortune just to fix the mirror which now sat perfectly fixed and safely tucked away in Elias's room. In a hidden place only Elias knew. All fixed which meant it was harmless which meant no more bad luck which meant no more curse! When Elias brought up the idea of you both possibly living there too...Well as Taylor put it-
"I'm not living somewhere that'll give me an asthma attack!"
After you elbowed him for the rude comment, you three came to another compromise. Which was Elias allowing just enough more of the surprisingly gigantic fortune to renovate the mansion back to its full glory.
"The light's still on. Elias must be doing something."
"Probably haunting out new recipes to try and make us eat it." He rolled his eyes when you shot him a look. "You know I'm right. I'm not trusting him with anymore meatloaf." His hands grabbed the doors. 
"You're the one who asked him to try and make it because you wanted to try ghost food!"
"And I learnt my lesson." The doors were loudly pushed in to reveal a pretty clean and safe mansion. "Hey! We're back!"
You walked right in behind Taylor and found a regular sigh for you but scary for anyone else. Brooms, mops, rags, and all kinds of cleaning products were flying around and cleaning the various places of the mansion by himself. Puppeteered by the blue floating Spector in the middle of the foyor. Elias turned and his floating face lit up in a wide smile seeing you both eyes sparkling.
"My darlings!" He greeted quickly turning and floating towards you both with open arms. "How was your day?"
"Ugh. Boring. There was this guy who wouldn't make up his mind trying to decide on roses or sunflowers for like two hours and then he knocked over a stack of pots and ran off before I can make him pay for anything! I had to clean it up myself!" Taylor made no moves to stop Elias who reached him first and proceeded to plant a kiss of greeting to your shared grumpy boyfriend's face.
"I'm sure he didn't mean it. Next time just ask him politely to fix his mistakes," Elias assured him giving a comforting squeeze to Taylor's arms.
"Looks like you've been busy too," you commented looking at the nearest broom sweeping a pile of dirt into a dustpan.
Elias was quick to greet you next giving you the same kiss and hold as Taylor. The coldness of his lips making your body involuntary shiver. "Spring cleaning! I already have the upstairs finished and wanted to surprise you both with a clean house. Are you hungry? I made dinner."
"After the day we had, definitely. What did you make?"
"Meatloaf!" Taylor froze as Elias smiled wider. "I found a recipe for it in one of my grandmother's other cook books. You'll both love it!"
Taylor turned paler than Elias and you couldn't help but laugh.
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damnitiloveyou · 1 year
I love your photos of Ryan as Robert. It is an absolute shame that IM and the trio of current producers didn't like Ryan/Robert and Robron/Roblivion at all that they have killed it off. I think we all have to come to terms with the fact that we won't get Robron again( unless a new producer down the road is passionate about the boys and brings them both back) at all. So so many missed opportunities and a happily ever after gone. I do wonder how long the support will remain despite the diminishing numbers over time. Merry Christmas to u.
First of all Merry Christmas to you as well ☺️. Second, I'm not sure if you're the same anon who has sent the other 3 asks currently in my box, as they are all quite similar, but I will answer this one because it will take care of the other asks as well, even if they're not all from you.
There are several areas you can complain about in regards to IM time as Emmerdale producer, not liking Robert Sugden as a character is not one of them. He may not, and in fact did not, see Robert the same way the fandom does but he clearly liked storytelling for Robert as a character. As Robron fans we didn't enjoy a lot of the stories but Robert was featured a TON under IM, I would say more than any other character during his tenure. In fact he bordered on overused toward the end of his run.
Aaron is the character you could make the argument for IM not caring for because he went through long stretches of just pop up scenes here and there. But he clearly understood and knew what he had in Robron and absolutely leaned into that relationship. They needed to break up. They had to break up. They were both far too damaged as individuals and those issues had to be addressed first before putting them back together. The problem was most of Aaron's growth happened off screen and the majority of the individual onscreen focus was on Robert. To a degree that made sense because Robert was the primary player in the story leading up to the breakup.
I'm not going to touch the current slate of producers because they don't know how to tell a story period. The characters involved don't matter because their storylines always fall flat. They have yet to tell a single successful storyline from start to finish, at least in my opinion. I own the fact that I don't watch at all like I used to but I do keep up with the show and it was in far better hands with IM than it is under the current group. He absolutely had flaws, and few of them were glaring, but he at least knew how to tell a story and he definitely knew how to do BIG episodes, something this group is abysmal at doing.
If Ryan and Danny ever decide to come back whatever producer is in charge would one hundred percent play up to them. They would be stupid not too. They're easy clicks and likes and views. I won't address the Liv aspect in all of this because I was never a fan of hers and never thought it was a good idea to tie her so strongly to them. It suffocated her and Aaron both as characters and their relationship became grossly toxic (okay I guess I addressed it a bit 🤣) We won't ever know what could have been under a better producer.
This got really long but the bottom line is we can't be mad that the show is no longer bigging them up. They're no longer part of the show. They're of no use to the current state of things minus maybe the occasional on screen character mention. Personally I'm thankful for that. I don't want these producers anywhere near them.
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goldengoddess · 3 years
Hiii I was so excited to see that your requests were open bc I love your writing 🥺🥺 I was wondering if I could maybe request a headcanon of Jesper dating a short reader? Thanks if you decide to write it love 💙
jesper fahey dating a short reader ♡
pairing: jesper fahey x reader
a/n: OH MY GOSH YES!! i cant believe i haven’t done this already? like that’s truly a embarrassing on my part,,,, here u go honey
okay so in my head jesper is really tall
like it’s kind of his brand at this point
and he makes fun of everyone for their height because literally everyone is shorter than him so
minus kaz, he makes sure they’re eye level
but when he meets you
saints you’re just tiny to him
how could he not tease you about it?
so jesper boasting about his height and poking fun at yours in a loving way ofc intensifies by a lot
“oh can’t reach that? too bad”
proceeds to get it for you because how can he ignore that pout of yours
the good thing is that jesper becomes so obsessed with your height or maybe just you that he stops teasing everyone else
he likes the way that you have to stand on your tip toes for everything
every time you need something you look for him
and he loves that
it makes him feel useful in your life
his little quips and jokes about your height turn into actually making conversation with you
and eventually, he stars to maybe kind of fall for you
it’s so hard when you look up at him with those eyes every time he speaks to you
literally all he wants to do is lean down and press his lips to yours when you look up at him
so one day he does
“jesper why are you looking at me like that? i swear on the saints if you say because i’m short i’m going to-oh!”
kiss kiss kiss so many god damn kisses
once you get him started it’s hard to stop
can’t reach a shelf ? kiss on your forehead
cross your arms angrily and look up at him ? kiss on your nose
standing next to kaz who is oddly tall ? kiss on your head
he just finds you really cute
he very much likes to hug you
your fit really well in his arms and you just kinds disappear in his embrace
“like hugging a tiny stuffed animal” he teases you
oh my god
when you hold his prized revolvers
he would lose it
your tiny hands on the gun
he wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off of you
and ofc when you pull the trigger you look like a total badass
but a cute badass
and from then on he makes you put your palm against his just so he can compre your size of hands
“you know sweetheart, the way kaz is dirty hands, you are tiny hands”
the comment actually got kaz to laugh
when you wear his clothes you take his breath away
they just don’t fit
like not one piece of jesper’s closet looks normal on you
they’re all gigantic and your body gets lost in the fabric
and jes loves seeing you in his tshirt, the way they reach your knees like a dress
he starts buying more just so you can steal them and he can see you in them more
he adores you
“oh sweetheart come give me a kiss you look so pretty in my shirt. little thing.”
when you two hug he rests his chin on top of your head
and kisses you so softly
“you sweet thing. all mine.”
he’s super protective of you
but in a healthy way of course
he likes how powerful you are, and yet so small
he thinks your like a walking oxymoron and he loves it!
when he figures out he can pick you up super easily? bye
he would take full advantage
tossing you over his shoulder at random moments when he wants you to stop talking or leave a party
picking you up and carrying you bridal style into every room
“what? we’re going to do this when we’re married anyways so i might as well practice.”
your tall sharpshooter boyfriend makes your heart swoon at every opportunity
@vintagebitc @obiwansjedi @thegirlwiththeimpala @hybrid-in-progress @mrs-brekker15 @mrsbrekkers @simplyluvzuko @ode-to-joy @gallysonegoodlung @sixofshadowandbone @castielcouldbeasecretdentist @meiitanoia @caaarstairs @itisroe @the-jess-life @xsamsharons @heavenlymidnight @tinyfwoggie
check my navigation on how to be added to be taglist!
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I TRIED TO REQUEST THIS ONCE AND FIREFOX REALLY SHUT ME DOWN AND SAID NO BUT I WILL PERSIST BECAUSE I MUST :V anyway if you get the other one too somehow, I'm sorry for double prompting lmao SO for dadwc can I get "I’m sure i can get some kind of sexual gratification just from staring at him if i try hard enough.” for handers? >:3 a million bonus points for corvid AU because I cannot get enough but I will always take ANY handers flavor A++++ thank u love u xoxoxo
wtf even happened here
@dadrunkwriting tw: body horror, xenophilia, horrible bird jokes, UST
"I've gotta hand it to you, Killer: were I to guess your type, 'bird' wouldn't be my first choice. Or second."
Under normal circumstances Khaled would hiss at this remark; he was busy brewing tea, however, and missed the opportunity. Varric gave him a friendly grin from across the table.
The creature he mentioned was sitting on Hawke's writing desk in a neighbouring room. He was grooming his expansive wings, utilizing his abnormally long fingers and a small brush. The skin of his hands was dark-grey, scaly and calloused, coated in fluffy soft feathers. Khaled eyed him now and then, through fragrant steam and streams of sunlight, through the doorframe and the mirror.
He never could hide his emotions very well. He wasn't afraid of Anders despite the nightmarish appearance. In fact, he found it easy on the eye. Not to mention Anders was charming and gentle, a patient listener... and he liked tea. Khaled has never met a tea-loving bird before. He found it adorable.
"Blood of the Hawkes." He set the tray onto the table. "It's in our nature to be plucky."
Varric let out a throaty laughter.
"Oh, that's a good one! I'm stealing it. But seriously, he's been crashing in your attic for what, a year now?" His pitch got lower as he noted with caution, "I thought you'd be done with family matters. After, uhm..."
Khaled pinned him down with a glare.
"I am." He crushed a sugar cube with a tea spoon. "And it doesn't matter. As you've correctly noticed, he's a whole ass bird."
"A talking bird, Killer. A bird that can defend itself in court."
Khaled considered the possibility. He surmised that birds lacked in literacy and were thus incapable of submitting a court appeal.
"I'm sure I can get some kind of sexual gratification just from staring at him." He settled down, pushing his chair far enough to peek into the study. Anders had gotten into a jar of body glitter from the Blooming Rose, which turned him ecstatic. He was now smearing it over his skin with a look of utter delight.
"Or," Varric smirked, "you could offer him a romantic dinner with some rye seeds."
"If your next suggestion involves passing them along with my mouth, I'm tossing you out of the window."
Varric was right though. Khaled knew it as he sipped his tea, as he missed one witty retort after another, as he excused himself, as he let his friend out and locked the door. He leaned on it, forehead pressed against cool polished wood. His thoughts were too loud and his head too full.
You've got a literal demon living in your attic, implored the voice of reason - it sounded a lot like Mother. A horrible scary twisted bird-demon. His head rotates at one hundred and eighty degrees. His screeching fills Hightown with eternal dread. He chases dogs. He molts. He swings from the chandelier. He plucked ser Karras' eyes out with his feet.
Yes. And he's a talented mage - minus the unfortunate affair that turned him into a bird. He's passionate and kind. He's witty. His fingers are strong as steel, talons drawing blood when they drag across your skin. His body is graceful and there is a sense of great wonder about it, a thrill before the unknown, and...
He smacked his fist into the door, teeth gritting from the pain. Molting wasn't the problem. An abomination is allowed precious few freedoms as it is; it felt wrong to encroach on the remaining ones. Even if it meant running a hand over the shiny plumage, hugging the narrow waist, counting every bone under the scaly skin, following the curves of the spine and overgrown clavicles and...
He ran up to his room, slammed the door shut, burrowed into the pillows, cursing wordlessly at his own stupid mind and body. He wanted the creature, needed Anders' wrongness and abnormality. He longed for ticklish touch of feathers, ache of scratches, human warmth in what was definitely not human. He wondered what it would feel like to rub his erection against a body barely resembling his own, to find a way of pleasuring it, loving it when the very concept of love couldn't apply to its features. And...
He rolled his hips, rutting into the mattress, feeling a surge of heat deep in his belly and a damp touch of fabric against his cock. It felt filthy, shameful, strange. It also felt so fucking good. Not as good as admiring the span of black wings, digging into the feathers, feeling, fondling every bump and hollow, kissing scars Anders hated to show, and...
The heat grew unbearable and he curled up with a loud moan, and for a while his heart was beating somewhere within his throat and hammering against him like it was about to burst out. He lay that way, panting, for what felt like an age. His cheek got itchy; he scratched it and studied the residue left on his fingers.
It was a thin dusting of golden body glitter.
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arhvste · 4 years
next stop iwa-chan!
“i traded a thousands nights, for just one with you, i been catching feelings over you and i hope you catch them too, i been going crazy over you and i hope you’re crazy too”
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the boy was good in the kitchen to y/n’s surprise as he helped expertly cut vegetables and help cook them off while y/n boiled the noodles and fried the meat.
even though it was something that should've been a normal thing to do, both y/n and iwaizumi couldn't help but feel butterflies inside at the thought of doing something domestic together in the comfort of one of their own homes. the idea of what it would be like to be married even entered iwaizumi’s head for a brief 5 minutes before he shook it off and reminded himself that they were taking things slow.
y/n on the other hand knew that iwaizumi had wanted to take things slow because of a previous bad relationship. she didn't know the ins and outs of what had happened and she didn't want to pressure him to tell her, but she too was beginning to struggle with suppressing her feelings. she would tell herself it was nothing more than a crush but she knew she’d be lying. she genuinely liked the boy and she was in deep, not that she’d ever admit it out loud though.
40 minutes later and the cooking was done as the two admired their work.
y/n laughed as she brought the crockery over to the dining table.
“this was a team effort, if it tastes bad that's all on you.”
“this was a team effort, if it tastes bad that's all on you.”
they sat down and said their thanks before beginning to eat.
iwaizumi was warm on the inside. eating something they had made together only made his heart pick up the pace a little.
he stopped to glance at the girl in front of him who looked as if she was enjoying her meal.
he’d called her pretty before just as a general compliment as form of teasing but she really was beautiful. the fact that he began to like her even before he had a clue of what she looked like fuelled his fondness of her.
it wasn't even just her appearance that had him hooked, y/n wasn't like any other girl he’d met before. he was an attractive guy, he knew this, he had girls approach him in the past but none of them really took his interest and iwaizumi found himself having to consciously speak politely to them. it wasn't like that with y/n though. she could take his banter and give it back just as quick, she wasn't judgemental and didn't push him to talk to her about things he didn't want to.
“i know you said you wanted something pretty to look at but now you’re just straight up staring.”
iwaizumi snapped out of his gaze and locked eyes with a smirking y/n.
“can’t help it when you look the way you do.”
y/n let out an airy laugh as she began to clear up the table and leave everything in the kitchen as they finished, iwaizumi following behind carrying other pieces to bring back to the kitchen.
“we can just chat on the couch or something, i don't know what’s on tv right now, netflix won't work cause the wi fi’s down.”
“so no netflix and chill then?”
y/n turned to the boy and gave him a serious look.
“best behaviour remember?”
“yes ma’am.”
the two sat on the spacious couch and relaxed into the soft furniture.
a casual conversation picked up between the two and they found themselves laughing and chatting carelessly as the hours drained away. time would fly past whenever the pair were together, both of them secretly wishing the hours were longer.
it was now 11:48pm and the atmosphere was nowhere near empty between the two. without even realising, they’d inched closer and closer as they spoke until y/n found her knees touching iwaizumi’s. she smiled as she noticed. she naturally gravitated towards his personality and now it seemed she naturally gravitated towards him physically too.
“what are you smiling about?”
“yeah you. you make me smile.”
iwaizumi blushed slightly at the girl’s blunt words.
even though they hadn't even known each other for even a month, iwaizumi felt like he knew the girl, like he’d been with her for years, she was so easy to be around and let his guard drop a little.
“hey thanks.”
y/n raised an eyebrow and looked up.
“for what?”
iwaizumi sighed quietly and took y/n’s hands into his own.
“for being patient. i know i said i wanted to take things slow but you really do make me happy. my last relationship was... difficult. it didn't end well and it was toxic from the start i should've seen it coming. you make me want to give relationships a second chance.”
the girl gently squeezed iwaizumi’s hands as he looked into her pretty eyes.
“again, i won't ask you what happened, i’ll let you tell me in your own time, but for what its worth, i will never make things difficult for you.”
to this, iwaizumi laughed.
“it’s a little late for that y/n.”
the boy looked away before edging towards y/n a little closer.
“because, all these emotions you make me feel, they’re almost foreign to me, it’s difficult for me to understand them.”
so that was it.
“if i’m the one making it difficult, then let me help make things easier.”
y/n pulled herself into iwaizumi’s lap and cupped his face while staring into his wide eyes softly. she ghosted her fingers over his cheek bones and hummed in satisfaction at his defined features. Iwaizumi’s hands hand snaked around her waist securing her in her position.
y/n sighed lightly before leaning in and grazing her lips over iwaizumi’s tickling his slightly. sick of holding back iwaizumi couldn't take the anticipation any longer. swiftly removing one arm from around her waist, he cupped one hand on y/n’s cheek and pulled her down on to him pressing a firm and desperate kiss to her. she gasped in surprise and iwaizumi took this opportunity to deepen the kiss with nothing but a need for y/n to feel the emotions he had been holding back from her.
y/n moved her hands and wrapped her arms around his neck as the kiss turned lazy but still full of emotion. a soft, pure love was translated through the kiss as y/n began to pull away to catch her breath only to press soft and delicate butterfly kisses to the boys face.
“did that make things any easier?”
“i was trying to be on my best behaviour and you ruined it.”
y/n hummed as she pressed one last kiss to him before resting her head into his chest.
“you’re glad i did really.”
iwaizumi wrapped his arms around y/n pulling her closer into him.
“that did make things a little easier though.”
y/n looked up and smiled.
“good. sometimes i’m not sure if i’m always getting what i’m feeling across to you properly, that seemed like a good way to do it.”
“if that’s your way of telling me your emotions i may have to act even more insensitive.”
the girl laughed and playfully slapped the boy’s arm before cuddling back into his broad chest.
“minus 2 y/n points.”
“i like you. and not even just a little bit anymore.”
yeah, the two wanted to take things slow but maybe bokuto and the other’s were right. if it was meant to be then things just couldn't be forced to slow down. y/n and iwaizumi had crossed paths in such a spontaneous way, neither could even think to prepare for what emotions would flood when they had started to get involved with one another.
“i won't ask you to be my girlfriend, not just yet, there's still things i want to learn about you, for you to learn about me, but believe when i say i want to be serious about you, i want to try with you, i want you. just give me a bit more time but i promise some day soon, you’ll be my girl but i want to be the best i can for you and right now i’m still figuring things out. i want you when i’m happy with myself.”
y/n couldn't help but let the glowing smile on her face break out.
“a little selfish aren't we?”
“yeah i am, only for you though.”
y/n loosely wrapped her arms around iwaizumi’s neck before looking into his sincere and genuine eyes.
“well, when you’re happy with yourself and have things figured out, i’m yours for the taking, until then, let’s figure this all out together at our own pace. it’s clear neither of us want to force things to go at a slow pace but naturally i agree it’s best we learn a little more about each other before making anything official. i like you and i know you like me, we have all the time in the world to stick a label with commitments on us so i don't mind taking things as they come.”
iwaizumi let out a sigh of relief as he pulled y/n into his chest as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“you know, maybe i am glad shittykawa decided to bother you at the train station that day.”
“yeah? i’m glad too.”
enough had been said between the pair. they weren't ready for an actual relationship just yet, but iwaizumi felt excited about the idea of eventually getting to call y/n his officially. all he had to do was get rid of his insecurities and doubts from his last relationship so he could be the best version of himself for the girl who makes him want to do that. he had spent hours wondering if y/n felt the same unexplainable emotions as he did and tonight he knew he could rest easy knowing that she was in just as deep as him.
he was catching feelings over her and he’d hoped she’d caught them too.
whatever stars had heard his wishes, he said a silent thanks as the two drifted off to sleep there on y/n’s couch limbs tangled together.
this was only the start, but both of them slept with a few butterflies in their stomachs as they dreamt about what was yet to come, pulled in close together as they slept under the clear twinkling stars above the skylight in y/n’s apartment.
next stop iwa-chan!
iwaizumi haijime x reader
an - both y/n and iwa are in deep
akaashi’s playgroup || two pretty setters and co
part 17 - admit it
part 18 - i hope u catch them too
part 19 - whatever we are
taglist : @crushingonsuga @bloody-bella @totorosleaff @kageyamasbabygorl @cuddlyroger @hidden-otaku-stuff @vanilla-beanzz @macchiatoast @kac-chowsballs @anime-read-write-repeat @missalienqueen @bbkiyoomi @toaster-stick @nerdynstoned @otaku-fangirlse @the-third-wall @nekomateammanager @bokutoichigo @killlerqween @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm @doggonudez @iwaizluv @angrylittlezizi @softmultistan @lifesciencesbois @itsmattsunshinehere @haikyus1mp @bringmelily @valrubiii @saturnfarie @oyaoyaoya-chan @ack-aashi @weebymaria @introvertatitsfinest @rd-crew @strawberryyymiaa @a-fucking-simp @chokomoko @iwachanswh0re @maybesoph @leviathans-watching @loser-keiji
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flooffybits · 4 years
Idol: Kim Minji, Kim Yoohyeon (Dreamcatcher)
Anon: - i wanna start by saying thank u for taking the time to read this and that reading ur works is such a stress reliever amidst all the deadlines i have ☺️ craving some fluff rn so can i request a scenario with poly reader, jiu and yoohyeon? jiyoo wants their s/o’s attention but s/o is busy with pie and cherry who seem to favor s/o a lot more than their own owners. (can u add sua being whiny bc pie keeps running away by going to the reader? i find it cute everytime i see a scared pie with her 😂)
A/n: this is just such a cute and funny idea that i was excited to write it. I’ve been itching for more Dreamcatcher requests so thank you for this
☕buy me a coffee☕
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Your girlfriends always loved it when you were able to spend time together despite your busy schedules. With them being idols and you at your own job, it was understandable that the time you had together wasn’t exactly a lot. But whenever you were around, it made the whole thing more meaningful.
Gone were Jiu and Yoohyeon from Dreamcatcher and the only people left were your girlfriends, Minji and Yoohyeon. Whenever the three of you were together, they lived their lives in such a domestic manner even with the mention of InSomnias and having the rest of the group around every now and then.
While they loved when you were at the dorm, right now, they were sat to the side, watching with envy when your attention would not shift away from the twos pups that were happily wiggling on your lap and trying to catch your hands.
“You’re so cute! If I knew you were here, I would have brought something for you.” You coo while scratching under their chins before they decided to stand on their hind legs in an attempt to lick your face, but due to both being so small, they could barely even reach your neck.
But their attempts were just so cute, and the way they would not stop trying to lick you ended up tickling you and forcing you to fall back from your sitting position. Seeing their opportunity, the two dogs waste no time in attacking your face with kisses, drawing more giggles from your lips as you squirmed on the floor.
It would have been such an adorable sight to the two owners, but seeing as it’s been more than thirty minutes of you ignoring the pair that’s caused them to dislike their adorable little fur babies at that very moment.
“Cherry, come here!” The leader tried after another five minutes, but the white puppy refused to budge from your chest, the same with Pie when Yoohyeon tried calling for her. “Pie, Y/n is tired, see?” But she simply turned her head away when you started to pet the two.
Minji looked at you with a huff, pouting when you wouldn’t even look in their direction. “I get the feeling that you’re only with us for our dogs.” She claims, but even then you refuse to look while smiling at the two. “Well, they were the ones asking for my attention. It’s kinda hard not to give it to them.” You chuckle lightly before slowly sitting up, setting the two on your lap but keeping one hand on each of them as they finally calmed down.
“You said you were visiting us, not Pie and Cherry! And they won’t even come to us.” Yoohyeon complained with a pout of her own when she stood to try and take her pet away, but Pie had only tried to wriggle out of her arms before she was making her way back to you.
“In my defense, I had no clue they were here.” You smile before putting the two on the floor to stand up and tend to your sulking girlfriends, which caused them to finally smile at getting your attention, but the tugging of your pants had caused you to pause, looking down to find Cherry biting on it just so you would pay more attention to her.
Seeing this, Minji’s eyes narrowed before she looked around for the pup’s toy and then reaching for it. “Cherry, look! It’s your favorite toy.” She called out, and while she felt triumphant when she looked, Cherry was quick to dismiss it as she barked and attempted to have you pick her up once more.
Their antics had caused you to laugh before reaching down to pick both Cherry and Pie up, seeing as the latter was staring at you to do so. Walking over to the bed, you sat down next to Minji, Yoohyeon taking the opposite side as you set the two dogs on their respective owners’ laps.
But before they could even properly hold them, the two hopped off their laps and back on yours, earning a groan from the pair and another bout of laughter from you. “Jesus, why are they so clingy?” You ask, your voice going a pitch higher when you, once again, began to shower them with affection.
"For heaven's sake..." Minji tried to get Cherry off of you, only to have her bark back and shift away from her hands. "Yah! Kim Cherry!"
"Pie loves mommy, right? Come to mommy." Yoohyeon had attempted to lure Pie back to herself, only to have said dog turn its head to you and pressed her small body against your stomach.
Seeing as there was no chance of their pets leaving your side, Yoohyeon groaned dramatically before she was laying down on the bed. “Unnie! Our babies are stealing Y/n!” She whined in a high pitched tone as Minji pouted while you continued to play with the two said babies.
“You’re being so dramatic. They just missed me just like you did.”
“We still miss you because we only got at least five minutes until Pie and Cherry took you away.”
Lightly rolling your eyes, you then move to set the two pups on the floor and then turn to the pair who were looking at you with a pout on their faces. If it were possible, Yoohyeon would even cry with how much you refused to give them any form of attention.
“Come here. They can’t get on the bed.”
At that, your two girlfriends finally perked up before you were pulled down on the bed and into their eager arms, kisses being pressed to your cheeks before Yoohyeon rested her head against your shoulder and Minji pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, sighing in content as they were finally able to enjoy your company without a problem.
“I can’t believe you were being jealous over dogs.” You chuckled when the three of you just ended up cuddling on the bed, kisses exchanged in between and whispered compliments slipping every now and then.
Minji scoffed as she glanced to the floor where the two were, patiently waiting with their tails wagging, and then back to you. “We’re your girlfriends.”
“They’re your babies.”
“Stop ruining the moment.”
You ended up laughing at the small whine that came from the silver haired woman and kissed her forehead before doing the same to Minji, who relaxed in your hold and allowed her eyes to close.
“I’m always gonna love the both of you. Cherry and Pie are your kids, so of course I’m going to love them, too.” You tell them as Yoohyeon hums. “But you should love us more.”
“There’s no one else to love more.”
Later in the evening, everyone’s gathered in the living room, you and Minji in the kitchen, preparing dinner, while Gahyeon decided to help out and wanting to learn as well.
The rest of the girls were just waiting, playing with the two dogs since their attention seemed to always flit to the pair whenever one of them was brought along for the group to meet.
“Unnie, stop!” You could hear Yoohyeon’s voice amidst the chaos while continuing to stir the pot, the girls’ laughter meeting your ears after. “Be careful!” Siyeon had called out and the three of you wonder what was happening until two fluffy puppies came pawing at your legs.
Handong had to laugh as Bora ran after them. Currently, Yubin was laughing on the couch with Siyeon beside her and the main vocalist had her phone out whilst Yoohyeon had gotten up to run after the two as well.
When you look down at the two, Bora was already whining. “Why do they keep going to Y/n?” The volume of her voice seemed to frighten the pups and you smile before gently picking them up, your older girlfriend shaking her head as she went back to finishing your food while Gahyeon did her best to distance herself from you and the dogs in your arms.
“They really love Y/n. Cherry even barked at me when I tried to take her away.” Minji explained as you walked to the living room to set the pups down. Yubin reached out after calming from her laughing fit and smiled when Pie licked at her hand while Handong gently started to pet Cherry’s head.
“It would have been easy if Y/n’s surname was Kim, too. But if ever, are you going to rename them as Cherry and Pie L/n or just keep them as is?” Siyeon asked curiously.
“I’m offended that you think I’ll let Y/n completely steal my baby, unnie.” Yoohyeon piped up as she picked Pie up into her arms and rubbed her stomach. “Ohhh. Rejected.” Handong teases but you just smile and shake your head. “Even if they don’t have my name, I can still love them, anyway.”
“Y/n is such a sweet talker, no wonder Cherry and Pie prefer them over us.” Minji stated as she and Gahyeon finally came back with the food and placed them on the table. “Well, to be fair, Y/n is a really lovable person.” Gahyeon piped up, earning a smack on the arm from a cackling Bora.
“I can’t argue with that, but I still refuse to leave Y/n with Cherry and/or Pie anymore. I feel like if we do that, they’ll go home with Y/n instead.”
“Hey, I’ll take good care of them.” You defend and Yubin nods her head. “With how you take care of Jiu unnie and Yoohyeon, there’s no doubt about it.”
“No, I’d rather Y/n just takes care of us and we’ll handle the dogs.” Yoohyeon huffs and her fellow maknae seemed surprise whilst Siyeon poked her arm. “Are you being jealous? Of your own dog?”
Minji and Yoohyeon send you a glare while you winked at them. “They’ve been like this the whole day.” You explain, earning another round of laughter from the group, minus your two lovely girlfriends.
“You’re lucky we love you.”
“Love you, too.”
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yelenasdog · 3 years
il un a visage gentil (prof!gwilym lee x prof! gn reader)
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genre: fluff
summary: who knew the attractive english lit professor also happened to speak french? not his new coworker, that’s for sure.
words: 1.7k
warnings: reader embarassing herself a lil bit, that’s it :)
a/n: hi!! first of all, no pronouns are used as this is from readers pov, so anyone can read. second of all, so i typically don’t write for gwil, but i had this idea in french the other day when my french teacher (sweet old french man who deserves better LMAODSJO) was going over some assignment that for some reason had il un a visage gentil in it LOLOL. that being said, i obvi don’t speak fluent french and this is all fictional! love u, hope u enjoy!!
“Hello everyone, and welcome to your first day. I’m Dr Gwilym Lee, and I am the head of the English Literature Department here at Oxford University. Feel free to call me Gwil, it’s what all my students do.”
I slanted my eyes from my position at the door, gripping the frame just a tad tighter than I had been before hearing his voice. I continued to listen to the doctor talk as I made my way behind the last row of seats in the lecture room, trying not to make any noise. My heels were thankfully mute against the carpet, not drawing any attention towards me, the professor keeping complete focus on his students.
“One of the first things I wanted to kind of, um, touch on, is that I will be quite flexible. I understand that you have lives, as do I. As long as I can see an honest effort being put into my class, I will hold no repercussions for late work or being physically late to class.”
With that, he looked up to where I had just sat down, quirking a brow. The eye contact was momentary, only lasting what seemed to be a second, if that.
I cleared my throat, looking to my feet.
“We at the english department are quite proud of our status, ranking 4th in english programs overall in the UK. Now I won’t continue to bore you with the statistics, but-“
I made a scan of the room, seeing how only 1 or 2 pupils were actually listening, the rest either slumped over looking at their phones, or pretending to take notes on a laptop while really watching netflix. (More than one student was watching gossip girl, oddly enough.)
Considering it was only 5 minutes into the hour long lecture, I was confused, as he was holding my attention, at least, quite well.
After about 30 minutes, I realized that my own “first day lecture” was in 15 minutes, which assured that I most definitely had to leave. I was saddened by this (even though I had only even planned on staying in Gwil’s room for a small while.
I sighed quietly, picking myself up from the surprisingly comfortable seats and making my way towards the door. Just as I was about to go, I felt eyes boring holes into the back of my head. I turned, realizing Gwilym to be the perp. I opened my mouth to speak and then closed it again, quickly walking out and down the hallway to my own room.
I made it in, hurrying down the many stairs, past where a few students were waiting.
“Hi, everyone, I’ll just be a few moments, just waiting for the rest of your new classmates to arrive.”
I smiled briefly, before slamming my office door audibly, chest heaving with my back against the shaded window. I closed my eyes, unaware of why I had been so panicked by the brief interaction, not to mention the butterflies it hatched in my stomach.
After giving myself some time to decompress, I exhaled, smoothing out the skirt of my dress and rotating. I placed a hand on the handle, preparing myself for the fresh faced freshman.
As I opened the door, I heard half a knock, before whoever was behind the door (poor soul) essentially fell on top of me.
Expecting to see a red faced pupil who had just made a very interesting first impression, I looked up, suddenly becoming the one with a warm and itchy wave of embarrassment making its way up my neck.
“I’m so terribly sorry,” He stood up, reaching out a hand. I hesitated before reaching forward and gripping tightly, allowing him to tug me up.
“It’s alright, Gwil, really.”
He opened his mouth (not that I was paying any mind to his lips), presumably to ask my name. Before he got the chance, I beat him to it, blurting out my full title, unfortunately in a quite awkward way.
The students that had gathered had mostly turned their attention elsewhere by now, only a few of them still watching the live disaster that was my interaction with the incredibly attractive man in front of me.
He spoke up as I tried to maneuver my way around him to the podium positioned in the front of the room where my laptop was waiting.
“Well, I had assumed you were a student who was trying to sneak off early, but I stand corrected, then.” He looked around my slowly filling space, a slight amusement hiding in his gaze.
“Yes, sorry, I had caught you at a bad time, I was hoping to introduce myself, you know, trying to make a good impression. Feels like the first day of school all over again.” I laughed, bringing a hand up to brush away a stray strand that had somehow managed to escape my bun.
“It’s alright, don’t stress about it. And trust me, I get it. New jobs are scary.”
I huffed, looking out at the sea of judgmental young people that I now would have to face after that fiasco. Lovely.
“You could say that again.”
We sat in a comfortable silence for a short amount of time, the clock striking 2:30 being what woke me from my trance.
“That’s my queue.” I gave a small wave as he walked off, a smile spreading across his face at the motion.
I turned to my teaching assistant, fully believing he was out of earshot.
“Il un a visage gentil, eh?”
She only laughed, nodding her head and plugging in my macbook, allowing the screen to come alive with a flurry of colors in my powerpoint.
“Hi guys! Or should I say bonjour!” I paused, receiving a few chuckles in the crowd.
“I’m sorry for getting us started so late, I had a small mishap. I’m Dr Y/n Y/l/n, and I am your professor this year in the French undergraduate course, where you will have the opportunity to study medieval literature, modern day linguistics, and much more, which I will get into later on.
 We here at Oxford have the single largest French department in Britain, which we have come to have extreme pride in. We also have a french cultural center, where you will find a large selection of programmes and literature to choose from. If you haven’t yet checked it out yet,” I briefly looked up, seeing Gwilym still stood at the top of the stairs. He gave me another small smile, crossing his arms.
“Sorry, lost my place. Where was I?”
After class, I walked up to where the tall man had now moved to the side, allowing students to flood right by him.
“Gwil, hi!”
“Hi to yourself.”
I blushed, the feeling of fuzzy-ness once again flooding my entire system at just the brief statement. Odd. Extremely odd.
“That was very nice, I have a feeling this class will be quite popular in the coming years.”
I smiled and nodded my head. “Thank you, I appreciate it, truly. Although, I must say that I can tell everyone is racing to get a spot in Professor Gwilym Lee’s class 100% percent.”
He cocked his head, slimming his eyes.
“Really, you think so?”
We continued to walk down the long hallway, neither of us quite aware of where we happened to be going.
“Oh for sure, I can imagine you’re especially popular with a certain demographic, too.”
His confusion seemed to only grow, stormy blue eyes seemingly lost.
“What do you mean by that, exactly?” His voice slightly raised an octave at the end, earning a chuckle from me.
“Look, all I’m saying is that with looks like that, I bet your roster was full in seconds.”
I paused, the flow of conversation stopping as I came to terms with what I had just accidentally said. Out loud. In front of my new coworker, who happens to be incredibly gorgeous. A wonderful first day I’m having.
We resumed walking, a blanket of complete silence falling upon us all the way until we reached the entrance to the facility.
The chilly December air hit my face immediately, as well as droplets of rain that were falling so hard it felt like small bullets were grazing my nose, which I could barely feel after just a few moments outside.
“Here.” Gwil muttered, pulling out a bright red umbrella and using it to shield us both from the angry pellets sent from above.
“Ah, thank you.”
“Of course.”
Then it was quiet again between us both, minus the sounds of chattering students and the rain hitting and then sliding off of our cover, coming in contact with the ground with a final splat.
“You know,” Gwilym began, always the one to break the silence.
I hummed, turning my head in his direction.
“I speak a little bit of French, as well. And I think you also have a nice face.” He nudged my elbow and laughed, while I closed my eyes and sighed, hanging my head.
“So there really isn’t any other way I could possibly embarrass myself right now, is there?”
He only shrugged, scratching the back of his head. “Actually, now that I think of it, there might be one more thing I can think of?”
“What would that be?”
“Saying no to a cup of coffee?”
It was like I froze over completely, my mind suddenly growing blank when I needed it mostt.
“With me?” I asked, the question more aimed towards myself, a miniscule act of reassurance and affirmation.
Gwilym smiled brightly as he shook his head, and I swear, I had never seen anything more amazing.
“Yes, Y/n, with you.”
I stuttered, embarrassed for what seemed like the millionth time that day, specifically at my lack of verbal skills.
“Yes, yes of course, that sounds amazing.”
“Then what are we waiting for?”
He offered me an arm which I gladly took, and we started walking to the quaint campus cafe just across the street from our building.
It was the same cafe where (not that we knew it yet) the both of us would make many late night coffee runs together during midterms week, the stressful time growing to become one of our favorites as it was now filled with giggles and caffeine. 
Usually it would end up with one of us, that one of us usually being me, leaving a ring of coffee on the other’s ungraded assignments. Or even better, spilling an entire drink on the paper, only a “sorry!” written in Gwil’s rushed handwriting at the top of the curiously scented paper as explanation.
But as I said, we didn’t know that yet.
kinda gross but whatevs, like and rb if u did indeed enjoy it. mwah, go eat some protein, take an electronics break and drink some water. love u 
xx hj
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
The Messy Route
Dom’s OH playthrough where we use Ethan to get the diagnostics job, are FWB with Bryce and trying to romance Raf. MC is Dr. Love Lao. 
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Ch. 1
Book 1, Ch 2
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So much for the plan. 
Sienna Trinh. Goddess of all things good in the world. We’re friends now. She doesn’t have a choice - Love nor Sienna. These girls are ride or die!!!
Asshat’s words get under Love’s skin and she is REELING. Being a doctor is all she’s ever wanted and on her first case she almost killed someone. Maybe everything she thought was wrong?? (Can you hear an identity crisis in the distance because I sure can)
Loves not a quitter. Never has been, never will be. Could the angry words of the one renowned attending she idolized change her?
Definitely not.
Girl just needs a mental break. Oh look there’s a supply closet!
Breathing in and out and trying to wrangle in the crushing feel of failure, she doesn’t get two minutes alone before the door swings open.
It’s the annoyingly attractive surgeon with the now-faltering smile and warm glow.
“Get in or get out Bryce. Just shut the door” ouchhhh she snapped at him and his smile completely disappeared
He joined her in the cramped space.
All signature cockiness left when he asked in his delicate and concerned honey-like cadence “what’s wrong”. She told him and he was a pretty good listener, all things considered. 
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(She says that now but little does she know that is EXACTLY what she about to do the next two years 🎉)
Honestly it’s a shock that this dude has a heart and a pretty decent outlook on life. He’s oddly good at pep talks. Judging by his physique he wasn’t on cheer squad but dayummm
His hugs were soft and warm and peaceful as he pulled her against his toned chest. His arms strong and safe. Love could certainly do this again. Minus the whole closet breakdown thing.
She really wants to not like the guy. But
There’s just something about Bryce Lahela 🤔
And she wondered what his other talents include 😏
As he’s looking down at her with that sweet lopsided smile asking if this is all a ploy to get him alone she has a strong urge to stand on her toes and kiss his pretty lips.
But she pushes the urge aside with a chuckle. Time and place babes. This ain’t it. Also he’s a colleague. And they just met. And they’re in a supply closet. Not really a good first impression for all parties 👀
She gets a bit of flush on her pale cheeks when he departs with a wink. Leaving her alone to collect herself from her mini breakdown.
((I hc that with all Mrs Martinez’s free time and boredom she’s just doing squats in her room and has a very toned ass for an old person and just wants to show off. If she can’t lay naked in Cannes she’ll get the thrill of the breeze through her gown and the satisfaction of knowing she pulled someone out of their comfort zone for a minute or two))
Asking the nurses to page dr grumpmunch to meet her in Annie’s room was the most satisfying and gratifying feeling. Eat shit mothafuckerrr
He doesn’t have the common decency to come into the room? Or talk to the patient? Just lean against the doorframe like a limp ass tree ??? Absolutely ridiculous and callous behavior for a grown ass man. 
She’s SO pleased with herself as she follows Ethan out of the room.
Which lasts about 2 seconds until asshat checks his watch and hands her a prescription.
Love FLIPS. She does not need his charity or opportunity and just wants her patients treated with the best care. Having Annie wait another hour was precious time wasted. Wtf was he thinking???
Dr. Ramsey made a good point about growth and crap. But she’s too riled up to apologize or even listen. She just scowls and goes to walk away
BUT THEN she stops when Aurora finally turns up all pissy.
And Ethan’s kinda hot when his anger isn’t directed at her. Woah nelly, reign in the heart eyes he’s a total prick.
Though power is an aphrodisiac 👀
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(Why am I just now noticing he calls himself a badger???)
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(gosh she’s so pretty. And yet she’s going to let Mitch get away with treating her like garbage??? Oh pb and their inconsistencies 😔)
The surgeon looks good shirtless. His arms look amazing in his scrubs and the green really compliments his complexion. In his everyday clothes he looks... like and Ivy League douche. But those bracelets accompanying his watch are doing things to her.
Everything about Bryce Lahela is off putting and exciting.
So she joins him and his surgical buddies for a game of darts, wagering a kiss. They’re not at work no’mo might as well see if he lives up to all the talk 😏
He doesn’t play fair. His hot breath tickling the shell of her ear. Taunting that “medical interns can’t handle the heat”. 
Oh she can handle the heat alright. But maybe there’s more value in losing this bet? 
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Love’s counting on it 
But she’s also not gotta let him off that easily. She does the same but lets her lips graze his ear. And, well... 
That stupid victory dance was a reward in itself. 
She licks her lips and grabs his outstretched hand. 
For a second time that day she’s pressed up against him with his strong arms wrapped around her. He tastes like malt and mint and sugar... Did he snag some cookies somewhere?? 
And then his lips trail away from hers and down her jaw and up to her ear and she’s molded into him and holding onto his biceps tightly in a state of pure bliss at this point. It’s going to be a good year. 
The surgeons call rounds for another game and Love taps out on that. She observed her friends all around the bar and found one pair of eyes swiftly averting from her. 
So she makes her way over to him. 
She eyed the empty glass in front of him and scoffed to herself. Scotch. It was her drink of choice in undergrad - she thought it would give her an enigmatic edge over her peers, instead of drinking beers like everyone and their older brother.
For the first time in the 15 hours she’s known asshat he shoots her a small smile of approval. Bingo. 
She scoffs audibly this time when he thinks she’s bribing him. He’s not completely wrong but she won’t give him the satisfaction. 
So she gives him a wry smile and says some garbage about a thank you for making her better.
He orders two specials and up this close she notices how devastatingly handsome Dr. Ramsey. Devastating because those looks are wasted on his garbage personality.   
Of course the drink he orders is delicious and she refuses to admit it. Dr. Ramsey sees right through her bluff and Love kinda appreciates it. She’s learning she can’t trick him and that’s valuable insight to file away for later. 
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She’ll be blowing you, Ramsbo, darling.
(I’ve also never paid attention to Landry before... but now I’m starting to think he has a crush on MC and oh my god this route just got a lot more fun) ((but then again asking mc to teach ramsey his name is throwing me off)) 
A/N: Thanks for making it this far! I’m adding my taglist. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in this mess or not ✌🏻❤
@rookiemarsswiftie @lucy-268 @binny1985 @thegreentwin @queencarb @danijimenezv @starrystarrytrouble @terrm9 @interobanginyourmom @adrex04 @maurine07 @mercury84choices @schnitzelbutterfingers @theeccentricbibliophile @wingedhairstylemusicweasel​ @whimsicallywayward15​ @mvalentine​ @rookie-ramsey @drariellevalentine @lifeaskim @otherworldlypresents​ @therookie​ @aylaramseycarrera​ @angela8754 @fireycookie @stateofgracious​ @missmiimiie​ @uneravine​  @peaceinmidstofchaos​ @choicesaddict5​ @iemcpbchoices ​
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haknew · 3 years
ah, thank you for sharing them 🥺 yeah i agree with you, at first i was considering not getting it since i wasn’t really a huge stan at the time, like i liked hak from pd101, and i swore to support him after he didn’t make it to final lineup. then kevin was the most relatable guy ever and i loved seeing his vids too + his talent?? like bro can not only dance and sing and do stuff like other stars but is so good at art?? i love his style; for fonts i adore it! it’s not like i don’t have the money, not super rich or whatever but i have a good about of saving from allowances and those lovely envelopes when i met family at special occasions but i’d rather invest it somewhere much more useful to me (practically speaking!) as for cobie, at the time i pulled him i was neutral about every other tbz member so i was just happy getting anyone! but in reveal era i got invested into them a lot more, and since i bias him now too i’m satisfied i pulled him back then hehe the customised ones look so so pretty i can get why you’d love to have them somewhere you can see clearly! also that little letter for hak on his bday 💞 it’s so well done and even though i don’t vibe much with these kind of journals/edits i really, really love this one! i feel like you’ve got so much kevin lol it’s good to see you kept such good care of them all, and no problem if they’re not aesthetic photos, i asked and you delivered which is what matters! i loved reading your thoughts and thank you for reminding me that being a fan doesn’t = having countless albums and pcs! i myself am someone who can write a whole story’s length when talking to people about things i’m passionate for so you’re good haha thank you once again, it was really nice seeing what you have and what you have to say about it all! i hope you have more opportunities to collect some stuff in the future if you’d still be doing it, otherwise like you said, a hobby should remain a hobby and not transform into a chore! so if you’re going to stop then you’re still no less of a haknewkevtbz stan❣️hope you’re having/will have a splendid day!
my reply is so long again i’m so sorry lmao under the cut for everyone’s sake jkdhdkfj 
i get that ;;;; i think for the longest time i didn’t want to buy albums, and that’s perfectly fine ! it really depends on the person ! in a practical sense it might not be the best spending decision if you’re not going to use the album etc. ^^ i think i eventually ended up doing so bc for me ? at least i tie albums / songs to memories or feelings in my life so having a physical ? copy of it is kind of like a souvenir of that time ^^ a sort of memory keeper :p kinda cheesy of me but it’s also why i’m having issues when it comes to thinking about selling anything >.< but yea it was just to have smth and support my favs :] so i get it ! you’re super valid ! and yea >.< that’s fair too :o if you don’t have too many extra funds makes sense you’d want to spend it on stuff you reeeeeally really want / need ! (also special envelopes ? o.o like red envelopes ?) also yes yes hakkev deserve the world :’)) that worked out so nicely for you tho then :o ! very glad you got to pull your bias ^~^ deserve cobi best bb u.u he is very precious ! 
andddd yea :o i h8 the idea of my pcs just collecting dust in my binder hhh ;;; so i try my best to put some on display ! makes me happie to see ^^ and ahhhh ! that journal spread ! i have a lil aes ig account where i post pics and i made that spread for haknyeon day to post (and tbh ! i suck at journal spreads and that was my first legitimate one ? and i think it turned out okay so i was very happy with it) ! it’s just a short letter haha :p i have too many stationery things from impulse purchases so it’s good to use it for something fun like that ^u^ 
djfhskjfhg okay in my defense ... i think i’ve pulled ... 5 ?!? kevin pcs from my albums T^T WHICH IS CRAZY bc i bias the guy fgdskjfhg h8 it here (but not really i love him for that ...) yea in my no air albums i pulled his pc and film and in dreamlike i pulled his day pc and in my chase albums i pulled threeeee of his pcs </3 truly he is obsessed x.x jdkfdj no but ! i think it’s bc of that ;;;; and i actually believe i have one more hak pc than kev pcs ;;;; but idk haven’t counted them HAHA so yea ;;;; i got really lucky and kev l*ves me or smth ;;;;; they are v precious to me :D so yea i try my best to keep them safe ^^ there’s a lot of collectors on yt that make videos about the best way to keep pcs so i’ve seen a lot of those too :o !
but yea this turned out super long again i’m sorry T-T ! glad you enjoyed reading that mess tho ;-;/ thank you for doing so ! but yea my attitude towards stanning is just ;;;; everyone has their own styles if you don’t want to buy albums you don’t have to ! it doesn’t make you any less of a fan nor does it mean you love / support them any less ! it’s just you support them in your own way ! and so people who do spend a bunch of money to get everything ? they’re valid ! and people who don’t ? they’re also still valid ^~^ ! hobbies are just that so u.u and thenk you thenk you T-T ! i think i’m in essence done (minus one chanhee pc i want lol) so we’ll see what the future brings haha :p i hope you have a wonderful week too ! <3 
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vennilavee · 6 years
pairing: sam wilson x avengers!reader
prompt: “I’ll be right back” kisses: A puts their hands on B’s shoulders from behind them, where they are sat on the couch. He leans down and around, while B turns his head a little, accepting the quick peck
from this list
A/N: thanks for the request @honestly-how-do-you-art​. I hope you enjoy! Let me know your thoughts.
Your favorite part of getting ready for these opulent parties was getting ready with Sam. There was something intimate in the ritual you two had- him helping you into your dress, you tying his tie for him, him watching you apply mascara and your lipstick, and you buttoning up his suit. 
It was almost like a dance without music- his fingers softly whispering across your exposed skin as he holds you in front of a marbled mirror, your head leaning back against his shoulder and his lips barely grazing the nape of your neck. You both would speak in quiet tones, as if the rest of the world could hear you. Giggling to each other about anything and everything. The way the light of the extravagant bathroom caressed Sam’s eyes always left you breathless.
You were proud to be the woman on his arm, and he was proud to be the man on yours.
But he’s not getting ready with you today. Because you were both on an undercover mission. You would’ve usually jumped at the opportunity to go undercover with him, but you were both told to keep your heads down and not attract any attention to yourselves.
Sam had scoffed in Nick Fury’s face when he pointedly looked at the pair of you-
“I don’t get how this is qualifies as undercover,” You rolled your eyes, “Everyone knows who we are.”
“So you both better keep your hands to yourselves, get what you need and get out before you get your asses handed to you.” Fury said sternly. And yet, you still couldn’t take him seriously.
“Sounds easy enough,” Sam said dryly.
What did you need to collect, anyway? Oh yes, it was a flash drive located in a painting that your target had stolen, back when you, Sam, Bucky, Steve and Natasha were in pursuit of them in Marseilles.
What an incredible cliche.
Now, you were in Paris. The city of love, and all you wanted to do was get ready for this stupid party with your boyfriend, who was apparently off limits.
It was just you and Sam at the party- Nat had managed to hack her way into separate invites for the two of you. She had laughed when you were still pouting about not being able to go as a couple and Bucky had said ‘You can’t blame Fury. You attract attention when you’re together. You both ranked number 1 on that poll that Buzzfeed put out of favorite Avenger couples, remember?”
As you swipe on your second coat of red lipstick, you wonder if Sam felt the same strangeness getting ready without you as you did getting ready without him.
Sam can see the Eiffel Tower from the Renaissance Paris Le Parc Trocodero Hotel, where this party is being held. He frowns at the exuberance of the hotel room he’s getting ready in. He frowns not because he’s displeased with the room, but rather because he knows you’d appreciate the pristine, satin sheets, the golden glow of the light that the antique lamp gave off, and the marble of the bathroom floor.
Maybe he can hustle Tony into upgrading his room to an executive suite so that after this is over, the two of you can stay in Paris. Neither of you had been to Paris, much less been to Paris together. With your anniversary coming up, it had been an idea flitting around in his head.
It was a little cheesy, a little romantic. But you’d love it. 
Your pale blue gown billows behind you as you take a breath and verbally confirm that you’re heading down to the ballroom. Steve grunts in affirmation and reminds you to not be seen or leave any trace of yourselves behind.
“See you soon, baby girl,” Sam’s reassuring voice filters through the comms and you can’t help but smile, especially when Bucky actually giggles at Sam’s term of endearment.
Bucky is your number one fan.
Your heels are already pinching as you paint your most vibrant smile on and mingle with the crowd. These people all smell like money and expensive champagne. You spot your target fairly quickly- he’s close one of the many bars in the room and you murmur that bit of information through your comms. 
Blending into the crowd after grabbing a glass of wine from the bar, you indulge yourself. You have to force yourself not to look for Sam, and instead, you focus on catching your target’s eye.
Because that’s your job today. To make sure the extraction team had enough time to find the painting. You didn’t understand why one of you could just distract your target while the other could retrieve the painting but Fury hadn’t bothered explaining himself.
Sam had said that this was Fury’s way of looking out for you and maybe letting you enjoy the time you had in Paris. You had snorted at the thought of Fury letting you two enjoy anything.
“Whoa, baby girl,” Sam’s voice is low and strained in the comms, as if there weren’t other people listening in, “You blow my mind. You got a date tonight?”
You scan the room as warmth spreads throughout your body. But you still don’t see him so you keep your eyes on your target. In a room full of people, he finally spots you and you look away, pretending to be bashful.
Hook, line, and sinker.
He’s quite handsome, you think as he approaches you with a grin. But he’s no Sam. A flash of Sam’s gap-toothed smile trickles through you mind as you spit a fake name back at the stranger in front of you. You bat your lashes a few times at him and widen your eyes for good measure, enjoying the way his false bravado falls and how he stutters a question.
“Poor guy. I think you just stole his soul,” Sam observes passively, “Are you a siren? A mythical being, perhaps?”
Bucky laughs through the comms and you have to bite your lip harshly to stop yourself from laughing right in the stranger’s face. A rush of affection floods through you at your boyfriend’s words.
It’s only been a few hours since you last saw Sam, but you miss him already.
As smoothly as the evening had been going, you are unsurprised when things start to go downhill.
The stranger has led you in the direction of his hotel room, which was a win for you. You hope the small camera chip in the comms shows the hotel room number on the monitors that the team is looking at from their remote location.
He squints at you, as if you look different in the light of his room compared to the light of the ballroom. Is he starting to recognize who you were?
“What’s wrong?” You flash him a bright grin, the one you know makes him weak in the knees.
“N-nothing, I just thought... Nevermind,” His accent is slight- it’s not a French accent. It sounds Greek or Turkish.
You hear Sam say that they’ve got the room number, and for you to get out of there. But what reason do you have to leave the room?
“Oh, I just realized... I left one of my bracelets at the bar,” You lie. It sounds half convincing but he looks at you suspiciously. “It’s a special bracelet. My mother gave it to me before she died. She had it handcrafted for me and I’m-I’m s-sure you u-understand.”
Tears start to form in your eyes and he grows visibly uncomfortable, giving you a firm nod.
Another lie.
You leave the room and are unsurprised to see Sam at the end of the hallway. Looking back behind you to make sure you aren’t being followed by him, you allow yourself to smile widely at Sam. Your cheeks hurt for a moment as he makes his way over to you.
Sam wants nothing more than to twirl you in his arms as your pale blue dress twirls along with you. But you both are out in the open. The extraction team should have been here by now. 
“They should be here by now,” You murmur, mirroring his thoughts.
“Maybe they got held up,” Sam muses. 
“Yeah guys, extraction team is a little delayed. They got held up,” Natasha confirms. Before Sam can ask how long a little is, you cut him off.
You know that if you both stand here in the hallway debating what to do, your target will come out and your cover will be blown.
“I’ll be right back,” You promise Sam. Your hands squeeze his shoulders and you kiss his cheek quickly, then the corner of his mouth. He smiles at you encouragingly. You wink at him before entering the room.
He’s unsurprised to hear a yelp and a thud. Not even thirty seconds later, you come out without a scratch on your face.
“Fury should’ve let us do this by ourselves,” You roll your eyes, “You can tell him I said that Natasha.”
“Noted,” Natasha chuckles, “Just wait there until the extraction team comes, alright? And then you two lovebirds can enjoy Paris.”
“Yeah, yeah. Where would they be without us, anyway?” You joke. Your face lights up at the mention of enjoying Paris and Sam doesn’t miss it.
“You look beautiful,” Sam circles your waist with his arms, holding you after what feels like forever, “The most beautiful thing in Paris. Minus the Eiffel Tower at night.”
You laugh and push at his chest. You both ignore Steve’s exaggerated groans through the comms and Bucky thwacking Steve across the head.
“You’re handsome, baby,” You murmur, tugging him closer to you by the lapels of his suit jacket.
“Let’s stay here for the next week,” Sam suggests, his hand cupping your jaw.
“Seriously?” You whisper-squeal as excitement floods your irises.
“Seriously,” Sam kisses your cheek, “We’ll see if the Eiffel Tower has anything on you.
“Happy almost anniversary baby girl.”
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katelides · 6 years
Bechloe Week Day 3:
Bechloe Week Day 3: Drunk Texting
It’s Friday evening which means that everyone is preparing to go out, in the Bellas house. Everyone, except for one person... Beca Mitchell. The brunette had just walked into the chaos that she had grown used to over the course of 4 years. She easily dodges a shoe flying towards her and absentmindedly waving up to Lilly who as usual is hanging upside down from the ceiling.
She quietly makes her way into the kitchen and opens up the fridge and takes out a pre-prepared plate made specially for her by Chloe. They still had a few weeks left until graduation and had returned a week ago from their retreat. Things were going extremely well between all of them and the girls all made sure to give Beca space after her shifts at Residual Heat, especially since she got a raise after the amazing demo she made with Emily.
Usually everyone would cook for themselves yet Chloe couldn’t bare seeing a tired Beca coming home, not having food ready for her. Maybe it had something to do with the feeling she has for her but who can really tell. Beca doesn’t notice Chloe walk up behind her as she was heating up the pasta that Chloe had made for her. So it’s no surprise that she slightly jumps up when the redhead taps her on the shoulder.
“Dude!” Beca screeches, which makes Chloe laugh. “Not funny Chlo, you scared the hell out of me.” The redhead holds her hands up. “Sorry Becs, I just wanted to know if you were going to join us for a night out?” Beca shakes her head. “I’m sorry Chlo but I need to work on the setlist of the Worlds so we can put the final touches on the choreo and music on Sunday. My boss wants me to work on another demo for a big client as well and I need to study for my finals.”
The brunette is slight out of breath by the time she finishes her tiny rant because she was speaking so fast. “Whoa Becs relax, it’s ok, I totes understand. Don’t worry, I was just asking because...” The redhead trails off slightly. “Because what Chlo?” Chloe bites her lower lip in a way that makes Beca’s insides churn. “Because I miss spending time with you?” Beca smiles gently at her best friend and opens up her arms, inviting Chloe in for a hug. “I miss spending time with you as well, I promise I’ll hang out with you tomorrow while you’re recovering from your hangover.”
Of course Chloe doesn’t pass up an opportunity to hug the brunette. She smiles into the crook of Beca’s neck. “I though you were hanging out with Jesse?” Chloe suddenly remembers. “Uhmm...” Beca thinks about the issue at hand but shrugs soon after. “I saw him yesterday, and I can always tell him I need to discuss the worlds with you.” No matter how much she would like to, Beca would never admit that she‘d rather spend time with Chloe than her own boyfriend.
Chloe raises her brow to question her best friend but doesn’t actually get a chance. “Really Chloe, I want to spend more time with you as well, and Jesse is moving to LA anyway next week so we’ll see how things go anyway. I mean we’ll have to get used to not seeing each other every day at some point, right?” The redhead is a little bit surprised at the unfazed tone Beca was speaking in. If it was her boyfriend leaving she would be devastated but still, Beca always wanted to go to LA so probably she would go up there after graduation and worlds.
“Do you need my help picking out an outfit or will you just show me when you’re ready?” Chloe thinks about it and shakes her head. “Why don’t you come up when you finish your dinner? I’ll have some outfits ready and you can help me pick the best one out.” Beca rolls her eyes playfully. “I’ll eat when you guys leave. Lets get you ready for tonight.”
Over an hour later all of the the Bellas minus Beca had gone out, leaving the brunette to work on her things. They had no idea how much Beca actually needs this time alone. Her entire life has been turned upside down in only one afternoon. She had wanted to to talk to Chloe about it but chickened out in the last minute. If Chloe had only know about the huge fight the brunette had had with her boyfriend... ex-boyfriend about her moving to New York instead of LA after graduation she would have never gone out with the rest of the girls.
Beca is sitting at her desk working on the setlist, completely oblivious to what time it is. To her it seems like only one hour had passed yet it had been at least 3 since the girls had left. So it’s no surprise the girl jumps up when she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket. She sees that she has a new text from Chloe. She can’t help the laugh escaping her when she reads her best friend’s text.
[From] CHLOE - 1.24 AM
Yoyre the sweetestest candythin in aall of theuniverse.... sprincles odf sugar on m tastrs
[From] BECA - 1.25 AM
Chloe, are you drunk?
It’s a stupid question but Beca can’t help it, she’s going to tease her friend for a very long time after this.
[From] CHLOE - 1.27 AM
Would you arrest me ref I wass?
[From] BECA - 1.28 AM
No m’am
[From] CHLOE - 1.29 AM
U arw so pollite
[From] BECA - 1.30 AM
Do you need me to pick you up?
[From] CHLOE - 1.33 AM
Te Grllsss say your a partypapr but I need u
[From] BECA - 1.34 AM
I’ll be there in 10 minutes, please be careful until I get there
[From] CHLOE - 1.36 AM
Yaaayyy my bay is cominn for me
Beca decides to ignore the last text and hurries out of the house with just her phone, an extra sweater for Chloe and the keys to Chloe’s car. The redhead is the only one that owns a car and Beca is the only one allowed to drive it. No one really knows why but Fat Amy is still very adamant on it being because Chloe and Beca have huge toners for each other. Yet neither Beca nor Chloe will ever admit to it, out loud.
While driving she receives some more texts from the redhead but none of them are supposed to be sent to her.
[From] CHLOE - 1.38 Beeee Bex is thz best! she is pikin me up
[From] CHLOE - 1.41
I looove her so mach bu she can nevr knooo.. she hot nd I want hr as myy girlfrend stupidd jessse stole myy gril! ned her and scrad to lose her
The brunette reads the texts and smiles to herself. Maybe there is hope for the two of them in the future, especially if the brunette would accept the idea of moving to New York with her.
When Beca arrives Chloe is already outside but not alone. She doesn’t like the looks of the guy trying to kiss Chloe. The redhead is trying to get the guy off of her by putting her arms out and pushing the guy away but the redhead isn’t nearly sober nor strong enough to actually achieve it. So Beca doesn’t hesitate to jump out of the car and pull the guy of off her friend. “Try that again and I’ll break your legs.” The guy drunkly stumbles away, not really understanding what just happened.
“Myyyy safiorrrr.” Chloe slurs as she falls with her full weight into Beca’s arms. “Hey Chlo...” BEca huffs out when she catches the extra weight. “... you good to go home?” The brunette asks as she manages to pull her friend towards the car. “Wiiii my char ya wow how yiou get heere?” Beca chuckles at her best friend’s behaviour and gently manages to sit her down in the car a strap her in. It’s only when Beca is 100% sure that Chloe is safe, that she walks to the other side of the car and gets in herself. She checks on Chloe one more time before starting to drive.
Chloe wakes up in the morning with a huge head ache and a mouth as dry as the desert. The redhead is confused because she doesn’t understand where she is. She smells something familiar next her and kind of jumps up when she feels something move semi beneath her. She opens her eyes slightly and barely makes out the form of an other person.
Then it suddenly hits her. She sits up in a panic which in turn wakes up the person next to her. “Hmmm? W-what’s wrong?” Chloe instantly recognises the voice and groans at the throbbing headache. “Here, drink some water and and take some painkillers.” Beca says softly while holding out a glass and some pills. Chloe takes them and drinks everything. “Thank you.” She says in a hoarse tone. “That’s alright... uhm how about you lay down a bit longer and I’ll make you breakfast?” Beca offers gently. She only gets up when Chloe nods her head and lays back down.
When Beca returns she finds Chloe sitting up with her legs pulled up and a puzzled look on her face. “How are you feeling?” The brunette whispers, knowing the agony of a hangover headache. Yet the redhead stays quiet for a while, as if she hadn’t even heard her best friend. “Becs, did I do something stupid last night?” The question catches the brunette of guard as she remembers the text messages. “Uhhhmmm I think you should check your phone.”
Chloe raises her brow but does as told. The redhead groans as she re-reads her text messages from the previous night. She lets out a strangled cry when she finds out she sent messages that were supposed to be for Aubrey to Beca. “If you’re wondering if I’m freaked out about the messages, I’m not.” Chloe looks up from her phone, straight into Beca’s eyes. “I’m actually flattered.”
Beca carefully sits down on the edge of the bed, not daring to break eye contact with the other girl. “I mean reading that your best friend thinks you’re hot is kind of nice. But I do want to know why she never told me that she had feelings for me?” The brunette didn’t care about taking things slow at this particular moment. She needs to know wether Chloe really meant what she wrote.
“I uhm... I never told you because you are with Jesse and you seemed happy and I didn’t want to be that friend that ruins relationships.” Chloe lets her head hang low. “Well, at least now I know you really meant your promise last night.” Beca says with a shrug. “What promise?” Chloe asks as she snaps her head up. “You promised to move to New York with me because you can’t imagine living apart from me... And I’ll be honest with you, I can’t imagine living apart from you either.”
“But what about Jesse?” Chloe asks carefully, scared of the answer. “We broke up two days ago, when I told him I’ll be moving to New York because of the promotion I got.” Chloe gasps at the new information. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Beca shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know, I guess I always knew that Jesse and I weren’t meant to be. There’s someone else who is my happy ending, and maybe in the future I’ll have the guts to actually ask her out.”
Chloe chuckles and rolls her eyes, regretting doing that almost instantly. “Maybe once you get settled in New York she’ll accept that date.” Chloe says with a grimace thanks to her pounding head. “I guess that’s a great idea but now I want to cure my best friend from her hangover with a nice breakfast.” Beca points at the pancakes on the bedside table. The two girls dive into the breakfast. Not knowing that in a few months they would be moving to New York with Fat Amy, barely having a chance to do anything about their rapidly growing frustrations as they have to share a bed.
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drabblemeister · 7 years
a Study in Red
Find this chapter here on Ao3. Pairing: JayTim Summary: Unbeknownst to Tim, Jason falls unexpectedly hard for a college kid that lives off brie. or The slow-build Stolen Kisses prompt wherein Jason needs a tutor and Tim miraculously finds the time to pencil him in.  Author’s note: You know, my entry for the Feb JayTimWeek that turned into 25K+ words (and still going??).  The biggest hug to @tanekore​ who is the most patient and supportive being on this planet, who did an art for this and has been holding onto it for an eternity. I still have a few chapters left to write, but in terms of posting...it was time. Chapter 1:
“What’s the what?” Tim asked, propping his phone between his shoulder and chin. The class was packed and he struggled squeezing behind other students to get to an empty seat.
“If I’m on a building that’s thirty feet tall and the width of the street below is twenty feet wide–”
“What?” Tim interrupted again, just before bumping into a girl by accident. The hall was pure chaos, and Tim barely had a chance to offer her an apologetic smile before scrambling to claim an empty chair a few feet away. “Where are you?” he asked against the cool screen of his smartphone. “I mean – thirty feet tall? In Gotham?”
“Tim, ix-nay on the erd-nay – it’s a simple question. If the building is thirty feet tall–”
“Uh,” Tim interrupted, rifling through his pack in an effort to find his pencil bag. “I hate to break it to you, but no building in Gotham is thirty feet tall,” he countered, his voice nearly lost to the dull roar of the lecture hall – the place was a boisterous haze of mid-semester dread. “It’s an architectural thing. Each floor does have, like, a ten foot standard but you’ve got to calculate the interstitial space, and—”
“Tim,” Jason said, half-serious. “Timbo-yo-himbo. Timbo-Slice . You’re making this way too complicated.”
Four shots of espresso told Tim otherwise. “But it’s not?” he offered, distracted as he thumbed through folders in an effort to find his textbook. “I’m just saying that it’s like, architecturally impossible. You’d have to–”
“Oi, bird boy.” Jason interrupted, and Tim went quiet – more because the door to the hall made a familiar creaking noise and as his eyes lifted, he caught sight of his professor.
A quick glance at the white industrial clock on the wall told Tim that his midterm was less than a few minutes from starting and his heart galloped; he hoped he’d gotten enough study time in to keep his GPA from dipping below its 4.0 precipice.
“— get through the question,” Jason was saying, and Tim felt his nerves rattle when he realized he hadn’t even noticed Jason had kept on. “So, Timbo, for whatever reason, the building is thirty feet tall. And the street below is twenty feet wide. So how would – ”
Tim frowned. “Okay, wait,” he stated, shaking his head in confusion. “You know the average two-lane street is thirty feet wide, right?”
“Jason,” Tim hissed back. The professor waved his hands, urging the class to silence. “I’ve got a test in T minus thirty seconds and I have no idea what you want from me.”
From the other end of the line, Jason made a noise; it was the same sound Jason typically made before throwing his hands in the air in frustration.
“Bah!” Jason snapped. “Nevermind.”
The call dropped.
Tim shook his head.
The cacophony of panic in the lecture hall had dimmed, but he couldn’t help but notice the blonde girl sitting next to him was looking his way, one eyebrow raised.
“How would you know whether or not Gotham has a thirty foot tall building?”
Tim laughed and left it at that.
After all, he wasn’t about to tell her he’d been atop every one.
It was two days later when Tim received another call, only this time, he was making an intent and desperate jog up from the subway tunnel.
“Hello?” he answered breathily, convinced it was Bruce. After all, he was running late, and the account executives weren’t going to be able to start the meeting without his numbers.
“This a bad time?” Jason asked, but he barely gave Tim the opportunity to answer before he added, “I just wanted to know how to get salt out of water.”
It was a warm day; heat swelled in pockets around the city, the humidity making Tim’s skin feel damp. His backpack was heavy – he’d come straight from class – and his tie fell like a limp snake over either of his shoulders. He hadn’t found time to craft it into a knot.
“Salt out of water?” Tim questioned, taking a quick glance at his watch. When he looked back up, he weighed whether or not he’d save time by using the crosswalk farther up, near the business center plaza.
“Yeah. The easiest way.”
Moving briskly, Tim answered, “Just pour yourself a new glass, Jay. What are you making?”
It was no secret that Jason liked to cook, and Tim wondered what it would feel like to have even an hour of free time to romance his stove. He was pretty sure, by this point, it had collected a few months worth of dust.
“No, no,” Jason countered. “Just, in general – how do you get salt out of water?”
Weaving through a tight throng of people lining up outside a rolling ice cream cart, Tim bit his lip and tossed a glance skyward. “Like, to survive? If you’re stranded on an island, or something?”
This time, Jason groaned. “This isn’t Lost, Timbo. I’ve just got a cup of water. The water has salt in it. How do I get the salt out? Without pouring a new glass,” he added for measure.
Tim had to rush to join the street-crossing crowd and took broad steps to keep up with the pedestrian flow. From between buildings, the sun finally caught him; it left him feeling half-baked and dry-mouthed from running.
“Boil it?” Tim tried. “Like, to evaporate the water?”
There was a slight pause before Jason said, “You’re a genius. I wasn’t sure if it was that, or – you know, nevermind. Thanks!”
The call dropped, and Tim lowered his phone, staring at the screen as it faded to black.
Tim thoughts didn’t linger too long; Tiffany Fox, his ever-present secretary, was waiting for him in the courtyard with a pile of dockets in-hand. She had a water bottle too, and a pinched expression that said I’m sorry.
He wondered if he looked as exhausted as he felt. Unlikely, he thought. He was working off of four shots of espresso.
Three days passed with relatively no contact, at least until Tim was artfully rappelling from building to building just a bit past midnight. He was lightheaded from running off minimal food intake, debating whether or not it was worth drifting into Damian’s territory just to pilfer a protein bar.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
It caught Tim off guard when the line  in his ear went crackly, barely welcoming a low but distinct voice.
“You up?”
Tim decided that to be an overstatement.
“Why? Can’t sleep?” he replied easily, landing with practiced precision on a rooftop ledge. It was a conglomerate tower, one that had a view of the city that was startlingly attractive. The dimmed flicker of traffic looked a bit like stars mulling on rivers of shadow, and above, the moon seemed only a hairsbreadth away.
“You got me,” Jason sighed, wistful. “Sometimes I lie awake and think, I wonder what Tim is doing right now. Are we looking at the same stars?”
Tim scraped his boot across cement, drawing a line in the dirt that had collected there. It was only on nights like tonight, in the stillness of everything, that he remembered Jason’s favorite pastime was flirting.
“I’m watching an SUV make an illegal U turn,” he replied. It was also on nights like tonight, in the stillness of everything, with only Jason’s voice in his ear, that he had to remind himself not to fall for it.
Jason hummed. “Better get on that,” he said. “First it’s illegal U-eys, then it’s dark alley exchanges.”
Chewing the edge of his lip, Tim said, “I had no idea minor traffic violations were the gateway drug to organized crime.”
“Nothing feels better than the rush of running a red light, Tim.”
It was impossible not to huff a laugh, though Tim blamed it on his creeping exhaustion. He offered, “Except sleep, maybe,” just before throwing a palm to his mouth, half-stifling a yawn. “And apparently illegal U turns.”
A small bridge of silence settled between them, though Tim heard Jason clicking his tongue – a habit Tim recognized from the occasional case they’d taken together. He wasn’t sure Jason was aware of it.
“How much longer are you going to be out?” Jason asked, pulling Tim from his wandering thoughts once again; Tim was hesitant to admit he’d been wondering the same thing.
Damian was on patrol – Tim knew that for sure; they’d overlapped routes enough times over the past few weeks for Tim to piece together the teen’s schedule. Common sense told him that Bruce was handling the west end, simply because he had a corporate brunch in the morning.
With another yawn, Tim remembered that he was supposed to be attending as well. “Why?” he questioned with a sigh. “Do you need something?”
Jason clicked a familiar beat with his tongue before saying, offhandedly, “A bedtime story.”
“Okay?” Tim replied, half amused and half convinced that Jason must be as tired as himself. Below, the sound of thinned-out traffic hummed; a siren sang in the distance, but Tim merely licked his lips.
“Once upon a time,” he started, “the Red Hood believed Gotham had a building that stood thirty feet tall. Unbeknownst to him, it—”
“Oi—” Jason interjected, pointedly, but Tim simply raised his voice, intent to continue, trying not to let humor bubble into his words.
“— impossible for buildings to be that tall,” he stated, matter-of-fact, “especially in metropolitan areas, and –”
“Hey, Mr. No-Help-At-All,” Jason spoke loudly enough that Tim’s words were driven to a short run of sweeping laughter. Jason added, “It’s not my fault you take the simplest questions and turn them into rocket science.”
Clearing his throat, Tim raised an eyebrow – he still had no idea what Jason was getting at. He was about to ask when Jason’s voice crept over the comms.
“How did your test go?”
Tim blinked, caught off guard by the change of subject. “My what?”
“When I called, you said you had a test.”
“Oh,” Tim said, thinking back to the midterm. It already felt like a month had passed since. “Good.” He didn’t add by some miracle because he didn’t really want to get into how go-go-go he was these days, and how most the time, he felt like he was winging it.
“Hm,” Jason hummed. “ Is college hard?”
Over their shared channel, Tim heard the faint sound of an ambulance – one of the privately owned ones that typically stationed themselves near the harbor. It caused Tim to tip his head sideways, drawn in that direction.
He’s patrolling the docks? Tim wondered.
“Depends on the content, I guess,” he thought aloud. “Also the professor. Though most of the time I end up figuring it out for myself. Attendance is probably going to be my downfall.”
It was only half-true. Mostly, he’d been able to skate by using Wayne Enterprises as an excuse. Most professors were delighted to let him skip a class here and there due to corporate obligation – though, a majority of the time, even though he’d given the old Wayne heir song-and-dance, his absence was related to stitches he couldn’t risk pulling in public.
“B keeping you busy?”
As if there was ever any question, Tim wanted to say, but instead he found himself reaching for his grappling gun, feeling fidgety, wanting something to do.
“I’m keeping me busy,” he replied, taking a quick breath before he rappelled to another building, and to another, and to a third, where he landed with a smooth jog onto a rooftop peppered with plants carefully situated to abide by the rules of feng shuey.
“Your integrity is awe-inspiring,” Jason commented, sounding a bit distracted before he asked, “Hey, how do you figure out percentages without a calculator?”
Tim made his way through a maze of bonsai trees, pausing at the opposite edge of the rooftop. Surprised for the second time, he raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Percentages,” Jason repeated. “Without a calculator.”
The question lingered, and Tim frowned as he stepped up and onto the ledge, peering out and to the east, his eyes taking him past city limits for just a moment. Beyond was a formidable spill of black eternity; the ocean, ink-colored in the pitch black of night.
He hummed in thought, before asking, offhandedly, “What are you trying to figure out?”
“No, no,” Jason huffed. “I don’t want you to figure it out. I want to figure it out.”
Tim was running his own calculations as Jason spoke, systematically narrowing down where Jason could be. There were twenty lookout points on that side of town, but only four were near ambulance checkpoints – where they waited until dispatched for a call.
“Is this like, a Deadshot thing?” he questioned, still stuck on Jason’s random interrogation regarding building height and street width. “I know you were kind of impressed by that security vid B intercepted, and I mean – I really think, I mean, he may be able to calculate trajectories off building height and, you know, percentage stats but, I mean, I don’t even think I could do that on the fly.”
“How do you even do that,” Jason seemed to wonder aloud.
“Do what?” Tim asked, just before taking a deep breath and moving a few buildings closer to the pier, letting out a huff when he landed and was forced to shake out his wrist.
“Travel so far left field, that I can’t even—“ Jason cut himself off with a sound of feigned exasperation, and said, “Can’t a guy just want to do math in his head?”
Rung by rung, Tim made a quick climb to the top of a closed-factory smoke-tower, pleased to see a familiar shadow seated on the rooftop of an abandoned warehouse next door.
“I wasn’t aware you couldn’t,” he answered honestly.
“Percentages,” Jason felt the need to clarify, and Tim released a long sigh before saying, “Fancy meeting you here.”
“What?” Jason asked, and Tim waited, happily perched, watching as Jason tipped his head back and turned just far enough for Tim to fall within his range of vision.
“Oi, I thought we had this conversation. This here is Hood’s part of town.”
Tim ignored the empty threat and rode a line to the warehouse roof, holding his arm high as he retracted his cable. Jason hadn’t bothered standing – in fact, and oddly, he wasn’t even Red Hood at the moment – he was Jason Todd, seated with his legs dangling lazily off the rooftop’s ledge.
“Wow,” Tim said, turning off their channel while wandering forward. “ You’re living life on the edge.”
“Ha ha,” Jason tipped his head back, just far enough so that Tim could see him roll his eyes. It also opened up a clear view of his lap, which was full of a wrinkled, scribbled-in book.
“You’re reading?” he asked, watching as Jason tugged a cord dangling at his chest, effectively pulling a bud from his right ear.
Matter-of-factly, he looked Tim in the eye and said, “I’m studying.”
Tim’s lips pressed together and his eyes darted from Jason’s expression to the tattered book beneath his hands, and he said, “Did a book tell you that there’s a building in Gotham that’s thirty feet tall? Because –“
“Oh my god,” Jason’s words came paired with an expression that made it seem liked he was being murdered, slowly. “Let it go .”
Tim laughed and closed the gap between them, pure interest driving him to take a seat next to Jason. He sat sideways, cross-legged, and peeled his mask back from his face.
“What are you studying?” he asked, genuinely curious. Leaning in, he eyed the content of the book – recognizing questions about percentages while also spotting long lines of penciled-in notes filling up the side margins of the page.
“Things,” Jason said, sounding torn between defeat and secrecy. Tim lifted his gaze, not expecting to find Jason staring stubbornly in the opposite direction.
“Um…” Tim started, feeling a bit like he’d wandered into something he wasn’t supposed to see. “Are you getting a certification?”
What Jason would need a certification for, Tim had no idea. Maybe he was trying to get a gun license.
At the thought, Tim puffed an unexpected laugh.
“This is why I don’t invite you to parties, Timbo.”
Tim sat back, suddenly aware of their isolation, of the lone weather vane lamp above them that spattered them with damp, flickering light.
He whispered, “Is this a party?”
Jason frowned and sat back, his leather jacket slipping sideways, revealing a smooth spread of black underarmor. “You: Is this a party? Me: an intellectual...” Jason said, then holding up his book, motioning to it – the movement causing it to flop closed, revealing its nature.
GED Prep: Smart Guide to Success
Tim’s thoughts stumbled. He wasn’t sure what to react to first. He said, “Did you just meme me?”
Jason rolled his eyes and threw a glance heavenward. “That’s what you’re stuck on?”
Wide-eyed, Tim nodded intently before shifting to pull his phone from his back pocket. “June 12th,” he said, much in the tone of dear diary . “Jason surprises the world with his knowledge of meme vernacular—“
“I surprised you,” Jason attempted to correct. “And who uses the word vernacular?”
Holding up a finger, Tim looked upward, catching Jason’s eyes with his own. A bit studiously, he listed, “Lingo, knowledge, patois—“
“If you were a dinosaur, you’d be a thesaurus,” Jason interrupted, tone completely flat.
“That was terrible,” Tim said, laughing.
“Hey, hey. I have two loaded pistols on me,��� Jason stated, puffing his chest, doing that faux-threatening thing he liked to do that always brought Tim’s quick wit to the surface.
“And here I thought you were just happy to see me.”
With most flirtations that Jason seemed to drag from the depths of Tim’s socially awkward soul, the words came paired with immediate, heart-pounding regret and a creeping flush that he was sure could be seen by the League’s space station.
Jason seemed unphased – he simply huffed out a sigh and stared off into the distance. “At least I have my good looks.”
It took Tim a moment to connect the dots, his eyes darting to the prep workbook.
“Jason,” he said, very seriously. “You are really smart.”
“How would you know?” Jason asked, distantly.
Tim didn’t want to admit that Dick had told him, and that Alfred had confirmed. Jason had genius-like intellect mixed with the more common problem of a lack of motivation.
Ever the detective, Tim put two and two together once more.
“You never got a chance to get your diploma,” he solved on his own, putting together a mental timeline. It seemed like such a moot thing. “It’s just a piece of paper, Jay.”
The light struck Jason in an introspective way, lending shadow to the sharp angles of his jaw, darkening his eyes. “Easy to say when you’ve got one,” he replied.
Tim opened his mouth to argue, but decided to take a moment to think on it. He supposed Jason was right; it wasn’t fair to have an opinion when he not only had a diploma, but was nearly finished with college.
“This last week makes so much more sense,” he ended up saying instead, thinking back to Jason’s random phone calls, to his odd questions. He leaned backwards, pressing his palms to the cooled ledge pavement, and took a breath. “Okay,” he said, breaking the small silence that had settled between them. “It’s not that I mind your calls, but I am so everywhere that I just don’t think it’s practical. I can totally help you study, but it’s going to have to be on my schedule.”
Jason raised a brow at Tim, not having expected the offer.
“How long do we have?” Tim asked, lips parted in question.
Jason’s gaze danced to the book and he bled a defeated sigh. “Two weeks.”
Tim blinked.
“And I’m busy too, you know,” Jason threw back. “Why do you think we don’t have any thugs to chase down tonight?” he motioned towards the serene scene that surrounded them.
Tim couldn’t argue that, and so he said, “I’ll be home tomorrow night and the next between midnight and 4am,” he said. “Just text me before you head over. Now, you’re working on percentages tonight?” he asked, and Jason nodded quickly, picking up the workbook before flipping through to where he’d left off.
“I just don’t quite get how they got here…” he said, running his finger across the page.
Tim nodded, tossing a quick glance to Jason’s gaze before settling his attention on the problem.
“No problem. This one might actually be kind of easy. Let me teach you a trick,” he said.
A lone siren sounded in the distance, and water from the pier gently sloshed not too far from where they were. Time slipped by, unnoticed. _______________________________________________________ A/N: <3
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littlenoctuah · 6 years
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My BNHA Secret Santa gift is for @allstarharu 
Dear Haru,
here is your late christmas present . oops. BTW I made a King/Knight AU Bakushima.Ofcourse,Bakugou here is the King and Kirishima is the knight in shining armor ( ...minus the armor....). damn i love Bakushima so much . I hope you loved this painting  xx 
hope u had wonderful holidays and i wish you a very happy new year!
@bnhasecretsanta , thank you for giving me this opportunity :) 
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