#yes pleasssssssse
What are some of your fave sayings that nobody else say?
Like saying your knob and clackers.
My sayings come and go bc I'm just a walking soundboard. But currently I'm a big fan of good googly moogly, Jesus louisus, Gouda grief, just screaming "pleasssssssse" in distress while playing games, and yes I invented knob and clackers
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dedmowcinco · 3 years
Rob Swire should make more collaborations with deadmau5. Like if you agree.
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noxsoulmate · 2 years
13 from the hand holding prompt for Tarlos pleasssssssse
Did this suddenly turn out really, really long for a quick prompt? Maaaaybe 😁 and obviously, I had to combine it with the @tarlosweeklyprompts bingo
Please remember that these aren’t beta-read. I might hand these to my beta one day and then put better versions up on ao3, but until then you’ll have to live with my mistakes 😅
Tarlos Weekly Prompts Bingo
Square 7: NSFW: Makeup Sex
13. linking hands together during sex
TK was so incredibly tired. He hadn’t slept well in a few days, and he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what the reason was. Well, no, that was a lie. He kinda knew what the reason was but there were so many factors that it was hard to point out just one of them. 
… and maybe even that was a lie because it all came down to this: Carlos and he had gotten into another fight. Another one that could probably be solved quickly if they would just talk.
They did talk, that was the terrible part of it. They talked – well, texted, to be fair – about the necessities of life; what was needed from the next grocery run, the laundry that had to be taken care of, a reminder to call a mutual friend whose birthday it was that day. They talked – but they hadn’t yet talked.
TK’s mind was scattered and it showed in the way he couldn’t really focus. He wanted to talk to Carlos but of course, right after their fight, their week-long stretch of mismatched shifts had begun. They’d promised each other to never go to bed angry and to not leave the house in a fight, and in a way, they’d kept that promise. They’d agreed to put a stop to the topic – a thing that was usually almost impossible for a hot-head like TK. But this was Carlos, this was the love of his life, so of course, he would make sure to not let him leave for a shift while still angry. 
They’d stopped fighting, but they hadn’t solved the issue yet. 
And they hadn’t slept in the same bed since that fight six days ago. Which was always the time when they would really talk, would open up, would meld into each other, and forgive. They had forgiven each other, in a way – but the whole topic wasn’t solved yet. But TK was ready to just let it drop for good. Meld into Carlos’ arms and tell him it was okay, that he wasn’t angry anymore… because, yes, for once, it wasn’t TK’s fault they’d been fighting. For once, it was because of Carlos. 
Not that TK really cared anymore. These six days had been hell. And he knew it wouldn’t have dragged out for so long if only they’d had time together. But they hadn’t. It was a miracle if they even saw each other, but usually, it was in a way that one would come home while the other would be leaving. Just enough time for a quick kiss and a, “Stay safe, I love you.”
Theoretically, TK knew this didn’t really count as fighting anymore – but it also wasn’t solved and that was the worst. It was an in-between, and it showed in the way their text messages stuck to the important things instead of endless rows of emojis; it showed in the tense lines of Carlos’ shoulders and his worried gaze whenever he would come home and TK had to leave. Was Carlos seriously fearing the worst? That TK would run again? Well, given his track record, Carlos probably did worry – but he had no reason to. Which was one of the messages TK sent him, telling him that they would talk once they were finally both back home but that he loved him and that Carlos should stop worrying. But he knew his man better than that and knew it wasn’t enough. 
Mostly though, the unsolved issue showed in the way TK couldn’t find any sleep, neither at home in their empty bed nor at the station. And judging by the dark lines under Carlos’ eyes, it was the same for him.
So when TK got home that night – the last one of their alternating shifts, with Carlos already home alone for a few hours and both of them having the next few days off – he simply let his bag drop to the floor, not caring about it for the moment. All he could see was his fiancé, standing in the kitchen, cooking; looking up at him the moment he got inside, the insecurity written so very clearly, very deeply in his gaze.
He knew they needed to talk, needed to get this whole topic out of the way. But for now, all he could do was drag his tired body over there and basically slump into Carlos’ arms. His fiancé was surprised, TK could tell, but it didn’t take long until he was hugging him back, squeezing him tight when he noticed that TK wasn’t going to pull away.
“I love you,” TK murmured into his ear. “So fucking much. So please, could you please stop worrying that I’ll leave you over a little fight?”
Carlos sucked in air, drawing back from the hug. Not far, just enough to still be in each other’s arms but able to look at each other.
“I wasn’t thinking that–”
“You were,” TK interrupted softly, lifting one hand to smooth out one of Carlos’ worry lines. “And I’m so sorry I wasn’t this blunt with you sooner. Or that we couldn’t find a quiet minute.”
“We agreed we were good,” Carlos argued, but it was weak at best and TK only needed to lift one eyebrow for him to sigh. “Okay, yes, you’re right. Maybe I was a bit worried. But… not really, you know?”
“You mean,” TK began, strengthening his hold around Carlos’ waist. “Your brain and your heart knew I wouldn’t run, but those dark little voices still reared their ugly heads?”
“Yeah, something like that,” Carlos confirmed, resting his head on TK’s shoulder. “God, that was stupid, I know–”
“Yes, and no,” TK assured him, pressing a kiss to his hair. “Yes, it was stupid, because I didn’t put that ring on your finger for nothing. I’m done running away. But also, no. Your feelings will never be stupid, least of all to me. I care about all your worries.”
When Carlos leaned back up, their lips found each other in a comforting kiss, one that spoke of all the feelings that were so alive between them, all the want and all the love and all the devotion.
“What would you like to do first?” Carlos asked when the kiss ended. “Food? Shower? Bed?”
“Yes, please,” TK groaned, “In that order, and with you never further apart than an arm’s length.”
Carlos chuckled and pressed one more kiss to his lips, then turned and continued preparing their food. It was delicious as always, even though TK had to eat with one hand, refusing to let go of Carlos’ for even a second. After cleaning the kitchen together, they shared a shower, spending more time hugging and kissing than actually getting clean.
Not caring about how tired he’d been when he got home, TK was unable to let go of Carlos when they stumbled into their bedroom. It was then that he realized, it wasn’t that they needed to talk about the whole topic once more. They didn’t need to discuss it into oblivion, didn’t need to even agree on the topic.
No, all they really needed was this. A moment just for them; a moment in which they could get lost in each other again, making sure to remind them that a little fight, a disagreement, would never again be strong enough to separate them. They didn’t need to talk… at least, not with words.
Instead, they let their bodies do the talking, reassuring each other that they were still one, that they were still a team. That they still loved each other, no matter what. TK made sure to write it into Carlos’ skin with every brush of his fingers, every touch of his lips, every nip of his teeth, and every lick of his tongue. And Carlos returned every message in his own way. By rolling on top of TK and pressing him down into the sheets – just like he liked it. By caging him in with his body, surrounding him fully, leaving not one part of him that wasn’t in contact with Carlos’ skin – just like he craved it. By linking their fingers together, lifting TK’s hands over his head, leaving him completely at Carlos’ mercy – just like he loved it. Every single time. Their fingers stayed linked together no matter what, neither of them letting go as they took each other apart, only to put each other back together in the end.
And as they lay there, together, catching their breath, fingers still linked, TK pressed a soft kiss into Carlos’ heated skin. “I love you more than life, babe. You’re never getting rid of me again,” he promised, and when Carlos pressed a kiss against his lips in return, TK was sure that even the dark voices inside his fiancé’s mind had finally gotten the message.
Yes, still slowly working my way through all the asks, thanks for being patient 😘 if anyone wants to, feel free to
Send me an ask and get drabbles in return 😊
(credit to @creativepromptsforwriting for the prompts as well as @tarlosweeklyprompts for the bingo board)
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Please imagine a Naga introduced to heated blankets. ...Then trying to drag your Naga SO out of bed by the tail every morning of Winter because you literally can not stay in bed all day, yes I know it's ice cold!
They would not move. Unless they’re the size of a garter snake or something, they’re not going to be moved by you. Imagine a very grumpy rainbow boa naga, all sleepy, heavy coils and grumpy grumbles, refusing to get out of bed.
“I’ll turn the blanket off...”
“I’ll open the window and turn the blanket off...”
*blinks pleadingly at you from under the covers*  “Pleasssssssse don’t...”
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ninjacat1515 · 7 years
@cheshire0824  came up with Naga!Moss
Carina climbed down the cliff, dagger in hand, spell at the ready. Henry had been missing, and she had a suspicion of where he might have vanished to. The lair of the Naga was filled with old bones, various treasures and trinkets. Moss was coiled in the corner, napping contentedly. Henry’s jacket lay, torn and discarded.
Carina fell to her knees, tears beginning to fall. She was too late....she hugged the jacket, folding it neatly and placing it in her pocket. Getting to her feet, she glared pure and utter venom at the serpent man. Henry may have been gone, but he could be avenged.
Raising the dagger, she was about to plunge it into Moss’s gut up to the hilt, when she heard muffled cries for help.
“Henry??” she dared a whisper. Casting a spell to further put Moss deeper into slumber, she brought her ear to the scaled flesh.
It was indeed Henry! 
“I’ll get you out!” 
How he was alive boggled the mind....throwing another charm upon the monster, she tentatively ventured a cut. Henry’s muffled scream made her retract.
“Sorry, sorry!” Carina bit her lip, refocusing. “Is this ok?....” she began slicing the tissue apart.
“Good....you’re alright....ok.....OUCH! CARINA-”
Finally, Henry tumbled out, gasping for breath. Carina hugged him close, ignoring the slime that covered him.
“How the bloody hell are you still alive??” she shook him vigorously.
Henry blinked. “I do not know....but we need to leave...”
She whipped her head towards Moss. “We need to make sure he won’t be bothering anyone for a while....” she eyed some smaller rocks nearby, forming a plan.
“Gather those.” Henry nodded, grabbing as many as he could hold.
They placed them in the Naga’s stomach; Carina sealing the opening with a muttered charm. Slowly, they backed out, hiding around the cave entrance. The witch removed the sleeping spell, and Moss began to stir.
He yawned, stretching a bit. His stomach was bothering him; pain striking with force.
“Ssssss..What?! OW! OWWWW....” he cried out, writhing and whimpering.
It felt like rocks were in his gut...they twisted his insides with great cruelty. His eyes snapped to the two humans who seemed to be enjoying his torment. One was Henry, and the other was Carina.
“YOU!” he sputtered. “YOU DID THISSSSSSSSS TO ME!”
They both stood, nodding, Carina wearing a grimace. “Leave Henry alone, leave us all alone, you disgusting demon. This is a warning....I will not be as kind in the future if you show your face around our village again. Come, Turner...we don’t want to be late, everyone’s been wondering where you are.” She pivoted, marching with purpose to the cliff.
Henry fidgeted but followed, at a much slower pace. Moss pleaded, eyes brimming with fear and pain.
“NOOO! Pleasssssssse! I don’t think I’ll be able to climb up the cliff! I’ll die down here!!!”
“Carina, what if he’s telling the truth? I don’t want to kill him-”
“That monster was fine with killing you, and now you want to SAVE HIM???”
Turner’s face was grim. “Yes, Carina...”
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