#yes the text is from Fiona and Cake
jambread23 · 1 year
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glemmerdash-piecesof8 · 4 months
hang in there...
‘Thought you should see this,’ it said . The next 10 minutes were the worst moments of Roo’s life as she sat transfixed as 7 men rape a woman who looked so much like herself it was disarming. She was shaking but managed to close the window and rushed to the toilet where she dry heaved and got rid of the little food she had managed to eat that day. She got the vomit in her hair but didn’t care and lay slumped over the toilet bowl in a daze, crying and snivelling and feeling the value of her life be slowly ripped to shreds.
Carl found her and after about 2 minutes of staring at her in bewilderment went to find someone else. He met Jatetsu and Shaun coming up the stairs, the two of them eventually having spoken again and realised that Roo really might not be alright. ‘Roo needs help. She is in the bathroom.’ They nodded and sprinted in while Carl tried to find Luther or his grandmother. He found Luke and sent him up before going back up himself. He found Roo being walked in the shower by Shaun and Jatetsu. They were asking quiet questions. Through her silence and crying she eventually said in a voice that broke all of their hearts, ‘They raped her because she looked like me.’
They all looked at each other, not quite sure what was going on but when they got Roo to her room she got her strength back suddenly and opened her laptop and showed them the video. She was watching it herself and the violence made her glaze over before they the computer away from her and Shane spent [RvS47] 5 minutes  cleaning the computer of any traces of the link and deleting the email and it’s senders details from the account. Roo was staring ahead with an anger and hate in her eyes they had never seen.
Shane started ‘Baby, you have to get a new email account. I am creating an export of your data to a new provider, a paid for service, I think.’ And Roo started screaming. ‘Don’t you see! We can’t carry on! We just can’t carry on! The wedding’s off.’
Carl’s grandmother walked in and Carl and her conferred in whispers for a while and then she took charge and chased them all out, including Shane who just sat outside the door with Jatetsu and the others for 3 hours, talking about how they had all known something was wrong they hadn’t known what to do. Luther found his centre then insisted they needed tea and cake, and knocked on the door with Shane and Jatetsu, with Carl’s grandmother nodding after opening the door a crack. Anbessa and Beltrano arrived after a text from Luke and admitted that they had known about the video since the day before but had decided it really was not the right time to bring it up. They all admitted that they had seen the video except Shane and Jatetsu and the looked at each other and shook their heads. Robert and Fiona arrived with Curtis after they Carl had given them a desperate call.
Curtis listened and then knocked on the door after taking Roo’s computer from Shane and finding something.
Carl’s grandmother opened the door and looked at Curtis and nodded. Roo was sitting on the bed looking like she had seen a ghost. Curtis sat down next to her and said ‘You know you told me Valarie Cortez is your favourite actress?’ Roo nodded, and eventually mouthed softly the word ‘Beautiful.’
‘Yes. I want you to watch this,’ and he put the laptop on her lap and pressed play.
There was Valarie Cortez smiling, and then there was a slap, and another slap and another slap and it went on and on until her refined face was nothing but an oozing pudding of bruises. There was tagline in Spanish, which Curtis didn’t bother to translate. He then opened another tab and played a video with subtitles where Valarie was talking. ‘I am speaking today in as a video of me has gone viral. I am speaking today because this is the tip of the iceberg. After I saw the video I could not leave my home for a month and cried all the time. Eventually my daughter shouted at me to grow up. I was shocked but eventually understood what she meant. She told me about how I should be grateful it wasn’t more violent and told me of friends of hers who had gotten revenge porn and others who hid bruises they got from their boyfriends from their parents but half flaunted them at school because it meant they were ‘getting some.’ I looked into the statistics of violence in pornography and was horrified that it is over 85% and was shocked to find out that more than a third of downloads are pornography. That the greatest resource on the planet for creating a just and equal world is being used so much to propagandize violence is unacceptable. I am starting a charity here in Brazil to teach children about positive sexuality, and discuss with them why power does matter. Sure, I am still concerned about world hunger, world peace and ecocide, but I’ve realised my daughter’s future love life on the line. Thank you.’The video finished. Curtis was on the phone. Carl’s grandmother curled herself round Roo looking at her until she sat up and looked back at him when he said. ‘Eat your cake. Valarie is going to call you in 10 minutes for a video chat. I’ll leave you alone now. Do you want anyone? They are all outside.’
Roo looked out the window and said ‘Anyone who can not talk but just hang out.’ Curtis nodded and left together with Carl’s grandmother. Roo fiddled with her cake but even though she could smell it was delicious she just played with filling and then made a face when she tasted it. She turned to the tea which was cold but she was suddenly so thirsty she just drank it. She looked wistfully at the door and then went and opened it as people were standing up. ‘Could someone get me some sencha?’ she said horsely before locking eyes with Shane who was looking relieved. Then she looked at Luke but he looked away and she felt a deep oozing of sadness. She felt so dirty that she went back to bed and began crying again. Everyone looked worried and Shane looked at Jatetsu. ‘I ‘ll go in Jatetsu.’ Shane entered and sat next to Roo on the the bed and his arms while she wailed. Curtis came in and started to set up the video chat and explained what was happening to Shane. He looked at Roo and said ‘She’s ready.’ Rood nodded her head and Shane said’ Come and talk to the goddess.’
Jatetsu arrived with Luther in tow and Roo looked sidelong at Luther who was looking directly at her. He said ‘There are many horrors in this world Roo but we need to stick together. I am happy to get married tomorrow. Luke just told me that the kids are flying from Kinshasa tonight so it’s all happening anyway. So it all makes sense.’ Roo looked at Luther directly and he was there looking right in her soul. She got up and hugged him for what seemed like forever, and when their embrace ended she had a weak smile.
Shane beamed at Luther and then they all did the tea ceremony which ended just as the laptop began to ring. Luther kissed Roo on the cheek whispered ‘Got to do some cooking, what do you want?’
‘Potatoes please.’  Roo whispered.
 Curtis gestured for Roo to come over.
Shane nodded and said to Valarie ‘I think we are making a unilateral decision without her but how would you like your organisation to be part of the core basics of the tour.’
Valarie was silent for a moment and then laughed and said ‘Well I suppose Brazil can increase its exports. I have a fledgling network of concerned citizens worldwide on a database so we can do some trainings but does it mean we get to have a tour in Brazil,’ she said coyly.
Shaun stared at her and then gathered himself and said, ‘No, sorry we will have to follow procedure but you have until the end of June to organise support and set things up.’
Valarie sighed and then smiled. ‘We will work something out. It was lovely  we’ll stay in touch. Stay strong.’
Then Valarie and Roo talked very delicately with each other and then they ended the conversation and Roo closed her computer and lay back. ‘So the weddings on.’ She muttered to herself.
Roo sat behind a microphone concentrating on nodding and smiling and letting Jatetsu field the questions.
[RvS48] At 9:30 Beltrano came and whispered in Jatetsu’s ear and Jatetsu nodded, finished what he was saying and then closed the press conference down, leaving the stage with Roo.
They got in a big black car and sighed a sigh of relief and let the driver drive them out of London and to a big pile of stone in the countryside. Roo looked at the building when they arrived with that same kind of awe she had at the In and Out. She looked at Beltrano and Anbessa and they seemed excited. Jatetsu on the other hand looked weary and when she asked him what was wrong he said ‘These rocks from the ground are tired of being proud.’ Roo looked at the building and for the first time in her life realised that materials might be more than just dead matter.
She was thoughtful for the rest of the day and distracted enough to be able to smile for the camera. The cameras were mainly on Luther and Carl though and when they said their vows and kissed, the broadcast started winding down. Of course they kept on filming, everything was filmed these days, except for last night’s hallabaloo.
They all got a little tipsy except for Jatetsu though he did seem to find them entertaining when they got drunk. They then eventually found their cars with their bags and the group parted ways, with Shaun, Jatetsu and Roo leaving for the countryside and the others heading back. They had more than enough footage for the next month but Robert had insisted they take a camera with them to the mountains.
When they arrived Jatetsu woke up Roo and Shane and then thanked the driver and started to unpack [RvS49] things. It was late and completely dark but Jatetsu knew his way around and Shane filmed him lighting lanterns which glowed warmly in the house. The house was warm as the medicine woman had already arrived but was sleeping. They had some tea in silence and then Jatetsu checked the fire was out and they said goodnight. Shane looked at Roo and she looked tired so he led her to their bedroom and got her out of her clothes and into bed.
They lay in the darkness which had a hallowness they both weren’t used to and listened to the stillness all around them. They both fell into an incredibly deep sleep with Jatetsu bringing them breakfast and ordering them to spend the day resting. So they did, eventually venturing outside the next morning to practice qigong, with Roo just sceptically watching Shane.
She went in and phoned Luke but he wasn’t answering so she left a message to say she loved him and that the house was off grid so her battery would probably run out. Jatetsu then took them down the track to a little hut which Shane was delighted to find wifi and plugs in. ‘So I can still work! That’s great!’ Jatetsu nodded and then led them back up the hill where the medicine woman was waiting with tea.
They greeted her and she smiled through her wrinkles. She was a very small and compact Chinese woman but she gave them a timetable for the next month of their sessions with her. Jatetsu made noises about not needing any treatments but she waved his concerns away and then took Roo inside to begin.
Roo’s friends had done Chinese medicine before so Roo was expecting to stick out her tongue and hand over her wrist for a pulse diagnosis. The medicine woman just sat there and then asked if she wanted tea. Roo nodded and then smiled. ‘Thanks Dee, that would be great!’ Dee nodded and then disappeared to the outdoors and came back with some herbs about 15 minutes later.
She brewed the tea and then sat down. ‘So tell me what’s been going on with you and then we can do your chart,’ she said in impeccable English.
‘Nothing much,’ Roo said defensively. Dee looked at her intensely and then laughed delightedly and then looked at her with soft eyes. ‘Even I know that’s not quite true dear Roo, and I am attached to the rock I live under. Anyway, let’s do your chart then first.’
Roo nodded a little sheepishly and so they started. As Dee did the calculations Roo started to relax and watched Dee out of the corner of her eyes. Dee was relieved and stopped herself smiling at herself being relieved, but did take a little longer with the chart than normal.
Eventually she looked up. ‘So what do you know about your chart?’ she said leaning back a bit.
‘I know my year. I don’t really like being a horse.’
‘And your element?’
‘As far as I know it’s earth.’
Dee smiled and shook her head. ‘That is your year, you are actually dominated by metal but your lucky element is fire. Do you want me to explain?’ she asked, tilting her head to the side.
Roo made eye contact with Dee for the first time and then looked out the window, feeling surprisingly naked before these wise eyes. She felt a swirl of emotions and then burst out crying, an aching howl of tears and Dee just sat quietly and made some notes. Roo collapsed onto the table and started snivelling and after a time she started to talk and tell her story, right from the beginning. When she got to the end her voice sounded hollow and she seemed wooden. She stopped talking and then just stared ahead.
Dee nodded to herself. She trusts me she thought. Time to start work. She sidled up to Roo, looked at her tongue and face in detail and took her pulse. She asked her questions and got answers, though Roo still seemed to be out of it. Dee got a blanket and put it around Roo’s shoulders and then went to her medicine collection in the room that had been earmarked for treatments and found what she needed. She made a cup of tea for Roo out of various potions and gave her some things to swallow. She then led her to Roo’s bedroom and lay her down after helping her undress.
She then started to do some cupping and before closing the curtain and leaving, making sure there was water for her if she needed it. Roo slept through lunch and woke up just before dinner. She got dressed, drank some water and then staggered out to the kitchen. Dee was dishing up and nodded at her before dishing her a plate of stew and rice.
Shane started to speak but Dee quickly silenced him and they ate in silence. Roo finished and looked at Dee, who had some more herbs and capsules ready. Roo took them and wondered off to brush her teeth. Shane whispered to Dee, ‘Should I stay in the living room?’ and Dee smiled and shook her head. So he excused himself and got ready for bed too. When he got into bed, Roo reached for him and was shaking. ‘So much suffering in the world and I am still concerned with how it affects me.’ Shane kissed her gently and then caressed her breasts. Roo moaned and kissed him back desperately while tears rolled down her cheeks.
She felt him and he was relieved that he was hard at this complicated time. He checked if she was wet and she was, so he ever so gently entered her, just a little, and then stopped. Roo was still crying but she slowly stopped and then Shane kissed her again and move out a little before moving back in a little and again. He kissed Roo’s breasts while he moved gently and then looked at her face, which was still contorted but she managed a watery smile. Shane looked deep into her eyes remembering how crestfallen she had looked when Luke hadn’t.
He contrived to make love to her slowly and gently until her face relaxed and she looked pretty again. Shane stopped, exhausted, though full of tenderness and then laughed realising Dee knew exactly which herbs she had given both of them, before snuggling into Roo’s now sleeping form and telling her about his day in his head until he fell asleep too.
Roo woke up the next morning to Dee knocking on the door. She looked across at Shane and saw he was still sleeping. She found her voice and said, ‘Come in.’ Dee breezed in and checked Roo’s tongue with a torch before handing her a dressing gown and gesturing for her to follow.
Roo felt an ache close to her heart and looked at Dee a little helplessly. Dee put the dressing gown over her shoulders and then led her to the bathroom. Roo went through the motions avoiding her gaze in the mirror and then she locked eyes with herself and noticed for the first time since Saturday that she didn’t look like she might burst out crying without make up. She left the bathroom and Dee was standing there, leading her to the kitchen where she sat down and ate a savoury breakfast after having her pulse checked again.
Jatetsu thanked Dee and started clearing away the dishes after Dee disappeared for a walk. He raised Roo from her daze and had her dry the dishes. Roo moved slowly and when they were done, he led her outside and then made some tea which Dee had instructed him to make.
Roo sat on the wicker chair feeling the chill air but while the tea brewed Jatetsu pointed out the various shades of green now starting to flourish all around them. She drunk the tea and they sat in silence for a while before Roo got up, heading back to bed. Jatetsu stood quickly in front of her and said[RvS50]  ‘ No’ and she started crying again clinging to Jatetsu as she thought of all the people in the world having seen the video. Jatetsu held her and then when she stopped crying he righted her upright and said seriously ‘We are only here for a month. We can’t have you getting depressed. We need to get you strong.’
Roo found a chair to hold onto and breathed like Jatetsu had taught her after the video call with Valarie. He went inside and found her the morning herbs and a glass of water.
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haikyuuscreaming · 5 years
im so soft for all of the seijou third years and makki is not an exception. we may have been heavily deprived of makki content but i still love him and yes even though i have 3 wips i am dropping all my shit to write for hanamaki
enjoy this really fast-written but lovingly-written fic :) I LOVE U MAKKI
As soon as Hanamaki wakes up, there’s something obviously off.
He isn’t stupid. He’s always wondered why those people in dollar-cheap romance novels never seem to know what’s up when it’s their birthday. Like, gee, what’s going on? Why is my S/O so sketchy today, on my birthday? Why are all of my friends busy? He’s always wondering maybe they just  have garbage self-esteem.
Fortunately for him, you’re a terrible actor.
“Morning, Makki~” Your voice is oddly awake despite Hanamaki having just woken up.
“Morning.” Hanamaki stretches lazily and his arm rests around your head. You’re wearing one of his old jerseys and he thinks it’s fitting for the occasion. “Guess whose special day it is.”
“U-Um, I don’t know.” You sound a little bit nervous although your smile’s still radiant on your face.
(He thinks it’s adorable how excited you are for his birthday.)
“B-But, you should get ready for today!! I do too, actually, so, um, I’m gonna get changed and head out..” Your excitement breaks through your ‘calm’ voice and you practically jump out of bed, kissing his forehead before dashing out. “Sorry, babe!”
“Sorry for what?”
“Um, nothing!”
“Just my luck,” Hanamaki mutters to himself. “It’s raining?”
He walks out of his favorite bakery with a box of cream puffs-- the last box of the bakery, in fact-- and suddenly it’s drizzling rain, an earthy scent flooding the world around him.
He’s a little bit frustrated-- god damn, could they at least warn him? At least so he could bring an umbrella.-- but he pays no mind. Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa have all been “busy” with plans (although Matsukawa spammed him with a shit-ton of memes and a ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU ASS <3 FULL HOMO), and you’re obviously doing something either for him or something illegal, so he knows to expect something.
Although he can’t help but shake the paranoid worm in his gut that… maybe everyone is busy? Maybe they really couldn’t spare time for his birthday…
He brushes it off, and walks back home in the rain as he shields his cream puff box.
The rain really does make walking-traffic bad.
Hanamaki was expecting to stroll home in a solid 10 minutes, but he’s stuck in an angry mob of people who are half-drenched like him. He thanks whoever’s up there for giving him a strong immune system, otherwise he’s sure that he’d be sniveling and sneezing on his special day.
He’s trying to guess how much time it’ll take to get home now- five more minutes? Seven? Ten more?- before his phone vibrates so hard in his back-pocket he would’ve thought someone shoved a vibrator back there. There’s most likely no mafia or yakuza here, so Hanamaki takes advantage of the slow-moving crowd and takes out his phone.
There it is: the barrage of texts from you. He knew you would break down eventually, asking if he’d come home soon, but he wasn’t expecting pages and pages of texts.
the fiona to my shrek:
    hiro     hiro     are u ignoring me     bc that isnt nice     HIROOOO     HIROOOOOO     helloooooo     where tf are u     likeeee not tryna be sus or anything but     i need u home     preferably in like     ten minutes     no im not horny     unless u want me to be 😏🤪🤪     pleaseee     u asshat whyd u turn off ur location     please answer?     are you mad at me :(     is it abt this morning?     i didnt mean to brush u off     i swear i didnt forget abt ur birthday     and im like not planning anything or something ok     please come home?     ily <3     hiro     Makki.     hanamaki     hanamaki takahiro     loser baby     the shadow to my sonic     please respond and come home? :(     youre my shrek 5 trailer     OKAY BITCH FINE     im sorry ur not a bitch love u mwah     i mean maybe you are a bitch? but i still love u mwah mwah mwah     are u even reading this     i stg ill be so embarrassed if ur just busy or sum     COME HOMEEEE     ok bye :)
He really does think it’s adorable how much you care about this.
Rolling his eyes, he taps out a quick response:
“yea omw home” “oh, a surprise you say? ill be home soon”
He slips it into his pocket even though he feels the vibrations of the twenty or so texts that you rapid-fire send to him, most likely defending the fact that you’re definitely, absolutely not planning any shit for his ass, but he smiles to himself anyway.
He doesn’t even mind the fact he’s getting soaked in the rain. He’s excited to see what you’ve been planning.
“Home,” Hanamaki yells out. “Where are you, you big stinker?”
There isn’t an answer, which Hanamaki supposes is a little bit cliché but he doesn’t mind that much. His shared apartment with you is dark and he has to flicker on some lights through the house before he hears the faint illusion of hurried whispers. He barely makes out a voice to be yours.
“Oh! He’s here!”
“No shit he’s here. Who else comes in and yells he’s home?”
“I dunno Mattsun~ Maybe [Name]-chan has someone on the side?”
“Shut the fuck up, all of you.”
“Thank you, Hajime!”
“Shut up oh my god I think he’s listening to us.”
Hanamaki hears a dull clatter from the other room and he hides behind the wall, content with listening for a little bit longer.
“Oikawa you fucking dolt! You knocked over the forks!”
“Sorry, [Name]-chan!”
“Just pick it up already.”
“I don’t mean to burst your bubbles but I’m pretty sure he’s literally just vibing in the other room, listening to us.”
Hanamaki decides to make you all happy and takes a step. He’s kind of delighted in the way you all immediately shut up, save for your hissed quiet!, and he takes another step. Eventually he can’t take it and casually walks into the room.
It’s dark and he can’t really adjust to everything, and he’s about to say something slightly funny before the entire room illuminates and he sees his former third-year team and girlfriend yell, “Happy birthday Makki!!!!”
Makki knows that he was expecting some sort of surprise. Ever since that morning he woke up and saw you and your oddly adorable, alert face, he knew that something like this was going to happen. But still, it took just a few more seconds to register.
There was a cutely handmade banner that read Happy Birthday Makki in big, teal letters, and there were balloons strewn around the room that he knew would eventually be victims of balloon volleyball. On the table that you were all surrounding was a good, small pile of gifts and a tower of cream puffs. Not a cake, but a giant fucking tower of cream puffs.
Oh, so that’s where all the bakery’s cream puffs went.
“Oh god. You stupid idiots.” Hanamaki realizes his voice has gotten a little hoarse with sentiment, and he clears his voice and naturally, his lazy smile comes back. “I’m honored that you buffoons really planned this out for me. Clown party!”
“Be grateful, you big dummy!” You practically throw yourself onto him, and he finds himself latching onto you too. “I love you so much, Makki, happy birthday!!”
Hanamaki smiles and as if on cue, you lift up your head and smile back. He feels his heart beat a little bit faster and he remembers why he’s been loving his birthdays ever since he met you.
“Guess I love you too.”
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marksarmel · 4 years
Another edition of What I’m Consuming for you to consume.
What I’ve Been Consuming 05/13/20
Look, we are not heroes for staying home and watching ungodly amounts of tv, but it’s the smart thing to do. So let’s all be smart while calcifying our brains with movies, tv, video games, comic books, Zoom meet ups, the FUCKING INTERNET that contains the entire collection of human creation and knowledge and our favorite snacks. I’m settling in with Flaming Hot Cheeto’s popcorn, Pork Rinds and the occasional edible with my favorite cocktail. I wash all this down with my nightly dose of Simvastatin, my cholesterol medication. 
Also, let’s get out and walk around since it’s beautiful weather right now. This is especially important for those of us in the Midwest who were blessed with snow just last week!
Recently finished the Amazon series Hunters. It was good, but looking at it as a whole it seemed  to be holding something back. The characters felt like they were supposed to be larger than life and more bombastic, but they were instead subdued. Even Al Pacino is reserved. Was it a comic book adaptation or an inspired-by-actual-events type show? it was a compelling story somewhat overshadowed by not being sure what kind of show it wanted to be.
Midnight Gospel! Oh my god where to begin? This is simply great tv. The rhythm of the show sets in super fast and all you can do is hold on for the duration. I’m nearly done with the season and it’s deconstruction of philosophy and life and death are pretty timely, but never preachy. Just sit down and enjoy. Best served with a side of your favorite marijuana infused edible.
The new limited series RUN from HBO quickly got me hooked. It’s premised on two old lovers who have a pact to meet again if one texts “RUN” to the other. After 15 years one texts the other and our story begins! It was no struggle for me to dive into this show since I’m already well along in my Merrit Weaver addiction. She has been a spoonful of sugar with a side of cake in shows such as Godless and Unbelievable. I’m making room on my calendar now to watch her in Nurse Jackie and I’m super embarrassed to admit that I had no idea she was Denise in the Walking Dead. Ok, enough about Ms. Weaver, Domnhall Gleason is in this show too. 
I’m rewatching Watchmen because it was one of the best shows of 2019. It is great to see Damon Lindelof stick the landing like Simone Biles on this one. It was completely engrossing in every way.
For a much needed salve of humor in these times Middleditch and Schwartz is absolutely sting free healing. It’s a short three episodes and all three episodes are solid, but one and two are the best.
Killing Eve is back and I couldn’t be happier! So so happy to have all of these characters in my life. So so sad at what happens to them.
Quick Bites - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is still living its best life. Real Time with Bill Maher not so much. Still keeping up with Homeland, but season 5 is not the best. The Westworld  season finale wrapped up a wobbly season with a solid if forgettable final episode. I miss the heady hard to understand first two seasons. Props for some good action sequences this season though.
I need to get back too… I started Lock and Key a while back and lost it somewhere in the ether. Also, an FB convo reminded me to get back to Doom Patrol. I never finished Counterpart either. (Looking back at my post from last moth I see that I also mentioned getting back to Counterpart then too, so it’s probably safe to say I won’t be getting back to it.) Not sure if these shows were good or bad or just not coming at me the right way. Oh, oh! Devs I do want to finish that, but yes I do agree with others comments that the main character’s acting is… not the best.
The Apostle - Starring Dan Stevens from Legion, The Guest and Downton Abbey this movie starts out a bit slow, but winds itself up to a flat out bonkers ending. Worth watching with the lights off and no bathroom breaks.
I started the great Korean action flick The Villainess, but I fell asleep before finishing it. Can someone call a movie great if they fall asleep during it? If that someone was absolutely thrilled by watching the opening sequence then yes, yes they can.
Still finding myself indulging in the occasional Mario Kart binge. Also got some friends together for Bomberman which is frivolous fun. Spent a few hours back with Mario Odyssey too. Purchased Child of Light a few days ago so I’m hoping to get to that soon.
Not much in the way of books month. In the comics world I did start JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, but was thrown off by the revelation that the book I’m reading, which is marked book 1, is actually part two in the story. Shrug emoji.
I did finish the first trade in the Outcast series from writer Robert Kirkman, now superrich and superfamous creator of The Walking Dead  and not so famous, but no less talented, artist Paul Azaceta. It is filled with great dread and atmosphere. It does not wrap up the story in the first trade which always irks me.
I was excited to see that Fiona Apple’s new album “Fetch the Bolt Cutters” came out! Then I listened to it. And listened to it again, and then listened to it one more time. It is an uneven album that frustrated me with how many songs are filled with the same refrain. I love the music, the writing not so much. That being said Under the Table, Rack of His and For Her are repeat listens for me.
Drake dropped a new album/mixtape called ”Dark Lane. Demo Tapes” and so continues my love/annoyance with Drake’s music. Listening to  Drake’s music is like being in a 60+ year marriage and still being very much in love, but absolutely hating how your partner chews with their mouth open.
I discovered Coco Rico soda in a local Asian Market. It’s a lovely sweet coconut beverage.
As mentioned earlier Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Popcorn is becoming my new go to snack. Move over Doritos Cool Ranch because Chester Cheetah is here!
I was in a good running routine and then it started snowing and raining all the time. Back to the couch for me.
That about sums it up for this month. Don’t be afraid to skip your next work Zoom meeting. The work will be there tomorrow.
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isitgintimeyet · 6 years
The Ties That Bind
Thanks for reading and liking and commenting. And thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the continued beta-ing.
So Jamie and Claire have been living in their own little bubble of lurve... time for a wee bit of reality. Bit of angst ahead
Chapter 15: A Complicated Predicament
“I don’t know what to do,” he said.
“ No harm in that. I’ve never known what to do, said Rincewind with hollow cheerfulness. “Been completely at a loss my whole life.” He hesitated. “I think it’s called being human…” - Terry Pratchett, Sourcery
As a rule, after a gruelling gym session or an energetic game of squash, Jamie and John would catch up over a coffee and cake, or sometimes, a beverage of a more alcoholic nature. Of course, Jamie’s tipple was always whisky. John could occasionally be persuaded to partake in whisky, but generally preferred a gin and tonic. For the sake of their friendship, Jamie tried to ignore this character flaw.
The landlord of the pub they frequented turned a blind eye to their tracksuit bottoms, training shoes and shower-damp hair, provided they sat in a discrete alcove and nobody tripped over their gym bags.
Jamie sat nursing his whisky, while John sipped his gin and tonic.
“So, how are Jenny and Ian doing with the baby?”
“Jes’ great. Three weeks old now. She’s a wee sweetheart. Jenny says thanks fer the gift. She will write ye a proper thank ye when she has a spare minute!”
“No, she doesn’t need to bother, honestly. And how’s Jamie coping with the little usurper?”
“Ah, gettin’ better. He reckons she’s not too bad as long as she doesna play wi’ his toys and he doesna have tae give up his Spiderman bedroom. I think…”
Jamie was interrupted by the ring of his mobile. He pulled it out of his pocket, glanced at the screen, frowning, then rejected the call.
“Geneva, again. She’s started sendin’ me texts and callin’, wanting tae meet up. I’m ignorin’ her at the moment, but if she keeps on mitherin’ I’m gonna have tae tell her straight.”
“Have you told Claire?”
“Nah, didna want tae bother her. Nay point if Geneva stops.”
A brief chirp told Jamie that a text had arrived. “Geneva again. Wants me tae go round tae talk.”
“Look, why don’t you just go? Explain to Claire what you’re going to do, but just put an end to it. Otherwise she will keep on.”
“Aye, guess ye’re right. Face it head on.”
The hospital coffee shop was not the most ideal place for a date, but with Claire on call, it would have to suffice. Jamie had already ordered and was sitting at a table with two large Americanos by the time Claire arrived.
“Sorry, I’m a bit late, I know.” Claire pulled her chair around to sit next to Jamie, rather than facing him. “I had to change out of my scrubs. They won’t let you sit in here with them on. Maybe it upsets the visitors, but they didn’t have any blood or any other bodily fluid on them, so I don’t know why. God, I needed this.”
She took a huge swing of her coffee. “OK. Out with it. You, sitting there with those puppy dog eyes. Either you’ve done something that you think I won’t like, or you’re about to do it. Tell me.”
Jamie cleared his throat and nervously tapped his finger against his coffee mug, beating out a random rhythm. “Weel, you ken I told ye about Geneva…”
Claire nodded. She folded her arms across her body, ready to provide protection if, or when, the blow should fall. She felt his tension radiating outwards.
Jamie saw her instinctive move. “Nay, Sassenach, dinna worry, it’s no’ bad. Jes’ wanted to let ye know, she’s started tae mither me wi’ texts and calls. Doesna seem like she’s willin’ tae give up. I need to get her tae stop. I’m no’ interested and she kens that.”
He ran his hands through his hair, the curls now sticking up around his head as if he had just woken. Claire unfolded her arms and stroked it, straightening it into a slightly neater hairstyle.
“When we went out last year, I never gave her any promises, never told her… weel, what I’ve said tae ye. So, I’m goin’ tae see her, jes’ tae put her straight once and fer all. Are ye alright wi’ that? I want tae always gi’e ye honesty. I want ye tae trust me completely.”
“I do trust you, Jamie, I really do. This is new to me - trust and honesty in a relationship. You know, when I was with Frank, I don’t think there was ever honesty between us. He wasn’t honest to me about the phone calls, the so-called out of hours department meetings, the extra tuition pretence for his attractive students. And me, I wasn’t honest to him: playing along, pretending I believed all his excuses. But, I trust you. Go and sort things out with Geneva. And make it clear about us.”
“Seems like we’ve both had some dodgy exes, eh?” Jamie joked as the tension between them lifted.
Jamie shuffled his chair closer to Claire. He whispered in her ear. “I’ll make sure she knows I’m completely in yer power and happy tae be there. I love ye, Sassenach.”
Deja vu, Jamie thought to himself as he stood at Geneva’s front door. Wiping his sweating palms on his jeans, he tried to calm the rolling in his stomach before he pressed the doorbell. He really didn’t want to hurt anyone, but once again, he was standing here waiting to give Geneva the bad news. He wished he hadn’t seen her again at Rupert’s wedding nearly three months ago, hadn’t gone out with her, hadn’t slept with her. Two more deep breaths and he rang the doorbell.
Geneva answered the door almost immediately, obviously waiting for him to arrive at the agreed time. She ushered him in with a tight smile. Not saying a word, she pointedly looked at the doormat. Jamie, knowing the drill, quickly pulled his shoes off and followed her into the living room. He moved to the middle of the room as she hovered by the door.
“Would you like a drink - tea, coffee, water, juice?” Geneva ran through the list of possible beverages.
“Nay, I dinna want anything tae drink. I’m no’ stayin’ fer long. I dinna want tae upset ye again, but I’m in a serious relationship and…” Jamie began his practiced speech.
Geneva interrupted him abruptly. “No, it’s not that. Did you think I’d come begging for you? Jamie, I’m pregnant. About eight weeks.”
The colour drained from Jamie’s face. Feeling his legs start to shake, he sat down hard on a nearby chair. “Wh…”
He cleared his throat and tried again. “What?”
Geneva spoke slowly and clearly, almost as if explaining to a child. “I’m pregnant. About eight weeks. That means due in February. And it’s yours. I haven’t slept with anyone else in over a year.”
Jamie rested his elbows on his knees with his face in his hands. No one spoke. Finally he raised his head.
“But when I asked that night whether ye were still on the pill, ye told me ye were. What happened?” His voice was hoarse and trembling.
“I was. I don’t know what happened. There was a sickness bug going round at work, I caught a touch of that.”
Was it Jamie’s imagination, or was there a tiny hesitation in Geneva’s words, a momentary downward gaze, the slightest reddening of her cheeks?
“Listen, the important thing is I am having a baby, your baby. I can show you the pregnancy test if you don’t believe me. I can even go and do another test right now if you don't believe me. I’ve been to the doctor. You can contact them. I’m not getting rid of it either.”
“My God, did ye think I would ask ye tae get rid?”
Jamie rested his head against the back of the chair. His eyes prickled and he rubbed them harshly. A thousand thoughts cascaded through his mind, too many to focus on clearly. A baby, an unplanned and truthfully, an unwanted baby. And was this pregnancy really unplanned? How was this going to work? What would his role be? And, oh God, how much will this hurt Claire? He couldn’t bear to see her upset. Tears welled up in his eyes, but this time he made no attempt to stop them.
A hand touching his knee brought him back into the conversation.
“So what happens now?” Geneva asked quietly. She was sitting on the footstool by his chair. The hand remained motionless on his knee.
“I dinna ken. Has yer doctor no’ made an appointment fer yer twelve-week scan at the hospital?”
“I didn’t mean that.” The hand started moving, the fingertips drawing lazy circles round and round Jamie’s knee. “I meant us. What happens now about us?”
“Geneva, I will support ye as much as I can through this. I dinna want tae be harsh, but it doesna mean that there is an ‘us.’ I was tellin’ ye, I’m with someone, someone I mean tae have a future with and I’m no’ lettin’ go of that.”
“But surely, you’ve been together such a short time. How can you know? Could we not have a future together- you, me, and the baby? I know you’ve always wanted a family.”
“Aye, I have, but we shouldna be together, no’ jes’ for a bairn. It’s no’ right. We will figure something out. Other people do.”
The hand crept steadily up Jamie’s thigh. “We could make it work, you and I. I’m sure of it.”
Jamie deliberately lifted Geneva’s hand and stood up. “Nah, I mean it. I ken ye’ll be goin’ through a lot over the next months. And I mean what I say, I will support ye and the bairn. But more than that I canna do. I will go wi’ ye to the scan. Let me know the date. And please dinna tell Rupert and Fiona until I’ve had chance tae tell Da and Jenny. Have ye told anyone yet?”
“Only my sister.”
He made his way to the front door, Geneva following. Once he had put his shoes back on, they stood there, face to face, unsure of the next steps.
“So, text me the date and I will come tae the scan wi’ ye. We can work out what I’m tae do, tae help ye.”
Geneva nodded and bit her lip, as though willing herself not to cry. Jamie stood still, his hands by his sides, drumming his fingers against his leg. How strange it felt, he thought, to be so awkward around someone, having previously shared each others’ bodies in the most intimate way and to be starting this journey of parenthood together as virtual strangers. He bent down and touched his lips briefly to her forehead before walking back to his car.
Jamie wasn’t quite sure how he managed to drive home. Restless and unsettled, he wandered through the rooms of his house and tried to imagine them filled with all the paraphernalia that follows with a baby. How would that work? He supposed that there would have to be two sets of baby ‘stuff’- one lot for him and one for Geneva.
In the kitchen, Jamie opened his fridge and stood there for a minute, unable to decide what to do next. One of Mrs. Crook’s cottage pies was defrosted and ready for his dinner this evening. He had taken it out of the freezer that morning, when he still had an appetite. He let the fridge door bang shut and moved to the kitchen cupboard. Opening the door, he stood contemplating the whiskies on offer before closing that door as well. He wasn’t sure that he would be able to swallow anything. The lump in his throat was so large, he was surprised it was allowing him to breathe.
Suddenly, the whole house seemed airless and claustrophobic. Jamie ran upstairs, stripping his shirt off on the way and quickly donned his running gear.
Jamie set a steady pace as he pounded the pavements. He tried to clear his head. The only decision he needed to make was whether to turn left or right at each junction. Even that seemed too much of a challenge as his feet automatically led him to the park.
He speeded up as he entered the park, forcing his legs faster and faster, his calf muscles beginning to complain. Jamie relished the pain, focussing his mind on that stopped him from thinking about any other pain. Like the pain he knew he would have to inflict on Claire. Because of him, she had allowed her barriers -- built over years of sadness and an unhappy relationship -- to break down and to let herself become vulnerable. And he knew he was now about to hurt her to her very core.
He stopped abruptly, seething with pent up anger. Anger at Geneva, anger at the prospect of a baby, and anger at himself. He turned and, balling his fist, drove it into a tree trunk several times before continuing his run.
As he exited the park, he realised where his feet had brought him. He slowed to a walk and tried to get his breath. He stopped at a tall Victorian building, entered and climbed a single flight of stairs. He hesitated slightly before knocking.
The door opened.
“Claire. Sassenach...”
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omfgtrump · 5 years
Delusion and Collusion
After Fiona Hill’s testimony wrapped up two weeks of hearings, Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, expressed his hope that “today’s hearing marks the merciful end of this spectacle in the impeachment committee.”
Well, that will be more possible, as rumor has it that Nunes is off to a ritzy California treatment center for “Delusional Disorder.” Nunes will be treated with Risperdal, an anti-psychotic, for his persistent beliefs in unreality, particularly his belief that the Ukrainians were responsible for influencing the 2016 election.
  Jim Jordan, another stand- up guy, and an accomplice in this madness, has been dogged by allegations that while he was the assistant coach of the men’s wrestling team at the University of Michigan, he was aware of sexually inappropriate behavior of the medical doctor and said nothing. No wonder The Republicans and The Don want him as one of their top dogs. Rumor has it that Jordan is already spending hours reviewing the Kavanaugh hearings with an acting coach- so he is ready.
But what a week it was.
Gordon, I paid for my ambassadorship” Sondland, left no doubt that The Don engaged in a quid pro quo with Ukrainian president Zelensky. He stated that his actions were dictated by The Don and that the two Mikes, Pence and Pompeo were in on it. If we bring in Mick Mulvaney (whose middle name is Michael) in to the mix, we have another threesome to match the original “Three Amigos.”  We can call them: “Don’t be like Mikes.”
Sondland also verified the phone call from a Kyiv restaurant in which the president asked about the investigation in to the Bidens. The Don was so loud that practically everyone in the restaurant heard him.
Just imagine the scene.
Absurdity 1.
An ambassador of the U.S. calling the president of the U.S. on his cell phone in the middle of a restaurant in Kyiv. Don’t you think you might do that kind of thing in private on a secured phone? Wouldn’t you think Russia has infiltrated your phone and hears everything? And in this case, Russia wouldn’t even need to be tracking your phone because the guy at the next table is a Russian operative. He would be texting:
“Sondland is a clown. He’s talking to Trump. Tell Putin that I can hear everything Trump is saying-he is such a loud boar-LOL. Can you believe how stupid these people are? How did America ever become so powerful? Tell Putin Trump is keeping up the pressure to get Zelensky to do the investigation about Ukraine’s interference in the election.”
Absurdity 2. The waiter serving Sondland’s group heard The Don as well. He tells the other waiters, who tell the cooks, who tell their families and friends and before you know it the majority of the Ukrainian people know about the shakedown and the denial of military aid.
Absurdity 3. Everything The Don said to Sondland during the infamous phone call was dictated by Putin through the microscopic earpiece implanted in the Don’s ear while they were meeting alone in Helsinki. It is rumored that Putin tried to get The Don to stop screaming in to the phone and said: “Donald,  please use your inside voice.”
The Don responded to the nonsense of the loudness of the phone call by tweeting this:
“I have been watching people making phone calls my entire life. My hearing is, and has been, great. Never have I been watching a person making a call, which was not on speakerphone, and been able to hear or understand a conversation. I’ve even tried, but to no avail. Try it live!” (And anyway it was impossible, Putin told me to use my inside voice. Oops, I mean Pence or Pompeo. Really, they told me to use it, for real.)
Fiona Hill’s testimony in the Impeachment hearings put the icing on the cake. She referred to Rudy G’s shadow foreign policy in Ukraine as a “political domestic errand.” Translated: While real diplomats were involved in national security issues and foreign policy, The Don and his minion were like contestants in the “Great Bake Off,” whipping up their own unsavory recipes.
Then Hill went for the jugular;
“Based on questions and statements I have heard, some of you on the committee appear to believe that Russia and its security services did not conduct a campaign against our country — and that perhaps, somehow, for some reason, Ukraine did. This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves.”
Hill went on to plead with Republicans not to promulgate the false narrative of Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election.
“Our nation is being torn apart. Truth is questioned. Our highly professional and expert career foreign service is being undermined. Russia aims at nothing less than destroying Americans’ faith in their democracy.”
After Hill’s impassioned words, Nunes, who has now been accused of meeting with Ukrainian officials (he denies this), looked Hill right in the eye and spoke of Ukrainian interference.
Too bad Hill didn’t go one step further and challenge Nunes:
So Mr. Nunes, given your response to what I’ve said, that pushing the theory that Ukraine tampered with the U.S. election, is supporting a Russian disinformation campaign to exonerate Russia from what 19 U.S, intelligence Agencies and a bi-partisan Senate committee determined with 100 percent certainty, the only conclusion I can come to, is that you and your Republican colleagues (Yes, that means you Lindsey Graham) are colluding with Russia against the best interests of the United States and should be investigated for treason!
Putin who was watching the hearings at an economic forum in Moscow gloated and had this to say: “Thank God nobody is accusing us anymore of interfering in the U.S. elections,”  “Now they’re accusing Ukraine.”
When all is said and done and all the facts revealed, The Don will be exposed as a Russian asset.
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reactingtosomething · 7 years
Reacting to Sweet/Vicious
Part I: Remember Fondly When 4th Meals Were a Thing and Breakfast at Night Reigned Supreme
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The Setup: It started, as much does, with a tweet. That tweet was followed, as many are, by regret. Fortunately, Jennifer Kaytin Robinson is a generous sort.
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Robinson’s glorious but short-lived vigilante dramedy Sweet/Vicious was always on the list of candidates for an all-hands Reaction -- Miri started watching a day or two after Kris did, back in the fall, so Liz and Marchae added it to their (lengthy) to-watch lists -- but we didn’t put a timetable on it until our loyal reader @crazyhannibalthedaisiesslayer suggested it.
In this post (and its continuation, on Friday), we cover the first three episodes: “The Blueprint,” “The Writing’s on the Wall,” and “Sucker,” and many thoughts and feelings about campus sexual violence and related topics.
LIZ: First thing: I only had time to watch the first 3 episodes, although I wish I’d been able to see more!
Kris you here?
MIRI: Ok, that’s how many I rewetted!
MARCHAE: I watched 4
MIRI: DAMMIT rewatched 
hahahahahha insert gif here
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So, Liz and Marchae, what did you think????
MARCHAE: It is oddly addicting
KRIS: Why oddly?
MARCHAE: I think because I used to work in student affairs and dealt with some of the scenarios so in that way it is weird to see a comedy/drama of this topic
LIZ: I am IN LOVE. I thought episode one was amazing and I am pretty much hooked. I am here for the message and the premise and i think every college campus needs these 2 ladies!
MARCHAE: however the characters are 100% engaging and you want them to win so hard...
I called my mom after episode one and was like should i feel bad for wanting to see the guys get beat up
LIZ: The way they show the victims of sexual assault and discuss their stories is just so real even though the show suspends our disbelief in other ways so much
MIRI:  Marchae, I don’t think you should feel bad
How do you feel about how stylized it is? I love it, but I feel like it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea
LIZ:  Rapists who are getting away with it 100% and ruining their victims lives? no I would not feel bad
KRIS: When I first saw trailers for it (while my old roommates watched MTV reality shows) I was like oh, man, I don’t know, this seems like it might be trashy and exploitative
MARCHAE:  I do agree Lizzie... it’s weird because my brain wants this to be a straight drama
yet i am oddly satisfied with the moments of comedic relief
LIZ: I didn’t think the stylization was OVER THE TOP
MIRI: Yeah, it’s a hard show to sell but SO GOOD
LIZ: theres a lot of comedy
MIRI: I think it all works together beautifully
LIZ: agreed
I was pretty much in love
KRIS: I was almost upset at how good it was
MIRI: For me, the cold open of ep one says it all
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KRIS: I had to text Miri immediately
LIZ: and then they were singing defying gravity in the car and i was like
MIRI: You were definitely upset
LIZ: yeah
M Scott Veach
MIRI: Cool!
LIZ: oh end of sentence about defying gravity.. i felt like the show understood my soul
MIRI: Moment of appreciation for Brandon Mychal Smith playing SUCH a different type of comedy equally well
LIZ: ALSO.. it takes a certain type of weird ass show for all 4 of us to be VERY on board.. and I also like that about it
KRIS: He’s one of the only men who can say the word “bitch” and not make me a little uncomfortable
MIRI: True!
LIZ: Is that Harris?
MIRI: Yes!
KRIS: Yeah
MIRI: Yay!
KRIS: One of the reasons I really wanted us to do 3 episodes was so you could see the start of his thing with Fiona
LIZ: What do you think about that?
MIRI: Is that the sorority girl?
KRIS: I like it!
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Lemon as the one of us with the most first-hand sorority expertise what’s your general sense of the Zeta dynamic?
LIZ: I identify with the sorority characters who are actually smarter and much more .. defined as human beings than most would give them credit for or that they initially come off as
KRIS: (Harris gets crystallized so instantly with the line “I’m not saying I have sexual dreams about Ruth Bader Ginsberg... but I’m also not saying I don’t”)
LIZ: I mean.. I had several (male) friends and family members say to me when I joined my very small.. one of a kind local sorority.. “oh so you’re a sorostitute?”
LIZ: Yes i have a note about the RBG line
MIRI: UM that’s horrible and fuck them
LIZ: right, but that kind of mentality and characterization of college aged women who are friends with other women in the form of a sorority is so widespread
MIRI: The pilot honestly does SO much to characterize Jules, Ophelia, and Harris so quickly
KRIS: I do really like how they initially lean into the less generous expectations about sororities and then flesh out I think all of those characters in great ways
Mackenzie was a sleeper favorite for me
(the anxious redhead safety chair)
LIZ: this gives them facets.. like fuck what you thought about me and also.. I don’t have to not like to do my makeup or sometimes dress up for me to be a smart or valid female.
MIRI: I feel like Kennedy takes a little longer, but not in a bad way
Liz, you are amazing and I love you
LIZ: i don’t know many shows that give girls that kind of credit.. very legally blonde of this show..except Elle Woods was the exception there
MARCHAE: They have to save Kennedy (I say this not Having seen more than 4 epi)
KRIS: You will be pleased
MIRI: Definitely
LIZ: Visually, I am impressed with the shows set designs, makeup, and wardrobe
MARCHAE: I feel like they have to hold her close because of nick and Jules 
LIZ: hold who close?
oh kennedy
MARCHAE: (Also back to thumbs on the phone)
KRIS: I LOVE the world-building, especially on what I assume is a pretty small budget
MIRI: I do love her moment when Ophelia tells her she has a very calming presence and she’s just like “I know"
LIZ: yeah i am also worried about her
KRIS: Lemon talk about makeup
MIRI: Yeah!
KRIS: (please)
LIZ: what else?
oh as far as this show is concerned
MIRI: yes, world building 
LIZ: Jules and Ophelia (yes to the names btw)
have such amazing looks and their hair is bouncy like they are comic book drawings, but their makeup isn’t like that (bc that would be fucking bizarre) and I love how the fresh rosy-cheeked and bright eyed look of Jules is enhanced with her makeup and Ophelia’s brows and eye makeup are dark and defined/ grungy at times, but she is also kind of sweet because they don’t cake her up or give her a heavy lip.. idk if that makes sense to anyone else
their eyes are so expressive as actresses
and then they’re important because of the ninja outfits
MIRI: That all makes sense to me and I would never have thought of it at all
KRIS: it is right on the edge of my comprehension
MIRI: Sidebar: SUPER excited for you to see more Orphan Black and discuss that makeup
LIZ: but I am pleased with the fine line between real world and cartoonish that the MUA on this show kind of stride beautifully to give them unique looks that foil one another and bring out their strengths and sometimes their faults
KRIS: Ophelia I think I understand best in this context
I do want to ask a question
LIZ: It is more subtle with Jules, because she is made to look more fresh, but I mean everyone on any show has lots of makeup on
ok done w makeup ranting/ observing
MIRI: What’s up, Marchae?
MARCHAE: *sorry liz...go on***
LIZ: oh no thats pretty much it
are you getting things in real time marchae? (with your computer)
MARCHAE: I wanted to chime in about wardrobe because it’s super similar to the way in which makeup is handled... and you definitely know who these people are and the kind of persons that this show is trying to share
MIRI: Ooh, please do!
LIZ: oh yes, the wardrobe feels almost theater like to me.. do you agree or am i wrong
MARCHAE: ( It was touch and go for a moment but me and my thumbs are finally #winning on the computer... I couldn’t take the tiny keyboard anymore)
LIZ: bless you for trying
MIRI: I never really notice Ophelia’s wardrobe that much, but the props they have for her are iconic and say so much
MARCHAE: I think it does... the show feels VERY comicbook-esq like I mentioned it reminds me very much in aesthetics to deadly class and there is another comic that focuses on a high school that I’m blanking on
LIZ: was this ever a graphic novel or comic book?
MARCHAE: but you get a lot in terms of wardrobe via colors that they use for these characters... Ophelia is almost always in darks, Jules in pinks and pastels
I quick checked and didn’t see it
KRIS: it was original to Jenn Kaytin Robinson
I mean she did a shit ton of research, and the producers watched The Hunting Ground and stuff
LIZ: nice..and yes I agree with the colors
MARCHAE: But these choices are interesting because they are almost opposite to the characters we meet in the show
LIZ: and the fact that Jules keeps her identity even as a vigilante with her pink backpack
MARCHAE: so Jules we meet as the original vigilante and she’s the one in the brightest colors ALWAYS in the show
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LIZ: and then Ophelia has that car!
MARCHAE: that backpack is definitely our hint
MIRI: Because she’s trying SO hard to still be that girl
KRIS: Oh that’s so interesting. Jules is super dark and “damaged” and Ophelia’s ultimately a sweetheart.
MARCHAE: and Ophelia is always in darks
LIZ: right!?
MARCHAE: **taps nose at kris**
MIRI: I like that even when they put Jules in the Spitters are Quitters shirt, it’s light colored
MARCHAE: so its totally the opposite of what we see
in terms of how they are portrayed in their “normal life”
any who enough of my rant
LIZ: I find Ophelia to be much more innocent.. not because of being sexually assaulted, but because she is kind of playing catch up and barfs when she kills a guy and Jules obviously took this mission upon herself to become a kick ass fighter and to start doing something
MARCHAE: liz i absolutely agree
ophelia definitely the more innocent seeming of the two
KRIS: Ophelia’s so fucking great
MIRI: Yeah, Ophelia thinks of herself as So Hardcore but is basically a sweet 19 yr old with some abandonment issues
I love her
MARCHAE: and she tells you as much in her dialogue
LIZ: I love her!
MARCHAE: some is an understatement miri
KRIS: I loved the vomiting and I don’t even know why
MARCHAE: she has ALL the abandonment issues
LIZ: i loved that it was pink
MIRI: Because it’s pink!
KRIS: I guess the unexplained pink?
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LIZ: yes
MIRI: It’s absurd and so totally the show
LIZ: hahahha
KRIS: wow we are ALL on a wavelength tonight
MIRI: But it is!
LIZ: like.. I don’t need to see chunky soup barf
i get it
MIRI: The show is 100% going to show you the puking
MARCHAE: i usually don’t want to see it at all period ever
but it works for the show
MIRI: But it’s also going to make it funny and stylized
MARCHAE: and that character as kind of a she seems hard core but is not!
KRIS: LeBong James
MARCHAE: so my question and this was a thing that kind of made me curious
MIRI: She’s a nerd ❤️ 
LIZ: There is a lot of suspension of disbelief in this show.. not bc girls can’t fight injustices, but because of how they  should’ve gotten caught and how Ophelias mad hacker skills save the day alot
MIRI: I feel weird being the only one who hasn’t said LeBong
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there it goes
LIZ: Also the male assailants aren’t even cookie cutter like on other shows or movies
KRIS: Without spoiling anything I’ll say they’re generally really good about chickens coming home to roost
Maybe not DNA specifically? But the show is serious about Consequences
MARCHAE: so question... what institution do they go to where there is an assult like every freaking second
LIZ: they are all different and some are even charming (most are) and they have different personalities and hobbies.. like Nate is acting like a really good boyfriend to Kennedy so if we didn’t know what he’s capable of, we’d forgive his jerk reaction to her missing his football thing bc of his super sweet apology
MIRI: Well, it’s Darlington University, right?
KRIS: Well A) that doesn’t actually strike me as unrealistic but B) I got the sense of a “backlog” of assaults -- they’re using that wall, which was started who knows how long ago
MIRI: So it’s at least big enough to have masters programs
KRIS: not responding to like the student weekly or something
MIRI: True
LIZ: i mean i know so many people in so many schools (large, small, medium and very small) who all have sexual assault stories
MARCHAE: thanks for the wall reminder
LIZ: i didn’t find the number to be at all shocking
KRIS: yeah
MARCHAE: I think maybe again its the dissonance of this being a drama/comedy that has me a bit jarred
LIZ: maybe the number of guys that were turned in or reported seems high, but SO FUCKING MANY are floating around in my mind right now
MARCHAE: i dealt with lots (more than i have ever wanted to) but not weekly by any stretch
that definitely doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening
MIRI: Well, just because the show aired every week doesn’t mean it’s only a week in universe
LIZ: right
thats true
MARCHAE: thanks gang
MIRI: And Kris is right--they definitely go into past exploits some
KRIS: That wall, man
MIRI: It is BRUTAL and so effective
MARCHAE: yeah the reminder of the wall definitely does it.... i literally was like
DAMN this is INSANE and darlington should be shut the hell down
KRIS: I texted Miri something like “I never do this but there’s a pure drama beat that made me 😭😭😭😭”
LIZ: I wish every college had a wall
KRIS: and it was definitely Ophelia handing Jules the Sharpie
MIRI: He did and I treasure that text
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LIZ: oh something that I meant to google.. could be such a coincidence
LIZ: at my college, in the same kind of font.. the party dorm/ suites were called “Reimert Hall” and they are like “see you at Leimert” spelled the same and then they show “Leimert Hall” and it is creepily spot on
MIRI: Whoa 
LIZ: not related to the wall
MARCHAE: we did have a question from one of our readers and I promised I would bring it up to react to
LIZ: lol.. it is student housing but.. idk weird to me but maybe not to anyone else
MIRI: Yes, I want to talk about that!!!
LIZ: go for it! I don’t know the question
MARCHAE: about student housing or the question from our loyal reader
i get confused sometimes
KRIS: our loyal reader
LIZ: I’m assuming she means from the reader
MIRI: The question
LIZ: mine was just a point thrown out and doesn’t really leave much to comment on haha
MIRI: Share the question with us, Marchae
MARCHAE: OH MY GRIEF I  am typing then stop to read...
LIZ: I know.. Kris and Miri are too fast for me
MARCHAE: ok so the reader wants to know if we read Ophelia as bi
MIRI: Sorry!
KRIS: NO STOPPING the overlapping is half of our charm
MIRI: Omg Kris
LIZ: There was one thing that made me think that
MIRI: Ok, I am deeply bi-ased (hahahahahah) so I want yawl to discuss it first
LIZ: hahaha
MARCHAE: go lizzie
@miri you are my everything LOL
LIZ: Harris said something about her being with Jule (I’m having a brain fart and can’t remember if it is jules or rule..)
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MARCHAE: her being with rules?
LIZ: and I think Ophelia was like “not like that” kind of blushing
KRIS: For all of my striving toward wokeness I am generally still slow to pick up on, I guess, Sapphic vibes -- although being a social media-engaged Supergirl fan is training me better -- but I did also note that on my rewatch
LIZ: but it was a micro second kind of moment that made me think.. oh she dates girls too.. cool
so what do you think Kris
KRIS: This is pretty convincing to me:
MIRI: Kris I offer my services if you ever need a consultant on this quest
LIZ: OHHH and PERSON yes thats smart
I didn’t even pick up on it!
MIRI: Ahhhhhhhh shit I didn’t even notice the person thing
i also think there is a lot of tension with Ophelia
MIRI: Ok, Reacting to Something officially rules Ophelia to be bi
Or pan, who knows
LIZ: I kind of also thought that was just a more interesting way of putting it..  like IS THERE A LIVE HUMAN JUST RIGHT THERE IN YOUR HOUSE?
MARCHAE: the writing and ACTING are smart like that
KRIS: And on my search for gifs to add to the post later, the scene in the cemetery -- “I think you’re amazing” -- seemed to be another touchstone
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MIRI: So when we got this question I was like “huh, are people seeing that?
Outside of shipping her and Jules?”
MARCHAE: but we also know that Ophelia doesn’t have friends
MIRI: But upon rewatch it’s pretty solidly set up
MARCHAE: so before the question i suspected that she was just kind of enjoying her new friendship with this person
LIZ: wait whats solidly set up
MARCHAE: she’s wanted that
LIZ: her being bi?
KRIS: yes
LIZ: just confirming
MARCHAE: then after the question we received not only did I pay more attention, but I think again there is definitely some tension
MIRI: I’m honestly so jaded from shows that like to dip their toe in the idea of something happening but will never go for it that I tend to only accept stated queerness
MARCHAE: and she might have a crush on jules!
MIRI: But it does feel very genuine and deliberate here
Which is lovely!
MARCHAE: agreed miri
LIZ: good!
K: consider it canon
KRIS: I think it was a writers room with only one straight man
MARCHAE: That’s kind of awesome!
KRIS: (the past tense here kills me)
MIRI: I love it
UGhhhhhhhh I know
LIZ: wait
is it done?
KRIS: I don’t think I’ve ever been so upset about a cancellation
KRIS: They’re shopping it to streaming sites
MIRI: Guys, sorry we’re making you fall in love with a cancelled show
MARCHAE: yeah i found out today
MIRI: OMG did we not tell you???
MARCHAE: and like this is why I DON”T WATCH TV
LIZ: This is the devils week. why not this too!?
LIZ: also.. good girls revolt was amazing (to me)
MIRI: I loved it!
MARCHAE: also can i just have my moment for the fact that this show also digs into the issue of racism
LIZ: why can’t bad bitches get a win? why
MARCHAE: and handles it kind of nicely
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KRIS: That scene was surprisingly upsetting
LIZ: super upsetting
KRIS: I love that it’s the cop we saw be nice to Jules
MIRI: Yes! Let’s talk about that froyo scene
It’s so well done
MARCHAE: reminded me of trayvon martin
MIRI: And the other cop recognizing that it’s wrong, but not stepping up enough to actually stop it
MARCHAE: i also love that is it harris?
LIZ: like he was being racially profiled.. but he also had the one good thing he was looking forward to smashed on the ground
LIZ: yeah just kind of being like “sorry, but this is kind of what we do, i won’t stop it”
MARCHAE: it is heartbreaking and realistic
KRIS: That younger cop also comes back
MIRI: I’m glad that they played it very seriously
LIZ: ooo
MARCHAE: I was glad that he didn’t want to be seen as only one kind of black when he fought back with the paper editor as well
KRIS: This show has a really deep bench of minor-ish supporting characters
MARCHAE: they better had!
KRIS: MM I think that’s episode 4
On a lighter note I also really appreciate the importance of froyo to the world-building of this college town
LIZ: yes I’m not familiar
MIRI: Froyo continues to matter
As does pizza
MARCHAE: and dairy queen soft serve
LIZ: In college, we would plan a whole trek to froyo (we got one a few min away my senior year)
MIRI: We once drove to Waffle House at 4 am in the snow
In South Carolina
KRIS: From earlier than I remembered, too -- Ophelia running away from Barton and running into a guy carrying a cup -- “Tart?!”
MIRI: where they can’t handle snow
KRIS: YES the pizza place
MIRI: Huh? What is the cup thing?
KRIS: of froyo
LIZ: Food culture in college .. is something very important and lets think abouthtat
KRIS: Ophelia has no patience for Basic things, clearly
MIRI: Also that running away scene is great
LIZ: and by think of that .. I mean.. remember fondly when 4th meals were a thing and breakfast at night reigned supreme.
MIRI: Ophelia has a lot of opinions and I have a lot of feelings about her
KRIS: (I love Jules’s “I like sunsets on Instagram”)
LIZ: ophelia is hilarious.. i love her comment “she’s literate”
KRIS: Ophelia’s ramen diet
LIZ: and also that girl [Fiona] trying to be sexy and saying “there are no drapes” so seriously
MIRI: Yeah I definitely want to see that girl eat a vegetable
LIZ: and giving up and being  like “IM SHAVED” ahaha
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KRIS: Lemon I laughed so loud at “She’s literate?” on my rewatch
MIRI: I love that girl!
MARCHAE: there are a ton of one liners
LIZ: yeah the popcorn for breakfast made even me feel like OH HONEY NO NUTRIENTS
KRIS: So real
MARCHAE: that’s usually my breakfast on sundays after i mop
LIZ: miri what are your many opinions about ophelia
MARCHAE: and i’m old
LIZ: my dogs eat better than I do so I get it
MIRI: Marchae eat real meals please I worry
LIZ: and you mop before you eat
MARCHAE: yes almost every sunday
MIRI: Ok back to my many opinions: as stated I LOVE HER
LIZ: i had a banana, fake chicken, vegan pasta and granola today.. that is kind of healthy
MIRI: I also really love her need to belong
MARCHAE: i eat popcorn, drink a pepsi and catch up on my shows
LIZ: her need to belong to who or what
KRIS: just in general
LIZ: I guess I am really new
KRIS: to have friends, to have a cause
MIRI: She’s obsessed with the idea that she’s this cool fuckup who doesn’t need people, but she needs people so MUCH
LIZ: I get that
MARCHAE: its evident from episode one almost immediately
LIZ: we all do! even when we aren’t good at.. people!
MIRI: She jumps head first into this insane vigilante thing
MIRI: and kicks it into a higher gear
MARCHAE: i think it makes her so relatable too and you fall in love with her
LIZ: I know, she is the perfect.. not robin.. robin
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MIRI: She hurts Harris so easily but would be devastated if she actually lost him
LIZ: yeah i love her apology scene to him
MARCHAE: but he loves her no matter what
MIRI: She thinks she’s beyond needing that sort of connection because she can’t have it with her mom
LIZ: just a girl standing in front of  a boy.. asking for her job back
KRIS: Yes her bad-friend-ness is great
MARCHAE: *snap snap snaps fingrs*
MIRI: But she’s wrong
KRIS: Dammit Ophelia you know I can’t resist Notting Hill
MIRI: and she needs people so badly
Also she’s just hilarious and brilliant and I love her and Harris’s friendship so much
LIZ: her mom was so rude to her on the phone it made me sad especially because Jules doesn’t have a mom.. and I know those were really briefly introduced to me, but I’m sure those are important issues
On the subject of friendship, there are a ton of examples of girls being very affirmational to each other that really interest me
LIZ: I also love that Harris is.. presumably straight and is not afraid to love RBG or Notting Hill
KRIS: I’m so jealous you’re experiencing this show for the first time
MIRI: Because sometimes they’re played for laughs
But not most of the time
and I love that
MIRI: Like, the high girls just need to hug!
LIZ: I wanted to be in the back seat of their car screaming along to Defying Gravity
MIRI: And sometimes Kennedy is a bit ridiculous with her goddess stuff
MARCHAE: i love your love for defying gravity liz
MIRI: But for the most part it is 100% genuine
MARCHAE: Kennedy is the most
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MIRI: And so what I do with my friends
LIZ: yeah kennedy suggesting that shit to ophelia was HILARIOUS
basically like “HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO GOOP.COM?”
MIRI: kennedy is indeed the most
MARCHAE: I am so CURIOUS about what happens when Jules tells her
KRIS: That shot where I assume Fiona and Gabby are on a dolly when they enter Vinylton high on shrooms is perfect
MIRI: So I love that there’s drunk girl in the bathroom type compliments and Woke Freshman type compliments AND really genuine support for each other
KRIS: sorry I was just slow there
LIZ: i think that kennedy will eventually (i mean who knows since it is cancelled) be an ally and join the cause or at least be supportive in a protective way
MARCHAE: if she does I may ink myself!!!
KRIS: I repeat, I am so jealous you’re experiencing this show for the first time
MIRI: It’s a very well plotted season and that is all I will say
MARCHAE: *hugs kris*
UGHHHH i’ll probably finish it this weekend
LIZ: hahaha kris I’m feeling like that repetition is to keep yourself from spoiling
KRIS: There is Jules-Kennedy closure, for sure
Yeah, so, we went really long, even for us. Find the rest of our Reaction here.
EDITED 20 April 2019: You can and should buy Sweet/Vicious on Amazon, Google Play, or iTunes. If you’re here because you just watched Jennifer Kaytin Robinson’s Someone Great, maybe now’s a good time to renew calls for Netflix to add S/V to its library.
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goodknightz · 7 years
Get to know me better! :D
Rules:  Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people 
Requested by:@mewringo13​
Uh... I dont really have anyone to tag... so I’m tagging the majority of my followers x) : @dancemuffndance @kyushaenigma @cpurubyheart @katelynfeliciano @camspazz @goblinneko @angeldrinksgreentea-blog @forsythefrontier @megan-elith @raygirlforeverbe @mxduki @sky-aniu @winterwholocks-superchildren
Ready? Set? Go!
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Iced Tea. 2. Phone call: Chinese Take Out x) 3. Text message: My boss asking me to go in early Dx 4. Song you listened to: Schmoyoho’s Love is Like Drugs 5. Time you cried: Umm... I legit can’t remember. I think last time I really cried hard was when my old dog passed away. HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: No 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope 8. Been cheated on: Not really 9. Lost someone special: Too many ;~; 10. Been depressed : An unbelievable amount of times 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Only once. I drank way too much when I was venting with my brother. I think I drank half a bottle of tequila by myself. x(((
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Blood Red, Royal Blue, Electric Green IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: I’ve made a couple 16. Fallen out of love: Yeah Dx. But it was my fault for falling in love so easy to begin with. 17. Laughed until you cried: Hmm, I tend to do that a lot when watching videos with friends xD. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Many times at work. They think they’re being so quiet >.> 19. Met someone who changed you : For sure. Any new friend I make changes me, if just a bit ♥ 20. Found out who your friends are: I’ve always known who my friends are. Anyone who i feel is just playing me I just stop talking to. I don’t play around. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yeah, just one 
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: The majority of my list. I usually dont add people I dont know unless they know my family or friends to begin with. 23. Do you have any pets: A 1 year old Shi-Tzu and a 30+ year old land Turtle. 24. Do you want to change your name: No. Personally I feel your parents gave your original name out of love. Its disrespectful to want to change it. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: My family took me out to eat at a buffet, then bought me an ice cream cake. Aside from that just chilled in my room talking to friends online. It was a blast. 26. What time did you wake up: Oh boi... I went to sleep late so I woke up at 1:00pm xD 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Talking with a friend and watching videos. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: I’m looking forward to getting the items I bought off amazon. Silver Hair Wax that changes your hair color to silver (easily washes off), Charcoal Toothpaste that apparently whitens your teeth a lot faster than other whitening toothpastes, and a Hario Technica Coffee Syphon x) 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Today, like 5 mins ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Hmm, I used to be extremely shy, so if anything I’d just like to have come out of my shell a bit faster :). 31. What are you listening to right now: Shinedown’s Album The Sound of Madness. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Umm... in real life I actually don’t think so o~o. However I’ve talked to a youtuber called Tom Fawkes Online x). 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: People at work are constantly getting on my nerves. Wish there was less drama in the world. 34. Most visited website: Probably Youtube. 35. Mole/s: I’m actually infested with moles xD. None really big, but I do have bunch all over my body, not even I know how many I have xD. 36. Mark/s: Quite a bit of marks. Stretchmarks on my arms and legs from when I used to do weights in highschool. Strethmarks on my stomach from getting tubby. Scars on my arms, legs, and chest from work, soccer, and football. As well as bite marks from when a family dog attacked me. 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a dad. Always thought it was rude that my family laughed at it. But when I matured I understood why they thought it was funny hehe x). 38. Hair color: Brown, although it looks black when wet. I’m starting to grow a couple white hairs though x-x... stress plz... 39. Long or short hair: I like my hair short and tidy :) 40. Do you have a crush on someone: I do, but I don’t know how she feels about me >.< 41. What do you like about yourself: I’m open minded, rational, caring, and straightforward.  42. Piercings: None 43. Blood type: A+ 44. Nickname: I’ve had many o.o. My family called me teddy bear when I was a kid. When I was in elementary other kids called me Chili since I was from mexico. During my edgy phase on highschool I wanted to be called Zero or Dragon. Nowadays all my friends just call me Bro. xD 45. Relationship status: Single ;~; 46. Zodiac: Leo (leader of the Zodiacs :> hehe) 47. Pronouns: To describe me? He/Him Himself/Myself Someone/Somebody 48. Favorite TV Show(s): Oh god way too many. As far as anime goes I’ve rewatched Slayers like 4 times. As far as actual TV shows, I watched a lot of X-Files and Bones growing up. 49. Tattoos: None. I think they’re very cool. Might get one myself one of these days. Whenever I stop being terrified of needles. 50. Right or left hand: I’m right handed. 51. Surgery: I think I’ve never had surgery for anything. Unless Dental Work counts. I had work done of my front top 2 teeth. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Hmm when I was younger there was a hair gel I was using that would change your hair color to blonde over time xD. Aside form that I kind of wanna dye the front part of my hair red. Felt inspired by Markiplier’s many color changes xD 53. Sport: As a kid I played a lot of Soccer and American Football. Aside from that I really loved swimming. 54. ??? This number was missing so... let me invent one. Random interesting fact about yourself, go!: I never studied much in high school and still passed as an AB student. xD   55. Vacation: The last real vacation I had was going to San Diego a year ago to visit a friend and go to Warped Tour x) 56. Pair of trainers: I actually had no idea what this meant so I had to look it up Dx. My favorite type of running shoes have been my Puma Reverbs
MORE GENERAL : 57. Eating: Cookies 58. Drinking: Still Iced Tea xD 59. I’m about to: Go get ready and go out to eat some Ramen and Sushi x) 61. Waiting for: 5 o clock so that Nama Ramen Opens  62. Want: To win the lottery so I don’t have to worry and enjoy life as it was meant to... But more realistically I want a better job so I can afford to do different things. 63. Get married: For sure. I want to make someone very happy x). 64. Career: I work as a shift manager at a pizzeria. However, I want to move up and find something better with the experience I’ve gained working with people. Eventually I want to go back to school to finish my degree on computer programming.
WHICH IS BETTER:  65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs are nice, but kisses are much more intimate ;3 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes for sure. 67. Shorter or taller: Shorter  68. Older or younger: I prefer younger x)  70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Hmm... I’d have to say stomach. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive for sure 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship duh. Hook ups are for people who aren’t serious about each other. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Not actually sure. I think hesitant is better over someone that just makes trouble for fun. HAVE YOU EVER : 74. Kissed a Stranger: No 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes, prefer it over beer. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Don’t own either... but I might have to get glasses soon. 77. Turned someone down: Yeah, twice. I didnt feel good about myself for doing it, but I didnt see myself with those people. 78. Sex on the first date: Not likely. But who knows, might be a hell of a date xD. 79. Broken someone’s heart: Hopefully not. 80. Had your heart broken: Oh yeah, multiple times. At this point I’ve just adopted the mentality of doing my best and having no regrets when asking someone out. 81. Been arrested: Never, but I was stopped once for speeding. (a whole 5 miles per hour more... thanks rando sheriff, I thought it was BS but I wasnt gonna argue with the cop) 82. Cried when someone died: Yes and No actually. Theres been so many deaths around me that hearing about someone I knew dying doesnt affect me as much. Its just part of life. I’m sad that they’re not around anymore, and I’ll miss them very much. But its just a part of living. 83. Fallen for a friend: Yeah... x3 DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Yeah, if I dont believe in myself who will. 85. Miracles: Depends on what is meant by miracle. I believe in multiple efforts made by everyone to make something happen, over something like divine intervention. But regardless yes, I do believe miracles can happen. 86. Love at first sight: Although its very rare and not likely to work out, I do like to believe that it can happen between people that live in the moment. 87. Santa Claus: Of course! Not in the concept of the old man spreading gifts across the world in those who believe in him, but more on the idea that if you’re good and behave all year long, a day where you get rewarded for all that effort exists. 88. Kiss on the first date: If the date went well and the mood is right, I dont see a problem with receiving/giving a kiss. But its not something that should be expected as a standard.
OTHER : 90. Current best friend name: My friends JusticeRider and Grayfox07, because they’re always there for me. Honorable mentions are Fiona and Hannah :) 91. Eye color: Milk Chocolate :3 92. Favorite movie: Thats a good question. If we go by whatever movie I’ve rewatched the most, It’d have to be Space Jam since I watched it a lot as a kid. However, the latest movie I watched and enjoyed was Gantz: O. Had a lot of fun watching it with my friend Grayfox xD.
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