#yes this is a western AU :3c
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bo stop being a little shit and look at the camera
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kayfabekelpie · 2 years
send a character - kenny omega :3c
Favorite thing: his dedication to his craft, the way he's honed his body into a tool to reach his goals is so impressive and the way he pushes through is inspiring to me as someone who also deals with chronic injury, but the way he is able to tell a story that draws on his years and years in the business but make it both accessible to new audiences and fresh, you don't need to have access to his entire back catalog to know what he's doing now. Master of deep lore, of telling stories that mean something beyond the next two weeks, and of knowing how to charm the pants off an audience. It's always beautiful, as someone who loves to tell stories, to see someone with that amount of passion for your craft work their magic Sheep hair
Least favorite thing about him: please sir take a fucking nap we miss you but you need to rest also i can't kiss his sweet lil forehead goodnight
Favorite line: okay being Real here i can't remember a single wrestling promo that has ever happened except for "all I drink is blood" and "69 me don" so we'll go with "69 me don"
BrOTP: Kenny/Nick. I'm happy to ship them too but Kenny just having someone he can Go To is very good for Me, Personally (also love a Good One-sided Longing "we have been friends for years and I know you're in love with someone else and I'm happy for you but I Wish That Were Me" and there are so many permutations of that)
OTP: Yes. (God Kenny is shippable as hell. Kenny/Kota, obvi, Kenny/Hanger, Kenny/Matt, Kenny/Cole. Permutations thereof. Kenny/everyone)
NoTP: jk no to Kenny/Callis. Love a good toxic worsties relationship but something about deliberately trying to poison someone away from their friends feels. Ick.
Random headcanon: loves to have his sheep hair played with but not a huge fan of having it styled, just wants Pets. Not a fan of scented personal products and doesn't wear cologne.
Unpopular opinion: I'm kinda pulling for a Kenny/Bucks breakup (and eventual makeup) when he returns. Like a lot of betrayal from The Nod and letting Cole run shit into the ground. But at the end of the day they're all too entertwined to ever give each other up. Gives all of them the chance to shine on their own, not as The Elite, without getting rid of their past completely.
Song I associate with them: possibly because of the Historically Inaccurate Western AU I'm writing, but also a little because it mirrors so many of his partnerships:
Favorite picture of them:
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God I'd die for him.
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thevagueambition · 4 years
Atla, Zukka and Sokka :)
Favorite character: Zuko, 100%. He’s a character I relate to a lot, eg the whole “hard work vs natural talent” thing... I even have a costume, although I didn’t get a chance to use it when I meant to so I haven’t really done so yet OTL
Least Favorite character: Hmm, god, I don’t know.... Bumi, maybe? As a comedic character he feels a bit too “haha crazy” and he doesn’t really (imo) work well as a dramatic one... 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Character I find most attractive: Zuko. Particularly s3 ofc lol
putting the rest under a cut for length
Character I would marry: idk. not big on marriage really
Character I would be best friends with: Sokka
a random thought: The true hero of ATLA is Iroh and I feel ashamed of not having mentioned his name yet in this
An unpopular opinion: The age difference between Kataang is 2 years which is the exact same age difference between Zutara and neither are particularly weird regardless of the fact that I don’t care about either ship
My Canon OTP: Don’t have one. Sokka/Suki is cute I guess is the closest I come to having strong feelings on a canon ship
My Non-canon OTP: Zukka
Most Badass Character: Toph but also low key Sokka bc he’s a non-bender
Most Epic Villain: That old blood bending woman who gave us all nightmares
Pairing I am not a fan of: Zutara, but that’as as much about fandom behavior back in the day as anything else
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Korra, all of LoK 
They gave Toph too little to do in s3 and she SHOULD have had her Zuko outing like all the others >:( Actually Zuko and Toph have a lot in common in certain ways and that was never fully explored
Also obviously SOOOO many characters in this series who were written as straight when they shouldn’t be lol. We get it, it was a kid’s cartoon in the 00s, but they didn’t have to agressively pair off everyone in neat m/f couples by the end of the series
Favourite Friendship: Aang & Zuko
Character I most identify with: Zuko, as mentioned above. He’s also the same MBTI type as me haha (INFP). Also, Sokka mix of being simoultaneously really clever and extremely stupid is a gigantic mood.
Character I wish I could be: Idk... Iroh, in some ways, certainly. Honestly, by the end of the series all the main kids are pretty admirable people. Who wouldn’t want Aang’s kindness, Katara’s righteousness, Zuko’s determination, Sokka’s cleverness, Toph’s independence, Suki’s leadership, etc? Hell, Mai’s bravery and Ty Lee’s loyalty? I love all the main kids.
When I started shipping them: Only a year or two ago, actually! I think last time I rewatched The Boiling Rock I was like 👀
Originally when I was an ATLA fan I was still in the “we must adheer to canon” phase of my existence in fandom and then for a good while I was still affected by my... hesitance to look like a, idk, stereotypical slash fan, in the sense that back in the day people were REALLY hostile to slash ships that seemed, idk, contrived. Zukka also just wasn’t a big ship back in the day I don’t think, Jetko has always been more popular. 
My thoughts: The cammaraderie that developes between them over their stay at The Boiling Rock is incredibly compelling to me and I think that... the ways in which Sokka holds Zuko accountable through “jokes” but still allows him the space to prove himself is really interesting and probably... something that is actually better for Zuko than either Katara’s rage or Aang’s kindness? Idk. 
Also they both have pretty complicated relationships to masculinity and what it means to be a man in their respective cultures and their sort of struggles with that and how those struggles look different due to circumstances like their parental situations and different cultural expectations... Zuko’s is less directly about masculinity per se because the Fire Nation has less strict gender roles, or at least ones that don’t code certain activities as purely masculine endeavours (eg warfare) but certainly there are shades of Ozai’s treatment of Zuko and Azula that are gendered as well as about birth order and it’s interesting how Zuko and Sokka both impose restrictions on themselves about how they should behave and what they should live up to culturally.
What makes me happy about them: I think they complement each other really well. They have a lot in common but are pretty different about their approach to things... I also just really like battle couples lol 
What makes me sad about them: Their respective trauma is part of what makes them compelling but it’s certainly also sad, so in that sense...
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: So much of it is modern AU and i don’t care for it lol. Completely ignoring any sense that the Avatar world must have some elements of homophobia bothers me to exist in the ways it does, but as does completely overplaying it, idk. It’s a balance not everyone strikes well. Also obviously when people demonise Suki or Mai to account for them not being in the picture that’s bad.
Things I look for in fanfic: Honestly, more than anything? Good characterisation. This is a ship that lives and dies by good characterisation. I also really like when they’re set during the time at the Western Air Temple.  
My wishlist:
Swordfighting duels!! Practicing swordfighting together!! Bonding over swords like the dumb teenage boys they are!! Yes I know about the innuendo that only makes it better!! 
Hakoda not just being cool with it but realising about Zuko’s abuse and being like Actually I Am Your Dad Now
I always want fic where the gaang find out about how Zuko got his scar and that with Zukka is even more *chef’s kiss*
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Hmm ending up with, huh? I like Jetko for the drama but not necessarily as endgame. Sukka is pretty cute so I’m down for that but Maiko is.... look, it made sense for the time that Zuko was back in the Fire Nation because but I 100% don’t think it’s something either of them benefits from afterwards. They’re better off as friends imo also Zuko’s gay
My happily ever after for them: I want them to travel the world together tbh? I never quite know how to account for Zuko becoming Fire Lord in my thoughts about him post-canon because... well obviously I hate monarchy and I don’t actually think Zuko would be particularly comfortable being the leader of a nation, so... I don’t know. Maybe after some years, maybe a decade, of guiding the nation back towards stability Zuko starts reforming the country towards something more democratic and becomes less personally involved in the affairs of running the country? I don’t see them as people who would or really could be tied down by each other because they each have responsibilities to their respective communities and I don’t necessarily find “and then they lived in the Fire Nation palace together for the rest of their lives” compelling... 
How I feel about this character: I love him so much. His character developement is so compelling and as one of the very few prominent non-bending characters he is also compelling in the ways that situate him within the world and forces him to look for other things to contribute with. Again, the ways in which he is undeniably very clever but simoultaneously kind of dumb is also just... Very Good and Relatable lol. He was someone I overlooked a bit for a while but I think Sokka’s Master really awakened me to how great he is and on rewatches he became one of my faves. Also, you just gotta love any character that uses sarcasm as a shield lol. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Zuko, primarily, as discussed above. I’m fine with both Yue and Suki as canon ships but I’m not really invested in it. When I was younger I liked Sokka/Toph somewhat but actually Toph is a lesbian so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You could always do Suki/Toph, kill two birds with one stone you know
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Gotta love a good father-son relationship <3
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t know what the popular opinions about him are tbh. I’ll use this to say I think ADHD!Sokka makes sense though
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Hmm, idk... the episodes he had that were focused on him were very good and did a good job of exploring his inner life in the face of how often he’s a comedic character, so it would have to be more in terms of his relationships with other characters. More interactions with Zuko would have been good ofc ! :3c
Favorite friendship for this character: Hm, probably Aang. Protective Older Brother Mode for a character that isn’t even technically his sibling is Very Good.
My crossover ship: I don’t really have crossover ships
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escapekissed · 4 years
@pcisoner [ PLOTTING CALL ] in which i throw all my muses at u (fuck anxiety!) and we see what sticks BC SHE CANT HATE EM ALL lol
GLADIO - my idea is this! gladio works for the yakuza prince, who has lots of business all over the world. the lucis caelums are actually a political family---but they’re most known for their direct, unproveable involvement in shady boots business. gladio was raised by regis’s liutenant and political campaign manager, and regis & clarus have always plotted for their sons to follow in their respective places. as noctis has grown up, however, he’s found sort of a gang of his own and relies more heavily on prompto and ignis, and even hardened criminal gladio grows weary of noctis’s bad attitude and a life of killing and crime. 
he’s just kind of going along with it for now. when gladio first meets tabby---they’re cementing noctis’s overseas political & gang affiliations. gladio is a natural charmer, but also hopes to find out dirt on pretty much everyone he meets, as he appears to most as simply a bodyguard. he’s good at picking up on people---and tends to want to see through tabby’s flimsy outer mask and want to get into her head more than most people. he is VERY persistent.
does A RIVALMANCE bloom? gladio’s self-loathing and guilt mixing with tabby’s in toxic, interesting ways as they call each other out but are equally impressed with each other? do they become reluctant friends, as gladio continues to press tabby’s buttons but is inextricably tied to her life as the yakuza prince’s western influence grows and he NEEDS the information and skills she possesses? does gladio just annoy the fuck out of her and that’s it? WHO KNOW.
FANG - ok so i want witch fang & witch tabby lol. i would love a coven au where fang tries to get tabby to join her coven of [australian voice] bad bitches. but the coven is only vanille & fang right now and SURPRISE vanille is currently HIT WITH A CURSE from a nearby gang of wizards. actually this could be a good found family verse where fang & tabby just collect my girl muses that all go up against my guy muses as side characters or something. is that stupid? IDEK. i just want girl gang modern fantasy witches tbh. fang has a motorcycle in this. also fang in this like. hates tabby and calls her out all the time! but to CHALLENGE her to be better. anime magical girl rivals mance lol.
BARRET - tabby joins AVALANCHE and becomes a thorn in barret’s side as their consumables and poisons expert. barret both hates and loves her. (she is his favorite but also FUCK OFF ‘bitha. would it kill u to join in with the group for a change!)
WEDGE- WEDGE INSTATES AERITH’S BEST FRIEND FOR RELATIONSHIP ADVICE. TENDS TO GO POORLY. OVER TIME TABBY GROWS A SOFT SPOT FOR HIM. unlike the muses i want to call tabby out. he just supports her all the time and kind of tries to EASE her into talking about her feelings. wedge: i want to talk about feelings. tabby: i know, wedge. wedge: do you want to talk about feelings? tabby: not on your life. 
AERITH - i like what we have going on right now TBH!!!! they are CUTE gay-but-no-homo-but-also-yes-homo?-no-i-didnt-yes-i-did-:3c friends lol. i would love to go DEEPER with them but also they are allergic to genuine feelings that are not said when drunk. obviously, we have to get them drunk.
isabela - okay but pirate captain isabela attacking a ship apothecary tabby is on and isabela decides to TAKE PRISONERS and throw the rest of the fucks off the ship. tabby just wants to go home lol.
tiana - no one will call out tabby like tiana does. NO BULLSHIT FROM TIANA. KINDLY AND FIRMLY. and then tabby can call out tiana too bc tiana works too hard and takes on everybody else’s burdens and tabby’s like ARE YOU IN TOUCH WITH UR FEELINGS? and tiana’s like i’m feeling BOTHERED right now lmfao. also au where both of them are witches? yes please.
elsa - elsa going out into the world to learn more about other people with magic abilities like herself. she’s the spirit of magic, but sometimes that can be lonely. she feels like there must be other people like her, somewhere. what she finds is tabby! and she’s automatically obsessed lol but tabby wants NOTHING to do with her.... elsa has to get inside tabby’s defenses >: 3c SO THEY CAN BE BEST MAGICAL FRIENDS!!!!
eugene - i simply think tabby and eugene should be divorced exes that got married while drunk in vegas bc they DARED each other about it they were so high they were like ‘I BET YOU WOULDNT MARRY ME, COWARD.’ and it just escalated. and IMMEDIATELY got it annulled the next morning but also. sometimes eugene still thinks about it bc he’s a big sappy romantic and tabby is just like ‘GET OVER IT FITZHERBERT.’ lmfao
gothel - consider an au where gothel is the one that teaches tabby magic and they have a cunty i-hate-my-boss-but-shes-so-good-at-magic-so-i-have-to-stay-but-i-HATE-HERRRR relationship lol except both of them GROW AS PEOPLE FROM IT and gothel grows a secret fondness for her... wow
howl - i just want them to hate each other. my idea for this is that howl gets called to wherever the heck tabby is currently living and tabby gets involved in it somehow and she FIGURES OUT HIS TRICK and immediately like. WANTS IN ON A REALITY BENDING ADVENTURE lmfao. they would hate each other too lol
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jyushimoon · 5 years
99% sure the ‘darker’ skin color (talking about in Oso-san) is supposed to be a tan, because tanning your skin in Japan is seen as a ‘western’ thing to do, hence the delinquent stereotypes (dyeing your hair blond and having tattoos/piercings is the same thing). In anime the tan is exaggerated because Asian people tan easily (or for comedy maybe idk??). So they’re still Asian, they just appear to have darker skin, it’s not racist (of course people can have headcanons tho ^-^)
hmmMM cant rlly comment on the tanning culture in japan since i know little to nothing about it besides it being a cosmetic thing some ppl do bUT YEAH I WASNT SAYIN IN AUS JYUSHI AND KARA CHANGE RACE LDSKLKSJD they just get a couple shades darker than the other bros but theyre still japanese dudes haha
ALSO WORTH MENTIONING ICHI GETS A FEW SHADES LIGHTER THAN HIS BROS IN A LOT OF THE AUS i think its to push jyushi and ichi’s opposite-ness >:3c
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