#yet another ramble for no real purpose just. me thinkin
ginalinettiofficial · 2 years
having a sister who spent years working on a very busy high-risk labor/delivery floor and then went into general high risk OB services is fun because i get ALL the details on how exactly labor differs from media’s depictions of it
like she’s talking to my ma on the phone rn and i just heard her say “yeah she had a great labor! she only pushed for three and a half hours,” and my mom went “oh wow that’s not bad at all!” and i thought the same thing and then remembered that tv always makes it seem like once you start pushing, you’ve got ten, maybe twenty minutes until your baby is in your arms!!? that’s just something i thought was true for most of my life since i’ve never had a baby and most women who HAVE had babies (in my own personal experience etc etc) didn’t seem to really keep track of the timing of what happened when and how long each phase of labor lasted and all that jazz, and honestly it’s not something i’d have ever thought to question. but thanks to having a super cool sister who is very competent and has a ton of L&D experience, i know a lot about the nitty gritty details of labor!!! and that’s pretty cool
having a sister who is an L&D nurse has also, incidentally, firmly cemented my pre-existing refusal to EVER give birth to a child, too, because dear fucking god, the things i’ve heard. never in a million fucking years could that be me
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Danny's Evil Jaunt Pt. 3
(this is the chapter but I have work soon so I will tag everyone later a swell as links) @little-pondhead @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 (you two get tagged because your the big inspirations :D
warnings: swearing
Word count: 1.3k
Let it be known that Fright Knight loves his job. It's literally why he still exists. He exists to serve the King of the Infinite Realms and stand as the embodiment of Halloween and similar celebrations. That said, he feels conflicted as he gazes at the mechanical husk his future king shows off. 
Compared to a normal mortal, its stature was massive. Though for Fright Knight it was about equal height, possibly a little smaller. The inspiration was clear and a little flattering. The metal was shaped into a stylized Fright Knight, complete with a (mundane) sword.
He eyes his king as the Halfa clings to its arm. He rambled about how he was planning on taking the husk to a pocket that was populated with heroes with him to guard him, and how he wanted Fright Knight to help with ‘teaching it how to do those cool sword moves you do Frighty!’.
Has his king replaced him?!?! No, surely not! There's no way this heap of scrap could ever compare! He had been around for CENTURIES while this thing hadn't even existed an hour ago! The king still had his hands inside it making adjustments yet!
“My Liege! Please forgive any misgivings about this… thing, but may I know the purpose of such a creation? You said that it was for protection yet I am here.”
His king turned his head towards him, arms still hidden within the side of the imposter. “His name is Fright-bot, and he's gonna keep the heroes off me while I work! They get annoying when you're trying to do some welding and all of a sudden you have like three arrows comin’ at ya real fast.” the young Halfa finally pulled his glove clad hands out of the monstrosity.
“He's also for keeping my other works safe, that's why I need him first. I’m thinkin’ of keeping most of my bots in my ‘therapy’ dimension that Clocky showed me for convenience, and they need a guard! But I can't just have you away to protect them! You need to do head guard stuff! I know you want to protect me and stuff but I can’t just let you just out in the living world with me all the time!” the king continued as he slid the siding back onto the almost finished robot. “Besides! It's kinda like you're protecting me from afar! Since it’ll be your techniques and stuff. I just gave it a body and Tuck helped me with the learning algorithm stuff so you can teach it.” his legs finally released his hold on the beings arm, dropping into a handstand and falling back onto his feet upright.
The flaming kight considered this. While it’s true that he can’t always accompany his king (as much as he would like to) it would be nice to have some assurance that the King would be safe. Perhaps he could convince the King into some sort of deal…?
Well Danny could say that he’s extremely happy with the events that happened at the castle! He and Frighty came to a deal finally! Frighty would teach Fright-bot how to fight and stuff but Danny would have to put in a built-in alarm system that notified Frighty that something bad was happening, so he could come in and save Danny’s day. Overall pretty good! Now to start working on those blueprints, he was so excited!
‘Ok, who gave the kid permission to build huge robots?’ Oliver thought as he saw the Fenton kid perched on top of the mecha-knight looking thing, and pulled back on his bow. Just as he released the arrow the thing’s head swiveled around like an owl and caught the damn thing! The kid looked up at Ollie and smiled.
“HI MISTER ARROW!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?” the kid shouted at him and jumped off the robot. Oliver sighed and readied another shot but was forced off his rooftop position by the purple knight.
“Who's your friend there, kid? He looks like the wrong kinda crowd,” the kid’s grin grew wider as he unfolded that damn cannon and attached it to a slightly glowing tank on his thigh.
“Do Ya like ‘im?! I built him myself, his name is Fright-Bot!” The fanged grin of the kid did not get any less unsettling as the newly dubbed ‘Fright-bot’ landed next to Fenton again.
“Uh uh, real nice kid. Why don’t you calm down and give up for today, yeah?” Oliver made sure to keep the knight within his sight. It honestly looked like it could snap someone in half.
“Hmm? Ahh.. I don't think so Mr.Arrow, I worked really hard on Fright-bot and I wanna see how I can make him better y’know! I promise I’ll keep the damage to a minimum!”
“You have your fingers crossed behind your back, don’t you.”
“What nooo… I would never lie Mr. Arrow, it's very hurtful that you would even CONSIDER that I would do such a thing. I believe you owe me an Ice cream now!”
“Kid, there was a snowstorm yesterday. And I don’t think you need any sugar.” The bow pulled back and the Knight rushed.
It wasn’t a fair fight in the slightest, Ollie was out numbered and the goo that was glowing a slight blue-green did not help. Especially with the still slick roads, so it was only a matter of time before his legs were stuck to the concrete. Frozen actually, the goo turned into weird ice. Fenton had the big guy grab his arms while the kid himself searched his body, eventually finding his wallet. The one he brought on patrol in case he got a bit hungry. Guess he was really buying the kid ice cream after all.
“14..15..16..21. Nice! You think it’ll cover it Fright-bot? I don’t know the prices but I think it’ll be enough. You watch Mr. Arrow for me! I’ll be back soon I promise!” and like that the kid expertly glided over the iced roads and into the Ice cream parlor. To be fair to the kid, the Ice cream here was kinda expensive.
While the kid was gone Oliver tried to escape from the Ice and the robot, but neither were budging. Well until Roy came up and stabbed the focused robot in the back, somehow causing it to malfunction and release Ollie’s arms. It fell to the ground with a heavy thud as Fenton came out of the parlor. 
“Oh no! HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!” Fenton screeched. Then released a guttural groan and whine. “Come onnnn…. I still had an hour left! And now I have to leave EARLY!” he honest to god pouted at the two vigilanties. 
Then a lazarus green swirling mass opened in between the opposing parties and out stepped another Fright-bot, this time with a much more intimidating demeanor. This one was bathed in purple fire and held a sword covered in green flames that gave off the feeling of nightmares. 
“MY KING! I RECEIVED THE ALERT AND CAME AS SOON AS I COULD'' it bellowed. Shaking the ground around them.
King? What, did Fenton make them refer to him as King? That felt weirdly out of character for what they had seen so far. 
“Frighty! You were just WAITING outside weren’t you!” Fenton yelled at the knight. The knight didn’t take his eyes off the two perceived threats. And picked up Fenton by the scruff of his coat.
“My King! I knew we couldn’t trust your safety with that pile of metal! Only I- FRIGHT KNIGHT, is worthy of protecting you! NOW YOU TWO. YOU ARE HEREBY GUIL--” the knight spoke and was cut off by Fenton. 
“We get it Frigty! Just.. Can you grab the Fright-bot and just take us home please… I told you this was a trial run to see how to improve him!” the child pleaded. The knight stared forward for a few moments before sighing and coming forward, yanking Oliver out of the Ice and flinging Roy and him out of the way. Then picking up the lifeless metal and carrying Fenton away through another swirling portal where it closed behind them seconds after they were out of sight. 
“Hey Arrow, what the FUCK was that?”
“A massive pain in the ass that keeps getting bigger”
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mai-takeda · 5 years
The Voyage Part I ft. Mai Takeda and Asande Stormborn
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The wind seemed to run past her which brought a smile to Mai’s small pink lips. She pushed some of her apple red hair behind her ear and just remained motionless against the side of the boat watching the waters pass them by. She lost herself in the moment so much she didn’t register the newcomer’s presence beside her.
“Fuckin’ hell of a thing, eh?” Asande Stormborn said in her songlike but strong voice. “The waters that is. Nothin’ like sailin’ upon the waters. Don’t think even ridin’ in the clouds can compare. Tis the reason I am savin’ coin in buyin’ a second ship for the seas and not one of expensive things in the clouds. Let that be some others. I belong on the waters.”
Mai turned her head to the captain of The Stormdancer. She had a hard time saying she met one like this captain. Well, when she thought on it, that wasn’t precisely true. She held many similarities to her twin brother, Kaelivh, who also served to be Mai’s teacher and trainer. She also had similar qualities to that of Mai’s lost love, Veda.
The memory brought pain to wipe away at Mai’s smile. Sadness took her almost immediately. She had not heard from the one she had been certain to be a fixture in her life in so many weeks now that she refused to keep counting the days that rushed by. Wetness seemed to form in her eyes on her own and before she knew it Asande’s voice break into her thoughts again.
“Thinkin’ on her again?” Asande said. “Yer lover that is? Or the one who was or whatever the damned thing ye have now.”
“Always a way of putting things in poetic fashion, San’s,” Mai said with a small sad sigh though a light smile touched the words. “B-but yes. Sometimes it’s hard not to. I mean, I know I have so many seasons turn ahead of me at my age and I am only now experiencing and living my life and finding my way and my path. And I know that I have so many things ahead of me and new people that will come into my life. I also know that--”
“That ya ramble so damn much that ya can power the Dancer cross these waters on that energy alone?” Asande interjected.
Mai’s mouth audibly clamped shut. A blush warmed her cheeks shyly followed by a nod. She sheepishly began to open her mouth when a cry sounded out.
“Sail ho! Ship starboard!” the male youth clamored from the crow’s nest.
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Asande and Mai snapped their heads in the specified direction. The ship was nothing more than a speck in the distance without the spyglass The Stormdancer’s spotter held but it was enough to get Asande’s muscles tensing. Mai glanced the older highlander woman’s direction and her eyes widened. For on that face she saw a devilish grin coming to the other woman’s lips. 
“The game it is!” Asande announced pushing from the rail. “Ye might get the chance at puttin’ that blade of yers to work,” she said to Mai. “Wit me.”
Mai nodded, her hand falling to the handle of the katana at her hip before trailing Asande. The two women hurried along the now busying deck headed for the helm. The movement along the deck would seem chaotic to outside eyes, Mai knew, because she thought the same. When she looked more intently on the movements she realized that had not been the case. Everyone moved with a purpose and no one seemed to ever get in the way of another. Their movements were practiced and in sync that spoke well of the crew she had gotten to know over the many days.
“Helmsman!” Asande barked. “Move us three clicks starboard!”
Mai gawked at Asande. “Th-that will take us toward them!” 
“Yer damned right!” Asande said still wearing the grin turning her head upwards to the crow’s nest. “Ye got a sail?”
“Looks like The Black Orchid, Captain!” the youth responded.
“Well shite. Didn’t expect that.” Asande glanced Mai’s direction and noticed the expression. “The captain of that one is a good sort. Coin chasin’ bloke but no salt water in his noggin’ so why he comin’ our way I have no word. He know The Black Orchid can’t take Stormdancer. Get my damn mages up!” Asande barked. 
“We’re here, Cap,” a Midlander with a dusky skin said in a tired voice with another standing beside him. “Though why wake me when you can handle what it is to come without me I no idea. Rather sleep myself.”
Asande rolled her eyes and swiftly smacked the man on the back of the head. “Yer always sleepin’! Damned man will sleep his life away if I let ye. Get to your positions. I may not have time to go slingin’ aether ‘round myself. Sometimes the fun is in close and personal like.”
The man gave a groggy nod while rubbing the back of his head before walking off. Asande watched them go without the grin slipping from her face. Her hand went to her opposite hip of her rapier and pulled out her own spyglass. She extended the cylinder and looked starboard marking the pace and direction of the ship. 
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“Oh that bastard is comin’ for us alright. Intersect course indeed. He got the swifter sails wit a bit of wind plus I know the mages he has ‘bout his girl there that give it a bit more push than my louts. Probably could outpace her wit the lead we got but what fun in that, eh?”
Mai found herself gawking at the taller woman again. “Y-you’re as bad as your brother!”
Asande laughed at that while returning her spyglass. She clapped Mai on the shoulder. “Yer ‘bout to learn what dealin’ with the Stormborn is like little Mai. Wet yer blade a bit too but if somethin’ happen to ya that damn brother of mine will have my hide. We watch each other backs, right? Just remember what Kael taught ye and some o’words I sprinkled in. It’ll be fun.”
Numbly, Mai nodded, her grip tightening on the hilt. I take it back. She’s WORSE than her brother, Mai thought. She’s insane! 
“Raise the red, Cap’n?” a voice called out from no direction Mai could discern. 
“Nay! When we near a we’ll run one ‘cross the bow and then meet. I know the bastard. He’s likely to give quarter if the coin is right.” Asande turned her gaze to Mai. “Though don’t know how our cargo is worth it. Not to take wit Dancer.”
“You’re thinking he’s after something else?” Mai asked while feeling the sweat forming on her brow. “I-I haven’t taken a life with my sword sin-since the bandits on the way to my father and brother’s grave. I-”
“Ye’ll be fine, lass,” Asande said with a reassuring smile. “Ye been trainin’ wit my brother and he’s a damned killer in his own right. Yer goin’ to be surprised in what he got in yer head. Believe me. Keep to who yer are, feel the fight ‘round ye and all will be well. Be wit ye every step. Just remember the bastards will take ye and do what they will if ye let them. Can’t have that. Kael will curse us both and come to our rescue. Then I’ll have to hear ‘bout the shite for all days. Let’s be ‘bout it, shall we?”
Taking a deep steadying breath Mai gave an affirming nod despite the knots tying themselves in her gut. She remembered her training with her father and brother when she was younger. She remembered watching Veda swinging her axe and their sparring session. She remembered her lessons from Kaelivh Stormborn and intensity of their training and fights. Even Asande had taught her some things and the Stormdancer’s boatswain.
“I am ready,” she announced in a small yet confident voice more for herself than any other ears.
OOC Notation! This is a collab piece by myself and some person! They aight and I decided to let them hitch onto my--what? Okay, okay! This was a joint effort with Big Z! @zhauric though he’s the main writer :-p I was a bit lazy on images and gifs. Wasn’t easy. Sowwy! Need to take some new ones! More to come! And Mai’s name came first because I’m cuter. I mean my nickname is Candy and his is Bear and Deuce??? Get real! 
P.S. @nattaitshanil We know you can write! You getting in this too with the next chapter! Be prepared! Always on the prowl for more too! 
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