#yet diggs still cant decide....
jrueships · 2 years
Keenum under cover...
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blackuigryphonvr · 5 years
#Niantic #Wayfarer #PokemonGo -#Bullies #Harassment
Usually, when people get weird rejections it’s often passed off as “lazy reviewers” whom just pick something random. But, lazy people usually go for the things that are the least effort... they’re lazy JUST because they want to get an “Upgrade”. There’s a fundamental flaw in this process.... it’s also NOT as tho Niantic is unaware.....
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But...... it’s funny how I’ve found a strong correlation to the PokéStops submissions I put through that got accepted, and the ones that didn’t.
I hereby testify that all of the ones that went through were ones I never mentioned on social media, and the ones that got rejected were ones I DID mention were my submissions.
Because we’re a community. We share the intel, the techniques, the methods, and resources.
I also noticed that intel I publicly gave out so others could also submit a nomination when Wayfarer went live, were also rejected under suspicious illogical reasons....
However, after multiple tries, and the glossy luster of the new Wayfarer wore off, those slacked off periods ended up having the submissions going through....
But, since everyone kept insisting it’s just “lazy viewers” I went along with it.... but I also noticed that areas that went through were usually places and areas I did NOT tell anyone about. But areas that I did publicly divulge WOULD get rejected because it was specifically something I PUBLICLY WANTED.
This pattern was very strong.
Then, when I got a rejection reason accusing me of harassing people, abusing Niantic’s system, and basically accusing me of being a Nazi, I blogged about it last week.
I also vented about it on social media.
1 key 🔑 point I said was that we knew months ago that the usual reason that a PokéStop submission could be rejected also according to OPR Ingress players was a bad photo. 📷 Being that I’m actually a photographer 📸 I worried about my exposures being bad, and often reshot the photos to be sure persons, minimal cars, and animals were out of the shots, lighting was good, composition was Level, etc...
And I mouthed off that if they’d just picked photo rather than accuse me of being a Nazi, plus the fact that it got rejected in hours when there was nothing wrong with my submission, I wouldn’t have caught on that a pack of haters were plotting to sabotage me.
There were other odd behaviors of people being rude to me since June, and it ramping up this month in Discord. People I didn’t even know, and weird inside jokes of people laughing at some kind of inside jokes, blocking me, and posting photos bragging about how I was blocked. People “liking” those posts and laughing at me because in their private DMs they are trashing me.... OBVIOUSLY. I also noticed there’s persons I can’t “like” posts to, nor reply to... and I don’t even know who they are. I can see their posts, but they don’t seem to see mine... and the head of the Discord was pressuring me to tell him who.... I just don’t want these punks to be kicked out. Yes, they’re jerks & immature.... but I don’t think they should shut out of the community over it... or banned from playing the game.
Well..... it’s been getting weirder...
After my post exposé of how people were ganging up on my nominations, probably scouring anything local to my area, presuming it’s mine, or connected to my intel, the very next day another submission went through within less than 2 hours!
So.... to me, it seems as tho they’re stalking my social media, realized they were busted, felt guilty, then pushed that other one through. I’d also publicly said THAT area was one I was currently suspending any further activity from submitting anything to....... I never said I didn’t have any left in my cue tho.... so, either that pack of them hanged up to push it through based on guilt.... OR THEY THOUGHT SOMEONE ELSE MADE IT.
But, get this.... I publicly TOLD everyone in the Discord server that it got accepted.... so, I kept waiting for it to show in game.... it usually shows either the following day at 2PM, or the day after that at 2PM.... but days went by, and NOTHING was there...
I wondered why.... because I so meticulously planned everything out... I left instructions in both submissions, because 1 was bear the previous one, but were near the edges of 2 different cells.....
So, by the end of the week, I checked the PokéStop......... AND IT WAS MOVED.... meaning SOMEONE MOVED IT AFTER IT HAD ALREADY BEEN PUT IN THE GAME.... THEY ALSO moved it into the OTHER CELL, which cancels out that other POI from showing in BOTH Ingress but ALSO Pokémon Go...
Then, I realized that ONLY OPR could do that....
But, didn’t OPR get shut down????
So, I publicly asked.....
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Then, as I was outside playing Ingress I noticed that OPR shows that I have “agreements” in my stats and several, even tho my Level was only 6, then Leveled up to 7.... so, is OPR still there?
In OPR higher level players get personal preference biases to the final say of Portal/PokéStop submissions and can move them....
Apparently, we can suggest a PokéStop point to be moved also.... but, in Ingress if someone does it I CAN SEE THEIR USER NAME!
I recognize this player!
This player started used to have a lower level than mine, but is NOW Level 8... meaning they can move stuff, and change things...
But............... this person IS ON THE OPOSING BLUE TEAM. The Resistance Team. I’m on The Enlightenment Team.
So... is this whole thing based on a BEEF IN INGRESS???? Well, at least THIS suspect seems to be connected to it.
Well, I called this person out.
This person KNOWS that I play BOTH Pokémon Go AND Ingress as the same name AND my social media is the same name. Implying that they are cyber stalking me, and have an enterage.
This saboteur person ALSO can read the Discord and is in there.
I recently vented on social media that this person flubbed up. Because accusing me of abusing Niantic’s system, being a bully, a Nazi, and harassing people just by making a PokéStop submission, and it happening incredibly fast not only was dubious but it’s a TELL that I’m being actively sabotaged by a group of bullies that have it out for me, for some unknown reason....
Plus, I just HAPPENED to mention on Tuesday that I KNEW who the player was in Ingress, and I’m ONTO THEM, effectively calling them out....
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Well, yesterday (Wednesday) in the evening THIS SPECIFIC PLAYER decides he wants to start playing again....
As you can see.... he hasn’t touched my portals much since November.... but, interestingly enough.... he did actually start playing THE MOMENT my new PokéStop by Marylou’s went up..... weirdly coincidentally.... but also, I added in 2 submissions there.... which 1 was a goddess and the other was a male Buddha... but SOMEONE combined them as a DUPLICATE even tho they ARE NOT. YET ANOTHER WEIRD COINCIDENCE..... oh, and it’s VERY OPR...
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So.... when I’m in game, and I realize that THIS GUY was the one who MADE THE EDITS BECAUSE INGRESS TELLS ME WHO DID IT AND I CAN SEE HUS NAME, then I out him n call him out on Tuesday.... Wednesday he comes back out WITH A VENGEANCE!
Do u have any idea how much time it takes to put up all those portal fields in Ingress? But, it also takes quite a while to take out the opposing teams’ stuff. I know. I’ve been playing for a year. Well, there’s pages upon pages of him trying to take me down! He must’ve been out there for 2 hours in the sub freezing cold!
I use Mods on my portals.... maybe u should look that stuff up, dude. Just sayin’.... 😆
U guys aren’t even that good at sabotage. You constantly screw up.
What? You didn’t think that Ingress would tell me who did what edit?
I also put you, and like a hot head, you come after me for revenge basically ADMITTING that it’s YOU! You are SO BUSTED!
I know u stalk me.
I know what you’re doing!
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See.... u guys JUST CANT HELP THE FLAWS IN YOUR BRAIN. Typical bullies....
I got a rejection on something that was stuck in the cue for a long time... and honestly THAT ONE seemed fine and reasonable to me. It was one I submitted just to see what happened. To check quality control. It was the Satellite Radar Dish from the Cold War. I had a feeling it probably wouldn’t go through... and it didn’t. I’m OK with that. And the reasons given were all thoughtful ones.
But THIS yet again just shows how brainless, impulsive, reckless, and Sadist u are.
Remember when I said on social media that I wouldn’t have ever caught on that I was being sabotaged if they’d JUST picked Bad Photos as a reason? Yeah, I JUST recently publicly said that this week & last week.
But, since it’s CLEARLY a pack of bullies, and SOME can’t help themselves because they’re weak minded and have no self control over emotions, impulses, and ego, they ACCUSE MY SUBMISSION NOMINATION of a PokéStop AGAIN of being harassment.... which u can clearly see is no such thing.... but they ALSO accused me of having a bad photo!
BTW I’m a photographer and a cinematographer....
I’ve NEVER EVER had a rejection that claimed I had a bad photo EVER. I found that especially weird, since according to the several lives steams I sat through when Wayfarer went public was that it was the most common reason. So, I would and did worry about it often... then, I mouth off about this in the past 2 weeks, and ANOTHER STRANGE DIRECTLY CORRELATING COINCIDENCE just HAPPENS to be BAD PHOTO AND ACCUSE ME OF A CRIME AS HARASSMENT.
FYI: this type of photo is known as a backlit landscape l.
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Does ANYONE in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM actually believe that this is Harassment???
FYI: Ingress isn’t actually real. It’s just a game. Grow up.
If I must say, I’ve noticed that several players that have access to Wayfarer often chicken out. So, there’s a small handful of us that collaborate and share input, intel, techniques, methods. We’re so good out scouting out POIs that it’s not even a contest. We’re wizards at digging through archives, resources, data.
It’s really a shame that there’s nasty folks out there screwing up.
If we get stuff in game, and we’re very good at troubleshooting and working around problems & obstacles, YOU could actually play on the POIs we added in game.
Honestly, we’re really good at it because we do our due diligence. If Niantic let us loose in a spot anywhere on the globe with unlimited submissions, we’d Turn This Mutha OUT!
You sabbatuer bullies can only stop us to a point. You can’t stop us forever, and you can’t keep us down.
I know who u r!
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mshellbrat · 7 years
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Hey guys! The next chapter of my Olicity Arrow/BTVS xover is now up! I’m actually trying out Oliver’s POV in this one and I’m really nervous so I’d love to hear what you think! 
Also: My sister @zombiegirl8915 has started posting up some Meredith outtakes on her own tumblr. They start with some backstory to explain why and how Meredith came to be in Starling with Felicity, but they have now reached the point where Meredith is actually IN Starling and they cover some missing scenes that actually fit with the larger story. Please check it out if you are interested. :-)
Here goes!...
Chapter Summary:  Oliver struggles to bury his own conflicted emotions and be there for Felicity as she's always been there for him.
Rating: M (for language so far)
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!...except my original characters and their imaginary organization...
As he watched Felicity, his Felicity, dodge strikes moving too fast to counter, too fast to fully see and follow with human eyes, Oliver swallowed down the knot of frustration and panic and bone-deep fear in his throat. Giving in to those emotions, acting out and throwing a hissy fit (as his babbling genius loved to call them) wouldn't help anyone, least of all the genius in question. And Felicity had more than enough on her plate without adding 'handling Oliver' to the list. He was determined not to make this harder on her. He would be an advantage, not a liability. Felicity had stood by him through some of the hardest times of his life. She'd picked him up, dusted him off, and kept him going when nothing else seemed to even make a dent in his guilt and self-loathing. It was his turn to have her back now. He would support her. He would love her (he could admit the word to himself even if he hadn't found the right way, the right time, to admit it to her) and they would find a way to get through this just like they'd gotten through everything else.
“Good,” Dare, the male Pure (and he was still trying to wrap his head around that one), nodded and stepped forward to instruct Felicity. It went against his every instinct to allow this other man, this stranger, to control Felicity's training, but even Oliver had to admit that the Pure knew what he was doing. The vampire, and didn't that just grate, was much better equipped to prepare Felicity for this fight. Oliver stood very little chance in a hand-to-hand fight with these supernatural creatures. He wasn't fast enough, he wasn't strong enough, and only his wits, his instincts, and pure dumb luck would keep him alive if he couldn't keep the fight at range. It was as infuriating as it was terrifying. Not that he cared about his own life, but inability to protect the ones he loved...to protect his team? He'd rather be back on that damn island fighting mercenaries or pinned under Amanda Waller's thumb than in this situation. He did not like being a weakness.
“Every slayer is different,” Dare, the asshole, was telling the blonde. “You don't only come with standard abilities or strengths and weaknesses. You get the slayer package,” the man smirked, “but that's just the starting point. Then you get to customize.”
Cross, the female Pure who Oliver found himself liking MUCH more than the male asshole, snorted. “Must you always fall back on a car metaphor?”
The asshole shrugged. “I like cars.” He kept his stare focused on Felicity. “YOUR strengths? You're quick and you’re very agile.”
Felicity's face scrunched up into one of those adorably cute expressions that, without fail, made Oliver want to smile. The fact that it, along with her entire concentration, was focused solely on the other man? The impulse faded and he fought back a scowl instead. “Agile is not a descriptor I ever expected to be connected to myself. I have been known to trip over air.”
The asshole cocked a brow and crossed his arms over his chest. “When's the last time that happened?”
Felicity pursed her lips and canted her head to the side as she thought about it. Finally she nodded. “Point.” She waved her hand. “I just became a Feral Druid. Check! Carry on!”
The asshole chuckled and shook his head. “What spec were you before exactly?”
Felicity gasped and laid her hand dramatically over her chest. She smiled widely at her mentor. “THIS is why you and I work as friends, Dare! We should TOTALLY be in the same guild! You understand me as a person!”
The asshole laughed again and Oliver ground his teeth as he watched their banter. He HATED this! Why couldn't Cross take the lead with Felicity? Wouldn't a woman work better with the slayer?
“This girl is a gobby Frost Death Knight at heart, by the way,” Felicity pointed to herself. “I even know the dance.” And then she started dancing and wiggling her hips and hands as everyone watching burst out laughing.
“Is that some whack version of the 'Single Ladies' dance, Blondie?” Roy called.
Felicity pointed her finger at him threateningly. “THIS is why you will never be as cool as Dare, Harper.” She pointed at the asshole. “He gets it!”
The asshole shook his head still laughing. “I do indeed, Sweetie, but you've taken us a little off topic.”
“She's good at that,” Roy noted.
Felicity smiled, turned her back to Roy, and shot him a bird where her mentor couldn't see. She blinked at the Dare. “You were saying?”
“I was saying,” he cocked one brow, “that you should use your quickness and your agility to your advantage. Unconsciously, you already are.” Without warning he took a threatening step toward her. Felicity danced backward out of his reach. She lifted her hands into a ready position. The Pure nodded to her stance. “Like I said...quick and agile.”
Felicity frowned and tilted her head to the side again. “So I'm good at being avoidy?”
“He's right, though,” Finn spoke up from off to the side. Oliver threw him a disgruntled look. All that asshole needed was someone else agreeing with him. “Buffy's more of a powerhouse. You piss her off and she just beats the shit out of you.” He made a face. “Whereas Faith uses sexuality and deception as distractions. She throws her opponents off their game and then goes for their weak spots.”
Oliver could practically see Felicity working through their suggestions in that brilliant brain of hers. Her eyes were bright and calculating. They also held a hunger, an aggression, that Oliver wasn't accustomed to seeing there. He wasn't sure if the sight was more disturbing or arousing, honestly. He'd never wanted this for Felicity, for his girl, but he couldn't deny that it looked good on her either. She was still just as beautiful, just as bright and clean and pure. Somehow adding this new layer only brought her further into focus, as though it had always been buried there just beneath the surface waiting for someone to wake it up. If everything Riley and the asshole said could be believed, maybe it had. Maybe this really WAS her destiny all along. And if this was who Felicity was meant to be, then what did that mean for them? For him? Because staring down Satan himself wouldn't convince Oliver to give her up. He'd walked through hell before and for far less worthy causes. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do, wouldn't be, to keep Felicity safe and by his side where she belonged. Even, apparently, swallowing his pride and listening to that asshole Pure... standing back and watching as he trained her...as he made her smile and laugh...as he comforted and reassured her...
“So I should use my instinctive evasion to frustrate them and keep their hands off of me until they give me an opening I can utilize,” Felicity's voice shook Oliver from his musing.
Dare nodded. “Very few vampires have the patience to wait you out, Felicity. Most are slaves to their amplified emotions. They get frustrated and they make mistakes.”
“A lot of them are also pretty stupid,” Finn offered. “Most Possessed don't turn based on brainpower.”
Cross laughed and shared a smile with Dare. “The 'Brad Pitt' theory.”
Dare rolled his eyes, then noticed Felicity's attention was caught. He motioned for Cross to continue.
Cross cleared her throat. “Who would you rather spend eternity with? Brad Pitt or Joe Ugly?”
Felicity gasped and turned horrified eyes on Oliver. She'd obviously just stamped an expiration date on his forehead. The vigilante didn't know whether to be offended or amused. The rest of the assembled fighters chose amused and Oliver stared back at Felicity stoically as laughter echoed around him.
Felicity bit her lip and turned back to her mentors. “So...uh...you're just noticing this about me now?”
“No,” Dare said, “I've been assessing you as you've trained with Cross all week.”
This was news to Oliver. Apparently Felicity hadn't actually been training with Dare before today.
Felicity nodded. “Okay, so...that's why you haven't trained with me before? Because you were observing?”
Dare paused to consider his answer before speaking. “I thought it best that you start off your training with Cross while you were still getting your feet wet. She'd give you less of a handicap and we'd have a better assessment of your growing skills.”
“Why?” Laurel spoke up and Oliver winced even before the words left her mouth. “Because she's a woman?” He knew that was coming.
The Pure was unamused. He threw Laurel a sarcastic smile. “No, Sweetheart, because she's two hundred and fifty years younger than me.” He clearly enjoyed the stunned silence that followed.
Oliver decided, once again, that his assessment was correct. Dare was an asshole. Oliver, himself, had already reached the conclusion that both Pures were much older than they appeared. Several thoughtless, or perhaps thoughtful, comments dropped by Case while sparring had clued the vigilante in to the possibility. He and Digg had discussed the subject earlier at length. Felicity, it appeared, wasn't there yet.
Oliver moved to support the gasping blonde genius who was pointing at her mentor and trying to push words and not just hysterical syllables out of her mouth. He pulled her up against his side and tried to ignore just how good, how right, she felt there. Now was not the time. He glared at the arrogant asshole vampire.
Dare grimaced and his expression softened and turned apologetic as it settled on Felicity. He gritted his teeth and took in a deep breath. Then he turned and looked at Laurel again. “I'm not a sexist, Ms. Lance. The most powerful being I've ever encountered is, in fact, a woman. Her name is Skye and she's my sire.”
“He's not kidding,” Riley spoke up.
Dare stepped forward and reached out to place a hand on Felicity's shoulder. She jerked slightly and he winced. He lowered his voice. “I'm sorry, Sweetie. I shouldn't have broken it to you like that. You deserved better.”
“Understatement,” Oliver growled.
Felicity took in a shaky breath and rested her head against Oliver's shoulder. “I had...I'd considered...but...”
Dare nodded, his eyes earnest. “I will tell you anything you want to know. I am sorry. That was a shit move and I know better.”
“I just...” Felicity looked away from the Pure and up at Oliver, “I kinda need a minute. Can we take a walk?”
“Yep,” Oliver forced a smile for her benefit and his eyes dared the asshole to object. He turned and led her back toward the elevator.
Case was waiting on them. He had the elevator door open and nodded to Oliver. “We need to get you two scanned into the system later so you don't have to have an escort. Give you fifteen?”
“Thanks,” Oliver said. He walked Felicity inside and noticed the 'G' button was already highlighted. The doors slid closed and Felicity groaned and banged her head against him. Oliver ran his hand over the back of her head and threaded his fingers through her blonde ponytail. “You're okay. It's going to be okay.”
Felicity burrowed closer against him and Oliver sighed and enjoyed it entirely too much. Yea, okay, he acknowledged, maybe he was an asshole too.
Then his blonde genius was storming down the hallways and straight toward the bar. She slapped her hand down on the wooden surface. “ALCOHOL! NOW!”
“That's the spirit!” her cousin, the half-vampire (and no this wasn't getting any less weird) slurred. She was still sipping on a glass of something dark red. Oliver knew what it looked like but he really didn't want confirmation. He averted his eyes and went back to studying the cousin he was crazy about.
Felicity couldn't seem to decide if she wanted to raise hell about her drunken cousin or bury herself in the bottom of a glass. The bartender answered that for her by sliding a glass of red wine her way.
“Here you go, Luv,” the bartender smiled, “on the house.”
Oliver glared at the smarmy git, then watched as Felicity lifted the glass in a toast. “For Thea!” He snorted quietly as she quickly drank the glass down.
“Hey,” Meredith nodded, “that works! You want me to bankrupt them? I can totally drink them poor.” She took a swallow from her own glass and sniffed. “I'm not paying for this shit. I left Nik's credit card in Edencrest with Nik.” She frowned and her shoulders slumped.
And Oliver noticed for the first time how fragile the loud-mouthed brunette appeared. Suddenly he found himself thinking of Thea...of his somewhat damaged little sister who had lived through entirely too much for so young an age. Thea, who covered everything with anger or a sarcastic smile, who talked big and bad to cover her tears and emotional scars. He looked over Felicity's cousin with new eyes and he wondered exactly what weight those slumped shoulders carried.
Meredith shrugged. “I figured stealing his credit card on top of the whole...arson thing, would just be adding insult to injury.”
And Felicity froze...and Oliver silently groaned, because they really didn't need any more drama on top of the soap opera they were already living. Still, the blonde slayer carefully sat down her glass and turned to her cousin. “Arson?”
The drunken half-vampire sighed. “I told you I burned some bridges...” she paused and pursed her lips, “technically it was more like...a house.”
While Felicity whimpered and banged her head down against the bar, Oliver turned to glare at the tiny brunette.
She rolled her eyes dramatically back at him. “People in green hoods don't get to throw stones, Ollie! Besides,” she waved her hand in the air, “it was really only the living room. The fire department got there surprisingly fast.”
“Are you wanted?” Oliver's voice was a low growl. They did not NEED this right now!
Meredith lifted one arrogant brow. “Are you?” When he didn't back down, she huffed. “No, I'm not wanted. I'm half-vampire. My best friend, who owned the damn house, is full Traditional vampire. Chrissy, who I only escaped dragging with me through espionage and by the grace of god, is also full Traditional vampire. In no way did our fire department CARE that I set that house on fire. Even if my friends weren't around to persuade them, which they were, the fire department would have happily sat back and roasted marshmallows if they thought that Micah and/or Lisa would perish trying to put out the fire themselves.” She leaned toward Oliver and seethed. “Edencrest is the largest active Hellmouth. No one in that town is ACTUALLY stupid enough not to notice what's really going on. They know that's a vamp house and they wouldn't care if it burned to ash. HAPPY NOW?”
Felicity groaned again, but she sat back up and waved for Ryder to refill her glass. Oliver rubbed a soothing hand up and down her back. His girl cut her eyes to her cousin. “Surprisingly, I actually do feel better,” she canted her head to the side, “but you are no longer allowed access to matches or lighters. I like my house.”
Thank you for reading! I’d love to hear what you think! :-)
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Week 7 Preview:
Week 7 Preview:
Welcome to the week 7 iteration of the preview written by the Squads’ southern-most member. While I begin to write this, I am struggling to come up with fresh humor to throw at you all. So this preview might be like TJ’s version of a marathon, I’ll only do half it. Although, If I put in half as much effort as solden has put into getting laid lately, then this thing will be longer than Sam’s sweet clean meat after seeing Jared as Han Swolo. Ive rambled long enough so we should probably slide into this weeks matchups like Holla slide into Robins boats, head first.  
G-reg 3rd Leg vs The Brady Bunch
So after 3 years of not changing my name from the generic name given, I decided to switch it up. Why not name my Team after Greg. Gotta rep the 7th floor crew while we still can and Greg was about as reliable as Joe Thomas. Hadn’t missed a regular season game in 9, yes 9 years. So next year I’m naming my team after a player Sam’s team, that’ll fuck him over. Now, with Aaron Rodgers going down, G-regs third leg doesn’t have much left to stand on. But after numerous trade inquiries, a new QB will take over and its none other than Big dick Mitch. I square off against Doug this week. Doug is 3-3, that’s such a Doug Record. Doug certainly has some talent on his team, we’ll see if Kareeem Hunt can continue to over perform. Dez will prolyl have a solid game against SF, and Brady will put up numbers against Atlanta, So this one looks to Be in the Shady Bunch’s favor but I cant bet against myself.
 So G-reg will show the Brady Bunch his third leg and will come home with a win. In the end, everything is a dick measuring contest anyway. Unless you’re TJ, and you always fall back on the hole big balls thing.
3rd leg>1 shade of grey
 Jon SnOBJs vs Crows before Hoes
 I’m not sure why Paul named his team this. Are you that big of a Crowell fan? If so, don’t tell TJ. I’m somewhat disappointed pot stirrin paul has been fairly silent this week. Of all weeks, it’s time for a little stirring to get Chads vein popping, as well as the one on his forehead. Going through the rosters this week I noticed one anomaly.  Paul not only has one black QB, but he has two. For that reason, I pretty much have to pick team BJ. Team No Bj, is looking thin this week too. A team that once looked like it could catch more balls than Pauly on a Friday night, now just isn’t the same. With the news that Chad is going to start two tight ends and neither is named gronk, jimmy, or martellus, that has made this decision just a little bit harder. But since much of fantasy is due to luck and not managerial skill, which Sam has been proven the last 3 years, I will pick Chad. Despite him starting two tight ends, the only tight end Chad is interested in, is Paul’s.
 Jon SnOBjs > Pauls tight end
 Hollas Heavy Hitters vs The injured Reserve
I expect big things out of Matty Ice this week going against a weak Patriots secondary. Congrats to Holla for having one of the best looking guys in the NFL according to the research we did at Paul’s, Eric Decker. But Choll has Amendola, also highly ranked. Starting any player who plays the browns is always a good move, its even better if you can start two like Holla, Decker and D. Walker. Across the board, Holla has good matchups, Shady is even going against a weak Tampa D. I’m not sure if either of these managers drafted their teams, set their lineups, or even read this preview. I do however know Holla Bee-bopped and hopscotched around Athens for HC. Casey got in huge trouble from the old lady for being the vicinity of another female while in Athens.  And Doug still has a 401K. Got a bit off track there, but so has Sammy Watkins who is one of Cholls wideouts.  I continue to expect big numbers out of the rookie Fournette as well as Jordan Howard as the Bears ease in the Pretty Boy Assassin. I think this one goes to Choll despite Hollas favorable matchups. But who knows, even a broken clock is right twice a day, unless you’re Paul who never knows if its right.
 Choll Sauce>Guy appreciates Robin’s boats
2 Gurleys, 1 Cup vs Aint EZ being Breesy
To start on a positive note, at least both of these teams are named after players who are actually on their teams. I mean anyone who wants to see a fucked up video should watch the 2 girls 1 cup video. I assume Sam watches it daily. This is a tough one though. I’m torn between hoping for a tie and Sam losing by the smallest margin possible on Monday night. And it’s actually very possible since he is starting captain kirk who plays on MNF this week. But on the flip side, Solden has been firing shots the last few days about getting this preview out so I kind of want him to lose too. I guess as the saying goes, you cant have your cake and eat it too. But I don’t like cake, so Ill have my cake and do whatever I want with it. Outside of Brees and Gronk, Soldens team is weak. Sam is down to Bell and Gurley and a bunch of average guys . So who knows. Both teams being 3-3 makes this a pretty even matchup. But I would be remise if I didn’t remind Sam that I may have one of the worst teams in the league now that ive been battered by injuries harder than Zeke punching his GF, that I beat you. I did my part to ensure you don’t get lucky one more time. But just like Sam on a Saturday night, solden won’t close on Monday. Sam will roll over Solden Harder than his hard part this week. Speaking of your part. If you invested the $25 per month you spend on your haircut, you’d have nearly $150,000 by the time you are 65. Just sayin.
 Pussy Repellent > skinny Solden
 Julio Tones vs Little Diggs
Speaking of hair, TJ is now the face of Just for Men. That’s a slippery slope bro. Once you start you cant stop. Is Dre into the mustache rides? she must be cuz i see no other reason to deal with that facial hair. TJ is obviously going through a lot of changes lately so we should be nice. He has a girlfriend, ran a marathon, and took action on a hairline that is running from his forehead faster than him running that marathon. So really this matchup is of the haves and have nots with regard to hair that is. Ive been pretty outspoken over the years on my feelings about Derek Carr and more recently Zeke. I really don’t like overrated players. Too much credit is tossed around in a game that is so reliant on the rest of the team and play calls. TJs team reminds me a lot of one of my favorite sayings: Big hat, no cattle. I really like little Diggs Team which is something I haven’t said yet today. He has studs top to bottom, even his bench is stacked. I am not sure how many of these guys you drafted or how you got them, but damn. Now it looks like there is quite a few guys who are dinged up on your roster so that could set you back more than you set Solden back the night you played video game till 930 before going out. Cuz the girls you meet at 930 are definitely your best bet at getting laid.. As I write this I got the message from Chad in the Group me about how much he is enjoying the preview. If only I had more time to tear part him and his jeans that are just alittle too tight I would. I hope casey pees in your bed right before you bring home one of those sculped lesbos.
 Little Diggs drags sack on Julio Tones this week.
 Little Diggs>Julio Tones
 As we head into the weekend, I hope to see you all soon. Im sure chad is getting geeked up for Thursday night football, his least favorite version of the NFL but he’s a football guy so he has to watch it. I hope all of you who went to the jets game rather than come down to Homecoming had fun watching a former Browns QB shred us on a shitty team. I know chads little pecker got hard when he saw the snow started flying in Athens. You guys totally made the right decision.. Its too bad Jared isn’t in the league anymore. Theres some solid material on him. Oh well, his girlfriend probably wouldn’t let him read this anyway. But thanks for reading this far if you did. If not I’m not surprised, I know none of you can last this long.
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