#yevgeny primakov
39zipfel · 11 months
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kragnir · 1 year
If a terrorist gets terrorized, is it terrorism? No, it’s poetic justice.
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quietlyimplode · 4 years
Clintasha "tell me how to make it better "? But a little bit romantic? :D
Please heed warnings. Nothing graphic but the implications are there. @thoughtfulmilkshakeface I am sorry. I not hit this. This is not romantic; it’s angsty and has the red room - but it does have Clint and Natasha taking care of each other; sooo there’s that. Title is from a song of the same name by Brand New.
“Natasha. Stop!” Clint yells. The loudness of his voice halts her movement, but she doesn’t turn around.
“Tell me how to make it better?”
Natasha looks back at him, a sadness in her eyes that he can’t place.
“You can’t.” She says, and runs.
Three days earlier.
“He’s dead.” Maria deadpans passing the dossier across to Clint who glances over it, and passes it across to Natasha.
“Who did it?” He asks, not surprised at the face of the deceased.
“Unknown. But the death of the head of the SVR, is something we should be concerned with.”
Natasha stops on the suspects page, and Clint can’t help but notice the look of recognition pass across her face.
“Yevgeni Primakov would not be an easy man to kill.” She states, and hands the file back to Maria. “What do you want us to do about it?”
Maria hands her another file, “Find out who did it.”
Clint smiles. “A trip?”
Natasha hands him the file and his smile drops.
“To Romania?” The two women smile at his disappointment.
“Yeah, that’s where he was killed.”
Clint pouts.
“Can someone else do it?”
Natasha rolls her eyes.
They arrive in Romania and Clint can’t stop complaining. It’s too cold. The plane food is shit. He hit his head on the baggage bin. It’s never ending, and grates on Natasha’s patience.
They head immediately to the scene of Yevgeni’s death, and Clint moans that they can’t even stop at the hotel before working.
It makes Natasha snap, and she ends up smacking him on the upside of the head before giving him a look. He shuts up and they get to work.
They create a timeline of his death and he flashes the suspect list at her.
“Which one do you know?” He asks.
Surprise plays across her face, “how’d you..?”
Clint smirks. “I always know.”
“Sergey Naryshkin.” She says. “He was a trainer.”
Clint’s face drops. “Oh.”
Natasha nods. “Yeah. ‘Oh’ is right.”
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yourmufakerhurorg · 2 years
مثلث #بريماكوف الستراتيجي
مثلث بريماكوف الستراتيجي مثلث #بريماكوف الستراتيجي د. #ميسون_البياتي من يتابع قناة روسيا اليوم وبعد ما يزيد على 30 عام على انهيار الإتحاد السوفييتي يلاحظ أن كل من يظهرون فيها , سياسيين أو غير سياسيين لا زالوا يتحدثون بعقلية سوفييتيه وهذا ليس بمستغرب , فمن ولد وتربى وعاش في ظل النظام السوفييتي سيبقى يتعامل بنفس الأفكار التي ترسخت في ذهنه سواء بقي النظام أو ذهب يفغيني بريماكوف Yevgeny Primakov الذي…
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trojerucica-blr · 3 years
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Russian Foreign Ministry - МИД России
On March 24, 1999, the
and its
allies began a 78-day armed aggression against the Federal Republic of
NATO conducted over 35,000 air raids, dropping some 3,000 cruise missiles and over 10,000 tonnes of bombs on the country. In TNT equivalent, this is five times the yield of the nuclear bomb, which the Americans dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Over 2,000 Serbs, including children, women and elderly people, were killed in the bombing raids. They were later cynically described as “collateral damage.” Thousands of civilian facilities across dozens of cities were destroyed. The autonomous Province of #Kosovo was forcefully separated from the country. Over 200,000 non-Albanians who lived there had to leave their homes.
Using the cover of the NATO bombings, Kosovo Albanians committed atrocious crimes. In particular, they kidnapped Serbs, removed their organs and sold the body parts. However, no charges have been brought in connection with these crimes.
NATO’s aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999 was the first armed invasion of a sovereign state in Europe since 1945. That tragic contribution to European history was made by the “purely defensive” alliance.
When Prime Minister of Russia Yevgeny
, who was flying to
on an official visit, learned about the NATO’s “humanitarian mission,” he ordered the plane to turn back to Moscow. Known as the U-turn over the Atlantic, it marked Russia’s transition to a multi-vector foreign policy and a shift in relations with the West towards pragmatism and realism.
: “The West has learned nothing from the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. The gambling spree it embarked on at that time continues. The line whereby universal international law is replaced with rules invented exclusively in the interests of the United States and its allies is growing stronger. We must challenge this.”
#NATOaggression #Yugoslavia #Serbia #Balkans
. Using the cover of the NATO bombings, Kosovo Albanians committed atrocious crimes. In particular, they kidnapped Serbs, removed their organs and sold the body parts. However, no charges have been brought in connection with these crimes.
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ублюдок шиптар не президент Сербии
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alexandrucaragea · 3 years
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Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeni Primakov, Stephen Colbert and Stalin
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theradical-outlook · 3 years
Why the World is Not Becoming Multipolar
Why the World is Not Becoming Multipolar
 Dr. Andrey KORTUNOV The Eurasianist vision of the multipolar world order image @zaabbas In Russia, the concept of multipolarity is usually associated with Yevgeny Primakov. Indeed, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation marked the start of the transition to multipolarity as a key trend in contemporary international life back in 1996[1]. During his visit to New Delhi…
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zloyodessit · 4 years
Antifa, Kurds, and Kremlin's long arm
New peculiar facts have emerged about the ultra-leftist Antifa organization, which is now the locomotive of violent riots in the United States under the auspices of the BLM movement.
So, the American intelligence found out that some of the activists with the ultra-leftist Antifa movement underwent combat training – just think about it – in Syria, as part of the Kurdish units of the PKK.
According to the report drawn by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Antifa militants visited Syria to undergo combat training, as well as to partake in hostilities on the side of Kurdish groups, including YPG, People's Defense Division; PKK, Workers' Party of Kurdistan; and the Peshmerga, as well as the military forces ensuring the security of the autonomous region of Kurdistan in Iraq.
Also, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has come to the conclusion that there is suspiciously much in common between the Antifa ideology and the teachings of Kurdish democratic federalism.
And so, it would seem, what's so unusual in Antifa members being trained as part of Kurdish groups? After all, this isn't some ISIS or Taliban, right? Kurdish groups are not on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations.
However, let's not forget that practically the entire Kurdish paramilitary movement was built relying on the Soviet helping hand. Let me remind you that such a high-profile figure as Yevgeny Primakov built his career, including on the Kurdish bridgehead.
Kurds have always enjoyed Russia's financial support, as well as received weapons and ammunition from Moscow. Kurdish mobs have always felt themselves at home (we can recall the most prominent figures like Ded Hasan and Shakro Molodoy). These crime bosses had been operating under the GRU auspices and directly related to the "Spanish channel" through which weapons were being smuggled to the Kurds in Turkey, Iran, and Syria.
And how can one forget that the Yezidi Kurds, who had undergone training in Armenia-based camps under the supervision of Russian instructors, were deployed to Syria during the offensive of Turkish units in Syria's north.
So what's in the bottom line? It turns out that the radical group, which was previously caught on having rather unequivocal financial and political ties with Russia and is currently destabilizing both the United States and the EU, had its members gain combat skills in training camps set up by the Kurds, who had long been under Russia's GRU supervision since Soviet days.
Now answer me, please, is there a Kremlin trace behind "Antifa" and its destabilizing actions around the globe?
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pablolf · 7 years
And I mean, really, the strangest thing is, in some ways, has been the cross-border relationship I've had with the former Soviet Union. The most unforgettable event was Yevgeny Primakov, former head of the KGB, former prime minister of the new Russia, now recently dead, who insisted on seeing me when he came over to England to see our foreign minister and then kind of spent the evening telling me about my books. And when somebody asked him, who he identified with - somebody independently asked him who he identified with, he replied George Smiley. Well, it's very hard to say this. But there were elements of the KGB - and there still are, I suppose, at the FSB but less so - certainly, in communist times, there were bits of the KGB that were very, very decent, very humanitarian. They took in persecuted people and protected them. They were a cult for themselves. They prided themselves on cultivating intellectuals. That was the rare decent part of the KGB. But it was such a big and powerful institution that it was a - there were a lot of lot of rooms in it, lot of different people. And I know that at their training schools, they offered my books as essential reading. It was not my intention at all. But they saw some kind of equivalence. You know, in the end - and it applies to doctors, scientists, and it applies to spies - people who are using the same techniques, developing the same techniques, who have the same attitude towards human beings, who put expediency and outcome over method, they are a brotherhood or sisterhood or what you will. The moment you get together with - the moment I get together with some retired general from the Mossad, I find we understand each other very quickly. It's a shared attitude that creates this masonry. And it's very spooky. And it can also be profoundly disconcerting but - because they make assumptions about me, particularly, which are quite misplaced. They have, I think, a much more brutal attitude to human beings than I ever had. But nevertheless, we are in some spooky way colleagues.
Novelist John Le Carré Reflects On His Own 'Legacy' Of Spying
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southsidehunny-blog · 7 years
Usa vs russia
The U.H. Armed service Vs. Russia And China
Usa can still fight and win two major wars at the same time, or at least come near enough to winning that neither Russia nor China would see much hope in the gamble. However, in a standard World War 3 scenario, the allies on their own in European countries would not give NATO a huge advantage over the Russians. It is definitely possible that Russia could take parts of the Baltics, but they would suffer due to the airpower of NATO and more than likely they would not become able to hold onto the areas they experienced taken for too lengthy. The USAF along with USN would provide support, and each performs their assignments, and this would give the NATO allies an advantage that they would need to beat the usa vs russia. The nuclear pressure of the US would become insurance against the decision by the Russians to employ tactical or tactical nuclear weapons.
Russia is usually developing just one stealth fighter but it offers capabilities that some put on par with the N-22. The Capital t-50 will probably enter services in late 2016 or early 2017. Also known as the PAK FA, it's less stealthy than the Raptor but more maneuverable The N-22 would probably get a jump on the Russians in a war, but would become in severe problems if it was seen first.
That's shown in the reality that Russia keeps a single aircraft pet carrier while the U.Beds. Navy's 10-company navy works on a carrying on with global deployment cycle. Instead of service providers created for offensive power projection at sea, the Russians are investing in an expanding navy of submarines that can merchandise their nuclear push and, conventionally, jeopardize an enemy surface navy in nearby seas such as the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea or the Mediterranean Sea.
If you consider every weapon in lifetime today, around 6500 megatons between 15,000 warheads with an typical yield of 433 KT, 11 and put a single bomb in its own 100 square mile grid… one bomb per grid (10 miles x 10 miles), you will contain >95% of the destructive force of each bomb on ordinary within the grid it is certainly in. 12 This means the total landmass to obtain a damaging power from all the world's nuclear bombs is certainly an region of 1.5 million rectangle mls. Not really quite half of the United Expresses and 1/38 of the world's total property mass…. that's it!
Power is definitely a comparative concept. To say that one state is definitely powerful means nothing. Power only derives meaning if it is definitely evaluated in assessment. Two of the claims whose forces we constantly re-evaluate are Russia and the United Claims. Much of our analysis is definitely driven by just how vulnerable we believe the Russian Federation is normally. When we appear at its techniques in Syria or Eastern Europe, we keep in mind Russia's comparable talents and weaknesses compared to its neighbors and the United Claims. There are many different ways to evaluate this difference, but comparing the regional economies of the U.T. and Russia is definitely especially stunning.
In terms of submarines, the U.S. has a visible advantage over Russia and China, boasting as many as 14 ballistic missile submarines equipped with 280 nuclear missiles; 4 guided-missile submarines equipped with more than 150 Tomahawk cruise missiles each; and 54 nuclear attack submarines. Not only is America's submarine fleet impressive in its numbers, but it also presents a great threat to the enemy's fleet because it's heavily armed and stealthy.
US Water Drive European countries (MARFOREUR) was prepared as a support device which could strengthen the forces in case of a struggle. This device was produced in the eighties with much less than 200 marines, today the command word is normally established in Cöblingen, Germany with approximately 1,500 marines assigned to support EUCOM and NATO missions. MARFOREUR was active in the Balkans, and has regular drills especially with the Norwegian forces. It is presumed that this unit will make a particular geostrategic difference in the Arctic region.
produced through production licenses. Data cover main regular weapons such as aircraft, armored vehicles, artillery, radar systems, missiles, and boats made for military make use of. Ruled out are transfers of various other military devices such as little hands and light weapons, trucks, little artillery, ammunition, support devices, technology transfers, and various other providers.
Michael L. Levin is an Executive-in-Residence at the Thunderbird School of Global Management, where he has provided international consulting, research, and advising for both the school and its clients―multinational companies. Levin provides resided and proved helpful in Hong Kong, Jerusalem, Moscow, Shanghai in china, and Washington, N.C. He presently lives in Chi town, where he is certainly at function on his following reserve, the initial English-language biography of Yevgeny Primakov, one of Russia's primary diplomats and politicians.
Although the Russians retain the potential to destroy most of the U.S. ICBM force with their strategic forces, it now costs them most of their force to do therefore. Also, the silo-based windowpane of vulnerability” has not really been shut, but its destabilizing results possess been mitigated by the danger drawdown. The New Begin roof will decrease amounts actually further. Under New Begin, the United Areas and Russia will consent to a roof of 1,550 warheads. If we right now believe a 2:1 assault against U.S i9000. ICBMs on both silos and LCCs, even more than 900 RVs are needed of an attacker. This can be nearly 60 percent of the post-New Begin total. Computing ICBMs solely against ICBMs, if Russia allocated half of its warhead total to its ICBM power, it would not really possess plenty of to devote a 2:1 assault. Russia offers historically allotted between one-half and two-thirds of its warhead total to ICBMs.
As we stated, no surroundings drive comes near to this, but Russia, India and China have got highly ranked gear and are often part of lists made up of what is usually said to be the world's best air flow causes. It's worth noting that the second option two countries are investing greatly in aerial armed service developments. Russia's most advanced aircraft is usually it's highly ranked Sukhoi Su-35, implemented by its Sukhoi Su-27s and MiG-31 interceptors, all of which are component of a fleet of 3,000 aircraft. That's why Russia generally comes after the U.Beds. on the most effective list.
The U.Beds. army would become under strong pressure to deliver decisive triumph in at least one theater mainly because quickly as possible. This might drive the United Claims to slim greatly in one direction with air flow, space and cyber property, wishing to accomplish a tactical and politics success that would enable the remainder of its fat to change to the various other theater. Provided the power of U.Beds. allies in European countries, the United State governments might at first concentrate on the struggle in the Pacific.
By comparison Russia's condition debts is normally nearly miniscule at 13% of GDP in 2016, the US money equal at present exchange prices of $190 billion. Inflation can be presently measured between 4-5%. The Ruble is stable since the sanctions crisis and oil shock of 2014. And foreign investment is coming back into Russia's economy Moreover, despite the collapse of globe oil prices after Sept 2014, Russian oil exports possess kept company or expanded and gas exports via fresh pipelines to China and somewhere else in east Eurasia are about to provide added income to state-owned Gazprom and additional Russian oil businesses. Russian local creation costs for oil and gas are costed in Rubles and offered for dollars so the impact of a significant Ruble fall versus the dollar after 2014 was hardly severe as US Treasury financial warfare jockeys might have hoped.
The total amount of blasts would end up being crazy, simply no much less than 2,526. We never have actually measured any Air flow Push method, presuming that the Russians could/would ruin them in airline flight. However, even if strikes were doubled and/or tripled up on cities, it would mean that no less than 1,000 locations would be wiped out by more than one (some with three or four) nuclear blasts. The destruction would be absolute.
Nevertheless, these similarities do not suggest that the two leaders will simply stand together. As the old Chinese saying goes, one mountain cannot contain two tigers. Although both Xi and Putin are pursuing national rejuvenation, the two nations have historically not received along. Although neither Xi nor Putin like the Traditional western globe purchase led by U . s, they do not share a common vision of a so-called new world order.
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h-dgp · 5 years
I do not know of this is a mith, but
Once, Academician Yevgeny Primakov (Head of the Government of the Russian Federation, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, politician ...) met with the Patriarch of All Russia Alexy. Politicians were so fond of meeting the Patriarch that time. So, Patriarch Alexy was in ceremonial vestments, and his cape (omophorion) was an essential part of his costume. Primakov asked the Patriarch about this element of the church wardrobe. Alexy said that this detail is quite important and has been present at major ceremonies for several centuries.
In short, church rarities of high importance.
Primakov says: "Have you ever tried to read what is written on it?" Alexy said in surprise that nothing was written there. So Primakov very much upset him. This subject is made of brocade. Brocade was invented in Syria, the best brocade was Syrian, and the Orthodox Church (ROC) bought it in Syria for centuries, even now they prefer Syrian fabrics.
In short, on the cape there was an arabesque (an inscription stylized as a pattern). One must be a real specialist in order to see Arab ligatures in the interweaving of branches. But Primakov was a real specialist. Serving all his life in the KGB, he was a very strong connoisseur of the Middle East. It was written there: "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet!"
Alexy left the meeting in shock.
Languages are good to know!
Source: telegram channel Алжир сегодня 🇩🇿
Original text:
Как-то Академик Евгений Примаков (Глава правительства РФ, Министр иностранных дел, Директор Службы внешней разведки России, политик...) встречался с Патриархом всея Руси Алексием. Поветрие такое было у политиков -встречаться с Патриархом. Так вот, Патриарх Алексий был в церемониальном облачении, и гвоздем его была накидка (омофор). Примаков спросил Патриарха об этом элементе церковного гардероба. Алексий сказал, что сия деталь важна зело (очень) и присутствует на важнейших церемониях, вот уже несколько столетий.
Короче, церковный раритет высокой значимости.
Примаков говорит : " А у Вас никто не пробовал прочитать, что на ней написано?". Алексий удивленно сказал, что ничего там не написано. Так Примаков его шибко огорчил. Предмет сей сделан из парчи. Парчу изобрели в Сирии, лучшая парча - сирийская, и православная церковь (РПЦ) веками ее в Сирии закупала, даже сейчас предпочитают сирийские ткани.
Короче, на накидке арабеска (надпись, стилизованная под узор). Надо быть реальным спецом, чтобы в переплетении ветвей увидеть арабские лигатуры. А Примаков был рельный спец. Он, служа всю жизнь в КГБ, был очень сильным знатоком Ближнего Востока. Там было написано: "Нет Бога кроме Аллаха и Мухаммед - пророк Его"!
Алексий ушел со встречи в шоке.
Языки нужно знать!😎
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russianreader · 6 years
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Alexander Morozov: The Price Russia Has Paid for Crimea Graffiti and counter-graffiti on the parapet of a bridge over the River Spree in downtown Berlin, March 8, 2019. 1,753 more words
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jgmail · 3 years
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Por Alexander Bovdunov
Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
 Hoy en día sabemos que el director del Instituto de Investigación para Análisis del Sistema que hacía parte del Comité Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología, además de miembro de la Academia de Ciencias de la URSS (VNIISI), Dzhermen Gvishiani (1) – yerno de Alexei Kosygin y miembro del Club de Roma – jugó un papel muy importante en el subsiguiente colapso de la URSS. De esta estructura burocrática surgieron posteriormente personajes como Berezovsky, Aven, Gaidar y otras de las principales figuras que impulsaron la Perestroika y todas las reformas liberales que liquidaron las estructuras socialistas en Rusia. El Instituto dirigido por Gvishiani tenía originalmente por objetivo buscar la convergencia entre el capitalismo y el socialismo, pero terminó convirtiéndose en una estructura subversiva que llevó al colapso del mundo soviético.
 Resulta interesante que el nombre de Dzhermen sea la abreviatura de dos apellidos distintos: Dzerzhinsky y Menzhinsky. El padre de Dzhermen Gvishiani fue un general de la NKVD que fue acusado de asesinar a varios chechenos e ingushes después de las deportaciones que estos sufrieron cuando acabó la Segunda Guerra Mundial, aunque estos crímenes no han sido probados.
 La hija adoptiva del padre de Dzhermen Gvishiani fue Laura Kharadze, quien se casó con Yevgeny Primakov. El nieto de ambos es Yevgeny Primakov, el actual jefe de Rossotrudnichestvo.
 Wikipedia dice que el colaborador más cercano de Gvishiani fue Yuri Konstantinovich Melville (2), cuya historia familiar es la siguiente (3):
 “Perteneció a la antigua y noble familia de los Melvilles de Courland, de la cual procede el almirante Robert Melville de la armada rusa y el coronel Max Melville del ejército zarista. El padrastro de Melville, Konstantin Melville, fue un oficial ruso que sirvió en Helsingfors en 1917.  Emigró a Finlandia y luego a Yugoslavia (4), y fue miembro de la Sociedad de Oficiales de Artillería. Murió en Zagreb, Yugoslavia.
 “Sin embargo, siendo el hijastro de un emigrante blanco (5) terminó por convertirse en un erudito soviético que ‘desempeñó un importante papel a la hora de establecer vínculos entre la comunidad filosófica nacional y el extranjero (sobre todo con los filósofos de Inglaterra y Estados Unidos, donde gozaba de mucho prestigio)’. Fue miembro del Consejo Intercolegial de Estudios Americanos durante gran parte de su vida”.
 Su hijo, Andrei Melville, es el antiguo vicerrector del MGIMO y ahora es decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la HSE (6), participando en una serie de proyectos financiados por Georges Soros en Rusia. Estos proyectos fueron amparados por Nelli Motroshilova, directora de la Academia de Ciencias, y por su padre.
 Melville ahora trabaja para el RIAC, es decir, el Consejo Ruso de Asuntos Exteriores, el cual tiene vínculos directos con importantes diplomáticos estadounidenses (7). Esta institución tiene como objetivo “promover la prosperidad de Rusia mediante la integración de la misma a las redes del mundo globalizado” (8).
 La RIAC es dirigido por Andrei Kortunov, quien trabajó en varios proyectos financiados por Soros. Su padre, Vadim Vasilyevich Kortunov, fue un importante político soviético que sirvió como asistente del presidente del Soviet Supremo de la URSS, además de ser miembro de la Comisión Central de Revisión del PCUS entre 1976 y 1981.
 Otro miembro del RIAC es Vladislav Inozemtsev, conocido por sus criticas al “régimen de Putin” y sus trabajos al servicio del famoso “Foro Democrático”. Inozemtsev nunca ha sido sancionado. Anteriormente, fue asesor del departamento de Historia y Teoría del Socialismo para la revista teórica Kommunist del Comité Central del PCUS al ser el hijo de “profesores alemanes”. Su pariente, Vadim Inozemtsev, antiguo vicepresidente del Comité de Planificación Estatal de la URSS y director del Instituto de Economía Mundial y Relaciones Internacionales, es conocido por haber estado en contacto con algunos de los capitalistas más importantes de su tiempo, entre ellos el legendario Armand Hammer, quien robó el oro de Rusia bajo el gobierno de Lenin y Trotsky y luego regresó durante el mandato de Brezhnev con la intención de “hacer negocios” (9).
 Otro de los principales asesores del RIAC es Piotr Aven, nieto de un asesino letón que era “guardaespaldas de Lenin” e hijo de un importante miembro de la Academia de Ciencias soviética (10). Su padre también trabajó para el Centro de Análisis del Sistema bajo la dirección de Dzhermen Gvishiani. Oleg Aven fue secretario del Comité de Análisis de Sistemas y de la Academia de Ciencias de la URSS (11).  
 Es interesante que encontremos tantos lazos familiares y amistades entrelazadas en todos estos grupos, ya que no se trata de la primera generación de rusos partidarios de la colaboración con Occidente, siento todos ellos miembros de “familias prestigiosas” que han trabajado en esta agenda hasta el día de hoy.
 1. http://arcto.ru/article/1323
2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%88%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8,_%D0%94%D0%B6%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD_%D0%9C%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
3. https://philos.msu.ru/node/1415
4. https://ria1914.info/index.php/%D0%9C%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C_%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD_%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
5. https://philos.msu.ru/node/1415
6. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?pdfurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.saveras.ru%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F03%2Fdoklad-smolin.pdf&clen=776444&chunk=true
7. https://t.me/rybar/21144
8. https://russiancouncil.ru/about/
9. https://www.nytimes.com/1982/10/27/business/business-group-sets-soviet-trip.html
10. https://snob.ru/entry/185072/
11. https://www.ipu.ru/node/11930
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ssbprep · 3 years
Russia-India-China Relations
Russia-India-China Relations   Introduction:– Russia-India-China (RIC) grouping was created in 1998, under a leadership of former Russian Foreign minister Yevgeny Primakov. RIC consists of the 3 largest Eurasian countries, resulting into significant multilateral grouping. *Yevgeny Primakov – Russian Politician and Diplomat, Prime Minister between 1998-1999.   Objectives:-  Build better and…
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alexandrucaragea · 3 years
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Nigel Farage and Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeni Primakov. part 2
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interkomitet · 4 years
Evgeni Primakov believes that the fight against a common threat will not be able to unite the world
A joint fight against a common threat will not be able to unite nations and smooth out contradictions; this has not happened with past world threats, such as international terrorism, said a member of the State Duma’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Yevgeny Primakov, commenting on the Russia Today’s MIA study.
In May 1945, the leading newspapers in the UK, USA and France – The Times, The New York Times and Le Monde – wrote moderately positively and even enthusiastically about the ally country, according to a study by MIA Russia Today conducted on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. However, by the beginning of the 2000s, the situation is changing significantly: there are less and less materials on this topic, the articles themselves are becoming more and more stingy with emotions, and the proportion of negative assessments of the role of the USSR in the events of 1939-1945 is growing (a trend towards more positive coverage in leading media The role of the USSR in the Second World War in the West was seen only from the end of 2009, but then the general background became negative).
“The results of World War II are not being revised – they are revised. For years, in conditionally“ Western ”public opinion, they have diligently built a picture of the world in which the USSR has at least no significant place in the victory over Nazism, and at the very least – the USSR is equated with Nazi Germany. only the mass genocide of European Jews does not allow such “modernizers” of history to clear German fascism: the idea of ​​”never again”, for the time being, remains one of the foundations of not only the Jewish idea, but also Europe as such, “- shared his opinion with RIA Novosti Primakov. He emphasized that the beginning of such a “processing” of history could be seen in heroic Hollywood films about the victories of the American and some British weapons against Hitler, and we “laughed at them, were a little indignant”, though in the 90s the phrase “they want to rewrite” the course of the war and to ascribe to itself victory in it “seemed a rhetorical exaggeration. However, notes Primakov, it turned out that this is possible.
The deputy stressed that the results of World War II for the USSR and the Russian Federation as its successor are of particular importance today, it is part of our identity, and for the United States and the West as a whole it was completely unbearable that this world itself could not cope with Nazism.
“How can we agree that some barbarians from the east liberated Europe? And the point is not anti-communism – communism did not bother the same European newspapers in 1945, glorifying the victory of Soviet weapons, can be compared with the fact that they the newspapers themselves are writing about the ominous Soviet Union now, it’s annoying that they were Russians (let all the peoples of the USSR unite under this word.) Therefore, by the way, they are so diligently “pulled out” of the old uniting “Russians” in succession, they write from here about the special “Ukrainian front” (not in the direction military operations, and ethnic composition), when it was the Ukrainians who allegedly liberated Auschwitz, “he added.
According to the parliamentarian, it is important to recognize that in our “righteous and faithful” position regarding the role of the Soviet people in the Victory over Nazism there is an “objective wormhole” – the situation in Eastern Europe after 1945: the Soviet Union really opposed new rivals due to the outbreak of the cold war. True, many decades later one should not insist on insisting on his universal and uncompromising correctness in everything that happened there, however, the recognition of mistakes does not mean surrender to the United States, Primakov believes.
The deputy especially draws attention to the fact that conscious, malicious getting rid of the shadow of gratitude, as well as denigrating the USSR / Russia and laying the blame for World War II on our country, are all the most important steps in the formation of the anti-Russian front.
“We all ended up in a world filled with confrontation – and if during the Cold War it was a confrontation including ideological systems, despite the fact that everyone remembered the horror of the world war – because the new one was just“ cold, ”the new confrontation fundamental economic, not just political reasons, “said Primakov
As Primakov notes, the Western world cannot accept that for the first time in its history it has lost military-political superiority over the rest of the world, and now it is losing the economic one. “This is an unbearable situation for the old financial and political elites, who can no longer freely control the markets of resources and sales. And the loss of leadership, which we call the end of the monopolar world, the formation of a multipolar world (and in high probability – the new bipolar USA-PRC) rages and provokes a new onslaught to the east, “emphasizes Primakov.
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