seraphicveins · 1 year
attractive Seraph trolls? let me just get my list, it’s all of them ofc but I’ll pick a few. Mantri <3, JB, Nihlus,Yenmi and Yieun
POINTS AT YOU MANTRI FAN!!! Teehee.. what a funny lineup.. unfortunately this will fuel Yieuns ego LOL
ALSO manny is so fucking small next to these guys
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vpshot-halos · 1 year
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sooniessoulmate · 3 months
𝙻𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚘𝚗 - 𝚌𝚑.𝟸 - 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝟶𝚝𝟾
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♥️𝚌𝚑.𝟷 ♠️ 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝♦️𝚌𝚑.𝟹♣️
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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸 - 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚛
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“Are you ready to have some fun?” a man’s voice sounded out from behind Y/N sending shivers down her spine.
She didn’t recognize the voice and had no idea of why she would be in this situation.
“Who are you?” y/n whimpered.
“Your worst enemy,” the man responded followed by a little chuckle.
Y/N struggled to get her arms loose with no success causing the man in the dark to laugh maniacally. 
“HELP ME!” she screamed, “SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!”
“AHHHHHHH!!!!! ANYBODY WE’RE IN HERE!” the man yelled, “I can yell too!” He laughed.
“What do you want from me?” Y/N asked practically in tears at this point.
The man gently stroked her hair, “I just want to have some fun,” he explained.
A door opened up  revealing a light from the outside hallway, and another man entered the dark, cold room. The lighting was still too dim that Y/N still couldn’t see who the men in the room were.
“You’re finally awake,” the second man said. “Did you enjoy your little nap?”
Y/N squinted, recognizing the man’s voice, “Justin?” she asked.  
“Yea you dumb bitch, who else would it be?” Hongjoong snarled. “How stupid can you be? Why would you leave a bar with someone you just met?”
“What do you want from me?” Y/N whimpered, ignoring his questions.
Hongjoong bent down in front of Y/N’s face, “This isn’t the time for you to be asking questions. If you want to make it out of here alive, I suggest you answer all of my questions, honestly,” he spit pushing her chair back causing Y/N to fall backwards onto the floor.
She screamed out in pain after hitting the ground, she struggled some more to get the restraints off.
The other man walked over and set her chair upright again.  
Hongjoong smirked at Y/N, “what do you know about Seven?”
“I don’t know too much,” she hesitated, “honestly.”
“Tell me everything you do know,” Hongjoong insisted as his phone dinged. He looked down at his phone and looked at Wooyoung, “I gotta go upstairs to deal with some shit. You handle this. Remember, don't kill her…yet.”
Hongjoong exited the room leaving Y/N and Wooyoung alone. She looked over to see Wooyoung evilly smiling at her. 
“Do you prefer a knife, a bat, or fire?” Wooyoung smiled.
“For what?” she panicked.
“For our little game, of course,” Wooyoung smiled as a red glint flashed in his eyes.
“I don't like any of those options,” she exclaimed.
“Awww,” Wooyoung pouted, gently rubbing a finger against her cheek, “then I suggest you tell me what I want to know.”
“I’ll tell you anything you want as long as you don’t hurt me,” she bargained.
Wooyoung ignored Y/N’s answer and skipped over to a cabinet in the corner of the room. “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, big bad wolf. Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Fa la la la,” Wooyoung happily sang as he removed a bat from the cabinet.
“Long ago there were three pigs. Little handsome piggy wigs. For the big bad, very bad, very big wolf,” Y/N sang.
Wooyoung stopped and stared at her for a second with a blank look on his face as a flash of white glinted in his eyes for a second. “Knock that off,” he ordered.
“Why can’t I sing with you?” she snapped.
“This isn’t your game…it’s mine!!!” Wooyoung yelled, slamming his bat against the wall. “NOW TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT SEVEN, DAMN IT!”
“All I know is there’s a Jaebeom, Yieun, Bhuwakul, Sunmi, and a few others. They mostly work out of Club Madholic and Hongdae Club Aura,” Y/N explained. “Oh and most of their shipments come through Thailand.”
Wooyoung slowly walked over to her, bat in hand, making eye contact the entire time. “How do I know that is all you know?” Wooyoung asked.
“Why would I leave anything out? I’m not going to try to hide anything and risk my life for this.”
“Oh your life is already in danger,” Wooyoung smiled. “Tell me, how do you know all of this? Do you work for them?”
“No, I don’t work for them,” she sighed, “I’m not sure how I know this, I just do.”
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Hongjoong went upstairs and was met by San and Yunho.
“This better be good, I was starting to get somewhere with the bitch,” Hongjoong snarled.
“I said to send Wooyoung up,” Mingi announced walking into the room.
“I figured if anyone was gonna scare her, it was Woo so I’d just come up,” Hongjoong explained.
“Well we have a little bit of a problem,” Yunho announced. “Yeosang said the alarms were triggered, he thinks they’re coming for her. They must know we have her.”
A knock sounded on the front door.
“It’s showtime,” San smiled, walking over to the door.
Hongjoong went upstairs, grabbed the arctic warfare Magnum Rifle and made his way to the rooftop along with Yeosang as Yunho and Mingi hid around corners downstairs with their weapons cocked and ready.
San slowly opened the door, “Can I help you?” he asked.
“I know she’s here,” the man on the opposite side of the door said.
“There’s no she here,” San smiled. “Just me in this big ole house.”
“Bullshit!” the man argued. “Give her to me now and there won’t be any problems.”
“You can go fuck yourself,” San growled attempting to shut the door.
The man prevented the door from closing with his foot, which gave San ample time to pull his pistol out from its holster. The door opened back up and San fired his pistol in between the man’s eyes, killing him instantly.
Yunho and Mingi came out from around the corner.
“He can't be here alone,” Mingi said.
Just then they heard gunfire from the roof and the front door slowly opened up and a female quietly crept in. Yunho noticed the woman in the corner of his eye. He pulled his Ka Bar knife from his belt loop and threw it in the woman’s direction, hitting her in the heart. Her body fell to the floor and twitched around for a few seconds, while blood poured out onto the floor.
The gunfire from the roof subsided, Yeosang and Hongjoong returned downstairs. 
“That was all of them,” Yeosang announced after checking the secret security cameras on his phone. 
“How did they find her?” Mingi asked.
“Does she have her phone?” Yeosang wondered.
“I don’t know,” Hongjoong said. “I didn’t think to check.”
“Dumbass,” Yunho sighed, staring at the body of the woman he killed.
Wooyoung ran upstairs, “what was that?” He looked around at the bodies piled up on the floor.
“We had some visitors,” San announced.
Hongjoong’s phone started to ring, he pulled it out of his pocket, answered it, and placed the call on speaker.
“Dragon…” Hongjoong said, “Go ahead.”
“Everyone good?” Seonghwa asked.
“Yea everyone is fine,” San answered.
“I’m guessing you have the girl,” Seonghwa concluded.
“Of course we have her. I never fail a mission,” Hongjoong boasted.
Mingi rolled his eyes, “why are they going through so much trouble to get this bitch back?”
Hongjoong turned to Wooyoung, “did you get anything out of her?”
“She named names, two clubs, and a Thailand airport,” Wooyoung informed. 
“Do you think she knows more?” Seonghwa wondered. 
“No,” Wooyoung sighed. “I think she said all she knows but who knows.”
“We need to keep her alive,” Seonghwa informed. “If she’s this important to them she might come in handy.”
“She can stay in my room,” Wooyoung announced. 
Everyone turned to look at him, in shock. 
“What?” Wooyoung asked. 
Seonghwa laughed, “alright, she stays in Wooyoung’s room till I get back then we’ll figure things out.”
“There’s a green light on Y/N’s head” Yeosang announced, looking down at his phone. 
“All the more reason she needs to stay,” Seonghwa demanded. “You all need to keep her alive and whatever you do, make sure she doesn’t leave the house.”
“So now we’re babysitters too?” San groaned. 
“For the time being…yes,” Seonghwa snarled before disconnecting the call. 
Yunho bent down, pulling his knife out of the woman’s chest, wiping the excess blood onto her face. “Alright well i'm gonna go up to my room for a little,” he smiled. He picked the body up, bridal style and started towards the stairs. 
“No,” Mingi snapped. 
“But she’s mine, I killed her,” Yunho snarled. 
“There is something seriously wrong with you,” San sighed. 
“Seonghwa told you before, no bodies in your room,” Mingi said. 
“That’s not fair,” Yunho complained, “Wooyoung gets a toy, why can’t I?”
“That’s not a toy, Yunho, that’s a fucking dead body,” San said. “Besides, what the hell are you gonna do with her?”
Yunho stared at San as an evil smirk overtook his face, he opened his mouth to speak but San interrupted, “On second thought, I don't want to know, you sick fuck.”
Yunho rubbed her face, “maybe we’ll get the chance to play later,” he said before dropping her body on the floor with a thud. 
“Hello?” Y/N said lightly, walking into the corridor. 
“Did you untie her?” Hongjoong snapped, shooting a glare at Wooyoung. 
“How did you get untied?” Wooyoung asked, ignoring Hongjoong’s inquiry.
“I used my mouth,” Y/N reported. 
Wooyoung stared at her in amazement, “but how?” he wondered.
“Why aren’t you understanding this?” Y/N snapped. “I used my mouth to untie my hand then my hands for the rest. It’s not too difficult.”
Wooyoung grabbed Y/N’s arm and started pulling her towards the basement again, “come on, I’m gonna tie you up again and you can show me.”
“Wooyoung,” Mingi sighed, “Let her be.”
Wooyoung stared intently at Y/N for a moment, “yea you’re right, I can do it later on tonight.”
“What do you mean, ‘later on tonight’?” Y/N asked. “I’m going home.”
“No you’re not,” San smirked, “you’re not leaving this house.”
“I’m not staying here and you can’t make me,” Y/N snapped.
“I believe we can make you,” Yunho smirked, taking his knife out of his belt loop again.
“Look around,” Hongjoong ordered jestering to the dead bodies on the ground, “this happened because they were trying to get to you.”
“Who?” Y/N snapped looking down at the bodies. She examined the female laying over by the steps, she gasped “oh my god, that’s Kazuha.”
“Kazu what?” San tried to repeat. 
“She’s in Seven,” Y/N announced. 
“Now how do you know her?” Wooyoung glared. 
“I told you, I don’t know,” Y/N panicked, placing her head onto her forehead. “How did they find me and why are they looking for me?”
Yeosang silently walked over to Y/N putting his hand out in front of her, Y/N placed her hand into his causing Yeosang to flinch pulling his hand back, “no, give me your phone,” he demanded. 
“My phone?” Y/N questioned. 
“Yea give it to me,” he demanded again as San walked up behind the boy. 
“Don’t play coy, little girl, give the man your fucking phone now,” San growled. 
Y/N blinked a few times before reaching into her pocket, pulling out her phone to hand it over. Yeosang took the phone, dropped it onto the floor and stomped hard on it. 
San looked at him surprised, “I thought you were gonna work your tech magic not act like an ape,” he smirked. 
Yeosang shrugged, walking back to his spot behind Mingi. 
“What the hell?” Y/N gasped. 
“That’s how they tracked you,” Mingi explained. 
“Fine that explains the how now somebody needs to explain the why,” she demanded. 
“They want you dead,” Wooyoung smirked. “That’s why you will be staying here.”
“I most certainly will not be staying here,” Y/N argued. 
“You don’t really have a choice,” Yunho snapped, staring at Kazuha again. 
“But they know I’m here, if they want me that bad won't they just come back?” she asked. 
“Hopefully,” San smirked. 
“So you expect me to just sit here like a sitting duck and wait to be killed,” Y/N argued. 
“Basically, yea,” Mingi nodded. 
“That’s not gonna happen,” she panicked. “I should be getting as far away from here as I can.”
“You’re not leaving,” Wooyoung snarled, grabbing her arm. 
“Don’t you get it?” Hongjoong started. “They have a green light on your head. If you leave you will be killed.”
“Well, if they know I’m here, wouldn’t it be smarter for me to get as far away from here as possible?”
“If you leave you’ll be all alone, here you have us to protect you,” Mingi explained.
“I don’t understand why you wanna help me,” she said, confused.
“Look, I don’t wanna be a goddamn babysitter, but it’s the boss’s orders and you can’t go,” San snapped.
“Besides, with you here, I might get the chance to have a moment with a different Kazuha,” Yunho announced while repositioning Kazuha’s body in a sitting position against the wall.
Yunho gently straightened Kazuha’s legs and crossed her arms and took the spot next to her, resting his head onto her shoulder.
Y/N glared at Yunho then glanced at each of the boys, as a glint of red flashed in her eyes, “I don’t need any protection. I made it this far in life and I don't plan on dying any time soon.”
Wooyoung recognized the red glint, cocking his head in her direction, “You don't have a damn choice in the matter,” he demanded as he grabbed her arm and pulled her up the stairs. When they reached the top of the stairs he turned around to face the boys, “clean the damn bodies up, you know what the blood does to me,” he demanded as a glint of white flashed in through his eyes.
“I don’t know which one of you two are worse,” Hongjoong announced, “Yunho and his fucking bodies or Woo with his blood.”
“They’re both sick fucks,” San snarled.
Wooyoung pulled Y/N into his bedroom and pushed her onto his bed. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and threw it at her.
“You smell like alcohol and smoke, you need to shower and get cleaned up,” Wooyoung ordered. “The bathroom is across the hall. I’ll wait here for you.”
“Devil?” Y/N whispered, “I don’t feel comfortable with all of this. I’d really like to just go home.”
“Don’t call me that,” Wooyoung snapped. “You call me Wooyoung, damn it!”
“So your name is Wooyoung?” she asked
“That’s what I just fucking said,” he snarled. “Now go get your shower!”
She quickly gathered the clothing that was thrown at her and she headed towards the bathroom. She walked out of Wooyoung’s bedroom and entered the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She turned the water on, making sure the shower was as hot as could be and undressed before entering.
Allowing the water to run down her naked body, the night’s events flashed through her mind. “What is going on?” she thought to herself. “Why is this happening to me?”
She heard the door knob jiggle, knowing that she locked the door she wasn’t too concerned. A few seconds later, the bathroom door slowly opened up, “It’s not safe to lock doors in this house,” a man’s voice announced.
Y/N popped her head out of the shower and she saw Yunho standing in the doorway with a creepy smile on his face. He held his hand, exposing a pink ball. “Here are some underwear for you to wear,” he smiled. “They are clean, the blood stains just won’t come out.”
“I’m ok,” Y/N announced.
“NO!” Yunho yelled. “You will wear them!”
“Um, ok,” she submitted. “You can just put them with the other clothes.”
Yunho placed the blood stained panties on top of the sweatshirt, “if you rip them, I will rip your fucking head off.”
“I promise I will take good care of them,” she said. “Thank you for being thoughtful though.”
“Sure thing,” Yunho smiled before leaving the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
She finished her shower, dried off and started to get changed into the borrowed clothing. She held the panties up, examining the blood stains on them. Clearly, the underwear was washed prior so she felt ok to put them on, almost fearful of what would happen if she didn’t follow directions. She then pulled the hoodie over her head and attempted to put the sweatpants on as well. The sweatpants were way too big and wouldn’t stay up so she took them back off. She gathered up her dirty clothing and the sweatpants that were too large and left the bathroom, making her way back into Wooyoung’s bedroom.
Wooyoung was sitting at the desk, cleaning his AK-47, he glanced up, dropping the trigger pin on the ground when he saw Y/N before him wearing his sweatshirt and her legs exposed.
“Why don’t you have the pants on?” he asked.
“They were too big,” she explained. “Where should I put my clothing, Dev…I mean Wooyoung.”
“I don’t care,” Wooyoung said, retrieving the trigger pin from the ground and placing it on the desk with the rest of the parts. “It’s time to sleep.”
“Where am I sleeping?” she asked, looking around for another bed or sofa.
“In my bed, with me,” he announced as a white glint flashed in his eyes.
“I can’t sleep with you,” Y/N argued.
“You don't have a choice in anything. Now get into bed,” Wooyoung growled with widened eyes.
She did as she was told and crawled into the bed, Wooyoung laid down on the opposite side. She turned her back to him, pulling the covers up to her head, trying to control her breathing, not to expose her anxiety about the whole situation.
Wooyoung stared at the back of Y/N’s head for a moment, then reached over and turned the light off. 
“Good night,” Wooyoung whispered.
“Don't let the bed bugs bite,” Y/N responded, making Wooyoung smile.
She wasn’t able to sleep, nor did she want to. She knew what she needed to do, no matter how risky it may be.  She laid still, patiently waiting for any sign of Wooyoung being asleep. As the night went on, Wooyoung’s breathing started to become more intense.  She calmly turned over to face Wooyoung, she stared for a moment then slowly crawled out of bed. She retrieved her skirt from the corner of the room and pulled it up over the panties that Yunho gave her to wear. She grabbed her boots, and crept out of the room, shutting the door behind her. She paused to listen for any disturbance in the house but only silence fell on deaf ears.
She continued to creep down the hall, occasionally stepping on a creaky floorboard, causing panic with each step. She successfully made it down the stairs. She reached for the door knob on the front door.
“I would reconsider your choice, if I were you,” a man said from the top of the stairs behind her.
Y/N jumped, turned around startled, relieved when she saw it wasn’t Wooyoung. 
“I uh I just wanted to take a walk,” she attempted to lie.
San scooched down the stairs so he could see her in better lighting and so he could be seen as well. He was holding a knife in his right hand, twirling the edge of the blade in his left hand, evilly grinning at Y/N.
“How stupid do you think I am?” he smirked. 
“I don’t think you're stupid at all,” she argued. “I seriously just wanted…”
“You were trying to leave,” San interrupted. “I thought we made things clear earlier. You cannot leave this house.”
“I’m sorry,” she sighed. “I just want to go home.”
“And I want to kill you but we can't always get what we want,” San smirked. “But if you walk out that door, I can get what I want. So it’s up to you to decide what’s gonna happen.”
She stood still, frozen in fear, until reality hit her. She didn’t have a choice in the matter, she was stuck in this house and there was no way of escaping. She exhaled in defeat and slowly walked up the stairs, once again. When she walked past San, she huffed to expose her agitation by the whole situation.
Y/N crept back down the hall, hoping Wooyoung would still be sleeping. When she reached his bedroom, she took a deep breath before entering, relieved to see Wooyoung still laying peacefully in bed. She placed her boots back into the corner of the room and took her skirt off, placing it on top of the other dirty clothes. She crawled back into bed, laying in the original position she was in before trying to escape.
Wooyoung let out a long sigh, reaching over and placing his hand onto Y/N. 
The bright morning sun shone through the window onto Y/N, disturbing her restless slumber.  She rolled over to see Wooyoung was no longer in bed.  She looked around the room and saw she was all alone.  The bedroom door flew open, and Wooyoung walked inside. He threw a pile of clothing at her, “get dressed and come downstairs,” he ordered. 
“What for?” she questioned.
“You fucked up,” Wooyoung snarled walking out of the room.
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♥️𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟 ♠️𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝♦️𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝♣️
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♥️♠️𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 - 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽♦️♣️
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goldenguillotines · 1 year
Shin fav: YES. yes. (Aitreo, Orvear, Rodi, Lyz, Alfadi.. Elraik..Anudal... Luxsol.. Dulcie.. Viz..Romida.. Salvis. Tiri.. Bunbun... Stryxe.. My dad.. Cife etc.....)
Lee fav: AGAIN. YES (Hagvin, Zevire, Velina, Vee and Tricky..... Triete... Kivude.. Kio... clock.. Vaniee Jollie..etc.)
Cadaver fav: YES YES.. AGAIN.. (Sangria, Cretel, Vivici, Luke, Tyorom, Mezika, Daphne, Missy, orange, sinful..Tras.. babsetc..)
Nort fav: YES .. (Lutark, Cupid, Miss K, Kam, Dan, Jee, Caines, Miami, Aginis, lottie.... Shantl..sophia.. camila.)
Yomi fav: //GRABS wall// (Yuki, Avi, Kyun, Vyk...Shu.. Gyu.. Lisa..Yieun..Sen!! Khari!! Jb.. Sunni <33 ETC)
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onthesameplanet · 11 months
《2023遊記》ep.8 in Porto, Portugal 一大早,我走上Nazaré 旁邊的山上拍照,見時間充裕,走到山另一���的沙灘,這時大約九時,幾個年輕人夾住滑浪板,投奔大海,和自然的力量融為一體,真的超帥。我幻想在十一二月滑浪的季節在滔天巨浪之下,想必是十分震撼的畫面,真希望到時候可以再到此一遊。中午回到旅館Check out,我準備回去 Porto ,一步出Hostel,就開始下起滂沱大雨,我正想埋怨之際,就想,還好不是在山上拍照的時候下雨,我應該感恩在我旅程要完結時才下雨。 回到波圖後,我約了Yieun 和她幾個韓國人一齊食晚飯,還有加拿大人Eddy,Eddy雖然在Camino 路上沒有碰過面,但在朝聖之後認識,也是種另類的緣份。 坐車回Porto…
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flourishrp · 2 years
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♡ ꒰ APPS RECEIVED: 7/15 ꒱
Welcome to Flourish! The following muses have been accepted and have been sent further instructions on how to join our family. All requests will be accepted on our official opening day!
BTS' Jung Hoseok (Kang Jimin)
Red Velvet's Park Sooyoung (Im Younha)
Seventeen's Kim Mingyu (Im Soyeon)
Stray Kids' Lee Minho (Park Jungwoo)
Stray Kids' Hwang Hyunjin (Kai Jeong)
TXT's Choi Soobin (Jung Yieun)
TXT's Choi Beomgyu (Han Minkyu)
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limsjaebeom · 4 years
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Mark Tuan of GOT7 for ELE
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yanananas · 5 years
Mark Tuan is one of the most caring individuals on this planet
fight me if you think otherwise
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trinitysroses · 6 years
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Catch me trying to catch Represent and Yieun’s attention on twitter and ig 😅
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bleuxberri · 3 years
「 got7 mafia au reaction | you not awnsering your phone 」
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[a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this]
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𝒋𝒂𝒚 𝒃;
You had gone out without telling Jaebeom and you knew the consequences of not telling him where you were going, but you left a note telling him that you were shopping with some friends. While you were out one of them took your phone, so that you wouldn’t get distracted, but that was a mistake on her part, because later when you came home you saw him in his meeting room, making a plan to save you, that’s when you barged in, and they all looked at you.
“Where the hell have you been?” he says angrily while pulling you in for a hug.
“I was just out with some friends, I left you note.”
“I never saw your note, but why weren’t you answering your phone?” he asks as you smile.
“Yeeun took it, so I wouldn’t get distracted,” you told him reaching for his hands.
“Okay, but I was worried sick that someone had kidnaped you,” he says giving you a kiss.
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You and Mark had fallen asleep on the couch from watching movies all night, when you younger sister called you all panicked, you tried to calm her down, but you just eventually went over there to see if she was okay. She was sitting in the living room, when you opened the door to your parents house, you went to go sit next to her calming her down from her panic attack. She was so scared that you mother wouldn’t look at her the same when she found out that she was pregnant, but you told her that everything would be okay, and that the both of you would tell her together. You drove back home, walking through the front door to see Mark all panicked, when he saw you he immediately hugged you, you didn’t know what caused this. but you weren’t complaining.
“Where have you been?”
“I’m sorry, my sister called, she needed my help,” you told him not telling him why she needed you.
“When you didn’t answer your phone I got a little worried.”
“A little worried?!” you questioned him.
“Okay, a lot worried,” he confessed while bringing you in for another hug.
“Alright, if there’s a next time I’ll be sure to leave you a note or something,” you told him as her leaned in for a kiss.
“Thank you.”
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Jackson has always been overprotective of you, he needs to know where you are at all times, which make surprises extremely hard, because he can always tell when you’re lying by the sound of your voice. You had a few of his friends distract him while you had set up a surprise with some of your friends, while you guys were decorating he called and texted a bunch of times, he finally came home to see what you had done.
“Is this what you’ve been doing all day?” Jackson asks you as he smiles wide.
“Yes. Happy anniversary,” you say running to give him a hug.
“I’ve been calling and texting you all day, why didn’t you answer, I was so worried about you when you never answered.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” you told him while still hugging him.
“It’s okay, I’m happy about the surprise,” Jackson tells you before giving you a kiss.
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You were asleep when you got a call from a friend who was at a club and needed your helping getting home, so you went to go pick her up. You thought that you’d be home before Jinyoung woke up, but you forgot that he usually gets up to get a glass of water sometimes and that’s what he did tonight. He’s called and texted you but no answer that’s when he sees you phone sitting on the night stand plugged in. He takes it off the charger and waits for you to get home, because he notices that your car is gone, once you walked through the door you see him starring at you in disbelief.
“You forgot your phone. Where did you even go at this time of night?” he asks before pulling you for a hug.
“I went to go pick him Haeun from the club she was at, she got too drunk, so she called me,” you tell him in a low tone.
“Okay, but please remember your phone next time you leave like this. The only reason I didn’t call the boys is because I saw that your car was gone.”
“I’m sorry, I should’ve had my phone on me, it all just happened so quick,” you tell him thankful that he did call for backup.
“You just scared me,” he tells you before pulling you in for a kiss.
“I love you too,” you say as you guys both head back to bed.
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You were just about done cooking dinner for you and Youngjae, when one of your friends texted you asking for you to pick her up because she was out with her boyfriend who had drank a little too much and you’re the only one that he’s actually scared of getting mad. So you had finished dinner tuning the stove off, but leaving it on the stove, and leaving Youngjae  a note that you’d be back after he took his shower for the night. You walked in the restaurant looking for your friend and you saw them, as you walked over to them your friend got up walking over to you. You told him that he was going to let her drive home and that you’d come back in the morning to check up on him and that’s exactly what happened, he handed the keys over to her and you guys all left with him paying for the check. Once you got home you saw all of the missed calls and texts from Youngjae and you knew that he wasn’t gonna be happy with you for leaving and then no answering your phone when he called.
“Hey babe,” you say as you walked in the front door to see him very upset.
“Where were you?” he asks while walking over to you.
“I went help a friends out, she needed my help, her boyfriend got too drunk and wouldn’t let her drive them home, and I’m the only one he’s scared of,” you tell him as you reach in for a hug.
“Okay, I’m just glad that you’re okay,” he says hugging you back as you guys go into the kitchen to eat your dinner.
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You and some of your friends were at your guys’ house visiting while Bambam was out at a meeting, you told him to call you when you were done so that you could make up an excuse for you guys to leave the house. While you guys were in the kitchen one of your friends took your phone while you weren’t looking, but you never noticed that it was gone until you heard Bambam’s car pull up. You asked everyone if they wanted to go out to get some ice cream, they all agreed and that’s when the girl who took your phone gave it back, but Bambam pulled you before you could leave.
“Why didn’t you answer?”
“Eunji took my phone without me knowing, I’m sorry,” you tell him while looking at her.
“This was your idea, next time keep your phone on you,” he tells you as he lets go of your arm letting you get in the car.
“I love you,” you mouth to him while smiling before giving him a kiss and you guys leave.
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Yugyeom was in a meeting in the office, while you were at home asleep on the couch, you hadn’t gotten much sleep last night so you have been asleep for hours, and never heard your phone go off. When you finally woke up you saw all of the missed calls from Yugyeom, when you realized how much trouble you’d been in with him, you heard the front door open, and you immediately walked over to see him standing in the doorway.
“Have you been here all day?”
“Yeah, I fell asleep after you left and just woke up a few seconds ago, I’m so sorry,” you tell him as he reaches in giving you a hug.
“It’s okay. I know you didn’t get much sleep last night, so I understand, but you usually hear your phone ring,” he says while looking down at you.
“I know, I must’ve been in a deep sleep and just didn’t hear it.”
“Okay, now I’ve been in a meeting all day and you still look tired, so let’s take a little nap, okay,” he says as you guys go in the living room putting a movie on and falling asleep in each others arms.
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buttjaehyun · 5 years
my mark tuan playlist; part 1
so here’s a list no one asked for once again, well honestly i was really bored quite a few days ago and wanted to make a playlist for the actual love of my life mark yi eun tuan which is how this was born, anyway enjoy me expressing my love for the love of my life mark tuan in a playlist
mark tuan シ
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September - Earth, Wind, & Fire
Beautiful - Bazzi
Valentine - 5 Second Of Summer
Wii Tennis - 420 Unlovable, Splash Daddy, & Okthxbb
Bloody Waters - Ab-Soul, Anderson .Paak, & James Blake
5 (Five) - BOYCOLD ft. Car, the garden & The Quiet
A Little More - Alesia Cara
Thunder Keeps Rolling - Lost & Found Music Studios
Invincible - Aminé
7 Rings - Ariana Grande
Waiting For Love - Avicii
The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars
More Than You Know - Axwell /\ Ingrosso
Umm - BOYCOLD ft. Ph-1 & Sik-k
Mine - Bazzi
Confetti Falling - Big Time Rush
What’s Up Danger - Blackway w/Black Caviar
Count On Me - Bruno Mars
No Hook - Bohan Phoenix & Higher Brothers
Look Back At It - A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie ft. Park Woojin of AB6IX
YOUTH! - BOYCOLD ft. BewhY, HAON, & Coogie
Why Won’t You Love Me - 5 Seconds Of Summer
Why - Bazzi
Jerk It Out - Caesars
Safe and Sound - Capital Cities
Hero (Unplugged) - Starstruck
So Tied Up - Cold War Kids & Bishop Briggs
Yellow - Coldplay
Marry You - Bruno Mars
Get Lucky - Daft Punk ft. Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgers
Bar Code - HAON & VIXEN
누군가 필요해 I Need Somebody - Day6
Elevate - DJ Khalil ft. Denzel Curry, YBN Cordae, SwaVay, & Trevor Rich
Fuego Lento - Drake Bell
When I Was A Boy - Electric Light Orchesta
Irresistible - Fall Out Boy & Demi Lovato
Ain’t Nobody (Love Me Better) - Felix Jaehn & Jasmine Thompson
Coming Home - G.Soul
Gentleman - Gallant
Hold Back The River - James Bay
Habits of My Heart - Jaymes Young
Sucker - Jonas Brothers
Come On Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners
LA FAMILA - Junoflo
I Think I’m In Love - Kat Dahlia
Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
Lava - Kuana Torres Kahele, Napua Grieg, & James Ford Murphy
Bite My Tongue - Logan Henderson
Home With You - Madison Beer
break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored - Ariana Grande
Leaving - Ekali ft. Luna
Good Together - SHY Martin
Elevator - RINI
Best Park - Daniel Caesar & H.E.R
Evergreen - Logan Henderson
ILYSB - Lany
When You Look Me In The Eyes - Jonas Brothers
What I Like About You - The Romantics
Is It Too Much To Ask For - Jordan Maxwell ft. Shiloh
NASA - Ariana Grande
party (Shut Down) - Sik-k ft. Crush
idontwannabeyouanymore - Billie Eilish
Lay Me Down - Sam Smith & John Legend
lovely - Billie Eilish w/Khalid
Nothing Without Love - Nate Russ
HUMBLE. - Kendrick Lamar
Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers
HandClap - Fitz and The Tantrums
honestly i really hope you all enjoyed this or at least like my music taste when its not completely kpop, now im just gonna put a few of gifs of my baby uwu ꨄ
part 2
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seraphicveins · 3 years
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haven’t done this in awhile and have yet to do one for this asshole so! one troll (or whatever) per reblog! multiple reblogs are allowed, judge backs are not required but greatly appreciated!!
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kiwibomb · 4 years
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mark tuan bf material icons!!! please like or reblog if you save it!! 🦊
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goldanthem · 4 years
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Mark Tuan, chanteur et rappeur. (x)
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k4rd · 4 years
yieun layouts
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like or reblog if you save
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onthesameplanet · 11 months
《彈琴》法國之路 - Day 27
Camino 中每晚的指定動作:Backup 相片,執相,寫文,Post Instagram。九時許,同房的兩個韓國人Yieun 和 Shuk突然邀請我一起去飲酒,後來我才知道他們不是情侶,也是在路上認識,再結伴同行。 他們說明天就會到 Sarria (我原本計劃後天才會到達的地方)會合一些朋友,再一起去Santiago。根據個人非正式統計,韓國應該是亞洲之中,最多人認識Camino 的國家,我們路上似乎見最多的亞洲人也是韓國。 早幾年,韓國有綜藝節目《西班牙寄宿》讓韓國藝人營運 Camino 的庇護所,才讓Camino 在韓國街知巷聞,果然,大眾媒體的力量果然不容忽視。Shuk 說他就是因為看了這個節目,對這個地方充滿好奇,Yieun 也知道這個節目,但沒看過,她是從書上得知的,襯住辭職的空檔,飛來歐洲。她說韓國人有Camino…
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