#mark yieun tuan
goldanthem · 4 years
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Mark Tuan, chanteur et rappeur. (x)
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Our Spot.
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Pairing: Reader x Mark Tuan Genre: Fluff
A/N: a sort of part 2 of the Jaebum fic I posted two days ago but they’re not that connected so it isn’t necessary to read it (you may however if you wish to lol)
On the other side of the city, before the rain started falling and the sun was starting to disappear behind the clouds, your phone lights up next to your thigh, its bright screen causing your dog to pick up his head in curiosity.
[Mark, 5:45 pm] are u awake?
You roll your eyes playfully, replying with a quick ‘yes, of course’ before pressing send. His answer is just as quick, causing your brows to furrow in question.
[Mark, 5:48 pm] tonight...would you meet me at our spot? 
You decide to call him, phone pressing against your ear as you wait for his voice to answer.
“Hello?” “Why are we meeting at our spot? Is something wrong?”
You can hear his breathy chuckle, the mere sound of it calming your slightly frazzled nerves. 
“No, nothing is wrong. Just come out tonight okay? I’ll head straight there after my shift is over.”
You worry at your bottom lip but you agree, a soft ‘I love you’ falling from your lips suddenly.
“I know baby. I love you too. I’ll see you tonight.”
He hangs up but you’re still holding your phone, the device gripped in your hand while your treacherous mind plays a thousand different scenarios. You can’t help but wonder why he wants to meet when he can simply come home and see you. You can’t help but forget about the show you’re watching, shutting off the tv and pulling up the blanket you brought from your room around your shoulders.
It’s colder suddenly, the change in weather from summer to fall seeping into the house you’ve shared with Mark for almost a year. 
You think back on the past few months, rapidly beating heart threatening to break free from the confines of your chest. You can’t recall any fights, anything significant that would cause what you fear is an inevitable break up. 
You don’t want to think negatively, you don’t want to entertain the thought that tonight, where he first kissed you, he was going to leave you.
The whole thing is ridiculous but it doesn’t stop your fretting, the rest of the night passing with you wrapped up on the couch, your dog’s fur soft underneath your continuous petting. 
After awhile, your eyes snag the time and you know Mark’s about to end his shift and head to your meeting place. You decide to get up, decide to look nice even though you’re secretly terrified. You had come up with a speech in the time you were just sitting, hoping that your words would make a difference in whatever decision he had made. 
You didn’t take the car, instead swiping your bus card and picking a seat in the back. You clutch at your bag, watching the night go by around you, people starting to go home as the work day ended. You think about the times you and Mark had decided to take the bus, quiet giggles in your seats as your fingers remained grasped in the other’s hand. 
Heartstrings pulling slightly, you shake your head and divert your attention to the scenery, trees whipping past and buildings blurring. 
You get off four stops later, smiling at the elderly driver as your feet touch the ground. Hugging your jacket tighter around your chilling body, you start your walk to the ledge that overlooked the city, streetlight soft against the dark concrete. 
You lightly jog up the hill, hands rubbing together as you come up to the railing and lean on it. The city sparkled below, dots of light were scattered about, like bursts of color against black ink. Tilting your chin up as the breeze rustled your hair, you remembered all the moments spent in the spot, all the parts of your relationship with Mark that took place in this very spot.
You lose yourself for a bit, just staring, so you don’t hear the familiar rumble of a motorcycle. Kicking down the side stand, he places his feet firmly on the floor, helmet coming off in one swift motion. 
He takes off his helmet and shakes his messy hair out, glancing up at you standing there in the night, the lights from the city illuminating your presence. Wordlessly, he make his way to you, reaching out and pulling you towards him. 
You can’t help the sigh that escapes your lips when your back hits his chest, arms coming to wrap around you tightly as his chin rests on your shoulders. After a second, you turn in his embrace and nuzzle your face into the warm cotton of his favorite sweater. You grip at the leather jacket draped over his shoulders before bringing your arms in against your chest.
Fear grips your heart but you stay where you are, breathing in his smell and trying to memorize it as if this was the last time he would hold you like this.
“Hi babe,” you whisper, voice a bit muffled, “what was so important that we had to meet here instead of at home?”
He was silent for a few moments, as if he was thoughtfully thinking out his answer. You’re too busy trying to calm your seemingly erratic breathing, you almost miss his response, “I just really missed you. And wanted to see you.” 
At these words, your heart races and you try to hide your face, worried that your cheeks were too red. He responds by holding you tighter, placing a loving kiss on the top of your head. 
The sounds of the city’s bustling night life not far off fill the comfortable silence between you and Mark. In your heart, you know it doesn’t get better than this.
But the worry is still sitting in between your shoulder blades, digging into your chest, making each breath difficult. 
Because he knows you better than you know yourself, he senses your discomfort and pulls your away from him, despite your quiet whimpers of defiance.   
“What’s wrong? Is something wrong? Did something happen?”
You don’t like crying, especially in front of Mark, but seeing his face under the streetlight, soft features bent into concern, you can’t help the welling of your eyes. He panics slightly, gripping your shoulders, “Baby? Baby, why are you crying, what’s wrong?”
The tears fall, slowly and then quickly like the rain that will fall hours later from the dark, rolling clouds overhead. He doesn’t understand what’s going on, why you’re being like this, so he just holds you again and waits until you’re ready to say something. It’s not even a minute or two when you’re able to spit out, “Please don’t leave me!”
Surprised, he can only blink at you, “What? Leave you? Where am I going?”
“You called me here because you’re gonna break up with me, aren’t you?”
He doesn’t say anything, mouth widening into a grin before he breaks out in a loud laugh. You frown, confused, as he continues  to cackle, hands moving from you to his stomach. 
“Why are you laughing?!”
“Because,” he says, wiping at his eyes, “why in the world do you think I’m going to break up with you?”
Arms crossing over your chest, you grumble, “You asked to meet here, at our spot. If nothing was wrong, you would’ve just come home like every other night! Why are we here Mark? Our anniversary isn’t for another two months. Our birthdays are over. Unless you’re gonna propose to me, I don’t understand...”
You trail off, eyes widening, “Are you going...to propose to me?”
He pulls you forward, lips meeting yours in a sweet kiss. You wrap your arms around his shoulders as your fingers card through his hair. When he pulls away, he looks at you sheepishly, “I wanna marry you, I promise I do, but that really isn’t why I called you out here. I just... I had a kind of crappy day at work and I thought of our spot and I just wanted to see you. Spend some time here before going home. I’m sorry though. You must’ve been worried for hours.”
Like a thousand pounds has just been lifted off you, you exhale in immense relief, slumping against the railing as you wrap him up in your arms. 
“Ohmygod I was so scared! I had a whole speech where I’d beg you not to leave and that I’d be better but you’re not going anywhere! I love you, you know that?”
Chuckling softly, he squeezes you tight, “I know you do. And I love you too. There’s nothing in this world that would ever make me leave you, okay? I’ll be by your side forever. No matter where we are, no matter where we end up going.”
You smile against his shoulder, pressing a quick kiss to the side of his neck, “I’m such an idiot.”
“No you’re not. A bit of a dork but it’s one of the reasons why I love you. Anyway, do you wanna head home? Actually relax?”
You don’t let him go, eyeing the bright eyed city as you clung to the boy you loved.
“Not just yet. Stay with me here for a minute.” “I just told you...I’ll stay with you forever.”
A/N: there’s a bit of this that @angst7 wrote in the spoiler she had posted lol and all the thanks for the love you’ve been showing the first part...I did not think anyone would love it as much as y’all did. The support is always appreciated, I’ll continue crying in a corner now.
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bleuxberri · 3 years
「 got7 mafia au reaction | you not awnsering your phone 」
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[a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this]
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𝒋𝒂𝒚 𝒃;
You had gone out without telling Jaebeom and you knew the consequences of not telling him where you were going, but you left a note telling him that you were shopping with some friends. While you were out one of them took your phone, so that you wouldn’t get distracted, but that was a mistake on her part, because later when you came home you saw him in his meeting room, making a plan to save you, that’s when you barged in, and they all looked at you.
“Where the hell have you been?” he says angrily while pulling you in for a hug.
“I was just out with some friends, I left you note.”
“I never saw your note, but why weren’t you answering your phone?” he asks as you smile.
“Yeeun took it, so I wouldn’t get distracted,” you told him reaching for his hands.
“Okay, but I was worried sick that someone had kidnaped you,” he says giving you a kiss.
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You and Mark had fallen asleep on the couch from watching movies all night, when you younger sister called you all panicked, you tried to calm her down, but you just eventually went over there to see if she was okay. She was sitting in the living room, when you opened the door to your parents house, you went to go sit next to her calming her down from her panic attack. She was so scared that you mother wouldn’t look at her the same when she found out that she was pregnant, but you told her that everything would be okay, and that the both of you would tell her together. You drove back home, walking through the front door to see Mark all panicked, when he saw you he immediately hugged you, you didn’t know what caused this. but you weren’t complaining.
“Where have you been?”
“I’m sorry, my sister called, she needed my help,” you told him not telling him why she needed you.
“When you didn’t answer your phone I got a little worried.”
“A little worried?!” you questioned him.
“Okay, a lot worried,” he confessed while bringing you in for another hug.
“Alright, if there’s a next time I’ll be sure to leave you a note or something,” you told him as her leaned in for a kiss.
“Thank you.”
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Jackson has always been overprotective of you, he needs to know where you are at all times, which make surprises extremely hard, because he can always tell when you’re lying by the sound of your voice. You had a few of his friends distract him while you had set up a surprise with some of your friends, while you guys were decorating he called and texted a bunch of times, he finally came home to see what you had done.
“Is this what you’ve been doing all day?” Jackson asks you as he smiles wide.
“Yes. Happy anniversary,” you say running to give him a hug.
“I’ve been calling and texting you all day, why didn’t you answer, I was so worried about you when you never answered.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” you told him while still hugging him.
“It’s okay, I’m happy about the surprise,” Jackson tells you before giving you a kiss.
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You were asleep when you got a call from a friend who was at a club and needed your helping getting home, so you went to go pick her up. You thought that you’d be home before Jinyoung woke up, but you forgot that he usually gets up to get a glass of water sometimes and that’s what he did tonight. He’s called and texted you but no answer that’s when he sees you phone sitting on the night stand plugged in. He takes it off the charger and waits for you to get home, because he notices that your car is gone, once you walked through the door you see him starring at you in disbelief.
“You forgot your phone. Where did you even go at this time of night?” he asks before pulling you for a hug.
“I went to go pick him Haeun from the club she was at, she got too drunk, so she called me,” you tell him in a low tone.
“Okay, but please remember your phone next time you leave like this. The only reason I didn’t call the boys is because I saw that your car was gone.”
“I’m sorry, I should’ve had my phone on me, it all just happened so quick,” you tell him thankful that he did call for backup.
“You just scared me,” he tells you before pulling you in for a kiss.
“I love you too,” you say as you guys both head back to bed.
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You were just about done cooking dinner for you and Youngjae, when one of your friends texted you asking for you to pick her up because she was out with her boyfriend who had drank a little too much and you’re the only one that he’s actually scared of getting mad. So you had finished dinner tuning the stove off, but leaving it on the stove, and leaving Youngjae  a note that you’d be back after he took his shower for the night. You walked in the restaurant looking for your friend and you saw them, as you walked over to them your friend got up walking over to you. You told him that he was going to let her drive home and that you’d come back in the morning to check up on him and that’s exactly what happened, he handed the keys over to her and you guys all left with him paying for the check. Once you got home you saw all of the missed calls and texts from Youngjae and you knew that he wasn’t gonna be happy with you for leaving and then no answering your phone when he called.
“Hey babe,” you say as you walked in the front door to see him very upset.
“Where were you?” he asks while walking over to you.
“I went help a friends out, she needed my help, her boyfriend got too drunk and wouldn’t let her drive them home, and I’m the only one he’s scared of,” you tell him as you reach in for a hug.
“Okay, I’m just glad that you’re okay,” he says hugging you back as you guys go into the kitchen to eat your dinner.
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You and some of your friends were at your guys’ house visiting while Bambam was out at a meeting, you told him to call you when you were done so that you could make up an excuse for you guys to leave the house. While you guys were in the kitchen one of your friends took your phone while you weren’t looking, but you never noticed that it was gone until you heard Bambam’s car pull up. You asked everyone if they wanted to go out to get some ice cream, they all agreed and that’s when the girl who took your phone gave it back, but Bambam pulled you before you could leave.
“Why didn’t you answer?”
“Eunji took my phone without me knowing, I’m sorry,” you tell him while looking at her.
“This was your idea, next time keep your phone on you,” he tells you as he lets go of your arm letting you get in the car.
“I love you,” you mouth to him while smiling before giving him a kiss and you guys leave.
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Yugyeom was in a meeting in the office, while you were at home asleep on the couch, you hadn’t gotten much sleep last night so you have been asleep for hours, and never heard your phone go off. When you finally woke up you saw all of the missed calls from Yugyeom, when you realized how much trouble you’d been in with him, you heard the front door open, and you immediately walked over to see him standing in the doorway.
“Have you been here all day?”
“Yeah, I fell asleep after you left and just woke up a few seconds ago, I’m so sorry,” you tell him as he reaches in giving you a hug.
“It’s okay. I know you didn’t get much sleep last night, so I understand, but you usually hear your phone ring,” he says while looking down at you.
“I know, I must’ve been in a deep sleep and just didn’t hear it.”
“Okay, now I’ve been in a meeting all day and you still look tired, so let’s take a little nap, okay,” he says as you guys go in the living room putting a movie on and falling asleep in each others arms.
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limsjaebeom · 4 years
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Mark Tuan of GOT7 for ELE
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kiwibomb · 4 years
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mark tuan bf material icons!!! please like or reblog if you save it!! 🦊
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k4rd · 4 years
yieun layouts
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like or reblog if you save
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strxberri · 4 years
「 𝒈𝒐𝒕7 𝒅𝒂𝒅/𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 | 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚'𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 」
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main m.list | got7 m.list
[a/n: pls ignore any captions on the gifs | also this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this]
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♡ 𝒋𝒃 ♡
name: im minho & im minah
number: 2 (1 boy 1 girl)
weight: boy: 8lbs | girl: 6lbs
measurement: boy: 20in | girl: 18in
time: boy: 8:13pm | girl: 12:13am
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♡ 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒌 ♡
name: alexia eunha tuan (dong eunha)
number: 1 girl
weight: 6lbs
measurement: 19in
time: 5:13am
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♡ 𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒐𝒏 ♡
name: wang xiulan & wang yishen
number: 2 boys
weight: 7lbs & 8lbs
measurement: 20in & 22in
time: 7:13pm & 9:15am
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♡ 𝒋𝒊𝒏𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈 ♡
name: park kyungsoo & park misoo
number: 2 (1 boy 1 girl)
weight: boy: 8lbs | girl: 7lbs
measurement: boy: 22in | girl: 20in
time: boy: 12:01mp | girl: 5:13am
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♡ 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒋𝒂𝒆 ♡
name: choi jisung
number: 1 boy
weight: 7lbs
measurement: 21in
time: 3:19pm
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♡ 𝒃𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒂𝒎 ♡
name: phailin bhuwakul, saengdao bhuwakul, & channarong bhuwakul (ploy, sassy, & nana) (sassy & nana are twine)
number: 3 (2 girls 1 boy)
weight: girls: 6lbs & 6lbs | boy: 7lbs
measurement: girls: 19in & 18in | boy: 20in
time: girls: 11:19am & 8:11pm | boy: 8:14pm
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♡ 𝒚𝒖𝒈𝒚𝒆𝒐𝒎 ♡
name: kim hyunjin & kim hyebin (twins)
number: 2 (1 boy 1 girl)
weight: boy: 9lbs | girl: 7lbs
measurement: boy: 22in | girl: 21in
time: boy: 7:17pm | girl: 7:19pm
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svtmin · 4 years
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    disclaimer: i am not related, in any way, to the boys or JYP. this is mainly for entertainment purposes and to humanize the boys a little further by diving into their struggles. please know i mean no harm to anyone and events might be briefly mentioned but other than that, is all invented
     Woke up this morning with a strange taste in my mouth. I don’t remember eating anything strange to lead to such a taste overnight, so maybe I’m tasting my emotions. Have you ever felt so? Tasting emotions? Sometimes is a strawberry, sweet taste when today is just … bitter.
Milo’s head rests on my elbow and my hand carefully scratches his fur, my eyes still half open. It’s not morning yet; there is barely no light in the room I’m sleeping in. Last night, I almost asked Yugyeom to spend the night, but that would’ve been too weird, right? Not that we never done it before, since we live near each other and all, but it would’ve been weird, especially after JB’s confession. I’m sure he felt frustrated enough, but songs of my own had been turned in this time as well. Sometimes, I can’t help but to feel I’m invisible here, but maybe it’s just a bad day growing inside me. I need to shake it off, I know I do, especially because we have schedules today — after all, I didn’t wake up for nothing. I felt my phone vibrating next to me and I’m sure to reach it, knowing it was probably the alarm. Except it wasn’t. On the screen shown Jinyoung’s face, a picture we’ve taken over tour — rubbing my eyes, I easily slid to pick it up. It was a face call. His handsome, awoken expression showed over the screen and I saw him, so clearly, flashed by some lights in the background. He smiled, which itself was strange, but comforting to see and made me smile back.
“ —Aah, sleepy hyung! “ he whines playfully, and I laugh, tilting my head to the side “ —It’s five thirty and you’re still in bed! How dare you? “
“ —How are you up already? “ I ask, and he giggles from my sleepy voice.
“ —I’m actually sleepless. I had to come shoot some scenes for the drama. “ he’s clearly looking around, making sure no one is needing him or if he’s in a way of someone “ —I’ll probably catch a nap now when I get to JYP. “
There was a pending question in the air. He didn’t want to address it. I didn’t want to ask it. But one of us had to.
“ —You know it’s always a pleasure to talk to you but … why are you calling, Junior? “
We’re both visibly uncomfortable. I know he’s not very in touch with his emotions towards us and I honestly don’t poke unless extremely necessary. This is not extreme. This is not a crisis. No one is dying, no one is in danger, this is just two friends talking over the phone. And yet I fail to see the purpose of it — is Jinyoung checking up on me after last night? We all had the chance to sleep, even if just a few hours, except him. He had to rush to set right after leaving the bowling alley — in fact, I know almost certainly that he had left set to meet us to later come back. Maybe he did not faced pressure directly from the big man but when confronting schedules, Jinyoung seemed to sometimes be two places at once. After blankly staring at me for a while — and a good while —, he finally blinks and looks down.
“ —You and JB seemed off last night and JYPE rejecting our ideas is not new so … I assumed something else was up. I don’t know. “
I assumed something else was up. There is always a little monster on the back of my head pushing me in the opposite direction. Different weights inside me pulled, and part of me wants to spill out every bad emotion I had but it hits me — I’m the eldest. I shouldn’t be complaining over stupid little things. I should be taking care of him, not him of me. So instead I just smile, chuckling briefly.
“ —Nothing’s up. I promise. “ impossible for him to see through my lies “ —Are you going now or … ? I could take a shower in five minutes and we could go together. “
He looks behind him, like someone is calling him before looking back at me “ —Just one last scene but yeah, I’m wrapping up. I’ll be at your door in about thirty minutes … maybe wake up Yugyeom and we’ll all go, since he lives nearby. “
I nod and the call ends suddenly; I’m not sure if he got called suddenly or if it was a mistake. Either way, I finally find my strength to get up and dial Yugyeom’s number, knowing for sure he’s still sleeping. If he even picked up would be a miracle, but I still tried, walking through the house towards the bathroom. As he picks up, I instantly start talking “ —Gyeom, hey. Good morning. Get ready, Jinyoung is picking us up. Be at my house in twenty minutes, okay? I’ll get you some hot cocoa. “ the audible grump on the other side would prove of no answer to most, but I knew I’d have a sleepy giant at my door in about twenty minutes, so I set myself to hurry up. Taking a shower, actually brushing my hair for once, putting some comfortable clothing to go out but still look good enough if Dispatch were to shoot us. I finally get to my kitchen to feed Milo and make Yugyeom’s hot cocoa when the bell rings and I quickly move towards it, finding like I knew I would, a sleepy giant. I pat his shoulder leading him inside and he sits in one of the armchairs as I prepare his cocoa to take. I look at my phone and note that Jinyoung should be there soon, so I try to hurry up.
“ —Yug, come on. “ I say, before looking at him “ —Come pick up you cocoa. “ I say, before heading to my closet, picking up a scarf. It’s raining today and it’s awfully cold for a summer day. I wonder if the weather is mirroring the uneasy feeling I have settled in my heart “ Come here. “ I tell him, and sleepy Yugyeom arranges no excuses, walking to me.
I wrap the scarf around his neck without a word and at this point, neither of us is surprised I’m doing this. It’s my job to protect them. Like avoiding Yugyeom of getting a cold, looking over Jinyoung, making sure Youngjae doesn’t push his voice too far, letting Bam sleepover in the most loneliest nights, make sure JB doesn’t work himself half to death. Making sure Jackson rests. It’s me. 
My phone rings, warning me Jinyoung is downstairs and I push Yugyeom out the door, locking it behind me. We’ve been having … issues. After Bambam having to move because of Sasaengs, we have to be more careful. And after Youngjae almost losing his mind over people calling him, we made sure to solve it in a way. Some way. Is these types of things that genuinely make me angry, but I can’t take action without help. “ —Hurry. “ I mumbles to him, leaning over his shoulder before we’re out. And as expected, there are already photographers there — if it was Jinyoung’s car bringing them behind him or if they were genuinely waiting for me to leave my house, I couldn’t be too sure. I push our youngest inside the car before being confronted by a gloomy Jinyoung and, in a corner, a sleepy Youngjae. My eyes fell on the latter for a moment, before turning to Junior, raising my brows. Had my mind been telling me something?
“ —I’ll explain at JYPE. “ he mumbles, but I see his jaw clearly clenched. Whatever happened, it was bad.
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yanananas · 5 years
Mark Tuan is one of the most caring individuals on this planet
fight me if you think otherwise
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Bambam: I am the kind of person that likes to think things through.
Mark: Since when? I once saw you eat a marshmallow that was still on fire.
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blessyouhawkeye · 5 years
got6: start screaming for no reason
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got7pics · 6 years
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brianalily · 6 years
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Got7. They ar- What the actual hell is wrong with them!? Jackson why??? J-J- let me just go.
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bleuxberri · 3 years
「 got7 dad series | how many kids they'll have 」
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[a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this]
how many kids they’ll have
as dads/moms
finding out
telling your guys’ parents
telling the members
going in labor
holding the baby
baby’s first word
teaching them to walk
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𝒋𝒂𝒚 𝒃;
how many: 2 | 1 boy & 1 girl
names: im daehyun & im daeun (임대현 & 임다은)
years apart: 3 years
weight: daehyun | 7lbs ; daeun | 6lbs
measurments: daehyun | 19in ; daeun | 18in
time:  daehyun | 5:13pm ; daeun | 11:41am
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how many: 3 | 2 girls & 1 boy
english names: nicole tuan & grace tuan (twins) , & braiden tuan
korean names: dong naeun, dong gaeun, & dong beomseok (동나은 동가은 & 동범석)
years apart: 2 years
weight: nicole | 7lbs ; grace | 6lbs ; braiden | 7lbs
measurments: nicole & grace | 18in ; braiden | 20in
time: nicole & grace | 12:01am ; braiden | 4:17am
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how many: 2 | 2 boys
english names: liam wang & elijah wang
chinese names: wang jiaohua & wang qingyuan (王娇华 & 王清远)
years apart: 5 years
weight: liam | 7lbs ; elijah | 8lbs
measurments: liam | 18in ; elijah | 19in
time: liam | 3:05pm ; elijah | 5:16am
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how many: 1 | 1 boy
name: park jaehwan (박재환)
weight: 7lbs
measurments: 18in
time: 5:08pm
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how many: 1 | 1 girl
name: choi yeeun (최예은)
weight: 8lbs
measurments: 19in
time: 4:13pm
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how many: 4 | 2 boys & 2 girls
english names: xavier, cole, rose & nalina (twins)
thai names: aroon bhuwakul, chayan bhuwakul, kannika bhuwakul, & kohsoom bhuwakul (twins)
years apart: 1 year, 3 years
weight: aroon | 7lbs ; chayan | 8lbs ; kannika & kohsoom | 6lbs
measurments: aroon | 18in ; chayan | 20in ; kannika & kohsoom | 17in
time: aroon | 9:45am ; chayan | 3:19pm ; kannika & kohsoom | 12:05am & 12:10am
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how many: 3 | 2 boys & 1 girl
names: kim myungjin, kim eoijn, & kim yujin (김명진 김어진 & 김유진)
years apart: 2 years & 4 years
weight: myungjin | 8lbs ; eojin | 6lbs ; yujin | 7lbs
measurments: myungjin | 20in ; eojin | 18in ; yujin | 19in
time: myungjin | 11:10am ; eojin | 10:45pm ; yujin | 9:13am
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53 notes · View notes
limsjaebeom · 5 years
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Mark Tuan for Ele ‘18
202 notes · View notes
kiwibomb · 5 years
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mark tuan icons!!! please like or reblog if you save it!! 🐏
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