#yj psimon x reader
lazypanartist · 2 years
While you’re in the onslaught brainrot mood, can you provide terms of affection for there SO?
Wasn't expecting this to take so long to write 🙃 Got the ask a few days ago, started it, then got busy & fixated on other tasks & asks
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Nicknames for their S/o
Featuring Onslaught
Tommy Terror
Sweetheart and variations (sweetie, my sweet-)
I know that "Sweetheart - Derogatory" is a southern thing, but I can't see him using other nicknames, really
Expect to be used as an armrest; have him lean down to call you sweetie
Will RARELY use it when he's upset; if he's in a bad mood, it sounds super condescending
If he's upset, he'll just refer to you as "love"; just so if he's angry, you still know he loves you
Tuppence Terror
Doll or Dolly
Face it; she's stronger than you are
It's her power!
So to her, you're kinda just a lil ragdoll
She'll emphasize it by picking you up & squishing you
Simple and to the point, as he seems to be
He'll call you any others he gleans from your thoughts, but his go to is always "My love"
Typically not in public, but if he's working with new members of the Light and you're around?
He wants everyone to know that you're his
Almost in the Yandere sense
Now that you're her partner, you're pretty much hers, period
Ofc she lets you do your thing and whatever, she truly loves and cares about you
But if she ever sees you being threatened or whatever, it's on sight
Icicle Jr.
Not in the Fight Club way that most people use it
You're so precious to him!
One of a kind!
..and, y'know. The ice thing
Typically calls you "My snowflake" when talking to others
Not to get poetic on main, but you're the key to lighting up her world
She's a pretty reserved person, so only expect nicknames in private
Also expect things like love of darling
Cheesy, but at least she's connecting with people ^-^
It's just a cute little nickname, he told you
Helpless little bird
Really, though?
Doves are a symbol of peace
To him, you are the calm of the storm; one of the only things that can ground him, a sign that there are still good things out there
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The World Was Wide Enough
Cameron Mahkent x gn reader (established relationship)
almost 1k words
warnings: maybe language and humor
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You fell from your place floating in the air, exhaustion creeping over you. Stabilizing the reactor had taken all of your energy albeit  your earlier concern was most certainly being made valid. You felt like you could sleep for weeks. A throbbing ringing filled your ears as the world became spotted. Your feet couldn’t find the ground, contact was imposible considering your position. Within an instant you knew you would be blacking out, you only hoped there would be someone to catch you.
“I swear to God, Luther and Thawne better be ready the next time I see them. Mage could have died from that.” Your eyes remained shut, as you held onto every word surrounding you.
“It wasn't on purpose,” the voice of the one and only Psimon filled your ears.
“Yea, Junior, them doing that just thickened up their skin. They’ll be more ready the next time,” the eldest Terror Twin said. His counterpart hummed in agreement in the background.
“How about we just let them rest,” Devistation offered to the group, “Icicle, you can shut off the lights and shit. We have things we need to do.”
Cameron grumbled as the others chuckled, walking out of the room. The sound of the heart monitor you were attached to beeped to your right. Slowly you opened your eyes after the ice meta turned off the overhead light. The lamp at your bedside remained on and you glanced across the room to the last member of your messy, unagreeable team. 
“Yeah, if Reverse shows his face any time soon I’m going to pin him in the air and leave him there so he can’t phase himself free,” you said from the medical bed you were laying on.
Cameron’s head turned quickly, looking over you once, and then he bounded across the room. He swiftly lifted you up and into his arms. The embrace was cool and kind as you returned the sentiment engulfing his body with yours. 
“You scared the shit out of me, babe,” Cameron pulled back to look at you.
“Yeah, well someone has to keep you on your toes,” you smiled back at him. Cool lips pressed against your own softly and sweetly. His hand traced your cheek carefully, still worried that you would fall away again. You pulled back just enough so that your foreheads touched as you nuzzled into his space.
“I think I’m kept on my toes enough,” he said in response as you hummed at his answer, taking in his presence.
“Maybe I just thought we needed something exciting to happen. However, I was not expecting that much kickback,” you chuckled lightheartedly.
“Why would you want to put yourself through something like that?” Cam asked. “I know you didn’t think it would go well and warned them that they were underestimating the job. You could have said no,” he whispered. His eyes were sad as he stared into yours waiting for an answer. 
You brought your own hand up to his cheek. “Because I knew I’d be okay. Sure, in the moment I wasn’t fine, but I’m alright now, C. This is what we do. This is our responsibility-“
“I don’t want that responsibility. If you’re going to get hurt or pass out from shit then you shouldn’t do it and no one should fucking expect you to. I want you to be safe.” His hands grasped the one at your side.
“Cam, this job we do, it will never be safe, for either of us,” you said calmly, trying to cool the always cold criminal off.
“Then…” Cameron said, his eyes up at the ceiling as he bit his lip in concentration.
“Then?” you prompted softly, awaiting his answer. As his thoughts continued to race you patted his hair and left a gentle kiss on his temple.
“Why don’t we leave?” he asked, finally returning his gaze to you.
“Why don’t we leave?” you repeated. Your brow furrowed in confusion.
“Yeah, we can just go. The world is our oyster,” he said giddily, grabbing your hands in his, “we could run away together. We could, we could, elope!”
“Cameron, babe, I love you. But do you even know what that word means?” you questioned gently.
“Yeah, we leave everything behind and run off into the sunset free from our responsibilities,” he replied innocently with anticipation. His eyes were wide and shined brightly for your response.
“Look, Cam, I’m-I’m all for leaving if you want to leave. I’d follow you to the end of the world. However, I still don’t think you completely understand the connotation of that word,” you admitted.
“Yeah, yeah, look, we can travel the whole world together. Hang out in the Caribbean, tour Europe together, visit Italy, and travel through Rome. Trust me, I’ll make that honeymoon worth your while,” he grinned smugly, sending you a wink.
You slapped his arm jokingly with a roll of your eyes as he feigned injury, “Dick.”
“That’s what I was implying, babe,” he smirked.
“Well,” you chuckled, dancing your hand up his arm finger by finger, tracing all the way up to his shoulder, “if you promise to take me to Europe, you won’t have to wait for the honeymoon.”
Cameron’s eyes widened as he shot up from his spot beside you, “okay, let’s go. Time to get a move on, up and out of bed, babe.”
You smiled at his antics, kicking your legs over the medical bed and rose from your place. Your hands easily found his, pulling him back in. The smile on your face held affection as the look in your eyes contained excitement for the future and comfort in what was to come. You brought him closer, reattaching your lips, looking forward to the rest of your life beside him.
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Girl omg happy 300 🫢 anyway can I request prompt 3 with ur mo—
Jk jk….maybe meet cute with Psimon if that’s cool?
Sorry for taking so long!
Imagine a meet cute with Psimon. A calm, quiet day at one of the Light's bases. No fieldwork. Just a lazy sunrise filling the windows of Luthor's building with brilliant color as you, a new recruit, sit basking in the Light.
The whole morning this far had been quiet, only interrupted by measured, even footsteps. Barely a moment passed before the person rounded a corner. Now, facing you, was senior Light member Psimon. He held a cup in each hand, and only a few moments later, was crouching barely in front of you. The clear dome over his brain seemed to warp the colors of the sunlight, refracting into a beautiful rainbow on the far wall.
"I saw you alone up here.. two hours ago."
He handed you one of the cups, which warmed your hands as you accepted it.
"What have you been doing here, all this time?"
"Watching the sunrise." You scooted back slightly, offering space in the warmth of the sunlight falling through the window. "Care to join me?"
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lazypanartist · 2 years
May I let my cringe flag fly and request headcanons of Psimon x smol protective fire bender reader? Also would you be ok with doing one shots of this same reader later? If not totally ok I thought I would try to shoot my shot 😁
This isn't cringe at all! Not to me at least, lol. And oneshots later on under the same premise are totally fine ^-^
Tiny Flame - Headcanons
Psimon x Small! Protective! Fire-Meta Reader
When you first join Onslaught, he.. doesn't really take notice
Why should he?
You're just another partner; another of Queen Bee's disposable pawns
Smaller than anyone else on the team, though..
Before you go on the first mission, he's keeping an eye out for you
But all he's really getting from your head is "protect"
Assumes that you need protected
Boy, was he wrong
It registers later that he should have known how powerful you were; not just ANYONE is picked by Queen Bee
Watching you fight, though?
He watches the way your body moves, shifting to control your flames
And during missions, you make it your duty to run (or burn) circles around your team, sanding aerial attacks up in smoke
When he finally approaches you?
A power couple in the most literal sense
He scouts out enemies
You burn them down
When you two have free time, it's typically spent doing a whole lot of nothing
He asks you to show of for him sometimes
Loves being in your head when you're using your power
He can feel every mental shift, and watches as your flame responds
Come winter, if he ever gets cold, he'll (begrudgingly) ask to cuddle
You're a human space heater
Curl up with him under some blankets,
You're both insulated asf, ready to hibernate
The rest of Onslaught seems to think that y'all are pretty cute together
Especially when you tag-team an enemy twice your size
Queen Bee.. doesn't care. As long as you both do what she tells you to, you can date whoever tf you want
Which you're both grateful for
IDK where I was going with these, but yeah
All in all, great couple, v good for each other
THAT'S where I was going! Anyways-
Spoilers for season 3 ig, but
He gets bonked pretty good on the head durring a mission
You'd never allow that
(Bug off, canon!)
If Icicle Jr. starts ticking either of you off,
One quick flame his way and he's apologizing
Devastation love you, too
I mean, fr
If you yourself ever need protection, she's got you
Helps you kiss Psimon goodbye sometimes
Not really in a cutesy way, but if one of yours sent on a mission and the other isn't,
She's holding doors, railings, whatever to make sure y'all can say goodbye
I love this concept, thank you nonnie ^-^
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Ack— lemme think…..
How about Psimon x reader headcanons where reader gets severely hurt during a mission?
Feel free to reject/wait on this if you need to
..this is my 2nd time writing this because Tumblr likes to Not Save my things sometimes 🙃
But yeah! Physical harm/comfort is one of the things I like, both for consumption or creation!!
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Warnings: Depiction of injury! No beta reader
The world is falling apart around you
You can vaguely register the cries of the rest of your team, both of battle and pain
Chunks of rubble hit the ground, raining down from the collapsing ceiling
That's probably how you got into this mess, actually
Sprawled across the floor, bleeding from multiple areas
Your leg's probably broken.. not that you can register much pain, the way your head is pounding
You probably took a pretty nasty hit that you can't remember right now
You feel yourself say his name more than you hear it
The edges of your vision were creeping in, darkening with every passing second
Blood rushes your ears as you wait for a response
A sign
Anything at all..
You could feel his response, a gentle smile tugging at your lips
The mind link
Of course
You wince as you're picked up
You register Devastation looking down at you with.. was that pity in her eyes?
It didn't matter
The darkness caught up with you before your thoughts could
You come to in a hospital room
(Everyone say thank you to Uncle Lexie)
The smell of cleaning agents hit your nose first thing
Sterilization in good hospitals? Smells like the stereotypes
Trying to turn your head, you winced
Still hurts like a mofo
You tried to turn towards his voice
Still hirts
Now that you're conscious, you can feel other wounds
Cuts, bruises.. your leg was almost definitely broken
"I'm here."
His hand covers yours, fingers lacing gently to avoid the Band-Aids that litter your fingers
You can feel him move around you, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed to be in your line of sight
He has a few wounds himself, a bandage just barely visible beneath his sleeve
Hopefully nothing too serious..
He offers a small smile; the same one he gives when you two can be domestic, gleaning your brain just to feel your thoughts
"Still so worrying when you're the one with head trauma.."
You offered an indignant mumble, squeezing his hand
"..it's not too bad, is it?"
"You should be cleared for missions again as soon as your leg is healed."
You two sat in silence for quite some time; a somewhat common occurrence for your relationship with the telepath
You both knew it wouldn't do any good to panic about the situation; sometimes, things Happen during missions; the consequences can be unavoidable
Instead, you two relished one another's company
You never can tell how much longer you'll have, especially with your line of work
Didn't mean to get Real™ on main today; sorry about that 🙃 Reqs open, ofc
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