#ykwim? being able to let that guard down and feel okay and feel like they trust you too… it’s a really special thing
munamania · 2 years
alright. best i can settle on is take her at her word but not. end being friends with her. i just. i don’t expect anything from her. do i wish? yeah but like. i know it’s messy maybe and i’ve had these feelings built up for forever but it’s all just human and. really getting to know her as a person is different and i feel safe with her. i feel like maybe some day i could tell her and it would be okay
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Aussie Siblings
Sickie: Chan
Caretaker:Lily (NMIXX), and some Felix
this one’s more like a mini fic, it’s not like really short or something, it’s just not very detailed and kinda rushed if ykwim. enjoy!
ISAC. The Idol Star Athletic Championship . A day highly anticipated by both fans and idols. Fans got to see and interact with their favorite idols and those same idols got to hang out with their fellow idols and friends.
Stray Kids were no exception to the excitement of the event. When the day of the competition rolled around, they were stoked. 
This of course includes Bang Chan, who has many idol friends across the industry since he trained for so long.  Sure, he was excited to see Stay. But if he was being honest, he was mostly just excited to see his old friends that he hasn’t seen in a while. When he woke up the morning of the competition, he could feel a headache forming behind his eyes. Great. Just what he wanted. It would be okay though. He would be fine. He’s worked through a little headache before, he’ll be alright. So, he got ready for the morning as usual, trying to keep his mood up and not show that his discomfort as his headache set in. He was fine. He had to be.  For Stay and for his friends.
As the day went on, he kept his cool. No one noticed anything off about him. He really wanted to just enjoy the day. But man. This headache was really starting to get to him. His mind felt clouded over, he couldn’t even think straight. He’s been moving on autopilot all day.  He only has one event that he has left to compete in today. He just needed to get it over with so he could go home and lay down. 
His body however, had other plans. The headache was definitely turning into a migraine. Amazing. Even better. Why not just hit him with a truck at this point. 
Chan realized, that maybe he couldn’t make it this whole time with a smile on his face and continuing to be his normal self. He still wanted to compete in his event. But it couldn’t hurt to find somewhere a bit more private than our here where tons of eyes and cameras were on him and he could relax until the competition. What competition was it again? He couldn’t remember. No problem. He’d figure it out eventually. 
As his head pounded, he managed to inconspicuously slip away to where the idol bathrooms were, sliding down the wall between the bathroom entrance and a vending machine and finally getting to close his eyes.
Everyone knows that girls go to the bathroom in groups. Lily, Haewon, and Kyujin of NMIXX were wandering around together aimlessly just chatting amongst themselves when Kyujin decided she had to go to use the restroom. Haewon also wanted to use the bathroom, which was relatively close to where they were standing. Lily, not wanting to go back to the rest of the group on the other side of the arena alone, she went with them, resolved to just wait outside the bathroom and maybe grab a snack from the vending machine. But as she approached the machine, Lily saw a figure slouched over on the ground beside the vending machine to the side, where he was only visible to those who came up to the vending machine. As Haewon and Kyujin unknowingly walked into the bathroom, Lily got a closer look at whoever was sat in front of her. It took a moment to get a good look at the face of whoever it was since his head hung between his knees, but she was already pretty sure she knew who it was.
She said, her voice filled with worry
It caught him off guard, he couldn’t see who the voice was coming from because his eyes squeezed shut to block out the light. He was confused. Who calls him Chris other than Felix?
“Are you alright?”
When he heard her accent, he immediately realized who he was talking to. He didn’t know what to say. No? But he couldn’t say that, he wouldn’t be able to compete. He had already disappointed his friends by not being as social as he would have liked, he has to compete so he doesn’t let Stays down too. Before he could come up for an excuse for what he could possibly be doing on the floor like this, he felt a cold hand press against his forehead. He couldn’t help but lean into the touch.
“You don’t seem to have a high fever, maybe a small one though. What’s going on?”
She sat herself beside him with her hand rubbing up and down his back.
He muttered to her. 
She stood up, and Chan hoped she was going to let him handle this alone as always, but instead she sat back down beside him, this time with a fresh bottle of water from the vending machine. She uncapped it and handed it to him, suggesting he drink some.He took the bottle and swallowed down a few sips, before realizing how nauseas he felt. 
Haewon and Kyujin emerged from the bathroom, definitely not expecting to see Lily sat beside a very unwell Bang Chan. 
“Haewon, Kyujin, can you two go grab one of his members? The first you see, he’s not feeling well.” 
They very quickly agreed, only partially because they were worried for Chan and mostly so they could escape the awkward situation.
As they went off to get someone, Chan’s nausea was rising. 
“I… I think I’m gonna be sick.”
“Oh. Alright. Can you make it to the bathroom or would going to the trash be better” Chan opted for the trash which was much closer and only a few steps away. 
The moment they made it the the garbage Chan was bent over expelling his meager breakfast. Lily kept rubbing his now arching back and brushing her fingers through his sweaty hair. You would expect this to be awkward for her, but it really wasn’t. Chan would do the same thing for her. He HAS done the same for her back in their trainee days.  They were like siblings, a piece of home for both of them.
Felix was the member that Haewon and Kyujin found first, and when he heard of his leaders condition he was speeding over to where he was informed Chan was by the bathrooms. When he arrived, he first heard and then smelled his hyung throwing up. When he rounded the corner ready to spring into action, he found that Lily already had it covered, clearly doing a better job than he could have. She managed to remain calm and not even make a face at how nasty the whole ordeal was. When Chan was able to calm down, Felix had already called their managers and arranged for him to get a ride back to the dorms.
“Alright. Home with you.” He said to his older aussie brother.
“But the competition-“
“No way. You’re going home. End of story.”
“Thank you for taking care of him.” He then said, this time to his aussie older sister.
“No problem. Chris has always been there for me. It’s the least I can do.”
With a head nod, Felix left Lily to walk back to her group alone as he lead Chan out to the car.
This is just a random thing, but I definitely think Lily would call Chan Chris. Kinda a head cannon but I think it’s probably true
I love Lily so much. She’s my ult so i at least wanted to include her in a fic. Might start writing for NMIXX too. i was gonna ask if that’s something y’all would want and then i realized i couldn’t care less😍i write these mostly for me, send requests if you do want them, but if you don’t idc 😍😍😍🤷‍♀️Anyway, sorry for being so inconsistent lmao- I am trying to work on the requests, but I really don’t have time right now and am worried that the fic wont end up good quality. I would rather screw up my own ideas than someone else’s. 😝 but i promise they’re on the way.
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