#apologies if it results in me whining on here but i would do that anyway.
munamania · 2 years
alright. best i can settle on is take her at her word but not. end being friends with her. i just. i don’t expect anything from her. do i wish? yeah but like. i know it’s messy maybe and i’ve had these feelings built up for forever but it’s all just human and. really getting to know her as a person is different and i feel safe with her. i feel like maybe some day i could tell her and it would be okay
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bivwifeybunny · 5 months
I here by request Foolish fluff that can allude to smut!
Maybe reader has a headache and Foolish ends stream early to comfort her and she starts feeling better and then things lead into the bedroom..
(Also may I have permission to write the smut part? Like you put out the fluff and then I give the part 2 that’s smut 👀)
My Special Girl
Pairing(s): Foolish x reader
Warning(s): Cursing, alluded smut (actual smut in the part 2 hehehe 🤭), mostly just fluff tho
A/N: RAHHH I'm finally posting a fic after.... uhhh idk but a LONG time. haha... yeah sorry about that. but HEY it's a foolish fic and that's something new. shrimpy here convinced me to start writing for him (it wasn't hard since i cant say no to shrimpy lmao) but yeah, this is a little collab I did with her. so as said in the ask, she wrote part 2 with the actual smut. I loved writing this and working with her honestly. she helped with a couple questions I had and was really patient with me (i took 11 days to finish this lol rip) so would def do again. also my first collab? im so excited for y'all to read this. anyways this is getting long, enjoy and the link for part two is at the end.
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You already felt it coming on. The tension building behind your eyes and the strain forming at your temples. But you’d be cruel to deny him when he looked at you with that cute pout. So you walked off, popped an ibuprofen and came back, sitting next to him as you watched him play some Minecraft.
However, the ibuprofen was definitely not enough. Thanks to his bright ass lights, the less than cozy screaming and yelling, and the eye strain from staring at the monitors, your headache began to worsen.
“I thought Minecraft was supposed to be a relaxing game.” You groaned, eyes squinted as you struggled to keep up with the pvp he was doing.
“Maybe it could be, if Richarlyson wasn’t being such a little bITCH!” Foolish screamed, resulting in another wince from you. His fingers darted around, clicking away as he chased after the little pixelated egg.
And then came the barking.
The back and forth, screaming, barking, with the added touch of his way too bright lights and the blue light from the monitors made you groan again. You leaned your head down, your hand covering your eyes, trying to find some relief. He was so excited to show you his progress on the titan, and you promised you’d at least stay long enough to see it, but you weren’t sure how much longer you could take this.
Luckily though, most of the screaming and barking stopped when Richas made a strategic retreat and teleported away. So you were able to look back at the monitor when he called your name.
“Okay, finally. Alright, alright, look.” Foolish grinned as he warped over to his titan build and began to glide over to it. “Now, I’m obviously not completely done but I’m so close, and I only really have- No, no, nO, NO!” He whined as a creeper dropped down next to him and exploded, ruining a part of the hand.
And unfortunately for you, that note struck the wrong cord and the pounding in your head grew past your limit. “Foolish, I’m gonna go lay down, okay?” You whispered, not only because of the throbbing in your head but also so his chat wouldn’t hear. You hurried off screen, heading back into his bedroom and crawling into bed after ensuring all the lights were off. You tossed the blankets over your head and buried your face into the cool pillow, hoping it’d ease the pain.
Meanwhile, as soon as you left, the doozers were all spamming things like “what happened to ___?”, “i dont think they were feeling well”, “they had their head down earlier”, “are they okay?” and so on.
Foolish, however, didn’t even glance at chat as he hurried off of Minecraft. “I think I’m gonna call it a day, guys. Sorry this was a shorter stream than usual.” He apologized for his 3 hour stream before quickly ending.
As soon as he was sure he ended, he rushed over to his room. He frowned at the dark room and the faint outline of your body curled up under the blankets. “Baby?” He called out quietly, climbing onto the bed next to you. He leaned over, propped up on his elbow and gently drew back the blankets. “What’s wrong?”
“Head hurts.” You muttered, eyes still shut tightly, jaw clenched.
“Aw, I’m sorry, honey.” He whispered softly, turning you to face him before rubbing his thumbs over your eyebrows, a silent instruction to relax from your tense position. “Should’ve told me. I wouldn’t have asked you to come on stream if I’d known you weren’t feeling good. Did you take anything to help it?”
“Just ibuprofen but’s not working.” You answered, leaning into his touch with a soft sigh, making him smile.
“Well, here. Why don't we try a bit of this?” Foolish mumbled, pulling you on top of him. “Where does it hurt?” He asked, to which you muttered, “My temples ‘nd behind my eyes,” snuggling into his warmth. He nodded, moving his hands to your head and beginning to massage your temples gently, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You sighed in relief, relaxing your stiff position even more as he rubbed away all the tension, humming in a soothing, soft tone. You stayed like that for a while, letting Foolish work his magic while you cuddled him close.
After a little while he kissed your head again and moved his hands away, hugging you instead. “Feel any better?”
“Good.” He smiled softly. “And I hope you know I’m going to absolutely clowned on by chat tomorrow and it’s all your fault.” He teased with a playful smirk.
“I say it’s worth it. They already get to spend way too much time with you as is. It’s about time I stole you away from them for a little while.” You laughed, lifting your head to look up at him before smirking. “But if you really want me to make it up to you, I have an idea in mind I’m sure you’d like.”
“Oh ho ho ho.” Foolish giggled excitedly, meeting you halfway when you leaned up to kiss him. “Don’t mind if I do…” He smirked into the kiss, flipping you over. “But since my baby was hurting, why don’t you let me take care of you?”
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Part 2 :D by @mentallyillcrustacean
Taglist: @jordyncandy @foxilia @lacunaanonymoused @remiwastaken
Foolish taglist: none yet :)
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bunnymallowo · 1 year
My mate Azriel x reader
Okay, this was originally going to just be an idea sent to my friend, but then it got kind of out of hand🤣😅😅
*smut in between the ///////
apologies if the smut isn’t the best, I’m used to writing fully/angsty stuff <3
So basically, the idea is that y/n and her friend are at Rita’s, y/n is being cocky about how she can get anyone to go home with her, and that results in a bet :)
A/N I kinda changed about how the mating bond works, like when it snaps into place, and what usually occurs after cause ya girl needed some fluff <33 (don’t forget the soup 😉)
“I’m telling you Luc, I could get any one of them to go home with me!” I exclaimed confidently, gesturing to the people around us. “Are you sure?? ANYONE??” Lucy leaned farther back into the cushions of the booth, taking a sip from her drink with an amused expression on her face. “yes! Anyone!” I threw my hands up defensively, rolling my eyes, blissfully unaware of the three males listening to us from the corner. Lucy looked around, for the poor soul that would fall victim to tonight’s bet. “Fine then y/n, I get to choose the male, and you have to take him home” Lucy grinned at her. “fine by me” I smiled back, drinking the rest of my drink, and shaking the other girls’ hand. I hummed softly, thinking the challenge was going to be easy, because I knew I had good skills, plus most of these men were drunk enough to not care about anything else anyway.
Lucy searched for a bit, looking for the perfect male, before her eyes settled on the three Illyrian men in the corner, who were curiously watching us. “Him.” Lucy pointed towards their table. Smirking confidently.
“who?-” I turned around to follow Lucy’s pointed finger, my eyes widened when i saw who the finger was pointing at. “LUC!” I squealed, sinking down into my seat, hiding from the gaze of the men a few tables away. “What?? Y/N, you said ANYONE” Lucy giggled, “Luc! You know I can’t talk to him! He’s- he’s-” I whined softly. She knew I liked him, I mean, who wouldn’t like him, he looked like a god. She did this on purpose and I know it. She just smiled, “maybe he’s your mate~” she laughed, and I just glared at her. “Yea right, as if I would be THAT lucky” I rolled my eyes, but not pushing the thought away. She laughed, standing up and walking away as unknown footsteps came closer. “Have fun~” Lucy waved over her shoulder as I backed farther into the booth, unsure who the footsteps belonged too.
I kept my gaze at the table until well after the footsteps stopped. When I finally dared to look up I was met with a pair of the most beautiful hazel eyes I’d ever seen. Standing, with his hands resting on the table, watching me with a certain look in his eye, that I just couldn’t place, was none other than Azriel, the shadowsinger. I tried to speak but no words were forming, and it didn’t help how amused he looked at my inability to speak. What did he want? Why was he here? Let alone SMILING at me!! I could’ve fainted right then.
it’s not that I wouldn’t love to take him home with me, he was so, so perfect. I had dreamed countless times of running my hands through his hair and kissing his lips, but now that he was here. Standing in front of me, wings slightly spread, shadow’s flitting about around him, the dream didn’t seem so out of reach. It was all I could do to make myself look away from his intense gaze. “Umm.. H-hello-..” I whispered, barely loud enough to hear. I giggled softly at a cool feeling on my arm, when looking to investigate, there was a shadow swirling around my hand and wrist. The feeling was odd, unknown, but not unwelcome. It felt cool, but still warming, I smiled softly, then felt my head being tilted up. I tensed, my eyes being met with very close hazel ones. Azriel must have sat down at some point while I was distracted.
“hello darling~ And what’s your name?” he purred softly, looking down at me, smiling. I gulped “y/n…” smiling nervously, I now wished I hadn’t finished my drink from earlier. “Y/n.. suck a lovely name” be brushed the hair from my face. Gah! Where was Lucy when I needed her?! I looked around frantically for her, trying to ignore the male sitting awfully close to me. I sighed, smiling softly when I found Lucy dancing freely, almostnat one with the music and her drink in hand. Enjoying herself, and surrounded by people. Just the way she liked it. I steadied my breathing, glancing back to Azriel “should you not be with your friends?” I asked, tilting my head, and gesturing to the now empty table, confused as to where the other two went. Before I could question, he answered me. “Your company seemed better” he shrugged, running a hand through his hair. I had to refrain from reaching up and brushing the hair from his face. “Can I show you something?” He asked, tilting his head slightly. I glanced to where Lucy was now sitting “I- I mean…”I chewed softly on my lip. This could be my chance, but i didn’t want to leave my friend. “Okay..” I said, softly smiling at him. He grinned, getting out of the booth, standing up, and waiting for me to get up. “Let me tell Lucy I’m leaving. She’ll have a fit otherwise” I pointed towards Lucy, walking over ‘she’s gonna have a fit over who I’m leaving with.. that’s for sure..’ I put my hands on Lucy’s shoulder’s, giggling when she jumped out of her seat into a weak fighting stance “woah, easy soldier” I waited for her to sit back down before telling her I was leaving, covering my ears and walking away before I had to endure her squealing. “Okay, we can go now.” I smiled softly, brushing past Azriel and outside into the cool night. “it’s faster if we fly.” I heard a voice behind me, only moments before I was scooped off the ground. Startled, I clung onto his neck. He just chuckled at me “you’re not afraid of heights. Right?” He smirked again. Oh how I wanted to wipe that smirk off of his face. “No.” I said defensively, huffing. His only response was a soft laugh before we shot into the sky. I screamed, clinging to him tighter, not used to flying in someone’s arms. “something wrong darling?~” he purred as he leveled the flying. “Fuck off..” I grumbled, daring to look around, gasping softly at how small everything looked from above, still being able to make out some of the places in Velaris that I frequently visited. After a few more moments of flying, we landed on a balcony. Confused, I looked up to Az for an explanation “look y/n” he extended his arm outwards, off the edge of the balcony. When I looked out, I saw the most amazing view of Velaris, I didn’t want to stop looking “it’s beautiful-…” I said quietly, wishing to capture that view in my head forever. “Just like you,” he stopped next to me, seeming like he wanted to say more, but just stood silently. I glanced up at him “you haven’t been this quiet all night” I tilted my head at him, smiling at how peaceful he looked. There was a certain kind of spark in his eye that matched perfectly with the smile on his lips. It was everything I could do to not wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. I had hoped that’s why he brought me here, and I’d waited for so long, what was waiting a while longer.
It was as if he read my mind because suddenly there were a pair of strong hands on my waist and warm lips on mine. I melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I had waited so long for this moment, and I never wanted it to end. I ran my fingers through his hair, and it was so much softer that I could have imagined. He bit softly at my bottom lip, and I gladly parted them, letting his tongue explore the inside of my mouth.
I wanted to whine when we had to part to breathe. I missed the taste of his lips, it was intoxicating.
When I looked up to him, he was breathing heavier, more uneven. He had a look in his eyes that was drastically different from before, darker, there was a different intent in those hazel eyes. When I tried to pull away from him, it felt like there was a string tugging my heart back towards him. His hands tightened their grip on my waist as if I was the only thing keeping him centered in the moment. “Can I?..” he look down at me, and I nodded, knowing what he meant. “Az!” I squeaked when he suddenly picked me up, carrying my away from the edge of the balcony and into what appeared to be his bedroom. I was going to make a joking comment about how he didn’t even get me dinner first.
My thoughts were interrupted when I was pressed against the wall, and his lips were attached to my neck, kissing and biting against the skin. His hands found their way up my back and to the lacing of my dress, quickly untying it and pulling it off. I tried to watch where it went, but the rest of the room was too dark, and my attention had been drawn back to Azriel’s hands now freely roaming my body. “Azriel~” I whined, the ache in my core growing with each second. His hands stopped as he gently set me on the floor, trailing kisses down my neck, chest, and abdomen, until he was on his knees on the ground. Never in my life had I thought the Illyrian male would be on his knees for someone. Let alone me. Before I could process anything more, he had one of my legs slung over his shoulder, kissing and biting at my inner thigh.
My underwear had to be soaked by now, and by the look he had just given me, they were. I blushed bright red, opening my mouth and starting to say something, being interrupted once again, this time by Azriel licking a long, slow strip up my core. I gasped, arching my back off the wall, melting into his touch. The shadowsinger had since removed the rest of my clothing, pulling my other leg over his shoulder. He placed gentle kisses over the sensitive skin, chuckling at the soft whines it caused. He started kissing his way back up my body, his hands still lingering near my core. When he finally reached my mouth again, my legs were back around his waist. He brushed the hair out of my face, smirking at me. I was panting, I tilted my head, unsure what to make if his expression, when I felt two of his fingers enter into my core, the aching feeling leaving.
“Fuck!~” I grabbed onto him, nails digging into his shoulders. He held them still for a minute, before slowly moving them in and out. I was panting softly, still holding tightly onto him, his shadows swirling around us slowly. Soon I felt that familiar tension building inside, the chord tightening “Azriel~” I whined softly, trying to warn him. He must have known because he went back to kissing and sucking my neck. his fingers curled inside me moving faster as my climax neared. Then, the world around me shattered, it was pure bliss, and nothing like I’d ever felt before.
when I came back to reality, azriel was smiling at me. He kissed my forehead softly “good girl” he purred, slowly removing his fingers. I was panting, whining softly at the loss of his touch. I blushed bright red as he held eye contact with me as he brought his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean. It was as if he needed to remember this forever. Though I was embarrassed, the last thing I wanted to do was look away.
when he was done, he gently set my legs back onto the ground. ”more..please..” I looked up at him, pleading. I had always dreamt of him touching me like this, of him touching me at all, and I couldn’t help it. There was something that was tugging me to him. It was like I couldn’t get enough. he seemed to think for a moment.
“Bed. Now.” He growled, and had an almost predatory look in his eyes. I nodded, hurrying to the bed, not wanting to see him mad. Well, maybe I did want to see him mad..just not now..not in this moment
I was looking around, but it was too dark to see him until he was right next to the bed. I knew he looked good, but damn! He could’ve been a god with a body like that. I let my eyes wander all over his body, smiling softly. I looked up to him “ they weren’t wrong about an Illyrians wingspan correlating to other parts” I giggled, brushing stray hair out of his face, feeing that tug on my heart string again. He just chuckled, climbing on the bed, and getting in between my legs. “Sweetheart, they weren’t wrong about many things” he kissed my lips again, positioning himself. He brushed the hair out of my face, smiling at me “so beautiful” he whispered, slowly entering, stopping every so often to make sure I wasn’t hurt.
Once the whole way in, he stopped, checking to see that I wasn’t in pain. When I tugged him closer to kiss him again, he started moving, his pace was slow at first, watching my pained expressions turn into ones of pleasure. I took a risk and lightly ran one of my fingers against his wing. He groaned, shuddering. “I guess they weren’t wrong about much, two for two” I giggled when he suddenly started to pick up speed, and my whines turned into full on moans.
I didn’t know how much longer I could hold on “Az!~” I arched my back off the bed as he hit the perfect spot. He positioned himself so he would hit that spot with every thrust. I could feel the tension building, threatening to snap “Az~fuck~close~” I whined, wrapping my legs around his waist “already princess?~” he chuckled, leaning down to whisper in my ear “cum for me~” he bit softly at my earlobe, and that sent me over the edge. My world shattered again, and I think I saw stars, a few thrusts later and Azriel came too. He let me ride out my high, before slowly pulling out. He leaned down to gently kiss me.
“Do you want a bath?” He asked gently, and I nodded, too tired, and stunned to speak. Had that really just happened? I couldn’t believe it. As he walked away it felt as though that string on my heart snapped into place. I knew what it meant, it had felt just as though my sister had described it to me, but it couldn’t be. He couldn’t be my mate.
I shut my eyes, almost ready to let sleep take over when a pair of arms, one under my waist, and the other behind my knees, lifted me off the bed. I whined softly in protest, opening my eyes slightly, I was met with two warm hazel eyes, and a soft kiss on the forehead.
“are you okay?” Azriel asked as he gently lowered me into the tub. The hot water felt like heaven, and I wanted to wrap myself in it like a blanket. I hummed, nodding softly in response “just perfect..” I yawned again, sleep still wanting to take over “tired..but perfect” i smiled, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the tired. Azriel laughed , sitting beside the tub in case I needed anything. He had already brought me water, and some snacks “ooh! Food” I exclaimed happily, eating some, then sinking back into the tub, watching the steam.
“why,” I sighed, thinking of my wording “why DID you come up to me tonight at Rita’s?” I looked over to Az, meeting his gaze and waiting for an answer. “I-“ he stopped to think “you just seemed..” he stopped. I tilted my head curiously “you looked so beautiful, I couldn’t help myself. Plus when I overheard what you said to your friend..who was it..Lucy?? I just couldn’t help myself” he grinned and I splashed water at him in a response. After a bit longer in the water, when my hips had stopped hurting and my body relaxed, I looked up Azriel who had stood back up “towel please..” I whined softly, waiting as he grabbed a towel form seemingly nowhere and unfolded it so I could wrap myself in it. I gladly took the towel, wrapping it around myself. he picked me back up without saying anything and carried me back to his room.
after he gave me clothes to wear, that were bigger than I’d thought they’d be, I turned to look at him. “Earlier.. you said you heard what I said to Luc at Rita’s.. eavesdropping isn’t very gentleman like you know” I stuck my tongue out at him. “oh no..what ever will I do..” he rolled his eyes, chuckling. My heart strings tugged forwards again, wanting to be closer to him, to hold onto him.
I wondered if he felt the same tug that I did, but with that mask over his face, I couldn’t always tell what he was feeling. I debated wether to say anything, or to just ignore it. I thought of how my sister and her mate found out, which I guess this was a better outcome than that.. but I didn’t want to accept it. I couldn’t accept it, for fear he wouldn’t. I should say SOMETHING about it. Lucy would kill me if I told her that I didn’t tell him…
I must have had some expressing on my face cause I felt a warm hand against the side of my face, i immediately leaned into the welcoming, safe touch. “Do..do you feel it too??…” I said, barely above a whisper. Azriel tilted his head “Hm?” My heart sunk a little “the, the tug..” I muttered, looking up at him, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. He studied my face, his etched with concern. “Hey, don’t cry” he wiped the tears that dared fall from my eyes “I felt it too, I felt it long before I talked to you..” he pulled me closer.
“I’ve waited so long for this..” I muttered, holding tightly onto him, almost afraid it would all disappear. “Me too y/n..me too..” he replied, kissing me gently. I pulled away slightly “does that mean you’re-“ he cut me off my putting a finger over my lips “yes, it means I’m your mate” I grinned into his chest, my heart sang happily my mate my mate my Mate. He laid down onto his bed. I wondered when the sheets had gotten changed. ‘House magic’ I assumed. He ran his hands through my hair, holding me close to him, his wings curled around us, shadows calming down. I shut my eyes, finally welcoming the darkness of sleep.
I awoke with a jolt, unsure of where I was, and panicked. These weren’t my clothes, this was my bed, OR my room. And my house doesn’t smell like Cedar and cinnamon. I sat up as both memories from the previous night, and a pounding headache came flooding in. I groaned, burying my face back into the pillows.
there was a soft knock on the door, and after a few seconds I could hear it opening. “Y/n, Love, It’s almost noon, I brought you some soup.” I opened my eyes, smiling softly at the man in front of me. My mate. I still couldn’t believe it. I forced myself to sit up, happily taking the soup and eating it, slowly letting the thoughts of last night in “LUCY!” I yelled frantically, looking up at Az “oh cauldron! Lucy’s gonna be so worried!” I set the tray down and started to get up, but two strong hands pushed be back to sitting “Y/N, calm down, it’s okay. Cass and rhys told her you were staying at the house with us.” Great..and I thought I could get away without telling her everything for a bit longer.. “I’m sorry for them” I laughed softly, Azriel looked confused “she squeals..really..REALLY loud when she’s excited about something.” I grinned, at the look on his face. He nodded with understanding. “The other’s are downstairs If you wanna go down, or we could just stay up here?” He offered, waiting for a decision, stretching his wings out. Could I meet them? Would they want to meet me? I thought about it for a bit, deciding I should meet them now rather than prolonging it. “Okay..” I said nodding. Standing up “I’d like to meet them..” he kissed me gently, taking my hand and walking down the stairs.
never had I thought last night was going to go as well as it did. Nor had I thought Lucy was going to be right. I steadied my breath as we walked into the room. I was finally going to meet the Inner circle.
I kept my gaze steady on the ground as we walked in, I could hear the talking get quieter as we approached the table. I held tighter onto Azriel, glancing up at the other’s. “Hello..I’m-..” I took a deep breath “I’m y/n” I smiled softly, studying everyone’s faces. Feyre and Mor looked the most excited, Cassian seemed intrigued and Rhys nodded politely, smiling. It was all I could do to not hide behind my mate.
we sat down at the table, and everyone continued their previous conversation, Feyre and Mor bombarding me with questions. Not to be rude, just curious. I answered them to the best of my abilities. The eventually left me alone, questions ceasing.
i grabbed Az’s hand underneath the table. Squeezing it gently, I leaned closer, yawning. He looked at me, his hazel eyes sparkling. Squeezing my hand back, and kissing my forehead.“Tired love?” He whispered softly, I nodded, groaning in response. “I’m sorry, I can’t keep my lady up” he shrugged, grinning, and standing up, picking me up with him.
his lady
the words rang in my ears, my face and ears burning slightly. I smiled, holding tighter onto him as he walked back up the stairs. I was almost asleep as he walked back into his room, gently laying my on the bed, sitting next to me, and gently rubbing my back “go to sleep love” he Purred softly as I patted the spot next to me, wanting to be closer to him. “Lay” I whined softly, pouting out my bottom lip.
he chuckled quietly, laying in the vacant spot on his bed. I happily rolled over, laying my head on his chest, feeing his arms wrap protectively around me. “You’re never leaving me now. You’re stuck with me..foreverrr!”He exclaimed squeezing me lightly, making me giggle. “I don’t know, forever seems like a long time” I leaned up, kissing him gently. “But with you, forever isn’t long enough.” I smiled, laying my head back on his chest, sighing happily.
I couldn’t have asked for anything more. I could have wished on all the stars in Velaris and never even dreamt this could happen. I found him, my mate…I couldn’t wait to tell Lucy, but for now, Az felt so warm and sleep was so welcoming. ‘Tomorrow’ I thought. I’ll tell her tomorrow…
A/N: okay, this was a lot longer than I originally intended, and it spieled off more than I thought. Why does my writing just end up showing what I want in a relationship.. damn I’m lonely…😭😭<3
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darkwaveho · 2 years
Parings: Stoner!Wanda Maximoff x reader
Summary: The morning after you unexpectedly slept with wanda.
Warnings: 18+, smut, cursing, fluff, nudity, brief voyeurism, domestic vibes. R and Wanda just being horny butts 😭
A/n: Sorry for the long wait I was very busy with work and family stuff. But hopefully this long part makes up for it. 💜😌 also this is not proofread so I apologize for any errors 🫶🏽
Part 7| |Part 9
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you stir awake when you feel feather like touches on your face. you open your eyes softly, jumping when you see Wanda staring back at you. “Dude!” she laughs at your outburst. “Good morning, princess.” she softly kisses your nose. “Do you always watch people when they sleep?” you sit up in the bed wondering how long she’s been watching you sleep. 
“No, I never let anyone sleep over before.” she shrugs as she props herself up on her elbows. “So, I’m basically your first for everything?” she links her fingers with yours before she answers. “There’s a reason why I call you my special girl.” your eyes drop down to your linked fingers before you finally notice what was different.
“That’s not what you had on last night.” she looks down at her clothes and back to you. “You can undress me if you want” she playfully wiggles her eyebrows.  “But no these aren’t the same clothes I had on last night, I went out this morning while you were sleeping.” 
“Oh” were you that deep in sleep that you didn’t feel her leaving the bed? “I went out and got you some things.” she hands you a bag with a toothbrush and other hygienic products. “Geez I didn’t think my morning breath was that bad.” you joke with her. “No, that’s not what I was-”  she relaxes when she sees your playful expression. “Relax, I was just kidding.” she narrows her eyes at you. “Gimmie a kiss.” she says it low and sultry. you shake your head moving away from her. “I literally just told you I had morning breath.” 
“So, what, I don’t care.” she crawls towards you on the bed like an animal moving in on its prey. “Wanda, no” you send her a warning that only results in her smiling and continuing her movements. She leaps towards you on the bed but you’re quick to dodge and pin her down. “Jesus, what are you a part time wrestler or something?” Wanda husks out from underneath you. “No, but I’m sure I could pin them down as well. Would you like that?” She narrows her eyes at you. “Absolutely not, if you’re gonna be pinning anybody down it’s gonna be me.” You laugh and press your nose against hers. “Then stop complaining.” 
“I will if you kiss me.” You lean down to give her what she wants. She wants more the second your lips touch hers. The audacity of you to give her a peck on the lips did you not know her? She pulls you deeper into the kiss, surprising you just to push her tongue past your lips. when you push her away, she settles for small pecks until you stop her before she gets carried away again. “Alright, that’s enough.” You grab the bag and head to the bathroom to rid yourself of morning breath. 
“Hurry up” she whines impatiently and decides to rid herself of some of her clothes while she waits. She hears you mumble something from inside the bathroom. She laughs not understanding anything you just said. “What was that baby?” You spit and rinse your mouth out before finally replying to her. “I said don’t rush me.” you walk outside to find Wanda laying underneath the covers. 
“What are you up to?” You carefully eye her. “Nothing…now get back over here.” She holds her arms open for you to take your previous position on top of her. you know she’s up to something, but you crawl onto the bed anyway. she pulls the covers back to show you her body in full display. “All this for me?” you position yourself on top of her and glide your hand down from her neck to the hem of her shirt. you move your finger to brush against her waistband but come up short when all you feel is her. she giggles at your shocked reaction. “Just for you.” she finally replies, bringing you in for a kiss.
“You look so fucking good wearing my clothes.” you hum in agreement with her confession. “Just take everything in my closet, I can buy new clothes.” she’s breathless already and you’re only on her neck at the moment. you move away from her neck grinning at her. “Wouldn’t you want me to wear your new clothes too?” 
“Definitely.” her hands travel down to the hem of your shirt. “But Right now, I don’t want you wearing anything.” she pulls at your shorts “You gonna take these off for mommy?” your breath hitches as you feel her wide smirk forming against your skin. “Shut up!” you swat at her shoulder. “I never took you for having a mommy kink baby.” 
“Yeah, I never took you for having one either, I bet you’d love to hear me say it again.”  
“Isn’t that right, mommy?  if I stick my finger inside you, will it come back soaked?” You slide your fingers past her entrance. “Seems like you love it more than I do” you pull your fingers out showing just how wet she got. she grabs your hand trying to place your fingers back inside her. 
“Did you want something?” she whines and tries pulling you closer. “Don’t tease.” you get into a heated makeout session and give her what she wants. 
“Take this off.” she pushes further for the removal of your shirt. you take the shirt off and throw it behind you. “Happy now?” you ask. wanda grins up at you and nods her head. “Very happy.” she takes the opportunity to lift up and take hers off as well.  your lips instantly attach themselves to hers once she settles back on the bed. your fingers glide across her clit before you angle your kiss further down her body, stopping right at her wet and pussy core. you attach your lips to her nub. you start your pacing slow no matter how much you want to pound into her, you want her begging for it. 
“Hey Wand-” Wanda’s door springs open. you jump away from Wanda covering yourself and facing the noise. 
“What the fuck.” 
“Nat, what are you doing here?” Wanda was clearly upset about interruption, but she didn’t bother to cover herself up.
“Did you forget about me moving in?” she completely unfazed by everything in front of her. “Shit, I forgot.” 
“Clearly.” she says with a knowing smirk. 
“Well, knock next time.” she makes an unamused face. “I never knock.” Wanda grows tired of having the conversation and throws a pillow at Natasha. “Just get out.” Natasha rolls her eyes and leaves the room. Wanda grows nervous with your silence. “Are you alright?” you smile and nod your head. you immediately get back into things. this time choosing to go for her neck. Wanda holds your head in place welcoming the feeling of you marking her up. just as your fingers move past her folds the door opens again causing you to pull way once more.
“Can I have that breakfast that’s on the table?” she points behind her, once again unfazed by what’s happening in front of her.
“Get the fuck out Nat!” she repeats. “Alright, alright, and you might want to crack a window in here.”  Natasha relents and leaves the room. “God she’s so annoying sometimes” while Wanda was steaming over Natasha’s actions, you turn her face back to yours.
“You brought me breakfast?” you stare at her in adoration watching her shy expression take over. “Yeah” she nibbles on her lip, and you move forward attaching your lips against hers. not a quick peck, a deep meaningful kiss. you pull away and wait for her to open her eyes again. 
“If that’s what I get for buying you breakfast, I’m buying you breakfast every morning.” 
“You’re adorable.” she leads your hand back down to her center, but you pull away ignoring her disapproving expression. 
“Finish what you started.” 
“Not with Nat sitting outside.” you look toward the door and back to Wanda. “You don’t even know if she went in her room or not.” 
“I’ll tell her to leave.” she rushes out the words and tries to get up from the bed. “Wanda no, I need to get dressed anyway.” you kiss her one last time and get up from the bed gathering your clothes. “Wha- you’re leaving?” she was very disappointed. she wanted more time with you and besides it was the weekend you didn’t have class or anything what was the rush? “Yeah, I need to go back to my dorm and shower, and I still need to set up that laptop.” you turn back to look at her frowning. “You didn’t even eat breakfast yet and you can shower here.”  you weren’t trying to be an asshole but that’s what it felt like. Wanda was just never on the receiving end of being treated this way. 
“Stay.” she presses quick kisses to your face. “Fine, fine. I’m going to shower first and then I’ll eat breakfast.” Wanda nods her head as she watches you walk into the bathroom. she follows right behind you until you stop her at the doorway. “Uh un, you go out there and keep Natasha company.” she pouts as you give her the clothes she discarded. she can’t believe her friend ruined her early morning nut. and now Wanda couldn’t even shower with you because she rudely interrupted. 
“Why can’t I shower with you?” 
“Because you’ll want to do more than just shower....and so will I now get out of here.” you playfully push her towards her room door. “Are you really kicking me out of my own room?” 
“That’s exactly what I’m doing.” she smacks her lips. and turns around before turning the knob. “Can I at least get a kiss?” she puckers her lips and waits patiently for you to grant her wish. “No funny business.” you warn her before giving into her charms. “No funny business, princess.” you didn’t trust her, so you pulled a move out of your book from the date you had yesterday. you give her a kiss on the cheek which alerts her to open her eyes again. she was not amused by it and now she was really going to take her anger out on Natasha. you stop her from leaving and pull her against you until your lips meet. 
“Don’t pout, we can finish later.”  this was just making things worse for wanda. “What if you just slide your fingers inside me and I do all the work? I’ll be quick I promise.” she whispers in the crook of your neck. you didn’t want to make her beg this long but you were still a little embarrassed about what happened in the restroom at the club. there was no way you were going to fuck wanda with Natasha right outside the door. you’d just have to make it up to Wanda later. 
“That’s very tempting but..” she pulls away from your neck making a disapproving noise and puts her shirt back on. “Fine.” she leaves out of the room and instantly makes her way over to the couch where Natasha is sitting scrolling on her phone.
“Finished already?” she looks up from the screen just as Wanda smacks Natasha’s head with the couch cushion. “You idiot we barley even got started no thanks to you.” Wanda plops down on the couch with a childish pout. she couldn’t even finish herself off because you kicked her out of her own room, but she wasn’t going to tell Natasha about that part she’d tease her for life. 
“My bad I didn’t know. I didn’t even know she would be here.” she apologies sincerely. “It’s fine, I didn’t expect her to be here either.” this peaks Natasha’s interest. 
“So...how was it?” Natasha nods towards Wanda’s bedroom. Wanda wasn’t going to go into full details, but she was comfortable with sharing this time. she needed to tell someone before her brain blew from excitement. “Amazing.” is all she says. “That’s all you’re giving me?” she lifts an eyebrow and waits. 
“After the club we came back here had some ice cream, watched tv, smoked and talked.” Wanda shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly. “So, all of that and you finally got her in your bed?” Wanda just nods her head.  
“What else?”  
“Why does there have to be something else?” 
“Because you let her sleep over, duh. You’ve never let anyone stay the night, hence why I never have to knock.” Nat narrows her eyes in on Wanda. “You really like her, don’t you?” 
“More than like...she’s my girlfriend now.” 
“Holy shit!” she sits up in a better position. “Does Yelena know? You know if you hurt y/n she’ll kick your ass, right?” 
“Believe me we already had that conversation already.” 
“Wait hold up, you told Yelena before you told me?” 
“No, Natasha. she kept asking questions when I showed up in front of her door with... things that weren’t for her.” Natasha hums in acknowledgement not pushing on more information. “Soo...I’m the first person to know?” Wanda sighs and rolls her eyes. “Yes, Natasha you’re the first to know.” she smiles and bumps Wanda’s shoulder. “I better be.” she pulls Wanda into a hug. “I’m happy for you.” 
“Never thought I’d see the day that Wanda Maximoff would have a girlfriend.” 
“I know.” wanda tries biting her lip to contain the wide smile but she fails. “Awww the baby is growing up.” she pinches wanda’s cheeks annoyingly. “Yeah, when will you?” she gasps and throws the pillow at wanda. you enter the living room just in time to witness the playful exchange. it’s not until you laugh that they stop the pillow battle. wanda looks up first of course and flees over to you wrapping you in her warm embrace. 
“Hey.” she smiles wider with seeing you in her clothes once again.
“Hey, yourself.” natasha interrupts the moment once again. “I’m fine too, thanks for asking.”
“Go awayy.” wanda dips her head down against your shoulder.
“Hey, Nat.” you finally get the chance to properly greet her.
“Hey y/n, sorry about earlier.”
“Oh, it’s fine don’t worry about it.” you quickly dismiss her apology. while this conversation with natasha is taking place wanda has drawn her attention to your neck. she wanted more marks on you.
“I would ask if you had fun last night but we both know the answer to that don’t we?” you had a strange feeling that natasha wasn’t just talking about your night with wanda. your response gets interrupted with a moan after wanda gets a little carried away on your neck. you lightly scold wanda as she pulls away. you miss the way natasha’s nails dig into the fabric of the couch. wanda pulls you to the kitchen not waiting any longer to get your breakfast. “Okay, I got you French toast, eggs and bacon.” she opens the container. her mood shifts to rage when she’s met with an empty container. 
“Natasha, did you eat her food?” 
“Well, I asked if I could have the breakfast, and you didn’t say no.” she shrugs and walks near the counter. “Plus, it looked like she already ate pretty good to me.” she flashes her signature smirk after the sexual innuendo that has wanda charging after her “I’m gonna kill you.” you grab her hand to stop her. “It’s okay, wanda I can get something from the coffee shop.” 
“No, I wanted you to eat real breakfast.”
“Alright let’s go, I’ll buy you guys some breakfast, my treat.” Natasha holds up a stack of cash. “No, you stay here and unpack. while we go to breakfast.” she motions between you and her while snatching the cash from Nat’s fingers. wanda goes into her bedroom putting her clothes on and grabs a baseball cap. on your way out the door natasha speaks once more before the door closes. “At least bring me something back.” she shouts. wanda give her a quick “Fuck you” in response on the other side of the door.
“Uh Wanda, people are staring.” you’ve noticed the lingering stares and dirty looks for a minute now. you tried pushing past it, but this was newfound attention that you weren’t quite ready for. she stops walking to face you. “Good, let them.” she leans in whispering lowly. you kiss her on the lips, and she stares dreamingly at you. a little too long for your liking and other people trying to get into the restaurant. 
“Are we gonna go in now, babe?” a light growl slips past her lips before she pulls you in one final kiss from the pet name. she isn’t sure if you realize just how much your words affect her. holds the door open for you. “After you princess.” she holds your hand as you both walk inside finding an empty booth. she insists on sitting next to you instead of across from you. Wanda orders the same thing she bought for you earlier before Natasha rudely ate it. somewhere during your breakfast date Wanda decided to pull on onto her lap. she really couldn’t keep her hands off of you.  
your phone had been going off consistently for a few minutes now, Wanda wanted to snatch the phone and tell whoever it was to fuck off, but she had to show restraint and she didn’t want to seem like a controlling girlfriend.
“What’s wrong?” she peaks over your shoulder to look at your screen. “Yelena is blowing up my phone because I didn’t come home last night.”
“She can wait. here hand me your phone.”  she holds her hand out and you place your phone in her hand. “What are you doing?” 
“Telling Yelena that you’re getting your pussy ate at the moment.” she shrugs as you try to take the phone from her. “Wanda don’t do that what the fuck.” she laughs harder. “Relax princess, I was just kidding I just told her you were with me.” 
“Do you always play this much?” you scuff as you relax in her hold. “We don’t have each other’s number.” you hum. “I actually hadn’t realized that. seems like we did things out of order.”
“Well, I tried to give you my number, but you shot me down remember?” you shift in her lap to fully face her. “That’s because you were being obnoxious.” 
“Whatever, you were being so damn mean to me” you gasp at the accusation. “No, I was not.” she laughs at getting you riled up. “I’m not gonna argue with you baby, now hand me your phone again.” before you can question her again, she stops you. you hand her the phone and unlock it for her. you grow curious trying to see what she’s doing in your phone after she’s silent for a moment too long. she hold your phone up to her face and slowly moves at different angles. “Wands, what are you doing?” 
“I’m putting my face scan in your phone to unlock it duh.” should you be mad at this? she didn’t ask permission and it was an invasion of privacy. but on the other hand, she was your girlfriend now. “Here all done, I put my number in there too.” she leans in more. “It’s under daddy of course.” she gloats as she says the title out loud. “Yeah, I’ll be changing that right now.” Wanda groans. waiting for you to tell her what you changed her contact name to. 
“Demon Spawn fits better.” you wink at her. “See, you’re still being mean to me.” she pouts and hands you her phone for you to do the same. you scan your face and go to her contact list to see what she has your name under. your eyes land on the words ‘my printcessa <3’. and you can’t help the smile that spreads on your face from seeing it. when Wanda’s phone buzzes your smile fades immediately.
“who is it?”
“Someone named Kimberly.” you say with no emotions while handing out her phone. noticing your change in mood she knows it’s more than just a drug request and she’s correct when she takes a look at the actual message about when Wanda would be available to fuck her. she nervously clears her throat.  “Sorry, I need to get started on blocking them.”
“Don’t worry about it, we only just got together last night.” Wanda’s quick to give you reassurance even if you weren’t making a big deal about this, she can still see how much it bothered you. “Nope, I’m blocking every single last one of them.” that was gonna be a long list but for you she would spend the necessary time to do it. she grabs her phone and holds it up in front of your faces. “What are you doing?” you say after the shutter sound goes off. “Taking pictures so I can post them.” she bites her lip nervously. 
“Unless you don’t-” your lips cut her words short. “Of course, I want that.” you take the phone from her. “Just find better angles babe.” you take a few pictures making different faces and different poses while still seated in the booth. wanda wants to take one last picture. you decide to surprise her wanting to see her reaction organically on camera. you take her snapback off placing it on your head and kiss the corner of her mouth. you already know her eyes were wide on that picture. “I’m making that one my home screen.” you don’t waste any time with doing that. 
“Can I post these now? you know once I post them your phone is gonna blow up right? I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed, but I do want everyone to know that we’re together.” she’s still nervous with talking about her feelings with you. “Just so there’s no confusion about anything.” you lean your forehead against hers. “You can post them baby.” that was the third time you’ve used a pet name for her today and it’s amazing how much self-control she’s shown. this was driving her way past the term of feral. 
“You do know I’m still horny right?” you giggle and pull her closer. “How is that my fault? you should blame your new roomie.” wanda groans at the memory of her best friend ruining her morning sex. you squish her cheeks. “Don’t pout I told you we can finish later.” you meant it, wanda just thought that was something you said to shut her up. “I can finish now; all you have to do is sit still for me.”  she lightly starts grinding against you. 
“Wanda no.” You lower you voice to a harsh whisper. “we’re not dry humping in here.” she smacks her lips in frustration. “Fine” you get up from her lap. “I’ll be back I’m going to the restroom to make sure I don’t have anything on my pants.” 
“Your pants are fine, sit back down, or I could come with you.” she wiggles her eyebrows deviously. “Absolutely not. I’ll be quick I promise.” you walk away from the booth. wanda stares at your ass as you walk away. She sits at the booth thinking about more date ideas. More toys to use on you. She also wondered how you felt on the idea of bondage.
A voice snaps her out of her daydream. “Wanda?” she looks up to the tall built figure. “Pietro? what are you doing here?” he points behind him. “I just finished getting breakfast with the track team, what are you doing here?” he looks at all the food on the table. “You have company?” wanda was quick to deny it. it wasn’t like she was trying to hide you, she literally just posted you on her page, but her brother was annoying, and he obviously hadn’t received the news yet. “Nope.”
“Rightt, so you just ate all this food by yourself then?” he tilts his head awaiting her answer which he knew would be a lie. 
“It’s called having the munchies, now fuck off Piet.”
“You sure you don’t want me to keep you company?”
“Nope, I’m fine.”
“Are you okay? You look nervous.” she snaps her head back to her brother. “What? no, I’m fine just waiting on you to leave me in peace.” she didn’t want Pietro hounding you with questions. she just wanted you all to herself. he could talk your ear off another time maybe she’ll ask you to come home with her for break to meet her father. Or would that be too soon? “Is Jarvis still bothering you? because you let me know and I’ll-” he gets cut off mid-sentence when you approach the booth again. 
“Hey, Pietro.” 
“Uh, hey y/n.” he sends a shit eating grin towards his sister. “What are you doing here?” he pushes for more information just to see wanda sweat. “Oh, Natasha ate my breakfast so, wanda brought me here.” 
“So, like a date?” he says the words and looks up at the ceiling avoiding the glare from his sister on the other side of the table. “Yeah, but this is technically our what? fifth date?” you look to wanda and her mood instantly shifts back to simp-land. Pietro was shocked of course seeing his sister on a date? that was very unusual wanda would have to stop you from talking further just in case you spilled to him about the things she bought you she would never hear the end of it. 
“And how long has this been going on?” he says before her takes a sip of wanda’s orange juice. he points between you and wanda. honestly, she’s had enough of playing twenty-one questions with her brother. “For fucks sake Pietro It’s new, and she’s, my girlfriend.” she pulls you to sit on her lap. he chokes on the orange juice with the news. 
“Are you alright?” you move to help him but wanda keeps you seated on her lap. 
“Mmhm, yup, fine.” you hold his hand up while he tries to clear his airway. wanda speaks after he’s calmed down. “You okay with me settling down?” he smiles “Of course I am.” he smiles then looks directly at you. “I can’t wait for you to visit on break so I can show you old videos of Wanda, it’s embarrassing.” Wanda rolls her eyes; she’d be sure to hide everything down to the photo album if you did decide to go home with her. 
“Over my dead body.” Pietro can sense the irritation on Wanda, so he finally excuses himself from the table. “I should get going, I hope to see you around more y/n.” you part your lips to speak but Wanda beats you to it. “You will.” confidence radiating off of her as she says it. before Pietro leaves, he needed to speak with Wanda about something serious.
“Wanda, a word please?” he nods he head in the direction of the door. she can see it’s serious, so she follows him. “What’s up?” she gets straight to the point. 
“You’re serious about this?” 
“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” 
“Wanda you’ve never been in a relationship before. A serious, committed relationship.” he puts the emphasis on committed wands built quite the reputation for herself when it came to feelings and relationships. he wanted to make sure she was in it one hundred percent. 
“I’m not going to cheat on her if that’s what you’re implying.” she rolls her eyes and focuses back on you sitting at the table. “Good, she’s not like the other girls you’ve been banging and because Yelena will-” 
“I know, I know. she’ll kick my ass; now will you leave me and my girlfriend alone? she has a paper she needs to write and you’re wasting the time I have left with her.” he nods once gives her a hug and whispers in her ear. “Monogamy looks good on you sister.” she brushes past him without a word, making her way back to the booth. 
“Everything alright?” you curiously ask. Wanda hums and taps your leg for you to stand. “Everything is perfect.” she sits down and places you back on her lap. 
Once you’re done eating Wanda takes you back to your dorm no matter how badly she wanted you to come back to her apartment. she knew you had to set your laptop up and get started on your film midterm paper. “Thank you, for the breakfast.” you lean against the door to your dorm room. “You’re welcome.” she anxiously moves the rings on her fingers. 
“Do you want to stay for a while?” you didn’t want to leave her either, but you really needed to at least start on that paper. Wanda thinks on it for a moment but ultimately decides to decline. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, I’ll only distract you.” no matter how selfish she wanted to be she needed to do her girlfriend duties of keeping you on track with your academic studies.
“You’re probably right, see you later then?” she nods once “See you later.” neither of you make a move to go your separate ways. you yank her by her shirt shoving your tongue past her lips. your back hits the door. she hums just content with making out with you, but you move your hands past the waistband of her joggers. you both gasp from the contact once you make small circles on her clit. “Fuck I didn’t know you were this wet.” you couldn’t even keep a steady pace on her nub without your fingertip occasionally sliding off. it wasn’t enough she needed more. “Inside, please.” having her pant against your lips in the middle of the hallway turned you on even more. sure, the hallway was empty at the moment but if someone walks by you wouldn’t dare stop what you were doing. what happened this morning was under different circumstances. 
“I got you baby.” you keep your thumb on her clit while slipping three fingers inside her to help the process move along faster, the way her walls squeeze your fingers, her uneven breathing and the way she bucked against you made you reconsider on asking her to stay and forgetting about that damn paper. “I’m gonna cum, don’t stop.” she holds you tighter as she bucks frantically. just as she was about to finally reach her peak you yelp in surprise causing her to unscrew her eyes. you stumble as the door opens behind you pulling Wanda along. you look up to see Kate and yelena’s face. Yelena was just about to make a joke until she seen your hand placement. 
“Oh god, please tell me you weren’t doing what I think you were doing.” she holds her hand up. “Actually, never mind I don’t wanna know.” she makes a disgusted face. you quickly pull your hand out of her pants and sit up on the floor. “Why were you even by the door anyway you creep?” you say as wanda pulls you up from the hard floor. “Well, we heard voices, so we got nosy and decided to eavesdrop.” yelena and kate both shrug their shoulders in sync. wanda chimes in finally getting over another interruption for the day. she finished but her orgasm was ruined she didn’t get the full pleasure of her release. 
“That’s what you get for being nosy, next time we’re gonna have to charge you for the show.” Wanda sends a tight lip smile to yelena before she kisses you one more time. 
“You guys are cute.” Kate truthfully admits. she just hates how she played a part in you two getting together, and how you two got together.
“Ew, that’s it, time for you to go. I refuse to hear or watch you do anything to my friend.” she pushes wanda to the door again. Kate speaks up before wanda can leave. “Actually, wanda wait up I need to talk to you about something.” she gives her a knowing look that wanda was quick to dismiss, she wasn’t in the mood to talk about that right now. “I can’t right now, Kate I have to head to my art studio for a bit, but later.” that wasn’t a total lie she really did have to go work on her project, but it was a very valid excuse to use. she nods once and sends you a wink before she leaves. 
When the door closes Kate and Yelena hound you for answers about what happened last night and the huge social media bomb you dropped today with going public with Wanda. Kate sends a quick text to Wanda sending her a reminder about how they really need to talk. she felt horrible about what she had done. after a while they leave you to work on your paper, after about an hour your phone notifications go off one after the other. checking your phone, you see the name ‘Demon baby’ on the screen. when you scroll through the text messages your heart flutters. 
“I miss you :( ” 
“I hope your paper is coming out good.”
“I’m still horny by the way.”
you text her back telling her that you missed her too and that your paper was nearly done. 
“You didn’t say anything about me still being horny... rude.”
that makes you laugh, you thought for sure when she made it back to her apartment that she would’ve taken care of that herself. you quickly come up with something to help her out. you jump up from your chair opening your dresser drawer. you strip your clothes and slide on the thin fabrics. you stand in front of the mirror checking yourself out before you reach for your phone again. 
“You did not just leave me like this...”
your girlfriend was so impatient, you quickly stand back in front of the mirror snapping a few pictures of you in the lingerie that she bought you. you want one to absolutely shock her, so you position your chair in front of the mirror sitting down again and move your panties slightly to side. Showing Wanda everything before taking another picture. you send her the pictures all at once put your clothes back on and go back to your paper, but you know it won’t take long for her to react to it. as expected, your phone blows up with notifications.
“Are you fucking serious right now?”
“You look so fucking good.” 
you waited to send her the last one with your cunt out on display. you text her back saying that “I hope this helps you out baby” she doesn’t settle for a text she calls you immediately. you let your phone ring, 
“Answer that phone right now!” she texts you before calling you again. you answer. “Did you like your gift?” 
“You know I love it princess.” she’s breathless “You alright? you sound flustered.” you make your smug tone more prominent. you love how needy she could get. “I’m not flustered, I’m literally fucking myself right now while looking at that picture.” she curses under her breath softly, you squeeze your legs together just imagining Wanda with her finger buried deep inside. 
“What? Really?” your voice breaks, you didn’t expect her to do anything with you on the phone but you’re not complaining. 
“Yes, I can’t wait to fuck you in that.” her breathing quickens in momentum.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to stop fucking myself.” the sounds coming from the other end of the phone prompted you to slide your own hand down into your panties. “Fuck.” your word gets cut off by wanda’s laughter. 
“Are you being naughty over there princess? hm? Are you touching yourself just like mommy?” her words and the wetness you hear has you thrusting harder. “Yes.”  you spread your legs wider as you near your peak. “Are you close?” her voice is thick, “Mmhm.” you settle on using your voice as little as possible not wanting to alert your friends in the other room. “Good, I want you to cum with me.” Wanda moans as loud as she cannot really caring who hears her you on the other hand have to cover your mouth with your hand to silence the scream. the silence on the end of the phone has wanda growing concerned. 
“You still there baby?”
“Yes, I’m still here.” you answer her, totally winded by your orgasm.
“Thank you for the gift baby, now finish your paper.” how could you even think about finishing that paper after what you just did. this time it was you who needed more but you don’t protest against her. “Alright, I’ll talk to you later.” she says her goodbye as well. as you hang up the phone. 
Later on, during the evening Wanda texts you about stopping by her place for Natasha’s moving in party. you decline her invitation telling her you had assignments to work on. you surprise her. you told her you wouldn’t be able to make it to the kickback tonight. you slide your hands around her waist. “Hey, sexy.” she gasps when she hears your voice. turning around quickly to give you kisses. 
Of course, Tony had to make a scene and chime in on your new relationship. “Well, well, well, everybody let’s give it up to the new superstar couple, the talk of the campus.” he speaks through a megaphone. who the hell thought it was a bright idea to give him of all people a megaphone? “Shut the fuck up Stark!” wanda spits the words out and turns around to face you when tony surrenders on making anymore remarks. 
“I thought you weren’t coming?” you shrug your shoulders. “I changed my mind.” she smiles and links your hands together. “Let’s go get you a drink.” she leads you to the kitchen. Wanda was attached to your hip all night long never giving you an inch of space. The only time she left you was to go to the bathroom and that was interrupted when Kate cornered her. Kate rushes inside the bathroom when Wanda opens the door. “What the fuck Bishop!” Wanda shoves Kate away from her. 
“Wanda, we need to talk, I have to tell y/n about what happened.” Wanda decided to play dumb. 
“What exactly happened?” It earns Wanda a scuff in return. “Oh, I don’t know about how you black mailed me and bribed me with drugs?” She folds her arms and sets her jaw. “I didn’t have to bribe you very much. You did that on your own free will I never forced you to do anything Bishop.” She shrugs nonchalantly.
“Don’t try to use technicalities with me Wanda this is serious, I’ve made up my mind. I’m telling her right now.” She grabs Kate’s arm. “Don’t do that.” She’s frantically panting. “I’m not gonna keep this from her she deserves to know.” Wanda curses under her breath. “I’ll tell her myself, just not here, okay?” Kate eyes her cautiously. “Fine, but if you don’t-“
“I know bishop. I’ll tell her.” They nod in agreement before returning back to the party. Wanda finds you seated on the couch she sits down next you and places you on her lap. “Everything okay? You were gone for a while.” She smiles at your concern before reassuring you. “I’m fine I had to deal with something.” She kisses you on the lips and starts engaging in the group conversation.
When things started to settle down the small group gathered around the couch in the living room playing basic highschooler games such as 21 questions and just asking random things. 
“What’s your favorite smell?”
“I like cinnamon.”
“Mine is Gasoline.”
“What about you Wanda? What’s your favorite smell? She shrugs her shoulders not really interested in this conversation right now. She’s much more preoccupied with trying to convince you into having a quickie in the bathroom. She’s been horny all night and you denied all of her advances. So, she sat the remainder of the party sitting around being a grump. You turn to her waiting for her to answer. Nudging her shoulder. “What’s your favorite smell baby?” She still got butterflies hearing you call her that. Really any name that wasn’t her first name. 
“I don’t want to play go to the next person.” Scott does as requested, moving on to the next person. You eye her moody aura. “Why are you being such a grump right now?” You lean in close to her ear. 
“Why are you blue balling me? If my clit falls off, I’m suing you.” You snort at her childish remarks. Seeing you laugh just furthering her sour mood even more. “Glad you find this amusing.” She crosses her arms with a pout. You decide to stop tormenting her. 
“I promise If you play the game, we-“ she cuts you off mid-sentence. “Then we can fuck in the bathroom?” You grow annoyed with her bluntness and lean away from her. “Never mind” she whines in your ear. “Noo stop, you can’t do that, I’ll play.” She kisses your cheek in confirmation. “Scott!” He stops talking turning his attention back to Wanda. “What’s up, Wands?” 
“Ask me the question again.” 
“Uh okay, what’s your favorite smell?” She answers it quickly not hesitating. 
“Pussy” everyone stops what they were doing. Honestly you thought she was gonna say weed but I guess this would be second best for her favorite smell. She turns to look at you await your words to lead you to the bathroom. She panics when she sees your expression. Oh, maybe she should clarify she was a taken woman after all. “To be more specific my favorite smell is y/n’s pussy.” You go wide eyed at her response and attempt to scold her but fail as she picks you up herself and leads you out of the room following laughter and cheers. 
she opens her room door while keeping you bent over on her shoulder. “You made a promise, now keep it.” she places you back on your feet and pushes you back on the bed while she quickly rids herself of her shoes and her bottoms. she pushes you back down on the bed as you lift up. she snatches your pants down to your ankles not patient enough to remove the clothing item in its entirety before she starts grinding on your thigh. “Slow down bab-” her pacing isn’t slow at all she’s waited long enough. “Fuck.” her growls and her panting spur you on in motivation to help her along.  she wasn’t looking to last long tonight she just need relief, she needed pleasure and that’s exactly what she was getting when her juices leak out of her on to your leg. she doesn’t give herself a chance to catch her breath as she gets up from your thigh. walking on wobbly legs to her dresser.
she returns with the double ended strap quickly sliding the harness on you and taking her position over you. you were caught by surprise by her wanting you to wear the strap you were certain she wanted to be in control tonight. “I put more of that lube on there for you baby, it’s gonna be a long night and I need you to keep up.” she says as she sinks down on to the strap. she meant what she said about it being a long night. it’s only been a few minutes and you’ve already had your first orgasm as she bounces above you. when she cums again you take the opportunity to switch positions as you both sit up in the bed. wand keeps her legs locked around your waist with the cock still buried deep inside her. the newfound position was much appreciated as the new angle gave her more pleasure hitting her g-spot. 
“How many times did you touch yourself today baby?” you ask her while the strap pounds into her. “Apparently not enough.” she husks against your lips. you smack her ass in retaliation. “Don’t get smart with me or I’ll stop.” she whines, quickly apologizing to you. she wouldn’t be able to handle it if you stopped now. you gently move to lay her on her back again while keeping a hold on her legs.
“You gonna keep your legs open for me, mommy?” you whisper the words in the crook of her neck. she grunts as she meets your thrusts harder. she nods her head with a quickness. “Fuck, yes” her nails dig into the skin of your back. she cums quickly but that doesn’t stop your movements as you focus on chasing another orgasm.
“Y/n, I can’t, it’s too much.” she pushes at your figure. you could’ve at least let her recover a few minutes before continued to pound into her. 
“You begged for it, now you take it.” you needed to be sure she was completely satisfied. Wanda’s sex drive wasn’t like anything you’ve ever experienced before. you hook your arms underneath her legs for security knowing she won’t be able to keep them spread open for much longer. you bend her legs until her knees meet her chest and start a new forceful pace that has her moaning and blabbing uncontrollably. 
“You like your princess fucking you like this? hm?” she snapped back to fully hear those words come out of your mouth. she stopped her movement completely. she lays beneath you with wide eyes and her lips parted with you acknowledging her pet name for you. Wanda grabs your throat and rolls you on your back. her hand stays firmly wrapped around your neck. the way you talked dirty to her made her flip a switch. she grinds with more motivation ignoring the sound of her headboard damaging the wall. she had money to fix it. it’s not a concern of hers. she looks down at you a sweaty, fucked out mess. 
“Cum with me.” she’s nodding her head not really asking you but telling you to cum with her and you do. she drops down onto your chest as her legs shake with exhaustion. you calmy rub up and down her back waiting for her to say something but all you get in return is the feeling of her hips moving again.
forget the fact that you made her wait all night long for this moment. It was very clear now that you would be in for much more than a quickie. it was too much pint up sexual frustration, as well as your words reigniting the ecstasy driven feeling that had Wanda going crazy over you. you were never going to get rid of her now.
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firstdivisiongirl · 2 months
Hihi would it be possible for a matchup/perfect match?! Tokyorev please :). Here's sum stuff abt me:
Female, she/her, 20 years old, straight. Sagittarius ♐️ and proud. I'm 5,2'. Brown hair brown eyes. I'm quite sporty I think. I used to competitive gymnastics and figure skating. I still love to do them still, just not competitively. I also love walking, roller skating, swimming in the river and lakes. I'm a country girl over the city any day. I love nature and animals. I love horror movies and horror video game playthroughs but I couldnt actually play them :0. I'm quite a positive person and try to stay optimistic but I'm also quite introverted. Type of person that if you ask me to hang out I won't say no but i dont really actively ask to hang out. I try to match people's vibe so if you talk I'll listen n vice versa. I love dancing to music I love all genres haha, absolutely love kate bush. I love to laugh and love it when I can make others laugh. Late night drives or walks are a must. I think I have a sugar addiction like I couldn't live without chocolate. There's not a lot of things I dislike I don't think? I'm not keen on obnoxious people but I feel like I'm invisible sometimes so having someone who saw me no matter what would be nice idk. I'm quite forgetful sometimes so I would need someone patient for that. I do not get mad over the little things and I struggle to get along with people that do or people that whine all the time like I try to listen and help but it's also a burden you know? Bsidhwkd anyways sorry that's enuf have a good night :)
Hello. You don't need to apologize for anything. I hope you enjoy your matchup and let's see the results.
You Got...
Keisuke Baji!!!
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Before you say anything about him getting mad at things, I think that he would try really hard to control his anger for you!
You both really love animals and being outside doing fun activities. You two would have the most fun dates.
He is a guy who makes the first move, so you don't have to worry about him getting annoyed that you don't ask to hang out
So many late night bike rides together. He would love you hanging onto him
He likes crime and horror, so he no arguing about what movie to watch
He would always see you. He would never ignore or act like you are invisible. You are too important to be ignored.
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crossoverbaps · 11 months
This fanfiction features two crack pairings. I will think of a title later
Finley sighed to himself, it's been a week since he and Narci befriended each other after Finley lost his glasses. However, he was sure that now things were back to normal, she would go back to making fun of him. Under most circumstances he wouldn't care. He's been treated worse by a lot of other students, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. But he had been failing physical education even more than usual which was saying a lot. The other students treated him even worse but for some reason, Narci quit insulting him. Only giving a few giggles at worst, but never when she noticed he was feeling distressed.
"Are you okay?" Starley asked as Chuck was behind her.
"I… I…" Finley muttered as he blushed.
"Are you… Blushing? What happened?" Starley giggled.
"I'm not!" Finley whined.
"Who is it?" Starley asked in a sing song tone.
"Please don't be Adele…" Chuck pleaded.
"It's not her!" Finley blurted out but then covered his mouth.
"Tell me who it is." Starley hoped.
"I don't want to, it's too embarrassing!" Finley squirmed.
"Take your time." Starley accepted as she hugged her older brother. "But I'd like to know soon enough!"
After Starley and Chuck walked away, Finley sighed from relief.
"That was close… But Narci? Really? She's a jock and I'm a nerd… and a tiny weakling, she'd never respect me… Nobody ever respects me, not even PAL when he had free will… If only I was stronger… Wait." Finley grinned and started to mix potions together.
"I got the next ingredients, Master Finley." PAL told him.
"Thanks, now I will be the most powerful cadet!" Finley laughed.
"What are you making?" Chuck asked.
"A potion to make me grow big and strong." Finley smirked.
"Why? You don't seem like the type to want muscles." Chuck asked.
"Guess you don't know me then…" Finley rolled his eyes.
"Mind sharing?" Chuck asked.
"No! It's too dangerous, only I can handle it." Finley scoffed with his hands on his hips.
"You just want it for yourself." Chuck pouted.
"Yeah, that's true." Finley then smirked. "I will let you have a tiny sip, after I drink."
"Okay." Chuck nodded. Finley took the flask and drank deeply. "Okay, that's enough, Finley, you promised! Finley!!!"
"Ah, you were saying?" Finley asked. "Oh here. You can take a sip now… From an empty bottle!"
"Finley! That's just mean!" Chuck whined.
"That's what you get for stealing my project again!" Finley chuckled.
"Well… Nothing seems to have happened, so the joke's on you!" Chuck pointed at Finley while laughing out loud. Finley groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Chuck, the results are not immediate." Finley replied in annoyance.
"Keep telling yourself that." Chuck shrugged as he hopped away. Finley sighed and then went on about his day. "Why would Finley want to be strong anyway, he's a nerd."
"Master Finley?" PAL asked.
"What?" Finley answered.
"What is my next assignment?" PAL asked.
"I'll give you your next assignment when I'm ready." Finley scoffed.
"But I just thought-" PAL said.
"Are you okay, you've been a lot more… Free thinking lately." Finley looked at him.
"What do you want from me, Master Finley?" PAL asked in confusion.
"Just… Leave me alone, I'm busy." Finley grumbled.
"Fine…" PAL rolled away. PAL rolled past Adele who was floating from the other direction. The two then accidentally ran into each other.
"Ow, error." PAL responded. "Resetting data."
"PAL, I'm so sorry." Adele apologized.
"All is forgiven Master Finley." PAL glitched out.
"I'm Adele." Adele commented.
"Downloading new information… All set, Master Adele." PAL replied.
"No, that's not what I meant? Are you broken?" Adele asked.
"No, Master Adele. I'm fine." PAL responded cheerfully.
"I better get you fixed or Finley will throw a fit." Adele picked up the robot and carried him to her pod.
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spacecadetspe · 6 months
Dec. 21, 2023
The Wolf called me an asshole. I can't say I'm offended, really. He loves me the way a puppy loves his mistress, but this was what he asked me to do.
We went through a bit of a "leash pulling" phase at first. He wanted me to do a complete emotional and spiritual overhaul, so I placed him in the core of the Forge, which is powered by two neutron stars. But when I revealed the doors to each of his fears to him, he demanded that all of them be opened at once, as if to initiate a complete mental breakdown.
That's not rehabilitation. But he wasn't interested in that. He wanted a complete spiritual death. To have everything he identified as ripped away, so he could start anew. And, well, starting over is within my purview.
Not only that, but I warned him of the consequences of opening all his doors at once; that the trauma would rip him apart before the stars could ever burn it out, that it would collapse the forge for a fourth time, and then spill out into the rest of the nine realms.
"We do this right or not at all," I insisted.
"I can't do this your way," he whined. "And I don't want to do this with psilocybin, anyway."
"I'm aware. But you asked for my help."
He was adamant. "I need to endanger my well-being."
"And mine?" I asked.
"That's not fair."
My tone grew firm. "Don't get cocky. You're not the only one whose well-being is at stake if you go off the rails. You don't get how real this is for me. There's a sincere possibility of collateral damage."
He paused, then hung his head. "I'm sorry."
"You'll get the test of mental fortitude you want. But I'm not going to let you endanger everyone else to do it. If you want to do it on your own, I'll let you. But you've been warned."
"It's not a test..."
"Oh, it's a test. The results will determine if you live or die."
He sat there, looking at the floor for a moment. "You're right. I don't know how dangerous this is for you."
"Then take me seriously, and respect my methods. You've done things your way for a long time, babe. Take the hint." The hint being 'what you've been doing hasn't worked yet. Try something else.'
He sighed. "I guess what I'm concerned about here is that you're going to leave me alive."
I cackled, I'll admit. "You act like that's my choice!" After I had settled, I told him what would happen if we did this his way. "I've dealt with enough. You don't get to put that on my plate when I warned you not to."
He grudgingly accepted my offer, but insisted upon measures being taken to ensure that I have him completely cleaned out. A cataclysm, if necessary. Then he apologized again. "I'm still struggling with the 'trust and surrender' part."
"I know. But this was what you asked for."
He sighed. "I know. You're the only person alive who has never once betrayed my best interests, even when it has cost you. I don't trust anyone more. I'm still nervous about giving someone this much power over me."
I nodded. "You needed someone to trust in. You picked the right person. That's why I'm being incredibly careful about this."
He thanked me for my patience.
"I would not have called that patience," I said. "I too have trust issues. I don't have the energy to weather the 'will he/ won't he' stuff. This is your decision, and it's not my business to stress over it. It's my business to protect my realm and my allies. If you become an ally in the forging, I'll accept you. Until then, you're a loose cannon."
So I set the scene once again, and had him climb down into his spiral of mental doors, deeper into the heat of the stars. "Deeper into Hell," as he put it.
I tried to impress upon him how much strength this actually took, and he tried to pass it off as inconsequential. But behind the very first door was a box that he found difficult to throw away.
"It has my self-control in it," he said. "It keeps me from hurting people." But it wasn't. Not really. There were bits of shame that he tried to throw into the fire, to no avail.
"They're attached to something," I said. I peered into the box. "A trophy of some kind."
He chuckled nervously. "You're not wrong." Turns out, he was attacked in an alleyway and blacked out. When he awoke, he had torn the ligaments out of one of his attackers' knees, and nearly killed another. He was proud of himself, and rightly so. He had defended himself successfully. And yet all those shameful experiences were attached to that knowledge.
"Throw it away," I said.
He whined a little. "But I like it!"
"If it's behind a door, then it's holding you back."
"Or propping me up."
I shrugged. "Either could be true. But this is what you wanted. I'll be reminding you of that frequently."
He laughed and called me an asshole. But he threw it into the fire.
By the second door, he was starting to understand why this activity took so much fortitude. He was having to throw things away that he never thought would mean so much to him. A record of the people he hurt or betrayed. A statue of me. Bits and bobs from decisions he constantly ruminated over. Mystery objects in a deep-freezer in the back of a garage.
"Throw it away."
And eventually he would whine, sigh, lovingly call me an asshole, and yeet each object into the core.
There were things he would not let me see, and that's all right. I told him "I'm not like Odin. I don't need to know everything. I'm not paranoid enough to need all that knowledge." So when he asked me to leave, I told him I'd be in my suite... and left without a fuss.
He still believes at his core that he is fear. But I told him if that were true, then the effects of the psilocybin would have undoubtedly made the fear worse, instead of subduing it. He still wants to hurt people, to make them afraid.
My reply this morning was simple; "Then do it with purpose." We can't avoid hurting people. It's how we learn how best to love each other. And as for making them afraid... Well. Sometimes people need fear to keep them alive. And they learn from that too. But being afraid of oneself... that I can't abide. And if he makes others afraid in the process of being himself... well... that's something I struggle with, myself.
I mentioned I had mostly turned my empathy off, but I still wasn't addressing the root cause of the initial break. And it became imperative that I do when Phobetor came for another chat. He had been the incarnation of emotional fear for so long that he wasn't expecting to be afraid of someone like me.
I felt a piece of myself reach out, and then felt my body go cold. I sank to the floor of my chamber, and Phobetor cried out for help. I awoke in a cold sweat.
I had a dream, night before last, that I was stuck in a time loop. I was trying to have a conversation with an important family member, but others kept intercepting me, berating me, verbally abusing me. And when I tried to get in my car and leave, I got hit with a car door and was knocked down. And this was set on repeat until I sank to the ground and began to cry.
That's when it really hit me; this cycle of breaking down, needing someone to pity me, to provide a safe space for me, and then being ashamed I'd ever broken down in the first place. I was measuring my progress by what I was doing wrong, rather than celebrating what I'd done right. I was so ashamed of making people afraid of me that I was breaking myself into pieces to try to make sure they were comfortable around me, instead of accepting that my fearsomeness garnered respect from those I protected.
So when I empathized with Phobetor, I passed out. My body could no longer take it. And... it was time to open another door.
This time, I did it without Phobetor present. I left the Wolf to his ruminations and summoned a door of my own. The things within started burning as soon as I opened the door, and I was left with a blackened body, curled into the fetal position, a box of who-knows-what, and a horned, lacquered mask. I'm not sure what the purpose of any of these things is.
Phobetor, for his part, has made his way to Asgard. The damage Thor's children made to Yggdrasil infuriated the Nidhogg, and they've been having a skirmish. I called briefly to advise Thor, who was startled and dismayed when Thanatos showed up. Fighting a battle on two fronts is deeply unwise in any scenario, so I suggested he ask Death for help. He wasn't sure what to make of that.
Eventually, the fighting stopped, and as a gesture of truce, Magni was sent with the Nidhogg to the base of Yggdrasil to be watched over by the dragons. I suggested he spend some time with Mímir while he was down there. He could learn a thing or two from the Rememberer.
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kadssp · 2 years
brainrot for scientist dottore who has too much confidence in his little test subject. "oh you can take it, can't you? don't be so worried" and he does his experiments on your beautiful body with constant praise and worship for you. "you're going to do fine, dearie." when he sees your tears he wipes them away, again sending a wave of compliments towards you as he continues anyway. "you look so beautiful hooked up to my machines, luvvie. you're going to be perfect"
-👹 it's not very smutty and it's pretty vague, I just like had the idea and wanted to write something, even if I have like no experience 😭💔 anyways I hope your break is treating you well, don't push yourself too far and make sure to hydrate :)
i was in the middle of a game when i saw this and could barely focus💀💀 and this is rushed and turned into a mini smut so i apologize :(( i will make a better one later
warnings: f!reader, praise, mentions of marking, mentions of cutting, overstimulation, minors dni
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yessss he is so confident in how well you take his tests and experiments that he puts your poor body and mind through :( you’re just so good for him, so obedient and well-mannered. it would be so rude of him to not praise you just a little.
“aw, look at you,” his gloved hand squishes your cheeks making your lips pucker in the process as his eyes scan over your features. you look exhausted and rightfully so, he’s been pushing your limits all day with no breaks it’s a tad bit unfair of Il Dottore. “such a good little test subject for me, hm?”
your stomach swirls with a mix of emotions but after being here for so long fear is the least you feel under his touch and gaze. you’ve learned to not speak unless told to, simply whining as your brows furrow and his hand releases your face and slides down your exposed chest where he’s left marks and cuts all to “test” you. there’s a notepad that’s been thrown to the side with scribbles on it about God knows what, but your attention is pulled back to him when he pushes against your overstimulated clit and you bite your lip to keep yourself from protesting.
“oh? such a sensitive little thing you are,” he grins wickedly at your expression, tears swelling in your eyes and threatening to spill over as his gloved index finger taps steadily against your puffy pearl. “is it too much, pet? you’re already about to cry, aw.” his fake tone of worry makes your skin tingle with annoyance but he clicks his tongue at you before pinching the bundle of nerves making your back arch.
“you’re such a good girl for me, yeah? your pretty sounds, that blissed out look you give me,” he sighs as he leans over your form that shakes with overstimulation as tears freely slip down your face. “aww, don’t cry, love. the test is almost complete.”
your chest heaves and there’s a thin layer of sweat clinging to your skin as your back arches and his finger speeds up with the repeated tapping sending tingly bolts of pleasure up your body and pooling in your lower stomach as you reach your nth orgasm.
his mouth curves up into a smirk when your juices coat his freshly changed gloves, again. the adorable high pitched sigh you let out as his hand leaves your body and he stares down at your essence clinging to his fingers and it makes your face burn even more when he brings them down to your lips.
“clean them for me, dear,” he grins at you, other hand coming to wipe stray tears that cling to your lashes as your lips wrap around his digits and suck softly tasting yourself. “the test is complete and the results are thrilling as i expected, my little test subject.”
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arhvste · 2 years
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“he’s been eating healthier this week anyway so i guess the reality of nationals has really caught up to him” kuroo rubbed the back of his neck, eyes fully focused onto his favourite sight; your face, on his screen.
“ah,” you nodded, small smile etched onto your face as your boyfriend word vomited his nerves, excitement and other feelings towards the up coming nationals. “he’ll be fine, especially since you’re always there to keep him in check.” kuroo nodded firmly at the reassurance you offered before a soft shout was heard in the background.
“coming!” kuroo yelled back to the voice you could only assume was his father. sighing, your boyfriend ran a hand through his hair before offering an apologetic smile. “sorry, i’ll be right back, the dishwasher needs emptying.” you waved him off and shooed him away to his chores before turning your attention away from your phone and back to the textbook you were skimming through prior to your call.
about five minutes into your reading you heard faint muttering and footsteps in the background of your boyfriends end of the line. paying no mind to it, you continued reading, fingers tracing along every few lines.
“so gross, tetsurō! you’re like an animal!” your eyes flickered at the increase of volume as a girl a little older looking than you paced about in kuroo’s room, tossing what you assumed was dirty laundry into a basket. “i hope you don’t bring your imaginar- oh.”
upon locking eyes with the girl on your screen your face grew hot with embarrassment and surprise. “i’m so sorry.” the girl quickly apologised, approaching kuroo’s phone to gain a closer look. “i didn’t mean to interrupt you i didn’t think anyone was on a call with him!”
you waved off her apology with a small laugh and smiled. “no it’s okay, you’re right he is an animal and he should be told.”
the girl laughed and smiled warmly back through the phone at you. “oh! how rude of me, i’m tetsurō’s older sister. i’m visiting this week so i often tend to house chores when i’m around which would include the brat’s dirty laundry.” she grimaced towards the laundry basket currently filling up with kuroo’s dirty socks and gym wear.
“he’s mentioned you a lot to me before. i’m unluckily his not-so-imaginary-”
“you’re dating him? like… for free?” the girls jaw hung open slightly as if to mock her little brothers capability of convincing someone to date him.
“for free is a bit of a stretch, he buys me dinner when we go out so i guess i get some sort of payment out of it.” you joked back as his sister laughed.
“don’t tell me he brings you into this pit when you come over?” she asked, eyes desperate for your denial as she decided his room was simply not fit for guests to come over. “most days after schools actually.” you replied back as she groaned.
“so this is what you really think of me? of us?” a new voice joined the conversation from behind kuroo’s sister. there stood your tall boyfriend, feigned hurt expression across his face as he dramatically clutched the material above his heart.
“i’m sorry to say so.” you sighed, fighting the smile threatening to break out. “and i really thought you were the one.” he replied as his sister mockingly gagging before placing the phone back down on his desk so the camera stayed facing the two of them.
“apologise.” she ordered, pointing towards your face on the screen. “did you not hear them just violate me?” kuroo whined as his sister rolled her eyes. “i cannot believe you bring them into this room looking like this! it’s torture coming in here for just a minute yet alone a few hours!”
kuroo laughed and shrugged of his sister’s dramatic scolding. “it’s not that bad, and besides they don’t mind it, right?” kuroo looked at you, eyes searching for an answer to play along with his teasing.
“i love it actually.” you nodded, his sister sighing in response. “it’s charity work you’re doing sticking with him.” you laughed as kuroo playfully flicked his sister resulting in her gently elbowing him back.
“well,” the girl picked up the laundry basket and looked back the camera. “it was lovely meeting you, hopefully we can meet in person next time.” you smiled and nodded quickly as she threw another one of kuroo’s socks into the basket. “i hope so too.”
“thank you too” she added as your eyes flickered back up to the screen. “you make him happy, very happy actually. it’s nice seeing him like this. you know i really did believe you were imaginary with the amount he talks about you, he makes you sound like some sort of angel, really he doesn’t stop yapping on and o-”
“OKAY!” kuroo intervened. face visibly heated. “they get it now shoo, you hate this room so much so go!” his sister laughed at her little brothers flustered expression before ruffling his hair before whispering to him. “keep this one happy. i like them.” and with that, she spun on her heel and headed out much to kuroo’s relief.
shutting the door behind him and sitting back down, your boyfriends face was still embarrassed as he refused to make eye contact. “i’m sorry you had to see that, she’s a little much sometimes.”
you smiled and tapped the screen for him to look up. “she’s great. i’m happy you have someone like her looking out for you.”
yes he was embarrassed, but kuroo knew you were right. he was lucky to have a sister as invested into his life as she was. she cared greatly for him despite not living with him and his father. their bond was special and he was glad that you had decided you liked her and she had definitely taken a shine to you.
“i am lucky,” he smiled, eyes gentle as he met yours. “very lucky.”
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
you got me reading all your works from 4 AM till 6 AM today, and I have zero regrets. And I’d do it all again. I truly love all of your works, especially those that has anything to do with Bucky.
Now all I can think about is Bucky’s reaction and care to finding out that his Little got an injury—one that she been hiding from him. Omg the fluff.
Anyway, have a great day!
Pairing: Poly!SamBucky x little!f!reader
Word count: 3,381 (i know i know...)
Warnings: polyamory, ddlg dynamics, excessive, probably unnecessary, fluff no one asked for.
A/N: Nonnie, I'm honored💜. Thank you so much for sending me this, you've warmed my heart to no extent💜💜. It is everything when you tell me you like what I share with you. You're so amazing and I hope I'll always deliver and never disappoint you ily:"💜 I know you only said Bucky but I couldn't help but get Papa!Sam in there too, hope you're not mad at me?:" Please enjoy xx.
don't hide
"Oh, we forgot the toilet paper!" Sam groaned, "I'll go get it. Wait here, sugar, okay? Eyes on the bags and don't move. Papa will be right back," he said before marching back to the big store's entrance, leaving her by the car with all the grocery bags.
Papa said to wait there. Papa warned her that the ground was snowy and slippery and dangerous. Papa told her not to move, she reminded herself but she just couldn't help it. She had to grab that orange.
A bag had fallen on its side out of nowhere and an orange had fallen out and rolled away. She needed to get it before Papa came back or else he'd know she wasn't watching the bags and was zoned out instead. She'd be careful and she'd take the fruit and come back to where Papa left her and he wouldn't even know it. She'd take small steps and she'd be quick. Plus, she was a big girl; she'd never slip, right?
Before she could catch herself, her foot was slipping, her arms were flailing and she was on her back on the cold, hard icy ground. She squeaked, pain shooting through her spine like an electric shock. Through panic and pain, she got hold of the stray fruit, managing to get herself up and back to where she was supposed to be standing the whole time before Sam made his way back to her.
"There we go," Sam sighed, setting the bag with the toilet paper beside the others and opening the car.
She was silent, biting down on her lip to stifle the pained whimpers ready to leave her mouth.
"You ready to go, sugar?" He asked her as he stacked the last bag in the car, slamming the back shut.
"Yes, papa." She nodded, the bones supporting her neck hurting as she tried her best not to cry when she slightly bent to get in the backseat.
She didn't say anything. She couldn't. Daddy and Papa were taking her sledding in the park the next day and she couldn't even be good and obey one single thing she was told. They'd definitely cancel the whole day and make her stay home if they knew what she did. And not only that but she'd surely be punished for not listening and not being careful enough. She could take it. She could play, sled and smile through the pain. Plus, she was a big girl; she could handle a little fall, right?
Her back was killing her. She tried not to hiss when Papa put her seat belt on for her. She had no idea how she'd make it through the day.
"Show daddy what you got him, sugar!" Sam encouraged after leaving the bag of goods on the table for her, walking to the kitchen to drop a bunch of grocery bags
She carefully pulled a chair out and slowly climbed on top, rummaging through the bag until she found a packet of Bucky's favourite cookies. She'd pointed at them as soon as she saw them at the store and didn't stop until Papa got them down the high shelf and into the cart.
Bucky's appreciative smile lit up the room, "oh, for me?"
"Yes, daddy. Got 'em for you." She nodded timidly, playing with her sleeve.
He accepted the cookies with a giddy grin and went to store them in place in the kitchen. She giggled, proud she was the reason Daddy was smiling.
"Thank you, love." Before she could stop him, Bucky was hugging her tight, metal arm pressing on her back to pull her body to his.
The chocked whimper she let out didn't go unnoticed by the super soldier.
"You okay, doll?" Bucky raised a worried brow, flesh hand rubbing circles on her back as a sort of habit.
"Yes, daddy. I'm fine," she lied, held-in tears burning the back of her eyes. She just needed him to stop touching her spine.
"You sure?"
"Sugar, go wash your hands we just got back from outside," Sam reminded, saving her from repeating the lie to Bucky.
"Yes, papa." Her socked feet padded on the floor as she left for the bathroom.
Bucky shrugged it off for now, walking outside to help Sam with the bags. She probably wanted more candy than she was allowed and Sam refused or something of that sort.
When she was done washing her hands, she tiptoed to her bedroom and did her best to redress herself fast. Her discoloured skin looked awful in the mirror. She couldn't let her daddies see the huge bruise that was forming on her back, innocently praying it'd disappear over night so they could still go sledding the next morning.
"You changed by yourself?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows upon seeing her in a comfier outfit. He knew for a fact Bucky didn't help her because he was washing strawberries in the sink behind him.
"Yes, papa," she muttered hesitantly, fearing his reaction.
"Why didn't you call me or daddy, baby? We could've helped."
"Papa and daddy are busy, didn' wanna bother you," she lied again.
"Doll, we'll never be too busy to look after our favourite girl. You can always ask for daddy and papa's help, okay?" Bucky assured her gently.
"Yes, dada."
"Good girl, here," Bucky grinned, offering her a strawberry.
"Tank you." She took it with a smile and hummed after the first bite, making Sam chuckle.
"You did a good job dressing yourself, sugar. We're proud of you." Sam let his hand cradle the small of her back so he could kiss her forehead.
She whimpered again, biting her lip hard and closing her eyes.
"Everything alright, baby?"
"Yes, papa. Strawberry tastes so good."
"Okay, baby. Go play in your room till me and daddy get lunch ready."
"Yes, papa." She pecked Sam's cheek before leaving the kitchen.
"She's lying," Bucky told his husband as soon as she got inside her playroom.
"I know."
She spent the rest of the morning suffering in silence. Her back hurt whenever it came in contact with anything. She couldn't lean forward, or backward. She couldn't even lay down for nap time, crying into her pillow as soon as her daddies left the room.
She'd try not to whine when Daddy's palm touched her upper back. She couldn't enjoy watching her favourite show on TV because she was too busy trying not to pull away when Papa hugged her to his chest while she was on his lap.
As the hours passed, she was in so much pain it was showing all over her face. Sam and Bucky were worried that she wasn't saying anything. They knew something was wrong they just didn't know what. They failed to notice her features scrunching up in pain whenever they touched her because, in their defense, they were always touching her. So they couldn't really pinpoint the problem.
"There you go, sugar." Sam handed her a plastic cup, half full of strawberry milk he'd just whipped in the blender for her.
"Thank you, papa." She smiled gratefully, stretching her neck to kiss his cheek, her face twisting in pain as a result.
"Doll, are you sure you're okay? Do you have a tummy ache? Do you feel sick?" Bucky questioned softly, all while rubbing circles on her upper back.
"No, dada. I'm okay," she continued to lie, sipping from her straw quickly so maybe Bucky would stop and let her drink in peace.
Bucky looked to Sam in defeat and the latter just shrugged at him helplessly.
"Love, me and papa are worried there's something you're not telling us." Bucky's hand caressed further down to the small of her back and she couldn't help but wince, dropping her cup.
Strawberry milk covered her chest and lap and she couldn't hold it in anymore. She started crying and apologizing, thinking there was no way out of punishment for her now. They were going to find out.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, sugar. It was an accident. It's okay." Sam tried to soothe her but her cries only grew louder as she let all the tears out.
Her body hurt so bad and it didn't help that Bucky was patting her back to calm her coughs and sobs.
"Come with me, doll. Let's get you cleaned up." She cried harder at Bucky's statement, knowing they were going to see her back now.
"No, daddy, please. Don't wanna." She shook her head, choking on her tears. She made no effort to go to his open arms like she would.
It broke Bucky's heart a tiny bit. He started to think he'd done something; that she was like that all day because of him for some reason.
"But baby, you're soaked in milk. You can't stay like that!" Sam didn't wait for her refusal, slipping his arms under her legs and carrying her body off the couch.
"No, no, papa, please." Her tears wet Sam's sweater, her thrashing hurting her muscles even more.
"Stop crying, sugar. Tell me what's wrong," Sam said, sitting down on the closed toilet lid with her on his lap.
She remained silent, her fist rubbing at her teary eye and her lips trembling.
"Is there anything you wanna tell me and daddy, baby?" Sam tried again, making brief eye contact with a worried Bucky preparing a bath.
"Wanna shower by myself," she muttered when her sobs died out, tears still leaving her red eyes.
"You know we can't let you do that, doll," Bucky sighed.
"B-But I dressed by myself," she cried more, leaning on Sam's chest.
"This is different, baby." He kissed her forehead.
"Why don't you want our help, doll? What is it?"
She was quiet again, making both men sigh.
"Alright, love, hands up," Bucky instructed but she shook her head.
"Come on now, be good. We gotta get you cleaned up, baby, or you're gonna be all sticky," Sam told her, fingers tugging at the hem of her sweater.
She gave up fighting; her back was sore and she knew her daddies were going to get her in that bath no matter what. She closed her eyes when the sweater was pulled over her head, preparing herself for Daddy's reaction.
"My goodness, doll! What happened?!" Bucky exclaimed in worry and she started sobbing again.
"What is it?"
"Look at her back, it's messed up!" Bucky gestured to the huge purple and blue bruise, whispering the last part of his sentence.
"Oh my god! How did you get this?!" Sam's eyes widened as he questioned her and she only cried more.
It broke their heart. She was in so much pain all morning and they had no idea. How could they be so inattentive?
"Hey, baby, no, it's alright. We just wanna know how you got hurt, sugar. You're not in trouble," Sam reassured, pushing her hair out of her face while Bucky ever so tenderly examined her bruises.
"I'm sorry, papa. I'm so sorry," she cried in his chest, "I- I didn' listen when you- told me to stay I- the orange fell out an- and I wanted to get it and I fell d-down an' hurt m-myself." She tried to explain between hiccups as Sam bit down in realization and regret.
"Aw, sugar," Sam sighed, feeling guilt gnaw at him for leaving her alone by the car. What was he thinking? How could he leave her all by herself like that? She was just a little baby!
"Papa's sorry, baby. Papa's so sorry he left you standing alone and went back inside." Sam apologized, kissing away the tears soaking her cheeks while she sniffled and hiccuped.
"Don't cry, doll. We're not sad with you. You didn't do anything wrong," Bucky cooed, his thumb wiping the tears down her chin and neck.
"B-But I was bad." She looked at Bucky with teary eyes.
"No, doll, you weren't bad. You were just tryna help Papa because you're a good girl." Bucky kissed her temple, holding her forehead to his cheek while he looked at Sam.
The man was zoned out, probably beating himself up somewhere in his mind.
"Let's just get you in the tub for now and then we can let the doctor take a look at your back, okay?"
"What if he gives me shots?"
"He's not gonna give you shots, doll. Only something to apply to your bruise, nothing painful or scary." Bucky promised, easing her off Sam's lap to get the rest of her clothes off.
Sam scratched his head before abruptly standing from the toilet seat, "I'll go start dinner."
Bucky sighed when his husband left the bathroom. He knew Sam was feeling guilty for their baby getting hurt and while he wanted to assure him it wasn't his fault, he had to tend to her for the time being.
"There you go, doll." Bucky carefully lowered her in the tub, letting the warm, soaped water soothe the ache in her muscles.
"Dada, can you come too?" She asked quietly, noiseless tears still leaving her eyes.
Bucky stripped himself at once, cautiously getting behind her in the tub before pressing her back to his chest. She sighed as he held her to him, Bucky's chest being much comfier than the solid ceramic of the tub.
"Is papa mad at me?" She asked Bucky, her voice trembling and breaking as she continued to cry.
"No, no, doll. Papa's not mad at you one bit, he's just worried about you," Bucky said, his hands rubbing softly on her tummy as he kissed her shoulder.
"Then why'd he leave?" Her voice was squishing Bucky's heart and he just wanted both his babies to feel better.
"He's preparing dinner for you, baby. Papa loves you; he could never be mad at you." Bucky turned her head so she could face him and wiped her tears away.
"We love you, doll. No one is mad at you. Daddy and Papa only want you to be okay. We just wanna keep you safe," Bucky told her warmly and she nodded, wrapping her arms around Bucky's neck and burrowing her face in the crook of it.
After her bath, Bucky got out first, telling her to wait while he got towels. But instead his legs took him to Sam.
"I feel like shit for not noticing too," Bucky muttered behind his spouse.
"It's not only that- what are you doing strolling around the house in just a towel after a warm bath?! Bucky, you'll catch a cold-" Sam scolded when he turned around and saw Bucky undressed.
Bucky put his mouth on Sam's in an attempt to calm his anxiety.
"I'm gonna be fine and so is she," Bucky promised against Sam's lips, cupping his cheek.
"I left her alone, Buck. She got hurt because of me."
"No, love, no. It was an accident. It could've happened anywhere any time."
"I still shouldn't have left her."
"Then we know not to do it again. Don't beat yourself up over it and distance yourself like that."
"I'm not distancing myself."
"Sam, she thinks you're sad with her. Please, love," Bucky begged, his thumb swiping over Sam's skin until the latter nodded with a sigh.
"Now go put on something."
"I thought you liked me naked," Bucky teased.
"Go." Sam lightly slapped his rear.
"I'm going." Bucky laughed, kissing Sam's lips one last time before retreating to the bathroom.
Bucky dressed her in something warm and told her to wait a minute while he got ready so he could take her to the doctor's. She peaked out of her room, hearing onions sizzling in the kitchen. She walked over to Sam as he poured tomato juice and the pot hissed.
"Papa? Are you mad?" She tugged at Sam's sleeve, red-rimmed eyes staring up at the man.
Sam sighed, turning off the stove. He took her hand in his and walked out of the kitchen with her, sitting down on the couch and motioning for her to sit on his lap.
"Why didn't you say anything, sugar?" Sam asked, putting her hair behind her ear.
"I'm sorry, papa," shs teared up, "I thought you'd be mad at me and think I'm bad and not wanna take me sledding no more."
"Baby, I'd never get mad at you for getting hurt. Ever." Sam reassured her, not letting his eyes get glossy with the tears he held in.
"If you get hurt me and papa will take care of you no matter what, doll. That's the only consequence. Do you understand me, love?" Bucky added, walking out of the bedroom with a jacket in hand.
"Yes, daddy." She nodded, throwing herself in Bucky's arms, "I'm sorry. I love you."
"We love you too, doll." Bucky kissed her head, careful not to hug or squeeze her too tight.
"Papa, will you come to the doctor wimme and daddy?" She asked Sam sweetly, leaning on his chest after leaving Bucky's hold.
"Of course, sugar." Sam's thumb stroked her cheek softly.
"And we can still go sledding in the park tomorrow?"
"Oh no, baby, we can't go tomorrow."
"But you said you weren't mad." Her lip jutted out in a pout.
"I'm not mad, baby, I promise, but you're hurt."
"But the doctor is gonna fix it," she whined
"He's a doctor, sugar, not a wizard!" Sam chuckled
"Because wizards don't exist."
"They do exist, but that's not the point," Sam argued and Bucky playfully rolled his eyes behind her back.
"But papa-"
"No buts, doll. We'll go as soon as you get better and we'll stay as long as you want, yeah?"
"Yes, daddy." She complied, knowing they were right; her back was achy and stinging.
As promised the doctor gave her no needles, only a prescription of a cream for her back and a painkiller.
"Daddy, I don't wanna," she whimpered as Bucky lifted her PJs up. She was afraid of the pain she would feel once Bucky started massaging the substance onto her skin.
"I'm gonna be gentle, doll. I promise."
"It's gonna hurt," she complained more.
"Here, sugar, hold papa's hands and daddy will be done before you know it." Sam opened his palms and she immediately put her smaller hands on top.
"There you go, all set. We're ready, daddy," Sam told Bucky, squeezing her hands and smiling comfortingly at her.
She gave half a smile back, blushing as she felt Bucky ever so softly lay kisses down her hurt back.
Sam chuckled, kissing the back of her hand. She slightly hissed when Bucky touched her skin with the cold cream, his pointer and middle spreading it around on the bruises.
"Anywhere else hurts, love?"
"Right here, daddy." She pointed to the back of her neck.
Before Bucky could, Sam tilted himself forward and kissed from the ends of her hair down to where her neck met her back. She giggled, Sam's lips tickling her. The man chuckled again, pecking her cheek.
"Papa?" She held his hands in hers.
"Yes, baby?"
"I love you." She wasn't unaware of how he blamed himself for her little accident and she wanted to let him know it was alright; she was alright.
"I love you more, sugar." Sam smiled, relieved, pressing his lips to her forehead.
"Starting to feel seriously left out over here," Bucky said, wiping his fingers on a tissue.
Sam rolled his eyes at his needy-for-attention husband before cupping his cheek and kissing his forehead as well, sending blood to his cheeks.
"I love you, daddy," she whispered, squeezing Bucky's right hand.
"I love you more, doll." Bucky echoed his partner, kissing her hand.
For the whole week, Papa and Daddy let her sleep on top of their chests, seeing as cuddling and spooning weren't options and they still wanted to be close. She'd alternate between the men as the nights passed.
Eventually, they did go sledding in the park when she healed, three days in a row. She loved it and she laughed so much till her cheeks hurt. She could handle a little fall after all; she could handle anything as long as Sam and Bucky were there to take care of her through it.
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seita · 4 years
in-game | kenma kozume (m.)
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pairing: kenma/reader genre: angst, fluff, smut wordcount: 𝟸𝟼𝟶𝟸 tags: established relationship, gamer!kenma cw: neglectful behavior, crying, hurt/comfort, cuddling, riding, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, squirting, overstimulation, praise kink, dom!kenma.
+ note: self indulgent bc im a hurt/comfort whore and i was going thru some KENMA FEELINGS when i wrote this.
˖˖ summary: kenma’s been awfully neglectful lately, preoccupied with his video games. you eventually get fed up and he has to comfort you and fix the hurt he caused you.
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© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not repost or modify.
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Your lovely boyfriend had been playing video games nonstop for days. It had gotten to the point that even your personal time together, curled up in bed before sleeping, had been infringed upon. Instead of him coming to bed with you to cuddle and talk, he was staying up and coming to bed after you fell asleep. You’d wake up to him already sitting in front of his computer or the TV resuming his gameplay when you woke up.
You got it was his job and he loved to play with every fiber of his being but you couldn’t help but feel...neglected. You tried to ignore the aching feeling in the pit of your chest when you greeted him good morning and only sometimes received a grunt in response. 
It was weighing heavily on you and you were saddened that he didn’t even notice your downed state. He also didn’t seem to miss your presence when you began to hide in different rooms away from him. 
It all came to a head one evening when you found yourself craving him. Craving like having his touch on your body, making you feel good and loved like you knew he did so well. Kenma didn’t have the biggest sex drive around and as a result it sort of caused your own to dim as well. But when either of you had the urge you usually had no problems going to the other to have it sorted. 
This time, however, you found yourself hesitating. 
There was no way he’d choose you over that video game right now.
So with a heavy heart you laid back in bed and slid your hand down your panties, shuddering when you felt your wet folds beneath your fingertips. 
You could hear Kenma’s video game through the thin walls of your shared apartment. It was distracting, knowing he was out there so close yet so far. It had been a long time since you had to get yourself off; you never needed to when you had the sweetest boyfriend ever living with you. 
After touching yourself for what felt like ages, you realized you were nowhere near orgasm and promptly gave up. The frustrations of being stuck horny mixed with your hurt over being neglected by your boyfriend finally bubbled over and you felt tears pricking at your eyes. You rolled over, stuffing your face into his pillow as you cried. It muffled your whimpers and wails, not that your boyfriend would notice anyway. 
Suddenly, you sat up and sniffled a bit. Something dawned on you as you sat there, listening to your boyfriend’s video game blast explosions through the walls. 
There was no reason for you to be made to feel like this. You had to step up and talk to him. Communication was always the most important thing in your relationship with Kenma. He was a quiet, introverted guy who kept 99% to himself. When you first started dating back in high school, you both made it completely clear that you needed to talk to  each other. 
Yet there you were, ignoring that rule you’d made with him. 
You crawled out of bed and wiped your eyes with the back of your hand as you stumbled out of the bedroom. 
Kenma was sitting on the couch, feet propped up on the wooden coffee table as he slouched back. His hair was in a messy bun, a bored expression on his face as he slammed his thumbs against the controller buttons. 
“Kenma,” you said, pausing in the doorway to the living room. 
He didn’t reply, making you huff and try again. You called his name louder, stepping into the room. Finally, he tore his eyes from the screen to cast a glance at you before immediately looking back to the screen. However, it only lasted a second before his head was jerking to look back at you with wide eyes. 
He sat up straighter, hitting pause on his game as he frowned up at you, “Have you been crying?”
You sigh and nod, stepping closer to him, fidgeting nervously with the hem of your shirt.
“Why?” he asked, the sincerity in his voice making your eyes tear up again.
Your bottom lip trembled as all the feelings you’ve been holding back flooded forth; “I just...really miss you lately, Kenma. You’ve been so...busy and I...just feel like you’ve forgotten me.”
His gaze softened as your words sunk in. He uttered your name, soft and sympathetic before reaching his hand out for you. You quickly slipped your fingers into his palm, letting him tug you into his lap. His arms wrapped around you, one hand cupping the back of your head as he pulled your face into his shoulder. You felt the tears you’d been holding back come forth as you heard him whisper soft apologies in your ear.
You didn’t say anything more, feeling yourself begin to doze, nestled in his lap as he rubbed his hand down your back. You sighed happily snuggling into him. The music to his game played in the background and you found yourself speaking; “you can play again.”
“A-Are you sure?” he asked, skeptical though he knew you were bound to doze off.
You nodded and closed your eyes, relaxing against him. You felt him shift as he grabbed the controller once more, settling back into the couch cushions before resuming his game. You quickly fell asleep to the feeling of the occasional kiss against your temple from him. 
When you woke up, it was from being gently jostled. Kenma quickly noticed you had awoken and he frowned, reaching over to tuck some hair behind your ear.
“Sorry…” he whispered, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“It’s okay,” you reply, sitting up, “How long was I out?”
He shook his head, “Like an hour or so.”
You rolled over and got out of bed, making Kenma frown before you disappeared into the bathroom. He went back to the living room to resume his game, sitting on the couch with his controller in his lap. When you came back from going pee, you paused to take a look at him. 
His bun was loose, hair falling prettily around his face. He had changed into a loose t-shirt that was too big so it fell off his shoulder, revealing his collarbones and an expanse of unmarked, pale skin. He wore a pair of soft sweatpants that he owned several colors of; they were his favorites. 
He looked up at you when you came in, patting his lap before holding his hand out for you.
“You’re tired, why don’t you go to sleep?” he asked, thumbing beneath your eyes, which were still a bit red from crying earlier.
“Wanna be with you,” you whisper, leaning forward to rest your head against his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers resting his hand on your back before pressing a kiss to your head, “Take all the time you need.”
You smile, relishing in having his attention, even as you heard the game play on in the background. He occasionally pressed a kiss against you. 
Suddenly, the arousal you had been feeling came back to the forefront of your mind and you found yourself squirming in his lap. He grunted, brows coming together.
“Settle down, baby,” he mumbled, kissing your shoulder, eyes glued to the TV.
“Kenma…” you whimper, leaning back a bit, making sure to stay out of his way of the TV, “Can I…” he hummed, glancing at you for a second before looking back at the TV, “I really wanna ride you.”
He shuddered, nodding his head, “Go ahead, baby. Get me hard.”
You grin gleefully, and reach down to palm him, finding he’s already rapidly growing harder. Tugging at the elastic band of his sweats, he shifts a bit so you can pull his cock free, tucking the band beneath his balls. He sighs at the feeling of your hand wrapping around him to give his length a few squeezes. 
You pucker your lips and spit down on the head, using it to slick up his shaft to aid in your movements. Before long, hot puffs were coming from his lips and he was at full hardness. 
You sat up and yanked your panties down before tugging your shirt over your head. Completely, naked, Kenma sat back to admire your body with a low curse. 
Reaching beneath you, you gripped his cock to line him up at your entrance.
“Don’t hurt yourself, baby,” he whispered, glancing up at your through messy bangs, “Run and get the lube.”
“D-Don’t need it,” you whine, running the head between your folds. 
He hisses but hits pause, gripping your hip to stop you from sinking down with a pointed look, “Go get the lube, now.”
You pout but do as you’re told, crawling off his lap to rush to the bedroom. The bottle sits inside the bedside table on his side and you grab it quickly. 
When you return to the living room, he’s sitting as you left him, cock resting against his t-shirt, leaving a wet spot from where it steadily drools precum. 
“Here,” you grunt, crawling back into his lap, “I really don’t need it.”
“Why do you say that?” he asks, putting his controller down to take the bottle from your hands.
You watch, mouth open as he pours some into the palm of his hand. His hands were always so pretty; lithe fingers and prominent veins. He wraps his fist around his length and coats the smooth skin in the liquid. Using what was left on his fingers, he slides two fingers into your cunt. You grunt and grip his shoulders as he scissors his digits.
“You are wet,” he hummed, crooking his fingers to find your g-spot easily.
“T-Told you,” you pant, “I’ve been...wet for hours…”
“Why didn’t you just come and ask me?” he mumbled, frowning as he focuses on your fingers swallowing his fingers before he slowly adds a third.
“D-Didn’t think...oh, that you’d care,” you confess.
He shakes his head and pulls his fingers free, wiping them clean on his sweats before grabbing his controller.
“Don’t be stupid,” he mumbled, but you can hear the hurt in his voice at your words, “I’m always here, even if it doesn’t seem like I don’t because I’m being an ass.”
“Can I ride you now?” you ask, kissing your forehead.
“Take what you need, baby, I’m all yours,” his breathing stutters as you line him up with your entrance and begin sinking down, “That’s it...it’s all for you, make yourself feel good.”
You let out a slow breath as you sink down, taking his cock into your dripping walls. The stretch burns just a bit but it only feels pleasurable. Kenma sighs, biting his lip as his grip on the controller tightens as you squeeze him so perfectly. 
You do your best not to jostle him too much as you ride him, grinding against him so stimulate your clit. After being unable to cum earlier, you feel yourself getting closer to your first orgasm. Your movements stutter and you press your cheek to his shoulder, panting and whining as you work yourself over the edge.
“That’s it, use my cock, baby,” Kenma pants, throbbing within your spasming walls, “Cum for me.”
And you do. It’s a calm, slowly cresending orgasm that fades almost as quickly as it arrived. But still, it left you trembling in his lap. Taking a breather, you sit quietly with your eyes closed, his cock still buried inside you while you waited for the oversensitivity to pass. 
He let you, kissing your cheek and head as you came down, patiently waiting for you to do as you needed -- just as he promised. He was there for you right now, even though his eyes were on his game, his mind was concentrated on you and your sweet cunt wrapped around him. 
Before long, you were moving again, but this time you began bouncing. 
He groaned, leaning back as you expertly worked your hips so the tip prodded every sweet spot in your walls. You were dripping down his length, making a mess of his sweats but he truly couldn’t care less in that moment. He cursed under his breath, accidentally pressing a wrong button on his controller. 
“I’m cumming again!” you squeal, nails biting into his shoulders as you toss your head back and shudder, soaking his length in your cum. He hisses, hitting pause and tossing the controller to the other end of the couch. He grabs your hips and plants his feel on the floor, jackhammering his hips up while holding you stationary, “K-Kenma!”
“Cum again,” he groans, his own eyes rolling back. 
“F-Fuck!” you toss your arms around his shoulders and hug him tight as you cum again. Perhaps you never even came down from your second one. Regardless, you’re hurled into a third -- this one messier than before. 
You squirt, soaking his shirt and abdomen, “Good fucking girl, good girl.”
“Th-Thought you’d let me take what I need…” you pant, trembling as he moves your hips under his strong grip, working you through the aftershocks. 
He huffs out a laugh, head resting against the back of the couch, “Why let you take when I can give?”
You moan, head falling back when you ride him once more. Your body trembles in overstimulation but you just can’t get enough. He cups your breasts, pinching your nipples between his fingers as he stares up at you as if you were a goddess. Hell, to him, you were one. 
“I love you so much,” he confesses, gaze soft.
You meet his eyes and feel an overwhelming sense of love overcoming you. Leaning forward, you press your lips to his and pull him in for a deep, sweet kiss. 
He reciprocates naturally, cupping the back of your head.
“I love you more,” you reply, resting your forehead against his, “I love you more than anything, Kenma.”
“Shh, baby,” he coos, hearing the raw emotion bleeding into your voice, “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
You whimper, burying your face in his neck as you resume riding him. He holds you close, caressing your skin and whispering words of encouragement as you crest once again. This time, you take him with you. 
He spills into you, a heavy groan in your ear as he pumps his hot load into your spasming cunt. You both relax, your body trembling as tears trickle down your cheeks and you sniffle. He pulls you back so he can look at your face. He cups your cheeks and presses a kiss to your nose.
“I’m sorry, _____,” he whispers sincerely, “I never meant to make you feel like I didn’t care about you.”
“It’s okay now,” you whimper, snuggling into him, neither of you caring about his cum dripping from you cunt. His cock is soft now, but still sheathed within you and you have no plans of separating.
He reaches over to grab his controller again, feeling you sag against him as you begin to doze off. His thumbs work over the buttons and he relishes in the feeling of having you close, wondering how he had missed it for so long without realizing. 
The sight of you crying because you felt neglected still rang in his mind and he made a mental promise to the two of you that he would never make that mistake again -- no matter how into his games he became. 
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Sugary Sweet Apologies
Summary: You and Reid never really got along but when he saves your life, you decide to be the bigger person and thank him and hopefully start over. Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: light to mild angst with fluffy ending, swearing, spencer reid being an annoying bitch, brief mentions of case stuff (if you watch cm, you should be fine)
A/N: this is for @willowrose99 ‘s 1 year anniversary on tumblr writing challenge!! congrats! i literally wrote and edited this whole thing in less than one day because i got so excited, anyways i hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.8k
“Reid and Y/L/N, go to David Whitney’s house. He was the therapist of two of the three victims. He could have some insight into the victimology and know of any overlap between them. He has no criminal record of past aggressive behavior but we can’t rule him out as a suspect entirely,” Hotch stated.
“Hotch, you stuck me with her yesterday for the geographical profiling. Send Prentiss with her instead,” Spencer whined.
“I don’t mind going with Y/L/N. She is a great partner in the field,” Emily glared at Spencer.
“No. Reid, go with Y/L/N or be taken off this case. I’m a unit chief, not an elementary school teacher. I don’t have time for temper tantrums,” Hotch chided.
“Fine,” Spencer grumbled as you grabbed the keys to an SUV.
You don’t know what it was but ever since you started at the BAU four months ago, Spencer had never liked you which resulted in you disliking him as well. Everyone else on the team was super friendly and welcoming but Reid always was jabbing snarky remarks your way like “I don’t have time to explain it to you” or “This was in the FBI handbook. God, you need more training.”
Luckily, the others were quick to defend you. Once Garcia even heard him snip at you over the phone and as soon as you all got off the elevator after the case, Reid was being dragged by his ear into Garcia’s lair with him going “ow ow ow” behind her. So, you didn’t really pay much mind to him because you could deal with one annoying know-it-all to have such an amazing job with great coworkers minus the one.
“Look, I’m not happy about this either,” you said as you climbed into the driver’s side of the SUV, “But at least I’m not being a whiny bitch about it and being rude to the other person’s face.”
“Oh wow, I’m so sorry that I hurt your feelings,” Spencer mocked.
“Fuck you, Reid,” you shook your head.
David Whitney was on edge the second you arrived and showed him your badges. He was bouncing his leg up and down, he couldn’t sit still, and he kept avoiding eye contact.
He knew way too much about the other victim that wasn’t even one of his clients but you didn’t have anything solid on him. His house seemed very neat so you doubted he kept anything incriminating here. Organized offenders usually have a secondary location. So, you decided to push his buttons a little.
“I mean blitz attacks, leaving the bodies on the side of dirt roads,” you combed through the crime scene photos, “This guy was a real coward.”
Spencer picked up on what you were trying to do and his eyes widened, he was subtly shaking his head and mouthing “no”.
“Excuse me?” David asked.
“Well, I’m just saying a real man wouldn’t cower in the bushes and blindside a woman. He must not be very strong,” you stated, “He probably can’t even get it up.”
Before you even had time to react, David pulled out a switchblade knife from inside the couch cushions and put you in a chokehold, pressing the cool metal up to your throat. You closed your eyes tightly.
“David, you don’t have to do this,” Spencer stood with his gun pointed at you both.
“This bitch insulted me,” he snarled.
“She insults me too. That doesn’t make you any less of a man,” Spencer spoke carefully, “Just put the knife down and I’ll escort you out.”
David sighed, dropping the knife to the floor and releasing you.
Spencer put David in handcuffs and walked him outside as reinforcements came running in.
“Are you okay, Y/L/N?” Hotch asked.
“Yep, a little shaken up but fine. Thank you,” you stood.
“Let’s get you to the medics,” Morgan grabbed your arm to support you as you walked over to the ambulance.
Spencer never checked on you.
You knew your decision in the field was a little rash and you wanted to thank Spencer for essentially saving your life.
However, there was no way in hell you could verbally get out an apology while staring at his smug face, but you could bake. You settled on a note tucked inside a tupperware container of your Grandma’s special recipe of chocolate chip cookies. It was a good peace offering, maybe even a chance to start fresh.
During your lunch break, you took the tupperware from your desk drawer and approached the break room where Reid had entered about 5 minutes ago.
“I’m just saying I could not have been more clear in my message to her that it was too dangerous but of course, Y/L/N didn’t listen cause Y/L/N is going to do whatever she feels like,” Spencer stirred his coffee.
No one had noticed you standing in the doorway yet.
“Reid, you’ve got to be nicer to her. She earned her spot here just like the rest of us,” Emily defended you.
“Did she though? How much do we really know about her? She couldn’t even tell me how many pages the FBI protocol manual was,” Spencer said.
“That’s not a normal thing people know,” Morgan retorted.
“Well, I’m just saying the team was perfectly fine before her and it would probably be better off if she left,” Reid finished.
Garcia looked up from her yogurt to see you standing there, “Oh, Y/N”.
Spencer turned around in his chair as you angrily stormed up to him.
“Here’s your cookies, asshole,” you seethed, grabbing the note from inside and crumpling it up into a little ball and tossing it into the trash.
“Y/N!” Emily called after you but you were already gone.
The whole team glared at Spencer and picked up their lunches, leaving him alone at the table.
Spencer retrieved the balled up paper from the trash, having to fish through Rossi’s week old pasta and Anderson’s half eaten tuna fish sandwich.
Dear Reid,
Thank you for saving my life, I guess. These are my Grandma’s secret recipe for chocolate chip cookies so I hope you enjoy. I think we got off on the wrong foot and I would like to start over. I think cases would be a lot less miserable for everyone if we got along.
Thanks again,
Spencer, you’re such an idiot, he thought to himself.
You never came back after your lunch break ended and Derek made Spencer go tell Hotch why it’s his fault you were missing the rest of the day.
He tried to call you multiple times but they always rang out before going to voicemail.
Spencer hesitantly knocked on Penelope’s door at the end of the day.
“Is she okay?” he asked softly.
“You don’t get to ask that as the person who hurt her in the first place. Also, she told me to tell you that don’t you dare go to her apartment to ‘check on her’. I’m headed over there myself actually,” Penelope collected her things and shut off her monitors.
“Will you at least tell her I’m really sorry?” Spencer followed her to the elevator.
“Absolutely not. I’m not doing any apologizing on your behalf,” Penelope huffed as the elevators shut.
You came in the next morning, keeping your head down. You grabbed a pen from your cup holder and the first folder on your stack before getting to work.
You were on the second page of the file when your clean, empty tupperware was placed in front of you plus another baking dish with aluminum foil over the top.
You glanced up to see Spencer guiltily looking down at you and you returned your eyes back to the file.
“I-I made you cinnamon rolls,” Spencer broke the silence.
“Are they poisoned?” you asked, not sparing him another glance.
“No, they’re not poisoned,” he assured you.
“I’m just saying how can I trust you as you have made it very apparent you would like me off this team.”
“I didn’t mean that,” Spencer was quick to reply.
“Then why the hell did you say it, Reid?” you slammed your pen down.
You grabbed your empty coffee mug and briskly walked to the break room but unfortunately, Spencer was right behind you.
“I didn’t eat any of your cookies by the way. Not that I didn’t want to but I felt like I didn’t deserve them so I handed them out to everyone else.”
“Oh how kind, taking credit for my work,” you tried to close the door in his face.
“I told them that they were from you,” Spencer insisted.
You rolled your eyes as Spencer grabbed the coffee pot before you could get to it, pouring your mug of coffee for you.
“What do you want from me, Reid?” you asked defeatedly.
“I want you to try a cinnamon roll and let me explain.”
“Fine but only because I didn’t have breakfast yet and I want to critique your baking skills,” you huffed, walking back to your desk.
Spencer gingerly placed one of the sticky frosting-coated rolls on a napkin and pushed it towards you. You tentatively bit into it. Damn it, it was actually delicious.
“It’s okay,” you understated.
You knew Spencer hardly ever used his kitchen let alone be up baking all night. He even chose a recipe that required more time and effort because the yeast dough would have to rise for a few hours.
“That’s good. The first batch didn’t come out as great...or the second,” he smiled softly.
“Well, the floor is all yours, Reid. Please explain to me why you talk shit about me to my co-workers when I’m in the other room,” you leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms.
Spencer muttered something incoherent.
“I have to hear the apology, you know,” you said, enjoying watching him uncomfortable.
“You’re intimidating to me because you’re intelligent, beautiful, and courageous. I think I was a little jealous that my spotlight as the ‘kid’ of the BAU was coming to an end so I said some harsh, completely untrue things and I’m sincerely sorry.”
“Oh my god,” you smirked, “Hotch was right, you are an elementary school kid.”
“In what way?” he curiously asked.
“You like me like like like me. You don’t know how to talk to the girl so you pull her pigtails on the playground,” you giggled.
“I take it back. You’re a horrible profiler,” Spencer was getting up from his seat, completely flustered.
“Awww,” you were laughing at Spencer’s bright red face as he went to go to the break room to fill his coffee mug.
When he got back to his desk, a sticky note was placed front and center.
In typical elementary school fashion…
Will you go get coffee with me?
Spencer smiled before picking up his pen and checking one of the boxes, crumpling the sticky note up into a ball and throwing it over to your desk.
“Good choice. See you Saturday at 9 at the cafe down the street,” you grinned.
“It’s a date,” he smiled.
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ashasmonsters · 3 years
The Thru-Hiker
Female reader x Male mothperson (Desmond)
Citrus rating: Lemon
Content: Full-on smut, references to unhappy breakups
Words: 5.1k
Note: Here's the story that earns me the "18+" in my description. This is my first time making anything this smutty public, so any feedback or criticism would be appreciated. Enjoy!
You raised the viewfinder to your eye. The rolling hills fit within the frame-lines neatly, the trail before you leading straight down the middle and towards the horizon. With a satisfying click the shutter fired. You lowered the camera and cranked the film advance lever, confident that shot would turn out well. You let the camera dangle from your shoulder once again as you looked around: this spot was close enough to the main trail that you wouldn't need any "breadcrumbs" to lead you back to it in the morning. The sun would finish setting in an hour or so, and bird chirps had given way to trilling crickets and cicadas. It was warm enough that you didn't need to build a fire. Your stove would do just fine.
"That's a nice camera."
You turned towards the voice. Standing behind you, closer to the main trail and obscured slightly by foliage, loomed a lanky mothman. He wore clothes appropriate for hiking the Appalachian trail, though you hadn't seen him around. This meant he was quick or hiking the opposite direction as you.
"Thanks." You answered. He pushed a few low-hanging twigs out of the way and took a step towards you.
"Is that a..." he paused, his brow furrowing above his red compound eyes as he searched for a word, "Yashica, right?"
"Mamiya, actually." You answered, hefting the brick-shaped camera from your hip where it dangled. "It's been a pain to hike with, but I love it all the same."
"I'm sure you've got some excellent shots in that thing. I'm Desmond." He closed the remaining distance and tenderly extended a chitinous claw. You shook it in turn and returned his greeting.
"I don't believe I've seen you on the trail, Desmond," you said, "are you using those wings or hiking southbound?"
"Oh, I'm hiking southbound. Flying would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?"
"I guess that is a silly question." You lowered your eyes and made eye contact with his hiking boots. "I'm heading northbound."
"Hm. You must have started the trail pretty recently."
"That's right. I started maybe three weeks ago. You must be pretty close to finishing if you're going southbound."
"Been on the trail for five months." He answered.
"Wow." You breathed. Maybe mothmen wore it better, but he certainly looked neat for having lived in the wilderness for almost half a year. You caught yourself staring. "Um, got any tips for a relatively fresh hiker like me?"
"Take your time and enjoy yourself." He said, looking down at you. "The trail is going to take the better part of a year from you no matter what, so there's no point in rushing it."
"Thanks for the advice." A pause. You saw your reflection in his ruby eyes. "Anyway... I don't want to keep you from the trail, being nocturnal and all." You failed to suppress a tinge of longing in your voice. The sun started to kiss the horizon, making the canopy above you look like it was on fire.
"Well, actually..." Desmond rested a claw on the back of his neck fluff, "I was going to ask if you would share this spot with me. It's going to be a full moon and I planned to take a rest to enjoy it."
"Oh," you said, glad the sunset was masking your blush, "that should be fine, then."
"I don't want to impose, I could always find my own—"
"No, really, it's fine." You said, gesturing around the sizeable clearing. "We're sharing a view, not a cot. I don't mind."
"Ah, right." He played with his neck fluff again. "Well then, let's not waste the daylight." You nodded and slid your pack off.
Your sleeping arrangements for the trail had been spartan, but still comfortable. You carried a thin foam pad which rolled up nicely and fit under your sleeping bag, a tarp with hooks for hanging from above, a camp stove, and a sack to keep your food strung up a branch and away from animals.
All of this was set up fairly quickly since Desmond was helping you. He was quite tall, which made stringing up the extra food much easier than when you had done it alone. In no time, your foam pad was safely encircled by your hanging tarp and your stove was boiling a pot of water. Tonight's dinner was an Appalachian Trail classic: dehydrated cheesy rice. You took the initiative to invoke full-on luxury by adding a handful of equally dehydrated broccoli florets. You had a guest to entertain, after all.
"Thanks for making me breakfast. Dinner, in your case." Desmond said. The dim blue light from the camp stove caught only the very edges of his chitinous frame. His red eyes shone bright like a cat's through the steam from the culinary masterpiece cooking between you two.
"Consider it my treat." You smiled back. There was a pause, so you pulled a topic from the air. "Are you a photographer too? Not many people can tell apart the brands of these old things." You patted your Mamiya camera as if it were a tiny metal lapdog.
"Ah, no," He said, almost defensively, "if you have compound eyes like me, you can't really look through viewfinders. It just doesn't work."
"Right, sorry." You rubbed the back of your neck. "Where does your camera knowledge come from, then?"
"Well... you know the old mothpeople stereotype about how we like light?"
"Um." You spoke carefully. "I have heard of it."
"I kinda live up to that stereotype. Like, very much. It's why I wanted to stop here to watch the full moon."
"Okay, but how does that tie into cameras?"
"It's kind of embarrassing." He fidgeted with his long white neck fuzz. "It's the flash. When it goes off, it's like... like..."
"Like a drug?" You finished for him.
"No! Not like that. It's not addictive... I don't think. It's more like... what's that thing humans do with their nails and their skin?"
"Like scratching an itch?"
"Yes! Exactly." He said excitedly. "I don't itch, but if I did, I imagined it would feel like when a camera flash goes off."
You chuckled even though you knew he was a little embarrassed. This whole situation was just too absurd, too odd.
"So you're like a connoisseur of camera flashes." A pause. He lowered his gaze.
"Mamiyas have the best one." You chuckled again.
"Well, then." You pulled your camera from your bag and held it before you. "May I take your portrait?"
"If it's no trouble," his antennae perked up, "yes please."
Wrestling the camera into shooting position, you flipped the viewfinder open and aimed it squarely at him. The scene fit perfectly within the frame-lines; the glowing blue stove flames in the foreground and Desmond's red eyes neatly in the middle.
"Looks good to me." You said, pressing the flash release. The flash, a piece of metal the size of your thumb, sprung out of the camera and whined as the battery charged it.
"Oh, wow." He noted. You pressed the shutter—
"Goddamn!" Desmond cried, shuddering. Briefly, a low chirr seemed to emanate from him. "Pardon my French. That was good."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Most people hate when I ask to take their portrait." You cranked the film advance lever and smiled. You returned your camera to its place in your bag, then... remembered there was a meal on the stove. "Crap, I hope the bottom isn't burning." You said, quickly grabbing the stirring spoon and scraping the bottom of the pot. You continued until you were sure the food was in good shape.
"You know, when I thought about making this trek, I was worried about getting lonely. Like I wouldn't be able to put up with just myself for so long... but I've already met so many people and they've all been kind." You continued stirring the meal.
"Then what made you consider it in the first place?" Desmond asked, cocking an antenna.
"Oh... you know... adventure." You lied. The resulting pause made you painfully aware of how bad of a liar you are. The cheesy rice bubbled and spat steam at you as if heckling your poor performance.
"I'd believe that if you had a fedora and a whip. And knew where the holy grail was." He chuckled, his mandibles clicking.
"Ah, just a stupid joke. There's these old movies..." He cut himself off and extended an empty claw, taking the spoon from you and making it his turn to stir. "I don't want to tell you your business, but everybody I've met in the past five months comes to the trail to run from something."
"Well... you're right that it's definitely my business." You tried not to scowl. The turn in conversation had resurrected an unpleasant feeling in your heart; something in the same neighborhood as shame or sadness.
"Not if what you're running from is the law and you're a serial killer or something. Then that's definitely my business." He clicked once more. His attempt to lighten the conversation didn't help that feeling much. The cheesy rice heckled him this time.
"I'm not a serial killer, I promise." You started, drawing in a sharp breath. Perhaps you just needed to vent. Maybe that would ease this malaise. "Why don't you start? Tell me what you're running from first, then I'll tell you about me." You took the stirring spoon back from him. He ran a claw down his face.
"I'm running from a breakup. We dated for three years." He sighed.
"I'm... sorry." You said, unsure of what else to say.
"Don't apologize; not unless you're the girl she ran off with." His mandibles clicked weakly. "I'm kidding. She didn't run off or anything. She didn't even cheat. She just realized that men weren't for her."
You raised an eyebrow. "Three whole years?"
"It didn't take her that long to realize it, just that long to work up the courage to tell me. Maybe I wasn't her true love, but she cared about me a lot. She was so scared of hurting me that she bottled it up for most of that time."
"You didn't want to remain friends?"
"I did— and I still do. I... I just said three things: 'I need some time to process this,' 'I'm in a lot of pain but it's not your fault,' and 'I'm going hiking for six months, call me back when I'm done.' That's all I could think of in the moment, and now I'm here."
"That's rough."
"You're telling me." His shoulders dropped. "I'm used to breakups with jerks. That I can make peace with, because then it's like a problem that solves itself. Jerk breaks up with you, therefore no more jerk to deal with. But... when it's someone that you love, that you want the best for, and that means they have to move on... that's something I'm still trying to work out." He sighed hard and lowered his crimson eyes. "I think the rice is done."
You were so caught up in his pained explanation that you lost track of time. You quickly turned off the camp stove and set the pot on the ground.
"Thanks for reminding me." You grabbed your enamel bowl as he readied his and started dishing out the rice and broccoli. You both sat there in silence, enjoying the feeling of hot food in hand. "Anyway, I guess it's my turn to share."
"Please. I wouldn't want to dump my problems on you without hearing out yours."
"I had a breakup too, though honestly I think mine wasn't as rough as yours." You said.
"We all go through different things. It's not a contest." Desmond said, idly poking his steaming meal. "Tell me about it, if you want."
So you did. Over the course of the meal, you told Desmond all about your past relationship: the fights you had with your ex, the nights spent in separate sleeping arrangements, the endless worry over how much of it was your fault. He nodded sympathetically with each painful memory you unraveled to him. Remembering it all made you feel worse, but having him listen made it feel much better. When you had no more to say, he stared at you. You saw yourself reflected in his eyes. Your spoon was trembling.
"It's okay to cry. I won't mind." Was all Desmond said before you had to set down your food and hold your face in your hands. It's like you had been saving up a surplus of tears throughout all these events and just barely they were escaping you. You could hear Desmond awkwardly scoot over in the dirt to your side before he offered a rigid shoulder to you.
"Chitin isn't exactly memory foam, but..." You rested your head on him without a second thought. One of his claws found its way to your shoulder and you felt better for it. This was the first time you had mentioned your breakup out loud and unquestionably the first time anyone had offered you a shoulder to cry on, literally or figuratively.  You quickly came to find even Desmond's exoskeleton quite comfortable.
"Thanks for listening." You said as your sobs started to slow. He plainly chirred in response, making his grip on your shoulder a little tighter. His embrace was the first one you had felt since the breakup. You felt warm and safe in a way you had previously only had with your ex long ago. His neck fluff tickled you as he leaned his head onto yours.
"It's okay." You could feel his mandibles nudge your cheek as he spoke. "I know how hard it is." Your composure returned, and you stilled yourself against him. You finally removed your hands from your face, your eyes bloodshot.
"I'm glad I'm not wearing makeup." You chuckled weakly. "Otherwise my cheeks would look like a barcode right now."
"That's the spirit. Enjoy the little things." He rubbed your shoulder. "That's what the trail is all about."
You found yourself naturally holding Desmond closer, burying yourself in his neck fluff and wrapping an arm around his side as he held you. He smelled like pine and smoke. You grabbed your bowl of food once more and resumed eating, not leaving Desmond's side.
"I'm sorry for smearing my tears all over you." You said, coming back to reality. The taste of rehydrated cheesy rice wasn't great, but it was warm and familiar. Combined with Desmond's arm wrapped around you, the pain and baggage from the breakup left you like grime after a shower.
"It's alright." He said. "If moths could cry, I'd be crying all over you too. We're in the same shitty breakup boat."
He and you sat there together, finishing the meal. The camp stove had been turned off for a while now, and the only warmth you felt was your own, reflected off his chitin. The pause was permeated by lesser insects chirping and wind gently rustling the branches above. As you finished your food, you became painfully aware that Desmond couldn't hold you forever. He'd have to get in his sleeping bag eventually, and in the morning, continue his hike to nowhere other than your distant memories. Or, maybe...
"Want to share my sleeping bag with me?" The words left your mouth before you could even react. A second later, you realized what you had said and your heart raced. Your face found itself hidden in your hands again.
Why the fuck would you say that? Are you crazy? How would you feel if he randomly propositioned you for sex, huh? To which your responded to yourself with, Screw it, I'd be down for that.
Oh well. The fact he'd leave forever in the morning was both a blessing and a curse... but for now, mostly a blessing. It didn't matter if you were "rebounding" or doing something impulsive. Whatever happened tonight would stay in tonight. You and him would go your separate ways and there wouldn't be any regrets to be had. You practically held your breath as he processed what you said; the pause felt infinitely long.
"I'd love to." He broke the silence, his mandibles clicking more than usual. "Unless you're having second thoughts."
You looked up at him and shook your head. Wordlessly, he took your hand stood up with you. You led him to your dangling tarp wherein your sleeping bag and foam pad rested. Luxurious it was not, but as you slapped aside the flap and pulled Desmond in behind you, little else other than him was on your mind. You sat down on your "bed" and turned round, looking at him. His saucer-sized red eyes glowed as they met your gaze. He stepped closer.
"You're sure?" He said, kneeling before you. "I don't want to—"
You leaned forward and grabbed his head, clumsily planting a kiss where his mouth would be if he was human. It seemed to do the trick; he gasped and relaxed, his mandibles caressing your cheeks. You pulled back to breathe.
"I'm not asking you to marry me." You planted another kiss on him, tugging on his neck fluff. "I'm asking you to keep me company tonight."
"If you insist." He clicked. Something in his tone changed. For the first time his voice had timbre and need. He had left his tone suited for polite conversation and jokes outside your tarp. Here on your twin-sized foam pad, all pretenses were gone. You both knew you were going to give yourselves to each other; yet he surprised you by tugging the neck of your shirt down and scattering little kisses from your chin to your collarbone with his proboscis. It was rough and leathery and frankly didn't feel like anything you had touched before. You shuddered when he took it with him, descending past your breasts and peeling your shirt off your belly.
"Desmond..." You sighed, the only thing keeping this encounter casual being the button on your jeans.
"Everything alright so far?" He looked up at you with his large eyes, his mandibles brushing against your thigh as he spoke.
"Excellent." You breathed, resting a hand on the back of his neck fluff. "Please..." You used the same hand to ever-so-gently nudge him closer to your midst, which was already roiling with burning need. With a single claw, he carefully undid the button and zipper. You shimmied out of your jeans until his neck fluff  tickled the inside of your exposed thighs; your underwear soon followed. He clicked some more as you fully exposed your entrance to him, his eyes studying you and his claws gently finding their way to each of your legs.
"Forgive me, it's been a while." He said as he lowered his face into you. You reclined further, only gazing upwards to the tarp and a tiny patch of starry sky.
"Don't talk, just— Ah!" He pulled a gasp from you as he began his ministrations. With your head resting on the foam pad, you just closed your eyes and let the sensations fill you. Something of his, you weren't quite sure what, playfully danced around the edges of your entrance until it found its mark. It gently flicked across that tender nub and your hips bucked in response. You held his neck plumage tighter, desperately tugging him closer to you.
"Keep going, that's— oh, that's perfect..." He didn't resist your pull. If anything, as his fuzz tickled you and his mandibles started to prod at your folds he increased his fervor. Relentlessly he played across all parts of you at once. Hard chitinous mandibles spread you open while his proboscis felt like it was everywhere. It rubbed your bead with every advance it made into you, filling you with a tingling warmth that spread throughout your whole body. He didn't let up at all, your breath hitching and leaving you as moans. You rocked your hips and whined. Harder and harder, rhythmically to a rapidly increasing tempo. You gripped him tighter, burying his face into you. Ecstasy built within your core with each surge of his "tongue" until you could hold on no longer.
"Oh, oh!" You cried, your body seizing and legs locking around his shoulders. Pleasure crackled around your whole body and there, in the dark with Desmond wordlessly working you, you weren't sure how much time you spent at the peak. Slowly, the sparks behind your eyes stopped flying. Your breath resumed its normal rhythm. Lifting your head off your sleeping bag, you made eye contact with his glowing red orbs, the only source of light under your tarp.
"How did I do?" He chittered, his grin smug enough for you to sense even in the darkness.
"You were fantastic." You indulged him, running your hand through his fuzz as he crawled over top of you. He pressed his forehead to yours.
"I didn't tire you out, did I?" He asked before descending upon you and kissing you lightly. With the gap between you two closed, you felt something tumescent and twitching under his shorts brush against you.
"I suppose I can stay up some more." You giggled as his fuzz tickled your collarbone. "I'll just sleep in."
"Glad to hear it." Desmond rasped. His voice grew ragged as he nipped at your neck, cradling your chin in one claw and using the other to undo his shorts. In the darkness, you could only feel something slick, smooth, and long come to rest on your belly. You squeezed your thighs around it. Desmond immediately chirred louder than before, sounding like a baritone version of the insects outside. His deep timbre resonated inside you.
"Excited?" You teased, his length completely at your mercy as you held it between your legs.
"I've forgotten how warm humans feel." He rumbled.
"Can I jog your memory?"
You released him from your thighs and reached down with a hand. You felt the entirety of his length in your grasp; it was delightfully slick and uniform with pleasant little ridges to encounter as your hand traveled towards his base. You grasped it gently, eliciting more bassy chitters from him as you angled it towards your entrance. You fumbled a bit in the darkness, but after a few tries his tip rested at your threshold. His eyes met yours.
"Ready?" He clicked.
"Go ahead." You gripped his shoulders and pulled him close, nestling your face in his fluff as he started entering you. His hips slowly began to close the distance, each ridge on his length pushing a squeak out of you. His pace was deliciously slow. You had just enough time to adjust but not to catch your breath. All you could do was hold him tight in the darkness, nothing but the sensation and his chirring to occupy your mind. It felt like an eternity of slowly being filled by him. Eventually, cool chitin met your wet bundle of nerves, sending electric pleasure up your spine and forcing a gasp out of you.
"That's all of it." He grunted, his body completely flush with yours. "Do you feel alright?"
"Give me a moment." you said, exhaling sharply. The sensation of fullness with him hilted completely within you took your breath away. Little moans escaped you as his shaft quivered inside your depths. Embracing him, you found a steady breathing rhythm once more. "Okay, you can move."
With only chitters in response, he buried his head in the nape of your neck, his mandibles poking and prodding as he peppered you with kisses. His hardness withdrew just as slowly as when he entered you, then returned with a steady tempo. Each time his hips rocked you moaned into his fuzz. You imagined if you and Desmond had met at a different time or a different place, you'd be voicing your pleasures into a pillow. Since he had started his rhythmic thrusts, Desmond held a low, purring chirr that surged each time his pelvis met yours.
He chittered something specific, completely forgoing English as he picked up speed. He released your shoulders from his grasp. Changing position, he now kneeled upright with his knees on either side of your rear and his claws firmly gripping your thighs. The new leverage and angle made you squeal. He pumped in earnest now, both the speed and impact making you moan with nothing to stifle your voice.
"Desmond!" You cried, one hand splayed above your head and the other reaching down to hold your sensitive bead, "Keep going!" His pace remained constant. The low chirr grew into a growl. He pounded over and over, his hips slamming into your ass. As if it took considerable effort, he wrestled his chitters back into grunting speech you could understand.
"Close," he said sharply, "getting close!" You decided against speaking, instead locking your ankles behind him and rubbing your nub feverishly to meet him at the brink. His pace quickened even more. His claws squeezed your thighs as he desperately held onto you— into you, his thrusts remaining deeper inside you as they mounted in strength. His chirring returned, ascending in volume and pitch into a strangled, desperate call. His gaze snapped skyward and his back arched and he desperately pulled at your entire body in an effort to seat himself as deep within you as he could. You cried out in time with him. Your voice reached its limits. You rubbed yourself with abandon as you felt his cock fire within you with great trembling pulses. The pleasure within you mounted, growing until it erupted with a crackling warmth that left you quivering and crying out. He held himself as deep as he could go, grinding his hips into yours. Hissing, he lowered himself upon you once more and kissed you hard. You wailed into his mandibles as you rode out your peak. His hard chitin ground into your nub and held you at your limit before his rolling hips finally relented. Still, but remaining deep within you, he broke away from the kiss. You caught your breath as your eyes locked.
"Goodness..." You panted. Your face burned. Streaks of cool wetness rolled from your eyes down your cheeks. Desmond's chirring slowed into nothingness. The only sounds left were your breathing and nature outside.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his usual tone returning slowly.
"I'm great, Desmond," You smiled, "but you managed to tire me out this time." He clicked, then slowly withdrew his softening length from your sensitive core. You felt something ooze out of you, but were too exhausted to do anything about it.
"Sleep, please." He said, stroking your hair with a claw. "I'll be right here. Don't worry about anything else."
When morning arrived, the hole in the roof of your tarp acted as a skylight. You had awoken fortuitously just before the golden beam would have shone burning rays straight into your eyes. You definitely slept in, but found yourself fully clothed. You expected to feel something regretfully sticky and wet in your underwear, but you were completely clean. For a moment, you considered that last night might have been a dream. That line of thought was cut short by the sound of boiling water and the smell of coffee creeping into your tarp.
You emerged to find Desmond sitting in front of a small fire, emptying granules of instant coffee into a pot.
"Coffee?" He offered. "It'll be done in a bit."
"Thank you, Desmond." You sat in the same spot as you did last night over dinner. The silence that followed was comfortable and warm, unlike last night's awkward pauses. You watched him shake the pot with a claw as the sun warmed you. "I guess I should also thank you for, um, cleaning me up. I kinda passed out on you there. Sorry."
"No, no. It's fine. I'm nocturnal, remember?" He looked up at you and grinned. "It felt good to take care of a sleeping human again. It reminded me of old times." His grin softened into a gentle smile. The instant coffee had fully dissolved and he pulled the pot from the fire. He filled, then offered you an enamel mug which you accepted. The aroma was cheap and comforting.
"I'm going to miss you." You held the mug tightly. You didn't meet his eyes as you spoke, instead staring into the coffee as if it would tell you what to do.
"Me too." Desmond responded.
"Could we... could you..." You searched for the best way to ask. "Would you want to be with me?" Desmond released a slow chitter. He shook his head, and his soft smile shifted further into a shallow frown.
"I'm sorry." He said softly. "I wouldn't feel comfortable whisking you away three weeks after your breakup. Hell, I'm five months out from my own and I'm still not sure about where I am emotionally." You nodded in response. The coffee in your hands cooled in the resulting silence.
"I guess this is where we part ways, then." You sighed.
"Maybe..." He finally met your gaze. "You're hiking northbound. That means you'll finish in what, five more months?"
"Four if I hurry."
"The trail ends in Maine. There's this tiny, tiny town up there." He mused. "When you finish the trail, look for me around town. I'll be there. If you still want to be with me... then we could pursue a relationship like normal people. Coffee dates and stuff. If not... well, I'll buy you lunch."
"Is that another one of your movie references?" You chuckled. His plan sounded like something straight out of a cheesy rom-com.
"I'm serious." He explained. "My mom lives up there, and I've got nowhere else to be in four to five months."
"How am I supposed to find you?"
"I'm pretty sure the town population is in the double digits, and I'm definitely sure that me and my mom are the only mothpeople there." You considered his offer. It was all you had to look forward to, really.
"Let's shake on it." You extended a hand to him over the dying embers. He reached out to meet you, but then suddenly paused. "What's wrong?" You asked, a pang of fear striking you.
"I have one condition: when you inevitably run into my mom, our story has to be something other than, 'we met up on the trail and had sex after an embarrassingly short conversation and a camera flash,' okay?" You burst into laughter, as did he. He took your hand in his claw and shook enthusiastically.
"We have a deal." You answered. "Don't worry, I'll come up with something good."
"You better. You've got four-to-five months to craft it." He clicked. You smiled.
When you both finished your coffee, you gave him a hug and enjoyed the feeling of his neck fuzz on your cheek one last time. The fire had gone out, you packed up your tarp and sleeping bag, and you took a few steps north on the trail. You stopped soon after and turned, watching him go. He disappeared into the foliage. Sighing, you resumed your hike. To pass the time you talked to yourself.
"Ah, so nice to meet you, Mrs. Moth-mom. Yes, of course, we met at a pottery class."
No! Stupid.
"We were flying kites in the park, and ours got tangled up together—"
Now you sound like you're referencing sappy rom-coms.
You sighed. At least you'd have a while to come up with something convincing.
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Can you write something where Peter has a really bad concussion and the poor baby is so tired but he has to get woken up every couple hours to make sure his head is still okay, so every time he’s about to drift off he gets woken up and it makes him so frustrated that he ends up crying and calling you momma and begging you to let him sleep cuz he can’t take it anymore
Omg so I know how hard it can be when those nurses won’t let you sleep. I remember when I had my surgery they would wake me up every hour and it was exhausting and all I wanted to do was sleep. Anyway love this prompt hope you like it!!
peter maximoff x fem reafer (just beacsue of the use of momma)
Warnings: this is pure fluff, a little angst and the use of momma I guess 
Peter hadn’t really minded getting a concussion in the beginning. It was a bad thing to say but he loved the way you babied him through it. When he first woke up after hitting his head you were right beside him, cooing over him and gently brushing his hair with your fingers. It was pure bliss. All day you just stayed by his side in the infirmary, just whispering sweet nothings as he drifted in and out of peaceful naps. And for lunch and dinner you fed him jello cups as you watched his favorite the shows. Spending all day by his side and being at his beckon call. But that bliss was interrupted when night came. The nurse told him that they would have to check on him every hour just to make sure his head was still okay.
He didn’t think anything of it, just muttering out a tired okay as he fell asleep. But what felt like only a couple seconds later he was woken up abruptly, the nurse shaking his shoulders as gently as she could but it still made him jump and snap his eyes open in alarm. She gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry honey just doing an hourly check.”
“Oh yeah okay.” Peter mumbled out, letting her sit him up as she shinned the a bright light in his eyes, making him flutter them shut. She reminded him to keep his eyes open and he did, figuring as soon as she was done he could go back to sleep. She moved her finger in front of his face asking him to follow it without moving his head. He did that and a couple more test, getting more irritated by the minute.
The nurse checked her watch before scribbling down notes on her clipboard. “I’ll be back in another hour.” She left and Peter let himself fall back into the bed, curling onto his side as he tried to fall back asleep. In no time he was being shaken awake again, the nurse giving him another apology as she forced him to perform the test from earlier. He did as he was told, sitting up and trying not to close his eyes as she shinned the bright light in his eyes. 
Peter was beyond tired at this point, all he wanted to do was sleep but she kept shaking him awake every time he found a wink of sleep.  He had asked her if it was necessary after the third time since she had said that all his results were normal. She just told him yes and disappeared until the next hour rolled around. He did the tests three times after that and by the sixth one he had had enough. He was so frustrated at his lack of sleep that he just curled into himself and began to cry tears of anger and frustration at the nurse and for ever getting that stupid concussion. 
You were awoken by the sound of soft whimpering and broken cries. You rubbed our eyes and you stretched from your cramped position. You had been sleeping in an armchair next to Peter’s bed all night not wanting to leave him in case he needed something. But at the realization that it was Peter crying you sprung out of your seat, standing next to his bed as you hushed his crying. “What is it honey? Is you head hurting, are you in pain?” Peter just shook his head in a no at all your questions. “Then what is it baby, you need to tell me.” 
“I’m so tired, and I wanna sleep without the nurse waking me up every hour. Please” Peter begged, reaching out for you. You let him pull you into the the small bed, shifting himself so he was laying on your chest, his face buried in the crook of your neck. 
“I know honey but the nurse said that they need to check very hour to make sure you’re okay.” You replied, gentling detangling his messy hair with your fingers. 
“I don’t care. “ He whined in a tired voice. You opened your mouth to inject but Peter pressed on, his broken request making your heart break. “Momma please.” His voice was raspy from lack of sleep and in his tired state he called you momma making your heart flutter.  “Please let me sleep, I'm so tired.” 
You could feel his tears staining your shirt and you could feel him already relaxing into your body. Letting his exhaustion claim him as he slumped against you. He was so tired he had nearly cried himself to sleep, you hummed to him gentling rubbing his back as his breathing got steadier. 
You could see the nurse coming closer to his bed out of the corner of your eye. You tired to get up so you could talk to her but Peter’s arms were locked around you holding you close. She frowned at seeing you in his bed and began to scold you but before she could finish you interjected. “You're not going to wake him up anymore tonight.”
“The doctor ordered he be woken up every hour to make sure his head is okay.”
“He’s fine. You said yourself his last three tests were normal.”
“No. I’ve been here with him all day and all night and he is fine, he doesn't need anymore of these tests he needs sleep.” The nurse pursed her lips eyeing you before letting her gaze drop to Peter. She took in the heavy bags under his eyes and the way he was soundly snoring, a soft smile on his lips since he had finally found sleep after all those hours. 
She sighed. “You’re right if anything would have been wrong we would have seen it already.” She turned away on her heel wising you a goodnight before leaving you two alone. 
You snuggled closer to Peter, letting out a content sigh as he pulled you even closer to him in his sleep. Muttering a soft thank you momma as he finally letting himself relax and sleep. You smiled, kissing the top of his head before letting sleep claim you as well. 
Taglist: @hollandlover19@joshdunstoothbrush75 @chiswritingandreadingcorner @enemy-of-wonkru@coffeeandteaintheevening @kitwalkerangel  @livingmybestfictionallife @evanmybeloved @amourtentiaa @madison05x  @rottenstyx  @shlutnutt @raincoffeeandfandoms @ietss @cursedandromedablack  @nightlockcornucopia @mossybank  @usuck @tatesimper dm to be added to taglist
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
chapter four: closure
Synopsis: you love him but you can never touch him
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Series Masterlist and Regular Masterlist
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“Op. Timers up.”
You rolled off of Peter and reached for your phone to turn your alarm off, sighing sadly as you did.
“I hate that sound.” Peter groaned as he rolled onto his back. “That sound should be illegal.”
“Well if you feel that strongly about it, you can gather a group of strong willed individuals and start a petition.” You teased him as you sat up.
“Are you sure that was 20 minutes? That went by really fast.” He pouted as he rolled onto his side. He lazily played with your fingers as he looked up at you with puppy dog eyes. You sighed deeply, eyes filling with regret as you pulled your hand away.
“Pete.” You said apologetically. “It was 20 minutes. No more touching.”
Peter nodded in understanding and withdrew his hand, letting it rest on his chest instead.
“It’s not long enough.” He mumbled as he stared out the window. “No amount of time is long enough.”
“I know.” You agreed with him. “But it’s better than how we used to be. At least we get to touch now.”
“For less than half an hour a day.” He grumbled as he sat up, his mood entirely altered now.
“It’s for the best. You don’t even know what I’d do to you if I could touch you all day.” You smiled coyly, trying it bring him back to a good mood as you stood up on your knees and crawled towards him. Peter perked up with a curious gaze as he turned his body to face you.
“What would you do?” He cocked an eyebrow as he leaned towards you but didn’t make contact.
“I’d tell you, but you wouldn’t be able to handle it.” You teased him before swiftly pulling away. Peter groaned and threw a pillow at you before his mood shifted.
“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful.” Peter said apologetically as his eyes softened. “This is so much better than what we were doing before. I would prefer if I had all the time in the world to touch you, but I’ll take my 20 minutes. I’m lucky I get even that.”
You bit your bottom lip and checked your phone, seeing that it was two minutes past your allotted 20 minutes.
“We still have a minute.” You lied, focusing all your self control on not hurting him as you leaned in to kiss him. Peter eagerly kissed you back, rising on his knees to hold you closer to him.
“I love you so much.” He whispered against your lips. “I’m never going back to what we did before.”
“Me either.” You smiled fondly at him as you stroked his face with your thumbs. “Okay, times really up now. No more touching.”
Peter pouted and let go of you before flopping on the bed with a huff.
“No pouting either.” You teased him as you rubbed your aching temples.
“It would be a lot easier to stop touching you if you weren’t so pretty.” Peter chuckled as he watched you get dressed.
“Sorry about that. It’s all my fault.” You sighed dramatically as you pulled your shirt over your head.
“It is.” He nodded repeatedly. “It’s unbearable trying to resist kissing you every time you walk into a room.”
“I know the feeling.” You told him as you looked at him through the mirror on his dresser.
“Don’t look at me like that, peaches.” He warned. “The 20 minutes are up.”
“I know.” You smiled a little sadly. “I’m just looking.”
“I have to get to training.” Peter sighed as he checked his phone. “I’ll see you after, okay?”
“I’ll see you later, lover.” You blew him a kiss. He caught it, despite how corny it was, and held it against his heart.
“You make it so hard to leave.” He whined as he walked up to you, leaning his hands on either side of you but never touching you.
“Go. You don’t want to be late.” You reminded him playfully. “I’ll see you soon.”
“All right.” He jutted his bottom lip out. “Bye.”
As soon as Peter left the room, you ran to the connected bathroom and threw up in the toilet. You brushed your teeth with the toothbrush he had left there before sliding against the wall and putting your head in your hands. Your brain was pounding in your head, as if it had a heartbeat of its own. You rubbed your temples as hot tears of anguish rolled down your face, the pain worsening before going away.
“What’s wrong?” Bruce asked once he noticed the pained look on your face in the living room.
“Nothing.” You shook your head as you sighed. “I just have a headache.”
“Again?” Bruce began to worry. “You’ve been complaining of one all week.”
“Yeah. I don’t know, it’s probably just a cold.” You lied as you adverted your eyes. Bruce didn’t buy into your lies and pressed a hand against your forehead. You immediately jumped back, fearful that you’d hurt him.
“Y/n, you’re burning up.” He really began to worry now.
“Careful, Br. Banner. It’s not safe for you to touch me.” You reminded him as you kept your distance.
“Could I run some labs?”
“Is that necessary?” You asked. “It’s just a headache.”
“You’ve only been using the stun gun once a week right? Like I told you?” He asked making you stop in your tracks.
“Yeah.” You lied. “Just once a week.”
“Alright, good.” He sighed in relief. “I made it with gamma radiation, you know. Too much of that will kill you.”
“Kill me how?” You wondered as your mouth went dry.
“Well, you were born with your powers.” He explained. “Your abilities are a part of your nervous system. Temporarily taking your powers away for 20 minutes holds up with nervous system. Too much radiation will slowly weaken you until you die.”
“Oh.” You nodded slowly. “I see.”
“But once a week is fine.” He assured you. “That shouldn’t do too much damage. It might give you a headache though. Would you mind if I ran some labs?”
“Sure. Whatever you need.” You said quietly as a panic set it. You used the stun gun 7 days a week and you we’re finally feeling the consequences.
“Let’s go.” Bruce escorted you to the lab.
An hour later, you left the lab with an anxious feeling in your tummy. You ran into Peter in the hallway and plastered a fake smile on so he wouldn’t worry.
“There you are.” Peter smiled as he approached you. “I burnt my hand on the oven again.”
“You did?” You worried as you tan to him. “Let me see.”
You took Peters hand in yours and squeezed it but didn’t feel his pain transfer to you.
“That’s weird.” You blinked in confusion. “I don’t feel anything.”
“Hm.” Peter fought a smile. “Weird.”
“You’re such a liar.” You playfully hit him when you realized his trick. “You didn’t burn your hand.”
“No. I just wanted to hold my girlfriends hand. I’m sorry.” He looked at you with his puppy dog eyes, still holding your hand.
“I forgive you but don’t do it again. This isn’t a game, Peter. I could seriously hurt you.” You reminded him. You began to worry he was gonna make a habit out of tricking you to touch him. You were feeling horribly sick, and you were a fast healer. You had no idea what would happen to Peter if you accidentally transferred your pain to him.
“I know.” Peter smiled apologetically. “I think I have a paper cut, though.”
“Where?” You raised an eyebrow, not believing him.
“My lips.” He said sheepishly.
“Uh Uh.” You shook your head teasingly. “Not fooling me, Parker.”
“I thought that would work.” He whined. “Fuck me.”
“Aw, I so would but we already had our 20 minutes today.” You teased him, making his jaw drop.
“That is not what I meant and you know it.” He narrowed his eyes at you. Before you could respond, you heard your name called from behind you.
You turned around, your smile immediately fading when you saw Bruce standing there with a frown.
“I’ll catch up with you.” You told Peter before jogging over to Bruce.
“Hi Dr. Banner.” You smiled weakly. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m so sorry.” Bruce whispered, looking incredibly guilty as he held your lab results in his hands.
“What happened?” Your mouth went dry.
“There must be something wrong with the gun. I must’ve calibrated it to disperse more gamma radiation than I intended. Your whole body is full of it. There should not be this much. I don’t know how this happened.” He apologized as a sick feeling settled in your tummy.
“Dr. Banner, it’s okay.” You assured him. “It’s not your fault.”
“It is. I must’ve gotten the calculations wrong or left out a variable or-“
“I use it everyday.” You blurted, cutting him off. Bruce’s face twisted in confusion as he processed what you said.
“The stun gun. I use it everyday so I can touch Peter.” Tears came to your eyes as your confession came out. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine.”
“Y/n, your body needs at least a week to recover from a blast of gamma radiation.” Bruce told you. “That’s why I told you to only use it once a week. Your body can’t heal in just a day, even with your enhanced abilities. Every time you use the gun, you make yourself sicker. Your ability to heal quickly is the only thing keeping you alive right now.”
Your jaw locked in fear as the tears fell down your cheeks. You didn’t say anything as you sucked in a shark breath.
“Hey, it’s all right.” Bruce rubbed your shoulder. “My body is full of it too.”
“I’m so sorry. You told me it was dangerous and I did it anyway. I’m so stupid.” You whimpered as you wiped your face on the back of your hands.
“You’re not stupid. I’ve been here before.” Bruce sighed. “I pushed people away, even when I really loved them, because I was scared of hurting them. You’re not a monster for wanting to be loved.”
“Am I gonna die?” You whispered.
“I don’t know.” Bruce answered honestly. “How long have you been doing this?”
“Everyday for the last three months.”
“You should stop for at least 6 months then, and we’ll reassess then.” Bruce advised. You felt the air get knocked out of your chest when Bruce told you you wouldn’t be able to touch Peter again for 6 months.
“Dr. Banner, I can’t go back to how I was before.” You protested. “I can’t do that to Peter.”
“The only other option is poisoning yourself with the radiation until you die. I think Peter will understand.” Bruce told you.
“What about me?” You shrugged sadly. “What if I don’t understand?”
“Go talk to him.” Bruce advised. “Just have a calm, adult conversation.”
“Okay. Calm and adult.” You nodded. “I will.”
You immediately went to Peter’s room and knocked on his door, waiting to enter until he told you to.”
“Hey, peaches.” Peter smiled brightly as you shut the door behind you. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Peter we have to break up.” You blurted out, making Peter sit up and go to the edge of his bed. So much for your calm and adult conversation.
“What?” Peter’s face fell at your words.
“I…I did something really bad.” You shook your hands as you began to panic. You paces around his room as the guilt and anxiety ate away at you.
“Peaches, it’s okay. Talk to me.” Peter reached out to touch you but quickly withdrew his hands when he remembered he couldn’t.
“I lied to you.” You confessed as tears came to your eyes.
“About what?” Peter asked slowly as you stopped pacing.
“Dr. Banner told me I could only use the stun gun once a week. I knew it was dangerous to use everyday but I did it anyway and it’s killing me.”
“Killing you?” Peter’s eyes darkened.
“The radiation. Dr. Banner said if I keep using it, it’ll kill me. I’m so sorry.” You began to cry, wishing more than anything that you could reach out and touch him.
“Then we just won’t use it anymore, peaches.” Peter said calmly. “Not if it’s killing you.”
“But we can’t use it for at least 6 months.” You cried. “You said so yourself, you hated the way we were before. You don’t want to go back. So I’m letting you go. I’m not gonna make you stay in this relationship if we can’t touch each other.”
“Peaches, I don’t love you because I get to touch you.” Peter chuckled softly. “And don’t get me wrong, I love getting to kiss you and hold you, but just being with you is my favorite part. I can go another 6 months without touching you if it means you’re still my girlfriend.”
“But…but you said you’d never go back.” You calmed down long enough to realize Peter wasn’t mad.
“I’d never go back to us being just friends. I can go back to us not touching if it keeps you safe. That’s all that matters to me.” Peter promised you.
“Really?” You asked hopefully.
“Really.” He nodded. “I love you in any way I can have you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled gratefully at him before pulling him into a kiss. In the heat of the moment, you didn’t think about the pain you were holding inside and kissed him deeply. Peter kissed you back for just a moment before you heard a small gasp emit from the back of his throat. You felt him slid off your lips and opened your eyes to see him collapsed on the floor.
“Peter?” You asked as you knelt down beside him. You rolled him over and let out a gasp when you saw how pale he was.
“Peter?!” You shook him aggressively. “Peter?!”
When Peter didn’t respond, you let out a guttural scream for help.
“Dr. Banner!”
Bruce rushed into the room when he heard your scream, stopping shortly when he saw Peter.
“What happened?” He asked as he knelt down beside you.
“No no no the radiation.” You cried as you shook Peter. “I just gave him the radiation.”
“Okay, calm down. Let me get him to the lab.” Bruce instructed as he grabbed Peters feet. You hooked your arms under Peter and helped Bruce carry him to the lab. You laid him on the table and stood anxiously as Bruce hooked Peter up to a monitor.
“You said the only thing keeping me alive was my healing abilities.” You worried as you chewed on your nails. “He doesn’t have that.”
“But he has something like it.” Bruce reminded you. “He’s still enhanced. He might not die from this.”
“Might?” You whispered at the little hope he was able to offer you. Bruce gave you an apologetic look as he continued to work on Peter. You felt useless as you stared at Peter’s lifeless body until you got an idea.
“Wait.” You spoke up. “Let me take his pain. I’ve done it before.”
Bruce was quiet for a minute as he stared at Peter’s monitor.
“He’s not in pain.” He said quietly.
“He has to be. He has to be if I was.” You reasoned.
“Y/n, Peter isn’t in any pain.” Bruce repeated. You realized he had stopped working on Peter and felt a sinking feeling in your tummy.
Bruce looked away from the monitor and took his glasses off for full dramatic effects.
“Because he’s dead.”
“What?” You shrieked as all the color left your face.
“I’m kidding. Was that a bad joke?” Bruce grimaced as you gasped for air. “You can take his pain. It’s just gonna hurt a lot.”
You gave him a frustrated look before placing your hands on either sides of Peter’s face.
“Come on, Peter.” You willed him. “Come on, Spiderman.”
It took a minute, but his pain slowly drew out of his body and into yours. Your veins darkened to a jet black as the radiation seeped back into your body, making you let out a scream.
“Y/n, be careful.” Bruce warned as Peter’s vitals began to improve.
“It’s killing me.” You screamed in agony as the color began to return to his cheeks.
“Because it’s three months worth of radiation at once. You’ve been building it up.” Bruce grimaced when he saw the toll it was taking on you.
“It hurts so bad.” You cried.
“It’s almost all out.” Bruce told you. “Just hold on a little longer.”
“Dr. Banner, I need you to do something for me.” You said breathlessly, your body beginning to shut down.
“What is it?” Bruce asked.
“I need you to recalibrate the stun gun to permanently remove my powers.”
“What?” His eyes widened. “Why?”
“So nothing like this ever happens again.”
“Then you can’t be an Avenger.” Bruce protested.
“But I can be a human being.” You shouted. “I want that more. I want that most.”
“Please.” You cried. “Just do it.”
“Okay.” Bruce agreed. “I will.”
“Thank you.” You nodded. “I’m gonna pass out now.”
“Okay.” Bruce told you, but you had already hit the floor.
Once Peter’s vitals were stable, Bruce transferred him to his own room. As soon as he was awake and responsive, you went to visit him.
“Hey.” You greeted Peter in a soft tone as he woke up from a nap.
“Hi peaches.” Peter lit up when you sat on his bed. “I’m surprised you came to see me. I’m…I’m really glad you did.”
“Why wouldn’t I come to see you?” You smiled teasingly
“Dr. Banner told me what happened.” Peter admitted. “I thought you were going to blame yourself for what happened and be too scared to come near me.”
“Are you scared that I’m near you?” You asked him softly as you kept your eyes down.
“No.” Peter shook his head immediately. “I want you to be near me.”
“Good. I want to be near you too.” You chuckled as you laced your fingers through his. Peter looked at your hands in happy shock before giving them a squeeze.
“You’re touching me?” He asked happily.
“After what happened, I had two options.” You explained. “I could’ve shut you out to ensure I never hurt you again, or I could make sure I never hurt anybody again.”
“What do you mean?”
“I had Dr. Banner remove my powers.” You smiled sheepishly. “I told him to take them all away, but he found a way to let me keep the healing aspect. I can still heal, but I can’t hurt.”
“You had him take away your powers?” Peter asked in shock as he sat up straighter. “Why?”
“Because human beings need to be touched.” You shrugged. “I didn’t want to live without that anymore. I didn’t want to be allotted 20 minutes a day to touch the boy I love.”
“You did this for me?” Peter asked fondly as you stroked his cheek with your thumb.
“No.” You shook your head. “I did this for me. I didn’t want to worry anymore. I wanted to be free.”
“So this means…” Peter raised an eyebrow. You nodded a little before leaning in to kiss him, feeling weightless as the fear of hurting him was long behind you.
“It means we get to do this all the time, lover.” You whispered against his lips. “Anytime we want.”
“Anytime we want?” He asked for comfirmation.
“Yup.” You popped the p for emphasis.
“In that case.” Peter raised an eyebrow. “What were you saying before about what I couldn’t handle?”
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
Three is company— a gift for @ambers-glider ‘s fic here! I told y’all I’d get to writing today!!!!
EDIT: Tomo is the friend (Tomo is short for tomodachi which is friend in japanese)
pairing: Kazuha x Gorou x reader
tw: a couple curse words
wc: 2,178
You squatted around the fire with your colleagues, eating your food straight from the can. “[Y/N]!” You hear your squad leader call out from his tent. You turn to look at what he wanted and note him standing with a messenger from the base of operations you just left. He waved what looked like a white flag. It piqued your interest, you had to admit, stretching out your legs with your can in hand.
“Yes, sir!” You salute, slapping your ankles together in form.
Your squad leader extended his hand, exchanging an open letter with you. “A letter. From the resistance,” he says simply. “From the second in command himself.”
It didn’t take the second sentence for you to know who it was. Of course, Kokomi was the leader of your resistance— all of you worked for her. But her second in command was none other than the tricky Gorou, known for his sly and mischievous ploys. “Thank you, sir,” you salute once more before dipping to tear into the letter.
It sucked that none of your mail could go through unopened, but it made sense considering that any one of you could be shogunate spies. It was a small price to pay for your cause, even if the letter was a bit personal.
[Y/N], it read. I hope this letter finds you well. After yours and Kazuha’s leave, I dove into my work to try and distract myself from the aching in my heart. Seeing many of my comrades fall in the recent ambush made me long for you more. I cannot ignore it much longer, so I have written to both you and dearest Kazuha in hopes that we may once again be reunited. We should all be returning to base in two weeks for the monthly review. Please find me there. I look forward to seeing you. Gorou.
“Oh?” A voice came behind you. “Everyone wondered what was going on between you and the shiba boy. I guess this proves true?”
You pulled the letter to your chest, scowling at the man who sat beside you. “Do you need something, sir? Why is my business important to you?”
He smiled, throwing an arm around you. “Damn, I was just curious!” You shook his arm off of you and turned your back to him. “I’m sorry that we have to go through your letters. But I’m sure you understand.”
You frowned as your eyes scanned the letter again. “I do,” you sigh. Bringing the letter to your nose and breathing in the scent. It smelled like otogi wood. It smelled like him. “But it does suck that everyone in command knows about my affairs.”
“What happened? If you don’t mind my asking.”
You peer over your shoulder and glare. “I do mind you asking.” You hissed.
The two weeks went by painfully slow. Your team was sent to do reconnaissance once more after the ambush that Gorou mentioned in his letter. While it wasn’t your team that was tasked with scouting that area prior to his arrival, it was your command team that got in trouble for it. Everyone was expected to do seamless work and the weight was on your team’s shoulders.
You double checked your field of observation; replacing your traps, checking the knots, and notating all of your activities. Signing off and turning in your report, you packed all of your equipment and belongings and darted out of the camp.
It was good to finally be back on base. All you wanted to do was get into your room and hop into the shower. You weren’t about to meet your exes sweaty and covered in dirt. You step inside and stop at the front desk. “Welcome back [Y/N],” the receptionist greets. “What number did you reserve?”
“Twenty three,” you slide over the key, lugging your duffel bag onto the table. You unzip the bag and fish for your personal belongings as the receptionist grabs your locker key. “I’m returning the reconnaissance pack and some gear.”
The receptionist scratches out your name on the clipboard and pulls the bag across the desk. “I heard you’re meeting with Master Gorou and Lord Kazuha.”
You slap your forehead with a groan. “Ugh, does everyone know?”
“Not everyone. I heard from Master Gorou himself. He told me to tell you he’d be in his office.”
“He’s here already?”
“Since seven this morning. He seemed rather eager to meet you.” The receptionist hands you the forms you signed to borrow the equipment. “Sign and date, please.”
You take the pen off the desk and begin to scribble on the document when the door slides open with a ding. “Oh, [Y/N],” a calm and melodious voice says. “What great timing!”
You shudder at the voice, turning slowly to confirm your suspicions. “O-Oh, hi Lord Kazuha…I just got back.”
The samurai walks up and places a hand on the small of your back. “Is Gorou here yet?”
“Yes,” the receptionist answers, taking the clipboard back from you. “He should be waiting in his office.”
“Great,” Kazuha smiles, grabbing your belongings off the desk and ushering you away with him. “Let’s go, shall we?”
You twiddle your fingers nervously as you walk. “I haven’t showered yet, my lord.”
“Oh that’s alright. I haven’t either.”
That wasn’t the point, you thought, reaching the elevator. “Well, I was hoping I could stop at my room and shower.”
Kazuha pushed one of the buttons on the elevator panel. “We’re already here, though.” You scratch your head and frown. “It’s okay,” he continues. “Master Gorou won’t mind.”
“Why do you smell like incontinence?”
You bury your face in your palms as you listen to Gorou and Kazuha speak. “Because I’ve been hiding in the trenches,” Kazuha laughs, opening his arms for a hug.
“You know I have a strong sense of smell,” Gorou whined as he embraced the samurai. “And [Y/N],” you look from between your fingers and notice the warm smile and faint blush on Gorou’s face. “It’s so good to see you too.”
The shiba boy walks up to you and pulls you into a tight embrace, his face nuzzled into your neck. “You’re stinky too.”
“Hey!” You shout, your hands reaching to wrap around him. “Kazuha didn’t want to stop at my room.”
Gorou pulls back and gazes into your eyes, his hand coming to cup your cheek. “That’s okay. I’ve been waiting around anxiously for both of you. Come,” he gestured, extending his arm out. “Please sit with me. I’ve got cookies and tea.”
Kazuha tucked his hands into his sleeves and grinned. He knelt down on the tatami pillow, sitting down on his knees and reaching for a cookie. You followed suit next to him, sitting back on your heels and taking the teacup from Gorou after he poured some tea. It was nice and light until Kazuha took a sip from his cup. “Why did you ask us to come here?” He said with a smile.
You stiffened at the question, your hair standing on end at the suddenly uncomfortable mood. You thought it was obvious why he arranged this meeting, but you guess that Kazuha wanted to hear it from his own mouth.
Gorou rubbed the back of his neck. “I mostly wanted to apologize,” he explained. “Whether or not you accept my apology is not my concern. But I do hope that we can agree to reconcile.”
“It’s very uncomfortable walking around after my superiors have gone through my mail,” Kazuha continued, closing his eyes as he sipped on his tea. “You could’ve at least been a bit more subtle with the delivery.”
“That was part of the problem, though.” The two of you watched and listened closely as Gorou spoke. When the three of you parted ways, it wasn’t on the best of terms. Being in each other’s presence was awkward enough as a result, but hearing him explain his side wasn't something that either you or Kazuha cared to understand. “Keeping both you and [Y/N] a secret was a problem to me. I understood that it would become a hindrance if people knew, but I couldn’t even hold your hand in public.”
Kazuha was silent as he spoke. Gorou and Kazuha had been a thing before you were introduced. But from the beginning you felt that things were tense between them. Being an outsider, the problem was more obvious than it was to them but it was something you felt they needed to work out. That’s why you left.
“And while it was okay for a bit,” Gorou continued, looking away as his words began to choke in his throat. “It was painful to love someone who didn’t even want to be called my ‘boyfriend.’ I don’t think you realize how embarrassing it is to say ‘oh, Kazuha’s my not-boyfriend because he doesn’t want to be tied down by titles.’ I understand that you don’t want a serious relationship but it felt like you didn’t care.”
“I was grieving,” Kazuha kind of snapped, his fingers curled into a fist. “Do you not understand that? My real boyfriend killed himself!”
“Am I not real to you?! Am I just your rebound to fuck and forget?! We are all grieving, Kazuha! We all loved Tomo! What about [Y/N], huh?! Is [Y/N] not real to you either?!”
Kazuha slammed his fist on the table. “Neither of you give a shit! Neither of you care about how I feel!”
Gorou stood on his feet, looking down at the man across from him. “Who was the person that begged you to stay, huh?! Throwing yourself into battle at every chance you got and then turning your back on me!! How dare you say I don’t give a shit!”
The three of you sat in uncomfortable silence after both men refused to say anything else. All you did was sit there and listen, not really feeling as if your opinion mattered. You weren’t in the relationship for very long anyway, why would you have anything to say?
Kazuha looked away from the both of you, while Gorou’s eyes focused on him. You sat with your hands in your lap, waiting for someone to say something. “What do you think, [Y/N]?” Kazuha said finally, not looking at you.
“Me?” You pointed to yourself. “Does it matter?”
“Of course it matters,” Gorou said, sitting back down and reaching for your hands. “You were a part of the relationship too.”
“I’m not sure though…it didn’t feel like I was.” Kazuha looked over his shoulder, his cheeks wet from tears he had been hiding. “I wasn’t even a part of the conversation. You left—” you said, pointing to Kazuha. “—and you ignored me.” Then pointing to Gorou.
You crossed your arms with a huff. “Kazuha didn’t even try to talk it out, and Gorou wasn’t patient enough. Neither of you had any care about how I felt. I don’t even think you guys care now! All you want is for me to agree with you and argue with the other! But you’re both wrong! We all loved Tomo, Kazuha. It’s not fair that you shut all of us out. And it’s also not fair to Kazuha to try and force him to get over it so quickly! Everyone grieves at different paces. Just because you’re more used to your friends dying doesn’t mean he has to!”
They were both silent again as your words soaked in. You were right, of course. Gorou thought about the things he said and how he could’ve done it differently. How he had pushed Kazuha away instead of helping. And Kazuha thought about how selfish he was being. He wasn’t Tomo’s only friend and he wasn’t the only one who cared about him.
Then the silence was broken. “I’m sorry.”
Both of the men turned to look at you with confused expressions. “Why are you sorry?” Kazuha asked, grabbing your hands and pulling you close to him. “It’s not your fault.”
Gorou came around and joined in the hug, wrapping his arms around both of you. “Yeah, [Y/N] it’s not your fault. We’re the ones who fucked up.”
“Yeah,” Kazuha pulled back, wiping his face with the back of his hand. “I’m the one who should apologize.”
“No,” Gorou shook his finger. “I said I was going to apologize first.”
“Well too bad!” Kazuha shoved a finger into Gorou’s chest. “I said it first!”
Gorou laughed, pinching Kazuha’s cheek. “No, [Y/N] said it first!”
You pushed them away from you and chuckled. “Now that you’re both feeling better, I was going to say ‘I’m sorry is what you should say to each other.’”
Kazuha tucked your hair behind your ear with a soft expression, before Gorou swooped in and peppered your cheeks with kisses. “Promise you’ll work on it?” You asked.
Gorou and Kazuha looked at each other lovingly, leaning in to kiss for the first time in a long time. “We promise.” They said at the same time.
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