#yochi x reader
tenjiiku · 4 months
heaven / au
You thought he was ugly when you first started. No one admits when they find someone unattractive. Something about it being too cynical and mean. And, sure, you heavily subscribed to the notion of objectivity — beauty is in the eye of its beholder. You could get behind that, especially considering that you did not reckon yourself to be the poster child of an ethereal vision. But, simply put, you did not behold him as such for the first few months.
The first few months.
Looking back, maybe you were being too hard headed. Ugly was probably not the right word to use. You didn’t care then, you don’t care now. You don’t care anymore. Frankly.
“Isagi Yoichi,” he introduced himself as — holding a cordial hand out to you as you awkwardly sat at your assigned desk. You didn’t know whether to stand up and shake it, or remain still. You remember making a weird movement as though you were about to get up, but, ultimately, you meet his eyes sitting down — craning your head.
He was not smiling. If anything it looked as though he was forced to introduce himself to you. He was thirty years old, six years your senior.
“L/n Y/n,” you murmured.
And that was that. For the first few weeks.
You still lived with your mother. As a result, you had access to free lunches. The others on your team did not — or, could not — afford such a luxury of having the time to make theirs. So, often, you found yourself going out with them at noon to a nearby hole in the wall place which sold freshly made sandwiches along with other items.
You remember not even noticing Isagi-san’s presence in the group. Not until he waves his hand in front of your face as you blankly stare at the walls covered in the shop owner’s family pictures. They were from Portugal.
“You want anything?” He had asked you.
Shyly, you had responded, “Uhm, no. I brought lunch.”
Isagi-san hadn’t pushed there, which you were relieved of. Making conversation with strangers was never your strong suit. But, once everyone had procured their lunches and you took a step out of the shop, he was right behind you.
You had felt something on your head. It was his hand. In it, a paper bag. Sheepishly, you had looked up and he had gently smiled down at you, handing it over.
“Their banana bread is great.”
Before you could have gotten a word out, he was already with the others.
A few weeks pass. Snow starts to fall. You got into an argument with your mother over your favourite red scarf she donated without consulting you. You ended up buying the same one for double its price, because some idiotic celebrity wore it once during a random November evening — the night of their divorce.
You are a terrible person. You think. But everyone around you thinks you are an airhead who is too stupid to be evil.
“What’s your favourite sport?” Haiba-san, a colleague of yours asks. He is standing by your cubicle, which is next to the personal coffee machine your team purchased years ago (Your office was closed concept, no one could enter without a key card. It is also why many various pictures of Isagi-san decorate a colleague of yours’ desk).
You don’t get the chance to answer. Haiba-san is already talking over you. You let him. You are better than him.
“Yoichi’s crazy about football. It’s an illness,” he jokes. Isagi-san stands a foot away, and your eyes flicker towards his frame. He’s already on his feet, shoving Haiba with a cackle. You let them argue for a while, playing the role of their captive audience. You are quite good at doing so, with all your years of practice.
Until, Isagi-san asks, “Do you play?”
He asks it softly, nothing like Haiba-san. You feel a bit sweaty despite it being below zero degrees celsius outside. Shyly, you shake your head — fearing your voice will crack if you try talking.
Isagi-san hovers, today. He doesn’t leave you to your peace like the day he bought you banana bread.
“Anything else?”
And you don’t know what compels you to answer. During the moment, you’d chalked it up to being too nervous to not give him an answer. Looking back, deep down, you knew you wanted to impress Isagi-san. He looked so interested — but not the way Haiba-san was, for his own self-satisfaction.
“I… used to play badminton… in high-school.” You’d whispered, not expecting any sort of reaction.
Isagi-san’s eyes had widened, and he’d made himself comfortable on a chair outside your cubicle.
“That’s cool,” he says, “You still play?”
You looked down at your lap like an idiot and shrugged your shoulders. You’re dumber than a dog. “Sometimes, when the weather is warm.”
Your petite colleague, Mari-san, interrupts the peaceful silence with an outlandish out of character statement. “I like hockey. Just watch a bunch of big dudes bully each other on ice. Very North American.”
You remember feeling very comfortable that day. That was the first time you felt like you belonged.
It didn’t snow much last year. It concerned you heavily. Was the Earth dying? What was the point of you working? You still had student loans to pay. What would it even matter if you died the next day? Hour? Minute? Second?
Papers drop down onto your desk. You jumped and turned down the audiobook you were listening to: All About Love by Bell Hooks.
“L/n-chan, could you please finish this for me? Please?” Mari-san’s pretty voice and pretty face and pretty eyes plead with you. And how were you to refuse a beautiful woman?
“Uh, sure,” you answered through a mouthful of your burrito. Never mind that it was lunch. You were new here, so you had to make your mark.
Your work extends into the evening. It feels nice, though. You don’t have much plans for Friday night. Sure, you had planned on heading home, taking a warm shower, eating a salad-sized bowl of pasta and touching yourself to a disgustingly cliche erotica — but you could do that any time. Saturday morning, for example.
A hand touches your shoulder. You almost launch out of your seat and hit the culprit right in the face. A familiar grunt reaches your ears. Then your eyes.
“Isagi-san,” you exclaim, “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I got scared.”
He only waves a hand and laughs. You look away, embarrassed. It was a bit ominous with the office lights automatically dimmed.
When he stands back up, wipes the tears that formed in the corner of his eyes and smiles down at you, he only but corrects the way you called him. “Yoichi.”
You didn’t know if it was because of the environment or if it was because you were ovulating, but Isagi-san looked particularly delicious in low lighting. With his sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms, the few buttons of his top undone at the top, and his usually kept hair ruffled after a long, gruelling day of work — you felt your stomach twist.
You feel gross.
“Seems like we’re both stuck doing overtime.” He jokes. You force a smile and internally kill yourself a million times, in a million different ways.
You sense his eyes gravitate to your monitors. On one, you were working on the few files Mari-san requested help with. On the other, a generic Tokyo News Channel plays, repeating the same news over and over again.
“The news?”
“It’s… nostalgic.”
Isagi-san smiles again, and you feel your hands sweat when he drags a chair to sit next to you.
“You’re a strange girl.” He sighs, “Let me help you.”
“I—,” Isagi-san doesn’t let you finish.
“Before the last train leaves.”
You look at him and try to think of any way to get him to leave. But the prospect of going home a little earlier than intended, and smelling his cologne for a while longer were tempting offers, indeed.
“Uhm… thanks.”
It is zero degrees in January and is raining when you leave. It is the end of the World but you run behind Isagi-san who holds your hand through the train station. The red scarf you adamantly refused to get rid of is wrapped around your neck and almost suffocates you from all of the hysteria. But you still cannot help but smile.
“Come on, come on, we’re gonna miss it!” Isagi-san hollers, and you laugh as he drags you as though you are his favourite bag.
He stops near the elevator which takes you up to the platform of the train and pales at the size of the crowd.
Frantically, you look around, hoping to be of some use. It’s when you notice.
Isagi-san whips his head around to look at you and grins. Tugging you along, you cannot help but feel oddly giddy that you were of some use to him.
It feels nice. To be heard.
When you finally board the train with four minutes to spare (the conductor deciding to be a bit generous) you practically sink into the first empty window seat you spot. Isagi-san takes the one across from you. You look up at each other, sighing, then laugh.
Isagi-san looks very pretty with tears in his eyes from joy. You think this is the first time you’ve found a man attractive for all he is.
“What are you listening to?”
His voice is the same softness as it was all those months ago. You did not even notice you were still wearing your wireless earbuds. You also did not know why you grew so damn nervous all of a sudden in front of Isagi-san of all people.
“PJ Harvey…”
“An American artist?”
“I… like the melodies.”
He hums. You hold your breath, then you criticise yourself for holding your breath.
“Send me a playlist of her best, you’ve intrigued me.”
You can only nod. When the conductor announces that there is only a minute until departure, Isagi-san gets up and walks in the aisle.
“Get home safe, Y/n.”
Your eyes widen and you cannot help but involuntarily ask him, “This.. is not your train, Isagi-san?”
The man stills for a second. Then he only offers you a smile.
“Ah, nah. I take another line. It leaves in ten minutes. Thought I’d make sure you didn’t miss yours.”
You blink, not knowing what to say. And because Isagi-san is Isagi-san and he knows you and you know him, he takes the initiative to leave for you.
The entire train ride home, you remember murmuring goodbye in twenty different tones, none of them the right one.
It only took you three nights and four days to realise: You think you like Yoichi. You don't think you've ever liked anyone before. There was Yamada-senpai in elementary school, but he made fun of your braces in front of all of his friends and ever since then you've sworn off on ever giving your heart to a filthy man.
You hate yourself. You can't help but say,
When Isagi-san walks in. And he only ignores you. He looks dejected, like he has had a long night. You can only wonder about the possibility.
Haiba-san thankfully asks the question which forms in your mind when Isagi-san takes his laptop from his cubicle, “Where are you heading, Isagi?!”
“Ah, I have a ton of work to do. Gonna sit in one of the offices outside.”
You think you like Isagi. He won’t spare you another glance.
Two weeks pass by. You tried to convince yourself you don't like Isagi-san. But then he wheels up into your cubicle again during lunch and acts as though nothing is wrong in the universe. You have been thinking about him nonstop for three hundred and thirty six hours and he treats you like you are his favourite bag. Still. Nothing has changed for him. Everything has, for you.
“What book is that?” He asks, eyeing the novel on your desk. You want to bash his skull in.
“Heaven by Kawakami.”
“I’ve heard of this.”
You want to hold his hand again. He picks it up.
“Is it any good?”
You want to stab his leg.
“Uhm, yeah, so far. A bit dark and disturbing, if you can handle it.”
You want to kiss his cheeks.
“Do you mind?”
You want to punch his dad.
“Go ahead.”
You want to never let him go.
The next day, after your spiral, he messages you on your work phone.
>> Ninomiya is terrible.
>> In Heaven.
Your heart races. You read his messages over and over again. You know it's small. You know it's terrible. You know this will hurt you. And it does.
In your eleventh month of working, you eavesdrop on Isagi-san and Haiba-san's conversation. Well, you do not really eavesdrop. More like they have their conversation right in front of your general vicinity. Half of you wonder if they know you even exist. Or, maybe, they care too little about your existence to deem you not a threat to their private gossip.
Isagi-san has a girl he likes.
“I keep telling her, I’m here for her, as a friend, you know. She’s just hung up on him.”
Isagi-san has a girl he likes.
“Still, you shouldn’t be harming yourself by doing this.”
Isagi-san has a girl he likes.
“What’s your opinion, L/n?”
You don't know why you were born this stupid. It was a bit cruel of God to do this.
“I… don’t know.”
Isagi-san is so soft with you. So gentle and sweet. He does not even realise what he's done, “You don’t have any advice?”
You can only nod, “I… wouldn’t know.”
They carry on their conversation. You leave. You don't see Isagi-san the rest of the week, and you are glad you don't.
Come three weeks, you grow anxious. You confide in Haiba-san.
“Where’s Isagi-san?”
“You didn’t know? He’s going to Europe for vacation.”
You don’t know why the news hits you as hard as it does. Why didn’t he tell you? Were you and Isagi even close enough to be considered friends? At times, he could be so sweet — enough for you to think that sweetness was only reserved for you. At others, he could be so cruel, always keeping you at an arm’s length from his life. Were you that untrustworthy to be let in? Were you that inexperienced he thought you stupid to understand? You were six years his junior — but you knew the world. You’ve known about it since you were twelve. Everyone in your life has deemed you dumb ever since you were a child. But you knew what you wanted and how you wanted it — no one in the entire universe could convince you otherwise. Not your mother, your brothers, your friends, or Yoichi.
And maybe that’s why the two of you could never work.
You cried for the first time that year. You have no one left to love. Bitter, cold and alone.
It feels like the End Of The World in July. 
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aboverself · 2 years
OMEGAVERSE° Manga Review
[[ reviewed by @aboverself ]]
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Wanton Kisses are Keys of Sin
Kiss wa Tsugai ni Hizamazuku • キスは番にひざまずく (Vol.1) by Enuoka Yochi
Yaoi, School Life, Drama
Alpha x Omega, CNC/Rape, High School
-> SUMMARY: Iori (seme) believed he'll meet his fated person and that is Leo (uke), known to be the 'alpha devourer' for sleeping almost every alpha at their school. Iori started to cling with Leo, leading to a difficult situation, a situation where their instinct, fate, and love will be tested.
-> DISCLAIMER: This review isn't made by a professional, it's an entertainment purpose and just like a recommendation kind-of what to read next for Yaoi readers. There will be criticism, honest opinions, adult language and limited ideas. I'll try not to give much spoilers, so read at your own risk!
-> RATING: ★★★☆☆
title of manga doesn't make any sense at first. now beyond analyzing the content, it makes a lot of sense, it's really deep and that passionate story.
the manga cover seems interesting, though it's common position of main characters except it has few details based on story. now take a good look, it already shows who's the uke (bottom) here. details here is the lace of the collar around the seme (top)'s neck shows being entangled with the omega except it's loose, showing that he's giving the alpha a chance to leave him.
the art style of characters being drawn was very good especially for Leo, he isn't like any common omega in omegaverse mangas.
throughout reading every panel and pages, you'll notice some easter eggs as teaser for next chapter like the part where a random alpha offered money to Leo in exchange of having sex.
character development was slow and taking its time, it was good. it's not rush except for the sex scene. each of their personality also differ, you'll know whose fault is it in the first place.
it's nothing cliché, the backstory was really deep and explains how a person was made. it hits angst especially when the two of them has POV.
if i remember correctly, they don't have sex everytime they meet which almost not considered yaoi. i'm not complaining, it's worth the wait and read. sex count: 2
i love it, it's a heartwarming ending which leave us readers to be satisfied with how they ended up + need for more because it was so good, there's really potential to continue.
on the manga cover, their expression was the opposite throughout me reading the manga. the alpha is more joyful and carefree while the omega is opposite, he easily gets irritated and is cold. although the clothing was teasing, shows seduction but we don't need it for alpha. would be good if omega was gripping it, it shows desperation or makes sense of having the alpha having his shirt open.
the story flow has cliffhangers and some parts lack of details or information, though if you don't pay attention or think about it much, it's an okay story flow.
the side characters wasn't introduced much, only pops up in random page or in certain panel but i understand, we focus on 'main characters' after all. i don't even remember their names but i know, Leo's friends are 2 omegas, and 1 beta.
sex scene was kind of bland, the hands carried. also goes in wrong timing, but i get it, it's to fit in the yaoi genre.
setting/place was limited, i remember only 3 are shown most of the time: school, store, house... the date carried.
always shows a shock expression, leaving me confused. it's sudden, but it'll be explained soon after.
would be good w.o being in student plot, e.g. having them meet in store where alpha works. they infact don't look teenager, but around 20's.
not going to lie, side characters also has potential to have their own story and lacks POV even for a bit, give them a chance! T T would love to read it when the author decided to make their stories.
8/10 ⸺ Title
8.5/10 ⸺ Manga Cover
9/10 ⸺ Plot
7/10 ⸺ Story Transition/Flows
8/10 ⸺ Art Style
6.5/10 ⸺ Characters
7/10 ⸺ Character Development/Persona
7.5/10 ⸺ Easter Eggs/Hints
8/10 ⸺ Setting
7.5/10 ⸺ Atmosphere
TOTAL: 77/100
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ferids-despair · 2 years
Their favorite places to leave hickies and why
Neck. The soft moans or sighs that unravels from you when they mark there, pleases them. Your neck will be littered with hickies by the time they are done with you. A satisfied smirk on their face when they see what they have done to you. — Krul, Ferid, Chess,
Chest area. The thought of claiming you as theirs provokes this. They love seeing your chest being claimed as theirs because that’s where your heart is. Makes them feel closer to you, and would love if you could do the same to them. — Yuu, Rene, Mikaela, Lest, Lacus, and Yochi
Collarbones. It’s certainly not a place you could cover so easily if you enjoy wearing T-shirts. It shows who you belong to with no hesitation. Collarbones will always be littered with hickies, and you’ll always be getting sly smirks from them. — Ky, Kimizuki, Shinya, and Saito.
Thighs. Nobody but them can see them. They love the way you flinch when they are marking you in your inner thighs. They like to make little patterns with hickies on your thigh. Keep eye contact with you after they give you hickey after hickey after hickey. — Guren, Crowley, Narumi
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tenjiiku · 1 year
character development
you and i both know we could never happen
Isagi has found himself in a difficult situation. It is the third Tuesday since his arrival in Japan, meaning he has to meet you at Sherpa at 8 o’clock. A bar somewhere in his hometown. He has not ever been here.
Isagi has only been back for two weeks for Christmas. He was the first person who called. You were the first one he answered.
This was how it was; your Relationship.
Winters in Saitama are always bitter to him. To you, they are a reprieve from the mundane. Isagi still does not know what you mean when you told him that when he was 16. You were 17, so maybe it was something he’d understand when he was older. He still has been unable to figure it out, though. Perhaps you are something of a sonneteer. You always wanted to go into writing.
He opens the door. It is mildly full. He spots your frame sitting at the bar picking at your food.
Isagi does not get a word in. You beat him to it.
“You’re late,” You say, not meeting his gaze or turning to envelop him in your embrace. It has been ten months since he has been gone. Isagi doesn’t know what he was expecting. You didn’t know how he felt.
He clenches his fist but takes a seat beside you.
“Yeah, about that, sorry I—”
“I cut myself cleaning the counter today,” you cut him off sharply, picking up a mug — filled with some type of alcohol, no doubt — three times the size of your head, “I mean, I’d spilled tomato sauce. For the fifth time. I was really mad at my idiocy. Cleaned too roughly my finger slipped and it hit the corner of the microwave real hard. Then mom called about you. Yoichi is back, she said. He told Iyo-san he wants to see you, she said! I hung up after seven minutes because I didn’t want to think about you when I was bleeding out, terribly so.”
(You grow philosophical and dramatic when it snows. Isagi remembers this.
He couldn’t forget it even if he tried.)
Isagi sighs shakily at your admittance. Did you not want to know about him because of something he was responsible for — or what you had done? He doesn’t ask that though, because he knows confrontation scares you. Isagi only treats you gently. It is all he knows to do.
So he asks, “Why were you using tomato sauce?”
“I was cooking spaghetti.”
“Spaghetti? When?”
“In the morning. For breakfast.”
“Spaghetti for breakfast?”
Turning to him, Isagi feels his heart stammer for two seconds. He is thirty. An adult for all intents and purposes. Sitting next to you — you, who is acting as though this is not the first time you are meeting in so long — makes him feel young. Makes him feel stupid and small and not smart.
“And for lunch. And for dinner.”
Isagi’s lips tremble in amusement. You glare at him and he sniffs to disguise this.
“Stop making that face. You know I have problems. And I can do whatever I want.”
Isagi smiles at your annoyance. He ushers for a glass of beer to the bartender who pours him one the same ridiculous size as yours. Turning himself towards your frame, crossed arms and all, he leans his cheek into his palm.
“Right, right.”
You roll your eyes. He squints his.
“Anyways. I do not think my motor skills are functioning properly. I keep dropping things. I also cannot crack my right index finger anymore,” you murmur, giving him half of your burger when the waiter brings him a plate.
Isagi watches but you do not notice. He doesn’t blame you.
“Arthritis?” He asks, a half joke which of course you take seriously.
“No. The doctor says I am paranoid. He’s a real ass.”
You still for a few moments. Isagi hopes you do not blow up at him. He has been avoiding you, he knows. Something disastrous happened to him in New York when his mother told you you were going out with Yu-chan, the idiot who always wanted to play with you both when you were children. He felt like vomiting at the thought of Yu-chan’s grubby hands all over you. Isagi always knew the damned bastard had feelings for you, ever since he gave you his coconut melona pop when you insisted on riding with yours on the swing (you did not even make it three feet into the air until it had fallen from your hands. Although you were older than both him and the snotty boy, you did not act the part). Then when Isagi had realized his tumultuous feelings he had jogged his way to Central Park to scream at the pigeons.
Isagi proposes that your thirties did something irreversible to an individual.
He shifts his gaze from his cold beer to you. You stare at something between his brow. Isagi furrows them.
When you place your smaller, softer hand on his, Isagi almost loses it. His face remains composed. He cannot say the same for his psyche.
“You are not talking much. Say something. I know absolutely nothing of the things you have been up to.”
“I could say the same about you ma’am,” Isagi mumbles as he takes a sip of beer. He closes his right eye. He has never grown used to the first taste, “I have nothing to say.”
“Uh huh,” you sound, solemn and unimpressed.
“It’s true. Leave me alone,” Isagi defends himself in your language, deeming him successful in making you smile.
You laugh before telling him, “Your mother called me today.”
He narrows his eyebrows and his wrinkles come to life. You poke at his forehead and he sighs, relaxing his features.
“Why’d she call you and not me?”
“Because you never pick up.”
Isagi looks off to the side, confused, “That’s not true. You’re lying.”
You nod, swallowing a sip of your drink, “You are right. I’m lying.”
Isagi tilts his head up and cracks his neck, but whatever he does he cannot help but grin at your wittiness. You were really something.
“I suppose she really likes me,” you start, “She said to not leave the house tomorrow. It is a bad horoscope for Aries.”
“She also told me, quote, to make Isagi quit being a casanova and to settle down — because she would preferably want to be around for a while to see her grandchildren.”
Isagi’s eyes widen and his mouth gapes out of amusement. His lips lift up into utter hilarity at the blatant slandering of his character.
“I am not a ‘casanova’. Is she serious?”
You take your hand off of his. He hates how much he misses it.
“I am butchering a bit, but the message is the same. Really, you are lucky. I have heard worse from mine.”
Feeling lonely, Isagi leans in a bit closer to you. His leg lightly touches yours. Though he wears jeans you donn a fitting pencil skirt. When he starts to feel weird and his mind starts to travel he stops thinking.
“Hm. Any contenders?”
“None that I would like to be worn through you.”
“Jealous?” Isagi inquires, his voice suggestive. A part of him hopes you are.
“No,” you answer almost immediately, “You have something on your face.”
Isagi’s eyes widen when he watches as you lightly lick your thumb and bring it to the corner of his lips. He lets you come in closer to him. He can smell your perfume. Last year you used to carry the scent of cherry blossoms. It makes sense, since he had encountered you in Tokyo in the Springtime. Now it was Winter and you were both home. He can almost taste his adolescence if he closes his eyes and pretends you were both still just as innocent.
Your finger is so soft against his skin. Isagi’s eyes meet yours for half a second but you break contact first. He clenches his fist when you pull away — nervously, almost — if Isagi deludes himself.
He can’t keep quiet. Isagi would regret it for eleven months if stays silent now.
“It could be you.”
When you turn to meet his gaze again, he feels a heat so hot travel to his head.
“I mean— it could— if you wanted to. You know, so Ma gets off my back,” he justifies, trying to withdraw from his intense statement.
But you are smarter than him. Older, too.
“Are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting, Yoichi?”
“What do you think I am suggesting?” He asks, playing dumb.
You sigh, patting his shoulder. It makes him a bit angry. But that madness disappears after he digests it for a few seconds.
“I think you are suggesting a ridiculous concept that you do not believe in that much.”
Isagi furrows his eyebrows. He never knows what you are saying. He has never understood you. Not now, not then. Yet he finds himself again and again being caught up in you. He has travelled twelve different countries, encountered all sorts of climates, sceneries, people — yet you could be found in none of them.
“I missed you,” Isagi murmurs, soft and true. He can blame it on the alcohol he thinks. He needs to get this point unscathed across the landfill that is your mind.
You smile and call for the bill.
“Do you want to go for a walk?”
And because Isagi is a fool, he nods.
It is snowing when you step out of the bar. You tell Isagi your apartment is twenty minutes away and he follows you. The street lamps are on because it is now near midnight.
“Do you have any Christmas plans?”
Isagi huffs a cold breath of air. It is cold, -10°C. Only someone as bold as you would want to walk in weather like this.
“No. No.” He stammers, burying his nose in his scarf for a temporary enclosure. You don’t say anything, so Isagi thinks out loud.
“Do you?”
“No,” you respond rather quickly. Like you wanted him to ask you that. At his, Isagi’s pupils dilate.
You kick a patch of snow and turn your head to him. Isagi looks down at you. He remembers when he used to have to look up at you up until he turned nineteen. He was a late bloomer when it came to you.
Isagi pockets his hands in his coat when you glare at him accusingly. “Huh?”
“The oh, idiot,” you mock him in the same deep octave. Isagi smiles, “You are judging me. Out with it now.”
(When did you become so much shorter than him? When did your eyes become so much bigger — or, at least — seemed that way to him? Why have you changed so much, and why does that scare Isagi?)
He has a lot of concerns but he only voices one of them. Isagi shrugs his shoulders and accidentally bumps into you.
“I thought you’d be doing something with Yutaka.”
You look towards him, confused. You scrunch your nose and massage the bridge with your index finger and thumb.
“Huh? Yu-chan? Why the hell would I be spending my time with him?”
Isagi frowns slightly.
“Did… something happen while I was gone?” He asks. His mother did not know how to lie.
You sigh and look down at your boots. “Nothing. I mean, I talk with him sometimes when I am having troubles with my car but that is all. We don’t meet often.”
“What now, Yoichi?” You whine and it sounds so sweet. Isagi feels his heart quench.
“Ma told me you two were seeing each other.”
Your eyes widen slightly at this and your mouth lifts up. Isagi watches your features, bewildered.
“Oh, god. Yeah. For like two months. Do not ask me why. I think I was possessed by some sort of monster. Yu-chan can testify.”
The type of relief that washes over him feels better than he had though it would. Suddenly Isagi recalls the way he carried himself the last few days in New York and pales.
Stopping in your tracks, Isagi halts as well. You step in front of him. Under the light of a street lamp, you lean forward and tilt your head with childlike mirth. Isagi rubs his neck and looks down at your expression, pained.
“We should… do something. Together.” You whisper.
“Sure,” Isagi agrees almost immediately. He is only here for two weeks. But he is meeting his mother next week. He can spend some time with you and chase this feeling for a little longer.
He reaches for your hand before you start walking again. You only pinch his palm. It does not hurt him at all. Isagi only smiles down at you. You probably can feel his heat.
“Don’t push it,” you sneer.
“Yeah.” Isagi swings your intertwined hands animatedly, “Promise. Really. Cross my heart. Hope to die.”
You laugh. “You are such a loser, Yoichi,”
Isagi feels his face warm despite the brumal temperature.
You cannot crack your knuckles. He cannot control what he feels for you. You will admit it because you are not embarrassed. But, he still is, so he won’t. At least not now.
(He hasn’t reached that chapter yet.)
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ferids-despair · 2 years
When they are needy(Human Edition)
Guren calls himself far from needy. He claims he’s never been so needy for your affection or attention. You’ll prove him wrong a couple of times though. When he’s needy, he wants to do everything with you. Things he hasn’t even done before or even had any knowledge of, too.
Shinya tries to be very careful with his choice of words. Yes, he’s desperate, but he doesn’t want you knowing that. He wants to be the little spoon and he has been needy of that position for so long. He’s relieved when you don’t make a big deal out of him wanting all of your attention for himself. Makes you stay in the bed longer with him, not wanting you to leave him alone.
Yuu is in denial when you claim that he is needy. After a while, he shamelessly admits that he wants you to cuddle with him even if it has to interfere with you work. He’s about to burst if he becomes too needy. When he’s needy, Yuu becomes a little whiny, following you around and giving you puppy dog eyes.
Narumi is lenient when it comes to choosing when to be needy and not. He stares at you for too long when he’s needy, not a seductive stare, but more like, come give me cuddles. You sometimes ignore it, forcing him to speak up and demand the cuddles instead of asking nicely.
Kimizuki refuses to be needy. He refuses to be desperate for your affection and attention, at first. He couldn’t help but want you more after a month or two. He becomes desperate for cuddles and even has resorted to begging you to cuddle him once. It’s new behavior to you and for him. Though, he gets what he wants at the end. It was worth it.
Yochi doesn’t mind telling you what he wants. If he wants cuddles, he knows he has to tell you instead of showing signs, because there is a possibility you won’t pick up on them. He gets your attention on him in an instant after he tells you. He constantly doses off despite saying he wouldn’t.
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ferids-despair · 3 years
Now can you do Yuu, Shinoa, Kimizuki, Yoichi, Mitsuba, Narumi, Guren, Shinya and Krul reaction when they listen to Wap or hear their S/O listening to this dirty music, please ?
— ons reacting to you listening to WAP pt.2
Hoes in this house, there’s some hoes in this house
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— Yuu
Macaroni in a pot? That’s some WAP? Wtf is WAP? He legit questions the whole song instead like won’t shut up. Even when you tell him the meaning of the song, why tf do you listen to this? Yuu called it a ritual when you attempted to do a dance. It isn’t possible to quick your leg up that high without feeling some type of pain. Tells you to put on headphones because he lowkey hates the song.
— Shinoa
You’ve done some shit in the past, but this- this isn’t human. WAP? She knows what it means but didn’t expect you of all people to be listening to this song. Shinoa says it isn’t a bop and please do not lose the dance. Will not talk to you for a whole day if you did it in public. Tells you to put on headphones because no one wants to hear that god-awful song.
— Kimizuki
*pushes up glasses and puts fingers on your lips to shush you* Please, shut the fuck up. Don’t you dare rap another verse. Do the dance and this bitch will divorce you(I’m divorcing that bitch). He just wants you to shut up about it but he doesn’t care about you listening to it. Tells you to put on headphones.
— Yochi
Embarrassed, especially when he finds out what it means. He asks to listen to it for research purposes. Once he hear how dirty the song is, he asks, “why do you like this song?” When you say that it’s a BANGER, he looks at you like you lost your mind. Tells you to put on headphones, because he’s never been so embarrassed in his life by a song.
— Mitsuba
Doesn’t know what to say and actually lost for words this time. Seriously, she knows what WAP is but never took time to listen to the song. When you do ask her if she wants to listen, she declines. She knows the song will not be kid friendly and it isn’t her style anyway. Though, she doesn’t care about you listening to it. Doesn’t care if you wear headphones or not in private, but in public, please do.
— Narumi
Wouldn’t care and would listen to it to see if he likes it. He likes it but wouldn’t listen to it all the time. It’s pretty rare to even see Narumi to listen to music but he does from time to time. Watches you learn/attempt the dance, just sits there in silence, watching.
— Guren
What about it? He doesn’t care. He asks you if you think you got WAP , though. Doesn’t take time to listen to the song but if you don’t have headphones on and you’re listening to the song, he’ll listen in. Another song to fuck you too, adds to playlist immediately. Do the dance, he wants to see it. He’s the captain, doesn’t care if you wear headphones or not.
— Shinya
Dances to it. Not the original dance, a dance he made up. Cringe. He does take time to learn the real dance though, but does it in private and you’ll never know that he knows it. He just wants to hear the beat, but the rapping is nice as well. Wear headphones when in public, don’t blast the music. Though when in private, he can care less and even suggests listening to it while doing some spring cleaning.
— Krul
Let’s you blast it throughout the castle in order to annoy the other vampires, some care and others do not. She doesn’t care what you listen to and even gets the songs on CD for you. Makes some vampires do the dance with you if you want some backup dancers.
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ferids-despair · 4 years
* please do not repost, modify, or plagiarize any of my writings
*nsfw is marked pink
⧪ - for Yandere
❉ - for Angst
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↳ Headcannons
* Female Characters
First kiss headcannons[Shinoa, Krul, Mitsuba]
Comforting Headcannons[Krul, Shinoa, Chess, Horn, Mitsuba]
* Male Characters
#cybersex[Crowley, Guren, Shinya]
Touch starved S/O[Guren, Mikaela, Crowley, Ferid, Shinya, Yuu]
First blowjob Headcannons[Yuu, Ky]
First blowjob Headcannons[Mikaela]
Oral headcannons[Urd, Crowley]
Blowjob Headcannons[Yuu, Shinya, Guren]
NSFW Headcannons[Urd, Rigr, Ky]
NSFW Headcannons[Rene]
NSFW Headcannons[Lest Karr]
SFW and NSFW Headcannons[Shinya]
Cuddling Headcannons[Rene, Fuola]
Cuddling Headcannons[Ferid, Crowley]
When and What type of kisses[Lest, Ky, Urd]
Thigh riding Headcannons[Guren, Ferid, Crowley, Narumi, Ky]
Thigh riding Headcannons[Shinya, Mikaela, Yuu, Urd, Lest, Rigr]
Fluffy Bathtub Headcannons[Crowley, Ferid, Shinya, Ky]
Seductive S/O[Urd, Rigr, Ky Luc]
Asexual S/O[Ferid, Urd, Lest]
Mirror sex[Guren, Shinya, Ky]
Holding hands[Ky, Urd]
teasing S/O[Urd, Rigr, Ky]
General relationship Headcannons[Lest Karr]
General relationship Headcannons[Ky]
Thick S/O[Urd, Saito, Ky]
Short S/O[Guren, Shinya]
Short S/O[Ferid, Crowley]
When you try to escape[Guren, Crowley, Ferid, Shinya] ⧪
Clingy Affectionate S/O[Guren, Shinya]
Ignoring them[Crowley, Ferid, Shinya, Mikaela, Yuu]
Strong but Mischievous S/O[Guren, Ferid, Crowley, Shinya]
Losing your virginity[Urd, Saito, Ky, Lest, Crowley, Ferid, Mikaela, Rene, Lacus]
Eating S/O out[Ferid, Ky]
Clit kisses[Crowley, Lacus, Guren] ⧪
Riding your cock[Mikaela, Yuu]
Overstimulation Sex[Yochi, Kimizuki]
Ons reacting to Wap[Urd, Saito, Ky, Lest, Crowley, Ferid, Mikaela, Rene, Lacus]
Ons reacting to Wap pt.2[Yuu, Shinoa, Kimizuki, Yoichi, Mitsuba, Narumi, Guren, Shinya, Krul]
When they cheat[Crowley, Guren, Ferid] ❉
Ruining the mood[Ferid, Crowley, Guren, Shinya, Mikaela, Yuu]
One night stand[Urd, Saito, Ky, Lest, Crowley, Ferid, Rene, Mikaela]
Toxic Traits[Crowley, Ferid, Mikaela] ❉
Cockwarming[Crowley, Guren, Shinya]
You try attacking them[Ferid, Shinya Mikaela] ⧪
Kissing them in public[Urd, Saito, Ky, Mikaela, Lest]
Whispering “daddy” in their ear[Urd, Saito, Ky, Crowley, Shinya, Goshi]
Whispering “daddy” in their ear pt. 2[Ferid, Guren, Mikaela, Yuu, Narumi]
Groping them in public[Rigr, Crowley, Mikaela, Ferid, Urd, Lest, Rene, Lacus]
that kitty[Rigr, Crowley, Mikaela, Ferid, Urd, Lest, Rene, Lacus]
Subtle flirting[Crowley, Ferid, Shinya, Rene, Narumi, Guren] ⧪
modern!Owarinoseraph as your hot neighbors pt.1[Crowley, Ferid, Rene, Saito, Shinya, Guren, Ky, Lacus, Mikaela ]
S/O almost dies pt.1 [Ky, Crowley, Urd
Showing them their first Disney movie pt.1 [Crowley, Lacus, Ky]
S/O is sick pt.1 [Crowley, Ferid, Shinya, Lacus, and Mikaela]
S/O is sick pt.2 [Lest, Narumi, Guren, Ky]
When you break up but they miss you ❉
When they are needy(Vampire Edition)
When they are needy(Human Edition)
↳ Prompts
* Female Characters
nothing yet…
* Male Characters
“I found your toys.” - Yuu
“I found your toys.”- Shinya
“Come cuddle me, please.” - Guren
“You like when I’m all over you, don’t you?”- Guren
 “Where are you going this early in the morning?” - Ky
 “Don’t fuck around with me Y/N.” - Urd
 “You screenshotted my nudes?!” - Ferid and Guren
“You want a kiss?” - Guren
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re upset…” - Guren
 “We’re going to get caught because of you.” - Lest
↳ Drabbles/Short fics/fanfics
Yuu x Mikaela x Reader - Mommy kink included
Office sex with Urd x Gn!Reader
Guren x f!reader
Guren Drabble(female reader) - degrading, explicit language, ass play, overstimulation, breeding kink included
Punk!rene and his photo exhibitionism fetish
Imagine them desperately holding onto you
Imagine running away from your Yandere ⧪
Imagine Ferid touching you in a Cathedral
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